HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 - Carrizo - Oak Trail Tract 2625WWWWWWWGGGGGGGDYH DYH xW M W M JPGM W M W M W M W M JPW M JPP87887887 8 876877877876876877 878879xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTVEEJPWM WM TVWS8758768778808838848808788 7 8 879884JPOHOHOHOHOHJPOHOHLOT 1PARCEL 1PARCEL 2PARCEL 3LOT 12M E D I O L N C A R R I Z O R DP I N O N L NLOT 6LOT 7LOT 8LOT 9LOT 10LOT 11C O P A D O L N EUPxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGMCICVNEW RESIDENCE TYP123445568101112579913PARCEL 4Not to ScaleCut 3290 CY±, Fill 2450 CY±, Total 5740 CY±Max. cut = 7 ft, Max. fill = 3 ftAverage slope < 10 %VICINITY MAPLEGAL DESCRIPTIONBENCHMARKAPPLICABLE CODESPROJECT STATISTICSDEMOLITION PLANSURVEYORGENERAL NOTES1.No construction shall be started without plans and/or permits approvedby the city engineering department. The city engineering departmentshall be notified at least 24 hours prior to starting construction. Anyconstruction done without approved plans or prior notification to thecity's engineering department will be rejected and will be at thecontractor's and/or owner's risk and expense.2.All construction work shall conform to the City of Atascadero StandardSpecifications and Drawings and all work shall be subject to the approvalof the city engineering department.3.Soils tests shall be done in accordance with city of Atascadero Standardsand Specifications section 4.03. All tests must be done within 15 daysprior to placing material. Testing results shall clearly indicate the locationand source of the material.4.Compaction tests shall be done on subgrade material and materialplaced as specified by the city engineering department. Said tests shallbe completed by a certified soils engineer and approved by the cityengineering department prior to the placing of the next material.5.Subgrade material shall be compacted to a relative compaction of 95%(ASTM D1557) in the roadway prism between finished subgrade elevationand one foot below. All material in fill sections below the zone mentionedabove and in the sidewalk sections shall be compacted to 90% (ASTMD1557) relative compaction.6.A registered civil engineer must certify that the improvements, whencompleted, are in conformance with the approved plans prior to therequest or final inspection. Record drawings are to be prepared afterconstruction is completed. The civil engineer certifying the improvementsand preparing the record drawings shall be present when the finalinspection is made.7.An effort has been made to define the location of underground facilitieswithin the job site. However, all existing utility and other undergroundstructures may not be shown on this plan and their location where shownis approximate. The construction contractor agrees that he shall assumesole and complete responsibility for locating or having located allunderground utilities and other facilities and for protecting them duringconstruction.8.All utility companies must be notified prior to the start of construction. Theconstruction contractor shall contact underground service alert (usa) at1-800-642-2444 two to ten days prior to the start of excavation and shallverify the location of any known utilities and whether or not arepresentative of each company will be present during excavation.9.A city encroachment permit is required for any work within the publicright- of-way, for both sewer and road construction and the inspectioncard shall be posted on the job site prior to the start of construction.10.The city inspector, acting on behalf of the city engineering department,may request revisions in the plans to solve unforeseen problems that mayarise in the field. Revisions shall be reviewed by the design engineer priorto implementation. The inspector may alert the contractor to deviationsin the work from the plans. The contractor shall remedy the work tocomply with the plans to the satisfaction of the inspector.11.The construction contractor shall maintain a current, complete, andaccurate record of all changes which deviate from the construction asproposed in these plans and specifications for the purpose of providingthe engineer with a basis for record drawings. No changes shall be madewithout prior approval of the city engineering department and the designengineer.12.The structural section shall be based upon soils tests to determine ther-value of existing soil and a traffic index designated by the cityengineering department and shown on each road section.13.All fresh cut and fill slopes shall be provided with a method of erosioncontrol approved by the city community development and engineeringdepartments prior to the final inspection.14.All utility relocations and/or alterations shall be the sole responsibility ofthe developer at his expense.15.In the event that the contractor notices irregularities in the line or gradehe shall bring it to the immediate attention of the design engineer andthe city engineering department. If he fails to do so, the contractor shallbe responsible for any error in the grade and necessary reconstruction tocorrect such error.16.Existing pavement shall be saw-cut in accordance with the city/ countystandards and specifications to reveal a competent structural sectionand new paving shall be joined at this point. The structural section shallbe inspected by the city engineering department prior to the placementof base.17.Any survey monuments within the area of construction shall be preservedor reset by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor inaccordance with city standard drawing #426 and as required by statelaw, land surveyors act and subdivision map act.18.All grading or other construction work outside of the right-of-way shall notbe permitted without written permission from the off-site property owner.19.No trees shall be removed without permission from the city communitydevelopment department. All work within a dripline of a protected treeshall be consistent with the tree protection plan.20.The contractor agrees that in accordance with generally acceptedconstruction practices the contractor shall be required to assume soleand complete responsibility for the condition of the job site during thecourse of construction for this project, including the safety of all personsand property, and that this requirement shall be made to applycontinuously and not be limited to normal working hours. The contractorfurther agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the city ofAtascadero and the design professional from any and all liability, real oralleged in connection with the performance of work on the project,excepting liability arising from negligence of the design professional.21.The contractor shall maintain two-way traffic at all times. Traffic controlshall be in accordance with the current caltrans manual for traffic controland work area traffic control handbook. No street or lane closure shall bepermitted unless previously arranged for and granted by the cityengineering department.22.Construction grade stakes shall be set by a registered civil engineer or alicensed land surveyor registered in the State of California.23.Any disturbed mail boxes shall be replaced in a manner approved by thepostmaster and the city community development department.24.Plans and Construction shall be in conformance with the 2012 CaliforniaBuilding Code, 2012 California Plumbing Code, and the AtascaderoMunicipal Code (AMC).25. A public works encroachment permit is required for all work within thepublic right-of-way.26.All work within the public right-of-way shall be constructed in accordancewith City Standards/Specifications and Atascadero Mutual WaterCompany Standards/Specifications.GRADING NOTES1.All grading construction shall conform to the applicable codes as notedunder "Applicable Codes" heading.2.The developer shall be responsible for scheduling a pre-constructionmeeting with the City and other affected agencies. The contractor shallnotify the City Building Department at least 24 hours prior to any workbeing performed, and arrange for inspection.3.Grading shall comply with the recommendations of the preliminary soilsreport by Beacon Geotechnical, Inc., report # F-101165, dated May 14,2015.4.Estimated earth quantities: Cut: 3290 CY Fill: 2450 CY Note: exact shrinkage, consolidation, and subsidence factors and lossesdue to clearing operations are not included. Estimated earthworkquantities are based upon the difference between existing groundsurface and proposed finish grades, or sub grades as shown on the plan,and should vary according to these factors. The contractor shall beresponsible for site inspection and quantity take off, and shall bidaccordingly.5.Soils engineer to determine the soil is suitable to support the intendedstructure. Such report including progress and/or compaction reports shallbe submitted to the field inspector prior to final inspection when a soilsreport is obtained. The City policy regarding pad certification shall befollowed. When applicable the engineer shall observe the gradingoperation(s) and