HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-2017 Annual Road Report City of Atascadero Citizens’ Sales Tax Oversight Committee Annual Road Report Fiscal Year 2017 i City of Atascadero ELECTED OFFICIALS Tom O’Malley, Mayor Roberta Fonzi, Mayor Pro Tempore Charles Bourbeau, Council Member Heather Moreno, Council Member Brian Sturtevant, Council Member Gere W. Sibbach, City Treasurer CITIZENS’ SALES TAX OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEMBERS Bill Hatch, Atascadero Kiwanis, Chairperson Robert “Grigger” Jones, Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, Vice-Chairperson Debbie Argano, Escuela del Rio Scott Burgess, At Large Andrea Greenaway, Atascadero Veterans Memorial Foundation Kathe Hustace, Atascadero Association of Realtors Atascadero Rotary Club Michael Shaw, At-Large Carol Simonin, At-Large Measure F-14 Sales Tax Projects Fund* Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………….1 Financial Statements………………………………………………………………………………4 Certification of Citizens' Sales Tax Oversight Committee Chairperson………………………………5 Balance Sheet…………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………………..6 Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Balance………………………………………………...……...………………………………………..7 Detailed Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Balance- Fiscal Years 2015 through 2017………………………………………………...……...……………………………………….. 8 Revenues Summary………………………...………………………………………………………………………………9 Revenues from State of California……………………………………………………………………………10 Attachement 1 2016 Pavement Resurfacing……………………………………………………………………………………………….22 2016 Pavement Rehabilitation………………………………………………………………………………………39 2017 Pavement Resurfacing…………………………………………………………………………………..198 2017 Pavement Rehabilitation…………………………………………………………………………………….223 *This fund is a sub-account of the General Fund and will be included with the General Fund audited financial statements. CITY OF ATASCADERO TABLE OF CONTENTS June 30, 2017 ii 1 Executive Summary Revenues In November 2014, Atascadero voters approved Sales Tax Measure F-14, increasing the City sales tax rate by 0.5%. The additional half percent sales tax revenue is the subject of this Annual Report. Retailers within the City limits of Atascadero began collecting the approved 0.5% sales tax on April 1, 2015. These retailers are required to submit sales tax revenues directly to the State of California Board of Equalization (BOE) on a monthly, quarterly, or annual reporting basis (as determined by the State). After the State BOE has processed the payments and reports from the Retailers, the State BOE remits payment to the City. The City generally receives these payments from the State BOE about 60 days after the end of the month in which the sales took place. Although the flow of the cash does take extra time to get to the City’s account, the sales tax revenue is counted in the period when the sales took place. For example, the City received a sales tax payment from the State BOE in late September 2016 for the sales that took place during the month of July 2016. The City counts that as July revenue, although it was received much later. The total Measure F-14 Sales Tax Revenue that was earned for the period July 2016 – June 2017 was $2,119,420. Expenditures Expenditures for repairing and maintaining neighborhood roads and other roadways involve a process designed to provide transparency and fairness. The City has implemented a “Critical Point Management” methodology. This methodology selects road segments whose conditions are such that if repairs or maintenance is not performed in the near future, the road will deteriorate into a condition that will require more extensive and costly repairs to bring it to a similar state of good condition that less costly repairs and maintenance could realize if done sooner. The end result of Critical Point Management is prioritization of road repairs and maintenance with the objective of providing the lowest life cycle costs and optimizing the overall pavement conditions of the roadway system. Once selected, road segments are compiled into resurfacing or rehabilitation projects which are designed and then advertised for construction to local contractors and throughout California for a 30 day period. Sealed bid proposals are received and evaluated, then a contract is awarded to the lowest responsive bidder. Contracts are approved by Council, if necessary, per the City’s purchasing policy. The contracts are executed and bonds and insurance provided by the Contractor. Construction begins and City staff provides project inspection and oversight. Once the project is ready to be publicly bid, construction typically begins approximately 60 to 90 days later. A total of $2,138,147 was spent on four projects during the 2016-2017 fiscal year. It is difficult to have all costs for individual projects to occur during a single fiscal period given the time needed to design, bid, and construct roadway projects. In addition, the fiscal year ends during the middle of 2 Executive Summary (continued) Expenditures (continued) peak roadway construction season which splits construction costs over two fiscal periods. A summary of the projects that incurred costs during the reporting period are included below. 