HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC_2021-06-08_MinutesPUBLIC COMMENT PROVIDED BY EMAIL A. CONSENT CALENDAR Item A-2 SUBMISSION FROM: Rick Derevan From: Rick Derevan <rickderevan@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, June 6, 2021 11:25 AM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Public Comment Agenda Item A.2 for June 8 City Council Meeting I write to urge the City Council to reject the update to the planning and zoning as it relates to ordinance section 9-6.106, which deals with residential accessory structures. The proposed change would permit residential accessory structures to be equal in size to 100% of the area of a property's principal structure (double what is permitted now) up to 3,000 square feet and be exempt from any discretionary review. This is wrong. Particularly since setback requirements are only 5 feet, it would permit enormous structures to abut a neighbor's property without any review. This will change the character of neighborhoods and impose burdens on adjoining properties. The current system works fine. Do not change it. Rick Derevan 5005 Cascabel Rd, Atascadero, CA 93422 PS The proposed ordinance at 9-6.106(b)(2) contains a word error. "Principle" should be "Principal." COMMUNITY FORUM SUBMISSION FROM: Ron Krall From: Ronald Krall <rkrall@midstatesolidwaste.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 11:55 AM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Cc: CityManager@prcity.com; City Council <CityCouncil@atascadero.org> Subject: To be read at the Atascadero City Council Meeting June 8, 2021 during the Community Forum section of the Agenda Good evening Honorable Mayor Moreno and Council Members, my name is Ron Krall, I’m the CEO of North County Recycling and Compost a locally owned and operated facilities located in Paso Robles and Creston , CA. As you start to develop plans and ordinances to comply with SB1383 effective 1/1/2022, North County Recycling and Compost has been preparing for SB1383 and expanding our ability to support SLO County in complying with this new regulation. We recently invested in solar energy to expand our available resources and reduce our carbon footprint. Additionally, we have an approved facility expansion at our La Cruz Way location in Paso Robles that will start this year and allow for additional capacity, greater processing and redesigned controls allowing us to become a larger partner in this effort. Hopefully a larger partner with this City. North County Recycling and Compost recycles 100% of our processed Food/Organic and Green Waste and 85%+ of our Construction and Demolition material and can positively impact any SB1383 Strategic Plan through the items below throughout the North County. Adapting SB1383 policies and support use for inbound volumes to be recycled Procurement: Support SB1383 required product procurement (compost material , 50/50 gypsum blend and soil amendments) by recycling and selling into the circular economy strived for in SB1383 Infrastructure Development: Both our facilities in Paso Robles and Creston CA are permitted, operating, and have over 250+ tons per day of available capacity for use in complying with the SB1383 requirements. All the above listed efforts will maximize volumes, limit transportation costs and trucking distance, lowering the carbon footprint for all involved. I look forward to any questions, accommodating your future tour requests and working with all as we navigate the SB1383 rollout and build our Circular Economy, with a focus to develop priority relationships for inbound and out bound volumes. Ron Krall CEO Mid State Solid Waste North County Recycling 3360 La Cruz Way, Paso Robles, CA. 93446 805-434-0043 Helping to Build a Circular World SUBMISSION FROM: Denise de Cock -----Original Message----- From: salsafrnd@aol.com <salsafrnd@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 6:41 AM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Public comment: police station decorations To whom it may concern, As a voting, tax paying citizen I want you to know that I was HORRIFIED at the City’s lack of respect for our officers who put their lives on the line for us every single day. The officers who deal with the homeless, thugs, gangsters and other riff raff the City appears incapable of getting a handle on. This lack of respect has been noted and I personally will be voting accordingly at the next elections. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU! Denise de Cock SUBMISSION FROM: John Whitford -----Original Message----- From: John Whitford <john@johnwhitford.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 7:30 AM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Blue Support Dear city Council I find it offensive that someone in the city of Atascadero removed all of the decorations that support our men and women of Atascadero police Department. As a resident of Atascadero and a businessman of Atascadero I find it important that we stand up and support our law-enforcement who are under attack throughout this country. Our law officers put their life on the line to protect our community and this is shown by the recent death of San Luis Obispo police officer Benedetti Lucca. For some reason some people seem to think that supporting law-enforcement is racist or against certain groups of people. We need to stand against this way of thinking and do what is right. Our men and women of law-enforcement protect all people of all races especially here in our community of Atascadero. Shame on whoever took the authority to remove these decorations of support. What’s next no flying of the American flag? Respectfully John Whitford SUBMISSION FROM: Allysha Newnam From: Allysha Newnam <allyshanewnam@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 7:58 AM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Public Comment: Police Station Decorations Hello Atascadero Officials, I know it may seem like “well the ribbons have been up long enough to honor our police” and that it is time to remove them but I think in general, the citizens of Atascadero want our police force to feel appreciated and supported every day. I live right next to the police station and the ribbons / decor have never stood out as an eyesore to me. Please let us keep showing our boys in blue that they’re important to us. Allysha Newnam SUBMISSION FROM: Amanda Tremblay -----Original