HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC_2022_04_12_AgendaPacket CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA HYBRID MEETING INFORMATION: In accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2022-006 and the requirements of AB 361, the City Council Meeting will be available via teleconference for those who wish to participate remotely. The City Council meeting will also be held in the City Council Chambers and in-person attendance will be available at that location. HOW TO OBSERVE THE MEETING REMOTELY: To participate remotely, residents can livestream the meeting on Zoom, SLO-SPAN.org, on Spectrum cable Channel 20 in Atascadero, and listen live on KPRL Radio 1230AM and 99.3FM. The video recording of the meeting will repeat daily on Channel 20 at 1:00 am, 9:00 am, and 6:00 pm and will be available through the City’s website and on the City’s YouTube Channel. To participate remotely using the Zoom platform please visit https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZwJ7a031S3KXauEym9ehaA. HOW TO SUBMIT PUBLIC COMMENT: Individuals who wish to provide public comment in-person may attend the meeting in the City Council Chambers. Individuals who wish to provide public comment remotely may call 805-538-2888 to listen and provide public comment via phone, or participate in live public comment through the Zoom platform using the link above. If you wish to comment but not via a live platform, please email public comments to cityclerk@atascadero.org by 12:00 pm on the day of the meeting. Such email comments must identify the Agenda Item Number in the subject line of the email. The comments will be forwarded to the City Council and made a part of the administrative record. If a comment is received after the deadline for submission but before the close of the meeting, the comment will still be included as a part of the administrative record of the meeting but will be forwarded to the City Council the next business day. Please note, email comments will not be read into the record. AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT ACCOMMODATIONS: Any member of the public who needs accommodations should contact the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@atascadero.org or by calling 805-470-3400 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed. The City will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to afford as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests. City Council agendas and minutes may be viewed on the City's website: www.atascadero.org. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspect ion on our website, www.atascadero.org. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The Minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers. All documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are made a part of the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the Minutes and available for review by contacting the City Clerk's office. All documents will be available for public inspection by appointment during City Hall business hours. Page 1 of 104 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, April 12, 2022 City Hall Council Chambers, 4th floor 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California REGULAR SESSION – CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tem Newsom ROLL CALL: Mayor Moreno Mayor Pro Tem Newsom Council Member Bourbeau Council Member Dariz Council Member Funk APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call Recommendation: Council: 1. Approve this agenda; and 2. Waive the reading in full of all ordinances appearing on this agenda, and the titles of the ordinances will be read aloud by the City Clerk at the first reading, after the motion and before the City Council votes. CLOSED SESSION – REPORT (IF ANY) Announcement(s) of any reportable action(s) taken in Closed Session that occur(s) after the adjournment of Regular Session will be made at the beginning of the next Regular City Council meeting as Closed Session is not recorded or videotaped. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Proclamation proclaiming the last week of April as World War II Commemoration Week City Council Regular Session: 6:00 P.M. Page 2 of 104 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken.) 1. City Council Draft Action Minutes – March 22, 2022 ▪ Recommendation: Council approve the March 22, 2022 Draft City Council Regular Meeting Minutes. [City Clerk] 2. Weed/Refuse Abatement Program ▪ Fiscal Impact: The City recovers costs for administering this program. Parcels not abated are charged the contractor fee for abatement, plus a flat fee of $260 plus a charge equal to 166% of the contractor’s fee to abate. The total charge is placed on the San Luis Obispo County Special Tax Assessment for the fiscal year 2022-2023 Tax Roll. ▪ Recommendation: Council adopt Draft Resolution, declaring vegetative growth and/or refuse a public nuisance, commencing proceedings for the abatement of said nuisances, and placing all abatement fees on the San Luis Obispo County Special Tax Assessment for the fiscal year 2022-2023 Tax Roll. [Fire Department] 3. Virtual Meetings – AB 361 Requirements ▪ Fiscal Impact: None. ▪ Recommendation: Council adopt Draft Resolution making findings consistent with the requirements of AB 361 to continue to allow for the conduct of virtual meetings. [City Manager] 4. 2021 Measure F-14 Pavement Resurfacing and Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 2 (Las Lomas) Resurfacing Construction Award ▪ Fiscal Impact: $505,297.00 ▪ Recommendation: Council award a construction contract for $505,297.00 to Souza Construction, Inc. for the 2021 Measure F-14 Pavement Resurfacing and Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 2 (Las Lomas) Pavement Management Project (Project No. C2020R03). [Public Works] UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: (The City Manager will give an oral report on any current issues of concern to the City Council.) COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. Comments made during Community Forum will not be a subject of discussion. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Council. Comments will be allowed for the entire 30-minute period so if the final speaker has finished before the 30 minute period has ended and a member of the public wishes to make a comment after the Council has commenced another item, the member should alert the Clerk within the 30 minute period of their desire to make a comment and the Council will take up that comment upon completion of the item which was commenced. Any members of the public who have questions or need information may contact the City Clerk’s Office, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at (805) 470-3400, or cityclerk@atascadero.org.) Page 3 of 104 Page 4 of 104 B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Centennial Plaza Planned Development - Zone Change (ZCH) 22-0022 - 5901 East Mall ▪ Fiscal Impact: None. ▪ Recommendation: Council introduce for first reading, by title only, a Draft Ordinance, amending the Atascadero Municipal Code, Title 9 Planning & Zoning, Section 9-3, Article 26, adding Section 9-3.682 to add a new Planned Development Overlay Zone 37 for the five vacant lots surrounding Centen nial Plaza and including Centennial Plaza (lots 12-17), based on findings and subject to the future approval of a Master Plan of Development. [Community Development] C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Approval of North San Luis Obispo County Broadband Strategic Plan Memorandum of Understanding ▪ Fiscal Impact: The action would formally appropriate $388,110 in SB 1090 funds previously identified, but not formally appropriated, for broadband projects. Signing the MOU has no fiscal impact since the MOU is non-binding in all respects. ▪ Recommendations: Council: 1. Authorize the Mayor to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Paso Robles to memorialize and express the intent of the City of El Paso de Robles and the City of Atas cadero to explore an operational relationship developing a northern San Luis Obispo County Broadband Strategic Plan. 2. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $388,110 of SB 1090 funds (previously recognized as revenue when receive d) for the Broadband Enhancement Project. [City Manager] D. STUDY SESSION: 1. Update on Council Goals and Action Plan ▪ Fiscal Impact: None. ▪ Recommendations: Council: 1. Discuss and provide additional direction regarding performance measures; and 2. Receive oral report on the progress being made relative to the City Council’s goals. [City Manager] E. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): Mayor Moreno 1. City Selection Committee 2. County Mayors Round Table 3. Regional Economic Action Coalition (REACH) 4. SLO Council of Governments (SLOCOG) 5. SLO Regional Transit Authority (RTA) Page 5 of 104 Mayor Pro Tem Newsom 1. City / Schools Committee 2. Design Review Committee 3. League of California Cities – Council Liaison 4. Visit SLO CAL Advisory Committee Council Member Bourbeau 1. City of Atascadero Finance Committee 2. City / Schools Committee 3. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) 4. SLO County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) Council Member Dariz 1. Air Pollution Control District 2. California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) Board 3. City of Atascadero Finance Committee Council Member Funk 1. Atascadero Basin Ground Water Sustainability Agency (GSA) 2. Design Review Committee 3. Homeless Services Oversight Council F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: (Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) 1. City Council 2. City Clerk 3. City Treasurer 4. City Attorney 5. City Manager ADJOURN Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. Correspondence submitted at this public hearing will be distributed to the Council and available for review in the City Clerk's office. ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 04/12/22 Atascadero City Council March 22, 2022 Page 1 of 5 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL DRAFT MINUTES Tuesday, March 22, 2022 City Hall Council Chambers, 4th floor 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California REGULAR SESSION – CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. Mayor Moreno called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Bourbeau, Dariz, and Funk, Mayor Pro Tem Newsom, and Mayor Moreno Absent: None Others Present: None Staff Present: City Manager Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Phil Dunsmore, Fire Chief Casey Bryson, Police Chief Bob Masterson, Public Works Director Nick DeBar, City Attorney Brian Pierik, Deputy City Manager/City Clerk Lara Christensen, Deputy Administrative Services Director Cindy Chavez, Public Works Analyst Ryan Betz, and IT Manager Luke Knight APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member Bourbeau and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Newsom to: 1. Approve this agenda; and, 2. Waive the reading in full of all ordinances appearing on this agenda, and the titles of the ordinances will be read aloud by City Council Regular Session: 6:00 P.M. City Council Closed Session: Immediately following Regular Session Page 6 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 04/12/22 Atascadero City Council March 22, 2022 Page 2 of 5 the City Clerk at the first reading, after the motion and before the City Council votes. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. CLOSED SESSION – REPORT (IF ANY) City Attorney Pierik reported there was no reportable action from March 8, 2022. PRESENTATIONS: None. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Council Draft Action Minutes – March 8, 2022 ▪ Recommendation: Council approve the March 8, 2022 Draft City Council Regular Meeting Minutes. [City Clerk] 2. February 2022 Accounts Payable and Payroll ▪ Fiscal Impact: $2,908,710.76 ▪ Recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for February 2022. [Administrative Services] 3. December 2021 Investment Report ▪ Fiscal Impact: None. ▪ Recommendation: Council receive and file the City Treasurer’s report for quarter ending December 31, 2021. [City Treasurer] 4. SB 1383 – MWELO and CALGreen Requirements ▪ Fiscal Impact: None. ▪ Recommendation: Council adopt, on second reading, a Draft Ordinance amending Title 8, (Building Code) Chapter 8 and Chapter 10 of the Atascadero Municipal Code, to implement CALGreen requirements for covered projects and to establish water efficient landscape and irrigation requirements in compliance with Senate Bill 1383. [City Manager] 5. Approve Parcel Map AT 20-0013 ▪ Fiscal Impact: None. ▪ Recommendation: Council adopt Draft Resolution approving Parcel Map AT 20-0013 and accept an offer of street and public utility easement on behalf of the public, and order the summary vacation of an unbuilt portion of Ramona Road right-of-way. [Public Works] MOTION: By Council Member Bourbeau and seconded by Council Member Funk to approve the Consent Calendar. (#A-4: Ordinance No. 654)(#A-5: Resolution No. 2022-007) Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Page 7 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 04/12/22 Atascadero City Council March 22, 2022 Page 3 of 5 UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: City Manager Rickard gave an update on projects and events within the City. COMMUNITY FORUM: The following persons spoke in-person, by telephone, or through the webinar on this item: Richard Mullen, Bruce Gibson, Gordon Fugile, and Geoff Auslen Mayor Moreno closed the COMMUNITY FORUM period. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Contract Award - General Plan Update Project – Phase 2-6 Contract (GPA21-0067) ▪ Fiscal Impact: Authorization to approve the scope and cost of Phases 2 -6 of MIG contract for the preparation of the Atascadero General Plan Update will result in the base expenditure of $1,072,257 of general funds. ▪ Recommendations: Council: 1. Council authorize the City Manager to amend the contract with MIG, Inc., adding the scope of Phases 2-6 of the preparation of the Atascadero General Plan Update at a cost of $1,072,257 bringing the total contract cost to $1,115,273. 2. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate an additional $141,800 in general fund reserves for the General Plan Update. [Community Development] Deputy Community Development Director Loreli Cappel gave the presentation and answered questions from the Council. Community Development Director Dunsmore and Laura Stetson, with MIG, Inc., also answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following persons spoke in-person, by telephone, or through the webinar on this item: Geoff Auslen Mayor Moreno closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Newsom and seconded by Council Member Funk to: 1. Authorize the City Manager to amend the contract with MIG, Inc., adding the scope of Phases 2-6 of the preparation of the Atascadero General Plan Update, and adding Phase 3 optional task #6 (youth design charrette) and up to the full amount of task #8 (social media campaign), at a cost of up to $1,097,507 bringing the total contract cost up to $1,140,523. Page 8 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 04/12/22 Atascadero City Council March 22, 2022 Page 4 of 5 2. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate an additional $167,050 in general fund reserves for the General Plan Update. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Mayor Moreno recessed the meeting at 7:32 p.m. Mayor Moreno reconvened the meeting with all present at 7:42 p.m. 2. SB 1383 – Recovered Organic Waste Products Procurement Requirements ▪ Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact is currently unknown but is estimated to be significant. The estimated cost for procurement of recovered organic waste product(s) is between $34,400 and $213,300. ▪ Recommendation: Council adopt a Draft Resolution amending the Purchasing Policy to add Section X, creating a new policy and procedures for the purchase of recovered organic waste products as required by Senate Bill 1383. [City Manager] Deputy City Manager Christensen gave the presentation and answered questions from the Council. Public Works Analyst Betz also spoke. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following persons spoke in-person, by telephone, or through the webinar on this item: Geoff Auslen Mayor Moreno closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member Dariz and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Newsom to adopt a Resolution No. 2022-008 amending the Purchasing Policy to add Section X, creating a new policy and procedures for the purchase of recovered organic waste products as required by Senate Bill 1383. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 3. General Plan & Housing Element Annual Progress Report 2021 (CPP 22-0031) ▪ Fiscal Impact: None. ▪ Recommendation: Council review and accept the Annual General Plan and Housing Element Progress Reports for 2021. [Community Development] Community Development Director Dunsmore gave the presentation and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following persons spoke in-person, by telephone, or through the webinar on this item: None The City Council received and accepted the Annual General Plan and Housing Element Progress Reports for 2021 Page 9 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 04/12/22 Atascadero City Council March 22, 2022 Page 5 of 5 D. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: The following Council Members gave brief update reports on their committees since their last Council meeting: Mayor Moreno 1. County Mayors Round Table 2. SLO Regional Transit Authority (RTA) Mayor Pro Tem Newsom 1. City / Schools Committee Council Member Bourbeau 1. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) Council Member Funk 1. Homeless Services Oversight Council E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: None F. RECESS REGULAR MEETING TO CLOSED SESSION Mayor Moreno recessed the Regular Meeting at 8:52 p.m. and called the Closed Session Meeting to order at 8:54 p.m. 1. CLOSED SESSION -- PUBLIC COMMENT - None 2. COUNCIL LEAVES TO BEGIN CLOSED SESSION 3. CLOSED SESSION – CALL TO ORDER a. Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Govt. Code 54956.8) Real Property: 6009 Del Rio Road (APN 049141038 – City Property), 2000 Ramona Road (APN 049141039 – City Property), 6105 Olmeda Avenue (APN 029091001 – State of California Property), Atascadero, California, 93422 Agency Negotiator: Rachelle Rickard, City Manager Subject of Negotiations: Purchase price and/or terms of payment 4. CLOSED SESSION – ADJOURNMENT G. ADJOURN Following Closed Session, the meeting was adjourned at 9:08 pm; no reportable action. MINUTES PREPARED BY: ______________________________________ Lara K. Christensen City Clerk APPROVED: Page 10 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – Atascadero Fire & Emergency Services Department Weed/Refuse Abatement Program RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt Draft Resolution, declaring vegetative growth and/or refuse a public nuisance, commencing proceedings for the abatement of said nuisances, and placing all abatement fees on the San Luis Obispo County Special Tax Assessment for the fiscal year 2022-2023 Tax Roll. DISCUSSION: The Municipal Code, Section 6-13.03, addresses the abatement of vegetative growth and/or refuse, which constitute a hazard. Adoption of the proposed Resolution is the first step in this annual program, which requires City Council action. Atascadero Fire & Emergency Services Department (AFD) conducted its initial, inspection mid-March, 2022. There are approximately 11,164 parcels within the City. Notices are mailed to the recorded property owner of each parcel listed declar ing that their parcel is an existing, future or “potential” hazard. AFD advises that it considers a parcel a future or “potential” hazard if the parcel is not completely landscaped or irrigated and / or there is a potential for weed growth (6-13.01). The list of parcels identified to have vegetative growth and/or refuse, which are or may become a public nuisance, is available for review in the Office of the City Clerk and at Atascadero Fire & Emergency Services. FISCAL IMPACT: The City recovers costs for administering this program. Parcels not abated are charged the contractor fee for abatement, plus a flat fee of $260 plus a charge equal to 166% of the contractor’s fee to abate. The total charge is placed on the San Luis Obispo County Special Tax Assessment for the fiscal year 2022-2023 Tax Roll. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Resolution 2. Vegetative Growth/Refuse Notice Page 11 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 04/12/22 1 DRAFT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING VEGETATIVE GROWTH (NOXIOUS WEEDS) AND/OR REFUSE A PUBLIC NUISANCE WHEREAS, Atascadero Fire & Emergency Services conducted parcel inspections throughout the City mid-March 2022 ; and WHEREAS, Atascadero Fire & Emergency Services considers a property, land or lot a future or “potential” hazard if the property, land or lot is not completely landscaped or irrigated and/or there is a potential for weed growth; and WHEREAS, property, lands or lots in the City were identified as having existing, future or “potential” hazards that are considered to be a public nuisance; and WHEREAS, Atascadero Fire & Emergency Services is commencing proceedings for the abatement of said nuisances; and WHEREAS, abatement fees will be placed on the San Luis Obispo County Special Tax Assessment for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Tax Roll. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: SECTION 1. That vegetative growth (noxious weeds) and/or refuse are, or may become, a hazard and hereby declared to be a public nuisance which should be abated for the reasons that vegetative growth may attain such a large growth as to become a fire menace and/or drainage restriction, when mature and said refuse may become a public nuisance, thereby creating a hazard to public health and safety. The City Council of the City of Atascadero finds and declares that vegetative growth (noxious weeds) and/or refuse on specified parcels of property are seasonal and recurrent nuisances. Such seasonal and recurrent nuisances shall be abated in accordance with the provisions of City and State laws. No further hearings need to be held, and it shall be sufficient to mail a notice to the owner of the property as their address appears upon the current assessment roll. SECTION 2. A description of the parcel of lots of private property upon which, or in front of which, said nuisances are or may become a hazard, according to the official Assessment Map of said City of Atascadero, shall be posted annually in the office of the City Clerk and ref erred to as Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 3. The City Clerk or designee is hereby ordered and directed to mail written notices of the proposed abatement to all persons owning property described in accordance with Section 6-13.08 of the Atascadero Municipal Code. Page 12 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 04/12/22 1 SECTION 4. Pursuant to Section 6-13.10 of the Atascadero Municipal Code, the City Council shall hear and consider all objections or protests to the required removal of said vegetative growth and/or refuse. The City Clerk shall post a copy of the public hearing notice in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act. SECTION 5. Pursuant to Section 6-13.17 of the Atascadero Municipal Code, if the owner does not abate the hazard, it will be abated by the City contractor. The cost of the abatement plus a $260 flat fee and 166% administrative fee and County fee will be assessed upon the County property tax bill, and constitute a lien upon such land until paid. