HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Resolution 2022-0016f OCT 2022 PC RESOLUTION 2022-0016 � CITY OF ATASCADERO �gNNiNG A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION �F THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMND22-0065, TO ALLOW THE EXPANSION OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BUILDING ENVELOPES ON LOTS 1 AND 5 OF TRACT 3085 9015 AND 9020 BOSQUE COURT MARKS AND ERICKSON WHEREAS, an application was received from Trevor and Kelli Marks, 9015 Bosque Ct., Atascadero, CA 93422, (owner and applicant) and Leif Erickson, 1379 Knoll Rd., Redlands, CA 92373, (owner and applicant) for an Addendum to Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) No. 2016-0001 and modification of designated building envelopes; and WHEREAS, the site has a General Plan Designation of Single -Family Residential (SFR -Y); and WHEREAS, the property is in the Residential Single -Family (RSF-Y) zoning district; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approved Tentative Vesting Tract Map 3085 on May 17,2016; and WHEREAS, Mitigated Negative Declaration 2016-0001 was prepared for the project and certified by the Planning Commission at a public hearing on May 17, 2016; and, WHEREAS, A&T Arborists (Steve Alvarez) prepared a report analyzing impacts from the proposed development as compared to mitigation measures and timing listed in the amended MND and determined that impacts were equal to or less than impacts identified in the amended MND; and WHEREAS, to assess potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed detailed envelopes, City staff prepared an addendum to the MND pursuant to CEQA (herein referred to as "Addendum"); and WHEREAS, the Addendum concluded that the proposed amendments would not result in any new or substantially more severe impacts than disclosed in the original Bosque Court building envelopes, as amended; and WHEREAS, Section 21000, et seq., of the Public Recourses Code and Section 15000, et seq., of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (herein referred to as the "CEQA Guidelines"), which govern the preparation, content, and processing of environmental impact reports, have been fully implemented in the preparation of the Bosque Court Subdivision and Addendum; and WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been adhered to; and WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject application was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said use permit; and NOW THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, California, takes the following actions: SECTION 1. Recitals: The above recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2. Public Hearings. The Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the project on October 4, 2022 and considered testimony and reports from staff, the applicants, and the public. SECTION 3. All findings made for the original subdivision remain valid and proposed amendments are consistent with the previous approval. SECTION 4. CE A. The previous approval for the subdivision (TR 3085) included building envelopes as the basis for determining impacts to native trees. As the proposed amendment revised these identified building envelopes, an addendum was prepared to ensure that conditions and impacts were analyzed in relation to the previous determination. After reviewing the facts and analyzing the circumstances, City staff has determined that a new MND is not required because none of the circumstances described in CEQA Section 21166, as implemented by CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, would occur. Staff has prepared an addendum to discuss these issues and the basis for this determination. SECTION 5. Approval. The Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, in a regular session assembled on October 4, 2022, resolved to approve Amendment AMND22-0065, subject to the following: EXHIBIT A: Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT B: MND Addendum EXHIBIT C: Updated Building Envelopes for Lots 1 and 5 On motion by Commissioner Schmidt, and seconded by Commissioner Hughes, the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: Anderson, Carranza, Heath, Hughes, Schmidt, Keen, van den Eikhof (7) NOES: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) ABSTAINED: None ADOPTED: October 4, 2022 CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Jeff v ikhof Planning Commission Chairpers ATTEST: Phil Dunsmore Planning Commission Secretary (0) EXHIBIT A. Conditions of Approval AM N 022-0065 Conditions of Approval Timing AM N D22-0065 Bosque Ct. Building Envelope Amendment BL: Business License GP: Grading Per BP: Building Permit FI: Final Inspection TO: Temporary Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy Planning Services Conditions 1. All Conditions of Approval set forth by Resolutions PC 2016-0015 and 2016-001.6 Ongoing shall be adhered to unless specifically amended by this resolution. This approval relates to Lots 1 and 5 of Tract 3085, as described in the attached exhibits and located on APN 056-211-054 and -058. 