HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Resolution 21-0009JUN 1 102; PC RESOLUTION 2021-0009OF ATASCADERO PLANNING RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS, ZONING MAP AMENDMENT, AMENDMENTS TO THE DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN, A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ESTABLISH A CONCEPT MASTER PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT INCLUDING APPROVAL OF THREE CONDITIONALLY ALLOWED USES (RV RESORT, CONFERENCE CENTER, AND MIXED-USE COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS), AND A HEIGHT EXCEPTION FOR THE DEL RIO RANCH PROJECT Del Rio Ranch AMND21-0020 2005, 20559 2115, 2205, 2325, 2375, 2405 E1 Camino Real and 49999 55059 57019 57039 5705 Del Rio Road (Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan South -East Project Site) APNs 049-112-039, 049-112-036, 049-112-022, 049-112-018, 049-112-019, 049- 112 -002,049 -151 -040,049 -151 -041,049 -151 -037,049 -151 -036, 49- 112 -002,049-151-040,049-151-041,049-151-037,049-151-036, and 049-151-005 WHEREAS, an application has been received from Cal Coastal Holdings, LLC (242 El Dorado Way, Pismo Beach, CA 93449), Applicant and Owner, to consider a General Plan Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, a Master Plan of Development (Conditional Use Permit) including approval of three conditionally allowed uses and outdoor amplified sound, and a height exception; and, WHEREAS, the site's current General Plan Land Use Designation is High Density Residential (HDR) and General Commercial (GC); and WHEREAS, the site's current Zoning Designation is Residential Multi -Family (RMF -24) and Commercial Retail (CR) with a Specific Plan #2 (SP2) Overlay; and WHEREAS, the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific plan (DRRCASP: SP#2) requires the adoption of a Master Plan of Development, approved in the form of a Conditional Use Permit prior to any development of the site; and WHEREAS, a conference facility, RV resort, and vertical mixed-use uses are listed as conditionally allowed uses in the CR/SP2 zoning district; and WHEREAS, outdoor amplified sound is proposed for the amphitheater use and plaza areas and requires approval through a public hearing process; and WHEREAS, the applicants are proposing to exceed the 35 -foot height limit in the CR zoning district for the mixed-use buildings, entertainment center, and hotel, which requires approval of a Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been adhered to; and WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject Master Plan of Development and Vesting Tentative Tract Map was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said Master Plan of Development; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero takes the following actions: SECTION 1. Recitals: The above recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2. Public Hearin. The Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, at a Public Hearing held on June 1, 2021, considered the proposed development plan. SECTION 3. CE A. The project was determined to be consistent with previously certified EIR and subsequent addendums prepared for the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan. SECTION 4. Facts and Findiny-s. The Planning Commission makes the following findings, determinations and approvals with respect to the project approvals: A. Findings for approval of a General Plan Amendment FINDING: The proposed amendment is in the public interest. FACT: The proposed map amendment designates the easterly portion of the site for high- density residential development. The previous plan designated a smaller portion along the southern portion of the site for this use. Relocation of the residentially zoned portion of the site will facilitate development of the site and concentrate commercial uses along the El Camino Real consistent with commercial development goals. FINDING: The proposed amendment is in conformance with the adopted General Plan Goals, Policies, and Programs and the overall intent of the General Plan. FACT: The proposed re -designation maintains an available site for housing development and supports a transition from residential to commercial land uses as supported by the General Plan. The re -designation supports goals, policies, and programs through the General Plan including the Land Use, Openspace, and Conservation Element as well as the newly adopted Housing Element and Circulation Element. FINDING: The proposed amendment is compatible with existing development, neighborhoods, and the environment. FACT: The modified multi -family zoning designation comprises of the eastern portion of the Del Rio Ranch site and acts as a buffer between existing residential uses and the proposed commercial land uses. The site is moderately sloped and will be served by the required extension of Obispo Road. FINDING: The proposed map amendment will not create any new significant and unavoidable impacts to traffic, infrastructure, or public services. FACT: The map amendment relocates residential zoning on the Del Rio Ranch project site. The proposed project will not generate significant and unavoidable impacts to traffic. The project will contribute City TIF fees toward the US 101 interchanges and will construct or pay fair share fees toward improvements identified in the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan and associated EIR. All internal and abutting public roads have been designed to City standard. FINDING: The proposed amendment is consistent with the adopted EIR and mitigation monitoring program. FACT: The proposed map amendment to modify the residential zoning for the Del Rio Ranch project is consistent with the General Plan EIR and subsequent EIR prepared for the del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan. B. Findings for approval of a Zone Map and Specific Plan Zone Amendment FINDING: The Planning and Zoning Text and Map Change is consistent with General Plan policies and all other applicable ordinances and policies of the City. FACT: All amendments are minor in nature to accommodate the relocation of the residentially zoned portion of the site. The amendments as proposed are consistent with goals and policies in the City's Land Use, Openspace and Conservation, Housing, and Circulation elements. FINDING: This Amendment of the Zoning Ordinance and Map will provide for the orderly and efficient use of lands where such development standards are applicable. FACT: The proposed amendments will relocate the residentially zoned portion of the site to the eastern property line, creating a residential buffer between existing single-family houses and the commercially zoned portion of the site. A dedicated public road will be provided between the residential and commercial zoning to provide for efficient and orderly development. FINDING: The Text and Map Change will not, in itself, result in significant environmental impacts. FACT: The proposed relocation of the high density residential zoning and associated Specific plan Amendments will not result in significant environmental impacts. The project is consistent with the previously certified EIR for the project site and mitigation measures have been incorporated to mitigate any identified impacts. C. Findings for Approval of a Conditional Use Permit (Master Plan of development, conditionally allowed uses) FINDING: The proposed project or use is consistent with the General Plan FACT: The proposed amendments are consistent with General Plan Land Use Circulation and Housing Element Policies. The project site provides for master planned commercial, entertainment, and tourist serving uses on a 26 -acre site. Conditionally allow4ed uses have been integrated in the site design. FINDING: The proposed project or use satisfies all applicable provisions of the Title (Zoning Ordinance) including provisions of the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan. FACT: The proposed project, with requested General Plan Amendment sna damendments to the Specific plan, is consistent with all applicable zoning regulations. Amendments will facilitate the development of the site in a manner that provides compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood and achieves the City's economic development and community goals. FINDING: The establishment, and subsequent operation or conduct of the use will not, because of the circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the general public or persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity of the use. FACT: The proposed project will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the general public or persons residing in the neighborhood. The uses are consistent with the underlying zoning district and with the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan. The proposed residential zoning designation will buffer adjacent residential uses from the commercial portion of the site. The Specific Plan standards, mitigation measures, and underlying zoning development standards will ensure that pedestrian and vehicular access conditions are designed in a manner which does not create ongoing safety concerns. FINDING: The proposed project or use will not be inconsistent with the character or the immediate neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development. FACT: The proposed project provides a transition from surrounding existing residential uses to the commercial portion of the site. The site is located at a key commercial node and development with the uses as proposed is anticipated within the Commercial Retail zoning designation. The project is consistent with surrounding residential and commercial uses. FINDING: The proposed use or project will not generate a volume of traffic beyond the safe capacity of all roads providing access to the project, either existing or to be improved in conjunction with the project, or beyond the normal traffic volume of the surrounding neighborhood that would result from full development in accordance with the Land Use Element. FACT: The proposed project will not generate significant and unavoidable impacts to traffic. The project will contribute City TIF fees toward the US 101 interchanges and will construct or pay fair share fees toward improvements identified in the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan and associated EIR. All internal and abutting public roads have been designed to City standard. FINDING: The proposed project is in compliance with any pertinent City policy or criteria adopted by ordinance or resolution of the City Council, including the City's Appearance Review Manual and the Inclusionary Housing Policy. FACT: The proposed project was reviewed by the Design Review Committee and was found to comply with all standards of the City's Appearance Review Manual. The multi- family portion of the site is identified as a housing opportunity site and it expected to develop with affordable -by -design housing. FINDING: The Master Plan of Development standards or processing requirements will enhance the opportunity to best utilize special characteristics of an area and will have a beneficial effect on the area. FACT: The proposed project utilized natural site topography to create a viable tourist and local serving destination. Site topography also assists in buffering commercial activities from surrounding residential uses while maintaining a higher intensity commercial development as anticipated in the Commercial Retail zoning district. D. Findings for Approval of a Height Exception FINDING: The project will not result in substantial detrimental effects on the enjoyment and use of adjoining properties and that the modified height will not exceed the lifesaving equipment capabilities of the Fire Department. FACT: The height is exceeded by architectural and roof features for commercial and mixed-use buildings located adjacent to the El Camino Real and Del Rio frontages. The modified height will not exceed the lifesaving equipment capabilities of the Fire Department and is intended to enhance the appearance of the project and provide variation in building form and massing. E. Findings for Approval of Housing Site Relocation FINDING: The relocation of the multi -family housing site complies with SB330 (Housing Crisis Act) to ensure no net loss of residential capacity. FACT: The project includes relocation of the residentially zoned portion of the South -East project site within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan. The project action increases the acreage of the residentially zoned land from 3 acres to 3.6 acres of developable area. This action includes concurrent re -designation of the site in accordance with SB330 to ensure no net loss of residentially zoned land available for housing development. SECTION 4. Approval. The Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, in a regular session assembled on June 1, 2021 resolved to recommend the City Council approve the Del Rio Ranch phased development plan and associated zoning and general plan amendments consistent with the following: EXHIBIT A: General Plan Land Use Amendment Diagram EXHIBIT B: Zoning Map Amendment Diagram EXHIBIT C: Amended Specific Plan EXHIBIT D: Conditions of Approval / Mitigation Monitoring Program. EXHIBIT E: Concept Development Plan Set BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be delivered forthwith by the Planning Commission Secretary to the City Council of the City of Atascadero. On motion by Commissioner Schmidt, and seconded by Commissioner Anderson, the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Schmidt, van den Eikhof, Keen, and Carranza (5) NOES: None (0) ABSENT: Commissioners Hughes and McIntyre ABSTAINED:None ADOPTED: June 1, 2021 CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA J en Eikhof Planning Commission Chairpe ATTEST: Phil Dunsmore Planning Commission Secretary (2) (0) Exhibit A General Plan Land Use Amendment Diaaram HDR A -L I Current General Plan designations l' Proposed General Plan designations Exhibit B Zoning Map Amendment Diagram Exhibit C Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan Amendments See following CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN March 2012 September 2020 June 2021 draign proieasoonalx 1998 Santa Barbara Street, Suite 200 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Adopted July 2012 Amended October, 2020 Amended June 2021 - INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK - CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN Prepared for: The City of Atascadero Prepared by: dw+en progssionpl6 land surveyors • land planners ed a — design professionals 1998 Santa Barbara Street, Suite 200 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 549-8658 In Conjunction with: Omni Design Group, Inc. Perkowitz + Ruth Architects Conceptual Design & Planning Company ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FROM 2012 City Council Bob Kelley, Mayor Tom O'Malley, Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Clay, Sr., Council Member Roberta Fonzi, Council Member Brian Sturtevant, Council Member Planning Commission Chuck Ward, Chairperson Dennis Schmidt, Vice Chairperson Christian Cooper, Commissioner Len Colamarino, Commissioner Beth Wingett, Commissioner David Bentz, Commissioner Mark Dariz, Commission City Staff Wade McKinney, City Manager Warren Frace, Community Development Director Russ Thompson, Director of Public Works Brady Cherry, Community Services Director Kurt Stone, Fire Chief CERTIVICNfION 1, Mania McOure T®rgerson, C.M.C. Cita Cierk of tfte Lit+. of Atds adefti. keret+~ certify Inas the tvr..Enai ig * a my mW Gomz copy of ( )rdinantx No. 62, adop,cd b4 'the .1tt#m:xkn) City ('utwif ut 1 ttgular met..titig tixreot f eld Ott Jutk it). 1012. OW titut. A has, ix -ea duly published pursuant to ;hate Law. Murcia Nlcf:lurt Torgcrm)n, CALC. City Clerk City OrAtocadem. Callfomia ORDINANCE NO. 562 SPECIFIC PLAN DOCUMENT ADOPTION AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERG, CALIFORTNIA, AMENDING THE ATASCAII)FRO MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDINGA TABLE FOR THE SPECIFIC PLAN DOCUUMENT FOR THE SP -2 ZONING DISTRICT FOR THE DEL RIO COMMERCIAL AREA (SP 2009-003) DEL RIO COMM ERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN WALMART 'SrORES INC. I THE ROTTMAN GROUP I MONTECITO BANK AND TRUST '4 HEREAS. an application has been received from: WaInart Stores, Inc. (2001 S.L. 10th Strect Bentonville, AR 727645 5(t) () r -r, and EIJA Ilesign professionals (1498 Santa Sahara St. Suite 200 San Luis Obispo. CA q3401) Applivurit. and; The Ronman Group (P.O. Box 227 Santa Mona, CA 93456-0227) Owner. and Omni Dc-,ign Ornup (689'rank Farm Road San Luis Obispo, CA 93453) Applicant. and. klunteciwl Batik and Trust I. 1010 State Street, Santa B.-irbw-a. C aliforria 91101) Owner - and Unini Vcdgn firoup 148,9 1 ank I -am Roast San Luis Obispo. CA 93453) Applicant. to consider Mazining Applications PI -N 2007-1245 and MY 2067-124S, tor a Project consi,.Iing of Omcral Plan Amcndmcrit-, lom, fi4xt and Map Arrmendnitnts, Specific Plan, Vesting Tentative Piu,cel Maps. Tree Removal PermiLs and curttricution of an Fnvii,onmcwA Impact RvToil ("FIR") on a 39,3= acre sitz locatedon El Camino Real and DLfI Rio Road, Atmeadero. CA 01422 (AP% U49-112-0021 W& M0. (122-016. 039. U49.151-005, t)36. 037. 040.0-11.049-102-020.0'31.032, 045. 048,056 and 049-131-070). un& 'WHEREAS, the sitc-s curm-at (icneml Plan land Use Dvsignadon is General Contrnercial (GC), Con-Anercial Park WK), Single-familc Rcii&vfia. Iligh-Dasily R%;stdcotiW f) IVR). Modium-IX-tisity Kr ,sidcntW (MDR). and Suburban Estates (SE). and, WHEIWAS, the site's current Zonine-, De4inatiork is Commemial Rijoil ((.'R� ('onmemial Park (('PX), RAidcntW Sisigic-Pa-roily (RSA' -X). Residential Multi Family (1tMF- 20). Reside" Multi Family jR.MF-I 0). and Residential Suburban jRS). arid. city of Atatscadery Ordirlance No. 02 Pallb 2 of 11 WHEREAS, the Planni" Commission has rwavowntn&d [h. -At the City Council ;V,)Pmvc a Geneva! Kim Land Use Diagram Aunendawnt to churige the Land Use Dc:iignation of lots within the prcriw, site to �Commcrcial ReWl 4CR). I ligh-Density Residontial (11DR), and Single - Family Rewdential (SFR -X)-. and, WHEREAS, the Planning CDnimission has recommended that the City Council approve a Toning Ordinance Text rbange andZonbig Map Amendment to :stablish zoning cudtcxt for Specific Plan Zane 2 and to chmige the 7oninga of lots with the projctt anut to fommerciul Retail WR'P, Rebiderti-W Sine-le-Farnily (RSF-XI. mid Residential Multi FamUy IPUMF-2(a with a Specific Mart 7otw2 a% eday on the tairc proicet cite; iod, WHEREkS, the General Plan has dcsipiated ltw project site as an :teen rtqfilring a comprehemive Triwovr plan in order to minimize environmental impacts and maximizv cointnunit% compatibilih, (Gencral Plun lable 11-5) and to prarriaw wjcrly and h;irwiniOus devdopnent arta to enhance the toppmunity to nest utilize special site chatacteriaics- wid. WHEREAS. a Final OIL finding of Fact and Statement of ov-,LTAtling ConsiduTwiow, have ban preporud for t6. project and made available for public review ta accordance %ith thic requtremem of the California Fir, Wrimental Quislily Aul (CEQA). und. WURFAS. the law-, and woulatiuns iclating to the prepan, tkni and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the Stale and local guidulinus Por impkmumustionaCthe California linxironmental Qua itity Act (CFQA) have been adhered to; wd' WHEREAS, the Final EIR. Finding of Fact and Stat,�mcnt of Ovcnidinl; ('onsidcquions him; t'}a:t�n rccomtrwaied by the Planning Cormisston for wtificawn to the City Couacil; arid_ WHEREAS. the Manning Conunissicit has. determined that it 6 in the NN.- irncmst oFthc City to enact this ar"Cridtxv to ON. Cole "Text to protium the health. safety and NwIfare of it,, citizens by applying, tirder4 deteloprucat una vxlxinding vorntavricial opp-OAunifieS %Nithill the City. wid, 1J1 firnely and pr.oNrly noticeal Public licarings upon the subject Specific Plait application was held by the Planning Corrunissiom and City COuncii ar the Cit� of Alascaxl I writ at ,xhich hcaring, evidence, oral and docuntenwy. was admitted on behalf of said �()ning awxndinents; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, at a Public Hearing sold on June 5. 2012. studied mid considered the Del Rio Rtad Coinniccial Area Sj%vific Plan (SP 2009-0003). 40wT fil-M Studying and considering the Final FIR. Finding of Fact mid Statement of Overriding Considcratioms prcpucd for the pruject: and. WHYREAS, dw Manning 0imminion of the City of Afaseadero recommended the City Council approve the Del Rio Road Co-inwreial Area Specific Plan (SP XWO-0003); tMd. WHEREAS. the Atascadero City Council, at a Public timing hold tin June 26. 201.2. studied ttt,. Planning Comm,6%ton mcommendation and considemd & Del Rio Road City of Atascadero Crrthoance No. 382 Pace 3 of Ii Commercial Area Spccif9c Plan ('SP 2.00M003), anter first studying ajO considering the F'im--tf hilt, binding cit Fact and Statement of"Uverridinl; Cona;,deralions prepared for the proieetr and. NOW, , TF1EREFt}l; E, 'l IF. (111 C01, NC H O '.l'i# F C1'l"Ir Of A" ANCA llFRO HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECT ID -N 1. finAllin tier An royal of lel Rio Road Coniniereial Area :mitis Pismi. The City Council finds as follows: 1. The propowed project $w use satisn" all applitahM prrn-won% or the Title tZoning Ortlinunce) 4tteluding The 2P-1 Ordinatict; ands Z, 'Tlat +eatahlishraeet, and subscgnrtit operation or conduct of the use will not, because of the circunrstancra anti co"(14ion5 applied in the part] cular+ uma be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfara: of the general public or persons residing or w•orldng in tke neighhorhovd of the use, or be detrimenit] or injurious to prop" or improvements in the vicinity of the use; ;t-nd, #. The proposed Sprcilk Plan will be compatible ivith existing or desired conditions in "rroundIng, oeighhorhutxfs and surrounding Cepend Plan land nc�,;and Gencrul Plan policies. Ab discussed in tieneral Platt kMendinent rinding No. 3, the mpta:, d F'carieet av%tl he eonpra iblc uIth cx1sting and desired conditions in sttrmuiding ncighborhonds. The tmitmi.ed Projopt wowl4t ;dloty the dvVielopmertt (if rut ctiici¢nt and attr Give community .retail hubs in :North Ata:,vadero. T' w Proj oct will u-x%,c the bro Ain , iw'.ti demand liar relail products. grove i+ s raid restaurants in :North Amseadero, white at the same time reviWizinp -one rel'the C'ity*s larger tend 1wre tii5ibk properties lo=cd jwz off Iligha:a101. Appro%,al of the Proiert will allow for the dcvvlopnien; tai fa ni amer planned commercial rcmaT cunsistent with General Plan policiCs. A.s diseussed in detail in (metal Platt Atnendtnent binding No. 4, the proposed Project is in conrormance with the ad opted (kmcral flan Goals. Policies, and Ptalrams and thw overall intent of the Cameral Platt - 4. Modification of caning re ulation5, development standards, or processing requirements ix warranted by the desit;ra and amenities incnrparrated, M discussed in General Plan Anieaidinerat Flndingi Na. 3 and 5, .rrtajucl &sign. feature -i and amrnid4s %0 tmilstorm a cunnently andtrutilized location into a xibraw retail Laub in an ideal location, prinidirg an a4 -0 k 4nJ sa.rnnicrs:W haaan to the immediate and sttnotmdir areas and ;trtiny The kacul demand for retail and growrics in North Atnwa&ror. tt'iih incorporation of the site design, landscaping and arehiuxtw ul natures discussed in the t icncrvsal PIran Amendment. Findirlp, the Prplect has bccn speciticatly des4ned to tie coratl wlble with existing developrrtni, n0vh irh«tad:s w.d the =m ronmert. Nvithow tjte City of Atascadero Ordinanos Mg. $92 Page 4 of 19 approval of the Spe6rk flan, Zone: Change stud Caaivral Plan Arm-ndrtaent, the City's goal: of creating an effic em. awactivv anJ cohesive master -planned commercial center of this type at this ideal location '.%ould not be passiirle. in Wdition it) urcating ardditional and tw3iness opportunities and au Tong much needed tsar revenue. the Praajeet will -*61y the: long time demands of residents for a grocery Satre in the northern part of the Vity., while officingt t brow Army of e;omenient chapping and restaurant options. c xar4inglt. modification Of -&Ming Ngulaii(VIN 4nd t sMVIOPritbnt stnnJWJS is warfunted by the Project desiett and the nnterrities presided by the Project. 5. The Specific Plan stasdardta or proc"w. g regtOrernenu will enibante the opportunity to best utrfltze sp4rlal rharaettristiex of an arca and wa#1 have ,a beneficial effect on the arm five, proposeJ tuna tl Plun Amendownt, Zme Change and Specific Plan Would allow the devehnprncrrt of a nialcr-ptanned. vibrant ,and attrtctiver and cohesive community retail hub to Is rrih 1Atasc2ctcm which is not pmsiblc tuncr lbo curnmt roving. ffu° Project v+;ill Servc the gowing l©cat demand for discount retail. pjcvics anti tc-stmanl• in %orth Aiascadmwhile at the same time revitalizing one of the City's larger and raorc visible propcttics. approval of the Specific flart. Graefe Change and General Flamm Amendment will allou dvv4:Iopmctat (+f a cnmrneroial evnier avid ecejnomic development of the area. Thi; purpo- of the Del Rio Road Coni,- trcial .Area Specific Plan is to assist in the develt}pnrt~nt of the site in a t immer that benefits loath shoppers. the general public, and the City of Ataseadenn The Specific flan acoon,plishex thvse purer) bl, providing fbr the efficient use sof land, enNuring-wrapatibility hei%vmn c%isting and prnposetl land use. mid establishing cnvirometttal and devviopment st-uidards and procedures w bop mgt in 4evckapm4nt if tht: Specific Plait area. a'hc development regulations contained in the Specific Plan address tate tmique c harctmristics of the site and ;rumninding properties, as well as the needs of the commercial land acct propt,Ysed for the site, llwse uffirris are into xI to foster greater economic development and design opptartuaitics Hurn could be acrhievW thrvttgh the use of conventional zoning and de%elopmeni stiindards. The Iertrtitr• derived from the: Specific Ptan cannot be reasonably= achievod through existing development standards or pnxwsing requirements. The Del Dire Road Ct,,mm rtiial Area Specific when serves as the overlay rotate for that Project. The Specific Pian. tngieiher -%ith tete undudying 7.nning on the sites. establishes permitted uses and provides dovIopment rcgul rations. requirements. and design guideiine for alt dvvch.,pfuvnt %Nithin the bmidaries of the Specific Plexi arse:. The Specific Plan specifies tante use' ,,t red n6- arA policies for the site and est hlisbo additional design guidelines as well as landscaping. lighting. sigr>ugc, fetcingt and smtming. on-site circulation, loa xibig and outdoor storage standards that are not required in the Code and ihat vws= a high st;sndard of deign for the site. {n adthtim, rte fitoiliIates design uatcg<it. between Ure variety of M"es ti. - City of Atescaderta Ordinance No. 382 Page 5 of :t achieves General plan objeLtive of a master planned commercial centers. Also, the aiditional ttrcai gained by rdtsig�ting, the residciatial parcels located at the: hock of the site to corttttemal will talkya4 for a Icsy desats project that can imli nv-,nt additional latadsc►ping and buffer auras throuf!liout the site, to further ble ad the I'rujec:t with the surround"mg arca. 6. Benefits dern-cd from the Specifics Plan ;/`.tinge 2 xeqt xaannot be reasonably aachie -td through existing development standards or processing regviroments. The benefits demcd from tltr $J)"it'ne Plan carnno. be reasonably aachicvcd threais}lh existirrq development standards or fnaege sing; requirements. The :Specific Plata spWi',es land rase standards tmd policies for the site and establishes additional design guidelinus ati +will ar and lcindsciong;, lighting, sigriagm f ncing and screenin& on-site circulation, loading, and outtlocw storage standards that arc be)-and the Municipal Code standard in order to a ure a high standard of design and caatnpatihiliq foe• the site. In addition, it facilitates de=sign integritl ber een the taritt) of tex-s (i.e. achievvi. Cicaacrial #alto► tab 'jective of a master plartm-d commercial center). Also, the additionA area gaittcd In redesignating the x4sildcrttial par;els located at the back of the site to commercial will allow for a It-ss denst prujeut. that can implc•rment additional iandscuping and h'uffer :areas throughout the site. to ftutlatr blend in with the but-uutt limp a c a. 9. The Specific "rn development standards or processing requirements is warranted to promote orderh and harwoniom development and offers certain redeeming fenta res to compensate icor retluesied modifications. YU discussed in General Platt Amendment Findings No. 3 kind. 5, in aiiclitiatr► l<:r revitaliTirg tine oCOw City's larger and morc visible propenieGs, the Project woatld serve as an example for t1w communip its energy R''Uviimc) by incorporating it ,variety of so tainabiliiv natures in the construction, design and operation of the store that would reducc it: dem nd ror re antatce.s, ulilj moa-toxic matchals. and promote %mte reduction. The additional area grained by mdesignating the "identiol parcels locate at the back of the site to voino grrcial will allow for a less dcntic pn,> = that can implement additional landscaping auras. The Prtrject would also excited the Oq—'.s mirti►n;Lnt landscaping rcquircments and contain robust landscaping and greenery to enitanue the sito arui surto purkr d car S. The Specific flair development standards or processing requirements is warranted to promote ur'derl� and harmonious devclopment and wall supaa#cmdmw r}r Ktsnersetlt env atdttpftd cirdimame . reaearlations and atlaoda,r ds olthe#R vahith nix ratinlii able. The frit Rita Ruud Commercial Ami :specific Plan implements the goals and policies of *.hs Cby at Atavadorn General Kla►i widkio the Speecifis lalta, artu. 1n►e Su=ific Pian is Wncrally ctmristent with the t`ity ofAtascaaderta'.hr micipai Code, but provid€s additional development mudta rds and guidelines flat WV custcui ..tl to agcbieve dit spevilic % ision for the projee,% area. 'fhc City's coning standards are utilizid City of Atascadano Ordinance No. 582 Page 5 of 11 for %=Win uspecu, such ax dte minimum paring yaps mquiral. while the Sr xafiu Plan provides other siandards acid gsidefincs Aae am tailored ti the gpax:ttic declopmari ynrposed for the lkl Ria* Road Commercial Aria Specific Platt. Development regulations and requirements contained in drat Specific Plan ,5upptlarnent yr repltwe those of the City of Atascatleris Nlunicipal Code as they might otherwi;sv apply w orals within tate: lX-1 Rio load C:o mterchil _Areit Specific Platt :area. For project-" within the Specific Flast arras, polick-s and standards in the Del Rin Road Commercial Arai Specific Platy take prerWence over mry general policies, and sGmdards applied thrrruiffi the reset of the City. To fix extent the provisions of the Specific flan anal Elk: AtaseadcTu k(unkipal C. We are in c-aarti'lbut, the Itrmisions of the Specific, plan, will prevail. In situations %here policies or standard•. relating to a particular subtext have not hwnprovided in the Specific plan. the existing, policam and standards of the A,twadcrts Muttunpal Cade shall continual to apply. SEMON, 2. Approval- The AaU%caalcro City Coe. eil, in " wi;wfur so,"ion wwrimbkod on Juan 26.2012. approved the Del trio Road Comr4wrcial Area Specific Plan for the SP -2 zoning cv^eday distract aq cfr urifxxf its the jidlo%ing: FX IIB3T A tk1 Rio C,nmmerviatl Area Specific Plan �. FXH IRIT 11: Addendum - Uel Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Blaen SECTION 3. A suiatsrtary of this ordinance, app roved by the City Attorney, together vt;ith the a)cs and nues.:ctrull be Published h -kc: at Iemn five cats prior to its final pramage in the Atttixmdcro News. a newspaper published and eitx arlaled in the City or Ata-stA-vxo. ,and.. bcfox the expiruWn of tirte:cti 115) days after ki anal passage. in the Atascarlcm >ievvs, a ne%spsap er published dad circalattA in Ilk- Cit;; of r14-swadtxo, A .copy of the Nil text of this ordinance shall he on file in the ON Clerk's Office on and after the date fbilinvins, i±strexiuctiaxt and pa assatg4 and &gall lee at ailahte to anp ittteteMed member of the public. City of Alascadern Ordinance No. 662 Page T of 11 l*`TROT)CCH) at a rrgular aawtAing of'the Cita Council held on June 26, 2012. and PASSED and ADOPTED by the {:in Council of tlae City of AWW— cm, Stag of CalifmWia. on .Eula 10. 21112. by the fallowing, roll call stater AKF,S- C mmcil %lembm Clay. Yom U'.Malky. Saar ant and Mayor Kelley NOES: None ABSTAW. Ntaavc CITY OF ATASCAl FRO A�64c f s Bob Kelley—Mayor i ATTEST: r Marcia Mc(lurc Torger m, C. r .C., ity Clerk APPROV AS TO FORM: Bri:ua A. Pieria. + ky. AtIonzeg �� ORDINANCE NO. 641 AN ORDINANCE OF'I HE C:ITV COUNCIL OF TME CITY OF ATASCADEIRO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE DEQ, RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN TO MODIFY THE LIST OF ALLOWED LAID USES, ASSOCIATED PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS, AND RELATED TRAFFIC MITIGATI N MEASURlES (AMNDI S-0079) 10-1-9107 R0.4Dr C'tl.tMlM 14t. I RI -A SPE( F1(* P1, 4,% 1804. 18-19. 1831. IR43, 1905, 2001 055. 2115, 210. 2325, 23"5. 7,41)3 El t :,-I.VIVO REI L.4 VD 4999, 310$ 5 -M, 5701, 5'oj DEL Rif) 0.411 ARNS 049-131-0 70, 1149451-003, ti49-1314VO. 049-01-1137 049-131-04A 94V-151-041,049-102-020, 049--M2-1131. 0149-M-03?. 049-1112-045, 019-101-036, 049-112-00-7. 1119-112-11111, 049-112.1"119 049-112-022. tr4y-112-o:t6 1149412-0-49 W H E R A . 11u City of Awcadero ha.% initiated an aarnentbrient the Del Rio Road Commercial Am Specific Plun (I)RC°ASP) to respattxi to changing econoanic demands said the ti►rmal c:aneellaat ion of'the proposeal Wal -mart rcgional retail store project, .and 11.'Hl::RVA.S. the sitc's current Oc:neml Plm I.and I'se I-X-signotitm is General Comm inial tOC 01igh-Mnsily Reaida:ntial 1I11)R). Park{ Singlc-l:tunilg Residential (S]rR-X): and WHFREA.S, the site`; current Auning lk-+ign ation k Commercial Retail (M). Residential Multi -Family - 241RM -24). and Residential Single -Family - X t RSI°=X ): and WHEREAS. the. Cita C awwil adopted chi I)cl Rist Road C -tett memial Area Speen a: Plan and associ atod entitlements on July 10. 2012. and '4;r'HI:REA.14_ in ct,t,junclion with the apprtm al of the l?e1 Rio Road C ommemial area tilx-cific Plan and asstx:iated entiti men1% on u 39 -3 -acre site located on 1:1 Cantina Real and IM lt.:tar Rusk!. Atmca d ro. CA 1;3422 (:' PN 049-11'-002. ttlg. 019, D22, .036. 0.19. IA9-151-00,. 036. 037. 040. 041. that -1{12-1120.11:11. 032, 045.049, 056 :and 04q- t 31-1170) (herein referred tai as the "Pntject"). the City C wncil (if the City of Atascaideraa. on Juatc :26.2012. certified the MI -Rio Road Con ntera;ial Area Np"ifia. Plan f�inui l'awrcuimcntal Imi mct Rt.lwi t t:+t:ate ('I� srieigltuaasE No. 2010051034) thcrtiin referred to as the " I)RC'1'~;SIr FIR"'). ted a tit;atcntent of (xvrriding C'+�ttsid;srtttict+ts and :adopted a Mitigaitimi Monitoring Prcvtm in a:asmpliance with the Cali frmta hm ironmental Qwli%. Act (hcriein referred tfs to "i"I-C, A"). and '9 "EREAS, a subscqucnt project amendment and I.111 a+1dmdum was adopted by the City C etwil on July 11. 2017 in a.'otjwction w iilt the appmv;il of a I lotc] at 1900 El Camino Remak; turd 14 Hlr;REAS. mlitl ammt for dw Major I mint (A'al man) pnrject and Annex prc>ieca sites ineluding tentative map twd ►1 umei plan ofdevviopm%mi c%pircd on Juh, 12, 202,0: and " *f Auscadato Ordinance No. 641 Page 2 of 7 WIJFAFA-4, to assess rownlW envirommenial tmrftT,, cts-,Lvialod %%Ith the prnpo.wd mom Specific Plan amendinents Tclalivv to Ific DRCASP FIR. Ch) suff prepared un addcndurn to the J)Kk'ASPVIH pursuat to CI:QA thcrein rLkffcd to as -Addendum-); and WHEREAS. W -Trans, a transportation engincering firm, provided the City'kvith a detailed report and Itaffic e%uluritiun -Ahich provided analysis and evidence in support of cmclus-iDni that then www sufficicni, capacity for the Dd Rias Road .' EI Carnino R intersection and the Del Itis Rovd,'I !%' lfigh+4a+ 101 for land usen-todifications Ii.-Actlin the propowd languapeafthe Amended Del Rio Road Coinvicrcial Area Specific Plan %xith mLAiried mitigation nimsurcs- prim to the interchange hecoming "ttirtacceptable in opcmitons" according to Caftrans; and WHEREAS. based on the W -Trans Report acid proposed Specific plan, amendments City staff prepamd drab language amending Mitigation Mcasure I*R,,NN%—Ia. TRANS-IcwidTRA"-.S Id MW eliminating 'Mitigation kleawre TRANS. le of the I)R(*A.I;P Final HR that modifies mitigation measures w clirninak the round -abouts from the intersection of Del Rio and El Camino real and frow the MI Riolffighway 101 interchange. defines paymeril of in -licit &VS fur the varnmon required improvcmmis. as well as, timing and phasing Of - such inIX0+ j.1MLIMN to ensure that traffic is mitigated throughouldet-clupment offhe Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS, minor Wks were made to -other mitigation mt:asairesvelated to, prqect rtaille charigt;-- and elimination of Walmart -,lv6fic lang2tutge for consis-tency incl Clarity Ninth the anicridud Del Rio Road Cominercial Area Specific Plan: and WIVERIENS. they ALddenduni conciuded that the piopo*ed amendments %QVIJ II(II result in any new or suit tanually more more inipacts than disclosed in the original Del Rio Road Commercial Arm Specit it Plan, and WHEREAS. Section 2WX). ei-ieq.of the PLIIAIC 15000. el seq- Of "fille 14 (it' the CalUbmia, Cok of Regulations therein refert.VJ to as the "CEQA Widelines-). %Nhich goiern the- preparation. content. and processing of environmental impact refumts. havc helm fully implemented in the preparation ol'thL Del Itio Road Ct)iIniwn:iaI Area Specific Plan and Addendum; and WIIPVVAN� the laves and regulations relating to the preparatiim andpublic notice of mvifonmental documcm.s. asmotfin-1h in the Sinte and 149cal guidelines for impkinentallon orthc Califomin Em ironmentall Quality.lict ICUQAI have hecri adhL:rcd to: wed WHERE&S. the Planning Commission has detert-nined that ;it is in the hest interumt of the Cita it) cant, the Del Rio Road 0-mimeroall Aru Specific Plan amendmumf it.) protect the heLdth. safely- and welfare, of its citizens by applying ordtxl. develoMent and expanding corrimcrelul and Job opportunities -.xilhin the city, and WHIFREAS, timely and PTONrlY nL4i'-Vd PUb1h; ifCaring5 LIPUn the WbiW SpeCirle Plan aimridmmi w*d I JR addendum yeas held 13�, the Planniriq Cunumb,,sioin of the Cit4 of Ata:,cadew at utich hearing oidence, oral and docuinvniaq. was admitted on behal f ol' said ;Im. endments: wed 'WHEREAS. he City Umamil lus denerniitmd that it is; inthe hest intere%i of the City to enact the Mi Rio Road Commercial Arim. Spwific Flan ainenduient In, pro4ect the health. safeti- and City of Atnsa:ecte7rq Ordinance No. 641 Page .3 of 7 %vlfure of its citi/mis bo applying urd ri% de%clopniehit acid expanding cc4nmendal and jnh opportmitics %ithin the Vi#r: and WHERFAS, timely and properly noticed Public l learinips upetn the subject Sprvitic Ilan amendment and EIR addendum held b} tltc ('its Council of the Cit) of Atabsadcru at -which hearing evidence. xal and documentary- vw as admittcd on t>s:hetll'of.