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the __th day of _____, 2022. On motion by ______ and seconded by _____, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: CITY OF ATASCADERO ________________________________ Heather Moreno, Mayor ATTEST: Lara K. Christensen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brian Pierik, City Attorney Page 13 of 104 2022 Exhibit - A - Weeds Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 028-032-020 -HIDALGO AVE 028-042-001 -HIDALGO AVE 028-042-002 -HIDALGO AVE 028-042-003 -HIDALGO AVE 028-042-022 -MIRAMON AVE 028-042-042 -BUENA AVE 028-042-043 -BUENA AVE 028-051-005 -SEPERADO AVE 028-051-015 -SEPERADO AVE 028-051-018 -SAN ANSELMO RD 028-051-036 -SAN ANSELMO RD 028-051-038 -SEPERADO AVE 028-051-043 -ARIZONA AVE 028-051-050 -ARIZONA AVE 028-051-053 -SEPERADO AVE 028-051-055 -SEPERADO AVE 028-051-059 -SEPERADO AVE 028-052-006 -ARIZONA AVE 028-052-013 -ESTRADA AVE 028-052-017 -ESTRADA AVE 028-052-021 -ESTRADA AVE 028-052-031 -ESTRADA AVE 028-052-033 -ESTRADA AVE 028-061-018 -ARIZONA AVE 028-061-019 -ARIZONA AVE 028-061-020 -ARIZONA AVE 028-061-022 -ARIZONA AVE 028-061-043 -ARIZONA AVE 028-061-045 -SEPERADO AVE 028-061-046 -SEPERADO AVE 028-071-001 -SAN JACINTO AVE 028-071-006 -DOLORES AVE 028-071-047 -SAN JACINTO AVE 028-071-049 -VISCANO AVE 028-071-050 -SAN JACINTO AVE 028-071-053 -DOLORES AVE 028-072-002 -SAN JACINTO AVE 028-081-003 -MIRAMON AVE 028-081-004 -SYCAMORE RD 028-081-005 -MIRAMON AVE 028-092-012 -SYCAMORE RD 028-093-012 -MIRAMON AVE 028-093-013 -MIRAMON AVE 028-093-014 -MIRAMON AVE 028-101-003 -MIRAMON AVE 028-103-012 -TRAFFIC WAY 028-103-013 -ALAMO AVE 028-131-004 -SYCAMORE RD 028-131-028 -SYCAMORE RD 028-131-031 -SYCAMORE RD 028-131-036 -SYCAMORE RD 028-131-038 -SYCAMORE RD 028-131-039 -SYCAMORE RD 028-132-001 -SYCAMORE RD 028-132-002 -SYCAMORE RD 028-132-019 -SYCAMORE RD 028-132-025 -SYCAMORE RD 028-132-035 -SYCAMORE RD 028-132-036 -SYCAMORE RD 028-141-009 -ESTRADA AVE 028-141-011 -ESTRADA AVE 028-141-020 -YERBA AVE 028-141-021 -ARENA AVE 028-141-033 -ESTRADA AVE 028-141-034 -ARENA AVE 028-151-006 -YERBA AVE 028-151-039 -MANANITA AVE 028-151-046 -MANANITA AVE 028-152-011 -MANANITA AVE 028-152-019 -SAN JACINTO AVE 028-152-020 -SAN JACINTO AVE 028-152-042 -SAN JACINTO AVE 028-152-043 -MANANITA AVE 028-152-044 -MANANITA AVE 028-152-050 -SAN JACINTO AVE 028-152-056 -SAN JACINTO AVE 028-161-003 -SAN JACINTO AVE 028-161-007 -SAN JACINTO AVE 028-161-014 -SAN JACINTO AVE 028-161-015 -SAN VICENTE AVE 028-161-024 -SAN VICENTE AVE Page 1 of 39 81 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 14 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 028-161-029 -SAN VICENTE AVE 028-161-031 -SAN VICENTE AVE 028-161-035 -SAN VICENTE AVE 028-162-006 -SAN VICENTE AVE 028-162-007 -SAN VICENTE AVE 028-162-008 -SAN VICENTE AVE 028-162-014 -VISCANO AVE 028-162-015 -VISCANO AVE 028-162-016 -VISCANO AVE 028-162-021 -VISCANO AVE 028-162-025 -VISCANO AVE 028-162-035 -VISCANO AVE 028-162-037 -SAN VICENTE AVE 028-171-002 -VISCANO AVE 028-171-006 -DOLORES AVE 028-171-009 -VISCANO AVE 028-171-010 -DOLORES AVE 028-172-003 -DOLORES AVE 028-172-004 -DOLORES AVE 028-172-014 -VALENTINA AVE 028-172-015 -VALENTINA AVE 028-172-026 -ALAMO AVE 028-181-002 -DOLORES AVE 028-181-026 -VALENTINA AVE 028-182-002 -SAN PEDRO AVE 028-182-005 -SAN PEDRO AVE 028-182-010 -ARROYO AVE 028-182-013 -ALAMO AVE 028-182-022 -SAN PEDRO AVE 028-182-023 -SAN PEDRO AVE 028-182-026 -ALAMO AVE 028-182-027 -SAN PEDRO AVE 028-182-030 -ARROYO AVE 028-191-023 -TRAFFIC WAY 028-192-001 -TRAFFIC WAY 028-192-006 -TRAFFIC WAY 028-192-007 -TRAFFIC WAY 028-192-014 -ALAMO AVE 028-192-019 -ROSARIO AVE 028-192-032 -ALAMO AVE 028-192-035 -TRAFFIC WAY 028-192-049 -ALAMO AVE 028-192-050 -TRAFFIC WAY 028-192-053 -ALAMO AVE 028-192-055 -ALAMO AVE 028-192-056 -ALAMO AVE 028-192-058 -TRAFFIC WAY 028-192-060 -TRAFFIC WAY 028-192-063 -ALAMO AVE 028-192-064 -ALAMO AVE 028-192-065 -ALAMO AVE 028-201-004 -VIA AVE 028-201-005 -ATAS CREEK RES #A-A 028-214-012 -MAGDALENA AVE 028-214-019 -MAGDALENA AVE 028-215-016 -MERCEDES AVE 028-215-017 -MERCEDES AVE 028-215-021 -CEMETERY RD 028-217-007 -CAPISTRANO AVE 028-221-006 -SERENA CT 028-221-008 -CEMETERY RD 028-241-008 -CORTEZ AVE 028-241-013 -CORTEZ AVE 028-241-014 -CORTEZ AVE 028-241-015 -CORTEZ AVE 028-241-019 -CORTEZ AVE 028-241-023 -CORTEZ AVE 028-241-024 -CORTEZ AVE 028-242-005 -CURBARIL AVE 028-242-008 -CURBARIL AVE 028-251-001 -ARENA AVE 028-251-009 -SAN ARDO AVE 028-251-018 -SAN ANSELMO RD 028-251-019 -SAN ANSELMO RD 028-251-020 -SAN ANSELMO RD 028-251-021 -SAN ANSELMO RD 028-251-025 -SAN ARDO AVE 028-251-030 -SAN ARDO AVE 028-251-031 -SAN ARDO AVE 028-261-009 -SAN ARDO AVE 028-261-010 -SAN ARDO AVE 028-261-023 -DOLORES AVE 028-261-026 -YERBA AVE 028-261-029 -YERBA AVE Page 2 of 39 165 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 15 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 028-261-030 -YERBA AVE 028-261-033 -ARENA AVE 028-261-034 -YERBA AVE 028-271-006 -SAN ANSELMO RD 028-271-007 -DOLORES AVE 028-271-008 -SAN ANSELMO RD 028-271-009 -DOLORES AVE 028-271-013 -DOLORES AVE 028-271-014 -DOLORES AVE 028-271-015 -DOLORES AVE 028-271-018 -DOLORES AVE 028-271-034 -DOLORES AVE 028-281-002 -CURVADO CIR 028-281-010 -EL VERANO AVE 028-281-012 -EL VERANO AVE 028-281-015 -EL VERANO AVE 028-282-002 -EL VERANO AVE 028-282-004 -EL VERANO AVE 028-282-012 -NOGALES AVE 028-282-019 -NOGALES AVE 028-282-020 -NOGALES AVE 028-282-021 -EL VERANO AVE 028-291-001 -DOLORES AVE 028-291-009 -CURVADO CIR 028-292-001 -DOLORES AVE 028-292-005 -SAN JACINTO AVE 028-292-009 -NAVIDAD AVE 028-292-010 -NAVIDAD AVE 028-292-013 -NAVIDAD AVE 028-292-016 -CURVADO CIR 028-292-017 -NAVIDAD AVE 028-292-019 -SAN JACINTO AVE 028-301-022 -SAN JACINTO AVE 028-301-032 -DULZURA AVE 028-311-013 -DULZURA AVE 028-311-018 -DULZURA AVE 028-311-025 -DULZURA AVE 028-311-028 -DULZURA AVE 028-311-044 -BAJADA AVE 028-321-015 -ARROYO AVE 028-321-017 -ROSARIO AVE 028-321-018 -ROSARIO AVE 028-321-021 -ROSARIO AVE 028-321-025 -ROSARIO AVE 028-321-030 -ARROYO AVE 028-321-034 -ARROYO AVE 028-321-035 -ARROYO AVE 028-322-008 -ROSARIO AVE 028-322-014 -ALAMO AVE 028-322-015 -ALAMO AVE 028-322-030 -ALAMO AVE 028-322-031 -BARRENDA AVE 028-322-034 -ALAMO AVE 028-322-035 -ALAMO AVE 028-322-036 -ALAMO AVE 028-322-037 -ALAMO AVE 028-322-038 -ROSARIO AVE 028-322-039 -ALAMO AVE 028-322-040 -ROSARIO AVE 028-332-002 -BARRENDA AVE 028-332-003 -BARRENDA AVE 028-332-004 -BARRENDA AVE 028-332-008 -JUAREZ AVE 028-332-009 -JUAREZ AVE 028-332-010 -ALAMO AVE 028-332-019 -JUAREZ AVE 028-332-025 -HONDA AVE 028-332-031 -BARRENDA AVE 028-332-038 -BARRENDA AVE 028-332-039 -BARRENDA AVE 028-332-040 -BARRENDA AVE 028-341-011 -ENSENADA AVE 028-341-012 -ENSENADA AVE 028-351-004 -ENSENADA AVE 028-351-005 -CABRILLO AVE 028-351-011 -CABRILLO AVE 028-351-012 -CAPISTRANO AVE 028-353-006 -CABRILLO AVE 028-355-008 -MERCEDES AVE 028-355-010 -MERCEDES AVE 028-355-013 -MERCEDES AVE 028-355-015 -MERCEDES AVE 028-361-008 -ENSENADA AVE 028-361-034 -ENSENADA AVE Page 3 of 39 249 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 16 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 028-361-035 -ENSENADA AVE 028-371-021 -CABRILLO AVE 028-371-029 -ENSENADA AVE 028-372-002 -CAPISTRANO AVE 028-372-015 -MAGNOLIA AVE 028-372-019 -CABRILLO AVE 028-372-020 -CAPISTRANO AVE 028-372-023 -CAPISTRANO AVE 028-381-017 -MAGNOLIA AVE 028-381-029 -MAGNOLIA AVE 028-382-005 -MERCEDES AVE 028-382-006 -MERCEDES AVE 028-382-012 -MERCEDES AVE 028-382-013 -MERCEDES AVE 028-382-014 -MERCEDES AVE 028-391-006 -DOLORES AVE 028-391-007 -VISCANO AVE 028-401-001 -RIVER PARCEL # 028-401-009 -VERNALIS RD 028-401-010 -TAMPICO RD 028-401-011 -ARAGON RD 028-401-020 -AURORA RD 028-411-009 -GABARDA RD 028-411-013 -CURBARIL AVE 028-411-015 -CURBARIL AVE 028-411-021 -GABARDA RD 028-411-028 -CURBARIL AVE 028-412-004 -AURORA RD 028-412-006 -AURORA RD 028-412-010 -GABARDA RD 028-412-011 -GABARDA RD 028-412-014 -GABARDA RD 028-412-016 -GABARDA RD 028-412-017 -GABARDA RD 028-412-018 -GABARDA RD 028-412-019 -GABARDA RD 028-413-003 -CORTEZ AVE 028-413-011 -CURBARIL AVE 029-011-012 -TRANQUILLA AVE 029-011-031 -TRANQUILLA AVE 029-012-003 -ROSITA AVE 029-012-005 -TRANQUILLA AVE 029-012-009 -TRANQUILLA AVE 029-012-011 -ROSITA AVE 029-012-012 -ROSITA AVE 029-012-013 -ROSITA AVE 029-012-026 -TRANQUILLA AVE 029-022-002 -LOBOS AVE 029-022-011 -ROSITA AVE 029-022-024 -LOBOS AVE 029-022-025 -ROSITA AVE 029-022-028 -ROSITA AVE 029-022-029 -ROSITA AVE 029-023-007 -ROSITA AVE 029-023-009 -ROSITA AVE 029-023-010 -ROSITA AVE 029-023-012 -TRANQUILLA AVE 029-024-001 -TRANQUILLA AVE 029-024-003 -TRANQUILLA AVE 029-024-014 -NOGALES AVE 029-024-018 -ROSITA AVE 029-031-002 -EL VERANO AVE 029-031-008 -EL VERANO AVE 029-031-009 -EL VERANO AVE #X 029-031-010 -EL VERANO AVE 029-032-007 -NAVIDAD AVE 029-032-009 -EL VERANO AVE 029-032-010 -VIDA AVE 029-032-013 -EL VERANO AVE 029-041-002 -VIDA AVE 029-041-008 -VIDA AVE 029-041-010 -SAN JACINTO AVE 029-041-012 -SAN JACINTO AVE 029-041-013 -SAN JACINTO AVE 029-041-015 -SAN JACINTO AVE 029-041-018 -VIDA AVE 029-042-003 -VIDA AVE 029-042-004 -EL VERANO AVE 029-042-006 -EL VERANO AVE 029-042-007 -VIDA AVE 029-042-014 -VIDA AVE 029-042-015 -EL VERANO AVE 029-051-008 -DULZURA AVE 029-051-013 -SAN JACINTO AVE Page 4 of 39 333 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 17 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 029-051-017 -SAN JACINTO AVE 029-051-022 -SAN JACINTO AVE 029-051-023 -DULZURA AVE 029-051-031 -DULZURA AVE 029-061-003 -HONDA AVE 029-061-016 -TRAFFIC WAY 029-061-018 -HONDA AVE 029-061-019 -HONDA AVE 029-061-043 -TRAFFIC WAY 029-061-059 -HONDA AVE 029-071-005 -NOGALES AVE 029-071-010 -DULZURA AVE 029-071-011 -DULZURA AVE 029-071-022 -FRESNO AVE 029-071-024 -ROSARIO AVE 029-071-039 -BAJADA AVE 029-081-006 -TUNITAS AVE 029-081-007 -TUNITAS AVE 029-081-015 -TUNITAS AVE 029-081-021 -BAJADA AVE 029-081-022 -TUNITAS AVE 029-082-008 -TRAFFIC WAY 029-082-025 -BAJADA AVE 029-082-033 -TUNITAS AVE 029-082-042 -TUNITAS AVE 029-101-008 -COUNTRY CLUB DR 029-101-014 -MAGNOLIA AVE 029-101-015 -COUNTRY CLUB DR 029-101-018 -COUNTRY CLUB DR 029-101-066 -CAPISTRANO AVE 029-104-004 -CAPISTRANO AVE 029-104-011 -CAPISTRANO AVE # 029-104-023 -CAPISTRANO AVE #COM 029-105-007 -SERENA CT 029-105-014 -CAPISTRANO AVE 029-105-023 -SERENA CT 029-105-027 -VALLE AVE 029-105-035 -SERENA CT 029-105-036 -SERENA CT 029-105-037 -SERENA CT 029-105-038 -SERENA CT 029-105-045 -SERENA CT 029-111-002 -PINAL AVE 029-111-005 -PINAL AVE 029-111-006 -PINAL AVE 029-121-003 -PINAL AVE 029-121-006 -MALEZA AVE 029-121-007 -MALEZA AVE 029-121-008 -MALEZA AVE 029-121-009 -MALEZA AVE 029-121-020 -MALEZA AVE 029-121-021 -MALEZA AVE 029-131-002 -MALEZA AVE 029-131-019 -PINAL AVE 029-131-026 -MALEZA AVE 029-131-027 -CASTANO AVE 029-131-028 -CASTANO AVE 029-131-033 -CASTANO AVE 029-132-017 -CASTANO AVE 029-141-004 -PINAL AVE 029-141-006 -CASTANO AVE 029-141-007 -CASTANO AVE 029-141-008 -CASTANO AVE 029-141-009 -CASTANO AVE 029-141-010 -CURBARIL AVE 029-141-015 -CASTANO AVE 029-141-021 -PINAL AVE 029-141-023 -PINAL AVE 029-142-011 -CORTEZ AVE 029-142-021 -CURBARIL AVE 029-142-031 -CURBARIL AVE 029-142-032 -CURBARIL AVE 029-142-033 -CORTEZ AVE 029-151-004 -YESAL AVE 029-151-020 -YESAL AVE 029-151-022 -YESAL AVE 029-151-023 -YESAL AVE 029-152-004 -CURBARIL AVE 029-152-005 -CURBARIL AVE 029-152-009 -CURBARIL AVE 029-152-012 -CASTANO AVE 029-152-022 -CASTANO AVE 029-152-023 -YESAL AVE 029-152-027 -YESAL AVE Page 5 of 39 417 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 18 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 029-152-031 -CURBARIL AVE 029-153-001 -CASTANO AVE 029-153-002 -CASTANO AVE 029-153-004 -CASTANO AVE 029-153-020 -CORTEZ AVE 029-153-032 -CASTANO AVE 029-153-034 -CORTEZ AVE 029-161-007 -ESCARPA AVE 029-161-009 -SONORA AVE 029-161-010 -ESCARPA AVE 029-161-012 -ESCARPA AVE 029-171-002 -SONORA AVE 029-171-003 -SONORA AVE 029-171-006 -SONORA AVE 029-171-008 -VALLE AVE 029-171-009 -VALLE AVE 029-171-014 -VALLE AVE 029-171-017 -SONORA AVE 029-171-018 -VALLE AVE 029-181-027 -VALLE AVE 029-181-028 -VALLE AVE 029-181-029 -VALLE AVE 029-181-046 -PINAL AVE 029-181-049 -VALLE AVE 029-191-019 -CURBARIL AVE 029-191-034 -PINAL AVE 029-191-049 -VALLE AVE 029-201-026 -PALOMAR AVE 029-202-007 -CORTEZ AVE 029-202-016 -CASTANO AVE 029-202-017 -CASTANO AVE 029-211-004 -ROSITA AVE 029-211-015 -LOBOS AVE 029-211-025 -LOBOS AVE 029-211-037 -ROSITA AVE 029-212-007 -CAYUCOS AVE 029-212-009 -SAN ANSELMO RD 029-212-010 -SAN ANSELMO RD 029-212-011 -CAYUCOS AVE 029-212-021 -SAN ANSELMO RD 029-212-025 -LOBOS AVE 029-212-027 -LOBOS AVE 029-222-003 -HERMOSILLA AVE 029-222-009 -CAYUCOS AVE 029-222-010 -CAYUCOS AVE 029-222-019 -LOBOS LN 029-222-027 -NOGALES AVE 029-222-032 -HERMOSILLA AVE 029-222-034 -HERMOSILLA AVE 029-222-037 -ENCIMA AVE 029-222-038 -HERMOSILLA AVE 029-223-008 -LOBOS AVE 029-231-001 -LOBOS LN 029-231-007 -NOGALES AVE 029-231-008 -SAN JACINTO AVE 029-231-009 -NOGALES AVE 029-231-010 -SAN JACINTO AVE 029-231-013 -NOGALES AVE 029-231-014 -NOGALES AVE 029-231-016 -LOBOS LN 029-232-001 -VIDA AVE 029-233-004 -SAN JACINTO AVE 029-233-005 -SAN JACINTO AVE 029-233-014 -VIDA AVE 029-233-016 -VIDA AVE 029-233-017 -NOGALES AVE 029-233-019 -NOGALES AVE 029-233-020 -VIDA AVE 029-233-021 -NOGALES AVE 029-233-023 -VIDA AVE 029-233-024 -VIDA AVE 029-233-025 -NOGALES AVE 029-241-015 -SAN JACINTO AVE 029-241-017 -NOGALES AVE 029-241-029 -FRESNO AVE 029-241-032 -FRESNO AVE 029-241-037 -SAN JACINTO AVE 029-252-001 -ROSARIO AVE 029-252-026 -ROSARIO AVE 029-253-004 -ROSARIO AVE 029-253-007 -TUNITAS AVE 029-253-015 -TUNITAS AVE 029-253-030 -TUNITAS AVE 029-254-003 -TUNITAS AVE Page 6 of 39 501 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 19 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 029-254-014 -TUNITAS AVE 029-254-015 -TUNITAS AVE 029-261-014 -SAN ANSELMO RD 029-262-010 -HERMOSILLA AVE #X 029-262-017 -EL CAMINO REAL 029-262-023 -HERMOSILLA AVE 029-262-034 -HERMOSILLA AVE 029-262-041 -HERMOSILLA AVE 029-271-001 -EL CAMINO REAL 029-271-007 -SAN JACINTO AVE 029-271-016 -HERMOSILLA AVE 029-271-021 -HERMOSILLA AVE 029-272-003 -HERMOSILLA AVE 029-272-012 -SAN JACINTO AVE 029-272-017 -SAN JACINTO AVE 029-272-023 -LOBOS LN 029-281-017 -FRESNO AVE 029-281-030 -FRESNO AVE 029-281-032 -FRESNO AVE 029-281-038 -FRESNO AVE 029-281-041 -FRESNO AVE 029-281-048 -FRESNO AVE 029-291-014 -FRESNO AVE 029-291-025 -FRESNO AVE 029-291-026 -FRESNO AVE 029-291-029 -FRESNO AVE 029-291-030 -FRESNO AVE 029-291-034 -MARIQUITA AVE 029-301-016 -PALMA AVE 029-301-018 -PALMA AVE 029-301-047 -PALMA AVE 029-302-017 -EL CAMINO REAL 029-311-009 -OLMEDA AVE 029-311-019 -PALMA AVE 029-311-025 -PALMA AVE 029-311-044 -ROSARIO AVE # 029-311-047 -ROSARIO AVE # 029-312-005 -PALMA AVE 029-312-015 -EL CAMINO REAL 029-312-018 -PALMA AVE 029-312-025 -PALMA AVE 029-312-026 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029-382-008 -VALLE AVE 029-382-019 -VALLE AVE 029-382-021 -VALLE AVE 029-382-025 -VALLE AVE Page 7 of 39 585 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 20 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 029-382-028 -VALLE AVE 029-382-029 -VALLE AVE 029-382-030 -VALLE AVE 029-382-032 -VALLE AVE 029-382-034 -VALLE AVE 029-391-059 -QUAIL RIDGE DR #COM 030-011-004 -SANTA YSABEL AVE 030-011-033 -ROBLES AVE 030-021-005 -SOMBRILLA AVE 030-021-006 -SOMBRILLA AVE 030-021-007 -SOMBRILLA AVE 030-031-002 -ENCINAL AVE 030-031-003 -ENCINAL AVE 030-031-007 -VALLE AVE 030-031-009 -CURBARIL AVE 030-031-012 -CURBARIL AVE 030-031-015 -ENCINAL AVE 030-031-016 -ENCINAL AVE 030-031-017 -ENCINAL AVE 030-031-018 -ENCINAL AVE 030-041-006 -CURBARIL AVE 030-041-014 -SOMBRILLA AVE 030-041-016 -SOMBRILLA AVE 030-041-018 -SOMBRILLA AVE 030-041-022 -SOMBRILLA AVE 030-051-004 -VALLE AVE 030-051-011 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-051-018 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-051-019 -PALOMAR AVE 030-051-020 -PALOMAR AVE 030-051-021 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-051-030 -VALLE AVE 030-051-037 -PALOMAR AVE 030-051-038 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-051-039 -PALOMAR AVE 030-051-044 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-051-048 -VALLE AVE 030-051-049 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-061-018 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-061-019 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-061-025 -CURBARIL AVE 030-061-031 -CURBARIL AVE 030-061-032 -CURBARIL AVE 030-061-038 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-061-046 -CURBARIL AVE 030-061-049 -CURBARIL AVE 030-061-050 -VALLE AVE 030-061-051 -VALLE AVE 030-061-054 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-061-055 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-061-058 -CURBARIL AVE 030-061-059 -VALLE AVE 030-071-001 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-071-006 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-071-016 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-071-036 -PALOMAR AVE 030-071-061 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-091-026 -ROBLES AVE 030-091-033 -ROBLES AVE 030-091-034 -ROBLES AVE 030-101-003 -SOMBRILLA AVE 030-101-004 -SOMBRILLA AVE 030-101-005 -CURBARIL AVE 030-101-006 -CURBARIL AVE 030-101-010 -SANTA YSABEL AVE 030-101-039 -CURBARIL AVE 030-101-047 -PUEBLO AVE 030-101-048 -PUEBLO AVE 030-111-002 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-111-009 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-111-024 -PALOMAR AVE 030-111-025 -PALOMAR AVE 030-111-029 -PALOMAR AVE 030-111-038 -PALOMAR AVE 030-111-044 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-111-045 -PALOMAR AVE 030-111-046 -PALOMAR AVE 030-111-048 -PALOMAR AVE 030-131-019 -SINALOA AVE 030-131-023 -SINALOA AVE 030-131-027 -SINALOA AVE 030-132-002 -SINALOA AVE 030-134-007 -SINALOA #COM 030-141-010 -JUNIPERO AVE Page 8 of 39 669 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 21 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 030-141-021 -CURBARIL AVE 030-141-028 -CURBARIL AVE 030-141-029 -CURBARIL AVE 030-141-030 -CURBARIL AVE 030-141-038 -CURBARIL AVE 030-141-053 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-141-079 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-151-010 -JUNIPERO AVE 030-151-021 -PALOMAR AVE 030-151-026 -PALOMAR AVE 030-161-003 -SAN PALO RD 030-161-006 -SAN PALO RD 030-161-007 -SAN PALO RD 030-161-008 -SAN PALO RD 030-171-016 -VEGA AVE 030-171-017 -VEGA AVE 030-172-001 -ARDILLA RD 030-172-006 -ARDILLA RD 030-172-016 -ARDILLA RD 030-172-017 -ARDILLA RD 030-172-018 -VEGA AVE 030-172-019 -VEGA AVE 030-172-020 -ARDILLA RD 030-172-022 -ARDILLA RD 030-181-061 -VEGA AVE 030-181-062 -VEGA AVE 030-181-063 -VEGA AVE #X 030-182-003 -ARDILLA RD 030-182-004 -ARDILLA RD 030-182-005 -ARDILLA RD 030-191-040 -SANTA LUCIA RD 030-213-009 -MARCHANT AVE 030-213-015 -TECORIDA AVE #COM 030-213-024 -TECORIDA AVE #COM 030-213-033 -TECORIDA AVE 030-213-035 -TECORIDA AVE 030-221-022 -ALCANTARA AVE 030-221-031 -MARCHANT AVE 030-221-032 -MARCHANT AVE 030-221-033 -ALCANTARA AVE 030-231-025 -EL CAMINO REAL 030-231-026 -EL CAMINO REAL 030-232-021 -MARCHANT AVE 030-232-026 -MARCHANT AVE 030-232-027 -MARCHANT AVE 030-232-029 -MARCHANT AVE 030-233-004 -MARCHANT AVE 030-233-008 -MARCHANT AVE 030-233-009 -MARCHANT AVE 030-241-059 -SAN LUIS AVE 030-242-025 -MARCHANT AVE 030-242-034 -CONSTANCIA ST #X 030-242-036 -CONSTANCIA ST 030-242-037 -CONSTANCIA ST 030-251-008 -ARDILLA RD 030-251-018 -ARDILLA RD 030-251-019 -ARDILLA RD 030-251-021 -ARDILLA RD 030-251-024 -VENADO AVE 030-251-025 -ARDILLA RD 030-251-027 -ARDILLA RD 030-251-030 -VENADO AVE 030-251-031 -VENADO AVE 030-251-033 -ARDILLA RD 030-251-034 -VENADO AVE 030-251-036 -VENADO AVE 030-261-006 -VENADO AVE 030-261-011 -ARDILLA RD 030-261-013 -ARDILLA RD 030-261-018 -VENADO AVE 030-261-019 -ARDILLA RD 030-261-021 -VENADO AVE 030-261-022 -ARDILLA RD 030-271-003 -ARDILLA RD 030-271-006 -ARDILLA RD 030-271-013 -SANTA LUCIA RD 030-271-015 -ARDILLA RD 030-271-018 -ARDILLA RD 030-271-021 -ARDILLA RD 030-271-022 -VENADO AVE 030-271-025 -VENADO AVE 030-271-026 -ARDILLA RD 030-281-030 -NAVAJOA AVE 030-282-003 -MORRO RD Page 9 of 39 753 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 22 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 030-282-014 -NAVAJOA AVE 030-282-015 -ATASCADERO AVE 030-282-024 -MORRO RD 030-282-029 -MORRO RD 030-282-038 -MORRO RD #D 030-291-026 -SAN ANDRES AVE 030-291-027 -MORRO RD 030-292-017 -MARCHANT AVE 030-292-033 -ALCANTARA AVE 030-292-038 -MARCHANT AVE 030-292-048 -MARCHANT AVE 030-292-067 -SAN ANDRES AVE 030-292-068 -SAN ANDRES AVE 030-301-009 -CRISTOBAL AVE 030-301-017 -CRISTOBAL AVE 030-301-018 -CRISTOBAL AVE 030-301-022 -CRISTOBAL AVE 030-301-023 -CRISTOBAL AVE 030-301-029 -CRISTOBAL AVE 030-301-032 -SAN ANDRES AVE 030-301-033 -SAN ANDRES AVE 030-301-034 -CRISTOBAL AVE 030-301-040 -CRISTOBAL AVE 030-301-044 -SAN ANDRES AVE 030-301-055 -MARCHANT AVE 030-311-001 -VENADO AVE 030-311-002 -CHAUPLIN AVE 030-311-005 -CHAUPLIN AVE 030-311-009 -AGUILA AVE 030-311-010 -AGUILA AVE 030-321-004 -PESCADO CT 030-321-007 -VENADO AVE 030-321-008 -PESCADO CT 030-321-010 -AGUILA AVE 030-321-012 -PESCADO CT 030-321-013 -PESCADO CT 030-321-014 -AGUILA AVE 030-321-015 -PESCADO CT 030-321-024 -PESCADO CT 030-321-025 -PESCADO CT 030-321-026 -PESCADO CT 030-321-027 -PESCADO CT 030-321-028 -PESCADO CT 030-331-001 -VENADO AVE 030-331-007 -PESCADO CT 030-331-008 -VENADO AVE 030-331-009 -PESCADO CT 030-331-010 -PESCADO CT 030-332-002 -AGUILA AVE 030-332-003 -AGUILA AVE 030-332-005 -VIOLETA AVE 030-332-010 -VENADO AVE 030-332-011 -VENADO AVE 030-332-020 -AGUILA AVE 030-332-023 -AGUILA AVE 030-332-024 -AGUILA AVE 030-332-025 -AGUILA AVE 030-332-026 -AGUILA AVE 030-341-006 -SANTA LUCIA RD 030-341-009 -SANTA LUCIA RD 030-341-018 -SANTA LUCIA RD 030-341-036 -SANTA LUCIA RD #COM 030-351-027 -SAN ANDRES AVE 030-351-028 -SAN ANDRES AVE 030-351-037 -CRISTOBAL AVE 030-352-004 -TECORIDA AVE 030-352-030 -SAN ANDRES AVE 030-352-032 -SAN ANDRES AVE 030-371-015 -SANTA YNEZ AVE 030-372-026 -SAN ANDRES AVE 030-372-027 -SERRA AVE 030-372-028 -SERRA AVE 030-373-009 -NAVAJOA AVE 030-373-021 -SERRA AVE 030-381-002 -PALOMAR AVE 030-381-003 -PALOMAR AVE 030-381-004 -PALOMAR AVE 030-381-005 -PALOMAR AVE 030-381-006 -PALOMAR AVE 030-391-001 -ARCADE RD 030-391-002 -EL CORTE RD 030-400-047 -PASEO DE VACA 030-401-033 -PASEO DE VACA 030-401-034 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030-483-003 -LAS LOMAS AVE 030-483-004 -LAS LOMAS AVE 030-483-005 -LAS LOMAS AVE 030-491-021 -PINO SOLO AVE 030-502-015 -LA LINIA AVE 030-502-016 -LA LINIA AVE 030-511-001 -ARCADE RD 030-512-002 -CASCADA RD 030-512-003 -EL CAMINO REAL 030-512-011 -CASCADA RD 030-512-012 -EL CENTRO RD 030-512-013 -EL CENTRO RD 030-513-004 -EL CENTRO RD 030-521-009 -ARCADE RD 030-521-010 -ARCADE RD 030-522-016 -ARCADE RD 030-522-017 -ARCADE RD 030-522-018 -EL DORADO RD 030-522-028 -EL DORADO RD 031-012-007 -VIOLETA AVE 031-012-009 -CORTA AVE 031-012-010 -VIOLETA AVE 031-012-011 -CORTA AVE 031-012-019 -CORTA AVE 031-012-022 -CHAUPLIN AVE 031-012-023 -CHAUPLIN AVE 031-012-024 -CHAUPLIN AVE 031-012-025 -CHAUPLIN AVE 031-013-005 -AGUILA AVE 031-013-027 -VIOLETA AVE 031-013-028 -VIOLETA AVE 031-013-029 -VIOLETA AVE 031-021-001 -CHAUPLIN AVE 031-021-005 -SANTA LUCIA RD 031-021-010 -CHAUPLIN AVE 031-021-011 -SANTA LUCIA RD 031-023-005 -CORTA AVE 031-023-010 -SANTA LUCIA RD 031-023-013 -VIOLETA AVE 031-023-014 -SANTA LUCIA RD 031-023-015 -SANTA LUCIA RD 031-023-016 -SANTA LUCIA RD 031-023-017 -SANTA LUCIA RD 031-023-018 -SANTA LUCIA RD 031-023-024 -SANTA LUCIA RD 031-023-025 -SANTA LUCIA RD 031-041-015 -SAN MARCOS RD 031-041-019 -SAN ANDRES AVE 031-041-021 -SAN MARCOS RD 031-041-022 -SAN MARCOS RD 031-041-023 -CARMELITA AVE 031-041-028 -CARMELITA AVE 031-042-004 -CARMELITA AVE 031-042-005 -SANTA YNEZ AVE Page 11 of 39 921 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 24 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 031-042-012 -CARMELITA AVE 031-042-014 -CARMELITA AVE 031-042-017 -SANTA YNEZ AVE 031-051-023 -SAN ANDRES AVE 031-051-038 -MORRO RD 031-051-042 -MORRO RD 031-051-044 -MORRO RD 031-051-058 -SAN ANDRES AVE 031-052-011 -ATASCADERO AVE 031-052-020 -MORRO RD 031-052-028 -ATASCADERO AVE 031-052-030 -ATASCADERO AVE 031-052-046 -MORRO RD 031-061-005 -CRISTOBAL AVE 031-061-010 -TECORIDA AVE 031-061-013 -TECORIDA AVE 031-061-014 -TECORIDA AVE 031-061-023 -CRISTOBAL AVE 031-061-031 -CRISTOBAL AVE 031-061-037 -TECORIDA AVE 031-061-038 -CRISTOBAL AVE 031-061-043 -CRISTOBAL AVE 031-062-002 -ATASCADERO AVE 031-062-009 -ATASCADERO AVE 031-062-010 -ATASCADERO AVE 031-062-011 -CURBARIL AVE 031-062-016 -CURBARIL AVE 031-062-020 -ATASCADERO AVE 031-071-017 -CRISTOBAL AVE 031-071-019 -CRISTOBAL AVE 031-071-021 -MARCHANT AVE 031-071-023 -CRISTOBAL AVE 031-071-025 -CRISTOBAL AVE 031-081-018 -MARCHANT AVE 031-081-021 -CURBARIL AVE 031-081-028 -COROMAR AVE 031-081-029 -MARCHANT AVE 031-081-030 -MARCHANT AVE 031-082-027 -MARCHANT AVE 031-082-029 -MARCHANT AVE 031-082-030 -COROMAR AVE 031-082-032 -COROMAR AVE 031-082-034 -CURBARIL AVE 031-082-035 -CURBARIL AVE 031-082-036 -COROMAR AVE 031-082-039 -CONSTANCIA ST 031-082-040 -CONSTANCIA ST #X 031-091-011 -CHAUPLIN AVE 031-091-020 -ENCINO AVE 031-091-021 -ENCINO AVE 031-091-025 -ENCINO AVE 031-091-026 -ENCINO AVE 031-091-027 -ENCINO AVE 031-091-031 -ENCINO AVE 031-092-005 -ENCINO AVE 031-092-012 -ALLEMANDE LN 031-092-014 -ALLEMANDE LN 031-092-018 -ENCINO AVE 031-092-021 -ENCINO AVE 031-101-001 -ENCINO AVE 031-101-002 -ENCINO AVE 031-101-003 -ENCINO AVE 031-101-006 -ENCINO AVE 031-101-011 -CHAUPLIN AVE 031-101-012 -ENCINO AVE 031-102-001 -ENCINO AVE 031-102-002 -ENCINO AVE 031-102-013 -ENCINO AVE 031-102-014 -ENCINO AVE 031-102-017 -ENCINO AVE 031-103-001 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-104-001 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-104-008 -SANTA LUCIA RD 031-104-009 -SANTA LUCIA RD 031-104-010 -SANTA LUCIA RD 031-104-025 -MIRA FLORES AVE 031-104-026 -MIRA FLORES AVE 031-104-032 -SANTA LUCIA RD 031-104-034 -SANTA LUCIA RD 031-104-035 -MIRA FLORES AVE 031-104-036 -SANTA LUCIA RD 031-111-001 -EL RETIRO ST 031-111-002 -EL RETIRO ST 031-111-003 -MIRA FLORES AVE Page 12 of 39 1,005 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 25 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 031-111-010 -MIRA FLORES AVE 031-111-011 -EL RETIRO ST 031-111-015 -EL RETIRO ST 031-111-018 -EL RETIRO ST 031-112-001 -EL RETIRO ST 031-112-004 -LINDA VISTA AVE 031-112-005 -LINDA VISTA AVE 031-112-006 -ALTA VISTA AVE 031-112-007 -LINDA VISTA AVE 031-112-009 -ALTA VISTA AVE 031-112-010 -LINDA VISTA AVE 031-112-011 -ALTA VISTA AVE 031-112-012 -ALTA VISTA AVE 031-112-013 -EL RETIRO ST 031-112-014 -EL RETIRO ST 031-113-001 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-113-003 -ALTA VISTA AVE 031-113-006 -ALTA VISTA AVE 031-113-011 -ALTA VISTA AVE 031-113-012 -ALTA VISTA AVE 031-114-001 -ALTA VISTA AVE 031-114-002 -ALTA VISTA AVE 031-114-004 -LINDA VISTA AVE 031-114-005 -LINDA VISTA AVE 031-115-001 -EL RETIRO ST 031-115-002 -EL RETIRO ST 031-115-003 -SAN ANDRES AVE 031-115-005 -LOS CERRITOS AVE 031-121-001 -LINDA VISTA AVE 031-121-002 -LINDA VISTA AVE 031-122-003 -LINDA VISTA AVE 031-122-004 -LINDA VISTA AVE 031-122-005 -LOS CERRITOS AVE 031-122-008 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-122-009 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-123-001 -SAN ANDRES AVE 031-123-003 -LOS CERRITOS AVE 031-123-010 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-123-011 -LOS CERRITOS AVE 031-124-001 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-124-003 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-124-006 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-124-011 -LARGA AVE 031-124-014 -LARGA AVE 031-125-002 -SAN MARCOS RD 031-125-003 -SAN MARCOS RD 031-131-001 -SAN CLEMENTE AVE 031-131-002 -SAN CLEMENTE AVE 031-131-003 -LARGA AVE 031-131-006 -PEQUENIA AVE 031-131-012 -LARGA AVE 031-132-002 -LARGA AVE 031-132-004 -LARGA AVE 031-132-006 -LARGA AVE 031-132-008 -PEQUENIA AVE 031-132-009 -PEQUENIA AVE 031-132-011 -PEQUENIA AVE 031-133-001 -LARGA AVE 031-133-014 -LARGA AVE 031-134-009 -EL DESCANSO AVE 031-134-011 -SAN MARCOS RD 031-134-017 -SAN CLEMENTE AVE 031-134-021 -SAN CLEMENTE AVE 031-134-022 -SAN CLEMENTE AVE 031-141-004 -CURBARIL AVE 031-141-010 -SAN MARCOS RD 031-141-019 -CARMELITA AVE 031-141-022 -CARMELITA AVE 031-141-044 -SAN MARCOS RD 031-141-050 -SAN MARCOS RD 031-141-051 -SAN MARCOS RD 031-142-026 -CARMELITA AVE 031-142-027 -CARMELITA AVE 031-142-032 -CARMELITA AVE 031-142-033 -CARMELITA AVE 031-151-007 -SANTA YNEZ AVE 031-151-029 -SANTA YNEZ AVE 031-152-020 -SANTA YNEZ AVE 031-152-021 -SANTA YNEZ AVE 031-152-024 -SANTA YNEZ AVE 031-152-027 -NAVAJOA AVE 031-153-013 -NAVAJOA AVE 031-161-029 -CURBARIL AVE 031-161-030 -CURBARIL AVE Page 13 of 39 1,089 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 26 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 031-161-033 -MORRO RD 031-161-044 -CURBARIL AVE 031-161-045 -CURBARIL AVE 031-171-001 -MARCHANT AVE 031-171-017 -ATASCADERO AVE 031-171-018 -ATASCADERO AVE 031-171-028 -CURBARIL AVE 031-181-009 -CURBARIL AVE 031-181-023 -SANTA YNEZ AVE 031-181-030 -SANTA YNEZ AVE 031-182-005 -NAVAJOA AVE 031-182-037 -NAVAJOA AVE 031-183-004 -NAVAJOA AVE 031-183-028 -MORRO RD 031-183-042 -MORRO RD 031-183-043 -MORRO RD 031-183-045 -MORRO RD 031-184-019 -MORRO RD #COM 031-191-002 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-191-004 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-191-006 -LINDA VISTA AVE 031-191-007 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-191-008 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-191-009 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-191-010 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-192-007 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-192-012 -HERMOSA AVE 031-192-014 -HERMOSA AVE 031-192-015 -HERMOSA AVE 031-192-017 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-192-018 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-192-019 -NAVARETTE AVE 031-201-003 -SAN CLEMENTE AVE 031-202-004 -SAN CLEMENTE AVE 031-202-008 -SAN MARCOS RD 031-202-017 -SAN MARCOS RD 031-202-019 -SAN MARCOS RD 031-202-022 -SAN MARCOS RD 031-202-023 -SAN CLEMENTE AVE 031-202-024 -SAN CLEMENTE AVE 031-202-025 -SAN CLEMENTE AVE 031-202-028 -SAN CLEMENTE AVE 031-211-004 -CURBARIL AVE 031-211-009 -SAN MARCOS RD 031-211-010 -CURBARIL AVE 031-211-011 -CARMELITA AVE 031-221-005 -PIEDRAS ALTOS AVE 031-221-026 -CARMELITA AVE 031-222-003 -SANTA YNEZ AVE 031-222-012 -SANTA YNEZ AVE 031-222-013 -SANTA YNEZ AVE 031-222-016 -SANTA YNEZ AVE 031-231-002 -CURBARIL AVE 031-231-004 -CURBARIL AVE 031-231-025 -MORRO RD 031-231-059 -SANTA YNEZ AVE 031-231-061 -CURBARIL AVE 031-231-062 -CURBARIL AVE 031-231-064 -CURBARIL AVE 031-231-065 -CURBARIL AVE 031-242-020 -MORRO RD 031-243-021 -AMAPOA AVE 031-243-022 -AMAPOA AVE 031-243-026 -AMAPOA AVE 031-243-027 -AMAPOA AVE #COM 031-251-008 -ATASCADERO AVE 031-251-011 -SAN FRANCISCO AVE 031-251-027 -AZUCENA AVE 031-251-028 -AZUCENA AVE 031-251-029 -AZUCENA AVE 031-251-045 -AZUCENA AVE 031-251-047 -SAN FRANCISCO AVE 031-251-050 -SAN FRANCISCO AVE 031-261-003 -SAN FRANCISCO AVE 031-261-004 -SAN FRANCISCO AVE 031-261-006 -AZUCENA AVE 031-261-010 -MARCHANT AVE 031-261-019 -MARCHANT AVE 031-271-010 -CARMELITA AVE 031-281-005 -PIEDRAS ALTOS AVE 031-281-014 -PORTOLA RD 031-281-023 -PIEDRAS ALTOS AVE 031-281-024 -PIEDRAS ALTOS AVE 031-281-025 -PIEDRAS ALTOS AVE Page 14 of 39 1,173 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 27 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 031-291-020 -PORTOLA RD 031-301-021 -AZUCENA AVE 031-301-030 -AMAPOA AVE 031-302-011 -MORRO RD 031-302-013 -MORRO RD 031-302-036 -MORRO RD 031-302-037 -MORRO RD 031-311-001 -AZUCENA AVE 031-311-002 -AZUCENA AVE 031-311-003 -AZUCENA AVE 031-311-005 -AZUCENA AVE 031-311-007 -AZUCENA AVE 031-311-016 -MARCHANT AVE 031-311-019 -PORTOLA RD 031-311-023 -MARCHANT AVE 031-321-001 -PORTOLA RD 031-321-002 -PORTOLA RD 031-321-003 -PORTOLA RD 031-321-009 -BELLA VISTA RD 031-321-017 -BELLA VISTA RD 031-331-010 -CARMELITA AVE 031-331-012 -CARMELITA AVE 031-331-019 -BELLA VISTA RD 031-331-020 -BELLA VISTA RD 031-341-018 -CARMELITA AVE 031-341-020 -CARMELITA AVE 031-341-021 -CARMELITA AVE 031-371-014 -MORRO RD 031-371-016 -MORRO RD 031-381-001 -PISMO AVE 031-381-034 -AVENAL AVE 031-381-046 -MARCHANT WAY 031-381-062 -SANTA ROSA RD 031-381-065 -MARCHANT WAY 031-381-066 -PISMO AVE 031-381-067 -MARCHANT WAY 045-301-007 -ORTEGA RD 045-302-001 -ATASCADERO AVE 045-302-004 -ORTEGA RD 045-302-005 -ORTEGA RD 045-302-006 -ORTEGA RD 045-302-007 -ORTEGA RD 045-302-008 -ORTEGA RD 045-302-009 -ORTEGA RD 045-302-012 -ATASCADERO AVE 045-311-006 -CALLE MILANO 045-311-007 -ELIANO ST 045-311-008 -AVION RD 045-311-009 -CALLE MILANO 045-311-013 -ELIANO ST 045-311-017 -SANTA BARBARA RD 045-311-019 -RAILROAD 045-312-055 -ALCOTAN LN 045-312-056 -ALCOTAN LN 045-313-001 -MONTE VERDE DR 045-313-021 -MONTE VERDE DR 045-321-018 -VIEJO CAMINO # 045-321-019 -VIEJO CAMINO # 045-322-014 -LA PALOMA CT 045-331-003 -SANTA BARBARA RD 045-331-005 -CUERVO WAY 045-331-006 -CUERVO WAY 045-331-007 -CUERVO WAY 045-331-009 -WICKSON WAY 045-331-011 -AGUA MANANTIAL LN 045-331-012 -ARBOL DEL ROSAL WAY 045-331-014 -EL CAMINO REAL 045-332-001 -VIEJO CAMINO 045-332-003 -VIEJO CAMINO 045-332-004 -VIEJO CAMINO 045-332-005 -SANTA BARBARA RD 045-332-006 -SANTA BARBARA RD 045-332-010 -VIEJO CAMINO 045-332-011 -VIEJO CAMINO 045-332-012 -VIEJO CAMINO 045-333-003 -ARBOL DEL ROSAL WAY 045-333-007 -ARBOL DEL ROSAL WAY 045-333-008 -VEREDA VERDE LN 045-333-009 -RANUNCULO CT 045-333-011 -ARBOL DEL ROSAL WAY 045-333-012 -VEREDA VERDE LN #ROW 045-334-001 -CUERVO WAY 045-334-036 -CUERVO WAY 045-334-038 -CUERVO WAY Page 15 of 39 1,257 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 28 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 045-335-001 -CUERVO WAY #ROW 045-341-001 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-341-002 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-341-003 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-342-006 -EL CAMINO REAL 045-342-007 -EL CAMINO REAL 045-342-008 -EL CAMINO REAL 045-342-009 -VIEJO CAMINO 045-342-010 -EL CAMINO REAL 045-342-011 -VIEJO CAMINO 045-342-012 -EL CAMINO REAL 045-352-008 -SAN DIEGO WAY 045-353-006 -WEST FRONT RD 045-353-010 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-353-018 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-353-020 -SAN RAFAEL RD 045-353-021 -SAN RAFAEL RD 045-353-022 -SAN RAFAEL RD 045-353-023 -SAN RAFAEL RD 045-359-023 -CALLE CYNTHIA 045-361-020 -CUESTA CT 045-371-001 -SANTA BARBARA RD 045-371-002 -LA PAZ RD 045-371-003 -LA PAZ RD 045-371-005 -ATASCADERO AVE 045-371-006 -ATASCADERO AVE 045-371-010 -SANTA BARBARA RD 045-371-011 -SANTA BARBARA RD 045-381-003 -LA PAZ RD 045-381-013 -LA PAZ RD 045-381-014 -LA PAZ RD 045-391-033 -ATASCADERO RD 045-391-037 -ATASCADERO RD 045-401-009 -HALCON RD 045-401-010 -HALCON RD 045-401-013 -HALCON RD 045-401-014 -HALCON RD 045-402-006 -VIA CORDOBA 045-402-007 -VIA CORDOBA 045-402-008 -VIA CORDOBA 045-402-009 -VIA CASTILLO 045-402-010 -VIA CASTILLO 045-402-017 -VIA MARBELLA 045-411-002 -ALONDRA RD 045-411-003 -ALONDRA RD 045-421-002 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-421-003 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-421-012 -LA PAZ RD 045-431-005 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-431-007 -LA PAZ RD 045-431-008 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-431-009 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-431-010 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-431-011 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-431-012 -LA PAZ RD 045-441-007 -SAN RAFAEL RD 045-441-008 -SAN RAFAEL RD 045-441-009 -COLORADO RD 045-441-012 -COLORADO RD 045-441-015 -COLORADO RD 045-441-019 -COLORADO RD 045-441-020 -COLORADO RD 045-441-025 -COLORADO RD 045-441-029 -COLORADO RD 045-441-031 -COLORADO RD 045-441-033 -SAN RAFAEL RD 045-441-034 -SAN RAFAEL RD 045-441-036 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-441-037 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-441-038 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-441-040 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-441-041 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-441-042 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-451-002 -COLORADO RD 045-451-007 -SAN RAFAEL RD 045-451-008 -SAN RAFAEL RD 045-451-010 -COLORADO RD 045-451-014 -COLORADO RD 045-451-015 -COLORADO RD 045-451-021 -COLORADO RD 045-451-023 -COLORADO RD 045-451-025 -COLORADO RD 045-451-026 -COLORADO RD 045-451-030 -COLORADO RD Page 16 of 39 1,341 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 29 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 045-451-033 -SAN DIEGO RD 045-451-035 -ATASCADERO AVE 045-451-036 -ATASCADERO AVE 045-451-037 -ATASCADERO AVE 045-451-040 -ATASCADERO AVE 045-451-041 -ATASCADERO AVE 045-451-043 -ATASCADERO AVE 045-451-045 -ATASCADERO AVE 045-451-047 -ATASCADERO AVE 049-012-012 -FERROCARRIL RD 049-012-024 -N FERROCARRIL RD 049-012-025 -N FERROCARRIL RD 049-012-032 -N FERROCARRIL RD 049-022-012 -FERROCARRIL RD 049-022-031 -PASEO DEL LAGO 049-022-035 -CHICO RD 049-023-026 -FERROCARRIL RD 049-031-037 -PASEO DEL LAGO 049-032-001 -PASEO DEL LAGO 049-033-001 -DEL RIO RD 049-033-005 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-033-006 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-033-009 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-033-010 -SEPERADO AVE 049-033-011 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-033-012 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-033-013 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-033-014 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-033-015 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-033-016 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-033-028 -ORINDA CT 049-033-033 -ORILLAS WAY 049-033-034 -ORILLAS WAY 049-033-035 -ORILLAS WAY 049-033-039 -DEL RIO RD 049-033-041 -ORILLAS WAY 049-033-042 -ORILLAS WAY 049-033-051 -ORILLAS WAY 049-033-052 -ORILLAS WAY 049-033-057 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-033-058 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-033-060 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-034-001 -TRAFFIC WAY #COM 049-041-005 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-041-009 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-041-010 -EL CAMINO REAL 049-041-018 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-042-006 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-042-020 -SANTA CRUZ RD # 049-042-023 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-042-024 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-044-017 -N FERROCARRIL RD 049-045-001 -EL CAMINO REAL 049-045-010 -EL CAMINO REAL 049-045-013 -EL CAMINO REAL 049-051-004 -CARRIZO RD 049-052-005 -CARRIZO RD 049-052-021 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-052-029 -CARRIZO RD 049-052-031 -OBISPO RD 049-052-032 -OBISPO RD 049-052-036 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-052-040 -OBISPO RD 049-052-041 -OBISPO RD 049-052-043 -OBISPO RD 049-061-006 -POTRERO RD 049-061-008 -POTRERO RD 049-061-010 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-061-012 -POTRERO RD 049-061-014 -POTRERO RD 049-061-015 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-061-022 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-061-023 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-061-026 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-061-029 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-061-030 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-063-003 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-071-014 -DEL RIO RD 049-071-019 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-071-023 -SAN BENITO RD 049-071-029 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-072-007 -DEL RIO RD 049-072-011 -TRAFFIC WAY 049-073-006 -DEL RIO RD Page 17 of 39 1,425 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 30 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 049-073-015 -LA LUZ RD 049-073-016 -LA LUZ RD 049-073-019 -ARENA RD 049-073-020 -ARENA RD 049-073-034 -SAN ANSELMO RD 049-073-046 -LA LUZ RD 049-073-047 -LA LUZ RD 049-073-049 -DEL RIO RD 049-073-053 -LA LUZ RD 049-073-054 -LA LUZ RD 049-073-056 -SAN ANSELMO RD 049-073-064 -LA LUZ RD 049-073-066 -LA LUZ RD 049-074-001 -LA LUZ RD 049-075-001 -ARENA RD 049-075-006 -ARENA RD 049-081-001 -GARCIA RD 049-081-023 -GARCIA RD 049-081-025 -GARCIA RD 049-081-029 -SAN RAMON RD 049-081-040 -GARCIA RD 049-081-041 -GARCIA RD 049-081-042 -GARCIA RD 049-082-008 -SAN RAMON RD 049-082-012 -SAN RAMON RD 049-082-015 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-082-016 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-082-020 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-082-021 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-082-022 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-082-023 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-082-024 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-082-026 -GARCIA RD 049-082-027 -GARCIA RD 049-082-028 -GARCIA RD 049-091-002 -GARCIA RD 049-092-002 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-092-020 -GARCIA RD 049-092-032 -GARCIA RD 049-092-037 -GARCIA RD 049-092-038 -GARCIA RD 049-092-042 -SAN RAMON RD #B 049-092-045 -SANTA CRUZ RD 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RD 049-121-007 -LA LUZ RD 049-121-008 -LA LUZ RD Page 18 of 39 1,509 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 31 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 049-121-012 -LA LUZ RD 049-121-014 -ARENA RD 049-121-015 -LA LUZ RD 049-121-017 -LA LUZ RD 049-121-020 -SAN BENITO RD 049-121-026 -ARENA RD 049-121-027 -ARENA RD 049-121-028 -ARENA RD 049-121-029 -SAN BENITO RD 049-121-031 -ARENA RD 049-121-032 -ARENA RD 049-121-033 -LA LUZ RD 049-121-034 -LA LUZ RD 049-121-035 -ARENA RD 049-122-004 -ARENA RD 049-122-006 -FALDA RD 049-122-008 -FALDA RD 049-122-009 -FALDA RD 049-122-010 -FALDA RD 049-122-013 -ARENA RD 049-122-014 -SAN BENITO RD 049-122-016 -FALDA RD 049-122-020 -AMARGON RD 049-122-023 -LIGA RD 049-122-025 -LIGA RD 049-122-026 -ARENA RD 049-122-029 -ARENA RD 049-122-030 -LIGA RD 049-122-032 -LIGA RD 049-122-034 -FALDA RD 049-122-035 -ARENA RD 049-123-002 -AMARGON RD 049-123-012 -SAN ANSELMO RD 049-123-018 -ARENA RD 049-123-022 -ARENA RD 049-123-028 -AMARGON RD 049-123-035 -ARENA RD 049-131-021 -SAN RAMON RD 049-131-043 -SAN RAMON RD 049-131-044 -DEL RIO RD 049-131-052 -DEL RIO RD 049-131-057 -SAN RAMON RD 049-131-058 -DEL RIO RD 049-131-060 -SAN RAMON RD 049-131-061 -SAN RAMON RD 049-131-063 -SAN RAMON RD 049-131-066 -SAN RAMON RD 049-131-069 -SAN RAMON RD 049-131-072 -EL CAMINO REAL 049-131-074 -DEL RIO RD 049-131-075 -DEL RIO RD 049-131-081 -EL CAMINO REAL 049-131-084 -EL CAMINO REAL 049-132-002 -SAN RAMON RD 049-132-004 -SAN RAMON RD 049-132-015 -SAN RAMON RD 049-132-018 -SAN RAMON RD 049-132-024 -SAN RAMON RD 049-132-027 -SAN RAMON RD 049-141-010 -CONEJO RD 049-141-022 -EL CAMINO REAL 049-141-023 -EL CAMINO REAL 049-141-031 -CONEJO RD 049-141-035 -RAMONA RD 049-141-042 -RAMONA RD 049-141-046 -EL CAMINO REAL 049-142-008 -CONEJO RD 049-142-009 -CONEJO RD 049-151-005 -EL CAMINO REAL 049-151-012 -SAN BENITO RD 049-151-020 -EL CAMINO REAL 049-151-036 -EL CAMINO REAL 049-151-037 -EL CAMINO REAL 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049-221-063 -EL CAMINO REAL 049-221-064 -MONTEREY RD 049-221-067 -MONTEREY RD 049-221-072 -MONTEREY RD 049-223-021 -MONTEREY CT 049-223-038 -MONTEREY RD 049-225-009 -SAN PALO RD 049-225-016 -SAN PALO RD 049-225-017 -SAN PALO RD 049-225-018 -LEGADO AVE 049-225-019 -LEGADO AVE 049-225-020 -LEGADO AVE 049-225-021 -LEGADO AVE 049-225-028 -SAN PALO RD 049-226-006 -EL CAMINO REAL 049-231-001 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-231-003 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-231-005 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-231-010 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-231-012 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-231-014 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-231-015 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-231-016 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-231-017 -ROPA CT 049-232-002 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-232-010 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-232-013 -DEL RIO RD 049-232-016 -DEL RIO RD 049-232-018 -DEL RIO RD 049-232-022 -DEL RIO RD 049-232-025 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-232-027 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-232-028 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-232-029 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-232-031 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-232-033 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-232-040 -SAN GREGORIO RD 049-232-041 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-COLIMA RD 049-302-022 -FALDA RD 049-302-023 -COLIMA RD 049-302-024 -COLIMA RD 049-302-027 -FALDA RD 049-302-028 -FALDA RD 049-302-029 -FALDA RD 049-302-032 -SAN BENITO RD 049-302-034 -FALDA RD 049-302-038 -COLIMA RD 049-302-039 -FALDA RD 049-302-040 -COLIMA RD 049-311-001 -EL CAMINO REAL 049-311-010 -CARRIZO RD 049-321-014 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-321-017 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-321-018 -SANTA CRUZ RD 049-322-004 -PASEO PACIFICO 049-322-005 -PASEO PACIFICO 049-331-001 -ARDILLA RD 049-331-002 -ARDILLA RD 049-331-003 -ARDILLA RD 049-331-019 -ARTIGA LN 049-331-020 -ARTIGA LN 049-331-026 -ARDILLA RD 050-011-003 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-011-004 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-011-007 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-011-008 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-011-010 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-011-011 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-012-014 -SAN GREGORIO RD 050-012-018 -SAN GREGORIO RD 050-012-019 -SAN GREGORIO RD 050-012-020 -SAN GREGORIO RD 050-012-021 -SAN GREGORIO RD 050-012-027 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-012-028 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-012-036 -SAN GREGORIO RD 050-021-002 -SAN 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RD 050-081-001 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-081-010 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-081-016 -LENOSA LN 050-081-022 -LENOSA LN 050-081-028 -LENOSA LN 050-091-004 -SAN GREGORIO RD 050-091-007 -SAN GREGORIO RD 050-091-012 -SAN GREGORIO RD 050-091-016 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-091-017 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-091-018 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-091-021 -SANTA CRUZ RD #PR 050-091-028 -SAN GREGORIO RD 050-092-003 -SAN GREGORIO RD 050-092-007 -DEL RIO RD 050-092-008 -SAN GREGORIO RD 050-092-009 -DEL RIO RD 050-101-012 -DEL RIO RD 050-101-015 -DEL RIO RD 050-101-017 -SAN GREGORIO RD 050-101-018 -SANTA ANA RD 050-101-020 -SANTA ANA RD 050-101-021 -DEL RIO RD 050-101-028 -DEL RIO RD 050-101-029 -DEL RIO RD 050-101-035 -SANTA ANA RD 050-101-036 -DEL RIO RD Page 23 of 39 1,929 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 36 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 050-111-003 -ALTURAS RD 050-111-004 -ALTURAS RD 050-111-008 -BALBOA RD 050-111-010 -ALTURAS RD 050-111-011 -DEL RIO RD 050-111-012 -DEL RIO RD 050-111-013 -ALTURAS RD 050-111-014 -BALBOA RD 050-111-015 -BALBOA RD 050-111-016 -SANTA ANA RD 050-111-020 -DEL RIO RD 050-111-023 -SANTA ANA RD 050-121-007 -SANTA ANA RD 050-121-008 -BALBOA RD 050-121-013 -BALBOA RD 050-121-017 -SANTA ANA RD 050-121-020 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-121-029 -CORRIENTE RD 050-121-032 -CORRIENTE RD 050-121-034 -SANTA ANA RD 050-121-035 -CORRIENTE RD 050-122-005 -SANTA ANA RD 050-122-014 -SANTA ANA RD 050-122-015 -SAUSALITO RD 050-122-017 -BALBOA RD 050-122-018 -BALBOA RD 050-122-019 -SANTA ANA RD 050-131-002 -BALBOA RD 050-131-004 -BALBOA RD 050-131-014 -BALBOA RD 050-131-015 -BALBOA RD 050-131-016 -BALBOA RD 050-131-022 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-131-024 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-131-025 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-131-028 -BALBOA RD 050-131-029 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-131-032 -BALBOA RD 050-131-033 -BALBOA RD 050-141-004 -BALBOA RD 050-141-008 -BALBOA RD 050-141-009 -ARDILLA RD 050-141-021 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-141-022 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-141-023 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-141-025 -BALBOA RD 050-141-033 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-141-035 -ARDILLA RD 050-141-036 -ARDILLA RD 050-141-048 -BALBOA RD 050-141-049 -BALBOA RD 050-141-054 -ARDILLA RD 050-141-060 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-141-061 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-151-007 -ARDILLA RD 050-151-009 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-151-019 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-151-028 -ARDILLA RD 050-151-029 -ARDILLA RD 050-151-030 -ARDILLA RD 050-151-031 -GRAVES CREEK RD 050-151-034 -GRAVES CREEK RD 050-151-036 -GRAVES CREEK RD 050-152-013 -GRAVES CREEK RD 050-152-016 -GRAVES CREEK RD #PR 050-152-017 -GRAVES CREEK RD 050-153-008 -GRAVES CREEK RD 050-153-009 -GRAVES CREEK RD 050-153-013 -GRAVES CREEK RD 050-161-004 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-161-006 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-161-007 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-161-008 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-161-009 -SANTA CRUZ RD #PR 050-161-010 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-161-011 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-162-002 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-162-005 -SANTA CRUZ RD 050-162-010 -SAN GREGORIO RD 050-162-011 -SAN GREGORIO RD 050-162-012 -SANTA 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-GARCERO RD 050-192-013 -CORONA RD 050-192-015 -CORONA RD 050-192-016 -CORONA RD 050-192-018 -CORONA RD 050-201-003 -JAQUIMA RD 050-201-004 -JAQUIMA RD 050-201-005 -JAQUIMA RD 050-201-006 -BOLSA RD 050-201-007 -BOLSA RD 050-202-005 -BALBOA RD 050-202-006 -BALBOA RD 050-202-011 -OTERO RD 050-202-012 -OTERO RD 050-202-013 -BOLSA RD 050-202-014 -BALBOA RD 050-203-003 -OTERO RD 050-203-004 -OTERO RD 050-211-001 -SANTA ANA RD 050-211-002 -SANTA ANA RD 050-211-003 -SANTA ANA RD 050-212-008 -SANTA ANA RD 050-212-009 -SAUSALITO RD 050-212-010 -ENCHANTO RD 050-212-016 -CORRIENTE RD 050-212-020 -SAUSALITO RD 050-212-022 -SANTA ANA RD 050-212-023 -SANTA ANA RD 050-212-024 -SANTA ANA RD 050-212-025 -ENCHANTO RD 050-212-026 -CORRIENTE RD 050-213-001 -ENCHANTO RD 050-213-002 -ENCHANTO RD 050-221-005 -CORRIENTE RD 050-221-013 -CORRIENTE RD 050-221-018 -CORRIENTE RD 050-221-022 -SANTA ANA RD 050-221-025 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-221-028 -SANTA ANA RD 050-221-036 -CEBADA LN 050-221-038 -CORRIENTE RD 050-221-039 -CORRIENTE RD 050-221-042 -SANTA ANA RD 050-221-043 -SANTA ANA RD 050-231-003 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-231-004 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-231-005 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-231-010 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-231-011 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-231-014 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-231-020 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-231-022 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-231-029 -CEBADA LN 050-231-030 -CEBADA LN 050-231-032 -SAN FERNANDO RD Page 25 of 39 2,097 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 38 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 050-231-033 -SAN FERNANDO RD 050-241-002 -BOLSA RD 050-241-006 -CORONA RD 050-241-007 -CORONA RD 050-241-008 -BOLSA RD 050-241-010 -CORONA RD 050-242-005 -LLANO RD 050-242-011 -BOLSA RD 050-242-013 -LLANO RD 050-242-015 -OTERO RD 050-242-016 -BOLSA RD 050-251-006 -LLANO RD 050-251-008 -ENCHANTO RD 050-251-009 -ENCHANTO RD 050-251-010 -ENCHANTO RD 050-251-012 -CORRIENTE RD 050-251-014 -ENCHANTO RD 050-251-017 -LLANO RD 050-251-018 -LLANO RD 050-251-019 -CORRIENTE RD 050-251-020 -CORRIENTE RD 050-251-021 -ENCHANTO RD 050-251-022 -LLANO RD 050-262-003 -SANTA ANA RD 050-262-008 -CORRIENTE RD 050-262-011 -SANTA ANA RD 050-262-013 -SANTA ANA RD 050-262-014 -CORRIENTE RD 050-262-016 -SANTA ANA RD 050-262-017 -SANTA ANA RD 050-262-026 -SANTA ANA RD 050-262-027 -CORRIENTE RD 050-271-015 -SANTA ANA RD 050-271-022 -SANTA ANA RD 050-271-028 -SANTA ANA RD 050-271-029 -SANTA ANA RD 050-271-030 -SANTA ANA RD 050-271-032 -SANTA ANA RD 050-271-034 -CEBADA LN 050-281-002 -SANTA ANA RD 050-281-004 -SANTA ANA RD 050-281-010 -SANTA ANA RD 050-291-011 -LLANO RD 050-291-012 -LLANO RD 050-301-002 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-302-001 -EL MONTE RD 050-302-002 -EL MONTE RD 050-302-006 -EL MONTE RD 050-302-008 -EL MONTE RD 050-302-009 -EL MONTE RD 050-302-014 -EL MONTE RD 050-302-015 -EL MONTE RD 050-311-005 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-311-007 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-311-008 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-312-009 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-312-011 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-312-012 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-312-013 -CENCERRO RD 050-312-014 -EL MONTE RD 050-312-015 -EL MONTE RD 050-312-017 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-312-018 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-312-019 -EL MONTE RD 050-312-020 -EL MONTE RD 050-323-005 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-323-006 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-323-008 -BOLSA RD 050-323-016 -BOLSA RD 050-323-018 -LLANO RD 050-324-001 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-324-003 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-324-007 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-324-014 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-324-015 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-331-002 -RAYAR RD 050-331-006 -LLANO RD 050-331-010 -LLANO RD 050-331-011 -LLANO RD 050-331-013 -LOMITAS RD 050-331-017 -RAYAR RD 050-331-018 -RAYAR RD 050-331-020 -LOMITAS RD 050-341-004 -LOMITAS RD Page 26 of 39 2,181 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 39 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 050-341-006 -LOMITAS RD 050-341-010 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-341-016 -LLANO RD 050-341-017 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-341-018 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-341-020 -LOMITAS RD 050-341-022 -LOMITAS RD 050-341-023 -LOMITAS RD 050-341-026 -SANTA LUCIA RD 050-341-029 -LOMITAS RD 050-351-009 -LLANO RD 050-351-010 -LLANO RD 050-351-011 -RAYAR RD 050-361-003 -EL MONTE RD 050-361-004 -EL MONTE RD 050-361-006 -EL MONTE RD 050-361-007 -SAN LUCAS RD 050-361-008 -SAN LUCAS RD 050-362-004 -EL MONTE RD 050-362-005 -EL MONTE RD 050-362-006 -SAN LUCAS RD 050-362-010 -SAN LUCAS RD 050-362-011 -SAN LUCAS RD 054-011-021 -ARDILLA RD 054-011-027 -SAN PALO RD 054-011-028 -ARDILLA RD 054-012-035 -VENADO AVE 054-012-036 -VENADO AVE 054-012-039 -ARDILLA RD 054-013-004 -MARICOPA RD 054-013-013 -ARDILLA RD 054-013-016 -ARDILLA RD 054-013-020 -MARICOPA RD 054-013-025 -ARDILLA RD 054-013-026 -ARDILLA RD 054-013-027 -ARDILLA RD 054-013-029 -ARDILLA RD 054-013-030 -ARDILLA RD 054-021-001 -VENADO AVE 054-021-007 -ATAJO AVE 054-021-013 -PORTOLA RD 054-021-014 -PORTOLA WAY 054-021-015 -PORTOLA WAY 054-021-018 -CHAUPLIN AVE 054-021-019 -CHAUPLIN AVE 054-021-020 -CHAUPLIN AVE 054-021-023 -ATAJO AVE 054-021-024 -ATAJO AVE 054-022-009 -PORTOLA RD 054-022-017 -PORTOLA RD 054-022-018 -PORTOLA RD 054-022-021 -ALLEMANDE LN 054-022-026 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-022-027 -ALLEMANDE LN 054-022-031 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-022-032 -PORTOLA RD 054-022-036 -PORTOLA RD 054-031-008 -RAMONA RD 054-032-014 -MONTEREY RD 054-032-051 -MONTEREY RD 054-032-052 -MONTEREY RD 054-032-053 -MONTEREY RD 054-032-054 -MONTEREY RD 054-032-065 -MONTEREY RD 054-032-068 -MARICOPA RD 054-032-069 -MARICOPA RD 054-032-072 -MARICOPA RD 054-032-074 -MARICOPA RD 054-032-076 -GRAVES CREEK RD 054-041-005 -MARICOPA RD 054-041-013 -MARICOPA RD 054-043-004 -CASCABEL RD 054-043-006 -ARDILLA RD 054-043-007 -ARDILLA RD 054-043-009 -ARDILLA RD 054-043-010 -ARDILLA RD #/X 054-043-012 -ARDILLA RD 054-043-013 -ARDILLA RD 054-043-018 -ARDILLA RD 054-043-019 -ARDILLA RD #/ 054-043-020 -ARDILLA RD #X 054-043-021 -ARDILLA RD 054-043-023 -MARICOPA RD 054-043-024 -GRAVES CREEK RD Page 27 of 39 2,265 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 40 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 054-043-025 -GRAVES CREEK RD 054-043-026 -GRAVES CREEK RD 054-051-033 -PORTOLA RD 054-051-041 -RAMAGE AVE 054-051-057 -ARDILLA RD 054-051-058 -ARDILLA RD 054-051-059 -ARDILLA RD 054-051-083 -ARDILLA RD 054-051-084 -ARDILLA RD 054-061-019 -PORTOLA RD 054-061-041 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-061-042 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-072-002 -PORTOLA RD 054-072-016 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-072-023 -PORTOLA RD 054-072-040 -PORTOLA RD 054-072-060 -PORTOLA RD 054-072-061 -PORTOLA RD 054-072-070 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-072-071 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-072-075 -PORTOLA RD 054-072-079 -PORTOLA RD 054-072-087 -PORTOLA RD 054-073-001 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-073-011 -PORTOLA RD 054-073-024 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-073-026 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-073-027 -PORTOLA RD 054-073-028 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-073-029 -PORTOLA RD 054-081-035 -PORTOLA RD 054-081-036 -PORTOLA RD 054-082-011 -SAN CLEMENTE AVE 054-082-015 -SAN CLEMENTE AVE 054-084-001 -PORTOLA RD 054-084-004 -LOS GATOS RD 054-085-007 -BELLA VISTA RD 054-085-014 -PORTOLA RD 054-085-028 -BELLA VISTA RD 054-085-029 -BELLA VISTA RD 054-085-038 -BELLA VISTA RD 054-085-048 -PORTOLA RD 054-086-003 -BELLA VISTA RD 054-086-004 -BELLA VISTA RD 054-086-005 -BELLA VISTA RD 054-086-006 -BELLA VISTA RD 054-086-010 -BELLA VISTA RD 054-086-014 -BELLA VISTA RD 054-086-015 -BELLA VISTA RD 054-086-018 -BELLA VISTA RD 054-091-001 -ARDILLA RD 054-091-011 -CASCABEL RD 054-091-014 -CASCABEL RD 054-091-018 -CASCABEL RD 054-091-019 -CASCABEL RD 054-091-022 -CASCABEL RD 054-091-025 -CASCABEL RD 054-091-026 -CASCABEL RD 054-091-027 -CASCABEL RD 054-092-001 -CASCABEL RD 054-092-002 -CASCABEL RD 054-092-011 -CASCABEL RD 054-092-021 -CASCABEL RD 054-092-026 -CASCABEL RD 054-101-006 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-101-016 -CASCABEL RD 054-101-017 -CASCABEL RD 054-102-020 -CASCABEL RD 054-102-021 -CASCABEL RD 054-102-023 -CASCABEL RD 054-111-018 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-111-027 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-111-033 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-111-039 -LOS GATOS RD 054-111-043 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-111-048 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-111-052 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-111-053 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-111-055 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-111-056 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-121-014 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-121-026 -LOS GATOS RD 054-121-032 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-121-033 -SAN GABRIEL RD Page 28 of 39 2,349 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 41 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 054-121-037 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-121-039 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-121-040 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-121-041 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-121-042 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-132-025 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-132-033 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-132-039 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-132-064 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-132-065 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-132-072 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-141-005 -BELLA VISTA RD 054-141-006 -BELLA VISTA RD 054-142-003 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-142-004 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-142-012 -CARMELITA AVE 054-142-024 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-142-026 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-142-029 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-142-035 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-142-036 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-151-019 -SANTA ROSA RD 054-151-028 -SANTA ROSA RD 054-151-033 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-151-035 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-151-036 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-151-037 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-151-039 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-151-053 -SANTA ROSA RD 054-151-054 -SANTA ROSA RD 054-151-055 -SANTA ROSA RD 054-151-056 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-151-059 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-161-009 -GRAVES CREEK RD 054-161-010 -GRAVES CREEK RD 054-161-011 -GRAVES CREEK RD 054-161-015 -GRAVES CREEK RD 054-162-004 -SANTA ANA RD 054-162-005 -GRAVES CREEK RD 054-162-008 -SANTA ANA RD 054-162-009 -SANTA ANA RD 054-171-009 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-171-024 -SANTA ANA RD 054-171-026 -SANTA ANA RD 054-171-027 -SANTA ANA RD 054-171-028 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-171-035 -SANTA ANA RD 054-171-040 -SANTA ANA RD 054-171-042 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-181-003 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-181-019 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-182-001 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-191-005 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-191-018 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-191-029 -ESCONDIDO RD 054-191-037 -ESCONDIDO RD 054-191-042 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-191-044 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-191-045 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-192-009 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-192-013 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-192-014 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-192-016 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-192-019 -ALTA PRADERA LN 054-192-021 -ALTA PRADERA LN 054-192-023 -ALTA PRADERA LN 054-192-029 -PORTAL RD 054-192-030 -PORTAL RD 054-192-031 -PORTAL RD 054-192-032 -PORTAL RD 054-192-033 -PORTAL RD 054-192-035 -ALTA PRADERA LN 054-192-036 -ALTA PRADERA LN 054-201-008 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-201-013 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-201-019 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-201-021 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-201-024 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-201-025 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-201-032 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-201-033 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-201-034 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-201-035 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-201-037 -ESCONDIDO RD Page 29 of 39 2,433 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 42 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 054-201-040 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-201-042 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-201-046 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-201-047 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-201-048 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-201-053 -ESCONDIDO RD 054-212-014 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-212-028 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-212-032 -CARMELITA AVE 054-212-033 -CARMELITA AVE 054-212-035 -CARMELITA AVE 054-221-004 -CARMELITA AVE 054-231-007 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 054-231-008 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 054-231-014 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 054-231-018 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-231-019 -SAN RAFAEL RD 054-231-022 -SAN RAFAEL RD 054-231-023 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 054-231-025 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 054-231-029 -LOS OSOS RD 054-231-030 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 054-231-032 -SAN DIMAS RD 054-231-033 -SAN DIMAS RD 054-231-034 -SAN DIMAS RD 054-231-035 -CHANDLER LN 054-231-037 -CHANDLER LN 054-231-038 -SAN RAFAEL RD 054-231-040 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 054-231-042 -LOS OSOS RD 054-231-044 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 054-241-002 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-241-003 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-241-018 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-241-022 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-241-025 -SAN RAFAEL RD 054-241-027 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-241-032 -SAN RAFAEL RD 054-241-034 -SAN RAFAEL RD 054-241-035 -SAN RAFAEL RD 054-241-036 -SAN RAFAEL RD 054-241-038 -SAN RAFAEL RD 054-241-039 -SAN RAFAEL RD 054-241-040 -SAN RAFAEL RD 054-241-041 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-241-042 -SAN GABRIEL RD 054-251-004 -TECOLOTE RD 054-251-005 -TECOLOTE RD #PR 054-251-007 -TECOLOTE RD 054-261-003 -LLANO RD 054-261-004 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-261-014 -GRAVES CREEK RES #-B 054-261-015 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-262-004 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-262-005 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-262-006 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-271-007 -LAUREL RD 054-271-010 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-272-015 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-272-016 -SANTA LUCIA RD 054-272-020 -GALLINA CT 054-272-021 -GALLINA CT 054-272-023 -GALLINA CT 054-272-024 -GALLINA CT 054-272-025 -GALLINA CT 054-272-027 -LLANO RD 054-281-010 -PORTAL RD 054-281-012 -PORTAL RD 054-281-015 -PORTAL RD 054-281-016 -PORTAL RD 054-281-020 -LAUREL RD 054-281-021 -PORTAL RD 054-281-023 -LAUREL RD 054-281-024 -LAUREL RD 054-291-012 -ESCONDIDO RD 054-291-014 -PORTAL RD 054-291-017 -PORTAL RD 054-291-018 -PORTAL RD 054-291-022 -PORTAL RD 054-301-010 -ESCONDIDO RD 054-301-016 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-301-018 -ESCONDIDO RD 054-301-019 -ESCONDIDO RD 054-301-020 -ESCONDIDO RD Page 30 of 39 2,517 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 43 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 054-301-021 -ESCONDIDO RD 054-301-022 -ESCONDIDO RD 054-301-023 -ESCONDIDO RD 054-301-025 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-301-026 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-301-027 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-311-003 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-311-005 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-311-008 -REALITO AVE 054-311-016 -BARRANCO RD 054-311-031 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-311-033 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-311-035 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-311-044 -REALITO AVE 054-311-045 -REALITO AVE 054-311-047 -REALITO AVE 054-311-049 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-311-050 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-311-051 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-311-052 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-311-053 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-311-054 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-311-058 -BARRANCO RD 054-311-059 -BARRANCO RD 054-311-060 -BARRANCO RD 054-311-062 -BARRANCO RD 054-311-063 -BARRANCO RD 054-321-009 -SIERRA VISTA RD 054-321-010 -SIERRA VISTA RD 054-321-012 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-321-014 -ANDRITA RD 054-322-002 -MONITA RD 054-322-009 -MONITA RD 054-322-011 -SIERRA VISTA RD 054-322-012 -SAN MARCOS RD 054-331-004 -CASITAS RD 054-331-005 -SIERRA VISTA RD 054-331-006 -SIERRA VISTA RD 054-332-012 -CASITAS RD 054-332-014 -CASITAS RD 054-333-003 -SIERRA VISTA RD 054-333-005 -SIERRA VISTA RD 054-333-007 -SIERRA VISTA RD 054-333-008 -SIERRA VISTA RD 054-333-009 -SIERRA VISTA RD 054-334-001 -SIERRA VISTA RD 055-011-004 -SANTA LUCIA RD 055-011-007 -CENEGAL RD 055-011-012 -CENEGAL RD 055-011-013 -CENEGAL RD 055-011-019 -GRAVES CREEK RES # 055-011-020 -SANTA LUCIA RD 055-021-002 -SANTA LUCIA RD 055-021-003 -SANTA LUCIA RD 055-022-008 -CENEGAL RD 055-022-012 -SANTA LUCIA RD 055-022-013 -SANTA LUCIA RD 055-022-014 -SANTA LUCIA RD 055-031-010 -CENEGAL RD 055-031-025 -CENEGAL RD 055-031-027 -CENEGAL RD 055-031-029 -CENEGAL RD 055-031-030 -LAUREL RD 055-031-032 -CENEGAL RD 055-031-034 -LAUREL RD 055-031-037 -CENEGAL RD 055-041-006 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-041-011 -ESCONDIDO RD 055-041-012 -ESCONDIDO RD 055-041-013 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-041-014 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-041-016 -LAUREL RD 055-041-018 -LAUREL RD 055-051-009 -VISTA RD 055-051-010 -VISTA RD 055-051-011 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-051-012 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-052-002 -VISTA RD 055-052-010 -VISTA RD 055-052-013 -VISTA RD 055-052-014 -VISTA RD 055-052-024 -REALITO AVE 055-052-027 -REALITO AVE 055-052-028 -REALITO AVE Page 31 of 39 2,601 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 44 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 055-053-001 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-053-002 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-053-004 -REALITO AVE 055-053-005 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-053-006 -REALITO AVE 055-054-001 -REALITO AVE 055-061-004 -BARRANCO RD 055-061-005 -BARRANCO RD 055-062-019 -LUCINDA LN 055-062-024 -LUCINDA LN 055-062-028 -LUCINDA LN 055-062-030 -LUCINDA LN 055-062-033 -LUCINDA LN 055-062-034 -LUCINDA LN 055-062-043 -REALITO AVE 055-062-046 -BARRANCO RD 055-062-047 -LUCINDA LN 055-062-048 -BARRANCO HTS 055-062-049 -BARRANCO HTS 055-062-050 -LUCINDA LN 055-062-051 -LUCINDA LN 055-062-052 -LUCINDA LN 055-062-053 -LUCINDA LN 055-062-054 -LUCINDA LN 055-062-055 -BARRANCO RD 055-062-056 -CARMELITA RD 055-071-011 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-071-016 -CASANOVA RD 055-071-017 -CASANOVA RD 055-073-003 -ANDRITA RD 055-081-002 -BARRANCO RD 055-081-015 -CASANOVA RD 055-081-016 -BARRANCO RD 055-081-017 -CASANOVA RD 055-082-012 -CASANOVA RD 055-083-005 -CASANOVA RD 055-091-002 -SIERRA VISTA RD 055-091-003 -SIERRA VISTA RD 055-092-001 -SIERRA VISTA RD 055-093-004 -CASITAS RD 055-101-004 -CARMELITA RD 055-101-007 -CASANOVA RD 055-101-009 -CASANOVA RD 055-101-018 -CASANOVA RD 055-101-021 -BARRANCO RD 055-101-022 -CASANOVA RD 055-101-023 -CARMELITA RD 055-101-024 -CASANOVA RD 055-102-006 -SIERRA VISTA RD 055-102-014 -SIERRA VISTA RD 055-102-017 -CASANOVA RD 055-111-032 -ROJO CT 055-111-033 -CENEGAL RD 055-112-001 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-112-002 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-112-004 -PASO VERDE CT 055-112-007 -ROJO CT 055-112-008 -ROJO CT 055-112-009 -ROJO CT 055-112-010 -ROJO CT 055-113-001 -ROJO CT 055-113-002 -ROJO CT 055-113-003 -ROJO CT 055-113-004 -ROJO CT 055-113-006 -ESCABROSO CT 055-113-007 -ESCABROSO CT 055-113-008 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-113-009 -ESCABROSO CT 055-113-012 -SAN FELIPE CT 055-113-013 -SAN FELIPE CT 055-113-014 -SAN FELIPE CT 055-113-017 -SAN FELIPE CT 055-113-020 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-113-024 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-114-001 -CENEGAL RD 055-114-002 -CENEGAL RD 055-114-003 -CENEGAL RD 055-114-005 -PUENTE RD 055-114-007 -PUENTE RD 055-114-008 -PUENTE RD 055-114-009 -PUENTE RD 055-114-010 -PUENTE RD 055-114-011 -CABAZON RD 055-114-012 -CABAZON RD Page 32 of 39 2,685 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 45 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 055-114-013 -CABAZON RD 055-114-014 -CABAZON RD 055-114-015 -CABAZON RD 055-114-016 -CABAZON RD 055-114-017 -CABAZON RD 055-114-019 -CABAZON RD 055-114-020 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-114-021 -CABAZON RD 055-114-022 -CABAZON RD 055-114-023 -CABAZON RD 055-114-024 -CABAZON RD 055-114-025 -CABAZON RD 055-114-026 -CABAZON RD 055-115-001 -SAN MARCOS CT 055-115-005 -SAN MARCOS CT 055-115-006 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-115-007 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-115-008 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-115-010 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-115-011 -CENEGAL RD 055-115-012 -PECOS CT 055-115-015 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-115-019 -CENEGAL RD 055-115-020 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-115-021 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-115-022 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-115-024 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-116-001 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-116-003 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-116-004 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-116-005 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-116-010 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-116-012 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-116-013 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-116-014 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-116-021 -MADRONE RD 055-121-001 -CENEGAL RD 055-121-015 -CENEGAL RD 055-121-019 -CENEGAL RD 055-121-020 -CENEGAL RD 055-131-001 -CENEGAL RD 055-131-012 -CENEGAL RD 055-131-014 -CENEGAL RD 055-141-003 -CENEGAL RD 055-141-009 -CENEGAL RD 055-151-005 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-151-008 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-151-012 -LAUREL RD 055-151-013 -LAUREL RD 055-151-017 -LAUREL RD 055-151-018 -LAUREL RD 055-151-019 -LAUREL RD 055-151-022 -LAUREL RD 055-161-008 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-161-009 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-161-010 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-161-012 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-161-014 -VISTA RD 055-161-019 -VISTA RD 055-161-020 -VISTA RD 055-161-023 -VISTA RD 055-161-024 -VISTA RD 055-161-026 -VISTA RD 055-161-031 -VISTA RD 055-161-032 -VISTA RD 055-161-033 -VISTA RD 055-161-035 -VISTA RD 055-161-038 -VISTA RD 055-161-039 -VISTA RD 055-161-040 -VISTA RD 055-161-041 -VISTA RD 055-161-042 -MORRO RD 055-171-004 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-171-012 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-181-008 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-181-009 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-181-015 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-181-019 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-181-022 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-181-026 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-181-027 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-191-009 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-192-002 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-192-004 -SAN MARCOS RD Page 33 of 39 2,769 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 46 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 055-201-002 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-201-008 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-201-009 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-201-017 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-201-018 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-201-019 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-201-020 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-221-005 -MORRO RD 055-231-002 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-231-010 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-231-016 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-231-018 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-231-019 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-231-021 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-231-022 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-241-005 -LOS ALTOS RD 055-241-006 -LOS ALTOS RD 055-242-004 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-242-006 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-242-010 -MORRO RD 055-242-014 -LOS ALTOS RD 055-242-028 -LOS ALTOS RD 055-242-029 -LOS ALTOS RD 055-242-031 -LOS ALTOS RD 055-242-032 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-242-033 -LOS ALTOS RD 055-242-034 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-242-035 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-242-036 -MORRO RD 055-243-001 -OLD MORRO RD 055-243-002 -OLD MORRO RD 055-251-001 -OLD MORRO RD 055-251-006 -OLD MORRO RD 055-251-007 -MORRO RD 055-252-001 -MORRO RD 055-252-005 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-252-008 -SAN MARCOS RD 055-252-016 -MORRO RD 055-252-017 -MORRO RD 055-311-010 -OLD MORRO RD 055-311-011 -PALO VERDE RD 055-311-012 -PALO VERDE RD 055-311-013 -OLD MORRO RD 055-311-017 -OLD MORRO RD 055-311-018 -OLD MORRO RD 055-311-020 -OLD MORRO RD 055-311-021 -PALO VERDE RD #PR 055-321-007 -OLD MORRO RD 055-321-009 -OLD MORRO RD 055-321-012 -MORRO RD 055-331-001 -OLD MORRO RD 055-331-002 -OLD MORRO RD 055-331-003 -OLD MORRO RD 055-331-005 -OLD MORRO RD 055-331-007 -OLD MORRO RD 055-331-011 -OLD MORRO RD 055-331-012 -OLD MORRO RD 055-331-013 -OLD MORRO RD 055-341-002 -PALO VERDE RD 055-341-006 -OLD MORRO RD 055-341-007 -OLD MORRO RD 055-341-008 -PALO VERDE RD 055-341-009 -OLD MORRO RD 055-341-010 -OLD MORRO RD 055-361-006 -PALO VERDE RD 055-361-008 -FALCON RD 055-361-009 -FALCON RD 055-361-010 -FALCON RD 055-361-013 -PALO VERDE RD 055-361-015 -PALO VERDE RD 055-361-018 -OLD MORRO RD 055-361-019 -PALO VERDE RD 055-361-021 -FALCON RD 055-361-022 -FALCON RD 055-431-003 -SANTA LUCIA RD 055-431-005 -SANTA LUCIA RD 055-441-001 -LOMITAS RD 055-441-002 -LOMITAS RD 055-441-004 -SANTA LUCIA RD 055-442-001 -LOMITAS RD 055-442-004 -LOMITAS RD 055-451-006 -SANTA LUCIA RD 055-451-009 -LLANO RD 055-451-011 -LLANO RD Page 34 of 39 2,853 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 47 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 055-451-014 -LOMITAS RD 055-451-019 -LOMITAS RD 055-451-020 -NUDOSO RD 055-451-026 -LOMITAS RD 055-451-029 -SANTA LUCIA RD 055-451-031 -LLANO RD 055-451-032 -LLANO RD 055-451-033 -LOMITAS RD 055-451-040 -SANTA LUCIA RD 055-462-002 -SANTA LUCIA RD 056-031-041 -COROMAR AVE 056-031-062 -EL CAMINO REAL 056-031-066 -COROMAR AVE 056-041-014 -COROMAR AVE 056-041-017 -COROMAR AVE 056-041-023 -COROMAR AVE 056-041-025 -COROMAR AVE 056-041-033 -COROMAR AVE 056-041-039 -PAJARO LN 056-041-040 -PAJARO LN 056-051-034 -EL CAMINO REAL 056-071-006 -EL CAMINO REAL 056-071-014 -EL CAMINO REAL 056-071-015 -EL CAMINO REAL 056-071-016 -MONTECITO AVE 056-071-017 -MONTECITO AVE 056-081-036 -EL CAMINO REAL 056-091-009 -CURBARIL AVE 056-091-026 -COROMAR AVE 056-091-028 -COROMAR AVE 056-091-030 -COROMAR AVE 056-091-031 -COROMAR AVE 056-091-036 -COROMAR AVE 056-091-037 -COROMAR AVE 056-091-038 -COROMAR AVE 056-091-039 -CURBARIL AVE 056-091-040 -CURBARIL AVE 056-091-041 -CRISTOBAL AVE 056-091-042 -CRISTOBAL AVE 056-091-043 -CRISTOBAL AVE 056-091-045 -COROMAR AVE 056-091-048 -COROMAR AVE 056-091-049 -COROMAR RD 056-091-050 -COROMAR AVE 056-091-052 -CURBARIL AVE 056-091-053 -CURBARIL AVE 056-111-019 -COROMAR AVE 056-111-020 -COROMAR AVE 056-111-024 -COROMAR AVE 056-111-030 -COROMAR AVE 056-121-005 -COROMAR AVE 056-121-007 -COROMAR AVE 056-121-023 -COROMAR AVE 056-121-024 -COROMAR AVE 056-121-028 -COROMAR AVE 056-121-032 -COROMAR AVE 056-131-015 -PORTOLA RD 056-131-020 -COROMAR CT 056-131-021 -WEST FRONT RD 056-131-022 -WEST FRONT RD 056-131-023 -WEST FRONT RD 056-141-009 -OLD SANTA ROSA RD 056-141-011 -OLD SANTA ROSA RD 056-141-021 -OLD SANTA ROSA