HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 17-95 RESOLUTION NO. 17-95 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DEMANDING THAT THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ORANGE COUNTY INVESTMENT POOL BANKRUPTCY AND THAT IT RETURN 100% OF THE DEPOSITED FUNDS TO THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND ALL OTHER POOL INVESTORS WHEREAS, Orange County is authorized by Government Code Section 53684 to receive investment funds from local agencies; and WHEREAS, Said investments are deemed to be held in trust by Orange County pursuant to Government Code Section 27100.1; and WHEREAS, The City of Atascadero is among the 194 public agencies which elected to open an account with the Orange County Investment Pool (OCIP) and did so in 1991; and WHEREAS, Most of the OCIP participants are public agencies including schools, cities, community colleges and service agencies with dependent responsibility for the security of their investments to their individual constituencies; and WHEREAS, The Orange County Treasurer/Tax Collector represented to the City that it adhered to all provisions of State law regulating the activities of county treasurers, as well as the specific provisions of Orange County's own investment policy; and WHEREAS,The Orange County Treasurer/Tax Collector made assurances to the City of Yorba Linda concerning the safety and liquidity of the City's deposits in the OCIP; and WHEREAS,The Orange County Treasurer/Tax Collector did not invest the funds prudently, suitably or effectively, resulting in an estimated 22% loss in the OCIP, attributable to over-leveraging the portfolio and the use of high-risk investment instruments; and WHEREAS, The Orange County Board of Supervisors is required by law to exercise oversight of the activities of the Orange County Treasurer/Tax Collector; and WHEREAS, The Orange County Board of Supervisors, in failing to exercise such oversight, failed in its fiduciary duties and was forced to file Chapter 9 Bankruptcy on behalf of Orange County and the OCIP on December 6, 1994; and WHEREAS, The Orange County Board of Supervisors has subsequently failed to acknowledge its responsibility to insure the full return of the funds deposited in the OCIP by other agencies; and Resolution No. 17-95 Page 2 of 3 WHEREAS, By accepting its responsibility to participants and paying them promptly and in full, Orange County will minimize the chaos caused by its investment practices, reducing costs by centralizing the management of the crisis, providing for the most efficient refinancing of debt, reallocation of resources and collection of damages from brokerages and other third parties, instead of disrupting the operations of 187 participant public agencies, all providing vital public services; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, as follows: The Orange County Board of Supervisors should accept its fiduciary responsibility to the participants in the OCIP and acknowledge its failure to exercise appropriate fiscal oversight of the activities of the Orange County Treasurer/Tax Collector by immediately returning or immediately seeking court authorization to return to the City of Atascadero its proportionate share of the funds in the now fully-liquid investment pool, acknowledge its duty to do so, and therefore not require any waiver of further claims and/or showing of immediate hardship; and To the extent the funds remaining in the OCIP may be insufficient to make investors whole, that the Orange County Board of Supervisors should guarantee full repayment of any balance due, and any interest due on said balance, on a timely basis, pursuing governmental efficiencies, local service reductions, revenue increases and third party claims as the Board of Supervisors considers to be appropriate; and The City Council of the City of Atascadero emphatically rejects the "share the pain" theory being promoted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors; and The City Council of the City of Atascadero demands that the Orange County Board of Supervisors immediately return 100% of the funds the City of Atascadero had invested in the OCIP and adopt a workout plan in which the Orange County Board of Supervisors assumes the entire responsibility for this crisis and which makes every victim of this crisis whole; and If the Orange County Board of Supervisors continues to fail to accept its responsibility and continues to fail to demonstrate the leadership necessary to protect the investing agencies, the City Council of the City of Atascadero will take all legal measures necessary to secure the return of all of Atascadero's investments. Resolution No. 17-95 Page 3 of 3 ON MOTION BY Councilmember Luna , seconded by Councilmember Highland the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Carden, Highland, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Bewley NOES: None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: February 28, 1995 CITY OF ATASCADERO: C R. DAVID BEWLEY, May ATTE T: LEE PRICE, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: AR ER . MO TAN N, City Attorney