-Wd amendment.+. NO'W THEREFORE, THE CITY COUSC.'IL OF THE CITY OF AYASCAil>rRO HERFRY ORDAINS AS FOLi:filtr`S: SVCTION 1. Iiccitals: this abnc recitals are true attd corroot. sl~C.TION 2. Public Nearintt. Thr City Cmincil of the Citi of Atas adtnu, at a Public Hearing held on S16-ple nbcr 22.2020 considered the proposecl aoninp text attie:ndincntts. SECTION 3. 1 reit+ p—nd f insJiT gs, I'li Citi Council makes the following findings. &—umnituitiuns and approvals with rf.%Nct io ilie Municipal Code l ext Amendiiie ws- A. RnOings for Approval of Amendaicnis to the Ilei Rica Road Commercial Area Specific flan 1, Ilic pmtx)r A project ar use satisfies all applicable provisions of the Title ,(Z ntinp Ordinance) including the SP -12 Ordinance; and. '_. 'fh c-staablishment, and subsequent operation or conduc't of the' um! ►s ill not. bees#use eat the circ°ianst}ances wvJ emi lrtions applied to the partasular case. K- clmimcni al it) the hc;alth. safetv, or welfare of the geretrad public (.)rpc"mi residing or -working in the neighboriuxxi of the ttw, or he dctrimentail or injuririas to propvrt} or imp-nitementc in the- vicinity of the use. and. , The. proposed Specific Plan will be compalible with existing or desired canditions in a;urrouncliai nc i htxirhkxids and sumtunding General flan land rues and General :Pian policies. Faeh The pmiposed Plan. amendments will he tcimpaiihh: %ith existing and desirod cuitdiit eta:, in surrounding nciollborhixids. The plan as proposed would allow lie dei~einprnent of an efficient and attractive community empld9%ment. enteriainment. and retail hub in North Aza-wadern. 'I tic Plan aama will etavv the growing local demand for cotiarriczrcial and cinploymunt development, while at the seine time revitalising one of the Cit *-- larger and morc visible properties located just off llighwa; N 101. ApproNa] of the Plan will allow for the devdnpnicrit of a master planned commercial and utlice no&- eoiasiatent v.4h tiencrai Plan policies. The proposed flan amendment is in ctinformaticc math adopwd Ouncral Plan ftlicac-a. and Progranis and the overall intent of the Ge -neral flan. 4. Modifiralion of rsining maul.ation%, d4 viopmunt standards. or processing reyuiremcnei is warranted b, the Jwiign ;and amcnide s ineor porrated4 City of Atascadero Ordinance No. 841 Page 4 of 7 Fnrt:'Ibc plan sets north Jund uw and development standards that A ill (1461itatc ibc trans formation of a curr;.-ntl,+ undcrutilized area into a vibmt evrrunercial node in an ideal location. With inLorporati-an of dc,.eloprnent standards required by the Specific Plan. futuiv develt-Tincni will be compatible with existing dnx.-lopmcni. neighburltwils and the environment. In addition to creating additional empleynicnt and husimss opportunitie,; and attmming rnuch needed tax rm-enue. the des. elo1wrent of the Specific plan area i& ill alloA for u%. -!s that Wier a broad array of convenient shopping_ wr%ice. and restaurant -LTwtions. AcvordirglN. nandificaiinn of zoning regulations and tiLvetriprnent aaWar;J, is %arrawd ill Insure efficieni, and iumesifull dc,, etopmentof this commercial r"e. 5, The %pecific Plan standlaW,% or proccssing requirements will enhance the opportunity to best utilize special characteristics of an area and will ha -*e a bencricial c11ket on the arca. Face *Me proposed amimdmcnislo the Specifir Plan w ould allow• the developmnt of a maswr-planned. % ibrant and altrartive and cobcsi-tv communiq hub in, North. Awkedcru. Amendn-w-as focus tin expanding u%c oplitim %k ithir the dc% clopmCnt am ,%,hilc limiting high fralTic generating uses and iLws that may conflict with the sumiunding neighborhoid. I he purpose of the Dcl Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan ii to assist in tits &%,clortent or the site in a manner that humerils, residents. the general public. and the City of Atascadcro. The Specific Plan accomplishes these purpose pmi� iding for 1hL efficient use of lana . criuring compatibilit? belt% ccn existing and prormsed land uses. mid cstablishint, em m-nimcnial and dLAvlopmenistandards- and prtx:edurt:stt)bL-ni,.-tindevelopment ofttv--Spt:cilicflail arta. fhedevc1opment rugulations comainod in hc Spccific Plan address tlu- unlquv characteris-livs vfdw %iteond surroanding propertivs—as well as the ntuds of the conunimial land uses cn% lsiu" e fix Ow- site_ 1 -hew elTons arc intended to foster greater economic de%eknment. emplo)tnent opptyrtunitivs, and degign compatibility than cotile N. achicvcd through the uw ot'conventionalzoning and detclopmtau standards. The Del kin Road Ctymawrcial Awa Specific Plan sen es as the mer -lay none guiding document f,UTlilt flan arca. I he Spitelfic Plan, together with the undo-rh ing I.Voing tin the sites. eitahlisbcs pertmiticd itses and provides de-vviepnvent w#ulatior& rcquiTcmems. and all--;ign iguideliries, fir all de4elopttroettt vOthin the and policies for the sire and tit&-Iishc--4 addiliumal dosign guidt:hnes as well as la"scaping, lighting. signapv. fencing and screening. on -sate cimulation. Ituil ag and outdoor aurage standards that are not mquim-d in the Co& and that ensure a high starWard of& -sign for The sitc. In additiorL it facilitate: cksigm itItegrit-_* fvtt,vt.vn the iariety uf uscs (i.e.. achitwes (itnerall Plan obice-tive of a ankriter p3anned commmial ccriterl. 6 TWoctits tle-riwd from thv Specific Plan cannot he reasonably achieved through existing development standards or processing mquiremertts. City of Atascadero Ordinance No. 641 Page ti of 7 -� Fact: The Specific Plan amendments fotrcus on exptnading land use opportunitics and uncartdraging jObS tOCUWd cun5mercial development within the flan area. The Specific Pltan specifies laM u5v standards and policies for the site and i:stablislws additional design guidelines as wall m mid landscaping. lighting. signage. fencing jail screening, on-site circulation. Ding and outdoor storage standards that am be) and the '-dunieipal Cu&- stu lard in Order to ensure a high stansiarcl of d;; gn ;and compatibility for the site. In addition. it facilitates design, integrity bemeen the caricis of uses (ie. achieves General Plan ahjectivc of :a master planta,<:d e�mttrts;rcial d:ciltesl. 7. The Specific Plan development standards or pros ming requirements is warranted to promote ordertti and harmonious de%clopmertt and offers certain redeeming featuresto compensate for requested traedific ationg. Fact. _J lie proposed Specific Flan amendments will support the: creation of heart of household jobs in ilu: Citi adjacent To existing re,,idential areas w5th the potentini for reducing Vehicle Miles Trtae'elled_ the Amendments will allow for the etiident and ucmplimentan- uses of land with a mix of°cornruercial. business pari:, and residential uaua to scrve existing and future: residents and helping the C'ite's itrihalance of'jobs and hou.5utg� ft: 1"he Glx=c;if`,e Plan deti-alctpmunt staridaads err prcx:c±��airtg rcarluird�rtentR is uarr�lnir'd .w. to promote ordiala and harntcrnious dev> l(Vinent. Fact. I he Del itis+ tetrad Commercial Aon Specific baleen irnl4ements the &!oats:and policies of the City of AUns..,ndero (.funereal Platt within the Spccitic^ Plan area. The Specific flan is gcnerally consistent with the Ch.N of Attseadero Mi mieipal C't,+dc. but provides. additional and } uiciclines that are customized to achieve the specific vi inn for tate project area. 1 he City's zoning standards are utilized fir certain sspccts. ­�twh as thu minimum parking spaces required. %hile the Specific Plan pru ides other standarais and guidelines that are tailored to the specific development propo.cd for the Uel Ria Road Commercial ;'area Specific Platt. Development regulations and rNuirenia nLs contained in the Specific Plan -;dipplemiml or repiacc tbose of thw City of Atascadi;sa Municipal Code its they rnight otherwise apple to lands aiithin the DO Rio Road Cmnmereial Area Specific Plan area. For projects within the Specific Plan area. policies and standards in the I?el Rio Road Commercial Area Srcitic I lan take precedence k4er tnore 11.6mvrdl policies and standards appli4xi through the rest oa the City. Io the extent the pro%isimis ofthe Specifae Plan and the Aiaseadifru Municipal Codeare in conflict. the pru*1biuns of the Spucitic flan will pr+ veil. In sittaations where politics CW 4-,tan4ards relating to a particulw :subicet have not been provkkd in the SIX- ific lrl nt.'chc existing* policies and slardtards of the .Attascadd:ro !Municipal Code shall ca minue to apply.. City of +Alosradera Ordinance No. 041 Page 6 of 7 1EMON 4, CLUA An addcridutn to the prcvicousty ccrtiftcd Del RK) Road Commercial �* Area Specific Plan rinal Environniental Impact ➢Zq*l t SC'HO 20100510341 was prepercd t'cor the proposedSp,acific Plan articrrdrnertts. SECTION & Argru%al.'Ibc City Council of the Cit} ofAgaseadero. in a regular sessitm a9-%-rnbled on l+eplemixr 22.20.20 resolved to introdttLe for first reading h} title only. an Ordinane thait mill approve = endment.s to the Del Rico !toad Commercial Area Specific Plan etynsistent With the following: 1:SCII BIT Al Del Rin Road, Curnmtiir-eial Area %pecilic Plu i revised September 2010 SECTION 6. rU_gtgign. t his Ordinance must he hruedl} construed in order to achieve the ptrrpo s stated in this Ordinanix. It is the Pity Uouncil"s intent that the provisions of this Ordinance he interpri ed tw implemuniod h% the CUN air+d othus in a manner that tasilitates the purposes set forth in this, Ordinance. SECTION 7. Pre ervatio . Kgval of any provision orthe AMCfor tofany pre% itous Code ScctirorK d ocN not at%tit anpenalty. forfeiture. or li:ahility incurred txfow. ;or preclude prosccution and imixrshion of penalties ftv ;an) %it-flation occurring before this fyrdinance`s cMv1ic c: date, Am such repeated pan 011 remain hi full force and effect fur s=aining action of pruwcwin�g v iolatitins occwiing befm the oslNMiNc elate of this Ordinance. SECTION M. Effect of Invalidation. If this entim Oftlinance or its application i, d vine { invalid by a court rof icurnpacrit jurisdiction. any tttpeal or arnenclrnent of the ANIC: or rather Cit;- Ordinttmv lay this Ordinance mill he rendered staid mid cause such previous AMC rwnision or other City t )rdimnee to remain to .full 1'coree and cf1cct for all purposes. SU'TION 9. Severabili". If anti pan of this Ordinance for its application is dvvmcd invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction. the 'ity Council intends that such invalidity will not a97ect the c1lec ii w-ness sortt e: remaining pie oc isions for applications and. to this end. the provisions ofthis Ordinance arc %n crable.. SECTION 10. Notice..I he City ('Jerk is directed to certify the passaec and adoption tat' this Ordinanc:c. cause it to be entered into the City of Atascaticm's beak of tacigtinal ordinances. make a vote ref the passage and adoption in the.. recwds of this mixting: and. %, ithin fifteen i 15) di*s anter the passage and adoption of this Ordinance. cause it to he published or postai in asrs;Yordance with C',alil:untia lain. SECTION 11. This Ordinurce ,%tiitl take effect on the 30di day fcolloNving its.final passim; muJ tadcaption. Citi of Atpecadero OrOinance No. 641 Page 7 of 7 INTRODUC I) at a revular m--eting of the City Council h--eltl can September 22. 2010, and PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED hti the C'ttb Council of the Cit-* Rif AtaxuWern. State of Ca] i` umia. tin 0ovilier 13. 2020. C'M" ()I...^. LA�C'ADI-'RO Fieatttzr Vi+xn:txt. �7a)or An USI L ars l , Chrimemen. t1i MA f ROWD AS -1-0 FORM Brian A.:Pierik. Cih Atwmvl STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN LMS OBISPO j ss CITY OF ATASCADERO 1, LARA K. CHRISTENSEN, City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, DO HEREBY CERTIFY Oiat Ordinance No. 641 was duly introduced at a regular meeting held September 22, 2020 and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 131h day of October 2020 by the following roll Call vote. to wlit: AYES: Court L%mbem Bourbew, Fonzi, Funk, Newsom and Mayor Moreno NOES: None ABSENT: None aRfA_t6. CHR'STENSF-fil' TV .1: C'IY CLERK I hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Ordinance No. 641 duly }sassed and adopted try the Atascadero City Council at their regular meeting held on October 13, 2D20 and that summaries of the Ordinance were pubiished on September 24, 2020 and October 15. 2020 in the Atascadero News newspaper, LARA K. CHR?S r E iffiffff -CLERK DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS I OVERVIEW 1.1 Purpose I-1 1.2 Legal Authority I-1 1.3 Project Location I-2 1.4 Project Description & Objectives I-2 1.5 Development Approval Components I-6 1.6 Relationship to General Plan & Zoning Ordinance I-7 1.7 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Compliance I-7 II SETTING & EXISTING CONDITIONS 2.1 Existing Land Use Conditions II -1 III -1 2.1.1 Existing Land Use & Zoning Designations II -1 3.1.3 Single Family Residential (SFR -X) 2.1.2 Surrounding Land Uses & Zoning Designations II -3 2.2 Existing Circulation II -4 3.2.2 North End Project Site 2.2.1 Regional Circulation II -4 III -6 2.2.2 Local Circulation II -4 3.3.2 Non -Vehicular & Public Transportation Access Policies 2.2.3 Public Transportation 11-5 2.3 Existing Physical Conditions II -6 2.4 Existing Utilities II -7 III LAND USE PLAN 3.1 Land Uses III -1 3.1.1 General Commercial (GC) III -1 3.1.2 High Density Residential (HDR) III -1 3.1.3 Single Family Residential (SFR -X) III -2 3.2 Land Use Policies III -2 3.2.1 South -East Project Site I 11-4 3.2.2 North End Project Site III -5 3.3 Circulation Policies III -6 3.3.1 Vehicle & Truck Access Policies I 11-6 3.3.2 Non -Vehicular & Public Transportation Access Policies I 11-7 CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN i DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 3.4 Public Facilities Policies 3.4.1 Water Policies 3.4.2 Wastewater & Sewer Policies 3.4.3 Storm Drainage Policies 3.4.4 Electricity Policies 3.4.5 Natural Gas Policies 3.4.6 Communications Policies 3.5 Grading Policies 3.6 Community Facilities Policies Iv DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TABLE OF CONTENTS 4.1 Commercial Retail (CR) Development Standards Iv -1 4.1.1 Permitted Uses IVA 4.1.2 Property Development Standards iv -2 4.2 Residential Multiple Family (RMF -20) Development Standards iv -2 4.2.1 Permitted Uses iv -3 4.2.2 Property Development Standards iv -3 4.3 Residential Single Family (RSF-X) Development Standards iv -3 4.3.1 Permitted Uses iv -3 4.3.2 Property Development Standards iv -3 v DESIGN GUIDELINES 5.1 Commercial Retail (CR) Design Guidelines v-1 5.1.1 General Design Concepts v-1 5.1.2 Landscaping v-10 5.1.3 Parking & Parking Lot v-15 5.1.4 Lighting v-15 5.1.5 Signage v-15 5.1.6 Fencing & Screening v-16 5.1.7 On -Site Circulation v-17 5.1.8 Loading v-17 CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN ii DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 5.1.9 Outdoor Storage v-18 5.2 Residential Multiple Family (RMF -20) Design Guidelines v-18 5.3 Residential Single Family (RSF-X) Design Guidelines v-18 VI IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION 6.1 Interpretation VI -1 6.2 Definition of Terms v1-1 6.3 Enforcement VI -1 6.4 Severability VI -1 6.5 Implementation of Development Standards vs -2 6.6 Implementation of Design Standards vi -2 6.7 Application Processing vi -2 6.8 Financing & Phasing of Development vi -3 6.8.1 South -East Project Site vi -3 6.8.2 North End Project Site vi -4 6.9 Maintenance vi -4 6.9.1 City Maintenance Responsibility vi -4 6.9.2 Other Agency Maintenance Responsibility vi -5 6.9.3 Private Maintenance vi -5 6.10 Substantial Conformance vi -5 6.10.1 Procedure vi -6 6.11 Specific Plan Amendments VT -6 CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN iii DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN VII EXHIBITS Exhibit 1: City of Atascadero Existing Land Use Exhibit 2: City of Atascadero Proposed Land Use Exhibit 3: City of Atascadero Existing Zoning Exhibit 4: City of Atascadero Proposed Zoning VIII APPENDICES Appendix A: Precise Description of Specific Plan Boundary Appendix B: Project Consistency Analysis TABLE OF CONTENTS VII -1 vii -2 vii -3 vi 1-4 A-1 C-1 CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN iv DEL Rio ROAD QoMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1: Specific Plan Land Use Summary Table 2-1: South -East Project Site Land Use & Zoning Designations Table 2-2: North End Project Site Land Use & Zoning Designations Table 2-3: Surrounding Land Use & Zoning Designations Table 3-1: Specific Plan Land Use Summary Table 4-1: Commercial Retail (CR) Development Standards LIST OF FIGURES TABLE OF CONTENTS Figure 1-1: Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan Site Vicinity I-4 Figure 1-2: Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan Conceptual Plan I-5 Figure 2-1: Specific Plan Existing Land Use & Zoning Designations II -2 Figure 3-1: Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan Conceptual Land Use Plan III -3 Figure 3-2: Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan Conceptual Circulation Plan III -8 Figure 5-1: Architectural Design Concept — Main Features v-3 Figure 5-2: Architectural Design Concept — Secondary Features v-4 Figure 5-3: Architectural Design Concept — Outdoor Space v-5 Figure 5-4: Architectural Design Concept —Architectural Theme Elements v-6 Figure 5-5: Conceptual Landscape Palette V-9 Figure 5-6: Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan Signage Program v-12 CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN V ©EL Rjo ROAD.... COM MERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN OVERVIEW I OVERVIEW 1.1 Purpose z-1 1.2 Legal Authority z-1 1.3 Project Location 1-2 1.4 Project Description & Objectives 1-2 1.5 Development Approval Components 1-6 1.6 Relationship to General Plan & Zoning Ordinance T-7 1.7 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Compliance 1-7 CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN OVERVIEW OVERVIEW The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan ("Specific Plan") Layout encompasses two sites totaling approximately 39 acres (the "Specific Plan area") generally located at the intersection of Del Rio Road and EI Camino Real in the northern portion of the City of Atascadero (the "City"). The Specific Plan is a comprehensive plan for the development of vacant commercial parcels at the Del Rio and EI Camino Real intersection. These large development sites comprise significant opportunity locations for expanding jobs, tourism and housing in the northern end of the City. 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan is to assist in the development of the site in a manner that provides jobs and economic development in the City of Atascadero to help balance the significant imbalance of jobs to housing. The Specific Plan accomplishes these purposes by providing for the efficient use of land, ensuring compatibility between existing and proposed land uses, and establishing environmental and development standards and procedures to be met in development of the Specific Plan area. The development regulations contained in the Specific Plan address the unique characteristics of the development sites and surrounding properties, as well as the needs of the commercial land uses proposed for the development sites. These efforts are intended to foster greater economic development and design opportunities than could be achieved through the use of conventional zoning and development standards. The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan serves as the overlay zone for the combined South -East and North End Project sites. This Specific Plan, together with the underlying zoning on the sites, establishes permitted uses and provides development regulations, requirements, and design guidelines for all development within the boundaries of the Specific Plan area. 1.2 LEGAL AUTHORITY The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan has been prepared in accordance with California Government Code, Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 3, Article 8 Sections 65450 through 65457. The California Government Code authorizes jurisdictions to adopt Specific Plans by resolution as policy documents or by ordinance as regulatory documents. The law allows preparation of Specific Plans, as may be required for the implementation of the General Plan, and further allows for their review and adoption. Specific plans act as a bridge between General Plan and individual development standards and guidelines, capital improvement programs and financing methods into a single document that is tailored to meet the needs of a specific area. The Specific Plan implements the following: (1) General Plan land use designation of General Commercial and zoning designation of Commercial Retail for the South -East and North End commercial centers; (2) General Plan land use designation of High Density Residential (HDR) and zoning designation of Residential Multiple Family -224 (RMF -2-924) for the Multiple Family South -East Outparcel; and (3) General Plan land use designation of Single Family Residential and zoning designation of Residential Single Family -X (RSF-X) for the Single Family North End Outparcel. The standards contained in the Specific Plan have been adopted by ordinance and are enforceable to the same extent as standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and other City CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN z-1 DEL Rio. ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN OVERVIEW Codes. In the event of an inconsistency between the Specific Plan and the underlying zoning regulations, the provisions of the Specific Plan shall prevail. The meaning and construction of words, phrases, titles and terms shall be the same as provided in Atascadero Municipal Code and Atascadero General Plan, unless otherwise specifically provided in the Specific Plan. 1.3 PROJECT LOCATION The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan is comprised of two sites totaling approximately 39 acres that are located in the northern portion of the City of Atascadero in close proximity to U.S. Highway 101. The South -East Project site is bounded by Del Rio Road to the north, EI Camino Real to the west, Rio Rita Road to the east, and residential uses to the south. The North End Project sites are bounded by residential and commercial lots to the north, residential lots to the east, undeveloped commercial uses on EI Camino Real and Highway 101 to the west, and Del Rio Road and vacant commercial lots to the south. The legal description for the Specific Plan area is contained in Appendix A. The location of the Specific Plan area is illustrated in Figures 1-1: Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan Site Vicinity and 1-2: Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan Conceptual Site Plan. 1.4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION & OBJECTIVES Below is a general description of the South -East Project and North End Project. More detailed information on the combined projects is provided in Chapter 3: Land Use Concept. The development of the South -East Project site is proposed to be subdivided into four lots; one lot proposes a major tenant site; two other parcels are designed for smaller Commercial sites (Outparcels), and one additional parcel is designed for residential development (Multiple Family Outparcel). The South -East Project site totals approximately 26 acres, and is located at the southeast corner of EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road. The Master Plans of Development for the North End Project sites include a commercial / business park on eight parcels as well as one Single Family Outparcel and a tourist serving use on the west side of EI Camino Real. The North End Project totals approximately 13 acres, and is located on the northeast corner of EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road and on the west side of EI Camino Real approximately 500 feet from the centerline intersection of Del Rio Road and EI Camino Real. A summary of the land uses within the Specific Plan area is presented in Table 1-1: Specific Plan Land Use Summary. Implementation of this Specific Plan will accomplish the following objectives: ■ Implements the Atascadero General Plan providing development consistent with the City's planned land uses; ■ Provides development that maximizes the property's use potential in a manner consistent with the City's General Plan; ■ Maximizes and broadens the City's sales tax base by providing local and regional job producing and tax -generating uses; • Improves and maximizes economic viability of the currently vacant and underutilized project site and area through the establishment of a new commercial/jobs center; CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN i-2 DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN OVERVIEW ■ Creates additional employment -generating opportunities for the citizens of Atascadero and surrounding communities; ■ Develops smaller, locally oriented retail and restaurant uses to complement the employment uses; ■ Provides where necessary adequate infrastructure and public amenities; ■ Enhances the local economy by capturing job opportunities that are leaking to adjacent cities; • Complements the existing retail base in the City of Atascadero located in the southern part of the City; ■ Locates a commercial project at the intersection of two major streets, providing convenient employment, tourist serving, residential, and shopping opportunities for residences on the north side of Atascadero consistent with the General Plan's Urban Form Frameworks; ■ Ensures the consistent and rational development of the site in accordance with established functional, environmental, and aesthetic standards. TABLE 1-1: SPECIFIC PLAN DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY _ * Assumed square -footage based on trip generation. Building floor area may change provided that total trip generation for each site remains equal to or less than the total trips assumed in the 2020 traffic analysis. Should either peak hour or total daily trips exceed the assumed numbers, an additional traffic study will be required to show no increase in impact. Should impacts occur, a new environmental analysis will be required. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN i-3 LAND AREA _ FLOOR AREA / DENSITY SOUTH-EAST PROJECT SITE PARCEL SITE AREA BUILDING AREA MAJOR TENANT PARCEL 19 ac. 129,560* sq. ft. COMMERCIAL OUTPARCEL 1 ac. 5,000* sq. ft. COMMERCIAL OUTPARCEL 1 ac. 5,000* sq. ft. MULTIPLE FAMILY OUTPARCEL 2 3.6 ac. net 67-86 d.u. DEDICATIONS 2.2 ac. — SUBTOTAL SOUTH-EAST PROJECT SITE 26 ac. (gross) 139,560* sq. ft. (44 d.u.) NORTH END PROJECT _ PARCEL SITE AREA _ BUILDING AREA COMMERCIAL PARCELS (NORTH END PROJECT SITE — EAST 9.3 ac. 193,000* sq. ft. HOTEL (NORTH END PROJECT SITE — WEST 1.7 ac. 73,833* sq. ft. / 120 rooms SINGLE FAMILY OUTPARCEL 1.7 ac. 6 d.u. _ DEDICATIONS 0.3 ac. -- SUBTOTAL NORTH END 13 ac.(gross) 266,833* . ft. 6 d.u. SPECIFIC PLAN TOTAL 39 ac. ross 406,393* sq. ft. 50 d.u. * Assumed square -footage based on trip generation. Building floor area may change provided that total trip generation for each site remains equal to or less than the total trips assumed in the 2020 traffic analysis. Should either peak hour or total daily trips exceed the assumed numbers, an additional traffic study will be required to show no increase in impact. Should impacts occur, a new environmental analysis will be required. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN i-3 DEL P.IO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN OVERVIEW S Figure 1-1: Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan Site Vicinity CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN i-4 E 3 W W 0 .11 —1 I DEL Rio ROAD _ COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN OVERVIEW 1.5 DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL COMPONENTS The components of the development approval process for the South -East Project and North End Project sites are discussed below. The City has issued the following development approvals for the South -East Project and North End Project sites concurrently with the Specific Plan adoption: General Plan Land Use Diagram Amendment. A General Plan Land Use Diagram Amendment adopted by the City of Atascadero which changes: (1) the South -East Project's (a) High Density Residential (HDR), Medium Density Residential (MDR), and a portion of the Suburban Estates (SE) designated property to General Commercial (GC); and (b) 2.8 -acre remainder of the existing residentially designated property to HDR to accommodate a Residential Multiple Family (RMF -2-824) use; and (2) the North End Project's (a) Single Family Residential -X (SFR -X) and Commercial Park (CPK) designated property to GC; and (b) 1.7 -acre remainder of the existing residentially designated property to SFR -X in order to accommodate a Single Family use. Existing and proposed Land Use diagrams can be found in Exhibits 4 and 5. Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan. The Specific Plan, adopted by ordinance, serves as the implementation tool for the General Plan and overlay zone for the combined South -East Project and North End Project sites. The Specific Plan, together with the underlying zoning on the sites, establishes permitted uses and provides development regulations, requirements, and design guidelines for the Specific Plan area. In the event of an inconsistency between the Specific Plan and the underlying zoning regulations, the provisions of the Specific Plan shall prevail. Zone Change. A Zone Change adopted by the City of Atascadero which changes: (1) the South -East Project's (a) Residential Multiple Family -20 (RMF -20), Residential Multiple Family -10 (RMF -10), and a portion of the Residential Suburban (RS) zoned - property to the CR Zone; and (b) 2.8 -acres of residentially zoned property to RMF -20 to accommodate a Multiple Family use; and (2) the North End Project's Residential Single Family (RSF-X) and Commercial Park (CPK) zoned property to the CR and RSF-X zones. Existing and proposed Zoning diagrams can be found in Exhibits 6 and 7. After the City of Atascadero deemed complete the project applications for the development approvals, including an application for Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT09- 0073, and commenced preparation of the Specific Plan EIR, the City of Atascadero approved a General Plan update to modify the High Density Residential (HDR) land use designation from a maximum of sixteen units per acre to a minimum of twenty units per acre. The City approved a corresponding Zoning Ordinance text change and Zoning Map to change the RMF -16 Zoning District to RMF -20 (minimum 20 units per acre), and subsequently amended the name of the zone to RMF -24. Consistent with the recent update to the City of Atascadero General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, the proposed multiple family portion of the South -East Project Site is zoned RMF -24. Assumed development potential at this increased density was assessed as part of the 2020 traffic analysis update and therefore, the site can be developed under the full density of the RMF -24 zoning district. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN i-6 DEL RIO ROAD C©MMERCIAL AREA 8PECIFICPLAN OVERVIEW Subdivision via Vesting Tentative Parcel Maps. Approved Vesting Tentative Parcel Maps which reconfigure the: (1) South -East Project site consisting of 11 parcels into four separate parcels for a major tenant site, two Commercial Outparcels, and one Multiple Family Outparcel; and (2) North End Project site consisting of 7 parcels into eight commercial retail parcels and one remainder parcel for future residential development as allowed by Section 66426(c) of the Subdivision Map Act. • Tree Removal Permits and Protection Plans. Approvals to remove approximately 86 native trees on the South -East Project site and approximately 46 native trees on the North End Project sites to accommodate the proposed development scheme. Development of the South -East Project and the North End Project consistent with the development approvals described in this Section 1.5, or as amended with the 2020 or 2021 Specific Plan Amendment as described further in this document, shall be processed in accordance with Section 6.7: Application Processing, of this Specific Plan. The development approvals are contained in the Master Plan of Development(s). 1.6 RELATIONSHIP TO THE GENERAL PLAN & ZONING ORDINANCE The City of Atascadero adopted its General Plan on June 25, 2002. The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan is consistent with and implements the goals and policies of the City of Atascadero General Plan within the Specific Plan area. Appendix B, the Project Consistency Analysis, demonstrates how the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan is consistent with the General Plan. Accordingly, all projects that are found to be consistent with this Specific Plan are deemed consistent with the General Plan. The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan is generally consistent with the City of Atascadero Municipal Code, but provides additional development standards and guidelines that have been customized to achieve the specific vision for the project area. The City's zoning standards are utilized for certain aspects, such as the minimum parking spaces required, while the Specific Plan provides other standards and guidelines that are tailored to the specific development proposed for the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan. Projects shall be evaluated for consistency with the intent of Specific Plan policies and for conformance with development standards and design guidelines. Development regulations and requirements contained in this document shall supplement or replace those of the City of Atascadero Municipal Code as they might otherwise apply to lands within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area. For projects within the Specific Plan area, policies and standards in the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan shall take precedence over more general policies and standards applied through the rest of the City. To the extent the provisions of the Specific Plan and the Atascadero Municipal Code are in conflict, the provisions of the Specific Plan shall prevail. In situations where policies or standards relating to a particular subject have not been provided in the Specific Plan, the existing policies and standards of the Atascadero Municipal Code shall continue to apply. 1.7 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) COMPLIANCE The Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report ("Specific Plan EIR") for the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan, certified by the City of Atascadero and prepared in accordance CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN I-7 LEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA 'SPECIFIC PLAN OVERVIEW with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and City of Atascadero requirements provides a detailed analysis of potential environmental impacts associated with the development of the Specific Plan area. The Specific Plan EIR includes recommended mitigation measures for the development projects and addresses project alternatives. A primary function of the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan and corresponding Specific Plan EIR is to reduce the need for future detailed planning and environmental review. Accordingly, the potential environmental impacts associated with the development of the Major Tenant and two Commercial Outparcels at the South -East site, and North End site uses have been fully analyzed at the project level in the Specific Plan EIR -Ana subsequent addendums in accordance with CEQA, and therefore, require no further environmental review. (See California Public Resources Code, Sections 21166, 21083.3; California Code of Regulations, Sections 15162, 15183.) No specific development plans have been proposed for the Multiple Family Outparcel or the Single Family Outparcel; thus, the potential environmental impacts associated with their development of those parcels have been programmatically analyzed in the Specific Plan EIR in accordance with CEQA at their maximum permitted density. At the time a specific development project is proposed for either of the residential uses, the City shall make a determination as to whether the project would create new environmental impacts or require additional mitigation measures previously not analyzed or required in the Specific Plan EIR. If the City finds that no new environmental impacts would occur or no new mitigation measures would be required, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, then the City shall approve the residential development project as being within the scope of the project covered by the program level analysis in the Specific Plan EIR, and shall require no further environmental review. (California Code of Regulations, Section 15168(c)(2)) If the City determines, however, that the project may result in new environmental impacts or require new mitigation measures, additional environmental review may be required. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN t-8 r _DEL Rio, ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC f LAN SETTING & EXISTING CONDITIONS II SETTING & EXISTING CONDITIONS 2.1 Existing Land Use Conditions 11-1 2.1.1 Existing Land Use & Zoning Designations 11-1 A. South -East Project Site 11-1 B. North End Project Site 11-3 2.1.2 Surrounding Land Uses & Zoning Designations 11-3 2.2 Existing Circulation 11-4 2.2.1 Regional Circulation 11-4 2.2.2 Local Circulation 11-4 A. EI Camino Real 11-4 B. Del Rio Road East of EI Camino Real 11-5 C. Del Rio Road West of EI Camino Real 11-5 2.2.3 Public Transportation 11-5 2.3 Existing Physical Conditions 11-6 2.4 Existing Utilities 11-7 CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN I;L,RIO ROAD. COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN SETTING & EXISTING CONDITIONS SETTING & EXISTING CONDITIONS The setting and existing conditions presented describe the Specific Plan area prior to the issuance of the development approvals described in Section 1.5 of this Specific Plan. The setting and existing conditions include information related to the Specific Plan location, existing and surrounding land uses and zoning designations, circulation, physical conditions, and utilities. This information provides context for the development concept discussed in Chapter 3: Land Use Concept. 