provide the field inspector with required compactionreports and a report stating that the grading performed has beenobserved and is in conformance with the ubc and City ordinances.6.No cut or fill slopes will be constructed steeper than two horizontal to onevertical (2:1).7.Dust control is to be maintained at all times during construction.8.Areas of fill shall be scarified, benched and recompacted prior toreplacing fill and observed by a soil or civil engineer.9.Fill material will be recompacted to 90% of maximum density.10. Remove any deleterious material encountered before placing fill.11. All disturbed areas shall be hydro seeded or planted with approvederosion control vegetation as soon as practical after construction iscomplete.12. Minimum setback to creeks and bluffs shall be maintained. Minimumsetback of two feet from all property lines will be maintained for allgrading.13. Minimum slope away from buildings shall be 5% for the first ten feetaround perimeter.14. The contractor shall be responsible for the protection of all existing surveymarkers during construction. All such monuments or markers disturbedshall be reset at the contractor's expense.15. All contractors and subcontractors working within the right of way shallhave an appropriate contractor's license, a local business license, andshall obtain an encroachment permit.16. Engineering reports for cut or fill slope steeper than 2:1 shall be submittedto the field inspector.UNDERGROUND UTILITY NOTES1.An effort has been made to define the location of underground facilitieswithin the job site. However, all existing utility and other undergroundstructures may not be shown on this plan and their location where shownis approximate. The construction contractor agrees that he shall assumesole and complete responsibility for locating or having located allunderground utilities and other facilities and for protecting them duringconstruction.2.All utility companies must be notified prior to the start of construction. Theconstruction contractor shall contact underground service alert (USA) at811 two to ten days prior to the start of excavation and shall verify thelocation of any known utilities and whether or not a representative ofeach company will be present during excavation.OWNERTract 2625 - 5310 Carrizo Road - Improvement PlansPROJECT DESCRIPTION: (12) - Single family residences.LOTS 1 - 12 OF TRACT 2625 PER 31/MB/23-25APN 049-105-001 thru -012THE BENCHMARK FOR THIS SURVEY IS THE MAG NAIL (CONTROL POINT #6) HAVINGAN ASSUMED ELEVATION OF 876.60' AS SHOWN, BASED ON A TOPOGRAPHIC MAPAND SURVEY PERFORMED BY WILSON LAND SURVEYS DATED SEPTEMBER 29, 2003.5310 Carrizo, LLC125 South Bowling Green WayLos Angeles, CA 90049310-927-3675Dakos Land Surveys, Inc.7600 Morro RoadAtascadero, CA 93422(805)466-2445Title Sheet1PACIFICMILEPOSTDrafting Servicespacificmilepost.com2013 Building Standards Codes·California Building Code, Vols 1 & 2 (2012 IBC)·California Residential Code (New) (2012 IRC)·California Plumbing Code (2012 UPC)·California Mechanical Code (2012 UMC)·California Electrical Code (2011 NEC)·California Energy Code (v.2008 until 7/1/2014)·California Green Building Code·California Fire Code (2012 IFC)·California Reference Standards Code7/30/2018Record DrawingsTimothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17 Date123456Revisions This Sheet:Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17Public Works DirectorApproved for City RequirementsDateDateDesign/DrawnJob #City Plan CheckerCalifornia Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5)ofRoberts Engineering, Inc.35366Exp. 9/30/17IM O T HYP.ROBERTSCIVILREGISTERE DPROFESSIONALENGINEERSTATEOFCALI FORNI AT Email robertseng@charter.netCivil Engineer - RCE 35366Timothy P. RobertsFax (805) 238-6148Phone (805) 239-0664Templeton, CA 934652015 Vista de la VinaRoberts Engineering.Issue Date13TR / JTM.15-037N 2386250 E 5758470..Tract 2625 - 5310 Carrizo Road7/30/2018 11:07 AM 11/14/2016..SCALE:1" = 40'DEL RIO RDEL CAMINO REALMONTEREY RDSAN RAMON RDRAMONA RDCARRIZO RD SITE101Demo/remove residence (permit no. BLD-2016-13797).Demo/remove asphalt paved driveway.Remove tree.Demo/remove concrete.Demo/remove fence.Demo/remove building.Existing overhead power line to remain.Demo/remove base driveway.Existing joint pole to remain.Demo/remove utility pole.Relocate electric meter.Demo/remove 6" PVC riser.Relocate gas meter.12345678910111213DEMOLITION NOTESSheet IndexNumberTitle1Title Sheet2Notes & Details3Site Plan4Improvement Plan - Carrizo Road5Improvement Plan - Medio Lane6Improvement Plan - Pinon Lane7Grading & Drainage Plan8Utility Plan9Utility Plan10Force Main Sewer Details11Erosion Control Plan12Standard Details13Standard DetailsUTILITY COMPANY SIGNATURESTHE WIRE UTILITY LINE AND BOX LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE FORINFORMATION ONLY.IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INSTALL THE UNDERGROUNDFACILITIES PER THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED BYTHOSE SEPARATE UTILITY COMPANIES.DURING CONSTRUCTION SHOULD THE UTILITY COMPANIES NEED TO ALTER THEIRDESIGN FROM THE SERVICE LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS, ADDITIONALCOSTS MAY BE INCURRED BY THE OWNER FOR REDESIGN AND INSTALLATION.IT IS THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY THE LOCATION FOR EACH UTILITYSERVICE PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF THE UTILITY COMPANY FACILITIES.ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER COMPANYDATEPG&EDATETHE GAS COMPANYDATEAT&TDATECHARTER COMMUNICATIONSDATEATASCADERO CITY WASTEWATER DIVISIONDATE EROSION CONTROL NOTES1.The site shall be maintained as to prevent flow of sediments from theproject.2.All areas over 5% grade which are disturbed by grading activities shall behydroseeded with an approved perennial mix prior to final acceptance.Areas with established growth at the time of final acceptance need notbe hydroseeded.3.Erosion control and sediment control measures shall be provided for anysite work.4.Erosion control and sediment control measures shall be provided afterconstruction is completed until permanent measures are in place.5.During rainy season, all paved areas shall be kept clear of soil and debris.6.All erosion protection measures shall be inspected and repaired asnecessary at the end of each work day, and after each rainfall event.7.An erosion control plan shall be prepared and approved by the CityEngineer.8.All projects involving site disturbance of one acre or greater shall complywith the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge EliminationSystem (NPDES). The Developer shall submit a Notice of intent (NOI) tocomply with the General Permit for Construction Activity with theRegional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). The Developer shallprovide the County with the Waste Discharge Identification Number(WDID #) or with verification that an exemption has been granted byRWQCB.WDID No.: 3 40C377907Person to contact 24 hours a day in the event there is an erosioncontrol/sedimentation problem (Storm Water Compliance Officer):Name: Barry EphraimPhone: (310) 927-3675SPECIAL INSPECTIONS1.All construction & inspections shall conform to 2010 California BuildingCode (CBC) Chapter 17.2.Special inspection requirement are required for this project, the owner orregistered design professional in responsible charge acting as the owner'sagent shall employ one or more special inspectors to provide inspectionsduring construction on all tasks identified below.3.Special inspectors shall be a qualified person who shall demonstratecompetence, to the satisfaction of the City Building Department. Namesand qualifications of special inspector(s) shall be submitted to the CityBuilding Department for approval.4.Each contractor responsible for the construction of components listed inthe special inspections shall submit a written statement of responsibility tothe City Building Department and the owner prior to the commencementof work. The statement shall contain the items listed in CBC 1706.1.5.A final report prepared by a soil or civil engineer shall be submitted to thefield inspector stating the work performed is in substantial conformancewith the approved plans, applicable codes, and is found to be suitable tosupport the intended structure. Such report shall include any fieldprogress reports, compaction data etc.Section 1705, Statement of Special Inspections:·1705.1 General. Where special inspection or testing is required by Section1704, 1707 or 1708, the registered design professional in responsiblecharge shall prepare a statement of special inspections in accordancewith Section 1705 for submittal by the permit application (see Section1704.1.1).