HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Resolution 2022-00087 2022 PC RESOLUTION 2022-0008 C TY OF ATASCADER® PLANNING RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ESTABLISH A MASTER PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT FOR A MIXED-USE PROJECT AND A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP (AT22-0011) TO ESTABLISH A 7 LOT COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT INCLUDING AN EIR ADDENDUM LOCATED AT THE NORTH-EAST PROJECT SITE OF THE DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DEL RIO MARKETPLACE MP. ANNEX, LLC (AMND19-0063) WHEREAS, an application has been received from MP Annex, LLC (284 Higuera St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401), Owner and Applicant, to consider Planning Application AMND19-0063, for a Conditional Use Permit to establish a Master Plan of Development for a mixed-use project and associated Tentative Parcel Map located at 1745, 1835, 1905, 1955 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 (APNs 049-102-051, 049-102-075, 049-102-031, 049- 102-056, and 049-102-045); and WHEREAS, the site's General Plan Land Use Designation is General Commercial (GC); and WHEREAS, the site's Zoning District is Commercial Retail with a Specific Plan #2 Overlay Zone (CR/SP2); and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan and associated entitlements on July 10, 2012; and WHEREAS, The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan envisions a larger scale development at this key commercial node in accordance with underlying zoning requirements and standards adopted in the Specific Plan. WHEREAS, mixed-use development with residential uses on the second and third floors is a conditionally allowed use in the Commercial Retail (CR) zoning district; and WHEREAS, in conjunction with the approval of the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan and associated entitlements, the City Council of the City of Atascadero, on June 26, 2012, certified the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 2010051034) (herein referred to as the "DRCASP EIR"), adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations and adopted a Mitigation Monitoring Program in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (herein referred to as "CEQA"); and WHEREAS, a subsequent project amendment and EIR addendum was adopted by the City Council on July 11, 2017 in conjunction with the approval of a Hotel at 1800 El Camino Real; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved an addendum to the EIR in conjunctions with amendments to the DRRCASP on September 22, 2020; and WHEREAS, Central Coast Transportation Consulting prepared a report analyzing impacts from the proposed development as compared to mitigation measures and timing listed in the amended EIR and determined that impacts were equal to or less than impacts identified in the amended EIR; and WHEREAS, to assess potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed detailed Master Plan of Development for the Del Rio Marketplace, City staff prepared an addendum to the DRCASP EIR pursuant to CEQA (herein referied to as "Addendum"); and WHEREAS, based on the Central Coast transportation Consultant Report and proposed Master Plan of Development City staff prepared draft language amending Mitigation Measure to address timing and phasing appropriate to mitigate impacts from the current project; and WHEREAS, the Addendum concluded that the proposed amendments would not result in any new or substantially more severe impacts than disclosed in the original Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan, as amended; and WHEREAS, Section 21000, et seq., of the Public Recourses Code and Section 15000, et seq., of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (herein referred to as the "CEQA Guidelines"), which govern the preparation, content, and processing of environmental impact reports, have been fully implemented in the preparation of the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan and Addendum; and WHEREAS, the minimum lot size in the CR zoning district is 0.5 acres; and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision includes parcels ranging from 0.7 acres to 3.8 acres; and WHEREAS, all shared parking and access easements are required to be recorded to ensure that all parcels have legal access from the adjacent rights-of-way; and WHEREAS, the project was reviewed by the Design Review Committee at their regularly scheduled meeting on March 10, 2022; and WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been adhered to; and WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject conditional use permit application was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said use permit; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero: SECTION 1. Recitals: The above recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2. Public Hearings. The Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the project on June 7, 2022 and considered testimony and reports from staff, the applicants, and the public. SECTION 3. Findings. The Planning Commission makes the following findings, determinations and approvals 1. Findings for Approval of a Conditional Use Permit A. FINDING: The proposed project or use is consistent with the General Plan FACT: The project is consistent with the Land Use, Open Space and Circulation (LOC) Policies and Programs 1. 1.7 for infill development; 1.4.1 for screening exterior lights; 2.1.3 and 7.2.3 for providing street trees; and, 8.5.3 for providing on-site stormwater management. In addition, the project is consistent with Circulation Element (CIR) Policies and Programs 1.4 for requiring a tree lined street; 1.5.1 for requiring adequate off-street parking; and 2.3.1 for providing adequate sidewalks as required for all new commercial development in the City. The General Plan also includes policies and programs aimed at enhancing the City's visual character and promoting economic viability. LOC3 promotes the transformation of El Camino Real into a distinctive and attractive commercial, office, and industrial park area which can provide for the long-term economic viability of the community. In addition, LOCI 3 provides policies and programs aimed at establishing a range of employment and business opportunities to provide a sound economic base and ensure that new development generates sufficient revenue to support public service needs and quality environmental, social, and educational opportunities. LOC 14 also encourages land uses that provide jobs and services for residents that fit within the city's character. The project, as proposed, will provide additional service to surrounding residents and provide increased property taxes once the site has been developed. B. FINDING: The proposed projector use satisfies all applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance FACT: The proposed mixed-use development is consistent with the Atascadero Municipal Code and the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan. In the Commercial Retail Zoning District residential uses on the second and third floors can be permitted though the Conditional Use Permit process as identified in the Municipal Code. The proposed structures and site plan are consistent with the applicable provisions of the Atascadero Municipal Code as conditioned. C. FINDING: The establishment, and subsequent operation or conduct of the use will not, because of the circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the general public or persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity of the use FACT: The proposed development will be located within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan where commercial uses are identified as desirable and encouraged. The site design has been reviewed by all City departments for consistency with code requirements. The project is proposed to have three access points, one off Del Rio Road and two off El Camino Real. The project is conditioned to construct frontage improvements along El Camino Real and Del Rio Rd that will ensure safe traffic patterns in and out of the site. Intersection improvements are also conditioned that will mitigate traffic impacts. D. FINDING: The proposed project or use will not be inconsistent with the character of the immediate neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development FACT: The project is planned in an area zoned for larger scale commercial development. The project includes a mix of uses that will complement the surrounding area and provide development in a key commercial node. The proposed project includes landscaping along the exterior of the project to provide visual screening from adjacent residential properties. Residential uses are proposed as part of the site development adjacent to existing residential uses. E. FINDING: The proposed use or project will not generate a volume of traffic beyond the safe capacity of all roads providing access to the project, either existing or to be improved in conjunction with the project, or beyond the normal traffic volume of the surrounding neighborhood that would result from full development in accordance with the land use element FACT: The proposed project has been reviewed by Central Coast Transportation Consultants for compliance with the certified EOIR, as amended. The analysis concluded that traffic volumes and patterns will be safe and within the capacity of adjacent roadways with mitigation incorporated. F. FINDING: The proposed project is in compliance with any pertinent City policy or criteria adopted by ordinance or resolution of the City Council. FACT: The Design Review Committee has reviewed the proposed project and found the site plan and elevations to be consistent with the criteria in the City's Design Review Manual. The City Council has identified this area for larger -scale commercial and office development. This plan provides a mix of retail, office, light industrial, and residential development, consistent with this policy. 2. Findings for Approval of a Tentative Parcel Map A. FINDING: The proposed subdivision, together with the provisions for its design and improvement, is consistent with the General Plan (Government Code § § 66474(a) and (b)), and . FACT: The site is zoned Commercial Retail and allows for commercial development. All uses proposed are allowed by the underlying zoning district as modified by the Del Rio Commercial Area Specific Plan. The subdivision proposed lots ranging from 0.7 to 3.8 acres. Shared access and parking easements are provided. As conditioned, the proposed tentative map meets all standards of the General Plan. B. FINDING: The site is physically suitable for the type of development (Government Code§ 66474(c)), and FACT: The property is zoned Commercial Retail and is suitable for a mixed-use development. The site is relatively flat and has frontage on both El Camino Real and Del Rio Road for access. C. FINDING: The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development (Government Code § 66474(d)), and FACT: The site is zoned Commercial Retail and does not have specific lot coverage standards. The maximum residential density is 266 units however, only 82 units are proposed. D. FINDING: The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. (Government Code § 66474(e)), and FACT: The proposed project is on a site with no identified sensitive habitats or species. No negative impacts to the environment will result from the project. E. FINDING; The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not cause serious health problems. (Government Code § 66474(f)), and FACT: The project is designed in accordance with all local and State regulations. The project proposes a mixed-use development at a key commercial node in the City and will not create any impacts to public health. F. FINDING; The design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. (Government Code § 66474(g)). FACT: The proposed project includes conditions to provide shared access and parking easements throughout the site for the benefit of all parcels. The project also includes relocation of and existing easement to a neighboring parcel. The relocated easement will be equivalent to the existing easement. SECTION 4. CEOA. The current Master Plan of Development for the Del Rio Marketplace proposes a mix of uses allowed within the existing Commercial Retail (CR) zoning designation and as modified by the Specific Plan overlay zone. As traffic impacts and peak hour timing vary from the previous EIR addendum, a new addendum was prepared to ensure that mitigation measures are appropriately correlated to the impacts and to show that impacts remain the same or are reduced as required by CEQA. The analysis has also shifted from Level of Service (LOS) to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) with the enaction of new State law. This addendum considers newly enacted State requirements and reviews traffic impacts based on VMT, as currently required under CEQA. After reviewing the facts and analyzing the circumstances, City staff has determined that a new EIR is not required because none of the circumstances described in CEQA Section 21166, as implemented by CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, would occur. Staff has prepared an addendum to discuss these issues and the basis for this determination. SECTION 5. Recommendation for Approval. The Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, in a regular session assembled on June 7, 2022, resolved to recommend that the city Council approve a Conditional Use Permit to establish a Master plan of Development and allow for a mixed-use project (AMND19-0063) subject to the following: 1. EXHIBIT A: Conditions of Approval 2. EXHIBIT B: EIR Addendum and Amended Mitigation Monitoring Program 3. EXHIBIT C: Project Design Package On motion by Vice Chairperson Keen and seconded by Commissioner Hughes, the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: Carranza, Hughes, Schmidt, Keen, van den Eikhof (5 ) NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Anderson, Heath ADOPTED: June 7, 2022 CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Jeff ikhof Planning Commission Chairperson �Attest: 1/k` Phil Dunsmore Planning Commission Secretary Attachment 1: Conditions of Approval AM N D 19-0063 Conditions of Approval AMND19-0063 Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT22-0011 (Del Rio Marketplace) APNs 049-102-051, 075, 031, 056, 045 Planning Department Fhis approval includes the following entitlements: a) Vesting Tentative Parcel Map (AT22-0011) is for the creation of 7 legal lots of record described on the attached exhibits and shall apply to APNs 049-102-051, 075, 031, 056, 045 regardless of owner. b) Master Plan of Development / conditional Use Permit for a mixed-use development (Del Rio Marketplace) that includes a 32,400 square -foot grocery anchor tenant with 31,700 square -feet of ancillary retail/commercial uses, 18,600 square -feet of light -industrial space, and 31,500 square -feet of ground floor office space with options for second and third floor office or residential uses (up to 92 based density units). Timing Responsibility /Monitoring PS: Planning Services BL: Business License BS: Building Services GP: Grading Permit FD: Fire Department BP. Building Permit PD: Police Department FI: Final Inspection CE: City Engineer T0: Temporary occupancy WW: Wastewater FO: Final Occupancy CA: City Attomey Ongoing 2. The approval of these entitlements shall become final and Ongoing effective for the purposes of issuing building permits the day after the city Council hearing, unless an appeal is made in accordance with the Atascadero Municipal Code. PS PS 3. The Community Development Director and/or City Engineer BP/FM PS, CE shall have the authority to make modifications to the final map that remain in substantial conformance with the approved Tentative Map. 4. The Community Development Director and/or city Engineer BP / FM PS, CE shall have the authority to make minor modifications to the Master Plan of development that are necessary to address code requirements or result in superior design. 