HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 15-95 RESOLUTION NO. 15-95 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING AN AMENDMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN BY ADOPTION OF AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT (GPA 94-006; City of Atascadero) WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has grown considerably since incorporation; and WHEREAS, the City's General Plan which was adopted to guide the City's growth and development would benefit from the addition of an Economic Development Element; and WHEREAS; the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero conducted a public hearings on the subject amendment which began on February 21, 1995 and concluded on June 20, 1995; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65356 provides that a General Plan be amended by the adoption of a resolution; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Atascadero finds as follows: 1 . The proposed General Plan Economic Development Element recommended by the Planning Commission is consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan. 2. The adoption of the proposed General Plan Economic Development Element will not have a significant adverse affect on the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does resolve to approve General Plan Amendment 94-006 as follows: 1 . Amendment to the General Plan text by adoption of an Economic Development Element as shown in the attached Exhibit A. On motion by Councilmember Johnson and seconded by Councilmember Bewley , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: Resolution No. 15-95 Page 2 AYES: Councilmembers Bewley, Johnson and Mayor Highland NOES: Councilmember Luna ABSENT: Councilmember Carden ADOPTED: September 12, 1995 ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: LEE PRICE, City Clerk 4RY J HNS0N,I IMayor Pro-Tem APPROVED AS TO FORM: ART ER R. MO TAND , City Attorney PREPARED BY: STEVEN L. DeCAMP, City Panner RESOLTUION NO. 15-95 EXHIBIT "An CITY OF ATASCADERO GENERAL PLAN ECONUMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT ADOPTED BY THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT CITY COUNCIL George P . Highland Mayor Ray Johnson Mayor Pro Tem Harold L. Carden III R. David Bewley George Luna PLANNING COMMISSION Robert Johnson Chairman Roger Miller Vice-Chairman Chris Bonnema Sid Bowen Jim Edwards Mike Messer Donna Wallace STAFF Andrew J. Takata City Manager Henry Engen Community Development Director Steven L. DeCamp City Planner Douglas Davidson Senior Planner Gary Kaiser Associate Planner ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE A. BASIC COMMUNITY GOALS X-1 B. MUNICIPAL POLICIES TO PROMOTE AND SUSTAIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GOALS X-2 C. PROMOTION OF SPECIFIC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS X-4 D. OVERALL SUPPORT FOR RETAIL AND SERVICE COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES X-4 E. DOWNTOWN CORE AREA X-5 F. SUPPORT THE DEVELOPMENT OF INDUSTRIAL LAND AND PROFESSIONAL PARKS X-7 TECHNICAL APPENDICES BUSINESS CLIMATE ASSESSMENT MARKET ANALYSIS OF RETAIL, TOURISM, AND INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PROMOTION OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, AND JOB GROWTH E X. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT During most of the twentieth century communities and their political leadership have taken a laissez-faire attitude toward business development within their communities . The attitude has been that cities would provide basic public services and that businesses would operate independently within the framework of these services to provide necessary goods and services to local residents . While this basic policy paradigm has worked well during most of the century, changes in the national and international economy have made it necessary for communities to develop a more pro-active attitude in support of existing businesses, entrepreneurs and local industry. The development in this century of modern transportation and communication technologies have changed the way goods and services are man4fttared, distributed and purchased. The continued rapid `lopment of these technologies and increasing competition between communities regionally, nationally and even internationally no longer guarantees that individual communities can maintain their economic position without significant effort and attention to the business community. In large part, because of state-wide tax policies, communities that lose their economic base as a result of the competition for retail sales, commercial services and industry, will be penalized. The penalty will be shortage of revenue for necessary public services, the possibility of high local unemployment, vacancies in commercial and industrial buildings, and a general reduction in the quality of life. A. BASIC COMMUNITY GOALS The City of Atascadero shall act to promote the economic health and vitality of its businesses to insure the creation of jobs, the promotion of entrepreneurial efforts, and to generate adequate tax revenue for public services . Toward this end_the following goals, though not prioritized, are basic to the maintenance of the overall quality of the local economy: 1 . Protection and promotion of the overall commercial service and retail business sectors of the local economy to promote local patronage, strong performance in satisfying local demand forg oods and services and the creation of entry level jobs . 2 . Promotion of the downtown core area to preserve its historic function as the City' s commercial center, to improve the community' s entertainment and recreation attractions, and to i X-1 i promote tourism and the traveler industry as a growth industry in the community. 3 . Recruitment of new commercial services and business enterprises which will broaden the City' s economic base, improve the local availability of goods and services, and improve and promote the economic viability of existing businesses . 4 . Support for the development of industrial areas that lead to the recruitment or development of high technology, emerging technology, and professional service businesses that will provide the community with a base of moderate and high salary career-oriented jobs . 