·1705.2 Content of statement of special inspections. The statement ofspecial inspections shall identify the following:a)The materials, systems, components and work required to have specialinspection or testing by the building official or by the registered designprofessional responsible for each portion of the work.b)The type and extent of each special inspection.c)The type and extent of each test.d)Additional requirements for special inspection or testing for seismic orwind resistance as specified in Section 1705.3, 1705.4, 1707 or 1708.e)For each type of special inspection, identification as to whether it will becontinuous special inspection or periodic special inspection.Section (table) 1704.7, Required Verification and Inspection of Soils.a)Verify materials below footings are adequate to achieve the designbearing capacity shall be performed periodically during task.b)Verify excavations are extended to proper depth and have reachedproper material, shall be performed periodically during task.c)Perform classification and testing of controlled fill materials, shall beperformed periodically during task.d)Verify use of proper materials, densities and lift thicknesses duringplacement and compaction of controlled fill, shall be performedcontinuously during task.e)Prior to placement of controlled fill, observe subgrade and verify that sitehad been prepared properly, shall be performed periodically during task.Observation & Testing Program.The project soils engineer shall perform the inspection & testing for thefollowing tasks:·Final plans·Stripping and clearing of vegetation·Recompaction of scarification soils·Fill placement and compaction·Over excavating·Verification of soils type & depth·Final reportThe soils engineer of work shall be Beacon Geotechnical, Inc., P.O. Box 4814,Paso Robles, CA 93447, Phone (805) 239-9457.Soils report # F-101165The project engineer of work shall perform the inspection for the followingtasks:·Rough grading & site preparation·Final grading inspection prior to final City inspectionThe project engineer of work shall be Tim Roberts of Roberts Engineering,Inc., RCE 35366, 2015 Vista de la Vina, Templeton, CA 93465, phone (805)239-0664The Engineer or work shall state in writing the work is in substantialconformance with the approved plans.The person responsible for BMP inspection is Barry Ephraim,phone (310) 927-3675.TREE PROTECTION NOTES1.No oak tree shall be removed without prior City approval.2.Trees within 20 feet of grading or trenching shall be protected byplacement of protective fencing as indicated.3.Protective fencing shall be four feet high chain link or safety fence, andshall be placed at the dripline unless otherwise indicated4.Trenching and excavation within tree driplines shall be hand dug or boredto minimize root disturbance. Any root encountered 1" diameter orgreater, shall be hand cut and appropriately treated.5.Pruning of lower limbs in the construction area shall occur prior toconstruction activities to minimize damage.EROSION CONTROL INSPECTIONSErosion and Sediment Control Best Management Practices must be in placeand functional PRIOR to the first inspection. No inspections can beperformed if they are not in place or have failed to provide erosion control.Failure to maintain erosion control will cause inspections to be delayed untilerosion control measures are functional.Notes & Details2ANGLE STAKE TOWARDFLOW FLOW SECTION B - BAATHROUGH BALE.WOODEN STAKEOR REBAR DRIVENPROVIDE TIGHT FITPREVIOUS BALE TOSPILLSECTION A - A.INTO SOIL.EMBED STRAWBALE 4" MIN.1. THE STRAW BALES SHALL BE PLACED ON SLOPE CONTOUR.PREVENT EROSION OR FLOW AROUND BALES.BALES AND TAMP THE BACKFILL MATERIAL TOENDS TIGHTLY ABUTTING. USE STRAW, ROCKS,2. BALES TO BE PLACED IN A ROW WITH THEOR FILTER FABRIC TO FILL GAPS BETWEEN THENOTES:STRAW BALE DIKEPLANEXISTING PAVEDTHAT DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAP ON AN AREA STABLIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE 3. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONEPRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY.2. WHEN NECESSARY, WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED REPAIR AND/OR CLEANOUT OF ANY MEASURESOF-WAY. THIS MAY REQUIRE TOP DRESSING,FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-CONDITION THAT WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR1. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN AUSED TO TRAP SEDIMENT.EXISTING PAVED ROADWAYOR SEDIMENT BASIN.NOTES:ASPILLWAY ROADWAYENTRANCE/EXITCONSTRUCTIONGRAVELTEMPORARY2"-3" COURSEMIN. 6" THICKDIVERSION RIDGE50' MINPLANAAGGREGATE12' MIN 2 % OR GREATERWHERE GRADE EXCEEDS 2%SECTION A - A (STRAW BALE TYPE SHOWN) SEDIMENT BARRIERWHEELS IF NECESSARY.SUPPLY WATER TO WASHFILTER FABRICDIVERSION RIDGE REQUIREDFIBER ROLLSNOTE:1. INSPECT AND REPAIR FIBER ROLLS AFTER EACHSTORM EVENT AND REMOVE SEDIMENT WHENNECESSARY.2. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED TO ANAREA THAT WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE SEDIMENTOFF-SITE AND CAN BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED.3. FIBER ROLLS SHALL BE PLACED ALONG LEVELSLOPE CONTOURS TO MAXIMIZE PONDINGEFFICIENCY.4' MAX 4 ' MAX4' MAX4' MAXFIBERROLLSNOTE: INSTALL FIBER ROLLALONG LEVEL CONTOURVERTICAL SPACINGMEASURED ALONG THEFACE OF THE SLOPEVARIES BETWEEN10' AND 20'INSTALL A FIBER ROLL NEARSLOPE WHERE IT TRANSITIONSINTO A STEEPER SLOPETYPICAL FIBER ROLL INSTALLATIONN.T.S.ENTRENCHMENT DETAILN.T.S.FIBER ROLL8" MIN3/4" x 3/4"WOOD STAKESMAX 4" SPACING12" MIN 2" MIN 4" MAX SLOPEVARIES7/30/2018Record DrawingsTimothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17 Date123456Revisions This Sheet:Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17Public Works DirectorApproved for City RequirementsDateDateDesign/DrawnJob #City Plan CheckerCalifornia Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5)ofRoberts Engineering, Inc.35366Exp. 9/30/17IM O T HYP.ROBERTSCIVILREGISTERE DPROFESSIONALENGINEERSTATEOFCALI FORNI AT Email robertseng@charter.netCivil Engineer - RCE 35366Timothy P. RobertsFax (805) 238-6148Phone (805) 239-0664Templeton, CA 934652015 Vista de la VinaRoberts Engineering.Issue Date13TR / JTM.15-037N 2386250 E 5758470..Tract 2625 - 5310 Carrizo Road7/30/2018 11:07 AM 11/14/2016..ACAsphalt Concrete PavingAPAngle PointCOClean-outCLCenterlineCONC ConcreteCONST ConstructionDIA & ØDiameterELEVElevationEXIST & ( )ExistingFFFinished FloorFSFinished SurfaceFHFire HydrantFLFlow LineGGasGBGrade BreakGRFinished GradeHDPEHi-density PolyethyleneHPHigh PointINVInvert ElevationLTLeftLFLinear FeetLPLow PointMHManholePPowerPCPoint Of CurvaturePLProperty LinePRCPoint Of Reverse CurvaturePTPoint Of TangencyPUEPublic Utility EasementPVCPolyvinyl ChlorideRRadiusRTRightRPRadius PointRWRight-of-waySSlopeSDStorm DrainSSSanitary SewerSTAStationTTelephoneTWTop Of WallTYPTypicalWWaterABBREVIATIONSWSOHT550GEE550TProperty LineCenterlineExisting Ground ContourFinish Grade ContourConcreteEdge of PavementWater LineWater ValveFire HydrantSanitary Sewer MainElectrical LineOverhead LineUtility PoleGuy AnchorElec. Vault / Pedestal / Pull BoxTelephone LineTele. Vault / Pedestal / Pull BoxGas MainFenceFlowlineProposed Grade & DirectionConstruction Note ReferenceSpot ElevationProposed SlopeRetaining WallSilt FenceLEGENDWVDYH2%1TOPBOT 67.93'N 34°20'03" W 206.61'N 55°40'03" E 110.97'N 34°22'44" W 206.69'S 55°40'03" WN 34°19'57" W 87.13'S 83°39'12" E 172.73'S 55°40'03" W 127.25'22.50'S 34°19'57" E 47.02'S 55°40'03" W 92.07'N 55°41'47" E 109.46'S 34°19'57" E 88.13'96.02'116.22'96.02'88.68'98.73'94.87'115.68'95.00'105.00'121.31'72.63' 120.90'N 55°43'57" E 436.99'S 31°39'40" E 193.54' N 34°00'35" W 193.61'N 55°41'47" E 163.54'R=40. 0 0' L = 12.50'5.76'16.69'12.5 0 '27.88' 98.81'7.50'27.07'65.00'98.28' S 34°22'44" E 94.72' 206.69'S 55°40'03" W 155.90'94.72'22.50'S 34°22'44" E 150.75'110.90'N 55°40'03" E 133.52'60.00'51.91' N 34°19'57" W 94.74'N 34°19'57" W 98.78'S 55°42'04" W 134.89'109.46'97.81'S 34°19'57" E 106.78'xWM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTVEJPWM WM TVWSJPOHOHOHOHOHJPOHOHLOT 12M E D I O L N P I N O N L N LOT 11LOT 10LOT 9LOT 8LOT 7LOT 6C O P A D O L N 24'22'PARCEL 1LOT 1BASINC A R R I Z O R D(N) 40' OFFER OF DEDICATIONFOR STREETS & PUE &(E) 40' AMWC EASEMENT5' LANDSCAPE BUFFER7.0'35.0'35.0'5.0' 5.1' 6.9'23.4'5.0'9.1'10.1'5.1'3.0'17.4' 16.8'20.0'5'22.0'14.0'20.0' 21.1' 23.1'20.0'5.0'5.0'19.0'5.0'16.3'16.0'15.0'12.5'25.3'5.0'16.3'18.7'15.0'5.0'5. 0 ' 5. 0 '27.2'21.4'25.0'25'25'(E) 6' PUEAMWC EASEMENT (E) 6' PUEAMWC EASEMENT14.6'21.1'25.0'25.0'21.0'(N) PEDESTRIANEASEMENT(N) PEDESTRIANEASEMENT(E) 6' PUEAMWC EASEMENT(E) PRIVATEDRAINAGEEASEMENT(N) PEDESTRIANEASEMENT(N) PEDESTRIANEASEMENT(E) 5' OFFER OF DEDICATION FOR ROADS 15.0'14.9'20.0'15.0'27.6'TRACT 2625ATAL 2015-0120PARCEL 2ATAL 2015-0120PARCEL 3ATAL 2015-0120PARCEL 4ATAL 2015-0120TRACT 2625TRACT 2625TRACT 2625TRACT 2625TRACT 2625TRACT 2625TRACT 26257/30/2018Record DrawingsTimothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17 Date123456Revisions This Sheet:Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17Public Works DirectorApproved for City RequirementsDateDateDesign/DrawnJob #City Plan CheckerCalifornia Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5)ofRoberts Engineering, Inc.35366Exp. 9/30/17IM O T HYP.ROBERTSCIVILREGISTERE DPROFESSIONALENGINEERSTATEOFCALI FORNI AT Email robertseng@charter.netCivil Engineer - RCE 35366Timothy P. RobertsFax (805) 238-6148Phone (805) 239-0664Templeton, CA 934652015 Vista de la VinaRoberts Engineering.Issue Date13TR / JTM.15-037N 2386250 E 5758470..Tract 2625 - 5310 Carrizo Road7/30/2018 11:07 AM 11/14/2016..NO R T H 201002040SCALE: 1" = 20'Site Plan3(N) 10' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT (N) 10' PRIVATEDRAINAGEEASEMENT (N) 10' PRIVATEDRAINAGEEASEMENT DYHWWWMWMJPGMWMWMWM W M JPW M WM1+001+502+503+003+504+001+25876.79 1+50876.98 09" PI18" LO06" TR 3P20" PI18" PIC A R R I Z O R DSTA 2+05.5STA 1+00 ALLEY( 876.85 FS) 20'20' 19' ±6'3:1 TAPERAPPARENT CL(E) PAVEMENT(8 7 8 . 