2.1 EXISTING LAND USE CONDITIONS The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area has historically consisted of low-density, sparsely populated residential uses. The majority of the current Specific Plan area can be characterized as unimproved and vacant. Vegetation at the site generally consists of scattered oak and sycamore trees, as well as non-native ornamental trees and shrubs. At the time the Specific Plan was drafted, the South -East Project site contained the remnants of six previously demolished, dilapidated, and abandoned wood frame homes and related out- buildings. The site also contained a single Colony home which must be demolished or relocated. The effects of the development on this Colony home are fully disclosed and analyzed as part of the Specific Plan EIR prepared pursuant to CEQA. At the time the Specific Plan was drafted the North End Project site contained one single family residential dwelling, and three out -buildings. The site also contained a single Colony home which must be demolished or relocated. The effects of the development on this Colony home are fully disclosed and analyzed as part of the Specific Plan EIR prepared pursuant to CEQA. 2.1.1 EXISTING LAND USE & ZONING DESIGNATIONS The General Plan Land Use designations and zoning for the parcels contained within the Specific Plan area are illustrated in Figure 2-1: Specific Plan Existing Land Use & Zoning Designations. A. SOUTH-EAST PROJECT SITE The South -East Project site consists of eleven parcels with split land use and zoning designations: TABLE 2-1: SOUTH-EAST PROJECT SITE LAND USE & ZONING DESIGNATIONS LAND USE ZONING General Commercial GC Commercial Retail (CR) High Density Residential HDR Residential Multiple Family RMF -20 Medium Density Residential MDR Residential Multiple Family RMF -10 Suburban Estates (SE) Residential Suburban (RS) CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN II -1 DEL RIO ROA[ COMMERCIAL AREA �SPECiFIC PLAN SETTING & EXISTING CONDITIONS The commercially designated/zoned parcels (totaling roughly 10 acres) are generally located on the western and northwestern portions of the site, fronting EI Camino Real and a portion of Del Rio Road. The residentially designated/zoned parcels are generally located on the eastern and southeastern portions of the property, adjacent to and downhill from existing single-family homes across Rio Rita Road. B. NORTH END PROJECT SITE The North End Project site east of EI Camino Real consists of seven parcels with split land use and zoning designations: TABLE 2-2: NORTH END PROJECT SITE LAND USE & ZONING DESIGNATIONS LAND USE ZONING General Commercial (GC) Commercial Retail CR Commercial Park CPK Commercial Park CPK Single Family Residential (SFR -X) Residential Single Family (RSF-X) j The commercially designated/zoned parcels (totaling roughly 8.5 acres) are generally located on the western portions of the site, fronting EI Camino Real. The North End Project Site west of EI Camino Real consists of one (1) parcel that is designated/zoned Commercial Park (CPK). The residentially designated/zoned parcels are generally located on the eastern portions of the property, mainly abutting existing single-family homes along Del Rio Road, Obispo Street and Marisol Way. 2.1.2 SURROUNDING LAND USES & ZONING DESIGNATIONS The surrounding land uses include vacant/undeveloped land, single-family residential uses, and commercial uses. The land use and zoning designations surrounding the combined projects are also illustrated in Figure 2-1 and described more particularly below. North of the North End Project site on the east side of EI Camino Real are existing single-family residential uses. North of the North End Project site on the west side of EI Camino Real are Commercial Park (Self Storage) uses. South of the South -East Project site are single-family residential uses. East of the Specific Plan area are Rio Rita Road, Obispo Road and Mirasol Way. Existing single-family residential dwellings are present in this area. West of the Specific Plan area, across EI Camino Real, are commercial properties, including the Mission Oaks Shopping Center and a Shell gas station. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN ii - 3 DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN SETTING & EXISTING CONDITIONS TABLE 2-3: SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING DESIGNATIONS T LAND USE ZONING NORTH General Commercial (GC) Commercial Retail CR Single Family Residential SFR -X Residential Single Family RSF-X SOUTH High Density Residential (HDR) Residential Multiple Family RMF -20 Residential Suburban RS Suburban Estate SE EAST Single Family Residential (SFR -X) Residential Single Famil (RSF-X) Residential Suburban SE Suburban Estate SE WEST General Commercial (GC) Commercial Tourist CT Commercial Park CPK Commercial Park (CPK) 2.2 EXISTING CIRCULATION 2.2.1 REGIONAL CIRCULATION Regional access to the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan site is provided by U.S. Highway 101 and the Del Rio Road interchange. The interchange includes a grade separated overcrossing with signal controlled on- and off -ramps for both north and south bound traffic. Highway 101 provides north/south access to the Specific Plan area from surrounding communities and area. Additionally, the Specific Plan area is within three miles from California State Highway 41. Highway 41 provides east/west access from the outlying areas of the City of Atascadero from the City of Morro Bay to the area beyond the Town of Creston. 2.2.2 LOCAL CIRCULATION Local access to the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan is provided by EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road. El Camino Real is a major arterial street that runs parallel with U.S. Highway 101 and provides north/south access to the Specific Plan site. EI Camino Real is designated to be a four lane arterial, but is improved to two lanes within the Specific Plan area. Del Rio Road is both a minor arterial and collector street within the Specific Plan area and runs east/west providing access from the west side of Highway 101 and from eastern parts of Atascadero. The intersection of EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road is signalized. The following information describes the existing local streets abutting the Specific Plan area: A. EL CAMINO REAL: 1) The South -East Project site: ■ One Northbound ("NB") lane at the south end of the Specific Plan area, which transitions to two NB lanes and then to one NB through lane, one dedicated left turn lane onto Westbound ("WB") Del Rio Road, and one dedicated right turn lane onto Eastbound ("EB") Del Rio Road at the signalized Del Rio intersection. Striped bike lane and unpaved shoulder. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 11-4 DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN SETTING & EXISTING CONDITIONS Two Southbound ("SB") lanes at the Del Rio intersection, which transition into one SB lane near the south end of the Specific Plan area. Curb, gutter and sidewalk, and bike lane. Posted speed limit of 45 mph, raised medians, lane transition striping. 2) The North End Project site: ■ One NB lane and one SB lane across the site frontage, with striped bike lane on the east side. ■ At the Del Rio intersection, the SB roadway transitions into a through/right tum lane and a dedicated left turn lane onto EB Del Rio. ■ Posted speed limit of 45 mph, separated by a double yellow line, lane transition striping, a paved and striped shoulder, no curb, gutter, or sidewalk. B. DEL RIO ROAD, EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL: 1) One traffic lane each, EB and WB. 2) Painted double yellow line through the Specific Plan area. No curb, gutter, sidewalk, or delineated bike lanes. 3) Posted speed limit of 40 mph. C. DEL RIO ROAD, WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL: 1) One WB lane, one EB right turn lane, one EB through -left turn lane. 2) Raised center median; curb, gutter and sidewalk on south side of road only. 3) No Posted speed limit. 2.2.3 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Public transportation in the Atascadero area is generally available through San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority ("SLORTA"), Atascadero Transit, and Dial-a-Ride/Ride-On. The SLORTA provides fixed route service throughout San Luis Obispo County from San Miguel to Santa Maria. SLORTA's Route 9 provides hourly, local and express service, plus limited Saturday and Sunday local service. Route 9 travels Highway 101, between San Luis Obispo, Cal Poly, Santa Margarita, Atascadero, Templeton, Paso Robles and San Miguel seven days a week with less frequency on Saturdays and Sundays. There are 19 southbound bus stops and 20 northbound stops located along EI Camino Real (ECR) within the Atascadero city limits. Northbound bound stops near the project area include ECR at Del Rio (Mission Oaks Plaza), ECR at Atalaya and ECR at Santa Cruz. Southbound stops include ECR at Atalaya and ECR at Del Rio (Mission Oaks Plaza). Atascadero Transit operates Dial A Ride, a demand response public transit system serving seniors and the general public, including disabled and mobility -impaired individuals. Atascadero Dial A Ride provides local service throughout the city limits of Atascadero and extends to the Las Tablas medical corridor in Templeton to accommodate the needs of residents. All Atascadero Transit vehicles are wheelchair accessible and have bicycle racks to accommodate two bicycles. Dial A Ride serves as a connector for residents in need of transportation to reach the RTA fixed route bus stops on EI Camino Real which provide accessible transportation throughout San Luis Obispo and Northern Santa Barbara counties. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN II -5 DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC~PLAN Y SETTING & EXISTING CONDITIONS Demand response door -to door transit service is available through Atascadero Transit. Additionally, Dial-a-Ride/Ride-On is available for those that are unable to independently use fixed route transit because of physical or mental disability. EXISTING PHYSICAL CONDITIONS TOPOGRAPHY The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan site is characterized by low rolling hills and flats on and immediately surrounding the site. The North End Project site is generally flat with slopes of less than 5%. The South -East Project site has moderate slopes ranging from 5% to 12%. Elevations range from approximately 970 feet above mean sea level at the southeast corner to about 860 feet at the northwest corner, with the terrain slightly sloping in a northwesterly direction. No USGS identified blue line water ways are located within or adjacent to the project boundaries. SOIL The USDA soil survey indicates the dominant soils present in the site vicinity are the Arnold loamy sand, 9 to 30 % slopes and Oceano loamy sand, 2 to 9 % slopes. The Arnold soils are found on hills and formed in weathered sandstone. The Oceano soils are found on dunes and formed in sandy eolian deposits. HYDROLOGY & DRAINAGE The Specific Plan area rolls toward the north and west at slopes ranging from five to ten percent. The soils are mostly clayey sand with soft rock located two to four feet below the surface. The ground cover condition is fair. Hydrology & Drainage of the South -East Project site The site can be divided into three watersheds that all drain to either EI Camino Real or to Del Rio Road. The runoff from one small watershed flows east, bounded by Del Rio Road and Rio Rita Road. The runoff from the other small watershed flows south along EI Camino Real. The majority of the runoff, which is generated by the large watershed, flows to a storm drain located at the intersection of EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road. From there the runoff flows into Caltrans drainage structures under Highway 101 and eventually into Graves Creek, a blue line creek and direct tributary to the Salinas River. Hydrology & Drainage of the North End Project site The east portion of the existing site's predominate surface flow is to the northwest corner of the site to an existing double 4 -foot wide box culvert that crosses EI Camino Real and discharges onto the western portion of the site. An existing drainage ditch cuts through the southeast corner of the western portion of the site and then proceeds offsite in a southwesterly direction to a culvert that crosses U.S. Highway 101. Predominate surface flow on the western portion of the site is in a southern direction towards that drainage ditch. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan site contains two habitat types: non-native annual grassland and ornamental -developed land. Approximately 166 native trees are present within the Specific Plan area, including Coast Live Oaks, Valley Oaks, Black Walnuts, and California Sycamores. These trees are subject to the City of Atascadero's Native Tree Ordinance. In addition, the site has the potential to support special -status plant and wildlife CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN II -6 DEL Rio ROAD .. _ COfUlMEERCIAL A►RE_A_ SPECIFIC PLAN SETTING & EXISTING CONDITIONS species. However, no special status plant species were observed within the project site during floristic surveys, and none are expected to be impacted by the proposed project. Further, no special -status wildlife species or sign of such species were observed within the Specific Plan area during reconnaissance surveys. EXISTING UTILITIES A general description of the existing utilities for the South -East Project and North End Project sites is provided below. The proposed distribution, location, extent and intensity of major components of public transportation, sewage, water, drainage solid waste disposal, energy and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the Specific Plan area are described in Sections 3.3 through 3.6 of the Specific Plan. WATER The Atascadero Mutual Water Company provides potable water service to the Specific Plan area. Water is provided by existing underground water mains in EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road. SANITARY SEWER The Specific Plan area, like the rest of Atascadero, is provided sanitary sewer service by the City of Atascadero. Existing underground sewer mains in EI Camino Real or Del Rio Road will convey project effluent to the City's existing treatment plant located on Gabarda Road. ELECTRICITY The Specific Plan area is served with electricity service provided by Pacific Gas and Electric Company via existing transmission and distribution lines. GAS The Specific Plan area is served with gas service provided by the Gas Company via existing underground pipelines. COMMUNICATIONS The Specific Plan area is provided landline telephone services by AT&T and cable television services by Charter Cable, both via existing facilities. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL The Specific Plan area is provided solid waste service by Atascadero Waste Alternatives, Inc. Solid waste is disposed of at the Chicago Grade Landfill. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN II -7 DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN III LAND USE PLAN 3.1 Land Uses III -1 3. 1.1 General Commercial (GC) III -1 3.1.2 High Density Residential (HDR) III -1 3.1.3 Single Family Residential (SFR -X) III -2 3.2 Land Use Policies III -2 3.2.1 South -East Project Site III -4 3.2.2 North End Project Site III -5 3.3 Circulation Policies III -6 3.3.1 Vehicle & Truck Access Policies III -6 3.3.2 Non -Vehicular & Public Transportation Access Policies III -7 3.4 Public Facilities Policies III -13 3.4.1 Water Policies III -13 3.4.2 Wastewater & Sewer Policies III -13 3.4.3 Storm Drainage Policies III -14 A. South -East Project Site III -14 B. North End Project Site III -14 3.4.4 Electricity Policies III -15 3.4.5 Natural Gas Policies III -15 3.4.6 Communications Policies III -15 3.5 Grading Policies III -16 3.6 Community Facilities Policies III -16 CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DEL f'I,4 ROAD— CO�iMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC KLAN LAND USE PLAN LAND USE PLAN The Specific Plan serves as the overlay zoning for the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area. The Land Use Plan provides the overall framework for development within the Specific Plan. Figure 3-1: Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan Conceptual Land Use Plan shows the location and arrangement of the land use designations. A general description of the uses proposed within the Specific Plan is provided below. 3.1 LAND USE DESIGNATIONS Land uses within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan are summarized below and include General Commercial, Multi -family Residential, and Single -Family Residential as shown in Figure 3-1: Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan Land Use Plan. 3.1.1 GENERAL COMMERCIAL (GC) The General Commercial (GC) land use category provides Commercial Retail (CR) development opportunities for a wide range of commercial and business uses to accommodate retail, employment, and service needs of the City and surrounding areas. Approximately 32 acres of General Commercial uses have been included in the Specific Plan. These uses are generally located along Del Rio Road and EI Camino Real. Foreseeable commercial uses within the commercial area will primarily consist of office, retail, and service oriented uses including, but not limited to, general merchandise stores, wholesaling and distribution, low - intensity manufacturing, restaurants, lodging and business support uses. 3.1.2 HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (HDR) The High Density Residential (HDR) land use category provides for Residential Multiple Family (RMF -24) development characterized by apartment, condominium, and townhouse development within the City's urban service line, with a minimum density of 20 units per acre. After the City of Atascadero deemed complete the project applications for the development approvals, including an application for Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT09-0073, and commenced preparation of the Specific Plan EIR, the City of Atascadero approved a General Plan update to modify the HDR land use designation from a maximum of sixteen units per acre to a minimum of twenty units per acre. The City approved a corresponding Zoning Ordinance text change and Zoning Map to change the RMF -16 Zoning District to RMF -20 (minimum 20 units per acre), then subsequently amended the density and name of the designation to RMF -24 with a maximum based density of 24 units per acre. Consistent with the recent update to the City of Atascadero General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, the proposed multiple family portion of the South -East site is zoned RMF -24. Approximately 2-43.6 net acres of High Density Residential uses have been included in the Specific Plan. Accordingly, a maximum of up to 67-86 dwelling units would be permitted in this area. This use is located on thesoutheastern portion of the project site, mainly abutting existing single-family homes along Rio Rita Street and the proposed public road. Density for the residential site shall be based on net acreage. exclusive of road right-of-way and any openspace easements encompassing the area. 3.1.3 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (SFR -X) The Single Family Residential (SFR -X) land use category provides for Residential Single Family (RSF-X) development within the City's urban services line with a maximum base density of 2 units per acre. However, the Single Family Outparcel also falls within the existing Planned Development Overlay 17, which permits density greater than the limits specified in the RSF-X zone. Specifically, Planned Development Overlay 17 allows residential uses in the RSF-X zone CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN III - 1 DEL Rio ROAD - COMMERCiAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN up to a maximum of 4 units per acre. Approximately 1.7 acres of single-family residential uses have been included in the Specific Plan area. Accordingly, a maximum of up to 6 dwelling units would be permitted in this area. This use is located on the northeastern portion of the property, mainly abutting existing single-family homes and taking access from Marisol Way. 3.2 LAND USE POLICIES The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan sites are intended to function as two commercial centers providing community oriented uses with a focus on employment, service, retail, and office opportunities. The combined projects consist of commercial and residential uses on approximately 39 acres of land. The Specific Plan area contains thirteen lots, with the majority of the area intended for the development of the commercial uses and their respective parking, as described in Table 3-1: Specific Plan Land Use Summary. The Specific Plan land uses will be developed substantially consistent with Table 3-1 and Figure 3-1. However, developers shall have no obligation to develop the project or develop the full floor area/density presented in Table 3-1. It is also important to note that assumed floor area estimates were used to determine traffic impacts from the project. Floor area may be increased if it can be shown that the total number of trips (total daily and peak hour) do not exceed the thresholds established in the most recent comprehensive traffic analysis. TABLE 3-1: SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE SUMMARY * Assumed square -footage based on trip generation. Building floor area may change provided that total trip generation for each site remains equal to or less than the total trips assumed in the 2020 traffic analysis. Should either peak hour or total daily trips exceed the assumed numbers, an additional traffic study will be required to show no increase in impact. Should impacts occur, a new environmental analysis will be required. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN III - 2 LAND AREA FLOOR AREA /DENSITY SOUTH-EAST PROJECT SITE PARCEL SITE AREA BUILDING AREA MAJOR TENANT PARCEL 19 ac. 129,560* sq. ft. COMMERCIAL OUTPARCEL 1 ac. 5,000* sq. ft. COMMERCIAL OUTPARCEL 1 ac. 5,000* sq. ft. MULTIPLE FAMILY OUTPARCEL 2:83.6 NET ac. 67-86 d.u. DEDICATIONS 2.2 ac. 26 ac. (gross) I -- 139,560* sq. ft. (44 d.u.) - SUBTOTAL SOUTH-EAST! PROJECT SITE — NORTH END PROJECT SITE PARCEL SITE AREA BUILDING AREA COMMERCIAL PARCELS (NORTH END PROJECT SITE — EAST 9.3 ac. 193,000* sq. ft. HOTEL (NORTH END PROJECT SITE—WEST) 1.7 ac. 73,833* sq. ft. / 120 rooms SINGLE FAMILY OUTPARCEL 1.7 ac. 6 d.u. DEDICATIONS 0.3 ac. -- SUBTOTAL NORTH END PROJECT SITE 13 ac. (gross) 266,833* sq. ft. (6 d.u.) SPECIFIC PLAN TOTAL 39 ac. Cross _ 406,393* s. 50 d.u. q. ft * Assumed square -footage based on trip generation. Building floor area may change provided that total trip generation for each site remains equal to or less than the total trips assumed in the 2020 traffic analysis. Should either peak hour or total daily trips exceed the assumed numbers, an additional traffic study will be required to show no increase in impact. Should impacts occur, a new environmental analysis will be required. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN III - 2 CL w N O Ll (Y �f¢,a 4 09 Vy U Lu W wigt4. O� pLl1 =U= a M d LL a e A � m 4 A 4i .fl y W t a p Icoa l t7 to t FS +� ' o 1 i i obi a'I 4.0W 4W tl} I' 1 y 1 it ,5 c T,, '.is ri :tig3ij 111 i Y3#�� �s;i�g� 'ii�j IU •7w, '�' 1f Z CL ; i 1 �3 M d LL DEL Rio ROAD _ t�C)MMERC]AL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN 3.2.1 SOUTH-EAST PROJECT SITE LAND USE POLICIES The South -East Project site consists of four parcels divided into the following land use and zoning designations: LAND USE ZONING General Commercial GC Commercial Retail CR High Density Residential (HDR) Residential Multiple Family (RMF -24 The commercially designated/zoned parcels are located toward the west of the site, fronting EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road. The residentially designated/zoned parcel is located on the southeastern portion of the project site, mainly abutting existing single-family homes along Rio Rita Street and the proposed public road. The following South -East Project site land use policies shall apply within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) The Major Tenant parcel could accommodate a wide variety of retail, office, light industrial or other uses as allowed by the General Plan. 2) Uses shall be consistent with the underlying CR zoning district and as modified in Section 4.1.1 of this Specific Plan. 3) The South -East Project site has two 1 -acre Commercial Outparcels that may each consist of a building up to 5,000 square feet (see #5) in size. 4) Assumed floor area based on trip generation. Square-footages may change provided that total trip generation for each site remains equal to or less than the total trips assumed in the 2020 traffic analysis. Should either peak hour or total daily trips exceed the assumed numbers, an additional traffic study will be required to show no increase in impact. Should impacts occur, a new environmental analysis will be required. 5) The South -East Project site has one 23.6 net acre (5 ac. gross) .Multiple Family Outparcel (RMF -2824) designated for development at a later date. 3.2.2 NORTH END PROJECT SITE LAND USE POLICIES The North End Project site consists of eight parcels and one designated remainder parcel divided into the following land use and zoning designations: LAND USE ZONING General Commercial GC Commercial Retail CR Single Family Residential (SFR -X) Residential Single Family (RSF-X) The following North End Project land use policies shall apply within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) Non-residential uses will be developed consistent with the underlying CR zoning district and as modified in Section 4.1.1 of this Specific Plan. 2) Assumed floor area based on trip generation. Square-footages may change provided that total trip generation for each site remains equal to or less than the total trips assumed in the 2020 traffic analysis. Should either peak hour or total daily trips exceed the assumed numbers, an additional traffic study will be required to show no increase in impact. Should impacts occur, a new environmental analysis will be required. 3) The North End Project site designated approximately 1.7 acres of land as single family residential. This area will be designated as a Planned Development Overlay 17 as part CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 111 -4 DEL RI© ROAD. COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN of the Specific Plan which allows residential uses in the RSF-X zone up to a maximum of 4 units per gross acre. 3.3 CIRCULATION POLICIES The transportation and circulation system for the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan is designed to utilize the existing roadway system with the addition of one local street (proposed public road) and commercial drives as needed to serve individual development areas. The system also includes policies to require paths for non -vehicular circulation to connect various subareas to each other and to the City of Atascadero in general. The proposed circulation network and policies are designed to efficiently move vehicular traffic through and around the Specific Plan area and to allow pedestrians a safe path from public and private areas to and from the entrances. The circulation plan promotes transit use, bicycling and walking as convenient modes of transportation for commuting and shopping. The circulation plan enhances connectivity with adjacent areas, where feasible to reduce traffic impacts on major streets. 3.3.1 VEHICLE & TRUCK ACCESS POLICIES Vehicular access to the Specific Plan area is provided by Del Rio Road, EI Camino Real, and the proposed public road. Conceptual vehicular access points to the site are shown in Figure 3- 2: Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan Conceptual Circulation Plan. Restrictions on turning movements are assumed based on preliminary traffic analysis and assumed driveway locations and may be modified with subsequent traffic analyses to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Primary access to the South -East Project site is envisioned by one dFivewa3p-eq�on Del Rio Road and one signalized driveway --end pub!;G -ead near the south of the site that Gennects n EI Camino Real. Additionally, a secondary entFanne is provided by nne dFiveway onan extension of Obispo Road is provided off Del Rio Road. The seGendafy pFep9sed--majGF tenant The sennndaFy driveway aGGess on Del Din Road is desig ed to . An optional access point at EI Camino Real, aligned with the existing Mission Oaks main entrance may be approved by the City Engineer should less intensive traffic generating uses be developed on-site and it can be shown that there are no queuing impacts for a dedicated turn pocket on El Camino Real into the South -East project site. Access to the two outparcels and the multi -family site shall be from the proposed public road. Primary access to the North End Project site is envisioned to be off of EI Camino Real with secondary access off of Del Rio Rd. Driveway restrictions will be analyzed with all Master plan of Development and Construction submittals to ensure safe turning movements and driveway placement in relation to traffic improvements and adjacent commercial developments. Except as otherwise modified by mitigation measures required in the Specific Plan EIR and/or project conditions of approval, the following vehicle and truck access policies shall apply within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) Street improvements on Del Rio Road and EI Camino Real as generally described below, and as included as mitigation measures in the certified Specific Plan Final CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 111-5 DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN Environmental Impact Report, will be constructed and financed by developments within the Specific Plan boundary, facilitating access to the subject sites, and acting to maintain efficient and safe vehicular travel along adjacent roadways. 2) EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road will be improved in accordance with the adopted plan improvements or to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Master Plan of Development for each project site will include conditions of approval that implement the timing and details of all traffic improvements. 3) In addition to required frontage improvements, Del Rio Road shall be widened to accommodate a right turn lane onto US101 northbound. Signal modifications and timing shall be completed in to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow. Developments shall pay their fair share towards these improvements based on traffic impacts. 4) The existing traffic signal at EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road will be modified to accommodate the proposed roadway improvements. 5) Del Rio Road, east of Obispo Road, will be improved to provide one-half (20') of a standard Collector Road section on the project side of the centerline. This widened section will transition to match the existing pavement width east of the Rio Rita Road. The intersection at Rio Rita Road will be reconstructed to conform to the increased width of Del Rio Road. Rio Rita Road will be improved to provide a smooth transition to Del Rio Road and maintain continuity of drainage. 6) A decorative concrete three rail fence will be constructed on the South -East project site's east property line. 7) The applicant will to offer to the City of Atascadero a ten -foot grant of right of way along its easterly property line for public road purposes. The abutting property owners shall have the right to grade within the right of way. 8) A -Obispo Road will be extended through the project site as a public road. The Road will be designed to the City's current collector standard and a 60 -foot wide right-of-way_ easement will be dedicated to the City. The commercial area and residential area may take access off this road. The road will be designed to connect to the properties to the south of the proiect site. This road will be dedicated to the City of Atascadero and accepted for maintenance purposes. 8}9) A project entry road will be constructed in the southern portion of the South -East Project site, which will intersect EI Camino Real opposite the southerly entrance to the Mission Oaks Center. This intersection will be signalized,— and the Fead will be cleSiGRed to the Cis GUFF Rt OI'eGtGF standaFd as a 4-- I -Re Foad- The [1AA-;- T nan+ Gomme FGE +1 GutparGels, and the Multiple Family OutpaFGel may e read.The react will be designed tG GGnneGt to the pmpeFties to the south ef the project site. This road 9}101Driveway access points will be designed to align with existing and proposed driveways across the major streets as well as existing or planned public roads, to the greatest extent possible. Restrictions on turning movements may be amended by conditions of approval for individual Master Plans of Development for each project site. Access may be restricted beyond what is stated in the Specific Plan should the City Engineer deem it necessary for vehicular, pedestrian, or bike safety, or should it be deemed necessary for the function of street intersections, the 101 interchange, or on-site circulation flow. To the extent the Vehicle & Truck Access Policies are inconsistent with the mitigation measures required in the Specific Plan EIR and/or conditions of approval required by the City, the CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 111-6 i DEL Rio ROAD C®MMiEI_CIAL /AREA SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN mitigation measures and/or conditions of approval shall apply. The proposed physical configurations of the right-of-ways will allow for safe and efficient travel to and from the site. 3.3.2 NON -VEHICULAR & PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ACCESS POLICIES The Specific Plan encourages non -motorized travel by creating travel routes that ensure destinations may be reached conveniently by public transportation, bicycling or walking. Individual project sites should be designed to allow pedestrians a safe path from public and private areas to and from the commercial retail and restaurant entrances. The Specific Plan incorporates the following non -vehicular improvements and/or features, thereby facilitating access to the South -East Project and North End Project sites and acting to maintain efficient and safe vehicular travel along adjacent roadways: The following non -vehicular and public transportation policies shall apply within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) A turn out shall be provided on EI Camino Real in front of the South -East Project site in order to accommodate a bus stop in accordance with City Engineering Standards. 2) Project site frontages shall be designed with pedestrian access and ADA accessible pathways via public sidewalks on Del Rio Road, EI Camino Real and the new public road. Private walkways and delineated paths to each building within the Specific Plan area are encouraged. 3) Project sites shall include ADA accessible elements in compliance with accessibility requirements. 4) Public transportation is permitted throughout the Specific Plan area. 5) Secure bicycle parking shall be provided near building entrances. 6) Bicycle travel accommodations shall be provided in each direction along the South -East Project and North End Project frontage on EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN III - 7 IL 2 m 2 j I a f •- - ,. k�§ . E � �� #� k t « � � - :■E � _ ■ }®|s � ■ $ 46 1® t _ 22 §®E)k �;;E■ SSPE« DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN 3.4 PUBLIC FACILITIES POLICIES The following section describes the backbone infrastructure systems that will be installed and financed by development within the Specific Plan area that is required to serve the development of the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan. The following public facilities policies shall apply within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) Water, wastewater, and drainage improvements will be designed to provide adequate levels of service for the maximum level of the planned development. 2) All plans and improvements will be consistent with the City of Atascadero's General Plan and City infrastructure requirements. 3) The proposed electric, natural gas, and communication utilities shall be connected to utility provider facilities in accordance with applicable standards. 4) All wires, conductors, cables, raceways, and conduits for electrical, telecommunications, cable, and similar services that provide direct service to any property shall, within the boundary lines of such property, be installed underground. Associated equipment and appurtenances such as surface mounted transformers, pedestal mounted terminal boxes, meters, and service cabinets may be placed aboveground and shall be screened and located behind the front setback line of said property. 3.4.1 WATER POLICIES The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan is served with potable water by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. The following water policies shall apply within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) The South -East Project site will be served by a new water main in the proposed public road which connects to the existing water main in €I Del Rio Road and/or new public streetavailable connection points to existing facilities within the fronting City streets, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 2) The North End Project will be served by connections to the existing water main in EI Camino Real and/or the existing water main in Del Rio Road. 3) A new water main shall be constructed in the new public street. 4) All water infrastructure design plans and construction will be approved the Atascadero Mutual Water Company prior to development. 