HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic CommentFrom: Fred Frank Sent: Wednesday, November 9, 2022 3:24 PM To: Planning Commission Public Comments Subject: Item #2: Proposed RV storage adjacent to Salinas river Comments Dear Mr. Dunsmore, I recently saw a small posting by the City about a proposal to allow a RV storage on Atascadero Mutual Water Company property near the Salinas river. I strongly oppose this idea for the following reasons: 1) Storing vehicles near the river on highly permeable soil risks ground water contamination from oil and fuel leakage. It is likely that many of the stored vehicles will be old and poorly maintained. Regular inspection for leakage would be difficult and expensive. 2) A lot full of RVs of various sizes, colors and states of repair would be less than aesthetically pleasing regardless of efforts toward screening. 3) Currently this property is used by many people for walking, bird watching, model airplane and miniature vehicle racing, as well as, dog walking, horse riding, etc. Others like myself, just enjoy the view of our verdant river and an unobstructed view of Pine mountain. 4) Maintenance of this storage operation would be demanding and costly since vegetation will grow under and around the stored vehicles. The use of persistent herbicides near the river is problematic and would likely be opposed by many people. 5) While the city and the water company may share some revenue from this venture. I can see many problems associated with shared management of this operation. 6) Security would be difficult. Effective fencing on this sandy soil is difficult since it is nearly impossible to prevent tunneling beneath in hidden areas. Cameras are likely to be vandalized. 7) Storing RVs could present a fire hazard that would be difficult to deal with if a fire were to occur. 8) Transients may attempt to occupy these RVs and this could lead greater issues and a policing problem in our community. The open space currently provided by this property demands little from the City but is a remarkably valuable asset to an untold number of its citizens. Please deny this proposal. Thank You, Fred Frank It I ' NOV 9 2022 USr21-0t0-1 1 ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. From: Gina Planeta Sent: Monday, November 14, 2022 9:24 PM To: Planning Commission Public Comments Subject: Agenda Item #2 - Conditional Use Permit at 6805 Sycamore Rd Dear Planning Commission, I would like to ask that the commission consider making these plans known to the general public before making their decision. This area that is up for possible development is used by many in the community who I think would miss it greatly. I drive this route four times most days to take my daughter to school. On almost every pass I see people. Sometimes it's people walking their dogs. Sometimes it's families walking. Often it's a group of folks who get together to fly their RC planes. The area is used daily. Re-routing a historic trail and taking away riverfront open space for RV storage seems like a very poor trade for the community. It's one of the few spots in town where the river can be easily accessed and easily viewed from the road. It's a tiny bit of scenic space in town. To drive that route daily and see just a wall of fencing and RV's would be a great disappointment. In addition, I don't believe Curbaril and Sycamore are well maintained enough to handle 200+ Rv's coming in and out from their travels. Many of these RV's would have to come from the Curbaril side because of the trestle on Capistrano. The trestle has a clearance of 13' 2", while fifth -wheel trailers are routinely 13' tall. That narrow margin is nail-biting at best for the driver. With the tight, blind turn and no shoulders, RVs and trailers will avoid this route. In the .most recent rain the city had to put out a flooded sign on the roadway before the proposed site. In addition there are a significant number of people who use the area between the end of Curbaril and the industrial part to exercise. Most days I pass two older gentlemen walking, an older couple who use it as their bike route, and today I saw a gentleman taking his ponies for a walk. I truly don't believe this is the best use of that space and I think many of the residents of Atascadero would feel the same way if they knew what was going on. Especially those of us living in this area of town. Thank you so much for your time and consideration, Gina and Briano Planeta ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. I NOV 14 2022 fk -0101 From: Cindee Yandow Sent: Monday, November 14, 2022 9:25 PM To: Planning Commission Public Comments Subject: 2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AT 6805 SYCAMORE ROAD To whom it may concern, I am writing this email to say I am not in favor of the proposed business at 6805 Sycamore Road