7 8 )FS(878.44)F S(877.90)FS(877.37)FS(876.36)FS(876.10)FS(876.10)FS (875.90)FS(876.13)FS(877.20)FS(877.68)FS(878.12)FS(878.50)FS2.1%2.3%1.6% 2.2% 3.0% 2.9% 2%876.68FS LPSTA 3+43.9BEGIN 3:1 TAPER876.8FS STA 3+61.9 END CONST(878.28 FS) CONFORM 1.2%1%CL RIGHT-OF-WAY4%STA 1+73.5, 5.5 LT, PC BEGIN CONST(876.42 FS) CONFORMSTA 1+74 CL (E) DRIVEWAYSTA 1+90, 30' LTINSTALL FH STA 3+27 20' LT(E) WMAA877.4FS 1245282% 19' ±1.8%(876.59)FSSTA 2+35.5, 5.5 LT, PT(877.01 FS) CONFORMR=20'R=20'(E) EP8728748768788808828848728748768788808828840+501+001+502+002+503+003+504+004+500+50()0+75()1+00(876.0)876.021+25(876.1)876.101+50(876.3)876.251+75(876.5)876.532+00(876.8)876.812+25(877.0)876.962+50(877.3)877.28 2+75(877.6) 877.56 3+00(877.8) 877.78 3+25(878.0) 877.97 3+50(878.2) 878.24 3+75(878.6) 878.60 4+00(879.0) 879.02 4+25(879.2) 879.22 4+50() (875.90)FS(876.13)FS STA 1+74 CL (E) DRIVEWAYSTA 2+05.5 CL MEDIO(877.20)FS (877.68) FS (E) GRADE@ EP(E) GRADE @ CLSTA 1+73.5, PC BEGIN CONST(876.42 FS) CONFORMSTA 2+35.5, PT(877.01 FS) CONFORM STA 3+61.9 END CONST(878.28 FS) CONFORM8748768788808828748768788808822%(E) GROUND(877.90)FS(2% ±)(E) PAVED ROAD(E) EP(877.68 FS)20'20'6'SHOULDER3.5' ±(VARIES)15'(VARIES)5'8" MIN CL II AGG BASE ROCK.COMPACT TO 95" RELATIVE DENSITY12" SUBGRADE. COMPACT TO95% RELATIVE DENSITY7/30/2018Record DrawingsTimothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17 Date123456Revisions This Sheet:Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17Public Works DirectorApproved for City RequirementsDateDateDesign/DrawnJob #City Plan CheckerCalifornia Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5)ofRoberts Engineering, Inc.35366Exp. 9/30/17IM O T HYP.ROBERTSCIVILREGISTERE DPROFESSIONALENGINEERSTATEOFCALI FORNI AT Email robertseng@charter.netCivil Engineer - RCE 35366Timothy P. RobertsFax (805) 238-6148Phone (805) 239-0664Templeton, CA 934652015 Vista de la VinaRoberts Engineering.Issue Date13TR / JTM.15-037N 2386250 E 5758470..Tract 2625 - 5310 Carrizo Road7/30/2018 11:08 AM 11/14/2016..NO R T H 201002040SCALE: 1" = 20'Improvement Plan - Carrizo Road4CARRIZO ROAD PLANCARRIZO ROAD PROFILESECTION A-ASTA 3+00, TYPICAL ROAD SECTIONSCALE:1" = 5'SEE SHEET 5 FOR MEDIO LANEIMPROVEMENT PLANHORZ SCALE:VERT SCALE:1" = 4'1" = 20'Existing paved road.Construct 6' wide Class II aggregate base shoulder perTypical Road Section A-A.Construct asphalt pavement street per Typical Street Section.Sawcut/remove 1' existing asphalt pavement.Construct asphalt pavement walk.Construct accessible PCC concrete curb ramp per 2010 ADAStandards Chapter 4, Section 406.Construct concrete 6" curb and 18" gutter Type A per CityStd 418.Construct 4' wide concrete sidewalk per City Std 419.Construct concrete 6" curb Type C per City Std 418.Install 3' concrete 'V'-gutter per typical detail Sheet 6.Construct concrete cross gutter per City Std 421.Construct concrete driveway approach per City Std 423.Construct 4" PCC concrete driveway.Install wood beam barricade per City Std. 428.Install "ROAD ENDS AHEAD NO OUTLET" sign.Construct site fencing, typ. See Landscape plans for detail.Construct asphalt pavement off-street parking area perTypical Street Section Sheet 6.Install 24” concrete drainage inlet box, Mid State ConcreteProducts or equalInstall rock rip rap slope protection over erosion controlfabric, typical.Construct concrete storm drain inlet per City Std 502.Install temporary tree protection fencing.Construct detention infiltration basin per Basin Section Sheet7.Construct earth swale at S = 1% typical (36” wide by 6” deep)Grade to drain away from proposed structure at S = 5% for 10feet min. typicalInstall landscaped bioswale per typical section Sheet 7.Install 4” PCC concrete flatwork, S=2% typical. See architect'splans for details.Construct concrete masonry block wall.Install Air Vol tumbled Roman brown/charcoal blend perviouspavers over 8" compacted base aggregate. Compact 12"subgrade to 95% relative density.Install "STOP" sign.Install clay or 1-sack cement slurry trench plug around pipefor width of bio-swale.123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930CONSTRUCTION NOTESThe footprints of the residences shown hereon are based upon agraphic exhibit provided by the owner. While assumed accurate forpurposes of this plan, it is not intended for precise building layout. DYHWDYHWWWWWWWMJPGMWMWMWMWMJPWM878878878876877877877878xxxWM876877880883884JPOHOHOHOHR=52'R=72'2+25 876.74 2+50 876.88 3+00 877.17 3+25 877.32 3+50 877.463+75 877.60 4+00877.754+25878.13PC 3+49.29PRC 3+65.031+502+503+003+50 1+25876.791+50876.981+75876.922+00876.802+25876.682+50876.562+75876.443+00876.323+25876.213+50876.283+75876.524+00876.754+25D D DDDD09" PI15" PI15" PI16" PI20" PI18" PI48" LO18" LO06" TR 3P1PARCEL 1512M E D I O L A N EC A R R I Z O R D AA2% 2%0.95%(876.6) GR(876.9) GR(876.2) GR (87 6 . 4 ) GR (876.5)GR877.4FSP I N O N L N876.0FLSTA 1+00BEGIN ALLEY877.80FS877.3 7 F S 877.24F S STA 1+92, 7' LTSSCO, 876.7 RIM STA 4+18, 7' LTSSMH, 876.88 RIM0.48%876.05FL 876.96FS8 7 6 . 9 1 FL 4' STA 4+242+74.91 PINON 877.05 FS STA 3+35.63, 12' RT876.85 TC, 876.35 FS 876.8FS4%877.85FS 1.33%876.66FL876.79FL12'8'12'5' STA 3+31.68 LP 876.10 FL STA 1+55.31 HP876.99 FS 8.2%STA 3+03.77, 20' RT877.21 TC, 876.71 FS STA 1+67.7, 22' RTCL DRIVEWAY 877.88 FS12STA 2+56.2, 22' RTCL DRIVEWAY 877.45 FS12 STA 2+85.3, 22' RTCL DRIVEWAY 877.32 FS 12 STA 3+21.77, 20' RT 877.12 TC, 876.62 FS STA 2+18.96, 20' RT PT877.61 TC, 877.11 FSSTA 2+36.96, 20' RT PC877.53 TC, 877.03 FSSTA 2+50, 12' RT PT876.80 FSSTA 2+05.03, 12' R PC877.02 FS STA 2+89.91, 12' RT876.61 FS STA 3+86.97, 12' RT PC877.37 TC, 876.87 FS 2% STA 3+87.03, 12' LT PC876.80 TC876.30 FL 877.06 TC HP Δ/2876.56 FLTYPR=8'TYPR=8'4'3567889791113131310' DRAINAGEEASEMENT28STA 1+41.5, 12' LT876.61 FS, END PAVERSBEGIN TYP STREET SECTIONSTA 1+25.5, 12' LT, PTBEGIN PAVERS876.46 FS 18R=20'R=20'STA 1+25.5, 12' RT, PTBEGIN PAVERS 877.03 FSSTA 1+41.5, 12' RT877.18 FS, END PAVERS PUBLIC PEDESTRIANEASEMENT HATCHED, TYP298 7 7 . 5 3 T C H P Δ / 2 8 7 7 . 0 3 F L R=25'R=25'0.86%0.6%0.3 %PARCEL 2PARCEL 38708728748768788808828848708728748768788808828841+001+502+002+503+003+504+004+501+00(876.8)876.851+25(876.7)876.791+50(876.6)876.981+75(876.6)876.922+00(876.5)876.802+25(876.5)876.682+50(876.4)876.56 2+75(876.4) 876.44 3+00(876.5) 876.32 3+25(876.2) 876.21 3+50(876.2) 876.28 3+75(876.2) 876.52 4+00(876.4) 876.75 4+25(876.5)4+50()-0.48%-1.21%1.00%0.95%2.33%HIGH PT STA: 1+55.31HIGH PT ELEV: 876.99PVI STA:1+50PVI ELEV:877.04K:20.31LVC:30.00BVCS: 1+35BVCE: 876.89EVCS: 1+65EVCE: 876.97 LOW PT STA: 3+31.68LOW PT ELEV: 876.20PVI STA:3+36.68PVI ELEV:876.15K:20.97LVC:30.00BVCS: 3+21.68 BVCE: 876.22 EVCS: 3+51.68EVCE: 876.29FINISH GRADE@ CL MEDIO(E) GROUNDSTA 4+24 CL PINON877.02 FS STA 4+36 877.20 TC CARRIZO RD PINON LN STA 4+12 876.72 FL STA 1+00 (876.85 FS) STA 1+14 GB 876.82 FS 46'RIGHT-OF-WAY PINON RIGHT-OF-WAY PINON 874876878880874876878880(E) BUILDING877.16TC 876.89FS 877.63 TC 877.83 FS2%(E) GROUNDPROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 877.75FS2%6" CONC CURB4' CONCWALK40' RIGHT-OF-WAY5'LANDSCAPE24'12'10.5'5.5'12'6'4'0.5'2%6" CONC CURB 18" GUTTER8" MIN CL II AGG BASE ROCK.COMPACT TO 95" RELATIVE DENSITY12" SUBGRADE. COMPACT TO95% RELATIVE DENSITY3" AC PAVEMENTCONST CL CL RIGHT-OF-WAY 2.5'20'20'7/30/2018Record DrawingsTimothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17 Date123456Revisions This Sheet:Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17Public Works DirectorApproved for City RequirementsDateDateDesign/DrawnJob #City Plan CheckerCalifornia Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5)ofRoberts Engineering, Inc.35366Exp. 9/30/17IM O T HYP.ROBERTSCIVILREGISTERE DPROFESSIONALENGINEERSTATEOFCALI FORNI AT Email robertseng@charter.netCivil Engineer - RCE 35366Timothy P. RobertsFax (805) 238-6148Phone (805) 239-0664Templeton, CA 934652015 Vista de la VinaRoberts Engineering.Issue Date13TR / JTM.15-037N 2386250 E 5758470..Tract 2625 - 5310 Carrizo Road7/30/2018 11:08 AM 11/14/2016..NORTH201002040SCALE: 1" = 20'Improvement Plan - Medio Lane5MEDIO LANE PLANMEDIO LANE PROFILESECTION A-ASTA 1+75, TYPICAL MEDIO LANE SECTIONSCALE:1" = 5'SEE SHEET 4 FOR CARRIZO RDSTREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN Existing paved road.Construct 6' wide Class II aggregate base shoulder perTypical Road Section A-A.Construct asphalt pavement street per Typical