5) All backflow preventers will be located in landscaped areas outside the public way. 3.4.2 WASTEWATER & SEWER POLICIES The project wastewater will be conveyed by existing sanitary sewer main lines to the existing City of Atascadero wastewater treatment plant. The existing sewer main lines convey effluent to the City's existing treatment plant located on Gabarda Road. The following wastewater and sewer policies shall apply within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) The South -East Project will connect to the existing sewer main in EI Camino Real and/or a new sewer main in the proposed public road. 2) The North End Project will connect to the existing sewer main in EI Camino Real and/or the existing sewer main in Del Rio Road. 3) A new sewer main shall be constructed in the new public street. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN 111 -9 _ _DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN 3.4.3 STORM DRAINAGE POLICIES The Specific Plan area will discharge its stormwater run-off in accordance with the City's Storm Water Management Plan. Stormwater will flow into the City's storm drain collection system and ultimately be discharged into Grave's Creek. The existing drainage within the Specific Plan area is discussed in Section 2.3: Existing Physical Conditions. The following storm drain policies shall apply within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) During construction, all work shall meet the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements for storm water quality. 2) During construction, Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be implemented for erosion control in accordance with an approved erosion control plan and a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). 3) During operations, all activities shall comply with the City of Atascadero's Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SWMP). This includes operational BMPs identified in the SWMP, including waste management and materials control, source control and treatment controls, to limit the conveyance of pollutants offsite. 4) The South -East Project and North End Project sites will safely convey storm runoff to public facilities. Historical drainage patterns and flows will be maintained to the extent feasible. 3.4.4 ELECTRICITY POLICIES Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area is served with electricity by Pacific Gas and Electric Company. No new energy producing facilities are necessary to serve the Specific Plan area, nor will the projects within the Specific Plan area require the construction or extension of new transmission lines. The following electricity policies shall apply within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) Both the South -East Project and North End Project developments shall include the construction of on-site utility lines and provide easements to meet PG&E requirements. 2) All wires, conductors, cables, raceways, and conduits for electrical and similar services that provide direct service to any property shall be installed underground within the boundary lines of such property. 3) All utility lines along the project frontages shall be undergrounded consistent with City code requirements. 3.4.5 NATURAL GAS POLICIES Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area is served with gas by The Gas Company. No new facilities are necessary to serve the Specific Plan area, nor will the projects within the Specific Plan area require the construction or extension of new transmission lines. The following natural gas policies shall apply within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) Service of gas to the Specific Plan area will be in accordance with The Gas Company policies and PUC regulations. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN III -10 DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA r SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN 3.4.6 COMMUNICATIONS POLICIES Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area is provided landline telephone and communication services by AT&T and Spectrum, and cable television by Spectrum, satellite, and other local providers. No new facilities are necessary to serve the Specific Plan area, nor will the projects within the Specific Plan area require the construction or extension of new transmission lines. The following communication policies shall apply within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) Both the South -East Project and North End Project sites will construct on-site utility lines to meet utility company requirements and PUC regulations. 2) All wires, conductors, cables, raceways, and conduits that provide direct service to any property shall be installed underground within the boundary lines of such property. 3) All utility lines along the project frontages shall be undergrounded consistent with City code requirements. 3.5 GRADING PLAN POLICIES The Major Tenant parcel, two Commercial Outparcels, and the North End Project parcels will be cleared, graded, and otherwise prepared for construction. It is anticipated that the South -East project site will require a significant amount of grading to accommodate a level pad. It is anticipated that the North end site will require some imported material to accommodate commercial development. The concept grading plans indicate approximately 50,000 cubic yards of import from the South -East Project Site to the North End Project Site and approximately 205,000 CY of dirt is expected to be exported from the South -East Project site to a suitable receiver site. The following grading policies shall apply within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) All grading shall comply with the current edition of the International Building Code, and the City of Atascadero Community Development and Public Works Departments standards. 2) Development within the Specific Plan area will cooperate to the greatest extend feasible to utilize excess material on each individual development site prior to exporting outside the Del Rio Specific Plan area. 3) Any residual debris resulting from site clearing and preparation will be disposed of/recycled in accordance with City requirements. 4) The South -East Project and the North End Project do not propose to grade their respective residential outparcels at this time. Future grading for the residential parcels will comply with City requirements, as determined at the time an application for a specific project is submitted to the City. 3.6 COMMUNITY FACILITIES POLICIES Community services and facilities including fire protection, police protection, U.S. mail, and solid waste disposal are summarized below. A more detailed discussion of facilities and services is presented in the Specific Plan EIR certified for the project. FIRE PROTECTION The City of Atascadero Fire Department provides fire prevention and suppression, hazardous materials mitigation, and disaster planning services. This department serves the Del Rio Road CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN III - 11 DEL RIO ROAD _ C__OM-M-E- tCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN Commercial Area Specific Plan area. The closest fire station to the site is Station #1 located at 6005 Lewis Avenue. Fire protection needs are analyzed in the Specific Plan EIR. The following fire protection policies shall apply within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) All fire hydrants shall be approved by the Fire Department. 2) The City of Atascadero Fire Department shall review and approve all water improvement plans and Fire Department Connections (FDC's) prior to installation. 3) All structures shall include automatic sprinkler systems and alarm systems as required by the latest applicable codes 4) All driveways and ne ter drives aislesprivate roads not designed to accommodate on- i-- will be have signage that states "Fire Lanes — No Parking". POLICE PROTECTION The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan is served by the City of Atascadero Police Department ("APD"). APD operates in cooperation with the surrounding law enforcement agencies under the "State Mutual Aid Pact". The department's headquarters is located at 5505 EI Camino Real approximately two miles from the site. Police protection needs are analyzed in the Specific Plan EIR. U.S. MAIL Mail service is provided by the United States Postal Service (USPS). The USPS will be consulted regarding the location of the mail depositories which shall be installed per USPS recommendations. SOLID WASTE & RECYCLING STORAGE Solid waste is collected by the Atascadero Waste Alternatives, Inc., a private company under contract with the City of Atascadero. Solid Waste Service is provided to the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area by Atascadero Waste Alternatives, Inc. Solid waste will be disposed of at the Chicago Grade Landfill located at 2290 Homestead Road, Templeton, CA 93465. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN III - 12 . DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN Iv DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 4.1 Commercial Retail (CR) Development Standards IV -1 4.1.1 Permitted Uses IV -1 4.1.2 Property Development Standards zv-2 4.2 Residential Multiple Family (RMF -20) Development Standards iv -2 4.2.1 Permitted Uses iv -3 4.2.2 Property Development Standards iv -3 4.3 Residential Single Family (RSF-X) Development Standards iv -3 4.3.1 Permitted Uses iv -3 4.3.2 Property Development Standards iv -3 CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS This chapter establishes policies and standards for development of the land uses and buildings within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area. The Specific Plan creates a specific identity within the plan area through application of the Atascadero Municipal Code and unique development standards. The purpose of these standards is to support, through careful site evaluation and design, the establishment of land uses in a manner that protects the public health, safety, and welfare. To the extent the development standards of the Specific Plan and the Atascadero Municipal Code are in conflict, the development standards of the Specific Plan shall prevail. 4.1 COMMERCIAL RETAIL (CR) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS These development standards implement the Commercial Retail (CR) zoning designation. The planning areas zoned CR allow the development of commercial uses, which provide residents and visitors with a variety of retail, office, lodging, restaurant, and personal and tourist serving uses It is the intent of these regulations to establish a comprehensive set of standards and respond to community needs for general commercial uses. 4.1.1 PERMITTED USES All uses shall be consistent with the underlying CR (Commercial Retail) zoning district for allowed and conditionally allowed uses, with the following modifications: 1) The following uses shall be allowed or allowed as modified: a) Brewery — Production b) Building Materials and Hardware w/ outdoor sales less than 20,000 sf c) Data and Computer Services Center d) Farm Equipment and Supplies with outdoor sales area up to 20,000 square -feet. e) Horticultural Specialties w/ outdoor sales area less than 20,000 sf f) Manufacturing — Low Intensity g) Medical Research h) Research and Development i) Warehousing — (must have an active office and employee component that is at least 25% of floor area) 2) The following uses shall be conditionally allowed with the following additional finding: The use must make a strategic contribution to and synergy with a viable commercial center; including consideration of revenue generation, compatibility, and phasing: a) Auto Repair Services (indoor only, no outdoor storage of inoperative vehicles) b) Manufacturing and Processing — High Intensity (indoor only) c) Winery — production d) Health Care Services, with the following findings: i) The overall use area within the Specific Plan does not exceed 20% ii) Adequate parking remains for future build -out and development of the Specific Plan area with a variety of uses e) RCFE — Independent Living / Senior Apartments (on the second floor or above only) f) Recreational Vehicle Parks with the following findings: i) The use may only be allowed on the South -East project site CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DEL Rio ROAD CO, 4ERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ii) The use must be limited to stays of less than 30 -days and be a transient lodging use subject to TOT. iii) The use may occupy a maximum of 20% of the South -East project site iv) The use must be visually screened from EI Camino Real and the adjacent residential uses v) RV parks must be an integral part of the master Plan of Development of the site that includes other visitor serving elements. g) Warehousing — (where the active office and employee component is less than 25% of the floor area) - providing a finding of community benefit can be made 1) The following uses shall be prohibited: a) Adult Day Care Facility b) Adult Oriented Business c) Building Materials and Hardware w/ outdoor sales or storage area 20,000 sf or greater d) Drive-through Sales or Services e) Horticultural Specialties with outdoor storage or sales area of 20,000 sf or greater f) Kennels g) Medical Extended Care Services: 6 residents or less h) Medical Extended Care Services: 7 residents or more i) Parking lots j) RCFE — Assisted Living k) RCFE — Retirement Hotel 1) Service Stations m) Small Family Day Care (unless within a permitted residential unit by State Law) n) Sports Assembly CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN IV -2 DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 4.1.2 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The site development standards for Commercial Retail (CR) zoned parcels within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan are as presented in Table 4-1: Commercial Retail (CR) Development Standards. TABLE 4-1: COMMERCIAL RETAIL (CR) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS BUILDING SITE Parcel Size: No minimum parcel size with shared parking and access easements recorded Lot Width: No minimum lot width Lot Depth: No minimum lot depth Lot Coverage: No maximum, subject to required building setbacks, parking, and landscape requirements. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT Occupied Building Height: 35 feet Non -Occupied Building Height: 45 feet (Architectural Features) MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACKS Front Yard: 10 feet for street trees. Encroachments permitted with MPD approval Side Yard: 10 feet for street trees. Encroachments permitted with MPD approval Rear Yard: None Adjacent to Residential zoned Property: 30 Feet Setback from Right-of-way to parking: 10 Feet Notes: Building height shall be measured from the finished pad elevation to top of roof, excluding architectural features. • Occupied Building means the region normally occupied by people generally consisting of the space between the finished pad and 6 feet above the floor or roof, excluding architectural features. • Non -Occupied Building (Architectural Features) means a building feature or space where the floor to ceiling height is 10 feet or less outside the occupied building area that adds to the visual interest of a structure. Non - Occupied Building area may contain ventilation or air conditioning equipment. • Setbacks shall be measured from the edge of rights-of-way or property line as applicable. • Depressed ramps and stairways may project into required setbacks, yards or spaces between buildings more than 4 feet as approved by the Community Development Director, but may not be located within the Right-cf- Way unless approved by the City Engineer. 4.2 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY (RMF -24) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS These development standards implement the Residential Multifamily (RMF -24) zoning designation. The RMF -24 zoning designation allows for the development of high-density residential uses at a minimum of 20-24 units per acre. The Residential Multiple Family CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN iv -3 DEL _Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Outparcel within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan shall be consistent with the City of Atascadero Municipal Code and standards in effect at the time the application for Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT09-0073 was deemed complete on November 5, 2010 or any subsequent Vesting Map should that entitlement expire. After the City of Atascadero deemed complete the Specific Plan project applications for the development approvals and commenced preparation of the Specific Plan EIR, the City of Atascadero approved a General Plan update to modify the High Density Residential (HDR) land use designation from a maximum of sixteen units per acre to a minimum of twenty units per acre. The City approved a corresponding Zoning Ordinance text change and Zoning Map to change the RMF -16 Zoning District to RMF - 20 (minimum 20 units per acre), then subsequently amended the density and name of the designation to RMF -24 with a maximum based density of 24 units per acre. Therefore, the proposed multiple family portion of the Major Tenant site shall be limited to a maximum of 24 units per acre, consistent with the maximum density analyzed in the Specific Plan EIR 2020 addendum. The Residential Multiple Family Outparcel will apply for a Conditional Use Permit approval as a subsequent project pursuant to section 6.7 of the Specific Plan, and will be subject to review by the City at that time. Refer to the City of Atascadero Municipal Code for further development standards and design guidelines. 4.2.1 PERMITTED USES Permitted Uses shall comply with Title 9, Chapter 3, Article 3, of the Atascadero Municipal Code. 4.2.2 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Property Development Standards shall comply with the following City of Atascadero Municipal Codes: Title 9, Chapter 4. Density for the residential site shall be based on net acreage, exclusive of road right-of-way and any openspace easements recorded over the property. 4.3 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY (RSF-X) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: These development standards implement the Residential Single Family (RSF-X) zone and Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 17 designations. The RSF-X zoning designation typically allows for the development of single-family residential uses not to exceed 2 units per acre. However, the Single Family Outparcel also falls within the Planned Development Overlay 17, which permits density greater than the limits specified in the RSF-X zone. Specifically, Planned Development Overlay 17 allows residential uses in the RSF-X zone up to a maximum of 4 units per acre. Approximately 1.7 acres of single-family residential uses have been included in the Specific Plan area. Accordingly, a maximum of up to 6 primary dwelling units would be permitted in this area. The Single Family Outparcel within the Specific Plan shall be consistent with the City of Atascadero's Municipal Code and Standards, and the development standards of Planned Development Overlay No. 17. The Single Family Outparcel will apply for subdivision mapping and permits as a subsequent project pursuant to section 6.7 of the Specific Plan, and will be subject to review by the City at that time. Refer to the City of Atascadero Municipal Code for further development standards and design guidelines. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN Iv -4 L . QE.L Rio, ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 4.3.1 PERMITTED USES Permitted Uses shall comply with Title 9, Chapter 3, Article 3, of the Atascadero Municipal Code. 4.3.2 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Property Development Standards shall comply with City of Atascadero Municipal Codes: Title 9, Chapter 4. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN iv -5 j DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGN GUIDELINES v DESIGN GUIDELINES 5.1 Commercial Retail (CR) Design Guidelines v-1 5.1.1 General Design Concepts v-1 5.1.2 Landscaping v-10 5.1.3 Parking & Parking Lot v-15 5.1.4 Lighting v-15 5.1.5 Signage v-15 5.1.6 Fencing & Screening v-16 5.1.7 On -Site Circulation v-17 5.1.8 Loading v-17 5.1.9 Outdoor Storage v-18 5.2 Residential Multiple Family (RMF -24) Design Guidelines v-18 5.3 Residential Single Family (RSF-X) Design Guidelines v-18 CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DEL RIO ROAD CvMMERCIALAREA, SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGN GUIDELINES DESIGN GUIDELINES The purpose of these design guidelines is to provide a guide for developers, builders, architects, engineers, landscape architects and others involved in the preparation of development proposals to ensure a consistent architectural design theme, use of materials, signage, and level of quality throughout the Specific Plan area. The design guidelines will assist the City of Atascadero staff and decision-making authorities with criteria to evaluate future development proposals. To the extent the design guidelines of the Specific Plan and the Atascadero Municipal Code are in conflict, the Specific Plan's design guidelines shall prevail. 5.1 COMMERCIAL RETAIL (CR) DESIGN GUIDELINES These design guidelines provide for the design and development of Commercial Retail (CR) uses within the Specific Plan area. The design guidelines set forth in this section will ensure that future development within the Specific Plan area is consistent. Development of the South -East and the North End project sites pursuant to the project approvals described in Section 1.5, including approval of a Master Plan of Development, are deemed to be consistent with the Design Guidelines of the Specific Plan and shall proceed directly to ministerial building permit and construction plan review. Design review for the two Commercial Outparcel uses to ensure consistency with the Design Guidelines of the Specific Plan shall occur during the Plot Plan Review approval process pursuant to Section 6.7 of the Specific Plan. 5.1.1 GENERAL DESIGN Within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan, site design addresses the nature and function of the uses, buildings, and features. The architectural design guidelines are intended to provide overall direction in the design of structures within the Specific Plan area. Architectural design and details for the South -East Project and North End Project sites should be integrated throughout the Specific Plan area. Design within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan should meld function and form, not one to the exclusion of the other. These guidelines are meant to be flexible over time and correspond with changing conditions in lifestyles, the marketplace and economic conditions. The following design guidelines are intended to facilitate design integrity between the variety of uses within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) Placement of buildings should consider the existing context of the commercial area, the location of adjacent land uses, and the location of major traffic generators. 2) The architecture (height, scale, style) of each building within the Specific Plan area should be compatible with other structures within the Specific Plan. Building sites should be developed consistent with architectural exhibits in a coordinated manner to provide order and diversity and avoid disorderly development. 3) Buildings within the Specific Plan may accommodate retail, office, tourism, and personal services among others. Developers may incorporate "prototype" architectural standards in the design and development of structures if they are consistent with the architectural quality and character of Specific Plan. Buildings may incorporate simple rectangular forms which may be broken up by creating horizontal emphasis through the use of reveals, trellises, landscaping, trim, windows, eaves, cornices, complimentary colors or other architectural and design devices consistent with the architectural exhibits. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN v-1 DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGN GUIDELINES 4) Figures 5-1 through 5-4 illustrate the conceptual architectural themes for development within the Specific Plan area. 5) Buildings should be carefully articulated; front, side, and rear elevations should provide variation in massing, wall, and roof forms. Use of thematic features and materials are important elements and are encouraged. 6) Large smooth, unarticulated surfaces should be avoided. A mixture of smooth and textured blocks for concrete walls is encouraged. Exterior materials requiring high maintenance responsibilities such as stained wood, clapboard, or shingles should be avoided. Large areas of intense white or dark colors should be avoided. Subdued colors should be used as dominant overall colors. Bright colors should only be used for trim and/or specialized uses (store identification, etc.). 7) Building materials should be selected and detailed for compatibility throughout the site. Buildings should incorporate a mix of at least two prevalent materials and at least one accent material including block, split faced block, decorative veneer, stucco, architectural metal siding, wood or wood look features, or decorative exposed concrete. These materials should be used in combinations that yield an impression of permanence as well as respect for the surrounding environment and authentic architectural styles. Please refer also to Figures 5-1 through 5-4. 8) Complementary design features should be utilized to unify the specific plan area. 9) All buildings should incorporate thematic benches, trash receptacles, bollards, and bike racks. 10) Prior to submittal for Building Plan Check and the issuance of building permits, full color renderings and color boards representing the exterior colors and materials to be used shall be submitted to the Community Development Department. 11) Exterior mechanical equipment shall be screened from public view. a. All roof mounted heating and cooling equipment shall be screened from view by a parapet or other structural feature and designed to match the total structure. b. All ground -mounted utility appurtenances shall be located away from public view or adequately screened. Screening should be of a material complimentary to the structure and/or heavy landscaping and berming. 12) Wall mounted items such as roof ladders and electrical panels shall not be located adjacent to public rights-of-way, unless secured to prevent public access. Service areas (areas for loading/unloading, unpacking of goods, etc.) shall be simple and efficient, and shall not interfere visually or physically with other building operations. No utility appurtenances shall be permitted directly within a pedestrian area. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN V-2 U) LU $ § k I§ 2 16 0: < E U L wo q—vt j—'— + C U) M k § a - ; _DEL RIO _RUAD iff6 VIERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGN GUIDELINES 5.1.2 LANDSCAPING The environment envisioned for the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area will be established, in large part, by its landscape treatment. Landscaping is to be designed to highlight positive visual features and to provide a cool, pleasant outdoor environment. Landscaping is also intended to give structure and identity to the overall project. The Conceptual Landscape Palette for the area within the Specific Plan boundaries is available in Figure 5-5. The following landscaping design guidelines are applicable within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) Final Landscaping Plans will be prepared consistent with the all local and State Water Efficient Landscape and Irrigation codes and shall be submitted for approval to the Community Development Director. 2) Landscape and irrigation construction plans should substantially conform to the approved Master Plan of Development. 3) Permanent automatic irrigation systems (including low flow systems) compliant with the Atascadero Municipal Code should be provided in all landscaped areas. 4) Low flow irrigation systems are highly recommended within the Specific Plan area. Sprinkler heads located immediately adjacent to parking areas should be of the "pop-up" variety instead of risers. 5) The irrigation system should be designed to avoid overspray onto structures, streets, sidewalks, windows, walls and fences. 6) The use of turf areas shall be reduced to a minimum. Turf should only be used when there is a functional purpose. 7) Within individual landscaped areas, plants should be selected and planted appropriately based upon their adaptability to the climatic, geologic, and topographical conditions of the site and in accordance with the Atascadero Municipal Code. Drought -resistant and native plant species are encouraged. 8) Landscaping should be maintained in an acceptable manner with dead and destroyed landscape items replaced as soon as practical. 9) Planters shall not drain into parking areas so as to accumulate mud or other residue. 10) Building setbacks that are not used for drive entries, parking, loading, pedestrian walkways, or approved outdoor uses should be landscaped. All unpaved areas within developed portions of the site should be landscaped according to an approved landscape plan. 11) No landscaping is required adjacent to the portions of buildings where loading doors and customer pick-up areas are located. 12) The parking lot landscaping should include canopy trees to reduce urban heat island effects and provide a pleasant pedestrian experience throughout the parking areas. 13) Landscaping along the street frontages of EI Camino Real, Del Rio Road, and the new public road should be planted with a combination of trees, shrubs, and groundcover planted in a clearly perceptible pattern that creates a sense of scale or rhythm along these roadways consistent with the approved Landscape Plan 14) Street trees shall not be planted along Rio Rita Road in order to protect the viewshed of the existing development above Rio Rita Road. 15) All trees used within required landscaped areas, including parking areas, shall have a minimum size of 24" box unless specific agreement is made with the Community Development Department. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN v-7 f DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGN GUIDELINES 16) All shrubs used within required landscaped areas, including parking areas, shall utilize a mixture of sizes one -to -five (1-5) gallons and shall be dispersed evenly throughout the landscaped areas. 17) All trees within the Specific Plan area shall be staked or provided with guy wires. 18) Landscaping along public rights-of-way should be designed to aesthetically screen and soften blank walls, parking areas, storage areas, utility boxes, and other non -aesthetic items. 19) The planting of hedge shrubs and/or vines along exterior structures and screen walls is encouraged to deter potential graffiti. 20) Landscaped areas should be delineated with a 6 -inch high and 6 -inch wide concrete curb or equivalent. Curb may be broken to allow water to flow into depressed planted areas. 21) Mulch should be applied in a 3 -inch layer in all shrub and groundcover areas. 22) All new and disturbed slopes shall be revegetated. 23) Landscaping shall be planted concurrent with the development of the individual lots within the Specific Plan area. 24) In addition, landscape improvements in each project's right-of-way frontage, including road medians, shall be installed and completed prior to occupancy of each project's first tenant. All landscape improvements in the public right-of-way shall be approved by the City Engineer and will require an encroachment permit. 25) Retaining walls in excess of 4 feet in height shall be setback from the right of way a minimum of 5 feet. Individual walls may not exceed 6 feet in height, and multiple, stepped walls with a minimum separation of 5 feet shall be utilized where grades require additional height. All retaining walls shall use high quality decorative materials and shall be consistent with the architectural design theme of the development. Wall exceptions may be granted with Design Review Committee approval based on findings that the wall(s) is designed as a decorative site feature. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN v-8 ---I r a U V) c J (0 a U O U LO LL Z � p F �i 11 ---I r a U V) c J (0 a U O U LO LL DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGN GUIDELINES 5.1.3 PARKING & PARKING LOT All parking and parking lots within the Specific Plan area shall comply with Title 9, Sections 4.114 through 4.119 of the Atascadero Municipal Code and the following parking and parking lot standards listed below: 1) Parking spaces should be oriented to ensure visibility of pedestrians, bicyclists and other motorists while entering, leaving or circulating within a parking area. 2) The installation of parking facilities shall occur concurrently with the development of individual parcels and shall be designed for interconnecting access to future subsequent development. 3) Individual parcels are must be designed to share parking fields if they are adjacent and within the same zoning designation. 4) Parking areas shall have lighting capable of providing adequate illumination for safety and security. Such lighting shall be indirect, hooded, and arranged to reflect light away from adjoining properties and streets. 5) All parking areas should be paved with Portland cement, concrete, asphalt or other appropriate approved material as established by the City Engineer. Curbing or wheel stops should be provided around parking lot perimeter. 6) Parking areas should be provided with curbs, bollards, or similar permanent devices where necessary to prevent parked vehicles from bumping buildings, landscaping, or perimeter walls. 7) Canopy trees shall be provided at an average of approximately one (1) tree per thirty (30) feet along parking rows. 8) Individual tree planters may be used in lieu of landscape fingers provided the parking lot complies with all other applicable landscaping requirements. 9) Parking areas that face EI Camino Real, and are at least five (5) feet above the adjacent roadway, shall not be required to be screened with a landscaped berm. Parking areas that face EI Camino Real, and are less than five (5) feet above the adjacent roadway, shall be screened with a landscape berm a minimum of thirty (30) inches in height unless the City Engineer finds that intervening landscaping sufficiently blocks headlight glare. 10) Commercial grade bicycle racks should be conveniently located close to building entrances. 5.1.4 LIGHTING All lighting within the Specific Plan area shall comply with Title 9, Section 4.137 of the Atascadero Municipal Code and the following lighting standards listed below: 1) Lighting sources in parking lots may be up to thirty (30) feet in height. 2) Lighting sources shall be full cut off type fixtures that are shielded, diffused, or indirect in order to avoid glare to pedestrians, motorists, and surrounding residential areas. 3) Lighting fixtures shall be selected and located to confine the area of illumination to within the site boundaries consistent with the approved photometric plans. 4) To minimize the total number of freestanding light standards, full cut off type wall - mounted lighting fixtures should be utilized where feasible and consistent with building architecture. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN V-10 - - DEL RIP ROA© COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGN GUIDELINES 5.1.5 SIGNAGE Signage and graphics are an important element within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan. The intent of the Sign Program is to provide commercial tenants maximum sign exposure in a manner that will complement the overall image of the combined projects. All signage shall comply with the Sign Program shown in Figure 5-6: Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan Signage Program. The following additional signage standards shall also apply within the Specific Plan area: 1) Monument signs should be incorporated into landscaped areas to minimize visual mass. 2) All ground -mounted signs shall be set back from the ultimate curb face and positioned so as not to create a hazard for either pedestrian or vehicular traffic. 3) All signs and their supporting structures shall be constructed of metal, wood or comparable weatherproof material and shall be enclosed as to provide against their infestation by birds and vermin. 4) Each tenant shall be responsible for providing their own building signs. Each tenant is responsible for obtaining all required sign and building permits from the City. Each tenant shall be responsible for all fees required. 5) Tenant wall signs shall be designed with individual lettering and custom graphics. Use of external illumination, neon and other features are encouraged. Signs shall complement architectural themes. No internally illuminated cabinets shall be allowed unless an integral part of a small custom sign feature. Logos and corporate slogans need not consist of individual letters but should be compatible with the Sign Program and design theme. 6) Any requested deviation from the approved sign program shall require the approval of the Community Development Director or designee and may require the review of an Administrative Use Permit. Tenants shall be responsible for compliance with this program and all City codes and requirements. Additional signage may be requested by the Commercial Outparcels and future residential uses at the time specific development projects are proposed. 7) Additional sign area allowance or unique signage elements not otherwise permitted by the approved Sign Programs or by the City's Sign Ordinance, may be processed as an Administrative Use Permit. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN V-111 U) W 2 J W O_ I� V Z a N W C gz'//�� j J�I,L w? gj a ❑5(01cl1 N z LU Z su CL N 'V) V z z a z z x 4 + '+fn V H z P UA mn a a lrr�as�f.��T� !~ DEL Rio ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGN GUIDELINES 5.1.6 FENCING & SCREENING Fencing and screening should be designed to highlight positive visual features and to screen negative ones. The following design guidelines are applicable within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) Fencing and screening should be used to a minimum within the Specific Plan area. 2) Walls and fences may be used to retain earth or screen loading and storage areas, refuse receptacles, and utility structures. 3) Walls should be designed to be low and to perform their screening function. 4) Walls and fences should be designed to complement the architectural design, color and materials of adjacent buildings. 