HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC_2021_03_23_AgendaPacket CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA * COVID-19 NOTICE * Consistent with the SLO County Region 1 – Southern California Regional Stay at Home Order, the City Council Meeting will not be physically open to the public and City Council Members will be teleconferencing into the meeting. HOW TO OBSERVE THE MEETING: To maximize public safety while still maintaining transparency and public access, the meeting will be live-streamed on SLO-SPAN.org, on Spectrum cable Channel 20 in Atascadero, and on KPRL Radio 1230AM and 99.3FM. The video recording of the meeting will repeat daily on Channel 20 at 1:00 am, 9:00 am, and 6:00 pm and will be available through the City’s website or by visiting https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZwJ7a031S3KXauEym9ehaA. HOW TO SUBMIT PUBLIC COMMENT: Members of the public are highly encouraged to call 805-538-2888 to listen and provide public comment via phone, or submit written public comments to cityclerk@atascadero.org by 5:00 pm on the day of the meeting. Such email comments must identify the Agenda Item Number in the subject line of the email. The comments will be read into the record, with a maximum allowance of 3 minutes per individual comment, subject to the Mayor’s discretion. All comments should be a maximum of 500 words, which corresponds to approximately 3 minutes of speaking time. If a comment is received after the agenda item is heard but before the close of the meeting, the comment will still be included as a part of the record of the meeting but will not be read into the record. AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT ACCOMMODATIONS: Any member of the public who needs accommodations should contact the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@atascadero.org or by calling 805-470-3400 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed. The City will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to afford as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests. City Council agendas and minutes may be viewed on the City's website: www.atascadero.org. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection on our website, www.atascadero.org. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The Minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers. All documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the Minutes and available for review by contacting the City Clerk's office. All documents will be available for public inspection during City Hall business hours once City Hall is open to the public following the termination of the Shelter at Home Order. Page 1 of 123 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, March 23, 2021 City Hall Council Chambers, 4th floor 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California REGULAR SESSION – CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Funk ROLL CALL: Mayor Moreno Mayor Pro Tem Newsom Council Member Bourbeau Council Member Dariz Council Member Funk APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call Recommendation: Council: 1. Approve this agenda; and 2. Waive the reading in full of all ordinances appearing on this agenda, and the titles of the ordinances will be read aloud by the City Clerk at the first read ing, after the motion and before the City Council votes. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Proclamation Recognizing March 24, 2021 as Equal Pay Day A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken.) City Council Regular Session: 6:00 P.M. Page 2 of 123 1. City Council Draft Action Minutes – March 9, 2021 and March 11, 2021  Recommendation: Council approve the March 9, 2021 Draft City Council Regular Meeting Minutes and the March 11, 2021 Draft City Council Special Meeting Minutes. [City Clerk] 2. February 2021 Accounts Payable and Payroll  Fiscal Impact: $2,686,130.43  Recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for February 2021. [Administrative Services] 3. Lift Station No. 2 Replacement Construction Award  Fiscal Impact: $2,079,080  Recommendations: Council: 1. Approve a construction contract for $1,089,460 with Raminha Construction, Inc. for the Lift Station No. 2 Replacement Project (Project No. C2017W01). 2. Approve a contract for $120,000 with Gierlich Mitchell to purchase three (3) new submersible sewage pumps for the Lift Station No. 2 Replacement Project. 3. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to allocate an additional $610,000 in Wastewater Enterprise Fund balance to the Lift Station No. 2 Replacement Project. [Public Works] UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: (The City Manager will give an oral report on any current issues of concern to the City Council.) COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state y our name for the record before making your presentation Comments made during Community Forum will not be a subject of discussion. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Council. Any members of the public who hav e questions or need information may contact the City Clerk’s Office, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at (805) 470-3400, or cityclerk@atascadero.org.) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Request for Authorization to Process General Plan Amendment for 2055 El Camino Real (Cal Coastal Communities)  Fiscal Impact: If developed with lodging, retail and entertainment uses, this site is likely to become a positive fiscal contribution to the City and may act as a catalyst to attract additional head of household jobs and other tax revenue supporting land uses within the Del Rio vicinity. Consistent with Council fiscal policy, if the project requires legislative approval the residential portion of the project may trigger conditions of approval that require it to be fiscally neutral.  Recommendation: Council authorize the Cal Coastal Development Team to proceed with a Specific Plan Amendment application to the Del Rio Commercial Area Specific Plan to allow for submittal of a commercial resort concept, while reconfiguring the existing residential zone. [Community Development] Page 3 of 123 C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Proposed Sewer Service Rate Increase  Fiscal Impact: Approving staff recommendations will generate an estimated $530,000 in additional revenue from sewer service charges collected in FY21/22 over FY20/21 amounts. The recommendations will also approve expenditures of up to $7,500 related to the Proposition 218 majority protest process from the Wastewater Fund in the current fiscal year.  Recommendations: Council: 1. Direct staff to administer the Proposition 218 majority protest process and send out notice of the proposed increases to all property owners connected to the municipal sanitary sewer system. 2. Set a Public Hearing on May 25, 2021 for the City Council’s consideration of the proposed wastewater rate increases. 3. Approve a budget amendment and authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $7,500 from the Wastewater Fund for costs related to the Proposition 218 majority protest process. [Public Works] D. DISCUSSION ITEM: Discussion of COVID 19 issues including oral updates by Mayor Moreno and City Manager Rickard, questions by City Council, public comment and comments by City Council. 1. Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – Mayor Moreno 2. Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – City Manager Rickard E. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): Mayor Moreno 1. City Selection Committee 2. County Mayors Round Table 3. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC) 4. SLO Council of Governments (SLOCOG) 5. SLO Regional Transit Authority (RTA) Mayor Pro Tem Newsom 1. City / Schools Committee 2. Design Review Committee 3. League of California Cities – Council Liaison 4. Visit SLO CAL Advisory Committee Council Member Bourbeau 1. City of Atascadero Finance Committee 2. City / Schools Committee 3. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) 4. SLO County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) Page 4 of 123 Council Member Dariz 1. Air Pollution Control District 2. California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) Board 3. City of Atascadero Finance Committee Council Member Funk 1. Atascadero Basin Ground Water Sustainability Agency (GSA) 2. Design Review Committee 3. Homeless Services Oversight Council F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: (Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) 1. City Council 2. City Clerk 3. City Treasurer 4. City Attorney 5. City Manager ADJOURN Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. Correspondence submitted at this public hearing will be distributed to the Council and available for review in the City Clerk's office. Page 5 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 03/23/21 Atascadero City Council March 9, 2021 Page 1 of 5 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL DRAFT MINUTES Tuesday, March 9, 2021 City Hall Council Chambers, 4th floor 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California REGULAR SESSION – CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. Mayor Moreno