HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC_2021-05-13_AgendaPacket * COVID-19 NOTICE * Consistent with Executive Orders N-25-20 and No. N-29-20 from the Executive Department of the State of California and the San Luis Obispo County Health Official’s March 18, 2020 Shelter at Home Order, the Design Review Committee Meeting will not be physically open to the public and Committee Members will be teleconferencing into the meeting. HOW TO SUBMIT PUBLIC COMMENT: Members of the public are highly encouraged to call 669-900-6833 to listen and provide public comment via phone, or submit written public comments to drc-comments@atascadero.org by 5:00 p.m. the day before the meeting. Such email comments must identify the Agenda Item Number in the subject line of the email. The comments will be read into the record, with a maximum allowance of 3 minutes per individual comment, subject to the Chairperson’s discretion. All comments should be a maximum of 500 words, which corresponds to approximately 3 minutes of speaking time. If a comment is received after the agenda item is heard but before the close of the meeting, the comment will still be included as a part of the record of the meeting but will not be read into the record. To join the virtual meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81712225756?pwd=dUNqRGl5dEpjN1B0MXlyVzVnZkJWUT09 Webinar ID: 817 1222 5756 AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT ACCOMMODATIONS: Any member of the public who needs accommodations should contact the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@atascadero.org or by calling 805-470-3400 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed. The City will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to afford as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests. Design Review Committee agendas and minutes may be viewed on the City's website: www.atascadero.org. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the Community Development Department and are available for public inspection on our website, www.atascadero.org. All documents submitted by the public during Design Review Committee meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the Minutes and available for review by contacting the Community Development Department. All documents will be available for public inspection during City Hall business hours by appointment only, by calling 805-461-5000 when the documents become available. http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA Committee Meeting Thursday, May 13, 2021 2:00 P.M. City Hall 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Chairperson Heather Newsom Vice Chairperson Susan Funk Committee Member Emily Baranek Committee Member Dennis Schmidt Committee Member Jeff van den Eikhof APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 29, 2021 DRAFT MINUTES City of Atascadero Design Review Committee Agenda Regular Meeting May 13, 2021 Page 2 of 2 http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. DESIGN AND NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY REVIEW OF DEL RIO RANCH LOCATED (ON THE FORMER WALMART SITE) AT 2055 EL CAMINO REAL The request consists of design and neighborhood compatibility review of the Del Rio Ranch project located on the former Walmart site. The proposed project consists of a retail/commercial center, conference building, amphitheater, RV lodging site, hotel, and relocation of the residentially zoned portion of the site along Rio Rita Road. The Project is proposed as a tiered review project with more detailed architectural and site design plans submitted prior to construction of each phase. Exceptions to the current height regulations are contemplated for the commercial/entertainment portion of the project. Recommendation: Staff requests the DRC review the proposed revised design concept and direct the applicant to make any modifications to the site or building design as necessary prior to Planning Commission and City Council review. (AMND21-0020) COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS DIRECTOR’S REPORT ADJOURNMENT The next DRC meeting is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, May 27, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. Agendas, Minutes and Staff Reports are available online at www.atascadero.org under City Officials & Commissions, Design Review Committee. DRC Draft Minutes of 4/29/2021 Page 1 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 5-13-21 x CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DRAFT MINUTES Regular Meeting – Thursday, April 29, 2021 – 2:00 P.M. City Hall (Teleconference) 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA CALL TO ORDER – 2:00 p.m. Vice Chairperson Funk called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: By Teleconference Vice Chairperson Susan Funk Committee Member Emily Baranek Committee Member Dennis Schmidt Committee Member Jeff van den Eikhof Absent: Chairperson Newsom (excused absence) Others Present: By Teleconference - Recording Secretary, Jessica Applegate Staff Present: By Teleconference Community Development Director, Phil Dunsmore Senior Planner, Kelly Gleason Assistant Planner, Mariah Gasch Others Present: By Teleconference Various members of the public APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Committee Member Baranek and seconded by Committee Member Schmidt to approve the Agenda. Motion passed by 4:0 by a roll call vote. 1 DRC Draft Minutes of 4/29/2021 Page 2 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 5-13-21 PUBLIC COMMENT None Vice Chairperson Funk closed the Public Comment period. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 15, 2021 DRAFT MINUTES MOTION: By Committee Member Van den Eikhof and seconded by Committee Member Baranek to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed by 4:0 by a roll call vote. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. DESIGN REVIEW OF DOVE CREEK COMMERCIAL CENTER AT 11600/11700 EL CAMINO REAL The project consists of a mixed-use development concept that includes retail, residential and lodging uses on approximately 5-acre site within the Dove Creek development. The applicant has submitted a revised architectural and massing concept for review. Recommendation: Staff requests the DRC review the proposed revised design concept and direct the applicant to make any modifications to the site or building design as necessary. (AMND19-0086) Ex Parte Communications Planner Gleason presented the project, and she and Director Dunsmore answered questions from the Committee. Ted Lawton with Cal Costal LLC also gave a presentation of the proposed project and answered questions from the Committee. Director Dunsmore stated that we received a large number of emails in the last few days that were sent to the Committee. We will not have time to read each email into the public record in their entirety, but we will read their names and will summarize their comments in order to stay within our time constraints for public comment. PUBLIC COMMENT The following members of the public spoke during public comment: 2 DRC Draft Minutes of 4/29/2021 Page 3 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 5-13-21 Mike Manchak, Kristen Tucker, John Tucker, Dmytro Marushkevych, Bob & Sue, Sarah Holland, Vy Pierce and Jason Holland. Emails were read in summary by Recording Secretary Applegate and will be entered into the record by Recording Secretary Applegate (see Exhibits A-L). Vice Chairperson Funk closed the Public Comment period. Staff and the applicant answered questions raised during public comment. Vice Chairperson Funk reopened Public Comment briefly and then closed the Public Comment period. Vice Chairperson Funk recessed the meeting at 4:43. Vice Chairperson Funk reconvened the meeting at 4:50 with all present. The Committee agreed on the following recommendations: 1. Provide truck-turning information to ensure that access driveways can accommodate large delivery trucks. 2. Delivery plan showing adequate radius for turning and staging under the podium. 3. Provide detailing to ensure that the architectural style compliments the existing neighborhood. The DRC recommends incorporating a variety of materials and colors to enhance variety among building types and add visual interest. 4. Provide sign design and locations of the hotel building and any signage facing El Camino Real and Santa Barbara. Signage guidelines should be provided for the internal retail spaces prior to Planning Commission review. 5. Provide full elevations prior to Planning Commission and include: a. Rendering from El Camino Real / Santa Barbara. b. Full elevations of all buildings. c. Composite elevations along Cashin, Bliss, internal streets, and alleys, including subterranean parking exposure and wall detailing. d. Composite elevation of podium views. 6. Illustrate mass and scale compared to existing homes. 7. Show functionality of gates for the parking level or provide alternative such as on - site security. 8. Provide bicycle accommodations above and below the podium. 9. How will restrooms be accommodated for events/park users? 10. Provide utility raceways included in the open space park area for shows and vendor pop ups. 11. Provide traffic analysis prior to Planning Commission. 12. Detailing of access to the podium for the public. Is there a door into the subterranean level that will be locked at a certain point in the evening? Can the public access anytime? 3 DRC Draft Minutes of 4/29/2021 Page 4 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 5-13-21 MOTION: By Committee Member Schmidt and seconded by Committee Member Van den Eikhof to approve the project with the Committee recommendations. Motion passed by 4:0 by a roll call vote. The project will move on to Planning Commission. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS None DIRECTOR’S REPORT Director Dunsmore stated that the next meeting is scheduled for May 13, 2021, and the item on the agenda will be the Del Rio Specific Plan amendment. ADJOURNMENT– 5:30 p.m. The next regular meeting of the DRC is scheduled for Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: _________________________________________________ Jessica Applegate, Recording Secretary Administrative Support Assistant The following Exhibits are available in the Community Development Department: Davis, Beau (Exhibit A) Ferguson, Laurie (Exhibit B) Gerber, Sonny (Exhibit C) Haley, Tim & Janet (Exhibit D) Hope, Robert (Exhibit E) Jewell, Mark & Doreen (Exhibit F) Kane, Marcia & Steve (Exhibit G) Langley, Devin for Dove Creek Board of Directors (Exhibit H) LeMoine, Cathy (Exhibit I) Marushkevych, Dmytro (Exhibit J) Neary, Chris (Exhibit K) Vance, Ray (Exhibit L), email not read at Public Comment period due to being received during the closing of the meeting Weingarten, Laura & Jonathan (Exhibit M) 4 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5/13/21 Atascadero Design Review Committee Staff Report – Community Development Department Del Rio Ranch MEETING DATE PROJECT PLANNER APPLICANT CONTACT PLN NO. 5/13/2021 Kelly Gleason Cal Coastal LLC AMND21- 0020 PROJECT ADDRESS GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION ZONING DISTRICT ASSESOR PARCEL NUMBER(S) SITE AREA 2055 El Camino Real General Commercial / High Density Residential (GC/HDR) Commercial Retail / Residential Multi-Family (CR/RMF-24) 049-151- 041, 037, 040, 005, 036 and 049-112- 002, 039, 036, 022, 018, 019 Approximately 26.2 acres RECOMMENDATION Staff Requests the Design Review Committee: 1. Review preliminary design concept for a development plan on the former Walmart site. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicants are proposing a resort, entertainment based commercial center, and residential neighborhood on the approximately 26-acre property at the south-east corner of Del Rio and El Camino Real within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area specific Plan. The proposal includes: 1. Relocation and minor increase of the residentially zoned portion of the project site 2. A resort concept that includes RV, cabin, and hotel uses with associated amenities 3. 38,000 sf of commercial entertainment and supporting uses including an outdoor amphitheater. 4. A 15,000 sf conference center 5. On-site parking garage ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION 5 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5/13/21 The City of Atascadero’s environmental review process incorporates the requirements in implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. Persons, agencies, or organizations interested in obtaining more information regarding the environmental should contact the Community Development Department. ☐ EIR / MND / ND / Statutory Exemption to be circulated ☐ Prior CEQA Review: ☐ Categorical Exemption ☒ Undetermined – Analysis required DISCUSSION: Project History: The Del Rio Commercial Area Specific Plan was originally approved in 2012 and was subsequently amended in 2020, This amendment broadened the list of allowable uses on site and allowed for the site to be planned without a large-scale retailer. The primary intent of the amendments was to reduce the need for substantial traffic improvements at the Del Rio overpass by eliminating fuel stations and drive-through restaurants, and assuming a land use pattern that results in reduced traffic impact s with tiered improvement triggers based on traffic levels. The former Walmart property (South-East corner of Del Rio and El Camino Real), within the Specific Plan area, is currently in escrow and a request was submitted in February for a resort development concept. The Council authorized the application to proceed with a General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment and the applicant has submitted a refined design concept for DRC review to begin their application process. The Specific Plan currently allows for tourist serving uses including 5 acres of RV resort in addition to entertainment, restaurant, and office uses. The Specific Plan also includes a multi - family residential site that is requested to be reconfigured and slightly increased in size. The concept plans propose a variety of uses that are blended together to achieve economic viability and synergy with a goal of long-term success. The current project proposal relies on experience based land uses, which include visitor-serving uses combined with entertainment and retail focused uses and some mixed use with residential above commercial uses. Unlike traditional retail centers, this new concept is consistent with the current trend for commercial properties and provides a mix of uses that help support local economic variety while integrating tourism opportunities. In order to proceed with the project, a General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, and Master Plan of development will be required. Although the proposed list of land uses are already allowed within the Specific Plan, there are three items that trigger the need for additional review: 1. The adjustment to the residential district triggers the need for a General Plan Amendment. 2. Changes to the onsite road pattern (circulation plan) and the location of the new public road triggers the need for a Specific Plan Amendment. 3. The introduction of a new site plan and building designs triggers the need for a Master Plan of Development. 