HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic CommentFrom: Andrew Boortz Sent: Monday, September 11, 2023 11:23 AM To: DRC Public Comment Cc: Susan Funk; Mark Dariz; Jeff van den Eikhof; Emily Baranek; Dennis Schmidt; Heather Moreno; Charles Bourbeau; Heather Newsom Subject: Dove Creek Mixed-use developement To whom it may concern, Although I think a development is needed at the corner of EI Camino and Santa Barbera in Atascadero, I see serious issues with the current proposal. First there doesn't seem to be enough parking and how will it be enforced? Will the property owner be held at fault if anyone parks on the private roads of Dove Creek? Traffic flow is also an issue. Cashin is not big enough for the current two way traffic let alone a huge development like this. I previously brought this up and asked to meet with the DRC at the location with no response. Are the developers going to pay for the constant use of our private roads that are maintained by the owners of Dove Creek? The wear and tear of large equipment will cause damage. Are the residents going to pay for use of the Dove Creek parks and trails to help maintain the property? During construction how will they mitigate the noise? The current developments in Atascadero are currently damaging the community, The Oaks Development, what promises do the property owner and developer make to make sure they stay on track and true to the community? How will they guarantee that the store fronts will stay full? We are not building a homeless shelter or gathering area which happens when they leave store fronts empty? Please do the right thing for your community and block this development unless there are promises and consequences for failure. Also some kind of response from an elected official would be nice. 2:00 pm on a weekday is embarrassing and insulting to try and keep the community away. Sincerely, Andrew Boortz ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. SEP 1 12023 SFT From: Tiffany B Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 7:45 AM To: DRC Public Comment Subject: Dove Creek Development Good afternoon, We are homeowners in Dove Creek with 2 small children - ages 3 years and 5 months. While we think the idea of a marketplace/farmers market area/food court is great, we are strongly opposed to additional residential units and even more opposed to short-term rentals/vacation rentals being added to this area. There are parking issues in Dove Creek already with families having 3+ cars (utilizing limited guest parking) - adding an additional 71 residential units and 22 short-term rentals/vacation rentals is only going to exacerbate the issue. We also have concerns about the safety of our neighborhood with short-term renters being nearby. Dove Creek is quiet and for those of us with families, it's a safe, somewhat tight -knit community. We'd like for it to remain that way. If this proposal does move forward, we would want to see the existing Dove Creek community become a gated community. Jeff & Tiffany Bowers ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. h 3 _i Jq `U-) D E v a3_C)o- From: Sent: To: Subject: Design Review Committee, Marcia Beckley Kane , Wednesday, September 13, 2023 4:29 PM DRC Public Comment Dove Creek Mixed -Use Development -DEV23-0079 I SEP 13 201 D F V11�� We feel that the Dove Creek Development proposal will negatively impact the existing Dove Creek Community. We also feel that an Extended Stay Hotel will cause a lot of problems within our community... Noise Issues, Parking Issues, Safety Issues, Traffic Issue, Privacy Issues, and Light Pollution. There also would be a lot of delivery trucks coming into our community at all hours of the day which would be very unfair to all the Dove Creek Residents. When the Dove Creek Community was developed they preserved the area around the creek to protect the Federally Threatened California Red -legged Frog that lives in the creek and storm drains in the green spaces that surround the Dove Creek Community. The California Red -legged Frogs' breeding ground is a 2 mile radius so this would include the Dove Creek Parcel. The Santa Barbara Road Highway 101 on and off ramps would be negatively impacted by the Dove Creek Development. CalPortland and Santa Margarita Aggregates trucks go back and forth on Santa Barbara Road all day long so adding more trucks and cars to a one -lane street will lead to a lot of more traffic, congestion and noise. This development will also negatively impact the Dove Creek Community streets sidewalks, parks that the Dove Creek HOA pays to maintain. Please pass on the Dove Creek Development... It is too big for this small parcel. Sincerely, Marcia Beckley ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. From: Steven Kane Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 4:23 PM To: DRC Public Comment Subject: Re: Dove Creek Mixed -Use Development- Dev23-0079 — RE SEP 13 2023 Attn: Atascadero Architectural Design and Review Committee#� COI��'t1PsP DEVELOP NT Re: Dove Creek Mixed -Use Development- Dev23-0079 I am a long-time homeowner in the Dove Creek Villas development. I write to you regarding serious concerns that my neighbors and I share regarding the proposed project to be built within the Dove Creek community: 1. The entire design and scale of the project are highly inappropriate and would dwarf the surrounding community both in terms of the size and height of the proposed buildings. As has been communicated to the city by many people on several public meeting occasions, this latest proposal is not true to the original design or intent of the development of that corner. 2. The proposal for short-term rentals is most likely "developer speak" for some kind of hotel and/or high turnover, low -quality short-term housing in which to price gouge local workers new to the region. Within Dove ,Creek, we are prohibited from offering short-term rentals. The City does not allow new ADU construction to be utilized as short-term rentals. 3. The existing environmental review for Dove Creek, including the 5 -acre commercial parcel in question, featured a maximum 279 residential units. Planner Gleason has noted that a modified MasterPlan of Development (MPD) would be required to allow additional residential development within Dove Creek. A critical unanswered question would be how the development would fit into the existing fee structure of the Dove Creek community as it likely to have a large impact on the trails, parks, etc., that residents already fund with our HOA fees. 4. Parking is currently woefully limited now. Given the scale of the proposed project, parking would become a nightmare both for residents of the existing development as well as individuals and the customer is utilizing different aspects of the proposed development. 5. Cashin and Bliss Streets are simply not suitable for handling the likely huge volume of traffic this development would bring and would likely create multiple safety hazards, for which the designer and developer could be held liable in future litigation. 