HomeMy WebLinkAboutAll Public Comments DRCWATER COMPANY COMMENTS USE 2 i - oio� ITEM 3 RV Storage at 6805 Sycamore Rd. USE 21-0107 / VSM Leasing & Rentals LLC Atascadero Design Review Committee Staff Report - Community Development Department RV Storage, 6805 Sycamore Road MEETING DATE PROJECT PLANNER APPLICANT CONTACT PLN NO. 7/28/22 Mariah Gasch VSM Leasing & Rentals USE 21-0107 Associate Planner LLC RECOMMENDATION Staff Recommends to the DRC: Review Plans for a new business that includes outdoor Recreational Vehicle (RV) storage and direct the applicant to make any modifications to the site as necessary prior to proceeding to the Planning Commission for a review of a Conditional Use Permit. PROJECT GENERAL PLAN ZONING ASSESOR PARCEL SITE ADDRESS DESIGNATION DISTRICT NUMBER(S) AREA 6805 Sycamore Road Industrial (I)/ Industrial 028-121-001 23.24 -acre site Open Space Park (I P)/ 6 -acre lease area (OS) Open Space (OS) /PD 31 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project includes a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a 6 -acre outdoor recreational vehicle (RV) storage yard in the Industrial zone. The site is proposed to be used for the storage of up to 262 RVs on a portion of the site that is currently owned by Atascadero Mutual Water Company in the Industrial zone. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The City of Atascadero's environmental review process incorporates the requirements in implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. Persons, agencies, or organizations interested in obtaining more information regarding the environmental should contact the Community Development Department. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE ATASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT nttp;/iwww.atascadero.org ITEM 3 RV Storage 6805 Sycamore Rd. USE 21-0107 / VSM Leasing and Rentals LLC Aerial Map 6705 � � � � ro•= � - � � a N j x&127 -007 Area of storage use: -r .13 47 1 947" Not a Part` DISCUSSION: Project Description The proposed project includes a six -acre outdoor recreational vehicle (RV) storage yard in the Industrial zone. The site is proposed to be used for the storage of up to 262 vehicles outdoors. Outdoor vehicle storage in excess of 10,000 square feet is subject to the review and approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission. In order to approve the use, the Commission must make a series of use permit findings. If approved, the project is also subject to conditions of approval. Background The subject site is located on the north side of Sycamore Avenue, adjacent to the Salinas River. The site is owned by Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC) and contains an existing fenced construction yard with storage buildings. In 2007, the City Council adopted a zone text change to establish a new site-specific Planned Development #31 Overlay Zone with a corresponding Master Plan of Development. The intent of the zone text change was to allow for a private bicycle motocross (BMX) facility to locate on the property. The BMX facility was never constructed and aside from the existing construction yard, the site has remained vacant. The planned development states that all other uses listed as allowed or conditionally allowed are subject to the requirements of the Zoning Code. Design Review Committee I City of Atascadero I www.ataseadero.org I fb.me/planningatascadero I understand the reasoning why they want this but this could invite more encampments being the ITEM 3 taller vegetation provides shade and coverage for V Storage 6805 Sycamore Rd. teh encampments. VSM Leasing and Rentals LLC Landscain The applicant provided a lands plan proposing new landscaping along the realigned De Anza Trail and S, c9 .r , a Road. Staff is recommending a revision to the landscaping � plan to focus taller getation along the interior fence adjacent to the RV storage lot. This recommendation also includes adding shorter species between the De Anza Trail and Sycamore Road to avoid the trail from becoming a hidden corridor. The applicant's landscape plan did not include landscaping between the existing construction yard onsite and Sycamore Road. Staff is requesting that the landscape plan be extended to include this portion since it is a part of the subject's parcel. This landscaping should be consistent with what is proposed on the opposite side of the driveway. There are six Coast Live Oak trees that will remain onsite and be protected during construction. Minimal landscaping is proposed throughout the RV parking areas. Atascadero Municipal Code (AMC) 9.4-125 requires 5% of the lot in an Industrial zone to be landscaped. The applicant has not provided overall lot coverage of landscaping so this will be verified prior to the Planning