6 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5/13/21 As specified in the Specific Plan, a new Master Plan of Development is needed before any new development project can proceed, regardless of changes to the Specific Plan or General Plan. The currently proposed Master Plan of Development will be a higher- level master site and use plan that will be augmented by future more detailed submittals to be approved at either the DRC or Planning Commission level. The current plan will identify land use areas and circulation as well as overall development theme. The concept includes:  3.6 acres of residential multi-family zoned property (an increase of 0.6 acres. Also not if measured to the centerline of the proposed street, the acreage is 4.28 )  A tourist-serving resort including 4.85 acres of RV sites, additional areas for cabins and glamping, and a 100 room hotel  A 15,000 square-foot conference center  30,000 square-feet of entertainment / restaurant / and other commercial uses with residential units on the second floor  A parking garage Analysis: Site Design: The proposed development includes the entire 26-acre site divided into three overall use areas: Commercial/entertainment/conference uses, resort, and residential. Each area is positioned to utilize the natural features of the site while being conscious of compatibility with adjacent existing neighborhoods. The main commercial portion of the development is located toward the corner of El Camino Real and Del Rio Rd. This area is proposed for a conference center, entertainment uses, and retail/light industrial with residential units on the second and third floors. This is the flattest area of the site and is located farthest from existing residential uses. Where the s ite starts to gain in elevation, an amphitheater is proposed that will face the main intersection and use the natural topography to buffer sound. The resort uses, including RV, cabin, and glamping spaces, are located along the southern portion of the site adjacent to existing high-density residentially zoned property and adjacent to El Camino Real. The southern edge is left predominantly natural to retain existing on-site trees and provide outdoor amenities. These spaces will also be used for clusters of vintage trailers, cabins, airstreams, or similar fixed glamping opportunities in a naturalized setting. A pond is envisioned in this location to add to the aesthetics of the site. The Del Rio Specific Plan currently designates the south-east portion of the site as 3 acres for high-density residential development. The current proposal shifts that designation to the eastern portion of the site to use as a buffer betwee n planned commercial and resort uses and the existing residential neighborhood. This portion of the site is also situated high above El Camino Real and is topographically separated from the higher traffic generating land uses closer to Highway 101 and El Camino Real. 7 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5/13/21 Site Circulation The project proposes an on-site circulation network designed to accommodate traffic flows, connect uses for efficiency and adequate emergency access, and guide commercial and recreation vehicles to entrance and exit driveways that will have the least impact on existing and proposed residential uses. The design of the roads is key to accommodating and integrating the on-site development plan in addition to connections with existing neighborhoods and commercial areas. In addition to private roads, the Specific Plan requires dedication of a public road that will act as a connector to future development as part of a regional circulation plan. The new public road is designed to ultimately link other residential sites to Del Rio Road, providing alternative access. Another portion of this future roadway is already being constructed as part of the Emerald Ridge apartment project. The road was envisioned to connect at El Camino Real with a signalized intersection aligned with the Mission oaks service driveway. The proposed plan maintains the signalized intersection at El Camino Real but relocates the designated public road to align with Obispo Road off Del Rio, separating the residentially zoned portion of the site from the commercial and maintaining the connection to the parcels to the south. The connection point from El Camino Real would become a secondary connector. There are three (3) main roads/access points as follows: 8 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5/13/21 1. Obispo Road The proposed access way aligning with Obispo Road is designed as a local collector and provides the main access to the residentially zoned portion of the property as well as existing and future residential development further south. Based on sight -distance concerns, egress from this driveway may be restricted to right-out only. A traffic analysis is being completed that will ensure appropriate design of intersections to maintain safety. The road will accommodate two travel lanes, on-street parking, and sidewalks on a minimum of one side (east side). 2. RV Resort Access Road The RV resort access road provides a signalized intersection aligning with the Mission Oaks service driveway and is designed as the primary RV resort entrance. In addition, the road will act as a secondary connector road to adjacent residential uses. The signalized intersection would allow for left turns in and out of the center at a controlled intersection and would allow for pedestrian connectivity between residential uses on the east side of El Camino Real to planned commercial uses along the west side of the street. 