HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC_2022-08-25_AgendaPacket CITY OF ATASCADERO In accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2022-064 and the requirements of AB 361, the Design Review Committee Meeting will not be physically open to the public and Committee Members will be teleconferencing into the meeting. INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS are invited to participate through the Zoom platform using the link below and will be given an opportunity to speak in favor or opposition to the project or may call 669-900-6833 to listen and provide public comment via phone. HOW TO SUBMIT PUBLIC COMMENT: To provide written public comment, please email comments to: drc- comments@atascadero.org by 5:00 p.m. the day before the meeting. Email comments must identify the Agenda Item Number in the subject line of the email. Comments will be forwarded to the Design Review Committee and made a part of the administrative record. If a comment is received after the deadline for submission but before the close of the meeting, the comment will still be included as part of the record of the meeting. Please note, email comments will not be read into the record. All comments received may become part of the public record and are subject to the Public Records Act. To join the virtual meeting: Zoom Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81712225756 Meeting ID: 817 1222 5756 AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT ACCOMMODATIONS: Any member of the public who needs accommodations should contact the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@atascadero.org or by calling 805-470-3400 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed. The City will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to afford as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests. Design Review Committee agendas and minutes may be viewed on the City's website: www.atascadero.org. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the Community Development Department and are available for public inspection on our website, www.atascadero.org. All documents submitted by the public during Design Review Committee meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the Minutes and available for review by contacting the Community Development Department. All documents will be available for public inspection by appointment during City Hall business hours. http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA Committee Meeting Thursday, August 25, 2022 2:00 P.M. City Hall 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Chairperson Heather Newsom Vice Chairperson Susan Funk Committee Member Emily Baranek Committee Member Dennis Schmidt Committee Member Jeff van den Eikhof APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF THE JULY 28, 2022 DRAFT MINUTES. City of Atascadero Design Review Committee Agenda Regular Meeting August 25, 2022 Page 2 of 2 http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. DESIGN AND NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY REVIEW OF A NEW MULTI-FAMILY PROJECT AT 6855 ATASCADERO AVE. (CONTINUED FROM JULY 28, 2022) The proposed project includes a request to construct a new 8-unit multi-family building and associated improvements on a lot with an existing single-family residence on APN 030-282-015. Recommendation: Staff requests the DRC review and make design recommendations for the proposed project. (PRE22-0056) COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS DIRECTOR’S REPORT ADJOURNMENT The next DRC meeting is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, September 15, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. Agendas, Minutes and Staff Reports are available online at www.atascadero.org under City Officials & Commissions, Design Review Committee. DRC Draft Minutes of 7/28/2022 Page 1 of 5 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-25-22 x CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DRAFT MINUTES Regular Meeting – Thursday, July 28, 2022 – 2:00 P.M. City Hall (Teleconference) 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 CALL TO ORDER – 2:00 p.m. Chairperson Newsom called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: By Teleconference Committee Member Emily Baranek Committee Member Dennis Schmidt Committee Member van den Eikhof Vice Chairperson Susan Funk Chairperson Newsom Absent: None Others Present: By Teleconference - Recording Secretary, Annette Manier Staff Present: By Teleconference Senior Planner, Kelly Gleason Associate Planner, Mariah Gasch Assistant Planner, Bailey Sullivan Staff Absent: None Others Present: By Teleconference Preston Jones (PJ Designs) Thomas Zaldivar Devon Haggie Ana Plotkin Trista Madeline Zalvidar John Neil (Atascadero Mutual Water Co.) Don McAdam (Southpaw Design) 1 DRC Draft Minutes of 7/28/2022 Page 2 of 5 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-25-22 APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Funk and seconded by Committee Member van den Eikhof to approve the Agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll call vote. PUBLIC COMMENT The following members of the public spoke during public comment: Devon Haggie and Thomas Zaldivar. Staff and Chairperson Newsom addressed the comments made during public comment. Chairperson Newsom closed the Public Comment period. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 16, 2022 DRAFT MINUTES MOTION: By Committee Member Schmidt and seconded by Committee Member van den Eikhof to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed by 5:0 by a roll call vote. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. DESIGN AND NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY REVIEW OF A NEW 8-UNIT MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING AT 6855 AT ASCADERO AVE. The proposed project includes a request to construct a new 8-unit multi-family building and associated improvements for Michael Hawkins on APN 030 -282-015. Recommendation: Staff requests the DRC approve the request. (PRE22-0056). Planner Gleason presented the staff report, and answered questions from the Committee. Planner Gleason stated that this project will not move forward to the Planning Commission, and if approved today, could move straight to building permits. Chairperson Newsom asked if a ministerial action by the DRC could be appealed (a project that does not go to Planning Commission) and Director Dunsmore replied that yes, this is an appealable action. Any appealed action would be based on design. Chairperson Newsom asked about the radius on noticing on this project. Planner Gleason stated it was noticed at 300-feet, and that we would need Council direction to do a larger radius mailing. 2 DRC Draft Minutes of 7/28/2022 Page 3 of 5 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-25-22 Chairperson Newsom stated for the record, that there is an emergency housing area that houses at-risk children nearby and she wants them to be notified of the project, and asked Director Dunsmore to look into this. She believes that if at-risk housing is near a proposed project, then a 1,000-foot radius should be used. She asked staff to ensure that this particular property gets notified. PUBLIC COMMENT The following members of the public spoke during public comment: Preston Jones (who shared a landscape plan as Exhibit A), Thomas Zaldivar, Devon Haggie, Ana Plotkin, Trista (no last name given), and Madeline Zaldivar. Chairperson Newsom closed the Public Comment period. The Committee recommended the applicant return with revised plans to include the following changes: Site Design • Bollards requirement will be a useful addition to provide protection. • Move trash enclosure to new location as shown on Exhibit A. • Solid fencing all the way around, no chain link. • Designate patio area as a no smoking area. • Developer, Contractor, and sub-contractors must follow City standards for construction noise and hours. • If the applicant does two-bedroom units, then they can keep the two extra spaces. Architectural Design • 2nd story siding should wrap all sides of the building. Break up the long elevation. • Recommend articulation in material and color. • Curbs at the north side of the property line, or some barrier. • At the back elevation, add laundry room window (shower-style) for ventilation. • Stucco could be a sand finish or cantrel. • Units 4 and 8 could lose the office space if the applicant chooses not to do a 2- bedroom unit, and move the laundry room closer to those units (gain 10 feet on the site, while losing accessory space). Could modify one or two units. If they do all two-bedroom apts., we could keep the spaces. • Move building to come away from the two side property lines; lose one parking space. • Not remove the two parking spaces near Navajoa to allow for the building to move up. Landscaping • Install additional vertical trees along northerly property line. • Trees could be placed in the neighbor’s yard for privacy as a good faith effort. • Valley oak to be box-sized tree or similar. • Solid fencing should be installed. • Work with the neighbors as a good faith effort. 3 DRC Draft Minutes of 7/28/2022 Page 4 of 5 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-25-22 MOTION: By Committee Member Schmidt and seconded by Vice Chairperson Funk to continue the item to a date certain in August, re-notify the neighbors, expand the noticing to 1,000 feet, and request that the applicant (Mike Hawkins) be present for the next meeting. Motion passed by 4:1 by a roll call vote. (van den Eikhof voted no) 3. DESIGN AND NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY REVIEW OF AN RV STORAGE LOT AT 6805 SYCAMORE ROAD. The proposed project includes a request to add an RV Storage Lot to an existing site for VSM Leasing & Rentals, LLC on APN 028-121-001. Recommendation: Staff requests the DRC review plans for a new business that includes outdoor Recreational Vehicle (RV) storage and direct the applicant to make any modifications to the site as necessary prior to proceeding to the Planning Commission for a review of a Conditional Use Permit. (USE21-0107) Planner Gasch presented the staff report, and answered questions from the Committee. Planning Gasch stated that the DeAnza Trail will be realigned in Phase 1. PUBLIC COMMENT The following members of the public spoke during public comment: John Neil and Don McAdam. Chairperson Newsom closed the Public Comment period. The Committee agreed with staff’s recommendations and added the following new recommendations: • Interior landscape does not need to be installed. Landscape along frontage should be installed past the Raminha Construction site. • Trail must remain suitable for equestrian use. • The existing vinyl coated chain link fence may be relocated to the back of the site, along the Salinas River side. • Angled barbed wire on top of the fence is appropriate for this site • A low fence shall be added between the pr oposed De Anza Trail location and Sycamore Road. This fence shall be split rail or welded pipe fencing with a maximum height of 4 feet tall. • Work together to ensure the front of the site has a better visual appearance to include staff working with the applicant to determine what species of plants will go on the site. • Have a good buffer for security and ensure no hiding areas so as to deter an encampment. 