HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC_2022_01_28_AgendaPacket CC PC Joint Meeting CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL JOINT MEETING (STUDY SESSION) AGENDA In accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2022-001 and the requirements of AB 361, the City Council Meeting will not be physically open to the public and City Council Members will be teleconferencing into the meeting. HOW TO OBSERVE THE MEETING: To maximize public safety while still maintaining transparency and public access, the meeting will be available for public participation through the following link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89078276613?pwd=OVVBbW9IVDZpKzBvV0p5TC9SQkZPdz09 (Webinar ID: 890 7827 6613). HOW TO SUBMIT PUBLIC COMMENT: Members of the public are highly encouraged to participate in live public comment through the Zoom platform using the link above or by calling 1-669-900-6833 (Webinar ID: 890 7827 6613) to listen and provide public comment via phone. If you wish to comment but not via a live platform, please email public comments to cityclerk@atascadero.org by 12:00 pm on January 27, 2022. Such email comments must identify the Agenda Number in the subject line of the email. The comments will be forwarded to the City Council and Planning Commission and be made a part of the administrative record. If a comment is received after the deadline for submission but before the close of the meeting, the comment will still be included as a part of the administrative record of the meeting but will be forwarded to the City Council and Planning Commission the next business day. Please note, email comments will not be read into the record. AMERICAN DIS ABILITY ACT ACCOMMODATIONS: Any member of the public who needs accommodations should contact the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@atascadero.org or by calling 805-470-3400 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed. The City will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to afford as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests. City Council and Planning Commission agendas and minutes may be viewed on the City's website: www.atascadero.org. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection on our website, www.atascadero.org. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The Minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers. All documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are made part of the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the Minutes and available for review by contacting the City Clerk's office. All documents will be available for public inspection during City Hall business hours once City Hall is open to the public following the termination of the Shelter at Home Order. Page 1 of 23 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Atascadero City Council Atascadero Planning Commission Friday, January 28, 2022 6:00 P.M. City Hall – Council Chambers 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero (TELECONFERENCE) ************************************* General Plan 2045 Study Session ROLL CALL: DISCUSSION: General Plan Update - Project Scoping Council and Planning Commission will discuss, and Council provide initial feedback to staff regarding, the General Plan Update process. ADJOURNMENT: The City Council will adjourn to its next Regular Session on February 8, 2022; and the Planning Commission will adjourn to its next Regular Session on February 1, 2022. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) CITY OF ATASCADERO ) AMANDA MUTHER, being fully sworn, deposes, and says: That she is the Deputy City Clerk of the City of Atascadero and that on January 21, 2022, she caused the above Notice to be posted at the Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California and was available for public review in the Customer Service Center at that location. AMANDA MUTHER, Deputy City Clerk City of Atascadero Page 2 of 23 PROJECT SCOPING MEETING AGENDA ATASCADERO GENERAL PLAN UPDATE January 28, 2022 | 6:00 to 9:00 PM I. Welcome and Introductions (5 mins) Staff will introduce the consultant team (MIG team) and describe the purpose of the study session. The MIG team will introduce themselves, focusing on each team member’s specific role(s) on the project. Staff will also mention the objectives of the study session:  Discuss the General Plan Update process while understanding that this study session is not focused on solving policy issues, which will be accomplished through the General Plan Update program.  Provide feedback to inform how the General Plan Update process can help address key issues and opportunities through focused research, policy analysis, alternatives, and implementation actions.  Help City staff and the consultants prepare a General Plan Update work program that will be reviewed and approved by the City Council next month. II. Presentation: General Plan Process (15 mins) The MIG team will present an overview of the project purpose and process to provide background context for the General Plan Update Scoping discussion. The presentation will include the following topics:  The Purpose and Role a General Plan  Brief History of General Plan Law in California  General Plan Content Requirements  New Trends and Issues in General Plan Law and Practice  Overview of Current Atascadero General Plan Page 3 of 23 III. Discussion The MIG team will facilitate an interactive discussion for each of the following four topic areas. A public comment period will be provided for each area of discussion. 1. Atascadero: Looking Ahead (~30 mins) Questions to shape the discussion:  What are the greatest assets of Atascadero that make the community special and unique?  