Street Section.Sawcut/remove 1' existing asphalt pavement.Construct asphalt pavement walk.Construct accessible PCC concrete curb ramp per 2010 ADAStandards Chapter 4, Section 406.Construct concrete 6" curb and 18" gutter Type A per CityStd 418.Construct 4' wide concrete sidewalk per City Std 419.Construct concrete 6" curb Type C per City Std 418.Install 3' concrete 'V'-gutter per typical detail Sheet 6.Construct concrete cross gutter per City Std 421.Construct concrete driveway approach per City Std 423.Construct 4" PCC concrete driveway.Install wood beam barricade per City Std. 428.Install "ROAD ENDS AHEAD NO OUTLET" sign.Construct site fencing, typ. See Landscape plans for detail.Construct asphalt pavement off-street parking area perTypical Street Section Sheet 6.Install 24” concrete drainage inlet box, Mid State ConcreteProducts or equalInstall rock rip rap slope protection over erosion controlfabric, typical.Construct concrete storm drain inlet per City Std 502.Install temporary tree protection fencing.Construct detention infiltration basin per Basin Section Sheet7.Construct earth swale at S = 1% typical (36” wide by 6” deep)Grade to drain away from proposed structure at S = 5% for 10feet min. typicalInstall landscaped bioswale per typical section Sheet 7.Install 4” PCC concrete flatwork, S=2% typical. See architect'splans for details.Construct concrete masonry block wall.Install Air Vol tumbled Roman brown/charcoal blend perviouspavers over 8" compacted base aggregate. Compact 12"subgrade to 95% relative density.Install "STOP" sign.Install clay or 1-sack cement slurry trench plug around pipefor width of bio-swale.123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930CONSTRUCTION NOTESThe footprints of the residences shown hereon are based upon agraphic exhibit provided by the owner. While assumed accurate forpurposes of this plan, it is not intended for precise building layout.19HORZ SCALE:VERT SCALE:1" = 4'1" = 20'SEE SHEET 6 FOR PINON LANE STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN WWLWWWDYHWW WWW xxxxxxxTVEEWM TVWSR = 5 2'R=72'R=73'1+001+25876.151+50876.301+75876.442+00876.592+25876.742+50876.883+00877.173+25877.323+50877.463+75877.604+00877.75 4 + 2 5 87 8 . 1 3 4+50 878.52 4+75878.885+00 878.99 PC 3+49.29 PRC 3+ 6 5 . 0 3 PRC 4+69.63PT 4+85.623+75 876.52 4+00 876.75 4+2512 P I N O N L N 11109830'C O P A D O L N R=8'TYP876.91FL877.50FS0.58%0.58%1.53%(879.1 FS)CONFORMSTA 5+06, 6' RT (878.8 RIM SSMH) STA 1+00 BEGIN CONST(875.0 GR ±) CONFORM STA 1+03 BEGIN AC PAVE 876.03 FS CL 1%877.41FS8.2% 1% 1% 1% 2%2%8'TYP R=8'TYPR=8'TYPR=8'TYP8' TYP 1.5 3 %AA22'2%2%1.33%0.3%R=25'0 . 6% 0.8 6 % R = 2 5 '8.2%13467777888999910101010111313131313131415171717172822STA 3+89.4, 15' RTCL DRIVEWAY 877.29 FL 12 STA 4+61.2, 15' RTCL DRIVEWAYSTA 4+32, 15' RTCL DRIVEWAY 877.85 FLSTA 3+69.8, 15' RTCL DRIVEWAY 877.18 FL 12 STA 2+18.3, 12' RTCL DRIVEWAY 876.36 FL12STA 1+23.2, 12' RTCL DRIVEWAY 875.80 FL12 STA 3+26.5, 12' LTCL DRIVEWAY 876.99 FL 12 STA 2+46.5, 12' LTCL DRIVEWAY 876.54 FL12STA 1+99.8, 12' LTCL DRIVEWAY 876.25 FL12STA 1+42.38, 12' RT876.43 TC@PC 875.93 FLSTA 1+49.31, 16' RTPRCSTA 1+56.24, 20' RT876.69 TC@PT 876.19 FSSTA 1+95.16, 20' RT876.92 TC@PC 876.42 FSSTA 2+02.08, 16' RTPRCSTA 2+09.01, 12' RT876.82 TC@PT 876.32 FL STA 3+15.37, 12' RT 877.42 TC@PCC 876.92 FLSTA 3+21.08, 16' RTPRC STA 3+28.01, 20' RT877.69 TC@PT 877.19 FS STA 3+45.70, 20' RT 877.84 TC@PC 877.34 FS STA 3+51.97, 17.7' RTPRC STA 3+61.54, 15' RT877.65 TC@PT 877.15 FL STA 1+91.70, 12' LT876.71 TC@PC 876.21 FL STA 4+00 GB877.75 FS CLSTA 5+06.3, END CONST( 878.99 FS) CONFORM(879.17 TC, 878.72 LF)CONFORMSTA 4+22.8, 11.4' RT 877.9 RIM SSMH876.80 TC PT876.30 FL877.37 TC PC876.87 FL877.06 TC HP Δ/2876.56 FLSTA 2+43.64, 12' RT PC877.00 TC, 876.50 FL STA 1+08, 12' RT SDDI876.23 TC, 875.56 TG872.8 INV20 STA 1+08, 12' LT SDDI876.23 TC, 875.56 TG872.7 INV20STA 1+27.31, 16' LTPRC STA 2+80.41 4+24 ALLEY877.05 FS CL STA 1+21.38, 12' LT876.30 TC@PC 875.80 FLSTA 1+34.24, 20' LT876.56 TC@PT876.06 FSSTA 1+77.85, 20' LT876.81 TC@PT876.31 FSSTA 1+84.77, 16' LTPRC STA 3+37.47, 12' LT 877.57 TC@PC 877.07 FLSTA 3+44.40, 16' LT PRC STA 3+50.87, 20' LT877.82 TC@PT877.32 FS STA 3+67.75, 22.6' LT877.89 TC@PT877.39 FS STA 3+79.09, 19.5' LTPRC STA 3+91.36, 15' LT877.81 TC@PC 877.31 FL (879.07 TC, 878.62 FL)CONFORM STA 4+18, 7' LT 876.9 RIM SSMH STA 3+11.65, 12' LTCL RAMP876.91 FS/FL 6 131313877.53 TC Δ/2877.03 FL HP24' ( 8 7 8 . 7 ) F S (0.83%)PUBLIC PEDESTRIANEASEMENT HATCHED, TYP877.40FS 8 7 6 . 9 7 F S 877.24FS876.97FS930PARCEL 3PARCEL 48708728748768788808828848708728748768788808828840+751+001+502+002+503+003+504+004+505+005+250+75()1+00(875.1)1+25(875.1)876.161+50(875.1)876.301+75(875.4)876.442+00(875.6)876.592+25(875.9)876.742+50(876.1)876.882+75(876.4)877.02 3+00(876.8) 877.17 3+25(878.0) 877.32 3+50(879.1) 877.46 3+75(880.1) 877.60 4+00(881.4) 877.75 4+25(882.5) 878.13 4+50(877.6) 878.52 4+75(878.0) 878.88 5+00(878.7) 878.99 5+25()1.53%0.58%HIGH PT STA: 4+97.44HIGH PT ELEV: 879.00PVI STA:4+90PVI ELEV:879.13K:21.16LVC:50.00BVCS: 4+65 BVCE: 878.75 EVCS: 5+15 EVCE: 878.92 FINISH GRADE@ CL STREET(E) GROUNDSTA 4+00 GB 877.75 FS CL STA 1+00 BEGIN CONST(875.0 GR ±) CONFORM STA 1+03 BEGIN AC PAVE 876.03 FS CL STA 2+80.414+24 ALLEY877.05 FS CL (-0.83%)6" CONC CURBSTA 1+03 FACE OF CURB(0.1%)(E) GROUNDSTA 5+06.3 END CONST( 878.99 FS) SAWCUT, CONFORM STA 1+02 WOOD BARRICADE 8728748768788808728748768788803" AC PAVEMENT8" MIN CL II AGG BASE ROCK.COMPACT TO 95" RELATIVE DENSITY12" SUBGRADE. COMPACT TO95% RELATIVE DENSITY876.52FS2%(E) GROUND876.70 TC876.20 FL876.82FS876.90FS 876.19FS 876.88 TC2%1%2%22'24'4'WALK6'12'10.5'3' CONCV-GUTTER6.5'PARKING4'6" CONC CURB4' CONC WALKRIGHT-OF-WAY LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE Wxxxx1098C O P A D O L N (879.1 FS)CONFORMSTA 1+00 BEGIN CONST(875.0 GR ±) CONFORM STA 1+03 BEGIN AC PAVE 876.03 FS CL 877.41FSA9913131522STA 3+26.5, 12' LTCL DRIVEWAY 876.99 FL 12 STA 2+46.5, 12' LTCL DRIVEWAY 876.54 FL12STA 1+99.8, 12' LTCL DRIVEWAY 876.25 FL12STA 1+91.70, 12' LT876.71 TC@PC 876.21 FLSTA 1+08, 12' LT SDDI876.23 TC, 875.56 TG872.7 INV20STA 1+27.31, 16' LTPRC STA 2+80.41 4+24 ALLEY877.05 FS CL STA 1+21.38, 12' LT876.30 TC@PC 875.80 FLSTA 1+34.24, 20' LT876.56 TC@PT876.06 FSSTA 1+77.85, 20' LT876.81 TC@PT876.31 FSSTA 1+84.77, 16' LTPRC STA 3+37.47, 12' LT 877.57 TC@PC 877.07 FLSTA 3+44.40, 16' LT PRC STA 3+50.87, 20' LT877.82 TC@PT877.32 FS STA 3+67.75, 22.6' LT877.89 TC@PT877.39 FS STA 3+79.09, 19.5' LTPRC STA 3+91.36, 15' LT877.81 TC@PC 877.31 FL (879.07 TC, 878.62 FL)CONFORM STA 4+18, 7' LT 876.9 RIM SSMH STA 3+11.65, 12' LTCL RAMP876.91 FS/FL 613PUBLIC PEDESTRIANEASEMENT HATCHED, TYPWWLWWWDYHWW WWWFMFM xxxxxxxxxTVEWM TVWSR = 5 2'R=72'R=73'1+001+25876.151+50876.301+75876.442+00876.592+25876.742+50876.883+00877.173+25877.323+50877.463+75877.604+00877.75 4 + 2 5 87 8 . 1 3 4+50 878.52 4+75878.885+00 878.99 PC 3+49.29 PRC 3+ 6 5 . 0 3 PRC 4+69.63PT 4+85.623+75 876.52 4+00 876.75 4+2512 P I N O N L N 1110987630'C O P A D O L N R=8'TYP876.91FL877.50FS0.58%0.58%1.53%(879.1 FS)CONFORMSTA 5+06, 6' RT (878.8 RIM SSMH) STA 1+00 BEGIN CONST(875.0 GR ±) CONFORM STA 1+03 BEGIN AC PAVE 876.03 FS CL 1%877.41FS8.2% 1% 1% 1% 2%2%8'TYP R=8'TYPR=8'TYPR=8'TYP8' TYP 1.5 3 %AA22'2%2%1.33%0.3%R=25'0 . 6% 0.8 6 % R = 2 5 '8.2%3467777888999910101010111313131313131415171717172822STA 3+89.4, 15' RTCL DRIVEWAY 877.29 FL 12 STA 4+61.2, 15' RTCL DRIVEWAY 878.57 FL12STA 4+32, 15' RTCL DRIVEWAY 877.85 FL12STA 3+69.8, 15' RTCL DRIVEWAY 877.18 FL 12 STA 2+18.3, 12' RTCL DRIVEWAY 876.36 FL12STA 1+23.2, 12' RTCL DRIVEWAY 875.80 FL12 STA 3+26.5, 12' LTCL DRIVEWAY 876.99 FL 12 STA 2+46.5, 12' LTCL DRIVEWAY 876.54 FL12STA 1+99.8, 12' LTCL DRIVEWAY 876.25 FL12STA 1+42.38, 12' RT876.43 TC@PC 875.93 FLSTA 1+49.31, 16' RTPRCSTA 1+56.24, 20' RT876.69 TC@PT 876.19 FSSTA 1+95.16, 20' RT876.92 TC@PC 876.42 FSSTA 2+02.08, 16' RTPRCSTA 2+09.01, 12' RT876.82 TC@PT 876.32 FL STA 3+15.37, 12' RT 877.42 TC@PCC 876.92 FLSTA 3+21.08, 16' RTPRC STA 3+28.01, 20' RT877.69 TC@PT 877.19 FS STA 3+45.70, 20' RT 877.84 TC@PC 877.34 FS STA 3+51.97, 17.7' RTPRC STA 3+61.54, 15' RT877.65 TC@PT 877.15 FL STA 1+91.70, 12' LT876.71 TC@PC 876.21 FL STA 4+00 GB877.75 FS CLSTA 5+06.3, END CONST( 878.99 FS) CONFORM(879.17 TC, 878.72 LF)CONFORMSTA 4+22.8, 11.4' RT 877.9 RIM SSMH876.80 TC PT876.30 FL877.37 TC PC876.87 FL877.06 TC HP Δ/2876.56 FLSTA 2+43.64, 12' RT PC877.00 TC, 876.50 FL STA 1+08, 12' RT SDDI876.23 TC, 875.56 TG872.8 INV20 STA 1+08, 12' LT SDDI876.23 TC, 875.56 TG872.7 INV20STA 1+27.31, 16' LTPRC STA 2+80.41 4+24 ALLEY877.05 FS CL STA 1+21.38, 12' LT876.30 TC@PC 875.80 FLSTA 1+34.24, 20' LT876.56 TC@PT876.06 FSSTA 1+77.85, 20' LT876.81 TC@PT876.31 FSSTA 1+84.77, 16' LTPRC STA 3+37.47, 12' LT 877.57 TC@PC 877.07 FLSTA 3+44.40, 16' LT PRC STA 3+50.87, 20' LT877.82 TC@PT877.32 FS STA 3+67.75, 22.6' LT877.89 TC@PT877.39 FS STA 3+79.09, 19.5' LTPRC STA 3+91.36, 15' LT877.81 TC@PC 877.31 FL (879.07 TC, 878.62 FL)CONFORM STA 4+18, 7' LT 876.9 RIM SSMH STA 3+11.65, 12' LTCL RAMP876.91 FS/FL 6 131313877.53 TC Δ/2877.03 FL HP24' (0.83%)PUBLIC PEDESTRIANEASEMENT HATCHED, TYP877.40FS 8 7 6 . 