3. Main Commercial area and Conference Driveway The main commercial area and conference driveway is located off Del Rio Road just east of the El Camino Real intersection. While the full traffic analysis is not yet complete, it is expected that this driveway will be unrestricted and allow for both left turns into and out of the site. The parking garage, entertainment center, and conference center is located adjacent this entrance, minimizing traffic through the site and al lowing for enhanced walkability. The continuing street will be a two way street with some on- street parking but intentionally narrowed adjacent to the main plaza to create a pedestrian oriented environment. Parking The project proposes a variety of uses with a focus on walkability to enhance the entertainment, conference, and tourism experience. The applicants are proposing an on-site parking garage to reduce the need for large surface-level parking lots. The proposed garage is located off the western-most Del Rio driveway and is envisioned to be integrated into the commercial entertainment building, allowing for the ground floor to be lined with small-scale retail uses diminishing the appearance of parking from the ground level. Conditions are included to ensure that the garage is designed to provide pedestrian scale and incorporate active commercial uses. The Garage concept provides 315 parking spaces adjacent to the entertainment, hotel, and conference uses. In addition, there are 74 surface parking spaces adjacent to the mixed-use commercial buildings and opportunities for on-street parking throughout. Guest parking will also be provided throughout the RV area including parking for glamping sites. 9 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5/13/21 Neighborhood compatibility The proposed project includes a variety of uses aimed at balancing compatibility with the existing neighborhood while providing commercial and tourist serving uses that address the City’s vision for buildout of the Del Rio Rd area. The Specific Plan allows for a myriad of uses on the project site including business park development, retail, outdoor recreation, small-scale manufacturing, warehousing, and large-scale regional retail. The Specific Plan includes a 3 acre area dedicated to high-density residential uses and is intended to meet the City’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA), as identified in the newly adopted Housing Element. The applicants have proposed land uses that respond to the commercial needs of City residents and have located those uses on-site in a way which they believe provides buffering and transition to the existing single-family neighborhood to the east. Other portions of the Specific Plan to the north of this site will continue to provide space for up 200,000 square feet of light industrial, office park and other commercial uses designed to support head of household jobs. However, the former Walmart site, with its sloping terrain, extensive views, native trees, and residential setting, is better suited for a new mixture of uses that take s advantage of site conditions while aiding compatibility and providing synergistic uses with adjacent commercial development areas. Landscaping and Buffering Detailed landscaping will be submitted with future site and architecture plans for each phase, however, typical landscape concepts have been provided to highlight landscaping buffering and screening in key areas. In particular, the applicant has provided screening concepts for the RV parking areas where retaining walls are used to terrace the site. The RV resort has been designed to accommodate site topography with a stepped site design. This results in retaining walls of up to 6 -feet in height. The applicants have maintained adequate RV site depth to provide landscape for screening adjacent to the walls on the lower side and planting areas on the upper side for trailing groundcovers. The DRC should provide general direction on landscaping themes including areas where specific landscape elements should be focused for accents, screening, or site aesthetics. 10 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5/13/21 Noise (hours of operation, location of amphitheater, location of campsites) As a commercial development site, the City’s General Plan anticipates levels of noise for daytime and evening uses. The previously approved large-scale regional retail building included a delivery truck entrance off Del Rio Rd and truck docks facing the existing residential neighborhood. The current proposal shifts a majority of the more intense commercial uses to toward El Camino Real and relocates residential uses alon g the eastern portion of the property. Therefore, the mix of uses should reduce noise levels, particularly during sensitive noise times such as early morning hours. The proposal includes an amphitheater located toward the middle of the site which is designed to utilize natural topography for seating and noise buffering. While the slope of the seating area is designed to bounce sound toward the El Camino Real / Del Rio Road intersection, noise impacts based on amplification and intended hours of operation may occur. Specific noise restrictions, and hours of operation for the amphitheater can be incorporated into the project conditions of approval to reduce potential noise impacts. The applicant team has been asked to provide an acoustical analysis of the