HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2021-008�.. RESOLUTION NO. 2021-008 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING SUPPORT FOR THE EL CAMINO REAL DOWNTOWN INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO APPLY FOR GRANT FUNDING FOR THE EL CAMINO REAL DOWNTOWN INFRASTRUCTURE ENHANCEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the City Council has identified Downtown Enhancements as a major goal in each of its last three strategic plans; and WHEREAS, the primary goal of the Downtown Enhancements is public safety for all roadway users: pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists. A second goal is to enhance economic development and stimulate economic growth in the downtown by creating a zone that slows traffic speeds, enhances appearance and safety, and increases parking; and WHEREAS, Atascadero High School and Atascadero Junior High School are located within '/< mile of the El Camino Real Downtown Corridor. With additional vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic in the Downtown area, concerns regarding the safety and function of El Camino ON" Real have arisen from residents and business owners, particularly at intersections and existing mid - block crossings; and WHEREAS, Downtown Atascadero is experiencing an economic upswing due to City investments and strong interest from private developers and business owners. Prior to COVID restrictions, new restaurants, cafes, and breweries, in conjunction with a growing number of special events, were bringing more visitors to the Downtown area. It is important that as our region moves out of COVID restrictions, there is help available for those downtown businesses that have been hit hard by the shut -downs; and WHEREAS, merchants, residents, developers, and City leaders have expressed the need for more parking and pedestrian access within the downtown district due to an increase in economic activity and special events. Currently, the width and speed of traffic on El Camino Real discourages visitors from using the corridor for parking or walking across El Camino Real to go to a business on the other side of the street. Increasing parking opportunities on El Camino Real will be advantageous in furthering the economic goals of the Downtown; and WHEREAS, the City funded the development of conceptual designs and traffic analysis for the EI Camino Real Downtown Infrastructure Enhancement Project (Project); and WHEREAS, given the ongoing development and redevelopment within the downtown r" area, most notably the La Plaza Project currently being constructed, this project is a timely opportunity to assess how the El Camino Real corridor can best serve the needs of residents, businesses, and the multiple transportation needs; and City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2021-008 Page 2 of 4 WHEREAS, the City hired KTUA of San Diego to assist in the analysis and development of the El Camino Real Downtown Corridor Plan, including traffic engineering and operations analysis; and WHEREAS, the established goals for design of the El Camino Real Downtown Infrastructure Enhancement Project included: • Provide public safety for all roadway users by incorporating complete streets and "road diet" concepts and principals • Enhance economic development by supporting existing and future merchants with additional parking • Support downtown business synergy through a partnership in crafting a Downtown traffic calming plan • Enhance the streetscape of EI Camino Real by creating a sense of place and arrival into the Downtown • Create safe pedestrian connections and crossings while enhancing the walkability of Downtown • Slow vehicular speeds to increase safety and visibility, including an analysis of impacts to level of service (LOS). • Enhance the ability to host more special events in the Downtown area • Accommodate multi -modal transportation, where feasible; and WHEREAS, the City conducted extensive public outreach meetings over a period of two years to both educate and receive public input on concepts and designs for the Project; 7 WHEREAS, the Project's preliminary design concepts were honed, changed and improved based on the extensive public input received; and WHEREAS, the Project is designed to significantly increase pedestrian safety by slowing down traffic through "roadway friction" and adding HAWK pedestrian Crossings at key crosswalks used by students of the Junior High School and High School; and WHEREAS, the Project will increase pedestrian safety in the Downtown Corridor, connecting businesses on each side of the 80' wide El Camino Real, and creating synergy for the businesses in the Downtown; and WHEREAS, the Downtown Infrastructure Enhancement Project will provide approximately 130 new parking spaces in the downtown area, supporting restaurants, bars and small retail stores impacted by the social and economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, the Project will provide a stimulus to achieve the community's' desire for a vibrant Downtown by supporting local shops, restaurants, entertainment options, public parks and plazas; and City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2021-008 Page 3 of 4 WHEREAS, the Downtown Infrastructure Enhancement Project is shovel ready with Council approved concept plans, finalized traffic and operational analyses, preliminary cost estimates, an extensive public outreach program completed, and all needed land under the control of the City of Atascadero; and WHEREAS, the Downtown Infrastructure Enhancement Project is strongly supported by the Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Business Improvement District, the Atascadero Unified School District, Bike SLO County, the Home Builders Association of the Central Coast, and residents as evidenced by the overwhelming public comment and support received at the August 11, 2020 Council meeting. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Atascadero: SECTION 1. The above recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2. The City Council of the City of Atascadero strongly supports the El Camino Real Downtown Infrastructure Enhancement Project and its positive impacts on the social, economic and viability of the Downtown area and the greater community of At iscadero. _ SECTION 3. The City Council finds that the Project represents a generational opporturilty to improve the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorist, including over 2,000 students �+ attending Atascadero Junior High and High Schools, the vitality of the Downtown area, -and a connection to public spaces. SECTION 4. The City Council further finds that additional parking, safety features and walkability provided by the Project will help all downtown businesses as evidenced by the large number of comments and letters of support when Council approved the project in August 2020. SECTION 5. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to apply for and submit grant applications for the Project including the Community Project Funding grants. SECTION 6. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to apply for and submit to other applicable grants and funding opportunities for the El Camino Real Downtown Infrastructure Enhancement Project. SECTION 7. The City Manager, on behalf of the City of Atascadero, is hereby authorized to enter into agreements, and take further actions as may be necessary to give effect to this Resolution, such as executing amendments and approving funding applications. n City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2021-008 Page 4 of 4 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 13th day n of April, 2021. I ' On motion by Council Member Bourbeau and seconded by Council Member Funk, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Bourbeau, Danz, Funk, Newsom and Mayor Moreno NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None CITY OF ATASCADERO Heather Moreno, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 1 �tJ Brian Pieri , City Attorney n