9 7 F S 877.24FS876.97FS930PARCEL 3PARCEL 47/30/2018Record DrawingsTimothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17 Date123456Revisions This Sheet:Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17Public Works DirectorApproved for City RequirementsDateDateDesign/DrawnJob #City Plan CheckerCalifornia Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5)ofRoberts Engineering, Inc.35366Exp. 9/30/17IM O T HYP.ROBERTSCIVILREGISTERE DPROFESSIONALENGINEERSTATEOFCALI FORNI AT Email robertseng@charter.netCivil Engineer - RCE 35366Timothy P. RobertsFax (805) 238-6148Phone (805) 239-0664Templeton, CA 934652015 Vista de la VinaRoberts Engineering.Issue Date13TR / JTM.15-037N 2386250 E 5758470..Tract 2625 - 5310 Carrizo Road7/30/2018 11:09 AM 11/14/2016..N O R T H 201002040SCALE: 1" = 20'Improvement Plan - Pinon Lane6PINON LANE PLANPINON LANE PROFILESECTION A-ASTA 1+90, TYPICAL STREET SECTIONSCALE:1" = 5'TYPICAL VALLEY GUTTER SECTIONNOT TO SCALE6" CONC CURB &18" CONC GUTTER TYPExisting paved road.Construct 6' wide Class II aggregate base shoulder perTypical Road Section A-A.Construct asphalt pavement street per Typical Street Section.Sawcut/remove 1' existing asphalt pavement.Construct asphalt pavement walk.Construct accessible PCC concrete curb ramp per 2010 ADAStandards Chapter 4, Section 406.Construct concrete 6" curb and 18" gutter Type A per CityStd 418.Construct 4' wide concrete sidewalk per City Std 419.Construct concrete 6" curb Type C per City Std 418.Install 3' concrete 'V'-gutter per typical detail Sheet 6.Construct concrete cross gutter per City Std 421.Construct concrete driveway approach per City Std 423.Construct 4" PCC concrete driveway.Install wood beam barricade per City Std. 428.Install "ROAD ENDS AHEAD NO OUTLET" sign.Construct site fencing, typ. See Landscape plans for detail.Construct asphalt pavement off-street parking area perTypical Street Section Sheet 6.Install 24” concrete drainage inlet box, Mid State ConcreteProducts or equalInstall rock rip rap slope protection over erosion controlfabric, typical.Construct concrete storm drain inlet per City Std 502.Install temporary tree protection fencing.Construct detention infiltration basin per Basin Section Sheet7.Construct earth swale at S = 1% typical (36” wide by 6” deep)Grade to drain away from proposed structure at S = 5% for 10feet min. typicalInstall landscaped bioswale per typical section Sheet 7.Install 4” PCC concrete flatwork, S=2% typical. See architect'splans for details.Construct concrete masonry block wall.Install Air Vol tumbled Roman brown/charcoal blend perviouspavers over 8" compacted base aggregate. Compact 12"subgrade to 95% relative density.Install "STOP" sign.Install clay or 1-sack cement slurry trench plug around pipefor width of bio-swale.123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930CONSTRUCTION NOTESThe footprints of the residences shown hereon are based upon agraphic exhibit provided by the owner. While assumed accurate forpurposes of this plan, it is not intended for precise building layout.HORZ SCALE:VERT SCALE:1" = 4'1" = 20'SEE SHEET 5 FOR MEDIO RDSTREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN 872874876878872874876878SDDI, 876.23 TC875.56 TG872.8 INV SDDI, 876.23 TC875.56 TG872.7 INV 876.0TOP 872.5INV 876.4FS BSW 20 LF - 18" HDPE @ S=0.5 %40 LF - 18" HDPE @ S=0.5 %BASIN4: 1 S LO P E872.5 BOTTOM874.9FLRIGHT-OF-WAY LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE PROPERTY LINE STREET CENTERLINE 46' RIGHT-OF-WAY20.5'1.5'24.0'10'12'12'12'LOT 10LOT 1110'2'5:16" PERF. PVCSLOPE VARIES 0 -1%18" DRAIN ROCK18" BIORETENTIONSOIL MEDIA (BSM)CLAY OR 1-SACKCEMENT SLURRYTRENCH PLUG3'WWWWWWWWWWWWWWGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDYHWWLWWWDYHWWW WWWWW xWM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTVEJPWM WM TVWSJPOHOHOHOHOHJPOHOHR = 5 2'R=72'R=73'1+001+25876.151+50876.301+75876.442+00876.592+25876.742+50876.883+00877.173+25877.323+50877.463+75877.604+00877.75 4 + 2 5 87 8 . 1 3 4+50 878.52 4+75878.885+00 878.99 PC 3+49.29 PRC 3+ 6 5 . 0 3 PRC 4+69.63PT 4+85.624+42.770+501+001+502+503+003+504+00EP 4+42.77 1+25876.79 1+50876.98 1+75876.92 2+00876.80 2+25876.68 2+50876.56 2+75876.44 3+00876.32 3+25876.21 3+50876.28 3+75876.52 4+00876.75 4+25 PARCEL 2PARCEL 4PARCEL 312M E D I O L N P I N O N L N 11109876C O P A D O L N 876.25FL876.91FL877.37TC0.58%0.58%1.53%STA 4+00 GB877.75 FS CL(879.1)FS(879.17 TC)(878.72 FL)SDDI, 876.23 TC875.56 TG872.8 INV 1%877.40FS8.2% 1% 1% 1% 2%2% 1.5 3 % 22'SDDI, 876.23 TC875.56 TG872.7 INVSTA 2+80.414+24 ALLEY877.05 FS CL876.30TC(879.07 TC)(878.62 FL) 2%2%PARCEL 11FF = 877.30PAD = 876.70876.91F S / F L 876.54FL 875.80FL 876.36FL 877.18FL 87 7 . 2 9 FL 876.99FL877.85FL878.57FLFF = 877.80PAD = 877.20FF = 877.75PAD = 877.15FF = 878.40PAD = 877.80FF = 879.00PAD = 878.40FF = 880.20PAD = 879.60FF = 879.70PAD = 879.10FF = 878.70PAD = 878.10FF = 878.50PAD = 877.90FF = 878.80PAD = 878.20FF = 879.00PAD = 878.40 876.90FS 877.57TC877.82TC8 7 7 . 8 9 TC 87 7 . 8 1 TC877.65T C877.69TC 876.40FS 876.96FS877.78FS 877.89FS 878.45FS 879.27FS 877.40FS 878.10FS 878.30FS 879.30FS 879.80FS 878.60FS 877.67F S 877 .59FS 878.00FS 877.22FS 877.14FS 876.93FS 876.85FS1.9%1.7% 1.33%1.28%2.4%1.8%3.7% 3.4%2.0%874.9FL875.2FL876.0 FL873.5 INV 6"BEGIN BIO RET. SWALE 876.6FL877.0FL@HP 876.9FL876.43TC877.2GR877.2GR877.2GR876.7GR876.7GR876.7GR876.7GR 8 7 7 . 9 G R 877.9GR 877.9GR 876.4FL878.1FL 877.25FS 877.05FS874.5GR874.9GR875.4GR876.5GR876.4GR876.2GR875.9GR876.1GR876.7GR 874.6GR874.5GR 874.9GR875.4GR875.7GR875.9GR876.1GR876.5GR876.7GR877.5GR878.0GR878.6GR 877.75FS 877.3FS 874.45FS 878.2FS2%2% 2%2% 878.65FS8 77 .8 F L 878.1GR87 8 . 1 GR 8 7 8 . 1 G R 878.1GR878.1FL 878.4F S 877.8FL 877.3FL 877.6FL878.5FL@HP878.3FL876.85FL 877.8GR878.4GR878.5GR878.8GR878.7GR878.7GR878.3GR878.3GR878.4GR8 7 8 . 1 G R878.8GR877.8GR877.8GR877.8GR878.3GR878.3GR878.7GR878.2GR879.1GR879.1GR879.1G R 879.1GR878.05TC 878.75TC878.4FL879.2FL@HP 877.5FL878.8FL878.5FL 879.65FS2%879.2FS 879.6GR8 7 9 . 4GR879.6GR 880.15FS879.7FS8 7 9 . 6GR 879.0FS879.0FL878.5FL878.0FL878.5FL 2%878.4GR878.4GR8 7 8 . 4 G R879.1GR877.1FL 878.0FL878.4FL878.1FL 8 7 8 . 9 5FS 878.8FS 876.1FL87 7 . 8 G R877.8GR877.8GR 877.8GR 878.35FS877.6FL877.1FL8 7 8 . 2 F L 877.9FL 877.15GR877.15GR877.15GR878.2FS 877.35FS877.15GR 877.70FS 877.30FS 877.30FS 876.0TOP 872.5FL872.5FL 876.0TOP 876.0TOP875.8FL4.2% 877.32FS876.61FS878.40FS4.5%877.45FS877.61TC878.60FS3.9%2%0.48%877.85FS878.15FL8 7 8 . 3FL878.4G R 8 7 8 . 2 G R 878.4GR8 7 8 . 4 G R878.95FS878.6FS2%878.1FL878.3FL878.2GR8 7 8 . 2 G R878.2G R 878.0GR878.2GR877.8FL 878.75FS878.4FS2% C A R R I Z O R D2%2%40' OFFER OF DEDICATION5' LANDSCAPE BUFFER24'8'877.4FS877.52TC877.53TC876.80FS 877.21TC876.2FL 877.53TC 876.80TC 877.06TC 2% 2% 2%876.69TC876.92TC 877.00TC877.84TC8.2%877.40 FS 876.81TC 876.56TC10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 10' DRAINAGEEASEMENT 10' DRAINAGEEASEMENT 877.0FL876.5FL875.5FL877.3FL877.75 FL 8 7 7 . 7FL877.9FL8 7 8 . 0 F L877.65FL8 7 7 . 6 5FL 877.80F S 876.0 TW874.5 BW876.0 TW874.5 BW876.0 TW874.5 BW876.0 TW875.0 BW876.0 TWSTEPBASINDETENTION INFILTRATIONBASIN, 872.5 BOTTOM876.0 TOP0.95%877.12TC112335667778891011131313131313131313131313141516161616164:1 4:1 877 . 9 5 FL 1920202122232323232323232323232424242424242424242424242525252626262626262626262626272728878.1FL24'878.8FL877.4FL876.6FL 877.0FL877.2GR 878877 878878 878878 877878878877878878 8798788 7 8 879 879 879879879879878877876 878879878878877877877876875874877877877876876876.9FLPUBLIC PEDESTRIANEASEMENT HATCHED, TYPPUBLIC PEDESTRIANEASEMENT HATCHED, TYP0.5%0.5%0.5%0.5%1%0.5%1%1% 1% 2.4%1.9%1%1%1%1.5%2.8%1%1%2%1% 1% 1%1%1%2%0.5%0.5%0.5%0.5%0.5%876.2 TG873.7 INV 6" 18875.6 TG872.5 INV 6" 18876.0 TW875.0 BW876.5 TW876.0 BW END BIO RET. SWALE6" PVC PERF. PIPE6" PVC PERF. PIPE6" PVCPERF. PIPE6" PVCNON-PERF.PIPE875.85 FL873.35 INV 6"BBAAA ATREE # 88228' ± (NOT SHOWN)21PINEPINEPINEPINESPEPPER#883SPRUCEREMOVE#884#88504" TR 2PREMOVETREEREMOVE#886REMOVETREE2121JOINT POLE (E)TO REMAINJOINT POLE (E)TO REMAINOVERHEAD (E)TO REMAINJOINT POLE (E)TO REMAIN8731930FF = 879.00PAD = 878.40878.60FS878.40GR878.40G R 878.4GR878.15FL877.95FL 878.0FL877.85FL878878.30F L H P878.95FS878.95 FS 875.4BW876.5TW STEPLANDSCAPEWATER METERDELETED7/30/2018Record DrawingsTimothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17 Date123456Revisions This Sheet:Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17Public Works DirectorApproved for City RequirementsDateDateDesign/DrawnJob #City Plan CheckerCalifornia Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5)ofRoberts Engineering, Inc.35366Exp. 9/30/17IM O T HYP.ROBERTSCIVILREGISTERE DPROFESSIONALENGINEERSTATEOFCALI FORNI AT Email robertseng@charter.netCivil Engineer - RCE 35366Timothy P. RobertsFax (805) 238-6148Phone (805) 239-0664Templeton, CA 934652015 Vista de la VinaRoberts Engineering.Issue Date13TR / JTM.15-037N 2386250 E 5758470..Tract 2625 - 5310 