2016 Pavement Resurfacing Project This project incurred $216,874 in expenditures during the reporting period and included the following road segments totaling 1.76 centerline miles: 1. Arena Road from San Benito Road to San Anselmo Road 2. Arena Road from San Anselmo Road to Yerba Avenue 3. Castano Avenue from Curbaril Avenue to Palomar Avenue 4. San Vicente Avenue from San Jacinto Avenue to North End 5. Yerba Avenue from Estrada Avenue to Dolores Avenue Design for the project was performed in-house by City staff and publicly bid in June 2016. One bid proposal was received by R. Burke Construction for $203,430. Pavement treatment work included slurry sealing and constructing asphalt dikes. Final construction costs totaled $212,532. 2016 Pavement Rehabilitation Project This project incurred $1,569,599 in expenditures during the reporting period and included the following road segments totaling 2.14 centerline miles: 1. Cascabel Road from North End to Santa Lucia Road 2. Los Gatos Road from Santa Lucia Road to San Marcos Road 3. San Andres Avenue from Santa Lucia Road to San Marcos Road 4. San Clemente Avenue from Portola Road to San Marcos Road (East) 5. Valle Avenue from Curbaril Avenue to Palomar Avenue A Request for Proposals for the rehabilitation design was publicly advertised in March 2016. Four design proposals were received and Rick Engineering Company was selected by the review panel to complete the design. The construction rehabilitation was publicly bid in August 2016. Three bid proposals were received ranging from $1,594,186 to $1,724,810 with the low bid submitted by R. Burke Construction. Pavement rehabilitation work included removal and reconstruction, overlay, resurfacing and minor drainage improvements. Final construction costs totaled $1,589,697. 2017 Pavement Resurfacing Project This project incurred $230,337 in expenditures during the reporting period and included the following road segments totaling 2.35 centerline miles: 1. Colorado Avenue from San Rafael Road to San Diego Way 2. Estrada Avenue from San Anselmo Road to San Jacinto Avenue 3. La Linia Avenue from West End to El Dorado Road 4. Navajoa Avenue from Santa Ynez Avenue to Curbaril Avenue 5. Serra Avenue from Atascadero Avenue to San Andres Avenue 6. Sycamore Road from Hidalgo Avenue to Miramon Avenue 3 Executive Summary (continued) Expenditures (continued) Design for the project was performed in-house by City staff and publicly bid in March 2017. Five bid proposals were received ranging from $232,844 to $469,505 with the low bid submitted by R. Burke Construction. Pavement treatment work included a surface leveling course, slurry sealing and constructing asphalt dikes. Final construction costs totaled $236,584. 2017 Pavement Rehabilitation Project This project incurred $121,337 in expenditures during the reporting period and included the following road segments totaling 2.31 centerline miles: 1. Alcantara Avenue from Marchant Avenue North to Marchant Avenue South 2. Carmelita Road from Curbaril Avenue to Portola Road 3. Carmelita Road from Portola Road to San Gabriel Road 4. Cortez Avenue from Maleza Avenue to Curbaril Avenue 5. Monterey Road from Campo Road to San Anselmo Road Pavement deflection testing was completed in the summer of 2016 and a Request for Proposals for the rehabilitation design was publicly advertised in September 2016. Five design proposals were received and Pavement Engineering Inc. was selected by the panel to complete the design. All expenditures through June, 2017 are associated with pavement testing, engineering design, and City staff support time. The construction project was publicly bid in June 2017. Four bid proposals were received ranging from $1,399,615 to $1,655,513 with the low bid submitted by Granite Construction Company. Pavement rehabilitation work includes full depth reclamation, lime and cement treating of subgrade soils, pavement reconstruction, asphalt overlay, slurry seal and minor drainage improvements. All construction expenditures will be included within the 2017-2018 fiscal year, but the project was accepted as complete by the City in November 2017, with anticipated final construction costs totaling about $1,379,000. Fund Balance The amount of $2,361,743 remained in the Measure F-14 Sales Tax Projects Fund at the end of the fiscal year and will carry forward to the 2017-2018 fiscal year. CITY OF ATASCADERO MEASURE F-14 SALES TAX PROJECTS FUND* FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2017 *This fund is a sub-account of the General Fund and will be included with the General Fund audited financial statements. 