HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Comment BCN To: the Atascadero `Planning Commission Members Re: Barrel Creek Project My father moved to Atascadero in the 1930's and I am an Atascadero native. As a member of Atascadero First Assembly Church (renamed Legacy Church) for over 15 years, I speak in support of the project. 1) The well-designed project offers neighborhood dining, experiences, and artisan spaces that are much needed in Atascadero. 2) The nicely designed residential portion compliments the existing residential neighborhoods on Del Rio and San Ramon Roads. 3) The sale of the property plus hotel, neighborhood retail, and short-term stay portions provides the much-needed tax dollars for our city. After design and planning for over 3 years now, numerous modifications have been made which were completed from direction by the staff of the City of Atascadero. We are excited to present this beautiful project to you. Sincerely, Jan Bewley RECEIVED JAN 17 2023 COM . Y DIE, VELOPMENT NI From: Anne Gallagher Sent: Monday, January 16, 2023 10:18 AM To: Planning Commission Public Comments Subject: Planning Commission Meeting 1/17 - Barrel Creek Agenda Item #2 Hello, Regarding the proposed Barrel Creek project, as a resident, I am OPPOSED to the project and its zoning exceptions, because I believe it would create too much traffic/congestion in the general area, disrupt the peaceful residential area with noise & pollution, and negatively affect environmental factors. There is plenty of un -used retail property already existing that needs to be filled (e.g. the old Kmart plaza at EI Camino & San Anselmo). Thank you, Annie Gallagher Atascadero resident ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. JAN 17 2023 DE V Zt —bb�,� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT From: Personal Gmail Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 11:12 AM To: Planning Commission Public Comments Subject: Barrel Creek Project The proposed Barrel Creek project would be a tremendous addition to Atascadero. The housing, retail, as well as the intentional design and aesthetic compliments our city's heritage and needs. This would be the new go -to place in our county. Atascadero needs this. It's not another strip -mall, it's not another drive-thru fast food or discount grocery store; Barrel Creek is beautiful, intentional, and would bless our city, if not make it the envy of other towns. Please vote in favor of this project. —Garrett Kruse ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. R� JAN 17 2023 vZX b COMMUlogy OVELOPMEW From: Chad Langford Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 11:20 AM To: Planning Commission Public Comments Subject: Re: Barrel Creek Would like to offer my support the Barrel Creek project. I believe this project is in the best interest of Atascadero as it provides housing and a destination that will attract business to our community rather than pass us by on the way to our neighboring towns. This project has painstakingly been through remediation after remediation to get to the point to where it can move forward today with a project that blends the existing landscape and the possibility of what Atascadero could be. I appreciate the positions both for and against this change to our community. With that stated, I ask that the Barrel Creek project be approved as recommended. Thank you for your time and consideration. Chad Langford On Tue, Jan 17, 2023, 11:13 AM Chad Langford <, I would like to offer my support the Barrel Creek project. I believe this project is in the best interest of Atascadero as it provides housing and a destination that will attract business to our community rather than pass us by on the way to our neighboring towns. This project has painstakingly been through remediation after remediation to get to the point to where it can move forward today with a project that blends the existing landscape and the possibility of what Atascadero could be. I appreciate the positions both for and against this change to our community. With that stated, I ask that the Barrel Creek project be approved as recommended. Thank you for your time and consideration. Chad Langford ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. 771 JAN 17 2023 OeV-21- 046 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT From: Kelly Gleason Sent: Monday, January 16, 2023 8:34 PM To: Annette Manier Subject: FW: Opposition, Barrel Creek Planned Development Please distribute and place in the file. Thank you. Kelly Gleason Senior Planner (805) 470-3446 -------- Original message --- From: Katherine Morrison Date: 1/16/23 8:04 PM (GMT -08:00) To: Kelly Gleason <kgleason@atascadero.org> Subject: Opposition, Barrel Creek Planned Development Dear Ms. Gleason, RECEIVED JAN 17 2023 0fV2+1-000 6 -COMMUNITY DEVRI PP -MEAT I am part owner of San Gregorio Rd. I am concerned that our neighbors most affected by the proposed Barrel Creek development who reside on Garcia Rd and lower San Gregorio Rd will have their rural quality of life affected by this development, due to light pollution, reduction of wildlife habitat, and noise. Please urge the planners to provide at least a 3 -month window for property owners to review the EIR which is over 300 pages in length. Thank you for your consideration Katherine Morrison ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. 1 From: Madeline Rothman Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 10:40 AM To: Planning Commission Public Comments Subject: Planning Commission Public Hearing on 1/17/23, Agenda Item No. 2, Barrel Creek Planned Development My name is Madeline Rothman, and I have lived on San Ramon Road in Atascadero with my husband for the past 50 years. We chose to live in this most northern part of Atascadero because of its rural character, low density, privacy, and the beautiful natural environment, which includes the sensitive environment of Graves Creek that runs behind our San Ramon Road property and all of the properties on the west side of the original section of San Ramon Road. When we moved to San Ramon Road in 1972, there were steelhead trout in Graves Creek and beavers that thrived at the creek. Little by little we have seen the steady erosion of that precious natural environment due to increased development. Sadly, those days of seeing trout and beavers in the creek, along with other native species of plants and animals, are gone forever. The health of the creek and the animals and plants that live there are in constant jeopardy! I am deeply concerned about the negative environmental impacts a project of this size would inflict on the area and surrounding areas. The serious and deleterious environmental impacts would include noise pollution, light pollution, air and water pollution caused by increased traffic on San Ramon Road and Del Rio Road, with toxic -laden run-off impairing the water quality of Graves Creek. In addition, the environment of the original section of San Ramon Road has been a neighborhood with a long history of families raising their children here, and some of their children raising their children on this street. San Ramon Road is its own community of families, made up of many long-time residents who have joined with newcomers on the street, all who value the rural ambience and low density of this original section of San Ramon Road. Many of our neighbors on San Ramon Road are strongly opposed to a General Plan Amendment, Zone Map Amendment, creation of a Planned development Overlay Zone, etc., that would change the zoning of an area that is currently zoned for a maximum of 6 single-family dwellings to zoning that would allow a project plan for 35,000 sq. ft. of commercial/light industrial space, a 120 -room hotel, 40 multi -family apartment units, 5,000 sq. ft. of restaurant or brewery space, 16 short-term stay cottages, and a 20 -lot single family subdivision! If this project were to go ahead, it would cause a major change to a neighborhood, and most probably the loss of a long-time neighborhood community, loss of the rural character of the area, greater erosion of the precious natural environment of Graves Creek and the surrounding area, and loss of the valued quality of life that brought families to this street. It greatly saddens us to see a proposal, such as this one, that would erode another part of the beautiful rural character that was once plentiful in Atascadero! Once you take away a beautiful, special piece of rural Atascadero found on San Ramon Road, bordered by Graves Creek on the west side, and change it to high-density living units, commercial/light industrial, multiple buildings, a hotel, 20 -lot single family homes,16 short-term cottages, and probably more, the environment is forever changed! So Much is Lost Forever! There is Priceless Value and Importance to - - preserving and protecting the environment from noise and light pollution, air and water pollution that would negatively impact the very special and sensitive natural environment of Graves Creek; preserving the beautiful rural environment that drew families to this area; and —preserving the quality of life that is enjoyed by a neighborhood of San Ramon Road familie ! R IE— Madeline Rothman JAN 17 2023 1 DEV 21- 60 tpb COMMUNITY DRELOPI NT From: Sent: To: Kelly Gleason Tuesday, January 17, 2023 8:29 PM Annette Manier Subject: FW: Barrel Creek Planned Development Kelly Gleason Senior Planner I City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Ave I Atascadero, CA 93422 805.470.3446 I kgleason@atascadero.org JAN 17 2023 DcV 2A-0oae COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 'Z-eC"J a- tf.r deoA g - City Hall is offering in-person meetings by appointment only. Community Development staff is available by phone and email. We will respond as soon as possible to your request. Thank you for your patience! Please call (805) 461-5000 if you need an appointment. From: JuLee Rocha Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 8:16 PM To: Kelly Gleason <kgleason@atascadero.org> Subject: Barrel Creek Planned Development Dear Ms. Gleason, I strongly OPPOSE your Barrel Creek Planned Development, PLN NO. DEV21-0066, Environmental Document No. 2022-0005. 