for RV Storage. I am the last house on Curbaril Ave, with the riverbed across the street. I drive this road 2xs a day sometimes up to 6. This would be very sad and ugly site to see. There are many reasons this is a bad idea. We shouldn't be ruining a historical trail. It should be left for everyone to enjoy and walk, run, bike, fly remote control airplanes, ect. There is a homeless problem already in the riverbed this will only attract them more which will cause break-ins, even if the area is "secure". I work in the storage industry for Self Storage Management of California, we manage over 50 storage facilities in California with one here in Atascadero (U Store -It Mini Storage). RVs are a huge problem and get broken into often and people try to sneak and live in them. We have very few sites that we allow vehicle storage and that ones we do have onsite residences where we have a live in manager. There were issues at Mike Deans Auto Repair where they use to have RV storage (with —50 RVs) with homeless and breaks ins at 4990 Traffic Way, Atascadero, CA 93422 and that was located on a main road. If they want to open a business like this it should be somewhere else, not here. Thank you, concerned tax payer, home owner, business owner of Atascadero. Cindee Yandow Yandow Realty Group ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. NOV 14 2022 U15E Zk\- 0�0_1 COMMUNITY DRUOPMENT From: Lori Toft Sent: Monday, November 14, 2022 11:01 PM To: Planning Commission Public Comments Subject: Agenda item #2 The San Batista de Anza trail does not BELONG to Atascadero... it's part of Californias history! That our city administration thinks it can just move the historic trail in order to store 262 RVs? I can't believe anyone thinks this is ok! We should be ashamed! And what a horrible eyesore that facility would be! As a lifelong city resident I am very much opposed to this proposal and hope the planners can make a decision that honors our people, town and history! Thank you. Lori Toft ATTENTION: I This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. [R�E C 1E I V D NOV 14 2022 5F1-010� From: Cleis Slezak Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 9:07 AM To: Planning Commission Public Comments Subject: Meeting ID: 832 5023 8111 Resolution # 2022-071 AB 361 I strongly oppose the planned RV storage facility going in on/near the DeAnza trail in Atascadero. There is no good reason for a commercial establishment going in next to a historic trail. Not only would it be an eyesore but it sets a bad precedent for further development where there should be none. Please vote NO on this proposal. Thank you, Cleis Slezak (resident of the county in Atascadero for 42 years) ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. NOV 15 2022 USF 3,1- oto --1 From: Kate Montgomery Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 11:05 AM To: Planning Commission Public Comments Subject: Agenda #2 To the Atascadero Planning Commission Tuesday November 15, 2021 Concerning the proposed RV storage facility on AMWC property: It's not illegal but it's a terrible, inappropriate idea to use the Salinas River corridor for vehicle storage. We could be working to protect and celebrate this precious and unique landscape. Which many already do on a daily basis in a creative variety of recreational uses. The deAnza trail, in the National Park Service, celebrates this land, describing on the City's website the wildlife and stating "AMWC and the City of Atascadero allow the public to use their properties that front on the Salinas River. Allowable uses include horseback riding, hiking, and bicycling." and "It is AMWC's and the City's desire to maintain these precious riparian corridors so we can all enjoy them for many years to come." No amount of landscaping and fencing can make this project ok. Pollution from the variety of toxic liquids associated with large vehicles just upstream is inevitable. All night lighting of any kind is unacceptable in wildlife areas. 200 RV's will be an eyesore, especially in this natural area where we enjoy and expect a view of native oaks and willows below Pine Mountain. Has the National Park Service been consulted? Is there a way for local citizens to have our input to the NPS, which oversees the deAnza Trail? I have a question. Why was this sweet riverfront property ever designated industrial use in the first place? Who benefits? There are big flat empty lots in town and along the freeway far from sensitive habitat, the river and the mountain. These areas could be fenced and landscaped for RV parking. Many of us were shocked to learn about this project just in the past few days. Hopefully the City will take the time to review everyone's issues and decide not to allow this project. Hopefully more appropriate land use practices will be established at next year's General Plan