What are the most pressing issues Atascadero faces today that will shape decisions for the next 15-20 years and beyond? 2. Community Engagement (~45 mins) Questions to shape the discussion:  What guiding principles should shape the community engagement process?  What types of community engagement activities, platforms, and/or partnerships have worked well in the past that should be included or built upon for the General Plan Update? 3. Roles and Responsibilities (~15 mins) Question to shape the discussion:  How would the Council and Commission like to be involved in the General Plan Update? 4. Process and Desired Outcomes (~35 mins) Questions to shape the discussion:  What level of economic and/or fiscal analysis would be helpful to inform community and Council policy discussions?  Would the City like to use the updated General Plan to help streamline future development projects that are consistent with new policy direction?  What is the desired final format for the General Plan: a printed copy and/or interactive website? Page 4 of 23  Is there anything else we should discuss that will help inform the General Plan Update scope and process? IV. Wrap-Up, Summary and Next Steps (10 mins)  Recap of Discussion/Direction  Revised General Plan Update Work Program  Background Research and Analysis  Overall Process and Timeline  Closing Comments Page 5 of 23 1SCOPING MEETING BRIEFING BOOK ATASCADERO 2045 GENERAL PLAN UPDATEJANUARY 18, 2022Page 6 of 23 2PART IINTRODUCTION…………….….......…………………...............3Planning Atascadero’s FuturePurpose of the Briefing BookPART IIGENERAL PLAN 101……………..……….……......................4What is a General Plan?Why Are General Plans Important?Purpose and Role of a General PlanLand Use Planning Hierarchy Legal RequirementsMandatory ElementsOther Mandatory Issues and TopicsOptional ElementsFormat OptionsPART IIICURRENT ATASCADERO GENERAL PLAN AND COUNCIL PRIORITIES.......................9OverviewGeneral Plan StructureCity Council 2021 Strategic Planning Process PrioritiesCONTENTSPART IVEMERGING CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES……………………………………………………12InfluencesKey Challenges and OpportunitiesPART VINITIAL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT APPROACH……………………………...14Engaging the CommunityEngagement GoalsCOVID-19 Requirements and Virtual EngagementEngagement Methods and OptionsPART VIANTICIPATED PROCESS……..………………….………….17Process ApproachDraft SchedulePage 7 of 23 PLANNING ATASCADERO’S FUTUREMore than 20 years ago, the City undertook a comprehensive planning process to create a vision for the new millennium, producing the General Plan 2025 (adopted in 2002) focused on “smart growth” and shaped by four guiding principles:§Protect the natural environment§Improve the appearance and character of Atascadero§Provide a secure revenue base§Promote well-planned neighborhoodAs the City approaches 2025, residents, business owners, and City leaders can look proudly on what has been achieved as envisioned in the plan: new housing types, public and private reinvestments in downtown, development focused within the Urban Services Line, and the continued protection of hillsides and habitats.Planning for the next two to three decades will build upon these successes while accounting for the rapid technological and societal changes affecting how people work, shop, recreate, and move around. The COVID-19 pandemic caused many shifts likely to be permanent—particularly work-at-home jobs, online shopping, and home food delivery. These conditions, as well as the impacts of climate change, will guide development of Atascadero’s next generation General Plan.PART I INTRODUCTION3Page 8 of 23 4PART I: INTRODUCTIONThe focus of the General Plan Update project is to revisit, refine, and update the Land Use, Circulation, Noise, Safety, and Conservation and Open Space Elements of the existing General Plan. Since the City’s Housing Element was updated and adopted in 2020 and is valid until 2028, the Housing Element will not be a part of the current update process (but can be used to inform and supplement this activity). The updated General Plan should be based upon the results of a comprehensive visioning process and robust public engagement program to ensure that all facets of the community participate and are fully represented in shaping Atascadero’s future. PURPOSE OF THE BRIEFING BOOKThe General Plan Update project will be a major, multi-year undertaking for the City and community. The City plans to use an innovative and collaborative public process to craft the scope for the General Plan work program to ensure the resulting changes to policy and programs reflect the community’s vision and addresses current and future issues and opportunities. The final project scope will result from an interactive discussion with the City Council and Planning Commission—and the community—at a joint session on January 28, 2022. DISCUSSION QUESTIONWhat are the most pressing issues Atascadero faces today that will shape decisions for the next 15-20 years and beyond? The City envisions using the scoping meeting as the first opportunity to introduce the General Plan Update program to the community and to get people excited and interested in shaping the next 20 years and beyond. This Briefing Book provides an overview of what a General Plan is and how it guides City decisions, key elements of the 2025 General Plan, emerging issues and opportunities, the initial community engagement approach, and anticipated process schedule. Throughout the document you will see green callout boxes with initial prompting questions that will be