HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUP Resolution 1999-001Page 1 Administrative Hearing Officer Resolution 99-01 Approval of Administrative Use Permit 99009 Albertson Center Master Sign Program 8080 El Camino Real (APN 56-031-33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39) THE HEARING OFFICER OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE THAT: WHEREAS, a request has been received Albertson, Inc. (250 Park Center Boulevard, Boise, ID 83726 [Applicant]). and Halferty Development Company (199 South Los Robles Avenue, Suite 880, Pasadena, CA 91101 [Property Owner]) to consider a Master Sign Program with uniform design controls to allow commercial freestanding. and wall signs for the Albertson Shopping Center; and, WHEREAS, the Sign Ordinance requires the adoption of a Master Sign Program for all commercial shopping centers with three of more tenants; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit 97013 approving a 75,800 square foot shopping center with a condition that a Master Sign Program be approved for all project signs; and, WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero held a duly noticed Administrative Hearing in Room 102 of City Hall on June 23, 1999; at 10:00 A.M. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE HEARING OFFICER FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CAN MAKE THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS: The proposed project is categorically exempt from environmental review because signs are minor accessory structures, determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), according to Section 15311 of CEQA. 2. The proposed project, as conditioned, is consistent with the General Plan. 3. The proposed project, as conditioned, satisfies all applicable provisions of the Sign Ordinance. 4. The sign proposal, as conditioned, will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the general public or persons residing or working Print Date: 0628199 File: AUP 99009. SR.Albertson Sign.6-23-99.wmf.doc Page 2 CITY OF ATASCADERO Administrative Hearing Officer Resolution 99-01 APPROVED JUNE 23,1999 in the neighborhood of the use, or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity of the use. 5. The proposed sign program, as conditioned, will be consistent with the character of the immediate neighborhood. 6. The proposed project, as conditioned, will be in compliance with the City's adopted Appearance Review Guidelines. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE HEARING OFFICER FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVES THIS RESOLUTION SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND EXHIBITS. 1. Exhibit 1: Conditions of Approval 2. Exhibit 2: Anchor Tenant Signs Diagram 3. Exhibit 3: In -Line Tenant Sign Criteria (page 1 of 2) 4. Exhibit 4: In -Line Tenant Sign Diagram 5. Exhibit 5: Fuel Canopy Sign Diagram 6. Exhibit 6: Free Standing Freeway and Fuel Price Sign Diagram 7. Exhibit 7: Free Standing Freeway Sign Colors 8. Exhibit 8: Free Standing Fuel Price Sign Colors 9. Exhibit 9: Free Standing Joint Tenant Sign Diagram 10. Exhibit 10: Free Standing Joint Tenant Sign Colors The forgoing resolution is hereby adopted this 23" day of June 1999. Warren M. Frace, Planning Services Manager City of Atascadero Hearing Officer Pnnt Date: 06128/99 File: AUP 99009. SR -Albertson Sign.6-23-99mmf.doc Page 3 CITY Of ATASCADERO Administrative Hearing Officer Resolution 99-01 APPROVED JUNE 23, 1999 Exhibit 1: Conditions of Approval 1. All building and free -standing -signs shall receive a sign approval and building permit from the City of Atascadero prior to installation. 2. All signs shall comply with the requirements of this Administrative Use Permit and the City of Atascadero Sign Ordinance. 3. The size, design and color of all proposed signs shall be consistent with the exhibits attached to this resolution. 