HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 135-93 RESOLUTION 135-93 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING A SALARY/CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE AND BENEFITS FOR MID-MANAGEMENT/PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero as follows: SECTION 1. SALARIES 1.1 Base salaries in effect on 30 June 1993 shall be increased 2.6%effective 1 July 1993, as shown on the attached salary schedule (Exhibit A). SECTION 2. HEALTH BENEFITS 2.1 The City shall pay all medical, dental and vision benefit premiums for the employee and dependents for the term of this agreement. 2.2 Those employees whose benefit date is prior to July 1, 1993, without dependents or who choose not to enroll their dependents in the City plan, will receive the amount of the dependent premium as an addition to their regular pay. SECTION 3, ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE 3.1 Each employee will receive forty-eight (48) hours of Administrative Leave which will vest as of July 1 annually. Except as provided below, Administrative Leave will not be carried over or accrue from one fiscal year to the next. 3.2 If an employee is unable to use his/her Administrative Leave prior to the end of the fiscal year for work related reasons beyond his/her control (as verified by the Department Head), said leave will be carried over into the next fiscal year for a period not to exceed three (3) months. Said time will be available to the employee for use during that period, but will not be accrued for the purpose of payoff in the event of termination. 3.3 In the event an employee covered by this Agreement is employed after January 1 of the fiscal year, the employee shall be eligible for twenty-four (24) hours of Administrative Leave. SECTION 4. RETIREMENT 4.1 The City shall continue to pay the employee contribution to the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), for the term of this agreement. SECTION 5. LIFE INSURANCE 5.1 The City shall maintain a term life insurance policy on each employee in the amount of Fifty-Thousand Dollars ($50,000) and the City shall pay the full premium amount for such coverage. Resolution No. 135-93 Page 2 of 3 5.2 The City shall maintain a term life insurance policy for each eligible dependent enrolled in health coverage, in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per dependent and the City shall pay the full premium amount for such coverage. SECTION 6. SICK LEAVE ACCRUAL 6.1 There will be no maximum limit on the amount of sick leave an employee may accumulate. SECTION 7. SICK LEAVE INCENTIVE 7.1 Eligibility - to be eligible for this benefit an employee must: a. Have accumulated 48 days of sick leave. b. The sick leave pay-off will occur the next 12-month period (December 1 - November 30) after an employee has accumulated and maintained the 48 days on the books. C. In the event an employee covered by this agreement donates up to 12 days of sick leave in any one year, to the Employee Sick Bank, it shall not count against the 48 day accumulation for eligibility to receive the incentive pay-off. 7.2 Once the eligibility requirements have been met,an employee may opt to receive a pay-off equal to one-third (1/3) of the unused annual allotment of sick leave. (The annual allotment is twelve (12) days.) 7.3 The time period for determining annual usage will be December 1 to November 30. Checks will be prepared by December 15. SECTION 8. SICK LEAVE PAY-BACK 8.1 When an employee terminates employment in good standing, after five (5) years of continuous service, he/she shall be paid one-half of his/her accumulated Sick Leave. SECTION 9. OVERTIME FOR SWORN PUBLIC SAFETY PERSONNEL 9.1 Sworn personnel will be eligible for overtime on an emergency basis only, upon approval of their department head. They must be acting in the capacity of either fire captain or police sergeant while on the shift. SECTION 10. HOLIDAY 10.1 The Birthday (Floating) Holiday (8 hours) will be credited to the employee on January 1 of each year and must be utilized within the calendar year,to be scheduled as any normal leave with pay procedure. There shall be no accumulation of floating holidays. 10.2 Martin Luther IGng's Birthday shall be observed as a holiday. Resolution No. 135-93 Page 3 of 3 SECTION 11.` TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 11.1 The City shall reimburse an employee up to$400.00 per fiscal year for books, tuition and related educational expenses for attending college or other professional training, provided the coursework is job-related, and the employee received passing grades. SECTION 12. TERM OF AGREEMENT 12.1 This agreement shall be effective 0001 a.m.,July 1, 1993, and shall remain in effect, unless modified by mutual agreement, until midnight June 30, 1994. Date: f/- Mid-Management Professional Bargaining Unit C ty of sc Joe- 11 On Motion by Councilmember Luna, and seconded by Councilmember Bewley, the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Bewley, Borgeson, Luna and Mayor Nimmo NOES: None ABSENT: One Seat Vacant ADOPTED: November 23,1992 CITY OF ATASCADERO By: --r ATTES ROBERT P. NIMMO, Mayor ~: /4__ L BOIN, City C erk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ART ER R. MON AND , City Attorney solution No. 135- 3 EXHIBIT A Page I of 2 rDN CTI O NM••+rG 0�O N N N V•NM N W.-+N O N V•M M%D h N"N { p,. t'S W W�+O OI h 00 O+Gh N N ID M O N V'tri b d• N M.tri n U - EN!1 M d•Q1 O QI N4C!MM QO 06hfA h Ek1\O Chh 00 TDh hVr 00 FO OQ�•+vY�t6 OQNN M_C�10 N 1D+•+h•M Ch M tifi O10 t•`W 11 11 00 h 00 h to OI N.� O O Vi w M O d 0%h h 00.•+V3 N M1 N h O rD M1 0 tei N.V•Os^'�to[�h.O••+ r`i M. &nc)%00 NhMrn 01 CAV V Mh Na.r.. 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