4 DRC Draft Minutes of 7/28/2022 Page 5 of 5 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8-25-22 This project will move forward to the Planning Commission. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS Committee Member Schmidt made a statement regarding the State’s position paper on SB9. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Director Dunsmore stated that we are moving forward with SB9 and ADU’s on Tuesday to the Planning Commission. That project will then move on to City Council. ADJOURNMENT– 5:33 p.m. The next regular meeting of the DRC is scheduled for Thursday, August 11, 2022. MINUTES PREPARED BY: _________________________________________________ Annette Manier, Recording Secretary Administrative Assistant Adopted 5 6500 PALMA AVENUE, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 (805) 461-5000 FAX 461-7612 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 8-25-22 Atascadero Design Review Committee Staff Report – Community Development Department Residential Apartment Development MEETING DATE PROJECT PLANNER APPLICANT CONTACT PLN NO. 8/25/2022 Kelly Gleason Michael Hawkins PRE22-0056 PROJECT ADDRESS GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION ZONING DISTRICT ASSESOR PARCEL NUMBER(S) SITE AREA 6855 Atascadero Ave High Density Residential (HDR) RMF-24 030-282-015 Approximately 0.44 acres RECOMMENDATION Staff Requests the Design Review Committee: 1. Review the proposed design for a high-density multi-family residential project on a property with one existing residence. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant proposes the construction of a new, 2 -story, 8-unit, multi-family building behind an existing single-family residence on a 0.44-acre site at 6855 Atascadero Ave. Multi-family dwelling units will be for rent, and parking is accommodated via surface parking. The project is requesting a number of concessions and waivers based on State Density Bonus Law. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The City of Atascadero’s environmental review process incorporates the requirements in implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. Persons, agencies, or organizations interested in obtaining more information regarding the environmental process should contact the Community Development Department. ☐ EIR / MND / ND / Statutory Exemption to be circulated ☐ Prior CEQA Review: ☐ Categorical Exemption Class 32, In-Fill Development Projects ☒ No Project - § 15268 Ministerial Project 6 C ITY OF A TASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Aerial Map DISCUSSION: Project Description / Summary The subject site is approximately 0.44 acres in size, located at the corner of Atascadero Ave and Navajoa Ave. The applicant proposes a new, 2-story, multi-family building behind an existing single-family residence fronting Atascadero Ave. The minimum site density is 9 units with a maximum base density of 11 units. The project is proposing a total of 9 units (8 new units + 1 existing residence). The new multi-family dwelling units will be for rent and surface parking is to be provided accessed off Navajoa Ave. State Density Bonus concessions and waivers are proposed in exchange for dedicating 1 unit for low-income households in accordance with State Law. In addition to prescribed maximum parking standards, Government Code Section 65915(d)(2)(B) allows a developer to receive one incentive or concession for including an affordable unit. Per State statute, the applicant can also request waivers of any development standards that preclude development of the site to the densities prescribed by State Law. The applicant is requesting concessions and waivers as discussed below. Background Proposed Development Site 7 C ITY OF A TASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT The project was reviewed by the DRC at the July 28 , 2022 meeting. The item was continued with a request from the DRC to explore architectural design enhancements. Specific requests included: • 4-sided architectural façade treatment with vertical elements along the rear façade (see discussion below) • Bollards between the parking spaces and property to the north (included in the revised plan) • Clarification on unit bedroom count (see discussion below) • High windows in the laundry rooms (included in the revised plan) • Eliminate office in units 4&8 and move laundry room over (applicant has retained all units as 2-bedroom units) • Create a greater setback along the South property line (per State law, applicant is retaining his ability to request a waiver of the rear setback and maintain the code allowed minimum side setback) • Darker earth toned colors (included in revised plan) • Consistent windows (applicant has retained sliders to meet egress standards and is using consistent windows on all elevations) • Solid fencing (conditioned) Analysis Architectural Changes The applicant has updated the architectural elevations to include sand finished stucco exterior and painted a darker grey color. Gable roof elements and contrasting vertical façade elements have been added to the rear elevation to provide architectural int erest. 