5) Landscaping should be used in combination with walls when possible. 6) A decorative three -rail fence shall be provided along the southwest side of Rio Rita Road to protect against accidental pedestrian access to the top of the slope at the eastern of the Te edge of the South -East project site. 5.1.7 ON-SITE CIRCULATION The on-site circulation standards within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan will ensure the efficient and safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians to and from the various commercial uses within the Specific Plan area. The following design guidelines are applicable within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) On-site circulation should be designed for efficient vehicular and pedestrian movement. 2) The circulation system shall include adequate directional signs for entrances, exits, parking areas, loading areas, and other uses. 3) On-site driveways and parking areas shall be designed to provide common access between the Specific Plan area and adjacent properties. 4) Sight lines required for safe automobile movement shall be kept clear. Screens and structures shall not block such sight lines, both for entering and leaving the individual developments, and the project site. 5) The design and location of vehicular entries (curb cuts) for individual development sites shall provide the driver ample time to perceive them when approaching the site. Intersections and driveway approaches should be kept clear of obstructions such as traffic signal standards and landscaping. 6) Individual buildings and parcels need not have direct access to a public street; however, reciprocal access agreements shall be recorded to ensure that adequate ingress and egress is available to each lot and building within the Specific Plan area and that the entirety of the center functions as one development regardless of underlying lot lines and ownership. 7) Adequate pedestrian amenities such as benches and shade structures (or shade trees) should be installed near building entrance or at the curbside/sidewalk adjacent to buildings within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area. 8) Designated pedestrian walkways across traffic lanes should be striped to distinguish them from the surrounding paved areas. 9) On-site pedestrian walkways should provide direct, safe, and adequate movement paths between parking areas and building entrances. 10) Service truck access routes should be designed to limit interaction with visitor and pedestrian traffic. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN v-13 DEL RIO ROAD _ COMMERCIAL AREA I SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGN GUIDELINES 5.1.8 LOADING The following design guidelines are applicable within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) Loading areas should be designed to provide for maneuvering on site and not from or within a public street. Direct loading from a public street is not permitted. 2) Loading areas may be permitted adjacent to a public street provided they are screened by a combination of screen walls, ornamental landscaping, and/or portions of on-site buildings. 3) Loading areas visible from a public street or parking area should be screened by solid wing walls (constructed of materials such as concrete, concrete block, masonry, and brick) and/or appropriate landscaping so that said loading area is adequately shielded from public view. All such loading areas shall be maintained in a clean and orderly condition. 4) Screen walls and wing walls should be provided adjacent to loading doors and loading areas visible to the public and should be of a compatible material with adjacent buildings, and shall be of sufficient height to provide adequate visual screening. 5.1.9 ACCESSORY STORAGE The following design guidelines are applicable within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area: 1) Outdoor storage shall be screened from public view. 2) Refuse storage and disposal areas, other than trash compactors, should be within trash enclosures with at least three sides composed of a solid wall which is not less than 6 feet in height. The fourth side may consist of a solid metal gate painted to match or coordinate with the adjacent building (slatted chain link is not acceptable). Cardboard bales shall be removed regularly. 3) Refuse containers shall be provided in sufficient number, and should be placed in convenient location(s). 4) Trash enclosures may accommodate recycling bins. 5) Trash gates should remain closed except when in use, and remain in good working order. 6) Trash areas should not be used for storage. The premises should be kept in a neat and orderly condition at all times, and all improvements should be maintained in a condition of good repair and appearance. 7) Adequate shopping cart storage should be provided as needed. 8) No permanent storage of material is allowed on the outside of the building. 9) Outdoor storage provisions do not apply to outdoor sales areas, sidewalk sales, enclosed storage, and "garden centers." 5.2 RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE FAMILY (RMF -24) DESIGN GUIDELINES The Residential Multiple Family (RMF -24) parcel within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan shall be consistent with the City of Atascadero Municipal Code and Standards in effect at the time the application for Vesting Tentative Parcel Map AT09-0073 was deemed complete on November 5, 2010 or subsequent vested entitlement should the original entitlement expire. Design review for the Multifamily Outparcel use to ensure consistency with the Design CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN v-14 DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGN GUIDELINES Guidelines of the Specific Plan shall occur during the Conditional Use Permit approval process pursuant to Section 6.7 of the Specific Plan. 5.3 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY (RSF-X) DESIGN GUIDELINES The Residential Single Family (RSF-X) remainder parcel within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan shall be consistent with the City of Atascadero's Municipal Code and Standards. Design review for the Single Family Outparcel use to ensure consistency with the Design Guidelines of the Specific Plan shall occur during the Subdivision Tract Map Approval process pursuant to Section 6.7 of the Specific Plan. Refer to the City of Atascadero Municipal Code for further design guidelines. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN v-15 DEL x io COAD _ COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION VI IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION 6.1 Interpretation V I A 6.2 Definition of Terms VIA 6.3 Enforcement VIA 6.4 Severability VIA 6.5 Implementation of Development Standards vi -2 6.6 Implementation of Design Guidelines vi -2 6.7 Application Processing vi -2 6.8 Financing & Phasing of Development vi -3 6.8.1 South -East Project Site vi -3 6.8.2 North End Project Site vi -4 6.9 Maintenance vi -4 6.9.1 City Maintenance Responsibility vi -4 6.9.2 Other Agency Maintenance Responsibility vi -5 6.9.3 Private Maintenance vi -5 6.10 Substantial Conformance vi -5 6.10.1 Procedure vi -6 A. Application vi -6 B. Hearing vi -6 C. Action by Reviewing Authority vi -6 6.8 Specific Plan Amendments vi -6 CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN DEL Rio ROAD _ 'COMMEROiAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION The City of Atascadero adopted this Specific Plan following certification by the City of the Specific Plan EIR and concurrent with the issuance of certain additional development approvals described in Section 1.5 of this Specific Plan. This Specific Plan serves as an implementation tool for the City's General Plan, and establishes the overlay zone for the combined Project sites. Following adoption of the Specific Plan and the development approvals described in Section 1.5, development within the Specific Plan area shall proceed pursuant to Section 6.7 of this Specific Plan. The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan shall be implemented, amended, revised or adjusted according to the procedures identified in this section. These procedures have been developed to ensure consistency with the adopted Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan, to encourage continuity in design and development of the community, and to promote high standards of site design. These revision and amendment procedures also provide for adaptation to special or supplementary development standards that may be adopted from time to time to implement the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan. 6.1 INTERPRETATION These regulations shall be held to be minimum requirements in their application and interpretation. No provision herein is intended to abrogate of interfere with any deed restriction, covenant, easement, or other agreement between parties. Interpretations of the provisions of this Specific Plan are subject to subsections (a) through (c) of Section 9-1.109 of the Atascadero Municipal Code, except that interpretation of allowable uses not specifically listed in the Atascadero Municipal Code for the CR (Commercial Retail) zoning district or Chapter 4 of this Specific Plan are subject to a substantial conformance determination pursuant to Section 6.10 of this Specific Plan. 6.2 DEFINITION OF TERMS The meaning and construction of words, phrases, titles and terms shall be the same as provided in Atascadero Municipal Code and Atascadero General Plan, unless otherwise specifically provided in the Specific Plan. 6.3 ENFORCEMENT The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan is enforceable through the measures and regulations detailed in Title 9 of the City of Atascadero Municipal Code. The standards contained in the Specific Plan have been adopted by ordinance and are enforceable to the same extent as standards contained in the Zoning Regulation and other City Codes. 6.4 SEVERABILITY If any term, provision, condition, requirement, or portion thereof of this Specific Plan is for any reason held invalid, unenforceable, or unconstitutional, the remainder of this Specific Plan or the application of such term, provision, condition, requirement, or portion thereof to circumstances CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN VI -1 DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLANT IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION other than those in which it is held to be invalid, unenforceable, or unconstitutional, shall not be affected thereby; and each other term, provision, condition, requirement, or portion thereof shall be held valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 6.5 IMPLEMENTATION OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Adoption of the Specific Plan by the City, includes adoption of the development standards and policies described in Chapter 4: Development Standards. Development standards and policies contained in this document shall supplement or replace those of the City of Atascadero Municipal Code as they might otherwise apply to lands within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area. For projects within the Specific Plan area, development standards and policies in the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan shall take precedence over more general standards and policies applied through the rest of the City. To the extent the provisions of the Specific Plan and the Atascadero Municipal Code are in conflict, the provisions of the Specific Plan shall prevail. In situations where development standards or policies relating to a particular subject have not been provided in the Specific Plan, the existing development standards and policies of the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance shall continue to apply. 6.6 IMPLEMENTATION OF DESIGN GUIDELINES Adoption of the Specific Plan by the City includes adoption of the Design Guidelines contained in Chapter 5: Design Guidelines, of the Specific Plan. The Design Guidelines are intended to be flexible in nature while establishing basic evaluation criteria for the review by the City of development projects as described in Section 6.7: Application Processing. Design guidelines contained in this document shall supplement or replace those of the City of Atascadero Municipal Code and/or the Appearance Review Manual as they might otherwise apply to lands within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan area. For projects within the Specific Plan area, design guidelines in the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan shall take precedence over more general design guidelines applied through the rest of the City. To the extent the provisions of the Specific Plan and the Atascadero Municipal Code are in conflict, the provisions of the Specific Plan shall prevail. In situations where design guidelines relating to a particular subject have not been provided in the Specific Plan, the existing design guidelines of the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance shall continue to apply. 6.7 APPLICATION PROCESSING Development of the South -East project parcels and the North End Project parcels shall require approval of a Master Plan of Development, including the two Commercial Outparcels, Multiple Family Outparcel, and Single Family Outparcel in accordance with the following processes: Master Plan of Development Approval. A Master Plan of Development in the form of a Conditional use Permit shall be required for both the commercial and residential portions of the development subject to final action by the City Council. A Master Plan of Development can include conceptual approval of the two commercial outparcels on the South -East project site. Should approval be conceptual, a plot plan review shall be required for these sites as described below. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN v2 - 2 DEL RIO ROAD_ COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION Plot Plan Review. The two Commercial Outparcel uses shall obtain Plot Plan review approval pursuant to Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-2.108 unless detailed approval is included in the Master Plan of development. In this case, the two Commercial Outparcel uses shall not require Precise Plan and Conditional Use approvals as described in Atascadero Municipal Code Sections 9-2.109 through 9-2.110 unless specific requested uses trigger that process. ■ Tentative Map Approval. The Single Family Outparcel and any other land or airspace subdivisions shall obtain a tentative tract or parcel map approval pursuant to Atascadero Municipal Code Title 11. Administrative Use Permit. Request for additional sign area allowances or unique signage elements not otherwise permitted by the approved Sign Programs or by the City's Sign Ordinance, may be processed as an Administrative Use Permit. Master Plan of Development Amendments. Modifications to any approved Master Plan of Development for any project site shall be processed as a Use Permit amendment subject to final action by the City Council. Minor changes may be permitted without Use Permit amendment if a finding of substantial conformance can be made by the Planning Director in accordance with Section 6.10. Any development proposed within the Specific Plan area that is not in substantial conformance with this Specific Plan, shall proceed pursuant to approval by the City of applications as determined by the Community Development Director to be necessary at the time of project application submittal. 6.8 FINANCING & PHASING OF DEVELOPMENT The South -East and North End Projects are self-supporting commercial projects with individual owners/developers responsible for onsite and offsite improvements necessary to support development of the project. Phasing of development ultimately will be determined solely by the project developers, based on market conditions and other factors. Required infrastructure and community facilities shall be installed and public services shall be available to serve each phase of development as it occurs. Based on current market information, development within the Specific Plan area is generally anticipated to occur as follows. 6.8.1 SOUTH-EAST PROJECT PHASING Phase 1: ■ Rough grading of the commercial parcels, and preparation of the Major Tenant building pad. Export excess cut material to a suitable receiver site. ■ Precise grading of the Major Tenant parcel, the proposed new public road, and driveways onto Del Rio Road and EI Camino Real. ■ Detention basin/drainage improvements (onsite and offsite). ■ Provision of undergrounded utilities including stubs to Commercial Outparcels 2 and 3. ■ Construction of the Major Tenant building required parking area, and driveways. • Install landscaping on Major Tenant parcel. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN vi - 3 DEL Rio ROAD _ COMMERCIAL 1�REA_ SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION Construction of offsite improvements (as detailed in Chapter 3: Land Use Concept) in Del Rio Road and EI Camino Real, the new public road, and intersection improvements required for operation of the Major Tenant and Outparcels 2 and 3. Sewer and water line connection to existing offsite utility lines Phase 2: • Construction of Commercial Outparcels 2 and 3 may, but need not, occur concurrently with the construction of the Major Tenant parcel. ■ Precise Grading and pad preparation for Commercial Outparcel buildings (Parcel 2 and/or 3) • Construction of Commercial Outparcel buildings (Parcels 2 and/or 3) ■ Wet and dry utility connection to stubs provided in Phase 1 (Parcel 2 and/or 3) • Landscape parking areas and corners in Parcel 2 and/or 3 ■ Completion of the new public road and landscaping Note: Multiple Family Outparcel development is not included and any project phasing will be permitted separately pursuant to Section 6.7 of this Specific Plan. 6.8.2 NORTH END PROJECT PHASING Phase 1: ■ Site Demolition Phase 2: ■ Complete public improvements and frontage improvements ■ Construction of on-site infrastructure and drainage improvements • On-site grading, parking, landscape improvements, and finished construction pads Phase 3: ■ Individual commercial buildings (as tenants are secured) Note: Single Family Outparcel development is not included and any project phasing will be permitted separately pursuant to Section 6.7 of this Specific Plan. 6.9 MAINTENANCE Public and private improvements constructed as part of development of the Specific Plan area shall be maintained through a combination of public and private entities as described below. 6.9.1 CITY MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY Public facilities are planned for public maintenance by the City or the appropriate utility service provider and include, but are not limited to, the following: ■ All accepted public streets within the Specific Plan area, excluding residential subdivisions. ■ Public traffic signals and traffic control signs within the public right-of-way within the Specific Plan area. ■ Public improvements constructed in the public right-of-way inside of and outside of the Specific Plan area. CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN vI -4 DEL Rio ROAD _ COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC'PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION ■ All sewer mains, excluding lateral connections. ■ The existing and expanded public storm drain systems in the public right-of-way or dedicated easements. 6.9.2 OTHER AGENCY MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY The following facilities will be maintained by other agencies: ■ Atascadero Mutual Water Company: public on-site and offsite water facilities within the Specific Plan area. ■ PG&E: Accepted street lighting within public rights-of-way in the Specific Plan area. ■ Caltrans: Public improvements within the Caltrans right-of-way. ■ All private electrical, natural gas, telephone, cable TV, and other non -City utilities. 6.9.3 PRIVATE MAINTENANCE Private and public improvements to be maintained by the developers include, but are not limited to, the following: ■ Streets, drives, lanes and pedestrian paths on private property within the Specific Plan area. ■ Public streets within any residential subdivisions ■ Traffic control signs and pavement markings on private property within the Specific Plan area. ■ Landscaping and lighting on private property within the Specific Plan area. ■ Property line walls, fences, retaining walls, refuse storage areas, signs, slopes, and parking lots. ■ Open space areas on private property within the Specific Plan area including detention facilities, bio-swales, and other low -impact -development features. ■ Newly constructed drainage facilities on private property within the Specific Plan area. • Landscaped frontages within the right-of-way of all public streets. ■ Street lighting within public rights of way in the Specific Plan area shall be maintained by the developer unless otherwise maintained by PG&E. • Landscaping within any center medians of all public streets fronting the Specific Plan area. 6.10 SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE During review of construction plans and building permit applications, the Community Development Director or designee shall have the limited ability to interpret the Specific Plan and determine that the proposed development is in substantial conformance with the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan. The use of substantial conformance is intended to ensure orderly development, quality aesthetic design, and safe and harmonious placement of uses within the Specific Plan area. Determinations of substantial conformance shall be made administratively by the Community Development Director or designee without the need for a public hearing. In some cases, the determination may be forwarded to the Design Review Committee. A substantial conformance determination made pursuant to this Section 6.10 shall be considered a ministerial decision that is not subject to CEQA. A project proposal for development within the Specific Plan area shall be considered to be in substantial conformance with the Specific Plan, not requiring a Specific Plan amendment, in the event that any of the following occurs: CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN vi - 5 DEL RIO_ ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION ■ The addition of a land use not listed in Chapter 4: Development Standards, of this Specific Plan, provided that the proposed use is determined to be equivalent in its nature and intensity to a use listed in Chapter 4 of this Specific Plan. ■ A change in utility or public service provider to the Specific Plan area. ■ Minor changes or adjustments to lot lines or the alignment of access roads, community facility plans, or public infrastructure facility plans such as drainage, sewer, water and other utilities. ■ Minor deviations from the Land Use Plan and related policies, as contained in Chapter 3: Land Use Plan, of the Specific Plan. ■ The merger of the two Commercial Outparcels into a single Commercial Outparcel to be developed with a retail, restaurant or office use provided the development does not exceed the combined maximum floor area permitted for the two Commercial Outparcels of 10,000 square feet. A voluntary merger application shall be required in order to complete any lot merger. • Minor deviations from the sign program that are consistent with the conceptual design set forth in Chapter 5: Design Guidelines, of the Specific Plan. ■ Minor changes to landscape materials and streetscape design which are consistent with the conceptual design set forth in Chapter 5: Design Guidelines, of the Specific Plan. ■ Minor deviations from the design guidelines which are consistent with the conceptual design set forth in Chapter 5: Design Guidelines, of the Specific Plan. ■ A reduction in the minimum required parking spaces, provided that a parking study demonstrates the proposed reduction in parking spaces is justified based on the mix of uses within the Specific Plan area and the use of shared parking between those uses. ■ Other modifications of a similar nature to those listed above which are deemed minor by the Community Development Director or designee, that are in keeping with the purpose and intent of the approved Specific Plan. 6.10.1 PROCEDURE A. APPLICATION Applications for the determination of substantial conformance shall be made on forms provided by the Community Development Director or designee and shall be accompanied by a filing fee and a Plot Plan, as described in Section 9-2.108 of the Atascadero Municipal Code. Applications shall be made by the owner of the property for which the approval is sought, or an authorized agent. B. HEARING No public hearing shall be required for a determination of substantial conformance unless the Community Development Director refers the item to the Design Review Committee. C. ACTION BY REVIEWING AUTHORITY The reviewing authority for a determination of substantial conformance shall be the Community Development Director or designee. The Community Development Director or designee shall determine by providing written notice to the applicant that the proposed addition of a land use or other revision requested pursuant to this Section 6.10 is in substantial conformance with the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan if it complies with all applicable provisions of Atascadero Municipal Code Title 9 and is consistent with the purpose and intent of this Specific CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN VI - 6 ;DEL Rip ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION Plan. The action of the Community Development Director or designee shall be final with no appeal. 6.11 SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS Amendments to the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan shall be required for revisions that are beyond the scope of substantial conformance determinations. Specific Plan Amendments shall be processed pursuant to the provisions of the California Government Code Section 65453(a). CITY OF ATASCADERO DEL RIO ROAD COMMERCIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN vi - 7 Exhibit D Conditions of Approval See following Exhibit D -Flt ' c - Conditions of Approval1' City of Atascadero AMND2021-0020 DEL RIO RANCH 2005, 2055, 2115, 2205, 2325, 2375, 2405 EI Camino Real and 4999, 5505, 5701, 5703, 5705 Del Rio Road (Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan South -East Project Site) APNs 049-112-039, 049-112-036, 049-112-0227 049-112-018, 049-112- 019, 049-112-002, 049-151-040, 049-151-041, 049-151-037, 049-151-036, and 049-151-005 A Master Plan of development to establish a tourist serving and commercial entertainment development on 26.2 acres. The project site incorporates 3.6 net acres of multi -family residential zoned land. The Master Plan of Development includes: • 3.6 net acres of High Density residential multi -family zoned property with a base density of 24 units per acre A tourist -serving resort including 4.85 acres of transient lodging RV sites, additional areas for transient lodging cabins and permanently affixed structures compliant with the California Building Code for overnight stays (glamping), and a 100 -room hotel. All of the tourist serving uses are for transient lodging of stays of less than 30 days. • An amphitheater designed to accommodate performing arts, community events and small music venues with seating capacity for up to 300 people. • A 15,000 square -foot conference center designed for meetings, events, and conferences • A 30,000 square -foot entertainment center designed for permanently developed entertainment uses such as a bowling alley, arcade and related uses. 24,000 square feet of mixed-use buildings with commercial uses on ground floors and up to 48 units on upstairs levels within the commercial zone • A parking garage designed to accommodate up to 315 parking spaces that is integrated into commercial occupancy spaces. The following conditions of approval apply to the project referenced above. The conditions of approval are grouped under specific headings that relate to the timing of required compliance. Additional language within a condition may further define the timing of the required compliance. A. The following conditions shall be complied with AT ALL TIMES that the land uses permitted by this planning application occupy the premise. The following conditions shall be applied to the project in perpetuity until such time that the use is extinguished and/or that amendments to the Conditions of Approval have been approved by the City of Atascadero. 1. Approval of this application is for a Master Plan of Development and various conditionally ❑ PLN allowed uses described in a through a below. a) Entertainment and Mixed -Use commercial center: 30,000 square -foot entertainment center with 24,000 square -feet of commercial retail space, 130 residential units, and a 315 Responsible Department — City of Atascadero FD — Fire Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department I PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manger I OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch space parking garage. b) Amphitheater: outdoor amphitheater with capacity for 300 guests C) RV and Glamping Resort: 60 space (4.25 acre) RV park with 40 surrounding fixed lodging structures that are constructed in compliance with the California Building Code (glamping spaces) and a guest services building(s) d) Conference Center: a 15,000 square -foot conference center e) Multi -Family Residential: 3.6 net acres of high density multi -family zoned property adjacent to Rio Rita Road. 2. All conditions and mitigation measures associated with the Del Rio Road Commercial Area ❑ PLN Specific Plan and Mitigation Monitoring Program are included herein by reference and must be implemented in accordance with those documents unless specifically modified by these conditions. 3. The approval of this use permit shall become final and effective 14 days after the date of the ❑ PLN hearing. Issuance of building permits may not occur prior to the appeal period of fourteen (14) days following the Planning Commission approval. 4. The project shall be approved with the following Phasing: ❑ PLN • Phase I — RV and glamping resort units • Phase II — Commercial / Entertainment center / Mixed -Use light industrial/residential • Phase III — Multi -family residential Hotel, conference center, and amphitheater to be completed at any phase of development providing all Phase II improvements are completed. Construction of the multi -family residential portion of the project may not commence until the RV resort and commercial center are under construction. Required improvements for each phase are addressed below. 5. Approval of this Conditional Use Permit shall be valid as follows based on project phasing as ❑ PLN follows: Phase I: 24 months from date of approval Phase II: 48 months from date of approval Phase III: 60 months from date of approval At the end of these time periods, the approval shall expire and become null and void unless the phase has received a building permit or a time extension. Should timeframes not be met for a phase, approval will become null and void for any subsequent phase. 6. This approval allows for the general Master Plan of Development only and additional approvals ❑ PLN shall be required prior to issuance of construction permits for each development phase as follows: a) Entertainment and Mixed -Use Commercial Center: Planning Commission approval of a subsequent use permit to finalize the Master Plan of Development required prior to construction permit submittal. b) Amphitheater: Planning Commission approval of a subsequent use permit to finalize the Master Plan of Development and address acoustical requirements required prior to construction permit submittal. AUP review for amplified sound required if not requested with the use permit. C) RV and Glamping Resort: Planning Commission approval of a subsequent use permit to finalize the Master Plan of Development required prior to construction permit submittal Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch d) Conference Center: Planning Commission approval of a subsequent use permit to finalize the Master Plan of Development required prior to construction permit submittal e) Multi -Family Residential: Design Review Committee review and endorsement required prior to or concurrent with construction permit submittal. Detailed architecture, pedestrian connectivity, and landscape concepts shall be submitted with each component priorto further committee and/or commission review. Multiple project uses can be included on the same application for review by the Planning Commission or Design Review Committee. 7. Final design of each phase and project component outlined in item 2, a though a above must be ❑ PLN in substantial conformance with provided Exhibit(s) adopted with this Resolution, and any conditions of approval related to such. 8. In accordance with the Atascadero Municipal Code section 9-8.105, any violation of any of the ❑ PLN conditions of approval may be cause for revocation of this entitlement and subject the applicant and/or future property owners to the penalties set for in the Atascadero Municipal Code, as well as any other available legal remedies. The applicant shall agree to indemnify and defend at his/her sole expense any action brought ❑ CM against the City, its present or former agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of this approval, or in any way relating to the implementation thereof, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. 10. Should the described conditional uses be abandoned or extinguished, the property may be used ❑ PLN and / or developed with any use allowed by the underlying zoning district and consistent with the provisions of the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director. However, changes to the design of the site, changes to building designs, or changes to circulation shall be subject to an amendment of the Master Plan of Development. 11. A Tentative Parcel Map shall be submitted and a final map shall be recorded prior to issuance of ❑ PLN any permits on-site. The map shall, at a minimum, include two separate parcels, one on each side of the dedicated public road. The map shall include reciprocal easements for site access, parking, and maintenance of all project entrances, signage, parking areas, landscaping, hardscape, common open space, site lighting and fixtures, and common drainage facilities as appropriate. Such easements shall be recorded concurrently with the final map and shall be referenced on the face of the map or recorded by separate instrument. 12. Hours of Operation shall be limited as follows: ❑ PLN • Approval of an Administrative Use Permit (AUP) shall be required for any 24-hour use of the entertainment center. • Amphitheater use shall end at 10pm. Amplified sound and/or extended hours may be allowed through approval of an AUP. • Quiet hours for the RV park and glamping sites shall be 10pm to 7am. 13. On -street parking shall be provided where appropriate, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. In ❑ PLN particular, on -street parking shall be provided along a minimum of one side of the Obispo Road extension and shall be provided throughout the RV and commercial area to facilitate parking opportunities where not in conflict with safe pedestrian movement. Where walkability is to be encouraged adjacent to the entertainment plaza, to road shall be narrowed and bulb -outs or similar features shall be incorporated to enhance pedestrian mobility and safety. Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch 14. Trees shall be maintained by the property owner in a manner which allows the tree to grow to its ❑ PLN natural canopy height and width. a. Low lying branches shall be removed consistent with fire department standards for clear access. b. Parking lot shade trees, both those in planter fingers/islands and along the perimeter of parking areas, shall be maintained in a manner which allows the tree to achieve a minimum of 10% coverage of the parking lot. c. Irrigation shall be monitored and maintained and deep root watering methods shall be utilized. d. No tree trimming of the top of the main tree trunk, nor treatment of trees with chemical growth inhibitors shall be allowed. 15. Affordable Housing Requirement: The Residential Multi -family zoned portion of the site is ❑ PLN designated as a RHNA site in the City of Atascadero Housing Element. No affordable housing shall be required unless the applicants seek a density bonus in accordance with State Law. 16. All maintenance costs listed below shall be 100% funded by the project in perpetuity. The ❑ PLN service and maintenance cost shall be funded through a mechanism established by the developer subject to City approval. The funding mechanism must be in place prior to, or concurrently with acceptance of any final maps. The Home Owners Association shall be approved by the City Attorney, City Engineer and Administrative Services Director prior to acceptance of any Final Map. The administration of the above mentioned funds, and the coordination and performance of maintenance activities, shall be the responsibility of the Home Owners Association. a) All streets, bridges, sidewalks, streetlights, street signs, roads, emergency access roads, emergency access gates, and sewer mains within the project with the exception of the Obispo Road extension, which will be accepted for maintenance by the City as a public road. b) All parks, trails, recreational facilities and like facilities. c) All open space and native tree preservation areas. d) All drainage facilities and detention basins. e) All creeks, flood plains, floodways, wetlands, and riparian habitat areas. f) All common landscaping areas, street trees, medians, parkway planters, manufactured slopes outside private yards, and other similar facilities. g) All frontage landscaping and sidewalks along public streets including the Obispo Road extension. h) All medians and median landscaping in EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road fronting the project site 17 The existing maintenance Community Facilities District established for maintenance of the frontage ❑ PLN improvements and landscaping, including median landscaping, shall be amended to reflect the revised right-of-way improvements or shall be extinguished and improvements shall be maintained by the commercial development owner(s) in perpetuity. Should the maintenance CFD be extinguished and a map be recorded that allows for multiple parcels, a maintenance agreement that defines responsibilities of property owners shall be required to record prior to, or concurrently with, final map recordation. 