amphitheater location and design to determine anticipated sound levels at adjacent properties and make recommendations as needed to reduce any impacts. Recommendations may include limiting hours of operation or providing additional design features to attenuate excess noise. Other land uses on the site, including RV parking, lodging uses, retail uses and residential uses are anticipated to result in noise levels that are below the level of previously contemplated land uses. Architectural Design Concept: As this is a layered Master plan of development proposal, final designs of each phase will require DRC approval prior to construction. This will allow for flexibility in final design detailing prior to construction and allow for buildings to be designed to suit particular tenants. The Master Plan of Development will dictate design theme and include conditions for general building design features to ensure visual compatibility from El Camino Real and surrounding neighborhoods. Design Theme / Elements The project includes design guidelines to achieve a contemporary rustic theme with agrarian accents that complement Atascadero’s rural character. Design concepts have been developed for the commercial portion of the project to show height, massing, and architectural theme. Materials include large storefront glazing, wood siding accents, metal roofs and awnings, textured block and concrete. The integrated parking garage includes windows and openings on all floors to give the appearance of a retail building. 11 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5/13/21 Height The permitted height in the CR zoning district is 35-feet from average finished grade. The mixed-use buildings along El Camino Real are proposed to be approximately 45 feet from finished grade. The hotel building may also be a similar height, but the applicants are still exploring design concepts for this use. The entertainment center is proposed at 55-feet to the top of the roof form. As these heights exceed current municipal code standards, The Master Plan of development will include approval of height exceptions and final building design will be reviewed by the DRC prior to permitting for consistency. DRC DISCUSSION ITEMS: The application includes a conceptual Master Plan of Development that will endorse a general site layout, mixture of uses, and provide design guidelines for future phased development. Based on the larger scale of the project and phased approach to development, the project will be conditioned to provide more detailed architecture and refined site development that will be subject to DRC review and approval. The DRC is asked to provide guidance on the following: 12 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5/13/21 1. Site Concept layout including circulation 2. Neighborhood compatibility components including amphitheater location and landscape concepts 3. Architectural Design Theme 4. RV lodging and cabin lodging sites 5. Water features ATTACHMENTS: 1. DRC Action Form 2. Applicant Design Concept Package 13 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5/13/21 Attachment 1: DRC Action Form CITY OF ATASCADERO Community Development Department 6500 Palma Avenue | Atascadero, CA 93422 | Phone: (805) 461-5035 | www.atascadero.org DRC Action Form Project #: AMND21-0020 Project Title: Del Rio Ranch Planner/ Project Manager: K. Gleason DRC Review Date: May 13, 2021 Final Action:  DRC  PC  CC Conditions & Recommendations: 1. The proposed project is for a phased Development Plan. DRC review will be required prior to submittal for construction permits for the commercial phased of the development. A Conditional Use Permit shall be required for the high density residential area. 2. The parking garage shall incorporate design elements on all floors to give the appearance of active retail/commercial uses. 3. Landscaping shall include street trees and screening of retaining walls. 14 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5/13/21 Attachment 2: Applicant Design Package See following 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1. Over Water Bungalows 2. Vintage VW Village 3. Glamp Ground 4. Airstream City 5. Boxcar Hotel Open Space Lodging Types 24 1. Over Water Bungalows 25 2. Vintage VW Village 26 3. Glamp Ground 27 4. Airstream City 28 5. Boxcar Hotel 29 GARING, TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS 141 SOUTH ELM STREET · ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 · (805) 489-1321 OVERALL SITE PLANSITE ADDRESS30 GARING, TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS 141 SOUTH ELM STREET · ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 · (805) 489-1321 NORTHEAST SECTION SITE PLANKEY MAP31 GARING, TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS 141 SOUTH ELM STREET · ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 · (805) 489-1321 SOUTHEAST SECTION SITE PLANKEY MAP32 GARING, TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS 141 SOUTH ELM STREET · ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 · (805) 489-1321 NORTHWEST SECTION SITE PLANKEY MAP33 GARING, TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS 141 SOUTH ELM STREET · ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 · (805) 489-1321 SOUTHWEST SECTION SITE PLANKEY MAP34 35