HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 85-95 RESOLUTION NO. 85-95 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPORTING THE POLICY STATEMENT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE NORTH COUNTY COUNCIL IN SUPPORT OF THE FORMATION OF A REGIONAL WATER AGENCY TO REPRESENT NORTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY AND THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ON WATER RESOURCE ISSUES WHEREAS, There are limited existing water resources in North San Luis Obispo County, thereby necessitating careful management and maximization for the benefit of all users; WHEREAS, The water users in the City of San Luis Obispo and North San Luis Obispo County can no longer afford to pursue water resources separately; and WHEREAS, Joint cooperation in the areas of water storage, transmission and usage would be of benefit for all water users in the City of San Luis Obispo and North San Luis Obispo County; NOW, THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of Atascadero hereby resolves to endorse and support the policy statement of the Executive Committee of the North County Council as reflected in Exhibit A, attached hereto. ON MOTION BY Councilmember Luna , seconded by Councilmember Johnson the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Bewley, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Highland NOES: None - ABSENT: Councilmember Carden ADOPTED: 9/12/95 CITY OF ATASCADERO: T ST: r' GEOR E P. HaRLAND, Mayor i LEE RICE, ity Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: AR HER R. MONTANDON, City Attorney "EXHIBIT A" CITY OF ATASCADERO RESOLUTION NO. 85-95 PAGE I OF 2 it is of. utmost importance that the Limited water resources in North San Luis Obispo County be carefully managed Lor the benefit of all citizens to maximize the available water. The time has past where factions of the water users Ln the City of San Luis Obispo and North Si3O- County can afford to separately pursue use of our precious water resources. It is now time for all water users to unite Lor the future welfare of all of the County. we realize that only joint cooperat.i.ve efforts in tale area- of. water Storage, transmission and usage, will be successful in maxi.*d.zing our resources Lor future generations . We are now at a crossroads. Watar resources can continue to be managed in a shortsighted, fractious way, or we can agree to journey together for the benefit of all. A regional= water agency representing both the North. County and San Luis Obispo representatives is believed to be the effective tool for undertaking such management. To that end, the following proposals are being recommended for consideration for the North County Council. A. WATER MANAG.c N!ENT - A NEW REGIONAL A..PDROAC3 *Consider the creation of a regional avatar management group *Group would represent municipal agencies, districts, agricultural reps and other down stream users . *Group's primary focus is to Look at all water resources on a regional basis *A11 water resources including but not Limited to, Nacim .ento Mater and Salinas Basin dater resources may- be considered as combined, coordinated resources for San Luis Obispo and the North County. *A coordinated approach to maximizing the use of these water sources would enhance the available water- to a11, and result in reduced costs to all Y "EXHIBIT A" ' _ CITY OF ATASCADERO RESOLUTION NO. 85-95 PAGE 2 OF 2 8 . WATER RIGHTS - COOPERATE FOR BETTER SOLUTIONS *Salinas Dam water stored above the existing spillway elevation will be Le-evaluated and an allocation strategy defined for the benefit of all. *The "Live Stream" agreement may be enhanced by considering additional waters from other sources, similar to Nacirti.eato . *Riparian rights will be protected *Present water allocations and/or appropriations may be revised to reflect water sharing on a regional basis. C. SUGGcSTED ACTION ELEMEN'T'S Now is the tin* to c o the Salinas Dam Project, and t.`�e Naci.mi.ez tc ?roj' along with Sa_inas River considerations. Sean Luis Obispo and the North County must be willing to wort together on a compromise water allocation strategy regarding the Salinas Dam. North County and San Luis Obispo City must be willing to assume costs and liabilities for a shared water use approach. Combining the projects creates multiple opportunities for current and future water strategies and significantly multiplies our options . i . Immediately obtain political concurrence of this strategy to join together for mutual regional- water solutions , rather than fighting over precious water resources . 2 . kfter political concurrence, at a committee Level, have the North County Council and SLO City begin meeting to jointly outline a strategy for joining the Salinas Dara Project and Nacimi.ento Project. 3 . Direct technical and elected representatives to meet and develop a Listing of combined projects for consideration of the NCC and SLO. 4. NCC and SLO jointly will prioritize the potential projects and set a course for immediate action oa the alternatives while concurrently the formation of the regional agency will be pursued.