2. The approval of this amendment shall become final.and effective for the purposes of Ongoing issuing building permits fourteen (14) days following the Planning Commission approval unless an appeal to the decision is filed as set forth in Section 9-1.111(b) of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The Community Development Department shall have the authority to approve the BP following minor changes to the project that (1) modify the site plan project by less than 10%, (2) result in a superior site design or appearance, and/or (3) address a construction design issue that is not substantive to the Master Plan of Development. The Planning Commission shall have the final authority to approve any other changes to the Master Plan of Development and any associated Tentative Maps unless appealed to the City Council. 4. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Atascadero or its Ongoing agents, officers, and employees against any claim or action brought to challenge an approval by the City, or any of its entities, concerning the construction or use of the detached accessory structure. 5. Conditions of Approval set forth in Resolutions PC 2016-0015 and 2016-0016 shall Ongoing remain true and valid unless otherwise amended by this resolution. 6. Any proposed residential structures and driveways shall be located in the proposed Ongoing building envelope as identified in Exhibit C. Revision to COA #9 7. A deed notification shall be recorded prior to issuing building permits for structures BP / Ongoing outside the originally approved building envelopes. This deed notification shall include updated building envelopes and clearly define activities allowed outside approved envelopes. Revision to COAs #10 and #11 8. Upon recordation of updated building envelopes, the owner of Lot 1 will be required BP to provide a letter from the arborist indicating the size and type of tree removed. The owner shall pay mitigation fees for the tree removed without permit or mitigate by replanting native trees onsite. EXHIBIT B: MND Addendum AMND22-0065 EXHIBIT B ADDENDUM TO MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 2016-0001 10075 Atascadero Ave Subdivision — Bosque Ct. (Certified by the Planning Commission on May, 15, 2016) 1.1 INTRODUCTION The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires public agencies to analyze and consider the environmental consequences of decisions to approve development projects that they exercise discretion over. CEQA achieves this objective by requiring agencies to prepare Mitigated Negative Declarations (MND's) for projects with the potential to cause significant impacts on the physical environment. MND's are public documents that analyze environmental effects related to the planning, construction, and operation of a project, and indicate ways to reduce or avoid possible environmental damage. An MND also discloses growth -inducing impacts, effects found not to be significant, significant cumulative impacts, and significant impacts that cannot be avoided, if any. The purpose of an MND is to inform. MND's are not policy documents that recommend project approval or denial. As a lead agency, the City of Atascadero prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the 6 -lot subdivision at 10075 Atascadero Avenue which has been renamed to Bosque Court, in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code, section 21000 et seq.) and the State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Section 15000 et seq., as amended). The Planning Commission certified the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the subdivision at a public hearing on May 17, 2016. As noted in the MND, the analysis in the MND was at a "project" level of detail, which anticipated the potential impacts of future development. Public Resources Code Section 15162 limits the ability of an agency to require an additional MND, once one has been certified for a project. Section 15162 provides as follows: 15162. Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations. (a) When an EIR has been certified or negative declaration adopted for a project, no subsequent EIR shall be prepared for that project unless the lead agency determines, on the basis of substantial evidence in the light of the whole record, one or more of the following: (1). Substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; (2). Substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; or (3). New information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was certified as complete or the negative declaration was adopted, shows any of the following: (A). The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR or negative declaration; (B). Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR; (C). Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative; or (D). Mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the previous EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative. The CEQA Guidelines further refine the circumstances under which a supplemental or subsequent MND may be required. Guidelines Section 15162 provides as follows: .$15164. Addendum to an EIR or Negative Declaration. (a) The lead agency or a responsible agency shall prepare an addendum to a previously certified EIR if some changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent EIR have occurred. (b) An addendum to an adopted negative declaration may be prepared if only minor technical changes or additions are necessary or none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for the preparation of a subsequent EIR or negative declaration have occurred. (c) An addendum need not be circulated for public review but can be included in or attached to the final EIR or adopted negative declaration. (d) The decision-making body shall consider the addendum with the final EIR or adopted negative declaration prior to making a decision on the project. (e) A brief explanation of the decision not to prepare a subsequent EIR pursuant to Section 15162 should be included in an addendum to an EIR, the lead agency's required findings on the project, or elsewhere in the record. The explanation must be supported by substantial evidence. In 2016, the Planning Commission approved Tentative Vesting Tract Map 3085 to subdivide two lots at 10075 and 10085 Atascadero Avenue. This approved a total of 6.71 acres to be subdivided into six (6) smaller lots in the Residential Single -Family (RSF-Y) zone, which has a minimum lot size of 1 -acre gross area. The lot sizes range in size from 1.0 gross acre to 1.24 gross, acres. The. Tentative Map expired in 2018 and was reconsidered by the Planning Commission 'in 2020. The six (6) lots are accessed from a cul-de-sac that was constructed as part of the subdivision improvement plans. Building envelopes were included on each lot to quantify the number of native trees that may be removed during construction. It was anticipated that new residential homes would be placed in the proposed building envelopes to take advantage of a streamlined environmental review. As parcels sold off to separate individuals requesting to build homes, a few of the property owners found their approved building envelopes to be limiting. The sizes and locations of the envelopes would not allow for their proposed plans. Conditions of several sites have also changed within the past few years. With drought conditions over the past few years, various trees onsite have fallen. One tree was also removed in anticipation of building in the future. A mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was prepared for the project in 2015. This MND focused primarily on the impacts that future development may have on the native trees in the area. Due to changed circumstances, two of the new owners are requesting to amend their building envelopes to increase usable space on the property. After reviewing the facts and analyzing the circumstances, City staff has determined that a new MND is not required because none of the circumstances described in CEQA Section 15162, as implemented by CEQA Guidelines Section 15164, would occur. Staff has prepared an addendum to discuss these issues and the basis for this determination. 2.0 Native Trees The certified Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Bosque Court subdivision included an arborist analysis originally completed in 2015 for the subdivision. This arborist report analyzed potential impacts to native trees, based on locations of the proposed building envelopes. At the time of construction permit submittal, each applicant is required to submit their own updated arborist report based on the impact of their proposed project. Two property owners in the subdivision are requesting to amend their envelopes. Each applicant submitted an updated arborist report for their proposed envelopes. The updated arborist reports concluded the following: Lot 1: The proposed development will impact two native trees. No trees are anticipated for removal. Lot 5: A large oak (tree #11) was uprooted and fell during a storm last year. Construction within the amended envelope will require the removal of two native oak trees as opposed to the current envelope's five. The two oak trees required for removal in the amended envelope also includes the large tree that has already fallen. Therefore, only one live tree will be required for removal as a result of the amended envelope. 