HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 79-94 RESOLUTION NO. 79 - 94 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING THE NONDISPOSAL FACILITY ELEMENT WHEREAS, the State of California mandates all cities and counties to prepare a Nondisposal Facility Element; and WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero is committed to developing plans, programs and documents in compliance with State law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby adopt the June 1994 Nondisposal Facility Element as produced by the Solid Waste Task Force and approved by the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein. On motion by Councilmember Luna , seconded by Councilmember Johnson the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Carden, Highland, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Bewley NOES: None ABSENT: None DATE ADOPTED: August 9, 1994 ATT 1 CITY O SC D By: LEE PRICE, City Clerk A D BEWLEY, M AP ROVED AS TO FORM: ARMER ER R. M NTAN ON, ity Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 79-94 EXHIBIT "A" PAGE# ONE NONDISPOSAL FACILITY ELEMENT FOR TBE CITIES Al. COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO VOLUME JUNE 199`4 MEPAR10 BY SAN LUIS OBM COUNCIL, OF GOVL`itN1�tE TS RESOLUTION NO. 79-94 EXHIBIT "Arr PAGE # 2 CONTerrs CONTE rs wmoDucnoN CHAPTER I EXIST NG NONDISPOSAL FACUMES CHAMER 2 ANTICIPATED NONDhSPOSAL FAaLzi'Y NEEDS RESOLUTION NO. 79-94 EXHIBIT "An PAGE # 3 INMODUMON and the seven incorporated cities within ;tie county; Arroyo County of San Luis Obispo Morro Bay, Pismo Beach and San Grande, Atas&&ro, El Paso de Robles, G� Beach, mandated solid waste planning Luis Obispo, are working cooperatively to prepare the stance documents. California public Resources Code (PRC), Sections 41730 et seq. require every .Facility Element (rtDF� for California city and county m prepare and adopt a Non � solid waste nondisposal facilities, and any expansions of existing «ondisPOW facilities, all .new is which will be needed to implement local Source Rede and Recycling Elernen (SRREs). The Nondisposai Facility Element is required subsequent to the passage and adoption of the Inwgrated Wase Management Act Of 1989. This Nondisposal Facility Element has been 'on by each jurisdiction* A aO'd facility is defined as any solid p r ondisuired to obtain a ,olid waste facility permit except a disposal facility or waste facility req transformation facility (PRC Section 4015 1). mer►t Authority is submitting this The San Luis Obispo Integrated Waste Manage Vondisposal Facility Element to the Integrated Waste Management Board for review and approval on behalf of the. County and Cities of San Luis Obispo. The Nondisposai Facility . Element will be append tovar the ious member jurisdictions SRM at the: time of the state mandated five year revision- There are no permitted SOW waste to htws that are classified as nondisposal facilities currently within San Luis Obispo County. Chapter 1 identifies eacisdsn$ 'facxlrtres that serer and do not require a solid waste facilities permit to opt' the citizens of the region.` that thecilities may be develop w letten imp Chapter I identifies faRRFs) and help achieve the maxim various Source Reduction and Recycling Elements (S wage diversion goals. This includes the potential use of material recovery ofg facilities and yard warm or Darer composting fwlrties. Vi-1-1 RESOLUTION NO. 79-94 EXHIBIT"A" PAGE # 4 As provided by PRC Section 41735(a) the adoption and amendment of this Nondisposal Facility Element is not subject to environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act. Each city and county must submit the NDFE with the Regional Integrated Waste Management Plan (RMNIP) to the California Integrates Waste Management Board. The NDFE will be incorporated into each jurisdiction's SRRE at the five year revision. The statutory requirements for preparation of the NDFE are relatively simple and straightforward. The NDFE must "include a description of new facilities and the expansion of existing facilities which will be needed to implement the jurisdictions SRRE,n and they may include zither "the identification of specific locations or general areas" where new or expanded solid waste facilities will be sited {PRC Sec. 41732 (a)}. As there. are no specific plans for particular facilities at this time, identification of the facilities and their potential locations will be very broad. A description of nondisnosal facilities that each jurisdiction may use to manage ?heir waste stream are to be included in the NDFE and are identified