1 have been a resident of San Ramon Rd, Atascadero, for 57 years. This "planned" development will RUIN the small town, close neighborhood of San Ramon Rd. between Del Rio and Santa Cruz Roads. I have known my neighbors for this length of time, and we all agree that this tragic development will ruin what we have all grown and loved about our little road. Not only am I concerned about the "dwellings" proposed, but the noise and lights that will ruin this quite road, but the impact of this outrageous idea of yours! I have grown up raising all types of animals. From my early years, raising, sheep, chickens, ducks, and rabbits, I feel that I will no longer be able to enjoy the comfort of having my "farm" animals on my property. I was raised a 4-H-er, and have kept those goals and traditions onto my adult life. I have 2 grown children, and a 13 year-old daughter, who also enjoys her 4-H project animals. I am VERY concerned, that her raising of animals may in fact, be destroyed by this development. I also object to this project, as when the City of Atascadero was incorporated, in 1979, that is was stated that there was to be NO COMMERCIAL building west of Highway 101. Again, the City of Atascadero had lied to their citizens!!!! This area should REMAIN RESIDENTIAL! The quality of life so many residents have moved from other areas, to enjoy the "simple life", is being compromised by this project you are considering... I have concerns about the redundancy of this project and the proposed "Rancho Del Rio", or similar name, to be built across from Mission Oaks (formerly the Factory Outlets) on EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road. I have very deep and heartfelt concerns that a zone change should be enacted for the Barrel Creek Project, I believe that the property in question is zoned for large lot single family homes. I sincerely believe that the zoning NOT be changed or amended, as to save our rural way of life. Given the timing of this notification, there is no way for me to peruse the entire 300+ page document in due time, and to decipher the goals of the developer... perhaps tabling any action on this project for 60-90 days? Specifically, in regards to my property, the newest map alludes to four "apartments" (C-1, C-2, C -3,C-4) that will abut my property line, without much of a buffer zone at all. I can not tell, from the map supplied, if the apartments are single -story or multi -story. Initially, there were to be four "rent -by -the -hour -day - week -month" dwellings to be used by travelers, not for continuous occupancy. These four buildings appear to have been slightly relocated, which would directly affect me and my privacy. The new lighting and noise will disrupt our way of life as well... we go to bed early... I suppose legally, the "noise law" takes effect at ten p. m., so, hypothetically, I ask, what are we to do for up to 90 minutes each and every night, be kept awake until 10 p.m. and call the cops at 10:01, each and every night? I'm asking you and the powers that be to have compassion for an OLD and ESTABLISHED neighborhood and long- time residents' ways of life. Isn't there a way to deflect the lights and noise closer to Del Rio, where no one currently resides, as opposed to the 3 properties (1555, 1705 and 1775) to be adversely affected... forever? I have serious concerns about the traffic, noise, dark sky and other impacts that would be caused by this development. Another point; Why were we, those impacted by this proposal, given notice just prior to the holidays? We cannot possibly review the entire 300+ page EIR in the few days that have been allotted. At a minimum, the EIR review period should be extended to three months. I hope you sincerely take all or our neighbors concerns to heart, and realize that many, many residents oppose this idea / plan. Sincerely, JuLee Rocha '.ATTENTION:= Mbis email originated from outside the City's network:Use caution when opening links and attachrn ift _ From: Kelly Gleason Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2023 9:56 PM To: Annette Manier Subject: FW: Opposition, Barrel Creek Planned Development Please forward to the Planning Commission and file. Kelly Gleason