HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 01-95 RESOLUTION NO. 01-95 [Revised 5/9/951 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AUTHORIZING REFINEMENTS TO THE PURPOSE AND MEMBERSHIP OF THE ECONOMIC ROUND TABLE WHEREAS, On January 26, 1991, the Council of the City of Atascadero appointed a citizen Economic Round Table to work toward strengthening the City's economic base. WHEREAS, The Economic Base Analysis and Downtown Revitalization Study, conducted by Economic Research Associates (ERA) in 1988, recommended that, "the City shall initiate an Atascadero Economic Round Table...to regularly discuss, recommend and initiate community economic development and diversification". WHEREAS, In the interests of prudent fiscal planning, the City commissioned a report from Crawford, Multari & Starr in 1990, entitled, Long-Rancre FiscalAnalysis, which concurred with the ERA recommendation by stating that, "the City will help initiate and support an Atascadero Economic Round Table composed of diverse representation of the business community and residents to discuss, recommend and start community economic development and diversification". WHEREAS, The City of Atascadero's General Plan Update states as a basic community goal to "provide for a sound economic base to sustain the City's unique character" and in its Land Use Element that, "As a post-Proposition 13 City containing over 24 square miles of land, 23 square miles of which is residential in nature, it is imperative that a sound economic base be assured" and, "Development of a sound economic base will be critical to maintaining and enhancing the community's identity as a distinctive free-standing City". WHEREAS, It is a priority of the City of Atascadero to plan for a stable economic future, in keeping with the overall character of the community as stated in the General Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, The Atascadero City Council does resolve to refine the membership and purpose as follows: 1. Economic Round Table Membership. Membership of the Economic Round Table shall consist of ten (10) members as follows: 1 . One (1) member of the City Council (Mayor or designee) 2. One (1) member of the Chamber of Commerce (plus an alternate) 3. One (1) member of the Business Improvement Association (plus an alternate) 4. One (1) member of the Planning Commission (plus an alternate) 5. Five (5) members-at-large from the business and financial community, appointed by the City Council 6. One (1) utility company representative, appointed by the City Council Resolution No, 01-95 Page two of three 2. Terms. The City Council shall appoint the members-at-large of the Economic Round Table. The terms shall be coterminous with the councilmember who makes their appointment. The Councilmember and organization member appointments shall be determined annually by their respective organizations. 3. Duties and Responsibilities. The Round Table is not intended to serve as a conventional Council-appointed committee but rather as a City/private partnership of local citizens working to enhance the economic viability of the community toward goals identified in the City's General Plan and related policy documents. Toward this end, the Round Table shall pursue the following: A. Become familiar with the Economic Research Associates report and recommendations, the Long-Range Fiscal Analysis report's content and recommendations, and the goals and objectives of the City's General Plan. B. Recommend means for encouraging the retention and enhance- ment of existing economic enterprises within the City of Atascadero. C. Recommend methods for targeting economic activities and enterprises which should be pursued in order to complement the City's existing industrial/commercial base while enhancing the City's principal revenue sources. D. Recommend, as appropriate, local development of a craftsmen park, home furnishings district, restaurant row, auto mall and unique traveler destination economic enterprises consistent with Item #C. E. Follow up on any question referred to it by the City Council for investigation, finding or report. 4. Operations. The Round Table shall annually choose its own officers, as appropriate, make its own rules and regulations, including appointment of subcommittees, and keep a journal of its proceedings. Selection of officers shall be at the September meeting or as soon thereafter as is feasible. The majority of its members shall be a quorum for the trans- action of business where specific recommendations are to be made. Otherwise, meetings with less than a quorum may be held as determined by the Chair. Resolution No. 01-95 Page three of three 5. Meetings. The Round Table shall meet at the discretion of its elected chair, provided that it shall meet at least quarterly. Proper notice of time, place and agenda of said meetings shall be posted in accordance with the provisions of Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California. 6. Reports. The chairperson of the Round Table shall report to the City Council, as appropriate, for information or recommended action, with the understanding that there shall be at least semi-annual reports on the Round Table's activities. On motion by Councilmember Highland, seconded by Councilmember Luna, the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: - Councilmembers Carden, Highland, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Bewley NOES: None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: March 28, 1995 ATTES CITY OF ATASCADERO By: LEE PRICE, City Clerk R. DAVID BEWLEY, ayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: AR HER R. M NTAN ON, i orney