update. Thank you for reading! Kate Mont-aomery ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. F- Nov 15 2022 From: Ernest Houston Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 11:07 AM To: Planning Commission Public Comments Subject: Public Comment: Regular Meeting 11.15.2022, Agenda Item #2 Attachments: CityofAtascaderoPlanningComm_2022.11.15.pdf Please see attached document, public input from Northern Chumash Tribal Council, pertaining to agenda item #2, regular meeting November 15, 2022. Ernest R. Houston Northern Chumash Tribal Council Tribal Cultural Resource Monitor ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. NOV 15 2022 u5P ZI-oto'-1 �n Chi Northern Chumash Tribal Council northernchumash.org chumashsanctuary.org City of Atascadero Planning Commission City Hall Council Chambers 6500 Palma Avenue, 4' Floor Atascadero, California 93422 Regular Meeting, Tuesday, November 15, 2022 ,4M:.''��. i.i iiiJaw. CHUMASH HERITAGE National Marine Sanctuary The Northern Chumash Tribal Council (NCTC) is concerned that the project site area may present the risk of accidental discovery of previously undiscovered cultural artifacts given its proximity to the Salinas River and its riverbank, the high likelihood that pre -colonial native peoples resided in this vicinity, and the relatively undisturbed condition of the site. Therefore, the Northern Chumash Tribal Council requests: 1. An archaeological record search encompassing the project site and the '/z mile area surrounding it, 2. A Phase 1 archaeological survey at the work site, and if needed, an Extended Phase 1 survey, 3. Review of complete information discovered or generated to include maps, grading plans, photography, and reports, 4. On-site consultation with NCTC representatives, 4. If archaeological investigation indicates probability of the presence of cultural artifacts, NCTC will ask that one of our tribal cultural resource monitors be present during soil disturbance/excavation work. Respectfully submitted, Ernest R. Houston Cultural Resource Monitor Northern Chumash Tribal Council For Violet Sage Walker Tribal Chairwoman Northern Chumash Tribal Council ENVIRONMENTAL & LAND -USE CONSULTING EDUCATIONAL SERVICES TEACHING NATURE, NATIVE CULTURES & FARMING PO Box 6533, Los Osos, CA 93412 (805) 356-6149 From: Suzy Reynolds Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 11:28 AM To: Planning Commission Public Comments Subject: Comment agenda # USE21-0107 November 15, 2022 Planning Commission City of Atascadero Good day, My name is Doug Reynolds. My wife, Suzy, and I have been residents of Atascadero since 1980. We raised two daughters who attended school in Atascadero. The oldest taught English at the high school for 16 years. Suzy and I are avid walkers and one of our routes takes us along Sycamore on the De Anza trail. During COVID, we noticed the trash accumulation along Sycamore. We needed something to keep us busy, so we decided to pick up trash in this area. During the first few months, we gathered enough trash to ask permission of Russ from Classic Coach to use his dumpster for the large bags. Currently, we pick up the litter as needed and are able to take advantage of the "Orange Bag" program in Atascadero to dispose of these bags. We participate in regular river clean up with the local "Beaver Brigade." As you can see, we are actively involved with our community. We are concerned about the detrimental effect of the proposed facility in this area. The facility would dominate the area from 6805 Sycamore to the 41 bridge, eliminating the view of the Salinas river and surrounding areas. A variety of activities would be affected: hiking, biking, dog training, equestrians, and river exploration. Walking would be diverted to the roadside (current speed limit is 40 mph) and separated with a split rail fence. This scenario could be hazardous to anyone that close to the road. Many cars do not currently obey the posted speed limit. We do not feel the economic benefit of this proposed business would offset the negative impact on the beauty of this area. It will not bring new jobs and the tax benefit to the city would be minimal. We are not in favor of this project. Respectfully, Doug and Suzy Reynolds NOV 15 2022 use Zt-010 1 ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. From: Dug Chisholm Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 12:13 PM To: Planning Commission Public Comments Subject: 11/15/22 meeting: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AT 6805 SYCAMORE ROAD To the Planning Commission: u5 ai 0101 NOV 15 2022 We have been Atascadero residents since 1976, and we have both been outdoor enthusiasts, though we are getting older and are somewhat less active than in years past. I practiced psychiatry from 1977 to 2020, and I have been very active in the Atascadero Land Preservation