in this document and the respective SRREs. There are two categories of facilities described in the regulations, those inside and those outside a jurisdiction. Within these two categories are two types of facilities: fk*aes that remover more than 5% of the total waste nerved, and those that recover less than 5% of the total waste received. The four types of facility descriptions are as follows: I. For facilities within the jurisdiction that recover MM dwn 5'' , the description includes: facility name, address, type of fatality, facility capacity, diversion rate expected, general desc nprion of surrounding area, and particxpaing jurisdictions. '_. For facilities within the jurisdiction that recover less than 5% of the total volume, the description includes: faaality name, address, participating jurisdictions, and general description of the surrounding arra. ND .AM VI-I-2 RESOLUTION NO. 79-94 EXHIBIT " A„ -- PAGE # 5 3. For a facility recovering more r w 5`�0 of the total volume but located Outside the jurisdiction, he description on includes: facility name, address, facility type, amount of waste sent. and expected diversion rate. 4. For a facility that is located outside of a jurisdiction but that recovers lessthan5 , the description need only be the name and address of the facility. In general, the description for each facility will be brief. It should be noted that those facilities that recover less than 515 of the total waste strea rn received are not subject to CIVV1418 approval. These facilities are separated tram ft other facilities to assist ft jurisdictions in idendfying those facilities drat do not contribute significantly to the 25% and 509 diversion goals. Small drop-off and buyback centers are not identified. The waste streams within San Luis Obispo County are evaluated under the two major subregions described in the SRRFs as follows: "North Cbti my Waw" - the area uahzntng the Chicago Grade, Camra Plauns, and City of Paso Robles LandfWs serving the cities of Atascadero, Fl Paso de Robles, and the unincorporated areas north of the Cuesta Grande; -South qty Wasteshed" - the area utilizing the Cold Canyon Landfill serving die cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Pismo Beach, Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo, .and the unincorporated areas generally south of the Cuesta Grade, including the North Coastal Area. The speofic requirements for the content of the Nondisposal Facility £iertnexrt are contained ie - in CCR Sections 18753, 15753.5, 1'8754, and 187545. These regulations identify c requirements for existing, proposed, or expandnng nondrspOW facilities located within and located outside of the reporting jurisdiction. voFMWi.An VI-1-3 RESOLUTION NO.-79-94 EXHIBIT „A,+ PAGE # 6 CHAPTER 1 EUSMG FA's within San Luis Obispo County there are no existing Permitted nondisposal facilities as This is because there are no arat►sfer facilities within the amity defined by the regulations. „ tted and none of the existing pig Facilities that:handle recyclable matexials are Pew solid waste facilities dire to their relatively small scale of operation. The following description of existing Facilities are operations that currently serve communities within the county wastesheds• The facilities collectively contribute significantly 0o the .ability of focal jurisdictions and .the general public to accomplish the recycling goals established under the Integrated Waste Mangement Act of 1989. Without the conscientious and dedicated efforts of the people that make these various operations successful there would be a much ;reatei, and more costly, effort required to meet the communities' recycling and source reduction needs. Each of the cities and the County of San Luis Obispo expect to achieve thea' 25S diversion Of the 50% diversion gt�al, through the use of source reduction oal, and a major pati provide. techniques and the recycling or composting activides that the following facties The specific it and vcpcted diversion achieved within each fx ity is considered proprietary uiforn+ation that each operation maintains. sourH COUNTY wAgrESM Grow Reey+cing 251 Longbtarx h, Grover Beach,. C sorting o f MM of facility: buyback center: processing and re�Clables qty: perry anticipated diversion: MWietary participating jurisdictions: countywide buyback services VI-1-1 RESOLUTION NO. 79-94 EXHIBIT "A" PAGE # 7 SLOCO Recycles Tank Farm Road, San Luis Obispo, CA type of facility: processing and sorting of commingled recyclables qty: proprietary anticipated diversion: proprietary participating Jurisdictions: San Luis