8 C ITY OF A TASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Site Design The site design has been updated to include bollards adjacent to the parking spaces along the north property line. The landscape plan includes shade trees and benches throughout the common open space areas. A condition has been included to provide upgraded landscaping around the existing residence. The project has also been conditioned to provide vines or similar landscaping along the south property line. The units have been reconfigured to include a full 2 bedrooms, requiring a total of 14 spaces per State Density Bonus Law. The proposed plan includes 14 parking spaces with a request for a setback waiver along Navajoa Ave to allow the parking spaces to encroach into the required 10-foot landscape area. The DRC also reviewed building setbacks at the July 28 th meeting. The applicant is requesting a waiver of the rear setback along the north property line to allow for the encroachment of the corner of the building up to 5 feet from the property line. This req uest is within the parameters allowed by State Law. Trash Enclosure The shared trash enclosure is included toward the end of the parking lot adjacent to the upper floor stairs. A roof has been added for aesthetics and security. DRC DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. Site Design 2. Architectural Design 3. Landscaping 9 C ITY OF A TASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ATTACHMENTS: 1. Updated Project Design Package 2. Updated Project renderings 3. DRAFT DRC Notice of Action 10 C ITY OF A TASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Attachment 1: Updated Project Design Package PRE22-0056 See Attached 11 CCO20' X 20'GAS EASEMENTPER 1418-OR-124 [N80°23'51"W 229.85'-D1] [S58 °12 'W 246 .63 ' -D1 ]PIPELINE EASEMENTPER 396-OR-43220' WIDE20' 20'30' 30'[R=2203.70' Δ=02°31'14" L=96.90'-D1]Δ PROPOSED(8)-UNITMULTIFAMILYRESIDENCEPROPOSEDPARKING AREACOMMON AREA 1COMMON AREA 2EXISTINGRESIDENCETO REMAIN(E) SHED TO BE REMOVED(E) TRELLIS TO BE REMOVED5'-0"5'-0"8' -11 "(N) CURB, GUTTER,AND SIDEWALK(N) DRIVEWAYENTRANCE(E) TREE TOBE REMOVEDBASED ON CITYDISCRETION(N) TRASHENCLOSURE(N) CONC.WALKWAY(N) CONC.WALKWAY(N) STAIRS TOUPPER LEVEL(N) CONC.WALKWAY(N) REPLACEMENTFENCE(N) STEELBOLLARDS(N) REPLACEMENTFENCECOVER SHEETCSHAWKINS MULTIFAMILYRESIDENCECustom Homes ~ Remodels ~ Additions ~ ADUs ~ As-Builts800 Ward Ct.Templeton, CA 93465805.550.7436Preston@PJ-Designs.comwww.PJ-Designs.comGeneral Building DesignerAttention: if plan check correction date does not appear in therevision block below, do not layout / build structure from this copy ofconstruction drawings, unless otherwise indicated with "approved"red stamp from local building and planning department. copieswithout correction date indicated are most likely preliminarydocuments only.PMTR-0000-0000Plan SetPreliminary2.24.202222012Sheet NumberSheet TitleJob No.6855 ATASCADERO AVE. ATASCADERO, CA 93422 ProjectJurisdictionCITY OF ATASCADERO, CAAPN030-282-015DRC Submit5.30.2022DRC Revisions8.15.2022PLANS PREPARED BY:PJ DESIGNS800 WARD CT.TEMPLETON, CA 93465PH (805) 550-7436PRESTON@PJ-DESIGNS.COMPJ DESIGNS TAKES NO LIABILITY FOR INFORMATIONPROVIDED BY THE OWNER IN THE PREPARATION OFTHESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS. THE OWNER HASAPPROVED THIS SET OF PLANS AND AGREED THAT THISSTRUCTURE IS BUILDABLE ON SAID LOT.THE DRAFTSMAN DOES NOT REPRESENT THAT THESEPLANS OR THE SPECIFICATIONS IN CONNECTIONTHEREWITH ARE SUITABLE, WHETHER OR NOT MODIFIEDFOR ANY OTHER SITE THAN THE ONE FOR WHICH THEYWERE SPECIFICALLY PREPARED. THE CONTRACTORSHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLDIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THISOFFICE MUST BE NOTIFIED IN LETTER OF ANYVARIATIONS FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONSSHOWN BY THESE DRAWINGS. THIS DRAWING IS NOTFINAL OR TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION UNTILSIGNED BY THE ENGINEER.ALL DRAWING AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARINGHEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHEDWORK OF THE DRAFTSMAN AND THE SAME MAY NOT BEDUPLICATED, USED OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTENCONSENT OF THE DRAFTSMAN.DESIGNER NOTESTRUCTURE CALCSBLDG CODE DATAPROJECT DATA1.CONSTRUCT 2-STORY MULTIFAMILY RESIDENCE1.1.(8) 2-BEDROOM UNITS1.2.(2) LAUNDRY FACILITIES2.CONSTRUCT ASPHALT PARKING LOT2.1.(12) STANDARD STALLS2.2.(1) COMPACT STALL2.3.