Society (ALPS), including helping to spearhead the purchase and upgrade the land at the lower entrance to Stadium Park and writing the grant that secured the bulk of funding for the Three Bridges Oak Preserve. My spouse, Mary Alice, has been a nurse during most of those years, including a stint as the school nurse for AUSD. She is currently very active in the ALF Food Pantry (formerly Atascadero Loaves and Fishes). The De Anza trail is one of the hiking opportunities in Atascadero that we have enjoyed. It was brought to our attention that an RV storage facility is planned for 6805 Sycamore. We understand that the zoning can accommodate such use, but we would encourage the Commission to review carefully the potential benefits and detriments that might result. The project would not create any additional jobs, but it would perhaps generate a small amount of tax revenue for the City. It would definitely change the visual experience for people hiking (or driving) on Sycamore. It could affect the safety of hikers walking along Sycamore. If the Planning Commission is going to approve this use, we strongly encourage requiring adequate setback from the street with adequate safe space for a sidewalk or trail. Also, there is a planned 6 foot fence, and the RV's will be much taller than that, so we would also encourage some stringent requirements for landscaping, such as a tall and thick screen of greenery. We apologize for this late submission, but we just learned of this proposed use today. Dugald and Mary Alice Chisholm ATTENTION: L This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. 2 From: Mike Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 12:27 PM -- To: Planning Commission Public Comments Subject: Sycamore RV Storage - PC Meeting 11/15/2022 NOV 15 2022 UF_ V- Planning Commissioners and Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC), Please oppose the Sycamore RV Storage project. We need more open space within the city limits, not less. We need less encroachment on the Salinas River basin, not more. This area has historically been used by many people as an outdoor space to enjoy and use. We greatly appreciate AMWC for allowing this use. I am now saddened and dismayed to see the AMWC has changed their mind and decided go forward with this project on their property located within the river basin. How and when did the AMWC decide to proceed with this project? Looking through their meeting minutes for the last 15 months, I see no discussion about this project, therefore no indication to the shareholders that this project was under consideration. If revenue is the driving force for the project, I believe the shareholders would rather have an increase in their water rates. While the city and AMWC may share some revenue from this venture, I believe the project is short sided and once in place the land will forever be damaged. Other reasons I don't endorse this project: - The Salinas River is a critical habitat and pathway for many animals. It is also a riparian area that needs to be protected and helped, not encroached upon. - Storing up to 262 large vehicles near the river on permeable soil seems like it would risk ground water contamination from oil and fuel leakage. Regular inspection for leakage will be required and any leakage would need to have the soil removed and remediated. 1. —This storage lot will be less than aesthetically pleasing regardless of efforts toward screening. 2. - Vegetation maintenance will be required as vegetation will grow under and around the stored vehicles. The use of herbicides near the river is problematic. - Security will be difficult regardless of fencing. Transients will attempt to occupy these RVs. Cameras and lighting will be required. 3. From the City website Trails handbook: Atascadero is located in the heart of the Central Coast, offering a blend of natural beauty and rural lifestyle. Its comfortable climate and atmosphere are influenced by the beautiful Pacific Ocean on the West, and also by the Salinas River and open countryside to the East. Local scenery includes oak - studded hills, creeks, and scenic vistas of the Santa Lucia Mountains. Atascadero has a rich history, with many recreational opportunities to fit your individual style. This trail guide booklet will give you the inside scoop into some of the best trails that the City of Atascadero has to offer. Enjoy! Anza Trail: This historic trail passes through Atascadero in close proximity to the Salinas River. The Atascadero Mutual Water Company and the City of Atascadero opened segments of the trail for public use. The trail is lined with beautiful oaks and other native vegetation. Trail markers are extremely easy to find and lead you easily along all the trails. This trail consists of abundant wildlife and native vegetation that makes this hike one of a kind. Enjoy the easy trail in the morning or at night for a unique experience. Thank you for your consideration, Mike Orvis ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. PJ From: Dorsey Johnston Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 3:21 PM To: Planning Commission Public Comments Cc: Zoe Corral Subject: Agenda Item #2. 