5. To provide the resources from business activity and increasing tax revenues to support the community' s high level of environmental, social, and educational quality, and to maintain and improve the City' s infrastructure. B. MUNICIPAL POLICIES TO PROMOTE AND SUSTAIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GOALS Changes in national and international economy have made it necessary for communities to develop amore pro-active attitude in support of existing businesses, entrepreneurs, and local industry. The following policies are hereby adopted by the City Council of the City of Atascadero as part of the General Plan to improve the local economy: 1 . DEVELOPMENT OF A LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (a) Duties The Economic Development Commission will be organized, directed, and responsible to the City Council . The Commission will replace the current Economic Round Table The commissioners will meet monthly to discuss progress in meeting economic development goals, to formulate economic development strategies, and to direct staff activitiest The Commission will be responsible for periodic reports to the City Council summarizing the state of the local economy. (b) Staff The Commission should be staffed by an economic development professional or executive director. 2 DEVELOPMENT OF A PRO-BUSINESS COMMUNITY IMAGE The business license office is the one arm of the City that has annual interaction with all businesses in the community X-2 and especially with new businesses . The office should be oriented for the following services : (a) providing information to businesses (especially new businesses or start-ups) on local resources businesses can access to support their success; (b) maintaining data on businesses that is useful for economic development purposes; and (c) interacting with businesses in a positive, consumer oriented manner. 3 . DEVELOPMENT OF A CONSUMER ORIENTED ATTITUDE BY ALL DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY In differing degrees, the staff in other departments of the city interact with businesses and community residents . Staff in every department should emphasize a consumer oriented attitude. A priority should be placed on assisting businesses and business development as problem solvers, rather than regulators . 4 . IMPLEMENTATION OF A REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY A redevelopment agency is a powerful economic development tool that the City shall use . Areas such as the downtown and industrial areas will need long-term community support to become economically successful . The City shall use the redevelopment mechanism to promote its economic success and obtain funding for economic development programs . 5 . SUPPORT AND PROMOTION OF THE CITY' S INDUSTRIAL AREAS Development of the City' s industrial areas will benefit from active promotion. Industries to be attracted should include those that will improve the City' s economic base and support and/or augment existing businesses . Promotion of industrial ureas can be accomplished by the Economic Development. Commission. A Redevelopment Agency can acquire and aisemble land, and provide beneficial infrastructure improvements to enhance the marketability of the land. 6 SUPPORT AND PARTNERSHIP WITH OTHER CITY ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS The City' s economic development program will be most 'successful when it operates as a team effort and is inclusive of City staff, the Chamber of Commerce, the Business Improvement Association (BIA) and other organizations interested in assisting the community' s businesses . The Economic Development Commission should also X-3 form close ties with county-wide organizations such as the Private Industry Council, the San Luis Obispo Visitor and Conference Bureau and the County' s Economic Vitality Corporation. C. PROMOTION OF SPECIFIC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS The City of Atascadero will promote specific economic development projects that should have immediate benefit to the City such as sales tax generators. These projects should have high economic development priority and support . The City may take the following actions to promote the development of these projects . 1 . SITE SELECTION The City shall identify sites for those projects that the community feels are best suited for development . Within the context of available resources and in partnership with owners, qualified developers and builders, the City shall support the preparatiost ofproposed sites for immediate development for the purposes specified by providing as much assistance as fiscally prudent for preparing environmental studies, and constructing needed infrastructure improvements . 2 . RECRUITMENT The City' s Economic Development Commission and staff shall formulate targeted recruitment strategies for those projects using the marketing information in the technical reports attached to this Element as well as other directories and resources . The recruitment strategy should include financing assistance. D. OVERALL SUPPORT FOR RETAIL AND SERVICE COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES The City shall participate in programs to promote the overall health and performance of the retail and service business sectors of the local economy. 1 . RECRUITMENT The Economic Development Commission shall prepare a marketing and recruitment plan that targets businesses that offer goods where demand is not satisfied locally. In addition, the Commission shall recruit those businesses whose goods and services satisfy a regional market as a means of bolstering the local economy and improving shopping opportunities X-4 (a) Chain Store Retailers The recruitment effort should make use of retail chain store directories to target those chain stores that fit best with available site locations and market demand for specific goods . (b) Independent Retailers This recruitment effort should target successful regional independent retailers that might be interested in locating a second or additional store in Atascadero. Independent retailers will often need financial incentives to relocate . The recruitment effort may be able to assist in obtaining or provide information on grants, low interest loans, rental write-downs, or other incentives to targeted businesses . The business recruitment effort may benefit from a partnership or cooperative effort with private business incubators in recruiting and locating new business enterprises . 2 . PREPARE A RETAIL, SERVICE COMMERCIAL, AND OFFICE SPACE INVENTORY OF ATASCADERO This inventory would be a valuable planning tool for the Economic Development Commission, Redevelopment Agency, and other City departments . Such an inventory can also be made available for distribution as part of a marketing or promotion program. This inventory shall be maintained and updated as necessary to retain its utility as a planning tool . 