called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: By Teleconference – Council Members Bourbeau, Dariz, Funk, Mayor Pro Tem Newsom and Mayor Moreno Absent: None Also Present: By Teleconference – Treasurer Gere Sibbach Staff Present: By Teleconference – City Manager Rachelle Rickard, Police Chief Bob Masterson, Fire Chief Casey Bryson, Administrative Services Director Jeri Rangel, Public Works Director Nick DeBar, Community Development Director Phil Dunsmore, City Attorney Brian Pierik, Deputy City Manager/City Clerk Lara Christensen, and IT Manager Luke Knight APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member Funk and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Newsom to: 1. Approve this agenda; and, 2. Waive the reading in full of all ordinances appearing on this agenda, and the titles of the ordinances will be read aloud by the City Clerk at the first reading, after the motion and before the City Council votes. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. City Council Regular Session: 6:00 P.M. Page 6 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 03/23/21 Atascadero City Council March 9, 2021 Page 2 of 5 PRESENTATIONS: None. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Council Draft Action Minutes – February 19, 2021 - February 20, 2021 and February 23, 2021  Recommendation: Council approve the February 19, 2021 - February 20, 2021 Draft City Council Special Meeting Minutes and the February 23, 2021 Draft City Council Regular Meeting Minutes. [City Clerk] 2. Adoption of the City of Atascadero Wildland Urban Interface Fire Area Map  Fiscal Impact: None.  Recommendation: Council adopt on second reading, by title only, a Draft Ordinance, repealing and replacing Title 4, Chapter 7 of the Atascadero Municipal Code (the City of Atascadero Fire Code). [Fire Department] 3. SB1090 Fund Allocation  Fiscal Impact: The actions proposed will result in the expenditure of $140,000 of SB1090 Funds in the current fiscal year and sets forth plans to e xpend the remaining $643,106 of SB1090 over the next three years.  Recommendations: Council: 1. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $125,000 of SB1090 Funds for the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce Bridgeworks Expansion Project. 2. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $15,000 of SB1090 Funds for the remaining portion of fiscal year 2020 -2021 to establish a new Deputy Community Development Director- Economic Development and Long-Range Planning position. 3. Authorize the City Manager to establish a new Deputy Community Development Director- Economic Development and Long-Range Planning position. 4. Amend the fiscal year 2020-2021 monthly salary schedule to include the new Deputy Community Development Director- Economic Development and Long-Range Planning position and correct other positions as follows: CLASSIFICATION STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E Deputy Community Development Director- Economic Development and Long-Range Planning $7,689.59 $8,074.07 $8,477.77 $8,901.66 $9,346.74 Deputy Community Development Director $8,074.07 $8,477.77 $8,901.66 $9,346.74 $9,814.08 5. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to take additional budgetary actions necessary in future years to expend the remaining SB1090 Funds on the new Deputy Community Development Director- Economic Development and Long-Range Planning position and on broadband projects. [City Manager] Page 7 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 03/23/21 Atascadero City Council March 9, 2021 Page 3 of 5 City Clerk Christensen noted that there were non-substantive changes to Consent Calendar Items #A-1 and #A-3. For Item #A-1, a clerical error on page 2 of 4 of the Minutes had been corrected, to reflect priority #3 as “Fiscal and Infrastructure Efficiency and Sustainability” and for Item #A-3, by request of the Community Development Department, the title of the new Deputy Community Development Director was being changed to Deputy Community Development Director – Economic and Community Development. MOTION: By Council Member Bourbeau and seconded by Council Member Funk to approve the Consent Calendar. (#A-2: Ordinance No. 645) Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: City Manager Rachelle Rickard gave an update on projects and issues within the City. COMMUNITY FORUM: The following citizens spoke by telephone or through the webinar during Community Forum: Maggie Payne and Geoff Auslen Mayor Moreno closed the COMMUNITY FORUM period. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 2021 Community Development Block Grant Funding Recommendations  Fiscal Impact: $144,792.00  Recommendation: Council review and approve funding recommendations for the 2021 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), as detailed in the staff report, and authorize staff to adjust final award amounts proportionately upon receipt of the final funding amount. [Public Works] Ex Parte Communications All Council Members reported having no ex parte communications. Public Works Director DeBar gave the presentation and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke by telephone or through the webinar on this item: Teresa Tardiff Mayor Moreno closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member Bourbeau and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Newsom to approve funding recommendations for the 2021 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), as detailed in the staff Page 8 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 03/23/21 Atascadero City Council March 9, 2021 Page 4 of 5 report, and authorize staff to adjust final award amounts proportionately upon receipt of the final funding amount. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Review of Public Input on D-20 and Other Priorities  Fiscal Impact: None.  Recommendation: Council receive and file recap presentation on strategic planning session. [Administrative Services] City Manager Rickard gave the presentation and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke by telephone or through the webinar on this item: Geoff Auslen and Lee Perkins/Tom Colomar Mayor Moreno closed the Public Comment period. The City Council received and filed the recap presentation on the strategic planning session D. DISCUSSION ITEM: Discussion of COVID 19 issues including oral updates by Mayor Moreno and City Manager Rickard, questions by City Council, public comment and comments by City Council. 1. Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – Mayor Moreno 2. Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – City Manager Rickard Mayor Moreno provided updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19) and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke by telephone or through the webinar on this item: None. Mayor Moreno closed the Public Comment period. E. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: The following Council Members made brief announcements and gave brief update reports on their committees since their last Council meeting: Mayor Moreno 1. SLO Regional Transit Authority (RTA) Page 9 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 03/23/21 Atascadero City Council March 9, 2021 Page 5 of 5 Mayor Pro Tem Newsom 1. Design Review Committee Council Member Bourbeau 1. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) Council Member Funk 1. Design Review Committee 2. Homeless Services Oversight Council F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: (Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) 1. City Manager – City Manager Rickard provided information to the City Council regarding Central Coast Community Energy (3CE) Community Choice Aggregation Program. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke by telephone or through the webinar on this item: Ray Weymann, Dan Cook, Geoff Auslen, Lauraq Edwards, Marty Brown, and Tori Keen Emails from the following citizens were read into the record by Deputy City Manager/City Clerk Christensen: Margaret Bauer, Juanita McDaniel, Kathleen Goble, Suzie Anderson, Mike Jackson, Nyle Ketcherside, Michelle & Adam Morcos, and Jan Wolff Mayor Moreno closed the Public Comment period. Following discussion, there was consensus from the City Council to provided direction to the City Manager to bring an ordinance back on the City Council agenda for full discussion and consideration February 2022. B. ADJOURN Mayor Moreno adjourned the meeting at 8:03 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: ______________________________________ Lara K. Christensen City Clerk APPROVED: Page 10 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 03/23/21 Atascadero City Council Special Joint Meeting March 11, 2021 Page 1 of 2 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Atascadero City Council Atascadero Planning Commission Thursday, March 11, 2021 6:00 P.M. Atascadero City Hall Council Chambers, 4th Floor 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California (TELECONFERENCE) ************************************* DRAFT MINUTES ROLL CALL: Mayor Moreno called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. and Commissioner van den Eikhof led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Planning Commissioners Carranza, Keen, McIntyre, and van den Eikhof; Council Members Bourbeau, Dariz, Funk, Mayor Pro Tem Newsom, and Mayor Moreno Absent: Commissioners Anderson and Schmidt Vacant: One Commission seat Staff Present: City Manager Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Phil Dunsmore, Public Works Director Nick DeBar, Deputy City Manager/City Clerk Lara Christensen DISCUSSION: 1. Inclusionary Housing Strategy Study Session  Fiscal Impact: None.  