HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 38-95 RESOLUTION NO. 38-95 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND THE ATASCADERO PUBLIC SAFETY TECHNICIANS ORGANIZATION WHEREAS, The City of Atascadero has met and conferred in good faith with the Atascadero Public Safety Technicians Organization for the purpose of discussing wages, benefits and other conditions of employment; and WHEREAS, The City of Atascadero and the Atascadero Public Safety Technicians Organization have reached an agreement regarding said wages, benefits and other conditions of employment for the term of Fiscal Year 1994/95; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Atascadero City Council hereby approves the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the Atascadero Public Safety Technicians for Fiscal Year 1994/95 and authorizes the City Manager, as the Employee Relations Officer, to enter into said agreement on behalf of the City. On motion by Councilperson Highland, seconded by Councilperson Luna, the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Carden, Highland, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Bewley NOES: None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: May 9, 1995 CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA ,"�4--- /Z'--,Z' By: R. AVID BEWLEY, yor ATTEST: LEEP C , City Clerk Resolution No. 38-95 Page 2 APPROVED AS TO FORM: AR HER R. MO AND , City Attorney E TBI'I' " " TO RESOLI,T1'ONS 35 THRU 39-95 PIGS I OF I -ITT OF ATASC-110 O SAW-T RC22 1- iItiE II/1194 BATE - PER E�ISTRC 'M BBARG 10B ETWED ONIT CODE .IOB DEEP 1TONf ?OS. 't Sir"�z 8 STEP C SITZ? D Simon E S i':: MON TM'Z RATES =,C 1100 Cit7 Manager 1.0 6397.98 6717.37 ?053.77 7406.46 7776.78 Mr.= 2111 Director of Finance I.0 1383.34 4603,43 4833.I8 5074.8- 5328.58 ZI12 Director of Commanit? Developm 1.0 5263.63 5526.32 5803.16 5093,31 6397.9° W.-, 2110 Director of Community Services L.0 4383.34 4603.03 1833,18 5074.34 5323,58 2114 ;irs Chief 41.0 5416.26 SZ61.08 5530.43 5806.95 609;.30 mr, 2113 Police Chief 1.0 5016.26 5267.08 5530.43 5806.95 6097.30 MG, 2115 Director of Public Works 0.0 5253.63 5526.32 5803.16 6093_31 539, 98 MM 3501 Ac=7nranr 0.4 3010.06 3160.57 3328.59 3484.52 3638.7f MM 3164 Admin. anaivst/Pubiic %Ork. 1.4 2545.44 2531.13 .41,762.58 2900.82 344,.5 MM 3120 Assistant claimer 4.0 2505.44 2631.13 2762.68 2940,82 3045-Se MM 3210 Associate Civil Engineer 0.0 2912-51 3058.13 3211.44 3371.39 3540- 1` :MM3121 Associate Planner 41.0 2912.51 3058.13 3211,04 3371.59 3540.1" 2810 Battalion(M ief L.0 3643.62 3878.,;6 4472,22 1275,33 1489.6` MM 2780 Chief of Wastewater Operations 1.0 3206.35 3366.6 35.15.04 3711 ,75 3897.32 MM 4,270 City Planner 1.0 3{543.73 3825.92 4017.:2 1218.QR sY2?.gF MM '774 Parks Supervisor 1.0 2597.LZ 2831.96 2973-56 3122.24 3278.3: MM 3120 ?Lan ect .Engineer 1.0 350:.SS 3741.73 3928.32 1125.25 =;31 ; (' MM 2910 Pc+lice Lieutenant 2,4 3693.62 3878.34 1072.22 4275.33 9• ,. MM 2 24 pec:eat ion S�ipei"�"iSrr 2.0 2723.48 2859.66 3002-54 3152.77 3310. w MIN 3312 Senior Building inspector 0.0 3223,54 3384.71 3553,95 3732.65 391?,Z: 2260 Senior Civil Engineer 0.0 3413.84 :584.53 3763.'6 3951.94 1149.:= uM 3112 Senior Planner i.0 3194.61 3359.59 3527.37 3703.95 3889. 