Commission hearing. If the proposed landscape plan does not meet the 5% requirement, staff will support an exception due to the industrial nature of the use. understand they Fencing, lighting and security I want to try and There is an existing six -foot -tall chain link fence along the a and around the current construction yard. This chain link fenCE beautify the area of Sycamore Road. There is also an existing chain link fence aloi but it is still an p to the existing parking area for the trail. Staff is recommending that industrial area and ting a hidden corridor, the applicant replace the existing chain link f the wooden rail will -rail fence of either metal or wood. The applicant is proposing ne be a maintenance ted chain link fencing around the RV storage lot. AMC 9-4.128 reqt problem. If the City ted chain link fencing to be screened with evergreen vegetation 'TJ is going to maintain t to the De Anza Trail will be heavily screened with landscaping then it is a differenting around the rear of the site does not have landscape screening. 9story. an exception to this standard due to the industrial nature of the site and its use. The rear property line abuts a tall berm along the Salinas River and the applicant is proposing an infiltration bio swale along the entire fence line. Adding landscaping to this side would extend into proposed RV spaces, potentially creating the need for a site redesign and reducing the number of parking spaces onsite. The applicant is proposing a powered gate that will be keypad controlled. There will be no regular onsite workers. Therefore, the RV storage will be self-service. The submittal shows several new light poles throughout the site with a maximum height of 20 feet tall. Staff is recommending this maximum height be reduced 16 feet for each light pole. This will reduce the light spilling onto adjacent parcels. The applicant is proposing lights that dim low levels light until motion is detected. This will reduce negative impact on the surrounding area while providing security for the business. They are also proposing the installation of five new security cameras on five of the proposed lights poles. The applicant has a pre-existing contract with a local security company. They plan to continue using them for this site for 24-hour security coverage. JA. Design Review Committee I City of Atascadero I www.atascadero.org I fb.me/planningatascadero ITEM 3 RV Storage 6805 Sycamore Rd. USE 21-0107 / VSM Leasing and Rentals LLC Storage Yard Conditions The Industrial zone is the appropriate location for intensive uses such as outdoor storage yards. However, such land uses can be detrimental to the City if not properly designed and adequately maintained. If approved, the use permit to allow a storage yard will run with the land, regardless of the business owner/operator. The accumulation of storage containers, illegal businesses, transient camps, inoperable vehicles, feral animals, and the storage of miscellaneous junk and debris are possible negative impacts brought about by this land use. Conditions of approval and an annual site review are very important to prevent this property from falling into a deteriorated site. Staff is considering the following conditions be added for the Planning Commission review of the use permit: 1. All landscaping, fencing and site improvements shall be maintained in good order. Any dead or non-performing landscape items shall be replaced within 30 days. Any damaged fencing, lighting, or site improvements shall be replaced immediately. 2. No changes to fencing, landscaping, or site improvements may be installed without prior approval by the City. 3. No cargo containers, inoperable vehicles, inoperable boats or inoperable RV's shall be stored on-site. Only currently .registered, operable vehicles or RV's may be stored on-site. 4. No storage of vehicles in any location other than in the designated on-site parking areas as identified in the site plan approved by Planning Commission may be stored on any portion of the site. 5. No other land use shall be allowed in conjunction with the RV storage unless specifically approved by the City. 6. No washing of vehicles, RV's or Boats or other equipment may occur on-site. This should be per dumping of RV waste or water tanks may occur on site at any time. permit conditions o storage, paving, stockpiling, grading, or use of the site shall be allowed within not a subjective et of the top of the bank of Atascadero Creek. Is this correct? review by an e r lignment of the De Anza Trail shall be consistent with what is proposed. individual. ie tra shall be completed and fully landscaped to the satisfaction of the u,ommuni y Development Director prior to building permit final. 