Recommendation: Council and Planning Commission discuss, and Council provide initial feedback to staff for the development of an inclusionary housing strategy. [Community Development] Page 11 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 03/23/21 Atascadero City Council Special Joint Meeting March 11, 2021 Page 2 of 2 Mayor Moreno gave a brief overview of the meeting and Community Development Director Dunsmore briefed the City Council and Planning Commission on the staff report and turned the presentation over to the consultant. Commissioner Anderson arrived at 6:17 p.m. Genevieve Sharrow, MIG, gave a presentation to the City Council on inclusionary housing ordinance options and led the Council and Planning Commission through an exercise to provide feedback and direction to staff for development of an inclusionary h ousing strategy. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke by telephone or through the webinar on this item: Ted Lawton, Morgen Benevedo, and Max Zappas Mayor Moreno closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. The City Council and Planning Commissioners discussed and provided feedback to staff and the Consultant based on the various affordable housing tools described in the Inclusionary Housing Memo. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Moreno adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m. to the next Regular Session of the City Council on March 23, 2021 and the Planning Commission to its next Regular Session on March 16, 2021. MINUTES PREPARED BY: ______________________________________ Lara K. Christensen Deputy City Manager / City Clerk APPROVED: Page 12 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: A-2DATE: 03/23/21Page 13 of 123 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2021 3940 02/04/2021 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS HSA 7,991.21Payroll Vendor Payment 166740 02/04/2021 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION 80.00Payroll Vendor Payment 166741 02/04/2021 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS 1,753.75Payroll Vendor Payment 166742 02/04/2021 ATASCADERO PROF. FIREFIGHTERS 1,106.75Payroll Vendor Payment 166743 02/04/2021 MASS MUTUAL WORKPLACE SOLUTION 6,242.30Payroll Vendor Payment 166744 02/04/2021 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 187.80Payroll Vendor Payment 166745 02/04/2021 NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS 1,685.71Payroll Vendor Payment 166746 02/04/2021 SEIU LOCAL 620 812.35Payroll Vendor Payment 166747 02/04/2021 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 106099 357.85Payroll Vendor Payment 166748 02/04/2021 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 304633 4,982.70Payroll Vendor Payment 166749 02/04/2021 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 706276 296.00Payroll Vendor Payment 3941 02/05/2021 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 467.07Payroll Vendor Payment 3942 02/05/2021 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 22,071.03Payroll Vendor Payment 3943 02/05/2021 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 30,387.44Payroll Vendor Payment 3944 02/05/2021 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 1,926.86Payroll Vendor Payment 3945 02/05/2021 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2,188.87Payroll Vendor Payment 3946 02/05/2021 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 4,999.86Payroll Vendor Payment 3947 02/05/2021 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 5,998.80Payroll Vendor Payment 3948 02/05/2021 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 8,897.19Payroll Vendor Payment 3949 02/05/2021 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 13,433.72Payroll Vendor Payment 166750 02/08/2021 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS HEALTH 189,010.52Payroll Vendor Payment 166751 02/08/2021 LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INS CO 1,737.54Payroll Vendor Payment 166752 02/08/2021 MEDICAL EYE SERVICES 1,688.27Payroll Vendor Payment 166753 02/08/2021 PREFERRED BENEFITS INSURANCE 8,510.20Payroll Vendor Payment 3950 02/09/2021 RABOBANK, N.A.53,413.73Payroll Vendor Payment 