18. The emergency services and facility maintenance costs listed below shall be 100% funded by ❑ PLN the project in perpetuity. The service and maintenance costs shall be funded through a community facilities district established by the City at the developer's cost. The funding mechanism must be in place prior to or concurrently with acceptance of the final maps. The funding mechanism shall be approved by the City Attorney, City Engineer and Administrative Services Director prior to acceptance of any final map. The administration of the above mentioned funds shall be by the City. Developer agrees to participate in the community facilities district and to take all steps reasonably required by the City with regard to the establishment of the district and assessment of the property. Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch All Atascadero Police Department service costs to the project. All Atascadero Fire Department service costs to the project. Off-site common City of Atascadero park facilities maintenance service costs related to the project Annexation into the Community Facilities District shall be required prior to, or concurrently with, recordation of the final parcel map. 19. The site shall be maintained in and kept clear of any debris or storage including construction debris, ❑ PLN unless part of an active, approved construction permit. All finishes shall be repaired or replaced as needed to maintain a high quality commercial / resort development. Any dead or non -thriving landscaping shall be immediately replaced. All landscaping required for screening of any use, structure, or utility /mechanical equipment shall be maintained at a height and density to achieve maximum screening while appearing groomed and orderly. 20. The proposed extension of Obispo Road shall be dedicated to the City as a public road. The road ❑ PWD right-of-way shall be 60 -feet and designated as a collector road within the City's street system. The City will accept this road for maintenance. Construction of the road and installation of all associated public utilities shall be funded by the developer. Fiber optic cable or conduit for such shall be installed as part of the road construction. 21 Public utilities shall be installed in all public rights-of-way to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This ❑ PWD shall include the installation of fiber optic cable or conduit for such as appropriate. 22. Public access easements shall be placed over all internal roads. An offer of dedication shall be ❑ PWD placed over the southernmost road (secondary connector) but shall not be accepted by the City until such as time that the City decides to maintain the road. Public easements shall include any and all pathways needed for pedestrian connection of the site from EI Camino real to the Obispo Road extension. 23. The applicant will to offer to the City of Atascadero a ten -foot grant of right of way along its easterly ❑ PWD property line for public road purposes. The abutting property owners shall have the right to grade within the right of way. 24. No gates shall be permitted on any public or private roadway within the development. ❑ PLN 25. All site lighting shall comply with the Atascadero Municipal Code. All existing and/or new lighting ❑ PLN shall be shielded so as to be directed downward in such a manner as to not create off-site glare or adversely impact adjacent properties. A photometric plan which details the style, location, and height of the lighting fixtures shall be submitted with the building plans and shall be subject to approval by the Community Development Director or his designee. Decorative low -wattage lighting shall be permitted within the commercial, RV, and glamping areas of the project. All street lighting shall be dark sky compliant and shall be pedestrian in scale. No cobra style lighting shall be permitted unless deemed necessary by the City Engineer and/or Community Development Director for safety. 26. A signage plan shall be submitted for each phase of site development. Signage details shall include ❑ PLN wayfinding signage, tenant signage, overall development identification signage, and directional vehicular signage. The sign program for each phased shall be approved as and AUP. 27. A Fire and site safety plan shall be submitted with each phase of the project prior to approval of any ❑ FD construction permits. The safety plan can encompass more than one phase for consistency. 28. Pedestrian street crossings shall incorporate decorative paving materials. Should on -street parking ❑ PLN be adjacent to crossing areas, bulb -outs shall be incorporated at designated crossing locations. Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch M., 29. The commercial and amphitheater plaza areas shall be designed to allow access to vendor and food ❑ PLN trucks. Electrical infrastructure shall be provided throughout. 30. All new and existing utilities along the project frontages shall be undergrounded. ❑ PLN 31. The Development Concept Master Plan anticipates the removal of 52 native trees and the ❑ PLN preservation of 40 native trees. Each phase will be required to show tree protection, removal, and preservation prior to issuance of permits or subsequent Commission or Committee approvals. B. The following conditions shall be satisfied prior to the issuance of the first of any DEMOLITION PERMIT, BUILDING PERMIT, SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT, or at the time specified in the condition. 32. An open space easement shall be recorded over the drainage basin area at the north of the multi- ❑ PLN family residentially zoned portion of the site at the north east corner of the proposed extension to Obispo Road at Del Rio Road. 33. All project phases shall be designed to meet the minimum code requirements for each proposed ❑ PLN use. No occupancy shall be granted for any phase until all required public improvements are complete for each phase, as required by the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan and associated Mitigation Monitoring Program, or as amended by these conditions. No temporary or interim uses may be established outside the parameters of the approved Master Plan of Development. 34. Each phase shall show compliance with truck turning radii for class A RVs with towed vehicles ❑ FD and all needed emergency service vehicles, to the satisfaction of the City Fire Marshal. 35. A final concept landscape plan shall be submitted prior to approval of each phase of the ❑ PLN development. Landscaping shall include the following: a. Street trees shall be provided along all public and private streets at a maximum of 30 -feet on -center. Street tree species shall be approved by the Community Development Director and City Engineer. b. Adequate planter areas shall be provided adjacent to all retaining wall faces in excess of 5 -feet. c. Landscaping shall be drought tolerant and shall comply with the Atascadero Building Code landscape ordinance. d. The corner of EI Camino Real and Del Rio shall be designed as an entry feature and shall include accent trees and decorative landscape elements. e. All parking areas facing EI Camino Real shall include landscaping with a minimum screening height of 30 -inches to limit headlight intrusion toward EI Camino Real. 36. Right of way offers of dedication are required for the frontages of the EI Camino Real and Del ❑ PWD Rio Road according to Del Rio Commercial Area Specific Plan and Council adopted plan lines. Developer shall work with City Engineer to draft Offer of Dedications for acceptance by the City. 37. A 6 -feet wide Public Utility Easement (PUE) shall be dedicated contiguous to the new road ❑ PWD rights-of-way for the property frontages along EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road. 38. Road slope easements shall be dedicated where the road prism cut/fill slopes extend beyond the ❑ PWD right-of-way. The easement shall extend not less than five feet (horizontally) beyond any daylight or catch line of the graded slope or other required road facility (such as a brow ditch, retaining wall, drainage swale, etc.), to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 39. Wherever an easement is created for commonly owned or operated improvements for the benefit ❑ PLN of more than one lot, there shall also be created a maintenance and operations agreement, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and City Attorney. nsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch 40. Easements that are not intended to continue in perpetuity shall not be shown on the Final Map ❑ PWD and shall be recorded by separate instrument. 41. Each phase shall provide the minimum number of parking spaces for all developed components, ❑ PLN subject to the following: • A minimum of 10 guest spaces shall be provided throughout the RV park and glamping area. These can be on -street parking spaces if on street adjacent to the RV area. • A minimum of 1 space per glamping site shall be provided adjacent to each glamping cluster. Accessible parking shall be provided in addition to this ratio. • A parking management plan shall be submitted for the mixed-use commercial development detailing parking assignment and enforcement for the residential and commercial tenant spaces. 42. Trash enclosures shall be incorporated into buildings or parking areas. All trash enclosures shall ❑ PLN be serviced by the City's waste management company unless an exception is granted. All enclosures shall be architecturally compatible with the buildings and shall be designed to accommodate adequate trash and recycling bins for the intend users. 43. For commercial, industrial, office or multi -family projects, all existing and/or new ground -mounted ❑ PLN appurtenances such as air-conditioning condensers, electrical transformers, backflow devices etc., shall be screened from public view through the use of decorative landscaping subject to approval by the Community Development Director or his designee. All fire department connections and/or back flow prevention devices shall be incorporated into the adjacent commercial buildings. If building integration is infeasible, all equipment shall be placed in a landscape planter and shall be fully screened by appropriately sized landscape species. 44. All existing and/or new roof appurtenances such as air-conditioning units, grease hoods, etc. ❑ PLN shall be screened from public view. The screening shall be architecturally integrated with the building design and constructed of compatible materials to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director or his designee. 45. All retaining walls shall be constructed of natural style textured block. Walls shall be a maximum ❑ PLN of 8 -feet high. Higher walls will be permitted if terraced with a minimum 5 -foot landscape areas between each wall section. Wall faces shall be screened with vertical landscaping. 46. A tree protection plan shall be submitted as part of each building permit package. The plan shall ❑ PLN identify the size and species of all trees, all trees proposed for removal, the location of any required tree protection fencing, and construction related mitigation measures dictated by the project arborist and/or City Native Tree Guidelines. All tree removals shall be mitigated consistent with the requirements of the Atascadero Municipal Code. Any required mitigation fees shall be paid prior to permit issuance. 47. The pedestrian pathways shall be fully integrated at each phase of development and shall ❑ PLN provide a link to all distinct use areas. Access easements shall be recorded over any pathways that cross property lines. This can be recorded on the face of a map or by separate instrument. 48. A fencing plan shall be included with each development phase. Fencing for the commercial and ❑ PLN resort portion of the project shall be limited to safety fencing as deemed necessary by the Community Development Director and/or the City Engineer or as required for outdoor restaurant areas. If fencing is required around any basin, fencing shall be transparent and split rail or similar. Landscaping shall be provided on either side of the fence for screening. No chain-link fencing shall be permitted. Solid fencing may be used to screen mechanical equipment or provide small privacy areas where appropriate (RV, glamping, conference). Should a fenced dog area be included in the RV resort area, fencing shall be split rail with no climb wire or a similar rural style. Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch RV Park / Glamping sites Approval shall include a height exception to allow development up to 45 -feet with architectural 49. All lodging uses on the site, other than approved residential dwellings shall be limited to stays of ❑ PLN less than 30 -days, including but not limited to the RV resort, glamping uses, cabins, or other Trees and/or shade elements shall be incorporated into the main plaza space. All trees shall be ❑ PLN sites and structures designed for temporary lodging. No long -terms stays over 29 days shall be irrigated and planted in minimum 5'x5' planter areas. All trellis or shade features shall be permitted. The RV and glamping sites are approved as a tourist -serving transient occupancy architecturally compatible with the overall design concept. only. No residential uses are permitted within these sites. No installation of mobile homes or 60. other structures that will require that the State preside over construction permit jurisdiction shall ❑ PLN be permitted within any portion of the entire site. A glamping site is defined as a permanently 61. affixed lodging structure that is constructed in compliance with the California Building Code. ❑ PLN 50. All retaining walls shall be screened with adequate landscape materials. Decorative non -solid ❑ PLN 62. fencing shall be provided at the top of walls where required for safety. ❑ PLN 51. A sewer capacity study for the RV portion of the development shall be required to determine ❑ FD effects on the City's current wastewater system and identify any needed mitigations or improvements to mitigate impacts. 52. Special Sewer capacity fees for the dump station shall be charged based on the needs identified ❑ FD in the study. 53. No dumping by persons not staying a minimum of 1 night at the resort shall be permitted. Signs ❑ PLN stating such shall be required adjacent to the dump station. 54. Glamping site clusters shall comply with State and Federal accessibility requirements. ❑ PLN 55. Restroom and shower facilities shall be provided within the resort area to adequately serve the ❑ PLN RV and glamping area. This can be included in the guest services building. Locations shall be placed in areas convenient to the 4 glamping areas. Entertainment Center 56. The integrated parking garage shall include the following: ❑ PLN a. Small-scale retail spaces shall be integrated into the ground floor adjacent to the plaza. b. Decorative vertical elements shall be included on the facades facing Del Rio Road and the internal street. Elements may include, but are not limited to, a green wall feature, public art installation, the inclusion of contrasting compatible materials. 57. The on-site road fronting the entertainment center shall be designed to foster walkability. This ❑ PLN should include elimination of on -street parking/incorporation of bulbouts, especially at designated crossing locations and narrowing of the road section to the greatest extent feasible to encourage reduced traffic speeds. 58. Approval shall include a height exception to allow development up to 45 -feet with architectural ❑ PLN and roof projections (non -habitable) allowed up to 55 -feet. 59. Trees and/or shade elements shall be incorporated into the main plaza space. All trees shall be ❑ PLN irrigated and planted in minimum 5'x5' planter areas. All trellis or shade features shall be architecturally compatible with the overall design concept. Mixed -Use commercial/residential buildings 60. Approval shall include a height exception to allow development up to 45 -feet with architectural ❑ PLN and roof projections (non -habitable) allowed up to 55 -feet. 61. The commercial spaces in the mixed-use buildings shall be designed to allow for flexibility in ❑ PLN tenant size and shall not include structural demising walls to the greatest extent feasible. 62. The mixed-use buildings shall include ventilation shafts to accommodate a variety of uses on the ❑ PLN Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AMND21-0020 Del Rio Ranch 75. Convenient and secure bike parking shall be provided throughout the development adjacent to ❑ PLN major buildings. Mixed-use buildings shall incorporate storage areas to accommodate bikes for residential tenants. 76. A minimum 26 -foot roadway width shall be maintained adjacent to all structures exceeding 30- ❑ FD feet in height, to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal. Roadway access shall be no less than 15 - feet and no greater than 30 -feet from the face of each building_ Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency ground floor. Conference Center 63. A drop off and loading area shall be provided adjacent to the front plaza space off the internal ❑ PLN street. Signage and/or curb painting shall be incorporated, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 64. The plaza space shall provide electrical infrastructure to facilitate vendors and events. ❑ PLN Hotel 65. Approval shall include a height exception to allow development up to 45 -feet with architectural ❑ PLN and roof projections (non -habitable) allowed up to 55 -feet. 66. Emergency access shall be provided at the main hotel building as well as any added auxiliary ❑ FD units, to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal. Amphitheater 67. A vendor staging area shall be provided in proximity to the amphitheater. ❑ PLN 68. The amphitheater shall cease use at 10pm. The subsequent CUP may establish alternate hours. ❑ PLN 69. Adequate emergency access (vehicular and pedestrian) shall be provided at the rear of the ❑ FD amphitheater. Should the vehicular access exceed 150 -feet in length, a turn -around shall be provided consistent with City Standard design details. Residential Multi -Family 70. Density for the residential site shall be calculated based on net acreage (excluding any right -of- ❑ PLN way and the required openspace easement over the basin). Net acreage is 3.6 acres. 71. A 10 -foot landscape setback shall be maintained off the eastern property line (Rio Rita Road). ❑ PLN No privacy fencing or structures shall be placed within this setback area. A decorative three rail fence may be constructed within this area and drought -tolerant screening landscape shall be provided throughout. On-site Improvements - General 72. Hydrants shall be located no greater than 500 -feet apart along all internal roads and along all ❑ FD project frontages. A minimum of 1 hydrant shall be placed in close proximity to the conference building and a minimum of 2 hydrants shall be located along the main commercial road, to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal. A hydrant shall be located no greater than 500 -feet from the farthest point of the upper amphitheater tier or boxcar lodging units, whichever is farthest. 73. A project entry road will be constructed intersecting EI Camino Real opposite the southerly ❑ PWD entrance to the Mission Oaks Center and shall be designed as a secondary connector road to the residentially zoned portion of the project. This intersection will be signalized to accommodate future traffic volumes, consistent with the requirements of the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan. (see below section for timing) 74. Pedestrian access shall be provided between the RV area and the commercial development ❑ PLN area. 75. Convenient and secure bike parking shall be provided throughout the development adjacent to ❑ PLN major buildings. Mixed-use buildings shall incorporate storage areas to accommodate bikes for residential tenants. 76. A minimum 26 -foot roadway width shall be maintained adjacent to all structures exceeding 30- ❑ FD feet in height, to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal. Roadway access shall be no less than 15 - feet and no greater than 30 -feet from the face of each building_ Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch Y A 77. Each phase shall install all roads/accessways, landscaping, and utilities to adequately serve the ❑ PWD development. Phased On -Site improvements: 78. Phase I (RV Resort and Glamping): ❑ PWD a. Installation of onsite utilities serving RV & Lodging Resort, including dry utilities and storm drainage facilities. b. All roads shall be constructed consistent with the final approved street section design, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Sidewalks shall be included along the northern and southern roads surrounding the RV spaces. c. A minimum 20 -foot wide paved access way shall be constructed within the Obispo Road extension right-of-way to allow a looped circulation pattern. d. A secondary point of access for emergency services shall be provided from the top of the RV loop to Del Rio Road. The access shall be an all-weather surface compacted to 95%, to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal. 79. Phase II (Commercial mixed-use/Entertainment): ❑ PWD a. All roads and utilities shall be installed to adequately serve the commercial and mixed-use buildings. b. All roads shall be constructed consistent with the final approved street section design, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 80. Phase III (Multi -Family Residential): ❑ PWD a. The entirety of Obispo Road shall be constructed. A fire department turn -around will be installed if the road is terminated at the southerly property line. A temporary easement shall be recorded to allow for the turn -around area. The easement may be extinguished once the road is continued. Public Improvements - General 81. Final street sections shall be determined with subsequent use permit approvals for each phase. ❑ PWD Street sections shall prioritize multi -modal transportation and shall provide on -street parking where feasible. 82. Public improvement plans (PIPs) shall be prepared by a licensed civil engineer. PIPs shall be ❑ PWD prepared on 22"x34" plan sheets, use the City Standard border and signature block, and shall comply with Section 2 of City Standard Specifications. All plans shall contain the City of Atascadero "Standard Notes for Improvement Plans". Both the standards border and notes are available in AutoCAD form from the City Engineer's office. 83. Roadway signing and striping shall be in accordance with the California Manual on Uniform ❑ PWD Traffic Control Devices (CA-MUTCD) and shall be located to provide adequate warning of the traffic calming improvements associated with speed reduction. 84. Prior to Phase I construction, the developer shall apply for an Encroachment permit to install ❑ PWD temporary stabilized construction entrance and exits and for any grading or demolition that will occur in the right of way. Access is to be limited to two (2) driveways during large scale grading operations, the future Obispo road extension connection is to remain blocked from Del Rio Rd until frontage improvements for that connection are completed and accepted by the City. 85. The developer shall pay in lieu fees toward the realignment of Ramona Road. The developer ❑ PWD shall prepare an analysis determining percentage of responsibility for the realignment. Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AMND21-0020 Del Rio Ranch 86. Obispo Road shall be extended through the project site, to be dedicated to the City of ❑ PWD Atascadero and accepted for maintenance purposes. The Road will be designed to the City's current collector standard and a 60 -foot wide right-of-way easement will be dedicated to the City The commercial and residential areas may take access off this road. The road will be designed to connect to the properties to the south of the project site. 87. Each phase shall provide all necessary supplemental traffic controls (signage, striping) to direct ❑ PWD traffic to the appropriate entrances and exits to produce the intended internal circulation for the entire built -out development, according the Del Rio Ranch Traffic Impact Analysis, to minimize effects on the Del Rio Commercial Area. Road Improvement Requirements 88. The horizontal and vertical design of roads shall be in compliance with the City of Atascadero ❑ PWD Engineering Standards and Standard Specifications, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The City Engineer reserves the right to make modifications to all submitted road designs, when in the opinion of the City Engineer, the public's health and safety is benefitted. 89. The design of structural pavement sections for on-site roads shall be based on minimum a ❑ PWD Traffic Index (TI) = 6.0 and a 20 -year design life. Off-site/public roads must match existing pavement sections and/or City Standards Specifications to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 90. New roads with pavement placed prior to the construction of buildings will be subjected to ❑ PWD additional construction traffic and wear associated with the on-site construction not included in the design life of the pavement section. Therefore to off -set this, the AC thickness shall be increased from that which is derived from CalTrans method by either: a. V if the pavement is placed prior to building construction (not phased) b. 1.5" if the pavement construction is phased (i.e. — a portion of the ultimate pavement thickness is deferred and a final pavement cap placed prior to final inspection). c. Final pavement cap shall not be less than 1.5" 91. Street centerline monuments shall be provided at intersections and at the beginning and end of ❑ PWD curves along the street centerline 92. Pavement and base sections shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City of ❑ PWD Atascadero Engineering Standards and Standard Specifications. When said standards and specifications are not clear, lack necessary details, or are silent, the minimum standard shall be based upon the current edition of the San Luis Obispo County Public Improvement Standards or Caltrans Standard Drawings and Standard Specifications, as determined by the City Engineer. Grading Requirements 93. A Soils and/or Geology Report providing technical specifications for grading of the site shall be ❑ PWD prepared by a Geotechnical Engineer. The City Engineer may require the Geotechnical Engineer to either sign the improvement plans or provide a letter stating that the recommendations in the soils report have been incorporated into the improvement plans. 94. Where cut/fill slopes are visible from a roadway, slopes shall be contour graded to eliminate ❑ PWD angular daylight/catch points and shall blend into the adjacent topography to the extent feasible, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 95. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required prior to any ground disturbing ❑ PWD activities. The WDID number, provided upon acceptance of the SWPPP into the State's SMARTS system registration, shall be noted on the Title Sheet of the grading plans. 96. All finish graded areas shall be landscaped or revegetated using a native seed mixture and shall ❑ PWD demonstrate at least 70% ground coverage before final inspection Public Improvement Phasing: Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AMND21-0020 Del Rio Ranch 97. All public improvements shall be as detailed in the Mitigation Measures prepared for the 2020 Specific Plan Addendum (see section C). Improvements are summarized below for each phase. 98. Phase I (RV and glamping resort). ❑ PWD a. The intersection of the Mission Oaks South Driveway and the project's EI Camino Real Driveway shall be improved to include signalization, left turn lanes and pedestrian crossings in accordance with the project's Traffic Impact Analysis recommendations. The Developer shall coordinate with other developments/properties to the south, some of which are currently in the development review process, for traffic striping/queuing requirements, driveway site distance and other considerations in the design of the signal. The developer may defer the signalization of the intersection to Phase II providing that conduit be installed to allow for the installation of the signal at the EI Camino Real project entry intersection. b. A pedestrian walk shall be installed along the EI Camino Real frontage to Del Rio Road. Alternately, the signal may be installed with pedestrian crosswalks and appropriate pedestrian controls. In this case, the pathway to the Del Rio intersection can be deferred to Phase II. 99. Phase II (Commercial, entertainment, and Mixed -Use): U PWD a. The project shall construct EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road to centerline in accordance with the City Council approved Del Rio Commercial Area Specific Plan Lines in the vicinity of US 101 Interchange as approved by City Council on 9/22/2020, and other public improvement requirements as detailed in the Dei Rio Commercial Specific Pian approved by City Council 10/13/2020 as required by traffic impacts. b. A turn out shall be provided on EI Camino Real in front of the South -East Project site in order to accommodate a bus stop in accordance with City Engineering Standards. c. Developer shall improve the intersection of EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road, specifically the northeast corner adjacent to the project frontage, with signal modifications in accordance with the Del Rio Commercial Specific Plan Traffic Analysis and project -specific Del Rio Ranch Traffic Impact Analysis. The improvements shall be coordinated with the Public Works Department, City Engineer and designated City consultant(s) who have produced signal improvement plans for recent projects in the area. d. The entirety of the Del Rio frontage shall be completed consistent with the adopted plan line setback. e. In addition to required frontage improvements, Del Rio Road shall be widened to accommodate a right turn lane onto USI 01 northbound. The applicants shall update signal timing and operation to accommodate the additional turn lane. Any improvements completed prior shall be reimbursed through a fair -share payment based on the costs analysis completed for the 2020 Specific Plan and Plan Line Setback adoption. The applicant will coordinate with the City and Caltrans on construction of the required lane widening. f. The signal shall be installed at the EI Camino Real project entry aligning with the Mission oaks driveway. If the signal is not warranted without cumulative impacts, the applicant may request a reimbursement agreement as an oversized improvement. 100.Phase III (Residential): ❑ PWD a. Provide a Collector Road (Standard Detail AT 406) to serve as an extension of Obispo Road through the property. The road shall align with the existing Obispo Road intersection at Del Rio Road and shall have a 60' right of way with two (2) 20' wide travel lanes and 5' wide sidewalks (minimum) to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Del Rio Ranch Traffic Impact Analysis indicates there is limited site distance exiting the project onto Del Rio Rd, therefore the intersection shall be designed to improve site distance, or limit turning movements as necessary, for the safety of the public and to the satisfactory of the City Engineer. After completion, the new Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AMND21-0020 Del Rio Ranch Obispo Road is to be accepted and maintained by the City with the expectation to connect the road at a future date to the Emerald Ridge development. b. If the road is constructed prior to continuation of the road to the south, a City approved fire department turn -around shall be constructed at the terminus of the road. The turn -around area shall be placed in a temporary easement if it falls outside the road right-of-way. The easement shall be extinguished once the road is extended and the need for the turn -around no longer exi sts. c. Del Rio Road, east of Obispo Road, will be improved to provide one-half (20') of a standard Collector Road section on the project side of the centerline. This widened section will transition to match the existing pavement width east of the Rio Rita Road. The intersection at Rio Rita Road will be reconstructed to conform to the increased width of Del Rio Road. Rio Rita Road will be improved to provide a smooth transition to Del Rio Road and maintain continuity of drainage. d. The road shall be complete and accepted prior to occupancy of any residential unit. 101.Should the City Engineer determine that interchange improvements are not necessary to ❑ PWD accommodate the development or that the City will bear responsibility of construction, the developer shall pay their fair share toward these improvements based on the 2020 analysis. The developer shall also be required to pay their fair share of any shared Specific Plan improvements that may have already been constructed, including retaining wall construction and signal modifications. 102. Bicycle travel accommodations shall be provided in each direction along the project frontage on ❑ PWD EI Camino Real and Del Rio Road Drainage Requirements 103. Easements shall be dedicated over areas containing drainage improvements that benefit or ❑ PWD serve more than one property. The determination as to whether the easement is private or offered to the public will be determined by the City Engineer prior to approval of the subdivision improvement plan and Final Map. 104. Concentrated cross -lot drainage shall be avoided where possible; when required, concentrated drainage shall be conveyed via appropriate easements, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer 105. Development on any lot that blocks or changes a natural drainage course may be required to provide an easement for the benefit of upstream tributary properties to an adequate point of discharge, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Stormwater Requirements 106. Prior to Phase I Site Grading permit issuance, a Master Plan Stormwater Control Plan (SWCP) and Drainage Study shall be provided by the Developer and is required to include the following: a. Storm Water Control Plan (SWCP) shall be prepared in accordance with City Standard Specifications and the Regional Water Quality Control Board Res. No. R3- 2013-0032. The SWCP shall be completed on the City standard form available from the City's website or the office of the City Engineer. b. The Developer shall provide a detailed hydrology study, prepared by a registered civil engineer, and submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. The analysis shall include the development's proposed improvements to meet City Standard Specifications Section 5 for Storm Drainage and Flood Control, including recommendations for any phasing of drainage improvements. The analysis must indicate the effects of the proposed development on adjacent and downstream properties and proposed mitigations. Storm water detention or retention facilities are likely required. All proposed detention or retention basins and associated drainage improvements shall be privately owned and maintained by the property owner. ❑ PWD ❑ PWD XKUTITED Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AMND21-0020 Del Rio Ranch c. The Master Plan SWCP and Drainage Study shall be updated with each Phase of the development to refine the requirements and include construction level information. Alternatively, Phase -specific Stormwater Control Plans can be submitted which shall agree with the overall Master Plan stormwater concept, for reviewed and approved by City Engineer 107.When a Storm Water Operation - Maintenance Plan (OMP) is required for an individual lot or ❑ PWD group of lots, the City Engineer can require the OMP to be recorded as an agreement against the property. When recordation of an OMP agreement is required, the agreement shall contain provisions allowing the City to enter the property, following reasonable notice to the property owner or tenant, to conduct an inspection of the storm water system and post -construction storm water management controls. 108.When an OMP is required, the OMP shall include a section addressing annual inspection and ❑ PWD reporting to the City by a third party, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 109.Common drainage basins shall be designed to desilt, detain and meter storm flows in ❑ PWD accordance with City regulations. 110.Where storm water is concentrated as a result of new improvements, the drainage shall be ❑ PWD conveyed in a non-erosive, controlled condition to an adequate point of discharge, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Where concentrated drainage from new improvements cannot be avoided and crosses more than one property, appropriate easements may be required. Water Distribution System 111.The Applicant shall extend the water distribution system to the satisfaction of the Atascadero ❑ PWD Mutual Water Company (AMC) and City Engineer 112.The water system shall include easements outside of the road rights-of-way for water system ❑ PWD facilities as required by the AMWC and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 113.Each lot shall be served with a separate water lateral and meter in accordance with the AMWC ❑ PWD requirements. 