4. All major anchor walls signs shall be consistent with Exhibit 2 with the following changes: A. The freeway oriented wall sign shall be limited to 60 square feet. 5. All tenant building signs shall comply with standards set forth in Exhibit 3 with the following revisions: A. III.A. Replace entire paragraph with the following: All signs shall consist of individual, three dimensional letters and logos flush mounted to the wall face. All internally illuminated signs shall have remote transformers, exposed raceways shall not be permitted. B. III.B.1. Maximum sign area per tenant shall be limited to 40 square feet per street facing wall and the width of the sign shall not exceed 75% of the lineal leased frontage of the space, and be centered horizontal. Contrasting paint schemes and symbols surrounding the lettering shall be considered as part of the sign area. Tenants occupying the end store location will be allowed an additional 40 -square feet of wall sign on the side wall facing Curbaril Avenue. Freeway oriented signs shall be permitted only for tenants exceeding 10,000 square feet consistent with section 9-15.005.(a).6.c. of the Sign Ordinance. C. N.L. Awning Signs Awnings structures or forms with signage shall not be permitted. D. Typical Shop Elevation Diagram Revise graphic and Exhibit 4 to eliminate exterior raceway and note 40 square of signage maximum. Print Date: 06/28199 File: AUP 99009. SR.Albertson Sign.6-23-99mrnf.doc iY Page 4 CITY OF ATASCADERO Administrative Hearing Officer Resolution 99-01 APPROVED JUNE 23, 1999 6. All signs for the "Pad E" building shall be consistent with the requirements for the inline tenant signs. 7. A maximum of one (1) freestanding monument sign shall be permitted on the Curbaril Avenue frontage.. The freestanding pad signage may be incorporated into the center monument sign. 8. The canopy signs for the fuel service facility shall be consistent with Exhibit 5 with the following changes: A. The maximum sign area per elevations shall be 40 -square feet. B. All signs and logos shall be constructed of individual closed channelized letters and logos flush mounted to the wall surface. C. No signs or advertising shall be affixed to the cashier building. Print Date: 06/28/99 File: AUP 99009. SR.Albertson Sign.6-23-99.wmf.doc 0 Z O m cavo TN � � n > •Tb T sA E aC ooh 5 � S ao �N ®O O O 4 0 0 0 O rmrms �� oe�g e zs�=� E aPn Exhibit 2: Anchor Tenant Signs Diagram a a ra z Q 4 s r H N -7=•_ 2'-6' _ ME.3 3M a� = Ir -Is � • e II � b o� A r �r b T 3 G o _ r r T 2 � z N y T 0 i T T -s 0 �z � o �T ®O O O 4 0 0 0 O rmrms �� oe�g e zs�=� E aPn Exhibit 2: Anchor Tenant Signs Diagram a a ra z Q 4 s r H N -7=•_ _ ME.3 3M a� = Ir -Is � • e II � b o� A r �r b T 3 G o _ r r T 2 � z N y T 0 i T ®O O O 4 0 0 0 O rmrms �� oe�g e zs�=� E aPn Exhibit 2: Anchor Tenant Signs Diagram a a ra z Q 4 s r H N -7=•_ _ ME.3 3M a� = Ir -Is � • e II � b o� A r �r b ;, z _ r r T � � z N y T i T T -s 0 �z ®O O O 4 0 0 0 O rmrms �� oe�g e zs�=� E aPn Exhibit 2: Anchor Tenant Signs Diagram a a ra z Q 4 s r H N Exhibit 3: In -Line Tenant Sign Criteria (page 1 of Z) 1#r EF:FL� SC?N'S CEN'I'ml SHOP 1RU7Q..1:)1NC3S SEC O3[r ;<rl C.!\];VI[JfNO >EZi>;'A7� 11ND CUkZlCi.11FtT["S.. �1.VENU� 04/O1/f3$ .[A7C'.lt1.SC/1►DEFiO, Cl1��It'OR2VZ.!). r. ,NTRODUCTION: The intent of this sign criteria is to provide the guidelines necessary Io achieve ■visually conrdinelcd, balanced and appealing signage' environmrnt At Albertson's Center Slop Buildino located at lite SFC of EI Camino Ravi and Curbaril Avenue, Alascadero, California. Tenant will be required to design signs far its Prenrimcs in mccmdence herewith in provide maximum identity and aesthetic quality for hoth file'fenant and Ilia shopping center. petfotmence of this sign criteria sholl be rigorously enforced and any nonconformingQ signs shall be removed by the Tenant or the sign contractor at ihair expense, upon demand by owner. Exceptions to these standards must be approved by the landlord and the City of Alsscadero. IL GENERAL OWN FR/TENANTREQU1REMENTs: A. Tenant shall submit to the Landlnrd three (3) co�its .f the detailed shop drawings of the proposed sign, mrlica11r g the location, size, layout, design and color, including all lettering or graphics in conformance with Ilse sign criteria herein outlined. n. Aller appmral by the