RD 056-151-007 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-151-020 -OLD SANTA ROSA RD 056-151-036 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-151-043 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-151-045 -OLD SANTA ROSA RD 056-151-046 -OLD SANTA ROSA RD 056-162-010 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-162-011 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-162-012 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-162-013 -WEST FRONT RD 056-162-014 -WEST FRONT RD 056-162-015 -WEST FRONT RD 056-162-016 -WEST FRONT RD 056-162-022 -CIRCLE OAK DR 056-162-023 -CIRCLE OAK DR 056-162-027 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-162-028 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-162-029 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-162-030 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-162-031 -SAN RAFAEL RD Page 35 of 39 2,937 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 48 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 056-162-032 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-162-034 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-162-041 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-162-043 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-162-046 -WEST FRONT RD 056-162-047 -WEST FRONT RD 056-162-048 -WEST FRONT RD 056-162-050 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-171-020 -MARCHANT AVE 056-171-028 -CRISTOBAL AVE 056-171-031 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-171-050 -CRISTOBAL AVE 056-181-031 -COROMAR AVE 056-181-033 -COROMAR AVE 056-181-036 -MONTURA LN 056-181-038 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-182-004 -COLE CT 056-182-005 -COLE CT 056-191-023 -PORTOLA RD 056-191-033 -PORTOLA RD 056-191-034 -PORTOLA RD 056-191-035 -PORTOLA RD 056-201-012 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-201-026 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-211-039 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-211-040 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-211-044 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-211-046 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-211-048 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-211-050 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-211-051 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-211-052 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-211-055 -BOSQUE CT 056-211-057 -BOSQUE CT 056-211-058 -BOSQUE CT 056-221-014 -MARCHANT AVE 056-221-021 -MARCHANT AVE 056-221-022 -MARCHANT AVE 056-221-029 -MARCHANT AVE 056-231-008 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-231-022 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-241-012 -PORTOLA RD 056-241-013 -PORTOLA RD 056-241-015 -PORTOLA RD 056-241-016 -PORTOLA RD 056-241-017 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-241-018 -PORTOLA RD 056-242-009 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-242-010 -PORTOLA RD 056-242-011 -PORTOLA RD 056-251-017 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-251-021 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-261-004 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-261-011 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-261-013 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-261-019 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-261-026 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-261-049 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-261-051 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-261-054 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-261-055 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-261-059 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-261-061 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-261-062 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-261-066 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-261-068 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-261-069 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-261-070 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-261-071 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-261-078 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-261-079 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-261-081 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-261-084 -CALETA LN 056-261-086 -CALETA LN 056-261-087 -CALETA LN 056-261-088 -CALETA LN 056-262-001 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-262-002 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-262-010 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-262-021 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-262-022 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-271-010 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-271-025 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-271-026 -ATASCADERO AVE Page 36 of 39 3,021 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 49 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 056-271-031 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-271-032 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-271-033 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-271-034 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-271-042 -ATASCADERO AVE 056-281-006 -MARCHANT AVE 056-281-009 -MARCHANT AVE 056-281-010 -MARCHANT AVE 056-281-011 -PORTOLA RD 056-281-014 -PORTOLA RD 056-281-015 -PORTOLA RD 056-281-027 -PORTOLA RD 056-281-028 -PORTOLA RD 056-281-029 -PORTOLA RD 056-291-001 -PORTOLA RD 056-291-003 -PORTOLA RD 056-291-004 -PORTOLA RD 056-291-009 -PORTOLA RD 056-291-010 -PORTOLA RD 056-301-037 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-301-038 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-301-039 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-301-040 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-301-041 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-301-042 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-301-043 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-301-044 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-312-004 -MOUNTAIN VIEW DR 056-312-008 -PORTOLA RD 056-312-028 -MOUNTAIN VIEW DR 056-312-029 -MOUNTAIN VIEW DR 056-312-030 -LAKE VIEW DR 056-312-042 -MOUNTAIN VIEW DR 056-321-006 -MOUNTAIN VIEW DR 056-321-007 -MOUNTAIN VIEW DR 056-321-008 -MOUNTAIN VIEW DR 056-322-006 -MOUNTAIN VIEW DR 056-322-010 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-322-016 -LAKE VIEW DR 056-322-017 -LAKE VIEW DR 056-322-019 -LAKE VIEW DR 056-322-020 -LAKE VIEW DR 056-322-024 -MOUNTAIN VIEW DR 056-322-027 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-322-032 -MOUNTAIN VIEW DR 056-351-011 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-351-026 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-351-027 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-351-028 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-351-033 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-351-037 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-351-038 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-351-042 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-351-046 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-351-049 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-351-050 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-351-054 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-351-055 -SANTA ROSA RD 056-351-056 -RIO BLANCO CT 056-351-058 -RIO BLANCO CT 056-351-060 -RIO BLANCO CT 056-351-062 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-361-022 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-361-033 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-361-035 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-361-036 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-362-002 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-362-003 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-362-004 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-371-005 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-371-006 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-371-030 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-371-032 -SAN GUILLERMO LN 056-371-033 -SAN GUILLERMO LN 056-371-038 -SAN GUILLERMO LN 056-371-039 -SAN GABRIEL RD 056-371-043 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-371-048 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-371-049 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-371-050 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-371-051 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-381-003 -ASH ST 056-381-009 -SAN GABRIEL ST 056-381-016 -CATALPA ST Page 37 of 39 3,105 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 50 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 056-381-017 -CATALPA ST 056-382-018 -WILLOW CT 056-383-024 -CATALPA ST 056-391-003 -TOLOSO RD 056-401-002 -TOLOSO RD 056-402-003 -TOLOSO RD 056-402-004 -TOLOSO RD 056-402-006 -TOLOSO RD 056-402-007 -TOLOSO RD 056-402-010 -SAN DIEGO RD 056-402-014 -SAN DIEGO RD 056-402-015 -SAN DIEGO RD 056-411-003 -CASTENADA LN 056-411-004 -MORRO RD 056-411-005 -CASTENADA LN 056-411-006 -MORRO RD 056-411-007 -CASTENADA LN 056-411-008 -CASTENADA LN 056-411-010 -CASTENADA LN 056-411-011 -CASTENADA LN 056-411-012 -LOS OSOS RD 056-411-018 -TOLOSO RD 056-411-019 -TOLOSO RD 056-411-020 -CASTENADA LN 056-411-021 -CASTENADA LN 056-411-022 -CASTENADA LN 056-411-023 -TOLOSO RD 056-411-024 -TOLOSO RD 056-411-025 -MORRO RD 056-411-026 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 056-411-027 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 056-431-004 -CASITAS RD 056-432-001 -CASITAS RD 056-432-002 -CASITAS RD 056-432-003 -CASITAS RD 056-432-004 -CASITAS RD 056-432-006 -CASITAS RD 056-451-003 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 056-451-004 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 056-451-006 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 056-451-007 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 056-451-009 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 056-451-010 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 056-451-011 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 056-451-013 -OLD MORRO RD EAST 056-461-002 -SAN DIEGO RD 056-461-003 -SAN DIEGO RD 056-461-004 -SAN DIEGO RD 056-461-006 -SAN DIEGO RD 056-461-007 -SAN DIEGO RD 056-471-003 -SAN DIMAS RD 056-471-006 -SAN DIMAS RD 056-471-007 -SAN DIMAS RD 056-471-008 -SAN DIMAS RD 056-471-011 -SAN DIEGO RD 056-471-012 -SAN DIEGO RD 056-472-002 -SAN DIMAS RD 056-472-003 -SAN DIMAS RD 056-472-004 -LOS OSOS RD 056-472-005 -LOS OSOS RD 056-481-003 -SAN DIMAS RD 056-481-004 -LOS OSOS RD 056-481-005 -LOS OSOS RD 056-481-006 -SAN DIMAS RD 056-481-007 -LOS OSOS RD 056-481-008 -LOS OSOS RD 056-481-010 -SAN DIMAS RD 056-491-001 -SAN DIMAS RD 056-491-002 -SAN DIMAS RD 056-491-003 -SAN DIMAS RD 056-491-004 -SAN DIMAS RD 056-491-011 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-491-014 -LOS OSOS RD 056-491-015 -LOS OSOS RD 056-491-018 -LOS OSOS RD 056-491-019 -LOS OSOS RD 056-491-020 -LOS OSOS RD 056-491-023 -LOS OSOS RD 056-491-027 -LOS OSOS RD 056-491-028 -LOS OSOS RD 056-491-029 -LOS OSOS RD 056-491-030 -LOS OSOS RD 056-491-031 -LOS OSOS RD 056-502-003 -SAN CARLOS RD Page 38 of 39 3,189 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 51 of 104 Exhibit -A- Assessment Parcel Numbers (APN's) & Property Street Name 056-502-006 -LOS OSOS RD 056-502-007 -SAN RAFAEL RD 056-502-008 -LOS OSOS RD 056-502-009 -LOS OSOS RD Page 39 of 39 3,193 of 3193Tuesday, April 5, 2022 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1A Page 52 of 104 6005 LEWIS AVENUE – ATASCADERO, CA 93422 – (805) 461-5070 – FAX (805) 466-2907 NOTICE NOTICE Dear Atascadero Property Owner: Weed abatement season has arrived and parcel inspections were recently performed throughout the City. The Atascadero Municipal Code, Section 6-13.08, requires this notification, which enables Atascadero Fire & Emergency Services to abate dry noxious weeds and/or refuse in an effort to make our neighborhoods safer in the event of a fire. Please be advised your property has been identified as an existing, future or “potential” hazard. Atascadero Fire & Emergency Services advises that it considers a parcel a future or “potential” hazard if the parcel is not completely landscaped or irrigated and/or there is a potential for vegetative growth. NOTICE TO REMOVE VEGETATIVE GROWTH (NOXIOUS WEEDS) AND /OR REFUSE Notice is hereby given that on the 12th day of April 2022, the City Council passed a Resolution declaring that vegetative growth (noxious weeds) and refuse constitute a fire hazard, and health and safety hazard, which must be abated by the cutting of said vegetative growth (noxious weeds), and/or removal of refuse which constitutes said health and safety hazard. If the property owner does not abate the noxious weeds and/or refuse by June 1, 2022, it will be abated by the City, and the cost of the abatement will be assessed upon the County property tax bill, and will constitute a lien upon such land until paid. The City recovers costs for administering this program through a $260 flat fee and 166% administrative fee. Reference is hereby made to the Resolution for further particulars and Municipal Code Sections 6-13.01 through 6-13.17. A copy of said Resolution is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. All property owners having any objections to the proposed removal of the hazard are encouraged to attend , or virtually attend if necessary, the meeting of the City Council of the City of Atascadero to be held on May 10, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. when their objections will be heard and given due consideration. Dated this 12th day of April, 2022 /s/ Casey D. Bryson Fire Chief City of Atascadero City of Atascadero Atascadero Fire & Emergency Services ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 2 Page 53 of 104 THE DEADLINE FOR WEED/REFUSE ABATEMENT COMPLIANCE IS JUNE 1, 2022 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE IN MAINTAINING YOUR VEGETATIVE GROWTH TO A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 4 INCHES On June 1, 2022, the City’s contractor begins the abatement process for parcels that are not in compliance. The contractor’s fees, as well as applicable City and County fees/fines are assessed on the County’s tax roll. The Fire Chief has established the following requirements: CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS OF VEGETATIVE GROWTH (NOXIOUS WEEDS) Maximum height of 4 inches a) Located within 100 feet of any building or structure, or to the property line, whichever is nearer; b) Located within 50 feet from the edge of any improved roadway; c) Located within 50 feet from each property line; d) Located within 10 feet on each side of driveways. EXEMPTIONS: a) Animal pastures and agricultural fields growing hay or grains. The interior portion of fenced pastures where the quantity of livestock significantly reduces the vegetative growth, therefore bringing the parcel into compliance. Agricultural fields must be cut at harvest time. Uncut hay and grain is subject to abatement. b) Habitat for endangered or threatened species or any species that is a candidate for listing as an endangered or threatened species by the State of California or Federal Government. c) Land kept in a predominantly natural state as habitat for wildlife, plant, or animal communities. d) Open space lands that are environmentally sensitive parklands. e) Other lands having scenic values. Abatement requirements shall remain in effect in waterways where flood preparation measures and emergency flood control mitigation is necessary. 1) This exemption applies whether the land or water are held in fee title or any lesser interest. This exemption applies to any public agency, and private entity that has dedicated the land or water areas to one or more of those purposes or uses, or any combination of public agencies and private entities making that decision. 2) This section shall not be construed to prohibit the use of properly authorized prescribed burning to improve the biological function of land or to assist in the restoration of desired vegetation. 3) In the event that any lands adjacent to land or water areas, as described above, are improved such that they are subject to this chapter, the obligation to comply with Section 6-13.04 shall be with the person owning, leasing, controlling, operating, or maintaining the occupied dwelling or occupied structure on the improved lands. All maintenance, activities, and other fire prevention measures required by Section 6-13.04 shall be required only for the improved land, and water areas as described above. Questions regarding weed abatement may be directed to (805) 470-3300 or by writing to: City of Atascadero, Fire & Emergency Services, Fire Marshal, 6500 Palma Ave., Atascadero, CA 93422. PLEASE RETAIN THIS NOTICE FOR ANY RELATED COMMUNICATIONS ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 2 Page 54 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 04/12/22 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - City Manager Virtual Meetings – AB 361 Requirements RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt Draft Resolution making findings consistent with the requirements of AB 361 to continue to allow for the conduct of virtual meetings. DISCUSSION: On March 4, 2020, Governor Newsom declared a state of emergency due to the novel coronavirus COVID-19. That declaration is still in effect. Since March 12, 2020, Executive Orders from the Governor relaxed various Brown Act meetin g requirements relating to teleconferencing rules, temporarily suspending the Brown Act provisions requiring the physical presence of council, board and commission members at public meetings. The most recent extension of those Orders expired on September 30, 2021. On Friday, September 17, 2021, the Governor signed AB 361 . AB 361 amends Government Code section 54953 to provide more clarity on the Brown Act’s rules and restrictions surrounding the use of teleconferencing to conduct meetings. The newly enacted Government Code Section 54953(e) creates alternate measures to protect the ability of the public to appear before local legislative bodies. With the passage of AB 361, local agencies are allowed to continue to conduct virtual meetings during a declared state of emergency, provided local agencies comply with specified requirements. The City Council previously adopted Resolution No. 2021-066 on September 28, 2021, finding that the requisite conditions exist for the legislative bodies of the City of Atascadero to conduct remote teleconference meetings in compliance with AB 361. (Government Code Section 54953(e).) AB 361 requires the City Council to reconsider the circumstances of the state of emergency not later than 30 days after teleconferencing for the first time pursuant to AB 361 and every 30 days thereafter in order to continue to conduct remote teleconference meetings. The City Council previously adopted Resolution No. 2021-069 on October 26, 2021, Resolution No. 2021-073 on November 23, 2021, Resolution No. 2021-074 on December 14, 2021, Resolution No. 2022-001 on January 11, 2022, Resolution No. 2022-003 on February 8, 2022, and Resolution No. 2022-006 on March 8, 2022, making the requisite findings to continue remote teleconferencing. Circumstances have not changed since the Council’s adoption of Resolution No. 2022-006. Page 55 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 04/12/22 In order to continue remote teleconferencing, the City Council must make the following findings (Gov. Code § 52953(e)(3)): • The City Council has reconsidered the circumstances of the state of emergency. • Any of the following circumstances exist: o The state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of the members to meet safely in person. o State or local officials continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social distancing. Social distancing is the term used for measures that reduce physical contact between infectious and susceptible people during a disease outbreak. While local and state mask mandates have been lifted, and the San Luis Obispo County local health emergency has been terminated, there are still some remaining social distancing measures in place to reduce the spread of COVID. • The California Department of Public Health continues to strongly recommend masks for all persons, regardless of vaccine status, in indoor public settings and businesses. • The City remains subject to the State Occupational Safety and Health Administration (CalOSHA) regulations which, among other requirements, continues to obligate an employer to provide training to employees on COVID-19 transmission and risk reduction, including “The fact that particles containing the virus can travel more than six feet, especially indoors, so physical distancing, face coverings, increased ventilation indoors, and respiratory protection dec rease the spread of COVID-19, but are most effective when used in combination.” (CCR Section 3205(c)5(D).) • CDC continues to have quarantine and isolation recommendations for those that have tested positive for COVID, those that have symptoms of COVID and for those that have been exposed to COVID. These isolation and quarantine requirements continue to often prevent employees and community members from attending meetings in person. Should the Draft Resolution not be adopted, and the City Council (or an individual Council Member) elects to attend virtually, the City must comply with the provisions of Government Code Section 54953(3)(b): • Agendas shall be posted at all teleconferencing location s • Each teleconference location shall be identified on the agenda • Each teleconference location shall be accessible to the public • At least a quorum of the Council shall participate from locations with the boundaries of the City • The public shall be provided an opportunity to address the Council directly at each teleconference location Adoption of the Draft Resolution does not prohibit the conduct of a traditional or hybrid meeting in accordance with state and local regulations. At Council’s direction on March 8, 2022, and because CDC measures are still in place that could prevent a member of the public from participating in the meeting in person, if the Draft Resolution were not adopted staff will continue to conduct hybrid City Council meetings that allow public participation both virtually and in-person. At this time, there is not staff available to Page 56 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 04/12/22 conduct all advisory body meetings (such as Planning Commission, Design Review Committee, ATBID, CSTOC) in a hybrid fashion and adoption of the Draft Resolution allows these meetings to continue to be conducted virtually. If the Draft Resolution was not adopted, these advisory bodies would need to return to the traditional in -person meeting model, effective immediately. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENT: Draft Resolution Page 57 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 04/12/22 1 DRAFT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, PROCLAIMING THE CONTINUING NEED TO MEET BY TELECONFERENCE PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54953(e) WHEREAS, all meetings of the City of Atascadero legislative bodies are open and public as required by the Ralph M. Brown Act (Cal. Gov. Code 54950 – 54963); and WHEREAS, the Brown Act, Government Code section 54953(e), makes provisions for remote teleconferencing participation in meetings by members of a legislative body, without compliance with the requirements of Government Code section 54953(b)(3), subject to the existence of certain conditions; and WHEREAS, Government Code section 54953(e) was added by AB 361, signed by Governor Newsom on September 17, 2021; and WHEREAS, on March 4, 2020, Governor Newsom declared a State of Emergency as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, on March 17, 2020, the City of Atascadero declared a State of Emergency as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, such State of Emergency remains in effect; and WHEREAS, COVID-19 continues to threaten the health and lives of City of Atascadero residents; and WHEREAS, the Delta and Omicron variants are highly transmissible in indoor settings and breakthrough cases are more common; and WHEREAS, state officials have imposed or recommended measures to promote social distancing to include the wearing of masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status; and WHEREAS, the City Council previously adopted Resolution No. 2021-066 on September 28, 2021, Resolution No. 2021-069 on October 26, 2021, Resolution No. 2021-073 on November 23, 2021, Resolution No. 2021-074 on December 14, 2021, Resolution No. 2022-001 on January 11, 2022, Resolution No. 2022-003 on February 8, 2022, and Resolution No. 2022-006 on March 8, 2022 finding that the requisite conditions exist and continue to exist for the legislative bodies of the City of Atascadero to conduct remote teleconference meetings in compliance with Government Code Section 54953(e); and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 54953(e) requires that the City Council must reconsider the circumstances of the state of emergency every 30 days in order to continue to conduct remote teleconference meetings in compliance with AB 361. Page 58 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 04/12/22 1 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: SECTION 1. Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated into this Resolution by this reference. SECTION 2. Findings. The City Council does hereby find that: 1. The City Council has reconsidered the circumstances of the state of emergency declared as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2. The state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of the members to meet safely in person. 3. State or local officials continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social distancing. SECTION 3. Compliance with Government Code Section 54953(e). The City Council and other legislative bodies will continue to meet by teleconference in accordance with Government Code section 54953(e). SECTION 4. Effective Date of Resolution. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and shall be effective until the earlier of (i) 30 days from the date of adoption of this Resolution, or (ii) such time the City Council adopts a subsequent resolution in accordance with Government Code section 54953(e)(3) to extend the time during which the legislative bodies of the City of Atascadero may continue to teleconference without compliance with paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of section 54953. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the ____ day of ______, 2022. On motion by Council Member _______ and seconded by Council Member ____________, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO ______________________________ Heather Moreno, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ Lara K. Christensen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________________________ Brian A. Pierik, City Attorney Page 59 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-4 DATE: 04/12/22 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – Public Works Department 2021 Measure F-14 Pavement Resurfacing and Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 2 (Las Lomas) Resurfacing Construction Award RECOMMENDATION: Council award a construction contract for $505,297.00 to Souza Construction, Inc. for the 2021 Measure F-14 Pavement Resurfacing and Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 2 (Las Lomas) Pavement Management Project (Project No. C2020R03). DISCUSSION: Background Sales Tax Measure F-14 was approved by voters in November 2014 to fund the repair, maintenance, and rehabilitation of City-maintained local roadways with a one-half cent sales tax over twelve years. A list of projects to be funded with Measure F-14 revenue is developed each budget cycle by employing the Critical Point Management technique with the City’s Pavement Management Program. The roadway segments in the chart below are part of the 2021 Measure F-14 Pavement Resurfacing Project and included in the current Budget and 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). This project has a total of 2.48 centerline road miles, or 4.96 lane miles. A map showing these segments is also attached for reference (Attachment 1). Page 60 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-4 DATE: 04/12/22 Road Segments in Measure F-14 2021 Resurfacing Project Road Segment From To Length (ft.) Width (ft.) Area (sq. ft.) 2019 PCI El Dorado Rd Santa Fe Rd La Linea Ave 725 20 14,500 66 Halcon Rd Viejo Camino Calle Milano 1,540 31 47,740 73 Las Lomas Ave Principal Ave North End 1,035 22 22,770 49 Mountain View Dr Portola Rd Santa Rosa Rd 2,443 18 43,974 66 Plata Ln West End El Camino Real 520 37 19,240 74 Pueblo Ave San Luis Ave El Camino Real 440 37 16,280 50 San Gabriel Rd Atascadero Rd West Front Rd 1,725 21 36,225 70 San Luis Ave Pueblo Ave Curbaril Ave 1,215 27 32,805 70 San Rafael Rd Atascadero Ave West Front Rd 2,750 24 66,000 70 Solano Ave El Camino Real La Linea Ave 690 27 18,630 82 Total: 13,083 318,164 The 2021 F-14 Resurfacing Project was originally scheduled to be constructed during the 2021 construction season but was delayed one year due to other major City projects under construction in close proximity (ECR South Pavement Project, Lift Station #2, and 2021 F-14 Pavement Rehabilitation Project) and the opportunity to bid the project as a single package with the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 2 (Las Lomas) Pavement Management Project. The adopted Budget and Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes pavement maintenance and resurfacing for all the streets located within the Las Lomas Development. These streets are part of the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 2. This district was established at the time of subdivision approval in 2005, and was formed to provide funding for maintenance, repair, and improvements of the streets, storm drains, sidewalks, and other related facilities in the Woodridge subdivision, now known as Las Lomas. Funds collected from the assessment district properties are constrained for related expenses incurred in the assessment district. Road Segments in Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 2 (Las Lomas) Project Road Segment From To Length (ft.) Width (ft.) Area (sq. ft.) 2019 PCI Calle Milano Halcon Rd Avion Rd 2,020 34 63,500 85 Avion Rd Calle Milano Eliano St 1,880 30 56,400 85 Eliano St Calle Milano South End 2,140 30 64,200 85 Via Cielo North End South End 1,720 20 34,400 85 Alcotan Ln Avion Rd West End 290 30 8,700 82 Azor Ln Avion Rd West End 415 30 12,450 82 Total: 8,465 239,650 Page 61 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-4 DATE: 04/12/22 Design Analysis Generally, roadway segments selected by Streetsaver software for resurfacing have pavement conditions that are appropriate for microsurfacing or a thin overlay. Additionally, the roadway segments may have areas of localized pavement fai lures, usually associated with poor subgrade conditions or drainage issues. City staff typically perform design work and prepare bidding documents for these resurfacing projects. The design process includes inspecting each street segment, identifying are as that require pavement repairs, crack sealing, or minor modifications to improve drainage or access. For the roadway segments included in the 2021 F-14 Resurfacing Project, multiple localized pavement repairs will be completed by the contractor prior to microsurfacing. Within the Las Lomas Maintenance District, pavement conditions are in very good condition (PCI>80), so resurfacing needs are limited to crack sealing and microsurfacing. Upon completion of microsurfacing, all roadways will be restriped in conformance with California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) standards. Bid Analysis The project was publicly bid starting February 28, 2022 for a minimum of 30 days in accordance with State Contracting Laws and Atascadero Purchasing Policies. A public bid opening occurred on March 31, 2022 and four bids were received ranging from $505,297 to $672,675. The bids were reviewed for accuracy and compliance with project bidding requirements, and the City Engineer has determined that Souza Construction, Inc. of San Luis Obispo is the lowest responsive bidder at $505,297. Bidding was competitive for this project and Souza’s bid is considered a fair and reasonable price for this project scope. The engineer’s construction estimate for this project was $564,970. During construction, some inconvenience is expected to vehicular and pedestrian traff ic along the roadway segments. While microsurfacing cures quickly, particularly with hot, dry air temperatures, there is still a short delay (5-20 minutes) that is needed before vehicles are allowed across the newly surfaced roadway. Staff will work closely and coordinate with the contractor to minimize impacts to the greatest extent possible, and signage and outreach efforts will be used to notif y property and business owners on each roadway segment of the construction schedule prior to work beginning. The contractor will be required to prepare a traffic control plan, and City staff will work with the contractor to minimize travel delays and impediments to driveways on all roadway segments. The 2021-2023 adopted budget includes $550,000 in Measure F-14 monies, and $394,000 in Streets and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 2 monies for project funding. To date, there has been approximately $13,000 spent in City staff time for the design and bid phases of the project. Other non-construction costs remaining include material testing, coordination, and inspection fees that are estimated to be around $50,000, or about 10% of construction costs. The project bid includes separate schedules for the 2021 F-14 and Las Lomas Maintenance District work. Expenditures will be tracked separately for each project. Page 62 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-4 DATE: 04/12/22 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The proposed project is Categorically Exempt (Class 1) from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., “CEQA”) and CEQA Guidelines (Title 14 California Code of Regulations §§ 15000, et seq.) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, because it is limited to repair and maintenance of existing facilities. A finding of exemption is on file in the project records FISCAL IMPACT: The following summarizes the estimated project expenditures and funding sources: 2021 F-14 Las Lomas SSD District #2 Total Design and Bid Phase 8,000$ 5,000$ 13,000$ Construction Contract 368,339 136,958 505,297 Testing, inspection and support (10%)37,000 13,700 50,700 Construction Contingency (20%)73,661 27,392 101,053 Total Estimated Expenditures 487,000$ 183,050$ 670,050$ 550,000$ -$ 550,000$ - 394,000 394,000 Total Available Funding Sources 550,000$ 394,000$ 944,000$ Net Funding Surplus / (Shortfall) $ 63,000 $ 210,950 $ 273,950 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ESTIMATED FUNDING SOURCES Las Lomas Street and Storm Draim Maintenance District #2 Pavement Management Project Measure F-14- 2021 Pavement Resurfacing ALTERNATIVES: Staff does not recommend any alternatives. Council may direct staff to rebid the project, however, staff believes the bids received are highly competitive and pricing is reasonable. A rebid will likely result in higher bid proposals. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Location Map 2. Bid Summary Page 63 of 104 NSR101SR 41LOCATION 2: SAN LUIS AVE LOCATION 9: SAN RAFAEL RD LOCATION 8: SAN GARBIEL RD LOCATION 7: MOUNTAIN VIEW DR. LOCATION 1: PUEBLO AVE LOCATION 4: EL DORADO RD LOCATION 6: LAS LOMAS AVE LOCATION 3: PLATA LN LOCATION 5: SOLANO AVE LOCATION 10: HALCON RD LAS LOMAS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: CALLE MILANO, AVION RD, ELIANO ST, VIA CIELO, ALCOTAN LN, AZOR LN 2021 F-14 PAVEMENT RESURFACING EXHIBIT AND LAS LOMAS PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT DRAWN BY: DATE: SCALE: PAGE NO:1 1"=2000' 3/24/2022 R. HAYES OF 1 LEGEND: 2021 F-14 RESURFACING SEGMENT LOCATIONS EXHIBIT STREETS AND STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 2 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SEGMENT ITEM NUMBER: A-4 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 64 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: A-4 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 2 Page 65 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 04/12/22 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Community Development Department Centennial Plaza Planned Development Zone Change (ZCH) 22-0022 5901 East Mall RECOMMENDATION: Council introduce for first reading, by title only, a Draft Ordinance, amending the Atascadero Municipal Code, Title 9 Planning & Zoning, Section 9-3, Article 26, adding Section 9-3.682 to add a new Planned Development Overlay Zone 37 for the five vacant lots surrounding Centennial Plaza and including Centennial Plaza (lots 12-17), based on findings and subject to the future approval of a Master Plan of Development. DISCUSSION: Background On September 14, 2021, the City Council held a study session to consider the future use and disposition of the vacant lots on each side of Centennial Plaza. At the hearing, the City Council provided direction to staff to prepare a Planned Development Overlay Zone for the parcels to help guide future development with an emphasis on enriching the downtown and providing for quality aesthetics and economic development. At the same time, the City Council determined that the lots should eventually be utilized for private development that supports desired retail, restaurant, and related active uses around Sunken Gardens Park. The following process was outlined at the City Council hearing: 1. Remove the abandoned structure from the site (completed December 2021) 2. Proceed with a Planned Development (PD) Overlay Zone for the sites 3. Prepare a declaration of surplus land, consistent with the Surplus Land Act (SLA) 4. Develop an RFP/RFQ to invite development proposals for the sites, consistent with the PD Overlay Zone The City is now ready to move forward with item 2, proceeding with a PD Overlay Zone for the sites. On March 15, 2022, the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed Planned Development Zone and recommended the City Council adopt the PD as proposed. The PD Zone focuses the list of allowed land uses while providing objective design standards for site planning and building architecture. Incentives to guide development may also be added. The PD Zone will apply to all of the vacant parcels between Dr. Pambrum’s Office and the City Public Parking Lot, including the lot that is privately owned and Centennial Plaza itself. Page 66 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 04/12/22 The vacant lots around Centennial Plaza are extremely important sites that can provide synergy for the future of downtown. The sites are within the Downtown Commercial Zone, and in accordance with the General Plan, are designated for land uses such as retail and food and beverage services with offices and residential uses on upper floors. Each lot is only 25 feet wide and approximately 100 feet deep. Alone, the lots might be too small to support development, however when combined, two or more lots could create a logical development site to accommodate active uses. At least one 50-foot wide development site on each side of the Plaza could accommodate restaurant or retail uses with a multi-story development, accommodating offices, housing, or lodging opportunities. Or, all of the sites could be combined to create a single, cohesive development site that includes, but preserves, the Plaza. With the appropriate design, the City may wish to allow a development proposal to bridge or encroach onto a portion of Centennial Plaza so long as a public access easement is maintained on the Plaza. The proposed Planned Development property standards allow for a structure that may bridge the Plaza area. Such a design should maintain natural light, pedestrian access, and good visibility. Such an option could create a viable outdoor dining space, or an active storefront location for restaurant and retail uses. Page 67 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 04/12/22 Land Use Under the existing Downtown Commercial Zoning District (DC), The following land uses are allowed: ✓ Amusement Services ✓ Artisan Foods and Products5 ✓ ATM ✓ Bar/Tavern ✓ Business Support Services ✓ Eating and Drinking Places ✓ Farmers’ Market ✓ General Retail ✓ Libraries, Museums ✓ Microbrewery – Brewpub ✓ Mobile Eating and Drinking Vendors6 ✓ Parks and Playgrounds ✓ Personal Services ✓ Residential Care: 6 Residents or Less4 ✓ Small Family Day Care8 ✓ Tasting Room ✓ Temporary Events ✓ Temporary or Seasonal Sales ✓ Winery – Boutique2 Live work units or any other dwelling units may be allowed above the ground floor. The following other uses may be allowed with a conditional use permit: ✓ Age Restricted Housing ✓ Financial Services and Banks ✓ Government Offices and Facilities8 ✓ Health Care Services8 ✓ Hotels, Motels ✓ Indoor Recreation Services ✓ Membership Organizations ✓ Public Assembly and Entertainment ✓ Research and Development ✓ Schools ✓ Schools – Business and Vocational ✓ Telecommunications Facility ✓ Temporary Events3 ✓ Transit Stations ✓ Utility Facilities ✓ Utility Infrastructure ✓ Offices9 The allowed land uses in the zoning ordinance permit a fairly wide variety of retail and visitor serving uses on the ground floor while office and residential may be developed above. However, the zoning by itself is somewhat flexible and does not refine land use, building design, and other factors in great detail. Some of these land uses are clearly not appropriate in the Plaza vicinity. Therefore, the City Council directed staff to proceed with the adoption of a Planned Development Overlay Zone (PD) on these properties in order to dictate building and site design and to refine the list of land uses in a fashion that more specifically speaks to General Plan policy along with current desired development goals for these sites. The underlying zoning district would remain, while the Overlay Zone would be adopted with additional requirements and standards. The PD would dictate building height, building design and articulation, incorporation of outdoor dining spaces in addition to patios, decks, rooftop features, and even signs and lighting, regardless of owner. The PD would also refine the list of allowed land uses to ensure that the ground floor is only utilized for food and beverage services, active retail uses, or related similar land uses. In addition, the PD would also refine what land uses are on upper floors and specify size and design of spaces. However, the PD may not restrict or reduce the allowed residential density for upper floors in a fashion that is inconsistent with City Housing Goals or with the intent of the Surplus Land Act. Page 68 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 04/12/22 Proposed land uses for the ground floor of the new PD include: ✓ Artisan Foods and Products ✓ Bar/Tavern ✓ Eating and Drinking Places ✓ General Retail* (with additional parameters- see below) ✓ Microbrewery – Brewpub ✓ Tasting Room ✓ Winery – Boutique ✓ Open space areas for passive outdoor use including walking, gathering, public entertainment, seating, and related, dedicated for use to the public. The PD would further refine the type of General Retail uses. The following parameters are suggested: • Minimum operating hours (4 days per week, 6 hours per day, and open until at least 7 PM) • The following retail uses shall not be allowed: Building materials and hardware, medical supplies, office supplies, or other items that do not contribute to the synergy, pedestrian orientation and general plan consistency for the downtown. Proposed land uses for upper floors (to include all uses allowed on ground floor): ✓ All uses as allowed on ground floor list ✓ Business Support Services ✓ Live/Work Unit ✓ Lodging/hotel/motel/vacation rental ✓ Multifamily Dwelling ✓ Personal Services ✓ Offices It will be important to retain residential uses as an allowed use above the ground floor just like other locations in the downtown. This is because AB 1486 (Surplus Land Act) requires that any property owned by the City that is transferred to private ownership must first be declared as surplus land and offered to affordable housing developers, subject to existing zoning, prior to offering the land to the general public. If a developer of affordable housing signals an interest in the sites, then the City would need to enter into a good faith negotiation with that developer. (Given the small site area, low number of units, and requirement to build commercial on the ground floor, these sites may not be conducive to affordable housing development.) A discussion on the Surplus Land Act will be brought to the Council at a later date should the Council direct staff to continue to proceed with the surplus land disposition. Property Development Standards The PD overlay will govern site and building design in addition to land use. Currently, the downtown commercial zone prescribes the following development standards: • Front yard setback: None allowed, except for building insets designed for outdoor dining. • Side and rear setback: None required • Height: 45 feet • Parking: Only required for lodging, residential, and office • Density: 20 dwellings per acre Page 69 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 04/12/22 The intent of the proposed Planned Development is to incentivize and streamline commercial development that can contribute to the synergy of downtown. Staff is proposing the following change to the development standards for this site: • Front yard setback: 10-foot building setback shall be required for ground floor portions of the building, setback may be utilized for outdoor dining, awnings, second or third story building projections such as decks, patios or other floor area, signs, and other features designed to enhance the public space. • Parking: No on-site parking shall be allowed. Parking required for residential uses shall be required at the rate of one space per two bedrooms (minimum one space per unit), to be located off-site within 1,000 feet of the property boundary and provided in perpetuity through an off-site parking agreement. • Height: 45 feet, maximum of three stories. Use of roof area permitted for occupancy and outdoor uses. Non-habitable roof projections such as elevator enclosures, parapet walls, roof forms, and other architectural features may extend above the maximum height up to 8 feet. Site and Building Design Planned Development Overlay Zones can include specific site and building design parameters. Staff is suggesting the following design standards for future development: a) A single development project shall be completed on the north east side of the Plaza (adjacent to City Hall parking lot), or as one cohesive project on all of the lots. b) Building designs may bridge the Plaza space when a minimum vertical clearance of 16 feet is maintained and a minimum Plaza width of 20 feet is maintained. When portions of buildings cover the Plaza, provisions for natural light, ample visibility, and unrestricted public/pedestrian access, shall be maintained. c) Building architecture shall complement, but not duplicate, City Hall. Designs that incorporate brick, extensive glazing, tile roofs, balconies, and opportunities to utilize outdoor spaces shall be strongly encouraged. d) Recessed building entries with a depth of at least six feet, transom windows, and glazing along East Mall that allows 60% visibility into the ground floor space shall be required. Glazing shall not be blocked by interior walls or panels. e) Encroachments that provide for outdoor dining shall be encouraged at Centennial Plaza and the public sidewalk while maintaining a minimum path of travel of 8 feet on the Plaza and 6 feet on public sidewalks. f) Fire Backflow Devices: Fire backflow devices are required to be integrated into the site or building design, are prohibited in any public right -of-way, and must be accessible to Fire Department and Water Company personnel at all times. g) Building Coverage: No limit. Each successive floor shall reduce interior floor space by 10%. h) Stormwater: No above ground stormwater retention may be allowed on -site in excess of 400 square feet over the entire Planned Development. i) Native Trees: Native trees that contribute to the tree canopy of Centennial Plaza, the parking lot, and the creek pathway should be preserved in place and protected during construction. Some native trees may need to be pruned or removed to accommodate appropriate site development. j) Public Restrooms: Public restrooms shall be provided to customers during open business hours in a location that is accessible from the ground floor. Page 70 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 04/12/22 Conclusion The purpose of this City led effort to record a PD Overlay Zone on these sites is to guide and incentivize development that will help activate the downtown zoning district, close to the creek, the park and City Hall. The City intends to sell these sites to allow for private development. Following adoption and second reading of the PD ordinance, the City will commence the surplus land act process, then enter a phase to advert ise the sites and allow for applicants to submit proposals for purchase and development. Staff will provide an update to the City Council following the completion of the surplus land act process. Findings to Support Approval To recommend approval of the proposed project, the City Council must make the following findings. These findings and the facts to support these findings are included in the attached draft ordinance. Planned Development Overlay Zone (AMC Section 9-3.644) A. Modification of development standards or processing requirements is warranted to promote orderly and harmonious development; B. Modification of development standards or processing requirements will enhance the opportunity to best utilize special characteristics of an area and will have a beneficial effect on the area; C. Benefits derived from the Overlay Zone cannot be reasonably achieved through existing development standards or processing requirements; D. Proposed plans, if any, offer certain redeeming features to compensate for requested modifications. Standard Zoning Text Amendment Findings: 1. The proposed project or use is consistent with the General Plan ; 2. The establishment, and subsequent operation or conduct of the use will not, because of the circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the general public or persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity of the use; 3. The proposed project or use will not be inconsistent with the character of the immediate neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development; 4. The proposed zone change will not create any new significant and unavoidable impacts to traffic, infrastructure, or public service impacts; 5. The proposed zone change is consistent with the CEQA findings. Page 71 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Section 15061(3)(b), exempts activities which are covered by the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. The proposed tex t amendment will not have any significant adverse environmental impacts. Any future development of the site would be exempt as infill development. The Overlay Zone change is not creating any added development potential other than what exists today and is anticipated by the 2002 General Plan. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The City Council may modify the Planned Development language and/or any of the conditions of approval for a future project. Any proposed modifications of the PD language, should be clearly re-stated in any vote on any of the attached resolutions. 