(1) ADA STALLJOB DESCRIPTIONCS COVER SHEET/SITE PLANC-1 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTSL-1 CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLANA-1.1 LOWER FLOOR PLANA-1.2 UPPER FLOOR PLANA-2.0 CONCEPTUAL RENDER & MATERIALSA-2.1 ELEVATIONSA-2.2 ELEVATIONSSHEET INDEX1.THE OWNER IS ADVISED THAT THESE DRAWINGS ANDASSOCIATED CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ARE THEONLY MEDIUM AVAILABLE TO EXPRESS THE INTENT OF PJDESIGNS AND CANNOT BE ASSUMED ALL-INCLUSIVE WITHREGARD TO SUCH.THESE RECORD DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN PREPARED BASEDUPON INFORMATION SUBMITTED, IN PART, BY OTHERS.WHILE THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE RELIABLE, PJDESIGNS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR ACCURACY, NORFOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS WHICH MAY HAVE BEENINCORPORATED INTO THESE DOCUMENTS AS A RESULTDOCUMENTSSHEET SETNUMBER OF ORIGINALS IN SET 8OWNERGENERAL NOTEVICINITY MAPSITEPROJECT TEAMDESIGNERPJ DESIGNSPRESTON JONES800 WARD CT.TEMPLETON, CA 93465(805) 550-7436PRESTON@PJ-DESIGNS.COMCIVIL1" = 10'-0"SITE PLANLOWER720 SQ.FT. UNIT 1720 SQ.FT. UNIT 2720 SQ.FT. UNIT 3625 SQ.FT. UNIT 4136 SQ.FT. LAUNDRY AUPPER720 SQ.FT. UNIT 5720 SQ.FT. UNIT 6720 SQ.FT. UNIT 7625 SQ.FT. UNIT 8136 SQ.FT. LAUNDRY B648 SQ.FT. COVERED DECKALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE:2019 California Energy Code2019 California Residential Code2019 California Electrical Code2019 California Fire Code2019 California Green Building Code2019 California Mechanical Code2019 California Plumbing Code2019 California Building Code2019 California Reference Standards CodeAS WELL AS ALL ATASCADERO BUILDING ORDINANCES ANDGREEN BUILDING STANDARDSCODE ANALYSISOCCUPANCY: R-3TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VBALLOWABLE AREA: UNLIMITEDHEIGHT: ±24'-8"AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER: YESSTORIES: 2-STORYMICHAEL HAWKINS5205 CARRIZO ROADATASCADERO, CA 93422(805) 440-2500MHAWKNS@ICLOUD.COMABOVE GRADE ENGINEERINGSCOTT STOKES, P.E.R.C.E. 58256245 HIGUERA STREETSAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401(805) 548-1172SCOTT@ABOVEGRADEENGINEERING.COMAREA CALCSEXISTING SITE17685 SQ.FT.LOT SIZE1594 SQ.FT.EXISTING RESIDENCE FOOTPRINTPROPOSED2920 SQ.FT. PROPOSED STRUCTURE (IMPERVIOUS)3458 SQ.FT. PROPOSED PARKING LOT (IMPERVIOUS)1134 SQ. FT. PROPOSED PARKING LOT (PERVIOUS)1532 SQ.FT. PROPOSED COMMON AREA 1 (PERVIOUS)1320 SQ.FT. PROPOSED COMMON AREA 2 (PERVIOUS)9039 SQ. FT. TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA50% LOT COVERAGEPROJECT CHARACTERISTICSTHE EXISTING SITE HAS A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCELOCATED ON THE PROPERTY FRONTING ATASCADEROAVE. THE PROPOSED PROJECT IS TO MAINTAIN THEEXISTING FRONT RESIDENCE AND CONSTRUCT A NEW2-STORY STRUCTURE CONSISTING OF (8)-1 BEDROOMUNITS WITH LAUNDRY FACILITIES ON EACH FLOOR. ASTATE DENSITY BONUS IS BEING UTILIZED AND ONE OFTHE UNITS WILL BE "MODERATE INCOME".PORTION OF LOT 19, BLOCK W-A, MAP OF ATASCADERO, INTHE CITY OF ATASCADERO, AS FILED IN BOOK 4, PAGE 30, OFMAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER, COUNTYOF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA.APN: 030-282-01512 ΔΔ C 5.00 ' SETBACK5.00' SETBACK9.00' TY P .18.00' TYP.9.00'14.00'8.00'18.00'9.00'18.00'24.00'1 2 4 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 7 10.0 0'3.00' LANDSCAPE20.0 0 ' 30.0 0' PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE (E) HOUSE TO REMAIN (N) BUILDINGACCESSIBLEPARKING (N) ASPHALT PARKING LOT (N) CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON (N) TRASH ENCLOSURE CONCRETE WALKWAY (N) PERMEABLE PAVER SECTION (N) SIDEWALK CURB & GUTTER (N) SIDEWALK CURB & GUTTER DESIGNED: SHEET: DATE: JOB NUMBER:PLOT BY: AGE03PLOT DATE: Aug 15, 2022 - 3:16pm Drawing name: N:\2021\21188-Hawkins\Civil\Condocs\Sheetfiles\ARC\21188-C1.1-GD.dwg ENGINEER OF RECORD: DATE:NO.REVISIONDATE C-1 DRAWN: SJS DLL 21188 MAY 24, 2022 HAWKINS ADDITION6855 ATASCADERO AVE., ATASCADERO, CA 93422PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ( IN FEET ) 1 INCH = FT.5101010200 13 OFFICE LAU N D R Y UP UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 OP/OT /TVOP/OT /TVOP/OT /TVOP/OT /TVOT/TVEXISTING RESIDENCE PROPOSED RESIDENCES GROUND COVERS QUANTITY PLANT SYMBOL LEGEND SYMBOL PLANT NAME CONTAINER BOTANICAL (COMMON)SIZE WATER USE REGION #1 “ LANDSCAPE DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN WATER BUDGET CALCULATION GREEN CODE REQUIRMENTS : L-15 /26 /22 CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN 1"=10'-0" HAWKINS ADDITION 6855 ATACADERO AVE., ATASCADERO, CA CASEY J PATTERSON LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PROJECT: HAWKENS ADDITION MAWA = (ETo) x (0.62) x [(0.45 x LA)+(0.3 x SLA)] SLA=0 MAWA=31,347.6 ETWU = (Eto)x(0.62)x[(PFxHA/IE)+SLA] Site Location: Atascadero Site's ETo:49 Irrigation Efficiency:0.81 O.H = .75 max Drip = .81 Plant Factors Low 0 - 0.3 Medium 0.4 - 0.6 High 0.7 - 1.0 ETAF ETAF=0.45 RES.= 0.55 COM. = 0.45 Planting Plant Hydrozone Hydrozone Type*Factor Area PFxHA(FT SQ)ETWU LOCATION 1 ,Low 0.3 2,293 688 25,800 Site Planting Sum:2,293 688 25,800 TOTAL *All Drip Irrigation (BUDGET)(ESTIMATED) MAWA=31,348 gallons ETWU=25,800 gallons Project complies with MWELO (estimated is lower that budget) PLANT IMAGES 14 30'-0"88'-0"20'-0"16'-0"14'-0"UP108'-0"6'-0"UNIT 2UNIT 3UNIT 4ADW2668 HC BATH5'-0" x 10'-0" x 8'5068 BI-PASS HC3068 HC5040 HSDBL GLZ5040 HSDBL GLZBED9'-9" x 10'-0" x 8'BED10'-0" x 10'-9" x 8'DWLAUNDRY8'-9" x 13'-1" x 8'3068 SC 3068 HC4040 HS DBL GLZ 4030 HSDBL GLZR GREAT ROOM15'-1" x 16'-6" x 8'S&PDW3068 SCS&P5068 BI-PASS HC3040 SHDBL GLZ3068 SC3068 HC3068 HCS&P BED9'-1" x 10'-0" x 8'3068 HCBATH9'-1" x 6'-6" x 8'5068 BI-PASS HC 6040 HSDBL GLZ5040 HSDBL GLZ5040 HSDBL GLZ4030 HSDBL GLZDWR KITCHEN9'-5" x 10'-0" x 8'UPPERSDINING9'-5" x 8'-9" x 8'12" OVERHANGLINENBUILT-IN CABINETSLIVING13'-4" x 9'-5" x 8'S&P5068 