11/15/22 proposed RV Storage City of Atascadero, My name is Dorsey Hogue -Johnston and I represent Mason Family Trust along with being one of the owners of the property located at 6905 - 69115 Sycamore Road, located to the south of this p,roposed project. We are opposed to the project for the following reasons. 1. Environmentally there are many hazards due to storage of these vehicles that will leak oils and fuels into our city water system. 2. This project will attract and encourage more trash and traffic from the homeless. Providing them with many hiding places to set up camp. I see security being an issue. 3. This project will be directly against the back of our buildings and increasing the problems that already occur in this area. heft, vandalism, and vagrants wandering thru our businesses are a common issue at the Sycamore industrial Park. in the past we have had gas stolen, menta! heart'. issues with the home!ess wandering around and water stolen. 4. The area of the proposed project is an area that is used daily by many of our city residents who walk their dogs, get out for daily exercise and fresh air. You also have the community of RC pilots who are down there using that area on a regular basis. 5. The increased traffic this project will generate on Curbaril Road, and Sycamore Roads will be a problem. These roads are not maintained, designed, or set up to handle 200+ RV's coming and going from this area. 6. There is always the enhanced fire potential due to all the combustible materials being in such a tight confined area. The chance for a fire getting out of control and damaging our property is enhanced with this project. We strongly oppose this project. Please vote NO. Thank you for your time, Sincerely, Dorsey Hogue -Johnston Co-owner Mason Family 1993 Trust RECEIVED NOV 15 2022 CISEAl -olv^ CoMi*k;Jc4i 0 ULA _LOVMENT From: Karen Gleason Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 7:47 AM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: 6805 Sycamore Road, open space, D' Anza trail. I strongly disagree with making this now open space area a parking lot for RV's. This area is used by so many different people., dog walkers, horse back riders, joggers, hobby plane and cars. I feel this would further destroy the historic D' Anza trail by introducing more motorized vehicles, motorcycles in particular which is already a problem in the Salinas River area. If the trail is rerouted then it will surely be destroyed by motorcycles. This area should be kept open for the public to use and not become an unsightly parking lot for RV's. As an Atascadero Horsemen member, we use this part of the river for trail riding and already have a hard time sharing this space with motorcycles. Motorcycles have access to the river in so many different areas, that it is impossible to keep them out and if we diminish the open space then it becomes a much more hazardous area for motorcycles and equestrians side by side. Let's keep this space open for public access and try to keep motorized vehicles off the D' Anza trail. Thank you, Karen Gleason, Salinas River open space enthusiast. NOV 15 2022 u5F-Zl-(Y10-► -----Original Message ----- From: Wendy Ogle Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 8:52 AM To: City Clerk < .ityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Conditional Use Permit at 6805 Sycamore Road To whom it may concern: I am a resident here in Atascadero and very upset about this, I think it should be denied. I am disabled and it's hard to find places for walking that feels like your in nature, if they do this I will no longer be able to go on my walks with nature. We already have plenty storage facilities in town, why are they trying to ruin our riverbed viewsM I wish you could experience the pain I go thru just to have a natural walk in nature and they want to ruin it, please don't pass this. Has there even been any studies of what it may do to our riverbed, why lose our nature to this? Our town is already growing too fast don't make us (your crippled) lose one of our last natural places to walk with nature. I can't walk up our great hills but I love walking the riverbeds and edges. The ADA should be involved with any kind of development along the riverbed and I haven't heard or seen anything about them involved on this. Do our council members even think about what this will do to your constituents with disabilities? Take time and think, don't pass this I want to continue my walks in natureM Wendy Ogle RECEIVED NOV 15 2022 wSF- 21- O m'7