5. Approval of these entitlements shall be valid for twenty-four (24) BP / FM PS months after its effective date. At the end of the period, the approval shall expire and become null and void unless the project has received a final map (Tentative Map entitlement) or building permit (Master Plan of Development), or a time extension has been granted, consistent with the Atascadero Municipal Code. 6. Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map was deemed complete on On-going PS, CE May 23, 2022, for the purposes of vested development rights and fees consistent with the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California. Conditions of Approval Timing AM N 019-0063 Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT22-0011 BL: Business License (Del Rio Marketplace) GP: Grading Permit BP: Building Permit FI: Final Inspection TO: Temporary Occupancy APNs 049-102-051, 075, 031, 056, 045 FO: Final Occupancy 7. A final parcel map drawn in substantial conformance with the FM approved vesting tentative map, and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein, shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance 8. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Ongoing City of Atascadero or its agents, officers, and employees against any claim or action brought to challenge an approval by . the City, or any of its entities, concerning the subdivision. 9. All subsequent Tentative Map and construction permits shall be consistent with the Master Plan of Development approved for the project. 10. The parcel map shall be subject to additional fees for park or recreation purposes (QUIMBY Act) as required by City Ordinance 11. All maintenance costs listed below shall be 100% funded by the project in perpetuity, except for public facilities that are planned for and currently maintained by the City of Atascadero. The service and maintenance cost shall be funded through an entity or mechanism established by the developer, subject to City Staff approval. This entity or mechanism must be in place prior to, or concurrently with acceptance of any final map(s) or the issuance of any building permits. The entity or mechanism shall be approved by the City Attorney, City Engineer and Administrative Services Director prior to acceptance of any Final Map(s) or issuance of any building permits. The administration of the above mentioned funds, and the coordination and performance of maintenance activities, shall be the responsibility of the entity or mechanism. a) All parking and access areas. b) All landscaping and lighting within the proposed project area. c) Common area fencing and/or features. d) Open areas on private property within the proposed project area including detention facilities, bio-swales, and other low -impact - development features. e) Newly constructed drainage facilities on private property within the proposed project area. f) Landscaped frontages within the right-of-way of all public streets within the defined specific plan boundary g) On-site sewer and storm drains located outside of the right-of- way. Responsibility /Monitoring PS: Planning Services BS: Building Services FD: Fire Department PD: Police Department CE: City Engineer WW: Wastewater CA: City Attorney PS/CE BP/FM PS, CE BP PS Ongoing I PS, CE Conditions of Approval Timing Responsibility AMND19-0063 /Monitoring Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT22-0011 PS: Planning Services BL: Business License BS: Building Services (Del Rio Marketplace) GP: Grading Permd FD: Fire Department BP: Building Pemit PD: Police Department FI: Final Inspecfion CE: City Engineer APNs 049-102-051, 075, 031, 056, 045 TO: Temporary Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy WW: Wastewater CA: City Atlomey 12. Shared parking and access easements shall be recorded over FM PS, CE all parcels. Easements shall also be recorded for shared drainage facilities. Parking shall not be designated for each use except for short-term pick-up spaces and residential uses along the perimeter of the project site as needed. 13. An easement shall be recorded on the face of the map, or recorded by separate instrument prior to final map, to replace the existing easement to 4890 Obispo Road (APN 049-102- 033). The resulting easement shall be approved by the benefiting parcel owners and shall be equivalent to the existing easement rights. 14. Agreements shall be required to be recorded against each FM, BP PS, CE parcel notifying any residential tenant of the commercial nature of the site to ensure that commercial activities are prioritized. 15. All trees on-site or planted as street frontage trees shall be Ongoing PS maintained in a manner that allows the tree to grow to its full natural height and natural canopy. No growth suppressants shall be permitted that result in stunting or modifying the natural growth pattern of the tree. 16. All Conditions and mitigation monitoring program for the Del Rio Ongoing PS Road Commercial Area Specific Plan, as amended, are hereby incorporated by reference. 17. The underground stormwater facilities shall be modified to be BP PS, CE located entirely under drive aisles and parking spaces so as not to preclude tree plantings as shown on the preliminary landscape plan. All revised drainage plans shall be subject to the approval of the city Engineer or their designee. 18. Sound walls shall be a solid material and shall be designed to BP PS be compatible with the commercial center. Walls shall be earth toned in color. Sound walls shall be included along the eastern property line in accordance with the Specific Plan and as modified per the recommendations of an acoustic analysis to be completed with building permit submittal. 19. Wood fencing shall be high quality and shall include a top rail. BP PS No dog-eared fencing will be permitted. 20. Evergreen landscaping shall be included along project edges BP PS adjacent to residentially zoned parcels to the greatest extent feasible. Landscape materials shall include trees and shrubs that provide visual screening above the fence/wall line. Conditions of Approval Timing Responsibility AM N D 19-0063 /Monitoring Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT22-0011 PS: Planning Services BL: Business License BS: Building Services (Del Rio Marketplace) GP: Grading Permit FD: Fire Department BP: Building Permt PD: Police Department FI: Final Inspection CE: City Engineer APNs 049-102-051, 075, 031, 056, 045 TO: Temporary Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy WW: Wastewater CA CityAWrney 21. Landscaping along EI Camino Real shall include London Plane BP PS street trees at a spacing of 30 -feet on -center. Additional landscaping shall include accent trees and native grasses 22. Del Rio landscaping shall incorporate street trees at a ratio of 1 BP PS tree per 30 -feet of frontage but may be grouped along the eastern portion of the frontage to transition to a more rural character. 23. Plaza spaces shall include decorative pavement such as BP PS stamped and/or colored concrete, or similar. 24. Future buildings shall be approved by planning staff prior to BP PS permit issuance and shall incorporate design elements consistent with a contemporary agrarian design theme, consistent with the Specific Plan and this Master Plan of Development. Buildings shall compliment the grocery anchor building in color and style. 25. All trash enclosures shall be constructed of dark color split face BP PS block or similar and shall include high quality solid metal doors. Enclosures shall be designed in accordance with Cal Green requirements. 26. The center identification sign at the corner of EI Camino Real BP PS and Del Rio Rd. shall be backlit or externally illuminated. 27. Second floor height of multi -story buildings shall be a minimum BP PS of 16 -feet from finished floor elevation of the ground floor. 28. Stormwater basins collecting public right-of-way runoff may BP PS extend into the public right-of-way at EI Camino Real. Maintain a minimum 2 -foot shoulder from the back of walk, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Maximum water depth in surface stormwater basins shall be 2'. Side slopes of basin shall be 5:1 maximum. Basins shall be unfenced. Surrounding grading at basins shall be at 5:1 maximum off of the street, and at 3:1 maximum up to private improvements. Fill from top of basin (water surface) to finish surface at private improvements shall not exceed 5 feet at slopes 5:1 or steeper. Small landscape walls (3' or less) may be incorporated into the designs to add flexibility. 29. The multi -tenant sign shall be consistent with project exhoibits. BP PS 30. The height of the free-standing monument sign located at the BP PS northern most driveway on EI Camino Real shall be a maximum Conditions of Approval AMND19-0063 Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT22-0011 (Del Rio Marketplace) APNs 049-102-051, 075, 031, 056, 045 of 8 -feet high and shall have a similar design to the taller monument signs. Public Works Project Conditions City Engineer Project Conditions Timing BL Business License GP: Grading Permit BP: Building Permit FI: Final Inspection TO: Temporary occupancy FO: Final Occupancy 33. A blanket parking and access easement shall be recorded on all BP, GP, FM parcels. Drainage easements shall be required to facilitate cross property drainage and accommodate shared stormwater systems. 34. Dedications shall be made to accommodate full buildout to the City BP, GP, FM Council adopted plan -line. 35. Street trees shall be provided along all project frontages. All street BP, GP tree maintenance shall be the responsibility of the adjacent property owner. Trees shall be maintained in a way that supports to natural growth of the tree and allows the tree to reach its full natural height and width. GRADING, DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER 36. The final Stormwater Control Plan (SWCP) and supporting BP, GP hydrology report shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of any building permit, in accordance with the State regulations (Regional Water Quality Control Board Res. No. R3- 2013-0032) 37 Prior to a final inspection the following City Stormwater documents shall be completed and approved by the City Engineer: • ATAS - SWP-1001 Engineer Certification Form • ATAS - SWP-1003 OwnerAgentlnfo • ATAS - SWP-1007 Exhibit_B Instructions SCM FORM • ATAS - SWP-1008 Stormwater System Plans and Manuals • ATAS - SWP-2002 Stormwater O&M Process and Form Instructions • ATAS - SWP-3001 Stormwater System O&M Agreement • ATAS - SWP-3002 Private Stormwater System Recorded Notice BP Responsibility /Monitoring PS: Planning Services BS: Building Services FD: Fire Department PD: Police Department CE: City Engineer WW: Wastewater CA: City Attorney CE CE CE CE CE Conditions of Approval Timing Responsibility AMND19-0063 /Monitoring Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT22-0011 PS: Planning Services BL, Business License BS: Building Services (Del Rio Marketplace) GP: Grading Permit FD: Fire Department BP: Building Permit PD: Police Department FI: Final Inspection CE: City Engineer APNS 049-102-051, 075, 031, 056, 045 TO: Temporary Occupancy FO: Fined Occupancy WW: Wastewater CA C4 Attorney Email publicworksRatascadero.org for copies of the above City templates. 38. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required BP CE prior to any ground disturbing activities. The WDID number provided upon acceptance of the SWPPP into the State's SMARTS system registration shall be noted on the Title Sheet of the Plans. The QSP shall coordinate with the City Inspector for State mandated storm water inspections (required by the City) and shall provide verification of QSP inspections, monitoring, SWPPP modifications and actions throughout project. 39. An Erosion Control Plan (with notes and details) is required at BP CE Building permit and must reference Best Management Practices (BM Ps) as defined by CASQA and/or City of Atascadero standards and specifications. Place a note on the plans stating that erosion control measures shall remain in place and be maintained throughout all ground disturbing operations until vegetation has been re-established over approximately 70% of the disturbed area. All finish graded areas shall be landscaped or revegetated using a native seed mixture per erosion control standards. FLOOD CONTROL BASINS 40. All basins must be shown to completely drain within 72 hours, to BP CE the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Detention Basin. Any drainage basin which has a downstream outlet designed to meter the outflow shall be classified as a detention basin. Basin capacity shall be based on receiving the runoff from a 50 -year storm with the watershed in its fully - developed condition, and releasing the flow equivalent to the runoff from a 2 -year storm with the project site in its pre - development condition. The outlet shall release water in a non- erosive manner. Subsurface Infiltration Basins. Subsurface basins shall be limited to locations where the depth to seasonally high groundwater is greater than 10 -feet below the deepest portion of the basin. Drain Rock. Drain rock shall be clean, crushed granite (or clean, angular rock of similar approved hardness) with rock size ranging from 1 -1/2 -inch to 3/4 -inch. Rock gradation shall conform to the Specification of ASTM C-33 #4. Conditions of Approval Timing Responsibility AM N D19-0063 /Monitoring Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT22-0011 BL: Business License PS: Planning Services BS: Building Services (Del Rio Marketplace) GP: Grading Permit FD: Fire Department BP: Building Permit PD: Police Department FI: Final Inspection CE: City Engineer TO: Temporary Occupancy APNs 049-102-051, 075, 031, 056, 045 FO: Final Occupancy WW: Wastewater CA Cityntbmey Operational Requirements. i. Water quality of inflow (both sediment and chemical loading) may require pretreatment or separation ii. Maintenance plan, including provisions for vehicular access and confined -space entry safety requirements, where applicable iii. A safe overflow path shall be identified on the plan and may require easements Easement Requirements. All drainage basins accepting runoff from roads, streets or other common ownership areas shall be located in an easement offered for dedication to the public. Reversionary clauses shall not be permitted. If a fence is required it shall be located not more than 4 -inches inside the drainage easement line, except where setbacks are required as part of the land use permit or by the Land Use Ordinance. Overflow Path Required. The design of all drainage basins shall identify the designated route for overflow. The Project Engineer shall design the overflow path so that the flow in a 100- year storm is non-erosive and will not damage downstream improvements, including other basins. Easements may be required for concentrated flows across multiple properties. UTILITIES 41. New and replacement utility distribution systems and services BP CE shall be constructed underground, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer 42. Each building shall be served with separate services for water, BP CE sewer, gas, power, telephone and cable TV. Utility laterals shall be located and constructed to each building in accordance with City Engineering Standards and Standard Specifications and other applicable codes 43. The Applicant shall extend the water distribution system to the BP CE satisfaction of the Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC) and City Engineer 44. The water system shall include easements outside of the road BP CE rights-of-way for water system facilities as required by the AMWC and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer Conditions of Approval Timing Responsibility AMND19-0063 /Monitoring Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT22-0011 PS: Planning Se vicesBL: Business License BS: Building Serices (Del Rio Marketplace) GP: Grading Permit FD: Fire Department BP: Building Permit PD: Police Department FI: Final Inspection CE: City Engineer APNs 049-102-051, 075, 031, 056, 045 TO: Temporary occupancy FO: Final Occupancy WW: Wastewater CA City Attorney 45. Each lot shall be served with a separate water lateral and meter BP CE in accordance with the AMWC requirements CE 46. A separate water meter(s) shall be installed for irrigation BP 47. Above ground facilities required for the water distribution BP/FM CE system, such as backflow prevention device assemblies, pressure reducing units, and pressure booster stations, shall be located outside the public right-of-way and, when required, placed in easements and shall include visual screening to the satisfaction of AMWC and City Engineer WASTEWATER 48. The wastewater collection system shall be designed and BP CE constructed in accordance with City Engineering Standards and Specifications to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. a. Gravity sanitary sewer (SS) mains shall terminate in manholes. The development's private sanitary sewer main shall tie in to City sewer on EI Camino Real in a manhole. b. Sewer Manholes shall be placed at changes in slope and every 400'. c. Gravity SS mains shall be a minimum of eight (8) inches in diameter 49. The on-site sewer laterals shall be privately owned and BP CE maintained by individual building owners 50. Prior to issuance of first building permit, a Sewer Capacity BP CE Analysis is required to confirm the development does not exceed previously anticipated capacity with early iterations of the Master Plan of Development and Del Rio Commercial Area Specific Plan to include a list of all uses proposed on site per building 51. Sewer capacity charges/fees will be applied to building permit at I BP CE issuance. The applicant shall pay sewer fees in effect at the time the Vesting Parcel Map was deemed complete. If any unique uses are proposed, specific wastewater information may be required to be submitted, subject to the request and approval of the City Engineer Conditions of Approval AMND19-0063 Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT22-0011 (Del Rio Marketplace) APNs 049-102-051, 075, 031, 056, 045 TRAFFIC 52. Provide Fair share payment for Ramona Rd Realignment and the right turn lane at US 101 northbound as any associated improvements and signal timing modifications as listed in the mitigation measure FRONTAGEIMPROVEMENTS 53. The project shall construct public improvements along EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road in general conformance with the City Council approved Del Rio Commercial Area Specific Plan Lines in the vicinity of US 101 Interchange as approved by City Council on 9/22/2020, and other public improvement requirements as detailed in the Del Rio Commercial Specific Plan approved by City Council 10/13/2020 as required by traffic impacts, except as specifically modified by this or subsequent entitlement, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 54. The public improvements, including the Del Rio/ EI Camino Real (ECR) intersection, as required by the Traffic Impact Study for the project, must be completed by the developer (City has issued final approval) prior to final occupancy of the first building. The developer's design team shall work with the City Engineering staff for 30%, 60%, 90% and Final design reviews. a. At Del Rio and EI Camino Real Intersection, the project shall provide: i. Improvements on project corner (northeast) including but not limited to ramps, traffic signal modifications and/or replacement, and striping. ii. On southeast corner, improvements are required to bring the lane alignments and configurations at the intersection to a width sufficient to serve the project (as indicated in the Traffic Impact Study) and accommodate California Legal Design Vehicle Semi Truck turning movements. Pavement widening and improvements on southeast corner to include, at a minimum, pavement widening and 5:1 transition to existing pavement, a temporary AC dike and ramp at the ultimate build out curb line location, traffic signal modifications and/or Timing Responsibility /Monitoring PS: Planning Services BL: Business License BS: Building Services GP: Grading Permit FD: Fire Department BP: Building Permit PD: Police Department FI: Final Inspection CE: City Engineer TO: Temporary Occupancy WW: Wastewater FO: Final Occupancy CA: City Attorney BP I CE BP I CE BP CE Conditions of Approval AM N D 19-0063 Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT22-0011 (Del Rio Marketplace) APNs 049-102-051, 075, 031, 056, 045 replacement, and any drainage improvements. b. For Del Rio road frontage, the project shall provide: i. Curb, gutter and attached 8 -foot sidewalk up to the first driveway east of EI Camino Real and a 6 -foot sidewalk beyond that driveway, ii. A bike lane, one westbound travel lane and one dedicated left turn lane into the development, iii. Improvement past the centerline will be required to accommodate a temporary shared/combined eastbound travel lane and bike lane with minimum 3.5' shoulder, however full development of the opposite side (south side) of Del Rio will be the responsibility of the adjacent property owners upon development. iv. At the eastern end of the property frontage, transition new pavement to existing pavement at 5:1 taper. The sidewalk shall transition to shoulder with use of HMA Sidewalk Terminus Ramp County of San Luis Obispo Detail C-7 c. On EI Camino Real, the project shall provide: i. Curb, gutter and 8 -foot sidewalk up to the northern most driveway and a 6 - foot sidewalk beyond the driveway. ii. Improvements to the centerline of the roadway, including one through lane and a dedicated right turn pocket into the project. Provision must be made for a left turn lane into the driveway of 1920 EI Camino Real. Transitions into the turn lanes must consider the 40 MPH speed limit for EI Camino Real. A median is required to limit left turns from the project's most southern driveway onto EI Camino Real. The northern driveway must align with the southern driveway of Home 2 Suites hotel across the street to prevent Timing Responsibility /Monitoring PS: Planning Services BL: Business License BS: Building Services GP: Grading Permit FD: Fire Department BP: Building Permit PD: Police Department FI: Final Inspection CE: City Engineer TO: Temporary Occupancy WW: Wastewater F0: Final Occupancy CA: City Attorney Conditions of Approval Timing Responsibility AM N 019-0063 /Monitoring Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT22-0011 PS: Planning Services BL: Business License BS: Building Services (Del Rio Marketplace) GP: Grading Permit FD: Fire Department OF: Building Permit PD: Police Department FI: Final Inspection CE: City Engineer APNs 049-102-051, 075, 031, 056, 045 TO: Temporary Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy WW: Wastewater CA: City Attorney conflicts that would require limiting left turn movements. iii. At the northern end of the property frontage, extend improvements to meet existing curb, gutter and sidewalk along the frontage of the Colony Homes development, Tract 2489. Provide a new driveway apron per City standard 423 (with 4' accessible sidewalk) for the access easement and driveway adjacent to the northern property line 55. A separate encroachment permit is required for any work within a BP CE public Right -of -Way or easement. 56. Prior to Encroachment permit issuance, the Developer shall BP CE execute an "Engineer of Work Agreement" form and provide to the City designating who will be providing engineering support for the design and construction of the improvements for the project. a. In coordination with the developer, the Engineer of Work (EOW)-designated Inspector, a third party not affiliated with the developer's contractor performing the work, would be required during the inspection process of the site and frontage improvements. The City and EOW inspectors to work together in collection and record keeping necessary for the inspection and approval of the improvements. The EOW inspector would be onsite frequently, or when work requiring inspection occurs, and the City Inspector would be checking in periodically based on the agreed upon schedule with City Staff (i.e. every two weeks) 57. Public improvement plans (PIPs) shall be prepared by a licensed BP CE civil engineer. PIPs shall be prepared on 24"x36" plan sheets, use the City Standard border and signature block, and shall comply with Section 2 of City Standard Specifications. All plans shall contain the City of Atascadero "Standard Notes for Improvement Plans" on file in the City Engineer's office. 58. Road slope easements shall be dedicated where the road prism BP/FM CE cut/fill slopes extend beyond the right-of-way. The easement shall extend not less than five feet (horizontally) beyond any daylight or catch line of the graded slope or other required road facility (such as a brow ditch, retaining wall, drainage swale, etc.), to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Conditions of Approval Timing Responsibility AM N D19-0063 /Monitoring Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT22-0011 BL: Business License PS: Planning Services BS: Building Services (Del Rio Marketplace) GP: Grading Pemtit FD: Fire Depar6nent BP: Building Permit PD: Police Department FI: Final Inspection CE: City Engineer APNs 049-102-051, 075, 031, 056, 045 TO: Temporary Occupancy FO:FinalOccupancy WW: Wastewater CA: Co Attorney ROAD IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 59. The horizontal and vertical design of roads shall be in compliance BP CE with the City of Atascadero Engineering Standards and Standard Specifications, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The City Engineer reserves the right to make modifications to all submitted road designs, when in the opinion of the City Engineer, the public's health and safety is benefitted. 60. The design of structural pavement sections for on-site roads shall BP CE be based on minimum a Traffic Index (TI) = 6.0 and a 20 -year design life. Off-site/public roads must match existing pavement sections and/or City Standards Specifications to the satisfaction of the City Engineer 61 New roads with pavement placed prior to the construction of BP CE buildings will be subjected to additional construction traffic and wear associated with the on-site construction not included in the design life of the pavement section. Therefore to off -set this, the AC thickness shall be increased from that which is derived from CalTrans method by either: a. 1" if the pavement is placed prior to building construction (not phased) b. 1.5" if the pavement construction is phased (i.e. — a portion of the ultimate pavement thickness is deferred and a final pavement cap placed prior to final inspection). c. Final pavement cap shall not be less than 1.5" d. Street centerline monuments shall be provided at intersections and at the beginning and end of curves along the street centerline CE 62. Pavement and base sections shall be designed and constructed BP in accordance with the City of Atascadero Engineering Standards and Standard Specifications. When said standards and specifications are not clear, lack necessary details, or are silent, the minimum standard shall be based upon the current edition of the San Luis Obispo County Public Improvement Standards or Caltrans Standard Drawings and Standard Specifications, as determined by the City Engineer FINAL MAP Conditions of Approval Timing Responsibility AM N D 19-0063 /Monitoring Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT22-0011 PS: Planning Services BL: Business License BS: Building Services (Del Rio Marketplace) GP: Grading Permit FD: Fire Department BP: Building Permit PD: Police Department FI: Final Inspection CE: City Engineer APNs 049-102-051, 075, 031, 056, 045 TO: Temporary Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy WW: Wastewater CA City Attorney 63. Prior to recording the Final Map, the Applicant shall have the map FM CE reviewed by the public utility providers for power, telephone, gas, cable TV, and the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. The Applicant shall obtain a letter from each utility company stating that the easements and rights-of-way shown on the map for public utility purposes are acceptable 64. Documents that the City of Atascadero requires to be recorded FM CE concurrently with the Final Map (e.g.: off-site rights-of-way dedications, easements not shown on the map, agreements, etc.) shall be listed on the certificate sheet of the map 65. The City of Atascadero may require an additional map sheet for FM CE information purposes in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act 66. A 6 -feet wide Public Utility Easement (PUE) shall be dedicated FM CE contiguous to the new road rights-of-way for the property frontages along EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road. STANDARD CONDITIONS 67. All public improvements shall be constructed in conformance with the BP, GP CE City of Atascadero Engineering Department Standard Specifications and Drawings. 68. In the event that the applicant is allowed to bond for the public FM CE improvements required as a condition of this map, the applicant shall enter into a Subdivision Improvement Agreement with the City. 69. An engineer's estimate of probable cost shall be submitted for review FM CE and approval by the City Engineer to determine the amount of the bond. 70. The Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) shall record FM CE concurrently with the Final Map. If it is the intent of the developer to pursue a reimbursement agreement with the City for the installation of oft -site sewer facilities, reference to said agreement and terms shall be included in the SIA. 71. The applicant shall be responsible for the relocation and/or alteration BP, GP CE of existing utilities. Conditions of Approval Timing Responsibility AM N D 19-0063 /Monitoring Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT22-0011 PS: Planning Services BL: Business License BS: Building Services (Del Rio Marketplace) GP: Grading Permit FD: Fire Department BP: Building Permit PD: Police Department FI: Final Inspection CE: City Engineer TO. Temporary Occupancy WW: Wastewater APNs 049-102-051, 075, 031, 056, 045 FO: Final Occupancy CA: CityAttomey 72. The applicant shall install all new utilities (water, gas, electric, cable BP, GP CE TV and telephone) underground. Utilities shall be extended to the property line frontage of each lot or its public utility easement. 73. The applicant shall monument all property corners for construction FM CE control and shall promptly replace them if disturbed. 