BI-PASS HC B/I CAB.BED9'-1" x 10'-0" x 8'3068 SC 3068 HC3068 HCS&P BED9'-1" x 10'-0" x 8'3068 HCBATH9'-1" x 6'-6" x 8'5068 BI-PASS HC 6040 HSDBL GLZ5040 HSDBL GLZ5040 HSDBL GLZ4030 HSDBL GLZDWR KITCHEN9'-5" x 10'-0" x 8'UPPERSDINING9'-5" x 8'-9" x 8'12" OVERHANGLINENBUILT-IN CABINETSLIVING13'-4" x 9'-5" x 8'S&P 5068 BI-PASS HC B/I CAB.BED9'-1" x 10'-0" x 8'3068 SC 3068 HC3068 HCS&P BED9'-1" x 10'-0" x 8'3068 HCBATH9'-1" x 6'-6" x 8'5068 BI-PASS HC 6040 HSDBL GLZ5040 HSDBL GLZ5040 HSDBL GLZ4030 HSDBL GLZDWR KITCHEN9'-5" x 10'-0" x 8'UPPERSDINING9'-5" x 8'-9" x 8'12" OVERHANGLINENBUILT-IN CABINETSLIVING13'-4" x 9'-5" x 8'S&P 5068 BI-PASS HC B/I CAB.BED9'-1" x 10'-0" x 8'UNIT 1HAWKINS MULTIFAMILYRESIDENCECustom Homes ~ Remodels ~ Additions ~ ADUs ~ As-Builts800 Ward Ct.Templeton, CA 93465805.550.7436Preston@PJ-Designs.comwww.PJ-Designs.comGeneral Building DesignerAttention: if plan check correction date does not appear in therevision block below, do not layout / build structure from this copy ofconstruction drawings, unless otherwise indicated with "approved"red stamp from local building and planning department. copieswithout correction date indicated are most likely preliminarydocuments only.PMTR-0000-0000Plan SetPreliminary2.24.202222012Sheet NumberSheet TitleJob No.6855 ATASCADERO AVE. ATASCADERO, CA 93422 ProjectJurisdictionCITY OF ATASCADERO, CAAPN030-282-015DRC Submit5.30.2022DRC Revisions8.15.2022LOWERFLOOR PLAN A-1.1SCHEDULE NOTES: GENERAL:1. WINDOW AND DOORS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. VERIFY ALL SIZES AND TYPES PRIOR TO ORDERING.2. TEMPERED GLASS SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE NEW GLASS IS REQUIRED AT ALL HAZARDOUS LOCATIONSINCLUDING INGRESS AND EGRESS DOORS, PANELS IN SLIDING OR SWINGING DOORS, DOORS ANDENCLOSURE FOR BATH TUB & SHOWER AND IF WITHIN 2 FEET OF VERTICAL EDGE OF CLOSED DOORSAND WITHIN 5 FEET OF STANDING SURFACE.DOORS AND WINDOWS:3. DOOR STOPS OF IN-SWINGING DOORS SHALL BE OF ONE-PIECE CONSTRUCTION WITH THE JAMB, ORJOINED BY A RABBETED JOINT TO THE JAMB.4. ALL PIN-TYPE HINGES WHICH ARE ACCESSIBLE FROM OUTSIDE THE SECURED AREA WHEN THE DOOR ISCLOSED, SHALL HAVE NON-REMOVABLE HINGE PINS.5. THE STRIKE PLATE FOR LATCHES AND THE HOLDING DEVICE FOR PROTECTING DEADBOLTS IN WOODCONSTRUCTION SHALL BE SECURED TO THE JAMB AND THE WALL FRAMING WITH SCREWS NOT LESSTHAN 212" IN LENGTH.6. DEADBOLTS SHALL CONTAIN HARDENED INSERTS.7. STRAIGHT DEADBOLTS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM THROW OF 1" AND AN EMBEDMENT OF NOT LESS THAN 58".8. A HOOK-SHAPED OR AN EXPANDING-LUG DEADBOLT SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM THROW OF 34".9. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DOORS TO BE 134" THICK MIN. WITH SOLID CORE CONSTRUCTION, UNLESSNOTED OTHERWISE.10. GLASS DOORS SHALL HAVE FULLY TEMPERED GLASS.INSULATED GLASS:11. ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS BETWEEN CONDITIONED AND UNCONDITIONED SPACES SHALL BEDUAL-GLAZED WITH INSULATED GLASS ASSEMBLIES. SAFETY GLAZING WILL BE USED FOR ASSEMBLIESWHERE REQUIRED. ALL NEW GLAZING SHALL BE LOW-E; U-FACTOR 0.75 OR LOWER, AND SHGC .40 ORLOWER, DUAL GLAZED ASSEMBLY.SAFETY GLAZING:12. WINDOW AND DOOR LIGHTS WITHIN 40" OF THE LOCKING DEVICE SHALL BE FULLY TEMPERED ORLAMINATED GLASS.13. ALL GLAZING IN HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS PER C.B.C. SECTION 2406.4 MUST BE TEMPERED ANDPERMANENTLY LABELED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS.14. SAFETY GLAZING TO BE PROVIDED IN ALL DOORS AND ADJACENT PANELS, IN BATH AND SHOWER DOORSAND ENCLOSURES, WITHIN 12" OF A DOOR IN THE CLOSED POSITION, AND IN ALL PANELS IN EXCESS OF 6S.F. AND WHOSE LOWEST EDGE IS LESS THAN 18" TO THE FINISH FLOOR OR WITHIN 36" OF A WALKINGSURFACE.15. ALL SLIDING GLASS DOOR ASSEMBLIES, SHOWER DOORS AND ENCLOSURES, AND ALL OTHER SAFETYGLAZING SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 316" THICK.EMERGENCY ESCAPES:16. EMERGENCY EGRESS: EVERY SLEEPING ROOM SHALL HAVE AT LEAST ONE OPERABLE WINDOW OREXTERIOR DOOR APPROVED FOR EMERGENCY ESCAPE. THESE EMERGENCY ESCAPE WINDOWS ORDOORS MUST PROVIDE A FULL CLEAR OPENING AND SHALL BE OPERABLE FROM THE INSIDE WITHOUTTHE USE OF SPECIAL TOOLS. ALL EMERGENCY ESCAPE WINDOWS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM NET OPENINGOF 5.7 SQ. FT. WITH A MINIMUM NET CLEAR HEIGHT OF 24 INCHES AND WIDTH OF 20 INCHES. THE SILLHEIGHT OF EMERGENCY ESCAPE WINDOWS SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 3'-8" (44 INCHES) ABOVE THEINTERIOR FLOOR.FLOORPLAN NOTES1.ALL EXTERIOR HEADERS ABOVE OPENINGS SHALL BE 6 x 12 #1 DF UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. INTERIOR HEADERSHALL BE 4 x 8 #2 DF UNLESS NOTED.2.ALL INTERIOR PLUMBING WALLS RECOMMENDED TO BE 2 x 6 STUDS @ 16" O.C.3.PROVIDE FIRE STOPS IN CONCEALED SPACES OF STUD WALLS INCLUDING SPACES AT CEILINGS AND FLOORS AND INOPENINGS AROUND DUCTS, PIPES. CHIMNEYS AND SIMILAR OPENINGS WHICH ALLOW PASSAGE OF FIRE.4.SHOWER AREA WALLS SHALL BE FINISHED WITH A SMOOTH NON-ABSORBENT. HARD SURFACE TO A HEIGHT OF 72"ABOVE DRAIN INLET.5.FIBER-CEMENT, FIBER-MAT REINFORCED CONCRETE, GLASS MAT GYPSUM BACKERS, OR FIBER-REINFORCEDGYPSUM BACKERS SHALL BE USED AS A BASE FOR CERAMIC WALL TILES IN TUB AND SHOWER AREAS AS WELL ASPANELS IN SHOWER AREAS.6.ALL FIREPLACES SHALL HAVE APPROVED COLLAPSIBLE METAL OR GLASS DOORS AND OUTSIDE COMBUSTION AIR.OUTSIDE