2.1 Application of CEQA Guideline Section 15612 Is there substantial evidence in the record revealing that there have been substantial changes proposed in the project which will require major revisions of the previous MND due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects ora substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects as a result of the Master Plan of Development amendment and revised land use development scenarios? No. The City has completed a thorough review of the updated arborist reports. Current conditions and building envelope revision, fewer trees will be required for removal than originally anticipated. Is there substantial evidence in the record revealing that there have been substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous MND due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects as a result of the expanded building envelopes on Bosque Court? No, there is no evidence suggesting that there have been substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions to the previous MND due to the involvement of new significant impacts or increases in the severity of previously identified impacts. Changed conditions on the site and mitigation per the City's Native Tree Ordinance make the proposed changes to the previously certified MND insignificant. Is there substantial evidence in the record revealing that there is new information of substantial importance related to the proposed amendments, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous MND was certified that shows. (1) the project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the MND, (2) significant effects previously shown will be substantially more severe that shown in the previous MND, (3) mitigation measure or alternatives previously found to be infeasible would in fact be feasible, or (4) there are considerably different mitigation measure or alternatives from those analyzed in the previous MND that would substantially reduce one or more significant effects? No, there is no evidence suggesting that there is new information of substantial importance relating to new significant effects or the severity of previously identified significant effects, or new alternatives or mitigation measures or the efficacy of previously considered alternatives or mitigation measures. At the time of the certification of the original MND, native tree impacts and mitigations were identified based on the trees within proposed envelopes at the time. Native tree conditions have changed over the years. This new analysis reveals that no new significant environmental effects would result from the expansion of building envelopes as proposed. It can be concluded that no new mitigation measures or alternatives need be analyzed. 3.0 BASIS FOR DECISION TO PREPARE AN ADDENDUM CEQA Guidelines Section 15164 explains when an addendum to an EIR is required: (a) The lead agency or a responsible agency shall prepare an addendum to a previously certified MND if some changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent MND have occurred. (b) An addendum to an adopted negative declaration may be prepared if only minor technical changes or additions are necessary or none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for the preparation of a subsequent MND or negative declaration have occurred. (c) An addendum need not be circulated for public review but can be included in or attached to the final MND or adopted negative declaration. (d) The decision-making body shall consider the addendum with the final MND or adopted negative declaration prior to making a decision on the project. (e) A brief explanation of the decision not to prepare a subsequent EIR pursuant to Section 15162 should be included in an addendum to an EIR, the lead agency's required findings on the project, or elsewhere in the record. The explanation must be supported by substantial evidence. Although the project description has been refined with the submittal of a more precise development plan, an addendum is appropriate because impacts have been shown to decrease or say the same from the previously certified MND as amended and because