discussed during the study session. As you review this document, please consider these prompting questions to help you think about potential scope and process components of this project. Page 9 of 23 WHAT IS A GENERAL PLAN?A General Plan is a comprehensive policy document that provides the general framework for all land use and zoning decisions within a community. It establishes a community’s long-term vision for the future and contains goalsand policiesthat will shape future housing, support economic development and job growth, foster healthy and resilient neighborhoods, protect and manage natural resources, ensure community safety, and promote social and economic equity. The City of Atascadero’s current General Plan was last comprehensively updated in 2002 (General Plan 2025). The State of California recommends that cities update their General Plans approximately every 15 to 20 years. The State also provides guidance on the required and suggested content for General Plans. However, each community is encouraged to identify policy and program solutions in their General Plan that address local community needs and desires.WHY IS A GENERAL PLAN IMPORTANT?The General Plan frames the community vision for how Atascadero should grow and change over the coming years and decades. It is important for the document to reflect community priorities and values while shaping this future. As the City's overarching policy document, every land use, mobility, infrastructure, program, and environmental decisions made by the City Council, Planning Commission, other commissions, and City staff needs to be consistent with the vision, goals, policies, programs, and actions included in the General Plan. PART II GENERAL PLAN 1015Page 10 of 23 6PART II: GENERAL PLAN 101PURPOSE AND ROLE OF A GENERAL PLANAt its core, a General Plan is a long-term plan for development of the community. The State requires that each city or county General Plan address a minimum set of topics,is internally consistent, and is legally enforceable by virtue of numerous consistency requirements. At the local government level, the General Plan has been described as a “blueprint” or “constitution” for land use and development decisions. Current General Plan requirements date to the mid-1950s. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the required scope expanded from two to nine elements, then reduced to seven in 1984. In 2017, an eight Environmental Justice Element was added. The State legislature passed the first consistency requirements in 1970 and 1971. Over the years, the State Legislature has linked many new mandates directly and indirectly to the General Plan. The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) regularly updates General Plan Guidelines to help communities understand the content requirements.Land Use Planning Hierarchy Long-TermShort-TermMore GeneralMore DetailedGENERALPLANSUBDIVISION MAPSCONDITIONAL USE PERMITSVARIANCESDiscretionary/Quasi-AdjudicatoryBUILDING PERMITSGRADING PERMITSMinisterialSPECIFIC PLANSZONINGDiscretionary/LegislativeLAND USE PLANNING HIERARCHYProbably the most important role of a General Plan is that it functions as the overarching policy guidance and defines land use requirements for all City decision making. This means that all other City plans, zoning rules, regulations, permits, and other actions are required by law to be consistent with the policy guidance in the adopted General Plan. The diagram below shows the hierarchy of local land use planning, with the General Plan sitting at the top of the pyramid. It is worth noting that the General Plan is envisioned to be the longest–term and most general document (e.g., other plans, regulations and ordinances provide greater detail in policies are implemented). Page 11 of 23 7PART II: GENERAL PLAN 101LEGAL REQUIREMENTSThe State requires every General Plan to address certain requirements to ensure it can function as an overarching policy document. §Identified Planning Area: The General Plan must cover the city’s entire planning area and address the broad range of issues associated with a city’s development. The overall General Plan may also include linkages to regional plans, incorporating, where appropriate, regional policy and context.§Long-Term Perspective: Since the General Plan affects the welfare of current and future generations, State law requires that the plan take a long–term perspective. Most jurisdictions have selected 20 years as the horizon for the General Plan. The horizon does not mark an end point but rather provides a general context in which to make shorter–term decisions. The local jurisdiction may choose a time horizon that serves its needs, including a later horizon year time frame to address long-term issues.§Internally Consistent: Internal consistency requires that no policy conflicts, either textual or diagrammatic, can exist between the components of an otherwise complete and adequate General Plan such as internally referenced external documents like a climate action plan or a local energy assurance plan. §Equal Status Among Elements: All elements of the General Plan have equal legal status. This means that one policy does not supersede another policy. It also means that any optional element or topic a city includes in its General Plan has the same legal status as required elements. MANDATORY ELEMENTSThe State also requires General Plans to address eight “elements” or topical chapters. These topics can be addressed as stand-alone chapters or integrated into other parts of the General Plan (e.g., the State allows flexibility in how the General Plan is organized, as long asthe required topics are addressed). Land Use ElementDesignates