Landlord. file Tcaanl shall aubmir the sign drawing to the Atascadero 1'tanning and Iluildhrq Departments for approval prior to the start of any sign construction. G The Tenant shrill pay for all signs, their installation (including find -connecting transformers and ail other labor and materials) and maintenance. D. The Truant shall ohtnin all necessary permits, and shall comply with all local building codes. G The Tenant shall be responsible for fulfillment of all requirements of this sign criteria. F. The Landlord shell provide electrical service termination at file center of the allowed signage area in the interior of the wall or canopy. It will be connected to the house canopy light panel. 0. It is the responsibility of lite Tennni's sign company to verify ail conduit and transformer locations and service prior to fabrication. All cabinets• conductors, lianafnrntef%. and other equipment 311011 be concealed, except as provided herein. [. The location of all signs shall be per file accompanying design criteria (Sectinn III) and attached drawing. ). One sign spaces shell be allowed for each tenant (except as otherwise approved in writing). Tenant shail verify this sign location and size with the Landlord prior to fabrication. K. Tenants located with storefront on two sides may provide one sign at each 'Ilmefronl subject to City approval. Tenant will provide any required elerrctrical to the sz"nd location Approvesigns lby thehich Landlord and helrarn lis City sign Alucadere.teria ust first be M. 111e maximum allocated sign ores per tenant is for the aggregate of all ppecrmanent signs (except exempt and convenience signs as noted hetein). tl. Signs to be used at this center arc individual closed channelized letters only except diose approved under "L" above. 0. Tenant shall etect sigringe on the storefront fascia not later than the date Tenant opens for business. 1'. The Landlord shalt have the right to remove. d the Tenant's expense upon rive (5) days written notice, any signs installed contrary to these prowsiona Q. NI signs are to be in English only, IV. C NERAL SIGN DF_SIGNSPECIFICATI Lt3: match A. Exposed, closed, metal ae� eway p to to tto mount thehe adjacent osed indThedual tmaterialesh■ll 1-E CF= letters. No011ie!sexfao%ad be permitted, seaways will be installed on the existing building canoppy feseia J RBP�eGE so that the front edge is parallel with the storefront. Raenvsys J me to he no taller inn g", without landlard's prior written approval. T'he center of the leiter% will he attached to ire center of the faccosy. The raceway will be centered vertically and horizontally on the fascia. B. 'Not Sign Area' will be centered on the fascia vertically and horizontally as shown on the attached drawing. No letters will protrssdo outside of the mwmum allowed sign area. Each 7 ant Net Sign Area is measured by drawing nn imaginary line if arnnnd the outermost perimeter of letters (inclusive .[the Ing. applirable) a% well as all required negative space beiwem letters and words, both horiznntslly and vertically. That resulting stem is measured to determine the sign square footage. All lettering shell be restricted to the Net Sign Area as follows: 211 nt.1 a e ADD "1��Maximum sign area width shall be equal to 75% of the lineeased franlego of the apace, and be centered horizontally. J 2. titer egg . r 4' nlaXl at m height, (IU" minimum if 2 rows per 111 1 4). 3. The sign shall not extend within two feel of tach demising well 4. The sign format shall he centered left and right equally between the demising wells and/or vertical features of the building as approved by Landlord. 