none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent MND have occurred. More specifically, the project will not impact more native trees than anticipated in the original MND, as they exist on the site today. Furthermore, there have been no other changes, evidence or new information which would require revisions to the previous EIR. Because none of the criterion in section 15162 has been met, an addendum is appropriate. Attachments: Attachment 1: 2022 Updated Arborist Reports Attachment 1: 2022 Updated Arborist Reports A & T AIR13OMSTS -Oo BOX 1311 YXUKrrM, CA 934M 18051434-0131 Adyl.2022 Leif Frickson RE-C—ENED ,car *5EMosqueCour t Ar,ascadem, CA 93422, Re- Tree Proicction Plan for development iocated at Lot 7,15 EI Bixquc Coin Atascadcio. C,� 9342_. '161,:s Trac Protm-tion Plan is ror the location stared above. The dcvc1opmcnt will be :mPacting IS Wive Imes 14 live oaks (Quercus agri.,lobal' and I. vatley oak tree (Quercus lobam's. Nu u0wr nativc tmes wJ-1 be importod and 2 trees are being requested {'or removal, This developm"t IW a large valley oak (tree At 11) fall ovcr during a starry p subdbisi(= This event hats m-ade building the proposed he on the apps-ants's modified envelope sig;iiricantly better than doing go on ibc origiow one because, it vii IJ 110ve ICSS impact on the property ftec", It is The responsibility of tht ownerlageacy lo proiddc- a copy of this tree prutecOvn plan to any zad aj I contractors and subconLractom- that work within the drip line of the native tim, Ir bhi&y reconurended that each contactor sip and acknowledge ihis tree Prat=:itm Plan. The trees impaaicd projectby this are numbertgl and id -caged on both the gmding plar, I and *W trM protection spreadsboet, 'free Rating Sysirm A ratft system of I -:0 was used for visuaj 1y e3tabliAiing Oic av= .41 condition of cash tree on dj-- spreo&hrct. The rating system is defined as Tollows; Ratisjr_ C290-fift ID Deceased I Evidusce of mtesivc pasHkOurcs, wreme disease and is in seven decline. Pruning from ovczhcad utility lines, 2 May b.- saved with attontion to ch 4 pmalng, inswvpc%t eradication aad future monhorimg. 3 Some past Wlurcs< -,o= pests or structuraldefece. Umt may be mitigated by cl= IV proanS. 4 May have had minor past fail s, cxccssivc deadwood or tnittor structural deftos that can be Tnjt1gattd with pruning, 5 Rclatively heatchy true with little wAmW imucloral und or pest defects.. 6 Healthy tree that probably can be left in its natLral --,Late. 7-9 Have had proper atbonckilt=l pruning and attention or baare Iko apparent structural defects. I tt Specimen tragi with pt.-rfw- shape. structure: and fo' !age iii a pkiwied sciting (i.e. parl,, arboremm). The [bilowing mitigation maasure&lmethods must be fully understood and followed by anyortv working %ithin the drip line of any native twe. Arty' ne s.wnclarif vvil cc . be pro,,ided by as (Ibc arburists) upon equest. I Fencing: The proposed fencing shall be sho%m in omen imk on the gra&% plan. It must be a ftainimurn of 4' high chain link, snow or -%,fety fence staked at the edge of the drip lime or line u.1crtcroachineiit for eoO tree or group of trees. I lie fL-acc slut - 11 lic Up bvibirc any constrtictiort or earth moving begins, fbeowner shall Nresponsible for maintaining wan crcrt fe,-tcc througbout the conmmction period, The uborist(s), upon, rotifleatiun, will iusuect the ferim placemera onw 0 is crectod. After this tutee, f�nOng shall not be moved without urborist inspectioreapproval. If the orangc plastic fcneing is used, a minimum of four zip ties shall he used on each b4tkc to =ure the fence. All -ffiorhs shall be made tri maximi,v the dicta finer from each saved tree. 2. Soil AcrationMetbodst Sails within the drip line that have bctri compacted by heavy equipment undfor vonsmicdon activities must be mrurned to their origind state -idt4rc all %%ijrk is completed. Methods inclutle water jetting, adding org.mucnWet- and 'xmrp small holes with an auger (I W 4=p, 2-Y apart with a 24" wiger) and thu application of rnWerolc wnourits of nitrogen fertilizer. The arbor isi(s) shall advise. 3. Chip Mulch: All areas within *,hz: drip fine of the trees that caninot be fenced shall, receive a 4-6" layer of chip mulch to retain moisture, soil sL-actoiv and rcducc the dflitulb of Soil compaction. 