2. The City Council may determine that more information is needed on some aspect of the project and may refer the item back to Staff to develop the additional information. The Council should clearly state the type of information that is required. A motion, and approval of that motion, is required to continue the item to a future date. 3. The Council may deny the PD zoning amendment. The Council must specify what findings cannot be made, and provide a brief oral statement, based on the Staff Report, oral testimony, site visit, correspondence, or any other rational introduced and deliberated by the City Council. ATTACHMENT: Draft Ordinance Page 72 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 04/12/22 1 DRAFT ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 9 PLANNING & ZONING, SECTION 9-3, ARTICLE 26, ADDING SECTION 9-3.682 TO ADD A NEW PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONE NO. 37 FOR THE FIVE VACANT LOTS SURROUNDING CENTENNIAL PLAZA (LOTS 12- 17), AND DETERMINING THIS ORDINANCE IS EXEMPT FROM REVIEW UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (ZCH 22-0022) WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero is the applicant pursuing a zone change text amendment to Title 9 Zoning Ordinance, (ZCH22-0022) to add a new Planned Development Overlay Zone 37 for the five vacant lots surrounding Centennial Plaza and including Centennial Plaza (lots 12-17), based on findings and subject to the future approval of a Master Plan of Development; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to enact the planned development zoning amendments to Title 9 Planning and Zoning of the Atascadero Municipal Code for consistency with the General Plan and to maintain a clear and reasonable guidance for future downtown development that is easily interpreted by the public and staff; and WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject Planning and Zoning text change application was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said Planning and Zoning Text amendments; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, at a Public Hearing held on March 15, 2022, studied and considered said amendments; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero has recommended approval of proposed amendments to Title 9 Zoning Ordinance, of the Atascadero Municipal Code as presented to them on March 1, 2022 and March 15, 2022; and WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been adhered to; and WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject Zoning Text Change application was held by the City Council of the City of Atascadero at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said Zoning Text Amendments; and Page 73 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 04/12/22 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero, at a Public Hearing held on April 12, 2022, studied the Planning Commission’s recommendation and considered the proposed zoning text amendments. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Recitals: The above recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2. Public Hearing. The City Council of the City of Atascadero, in a regular session assembled on April 12, 2022, resolved to introduce for first reading, by title only, an Ordinance that would amend the City Zoning Code Text as shown in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 3. Facts and Findings. The City Council makes the following findings, determinations and approvals with respect to the Zone Text Amendment: A. Findings for Approval of a Zone Text Change FINDING: (i) The Planning and Zoning Text Change is consistent with General Plan policies and all other applicable ordinances and policies of the City. FACT: The proposed zone text amendments align the code requirements with the vision, intent, and policies of the adopted General Plan. FINDING: (ii) This Amendment of the Zoning Ordinance will provide for the orderly and efficient use of lands where such development standards are applicable. FACT: The proposed text amendment provides for orderly development within the Downtown Commercial zoning district on lots 12 through 17 (APN 029-347-020) in accordance with the adopted General Plan for the compatible use of the properties based on neighborhood characteristics. FINDING: (iii) The Text Change will not, in itself, result in significant environmental impacts. FACT: The proposed text changes are minor and do not trigger any environmental impacts. SECTION 4. Approval. Atascadero Municipal Code Title 9 Planning & Zoning is amended, establishing Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 37, as detailed in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 5. CEQA. This Ordinance is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Public resources Code Section 21000 et seq., because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the enactment of this Ordinance would have a significant effect on the environment (Pub. Resources Code § 21065; CEQA Guidelines §§ 15378(b)(4), 15061(b)(3). Page 74 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 04/12/22 1 SECTION 6. Interpretation. This Ordinance must be broadly construed in order to achieve the purposes stated in this Ordinance. It is the City Council’s intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Ordinance. SECTION 7. Preservation. Repeal of any provision of the AMC or of any previous Code Sections, does not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before this Ordinance’s effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 8. Effect of Invalidation. If this entire Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, any repeal or amendment of the AMC or other City Ordinance by this Ordinance will be rendered void and cause such previous AMC provision or other City Ordinance to remain in full force and effect for all purposes. SECTION 9. Severability. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 10. Certification. The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be entered into the City of Atascadero’s book of original ordinances, make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting and within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 11. Effective Date. This Ordinance will take effect on the 30th day following its final passage and adoption. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on _____, 2022 and PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, State of California, on _____, 2022. CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA ______________________________ Heather Moreno, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ Lara K. Christensen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________________ Brian A. Pierik, City Attorney Page 75 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 04/12/22 1A EXHIBIT A Zone Text Change – Planned Development Overlay No.37 Text ZCH22-0022 9-3.681 Establishment of Planned Development Overlay No. 37 Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 37 is established as shown on the official zoning maps (Section 9-1.102 of this title). A Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 37 is established on parcels APN’s 049-063-003, 004, 049-071-029, 030 (Parcels 1-4 of AT02- 278). (A) All site development or significant modifications, beyond ADA or code required changes, to the site or exterior changes of any building shall require Design Review Committee review. (B) The following uses are allowed within the PD-37 overlay zone on the ground floor: 1. Artisan Foods and Products 2. Bar/Tavern 3. Eating and Drinking Places 4. General Retail* (with additional parameters- see below) 5. Microbrewery – Brewpub 6. Tasting Room 7. Winery – Boutique 8. Open space areas for passive outdoor use including walking, gathering, public entertainment, seating, and related, dedicated for use to the public (C) The following uses are allowed within the PD-37 overlay zone above the ground floor: 1. All uses as allowed on ground floor list 2. Business Support Services 3. Live/Work Unit 4. Lodging/hotel/motel/vacation rental 5. Multifamily Dwelling 6. Personal Services 7. Offices (D) Property Development Standards 1. Front yard setback: 10-foot building setback shall be required for ground floor portions of the building, setback may be utilized for outdoor dining, awnings, second or third story building projections such as decks, patios or other floor area, signs, and other features designed to enhance the public space. Page 76 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: ATTACHMENT: 04/12/22 1A 2. Parking: No on-site parking shall be allowed. Parking required for residential uses shall be required at the rate of one space per two bedrooms (minimum one space per unit), to be located off-site within 1,000 feet of the property boundary and provided in perpetuity through an off-site parking agreement. 3. Height: 45 Feet, maximum of three stories. Use of roof area permitted for outdoor uses/occupancy. Non-habitable roof projections such as elevator enclosures, parapet walls, roof forms, and other architectural features may extend above the maximum height up to 8 feet. Site and Building Design 1. A single development project shall be completed on the north east side of the plaza, or as one cohesive project on all of th e lots. 2. Building designs may bridge the plaza space when a minimum vertical clearance of 16 feet is maintained and a minimum plaza width of 20 feet is maintained. When portions of buildings cover the plaza, provisions for natural light, ample visibility, and unrestricted public/pedestrian access, shall be maintained. 3. Building architecture shall complement, but not duplicate, City Hall. Designs that incorporate brick, extensive glazing, tile roofs, balconies, and opportunities to utilize outdoor spaces shall be strongly encouraged. 4. Recessed building entries with a depth of at least six feet, transom windows, and glazing along East Mall that allows 60% visibility into the ground floor space shall be required. Glazing shall not be blocked by interior walls or panels. 5. Encroachments that provide for outdoor dining shall be encouraged at Centennial Plaza and the public sidewalk while maintaining a minimum path of travel of 8 feet on the plaza and 6 feet on public sidewalks. 6. Fire Backflow Devices. Fire backflow devices are required to be integrated into the site or building design, are prohibited in any public right -of-way, and must be accessible to Fire Department and Water Company personnel at all times. 7. Building coverage: No limit. Each successive floor shall reduce interior floor space by 10%. 8. Stormwater: No above ground stormwater retention may be allowed on -site in excess of 400 square feet over the entire Planned Development. 9. Native Trees: No Heritage trees shall be impacted or removed by proposed development. Native trees that contribute to the tree canopy of Centennial plaza, the parking lot, and the creek pathway should be preserved in place and protected during construction as feasible. Some native trees may need to be pruned or removed to accommodate appropriate site development. Any tree removals shall be subject to the City’s Native Tree ordinance. 10. Public Restrooms: Public restrooms shall be provided to customers during open business hours in a location that is accessible from the ground floor. Page 77 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 04/12/22 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – Community Development Department Approval of North San Luis Obispo County Broadband Strategic Plan Memorandum of Understanding RECOMMENDATIONS: Council: 1. Authorize the Mayor to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Paso Robles to memorialize and express the intent of the City of El Paso de Robles and the City of Atascadero to explore an operational relationship developing a northern San Luis Obispo County Broadband Strategic Plan . 2. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $388,110 of SB 1090 funds (previously recognized as revenue when received) for the Broadband Enhancement Project. DISCUSSION: The City of Paso Robles would like to formalize a partnership with the City of Atascadero, via a memorandum of understanding (“MOU”), for the purpose of expressing the intent to establish an operational relationship towards a North County Broadband Strategic Plan. The scope of the Strategic Plan would include the identification of gaps in our fiber network, assets and strategic partners (anchor institutions), and priority projects needed to fill the gaps. By creating a Plan that identifies our fiber deficiencies and actionable steps, our agencies will be eligible to apply for grant funding to implement projects. Grant funding preference is given to communities who work together in the spirit of regionalism. Creating a North County Strategic Plan, will make our cities and region more competitive for grants and may fund larger regional projects or initiatives. The MOU is a non-binding way for each of the Cities to work together on the Strategic Plan to establish a shared goal of advancing access to low-cost, high-speed internet that supports our residents, job retention and creation for existing businesses as well as planned and potential industrial, commercial, and mixed-use developments. Page 78 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 04/12/22 City staff has been working with staff from the Broadband Consortium of the Pacific Coast (funded by the CPUC to further Broadband in SLO Coun ty), neighboring government agencies, REACH, local internet service providers and the Chamber of Commerce. Due to the economic development potential in North County and the need for quality jobs and higher quality service to our residents and businesses, t he Cities of Paso Robles and Atascadero have come together to attract future funding to our communities. Any future funding from the State will require a clear plan that demonstrates the gaps and priority projects. The MOU will memorialize our desire to work together as a North County team to seek proposals to help us prepare a regional broadband strategic plan to accelerate the deployment of high-speed internet access to residents and businesses in northern San Luis Obispo County. The relationship will help strengthen our ability to seek grant funding and proceed with goals that are common to each of our communities. The City of Paso Robles staff has approved the MOU form and language and has brought forth the document to the Paso Robles City Council which for their consideration on April 5, 2022. Following the MOU, the cities will draft the scope for the Strategic Plan which will be ready to put out RFP by this Summer. With a Strategic Plan in hand, the Cities will be able to apply for broadband -related grants from a number of federal and state agencies. ANALYSIS: The MOU would memorialize the collaboration between the Cities in a regional partnership for exploring the potential to develop a northern San Luis Obispo County Broadband Strategic Plan. Forming a regional partnership would enhance a north San Luis Obispo County collective voice to advocate for policies and funding at the state and federal level that will support the region’s shared priorities. It also aligns federal, state, and local efforts to maximize efficiency and ensure planning efforts are working in the best interest of individuals. Furthermore, this action aligns with the City Council’s 2021-2023 Action Plan and strategic priorities by supporting families as well as business infrastructure, technology & support in the following ways: ▪ Supporting infrastructure to attract businesses ▪ Working to enhance broadband infrastructure ▪ Continuing to facilitate enhancement of broadband system ▪ Remaining involved in regional efforts to improve broadband access to residents and businesses A regional broadband strategic plan RFP process will have associated costs. Authorizing use of previously identified broadband funding from SB 1090 would make it possible for the City of Atascadero to participate financially along with the City of Paso Robles and share costs associated with the regional broadband strategic plan RFP process. A regional strategic plan will greatly assist the City in competing for state and federal funding programs associated with broadband, fiber, and connectivity. Staff is anticipating new funding will be available in the next 12 to 24 months and regional Page 79 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 04/12/22 collaboration is expected to increase our competitiveness for those grant funds . This plan would be developed in a manner that would allow other neighboring cities, educational agencies, and other prospective partners to join should there be broader interest and strategic alignment. Taking no action on the MOU will mean that the City of Atascadero will not formalize a partnership via MOU with the City of Paso Robles memorializing the intent to explore an operational relationship developing a North San Luis Obispo County Broadband Strategic Plan, and no funding would be authorized for a regional broadband strategic plan RFP process. However, the City of Atascadero can still continue to work towards strategic plan goals to seek opportunities for local broadband expansion. Funding Depending on the final scope of the contract, staff is estimating a total cost for the strategic plan and initial broadband planning work to be approximately $200,000. This cost would be shared between the City of Paso Robles and the City of Atascadero based on individual scope items. It is anticipated that Atascadero would pay for 50% of general scope items and 100% for those items specific to Atascadero. Staff is continuing to look for grants to fund the Strategic Plan work and will be applying for Technical Assistance Grant slated to be released next month. At the time that the contract is awarded for the Strategic Plan Consultant, staff will bring back a specific funding plan for the work. At the February 19-20, 2021 Council Strategic Planning Meeting, Council discussed the priorities for expenditure of SB 1090 funds, including identifying an estimated $390,000 to be used for future broadband projects. At the March 9, 2021 meeting, Council formally allocated $125,000 of SB 1090 funds to the Bridgeworks Expansion Project and $270,000 of SB 1090 Funds to an Economic Development Manager position. The remaining $388,106 of SB 1090 was identified for broadband projects, but not formally allocated at that time as a specific broadband project had not been identified. Although these funds may or may not be used for the Strategic Plan, depending on grant a wards and strategic advantages in using particular funding sources for the plan, s taff is recommending that Council authorize staff to formally appropriate the $388,110 for broadband enhancement projects. This will formalize the allocation of the SB 1090 to broadband projects and allow staff to identify these funds as a local match when applying for broadband grants. FISCAL IMPACT: The action would formally appropriate $388,110 in SB 1090 funds previously identified, but not formally appropriated, for broadband projects. Signing the MOU has no fiscal impact since the MOU is non-binding in all respects. Page 80 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ALTERNATIVES: 1. Take no action; 2. Authorize the Mayor to sign the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Paso Robles and the City of Atascadero; and appropriate no more than $390,000 from SB 1090 funds previously allocated for broadband activities reserves for a regional broadband strategic plan RPF process; 3. Provide alternative direction to staff. ATTACHMENT: Northern SLO County Broadband Strategic Plan Memorandum of Understanding Page 81 of 104 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is entered into by and between the City of El Paso de Robles (“Paso”) and the City of Atascadero (“Atascadero”) for the purpose of memorializing and expressing the intent of Paso and Atascadero to explore an operational relationship developing a northern San Luis Obispo County Broadband Strategic Plan. Paso and Atascadero are herein referred to as “Party” or “Parties” to this MOU. This MOU is not meant by the Parties to be a legally binding agreement, or an amendment to any existing agreement, but it does memorialize the Parties intent to pursue future opportunities related to the expansion, development, use, and operation of high-speed broadband capabilities in northern San Luis Obispo County. Recitals: A. Access to low-cost high-speed internet supports job retention and creation for existing businesses as well as planned and potential industrial, commercial, and mixed-use developments. B. Increased broadband connectivity supports business attraction and retention in areas such as specialized manufacturing to support the local agriculture and viticulture industries, ag-tech development, and tech companies or telecommuters relocating from larger cities and seeking high-speed internet access from home. C. Improving high-speed broadband internet connectivity provides enterprise-level internet for current and future businesses as well as a low-cost, high-speed alternative to the current limited internet options available for residents. D. In order to explore broadband deployment options, the Parties desire to work together to jointly prepare and release a Request for Proposals seeking qualified individuals and firms to prepare a regional broadband strategic plan to accelerate the deployment of high-speed internet access to residents and businesses in northern San Luis Obispo County (“RFP”). Facts; Intended Points for Negotiation: 1. Nonbinding. This MOU is non-binding in all respects and should not and may not be construed as a commitment of either Paso or Atascadero. 2. Intent. It is the desire of the Parties to continue to explore a cooperative relationship to enhance broadband deployment and increase access to high speed internet in northern San Luis Obispo County and to jointly prepare and release the RFP. 3. Compliance With All Laws. The Parties acknowledge that this MOU neither includes nor constitutes an approval of any project or initiative. All activities related to an Attachment 1 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 82 of 104 application, proposal, licensure or future uses or operations are subject to compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) and that this MOU in no way commits the Parties to the approval of any project or to any CEQA determination. It is understood that each Party reserves the right to exercise its discretion as to all matters, which it is by law entitled or required to exercise. In addition, any agreement, amendment, or application processed will be subject to and brought to the Parties’ respective City Councils for consideration in accordance with applicable legal requirements. 4. Counterparts. This MOU may be executed in any number of counterparts (each of which shall be original) and transmitted by facsimile or electronic mail (which along with the originally executed MOU) shall constitute one and the same document. 