the type, intensity, and general distribution of uses of land for housing, business, industry, open space, education, public buildings and grounds, waste disposal facilities, and other categories of public and private uses.Circulation ElementCorrelates with the land use element and identifies the general location and extent of existing and proposed major roads, transportation routes, terminals, and other local public utilities and facilities.Housing Element*Assesses current and projected housing needs for all economic segments of the community and embodies policies and programs for providing adequate housing. Conservation ElementAddresses the conservation, development, and use of natural resources, including water, forests, soils, rivers, and mineral deposits. Open Space ElementDetails plans and measures for the long–range preservation and conservation of open–space lands, including open space for the preservation of natural resources, the managed production of resources, agriculture, outdoor recreation, and public health and safety.Noise ElementIdentifies and appraises noise problems within the community and forms the basis for land use distribution determinations.Safety ElementEstablishes policies and programs to protect the community from risks associated with seismic, geologic, flood, and wildfire hazards, as well as from other concerns such as drought.Environmental Justice ElementIdentifies objectives and policies to reduce pollution exposure, improve air quality, promote public facilities, improve food access, advance access to housing, and increase physical activity in identified disadvantaged communities.Source: California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR), 2017 General Plan Guidelines. * Note that the City’s Housing Element was adopted in 2020 and is valid until 2028. It will not be a part of this current update process but can be used to inform and supplement this activity. Page 12 of 23 8PART II: GENERAL PLAN 101OTHER MANDATORY ISSUES AND TOPICSIn addition to consistency and element/topic requirements, the State also requires a broad set of other issues be addressed in local General Plans. This list includes dozens of requirements, largely organized around the following areas:§Coastal Act§Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones§Solid Waste Management§Hazardous Waste Management§Surface Mining and Reclamation§Airport Land Use Compatibility§Affordable Housing PolicyOPTIONAL ELEMENTSEvery city can include and address other topics or issues that are not specifically outlined in State law or content requirements. This allows cities to customize their General Plans to the specific needs of the local community. Topics many cities address in their General Plans include:§Economic Development§FiscalSustainability§Community Design§Healthy Communities§Public Facilities and Services§Climate Change§Education and Childcare§WaterFORMAT OPTIONSCities have free range on how they want to structure and format their General Plan. Typically, General Plans are created a highly visual printed documents that include a range in imagery, graphics, and diagram to convey policy ideas and requirements. Another option is to create an online ePlan that can provide information quickly to the public, planners, and Council for transparent decision-making (e.g., more accessible) and allows potential developers and investors to easily understand the City’s goals regarding economic development. Examples of ePlans include:www.envisionburlingame.orgwww.hayward2040generalplan.comwww.smokyhollowspecificplan.comDISCUSSION QUESTIONWhat level of economic and/or fiscal analysis would be helpful to inform community and Council policy discussions? DISCUSSION QUESTIONWould the City like to use the updated General Plan to help streamline future development projects that are consistent with new policy direction? DISCUSSION QUESTIONWhat is the desired final format for the General Plan: a printed copy and/or interactive website?Page 13 of 23 OVERVIEWThe current General Plan 2025 (adopted in 2002 and amended most recently in 2016) contains many goals and policies that will have continuing relevance for the updated plan, and City staff and the consultant team anticipate that the current overarching principles cited above will continue to provide the planning framework. The plan addresses land use, open space, and conservation as one element, holistically recognizing how the natural environment informs land use decisions in Atascadero.PART IIICURRENT ATASCADEROGENERAL PLAN AND COUNCIL PRIORITIES9Page 14 of 23 10PART III: CURRENT ATASCADERO GENERAL PLANGENERAL PLAN STRUCTUREThe current General Plan is based on Smart Growth Principles that frame the aspirational goals for the future growth and change of Atascadero. These principles, shown to the right, form the foundation “vision” for the entire document. The table below identifies the overall structure of the current General Plan and how each section relates to the State-required General Plan elements. As the General Plan is updated, one approach is to work within the current General Plan element framework but to comprehensively update each element’s content for the interests of today and the issues of tomorrow. New elements that may be added—or integrated into established elements—include economic development, environmental justice, and community health and resiliency.2002 Atascadero General Plan Guiding PrinciplesAware that concern for environmental protection and resource conservation, the City Council and Planning Commission jointly developed a set of "Smart Growth Principles“ to guide the 2025 General Plan. Smart Growth is a concept in city planning