3 . ENCOURAGE IN-FILL DEVELOPMENT OF RETAIL INVENTORY Within the boundaries of approved commercial zones, the City should encourage in-fill, redevelopment, recruitment of new stores to fill vacancies, and the formation of clusters of synergistic stores. 4 . SUPPORT THE LOCAL PURCHASE OF GOODS AND SERVICES BY THE CITY The City shall establish a policy and procedures for giving preference to local suppliers of those goods and services required for the operation of the City. To facilitate this policy direction, the City shall maintain a list of local providers of goods and services, and shall actively recruit additions to the list . E. DOWNTOWN CORE AREA The revitalization of the downtown core area is valuable to X-5 development of a healthy tourism industry in the community and is a way of preserving the historic social, cultural, and commercial core of the City. Economic development and redevelopment projects within the downtown core area shall be undertaken in conformance with the policies contained in the Downtown Element of the City' s General Plan. 1. RE-AFFIRM A VISION STATEMENT FOR THE DOWNTOWN CORE AREA Invite the BIA, downtown businesses, property owners, and the Chamber of Commerce to assist in affirming a vision statement for the downtown core that emphasizes the development of business, specialty retail, restaurants, and tourist attractions as part of any overall plan to recreate the downtown as an entertainment center. 2 . DEVELOP TOURIST ATTRACTIONS IN OR NEAR THE DOWNTOWN CORE AREA Develop a plan to finance and operate the Atascadero Recreation Center and Stadium Park Amphitheater projects to utilize these facilities as tourist attraction. Consider leasing both facilities to for-profit business operators . 3 . SUPPORT REDEVELOPMENT OF THE DOWNTOWN CORE Continue to provide support for the redevelopment, where practicable, of buildings of historic significance within the downtown core for use as restaurants, specialty retail stores, art galleries, second floor residential occupancies, and other appropriate mix of uses . 4 . SUPPORT CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENTS IN AND AROUND THE DOWNTOWN The City shall continue to support those transportation and circulation improvements, such as the Lewis Avenue Bridge and the Highway 41 extension and ramp improvements at the US Highway 101 interchange, to assure the continued viability of downtown core businesses and tourism attractions . 5 . REDEVELOP THE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SITE In conformance with the Downtown Element of the General Plan, the City, the Redevelopment Agency, and the Atascadero Unified School District shall explore alternative land uses for the property currently occupied by the Junior High School. Uses compatible with the downtown core might include retail, services, offices, institutional, open space, and residential, or some mix of such suitable uses. X-6 6. CREATE A REVOLVING LOAN FUND TO ASSIST BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN THE CORE AREA. Use a revolving loan fund (possibly capitalized with Community Development Block Grant funds) to provide low-interest loans and first year rental discounts as incentives for targeted retail or service businesses . F. SUPPORT THE DEVELOPMENT OF INDUSTRIAL LAND AND PROFESSIONAL PARKS The City shall actively support the development of all of the industrially-zoned land in the City, including support for modern business/professional parks with emphasis on the recruitment of high technology businesses . Efforts should be made to act in partnership with California Polytechnic State University research, and similar training programs, including business incubators, to promote the development of commercial applications of basic research as businesses in these parks . Development of other industrial land for light SaMufacturing and other appropriate uses shall be supported. 1 . REMOVE RETAIL USES AS ALLOWABLE USES IN THS MUSTRIAL PARK ZONE Allowing retail sales as a principal use in industrial zones decreases the already limited amount of space available for base or industrial uses . The Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to provide for permitted uses which are consistent with the purpose of these zones as defined in the Land Use Element . Retail sales which are incidental or subordinate to industrial or manufacturing uses may, however, be allowed. 2 . TAKE STEPS TO PREPARE THE AREA FOR EXPEDITED DEVELOPMENT (a) Site Plan Work in partnership with developers to create a conceptual site plan for the industrial/professional parks . (b) Utilities and Environmental Studies Construct necessary sewer lines to serve the areas and prepare the necessary environmental studies to address significant environmental impacts, so that individual projects can receive quick approval under a negative declaration, or tiered Environmental Impact Report (EIR) , determination X-7 (c) Negotiate Purchase Agreement Options . Negotiate an option price with the respective owners of the properties in the area zoned for industrial/professional park development . 4 . DEVELOP AN AGGRESSIVE RECRUITMENT PLAN Prepare an aggressive recruitment plan for targeting industries listed in the market analysis . The marketing plan should emphasize rapid land use and building permit processing and specific quality of life aspects of the Atascadero area that will attract individual corporate managers and Chief Executive officers . 5 . SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OF INCUBATOR FACILITIES Support the creation of incubator facilities within the industrially-zoned lands and/or professional parks . These projects might be joint efforts with developers to promote university research-oriented commercial business applications . 6 . PREPARE AN INDUSTRIAL SPACE INVENTORY OF ATASCADERO This inventory would be a valuable planning tool for the Economic Development Commission, Redevelopment Agency, and other City departments . Such an inventory can also be made available for distribution as part of a marketing or promotion program. This inventory shall be maintained and updated as necessary to retain its utility as a planning tool . 7 . SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL/RESEARCH FACILITIES Areas suitable for professional parks may also prove to be suitable for the development of educational facilities Where appropriate within industrial/professional parr zones, the City shall also support the establishment of edudational and/or research facilities . Such facilities could include institutions such as a branch college campus, or other research or industrial support facilities . X-8