1- 144 2760 Str'eT !AAliitenanCv Stn�e:�isnr L.0 2926.5 7 34741.g9 3226.54. 3387-31 29 70 SUpm_rt Services Manager 1.0 2723.� 2359 66 3002.5x. 3152._7 3310 ` mm 2510 General Curator 41.4 ?723.48 2359.66 3402.54 3152. r' 3310.1 CE 3710 ?ersannel Anai:m-t 1.0 2723.48 2859.66 3042.64- 3152. ;% 3310 Cy 4310 Secretarr to the Cit? Manager 1.0 2330.76 24471 •34 2569.66 2698.11 2833.0. F(. ,0613 rile Captain 1.4 3189.99 3349,49 3516.96 3692,31 387; . ;N7111 Fire Engineer 9.0 2432-58 2974.22 3122.92 3279.07 34.=3.0. F?4 7510 Tire Figgtter 0.0 2575.02 2703.77 2338,96 2980,90 ;129 ?� GS 3310 Building Inspector 1 0.0w231.19 _w95.25 515.41 16 ecXor i 1.4 .534.66 2661.39 2794.16 2934.18 3080•3=a" 3311 .3vildia„Q InsF � - GS NSIO Building Maim Specialist 0.0 2205.69 2315.98 2431.77 2553.36 2681.0: 26c GS 3320 Engineering Technician i 0.4 2074.54 Zi7'$.27 22<<?.i8 240t.56 1-521-5:,6� GS 3321 Engineering Technician II 0.0 7,301.?7 2416.55 2537. 166'A--36 2797-14;: C=S 6125 Maintenance Leaaworker 2.0 1145.36 2253.16 2365-82 24".11 2608.3: GS 6120 Maintenance Worker I 3.5 ' 176'9.44 1357.37 1950.76 204-8.J0 2150- GS 6121 Maintenance worker II 6.0- 1950.78 2048,32 2150.73 2258.21 2371. 1 GS 6130 Equipment operator II 1.0 2444.32 2150.73 2258.27- 2371.18 2489. C=S 3330 Planning Technician 0,0 2074.54 2178.27 2287 .18 2442.54- 2521.:5: (.S 6311 ' Operator I 2.0 2172.56 •'=1..18 2395,24• 2515.01 2640.7 G$ 6312 WWfP Operator iI L.0 2413.96 25:4.66 2661.19 2794..46 3934. 1c GS A31: wwTP (operator "LII !.0 2743.91 2839,10 2981,46 3134.11 3286.6^ GS 6310 wvYP Operator n � I ..41616,,,g 0.0 1955.31 2053.48 2155.73 2253.52 2376.1;;_C St I.0 1696_86 1781.70 1874.78 1964.32 206'2 5- (77 I0 Ac=unt Cierk F ;a 2 165.6 e1 .,-r. a, ('c, 1111 Ac=unt Clerk ii I.0 1870.78 1964.32 2062-54. . 2` ;. CU 131 L Administrative Secretary 4.)6Z.87 1964.±�: 2062.Q7 ZI66.02 2274.32 ,3RR•43 C? =714 Suiidin-e Technician 1.0 2458.34 2161.25 2269.31 2382..8 2541.�� (7i1113 Finance Technician 1.0 2058,34 2161,25 -169.31 :382.78 2SOI.92 4.510 Office assistant i 1.5 1539.09 10'16.05 1696.35 1781.69 1310 '4 M. 4511 Offics Assistant II 1.0 1696.86 L781 70 1870.78 1964.32 2062.1 CQ 1512 Office Assistant iii 0.0 1870.78 1964_12 2062-54 2165.56 2:73..9: (1 43!0 Secretar? 0.0 !768,18 1856.59 1949.12 2446,89 21ig.Z AS 2960 Police Sergeant 5.0 3236'.:4 3=99.68 563.52 3,11.05 UPDATED vO 7111 Police Officer 19.4 2691.20 2425.76 296:7.05 3t!5.In ;7Date: 514,195 SA ,;I2 Stmp6rt Services Le:sd Tecz 1.0 2393,71 ?`,13.40 3639.07 2771.02 290° lnitial,k2 � m_SA -311 Supr-4 Services Technician 0 2193,60 2303.23 2418.14 1!39-36 3600.98.0 3: ,*" 3