Message----- From: Amanda Tremblay <ajtremblay2012@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 8:49 AM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Public Comment: Police Station Decoration As a resident in Atasacdero and a daughter of a former police officer it saddens my heart to know that the community police support decorations are going to be removed. During these crazy times I feel it is deeply important for our community to show support to those who keep us safe day and night. We need to celebrate our officers and our community should be able to express our support of them. Please do not take down the supportive decorations. Sincerely, Amanda Tremblay SUBMISSION FROM: Celena Berry From: Celena Berry <celenaberry89@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 9:38 AM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org>; Rachelle Rickard <rrickard@atascadero.org> Cc: Lara Christensen <lchristensen@atascadero.org>; Terrie Banish <tbanish@atascadero.org> Subject: Public Comment: Police Station Decoration Good afternoon, I am writing as a concerned citizen who owns property and resides in Atascadero. I have to share the extreme disappointment my family feels in hearing the signs, decorations and efforts put forth by the community in support of our Law Enforcement have been removed by the City of Atascadero. I feel confident to say that this was a poor decision by the city to "keep the peace" with those who wish ill on our officers. Instead of standing behind the support your community is showing, especially during a time of grief and loss, you have removed thoughts, feelings and demonstrated to adults and children alike that their supportive actions do not matter. What a sad message to send to your community. One year ago on June 2nd 2020, my son and I were disgusted with the events that were unfolding in the US, causing many to turn their backs against those who protect us daily. On that day, we decided to share our support to our officers in a different way. We made signs sharing our appreciation and taped them up at Atascadero PD. Those signs remained through June into July and were eventually torn down by people passing by. When they were torn down, more were added by other citizens in our community and they have remained up until the last week or so when the City decided to remove them. My questions are: 1. Why were they removed now? 2. What has changed since last year? 3. Where is YOUR support for those who are working to protect ALL of the citizens in OUR community? I proudly support our men and women who put their lives on the line every day. I have spent hours with my own child to teach him about the importance of law and order. What sacrifices are made each day when those officers wake up to put on their uniform and leave their own families to protect ours. The missed holidays, family events, long shifts, the sad situations they are witness to and the daily fear of not knowing if they will be coming home at the end of their shift. Even through all of the challenges we see daily throughout the country for those in uniform, my son still wishes to become an officer to serve and protect those around him. Maybe our City Board and City Manager should show as much courage and respect as he does to support our men and women in blue who put US FIRST. Sincerely, Celena Berry SUBMISSION FROM: unsigned From: Versetzt ✔️ <imbryan@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 9:59 AM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Ribbon and Flag removal It's ridiculous to remove the decorations that support our law enforcement at the Atascadero Police Station. It's wrong and should be stopped! Support for local law enforcement is the bedrock for our community. Without respect for law and order there will be NONE! From: Versetzt ✔️ <imbryan@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 10:00 AM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Ribbon removal It's ridiculous to remove the decorations that support our law enforcement at the Atascadero Police Station. It's wrong and should be stopped! Support for local law enforcement is the bedrock for our community. Without respect for law and order there will be chaos and crime increase. SUBMISSION FROM: Joyce Wilkins From: joyce wilkins <wilkinsjoyce56@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 11:03 AM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: In support of APD Please consider allowing us to show our support and respect for the APD by decorating with flags and blue ribbons. I feel it is extremely important to set this example of respect to our younger generation. Thank you, Joyce Wilkins SUBMISSION FROM: Kim Paul From: Kim Paul <skizigdop@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 1:07 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Public Comment: Police Station Decorations Good Morning, Please find attached my public comments for the City Council meeting tonight 6-8. Please confirm this has been received and will be read tonight at the meeting. Thank you in advance Kim Paul Atascadero Resident 6-8-21 Atascadero City Council, As a resident of Atascadero for the last 7 years I am disappointed that the city has chosen to remove the signs and decorations residents put up to support the Atascadero Police Department. The Police are more important now than ever considering that our Southern boarder is wide open and our tyrannical Governor has released over 18,000 prisoners back into society due to the pandemic. Crime is on the rise in California and the Police are our last line of defense. The city of Atascadero should be supporting their police officers, not taking the bits of support they get from the community down as they are mourning the loss of one of their own. As a resident what the city did speaks volumes to me, it was a cold- hearted move on the part of the city and down -right disgraceful. Our police officers deserve better from the city of Atascadero, and I ask that the person who made the decision to have the decorations taken down be held accountable for their cowardly decision. Thank you Kim Paul SUBMISSION FROM: Hollye Parsley From: psychtyppe@charter.net <psychtyppe@charter.net> Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 4:36 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Public comment:Police Station Decoration" What, now we live in a communist/socialist city? A city where