Carrizo Road7/30/2018 11:09 AM 11/14/2016..N O R T H 201002040SCALE: 1" = 20'Grading & Drainage Plan7Existing paved road.Construct 6' wide Class II aggregate base shoulder perTypical Road Section A-A.Construct asphalt pavement street per Typical Street Section.Sawcut/remove 1' existing asphalt pavement.Construct asphalt pavement walk.Construct accessible PCC concrete curb ramp per 2010 ADAStandards Chapter 4, Section 406.Construct concrete 6" curb and 18" gutter Type A per CityStd 418.Construct 4' wide concrete sidewalk per City Std 419.Construct concrete 6" curb Type C per City Std 418.Install 3' concrete 'V'-gutter per typical detail Sheet 6.Construct concrete cross gutter per City Std 421.Construct concrete driveway approach per City Std 423.Construct 4" PCC concrete driveway.Install wood beam barricade per City Std. 428.Install "ROAD ENDS AHEAD NO OUTLET" sign.Construct site fencing, typ. See Landscape plans for detail.Construct asphalt pavement off-street parking area perTypical Street Section Sheet 6.Install 24” concrete drainage inlet box, Mid State ConcreteProducts or equalInstall rock rip rap slope protection over erosion controlfabric, typical.Construct concrete storm drain inlet per City Std 502.Install temporary tree protection fencing.Construct detention infiltration basin per Basin Section Sheet7.Construct earth swale at S = 1% typical (36” wide by 6” deep)Grade to drain away from proposed structure at S = 5% for 10feet min. typicalInstall landscaped bioswale per typical section Sheet 7.Install 4” PCC concrete flatwork, S=2% typical. See architect'splans for details.Construct concrete masonry block wall.Install Air Vol tumbled Roman brown/charcoal blend perviouspavers over 8" compacted base aggregate. Compact 12"subgrade to 95% relative density.Install "STOP" sign.Install clay or 1-sack cement slurry trench plug around pipefor width of bio-swale.123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930CONSTRUCTION NOTESThe footprints of the residences shown hereon are based upon agraphic exhibit provided by the owner. While assumed accurate forpurposes of this plan, it is not intended for precise building layout.HORZ SCALE:VERT SCALE:1" = 2'1" = 10'TYPICAL BIORETENTION SWALESECTION A-A, S=0.5% TYP, SCALE: 1" = 3'LOTS 11 & 12 WITH BSM, ROCK & PVC PIPELOTS 4-10 WITHOUT BSM, ROCK & PVC PIPE6'6"DEPTH(E) GROUNDVARIES 2% MIN2'PROPERTY LINE CENTERLINE SWALE1.5'3'1.5'1.5'1.5' 2.5'6" PERF. PVCBIORETENTIONSOIL MEDIA (BSM)DRAIN ROCKTYPICAL BIORETENTION INFILTRATION BASINSECTION B-BSCALE: 1" = 10'EASEMENT LINE PROPERTY LINE 18" BIORETENTIONSOIL MEDIA (BSM)24" DRAIN ROCKEROSION CONTROLFABRICDO NOT PLACE EROSIONCONTROL FABRICBETWEEN BSM & ROCK4:1 SLOPE4:1 SLOPERESIDENCE77.85 FF60'5'14'22'14'5'872.5BOTTOM872.5BOTTOM876.0TOP876.0TOP877.0GRGrading & Drainage Plan71 WWWWWWWSSSSSSSSSSSWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWGGGGGGGGDYHWWDYHJTJTJTJTJTJTJTJTWWWWW4+362+003+004+001+502+503+503+00 4+003+00 1+502+503+50 S FM FMFM S S S FMSFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMP P JTPPPPPPP GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGWMJPGMWMWMWMWMJPxWMJPOHOH09" PI16" PI20" PI18" PI48" LO18" LO06" TR 3P1PARCEL 1PARCEL 25PARCEL312M E D I O L NC A R R I Z O R D AASTA 1+87, 7' LT SSCO876.7 RIM1 FF = 878.60PAD = 878.00FF = 879.20PAD = 878.60FF = 878.80PAD = 878.20FF = 879.00PAD = 878.40P I N O N L N STA 1+10.7, 9' RTBEGIN GAS 229 LF - 6" PVCSS @ S=-0.44% 227 LF - 2" SDR 26 PVCFORCE MAIN SEWER INSAME TRENCH W/ GRAVITYSEE TRENCH SECTION BELOWSTA 2+30.7, 16' LTINSTALL WS (2)11STA 1+90, 30' LTINSTALL FH5STA 1+00 STA 2+05.5 CARRIZOSTA 3+26.8, 18' LT(E) WS 20STA 1+90, 40' RT SS LIFT878.33 GR877.08 INVSTA 2+19, 44' RT SS LIFT878.33 GR877.08 INV15 STA 3+23, 44' RT SS LIFT878.13 GR876.88 INV 15 STA 3+45.8, 25' RT SS LIFT878.53 GR877.28 INV 15 TIE INTO (E) GAS LINESTA 4+18, 7' LT SSMH876.88 RIM7 STA 2+37.2 WS STA 3+04.4 WS STA 4+242+80.41 PINONSTA 1+91 SS LAT STA 3+24 SS LAT STA 3+46.8 SS LAT STA 4+12.5, 6' LT SS FM 2" GATE VALVE22 131014141424241921STA 2+20 SS LAT 142424FF = 879.00PAD = 878.40128688708728748768788808828688708728748768788808821+001+502+002+503+003+504+004+501+00(876.8)876.851+25(876.7)876.791+50(876.6)876.981+75(876.6)876.922+00(876.5)876.802+25(876.5)876.682+50(876.4)876.562+75(876.4)876.44 3+00(876.5) 876.32 3+25(876.2) 876.21 3+50(876.2) 876.28 3+75(876.2) 876.52 4+00(876.4) 876.75 4+25(876.5)4+50()WWWWWWWFINISHGRADE(E) GROUND227 LF - 2" SDR 26 PVCFORCE MAIN SEWERSEE UTILITY SEPARATION DETAILSTA 1+87 SSCO876.7 RIM873.13 INV OUT STA 4+18 = 2+73.42 PINON, SSMH876.88 RIM872.13 IN (SE)229 LF - 6" PVC SS @ S=-0.44%STA 1+91LOT 1 SS LAT873.12 INVSTA 2+20LOT 2 SS LAT872.99 INV STA 3+24 LOT 3 SS LAT872.53 INV STA 3+46.8LOT 4 SS LAT872.44 INV SS FM TEE SS FM2" GATE VALVE P I N O N L N C A R R I Z O R D(2) - 2" PVCWATER SERVICE872.03 OUT (SW)WG7/30/2018Record DrawingsTimothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17 Date123456Revisions This Sheet:Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17Public Works DirectorApproved for City RequirementsDateDateDesign/DrawnJob #City Plan CheckerCalifornia Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5)ofRoberts Engineering, Inc.35366Exp. 9/30/17IM O T HYP.ROBERTSCIVILREGISTERE DPROFESSIONALENGINEERSTATEOFCALI FORNI AT Email robertseng@charter.netCivil Engineer - RCE 35366Timothy P. RobertsFax (805) 238-6148Phone (805) 239-0664Templeton, CA 934652015 Vista de la VinaRoberts Engineering.Issue Date13TR / JTM.15-037N 2386250 E 5758470..Tract 2625 - 5310 Carrizo Road7/30/2018 11:10 AM 11/14/2016..NORTH201002040SCALE: 1" = 20'Utility Plan - Medio Lane8MEDIO LANE UTILITY PLANSEE SHEET 9 FOR PINON LANE UTILITY PLANMEDIO LANE UTILITY PROFILEPAVEDROAD7'4'40' PUBLIC ROADSS GRAVITYWATERSERVICES10.8'SS FM17.5'5.0'17.5'TRACT BOUNDARYCONST CLPROPERTY LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY 1'12"CLEAR 12"CLEARVARIESUTILITY TRENCH TYPSEE CITY STD 702 FORTRENCH REPAIR REQUIREMENTSPHONE, TVELECTRICJOINT TRENCHGAS5'12.5'3'SECTION A-AUTILITY SEPARATION DETAIL, SCALE: 1" = 3'HORZ SCALE:VERT SCALE:1" = 4'1" = 20'Install 6" sanitary sewer clean out per City Std 605.Connect to existing water line. Install 6" - 8" reducer.Connect to existing sanitary sewer manhole. Core tie-in anduse boot-type seal, Kor-N-Seal or equal.Construct 8" Class 150 C900 PVC water main per AMWC Std201.Install fire hydrant service per AMWC Std 220.Construct storm drain inlet per City Std 502.Construct sanitary sewer manhole per City Std 606.Construct detention infiltration basin. See Grading &Drainage Plan for detail.Install 18" HDPE storm drain. See Grading & Drainage Plan fordetail.Install 6" SDR35 PVC sanitary sewer main.Install 58" water service and meter per AMWC Stds 300 & 310.Install gas line per Gas Company requirements.Install SDR 26 PVC force main sewer, typ. Pipe size per plan.Install 2" SDR 26 PVC force main sewer lateral.Install individual grinder pump station per detail Sheet 10.Construct 4" sanitary gravity sewer lateral @ S=2% min perCity Std 603.Stub & plug 6" PVC water line for future connection.Stub & plug 6" PVC sanitary sewer for future connection.Install electrical, telephone, and cable TV in joint trench perutility company specifications.Existing water service to remain.Install (2) - 2" PVC Sch 40 water line and extend to residence.Install 2" force main sanitary sewer gate valve assembly perdetail Sheet.Install 6" water line bend as noted with thrust block perAMWC Std 231.Construct 4" sanitary gravity sewer lateral @ S=2% min perCity Std 603 typ. Cap for future connection.Install blowoff assembly per AMWC Std 410.Install 112" landscape water service and meter per AMWC Stds300 & 310.Install 8" SDR35 PVC sanitary sewer main.123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627UTILITY CONSTRUCTION NOTES WWWWWWWWWWWW WSSSSSSSSSS S S SS S S SSWWLWWWDYHJTJTJTJTJTJTJTJT JT JTWWWWW4+364+003+50 0+751+002+003+004+005+00SFMFMSSSSFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMJT JT PPP P PP P P P P P PPPPP G G G G GGGGGGGGGGGGG G G xxxxxxxxxxTVEEWM TVWSPARCEL 4PARCEL 312P I N O N L N 11109876C O P A D O L N STA 4+00 GB877.75 FS CL~STA 5+06, 6' RT (878.8 RIM SSMH)3 STA 4+22.8, 11.4' RT 877.9 RIM SSMH7STA 1+08, 12' RT SDDI876.23 TC, 875.56 TG872.8 INV6 STA 4+11, 17' RT WS11STA 4+14, 17' RT WS11STA 1+01, 6' RT BEGIN 8" SS18STA 1+01, 4' LT BEGIN 8" WATER17170.5 LF - 8" PVCSS @ S=0.88%79 LF - 8" PVCSS @ S=-0.44% 154LF - 3" SDR 26 PVCFORCE MAIN SEWERFF = 878.00PAD = 877.40FF = 878.50PAD = 877.90FF = 878.45PAD = 877.85FF = 879.10PAD = 878.50FF = 879.70PAD = 879.10FF = 880.40PAD = 879.80FF = 879.40PAD = 878.80FF = 879.20PAD = 878.60FF = 880.20PAD = 879.60~STA 5+06TIE INTO (E) 8" WATER MAIN 2STA 2+03.9, 42.6' RT SS LIFT877.83 GR876.53 INV15 STA 2+33.8, 41' RT SS LIFT878.43 GR877.18 INV15 STA 4+26.9 SS LATSTA 4+34.7 SS LATSTA 1+08, 12' LT SDDI876.23 TC, 875.56 TG872.7 INV6STA 1+17, 13.5' RT WS, LANDSCAPE26STA 1+09.8 SS LATSTA 1+46, 13.5' RTWS 11 STA 2+65, 13.5' RT WS 11STA 1+70, 24.1' RT WS 11STA 1+58, 39' LT SS LIFT877.78 GR876.53 