Obispo, Grover Beach, Atascadero, Paso Robles, Npomo, Los Osos, Santa Marganca, Cambria, Cayucos curbside collector RALCCO Recycling 801 Ralc o Way, Nipomo, Ca type of facility: processing and sorting of commingled recyclables; buyback center opacity: proprietary anticipated diversion: prohrierary participating jurisdictions: Arroyo Grande, Pismo Beach, NipomolGceano Areas - curbside collector, Morro Bay, Cambria dr potf center ECOSLO Recyrting C tier 45 Prado Rd. San Luis Obispo, CA type of facility: Buy Back Center, processing and sorting of commingled recyclables qty. proprietary anticipated diversion: proprietary partcipating jurisdictions: Morro Bay curbside collector and yardwaste collection and processing, buyback center Gator Recycling 2363 Willow Rd.. 'dipomo, CA type or facility: asphalt/ concrete recycling capacity: Pty anticipated diversion: proprietary participating jurisdictions: countywide Auto Parts Recy ers 3045 Duncan Lane, San Luis Obispo, CA type of facility: Buy Back Center, Auto Dismander capacity: proprietary anticipated diversion: ley Participating jurisdictions: countywide NORTH COUNTY WASITSHM WU-Mar Rocycling 5835 Traffic Way, Ate, CA type of facility: processing and sorting of commingled recyclables capacity: proprietary anticipated diversion: prietary participating Jurisdictions: Atascadero- curbside collector VOMR:e.APR VI-1_2 RESOLUTION MO. 79-Q4 EX I TT "A" PAGE # 8 Coast Recycling 7625 San Luis Ave., Atascadero, CA Mx of facility: Buy Back Center capacity: Propriellary anticipated diversion: pWetary participating jurisdictions: Atascacl=, north county unincorporated areas Paso Robles Waste Disposal, Inc. 538 12th St., Paso Robles, CA type of facility: processing and sorting of commingled recyclables capacity: ProPnetatY anticipated diversion: proprietary participating Jurisdictions: Paso Robles - curbside collector Dirtrnan Trucking 1560 Ramona Dr., Paso Robles, CA type of facility: greenwaste composting 1 wood clipping rapacity: pmprietary anticipated diversion: proprietary participating jurisdictions: Atascadero City 9=waste curbside collection by Wd-Mar Disposal, genesial public Rossi Tra wortation Rossi Rd., Templeton, CA type of facility: geenwaste composting / wood chipping qty proprietary anticipated diversion: pqxietary participating jurisdictions: Paso Robles greenwasre curbside collection by Paso Robles Waste Disposal Southam Pad& Neft Co El Camino Real, Santa Margarita, CA type of facility: asphalt/concrew recycling qty: . Pmpriewy anticipated diversion: tic paniciPaur'ipg Jurisdictions: countywide Hewn Salvage and Metals 6450 Rocky Canyon Rd., Atascadero, CA type of facility: metals sating and buy_rack capacity: . proprietary anticipated diversion: lY participating jurisdictions: countywide Gwver Recyding 2117 Riverside Paso Robles, CA type of facility: buyback center: process and sort recyclabies capacity* Pte? Y anticipated diversion:participating Py Jurisdictions: tywide buyback services .VDFEDW-AM VI-1-3•: RESOLUTION NO. 79-94 EXHIBIT "A" PAGE # 9 CHAFrER 2 At NONDISPOSAL FACHM NEEDS The Source Reduction and Recycling Elements indicate that there may be a need to establish subrmonal nondisposal facilities in order to accomplish the 50S diversion levels in both the Noah County and South County wastesheds+ It is the intent of member jurisdictions to accomplish the mangy vow by imp4ementing source reduction strategies, recycling Programs, small scale c omposwg efforts, special uraste programs as well as education and public information strategies pnor to uutiatu►g the design and constnrction of these types of Urger scale facilities. NORTH COUNTY WAS'TESHID The SRREs addressing the cities of Atascadero, El Paso de Robles and the unincorporated areas within the North County wasteshed indicate a Materials Processing Facility (MPF) will likely be needed to accomplish the 50% diversion level. This facility has been envisioned as a facility that would accept presorted loads of materials High in various recyclable materials such as cardboard, plastic, metals or other types of matenals, that can be diverted from the waste stream. Anengineering study will be required to evaluate design parameters of a taci i and 0 users, size, location, implemerimm method and type of processing to be dete�nnuie spm vaac�sxaoc facility d+rveloper, the .public utilized. This could be done etdw through a pn se=, or pubWprivaL- para rp using a multijMS(h=131 a oa�ch. In �mg the design of the WF, die waste stream and Mposed faahty should be evaluated for the capability to recover material -&Om the dry &Action