4Trenehing Within Drip 1-ii3e: Ali trenchmp witlibi the drip I i nc of native trees 10i2di he hand dug, augured or bored (for utilities). All major m)ts shpl I be avoided whenever possiblv. All cxposW rotas larger dials l" in& =-etersball be clean cut with sharp ")irkg ti, ols and not left ragged. A. Ma ndatwy meeung heLwtxn the arborists and grading contractor(s) must take place Oar wwork start. S. Grading Within The Drip Line: Gradj al; should )lot enctuwh within the drip line onless mthorirrd, Grading should not dksr-,jpt the wrrnal drainage pattern aruuAd the trees. Fills should not create a ponding condition and excavations should not. ]cove the Erce on a rapidly draining mound, 6. Exposed Ro*tst Any cxpotwd roto" :shall he rc,c-ovwed the stone day they werceXposod. If they cannot, they must be covered witli burlap or another suitable material and. wcvd dowm 2x PCX day until reburied. 7. Paving Within The Drip Line: Pervious surfacing is prefezred within the drily lime ol'any native tree. l f p avers: ate required, this areas are outlin&ll on the grad -MI! plans_ Pavrrs must he interlocking with a minimurn ot` "10%void spare: backftiled with pea gravel- fabric shali be permeable. The % slope of the driveway r ruy prohibit t vltginccring Of Patver% fnr this project. 5. Equipment Operation: Vehicles and all heavy equipment 4diall not be driven under dhc bees. as this will contribute to -oiii cutnpa ction. Aao there is to be tier parking ofcquipmaen! or per nal vehicles in (hese areas. All was behind fencing ate off limit-, unless pre -approved by the arbcar st. 9. Existing Surlaceaaa The misting grouted sudace wit & the drily line Of all ;tale trees shall not be cuk t;lled. trompa tied an panel, finless shown on the grading pLims and appreived by the tadicirist. 10. Cr+mometion Materials And waste: NU liquid ttr *solid. construction waste shall bx, 4aumprd on the: ground witiain the drip Brae of any naetivc Irec . The drip line areas are not for storace sof rnmeerials either. Lt. Arborist Monitoring; Att axrbutist shall be: present for selected activities (trees iderdirred can %p€eMAect attdl items bullcted below). The.rnordtar:ng dov* not nevessarily baavc to be continuous but observational td timet sharing faesc activities. it is the responsibility of the owner(q) or their dt*igncv to itiform us prior to these events so wtt can rrrtkia arrangements to be present It is the reslannsibility orthe owner to contract (prior to construction) a locally licensed and irasttred arborist thaat will deeutnent all f`Innitorin i1Gtf1tt1C9. pre-eceits[riu tcon trncc placement e any utility of daaiciage wenc ping u thin any drip line All grading and trcrichinf near trees requiring monitoring on )Fac spT=dshcci O All driveway construction activitics Ircc remoiel operatio s IL Fiv-Com0ructkm NlcLfing: An on-site pre -construction mectinp with the Arborist(s) Owncr(sj, plaxttrting Staff. and the earth n: native dace. An, tress that may need pruning ler read) tone deararwe shati be pruned prior to atty grading :activities to avoid ary hra>1ch ttraing. 14. Landw3we; All landscape under Ore drip-Jibe shall be dro aght tolerant or native va:ietics. Lams Shall be avoided. ,All irrigation trenching shail be routed amend drip :incl, othemi&e abovc gmtmd strip-irriga;iott.chall be used, Itis the ownee's respoasibility to notify the landscape cuniractor regarding this rritigsation. 1S. t: tiiity Plac.tmenta All utilities shall be placed dawn the road: driveway and when p n-sihic outside ofthe drip lines. The arborist shall, blipervisc trcnching within clte drip line. All trenehts in these areasshall be exposed by air spade or wand )lug with utilities routed undertuver the roots. '1 he included sprc:a&'acet _nc:udto troes listew by number, species -vtd m,u:ttplc stcnns if api livable, diwnm-r and breast height (.t,,'), condition (scale from rvor to cxccltent), status tavoided, impac:te4, mrnovad, cxcmpt), percent of drip lire impacted, mitigation -equired l!encing, tyro; pruning„ monitoring): constraction impact (treaching, grading), rc ommendcd pruning and 41dividtaal tree: dotes, lf.aE the above mitigation measwres are followed. we feel there will he nig ttalditional mng-term significant impacts to the rcmaining native trees_ Please let m know if vee can he of any faturr. astistarec ti, -, au for thi s p Ktjctt. Steven tG..Alvarcz C'crtif cd Afbcri t 9WC,1511 '� 4fl � �1 � Lh .t , j. W I Ky s p � E`A *►i � !Jf lJ1 � � tdF tai -+ at r r Q C r Qr? 8 r Qr rQ rQ- �, ,�0 C �L cogPH CAI m � I > 1 ...... _ CTI 0 fn rn c cs (n m to rol 0" Ln cr M _ I � 0 UP tn 6 �aC�,����Q i}}leri� �U'yd U/ Lqi ;h ' p� Iyyp�yi � }P}�ryry 11I I Y/JI � _Vh�+y� I_/41�R �1/ 4G) -v °1 I h .b `� � ik# 0 Ol�A Ild /h� 4/ 6/ \J � MrB/ w � � i 1 �z � z 8 -n0-n-n0�nr:"M-n-n �, v0 m m o zlz .z z z z z � i R C, 00g MO Z z z z 2 z' Z z l zfa m -ti Z z Z z Z z Z z n1a WE g r�mmmrn mmrrarr M m w IZ z zlz z zz z z z zlz z z Z t r Z -n lzzzzz c�z9l zzzR M m m M M -m C r, r awl m mn int r m M m res I +� m �rr r- ca Z —1 LIE July t, 2022 Lest I El Rosqur Court Atascadero. Cad 93422 � Re; Tree Protection Plan for development located at Lot 1 F1 l3osgve Court. At&scadero. CA 4342^ Thvs `free Protection l?ia;n is for dhe location stated above. 