5. A minimum 4' clearance shell be maintained between adjacent store signage. C. No projections above or below the Net Sign Area will be permitted (except as otherwise approved in writing). D. All signs and their installation must comply with all local building and electrical codes. E. for purposes of stole identifications. Tenant will be permitted to place ypon each entrance rn its demised premises not more than 144 square inches of wltita Ilclvetica medium decal application lettering not to exceed two inches (2") in height. indicating hours of business, emergency telephone, etc. F. Each tensnl space shall include address identification consisting of white Helvetica medium decal application lettering of 6" in height. or per code. 0. F.aeh Tenant who Itis it non -customer door not in the storefront for receiving merchandise may apply the name of their business and address on said door with black Helvetica medium decal application. H. ca le a ns: ed Individual elle tan 5oectheaUa I. Store signs shall be attached in designated areas only and may not exceed sign area permitted by law. 2. The face of the individual . letters and logos shall be constructed of acrylic plastic (3/16" thick minimum), and fastened to the ehannelixed metal can in an approved manner. Trim cap retainers shall be gold. Metal side returns shall be matte or matte bronze/dark brown finish, except as specifically o ved by the Landlord and the City of Auu scadero. (No Channelme or Channel Classic fabrication methods will be accepted.) 3. Individual logos may, be located anywhere within the Net Sign Area, but only rf specifically "Prroved try the Landlord and the City of Ataseadcro. Logos wall not exceed 104A of the total sign area 4. No more than two rows of letters are permitted, and provided their maximum total height docs not exceed the iraimum net sign area height of 24" specified in Section HI B. 5. Tenants shall display only their established trade name or their basic product name, e.g., "Bills Balloons', of a combination thereof. 6. Internal illumination to be 60 milli amp neon, installed and labeled in accordance with National Board of Fire Underwriters Specifications. National Electric Code and approved laboratory testing (Le. U.L.). 7. The letter depth shall not be less than four (4) inches, not mare than six (6) inches. The sides of the letter are to be a Dark Brown, Bronze color. I. Signage colon shall be approved by the Landlord and the City of Ataseadero. PROHIBITED SIGNS: A. Signs Constiwtina a Traffic Hazard: No person shall install at maintsin or cause to be Installed or maintained any sign which simulates or imitsles in size or color; lettering or design any traffic sign or mignal, or which makes use of the words "STOP". "LOOK", 'DANCER" or any other words• phrasca, symbols• or characters in such a manner to interfere with. mislead or confuse traffic. B. Immoral or Unlawful Advertising: No person shall exhibit. pont, or display, cause to be exhibited, posted or displayed upon any sign, anything Obscene. indecent or immoral nature or unlawful activity. L• SjRn3_grt.l7o_y17. Willa or Fires F,se, epcs: No sign shell be installed, relocated or maintained so as to prevent free ingress to or egress from any door. No sign of any kind sholl Page 1 of 2 Landlord's Initials TensialVa Initials it •1. 1 . IIn I l:.l it Utah;) :141 SI In -Line Tenant Sign Criteria (page 2 of 2) /wT..7E�7f?:7[t'JC'SON'F3 CIi:LV'Jt']T.Fs. SHOP BUII.D7NC3S SP:C: C?fr It;I G'n lvn [ NC) 3:LP!AT. L#N77 CLJ:FiTS/A:1 LI.I.. /*VIf�:JV LJL I, l�O v'JR r�. > • nsCsw ; l� a, C/1T_1JE'ORIN11i be attached to a stand pipe except those signs es required by code or ordinance. D. Animated. Audible. or Moving Sians: Sins, consisting of any moving, swinging, totaling. [lashing. blinking, seintillati"fluctuating or otherwise animated light is prohibited as are audible signs. E. 911 Premise Signs: Any sign other than directional Signa, installed for the purpose of advertising a pro I. event. person or subject not related to the Premises upon which said sign 1s located in prohibited. F. Vehicle Signs: 4pfl Siggns on or affixed to trucks, automobiles, bailern or nther vchit,as. which advertise, identify, or Provide direction to a use or ■ctivily'not related to ifs lawful makingg of delivery of sales material or merchandise or rendering of service Cram ouch vehicles, are prohibited. U. Window Sians: Paper, cloth, painted, neon or decal signngo sbnll not he 'tied an any door or window except as allowed herein or by rlord`s di screltonary approval. 