74. The applicant shall acquire title interest in any off-site land that may FM CE be required to allow for the construction of the improvements. The applicant shall bear all costs associated with the necessary acquisitions. The applicant shall also gain concurrence from all adjacent property owners whose ingress and egress is affected by these improvements. 75. Slope easements shall be provided as needed to accommodate cut FM CE or fill slopes. 76. Drainage easements shall be provided as needed to accommodate FM CE both public and private drainage facilities. 77. The final map shall be signed by the City Engineer prior to the map FM CE being placed on the agenda for City Council acceptance. 78. Prior to recording the parcel map, the applicant shall submit a map FM CE drawn in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein. The map shall be submitted for review and approval by the City in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance. 79. Prior to recording the parcel map, the applicant shall either bond for FM CE or set monuments at all new property corners. A registered civil engineer licensed to perform land surveying or licensed land surveyor shall indicate by certificate on the parcel map, that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. 80. Prior to recording the tract map, the applicant shall pay all outstanding FM CE plan check/inspection fees. 81. Prior to recording the map, the applicant shall bond for or complete FM CE all improvements required by these conditions of approval Conditions of Approval Timing Responsibility AMND19-0063 /Monitoring Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT22-0011 PS: Planning Services BL: Business License BS: Building Services (Del Rio Marketplace) GP: Grading Permit FD: Fire Department BP. Building Permit PD: Police Department FI: Final Inspection CE: City Engineer APNs 049-102-051, 075, 031, 056, 045 TO: Temporary Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy WW: Wastewater CA: CityAttomey 82. Prior to recording the parcel map, the applicant shall have the map FM CE reviewed by all applicable public and private utility companies (cable, telephone, gas, electric, Atascadero Mutual Water Company). The applicant shall obtain a letter from each utility company indicating their review of the map. The letter shall identify any new easements that may be required by the utility company. A copy of the letter shall be submitted to the City. New easements shall be shown on the map. 83. Prior to the final inspection of any public improvements, the applicant FM CE shall submit a written statement from a registered civil engineer that all work has been completed and is in full compliance with the approved plans. 84. Prior to the final inspection, the applicant shall submit a written BP, GP CE certification from a registered civil engineer or land surveyor that all survey monuments have been set as shown on the final map. 85. An encroachment permit shall be obtained prior to any work within BP, GP CE City rights of way. 86. Prior to the issuance of building permits the applicant shall submit a BP, GP CE grading and drainage plan prepared by a registered civil engineer for review and approval by the City Engineer. FIRE DEPARTMENT PROJECT CONDITIONS 87. Internal project and driveways shall meet the City of Atascadero F-7 BP FD standard. 88. Fire hydrants shall be located within 100 -feet of the fire department BP FD connection for each building. 89. A 26 -foot wide fire lane shall be provided no closer than 15 -feet and BP FD no farther than 30 -feet from any building exceeding 30 -feet in height, subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal. This may be accommodated within the parking lot drive aisles. 90. An Atascadero Construction Site Safety Plan is required to be BP FD submitted and approved prior issuance of building permits. Attachment 2: EIR Addendum and Amended Mitigation Monitoring Program AM N D19-0063 See Following i ~ y uui i=icza EXHIBIT A -�­ ADDENDUM TO FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT — Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan (Certified by the Atascadero City Council on June 26, 2012 and amended by the Council on September 22, 2020) 1.1 INTRODUCTION The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires public agencies to analyze and consider the environmental consequences of decisions to approve development projects that they exercise discretion over. CEQA achieves this objective by requiring agencies to prepare Environmental Impact Reports (EIR's) for projects with the potential to cause significant impacts on the physical environment. EIR's are public documents that analyze environmental effects related to the planning, construction, and operation of a project, and indicate ways to reduce or avoid possible environmental damage. An EIR also discloses growth -inducing impacts, effects found not to be significant, significant cumulative impacts, and significant impacts that cannot be avoided, if any. The purpose of an EIR is to inform. EIR's are not policy documents that recommend project approval or denial. As a lead agency, the City of Atascadero prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code, section 21000 et seq.) and the State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Section 15000 et seq., as amended). The City Council certified the Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) for the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan at a public hearing on June 26, 2012. As noted in the Final EIR, the analysis in the Final EIR was at a "project" level of detail, which anticipated the potential impacts of future approvals to implement the project. Public Resources Code Section 21166 limits the ability of an agency to require an additional EIR, once one has been certified for a project. Section 21166 provides as follows: .$21166. Subseguent or Supplemental Impact Report; Conditions. When an environmental impact report has been prepared for a project pursuant to this division, no subsequent or supplemental environmental impact report shall be required by the lead agency or by any responsible agency, unless one or more of the following events occurs: (a). Substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major revisions of the environmental impact report. (b). Substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project is being undertaken which will require major revisions in the environmental impact report. (c). New information, which was not known and could not have been known at the time the environmental impact report was certified as complete, becomes available. The CEQA Guidelines further refine the circumstances under which a supplemental or subsequent EIR may be required. Guidelines Section 15162 provides as follows: 15162. Subsequent EIRs and Nezative Declarations. (a) When an EIR has been certified or negative declaration adopted for a project, no subsequent EIR shall be prepared for that project unless the lead agency determines, on the basis of substantial evidence in the light of the whole record, one or more of the following: (1). Substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; (2). Substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; or (3). New information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was certified as complete or the negative declaration was adopted, shows any of the following: (A). The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR or negative declaration; (B). Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR; (Q. Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative; or (D). Mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the previous EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative. In 2017, the City amended the Del Rio Specific Plan to accommodate the Hilton Hotel on the western portion of the "Annex" site of the Del Rio Specific Plan to allow for a hotel instead of retail development. That amendment recognized a reduction in vehicle trips and associated environmental impacts. A four-story, 120 -room hotel, north of Del Rio Road, between Hwy 101 and EI Camino Real has been recently completed as a result of that amendment. In 2017, Walmart notified the City that they would no longer be pursuing the development of their Del Rio store in Atascadero. In 2019, development plans were officially withdrawn and the site is being marketed for sale. On July 12th, 2020, the tentative parcel map and associated Master Plan of Development for the project expired. In 2020 amendments to the Specific Plan were adopted modifying the list of allowed uses on the site, including the removal of high traffic generating uses, and mitigation measures were modified to recognize the reduction in trips and traffic impacts through an addendum to the EIR. The City is currently processing a Master Plan of Development for the North-East project site within the Del Rio Specific Plan. The master plan proposes a mix of uses allowed within the existing Commercial Retail (CR) zoning designation and as modified by the Specific Plan overlay zone. As traffic impacts and peak hour timing vary from the previous EIR addendum, a new addendum is being prepared to ensure that mitigation measures are appropriately correlated to the impacts and to show that impacts remain the same or are reduced as required by CEQA. The analysis has also shifted from Level of Service (LOS) to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) with the enaction of new State law. This addendum considers newly enacted State requirements and reviews traffic impacts based on VMT, as currently required under CEQA. Before acting on the proposed amendments, the Planning Commission and the City Council must apply the standards outlined above to determine whether a subsequent or supplement EIR is required. After reviewing the facts and analyzing the circumstances, City staff has determined that a new EIR is not required because none of the circumstances described in CEQA Section 21166, as implemented by CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, would occur. Staff has prepared an addendum to discuss these issues and the basis for this determination. 2.0 Del Rio Road / US 101 Interchange / Del Rio Road & EI Camino Real The certified Final EIR for the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan included a traffic analysis originally completed in 2010 for the Specific Plan. In 2019 and 2020, following Walmart's cancelation of the Atascadero store and submittal of the Annex site Master Plan of Development amendment, staff consulted with W -trans to complete a traffic sensitivity analysis of the Del Rio Road Interchange corridor to assess the intensity of development that can be accommodated in the vicinity of the Del Rio Road interchange while maintaining acceptable operations and identify final buildout configurations. New future growth assumptions were factored in as well as updated regional modeling to ensure the most accurate impact analysis. The July 2020 Analysis considered the following: 1. In addition to a higher -altitude evaluation of the traffic generated by predictive land use development scenarios completed in 2019, the 2020 analysis incorporated regional growth and 20 -year forecast scenarios in order to allow Caltrans to determine long-range impacts to their facilities and ensure informed future planning efforts. 2. The analyses investigated the traffic signal configurations, roadway geometrics, and right-of-way impacts including delay time and queue length. The 2020 analysis concluded that the mitigation measures proposed (detailed below) are feasible and appropriate to the impacts. 3. Caltrans owns and operates the two traffic signals at the ramp intersections of Del Rio and US 101. Caltrans priority will be mainline traffic operations on US 101 and ensuring exiting traffic does not queue onto the mainline traffic lanes from off ramps. The analyses studied the timing of the traffic signals and ramp queuing in preparation for coordinating with Caltrans on implementing the proposed mitigation measures. The most recent analysis and addendum modified mitigation measures in response to changing land use patterns and more current development proposals. Table 1 below shows the current mitigation measures and recommended timing changes based on the Marketplace Development plan: Table 1: Amended Specific: Pian 41: This mitiptitm mcasum indudt:s the additit}n of a westbound right -tum lane ter Existing Plus .fapprrival Plus the uttersanion of Del Rini Rd/tIS 101 NH Ramps, such that there wtiuld be two hroiert v+}It MCN, enwrate _ rxc.�,rhound la..res tan DO Rio 141 Wim. 1:1 C:arnkto Real to US (tai XB Rarnpv.'rhis ar-'CCPL-Lh1v Widutuf the would toqlirr widi:riing Del Rita Rd, the construeurm or a Trrainigg wall tier the mtrh additional wusibound right -umSidC, and ;Fec instruction of the curb serum. By splitting viis.thf and t7:imr. inti? lane as Del Rsta Rd/t'b miMV01 dmmgh and Tight -nun lane-,.. the queue length could be rxluct-d In paniding drivers NtYitlllMYLihil Ramps (#.5). tww% tiY stack- in rather than tarie tear hath mavements combined.. �d'datromiltl;, Remmmend .project pay their iphkbn�. thnYttF„rh and rt}�ltt-tt}enrtsg Gallie wouldalalia• tum3rt}; drives wIn'Etd!is lair share inward !ztture tn thr}gh drivem who are waiting for a keen Eight, redut:ing dela- arra impm% of tYperatit±ns at DO Wit) Rd/t'4 101 \13 Ramps.imprxnsnitnts, #�- This trrnt,�,3tion namsure would involve stytaal rmtrdthcatitims ro the m(fic signal at lack Ra} Rd/ F1 Camino Real to ,nom t:tf cientli- orchmmate tiu: movement of Ctanierctltlg, tratt5c This meiditicadon inlx}1 vs the rcplaccmenr vt the narthlaound left.- t}tttt -perrrussrt'G phasing 9s mm protected phasing (t±Wn amrw) ugtb pnatxetcd-permessasx �phasn (green arnria recommended 6mriart tole% the ntYrthht}und and si)t}th13rYut}d rhat glens to green ball or 11:v4hmg tclltyw arr v). and the .uxithimund left rum approaches. ice #4. tastlx±aril- pr►reth d plias}ng with permissive phasing O;reLn hall tot tlash}rig ytilbw arrow). The and 1V L`t'stbSMthd span tYt:a'Slng eastixxund and wcsib ound -±hairs, which cunrnd+ activate at the same time, would not acermmertded as inrrtirn he split tel Faperare se.tutgntrall `, tYF orit tltrciction aril thele the lather. These charges based sed tan ti[rscrcptat±Ic ta't7lrld require rntAitication To the cylsting signal inf':ra vucturG M u1CAVj? )w. np L-tGd vivraiiim with pnsieci traffic sq;" heads- In 'addititin. -hell mit givim includes adjui ti chi- to the signal phasing to enters of recalls. phase lengths, and dtt o ctall Crani length. #.