'l"ke develgipmrttt will be impacting 2 dative oak trees (Quercus rrgr^r;� ha). No othcr cots tmvs will, be impacted, a n4 ltd uO t4U`o arra. betttg requesters for rctnovaL The owncr is rcquestrng the huddirC envelopc Tse expanded fax a stwp and AM. If the owiser fnllnws the tree protcc 6 n puzn the impact will be little to tars irrtpact « fthe nxive tri. it is the responsib>liity ofthe owmexlagency to provide a copy pt lhis trct pant; coon pian to any and all contramin and subLamtraLlur,s that work within the drip litre of the native trees, It is highly roco nmtended thoi cash contrxcter sign and a6mowledge this ince protection plan. The gats inzpcted by this pm ect are numbered and irdenfilierl on both the grading plant and the me-- protection Spreadsheet, Tm )bring llystetm A rating cysteal of 1-10 was d OT visstally establishing dw overall condition of each I= or the sprcRdsbcct. The rating systctrn is defined as follows. Rating couditiom 1) Decewmd I ENiden a of nnassive past falluresr extrr me disc= and is in severe city nc. Pn` M9 from overhead udlity limes. 2 t*iay be saved with attention to class 4 priming. inscet/pest eradicatiao and Uum monitoring. x Some pas;i fail urm. some pests lir structural defects than may be mitigated by class IV pruning. 4 May have had ra nor past failures, excessive deadwood or minus structuurxl defecis Hutt can be mitigated wtih pra ring, s ltt: -,ively healthy tree %ith little visual sires ,rol rand ca- pest defects 6 Healthy uve that prrobayty can be heft in its tumnal t;tate. 7-4 Have had l ToNr arboriculUral. pruning and tdlrne, rjr, or have no upparunt. structurala-kcts. 1.0 Stiecinten tree ,wilt pvrieet shape, stmcst-tre ranfl fnliagc tri a prolcct w, ui:ng Iix. hark, drfuncturn. 1. I lar following mitigation mcasures 1methcsds must be f�utl; under,-tratxi and fotlowcd by anyone working within the drop 'wine of any native tree. at:y neee#vasry c:lari:ficat cia %"C ne pruvidlcd by ;is (the arbor ists) upon request. t Fencing: 'l3ie paropowd feta irrr_ shall be :howl it ortngo ink on the gracing plan. It must be a minimum or* higfi chain link, snow or saslietwy l'enix staked at the edge ,rf' the drip tine or line of encroachment for cacti tree or group of trees. [ e 'ence 9hal' br up beforz any conswict on or earth moving begins. The owmer shat he respowsihlc for arwitaining an erect fence throughout die construction preriml. 'Ilia whorisi(s).. upon aniification. w il' inspect the fence placement Brace it is ere ied. after this time. fencing shall not i`,e rnoved uatbout arboristinspcctia:ilaapprova, if the vrarge plastic fara4ing it +tsc;d .:a minimum of four zip ties shall beused ars each stake to secure the t ecce. All tifforts shall ;ie madeto maximixe the distance "from each s awdl trim.. 2. Soil Aeration Metbods: Soils >a Wiin the drip line •stat have beat compacted by heavy equipment and'o€ construction activities anus: be returned to their original state before. a'.1 wLTk is cotnplctLd. Methods include wuterjerting, acdmp. orgaciic manor, and boring small holes .with an auger (18" deep, 2 Y apart with a 244" auger) and the application nfmoderate amounts of nitrogen f'cntiliw. The arbonst(s) aril advise. 3. Chip .wiukh: All arras within the drip line of the trces that canmot be feawed .t}tall recf ibc a 4-611 laycT of chip mulch to retain moisture. soil stmeture and rr&-w. `kc effects of soil compaction. 4. Trenching Withm Drip Line: fill trenching within the drip lint: of native irczs shall be band dup, augured or bored (,fbr utilit iri). All; ttlajor netts shall be avcaided whenever p aisible. Alt txposeci roots largcr than 1" in dimmer shall be clean cut with vborpz pruning loultc acid not e t raggcd, A Mandatory meeting between the arborisss and gradirg contractor(s) muss rake place prior to wcrk gtart. S. Grading Within The Drip iliac: Grading 5houlki not encroach within the trip line ;xnless autps deo , Gradititg should not disropi tic t7tlrmzll drainage paner_a around the lreesc pills should not crcalc a ponding cordit on wk! cxcavations alaotsld not hutvc th.c tree on a rapidly draining mound. 6. Exposed Roots, Any exposed toots shall be rc covered the same day they were "posed. if they cannot, they must be scnverad with burlap or anot er suitable inatertat and lwoc l down ix ger day until -c-buried. 7. i"a^ting Within The Orip Lime. l'%xvi ius surfacing is p+-efcTrcd within The drip rine of tory native tree. 