of a residential wet/dry cdkcuon system (if select for implementation), co collected loads. and =nal compactedcommercial and industrial waste as well as self had loads. MWEXAMAPtt VI-2-1 RESOLUTION NO. EXHIBIT "A" BOE. # 10 The jurisdictions within the North County wasteshed wm wurx u.?X=cr car -wiui u1c pnvam sector on the following tasks to determine the appropriate size, design, location, ownership, construction and operation arrangements for needed facilities. * Identify participating jurisdictions; * Coordinate facility planning and design at a sub-regional level in conjunction with a sub-regional collection system study; * Specify project objectives for diversion and geographic area served; * Conduct an engineering design study to identify project technology, costs and revenue, location, materials specified for diversion, and entity responsibility for carrying out steps to implement ongoing operation: N * Begin project development including al ocadng funds; obtaining site, and procuring design and construction services. * Conduct vendor procuremer.c for project development; * Construct the facility; * Perform start-up and performance testing; M time Mcessing operations. The io County communities of 'El Paso de Robles and Atascadero a randy have mtside greenwaste Qolllection smxvices. Composting activities %f r these materials are below the level for Solid Waste Facility permitting requirements. Increased volumes may result in the need for this level of permitting in the future. YoFt t.OR VI-2-2 RESOLUTION NO. 79-94 EXHIBIT " PAGE # lI SOUTH COU'N'TY WAS'I'F—MEM The SRRF.s addressing the cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Morro Bay, Pismo and the unincorporated areas of the County within the South Beach, San . Luis Obispo Facility County wasteshed indicate a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF' and Composting fish .he 50% 'diversion'diversionlevel for these jurisdictions. At this will likely be needed m accomplish time these fx ilities are viewed as regional facilities serving the jurisdictions that choose to participate. Local wrisdictions will also be suppomng market development and composing efforts to J reduce the tlow of materials to the Cold Canyon Landfill• It is anticipated that an aggressive composting program will substantially reduce the rate at which materials are latuifilled. Should these efforts successfully reduce the disposal tate a MRF may not be needed to accomplish the state mandated diversion goals. An eng'tneeritrg study will be eters of a MRF (if this aired to evaluate the c�gn P� determine c users, size, location, implementation Mx of facility' is needed)` and to specific method and type of processing to be utilized. This could be done either through a private- lic- rivate W p using a sector facility developer, the public sector, or a pub P multijuiisdicdonal approach. in considering the design of a MRF,. the faaiity should have the mobility to recover material from the dry fraction of a residential wet/drY collection compacted sY� (if selec for implementation, tlected loads, and normal commercial and industrial.waste as well as self haul loads. The jurisdictions within the South :County wasteshed will be working together through doe San Luis Obi Integrated Waste :vtarogement Audlority to evaluate the need for and The following tasks are to determine the fusibility of developing six�i a �'. forappreciate scale, design, locatio n, of mon and operational warners facilities that may be determined to be needed in order to a=mphsh 5096' diversion; * Identify participating jurisdictions; VI-2-3 RESOLUTION NO. 79-94 EXHIBIT"A " PAGE # 12 * Coordinate facility planning and design at a sub-regional level in conjunction with a sub-regional collection system study; * Specify project objectives for diversion and geographic area served; * Conduct an engineering design study to identify project technology, costs and revenue, location, materials specified for diversion, and entity responsibility for carrying out steps to implement ongoing operation; * Begin Proles development including allocadng funds, obtaining site, and Procuring design and construction services. * Conduct vendor procurement for project development; * Construct the facility; * Perform start up and performance testing; * Begin full time processing operations. There exists an adequate supply of vacant and low intensity use sites widen the service area of the jurisdictions to accommodate these types of faolitim No specific area has been forrnally identified for the location of these potential uses. NZ)FEDW VI-24