10. The existing chain link fence adjacent to Sycamore Road and the realigned De Anza Trail shall be replaced with a split rail fence with a maximum height of 4 feet tall. 1.1. Taller vegetation shall be focused between the RV storage lot and the realigned De Anza Trail. Inderstand the .All new fencing chain link fencing shall be vinyl coated with a dark neutral color. asoning why they The maximum fence height shall not exceed 6 feet. ant this but this . Maximum height of new light poles shall not be taller than 16 feet for each light ,uld invite more pole. The lights shall be set to dim low level light until motion is detected. The Use Permit shall be subject to additional review upon receipt of operational Icampments complaints. Additional mitigation may be warranted upon verification of recurring !ing the taller noise or operational disturbances that impact residential properties. !getation provides jade and verage for teh Icampments. Design Review Committee I City of Atascadero I www.atascadero.org I fb.me/planningatascadero ITEM 3 RV Storage 6805 Sycamore Rd. USE 21-0107 / VSM Leasing and Rentals LLC Analysis The land use proposed, Outdoor Vehicle and Equipment Storage is a conditionally allowed use in the Industrial Zoning district. Section 9-6.140 of the City's Zoning Regulations provides a set of site design standards for storage yards in addition to the provisions of the use permit (Attachment 4). The applicant is proposing to complete the project in two phases. The first phase consists of 138 RV spaces, a new perimeter fence along the Phase 1 area, site grading with Class II base finish (in Phase 1 areas only), construction of an entrance gate and completion of the required stormwater basin. Phase 2 includes the addition of 124 parking spaces, removal of the dividing fence between the two phases and extension of the new vinyl coated chain link fence adjacent to the Salinas River. The De Anza Trail currently traverses through this property and culminates from a small parking lot along Sycamore Road. Due to this development, the trail will need to be realigned along Sycamore Road. Staff is also adding a condition that the realignment of the De Anza Trail, and the improvements to fencing and landscaping, be completed with Phase 1. Proposed Site Plan AM q Design Review Committee I City of Atascadero I www.atascadero.org I fb.melplanningatascadero DRC Discussion items: 1. Landscaping 2. Fencing, lighting and security 3. Proposed project conditions ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Site Plan Landscape Plan Site Photos AMC 9-6.140 DRC Notice of Action ITEM 3 RV Storage 6805 Sycamore Rd. USE 21-0107 / VSM Leasing and Rentals LLC Design Review Committee I City of Atascadero I www.atascadero.org I fb.me/planningatascadero C • E s v Q Q H z LU ¢ a w 0 z LU 2 CL O J W w W r z D O U O w w a a� Uo Q F m Q -o W m 2 N H � U Z U H � zt O U } m 0 w z a co m O Li m ¢ z O a O 1 z M.d0 � � J F O N N � V � a N 06 N GO O C iD to •.. IC R 01 yJ 0)2 Ew o> CD N n O NN w N M IL r� mo rL 0 N N = W J N 00 r3 NV ITEM 3 RV Storage at 6805 Sycamore Rd. USE 21-0107 / VSM Leasing & Rentals LLC Attachment 3: Site Photos _ USE 21-0107 Existing Site (Facing Northwest) Existing Site (Facing Northeast) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE ATASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT http://www.atascadero.org ITEM 3 RV Storage 6805 Sycamore Rd. USE 21-0107 / VSM Leasing and Rentals LLC View of the site from Sycamore Road Cxisting construction yara ..� .•tea+, � A&A1 C.. Design Review Committee I City of Atascadero I www.atascadero.org I fb.melplanningatascadero ITEM 3 RV Storage at 6805 Sycamore Rd. USE 21-0107 / VSM Leasing & Rentals LLC De Anza Trail Entrance Location of new automated gate ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE ATASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT hftp://www.atascadero.org ITEM 3 RV Storage 6805 Sycamore Rd. USE 21-0107 / VSM Leasing and Rentals LLC Attachment 4: AMC 9-6.140 USE 21-0107 9- -. aasb age+yavds _ -_ Outdoor storage yards excluding the storage of vehicles in a day use parking int or garage, sea subject to the prim isiuna of this sentinn. I he storage oi'vehicles in a public or commercial parking lot or garage is subject to Section 94.1K the storage of wracked, abandoned or vehicles being distnantkxi, is sabject to Section 9-6.131. in addition to this section_ (a) Site Design Standards. (I) Accu. Mew shall be only ones 1) access point to a storage yard for each thrcr hundred 43(10) feet of strict frontage. Such access point is to be a maximum width of twenty (20) fitet and shall be provided with a solid gats or door. (2) Screening. A storage yard, except a temporary oaf-ite comLeuctmn yard. is to be screened from public view on all sides by solid wood, pointed metal or masonry lewin& with a minimum height of sue 16) feet All mquintl gercening shall be continuously maintained in good condition to assure Haat its intended purpose is accomplished. 