HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC_2021-03-11_Minutess 202 1 CITY OF ATASCADERO PLANNING CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES Regular Meeting — Thursday, March 11, 2021 — 2:00 P.M. City Hall (Teleconference) 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA CALL TO ORDER — 2:00 p.m. Vice Chairperson Funk called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: By Teleconference Vice Chairperson Susan Funk Committee Member Emily Baranek Committee Member Jeff van den Eikhof Absent: Chairperson Heather Newsom Committee Member Dennis Schmidt Others Present: By Teleconference - Recording Secretary, Annette Manier Staff Present: By Teleconference Community Development Director, Phil Dunsmore Senior Planner, Kelly Gleason Assistant Planner, Mariah Gasch Associate Planner, John Holder Others Present By Teleconference Adriana Cook Michael Burke Scott Smith Max Zappas Janet Miller APPROVAL OF AGENDA Page 1 of 4 MOTION: By Committee Member van den Eikhof and seconded by Committee Member Baranek to approve the Agenda. Motion passed by unanimous consent. PUBLIC COMMENT None Vice Chairperson Funk closed the Public Comment period. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF THE FEBRUARY 10, 2021 DRAFT MINUTES MOTION: By Committee Member van den Eikhof and seconded by Committee Member Baranek to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed by unanimous consent. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. DESIGN REVIEW OF AN ADDITION TO A BUILDING AT 5880 ARDILLA AVE. The applicants are proposing construction of an addition to an existing multi- family building. This includes a second story onto an existing one-story building as well as the addition of a courtyard and community building. The project would increase the density from 13 units to 32 units. The applicant is proposing a density bonus and is requesting a parking reduction. The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), under Categorical Exemption $ 15332, Class 32 In -Fill Development Projects. Recommendation: Staff requests the DRC review the proposed design and direct the applicant to make any modifications to the site or building design as necessary. (PRE20-0071) Planner Gasch presented the project, and she and Director Dunsmore answered questions from the Committee. During Planning Commission review, staff will suggest that the applicant provide a Parking Management Plan. A new fire access was provided, and although it is pretty steep, the firetruck turnaround does meet the requirements, per the Fire Department. Ex Parte Communications Vice Chairperson Funk visited the site yesterday and spoke to one of the children of the residents. Emily Baranek used to live near this site and some members of the public would use the property as a thoroughfare. Page 2 of 4 Applicant Adriana Cook from Arris Studio Architects made a presentation on the project. (Exhibit A), and said that an accessible walkway has been added. The current driveway will be graded. Michael Burke from HASLO and Scott Smith, Executive Director from HASLO, also spoke on the project stated that this project will modernize the existing units and bring more affordable housing into the City. Solar will be added to this project, and fencing for security can be explored. The population of residents in this community are special needs residents with three units for Transitions Mental Health. Case Management will be onsite. Expected construction timeframe will be 12-14 months, and residents will be relocated during the renovation. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no emails received prior to the meeting. The following members of the public spoke during public comment: Max Zappas and Janet Miller. Vice Chairperson Funk closed the Public Comment period. Staff and the applicant answered questions raised during public comment. The Committee agreed on the following recommendations: 1. Architecture and design—The Committee is in agreement with the architecture, but asked the applicant to make pedestrian improvements, which may include a sidewalk (work with Public Works) and the upgrade of utilities to the site. Leveling out the grade could improve the site for pedestrian access. Sidewalk and pedestrian -safe access from the driveway to the corner for people to safely walk to the downtown is important. The site must meet requirements for a Fire Department turnaround and access for Fire to help second -floor residents. The Committee was pleased with the continuing current architecture and stated that the Community Room is a great addition. The Committee was in agreement with the concessions on storage and open space and had no objections. The Committee would like the applicant to consider visual screening of the trash enclosure so it is not visible from the street. 2. Parking and access — A Parking Management Plan is recommended based on residents and whether they own a car. The Committee recommended prioritizing residents who are non -licensed. This property is close to the downtown, which is an amenity; however, those who do live there should have an opportunity to park their car onsite. 3. Landscaping — The Committee was in agreement to leave landscaping as staff has recommended, and explore installing fencing in-between this property and the church property. Another option could possibly be to work with the church to gain an access easement to include stairs and/or an accessible path from Ardilla Road. The project will move onto Planning Commission for final approval. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS None Page 3 of 4 3 DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Dunsmore stated there is a meeting tonight on Housing, and gave an update on other upcoming projects in the City. There are no items scheduled for the March 25, 2021 meeting. ADJOURNMENT— 3:24 p.m. The next regular meeting of the DRC is scheduled for Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 2:00 p.m., but currently there are no items scheduled for that meeting date, so the meeting may be cancelled. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Annette Manier, Recording Secretary Administrative Assistant The following Exhibits are available in the Community Development Department: Exhibit A —Applicant's presentation Adopted April 15, 2021 Page 4 of 4 4 PE. TrmwA- Q 0 Q 0 00 00 LO Exhibit A DRC Meeting of 3-11-2021 * L .1 cI IS, , i tf ,sk - r 'A 5 r ]14 F � Z., <Q �.p0 do� Z QL W5 + U L a�a I QG l� i z Q W Q Q :* o .. r � Q � aJ CL QQ o Q::� H W Q 25 � 0O0 CL CO L W O y- 0 0 r tV #�� t a z lo' �o� a ego v doQ z d y U • i6i �6S $a �i Nl W �1 Zo W Q O �iy Q .� CL ar*0000 0 V •— Q W CL co ap Lo U W cn Q i � �= N � G W p � jos a �p� o day z W U [ �O T 4 Y a �¢ $ sl' �e 6, �^ V) N!' 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