INV15STA 2+02.9 SS LAT STA 2+73.42, 6' RT 876.8 RIM SSMH7STA 2+44, 13.5' RTWS 11 STA 3+52, 19.5' RTWS 11 STA 4+242+80.41 PINON STA 2+32.8 SS LAT STA 4+85, 15' RT WS11STA 4+58, 16' LTWS 11STA 4+06, 18.5' LTINSTALL FH 5STA 3+92.488" WL BEND 22.5° 23STA 4+42.058" WL BEND 22.5° 23STA 4+76.7 SS LATSTA 4+95.5 SS LATSTA 2+71.4, SS FM2" GATE VALVE 22 405 LF - 8" PVCWATER MAINSTA 1+10.8, 41' RT SS LIFT877.33 GR876.08 INV15 18'10'1'17'2424STA 1+57 SS LAT 4STA 1+04, 0' RT BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY25 8927101213161616161924R=200'STA 4+64.9, 3.4' RT 8" PVC SS PTHIGH-DEFLECTION COUPLING14142414PRIVATE SS LAT EASEMENTAPPURTENANT TO LOT 5164 LF - 2" SDR 26 PVCFORCE MAIN SEWERSEE SHEET 9 FOR UTILITYSEPARATION DETAIL1319AA12STA 4+17.278" WL BEND 45° 238688708728748768788808828688708728748768788808821+001+502+002+503+003+504+004+505+005+251+00(875.1)1+25(875.1)876.161+50(875.1)876.301+75(875.4)876.442+00(875.6)876.592+25(875.9)876.742+50(876.1)876.882+75(876.4)877.02 3+00(876.8) 877.17 3+25(878.0) 877.32 3+50(879.1) 877.46 3+75(880.1) 877.60 4+00(881.4) 877.75 4+25(882.5) 878.13 4+50(877.6) 878.52 4+75(878.0) 878.88 5+00(878.7) 878.99 5+25()FINISHGRADE(E) GROUNDSTA 2+80.41 4+24 ALLEY STA 1+08 18" HDPE SD872.75 INVSTA 2+73.42 SSMH 876.88 RIM 872.03 INV OUT (SW)STA 1+01 BEGIN 8" SS870.53 INVSTA 1+01 BEGIN 8" WL STA 1+09.8SS LAT LOT 11870.62 INVSTA 2+02.9SS LAT LOT 12871.43 INVSTA 1+57SS LAT LOT 10871.03 INVSTA 2+32.8SS LAT LOT 9871.69 INV STA 4+26.9SS LAT LOT 5873.18 INV STA 4+34.7SS LAT LOT 6873.15 INV STA 4+76.7SS LAT LOT 8873.01 INV STA 4+95.5SS LAT LOT 7872.96 INV STA 4+22.8 SSMH 877.87 RIM 873.18 INV OUT STA 5+06 SSMH (878.80 RIM)872.83 INV (SE)(872.73 INV) (NW)170.5 LF - 8" PVC SS @ S=0.88%79 LF - 8" PVC SS @ S=-0.44%405 LF - 8" PVC WL3' MIN 3.5' COVER 3' MIN 154 LF - 3" SDR 26 PVCFORCE MAIN SEWERSTA 4+03.76"x8" TEE FH STA 3+92.488" WL BEND 22.4° STA 4+42.05 8" WL BEND 22.5° ~STA 5+06TIE TO (E) 8" WLSTUB & PLUG8" PVC SSSTUB & PLUG8" PVC WL2+71.4 SS FM2" GATE VALVE 3' MIN6" MIN STA 1+04 WLBLOW OFF ASSEMBLY 8" PVC SS (E)872.13 INV IN (SE) 164 LF - 2" SDR 26 PVCFORCE MAIN SEWERSTA 4+17.278" WL BEND 45°7/30/2018Record DrawingsTimothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17 Date123456Revisions This Sheet:Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17Public Works DirectorApproved for City RequirementsDateDateDesign/DrawnJob #City Plan CheckerCalifornia Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5)ofRoberts Engineering, Inc.35366Exp. 9/30/17IM O T HYP.ROBERTSCIVILREGISTERE DPROFESSIONALENGINEERSTATEOFCALI FORNI AT Email robertseng@charter.netCivil Engineer - RCE 35366Timothy P. RobertsFax (805) 238-6148Phone (805) 239-0664Templeton, CA 934652015 Vista de la VinaRoberts Engineering.Issue Date13TR / JTM.15-037N 2386250 E 5758470..Tract 2625 - 5310 Carrizo Road7/30/2018 11:10 AM 11/14/2016..N O R T H 201002040SCALE: 1" = 20'Utility Plan - Pinon Lane9PINON LANE UTILITY PLANSEE SHEET 8 FOR MEDIO LANE/CARRIZO ROAD UTILITY PLANPINON LANE PLANInstall 6" sanitary sewer clean out per City Std 605.Connect to existing water line. Install 6" - 8" reducer.Connect to existing sanitary sewer manhole. Core tie-in anduse boot-type seal, Kor-N-Seal or equal.Construct 8" Class 150 C900 PVC water main per AMWC Std201.Install fire hydrant service per AMWC Std 220.Construct storm drain inlet per City Std 502.Construct sanitary sewer manhole per City Std 606.Construct detention infiltration basin. See Grading &Drainage Plan for detail.Install 18" HDPE storm drain. See Grading & Drainage Plan fordetail.Install 6" SDR35 PVC sanitary sewer main.Install 58" water service and meter per AMWC Stds 300 & 310.Install gas line per Gas Company requirements.Install SDR 26 PVC force main sewer, typ. Pipe size per plan.Install 2" SDR 26 PVC force main sewer lateral.Install individual grinder pump station per detail Sheet 10.Construct 4" sanitary gravity sewer lateral @ S=2% min perCity Std 603.Stub & plug 6" PVC water line for future connection.Stub & plug 6" PVC sanitary sewer for future connection.Install electrical, telephone, and cable TV in joint trench perutility company specifications.Existing water service to remain.Install (2) - 2" PVC Sch 40 water line and extend to residence.Install 2" force main sanitary sewer gate valve assembly perdetail Sheet.Install 6" water line bend as noted with thrust block perAMWC Std 231.Construct 4" sanitary gravity sewer lateral @ S=2% min perCity Std 603 typ. Cap for future connection.Install blowoff assembly per AMWC Std 410.Install 112" landscape water service and meter per AMWC Stds300 & 310.Install 8" SDR35 PVC sanitary sewer main.123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627UTILITY CONSTRUCTION NOTESHORZ SCALE:VERT SCALE:1" = 4'1" = 20'HORZ SCALE:VERT SCALE:1" = 4'1" = 20''RIGHT-OF-WAYWATERSS GRAVITYSS FM12"CLEAR 12"CLEARVARIESUTILITY TRENCH TYPSEE CITY STD 702 FORTRENCH REPAIR REQUIREMENTSPHONE, TVELECTRICJOINT TRENCHPAVEDROAD46' PUBLIC ROADCONST CLPROPERTY LINE3' MIN 20.5'24'1.5'18'4'6'17'1'GAS13'5'SECTION A-AUTILITY SEPARATION DETAIL, SCALE: 1" = 3'2 7/30/2018Record DrawingsTimothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17 Date123456Revisions This Sheet:Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17Public Works DirectorApproved for City RequirementsDateDateDesign/DrawnJob #City Plan CheckerCalifornia Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5)ofRoberts Engineering, Inc.35366Exp. 9/30/17IM O T HYP.ROBERTSCIVILREGISTERE DPROFESSIONALENGINEERSTATEOFCALI FORNI AT Email robertseng@charter.netCivil Engineer - RCE 35366Timothy P. RobertsFax (805) 238-6148Phone (805) 239-0664Templeton, CA 934652015 Vista de la VinaRoberts Engineering.Issue Date13TR / JTM.15-037N 2386250 E 5758470..Tract 2625 - 5310 Carrizo Road7/30/2018 11:10 AM 11/14/2016..Force Main Sewer Details10 DYH WWLWWWDYHWW WWWWW 4+42.771+003+004+00xWM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTVEJPWM TVWSJPOHOHOHOHOHJPOHOH12M E D I O L N 11109876C O P A D O L N PARCEL 11C A R R I Z O R DBASINDETENTION INFILTRATIONP I N O N L N 12333333456666778999PARCEL 2PARCEL 3PARCEL 47/30/2018Record DrawingsTimothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17 Date123456Revisions This Sheet:Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17Public Works DirectorApproved for City RequirementsDateDateDesign/DrawnJob #City Plan CheckerCalifornia Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5)ofRoberts Engineering, Inc.35366Exp. 9/30/17IM O T HYP.ROBERTSCIVILREGISTERE DPROFESSIONALENGINEERSTATEOFCALI FORNI AT Email robertseng@charter.netCivil Engineer - RCE 35366Timothy P. RobertsFax (805) 238-6148Phone (805) 239-0664Templeton, CA 934652015 Vista de la VinaRoberts Engineering.Issue Date13TR / JTM.15-037N 2386250 E 5758470..Tract 2625 - 5310 Carrizo Road7/30/2018 11:11 AM 11/14/2016..Erosion Control Plan11201002040SCALE: 1" = 20'NORTH Track straw into, or hydro seed all newly graded slopes withCounty approved native erosion control seed mix.Construct temporary construction entrance per CASQAdetail sheet 2.Install biodegradable fiber rolls at toe of slope and asindicated. See CASQA detail sheet 2.Construct concrete washout structure per CASQA detailsheet 2.Construct temporary material storage area per CASQA detailsheet 2.Install rock filled fabric erosion control bags in “chevron”formation at 100 foot intervals, typical.Install drain inlet protection per CASQA detail sheet 2.Install temporary straw bale barrier per detail sheet 2.Wind erosion measures per CASQA detail sheet 2123456789EROSION CONTROL NOTES Standard Details127/30/2018Record DrawingsTimothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17 Date123456Revisions This Sheet:Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17Public Works DirectorApproved for City RequirementsDateDateDesign/DrawnJob #City Plan CheckerCalifornia Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5)ofRoberts Engineering, Inc.35366Exp. 9/30/17IM O T HYP.ROBERTSCIVILREGISTERE DPROFESSIONALENGINEERSTATEOFCALI FORNI AT Email robertseng@charter.netCivil Engineer - RCE 35366Timothy P. RobertsFax (805) 238-6148Phone (805) 239-0664Templeton, CA 934652015 Vista de la VinaRoberts Engineering.Issue Date13TR / JTM.15-037N 2386250 E 5758470..Tract 2625 - 5310 Carrizo Road7/30/2018 11:11 AM 11/14/2016.. Standard Details137/30/2018Record DrawingsTimothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17 Date123456Revisions This Sheet:Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 exp 09/30/17Public Works DirectorApproved for City RequirementsDateDateDesign/DrawnJob #City Plan CheckerCalifornia Coordinates (CCS83, Zone 5)ofRoberts Engineering, Inc.35366Exp. 9/30/17IM O T HYP.ROBERTSCIVILREGISTERE DPROFESSIONALENGINEERSTATEOFCALI FORNI AT Email robertseng@charter.netCivil Engineer - RCE 35366Timothy P. RobertsFax (805) 238-6148Phone (805) 239-0664Templeton, CA 934652015 Vista de la VinaRoberts Engineering.Issue Date13TR / JTM.15-037N 2386250 E 5758470..Tract 2625 - 5310 Carrizo Road7/30/2018 11:11 AM 11/14/2016..