COMBUSTION AIR IS NOT REQUIRED ON INTERIOR FIREPLACES INSTALLED OVER CONCRETE SLAB ONGRADE. MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION GUIDE TO BE ON-SITE FOR INSPECTION.7.FLUE DAMPER TO BE PERMANENTLY BLOCKED OPEN IF A GAS LOG LIGHTER IS PROPOSED. CMC8.FLOOR LEVEL CHANGE AT DOORS NOT TO EXCEED 12".9.METAL CHIMNEYS SHALL BE ANCHORED AT EACH FLOOR AND ROOF WITH TWO 1 ½" x 1/8" METAL STRAPS LOOPEDAROUND THE OUTSIDE OF THE CHIMNEY INSTALLATION AND NAILED WITH NOT LESS THAN (6) 8d NAILS PER STRAPAT EACH JOIST. CBC10.ALL CHIMNEYS ATTACHED TO ANY APPLIANCE OR FIREPLACE THAT BURNS SOLID FUEL SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH ANAPPROVED SPARK ARRESTOR. THE NET FREE AREA OF THE ARRESTOR SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 4 TIMES THE NETFREE AREA OF THE OUTLET OF THE CHIMNEY FLUE IT SERVES. THE ARRESTOR SCREEN SHALL HAVE HEAT ANDCORROSION RESISTANCE EQUIVALENT TO 12 GA WIRE, 19 GA GALVANIZED STEEL OR 24 GA STAINLESS STEEL.OPENINGS SHALL NOT PERMIT THE PASSAGE OF SPHERES HAVING A DIA. GREATER THAN 12" NOR BLOCK THEPASSAGE OF SPHERES HAVING A DIAMETER LESS THAN 38".11.PROVIDE EMERGENCY EXIT DOOR OR WINDOW FROM SLEEPING ROOMS. NET CLEAR WINDOW OPENING SHALL NOTBE LESS THAN 5.7 SQ. FT. MIN. NET OPENING HEIGHT DIMENSION, 24" CLEAR; MIN. NET OPENING WIDTH DIMENSION,20 CLEAR FINISHED SILL HEIGHT MAX. 44" ABOVE FLOOR.12.PENETRATION OF FIRE-RETARDANT WALLS, FLOOR-CEILINGS AND ROOF SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED DURINGCONSTRUCTION. ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE PROTECTED PER CBC SECTION 713.3 & 713.413.ADDRESSES SHALL BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY.ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE 5 INCHES IN HEIGHT, 12" MINIMUM STROKE WIDTH AND OF CONTRASTING COLOR TOTHEIR BACKGROUND. (FIELD VERIFY)14.A MINIMUM VENT AREA OF NOT LESS THAN 1/150 SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ATTIC OR ENCLOSED RAFTER SPACE. THISMAY BE REDUCED TO 1/300 OF THE ATTIC AREA PROVIDED TAHT A CLASS 1 OR 11 VAPOR RETARDER IS INSTALLEDON THE WARM SIDE OF THE ATTIC INSULATION OR AT LEAST 40% AND NOT MORE THAN 50% OF THE REQUIRED VENTAREA LOCATED AT LEAST 3 FEET ABOVE EAVE OR CORNICE VENTS WITH THE BALANCE OF THE REQUIREDVENTILATION PROVIDED BY EAVE OR CORNICE VENTS.WALL LEGENDTUB SHOWERCOMBODRYERWASHERWATERCLOSETDOUBLESINK W/DISPOSALLAVATORY22 X 30ATTICACCESSUNDER COUNTERDISHWASHERRANGE W/OVEN & HOODREFRIGERATORELEC.METERRDWTANK-LESSWATERHEATERWINDOWDOOR SLIDING / BI-PASSDOORSBI-FOLD DOORSE.G.) 3068 SCTYPEWIDTH (FT.-IN.)HEIGHT (FT.-IN.)LEGEND2x4 D.F. #2 STUDS @ 16" O.C.2x6 D.F. #2 STUDS @ 16" O.C.42" HIGH GUARDRAILLINE OF GUARDRAIL/DECK ABOVEARCHITECTURAL PLANT-ON1/4" = 1'-0"LOWER FLOOR PLANDWNOTESKEYNOTE CALLOUTSECTION CALLOUTDETAIL CALLOUTNOTE NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSECTION NUMBERSHEET NUMBERDETAIL NUMBER1#PGSYMBOL LEGEND#PGROOM LEGENDGREAT ROOM49'-6" x 23'-3" x VLT(PLANK)ROOMLABEL(NAME)CEILING HEIGHT(VAULT HEIGHTVARIES)WIDTH (LEFT TORIGHT ON PAGE)HEIGHT (UP ANDDOWN ON PAGE)ASSUMEDFLOORING TYPE15 3068 SC2668 HC2668 HCS&P 2668 HCBATH5'-0" x 9'-1" x 8'5068 BI-PASS HC 6040 HSDBL GLZ5040 HSDBL GLZ5040 HSDBL GLZ4030 HSDBL GLZ3068 SC 2668 HC2668 HCS&P 2668 HCBATH5'-0" x 9'-1" x 8'5068 BI-PASS HC 6040 HSDBL GLZ5040 HSDBL GLZ5040 HSDBL GLZ4030 HSDBL GLZ3068 SC 2668 HC2668 HCS&P 2668 HCBATH5'-0" x 9'-1" x 8'5068 BI-PASS HC 6040 HSDBL GLZ5040 HSDBL GLZ5040 HSDBL GLZ4030 HSDBL GLZ2668 HCBATH5'-0" x 10'-0" x 8'5068 BI-PASS HC2668 HC5040 HSDBL GLZBED9'-9" x 10'-0" x 8'BED10'-0"x 10'-9" x 8'3068 SC 2668 HC4040 HS DBL GLZ 4030 HSDBL GLZDWDW3068 SC LAUNDRY8'-9" x 13'-1" x 8'DOWN TO PARKINGCOVERED DECK108'-0" x 6'-0" x 8'R GREAT ROOM15'-1" x 16'-6" x 8'DWDWR KITCHEN9'-5" x 10'-0" x 8'UPPERSDINING9'-5" x 8'-9" x 8'12" OVERHANGLINENBUILT-IN CABINETSBED9'-1" x 10'-0" x 8'LIVING13'-4" x 9'-5" x 8'BED9'-1" x 10'-0" x 8'DWR KITCHEN9'-5" x 10'-0" x 8'UPPERSDINING9'-5" x 8'-9" x 8'12" OVERHANGLINENBUILT-IN CABINETSLIVING13'-4" x 9'-5" x 8'BED9'-1" x 10'-0" x 8'DWR KITCHEN9'-5" x 10'-0" x 8'UPPERSDINING 9'-5" x 8'-9" x 8' 12" OVERHANGLINENBUILT-IN CABINETSLIVING13'-4" x 9'-5" x 8'UNIT 5UNIT 6UNIT 7UNIT 8B5040 HSDBL GLZ5068 BI-PASS HCS&PS&P5068 BI-PASS HC S&P BED9'-1" x 10'-0" x 8'S&P 5068 BI-PASS HCBED9'-1" x 10'-0" x 8'S&P5068 BI-PASS HCBED9'-1" x 10'-0" x 8'3040 SHDBL GLZHAWKINS MULTIFAMILYRESIDENCECustom Homes ~ Remodels ~ Additions ~ ADUs ~ As-Builts800 Ward Ct.Templeton, CA 93465805.550.7436Preston@PJ-Designs.comwww.PJ-Designs.comGeneral Building DesignerAttention: if plan check correction date does not appear in therevision block below, do not layout / build structure from this copy ofconstruction drawings, unless otherwise indicated with "approved"red stamp from local building and planning department. copieswithout correction date indicated are most likely preliminarydocuments only.PMTR-0000-0000Plan SetPreliminary2.24.202222012Sheet NumberSheet TitleJob No.6855 ATASCADERO AVE. ATASCADERO, CA 93422 ProjectJurisdictionCITY OF ATASCADERO, CAAPN030-282-015DRC Submit5.30.2022DRC Revisions8.15.2022UPPERFLOOR PLAN A-1.2WALL LEGENDTUB SHOWERCOMBODRYERWASHERWATERCLOSETDOUBLESINK W/DISPOSALLAVATORY22 X 30ATTICACCESSUNDER COUNTERDISHWASHERRANGE W/OVEN & HOODREFRIGERATORELEC.METERRDWTANK-LESSWATERHEATERWINDOWDOOR SLIDING / BI-PASSDOORSBI-FOLD DOORSE.G.) 3068 SCTYPEWIDTH (FT.-IN.)HEIGHT (FT.