11. Lislit Dulb Strings and Gxnnscd Tubing: External displays, other Ilion temporary dccoralive holiday lighting, which consist of unshielded light bulbs. and open csposed neon or gnseous light tubing, are prohibited. An e<ca tion herein may he ranted by ilio lnndlnrd when the display is nn integral Part of the design character of Ino Activity to which it relntcs. 1. �3 Flytil. Pennant. and Balloons Used for Advertisina Lu�t� Flogs, banners, pennants, balloons, or a combination of srtme, are specifically prohibited. One "Grand Opening" banner and/or temporary sales banner is permitted with Landlord's prior written approval not to exceed 30 days, and may not be installed more than two times during any 1I -month period. J. Signs in Proximity to WIRY Lines: Signs which have less horizontal or vertical clearance from authorized eommuniealions or energizedelectrical power lines then that prescribed by the laws of the State of California are prohibited, K )'nm cru r ermilted. �,. AWat.IG S1�etS �aatcrvu rT'{rsN nen NTS: A. All exterior signs, bolo, fasteners, and clips shall be of enameling iron with porcelain enamel finish (lo match adjacent budding surface if exposed). stainless steel, aluminum, brass or bronze. No black iron materials of any type will be permitted. 9. All letters shall be fabricated using full welded construction with minirdum 1/4" drain holes in each letter. C. Locations of all openings for conduit and sleeves in sign installation shall be neatly sealed in a. watertight condition. D. No labels will be permitted on the exposed surface of signs except !hose required by local ordinances, which shall be applied in inconspicuous locations. E. Tenant shall cause Tenant's sign contractor to repair any damage to any work caused by his work within two (2) days after such damage is caused. F. Tenant shall be fully responsible for the operations of the Tenant's sign contractor. DEMISING WALL BELOW 40 jF. MAV- A►Jp MAXIMUM WIDTH SHALL BE'EQUAL TO DEM �lN6 WALL BELOW o" 1-11r-- t24" MAOt - -11 _ t. E . V . - / U ... ►�V I ... ; f _ ^ y rAy CExrEna n, ON FASCIA TYPICAL SHOP ELEVATION SIOXALI GE This drawing is for general illustration purposes, only, and docs not necessarily Mpresetd Ilse exact frontage of Tenant's storefront. All design, construction and installation are to be per the provisions of this Sign Criteria Page 2 of 2 m =ozKOA ��a z�`�7e v,Z.po FASCIA e; � o � r:�mMiaa- -1 dit i® c IG WALL BELOW i 0 0 P p o 1k� Cl F v. S - moo= � oo ro� a c � y - o a f m z f T y z � o az t 'o mo wa A s a 0 Exhibit 4: In -Line Tenant Sign Diagram m i Xr Nig I 's I - a aF a-+ m =ozKOA ��a z�`�7e v,Z.po FASCIA e; � o � r:�mMiaa- -1 dit i® c IG WALL BELOW i 0 0 P p o 1k� Cl F v. S - �i o�i4 Ilio � 2 c � y - o a f m z f T y z � o az t 'o mo wa A s a 0 Exhibit 4: In -Line Tenant Sign Diagram -, m z D z 1 1 M z D z 1 M z D z 1 M z D z H M z D z ��I my4 3 �z a� o H �0 z �a 3 41.0. M NIP Exhibit 5: Fuel Canopy Sign Diagram O W ( 1 a O 3 Y S 1p' -p• 3' p' 6' ' a'- 6'11 18' 8' a' 1p• 39n 211-s' a' -p' � t R� V U U f n ^, m I a t® s : 211-s' a' -p' � t R� V U U f n ^, m I Y s : ^_o s A m Exhibit 6: Free Standing Freeway and Fuel Price Sign 3 a a a o a Diagram Exhibit 7: Free Standing Freeway Sign Colors qtr k�- 100111 MIX i st 30'-0" F. 21'-8" 4'40" LN 4'-0' 12" 14 19 % S�1 ss ~ 44 a � z = x w T 3 0 Q m 0x0/1 O� N SN 2 O W O 2 zo Oin w s w o w O s Exhibit 7: Free Standing Freeway Sign Colors qtr k�- 100111 MIX i st 30'-0" F. 21'-8" 4'40" LN 4'-0' 12" 14 19 % S�1 ss ~ 44 a � z = x w T 3 0 CD 0 0 y m Q 0 » 40 i CA z �r N O � F�1 A T 46 O (7 N O O CO O 01N ro�Oy W X N CO �tv i Exhibit 8: Free Standing Fuel Price Sign Colors -� I CP1 d am y aga7. C '% fir: �sj'.x��',i: rf ame IU W 17' V-3* v-3' 1 j :Y q'� • � _C �ti g� M;E 1'4 � A 3a s T P so= Exhibit 9: Free Standing Joint Tenant Sign Diagram a j a A-00 A A s y m m D ID CL S° z Exhibit 10: Free Standing Joint Tenant Sign Colors to -o' 1'-8' 1'-3" 14' 1'-3' � l� � a i E F--51 as�P a _ n v s J �sy z co T N _ ,417 a. G C��_ -`WIM'1 N p J� ca L4lFJ v N Z =.- r. cn, om c <n .44 co �Z c s CSD 2 2 � s n O O � GD to -o' 1'-8' 1'-3" 14' 1'-3' � l� � a i E F--51 as�P a _ y �i m O fly ai �sy z G m c ��c L4lFJ N Z