'if pavers we recicir+ed. the areAs are outlined on the g wliny p34os,, �c backfilled with pea gravel. Fabric shall he permeabl-r_ Tho'✓a slnpo urthc drive%-ay may prohibit the engineering of para-crs for this project. tf. Equipment Operation., Vehiclesand all heAvy equipment shall not oc driven urder the trees, as this will cp ntribute .o roti compaction Atsu thcrc is to be no parking of equipment or personal vehicles in there areas. All ares behind fencing arc off ;iniits udess pre-approved by the urbotist_ 9. > xistin,g Sul faces: The cxisting ground surface v6 thin the drip line of oil okk sees shall not be cart, filled, compacted or pared. urdess shown on the grading, plsatis and approved by the arborisI 10. Construction Materials AndWaste: -No liquid or solid c-orstru4tion waste shall be dumped on the ground within the drip line of any naiive tree. The drip Jiac areas Ure rich for stnrage Of rntrteriais either. 11. Arbarist Monituring: An arborist shall be present for sclected activities (ir;cs identified cm spreadsheet rind items bulkicd below). The monitoring does moi necessarily havt; to be continuo-m but observational at times during these €ctivitiirs, ft is the responsibility of the ownerf s) or their designee to inform us prior to these events so ,we can make mrangemcnts to be present. It is tltc responsibility of the o"rr to contract ;prior to constauction) a locally licensed and insured arhorisi that will document ail Monitoring a".tiviti". • Pre=constructicon thrice placemmt 9 any tri ity or drainage trcaching widiln any drip line * All grading and trenching near trees requiring monitorinfi on the spreadsh4ct a All drive++.w consirwion activities w 'free.. removal operations 12. Pr&Constraction 'Meeting: An on-site pre,constructinti meeting %,,I th Arborist(s), CM-n ifs), Plalming SULFt and the earth moving train shall be requires! £lir Ws project Prior to tiriat cu culrar 4 , n let ice from the arborist(s) may be requirw3 verifying the healt?rlcond-Ation or all imparatcd trt:cs and providing any ream mcridatiosas for any additional mitigation, The letter shall verify that the arboristtt,) were on site far all grading and/or tr acaiag activity that encroached into the drip line of the selected native trees, and that rill work deme in diese area.,; wam cornpletod to the standards et forth above- 13. Prtuoifng:: Class t pruning includes deadwood rrmowd along with selective thinning to lcsson ivind resistance: Class 4 prur ng includes,43'r nw'n reduction pruning; shalt consist of reduction of tops, sides or irodividual limbs. It trained arborist shall perfrnm all pruning. No pruning shall take more fto 25% nt't'hc live crovrn of any native trate. Any leers that may need ismcaing for road liconie c:leirrence shall be pruned prior to any grading, act vibes to avoid amy branch leering. M Landscape: All iandscapc under the drill -lira 5holl be droivht w1crant or mtfivc varieties. Lawns shalt be uvvidc t. All irrigation, trenching shall be routed around drift lines, otbcrixisc above grosiuddrih►-irrigation :stall 1 n,W. it is the u'tter's responsibility to notify the landscape co otratr-tor TeWdiog O%is mitigatiOn, 15, V61ity Piac wnt. All utilitivs .gholl ire pla;red down the roadxdrivcvray said whin possible outside of the drip tines. Tha: arborist shall supervise trenching within tlac drip line. All trenches is these ar=eas deal] be exposed by air spade or Beard drag WM utilities routed under/over the ronts- The i=ludcd spreadsheet includes trees listed by number, species and rrsailtipi.e stems if applicable, diameter and breast height (4.5), condition (,kale from poor to =cllcut), status (av oitlod, impaeted, removed, exempt). percent of drip line impacted. midpatiou required (taw ing, root pruning. monitoring), construction impact (trenching, gradjag), recon mended pruning and individual tree :antes. Wall the alxwe mitigalior, measures are followed, we Berl their will be no additional long-torm significant impacts to the remaining native tal=es. Please let w. know6wecanAn of any fa are M l ncc tri yo roar this proffit. Steven G. Alvarez Certified AAorist PWC 0511 c 40 Co -4 CFA CA ca #Q CO CO -4 OW CA TI, P, �o 0 lw Q I cl in fCiz, G) G) 0 o 0 z 1-2 ,z z c 0 0 z 0 Z; z G rr. No z z an 0 2 2 w 01 A EXHIBIT Q Updated Building Envelopes for Lots 1 and 5 AMND22-0065 Lot 1 s r.Ina' ,ori "m �J1uF �I #-'—.^'mew—.waM+s•�+l _ - AJU it I Updated building envelope E .:4i -1 �Yi ►:14 Building envelope approved in PC Resolution 2016-0016 m Lot 5 ' + • *„yam. I ! T Building envelope approved in I # PC Resolution 2016-0016 E I , I I ` < Updated building envelope I o -DI 5 !� 1 Ji � 4,- ! ! .1 ! � Ste' ► � '+, 'k ��. ! I WA h s :S'ie": '"gyp ..,,.t•. _