1`bis requirement may be wrtiveti through atimmistrativa use pemut uppmval (Sit•tion 9.1.112). w•heia: (i) The side of a storage yard abuts a railroad right-of-way, or (ii) 'I'lee surrounding terram, existing s cgetotioaa intended to remain or other conditions would make fencing ineffective or unnecessary for the purpose of sercening the storage yard from the view of public roads. (3) Parking Requirement. None. provided that sufficient usable arta is available to accommodate all employee and user parking needs entirely on-site. (4) Site Surfacing. A storage yard shall be surfaced with cuncrvtu, asphalt paving, crushed rock. or oiled earth, and be maintained in a dint-fmr condition. (5) Office Facilities. When no buildings exist or are proposed an a storage yard site, one ( I) commercial coach may be utilized for an office, provided that such vehicle is equipped with skirtin,& rind installed pursuant to the pemlit requirements of'ritle 8 ofthis Code (the Building kind Construction Ordinance). (b) Operation. Except for vehicles or freestanding equipmctat_ materials within a storage yard are not to be stacked ur stored higher than six (6) feet, unless serecring requimments have bcen waived or ntodifu d pursuant le subsection (s)(21(ii} of this suction, or unless a hightr wail or fence is eonsuucted at the required setback line under an approved building pennit. (Ord 614 5§ 4.21117: Ord. 552 4 2.2010; Ori. 68 9 9-6.140-1983) \� Design Review Committee I City of Atascadero I www.ataseadero.org I fb.me/planningatascadero ITEM 3 RV Storage 6805 Sycamore Rd. USE 21-01071 VSM Leasing and Rentals LLC Attachment 5: DRC Notice of Action USE 21-0107 r CITY OF ATASCADERO Community Development Department 6500 Palma Avenue I Atascadero, CA 93422 1 Phone: (805) 461-5035 1 www.atascadero.org Project #: Use 21-0107 Project Title: RV Storage Lot Planner/ Project Manager: Mariah Gasch DRC Review Date(s): 7/28/22 Final Action: 13 DRC Refer to comments above. Conditions & Recommendations: 1. All landscaping, fencing and site improvements shall be maintained in good order. Any dead or non- performing landscape items shall be replaced within 30 days. Any damaged fencing, lighting, or site improvements shall be replaced immediately. 2. No changes to fencing, landscaping, or site improvements may be installed without prior approval by the City. 3. No cargo containers, inoperable vehicles, inoperable boats or inoperable RV's shall be stored on- site. Only currently registered, operable vehicles or RV's may be stored on-site. 4. No storage of vehicles in any location other than in the designated on-site parking areas as identified in the site plan approved by Planning Commission may be stored on any portion of the site. 5. No other land use shall be allowed in conjunction with the RV storage unless specifically approved by the City. 6. No washing of vehicles, RV's or Boats or other equipment may occur on-site. 7. No dumping of RV waste or water tanks may occur on site at any time. 8. No storage, paving, stockpiling, grading, or use of the site shall be allowed within 30 feet of the top of the bank of Atascadero Creek. 9. The realignment of the De Anza Trail shall be consistent with what is proposed. The trail shall be completed and fully landscaped to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director prior to building permit final. 10. The existing chain link fence adjacent to Sycamore Road and the realigned De Anza Trail shall be replaced with a split rail fence with a maximum height of 4 feet tall. 11. Taller vegetation shall be focused between the RV storage lot and the realigned De Anza Trail. 12. All new fencing chain link fencing shall be vinyl coated with a dark neutral color. The maximum fence height shall not exceed 6 feet. 13. Maximum height of new light poles shall not be taller than 16 feet for each light pole. The lights shall be set to dim low level light until motion is detected. 