we are not allowed to express our support for our police force? What happened to our first amendment rights? This is outrageous!!! Why does the city believe that it is ok to take away our communities voice and expression? Stop the suppression of voices that support Police officers! Hollye Parsley Atascadero SUBMISSION FROM: Amanda Hawkins From: Amanda Hawkins <amandahawkins7@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 5:00 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Public Comment Police Decorations The City's use of the sign ordinance to silence the community's support of our police who PROTECT us, and who OUR tax dollars fund, in addition to YOUR jobs at the City, is a violation of our Constitutional rights. Your use of the sign ordinance to remove ribbons and decorations at the police station is NOT interpreted consistent with the requirements of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and the free speech clause of Article I of the California Constitution. The City is practicing censorship on its citizens. We love our law enforcement. The City's actions are shameful, especially after we just lost Detective Benedetti. TAKE A STAND FOR YOUR PEOPLE! - Amanda Hawkins SUBMISSION FROM: Jeff Z. Jr. From: Jeff <jeffzjr@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 5:38 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Public Comment: Police Station Decorations Hello, I tried calling the Atascadero Public comment line, however was unable to get through due to a busy signal on the line. I'd like to comment in regards to the Pro-Law Enforcement decor that was removed from APD, very recently. From what I understand the decor on the fence outside of APD was in place for about a year. Refreshed multiple times throughout the last year. Never knew it was an issue nor violated any rules. To have it taken down 1 week after the precession of SLOPD's fallen detective, seemed to be in very bad taste/timing. I view that in recent times Law Enforcement as a whole has been in the Media Limelight & has been attacked & portrayed in negative ways. This should in no way represent all Law Enforcement, especially in our local communities. I feel all Law Enforcement needs our support in all ways possible. As they took an Oath to Serve & Protect our communities. They deserve our respect & praise. As a community I feel it is our Constitutional Right to Express our Positive & Tasteful support in as many ways possible. I request that the City Council/Manager & Public Works Dept, reassess their decision to remove such decor. Thank you. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS Item B-1 SUBMISSION FROM: Rick Mathews From: Rick Mathews <rpm.fjd@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 3:19 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: public comment on Apple Valley Assessment Districts Before approving the yearly assessment report and renewal, as a homeowner at Apple Valley, I would like to request a review of the agreement with regards to several issues. The landscaping in the common areas of Apple Valley is over 15 years old, with many of the planted areas in various states of decline. While much of the common areas are kept tidy, there is a need to update, functionally improve and simplify the landscaping throughout the neighborhood. The long term success of our LLD will require anticipating repairs to irrigation, replanting, mulching, proper pruning and other good horticultural practices. Doing so can save water, reduce chemical use and save maintenance time. I don’t know that the current assessment agreement provides any regular review of conditions or opportunities to make improvements, outside of the (under-promoted and/or non-existent) annual meeting. The City needs to facilitate a phased master plan going forward, so that a more proactive approach can be implemented for repairs, adjustments and improvements. I contacted the city with detailed information regarding these concerns on March 26, 2021(Happy to resend if interested). Although I received a thoughtful response from Council member Funk, I received no response from City staff. Thanks for your consideration of these concerns for our neighborhood. I'd be happy to help any way I can. Sincerely, Rick Mathews 6005 Via Colonia Ct. Atascadero, CA 93422 805.610.7196 rpm.fjd@gmail.com SUBMISSION FROM: Jeff Foster From: Jeff Foster <jwf1660@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 3:48 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Public Comment - Apple Valley Assessment District As a homeowner in the Apple Valley Subdivision, I would like to propose consideration of the following prior to the approval of the yearly assessment report, and the renewal of any landscape maintenance agreement for Tract 2495: There are a number of issues throughout the development that require attention, but nearly all relate to the fact that the original landscape design placed rapid growth over long term health, water conservation, and the level of maintenance that would be required to preserve the development's visual appeal. At more than 15 years old, it's time for the city to re-evaluate what is currently working and what is not, and to come up with an updated assessment which involves a phased master plan over 3, 5, and perhaps even 10 years, so that the long term health and aesthetic appeal of the landscape...MY NEIGHBORHOOD...is preserved. A reassessment with a long term view, serious annual or bi-annual reassessments by Public Works, and an updated maintenance contract that allows for prioritization of those issues requiring more immediate attention should be considered. For instance, the poison oak that has previously been limited to the riparian area buffering the back of the park to the creek, has spread throughout the park. It can be seen within 4 or 5 feet of the walkway in numerous areas, and within 5 or 6 feet of several of the picnic tables. Is anyone responsible for paying attention to these types of issues? Does the current assessment identify this issue and offer a solution? Does the maintenance contract cover remediating issues like this? In addition, I would hope to see more effort on the city's behalf regarding outreach to the residents of the Apple Valley community, regarding the city's plan for how the LLD fees are to be used, and any input they may have in that regard. Thank you, Jeff Foster 5040 Via Colonia Ct.