that encourages more compact, walkable communities that encourage pedestrian scale mixed use infill rather than automobile dependent subdivisions. Theseprincipleswere intended to supplement the Goals of the previous General Plan and provide a foundation for the new General Plan that combined the communities’ previous 20-years of planning with the most current principles of good community development.1.Provide for well-plannednew growth2.Maximize use of existing infrastructure3.Support vibrant city centers4.Develop and support coordinated planning for regional impacts5.Support high quality education and school facilities6.Build strongcommunities7.Emphasize joint-useof facilities8.Support creative entrepreneurial efforts9.Encourage full community participation10.Establish a secure local revenue basePage 15 of 23 11PART III: CURRENT ATASCADERO GENERAL PLANCITY COUNCIL 2021 STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS PRIORITIESThe City Council recently went through a lengthy strategic planning process that began with community input, then worked its way through Council direction and department review, concluding with public meetings involving the City Council and community. The outcome of this process was the development of Council’s top priorities for the next two years, which are shown to the right. These priorities provide a strong foundation for the updated vision and key topics to be addressed during the General Plan Update. 2021 City Council Strategic Plan Goals----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A. Supporting Economic and Community VibrancyCreating the environment and services to nurture quality and diverse economic, recreational, and community connections that create prosperity and enrich our genuine, authentic community.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B. Ensuring Fiscal and Infrastructure Efficiency and SustainabilityContinuing to be responsible and accountable stewards of our resources now and into the future by efficiently and effectively investing in modern and reliable infrastructure and equipment and maintaining financial stability regardless of economic conditions. Staff has the tools, technology and resources they need to do their jobs.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C. Ensuring Public Safety and Providing Exceptional City ServicesEnsuring we have the tools, resources, and professional staffing necessary to create and maintain an environment where our community (residents, businesses, visitors, and staff) feels safe, served, and mutually respected.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D. Improving Quality Of LifeEmbracing our warm friendly atmosphere and building on our sense of community by providing attractions, open spaces, outdoor interactions, and a variety of things to do for all. Atascadero: Where everybody knows your name and is willing to lend a hand.Page 16 of 23 INFLUENCESMany localand externalconditionswill inform creation of Atascadero’s updated General Plan. With many people working from home—and attending school remotely—more people may elect to buy or rent in Atascadero rather than closer to jobs in nearby communities, thereby changing housing demands and affecting commute traffic. While retail buying trends have been shifting over the last five or more years, COVID-19 illustrated how easy it is to have almost anything delivered to your doorstep. In turn, retail and dining establishments in the City may increasingly focus on capturing the tourism market and look to locate in concentrated, walkable districts. Other primary factors to consider include:§The growing Central Coast tourism industry focused on wineries and outdoor activities§Increasing use of delivery services by residents and associated effects on the roadway network and in the not distant future, use of low airspace by drone vehicles §Convenient and affordable access to broadband internetand cell phone coverage throughout the community. §Demands for localized warehousing for last-mile delivery needs§Effects of climate change: wildfire threats, prolonged drought periods, and elevated temperatures§Resiliencyand sustainabilityplanning§The regional effort to attract tech industries and bring higher-wage job opportunities to Central Coast communities§Environmental Justice issues and how planning decisions affect community health and well-beingPART IVEMERGING CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES12Page 17 of 23 13PART IV: EMERGING CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIESKEY CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIESA key part of a General Plan update is the identification of current and future challengesthrough a combination of technical analysis (e.g., existing conditions report), community input, and staff/Council feedback. Similarly, there will be extensive discussion about the various opportunitiesthat can be capitalized on as the City moves forward. As we work through the General Plan update process, it is important to discuss, refine and identify policy approaches for addressing both the challenges and the opportunities. The flower diagrams to the right identify an initial list of challenges and opportunities based on initial community and staff feedback. However, this is just a starting point for the community discussion. DISCUSSION QUESTIONWhat are the most pressing issues Atascadero faces today that will shape decisions for the next 15-20 years and beyond? DISCUSSION QUESTIONHow can the General Plan Update process better understand and address these issues through focused research, policy analysis, alternatives, and implementation actions?ChallengesProviding