3951 02/09/2021 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT 16,344.57Payroll Vendor Payment 3952 02/09/2021 EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPARTMENT 2,652.52Payroll Vendor Payment 166754 02/12/2021 13 STARS MEDIA 1,407.50Accounts Payable Check 166755 02/12/2021 A SUPERIOR CRANE, LLC 1,015.00Accounts Payable Check 166756 02/12/2021 ADAMSKI,MOROSKI,MADDEN,1,672.50Accounts Payable Check 166757 02/12/2021 ALPHA ELECTRIC SERVICE 312.50Accounts Payable Check 166758 02/12/2021 ALTHOUSE & MEADE, INC.372.50Accounts Payable Check 166759 02/12/2021 AMERICAN WEST TIRE & AUTO INC 76.18Accounts Payable Check 166760 02/12/2021 ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS 557.08Accounts Payable Check 166761 02/12/2021 JESSICA APPLEGATE 149.59Accounts Payable Check 166762 02/12/2021 KELLY AREBALO 578.48Accounts Payable Check 166763 02/12/2021 ASSOCIATED TRAFFIC SAFETY, INC 3,355.36Accounts Payable Check 166764 02/12/2021 AT&T 688.06Accounts Payable Check 166765 02/12/2021 AT&T 804.82Accounts Payable Check 166766 02/12/2021 ATASCADERO HAY & FEED 2,696.14Accounts Payable Check 166768 02/12/2021 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO.7,565.50Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 14 of 123 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2021 166769 02/12/2021 BASSETT'S CRICKET RANCH,INC.1,567.62Accounts Payable Check 166770 02/12/2021 BAUER COMPRESSORS 410.43Accounts Payable Check 166771 02/12/2021 BELL'S PLUMBING REPAIR, INC.159.00Accounts Payable Check 166772 02/12/2021 KEITH R. BERGHER 416.25Accounts Payable Check 166773 02/12/2021 BERRY MAN, INC.1,849.08Accounts Payable Check 166774 02/12/2021 BMW MOTORCYCLES OF VENTURA CO.57,097.40Accounts Payable Check 166775 02/12/2021 BURKE,WILLIAMS, & SORENSON LLP 20,000.00Accounts Payable Check 166776 02/12/2021 BURT INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 495.60Accounts Payable Check 166777 02/12/2021 CARQUEST OF ATASCADERO 16.22Accounts Payable Check 166778 02/12/2021 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 89.99Accounts Payable Check 166779 02/12/2021 CLEVER CONCEPTS, INC.47.95Accounts Payable Check 166780 02/12/2021 COASTAL COPY, INC.210.90Accounts Payable Check 166781 02/12/2021 COASTLINE EQUIPMENT 149.08Accounts Payable Check 166782 02/12/2021 CREWSENSE, LLC 193.35Accounts Payable Check 166783 02/12/2021 CRYSTAL CRIMBCHIN 193.96Accounts Payable Check 166784 02/12/2021 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 20.00Accounts Payable Check 166785 02/12/2021 CULLIGAN/CENTRAL COAST WTR TRT 70.00Accounts Payable Check 166786 02/12/2021 DAKOS LAND SURVEYS, INC.730.00Accounts Payable Check 166787 02/12/2021 DAN BIDDLE PEST CONTROL SERVIC 135.00Accounts Payable Check 166788 02/12/2021 DARRYL'S LOCK AND SAFE 242.44Accounts Payable Check 166789 02/12/2021 NICHOLAS DEBAR 300.00Accounts Payable Check 166790 02/12/2021 DEEP BLUE INTEGRATION, INC.135.00Accounts Payable Check 166791 02/12/2021 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 436.00Accounts Payable Check 166792 02/12/2021 PHILIP DUNSMORE 300.00Accounts Payable Check 166793 02/12/2021 EIKHOF DESIGN GROUP, INC.6,231.50Accounts Payable Check 166794 02/12/2021 JENNIFER FANNING 14.56Accounts Payable Check 166795 02/12/2021 FARM SUPPLY COMPANY 123.33Accounts Payable Check 166796 02/12/2021 FERRAVANTI GRADING & PAVING 625,880.65Accounts Payable Check 166797 02/12/2021 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL 2,231.00Accounts Payable Check 166798 02/12/2021 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 180.00Accounts Payable Check 166799 02/12/2021 GLENN'S REPAIR & RENTAL, INC.56.11Accounts Payable Check 166800 02/12/2021 HAMNER, JEWELL & ASSOCIATES 2,125.87Accounts Payable Check 166801 02/12/2021 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINTING 351.61Accounts Payable Check 166802 02/12/2021 HIGH COUNTRY OUTDOOR, INC.400.00Accounts Payable Check 166803 02/12/2021 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 1,206.48Accounts Payable Check 166804 02/12/2021 INGLIS PET HOTEL 117.76Accounts Payable Check 166805 02/12/2021 INTL. ASSC. OF FIRE CHIEFS 285.00Accounts Payable Check 166806 02/12/2021 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS MGMNT 245.38Accounts Payable Check 166807 02/12/2021 JOE A. GONSALVES & SON 3,000.00Accounts Payable Check 166808 02/12/2021 KIRK CONSTRUCTION 91,687.63Accounts Payable Check 166809 02/12/2021 KPRL 1230 AM 320.00Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 15 of 123 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2021 166810 02/12/2021 KW CONSTRUCTION 8,200.00Accounts Payable Check 