5.No Liability. Notwithstanding anything else in this MOU, either party may, at any time unilaterally terminate all negotiations or discussions without any liability whatsoever to the other Party. Each Party is and will be solely liable for all of its own fees, costs, and other expenses in conjunction with the discussions called for in this MOU. The Parties agree with the foregoing as indicated by their signatures below. The signatories below for Paso and Atascadero represent that they have authority to act on behalf of their respective entity. The Parties understand that nothing about this MOU constitutes a binding agreement. (NEXT PAGE IS SIGNATURE PAGE) Attachment 1 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 83 of 104 Steve Martin, Mayor Heather Moreno, Mayor (Date) (Date) ATTEST: ATTEST: Melissa Boyer, City Clerk Lara Christensen, City Clerk (Date) (Date) Approved as to form by: Approved as to form by: City Attorney Brian A. Pierik, City Attorney (Date) (Date) Attachment 1 SIGNATURE PAGE TO MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Memorandum of Understanding to be executed the day and year first hereinabove set forth. THE CITY OF EL PASO DE ROBLES THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 84 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – City Manager’s Office Update on Council Goals and Action Plan RECOMMENDATIONS: Council: 1. Discuss and provide additional direction regarding performance measures; and 2. Receive oral report on the progress being made relative to the City Council’s goals. REPORT IN BRIEF: On June 8, 2021, the Council adopted the 2021-2023 Action Plan. The Action Plan was the culmination of a very robust public outreach effort and included specific actions to address the following four separate strategic priorities: • Economic & Community Vibrancy • Fiscal Infrastructure Efficiency & Sustainability • Ensuring Public Safety and Providing Exceptional City Services • Quality of Life Tonight’s session is intended to update the Council and the public on the progress that has been achieved in these areas since adoption of the Action Plan nine months ago. At tonight’s Council meeting, in a study session format, staff will orally present the current status of specific actions in the plan and will be looking for Council feedback on potential performance measures and other metrics that can be tracked and reported to the public in order to help measure success. BACKGROUND: As we consider the Action Plan, the progress achieved and how best to report back the effectiveness of the Plan, it is important to remember how the Action Plan was developed. As part of considering a sales tax measure on the November 2020 ballot, the Council clearly expressed the desire to have a very robust public outreach process on the expenditure of the sales tax proceeds, should the measure be passed by the voters. Council understood the importance of transparency and the need to ensure that the public would have multiple opportunities to provide input on the City’s priorities and the Page 85 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 expenditure of both the tax measure funds and other City funds. In September 2020, the Council approved a strong public outreach plan. Survey In preparation for the 2021-2023 action plan and budget cycle the City Council commissioned a Revenue Measure Feasibility Study performed by True North Research, Inc. The survey was one method of gathering feedback from the community on priorities, and results were not unexpected. When presented with a list of 10 City services that could be funded by the sales tax measure, the surveyed voters were most interested in using the money to 1) provide fire protection and paramedic services; 2) provide quick responses to 911 emergencies; and 3) repair and maintain public facilities and infrastructure. Kickoff The formal kickoff session for the public outreach meetings was held at the January 12, 2021 Council meeting. In preparation for the January 12 meeting, staff identified the following key categories of existing resource deficiencies: • Equipment Replacement and Additions • Vehicles / Apparatus Replacement • Fire Stations Rehabilitation • Staffing Levels • Employee Retention • Concerns Related to Transients and Homelessness Issues • Deferred Maintenance • Unfunded Infrastructure • Economic Development • Underfunded Operations • Operational Efficiencies At the January 12 meeting, Council viewed a video that would be played at each of the following D-20 study sessions and heard public input on the video and priorities for the expenditure of D-20 funds. Study Sessions Following the January 12 meeting, the City held 9 separate study sessions . At each of the study sessions the participants viewed the video prepared by staff on the priorities that had been identified at the January 12th meeting. The participants were given a brief opportunity to ask questions about the video and then were broken into smaller breakout groups. Each breakout group was led by a minimum of two senior staff members and the participants were asked to brainstorm and answer a series of questions. • What is going well in the City? • What things big and small would make Atascadero better? • The City has promised to spend some of these funds on expenses that have been put off a long time. Which of these do you think are the most important and which could be delayed a little longer? Page 86 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 • If the City spent the D-20 funds perfectly, what would success look like as pa rt of the development of Measure D-20? • How should the City measure that success? • What else we should know that we did not ask. February 19-20, 2021 Goal Setting Council Meeting/Workshop (Strategic Planning Session) On the evening of Friday February 19 and the morning of Saturday February 20, Council, staff and interested members of the public got together to determine the priorities for not only the expenditure of Measure D-20 funds, but also the strategic priorities for the 2021- 2023 Action Plan. The session was facilitated by Nicole Lance and Eric Bailey of Extraordinary Balance. The session began on Friday with some communication exercises and a review of the progress made on the 2019-2021 priorities. Summaries of the input received were pre-populated on a document and the facilitators walked the meeting participants through an exercise to categorize the items of interest into four separate strategic priorities and focus areas. Breakout groups then defined each of the four strategic priorities. March 9, 2021 City Council Meeting (Strategic Planning Session recap) On March 9, 2021 at a regular City Council Meeting, staff recapped what had occurred at the February 19-20 Goal Setting Meeting including a review of the four strategic priorities. Council and the public were given the opportunity to provide further input on the priorities. April 27, 2021 City Council Meeting (Draft Action Plan Study Session) At the April 27, 2021 City Council meeting, the action plan and some of the costs expected to achieve that action plan in order were reviewed. Council and the public provided input to refine the plan and to provide general direction for the budget. April 22, 2021 to May 28, 2021 Finance Committee Meetings A total of six public Finance Committee Meetings were held to review all City revenues and expenditures and to build a budget based on providing core City services and addressing the four strategic priorities. June 8, 2021 City Council Meeting (Adopt Action Plan) At the June 8, 2021 City Council Meeting, the Council formally adopted the 2021 -2023 Action Plan, along with the 2021-2023 budget. August 10, 2021 City Council Meeting (CSTOC Measure D-20 Annual Report) The City Council reviewed and provided input on the Measure D-20 Annual report which had been approved by the Citizens Sales tax Oversight Committee. DISCUSSION: As part of the City’s planning process, the City Council has been extremely consistent in its desire to not only engage the public in developing the Action Plan, but also in its desire to be very transparent in the City’s progress in achieving not just the actions, but the underlying goals in the Action Plan. As part of this transparency, the Coun cil expressed Page 87 of 104 ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 a desire to receive consistent updates on progress achieved and areas that need more attention. In addition, Council wanted to develop performance metrics that can both be easily tracked and at the same time could help the Council and the pu blic determine whether the actions being taken are succeeding in achieving the results that are desired in the four strategic priority areas. As such, in addition to reviewing the progress made on the actions in the Action Plan, tonight staff is also seeking Council input and direction on possible performance metrics to help broaden understanding of the success or lack of success in achieving progress in the four strategic priority areas. Staff will orally go through the status of each action in the 2021 -2023 Action Plan at tonight’s meeting. This will be done in a study session format that will allow the Council to ask questions as staff goes through the presentation and will allow for public comment once the presentation is complete. After the status update is complete and staff has received any Council feedback on the Action Plan progress, staff will lead a session designed to help develop clear performance metrics. The exercise will be designed to increase staff clarity on: • What are we developing the metrics for? (i.e Measure D-20 fund expenditures) • What does success look like? (i.e minimum police staffing less than 5% of the time) • How much do we want to invest in tracking and producing the metrics? (how much staff time or new software purchases are we willing to invest to produce the metrics annually) • What specific metrics / performance measure data would the Council like to see reported annually? FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENT: Adopted Action Plan 2021-2023 Page 88 of 104 CITY OF ATASCADERO Action Plan Draft Adopted 6/8/2021 ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 89 of 104 1 Table of Contents Strategic Priorities 2 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY VIBRANCY 3 Key Focus Area: Recreation & Events 3 Key Focus Area: Downtown 4 Key Focus Area: Safe & Hospitable Business / Work Environment 5 Key Focus Area: Business Infrastructure, Technology & Support 6 FISCAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE EFFICIENCY & SUSTAINABILITY 7 Key Focus Area: Asset Management / Replacement / Modernization 7 Key Focus Area: Financial Strategies 8 Key Focus Area: Transparency & Accountability 9 ENSURING PUBLIC SAFETY AND PROVIDING EXCEPTIONAL CITY 10 Key Focus Area: Staffing 10 Key Focus Area: Unhoused Population 11 Key Focus Area: Community Engagement 11 QUALITY OF LIFE 13 Key Focus Area: Things to do 13 Key Focus Area: Welcoming and Inclusive 14 Key Focus Area: Supporting families 15 ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 90 of 104 2 Strategic Priorities Through a process of discovery and collaboration between council members and staff, the City of Atascadero identified four strategic priorities for the upcoming strategic plan: ▪ Economic and Community Vibrancy ▪ Fiscal and Infrastructure Efficiency & Sustainability ▪ Ensuring Public Safety and Providing Exceptional City Services ▪ Quality of Life ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 91 of 104 3 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY VIBRANCY Definition Creating the environment and services to nurture quality and diverse economic, recreational, and community connections that create prosperity and enrich our genuine, authentic community. Key Focus Area: Recreation & Events Notes to consider ▪ Communal: Events & Shared Experiences/Connections (Events) ▪ Recreation/Zoo/Hiking/Trails/Parks Year 1-2 Action Items • Restart events • Plan and execute events at the new Zoo event center • Design events around new plaza • Hold new/recurring events in Centennial plaza to ensure the space is shared by all in the community • Encourage events on privately owned vacant properties downtown (interim until developed) • Encourage more events that focus on downtown (Music, Food, Host a stage) Beyond Year 2 Action Items • Expand hiking/trails and park amenities • Look for opportunities to build more contiguous trails- build off the trails we have, plan for future • Trails/open space/hiking - facilitate new trail connections associated w/new developments • Explore opportunities to acquire new open space • Evaluate zoning code and city policies as part of General Plan Update to encourage private development of recreational, hospitality & resort -type development • Restart discussion w/owners of Eagle Ranch property (interest in resort-type land use near 101) ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 92 of 104 4 Key Focus Area: Downtown Notes to consider ▪ Thriving downtown (people want to come to / infrastructure / shovel-ready / outdoors / Completion of downtown improvements / collaboration w/ businesses) ▪ Upzoning/Mixed-Use/Potential incentives Year 1-2 Action Items • Pursue funding and complete construction documents for Downtown Infrastructure Enhancement Plan • Assist development of new restaurants o Explore ways to reduce start-up costs • Maximize utilization of the plazas (food trucks, etc) • Look for funding and opportunities to fix existing street trees & sidewalks in the downtown • Pursue opportunities along East Mall o Develop land use options for the adapted re-use options of the City- owned property near Centennial Plaza • Explore programs such as infrastructure assistance, parking flexibility, and zoning changes to promote new desired development of underutilized space • Promote the preservation of the theater in Colony square • Pursue the Armory site as a potential location for replacement of fire station #1 • Develop and implement a plan to increase utilization of parking in City-owned alleys • Communicate collaboratively with businesses to encourage a sense of pride, ownership, positive attitude, and harmony that promotes downtown vibrancy Beyond Year 2 Action Items • Complete downtown infrastructure enhancement plan • Consider upzoning/Mixed-Use/Potential incentives as part of the General Plan Update • Engage property owners and tenants to encourage compatible development of vacant lots • Explore incentives and code revisions to expedite the relocation of nonconforming uses and the occupancy of vacant buildings downtown • Develop the creek into a quality aesthetic feature to be enjoyed by all • Alleviate downtown bird nuisance ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 93 of 104 5 Key Focus Area: Safe & Hospitable Business / Work Environment Notes to consider • Connectivity throughout the community (physical spaces) • Support Infrastructure to attract businesses (broadband, restaurants open late, all-night coffee shops, class A office space) • Built Business Infrastructure - safe & hospitable/welcoming environment & spaces • Constructive engagement with those experiencing homelessness o Tie to mental health support • Supportive engagement by businesses • Commercial nodes & corridors outside downtown Year 1-2 Action Items • Work to enhance broadband infrastructure • Evaluate areas for restricted time parking • Expand the Outreach for Underrepresented Residents (OUR)Team • Increase pedestrian safety/access downtown through the Downtown Infrastructure Enhancement Plan • Commence citywide General Plan update Beyond Year 2 Action Items • Continue to facilitate enhancement of broadband system • Enhance streetscape in strategic locations to support business development • Complete General Plan Update and begin implementation strategies ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 94 of 104 6 Key Focus Area: Business Infrastructure, Technology & Support Notes to consider • Additional commercial nodes/Economically diverse city • Internal processes - business-friendly - permitting, etc. • Business retention, expansion & prospecting • Entrepreneurial support/business incubators • Broadband Year 1-2 Action Items • Creatively support development at Del Rio, Dove Creek & San Anselmo nodes • Implement an online payment and tracking system for City fees and tax payments • Discuss potential policies related to wastewater capacity charges and other development fees that may discourage desired business types • Look for opportunities and grants to fund infrastructure • Create and incentivize a new customer satisfaction survey for permit/planning processes • Support expansion of Bridgeworks through SB1090 • Update City Engineering Standards to provide safe and consistent public improvements • Perform critical third-party review of permitting process towards essentialism • Explore Community Choice Energy (February 2022) Beyond Year 2 Action Items ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 95 of 104 7 FISCAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE EFFICIENCY & SUSTAINABILITY Definition Continuing to be responsible and accountable stewards of our resources now and into the future by efficiently and effectively investing in modern and reliable infrastructure and equipment and maintaining financial stability regardless of economic conditions. Staff has the tools, technology and resources they need to do their jobs. Key Focus Area: Asset Management / Replacement / Modernization Notes to consider • Replace failing/vulnerable and vital equipment and facilities and citywide apparatus o Modernize o Optimization for replacement o Energy infrastructure (back-up generators, redundancy) • Resources (tools, equipment, facilities) to assist staff/build capacity • Infrastructure/asset management o Major equipment inventory & plan to where we can maintain cost-effectively o Proactive monitoring, assessing & evaluating infrastructure, equipment & vehicles o Look to quality & cost-effectiveness Year 1-2 Action Items • Purchase and implement an asset management system • Prepare a detailed inventory w/condition assessment • Develop a sustainable replacement plan for City assets • Begin funding vehicle, technology, equipment, infrastructure and facility reserves • Replace failing/vulnerable and vital equipment and facilities and citywide apparatus • Begin Replacement Fire station 1 o Prepare needs assessment o Explore use of Armory site for Fire Station #1 replacement project o Complete design phase and engineers estimates o Prepare financing plan • Ensure that the resources (tools, equipment, facilities) are available to assist staff and to build staff capacity. ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 96 of 104 8 o Identify and invest in equipment and facilities to increase long-term operational efficiencies o Use technology where appropriate/right technology applications to save staff time o Expand energy infrastructure (back-up generators, redundancy) • Consider sidewalk repair amnesty or other limited assistance program Beyond Year 2 Action Items • Complete Replacement of Fire Station 1 • Completely fund equipment, vehicle, technology, infrastructure and facility reserves based on asset management plan Key Focus Area: Financial Strategies Notes to consider • Maintain/develop responsible reserves generally and for currently unfunded uses o Continue conservative Council/general fiscal strategy o Addressing unfunded mandates o Be prepared for changing economic conditions • Invest modestly to achieve future efficiencies & benefits o Records management o Grants • Public and private partnerships • Consider and plan for lifecycle costs and long-term cost savings/cost- effectiveness Year 1-2 Action Items • Develop responsible reserves for unfunded liabilities (non-asset) o Explore and consider funding Section 115 Trust for pension o Consider additional payments for unfunded pension liability (UAL) o Look for ways to fund reserve for future State and Federal mandates • Adopt budgets and fiscal strategies that: o Continue conservative Council/general fiscal strategy o Prepare the City for changing economic conditions o Consider and plan for lifecycle costs and long-term cost savings/cost- effectiveness • Develop balanced strategy of operational expenditures vs. capital/one-time expenditures that will accommodate future growth for Measure D-20 funds • Implement opportunities, strategies and plans to grow the organization as the community grows ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 97 of 104 9 • Identify and modestly invest in programs to increase long-term operational efficiencies • Capitalize on grant opportunities to accomplish action plan goals • Explore public and private partnerships to achieve action plan goals Beyond Year 2 Action Items • Maintain responsible reserves for unfunded liabilities • Continue fiscal strategies and adjust plans as needed to allow the City to respond to changes in a fiscally sustainable manner • Establish Citywide primary survey benchmark system to reduce public works and technology staff time and to streamline development Key Focus Area: Transparency & Accountability Notes to consider • Technology for transparency and accountability o Reporting for the community o Website/share more information o Improved responses to requests/records management • Annual tax measure Reporting Year 1-2 Action Items • Use technology for transparency and accountability o Overhaul/modernize/simplify/make more efficient website o Develop and implement strategy to maintain website and accessibility • Implement records management program to facilitate access to public records • Prepare, publicize and widely distribute an annual report on the use of Measure D-20 funds. While the Measure D-20 annual report will not include detailed accounting of spending, it should include information on the general areas where the funding was targeted, the goals to be achieved with the Measure D-20 funding, and objective metrics for measuring the success in achieving those goals. Beyond Year 2 Action Items ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 98 of 104 10 ENSURING PUBLIC SAFETY AND PROVIDING EXCEPTIONAL CITY SERVICES Definition That we have the tools, resources, and professional staffing necessary to create and maintain an environment where our community (residents, businesses, visitors, and staff) feels safe, served, and mutually respected. Key Focus Area: Staffing Notes to consider • Hire, Grow and Retain o Salary o Training/development o Hire for heart (consider local) o Resources and support for staff • Need a sufficient number of staff and capacity to achieve our priorities • Optimization of processes Year 1-2 Action Items • Hire and retain an adequate number of staff to achieve our priorities • Complete an essentialism evaluation of each department • Provide competitive salaries/benefits and appropriate classification s for all employees • Provide opportunities for employee growth & succession • Explore other retention and attraction strategies • Provide training and professional development opportunities • Hire for heart • Encourage growth and development of local workforce o Expand PD explorer program • Explore a wider City employee recognition/commendation program • Work to insure that employees have the tools necessary to do their job Beyond Year 2 Action Items • Create a long-term strategy to keep employee salaries and benefits competitive o Continue to maintain and look for opportunities to enhance other hiring, retention employee growth and development programs • Create a long-term plan for staffing based on projected changes to workload as community grows/demands change ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 99 of 104 11 Key Focus Area: Unhoused Population Notes to consider • Routine cleanups • Training of available resources for staff and community • Continue strong relationships with regional partners • Increase support of Community Action Team (CAT) Year 1-2 Action Items • Perform regular clean-ups of problem encampments • Perform vegetation management activities in the Downtown District • Train and educate staff and community members on available support resources for our unhoused population • Train and educate staff and community members on compassionate interactions with our under-represented residents • Establish needed Outreach for Underrepresented Residents (OUR) Team (formerly known as CAT) • Support partner non-government organizations outreach efforts • Support regional combined approach related to unhoused population • Implement strategies to encourage existing unhoused residents to reduce trash and litter in public and sensitive environmental areas • Implement strategies for ongoing areas of public concern including design of public spaces • Provide staff resources to maximize effectiveness (use technology) • Look for opportunities and grants to provide resources to respond to future opportunities to support underrepresented residents Beyond Year 2 Action Items • Expand vegetation management activities Key Focus Area: Community Engagement Notes to consider • Community Policing o Strong relationships and trust between PD and the community • Public participation • Emergency Preparedness Year 1-2 Action Items • Establish needed Outreach for Underrepresented Residents (OUR) Team (formerly known as CAT) ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 100 of 104 12 • Hold more public safety outreach events • Ensure that all messaging is accessible and consistent across all media platforms • Look for more opportunities for public engagement • Continue online and in-person engagement in decision-making discussions • Improve emergency planning communications with business community through the fire inspection program Beyond Year 2 Action Items • Continue robust communications regarding community wildfire preparedness and evacuation planning ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 101 of 104 13 QUALITY OF LIFE Definition We are embracing our warm friendly atmosphere and building on our sense of community by providing attractions, open spaces, outdoor interactions, and a variety of things to do for all. Atascadero: Where everybody knows your name and is willing to lend a hand. Key Focus Area: Things to do Notes to consider • Outdoor Activities o Hiking/equestrian/biking trails o Lake Park/Zoo ▪ Discuss the future of the Zoo (AZA Accreditation) o Skate park • Galaxy Theater • Recreation / Youth sports • Don’t have to go out of town for “date night” (Come to A -Town for date night) • Events that attract local residents as well as folks from out of town. • Winter Wonderland • Colony Day Parade and Tent City • Tamale Festival • Wine Festival • Dancing in the Streets • Cider Festival • First Fridays (when its safe) • Concerts in the park (Community bands) • Attracting private pop-up events / activities • Performing Arts Center • Affordable activities Year 1-2 Action Items • See Action Items under the “Economic and Community Vibrancy” section • Discuss long-term capital needs of the zoo and the viability of continuing AZA accreditation • Begin to address key deferred maintenance issues in parks and public spaces • Fund lake quality program to mitigate algae blooms Beyond Year 2 Action Items • Address additional deferred maintenance issues in parks and public spaces ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 102 of 104 14 Key Focus Area: Welcoming and Inclusive Notes to consider • Supportive community • Diversity (in many categories) • Ethnicity (not just skin color- socio-economic, background / thought, etc.) • Community Engagement o Reach out to new folks • Hiring for Heart • Reach out to Schools and PTAs • Volunteerism o Atascadero leading in volunteerism o Make volunteering easier / simpler o Work with community partners • Awareness of scholarships and sponsorships • Community Beautification o Environmental improvements o Clean (trash-free) physical spaces o Blight removal Year 1-2 Action Items • Work with and support community partners and volunteers to advance diversity, inclusion, and community beautification • Use technology to facilitate volunteer opportunities • See Action Items under “Ensuring Public Safety and Providing Exceptional City Services” Beyond Year 2 Action Items ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 103 of 104 15 Key Focus Area: Supporting families Notes to consider • Spurring the conversation around childcare • Collaborate with partners • Internet / Broadband • Mental health support for adults and children • Affordable housing • Bringing more jobs to Atascadero* Year 1-2 Action Items • Encourage regional organizations that bring attention to childcare needs in the community • Continue on-going successful partnerships with organizations such as ECHO, LINK, and AUSD • Remain involved in regional efforts to improve broadband access to residents and businesses • Educate staff and community members of availability of mental health resources that are available in the community • Continue to implement affordable housing policies of the General Plan Housing Element including minimum densities, objective design standards, small lot standards, ADU ordinance, and inclusionary housing ordinance • See “Economic and Community Vibrancy” section for other action items • Explore Community Choice Energy (February 2022) Beyond Year 2 Action Items • Consider a childcare policy statement in the General Plan Update to support working families ITEM NUMBER: D-1 DATE: 04/12/22 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 104 of 104