ServicesHousing NeedsCOVID-19 PandemicCity Fiscal HealthEconomic Diversi-ficationWildfires and Natural DisastersEnergy CostsClimate ChangeJobs/ Housing BalanceOpportunitiesLocation on 101Sustained Economic GrowthLocal Job GrowthLocation in SLO County“Brewery Capital”Multi-Modal Complete StreetsHigh Median IncomeSmall Town FeelImproved SafetyImproved HealthGreat Quality of Life!Page 18 of 23 ENGAGING THE COMMUNITYThe City is committed to ensuring a thoughtful, focused, and purposeful engagement process during the General Plan Update. The goal is to have broad, inclusive stakeholder and community engagement with multiple and genuine opportunities for people to be involved and have their ideas heard. Key elements of this approach could include:§Taking a holistic, inclusive approach to community engagement with a suite of both high-tech and high-touch methods to “cast the net” far and wide, engaging the community at the neighborhood, citywide levels. This will allow both “tech-savvy” people and “hands-on” community members the opportunity to actively participate in the process, bringing in new voices and ideas. §Working closely with City staff (from all departments) and staff from other public agencies (as appropriate) to discuss project objectives, provide feedback on draft materials, and help the project team advertise surveys and workshops to the broader community.§Utilizing dynamic engagement tools like online questionnaires, interactive exercises, virtual reality simulations and real-time electronic polling at workshops and charrettes that will allow a broad spectrum of the community to provide input and ideas in a real-time, anonymous fashion.§Designing fun, productive, and engaging workshops that bring people into the process and ensure their voices are heard through hands-on exercises, wallgraphic recordings and interactive polling.§Engaging youththrough unique workshops and activities at area schools.PART VINITIAL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT APPROACH14Page 19 of 23 15PART V: INITIAL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT APPROACHENGAGEMENT GOALSOne of the first items that will be prepared during the General Plan Update process is comprehensive Community Involvement Strategy. This document will contain engagement goals, strategies, groups and organizations, and methods to ensure the City creates opportunities for inclusive and equitable participation. This will involve providing multiple and varied opportunities for a broad range of community members, businesses and interest groups to share meaningful input. This engagement will focus on all neighborhoods throughout the city, and unique methods can be designed to specifically engage communities that have not traditionally participated in planning efforts, including disadvantaged communities, youth and limited-English proficient communities, and address barriers to participation. COVID-19 REQUIREMENTS AND VIRTUAL ENGAGEMENTConsidering the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the projectteam expects there will be a continued emphasis on virtual engagement due to the ongoing need for social distancing. However, we should anticipate conducting in-person activities as the project progresses. It is possible that even if restrictions on in-person gatherings are loosened, many people may continue to choose to keep their distance and prefer methods that allow for online and telephone participation. A hybrid approach that includes both high-tech and high-touch events will allow us to reach a broad cross-section of Atascadero community. Page 20 of 23 16PART V: INITIAL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT APPROACHENGAGEMENT METHODS AND OPTIONSThe tiles on the right show examples of different outreach and engagement tools that can be used during the General Plan Update to fully engage the community. Each method has a different purpose and advantage DISCUSSION QUESTIONWhat guiding principles should shape the community engagement process? DISCUSSION QUESTIONWhat types of community engagement activities, platforms, and/or partnerships have worked well in the past that should be included or built upon for the General Plan Update? Plan VanCommunity WorkshopsSurveysWalking/Rolling ToursEngagement ToolkitsOnline Surveys Scavenger HuntsPop-Up EventsSpeaker SeriesOpen HousesYouth Voice Technical Advisory Comm.Virtual Open HousesYouth Art ActivitiesCouncil Study SessionsNewslettersSocial MediaVirtual MeetingsInteractive Project PortalFocus Group MeetingsPage 21 of 23 PROCESS APPROACHThe General Plan Update provides a tremendous opportunity for the community, City staff, Commissions, and Council to discuss and refine the vision for what the community can and should become over the coming years and decades. The overall process for updating a General Plan includes a combination of analysis, reports and designs that are reviewed and refined by the community during different phases of the project –with decisions for each phase informing the next phase. The Draft Schedule on the following page shows how the phases and tasks outlined in the Draft Work Program can be completed within a 24-month timeframe. This approach includes meetings with the City Council at the beginning (to help frame the process) and end (to review community feedback and provide direction) of each project phase. The advantage about structuring a General Plan program is that there are no rules beyond ensuring the adopted General Plan addresses all State law content requirements. PART VIANTICIPATED PROCESS17DISCUSSION QUESTIONHow would the Council and Commission like to be involved in the General Plan Update? Page 22 of 23 18Page 23 of 23