-IN.)LEGEND2x4 D.F. #2 STUDS @ 16" O.C.2x6 D.F. #2 STUDS @ 16" O.C.42" HIGH GUARDRAILLINE OF GUARDRAIL/DECK ABOVEARCHITECTURAL PLANT-ON1/4" = 1'-0"UPPER FLOOR PLANDWKEYNOTE CALLOUTSECTION CALLOUTDETAIL CALLOUTNOTE NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSECTION NUMBERSHEET NUMBERDETAIL NUMBER1#PGSYMBOL LEGEND#PGROOM LEGENDGREAT ROOM49'-6" x 23'-3" x VLT(PLANK)ROOMLABEL(NAME)CEILING HEIGHT(VAULT HEIGHTVARIES)WIDTH (LEFT TORIGHT ON PAGE)HEIGHT (UP ANDDOWN ON PAGE)ASSUMEDFLOORING TYPE16 CONCEPTUAL RENDER& MATERIALS A-2.0HAWKINS MULTIFAMILYRESIDENCECustom Homes ~ Remodels ~ Additions ~ ADUs ~ As-Builts800 Ward Ct.Templeton, CA 93465805.550.7436Preston@PJ-Designs.comwww.PJ-Designs.comGeneral Building DesignerAttention: if plan check correction date does not appear in therevision block below, do not layout / build structure from this copy ofconstruction drawings, unless otherwise indicated with "approved"red stamp from local building and planning department. copieswithout correction date indicated are most likely preliminarydocuments only.PMTR-0000-0000Plan SetPreliminary2.24.202222012Sheet NumberSheet TitleJob No.6855 ATASCADERO AVE. ATASCADERO, CA 93422 ProjectJurisdictionCITY OF ATASCADERO, CAAPN030-282-015DRC Submit5.30.2022DRC Revisions8.15.2022PRESIDENTIALCOMPOSITIONROOF MATERIALSMOOTHSTUCCO EXTERIOR VIEW FROM PARKING LOTNTS SMOOTHSTUCCO EXTERIOR REAR VIEWNTS 17 6'-8" 8'-1"FIN. FLRBOT OF HDRTOP PLATE6'-8"8'-1"FIN. FLRBOT OF HDRTOP PLATE6'-8" 8'-1"FIN. FLRBOT OF HDRTOP PLATE6'-8"8'-1"FIN. FLRBOT OF HDRTOP PLATE24'-7 1/2"MAX BUILDINGHEIGHT6'-8"8'-1"FIN. FLRBOT OF HDRTOP PLATE6'-8"8'-1"FIN. FLRBOT OF HDRTOP PLATE6'-8"8'-1"FIN. FLRBOT OF HDRTOP PLATE6'-8"8'-1"FIN. FLRBOT OF HDRTOP PLATE412ELEVATIONS A-2.1HAWKINS MULTIFAMILYRESIDENCECustom Homes ~ Remodels ~ Additions ~ ADUs ~ As-Builts800 Ward Ct.Templeton, CA 93465805.550.7436Preston@PJ-Designs.comwww.PJ-Designs.comGeneral Building DesignerAttention: if plan check correction date does not appear in therevision block below, do not layout / build structure from this copy ofconstruction drawings, unless otherwise indicated with "approved"red stamp from local building and planning department. copieswithout correction date indicated are most likely preliminarydocuments only.PMTR-0000-0000Plan SetPreliminary2.24.202222012Sheet NumberSheet TitleJob No.6855 ATASCADERO AVE. ATASCADERO, CA 93422 ProjectJurisdictionCITY OF ATASCADERO, CAAPN030-282-015DRC Submit5.30.2022DRC Revisions8.15.2022WEST ELEVATION (FACING NAVAJOA AVE & DRIVEWAY/PARKING AREA)1/4" = 1'-0"SOUTH ELEVATION (FACING ATASCADERO AVE.)1/4" = 1'-0"18 6'-8"8'-1"FIN. FLRBOT OF HDRTOP PLATE6'-8"FIN. FLRBOT OF HDRTOP PLATE6'-8"8'-1"FIN. FLRBOT OF HDRTOP PLATE6'-8"FIN. FLRBOT OF HDRTOP PLATE8'-1"8'-1"6'-8"8'-1"FIN. FLRBOT OF HDRTOP PLATE6'-8" 8'-1"FIN. FLRBOT OF HDRTOP PLATE6'-8"8'-1"FIN. FLRBOT OF HDRTOP PLATE6'-8" 8'-1"FIN. FLRBOT OF HDRTOP PLATEELEVATIONS A-2.2HAWKINS MULTIFAMILYRESIDENCECustom Homes ~ Remodels ~ Additions ~ ADUs ~ As-Builts800 Ward Ct.Templeton, CA 93465805.550.7436Preston@PJ-Designs.comwww.PJ-Designs.comGeneral Building DesignerAttention: if plan check correction date does not appear in therevision block below, do not layout / build structure from this copy ofconstruction drawings, unless otherwise indicated with "approved"red stamp from local building and planning department. copieswithout correction date indicated are most likely preliminarydocuments only.PMTR-0000-0000Plan SetPreliminary2.24.202222012Sheet NumberSheet TitleJob No.6855 ATASCADERO AVE. ATASCADERO, CA 93422 ProjectJurisdictionCITY OF ATASCADERO, CAAPN030-282-015DRC Submit5.30.2022DRC Revisions8.15.2022EAST ELEVATION (FACING REAR COMMON AREA)1/4" = 1'-0"NORTH ELEVATION1/4" = 1'-0"19 C ITY OF A TASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Attachment 2: Updated Project Renderings PRE22-0056 20 C ITY OF A TASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 21 C ITY OF A TASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Attachment 3: DRAFT DRC Notice of Action PRE22-0056 Conditions & Recommendations: 1. Parking Spaces shall be reduced in length to 15-feet as allowed by the Atascadero Municipal Code. Landscaping within the 3-foot overhang area shall be low growing plant materials. 2. Street trees shall be provided along Atascadero Ave and Navajoa Ave. Existing trees may count toward this requirement. 3. Shade trees shall be located adjacent to parking areas and within open space areas. All landscaping shall be low-water rated and meet all requirements of the State’s water efficiency standards. 4. Narrow shrubs or vines shall be installed along the southern property line that extend beyond the top of the fence line when mature . 5. Frontage improvements shall be installed per the requirements of the municipal code. 6. Solid fencing shall be installed around the perimete r of the site. Fencing shall meet AMC standards for height. Fencing shall be high quality and include a top rail. No dog-eared fencing is permitted. 7. Landscaping shall be installed along Atascadero Ave in the front yard area of the existing residence. CITY OF ATASCADERO Community Development Department 6500 Palma Avenue | Atascadero, CA 93422 | Phone: (805) 461-5035 | www.atascadero.org DRC Action Form Project #: PRE22-0056 Project Title: Atascadero Ave Multi-Family Planner/ Project Manager: Kelly Gleason DRC Review Date(s): 8/25/22 Final Action: DRC PC  CC 22