14. The Use Permit shall be subject to additional review upon receipt of operational complaints. Additional mitigation may be warranted upon verification of recurring noise or operational disturbances that impact residential properties. Design Review Committee I City of Atascadero I www.atascadero.org I fb.melplanningatascadero From: Madeline Zaldivar JUL 2 7 2022 Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2022 5:45 PM To: DRC Public Comment Qrie oL—UOs( Subject: Re: Addressing issues with project 6685 Atascadero Ave, AtascaderW L®PMENT On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 11:45 AM Madeline Zaldivar < Dear Design Committee, We are a young family of five (residence at directly adjacent to the proposed Project at 6855 Atascadero Ave. We cherish our quiet, private backyard where our children can play safely. We have several major concerns about this project, which are as follows: • The Staff Report for the Project identifies that the environmental determination for this project is that it would be exempt from CEQA from both a Class 32 Infill Exemption and as a Ministerial Exemption. I am concerned about the applicability of this project as a Ministerial Project. CEQA Guidelines Section 15268(d) states: "Where a project involves an approval that contains elements of both a ministerial action and a discretionary action, the project will be deemed to be discretionary and will be subject to the requirements of CEQA." It appears that this project is subject to design review since a design review meeting is being held for this project. Projects undergoing design review are subject to a discretionary action, so it does not seem appropriate for this project to qualify as a ministerial project. In addition, Section 15300.1 of the CEQA Guidelines states: "Section 21080 of the Public Resources Code exempts from the application of CEQA those projects over which public agencies exercise only ministerial authority. Since ministerial projects are already exempt, categorical exemptions should be applied only where a project is not ministerial under a public agency's statutes and ordinances..." The City is also saying that the Project qualifies for a Class 32 Infill Exemption, a Categorical Exemption, which by definition can only be applied to discretionary projects. The fact that this project has been identified for a ministerial exemption and a categorical exemption is a mistake, and the City must identify this project as requiring a discretionary action that would require adherence to the appropriate CEQA protocols. • Section 15332 (d) states the following regarding projects that qualify as Class 32 infill Exemption Project: "Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality." • This project is directly adjacent to my residence (singe -family residence with children). The plans show the parking lot, as well a portion of the building located directly adjacent to my home. I am concerned about the following, which must be evaluated in order to ensure that the project indeed qualifies for a Class 32 Infill Exemption. • 1. Construction Noise. What is the plan to ensure that noise does not exceed thresholds? Because my home is next to the future construction site, I will be directly affected by the noise. I expect to see a full evaluation of what noise levels are and the strategies that would be in place to reduce noise levels below significance thresholds. I.e., no pile driving, no nighttime construction, analysis of a reasonable threshold (10 dB over baseline) • 2. Operational Noise. Vehicles will be coming in and out of a parking lot directly adjacent to my home. Also, there are common areas where gathering can take place. I expect a reasonable analysis be done and that design strategies be considered to reduce operational noise (i.e., walls) • 3. Health Risk Analysis. As a result of this Project, me and my family will be subject to air pollutants, both due to construction and operation of the Project. I expect a full analysis that considers reasonable mitigation to reduce any health risk impacts. For example, Tier 4 engine. How will you minimize diesel particulate matter in the construction zone? • 4. Transportation analysis. This project must consider the potential vehicle miles traveled (VMT) impacts. Additionally, we're seriously concerned about the invasion of privacy that this project will pose, both in its construction and its completion. We would like a detailed sense of a) exactly how many workers will be coming in and out as the project is in process, b) how many people will be living here after its completion, c) how many people will be in the gathering area, and d) how all of this will impact noise invasion as well as our privacy. How will you address our privacy concerns? What will you do to mitigate noise? For example, will you build a two story privacy wall/curtain? Will the residents receive a background check, given that we have a young family of three children? Similarly, we're concerned that the parking lot is directly adjacent to our backyard, including our fence. How many cars are estimated to be in the parking lot? Will the parking be fully open, or will it be gated? How will you ensure that the cars are a reasonable distance from our property and fence? Will you build a wall in order to stop cars backing into our fence, or will you compensate us to build a stronger fence? How will you mitigate traffic? Finally, a significant project such as this will require