HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC_2022_06_28_Public Comment1 From:Sierramarie Sent:Monday,June27,20226:07PM To:LaraChristensen<lchristensen@atascadero.org> Cc:CityCouncil<CityCouncil@atascadero.org> Subject:Filingforcitycouncilmeeting6/28 Attachedisnoticegivenforthecityandgoverningmembersinregardstotheongoingnoiseencroachmentandforecast ofcontinuedprojects.IwillalsobesendinganupdatedversionwhenIretrievethelastfewsignatures.Sendingthisnow toallowfortimeforreview. Thanks, SierraSteele ATTENTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCity'snetwork.Usecautionwhenopeninglinksandattachments. 1 Lara Christensen From:Sierra marie <> Sent:Tuesday, June 28, 2022 3:58 PM To:Lara Christensen Cc:City Council Subject:City meeting 6.28.22 Attachments:City6.28.22.docx Attached is a copy of a letter I would like to submit. ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. Good afternoon members of the city. I would like to make it known that the owners of this community have been in a silent battle with the city. This is undermining our bottom line. I am here on an urgent time sensitive manner regarding the Del Rio development and changes not included in the specific plan. While this is what brought me before you today, the real the issues at hand for our city is information and compliance. I am pleased to see the staff report submitted Friday was adjusted to reflect the incorrect information being sent to the community and owners. However, I addressed this with the planning department first on March 19th of this year. Incorrect notices continued to come while projects moved forward. The residents believe and trust the city to offer them protections as owners who are uniquely also an asset in this situation. Our assets are being destroyed to feed our cashflow. On March 19th I sought out information and was informed that the notice received that says an annex will be 3 stories tall is incorrect and the height is for industrial needs with ground floor operations only. In comes June 7 and more incorrect information with addition of mixed use and apartments that now infringe on other property owners’ rights while not adhering to guidance in the general or specific plans. Again, comes June 17, with another incorrect notice being sent to residents. Staffing shortages have been used an excuse by these departments. This is not a valid excuse or correct. As stated in the City’s financial reports we are at an all time high for staffing. The addition of 6 full time staff positions during the 2015-2017 budget cycle as well as adding one full-time staff member during the 2017-2019 budget cycle, and then four more in 2019-2021. Notices, regulations, guidelines, and steps are implemented for a reason. Departments within the city seem to be highly specialized in their fields. This is great if were exclusively a building company. While the planning department does produce the highest revenue for the city it is being operated in an unsustainable manner. Financial goals have revolved around short term solutions. We are driving our assets away decreasing our long-term success and bottom line. Atascadero City is a government service business not a building company. This city is being operated like a business with products. All products have a life cycle and I fear we are reaching the end. We need to restructure our business model to reflect our business as a service industry with strategies and metrics to support our overall economy and success. Our departments inability to understand why regulations are implemented has placed our city, residents, owners, and developers all in an impossible situation. Continuing to semantically fit plans in to grey areas of guidelines and disregarding legislation that has been placed to protect everyone from lawsuits and litigation is Atascadero’s largest financial threat. This litigation destroys our assets, owners, investors, and our own infrastructure with the result of half buildings and constant property abandonment. Not having a department that oversees other areas is leaving our city vulnerable to this litigation. Our city is still in ongoing litigation from past and current projects. This is not smart business. I have asked to work with the city and developers, as a vested member, to make the Del Rio area an amazing contribution and investment for our future and economic development. I have been told to move away and been told by the planning department their job is to advocate for builders’ rights. This has left me with the question, who is there to advocate for my rights and who do we do have advocating for the city’s long-term success. At this time, I am asking the city to not approve any mixed-use buildings to the additional parcel combining with areas related to the specific plan. If decisions are made to continue with the merging of parcels and APNs for this project new studies are needed as impact dynamics have been completely altered and not addressed. This includes sound walls (not offered to residents but notice says we are), line of sight, traffic, topography of the area, open areas (including grass or parks) and other property rights infringements. Other concerns are safety, crime, noise, dust, rodents, solar, and privacy. In addition to implementing the practical use of marketing words used to sell members on their idea like neighborhood compatibility. Drainage basins could be added like other neighborhoods in the area with grass serving as a dual purpose for open spaces and adapting to neighborhood appearances and standards. I was told to come before you solution based. I have tried to be involved and come forth with solutions but have been placed in the situation of asking for time and cooperation. Teamwork, communication, and transparency can build a better Atascadero. Thank you, I look forward to continuing to work with all of you moving forward. //signed// Sierra Steele Asset and Owner of Atascadero