HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Action ReportCITY OF ATASCAD E ISO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Final Action Report FROM: Mariah Gasch, Associate Planner MEETING DATE: 12/12/2022 FILE NUMBER: USE22-0094 PROJECT ADDRESS: 905 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 SITUATION: The applicant requests a modification to the Master Sign Program for the Home Depot to install a 35 square foot illuminated channel letter logo and two 12" by 12" non -illuminated directional placard signs at the Tool Rental entrance door. The Master Sign Program allows for 600 square feet for the primary frontage signage and 250 square feet for secondary frontage signage, and these signs will not exceed those limits, however, their placement was not anticipated as part of the original sign program approvals and thus, AUP approval is required. EVALUATION: Home Depot opened their Atascadero location in March of 2000. The original Master Sign Program for the Home Depot was adopted by Administrative Use Permit 2000-001. All existing signs were specified on the Master Sign Program and will remain unchanged. The Master Sign Program will be amended to include the new sign. Directional signage under 5 square feet does not count toward the overall square footage and can be placed as needed. Signage includes: Front Elevation Secondary Frontages 290 SF entry wall sin E 230 SF wall sign (E) 64 SF indoor lumber yard sin E 23 SF nursery sin E 35 SF N tool rental sign Total. 412 SF total Max Allowed. 600 Max Allowed. 250 The existing Home Depot building is currently 129,809 square feet with an approved Tool Rental addition of 3,768 square feet, currently in permit review. The building offers different services, including the general warehouse, nursery sales, lumber yard sales, and tool rentals. The new signage will provide wayfinding for customers within the parking lot to readily identify the entrance to the new Tool Rental department and park accordingly. All signage remains within the maximum sizes allowed by the approved Master Sign Program. If approved, the new sign will be added to the Master Sign Program elevations. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Administrative Hearing Officer approve USE22-0094 to allow the signage as proposed. CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I ENVIRONMENTAL. DETERMINATION ❑X Categorical Exemption CEQA — Guidelines Section 15311 Statutory Exemption §§ 21000, et seq & No Project — Ministerial Project Findings AMC 9-15.011 requires the Hearing Officer to make the following 3 findings: The sign is consistent with the purposes set forth in Section 9-15.002,- The -15.002; The proposed sign helps meet needs that are based in the following purposes outlined in section 9-15.002 of the AMC. Section 9-15.002(a) intends to "Maintain and improve the aesthetic environment and overall community appearance to foster the City's ability to attract sources of economic development and growth." Section 9-15.002(c) intends to "implement quality sign design standards that are consistent with the City's General Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Appearance Review Guidelines;" and Section 9-15.002(e) intends to "minimize possible adverse impacts of signs on private and public property in order to maintain property values and to maintain a positive City image." Finally, Section 9- 15.002(h) intends to "limit the size and number of signs to levels that reasonably allow for the identification of a residential, public or commercial location and the nature of any such commercial business." The proposed sign advertises a service that will serve the community and increase the City's economic vitality. The sign is consistent with the development and meets the intended standards of the General Plan. The sign is not repetitive to the business and advertises a new service that is being added. 2. The opportunity to combine signs for more than one (1) use on a single sign structure has been considered,- The onsidered, The proposed sign is centered above the existing leased storefront and is large enough to be visible to advertise the tenants' services. Based on the nature of the business offering multiple services and the length of the building, the addition of an independent sign for the tool rental location provides clarity to business patrons. 3. 4. Conformance with all other applicable codes and ordinances of the City, including, but not limited to, the Zoning Ordinance, General Plan and its several elements, and the appearance review guidelines. (Ord. 604 § 2, 2016) The sign conforms with applicable codes and ordinances of the City, including Framework Principles of the General Plan that call for improving the appearance and character of Atascadero through signage. General Plan Policy 1.3 states: "Enhance the rural character and appearance of the City, including commercial corridors, gateways and public facilities." The proposed sign helps promote the EI Camino Real commercial corridor. Page 3 Additionally, the proposed sign complies with the City's appearance review manual guidelines related to signs. Specifically, the sign is in scale and proportion in its visual relationship to the building and surrounding structures, and can be considered harmonious with the building. Conditions 1. The design and location of the sign shall be consistent with Attachment 2. 2. The sign must remain horizontal and centered on the building wall. 3. The sign shall not consist of any exposed electrical raceways. Code Requirements 1. AMC 9-15 (Sign Ordinance) 2. AMC 9-1.112 Administrative Use Permit Attachments Attachment 1 - Location Map Attachment 2 - Proposed Elevation Attachment 3 - Proposed Signs Action: tq Approve ❑ Approve as modified ❑ Deny ❑ Continue to: to allow ❑ Continue indefinitely to allow: Phil Dunsmore, Hearing Officer Attachment 1: Location Map and Zoning USE22-0094 F . 049-044-033 ,» 655 755 765 -003 '" "° 049-044-026T.725 D 049-044-025 72 .034-021' 74$3 049-044-024 t4t9-04-022 rJ hbj;O49-L044I12!3 r f 8 049-044.0 835 049-044-006 OS Up13 5A �5 49-04 03-003 -044-006 1025 14-513' 1055 t-Uld 1000 044-00� 049-044-016 + 1155 049-044-01:%110004 ,1-009 1255 049-044.014 049'044-010 1201305 04a-044-013 .04 4-011 P13 -5C .1355 7VA049-044-012 040-043-004 049--012-011 049-043-003 965 -qqqw 967 JLC -1 049-041-010RS 049-!141.0!2 965 5.500 5000 • 04!AAnnAI /VtG 049-041-014 ^AM new nw� Attachment 2: Proposed Elevation USE22-0094 Attachment 3: Proposed Signs USE22-0094 HAl A2 ' ■ RENTAL t r t ! s NTNG Ping Bell For Entry, a hi.0" t Ps:a1a C;a+rc�cta \iatat 2 AG\1 Sle*) pr'rt w• 49OK-C agitst prrr glxn" 3 t IV. 1.1.Ye..vpict Apw rrr'tar o'atn':' Ml sa x .Q st tk+nr W w 4;.vtri IIS v;,^rr !.tstt t: cat O"Pea; 4 +kyyr.�t rite; Ar+7rr, :rc ntiyrehc. 4 tJr.r�irx3 H.�.7ww�� t°.r0^«..ntew'.+,r-,i'+� •t 4 i� ILL 8'-0" 8'-11/8" t RENTAL i� IV -1 0 8/4" 4 +� 34,5 SQUARE FEET .Owstli av " Awtutr 3>ttttM AX#A t6 taE *mntuM I WOW tt:Ettltick w>tna+ctao tc� SiALiD * utn�sat tMtrt 5ttCrihi tso A" ft Povurmapan it4 usca �5xreaa�ttnic€»wl h;3W �>,� �a;r�a o�t.RratrrrvArE ti.'ttFS: 3R, r3.r?2tliJtCK F'E.R4t1RRfitYxN.11 AMI talcs 'APWAR C&zxn M$u'VI rm tsaissinsnem r A 4' &*x*C°, am iirrVdS Mb"i lLiAfN4tY RRiswSk 4ftNl4#A SiHft�5 AW =*.-R 110 MH MUD ff WA 1404►lttfhopo w VI&Vf GNU* t whow tMtAttrPQARN R`P'E.SMIIVASC.;'—Is i t6+6ttd6Rta.e iluttm *V CA MAA: W;TvX fO$1 I