months of construction. Will you provide us with hotel stay during peak construction times or otherwise compensate us for the inconvenience? This project is a significant invasion of privacy for our family, and brings up concerns about our safety. Additionally, this project needs to adhere to CEQA guidelines, as addressed above. We expect a response to all of our concerns. Sincerely, The Zaldivar Family ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Design Review Committee: Creig P Sherburne Wednesday, July 27, 2022 1:41 PM DRC Public Comment Please reject the proposed apartment at 6855 Atascadero Ave I am writing about agenda item #2 for the meeting scheduled for Thursday, 28 July: a proposed apartment building located at 6855 Atascadero Ave. My family and I have lived at ; we share a fence —for the last seven years. We are alarmed by the proposed Motel 6 -like slab of building going up not five feet from our fence. This absurdly large and close building will block natural light from entering our house; the windows looking onto our home will invade our privacy; and the scale of eyesore the building will deliver cannot be overstated. It will eliminate our view of the iconic and lovely trees on Atascadero Avenue. It has also been my experience that buildings such as these love their security lights, and I am concerned those security lights will shine unwanted into my windows. I don't feel that projects such as these need to have losers or victims. It seems like a wild injustice that this property owner— who doesn't even live on premises — should be allowed to hurt everybody around him so he can bring in more money. I respectfully ask that the Design Review Committee reject this proposal as it is. It is just too damaging. Perhaps a less -dense single -story design can be explored. Perhaps the already -existing house should be replaced. I have no doubt that more housing can be created in this space without sacrifices being imposed on us by the financial stake -holder. This, however, is not that design. Cassandra Sherburne Jaylyn Morgan Sherburne ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. JUL 2 7 2022 PR6 I"2— 00 5 (o COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT From: Anna Plotkin Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 1:43 PM To: DRC Public Comment Subject: Adenda Item Number 2 of Design Review Committee Dear Design Review Committee Members, My name is Anna Plotkin. I am the owner of multifamily building. (#2 on the agenda). , the property to the south of the proposed I strongly oppose building a 2 -story building in an area where only 1 -story buildings are all around us. Besides being an eyesore for the whole neighborhood, it will bring down property values of the existing homes that myself and 3 other families own because this proposed building is extremely close to us. In addition, this new building is a possible fire hazard because the upper level is not made of a fire-resistant material, and it does not meet the requirement of a 10 -foot rear setback relative to our property. Although it appears that the 6855 Atascadero Ave property is a triangular shape, it does in fact have 4 corners and 4 sides: The Atascadero Ave side, The Navajoa Ave side, the side adjacent to our property which is the Southern side, and one more side which is the Northern side. Looking at the plan, there is 10 -foot clearance between the existing residence, and the new proposed multi- family building. According to the City code, the side clearance can be 4 -feet, therefore the new proposed multi -family building can be safely moved up to 6 -feet to the left, and that will allow it to be moved away from our property by 5 -feet, which will create the 10 -foot rear setback that is required by the city code, and there will be ample space to plant Italian Spruce trees for some esthetic cover-up of this "motel 6" structure, intruding on the view from our property. The number of parking spaces can be reduced from 12 to 11 (required minimum), which will further increase the available space as well. We request that the City of Atascadero reject this proposal as it is, or at least deny the builder's request of considering the rear property line as if it were a side property line, and thus deny the 5 -foot waiver being requested by the builder on page 4 of the Staff Report. We request that the City of Atascadero enforce the 10 foot clearance between our property and this proposed building Furthermore, addressing the fire hazard we request a construction of a brick wall between our two properties to mitigate the privacy invasion and a fire danger. Anna Plotkin Fred Plotkin ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. - MED {j{ {( 7 2`72 of 1� i.� � is .s.r p� Flze X2 -005D ICOMMUIVi-jY OEVELvriVicitill ,