HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 16-94 RESOLUTION NO. 16-94 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO REVISING CITYWIDE PURCHASING PROCEDURES WHEREAS, It is necessary to amend the City of Atascadero Procurement and Purchasing Manual; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO: Section One: That the attached Exhibit A, revised pages of the Procurement and Purchasing Manual, are included as a part of this resolution and are hereby approved, effective March 8, 1994. On Motion by Councilmember Luna , seconded by Councilmember Borgeson the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Bewley, Borgeson, Luna and Mayor Nimmo NOES: None ABSENT: One seat vacant ADOPTED: March 8, 1994 ATT ST: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: LEE PRICE, City Clerk ROBERT P. NIMMO, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER R. MO TAND , City Attorney Resolution No. 16-94 EXHIBIT "All - Page 1 (f) After the deadline, the City Clerk will open the bids, tabulate the results and forward the information to Finance and the appropriate Department . (g) The Department Head will prepare a report to Council recommending the most responsive bidder. Generally, this is the lowest bid. However, there may be circumstances which warrant someone other than the lowest vendor. These circumstances will be explained in the Department's report to Council . (h) Upon Council' s award, the Department Head will prepare a purchase order requisition and attach a copy of Council' s award of bid, and route to Finance for encumbering of funds. Once encumbered, the purchase order will be routed back to the requesting department for further processing/ordering. 2 .4 When preparing a Request for Proposal (RFP) or a formal bid, include a brief statement of what the Department is expecting as a finished product or service. Include a description of the current inventory or other conditions within the department, as appropriate. When developing specifications, care must be taken that, on the one hand, they are not so specific that only one vendor could qualify, while on the other, they are not so broad that a meaningful comparison between two or more vendor' s product is impossible. Section Three; Exceptions to Formal Bidding 3 .1 In emergency situations where time is of the essence, the appropriate Department Head may dispense with formal bidding to obtain materials necessary in dealing with the emergency. However, immediately after the emergency, the appropriate Department Head shall prepare a memo to Council explaining the emergency. 3 .2 When one known supplier is available, the appropriate Department Head shall prepare a report for Council approval requesting an exemption from the formal procedures. 3 .3 When there exists other governmental contracts that were competitively bid (such as the State Vehicle Contract) that the City is eligible to use, in lieu of a formal bid. The City may also solicit informal quotes from local vendors utilizing the Local Vendor Preferences section of Special Purchasing Incentives for comparison and purchase. 3 .4 When there are extenuating circumstances that would make formal bidding not the most cost-effective approach. This often relates to qualitative or artistic issues. The appropriate Department Head shall prepare a report to Council, explaining the circumstances. REVISED 3/8/94 6 Resolution No. 16-94 EXHIBIT "A" - Page 2 (c) Travel by Private Car - Reimbursement will be made at the mileage rate set by the Internal Revenue Service. If private car costs are greater than other methods of transportation, the least expensive total will be reimbursed. No reimbursement will be made for any repairs, except for reasonable towing expenses (such costs are covered in the mileage rate) . 5.3 Lod icing (a) The City will pay reasonable costs associated with the conference-recommended lodging accommodations, at the rate of a standard single room, or the government rate, whichever is lower. (b) Expenses for spouses are not allowed. When a spouse attends a conference with an employee, only lodging at the single rate (if applicable) will be reimbursed. 5 .4 Meals/Per Diem: (a) In order to facilitate meals, gratuities, phone charges and other daily expenses, a per diem rate of $35 .00 is established. No receipts are necessary. In the event partial days are involved, the per diem rate shall be prorated as follows: Breakfast - $ 5 .00 * Lunch - $10.00 * Dinner $20 .00 (b) In high cost-of-living areas (such as San Francisco) , a per diem rate of $70.00; shall be permitted, provided the costs are supported by receipts Prior City Manager approval is required for the higher per diem rate. (c) In the 'event the conference registration includes meals, the per diem rage may be adjusted, based upon the prorated amounts in 5 .4 (a) 5 .5 Incidental Expenses: The following items are eligible for reimbursement: * Parking Fees (over $5 . 00 per day requires a receipt) ; * Safe arrival personal phone call (not to exceed five minutes) ; * Car Rental, when it is more practical and/or less expensive than the use of taxi cabs, other public transportation or hotel-supplied transportation; * Cab Fare, while on City business; * Business Phone Calls; Toll Bridge expenses. REVISED 3/8/94 31