114.Where the water distribution system requires an above ground reduced pressure unit, pressure ❑ PWD booster station or other significant above ground facility, said facility shall be located in an easement contiguous to the road right-of-way and shall include visual screening, to the satisfaction of the AMWC, Community Development Director, and City Engineer. Wastewater Collection System 115.The wastewater collection system shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City ❑ PWD standards and specifications, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer 116.Gravity sanitary sewer (SS) mains shall terminate in manholes ❑ PWD 117.Gravity SS mains shall be a minimum of eight (8) inches in diameter ❑ PWD 118. Each Building served by the wastewater collection system shall pay all sewer fees and capacity ❑ PWD charges prior to the granting of final occupancy 119.The on-site sewer laterals shall be privately owned and maintained by individual building owners ❑ PWD Utilities 120. New utility distribution systems and services shall be constructed underground, to the ❑ PWD satisfaction of the City Engineer Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch 121.Each building shall be served with separate services for water, sewer, gas, power, telephone ❑ PWD and cable N. Utility laterals shall be located and constructed to each building in accordance with City Standards and Standard Specifications C. The following are mitigation measures that mitigate adverse environmental effects identified in the prepared environmental document. Any change in these measures may affect the validity of the adopted environmental document, and a new or amended environmental document may be required. Applicable Mitigation Measure — South -East Project site Modification notes for revised project description MM AES -2a: Prior to the issuance of building permits for each None outlot building, Conditional Use Permit Approval for the multiple -family residential parcel, and subdivision tract map approval for the single-family residential parcel within the Specific Plan area, the project applicant shall submit elevations to the City of Atascadero for review and approval. Building elevations shall comply with all applicable Specific Plan and City requirements, including the Municipal Code requirements (height limits, setbacks, etc.) and shall employ appropriate colors and materials that are compatible with each other and surrounding land uses. The project shall be constructed in accordance with the approved elevations. MM AES -2b: Prior to the issuance of building permits for the None multiple -family residential parcel within the Specific Plan area, the project applicant shall submit a landscaping plan to the City of Atascadero for review and approval. Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with the Specific Plan and the Municipal Code, including setbacks and minimum parking lot landscaping. The project shall be constructed in accordance with approved landscape plans. MM AES -2c: Prior to the issuance of building permits for each Applicable to all phases on outlot building within the Specific Plan Area, the project development, not "outlot" specific. applicant shall submit a sign application to the City of Atascadero for review and approval. The sign application shall identify all wall and freestanding signs associated with each building and demonstrate compliance with the Specific Plan and City Requirements, including those associated with sign coverage limits. The approved application shall be incorporated into the proposed project MM AES -2d: Prior to the issuance of building permits for all None commercial buildings within the Specific Plan Area, the project applicant shall submit elevations and details for solid waste and recyclable material storage facilities and shopping cart storage facilities to the City of Atascadero for review and approval. The elevations and details shall demonstrate that these storage facilities employ a high-quality design that is compatible with adjacent buildings and surrounding land uses. The approved elevations and details shall be incorporated into the proposed project. MM AES -3: Prior to issuance of building permits for any project None component within the Specific Plan, the project applicant shall submit a photometric plan to the City of Atascadero for review and Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch The photometric plan shall identify types of exterior lighting fixtures and their locations on the project site. All light fixtures shall either be fully shielded or employ the use of a full cutoff fixture in order to minimize light trespass onto neighboring properties. Decorative uplighting is permitted for illumination of architectural features, provided that it does not exceed 70 watts and does not illuminate any surrounding land uses MM AIR -2a: Prior to issuance of grading permits, the applicant None shall submit a Construction Activities Management Plan for the review and approval of the SLO County APCD. The applicant shall consult with the APCD to refine construction phase mitigation measures. The plan must be finalized prior to issuance of grading permits. This plan shall include but not be limited to the following Best Available Control Technologies for construction equipment: 1. A Dust Control Management Plan that encompasses all, but is not limited to, dust control measures that are in the SLO County APCD CEQA guide "dust control measures" section. 2. Tabulation of on and off-road construction equipment (age, horsepower and miles and/or hours of operation). 3. Minimize the number of large pieces of construction equipment operating during any given period. 4. Schedule construction related truck/equipment trips during non -peak hours to reduce peak -hour emissions. 5. Limit the length of the construction workday period if necessary 6. Phase construction activities, if appropriate. 7. Properly maintain and tune all construction equipment according to manufacturer's specifications. 8. Fuel all off-road and portable diesel -powered equipment, including but not limited to bulldozers, graders, cranes, Loaders, scrapers, backhoes, generators, compressors, auxiliary power units, with CARB motor vehicle diesel fuel. 9. Use diesel construction equipment meeting CARB's Tier 3 or higher certified engines or cleaner off-road heavy-duty diesel engines, and comply with the State Off -Road Regulation, to the extent feasible. 10.Repowering equipment with the cleanest engines available, to the extent feasible. 11. Installing California Verified Diesel Emission Control Strategies, to the extent feasible. 12. Use on -road heavy-duty trucks that meet the CARB's 2007 or cleaner certification standard for on -road heavy-duty diesel engines, and comply with the State On -Road Regulation, to the extent feasible. 13. Diesel oxidation catalysts or other control to achieve a 15 - percent reduction in NOx emissions during grading operations 14. Diesel particulate filter or other control to achieve an 85 - percent reduction in PMio emissions during grading operations. 15. All on and off-road diesel equipment shall not idle for Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch more than 5 minutes, Signs shall be posted in the designated queuing areas and or job sites to remind drivers and operators of the 5 -minute idling limit. 16. Diesel idling within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors is not permitted. 17. Staging and queuing areas shall not be located within 1.000 feet of sensitive receptors. 18. Electrify equipment where possible. 19. Use compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), biodiesel, or propane for onsite mobile equipment instead of diesel -powered equipment to the extent feasible. 20. Use of low ROG/VOC architectural coatings: the ROG/VOC limit shall not exceed 136 grams of ROG/VOC/liter. (Refer to the South Coast Air Basin website for a list of super -compliant coatings at httP://www.aqmd.gov/prdas/Coatings/super- compliantlist,htm.) MM AIR -2b: Prior to issuance of grading permits, the City of None Atascadero shall verify that project construction plans and contract documents identifv the followins dust control measures: 1. Reduce the amount of the disturbed area where possible. 2. Use water trucks or sprinkler systems in sufficient quantities to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. Increased watering frequency will be required whenever wind speeds exceed 15 mph. Reclaimed (non -potable) water should be used whenever possible. 3. All dirt stockpile areas will be sprayed daily as needed 4. Permanent dust control measures identified in the revegetation and landscape plans will be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities. 5. Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading will be sown with a fast -germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation is established. 6. All disturbed soil areas not subject to revegetation will be stabilized using approved chemical soil binders, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by the APCD. 7. All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc. to be paved will be completed as soon as possible. In addition, building pads will be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used. 8. Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles will not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site. 9. All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or will maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load and top of trailer) in accordance with CVC Section 23114. 10. Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto streets, or wash off trucks and equipment leaving the site. Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch 11. Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible. 12. All of these fugitive dust mitigation measures shall be shown on grading and building plans. 13. If visible emissions of fugitive dust persist beyond a distance of 200 feet from the boundary of the construction site, all feasible measures shall be implemented to eliminate potential nuisance conditions at offsite receptors. (For example, increase frequency of watering or dust suppression, install temporary wind breaks where appropriate, suspend excavation and grading activity when winds exceed 25 mph.) 14. The contractor or builder shall designate a ARB -Visible Emission Certified person or persons to monitor the fugitive dust emissions and enhance the implementation of the measures as necessary to minimize dust complaints, reduce visible emissions below 20 percent opacity, and to prevent transport of dust offsite. Their duties shall include holidays and weekend periods when work may not be in progress. The name and telephone number of such persons shall be provided to the SLO County APCD Compliance Division prior to the start of any grading, earthwork or demolition MM AIR -2c: If the Construction Activity Management Plan (as None required by Mitigation Measure AIR -2a) shows that construction emissions exceed either of the quarterly thresholds, the project applicant shall enter into an offsite mitigation agreement with the SLO County APCD with a goal of reducing emissions to below the quarterly thresholds. The offsite mitigation agreement shall identify offsite mitigation measures proposed to be implemented by the applicant and agreed upon by the SLO County APCD to be appropriate and effective to reduce emissions. Alternatively, the offsite mitigation agreement shall identify the mitigation fee required to be paid by the applicant based on the amount of emission reductions needed to bring the project impacts below the quarterly construction thresholds. The applicant shall provide this funding prior to the start of construction to help facilitate emission offsets that are as real-time as possible. SLO County APCD will use the funds to purchase the required emission reductions through offsite mitigation strategies. The agreement requires SLO County APCD approval prior to receiving final grading permits from the City of Atascadero. The emissions reduction agreement must be implemented in addition to the required measures to reduce construction -related diesel equipment exhaust emissions listed in Mitigation AIR -2a. Development and implementation of the emissions reduction agreement shall be fully funded by the applicant. To the extent feasible, preference shall be given to offsite emission reduction projects that are located in close proximity to the project site. The applicant shall submit documentation to the City of Atascadero verifying that this has been successfully completed MM AIR -2d: Prior to issuance of building permits, the City of None Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch Atascadero shall verify that the following air emissions reduction measures are depicted on building plans: 1. Provide a pedestrian -friendly and interconnected streetscape to make walking more convenient, comfortable, and safe (including appropriate signalization and signage requirements). This shall be coordinated with Mitigation Measures TRANS -6e and TRANS -6f. 2. Provide good access to/from the development for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users. This shall be coordinated with Mitigation Measures TRANS -6a through TRANS -6f. 3. Maintain the existing Class II bicycle lane on EI Camino Real along the project frontage (in conjunction with frontage improvements) and install a Class II bicycle lane on Del Rio Road along the project frontage. 4. Increase density within the urban core and urban reserve lines. 5. Provide a buffer zone between source and receptor and plant vegetation between receptor and roadway 6. Provide shade tree planting in parking lots to reduce evaporative emissions from parked vehicles. The landscaping design shall provide 50 percent tree coverage within 10 years of construction using low ROG-emitting, low -maintenance. native drought resistant trees. 7. Pave and maintain the roads and parking areas. 8. Use native plants that do not require watering and are low ROG emitting. 9. Provide easements or land dedications and construct bikeways and pedestrian walkways as part of roadway improvements along the project frontage. 10. Implement onsite circulation design elements in parking lots to reduce vehicle queuing and improve the pedestrian environment. 11. Provide employee lockers in buildings with a minimum of 50 employees. 12. Plant drought -tolerant native shade trees along southern exposures of buildings to reduce energy used to cool buildings in summer. 13. Utilize green -building materials (materials which are resource -efficient, recycled, and sustainable) available locally, if possible. 14. Demonstrate that buildings incorporate all feasible energy efficiency measures with a goal of exceeding the minimum Title 24 efficiency standards by 20 percent or more. 15. Utilize energy efficient streetlights. 16. Utilize energy efficient interior lighting. 17. Install energy -reducing programmable thermostats. 18. Use roofing material with solar reflectance values meeting the EPA/DOE Energy Star rating to reduce summer cooling 19. Provide and maintain a kiosk displaying transportation Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch information in a prominent area accessible to employees and patrons as part of the Transportation Demand Management Program as required by Mitigation Measure AIR -2f. 20. Provide improved public transit amenities (such as covered transit turnouts, direct pedestrian access, covered bench, route information displays, lighting, etc.) as required by Mitigation Measure TRANS -6a. 21. Provide secure onsite bicycle parking as required by Mitigation Measure TRANS -6b. 22. Provide onsite eating, refrigeration and food vending facilities. 23. Implement a Transportation Demand Management Program as required by Mitigation Measure AIR -2f. 24. Provide incentives to employees to carpool/vanpool, take public transportation, walk, bike, etc. as part of the Transportation Demand Management Program as required by Mitigation Measure AIR -2f. 25. Install signs in loading areas advising truck drivers about the CARB Airborne Toxic Control Measure to Limit Diesel -Fueled Commercial Motor Vehicle Idling. The sign shall read "Truck driver shall not idle the vehicle's primary diesel engine for greater than 5 minutes at any location." MM AIR -2e: Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant None shall enter into an offsite mitigation agreement with SLO County APCD with a goal of reducing emissions to below daily thresholds of 25 pounds per day of ROG and NO, (combined) and PM10. The offsite mitigation agreement shall identify offsite mitigation measures proposed to be implemented by the applicant and agreed upon by the SLO County APCD to be appropriate and effective to reduce emissions. Alternatively, the offsite mitigation agreement shall identify the mitigation fee required to be paid by the applicant based on the amount of emission reductions needed to bring the project impacts below the daily thresholds. SLO County APCD will use the funds to purchase the required emission reductions through offsite mitigation strategies. Payment of offsite fees shall be made prior to issuance of occupancy permits. The agreement requires SLO County APCD approval and verification of payment prior to receiving final occupancy permits from the City of Atascadero MM AIR -2f: Prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for None the first commercial building, the project applicant shall submit a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program to the City of Atascadero for review and approval. The TDM program shall be prepared by a qualified transportation consultant/engineer and identify TDM measures for the commercial uses. The TDM program shall contain the following provisions: 1. The TDM program shall establish a goal of reducing AM peak hour, PM peak hour, and Saturday midday peak hour trips associated with employee travel by a minimum of 10 percent. 2. The TDM program shall be reviewed annually (or more frequently if Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch needed) to determine that it reflects the needs and priorities of project tenants and their employees. Changes shall be made on an as needed basis in order to ensure that the TDM program can readily attain the 10 percent reduction goal. 3. The TDM program may include, but not be limited to, the following measures: a. Employer-sponsored vanpooling or carpooling, which may also involve provision of vehicles, staffed -ride matching services, and guaranteed ride home programs to increase participation b. Incentives for non -single -occupant vehicle commute trips (i.e., carpooling/van pooling, transit, bicycling, walking, etc.) c. Flex time scheduling to avoid peak hour travel d. Staggered work hours to avoid peak hour travel L Compressed work schedules to avoid peak hour travel End of trip facilities such as lockers, showers, or storage facilities, as coordinated with Mitigation Measure TRANS -6f. ii. Provision of kiosks that provide information about the TDM program MM AIR -5: Prior to issuance of final certificate of occupancy None for any restaurant use, the owner/operator shall install kitchen exhaust vents, exhaust filtration systems, or other odor -reduction measures in accordance with proper building ventilation per pursuant to California Building Code requirements MM BIO -la: Prior to and during construction activities, the None following measures shall be implemented to reduce construction impacts to undisturbed and adjacent parcels: • Prior to construction, the project site will be clearly flagged or fenced so that the contractor is aware of the limits of allowable site access and disturbance. Areas within the designated project site that do not require regular access will be clearly flagged as off -limit areas to avoid/discourage unnecessary damage to sensitive habitats or existing vegetation within the project site. • Prior to construction, the applicant will retain a qualified biological monitor(s) approved by all involved regulatory agencies to ensure compliance with avoidance and minimization measures within the project environmental documents. Monitoring will occur throughout the length of construction or as directed by the regulatory agencies. Full- time monitoring will occur during vegetation removal and erosion control installation. Monitoring may be reduced to part time with agency approval once vegetation removal has been completed and the potential for additional impacts are reduced. • During construction, the biological monitor(s) will ensure that the spread or introduction of invasive exotic plant species will be avoided to the maximum extent possible. When practicable, invasive exotic plants in the project site will be removed and properly disposed. All vegetation removed from the construction site shall be taken to a certified landfill to prevent the spread of invasive species. If soil from weedy Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AMND21-0020 Del Rio Ranch areas must be removed offsite, the top 6 inches containing the seed layer in areas with weedy species shall be disposed of at a certified landfill. • During construction, trash will be contained, removed from the work site, and disposed of regularly. Following construction, all construction debris will be removed from work areas. • During construction, no pets will be allowed on the construction site MM 13I0 -1b: Prior to the start of construction, the following None measures applicable to the bird species previously discussed and all other birds protected by the MBTA and California Fish and Game Code shall be implemented: • Prior to construction, vegetation removal and building demolition shall be scheduled to occur outside of the typical nesting season, from September 1 to February 14) if feasible, to maximize the potential for avoiding impacts to active bird nests. If construction activities are proposed to occur during the typical nesting season (February 15 to August 31) within 300 feet (90 meters) of potential nesting habitat, a nesting bird survey shall be conducted by qualified biologists in potential nesting habitat at least 2 weeks prior to construction to determine presence/absence of nesting birds within the project area. • If active nests are observed, work activities shall be avoided within 100 feet (30 meters) of active bird nests and 300 feet (90 meters) of active raptor (bird of prey) nests, until a qualified biologist has determined that young birds have fledged and left the nest. Readily visible exclusion zones shall be established by a qualified biologist in areas where active nests must be avoided. A qualified biologist shall coordinate with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game for additional guidance if nesting birds are observed within the project area during construction. • Prior to and during construction, the nests, eggs, or young of birds protected by the MBTA and California Fish and Game Code shall not be moved or disturbed until the young fledge or the nest is no longer active. Birds protected by the MBTA and California Fish and Game Code shall not be intentionally killed, injured, or harassed at any time MM 13I0 -1c: Prior to and during construction, the following None avoidance/minimization measures shall be implemented to protect potential bat species roosting on the project site: • Prior to construction, if work is to occur within 100 feet (30 meters) of existing trees or buildings onsite, a pre -construction survey shall be conducted by qualified biologists to determine if bats are roosting onsite. The biologist(s) conducting the preconstruction survey shall identify the nature of bat roosting (i.e., no roosting, night roost, day roost, maternity roost). Any bat roost surveys shall be conducted no later than March 15 to allow for bat exclusion (if required) prior to the onset of the maternity roosting season (typically April 15 to August 15). • If active roosts are observed in trees prior to or during construction, work activities shall be avoided within 100 feet Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch (30 meters) of active bat roosts, until a qualified biologist has determined that all bats have left the roost. Readily visible exclusion zones shall be established in areas where active roosts must be avoided. A qualified biologist shall coordinate with CDFG for additional guidance if roosting bats are observed within the project area during construction. • If bats are found to be roosting in these buildings, bat exclusion shall be conducted by a qualified biologist or firm experienced and authorized for bat exclusion activities MM 13I0 -1d: Prior to and during construction, the following None avoidance/minimization measures shall be implemented to protect the American badger on the project site: • Prior to construction, a survey shall be conducted by a qualified biologist no less than 14 days and no more than 30 days prior to the beginning of ground disturbance and/or construction activities. The qualified biologist shall evaluate use by American badger and, if possible, assess the potential impacts to American badger. The status of all dens shall be determined (e.g., potential den, known den, etc.) and mapped. • If dens are observed within 50 feet (15 meters) of the footprint of proposed disturbance, a qualified biologist shall monitor the den(s) for 3 days to determine the current use. If no badger activity is observed during this period, the den shall be destroyed (i.e., collapsed and backfilled) immediately to preclude subsequent use. • If active badger dens are observed, work activities shall be avoided within 50 feet (15 meters) of active dens, until a qualified biologist has determined that the den is no longer active. Readily visible exclusion zones shall be established in areas where active dens must be avoided. MM 113I0 -3a: Prior to issuance of grading permits for any None activities that would remove one or more trees subject to City of Atascadero Native Tree Ordinance, the applicant shall mitigate impacts onsite through the planting of replacement trees or offsite through the payment of fees to the Tree Replacement Fund (or some combination thereof) as outlined below: • Deciduous Trees: Either: - (1) Plant four trees for every 6 inches (as measured at diameter breast height [dbh]) of deciduous tree removed. Trees that are removed must be replaced with 5 gallon, locally grown native stock tree species of the same species. If native stock is unavailable, 15 -gallon replacements shall be required. Commercial applicants may plant larger -size replacement specimens to reduce the quantity of replacements required. - (2) Pay into the Tree Replacement Fund a fee of $200 per 6 inches dbh of deciduous trees removed. • Other Native Trees: Either: - (1) Plant two trees for every 6 inches dbh of other native tree removed. Trees that are removed must be replaced with 5 gallon, locally grown, native stock Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch tree species of the same species. If native stock is unavailable, 15 -gallon replacements shall be required. Commercial applicants may plant larger -size replacement specimens to reduce the quantity of replacements required. - (2) Pay into the Tree Replacement Fund a fee of $100 per 6 inches dbh of other native trees removed MM 113I0 -3b: Prior to issuance of grading permits for any None activities that would remove trees subject to City of Atascadero Native Tree Ordinance, the applicant shall prepare and submit a Tree Protection Plan to the City of Atascadero for review and approval. The following measures are to be included in the plan. • Proposed fencing for the site shall be shown in orange ink on the final grading plan. Fencing shall be a minimum of four feet high chain link, snow, or safety fence staked at the edge of the drip line or line of encroachment for each tree or group of trees. The fence shall be up before any construction or earth moving begins. The owner shall be responsible for maintaining an erect fence throughout the construction period. The arborist(s), upon notification, will inspect the fence placement once it is erected. Once erect, the fencing shall not be moved without arborist inspection/approval. If the orange plastic fencing is used, a minimum of four zip ties shall be used on each stake to secure the fence. All efforts shall be made to maximize the distance from each saved tree. The fencing shall be constructed prior to the city pre -construction meeting for inspection by the city and the arborists. • Soils within the drip line that have been compacted by heavy equipment and/or construction activities shall be returned to their original state before all work is completed. Methods include water jetting, adding organic matter, and boring small holes with an auger (18 inches deep, 2 to 3 feet apart with a 2 - to 4 -inch auger) and the application of moderate amounts of nitrogen fertilizer, The arborist(s) shall advise. • All areas within the drip line of the trees that cannot be fenced shall receive a 4 -to 6 -inch layer of chip mulch to retain moisture, soil structure and reduce the effects of soil compaction. • All trenching for foundations within the drip line of native trees shall be hand dug. All major roots shall be avoided whenever possible. All exposed roots larger than 1 inch in diameter shall be clean cut with sharp pruning tools and not left ragged. A mandatory meeting between the arborists and grading/trenching contractor(s) shall take place prior to the start of work. This activity shall be monitored by the arborist(s) to insure proper root pruning is taking place. • Grading shall not encroach within the drip line unless authorized by the arborist(s). Grading should not disrupt the normal drainage pattern around the trees. Fills should not create a ponding condition and excavations should not leave the tree on a rapidly draining mound. • Any exposed roots shall be re-covered the same day they were exposed. If they cannot, they shall be covered with burlap or another suitable material and wetted down two times per day until re -buried. Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency ''moi• , t�. M. Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch • Vehicles and all heavy equipment shall not be driven under the trees, as this will contribute to soil compaction. In addition, there is to be no parking of equipment or personal vehicles in these areas. All areas behind fencing are off-limits unless pre -approved by the arborist. • The existing ground surface within the drip line of all native trees shall not be cut, filled, compacted, or pared, unless shown on the grading plans and approved by the arborist. • No liquid or solid construction waste shall be dumped on the ground within the drip line of any native tree. The drip line areas are not for storage of materials either. • An arborist shall be present for selected activities in accordance with the Tree Protection Plan. The monitoring does not have to be continuous but observational at times during these activities. It is the responsibility of the owner(s) or designee to inform the arborist prior to these events so that arrangements can be made to have the arborist present. It is the responsibility of the owner to contract (prior to construction) a licensed and insured arborist that will document all monitoring activities: Pre -construction fence placement Any utility or drainage trenching within any drip line - All grading and trenching near trees requiring monitoring in accordance with the Tree Protection Plan • An onsite pre -construction meeting with the arborist(s), owner(s), City planning staff, and the earthmoving team shall be required for this project. Prior to final occupancy, a letter from the arborist shall be required verifying the health/condition of all impacted trees and providing recommendations for any additional mitigation. The letter shall verify that the arborist were onsite for all grading and/or trenching activity that encroached into the drip line of the selected native trees, and all work done in these areas was completed to the standards set forth above. • A trained arborist shall perform all Class 4 pruning onsite. Class 4 pruning consists of reduction of tops, sides, or individual limbs. No pruning shall take more than 25 percent of the live crown of any native tree. Any trees that may need pruning for road/building clearance shall be pruned prior to any grading activities to avoid any branch tearing. • All landscape under the drip -line shall be drought -tolerant or native varieties. Lawns shall be avoided. All irrigation trenching shall be routed around drip lines; otherwise, aboveground drip -irrigation shall be used. It is the owner's responsibility to notify the landscape contractor regarding this mitigation. • All utilities and sewer/storm drains shall be placed down the roads/driveways and when possible outside of the drip lines. The arborist shall supervise trenching within the drip line. All trenches in these areas shall be exposed by air spade or hand dug with utilities routed under/over the roots. Roots greater than 2 inches in diameter shall not be cut. • As the project moves toward completion, the arborist may Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch suggest either fertilization and/or mycorrhiza applications that will benefit tree health. • Prior to final project approval, additional plan review shall be conducted by a qualified arborist. Final grading, utility, and landscape plans shall be reviewed and approved to limit preventable damage to retained trees. All utility lines and irrigation trenching shall be located at least 20 feet away from the canopy of a native preserved tree. Once plans are approved, the contractor shall install the protective fencing consistent with the fencing plan by A&T Arborists. Trees that are determined by a qualified arborist to have 40 percent combined impacts to roots and canopy from encroachments shall be considered for removal and added to the mitigation required for the site. Staging areas shall be located outside of the root zones of protected trees. • Prior to construction, chain link fencing shall be installed around native trees to be protected to prevent root zone encroachment on retained trees. Chain-link fencing is preferable because it is less easily relocated. A qualified arborist shall be retained to monitor any activity that occurs within 20 feet of the edge of the canopy of a retained protected tree. Fencing shall remain in place until project completion (including landscaping). During construction, all work within the zone of native trees to be protected shall be performed with a qualified consulting arborist present to ensure that work is performed in a manner that will not harm trees. Forty -eight-hour (48-hour) notice shall be provided to the tree consultant/arborist prior to the planned start of work. Once the work is completed, a consulting arborist shall certify in writing that that all the recommended protection and mitigation measures have been implemented. The protected zone in Atascadero is defined as the entire area within the dripline of the tree. For small trees (those less than 6 inches dbh), this distance shall be a minimum of 15 feet from the trunk. • During construction, irrigation shall be excluded from the zone under the canopy of any oak tree to minimize the growth of predatory disease organisms such as root rot (Phytophtora spp.) and oak root fungus (Armillaria mel/ea). Irrigation upslope from oak trees shall be implemented in a manner to avoid runoff into the protected zones of oak trees. Drainage patterns shall be maintained to prevent water gathering at the base of a protected tree. • During construction, landscape plantings shall be kept outside of the dripline of protected trees to minimize the introduction of fungus and other pathogens being introduced to soil around protected trees. During construction, all sources of compaction, including foot traffic, shall be confined outside of the dripline of any protected tree. If access is required (and no other options exist), then a 4- to 6 -inch layer of mulch shall be laid down with plywood over the top for temporary access. Soils that must be compacted for stability shall be cross -ripped to 3 feet deep to alleviate compaction to grow healthy plants. • During construction, all mulch or leaf litter shall be retained Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch under the protected trees. If the natural leaf litter has been removed, a 4 -inch -thick layer of 3 -inch -diameter bark mulch shall be added throughout the protected zone of each tree and at least 6 inches away from the trunk of the tree. • During construction, if any roots are encountered at the perimeter of protected areas, they shall be cut cleanly with a sharp pruning saw or hand pruners. All other options shall be considered before trenching under the dripline of a protected tree. Some viable options include tunneling or boring which can occur below the active root zone for most trees about three feet below the surface. All root work shall be conducted with the use of hand tools only. Tractors, backhoes, and other vehicles shall be operated in a manner that will preserve major tree roots, minimize soil compaction, and insure the safety of both the vehicle operator and the tree. • Prior to and during construction, pruning on native evergreen oaks shall occur between the months of July and October to minimize the potential for insect infestations. No more than 10 percent of the live canopy shall be removed in any one pruning event. Deciduous trees shall be pruned in the dormant season (winter). The majority of trees should not require pruning since there is no activity proposed for the area under the dripline of the trees. All pruning work shall comply with nationally recognized pruning standards of the American National Standards Institute. • If pruning is required, a qualified biologist shall inspect trees for wildlife and avoid impacts to trees with nesting birds (February 15 to August 31) or maternity roosting bats (April 15 to August 15). • A population of tree -of -heaven exists adjacent to the interior live oak grove that is to be retained located on the southeast corner of the site. This is an aggressive species, spreading through roots and seedlings, and is a state listed invasive species that shall be controlled to prevent spreading into the preserved oak grove. The applicant shall manage this invasive species in accordance with the guidelines issued by the California Invasive Pest Council. MM CUL -1b: Prior to relocation of the Rordorf Residence, the None applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City of Atascadero that documentation of the Rordorf Residence is completed by the applicant in the form of a Historic American Buildings Survey, which shall comply with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Architectural and Engineering Documentation. The documentation shall include large -format photographic recordation; a detailed historic narrative report, including description, history, and statement of significance; and a compilation of historic research. A qualified architectural historian or historian who meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards for History and/or Architectural History shall complete the documentation. The original archival -quality documentation shall be submitted to the Atascadero Library; Atascadero Historical Society; and San Luis Obispo County Historical Society, where it will be available to Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AMND21-0020 Del Rio Ranch local researchers MM CUL -2: During all earthmoving (grading and excavation) None activities associated with the project, a qualified archaeologist shall be present to monitor project activities. Monitoring will consist of directly watching the excavation and earthmoving activities for the entirety of each workday. If archaeological resources are observed during monitoring, the archaeological will alert the Construction Supervisor that the piece of equipment that encounters the find shall be stopped or diverted to another work area and the archaeologist shall inspect the excavated area. The City of Atascadero shall require the project applicant to include a standard inadvertent discovery clause in every construction contract to inform contractors of this requirement. If potentially significant deposits are found, the archaeologist will inspect the deposits and develop appropriate mitigation recommendations, including resource identification, testing, evaluation, preservation, and/or data recovery excavation, as appropriate. If the archaeologist determines that the suspected remains are non- significant or non -cultural in origin, work shall recommence immediately following basic documentation. If further study is warranted, the find(s) shall be mapped, recorded, and bagged with the proper provenience and the item(s) collected by the archaeological monitor. Additionally, if (prehistoric) archaeological sites are encountered and the archaeologist determines it appropriate, Native Americans will be actively involved in any evaluation and mitigation work. MM CUL -3: The applicants for each development within the None Specific Plan areas shall retain a qualified paleontologist to produce paleontological monitoring and mitigation plan(s) for the proposed project and to supervise monitoring of construction excavations. Alternatively, a combined plan encompassing the entire Specific Plan Area may be prepared. The plan(s) shall be submitted to the City of Atascadero for approval prior to issuance of grading permits. The plan shall incorporate the following measures: • All project -related ground disturbances that could potentially impact Santa Margarita Sandstone shall be monitored by a qualified paleontological monitor on a full-time basis. In the areas mapped as Quaternary older alluvium, full-time monitoring by a qualified paleontological monitor shall be required after the first three feet of the disturbed upper layer has been removed. The frequency of monitoring may be reduced at the discretion of the qualified paleontologist if the impacted sediments are determined to have a low potential to yield significant fossils resources upon further examination of the sediments during active grading operations. Very shallow surFicial excavations in areas of previous disturbance shall be monitored on a part-time basis to ensure that underlying sensitive units are not adversely affected. Paleontological resource monitoring shall include inspection of exposed rock units during active excavations within sensitive geologic sediments. The monitor will have authority to temporarily divert grading away from exposed fossils in order to professionally and efficiently recover the fossil Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AMND21-0020 Del Rio Ranch specimens and collect associated data. All efforts to avoid delays in project schedules will be made. Monitors will be equipped with the necessary tools for the rapid removal of fossils and retrieval of associated data to prevent construction delays. This equipment will include handheld global positioning system (GPS) receivers, digital cameras and cell phones, as well as a tool kit containing specimen containers and matrix sampling bags, field labels, field tools (awls, hammers, chisels, shovels, etc.) and plaster kits. • At each fossil locality, field data forms shall be used to record pertinent geologic data, stratigraphic sections will be measured, and appropriate sediment samples will be collected and submitted for analysis. • Recovered fossils shall be prepared to the point of curation, identified by qualified experts, listed in a database to facilitate analysis, and reposited in a designated paleontological curation facility. The most likely repository is the University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley or the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. • The qualified paleontologist shall prepare a final monitoring and mitigation report to be filed with the client, the lead agency, and the repository. The final report shall include but not be limited to a discussion of the results of the mitigation and monitoring program, an evaluation and analysis of the fossils collected (including an assessment of their significance, age and geologic context), an itemized inventory of fossils collected, a confidential appendix of locality and specimen data with locality maps and photographs, an appendix of curation agreements and other appropriate communications, and a copy of the project -specific paleontological monitoring and mitigation plan MM CUL -4: If ground -disturbing activities uncover previously None unknown human remains, Section 7050.5 of the California Health and Safety Code applies, and the following procedures shall be followed: • In the event of an accidental discovery or recognition of any human remains, Public Resource Code (PRC) Section 5097.98 must be followed. Once project -related ground disturbance begins and if there is accidental discovery of human remains, the following steps shall be taken: - There shall be no further excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains until the San Luis Obispo County Coroner is contacted to determine if the remains are Native American and if an investigation into cause of death is required. If the coroner determines the remains are Native American, the coroner shall contact the NAHC within 24 hours, and the NAHC shall identify the person or persons it believes to be the "most likely descendant" (MLD) of the deceased Native American. The MLD may make recommendations to the landowner or the person responsible for the excavation work, for means of treating or disposing of, with appropriate Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency i moi. Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch dignity, the human remains and any associated grave goods as provided in PRC Section 5097.98 MM GEO-1: Prior to issuance of building permits for each None development within the Specific Plan, the project applicant shall submit a design -level geotechnical study and building plans to the City of Atascadero for review and approval. The building plans shall demonstrate that they incorporate all applicable recommendations of the design -level geotechnical study and comply with all applicable requirements of the most recent version of the California Building Standards Code. A licensed professional engineer shall prepare the plans, including those that pertain to soil engineering and structural foundations. The approved plans shall be incorporated into the proposed project. All onsite soil engineering activities shall be conducted under the supervision of a licensed Geotechnical Engineer or Certified Engineering Geologist. MM GEO-4: Prior to issuance of building permits for each None development within the Specific Plan, the project applicant shall submit a design -level geotechnical study to the City of Atascadero for review and approval. The study shall be prepared by a qualified engineer and identify grading and building practices necessary to abate expansive soil conditions on the project site. The project applicant shall implement the recommendations of the approved design -level geotechnical study into project plans. MM HAZ-la: Prior to issuance of grading permits on the South -East None project site (formerly the Walmart site) in areas where THP -D has been detected, the applicant shall conduct soil sampling using a Hollow Stem Auger to delineate the horizontal and vertical extent of the TPH-D in order to implement a soil remediation program. Soil remediation shall be conducted in accordance with California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSQ guidelines, Contaminated soil shall be excavated and disposed of at an approved disposal facility. Following excavation, confirmation sampling shall be conducted to confirm whether remaining soil meets acceptable applicable regulatory levels. The excavation shall be backfilled with clean soil. The soil remediation activities shall be completed prior to issuance of building permits. The applicant shall submit documentation to the City of Atascadero demonstrating that soil testing was performed and any necessary remediation was completed as part of the grading permit application. MM HAZ-1b: Prior to issuance of demolition permits for any None structures located on the project site, the project applicant shall retain a certified hazardous waste contractor to determine the presence or absence of building materials or equipment that contains hazardous waste, including asbestos, lead-based paint, mercury, and PCBs. If such substances are found to be present, the contractor shall properly remove and dispose of these hazardous materials in accordance with federal and state law. All removal activities shall be completed prior to commencement of demolition activities. Upon completion of removal and disposal, the project applicant shall provide documentation to the Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch City of Atascadero demonstrating that these activities were successfully completed. MM HAZ-1c: Prior to issuance of building permits for any None residential use with a subsurface space (e.g., basements or garages), the project applicant shall retain a qualified consultant to investigate indoor radon exposure levels. The consultant shall determine whether the proposed subsurface spaces would be exposed to indoor radon concentrations of 4.0 picocuries per liter of air in accordance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and California Department of Public Health guidelines. If the consultant determines that exposure would occur at or above 4.0 picocuries per liter of air, the applicant shall revise plans to (1) eliminate all subsurface spaces or (2) install appropriate ventilation and detection systems for indoor radon in subsurface spaces. The applicant shall submit documentation to the City of Atascadero verifying that this has been successfully completed. MM HYD -1: Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the None project applicant shall file a Notice of Intent with and obtain a facility identification number from the State Water Resources Control Board. The project applicant shall also submit a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the City of Atascadero that identifies specific actions and Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent stormwater pollution during construction activities. The SWPPP shall identify a practical sequence for BMP implementation, site restoration, contingency measures, responsible parties, and agency contacts. The SWPPP shall include but not be limited to the following elements: • Comply with the requirements of the State of California's most current Construction Stormwater Permit. • Temporary erosion control measures shall be implemented on all disturbed areas. • Disturbed surfaces shall be treated with erosion control measures during the October 15 to April 15 rainy season. • Sediment shall be retained onsite by a system of sediment basins, traps, or other BMPs. • The construction contractor shall prepare Standard Operating Procedures for the handling of hazardous materials on the construction site to eliminate discharge of materials to storm drains. • BMP performance and effectiveness shall be determined either by visual means where applicable (e.g., observation of above - normal sediment release), or by actual water sampling in cases where verification of contaminant reduction or elimination (such as inadvertent petroleum release) is required by the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board to determine adequacy of the measure. In the event of significant construction delays or delays in final landscape installation, native grasses or other appropriate vegetative cover shall be established on the construction site as soon as possible after disturbance, as an interim erosion control measure throughout the wet season. MM HYD -2a: In addition to the proposed detention basins, prior None Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch to the issuance of building permits, the project applicant shall submit a final Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan or an equivalent stormwater management plan to the City of Atascadero for review and approval. The plan shall be developed using the California Stormwater Quality Association's "New Development and Redevelopment Handbook." The stormwater management plan shall identify pollution prevention measures and practices to prevent polluted runoff from leaving the project site. The pollution prevention measures shall be implemented into the proposed project. Examples of stormwater pollution prevention measures and practices to be contained in the plan include but are not limited to the following, which are examples of structural and non- structural controls to protect water quality: • Bioswales and landscaped areas that promote percolation of runoff • Elimination of all trash from stormwater leaving the site • Pervious pavement • Roof drains that discharge to landscaped areas • Trash enclosures with screen walls and roofs • Stenciling on storm drains • Curb cuts in parking areas to allow runoff to enter landscaped areas • Rock -lined areas along landscaped areas in parking lots • Regular sweeping of parking areas and cleaning of storm drainage facilities • Employee training to inform store personnel of stormwater pollution prevention measures The Droiect aoolicant shall also Dreoare and submit an Operations and Maintenance Agreement to the Citv identifying Drocedures to ensure that stormwater quality control measures work properly during operations MM HYD -3a: Prior to commencement of grading activities, the None property owner shall consult with the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding further actions with the groundwater plume on the South -East project site (formerly the Walmart site). Consultation shall consist of determining whether (1) further monitoring or remediation is necessary or (2) no further actions are necessary. If the Regional Water Quality Control Board determines that further monitoring or remediation is necessary, the project applicant shall incorporate provisions for such activities into the project plans and submit them, as necessary, to the agency for review and approval. If the Regional Water Quality Control Board determines that no further action is necessary, the groundwater monitoring wells may be removed with Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board approval. MM HYD -3b: Prior to issuance of the grading permit for the None project, the project applicant shall properly abandon or remove the existing onsite septic and irrigation systems in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements. Consultation shall Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch occur with the City of Atascadero as necessary to confirm compliance. Documentation confirming that proper abandonment or removal activities have been performed shall be submitted to the City of Atascadero upon completion of these activities. MM HYD -4: Prior to issuance of grading permits, the project None applicant shall retain a qualified civil engineer to prepare and submit a drainage plan to the City of Atascadero that complies with the requirements of the City's Engineering Department Standard Specifications and Drawings. The drainage plan shall demonstrate that construction of the project will not increase the flood hazard to downstream properties during a 100 -year storm event. Onsite retention/detention facilities shall be employed prior to offsite discharge. The City of Atascadero shall review and approve the drainage plan and the project applicant shall incorporate the approved plan into the proposed project plans MM LU -2a: Prior to issuance of building permits for the single- None family and multiple -family home developments, the applicant shall provide a site plan demonstrating compliance with the Municipal Code for setback and landscaping requirements in residential areas. MM LU -2b: Prior to issuance of building permits for any None Specific Plan use, the applicant shall provide a site plan demonstrating compliance with the Municipal Code for off-street parking requirements MM N0I-1: The project applicant shall require construction None contractors to adhere to the following noise attenuation requirements: • Construction activities shall be limited to the hours between 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. The City of Atascadero shall have the discretion to permit construction activities to occur outside of allowable hours if compelling circumstances warrant such an exception (e.g., weather conditions necessary to pour concrete). • All construction equipment shall use noise -reduction features (e.g., mufflers and engine shrouds) that are no less effective than those originally installed by the manufacturer. If no noise reduction features were installed by the manufacturer, then the contractor shall require that at least a muffler be installed on the equipment. • Construction staging and heavy equipment maintenance activities shall be performed a minimum distance of 300 feet from the nearest residence, unless safety or technical factors take precedence (e.g., a heavy equipment breakdown). Prior to commencement of grading activities, a 12 -foot -high construction noise barrier shall be installed on the portions of the perimeter of the project site that are within 50 feet of any offsite residential structure, and a 10 -foot -high construction noise barrier shall be installed on the portions of the perimeter of the project site that are within 50 to 150 feet of any offsite residential structure. The noise barrier shall consist of a material that provides attenuation of at least 15 d6. This can be achieved through the use of half-inch plywood. Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch MM N0I-4f: Prior to issuance of building permits for the South -East project site , the project applicant shall prepare and submit plans to the City of Atascadero depicting a sound barrier around trash receptacles, loading docks and any other potential noise sources to attenuate noise. Any sounds walls shall be of high-quality design and incorporate graffiti resistance measures (e.g., landscaping). The approved plans shall be incorporated into the project. None MM N0I-6: Prior to the final discretionary approval for the South -East None project site multiple -family residential component, the project applicant shall retain a qualified acoustical consultant to evaluate potential noise impacts on the dwelling units. The analysis shall assess potential noise impacts to the proposed multiple -family residential units from both nearby transportation and stationary sources and, if required, provide mitigation to reduce the noise levels to within the City standards. Mitigation may include but is not limited to the installation of noise barriers, Sound Transmission Class -rated windows and door assemblies, building placement or implementation of other appropriate noise -reducing measures. The project plans shall reflect the noise attenuation recommendations from the noise evaluation, as necessary MM PSU-la: Prior to issuance of building permits for each None project component, the applicant shall prepare and submit a Construction Fire Risk Mitigation Plans to the City of Atascadero. The approved plans shall be incorporated into the project. The plan shall include but not be limited to the following elements: • The plan shall comply with Article 87 of the California Fire Code. • The plan shall be developed and implemented in coordination with the Atascadero Fire Department. • The plan shall identify a Construction Manager who will be responsible for staying abreast of fire conditions in the project area by contacting the Fire Department and implementing necessary fire precautions. • The plan shall include procedures for reporting emergencies to the Fire department. • The plan shall include procedures for emergency notification, evacuation, and/or relocation of all persons in the building under construction and on the site. • The plan shall include procedures for hot work operations, management of hazardous materials, and removal of combustible debris and maintenance of emergency access roads. • Floor plans identifying the locations of exits, exit stairs, exit routes, and portable fire extinguishers. • Site plans identifying the designated exterior assembly areas for each evacuation route. Site plans identifying required fire apparatus access roadways and onsite fire hydrants Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch MM PSU-1b: Prior to issuance of building permits for each project structure, the applicant shall prepare and submit plans to the City of Atascadero demonstrating compliance with all applicable fire safety code requirements. Applicable requirements include but are not limited to building construction, occupant egress, automatic fire protection systems, and occupant notification systems (alarms). The approved plans shall be incorporated into the project None MM PSU-2: Prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for None each building, the project applicant shall install the following applicable security measures and implement the following applicable operational practices: • Provide sufficient professionally trained loss prevention staff onsite. • Submit loss -prevention plan with staffing levels onsite to the Atascadero Police Department for review and approval. The approved plans shall be incorporated into the project. • Install security and alarms in the Walmart pharmacy. • Ensure that the site layout for the parking lot area is properly designed to provide maximum safety and security through adequate lighting, egress, and ingress. • Installation of manned, high-resolution, video surveillance cameras throughout the parking lot areas with consultation from the Atascadero Police Department. • Provide Atascadero Police Department with access to surveillance video for prosecution of suspects. Surveillance cameras should be of sufficient quality to ensure identification of suspects. Post signage in the parking area and at driveways advising patrons of prohibited activities, including vehicle maintenance, extended parking, camping, sleeping in vehicles, skateboarding, vehicle sales, and unauthorized sales MM PSU-3a: Prior to issuance of building permits for each None component of the Specific Plan, the project applicant shall submit landscaping plans to the City of Atascadero for review and approval demonstrating that landscaping will comply with the City's Municipal Code, Chapter 8, Water Efficient Landscape and Irrigation. The landscaping plans shall identify outdoor irrigation water conservation measures, such as but not limited to: • Drought -resistant vegetation • Irrigation systems employing the following features: - Drip irrigation - Low -precipitation -rate sprinklers - Bubbler/soaker systems - Programmable irrigation controllers with automatic rain shutoff sensors and flow sensing capabilities - Matched precipitation rate nozzles that maximize the uniformity of the water distribution characteristics of the irrigation system - Conservativesprinkler spacings that minimize overspray Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AMN D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch onto paved surfaces - Hydrozones that keep plants with similar water needs in the same irrigation zone • Minimally or gently sloped landscaped areas to minimize runoff and maximize infiltration Organic topdressing mulch in non -turf areas to decrease evaporation and increase water retention MM PSU-3b: Prior to issuance of building permits for each None component of the Specific Plan, the project applicant shall submit building plans to the City of Atascadero for review and approval that identify the following indoor water conservation measures: • Separate metering of domestic water • Low -flow or ultra -low -flow toilets and urinals • Sensor -activated, low -flow faucets MM PSU-4: Prior to issuance of building permits for each None component of the Specific Plan, the project applicant shall submit plans to the City of Atascadero for review and approval that demonstrates compliance with the Sanitary Sewer Management Plan; the updated Municipal Code Revisions for the Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Program; and the installation of adequately sized grease interceptors for all food service establishments (FSEs), gas stations, auto shops, etc. In addition, the plans shall include any other wastewater measures determined to be necessary by the City of Atascadero. The approved plans shall be incorporated into the proposed project MM PSU-6a: Prior to issuance of building permits for each None component of the Specific Plan, the project applicant shall complete a Construction & Demolition Recycling Form in compliance with the City of Atascadero's Construction and Demolition Recycling Ordinance. The applicant shall retain a qualified contractor to perform construction debris recycling with an objective of diverting a minimum of 50 percent of construction debris from the waste stream. The project applicant shall provide documentation to the satisfaction of the City of Atascadero demonstrating that construction and demolition debris was recycled MM PSU-6b: Prior to issuance of the final certificates of None occupancy for each building within the Specific Plan, the project applicant shall install onsite facilities necessary to collect and store recyclable materials generated by customers and facility operations. Customer recyclable collection facilities (i.e., receptacles) shall be located in public spaces and clearly identify accepted materials. Facility operations recycling facilities (i.e., bale and pallet storage) shall be located in appropriate places and shall be enclosed for screening purposes MM TRANS -la: Prior to issuance of building permits for each use, the None project applicants shall provide the City of Atascadero with all applicable traffic impact fees for their proportional -share impact on TIF funded Circulation System Facilities other than the Del Rio Road/US Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager I OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AMND21-0020 Del Rio Ranch 101 interchange, which is subject to a separate TIF payment described in Mitigation Measures TRANS -1c and TRANS -1d. The traffic impact fees for all uses shall be subject to the City's latest adopted fee schedule. MM TRANS -Ib: Prior to issuance of the final certificate of occupancy for a high traffic generating use (exceeding 4,963 total daily trips or 277 weekday p.m. peak hour trips) at the South -East project site, the intersection of EI Camino Real/San Anselmo Road (North) shall be improved with a signal. Should a developer construct the improvements, any costs of the installed improvements in excess of the project's proportional share, may be eligible for a TIF fee credit. Any potential TIF fee credit will be calculated by the City and will comply with any City resolution guiding TIF Fee credits in place at the time of construction of the improvements MM TRANS 1-d: Prior to occupancy of the first use that exceeds 134 None p.m. cumulative peak hour trips, a westbound right -turn lane shall be added to the intersection of Del Rio Road/US 101, such that there would be two westbound lanes on Del Rio Road from EI Camino Real to the US 101 North ramp. This would require widening Del Rio Road, the construction of a retaining wall on the north side of Del Rio Road, and reconstruction of the curb return. Concurrent with the addition of the right turn lane noted above, the intersection of Del Rio Road/EI Camino Real shall be reconfigured at the eastbound approach from through/left-turn and right -turn lanes, to left -turn lane and through/right-turn lanes, moving the through movement from the left lane to the right lane. This includes widening the eastbound departure (on the east leg of the intersection) to avoid excessive lateral shifting of through traffic. With a dedicated eastbound left -turn lane, the eastbound -westbound split phasing shall be required to be replaced with concurrent timing, as well as protected -permissive phasing for the eastbound left -turn movement. With protected left -turn phasing in the eastbound direction and a prohibition of eastbound U-turns, a southbound right -turn overlap shall be provided, which is a green arrow that enables southbound right - turning drivers to continue without stopping concurrently with the eastbound left -turn movement. Additionally, the signal at Del Rio Road/EI Camino Real shall be coordinated with the signals at Del Rio Road/US 101 North Ramps and Del Rio Road/US 101 South Ramps. This will require extending the interconnect hardware between the ramp signals to Del Rio Road/EI Camino Real, and potentially upgrading the signal hardware at Del Rio Road/EI Camino Real to be compatible with interconnect technology if it is not already. All development within the Specific Plan area shall be responsible for paying their fair share towards these improvements as a special impact fee. The special impact fee will be in addition to the Citywide impact fees in place at the time of development and shall be collected prior to issuance of any permit. Should a developer construct the improvements, any costs of the installed improvements in excess of the Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch project's proportional share, maybe eligible for a TIF fee credit. Any potential TIF fee credit will be calculated by the City and will comply with any City resolution guiding TIF Fee credits in place at the time of construction of the improvements. The developer constructing the improvements may also be eligible for reimbursement from other development within the Specific Plan area should improvements be installed prior to Specific Plan build -out Prior to issuance of building permits for any land use that exceeds 293 cumulative weekday p.m. peak hour trips within the Specific Plan area, the following improvements shall be completed: • Widening the eastbound approach to Del Rio Road/EI Camino Real to three lanes that extend upstream to Del Rio Road/US 101 North Ramps, with one lane each assigned to left turns, through lanes, and right turns. • The westbound approach shall be widened to include a right -turn pocket. • A second northbound left -turn lane shall be constructed to accommodate traffic leaving the commercial developments and heading toward the freeway. • Overlaps shall be added to further improve traffic flow. • The Del Rio Road overpass shall to be widened to four lanes, with a through/left-turn combined lane and through lane approaching eastbound to Del Rio Road/US 101 North Ramps and left -turn and through/left-turn combined lanes on the westbound approach to Del Rio Road/US 101 South Ramps. • At Del Rio Road/US 101 South Ramps, the southbound approach shall be expanded to include an additional left - turn lane, and the phasing shall be modified to split the eastbound and westbound approaches. • Interconnect shall be provided between all three signals to coordinate cycles. Should a developer construct the improvements, any costs of the installed improvements in excess of the project's proportional share, may be eligible for a TIF fee credit. Any potential TIF fee credit will be calculated by the City and will comply with any City resolution guiding TIF Fee credits in place at the time of construction of the improvements. The developer constructing the improvements may also be eligible for reimbursement from other development within the Specific Plan area should improvements be installed prior to Specific Plan build -out. MM TRANS -4: Prior to recordation of the final map for the South -East Modified by conditions to prior to project site, the project applicant shall revise the improvement plans to issuance of construction permits. The provide for a northbound left -turn lane on EI Camino Real at the new city complete and adopted a plan line intersection serving the site. The City shall review and approve the lane setback for this areas in accordance geometry with Specific Plan traffic amendments requirements. MM TRANS -6a: Prior to approval of the final map for either site, the Modified by conditions to prior to Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AM N D21-0020 Del Rio Ranch applicant shall identify suitable locations for one or more bus stops as issuance of construction permits. The required by the City of Atascadero. Such stops may be located along city complete and adopted a plan line street frontages or within the project site. The applicant shall consult setback for this areas in accordance with the Regional Transit Authority, Atascadero Transit, and the City of with Specific Plan traffic amendments Atascadero about suitable locations and amenities. The bus stops requirements. identified for each site shall be installed and available for service prior to opening day of each project component MM TRANS -6b: Prior to issuance of the final certificate of occupancy None for the commercial uses, the applicant shall install bicycle facilities (racks or lockers) in convenient locations. Bicycle storage shall be provided at a ratio of no less than 1 bicycle space for each 20 vehicular spaces MM TRANS -6c: Prior to issuance of building permits for the future None multi -family residential uses on the South -East development site, the applicant shall demonstrate that each dwelling unit provides enclosed space suitable for storage of at least two bicycles. Such enclosed space may consist of garages, storage rooms, closets, or other non -living area spaces that allow the occupant(s) to securely store a bicycle and avoid exposure to theft or adverse weather conditions MM TRANS -6d: Prior to acceptance of improvements to EI Camino Real None and Del Rio Road, the City of Atascadero shall verify that project frontage improvements on EI Camino Real accommodate bicycle travel and that bicycle travel will be a consideration at the signal installation at EI Camino Real/Proposed Public Street MM TRANS -6e: Prior to issuance of building permits for any None commercial buildings, the project applicant shall prepare and submit plans to the City of Atascadero for review and approval that demonstrate the provision of pedestrian facilities. Such facilities shall consist of sidewalks along the frontages with EI Camino Real, Del Rio Road, and the new access road serving the South -East development site, and direct pedestrian connections between parking fields and building entrances. The South -East project site shall provide a pedestrian connection from the front of commercial buildings to Del Rio Road that generally parallels a driveway connection to Del Rio Road. Pavement treatments or similar features shall be installed at locations where pedestrian facilities cross drive aisles. All pedestrian facilities shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act MM TRANS -6f: Prior to acceptance of improvements to EI Camino Real, "Proposed Public Street" will be Del Rio Road, and the new public street serving the South -East interpreted to mean the project street I development site, the City of Atascadero shall verify that crosswalk connecting at the signalized markings have been installed across all driveway access points leading intersection even though the to and from the project sites where sidewalks are constructed. dedicated and accepted street has Additionally, high visibility markings shall be installed across the been relocated as an extension of Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit B — City of Atascadero Conditions of Approval AMND21-0020 Del Rio Ranch southern driveway from "Proposed Public Street." Obispo Road. MM TRANS -7a: Prior to the commencement of construction None activities, the project applicant shall prepare and submit a Construction Traffic Control Plan for review and approval by the City of Atascadero. The plan shall identify routing for all delivery and haul trucks and, if necessary, limit deliveries to non - peak times. To the extent feasible, truck routing should avoid travel through residential areas and emphasize the use of US 101. The plan shall include the following provisions: • Maintain access for land uses in proximity of the project site during project construction. • Schedule deliveries and pick-ups of construction materials to non -peak travel periods, to the maximum extent feasible. • Coordinate haul trucks, deliveries and pick-ups to reduce the potential of trucks waiting to load or unload for protracted periods of time. • Minimize obstruction of through traffic lanes on surrounding public streets. • Construction equipment traffic entering and exiting the project site shall be controlled by flagman. • Identify designated transport routes for heavy trucks (in addition to haul trucks) to be used over the duration of the proposed project. Schedule vehicle movements to ensure to the maximum extent feasible that there are no vehicles waiting offsite and impeding public traffic flow on the surrounding streets. • Establish requirements to ensure the safety of the pedestrians and access to local businesses. Coordinate with adjacent businesses and emergency service providers to ensure adequate access exists to the project site and neighboring businesses. Prohibit parking for construction workers except on the project site and any designated offsite parking locations. These offsite locations shall not include any residential streets and will require the approval of the City of Atascadero Department of Public Works MM TRANS -7b: If improvements to the US 101/Del Rio Road None interchange have significant impacts to the interchange operations, the intersection of San Anselmo Road/US 101 Northbound Ramps shall be monitored during the peak hours to facilitate acceptable queuing operations. MM TRANS -7c: If improvements to the US 101/Del Rio Road None interchange have significant impacts to the interchange operations, at the intersection of San Anselmo Road/US 101 Southbound Ramps shall be monitored during the peak hours to facilitate acceptable queuing operations Responsible Department — City of Atascadero PLN — Planning Department I BLD — Building I FD — Fire Department PWD — Public Works Department APD — Atascadero Police Department I CM — City Manager OA — Outside Agency Exhibit E Concept Development Plan Set See following t- •nw o w° xx W id as W ` r O F �3 v £. Via`- m- �+d .E t•�a 3== :e as d��y iE �Qa,_9.0 88xs-a o ! °g'� a3'r a m Z S� 3 a r. •� F H t HR. •.3.R.5ea;�y;F � ii��� ;a yy� a > 3 S < az aia i � za z z i a`s EEEF asw�sW�i a<<oh<�3 z ES z a 2 z z z z } 0. 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