4 2017 2016 ASSETS Cash and investments 2,090,191$ 2,049,221$ Receivables: Due from State of California 355,400 426,855 Interest receivable 4,281 3,317 Total assets 2,449,872 2,479,393 LIABILITIES Accounts payable 88,129 105,493 Total liabilities 88,129 105,493 FUND BALANCE Restricted 2,361,743 2,373,900 Total fund balance 2,361,743$ 2,373,900$ *This fund is a sub-account of the General Fund and will be included with the General Fund audited financial statements. CITY OF ATASCADERO BALANCE SHEET MEASURE F-14 SALES TAX PROJECTS FUND* June 30, 2017 and 2016 6 2017 2016 Revenues: Sales tax 2,119,420$ 2,095,116$ Use of money and property 6,570 30,786 Total revenues 2,125,990 2,125,902 Expenditures: Capital Outlay: Honda Avenue - 37,809 Alamo Avenue - 36,893 2016 Pavement Resurfacing 216,874 10,713 2016 Pavement Rehabilitation 1,569,599 132,547 2017 Pavement Resurfacing 230,337 - 2017 Pavement Rehabilitation 121,337 - Total expenditures 2,138,147 217,962 (12,157) 1,907,940 Fund balance - beginning of fiscal year 2,373,900 465,960 Fund balance - end of fiscal year 2,361,743$ 2,373,900$ *This fund is a sub-account of the General Fund and will be included with the General Fund in the City's audited financial statements. Net change in fund balance MEASURE F-14 SALES TAX PROJECTS FUND* CITY OF ATASCADERO For the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2017 and 2016 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 7 2015 2016 2017 Total as of June 30, 2017 Revenues: Sales tax 472,278$ 2,095,116$ 2,119,420$ 4,686,814$ Use of money and property 257 30,786 6,570 37,613 Total revenues 472,535 2,125,902 2,125,990 4,724,427 Expenditures: Alamo Avenue (Rosario Ave to Barreda Ave)3,288 36,893 - 40,181 Honda Avenue (Traffic Way to Barrenda Ave)3,287 37,809 - 41,096 2016 Pavement Resurfacing Arena Road (San Benito Rd to San Anselmo Rd)- 4,163 84,297 88,460 Arena Road (San Anselmo Rd to Yerba Ave)- 1,488 30,115 31,603 Castano Avenue (Curbaril Ave to Palomar Ave)- 2,102 42,548 44,650 San Vicente Avenue (San Jacinto Ave to North end)- 1,303 26,380 27,683 Yerba Avenue (Estrada Ave to Dolores Ave)- 1,657 33,534 35,191 2016 Pavement Rehabilitation Cascabel Rd (North end to Santa Lucia Rd)- 38,504 455,955 494,459 Los Gatos Rd (Santa Lucia Rd to San Marcos Rd)- 33,444 396,042 429,486 San Andres Ave (Santa Lucia Rd to San Marcos Rd)- 21,541 255,087 276,628 San Clemente Ave (Portola Rd to San Marcos East)- 21,938 259,784 281,722 Valle Ave (Curbaril Ave to Palomar Ave)- 17,120 202,731 219,851 2017 Pavement Resurfacing Colorado Ave (San Rafael Rd to San Diego Wy)- - 41,643 41,643 Estrada Ave (San Anselmo Rd to San Jacinto Ave)- - 29,361 29,361 La Linia Ave (West end to El Dorado Rd)- - 39,430 39,430 Navajoa Ave (Santa Ynez Ave to Curbaril Ave)- - 95,736 95,736 Serra Ave (Atascadero Ave to San Andres Ave)- - 13,100 13,100 Sycamore Rd (Hidalgo Ave to Miramon Ave)- - 11,067 11,067 2017 Pavement Rehabilitation Alcantara Ave (Marchant Ave N to Marchant Ave S)- - 11,061 11,061 Carmelita Road (Curbaril Ave to Portola Rd)- - 17,967 17,967 Carmelita Road (Portola Road to San Gabriel Rd)- - 31,087 31,087 Cortez Ave (Maleza Ave to Curbaril Ave)- - 7,777 7,777 Monterey Road (Campo Rd to San Anselmo Rd)- - 53,445 53,445 Total expenditures 6,575 217,962 2,138,147 2,362,684 Net change in fund balance 465,960 1,907,940 (12,157) 2,361,743 Fund Balance- beginning of year - 465,960 2,373,900 - Fund Balance- end of year 465,960$ 2,373,900$ 2,361,743$ 2,361,743$ *This fund is a sub-account of the General Fund and will be included with the General Fund in the City's audited financial statements. Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2015 through June 30, 2017 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE CITY OF ATASCADERO MEASURE F-14 SALES TAX PROJECTS FUND* 8 Sales Check Check Month Date Amount July 2016 9/23/2016 141,000$ August 2016 10/19/2016 141,000 September 2016 11/16/2016 188,000 Quarterly True-Up 12/23/2016 76,701 October 2016 12/23/2016 147,100 November 2016 1/18/2017 147,100 December 2016 2/15/2017 196,200 Quarterly True-Up 3/24/2017 66,162 January 2017 3/24/2017 127,900 February 2017 4/19/2017 127,900 March 2017 5/17/2017 170,600 Quarterly True-Up 6/23/2017 82,057 April 2017 6/23/2017 152,300 May 2017 7/19/2017 152,300 June 2017 8/16/2017 203,100 Total Revenue 2,119,420$ Measure F-14 Sales Tax Revenue Summary 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21