+ 'This maigautin measure would combine Mitigation 1. and 2. Nor Mcommended, sce #Z $94; Tits apron includes any nuidifreations that may- be required to achieve Cumulative Plus Pa jest accq- table: operations arid% the addition of traffic that uxmid be generated by the operates acceptably.2t the Del Arr}rnd+:d'Speedic Plan scenario. In additnn tea Mitigidon 1 and Nb ipiion 2 above, Rist ltd/lF1 Camino Real (#4) div intersection t}f Del %iii? Rd/1-1 Camino Real wnuld heed to he further madiiled ui intersection v6thnut sig al. reconfigure the emtl% nd apprriach fatm3 thriYi gF/lege-turn and vight--fleet lanti, to t: xxx6mation or rrstaping of the left -turn lane and dimugh/tight-tum tants, essentially mming tht through mtamment taartinhtnrnd approach. fri7tF, the left Um u) the nghr lane This may require "iaiciening the ca tt%irmid il<ca)muwnd Marketplace i'f"rtim (on the east leg of the }nttrsectiun) k) aSttxtd t.9 cessrYC latctul sh9fling of prima construct thefull oving through traffic. With a dedicated castiviund left -taint lane, the rasthountl-west hound impr(wernents prior to split phasing a7uld be replaced with concurrent timing, as well as protected- tY[Clt^f7aE}Cj _ Permissive phasing star the casibound 6A-atarl mmvmcnt. X ate protected left -turn - Restripe eastbtourai 2pprt}a6 pleasing in the eastbound threctinn acid a prnliibinurt at =sthouand U-turns, it would to a left, through, and right rum be possible w inclutle a itautl3 Turd right -tum ovetlap. which a,; 2 gve n arrum that lane. enabtrs sourtelai and right LmI ing drivers to CtYltwinc nithtaUt sto;—Ting cimcumnth- - insmU westl hound itft torn with the caul m i left -runt mtaN=cnt. Additionally, the signal at Del Rite Rd/.t1 litre. {.ander%} Real Tn'e3t}id need to be Cceo rdinated with the signals at W Rita ltd/U.S till -'ettYdifr all appFtaachcs tet N- B Ramps and DO Riitj Rd/L'S t0l. Mil Ramps. This would require extending the pnarcrrcd-peri nistid-t: phasing interctmnerr hart%are between the ramp signals eta Del Riri Rd/t!J famiirin Full, and c—pt westbound. peamrially upgrading the signal hardu*arr at 13ei RvY Rd/t7 CA mini, Real to be Install southhound right turn rttmzoatible with irtirrrrYrattcrt teEttptllydl,'r if it ir. talar already. (Note;—xisang trYt'Ilap, in'wM anxica Conduit and cable.) - t ndarr sivn3l timin [. Vehicle Miles Traveled Analvsis While the City of Atascadero has not yet adopted VMT standards the State Office of Planning and Research (OPR) has published recommended thresholds which are applied below. OPR's Technical Advisory on Evaluating Transportation Impacts in CEQA provides guidance for evaluating VMT for various project types. Mixed-use projects can evaluate the individual components separately or focus the analysis on the dominant use. As shown in Table 4, the non-residential components of the project generate over 90 percent of the project's daily trips and are therefore the dominant use. OPR also notes that local- serving retail can be presumed to have a less - than -significant impact because these uses don't typically generate new demand, but instead shift travel patterns as customers shift to more convenient shopping locations. The proposed retail uses on the site are anchored by a 32,400 sq.ft. grocery store which is expected to be local serving. OPR's suggested threshold for office uses is 15 percent below the regional average of work VMT. Work VMT captures trips from home to work. The SLOCOG Travel Demand Model was applied to estimate the work VMT. The project's VMT was estimated using the SLOCOG Travel Demand Model The regional VMT is summarized in Table 2. Table 2: VMT An ilvsis Total Dcmographics VMT -!y Trip Pucp Regional Residential office Smnario ''VMT es Population Empl� VMI VMT 2()211 K,n Project 8,89,134 y 12 1 ,L,6 246, 4,4FAt,33.1 t_59i,434 211211 AIth Proicct 8,899,1. V i2 11-11474 246,942 4,4778,439 1.3N, 30 ChAV iNe Prn tet 66,9 198 NO •1,894 -504 1. Rcudcntial '4 NIT is produced by bnuscWds (sum of home -lea ed productims); o f cc VNIT is attmctcd to ofFsccs (sum of htsmc-based-wnri: armactinns), Snurcr-SLOCOGTDNI, CCIIC, 2022 The project is expected to increase overall regional VMT slightly and reduce residential and office VMT. This reduction in office VMT and residential VMT indicates a less -than - significant impact to VMT. The retail component of the project is considered local -serving and is presumed to have a less than -significant VMT impact. The provision of commercial uses in a predominantly residential area improves the jobs - housing balance which shortens commute trips lengths. The mix of uses on the project site provides destinations serving project residents as well as other residents nearby. This is consistent with SB 743 and regional planning goals to encourage mixed-use infill developments. Summary The certified Final EIR, with the inclusion of mitigation measures in the certified Final EIR, modified with input from Caltrans, concluded that, in order to mitigate impacts created by the completion of the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan, a new 5 -legged roundabout would be needed at the US 101 / Del Rio Road interchange. With the revised land -use development scenarios including updated future regional impacts and future anticipated development within the City, the new 2020 traffic analysis concluded that construction of roundabouts is not warranted and that alternative mitigation strategies can be implemented that will maintain functionality of the overpass and intersections. With the revised land -use development scenarios for the Specific Plan area and updated projections for local and regional growth, traffic impacts at the Del Rio 1101 interchange and at the Del Rio / EI Camino Real intersection decrease. The supplemental traffic analysis completed for the Del Rio Marketplace in 2022 show that there are no "new significant environmental effects or substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects." (Section 15162(a)(1)). Conditions have been included for the project that modify the timing of mitigations measures and mitigation measures have been updated to include this revised timing. 2.1 Application of CEQA Guideline Section 15612 Is there substantial evidence in the record revealing that there have been substantial changes proposed in the project which will require major revisions of the previous EIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects as a result of the Master Plan of Development amendment and revised land use development scenarios? No. The City has completed extensive analyses of the revised traffic impacts based on the modified land use development scenarios and the estimated foreseeable regional and local future impacts. Under the anticipated land use scenarios throughout the Specific Plan area and the submitted Master Plan of Development for the Del Rio Marketplace, the modified development pattern will result in a decrease in traffic impacts until full build- out of the area, supporting modified mitigation timing, both at the interchange and local intersection. As noted above, the original EIR analyzed the impacts of the Specific Plan Amendment with regionally serving commercial retail uses throughout the majority of the project. The 2020 addendum analyzed land uses comprised of a mixture of residential, retail, office park, and tourist serving uses. With the supplemental traffic analysis identifying uses in both the Specific Plan area, as well as an update to the baseline and regional traffic modeling, impact timing is modified and mitigation is proposed that responds to these changes. The amendment to the mitigation measures responds to the Master Plan of Development for the Del Rio Marketplace, ensuring that development within the Specific Plan area does not degrade the interchange to unacceptable levels. The proposed modification allows for property development to proceed with construction of identified improvements and fair -share fees associated with impacts that necessitate improvements at full area build -out. Therefore, no new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects has been identified with this analysis that would result in major changes to the FEIR. The proposed amendments, as has been shown, maintain the environmental impact resulting from development within the Specific Plan area and modify mitigation timing to respond to proposed development plans. Is there substantial evidence in the record revealing that there have been substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects as a result of the MP Annex LLC's proposed hotel use within the Specific Plan? No, there is no evidence suggesting that there have been substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions to the previous EIR due to the involvement of new significant impacts or increases in the severity of previously identified impacts. All uses proposed are allowed or conditionally allowed within the underlying Commercial Retail (CR) zoning designation. The additional traffic supplemental analysis reveals that no new significant environmental effects would result from the development plan and there will be no increase in the severity of any previously identified significant effects. It has been shown that the proposed amendments will in fact decrease the immediacy of traffic impacts to the Del Rio / 101 interchange as well as the Del Rio / EI Camino Real intersection. Is there substantial evidence in the record revealing that there is new information of substantial importance related to the proposed amendments, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was certified that shows: (1) the project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the EIR, (2) significant effects previously shown will be substantially more severe that shown in the previous EIR, (3) mitigation measure or alternatives previously found to be infeasible would in fact be feasible, or (4) there are considerably different mitigation measure or alternatives from those analyzed in the previous EIR that would substantially reduce one or more significant effects? No, there is no evidence suggesting that there is new information of substantial importance relating to new significant effects or the severity of previously identified significant effects, or new alternatives or mitigation measures or the efficacy of previously considered alternatives or mitigation measures. At the time of the certification of the original EIR, traffic impacts and mitigations were identified based on the construction of a regional retail center on the Annex portion of the Specific Plan area and a Walmart store on the Major Tenant site. The 202 EIR Addendum analyzed a modified land use pattern and determined that impacts would be substantially less with full project area build -out, eliminating the need for round -abouts at the affected intersections. This new analysis reveals that no new significant environmental effects would result from the development of the Marketplace project as proposed, and in fact there will be a modification in traffic patterns and peak -hour impacts that allow for modified mitigation measure timing and signal function. As a consequence of this conclusion, it can be concluded that no new mitigation measures or alternatives need be analyzed. 3.0 BASIS FOR DECISION TO PREPARE AN ADDENDUM CEQA Guidelines Section 15164 explains when an addendum to an EIR is required: (a) The lead agency or a responsible agency shall prepare an addendum to a previously certified EIR if some changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent EIR have occurred. (b) An addendum to an adopted negative declaration may be prepared if only minor technical changes or additions are necessary or none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for the preparation of a subsequent EIR or negative declaration have occurred. (c) An addendum need not be circulated for public review but can be included in or attached to the final EIR or adopted negative declaration. (d) The decision-making body shall consider the addendum with the final EIR or adopted negative declaration prior to making a decision on the project. (e) A brief explanation of the decision not to prepare a subsequent EIR pursuant to Section 15162 should be included in an addendum to an EIR, the lead agency's required findings on the project, or elsewhere in the record. The explanation must be supported by substantial evidence. Although the project description has been refined with the submittal of a more precise development plan, an addendum is appropriate because impacts have been shown to decrease or say the same from the previously certified FEIR as amended and because none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent EIR have occurred. More specifically, the project will reduce or maintain the level of anticipated traffic intensive development, therefore maintaining acceptable levels of service and supporting reduced VMT. These occurrences do not constitute substantial changes to the project or the circumstances due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects. Similarly, neither subsequent considerations nor statutory changes constitute new information that would show new effects or substantially more severe effects. Likewise, there are no known mitigation measures that would in fact be infeasible or that the project proponents have declined to implement. Furthermore, there have been no other changes, evidence or new information which would require revisions to the previous EIR. Because none of the criterion in section 15162 has been met, an addendum is appropriate. Attachments: Attachment 1: Redlined Mitigation Measures and Monitoring Program for modified measures Attachment 2: 2022 Refined Traffic Analysis and Mitigation Identification Prepared For: Cannon Central Coast Transportation Consulting 895 Napa Avenue, Suite A-6 Morro Bay, CA 93442 (805) 316-0101 March 2022 Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study Executive Summary This study evaluates the potential transportation impacts of the proposed Del Rio Marketplace project in the City of Atascadero. The project includes a grocery store under Phase 1 and additional retail, light industrial, office, and residential uses under Phase 2. The following sections summarize the key findings: Intersection Operations: The study intersections operate acceptably under Existing Plus Approved Plus Project Conditions except at the Del Rio Road/El Camino Real (#4) intersection where the following improvements are recommended prior to occupancy of the first phase: • Add a westbound left turn lane with permissive phasing, • Modify the southbound and northbound left turns to protected -permissive phasing, • Restripe the eastbound approach to a left, through, and right turn lane and modify the left turn to protected -permissive phasing, • Add overlap phasing to the southbound right turn pocket currently under construction, • Replace eight -inch traffic signal heads with 12 -inch heads, • Install yellow reflective tape on all backplates, • Install new signage and replace non -reflective signs, and • Optimize signal timings including updating pedestrian and yellow clearance times. In addition, the following improvements are recommended under Cumulative Conditions: • Del Rio Road/Ramona Road (#1): Realign Ramona Road approximately 200 feet west of the existing location to provide greater separation from the US 101 Southbound Ramps. • Del Rio Road/US 101 Southbound Ramps (#2): Construct an eastbound right turn lane and optimize the coordinated signal timing with the Northbound Ramps. • Del Rio Road/US 101 Northbound Ramps (#3): Construct a westbound right turn lane and optimize the coordinated signal timing with the Southbound Ramps. The improvements recommended prior to Phase 1 at the Del Rio Road/El Camino Real (#4) intersection operate at level of service (LOS C) under Cumulative Conditions with the addition of project traffic. No traffic signal coordination or restriping of the northbound approach are required for acceptable queuing. We recommend the project construct the improvements at Del Rio Road/El Camino Real (#4) and make a fair share contribution towards the recommended improvements west of El Camino Real. Site Access and On -Site Circulation: As shown on Figure 2, the project proposes two driveways on El Camino Real and two on Del Rio Road with limited access proposed and recommended at two of the driveways. We recommend truck turning templates for deliveries and fire access be applied to the ultimate site plan and frontage improvement designs. We also recommended convenient sidewalk connections between all buildings and the frontage improvements, and crosswalks and bike parking be provided at key locations. Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT): The project is expected to have a less -than -significant impact to VMT. Central Coast Transportation Consulting March 2022 Introduction Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study Contents 1.0 Introduction...................................................................................................................................4 2.0 CEQA Transportation Analysis............................................................................................ 3.0 Local Transportation Analysis...................................................................................................13 4.0 References.....................................................................................................................................25 Figure 1: Project and Study Locations..............................................................................................................5 Figure2: Site Plan.................................................................................................................................................6 Figure 3: Existing Volumes and Lane Configurations.................................................................................14 Figure 4: Existing Plus Approved Plus Phase 1 Volumes...........................................................................17 Figure 5: Existing Plus Approved Plus Project Volumes............................................................................18 Figure 6: Cumulative Plus Project Volumes..................................................................................................21 Table 1: Amended Specific Plan Mitigation Summary ...................................................................................8 Table2: VMT Analysis......................................................................................................................................11 Table 3: Existing PM Peak Hour LOS............................................................................................................13 Table4: Trip Generation...................................................................................................................................15 Table 5: Project Trip Distribution...................................................................................................................16 Table 6: Existing and Existing Plus Project PM Peak Hour Levels of Service........................................16 Table 7: Existing Plus Approved Plus Project PM Peak Hour Intersection Queues..............................19 Table 8: Cumulative Plus Project PM Peak Hour Levels of Service..........................................................22 Table 9: Cumulative and Cumulative Plus Project PM Peak Hour Queues.............................................23 Appendix A: Traffic Counts Appendix B: Intersection Calculation Sheets Central Coast Transportation Consulting March 2022 Introduction Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study 1.0 introduction This study evaluates the potential transportation impacts of the proposed Del Rio Marketplace project in the City of Atascadero. The project includes a 32,400 square foot (s.f.) grocery store under Phase 1 and 203,700 total s.f. including additional retail, light industrial, office, and residential units under Phase 2. The project location and study intersections are shown on Figure 1. The site plan is shown in Figure 2. The following intersections were analyzed during the weekday PM peak hour: 1. Del Rio Road/Ramona Road 2. Del Rio Road/US 101 Southbound Ramps 3. Del Rio Road/US 101 Northbound Ramps 4. Del Rio Road/El Camino Real 5. Del Rio Road/Del Rio Marketplace/Del Rio Ranch 6. El Camino Real/Del Rio Marketplace Southern Driveway The level of service (LOS) and queuing are reported for each of the study intersections. The intersections were evaluated under the following scenarios: • Existing Conditions reflects recent traffic counts and the existing transportation network. • Existing Plus Approved Plus Phase 1 adds approved and constructed projects plus Project - generated grocery store traffic to Existing Conditions volumes. • Existing Plus Approved Plus Project (Phase 1 and 2) adds approved and constructed projects plus Project -generated traffic to Existing Conditions volumes. • Cumulative Plus Project represents future traffic conditions reflective of the buildout of land uses in the area, including the proposed Project. Each scenario is described in more detail in the appropriate chapter. 1.1 BACKGROUND The project would develop the northeast corner of El Camino Real/Del Rio Road (known as the `Annex East') east of the US 101/Del Rio Road interchange. Past studies identified the need for new roundabouts along Del Rio Road to accommodate traffic from the Walmart project and other area development. The withdrawal of the Walmart project enabled identification of smaller and less costly improvements to maintain traffic flows and acceptable operations. LL1 Del Rio Road Interchange Traffic Analysis The Del Rio Road/ US 101 Interchange Traffic Sensitivity Analysis (W -Trans, March 2020) was prepared to evaluate multiple land use alternatives and their potential impacts to the Del Rio Road/US 101 interchange. This analysis resulted in the abandonment of the roundabout concept in favor of lower cost improvements to the signalized intersections along the corridor. Mitigation 1 would add a westbound right turn lane to the Del Rio Road/US 101 NB Ramps and Mitigation 2 would retime the signals and modify the Del Rio Road/El Camino Real intersection to construct a southbound right turn lane and provide more efficient signal phasing. Combined, these two mitigations would result in acceptable operations under the most intensive likely scenario. Central Coast Transportation Consulting Introduction Figure 1: Project and Study Locations F �Aot to (tale •.} r " - Barrel I ' - Del Rio 1-1 - Del Rio x Study . Creek . • Marketplace L— a Ranch O Intersection March 2022 Del Rio Marketplace G 0 [h H Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study 1.1.2 Del Rio Commercial Area Specific Plan The proposed project is in the Del Rio Commercial Area Specific Plan. The Specific Plan was amended to accommodate the withdrawal of the Walmart project and interest in alternative land uses. The amendment and Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) Addendum were supported by the Del Rio Specific Plan Amendment Tralc Analysis (W -Trans, August 2020) that describes existing and future traffic operations along Del Rio Road. The traffic analysis identifies four mitigations, effectively the same as Mitigation 1 and 2 described above in the Del Rio Road Interchange Traffic analysis section, which can accommodate the planned growth with acceptable traffic operations. It also concludes that a large regional retail project on the Walmart site would require widening the Del Rio Road overcrossing. The amendment assumed this site would be a Business Park. Since the amendment, additional information about project development east and west of the Del Rio Interchange has been received from applicants. In May 2021, CCTC prepared the Del Rio Ranch Transportation Impact Study for the former Walmart site south of Del Rio Road. The proposed project's land uses included light industrial, multi -family dwellings, RV campsites, a hotel, a conference center, an amphitheater, and a small shopping center. In January 2022, CCTC prepared the Barrel Creek Draft Transportation Impact Study located north of Del Rio Road and west of US Highway 101. The proposed project's land uses included light industrial, single family dwellings, multi -family dwellings, a hotel, a restaurant and a winery and brewery. The amended Specific Plan recommended that the traffic signal modifications described in mitigation 4 at the Del Rio Rd/El Camino Real (#4) intersection be completed prior to occupancy of the Business Park. The Specific Plan mitigations and recommendations are summarized in Table 1. Central Coast Transportation Consulting March 2022 Introduction Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study Table 1: Amended Specific Plan Mitigation Summary Amended Specific Plan Potential Studv Area Mitigations CCTC Recommendation #1: This mitigation measure includes the addition of a westbound right -turn lane to Existing Plus Approved Plus the intersection of Del Rio Rd/US 101 NB Ramps, such that there would be two Project volumes operate westbound lanes on Del Rio Rd from El Camino Real to US 101 NB Ramps. This acceptably without the would require widening Del Rio Rd, the construction of a retaining wall on the north additional westbound right turn side, and reconstruction of the curb return. By splitting westbound traffic into lane at Del Rio Rd/US 101 through and right -tum lanes, the queue length could be reduced by providing drivers Northbound Ramps (#3). two lanes to stack in rather than one for both movements combined. Additionally, Recommend project pay their splitting through and right -turning traffic would allow turning drivers to bypass fair share toward future through drivers who are waiting for a green light, reducing delay and improving occupancy operations at Del Rio Rd/US 101 NB Ramps. improvements. #2: This mitigation measure would involve several modifications to the traffic signal at Del Rio Rd/El Camino Real to more efficiently orchestrate the movement of Protected -permissive phasing conflicting traffic. This modification involves the replacement of the northbound left - recommended on both the tum protected phasing (green arrow) with protected -permissive phasing (green arrow northbound and southbound that goes to green ball or flashing yellow arrow), and the southbound left -turn Eastbound protected phasing with permissive phasing (green ball or flashing yellow arrow). The approaches, see eastbound and westbound phases, which currently activate at the same time, would and westbound spplili t phasing not recommended as interim be split to operate sequentially, or one direction and then the other. These changes measure based on unacceptable would require modification to the existing signal infrastructure to incorporate updated signal heads. In addition, this mitigation includes adjustment to the signal phasing in operations with project traffic. terms of recalls, phase lengths, and the overall cycle length. #3: 'This mitigation measure would combine Mitigation 1 and 2. Not recommended, see #2. #4: This option includes any modifications that may be required to achieve Cumulative Plus Project acceptable operations with the addition of traffic that would be generated by the operates acceptably at the Del Amended Specific Plan scenario. In addition to Mitigation 1 and Mitigation 2 above, Rio Rd/EI Camino Real (#4) the intersection of Del Rio Rd/El Camino Real would need to be further modified to intersection without signal reconfigure the eastbound approach from through/left-tum and right -tum lanes, to coordination or restriping of the left -tum lane and through/right-tum lanes, essentially moving the through movement northbound approach from the left lane to the right lane. This may require widening the eastbound Recommend Marketplace departure (on the east leg of the intersection) to avoid excessive lateral shifting of project construct the following through traffic. With a dedicated eastbound left -tum lane, the eastbound -westbound improvements prior to split phasing could be replaced with concurrent timing, as well as protected- occupancy pemmissive phasing for the eastbound left -turn movement. With protected left -tum - Restripe eastbound approach phasing in the eastbound direction and a prohibition of eastbound U-tums, it would to a left, through, and right tum be possible to include a southbound right -turn overlap, which is a green arrow that lane. enables southbound right turning drivers to continue without stopping concurrently - Install westbound left tum with the eastbound left -tum movement. Additionally, the signal at Del Rio Rd/El lane. Camino Real would need to be coordinated with the signals at Del Rio Rd/US 101 - Modify all approaches to NB Ramps and Del Rio Rd/US 101 SB Ramps. This would require extending the protected -permissive phasing interconnect hardware between the ramp signals to Del Rio Rd/El Camino Real, and except westbound. potentially upgrading the signal hardware at Del Rio Rd/El Camino Real to be - Install southbound right tum compatible with interconnect technology if it is not already. (Note: Existing overlap. interconnect conduit and cable.) _ p signal timing. Update Consistent with the amended Specific Plan, we recommend the Del Rio Rd/El Camino Real (#4) intersection improvements be completed prior to occupancy of the proposed project. Central Coast Transportation Consulting Match 2022 Introduction Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study CEQA Transportation Analysis 2.0 CEQA Transportation Analysis This section presents analysis relevant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), notably analysis of the existing setting, plan consistency, vehicle miles traveled (VMT), and transportation safety. 2.1 EXISTING CIRCULATION NETWORK The existing roadways adjacent to the proposed project are described below. • US 101 is a four -lane freeway serving intercity and regional travel. There is a full access interchange at Del Rio Road. • El Camino Real is a major arterial paralleling US 101. There are two to four travel lanes, Class II bikeways, and intermittent sidewalks. • Del Rio Road is a minor arterial west of El Camino Real and a collector east of El Camino Real. There are two travel lanes, intermittent Class II bike lanes, and intermittent sidewalks. There are proposed Class II bike lanes through the study area. The existing study intersections are described below: • Del Rio Road/Ramona Road (#1) Side -street stop controlled with marked crosswalk on the south leg only. • Del Rio Road/US 101 Southbound Ramps (#2): Existing traffic signal with marked crosswalk and pedestrian signals on the south leg only. • Del Rio Road/US 101 Northbound Ramps (#3): Existing traffic signal with marked crosswalk and pedestrian signals on the south leg only. • Del Rio Road/El Camino Real (#4): Existing traffic signal with marked crosswalks and pedestrian signals on all legs. 2.1.1 Transit The San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (RTA) operates fixed route transit service in the study area. RTA Route 9 is a bus service traveling between San Luis Obispo, Santa Margarita, Atascadero, Templeton, Paso Robles, and San Miguel with hourly headways on weekdays and reduced frequency on weekends. The closest bus stops to the project site are on El Camino Real south of Del Rio Road at Mission Oaks Plaza. 2.2 CEQA TRANSPORTATION THRESHOLDS The CEQA transportation thresholds are described below. 