6. Dove Creek is a residential community, and the proposed type of commercial space put forth is simply not fair to existing homeowners or new residents of the condos given the very high likelihood of both negative noise and lighting problems this project is sure to cause. There are many other reasons why this project is highly inappropriate but I would leave the owner Seung Young and the designers and developers with one last thought: Dove Creek has quite simply become an affluent neighborhood and thus the collective resources of the neighborhood to bring litigation forth litigation to prevent or slow the development of the project is something they should seriously consider. Sincerely, Dr. Steve Kane ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. From: Ally Marnocha Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 9:16 PM To: DRC Public Comment Subject: Dove Creek Mixed -Use -Development Hello, I personally will not be able to attend the Public meeting for this matter on Thursday September 14 at 2:00 pm. However, I wanted to voice my concern on constructing a new mixed use development in this area. My fiance and I are very opposed to the idea of having large residential units and commercial units looking into our home as this will impede on our privacy. We also are worried it will increase homelessness/ loitering on this side of town and possibly increase our HOA. Our HOA is already an outrageous price for the amount being maintained and we are worried with increased traffic and people, our HOA will make us Dove Creek owners pay for it. And parking in the Dove Creek Community is already congested and the Mixed Use Development renters will begin to use our community. We would mush rather see this space be used as more of a recreational area for the many dog owners in the community or something of the sorts. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best, Ally Marnocha Dove Creek Homeowner ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. SEP 13 2023 pev Z3-00-7� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT From: Sent: To: Subject: momiller7 Wednesday, September 13, 2023 4:13 PM DRC Public Comment Re: mix use 11600-11700 SEP 13 2023 :©MMLINI -k UJEYELOFg -, Here you go. hi Annette. the gist is, 1.Atascaderos charm is not fast food joints and more motels ... it is the land. the creeks. hills and green space -- the scenic view from this corner 360* all around will be obliterated ... plz at least ....mitigate to 2 stories. nix the entire vacay rental also 2.too much concrete, walls and pavement ...this is the last sacred natural space between the density... There are historical artifacts.... I have heard there are native american bones ....what studies or care will be shown in this regard? 3. 1 suggest not an unnecessary food court (all that is a dash further north), but green parklets, which incorporate many of the herbs and wildflowers that grow here already. this is a wildlife corridor ... I have seen all kinds of birds. beneficial insects like bees and butterflies, hawks, even deer—this natural earth can heal the heart, mind, soul ,,, people need Space. not more concrete. pavement, and parking lots 4.this last open space on dove can lend a hand as well to climate change ... is this not somewhat of a flood zone?? earth has roots and stones, these hold down the soil .... dove had a lot of damage in january where creek overflowed These are some of my thoughts... personally I would prefer total open space made into natural recreation with meandering trails which connect to the trails already there by the condos ... to me it is sacred holy ground... ....perhaps the original circus concept could be toned down more in line with historical, natural, recreational aspects. thx!! sincerely mo miller 1 From: Arun Parecadan Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2023 3:46 PM To: DRC Public Comment Subject: Dove creek mixed use development DEV23-0079, 11600-11700 EI Camino Real Hello, I am sending this email to inform my strong objection for the mixed use project proposed at the subjected location. The Dove Creek Community will face a lot of issues like increased traffic over Cashin St and Bliss St, landscape maintenance, road maintenance, and also a threat to our privacy and security. The entrance allowed to this lot from Cashin St and Bliss St itself is not justified. Nutshel, I inform my strong objection to have a multi storied building in a raised lot right next to a currently quiet neighborhood. I live in and my kids play in these nearby streets since there are not much traffic over these route. New project will attract uncontrolled overflow traffic which will destroy the peace and privacy of Dove creek inmates. Arun Parecadan Dove Creek. Sent from my Whone ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. SEP 18 2023 p P- v -oo-1q COMW,U, JJY OVELORMENT Cl -a K- d ead l r From: Mary Ann Reiss Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 4:44 PM To: DRC Public Comment Subject: Item 3 - Dove Creek Commercial Development As a homeowner in the Dove Creek Development, I am submitting my comments to the Design Review Committee (DRC) for consideration during your review of the proposed mixed-use project at the corner of Santa Barbara and Camino Real. 1) The commercial market plaza, as currently located, results in a parking lot as the visible corner entry to the City. I'd advise staff and the DRC to push for relocation of the commercial market plaza area to the corner and relocate the surface parking accordingly. 2) As designed, the only two (2) access points are from the smaller roadways of Cashin and Bliss. With the commercial aspect to this development, why are there no "main" access points from Santa Barbara or EI Camino Real? As these two streets appear to have more capacity for traffic, I'd request the addition of an access point on one of these streets to service the commercial component of this development and provide for an alternative ingress and egress for emergency services. 3) Can the applicant provide information as to why they are incorporating 22 short-term rental units into this development? Our community shares concerns with how the applicant intends to operate this portion of the development. Does the applicant intend to bring in a hotelier brand? The operation of this without a lobby, general manager, or site controls is concerning to our community. Will there be any sort of rent term controls in place to manage this development? The short-term rental space would be better utilized with mixed use of small boutique shops, barberships, coffee shops and ice cream stores with either individual condominiums (fee simple) or long-term rental spaces above to match the rest of the development. 4) The proposed set -back of 20 feet of the 2 story units on Bliss & Cashin Streets are very appropriate; however, three stories along Santa Barbara defeats the intent of a "phased height increase and is not satisfactorily compliant with other scale and design in this semi -rural area. I'd request the DRC restrict the outer perimeter of this development to 2 stories to "phase" the height increase towards the center. Thank you. Mary Ann Reiss 9 Mary Ann Reiss R E, E lVEED rP 13 2023 � � v 23 �tx�­ �