Senior Planner (805) 470-3446 -------- Original message -------- From: Janet Rucci Date: 1/15/23 1:00 PM (GMT -08:00) To: Kelly Gleason <kgleason@atascadero.org> Cc: Janet Subject: Opposition, Barrel Creek Planned Development s J 17 2023 �J Zl -oo to � [DA1 OMiMIJ�TY DEVELOPMENT RE: Barrel Creek Planned Development, Plan No. DEV21-0066, Environmental Document No. 2022-0005 Dear Ms. Gleason, My name is Janet Rucci and I own the property at ;Garcia Road. Even though my property is within a few hundred feet of the proposed Barrel Creek development, I received no notice from the City and only learned about this project from another concerned neighbor. I have serious concerns about the traffic, noise, dark sky and other impacts that would be caused by this development, but I can't possibly review the entire 300+ page EIR in the few days that have been allotted. At a minimum, the EIR review period should be extended to three months. Sincerely, Janet Rucci ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. 1 From: Sent: To: Subject: Kelly Gleason Senior Planner ( 805) 470-3446 =------- Original message From: Dave Watson Kelly Gleason Tuesday, January 17, 2023 4:58 PM Annette Manier FW: Barrel Creek Planned Development Date: 1/17/23 4:35 PM (GMT -08:00) To: Kelly Gleason <kgleason@atascadero.org> Subject: Barrel Creek Planned Development Ms. Gleason, et al, JAN 1 7 fil";i COMMUNITY 0EVELOPMEN't. 2Et c� a. -F -k r d 4d In regards to Barrel Creek Planned Development, PLN NO. DEV21-0066, Environmental Document No. 2022-0005, 1 haved lived on San Ramon Road for 62 years, and I very much oppose much of this proposed development, as it will certainly affect and negatively impact my way of life. I have very serious concerns and dread about new traffic behind me, the new abundance of traffic on San Ramon Road (a normally fairly sleepy road), the noise level, the effect on wildlife that use my property daily and or nightly... on any given night, I have between ten and fourteen deer that bed down, visiting raccoons, possums, skunks and random oth; r "critters", that my wife and I have interacted with for over 35 years, not to mention the established buzzard roost in the neighborhood trees, that have resided here for almost ten years. I fear that these simple life's pleasures will disappear, never to return, if this project comes to fruition in its current proposal. Also, if a zone change is allowed, what of my large animals (sheep) I raise periodically? Do they, and I "get tossed out with the bath water"? Some neighbors have or have had horses and 4-H / FFA animals. Are we just "collateral damage?" for a developer?!?... 62 years, I've lived here... on San Ramon Road. Please consider the ramifications. have concerns about the redundancy of this project and the proposed "Rancho Del Rio", or similar name, to be built across from Mission Oaks (formerly the Factory Outlets) on EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road. I have very deep and heartfelt concerns that a zone change should be enacted for the Barrel Creek Project, I believe that the property in question is zoned for large lot single family homes. I sincerely believe that the zoning NOT be changed or amended, as to save our rural way of life. Given the timing of this notification, there is no way for me to peruse the entire 300+ page document in due time, and to decipher the goals of the developer... perhaps tabling any action on this project for 60-90 days? Specifically, in regards to my property, the newest map alludes to four "apartments" (C-1, C-2, C -3,C-4) that will abut my property line, without much of a buffer zone at all. I can not tell, from the map supplied, if the apartments are single - story or multi -story. Initially, there were to be four "rent -by -the -hour -day -week -month" dwellings to be used by travellers, not for continuous occupancy. These four buildings appear to have been slightly relocated, which would directly affect me and my privacy. The new lighting and noise will disrupt our way of life as well... we go to bed early... I suppose legally, the "noise law" takes effect at ten p. m., so, hypothetically, I ask, what are we to do for up to 90 minutes each and every night, be kept awake until 10 p.m. and call the cops at 10:01, each and every night? I'm asking you and the powers that be to have compassion for an OLD and ESTABLISHED neighborhood and long-time residents' ways of life. Isn't there a way to deflect the lights and noise closer to Del Rio, where no one currently resides, as opposed to the 3 properties (1555, 1705 and 1775) to be adversely affected... forever? Please put yourselves in my shoes /predicament. Sincerely, Dave Watson ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. -----Original Message -- From: Darryl Whisnand Sent: Friday, January 6, 2023 11:06 AM To: Kelly Gleason <kgleason@atascadero.org> Subject: Barrel Creek Planned Development. Public Input To: Kelly Gleason, JAIL 6 2023 DEV ZI-ooto% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT W I am a 14 year resident in Apple Valley and have some input and concerns about the Barrel Creek Development. First, It is troubling that Residential Zoned Properties within a residential area is being rezoned and developed manner that they are. Residents have expectations of the future property usage when they buy property in an area like this. It feels like our voices are not being given any value. This development does not fit into this bedroom area at all. Please at least mitigate the following huge issues. 1. Del Rio Road frontage: The Barrel Creek Development should provide the property along Del Rio Road to have nice landscape and a nice side walk. The design should be a similar design as the south side of Del Rio ( that Midland provided when Apple Valley was built). 2. Parks: What is the plan for a park in the Barrel Creek development? Months ago I was told that it will not have a park and that the Apple Valley Park will be the park they use. Ok then.... Apple Valley has a district to pay for about 1/2 the maintenance of the park. Do the Apartment and Houses in the Barrel Creek pay into the district or has a funding mechanism through the city been developed to offset their part of Apple Valley Park maintenance? This is huge to us in Apple Valley!!!! I do feel that the developers are putting together a nice development, but It is too much for this residential area the way it is currently designed. 13 pounds of sugar in a 10 pound bag so to speak. Thank you so much for receiving and hopefully acting on my concerns. I love our city and am thankful for all you city staff do for us! Darryl Whisnand Sent from my iPad ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. From: Sent: To: Kelly Gleason Sunday, January 15, 2023 10:11 PM Annette Manier Subject: FW: Barrel Creek Planned Development, Plan No. DEV21-0066, Environmental Document No. 2022-0005 Please forward to the Planning Commission and place a copy in the file. Kelly Gleason Senior Planner (805) 470-3446 --==- Original message -------- From: Kevin Zimmer Date: 1/15/23 7:41 PM (GMT -08:00) To: Kelly Gleason <kgleason@atascadero.org> Cc: Kevin Zimmer • _. JAN 17 2023 1) F -V �,\ - Ob 6 (o COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Subject: Barrel Creek Planned Development, Plan No. DEV21-0066, Environmental Document No. 2022-0005 Dear Ms. Gleason, We own the property at Garcia Road, on the other side of Graves Creek from the planned "Barrel Creek" development cited above. We built our house on this lot in 1988, and have lived here ever since. Our impetus for building on this site, was the semi -rural nature of the entire "neighborhood" combined with the natural beauty of living at the ecotone of oak woodland and a riparian corridor, with all of the native vegetation and wildlife that entails. Inevitably, the unoccupied properties to the north and south of us have been bought up and houses have sprung up where once there were only empty fields. However, this development to this point, has been consistent with the theme of well -spaced, single-family dwellings, each occupying lots of 1 acre or more, allowing the area to retain its semi -rural, quiet charm, with wildlife literally at our doorsteps, and relatively little vehicular traffic or noise. Conversely, the plan to re -zone the area directly across the creek, from rural to commercial or semi -industrial, represents a radical departure from what residents of this area signed up for when we made the decision to settle and build our homes here. I know we are not alone in having serious concerns about the changes in traffic patterns, noise, and overall environmental degradation that will surely result from the construction of high-density housing and a variety of commercial enterprises being jammed between the creek and Hwy 101. Changing the zoning on this area is akin to staging an athletic competition and then changing the agreed-upon rules in the final quarter. To make matters worse, it appears this is being further jammed through by giving the community short notice to a restrictive period allotted for public review and comment on the environmental impact assessment. We would hope, at the very least, that the city would tap the brakes a little, and be more transparent with the current residents of the area, and look for ways to mitigate the negative impacts of any re -zoning and subsequent development on those of us who have invested so much of our lives in settling here, and who stand to have our quality of life significantly altered for the worse. Sincerely, Kevin and Susan Zimmer