2.2.1 City ofAtascadero While the City of Atascadero has not yet adopted VMT standards the State Office of Planning and Research (OPR) has published recommended thresholds which are applied below. OPR's Technical Advisory on Evaluating Transportation Im acts in CEQA provides guidance for evaluating VMT for various project types. Mixed-use projects can evaluate the individual components separately or focus the analysis on the dominant use. As shown in Table 4, the non-residential components of the project generate over 90 percent of the project's daily trips and are therefore the dominant use. OPR also notes that local - Central Coast Transportation Consulting March 2022 Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study CEQA Transportation Analysis serving retail can be presumed to have a less -than -significant impact because these uses don't typically generate new demand, but instead shift travel patterns as customers shift to more convenient shopping locations. The proposed retail uses on the site are anchored by a 32,400 s.f. grocery store which is expected to be local serving. OPR's suggested threshold for office uses is 15 percent below the regional average of work VMT. Work VMT captures trips from home to work. The SLOCOG Travel Demand Model was applied to estimate the work VMT. While LOS is not an allowable CEQA metric it remains in planning documents for the City of Atascadero and is analyzed under the local transportation analysis section of this report. 2.2.2 Caltrans Caltrans has eliminated LOS consistent with SB 743 and now relies on VMT and safety to evaluate transportation impacts. Caltrans recently issued a series of policy documents related to transportation impacts and CEQA determinations. Caltrans published a VMT-Focused TIS Guide in May 2020 which replaced the prior guide reliant on LOS. The TIS Guide notes that lead agencies have the discretion to choose VMT thresholds and methods, and generally conforms to OPR guidance. 2.3 RTP CONSISTENCY SLOCOG's 2019 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) serves as a blueprint planning the region's transportation system. It integrates land use and transportation planning to identify and prioritize regional transportation improvements. Figure 13-7 of the RTP shows an existing jobs -housing imbalance within subregions, with the Central County subregion having more than two jobs per housing unit and all other subregions having less than one job per housing unit. This imbalance causes congestion and increases trip lengths as commuters travel to and from the Central County for work. The RTP's Action Strategies direct new growth to existing mixed-use corridors since these areas supporta more efficient transportation network. El Camino Real is one of four corridors identified in the RTP as the priority areas for growth. The proposed project conforms to the RTP's preferred growth scenario by adding jobs to a mixed-use corridor in the North County subregion, thereby improving the jobs -housing balance in the region and improving land use location efficiency. 2.4 VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED (VMT) The project's VMT was estimated using the SLOCOG Travel Demand Model. The regional VMT is summarized in Table 2. Central Coast Transportation Consulting %l:arch 20:22 Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study Table 2: VMT Analysis CEQA Transportation Analysis .., Total Demographics VMT By Trip Purposel Regional Residential Office Scenario VMT Employees Population VMT VMT 2020 No Project 8,899,234 117,276 246,732 4,480,333 1,595,434 2020 With Project 8,899,902 117,474 246,942 4,478,439 1,594,930 Change from No Project 669 1 998 290 1 -1,894 -504 1. Residential VMT is produced by households (sum of home-based productions); office VMT is attracted to offices (sum of home -based -work attractions). Source: SLOCOG TDM, CCTC, 2022 The project is expected to increase overall regional VMT slightly and reduce residential and office VMT. This reduction in office VMT and residential VMT indicates a less -than -significant impact to VMT. The retail component of the project is considered local -serving and is presumed to have a less - than -significant VMT impact. The provision of commercial uses in a predominantly residential area improves the jobs -housing balance which shortens commute trips lengths. The mix of uses on the project site provides destinations serving project residents as well as other residents nearby. This is consistent with SB 743 and regional planning goals to encourage mixed-use infill developments. 2.5 EMERGENCY ACCESS The project proposes four driveways, two on Del Rio Road and two on El Camino Real. We recommend truck turning templates for fire access be applied to the ultimate site plan and frontage improvement designs to confirm adequate emergency access. Fire Department approval is also required on all development plans. 2.6 COLLISIONS CCTC obtained traffic collision data from the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS), the City's collision database, and the Caltrans Traffic Accident Surveillance and Analysis System (TASAS). The US 101 Northbound and Southbound ramp intersections have a total collision rate lower than the statewide average. The average collision rate at the Del Rio Road/El Camino Real (#4) intersection exceeds the statewide average collision rate for similar facilities. Approximately 30 percent of collisions were caused by improper turning, 20 percent auto right-of-way violations, and an additional 20 percent unsafe speed. 50 percent of collisions involved a fixed object and approximately 20 percent of collisions were broadside. No pedestrian, bicycle, severe injury, or fatal collisions occurred. We recommend the following be completed with the improvements at Del Rio Road/El Camino Real (#4): • Replace eight -inch traffic signal heads with 12 -inch heads. • Install yellow reflective tape on traffic signal backplates. • Install LEFT TURN YIELD ON GREEN (R10-12) and TURNING VEHICLES YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS (R10-15) signs as needed. • Replace signs to comply with CAMUTCD Table 2A-3 for sign reflectivity. Central Coast Transportation Consulting Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study • Update signal timing including pedestrian timing and yellow and red clearance intervals to meet current CAMUTCD standards, as necessary. Central Coast Transportation Consulting March 2022 Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study Local Transportation Analysis 3.0 Local Transportation Analysis While LOS is not an allowable CEQA metric it remains in planning documents for the City of Atascadero. The study intersections were analyzed with the Synchro 10 software package applying the HCM 6th Edition methods, except where unusual signal phasing requited the use of HCM 2000. The City's Circulation Element specifies that level of service (LOS) C or better operations shall be maintained as the standard at all intersections and on all arterial and collector roads. Upon City Council approval, LOS D is acceptable where residences are not directly impacted and improvements to meet the City's standard would be prohibitively costly or disruptive. Caltrans has eliminated LOS consistent with SB 743 and now relies on VMT and safety to evaluate transportation impacts. 3.1 EXISTING OPERATIONS Traffic count data at the study intersections was collected in February 2022. Consistent with recent studies in the area, only the weekday PM peak hour was analyzed since this is the hour which dictates future improvements. Additionally, the project is expected to generate more vehicle trips during the PM peak hour than during the AM peak hour, as shown in the trip generation section of this report. Figure 3 shows the existing traffic volumes and lane configurations. Traffic count sheets are provided in Appendix A. Table 3 summarizes the LOS, with detailed calculation sheets included in Appendix B. Table 3: Existing PM Peak Hour LOS Existing PM Peak Hour Levels of Service Existing Intersection Delays LOS 1. Del Rio Rd/Ramona Rd 0.7 (9.4) - (A) 2. Del Rio Rd/US 101 SB Ramps 12.2 B 3. Del Rio Rd/US 101 NB Ramps 9.6 A 4. Del Rio Rd/El Camino Real 10.8 B 1. HCM 6th average control delay in seconds per vehicle (HCM 2000 used for Intersections 2 and 3). For side -street -stop controlled intersections the worst approach's delay is reported in parentheses next to the overall intersection delay. No LOS or queuing deficiencies are reported under Existing Conditions. Central Coast Transportation Consulting March 2022 Fizure 3: Existing Volumes and Lane Configurations 2. 166 12 Del Rio Rd _CL 208 7 M 00 0 E n E ofm to m (0 N �_ 00 `� 108 ,�� _*J7 96 120 75 4. 5. Future Intersection N 07 Q°' _+ 49 w 16 Del Rio Rd 171 u.) M p 66 201 3. 6. 141 161 Del Rio Rd 51 t} 293 m T 0 Future Intersection 1 ' '11 -Del Rio Traffic Stop PM Peak XX _ Hour Traffic O -Study �— . • Marketplace Signal Sign Volumes Intersection March 2022 Del Rio Marketplace Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study 3.2 EXISTING PLUS APPROVED PLUS PROJECT CONDITIONS Local Transportation Analysis The amount of traffic affecting the study locations is estimated in three steps: trip generation, trip distribution, and trip assignment. Trip generation refers to the total number of trips generated by the site. Trip distribution identifies the general origins and destination of these trips, and trip assignment specifies the routes taken to reach these origins and destinations. 3.2.1 Trip Generation The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual 11th Edition was used to estimate the trip generation of the Del Rio Marketplace project. Pass -by and internal capture trips were deducted to obtain total external trips. Table 4 summarizes the project trip generation. Table 4: Trip Generation MarketplaceDel Rio Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land Use Size Total In Out Total In Out Total Phase 1 Grocery Store' 32.400 KSF 31241 54 39 93 155 155 310 Pass -By Taps' -370 0 0 0 -37 -37 -74 Net New Tris Phase 1 only) 2,871 54 39 93 118 118 236 Phase 1 + Phase 2 Shopping Plaza w/Supermarket2 64.100 KSF 6,057 140 86 226 293 318 611 Light Industriae 18.600 KSF 120 14 2 16 2 10 12 Office `s 31.500 KSF 425 55 7 62 11 53 64 Residentials 82.000 DU 553 8 25 33 26 16 42 Pass -By Trips G -1,220 0 0 0 -122 -122 -244 Internal C ture7 440 -5 -5 -10 44 -44 -88 Net New Tris Phase 1 & 2 5,495 1 212 115 327 1 166 231 397 Specific Plan S eci c Plan Sho,Pphtg Center e 104.050 KSF 4,182 96 62 158 192 200 392 Amended SP xdness Park v 190.000 KSF 2,364 46 30 76 1 37 43 80 KSF =Thousand Square Feet; ITE = Institute of Transportation Engineers. 1. ITE Land Use Code #850, Supermarket. Average rates used for AM. Fitted curve equation used for Daily and PM. 2. ITE Land Use Code #821, Shopping Plaza. Average rates used for daily and AM. Fitted curve equation used for PM. 3. ITE Land Use Code #110, Light Industrial. Fitted curve equations used. 4. ITE Land Use Code #710, General Office Building. Fitted curve equations used. 5. ITE Land Use Code #220, Multifamily Housing (Low -Rise). Fitted curve equation used for Daily, average rates used for AM and PM based on data cluster. 6. PM peak hour pass -by trips multiplied by a factor of 5 to determine daily pass -by trips. 7. AM and PM Internal Capture from TripGen 10 software. PM multiplied by a factor of 5 to determine daily trips. 8. Total trip generation (Annex East) including pass -by and diverted trips. W -Trans TIA, March 2012. 9. Trip generation (Annex only). Planning Commission, September 2020. Source: ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11th Ed., 2021, and Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition. The proposed project would generate 5,495 net new trips per weekday, including 327 AM peak hour trips and 397 PM peak hour trips. The project trip generation is similar to the original Specific Plan as Central Coast Transportation Consulting March 2022 Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study Local Transportation Analysis analyzed in the Del Kio KoadArea Specific Plan Traffic ImpactAnalyris (W -Trans, March 2012) and is higher than the estimates analyzed in the amended Specific Plan. 3.2.2 Trip Distribution and Assignment Trip distribution and assignment for the project trips were estimated using available studies in the area and local knowledge as summarized in Table 5. Table 5: Project Trip Distribution Project Trip Distribution 1. Del Rio Rd/Ramona Rd Location Distribution El Camino Real (North) 10% El Camino Real (South) 30% Del Rio (East) 10% Del Rio (West) 100/0 US 101 (North) 20% US 101 (South) 20% Total 100% Figure 4 shows the Existing Plus Approved Plus Phase 1 volumes and Figure 5 shows the Existing Plus Approved Plus Project volumes. 3.3 EXISTING PLUS APPROVED PLUS PROJECT INTERSECTION OPERATIONS Table 6 summarizes the LOS and Table 7 presents the key queues for the study intersections, with detailed calculation sheets included in Appendix B. Table 6: Existing and Existing Plus Project PM Peak Hour Levels of Service ApprovedExisting Plus EX + Approved EX + Approved Existing (EX) + Phase 1 + Project Intersection Delavt LOS Delavt LOS Delay 1 LOS 1. Del Rio Rd/Ramona Rd 0.7 (9.4) (A) 0.7 (10.2) (B) 0.6 (10.2) - (B) 2. Del Rio Rd/US 101 SB Ramps 12.2 - (A) 13.5 B 13.5 B 3. Del Rio Rd/US 101 NB Ramps 9.6 B 9.8 A 9.9 A 4. Del Rio Rd/El Camino Real 10.8 A 69.6 E 94.2 F 5. Del Rio Rd/Project Driveway/ - 3.4(9.6) - (A) 5.3(10.5) - (A) Del Rio Ranch 6. EI Camino Real/Marketplace - - 2.4(12.8) - (B) 3.0(13.2) - (B) Southern Driveway 1. HCM 6th average control delay in seconds per vehicle (HCM 2000 used for Intersections 2 and 3). For side -street - stop controlled intersections the worst approach's delay is reported in parentheses next to the overall intersection delay. Unacceptable operations shown in bold text. Central Coast Transportation Consulting March 2022 Figure 4: Existing Plus Annroved Plus Phase 1 Volumes 2. —188 ,-12 Del Rio Rd -1 f► M pp 231 7� E IV n E Co 00 0)_ CO 128 0 { N� 161 141- 77 41 -►77 4. 5. CO o 14 t- 15 _C E0 t �'0� x•94 rn 76 N N CO w 37 -J i L, a` 0 Del Rio Rd -I f r' Del Rio Rd 298 a rn v OMO 43 J o 0 0 96 r 116 s rr 202 0 o 3. 6. t- 208 —245 Rd ti 52 J N 382 z 0 t 32 F 0 M `0 rn CO N Project Southem .J { t-, Drivewa Del Rio Rd .-i f r• C'4 LO r- 0 LO E 123 w " ItC3i (oast Trans#katio 01.MR Legend: Tra%( Engineering & TraosportatioA planning Del Rio xx - PM Peak Hour Marketplace Traffic Volumes O - Study Intersection March 2022 Del Rio Marketplace Figure 5: Existing Plus Annroved Plus Proiect Volumes 2. -199 ,` 12 Del Rio Rd .1 r► M CD 236 - 2 71 g a E M 00 oCOf139 co j-184 Del Rio Rd 146 77 4. 5. ma w 0'-14 > t28 is CO 1- LO 0.136 1 rn w — 68 -.J + L. � W 58 + � a ,1- 0 Del Rio Rd } r• Del Rio Rd 'I } r- 310 J -n 70J o 0 0 108 105-> a of 202 01 o 3. 6. t 230 279 Del Rio Rd Q.-1 } r► 52 396-► Z N U) D t 88 • 0 Ln o, i 0 a) M v Project Southem Driveway Del Rio Rd } F- 0 J ►0J o v 0 123 W • • - Del Rio xx - PM Peak Hour OX Study Marketplace Traffic Volumes Intersection March 2022 Del Rio Marketplace Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study Local Transportation Analysis Table 7: Existing Plus Approved Plus Project PM Peak Hour Intersection Queues Existing Plus Approved Plus Project• Queues Storage Length EX + AP + EX + AP + Intersection Movement Existing (EX) (ft) Phase 1 Project EBT 40 39 55 57 1. Del Rio Rd/ WBT 290 85 76 82 US 101 SB Ramps SBL2 705 130 167 #176 SBR 25 11 20 20 EBT 290 163 236 244 2. Del Rio Rd/ WBT 240 50 104 129 US 101 NB Ramps NBL3 475 58 35 35 NBR 175 42 51 52 EBL 240 177 #614 #688 3. Del Rio Rd/ EBR 240 51 57 57 El Camino Real NBL 280 181 237 237 SBL 150 1 18 1 52 52 1. Queue length in feet that would not be exceeded 95 percent of the time. # indiciates that the 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity and the queue may be longer. M indicates the queue is metered by an upstream signal. 2. Deceleration length of 235 feet has been subtracted from the storage length per the Highway Design Manual for 30 mph design speed. 3. Deceleration length of 425 feet has been subtracted from the storage length per the Highway Design Manual for 50 mph design speed. Bold indicates queue length longer than storage length. All study locations operate with acceptable LOS with the addition of project traffic except Del Rio Road/El Camino Real (#4). The eastbound left turn movement queue exceeds storage at the intersection with the addition of project traffic. At Del Rio Road/US 101 Southbound Ramps (#3), the addition of project traffic would cause the eastbound through movement queue to block the upstream intersection of Ramona Road. 3.3.1 Recommended Improvements The following intersection improvements are recommended with the addition of project traffic: • Del Rio Road/Ramona Road (#1): Ramona Road carries low volumes, the queues reported at the Southbound Ramps would not be exceeded 95 percent of the time, and average queues are not expected to block Ramona Road. Do Not Block Intersection Markings per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) Section 3B.17 could be considered to address this infrequent blockage. • Del Rio Road/El Camino Real (#4): The following improvements would bring the intersection operations to LOS B with acceptable queuing and are recommended prior to occupancy of the first phase: o Add a westbound left turn lane with permissive phasing, o Modify the southbound and northbound left turns to protected -permissive phasing, o Restripe the eastbound approach to a left, through, and right turn lane and modify the left turn to protected -permissive phasing, Central Coast Transportation Consulting yl.arch 2022 Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study Local Transportation Analysis o Add overlap phasing to the southbound right turn pocket currently under construction, and o Optimize signal timings including updating pedestrian and yellow clearance times. 3.4 SITE ACCESS AND ON-SITE CIRCULATION This section discusses issues related to site access and on-site circulation. On-site circulation deficiencies would occur if the project designs fail to meet appropriate standards, provide adequate truck access, or would result in hazardous conditions. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) states that, "ideally, driveways should not be located within the functional area of an intersection or the influence area of an adjacent driveway." As shown on Figure 2, the project proposes two driveways on El Camino Real and two driveways on Del Rio Road. Full access is proposed at the northern driveway on El Camino Real across from an existing driveway and on Del Rio Road across from the future Del Rio Ranch entrance. Right-in/right- out only turns are recommended and proposed at the eastern driveway on Del Rio Road due to the proximity to the Obispo Road intersection. Left-in/right-in/right-out only turns are recommended and proposed at the southern driveway on El Camino Real due to the proximity to the Del Rio Road/El Camino Real (#4) intersection. To maintain sight distance at project driveways, all landscaping, signage, or other obstructions shall comply with City Standard Drawing Number 414. Preliminary truck turning templates provided by the applicant may have used a larger design vehicle than necessary and showed the need for one way travel on the internal circulation system during deliveries. Truck turning templates for truck deliveries and fire access should be applied to the ultimate site plan and frontage improvement designs. We recommend two-way travel with allowance for oncoming vehicles be provided on roadways fronting buildings. We recommend convenient sidewalk connections between all buildings, the frontage improvements, and crosswalks at key locations. Convenient and secure bike parking should also be provided at the market, plazas, and/or building entrances. 3.5 CUMULATIVE PLUS PROJECT CONDITIONS Cumulative Conditions (2035) represent build -out of the land uses in the region. Cumulative traffic volume forecasts were developed based on the Del Rio Commercial Area Specific Plan Amendment Traffic Analysis (W -Trans, August 2020), Del Rio Ranch Traffic Impact Study (CCTC, May 2021), and the Barrel Creek Draft Traffic Impact Study (CCTC, January 2022). The amended Specific Plan analysis forecasts were updated to include the Del Rio Ranch and Barrel Creek projects as currently proposed. In addition, the forecasts were updated based on the difference between the 2022 counts and the 2018 data previously used in the Specific Plan amendment. The estimated trips from the existing hotel were also subtracted from the cumulative base volumes. Figure 6 shows the Cumulative Plus Project traffic volumes, respectively. Under Cumulative Conditions, a peak hour factor (PHF) of 0.92 was used for the analysis. In addition, two percent trucks were assumed under Cumulative Conditions. Central Coast Transportation Consulting March 2022 FiLyure 6: Cumulative Plus Proiect Volumes 4. t4 345 0 o v f1 + L. 27 el Rio Rd f r• 0 J LO 0 Cl) a 322- 0 84 9 o t19 0 E-207 CO NCD W X75 .J y L. J Del Rio Rd } r- 317 o - � 200- 353 00 353 Z 2. 5 n E m m v —234 + _ p 233 Del Rio Rd 239- 123 39-123 Z t 28 C> rn 111 M .J L. a p 0 Del Rio Rd 7 r► 701 o 165- 55 -4 65 -►55Z o 3 6. t- 336 369 Del Rio Rd Q -I f r► 107 Oc)M N m c+) 589 z 0 88 F 0 C) ao 0 y L. Project Southem Driveway Del Rio Rd +� r► 0� m r v 0 - L 0 E 1231 W KCM.r* • - Del Rio xx - PM Peak Hour OX Study • Marketplace Traffic Volumes Intersection March 2022 Del Rio Marketplace Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study Local Transportation Analysis Table 8 presents the LOS and Table 9 presents the key queues for the study intersections under Cumulative Plus Project Conditions, with detailed calculation sheets included in Appendix B. Table 8: Cumulative Plus Project PM Peak Hour Levels of Service ProjectCumulative Plus • of Cumulative+Project Intersection Delavt LOS 1. Del Rio Rd/Ramona Rd 0.9(11.6) - (B) 2. Del Rio Rd/US 101 SB Ramps 34.7 C 3. Del Rio Rd/US 101 NB Ramps 14.2 B 4. Del Rio Rd/El Camino Real 194.2 F 5. Del Rio Rd/Project Driveway/Del Rio Ranch 5.3(17.5) - (C) 6. El Camino Real/Marketplace Southern Driveway 2.9(13.5) - (B) 1. I ICM 6th average control delay in seconds per vehicle (HCM 2000 used for Intersections 2 and 3). For side -street -stop controlled intersections the worst approach's delay is reported in parentheses next to the overall intersection delay. Unacceptable operations shown in bold text. Central Coast Transportation Consulting March 2022 Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study Local Transportation Analysis Table 9: Cumulative and Cumulative Plus Project PM Peak Hour Queues Cumulative Plus Project PM Peak Hour Intersection Movement Intersection Queues Storage Length (ft) Cumulative Plus Project EBT 40 103 WBT 290 #311 2. Del Rio Rd/US 101 SB Ramps SBLZ 705 #336 SBR 25 44 EBT 290 m321 WBT 240 247 3. Del Rio Rd/US 101 NB Ramps NBL3 475 64 NBR 175 94 EBL/T 240 #905 EBR 240 131 4. Del Rio Rd/El Camino Real NBL 280 334 SBL 150 59 1. Queue length in feet that would not be exceeded 95 percent of the time. # indiciates that the 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity and the queue may be longer. M indicates the queue is metered by an upstream signal. 2. Deceleration length of 235 feet has been subtracted from the storage length per the Highway Design Manual for 30 mph design speed. 3. Deceleration length of 425 feet has been subtracted from the storage length per the Highway Design Manual for 50 mph design speed. Bold indicates queue length longer than storage length. The following LOS and queuing deficiencies are reported: • Del Rio Road/US 101 Southbound Ramps (#2): The eastbound through movement queue length further blocks the Ramona Road intersection and the westbound through movement exceeds the storage length on the US 101 overpass. The southbound offramp approach queues would not affect US 101 freeway operations. • Del Rio Road/US 101 Northbound Ramps (#3): The eastbound through movement queues exceed the storage length on the US 101 Overpass and the westbound queue would reach El Camino Real. The northbound offramp approach would not affect US 101 freeway operations. • Del Rio Road/El Camino Real (#4): The intersection operates unacceptably, and the northbound left turn and eastbound left/through queue length exceeds the available storage. 3.5.1 Recommended Cumulative Improvements The following improvements are recommended at the study intersections under Cumulative Plus Project Conditions: • Del Rio Road/Ramona Road (#1): Consistent with recent studies in the area, realigning Ramona Road approximately 200 feet to the west would provide greater separation from the US 101 ramps and accommodate the queues. • Del Rio Road/US 101 Southbound Ramps (#2); Consistent with recent studies in the area, optimizing signal timings would improve corridor operations. In addition, an eastbound right Central Coast Transportation Consulting March 2022 Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study Local Transportation Analysis turn lane is recommended to reduce queuing on the US 101 overpass. The turn lane could use the existing Ramona Road intersection approach and be constructed when the Del Rio Road/Ramona Road (#1) intersection is realigned. • Del Rio Road/US 101 Northbound Ramps (#3): Consistent with recent studies in the area, constructing a westbound right turn lane and optimizing signal timings would improve corridor operations. • Del Rio Road/El Camino Real (#4): The improvements recommended under Existing Plus Approved Plus Project Conditions operate at LOS C with acceptable queuing under Cumulative Plus Project Conditions. The natural cycle length at the US 101 Ramp intersections is shorter than the El Camino Real intersection due to the number of intersection approaches and crosswalk lengths. With an additional turn lane added in each direction between the US 101 Northbound Ramps and El Camino Real, traffic signal coordination or restriping of the northbound approach is not required or recommended. With the recommended improvements, all study intersections would operate acceptably at LOS C or better and queuing would not encroach into the deceleration distance needed for vehicles exiting US 101. All recommended intersection improvements have been previously identified in historic studies except the eastbound right turn lane at Del Rio Road/ US 101 Southbound Ramps (#3). We recommend the project make a fair share contribution towards the cost of the improvements at Ramona Road and the US 101 Ramp intersections. We recommend the project construct the proposed improvements at Del Rio Road/El Camino Real (#4) prior to occupancy of the first phase. Central Coast Transportation Consulting March 2022 Del Rio Marketplace Draft Transportation Impact Study 4.0 References California Department of Transportation. 2012, 2018. Highway Design Manual. . 2019. California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2014 Edition, Revision 4. . May 2020. Vehicle Miles Traveled -Focused Transportation Impact Study Guide. California Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR). December 2018. Technical Advisory on Evaluating Transportation Impacts in CEQA. Central Coast Transportation Consulting (CCTC). May 2021. Del Rio Ranch Transportation Impact Study. . January 2022. Barrel Creek Draft Transportation Impact Study. City of Atascadero. September 2010. Bicycle Transportation Plan. March 2014. Standard Specifications and Drawings. July 2016. General Plan 2025, Update #3. Federal Highway Administration (FWHA). September 2005. Safety Effects of Marked Versus Unmarked Crosswalks at Uncontrolled Locations Final Report and Recommended Guidelines. GHD. January 2020. City of Atascadeto 2020 Speed Zone Survey Update. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). 2021. Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition. . 2017. Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition. San Luis Obispo Council of Governments. 2014. Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy. Transportation Research Board. 2016. Highway Capacity Manual, 6th Edition. W -Trans. 2008. Interchange Improvement Study for the City of Atascadero. . March 2012. Del Rio Road Area Specific Plan Traffic Impact Analysis. . March 2020. Del Rio Road/US 101 Interchange Traffic Sensitivity Analysis. . August 2020. Del Rio Specific Plan Amendment Traffic Analysis. Central Coast Transportation Consulting March 2022 References F i C O m CL E 0 A V 'e „o of A c m 0 w 0 0 0 0 d 0 U U a a w O c U U ch p CV 0 �O i V t•4 V Im E cE n o C .O CL °° O O ° m 45.E o� w° v c m c t 0 y m ° ° ° y 2 N U p O U y d + N Qv O, OO L xyO "" O w .Ei R�i•� N.� '� a 'O � � ° °� � c• �.� ��a O �.r4 �b bA o � . cn v � . . y 3 r. Im � � .• � � .m � o '� y y a`ai p tiff+ O c. a"CJ v - . � � v _ id C c'� rA pQi � =� 'rJ � ,-• � � C C.1 � d p Q v c b a -- u~ oo u m .� It v R o O GL o o I p•H w � o �" .N obA � o" �• ° o a� o E cd Cd o i v. O y O U v •'". O b D C .-. sem. q b ti O R O b Q vDO :; 'o, 14 z 0 m o N U if O Y ° Gam', b�yy t a U s .O _ y° O C b ami �y 3 A b W m O ywb000m O� o�•�UA, too— N O O m '" O U a o 0 y yo• M ¢ Y o a'"i E o c 0 3 o °•y ° o pb�bU � �Larfl o � .t O A A r>> to 00 r. CN O w 0-0 w 0 0 N 4 E i z e c 0 " f e4 � c m� U USG � rx o � o � � E•3 d � � °°' � w o� � o � °m' � � Nb o ��� � o �. �m Iu�� o rn �� a Q U v El txo.c q d o°° y v ° w 3 o ° a� w • v �vm "• o m b a 8 U � � 0wlyra�a�"A ° oq `�s� •°o o C '� $ •i7° i E a C Ix y A o d aUi �i a0i rw m. ti a Q2 b y° a> °' m 0 q ElF■U y w m > m s ed Cd° m Z o 3 w q 2— qo 3 w-8 'd is O 71 'b y c0 0 -0 h a °' b N O > os, a O�' N 0 E b i MO. 75 Attachment 3: Project Design Package AMND19-0063 See following W U a CL H W a �r W cl i � Ski w °irc i uz5 a° z,uW ua� 58Q� �s°°g� ° Q Hil�_P� PF -i iSNNStdaO< lIJ .�>„iiOiip�n I"�VOOOO�OD=p W �n unuu>LSOm5uu uu5uu°�n H r6�66Q6�6<fUU�UU���3'�^��]ma � o a gig s O xxx = , S�5��uQg Su5�_�Qugv pLLq S�u5��f u �uppf �✓i nen ryM25 i52fa m T ss.e>-m--- 57, fig= $ z ne a a 5go "D .S F u° f U a Z O 6 Q O G D Q22 6 Q u a n n a U�. � a nid 0. p p_ vt�<aa U uie O0 to 5 F i$ g- uoffi �ttt � w g LU sg o u W z as 0, ol F i C u °V E ° � s °' _ W° U ° U & - g oh -M e 0 pznp�'&&off z"� � o 06 S23 OZ nazwm�<W'oh�<i�°O's�i�`�0000 �oFWd�om�og jagh�o§ip�J° >'a � F�Sudm 3i5unw�"Suave u-uaw"RSudw w'a SSSSdd U � L c Q a- 0 5 a u • a r o z °°mo>Z - o �o w;»ave"< d 0� T < Vo Zd mOp 6? mi 1 o� �Jzm4<g8; o�. z �s�o z0 u_ =$=u°udm�3 �o'o N N O O N U Q o 10 NN W CL W heCieQ F— W W H W y J H ;m m I f z 0 CI IC N N O N Q C N N Z O U W N W H v; N O N Q N ii Q d 0 Q J I -- LU W m CQ G N W w W J J c CO n N 0 0 0 NO z �I I �Ii �I rcl Ulm oI c13 �I� I li I I I I I I I I I 0 �I of �I �I �I I w J9 .f N Z O Q > W J W P. - LU W a N W 99 W `� a > rO z I N O 0 cv U Q o 10 N 0 O O 3 3 w zm N I H J W H C G 0 Z Q 0 0 U rAlJbQ. col IN CN y CN uj hd 09 LU > U LLI CL V) ce LU CL CN • 0 0 ' N00U Q o N N N W U9L LAJ i hd W CL h L W U 2 W U�"' .t W N U W CL N OC W IL Im W N u Q Q 2 A W a Pg h Mil � gG §1, aIV ase PG 3 'seas �s� 4� gee§ k s F ff a' Aa e� 8 B yy 7q FL OW a a mean€ �3 �i a i N g aN� o=ga o a,x g a_ sF �s"ay"$eco la hi 3 iia 9 !2 s Ms �'01521 ���sa �a s� er �Fa�R oe�:�a� bg _a NIp wLY` •' IM uLs:. _`__ `'-`. `0^Ola 13 �N ~ APm.o'csrcr.oL_ i I g z n� f 4�ig -'GBI M.IO.OLS 21 I .rn13,%.wx 5' g = d yeW � I I to I _r__'�`__� 1� I I 1 Il I 1 \ I S 1 1 9 PO\Lxg\`S`p Yw�\5`°bup Vw WpnVutl �\COWC14+OLVa ws I a C� RN.q j $e a 1� I I 1 Il I 1 \ I S 1 1 9 PO\Lxg\`S`p Yw�\5`°bup Vw WpnVutl �\COWC14+OLVa ws I a C� 1� I I 1 Il I 1 \ I S 1 1 9 PO\Lxg\`S`p Yw�\5`°bup Vw WpnVutl �\COWC14+OLVa 5y F u a dtl� wo Z Y }� Om a � s � �.M�T vy + It Jj a D T n 1 2 --N0. g! 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