166811 02/12/2021 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 13,149.00Accounts Payable Check 166812 02/12/2021 LIFE ASSIST, INC.2,366.54Accounts Payable Check 166813 02/12/2021 MADRONE LANDSCAPES, INC.422.00Accounts Payable Check 166814 02/12/2021 MARBORG INDUSTRIES 62.28Accounts Payable Check 166815 02/12/2021 MICHAEL K. NUNLEY & ASSC, INC.6,211.04Accounts Payable Check 166816 02/12/2021 MID-COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC.300.00Accounts Payable Check 166817 02/12/2021 MID-STATE CONCRETE PRODUCTS 4,659.29Accounts Payable Check 166818 02/12/2021 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 333.32Accounts Payable Check 166819 02/12/2021 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE 137.72Accounts Payable Check 166820 02/12/2021 MNS ENGINEERS, INC.6,811.25Accounts Payable Check 166821 02/12/2021 MONSOON CONSULTANTS 3,675.00Accounts Payable Check 166822 02/12/2021 DAVE MUEHLHAUSEN 1,796.25Accounts Payable Check 166823 02/12/2021 MUFG UNION BANK, N.A.3,057.00Accounts Payable Check 166824 02/12/2021 MV TRANSPORTATION, INC.6,217.10Accounts Payable Check 166825 02/12/2021 MWI ANIMAL HEALTH 436.05Accounts Payable Check 166826 02/12/2021 NORTH COAST ENGINEERING INC.427.00Accounts Payable Check 166827 02/12/2021 OFFICE DEPOT INC.159.75Accounts Payable Check 166830 02/12/2021 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC 49,529.30Accounts Payable Check 166831 02/12/2021 PASO ROBLES SAFE & LOCK, INC.45.26Accounts Payable Check 166832 02/12/2021 PEAKWIFI, LLC 650.00Accounts Payable Check 166833 02/12/2021 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY,INC.433.78Accounts Payable Check 166834 02/12/2021 PROSOUND BUSINESS MEDIA, INC.99.00Accounts Payable Check 166835 02/12/2021 PVP COMMUNICATIONS, INC.64.06Accounts Payable Check 166836 02/12/2021 RAINSCAPE, A LANDSCAPE SVC CO.350.00Accounts Payable Check 166837 02/12/2021 JERI RANGEL 300.00Accounts Payable Check 166838 02/12/2021 READYREFRESH BY NESTLE 62.50Accounts Payable Check 166839 02/12/2021 RECOGNITION WORKS 205.81Accounts Payable Check 166840 02/12/2021 RACHELLE RICKARD 500.00Accounts Payable Check 166841 02/12/2021 SAM'S TREE 805, INC.950.00Accounts Payable Check 166842 02/12/2021 SAN LUIS POWERHOUSE, INC.135.00Accounts Payable Check 166843 02/12/2021 SELECT STAFFING 1,074.15Accounts Payable Check 166844 02/12/2021 SLO CO ENVIRONMENT HEALTH 357.00Accounts Payable Check 166845 02/12/2021 SOUTH COAST EMERGENCY VEH SVC 1,271.99Accounts Payable Check 166846 02/12/2021 SPEAKWRITE, LLC.525.54Accounts Payable Check 166847 02/12/2021 SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT REPAIR 1,606.46Accounts Payable Check 166848 02/12/2021 SPECIALTY GEAR & TRANSMISSION 2,973.62Accounts Payable Check 166849 02/12/2021 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY 261.00Accounts Payable Check 166850 02/12/2021 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 38.66Accounts Payable Check 166851 02/12/2021 SUN BADGE COMPANY 92.89Accounts Payable Check 166852 02/12/2021 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL, INC.2,936.00Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 16 of 123 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2021 166857 02/12/2021 U.S. BANK 40,613.94Accounts Payable Check 166858 02/12/2021 U.S. POSTMASTER 2,605.34Accounts Payable Check 166859 02/12/2021 ULTREX BUSINESS PRODUCTS 13.95Accounts Payable Check 166860 02/12/2021 ULTREX LEASING 273.80Accounts Payable Check 166861 02/12/2021 VERDIN 4,977.54Accounts Payable Check 166862 02/12/2021 VERIZON WIRELESS 2,765.03Accounts Payable Check 166863 02/12/2021 VISITOR TELEVISION LLC 595.00Accounts Payable Check 166864 02/12/2021 VITAL RECORDS CONTROL 163.11Accounts Payable Check 166865 02/12/2021 WALLACE GROUP 36,649.09Accounts Payable Check 166866 02/12/2021 WALSH ENGINEERING 2,019.09Accounts Payable Check 166867 02/12/2021 WCJ PROPERTY SERVICES 540.00Accounts Payable Check 166868 02/12/2021 WEST COAST AUTO & TOWING, INC.393.60Accounts Payable Check 166869 02/12/2021 WEX BANK - 76 UNIVERSL 7,780.36Accounts Payable Check 166870 02/12/2021 WEX BANK - WEX FLEET UNIVERSAL 5,594.29Accounts Payable Check 166871 02/12/2021 WHITLOCK & WEINBERGER TRANS.3,036.50Accounts Payable Check 166872 02/12/2021 WRIGHT WAY COLLISION, INC.3,995.97Accounts Payable Check 3953 02/18/2021 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS HSA 10,011.21Payroll Vendor Payment 166873 02/18/2021 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION 80.00Payroll Vendor Payment 166874 02/18/2021 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS 1,904.00Payroll Vendor Payment 166875 02/18/2021 ATASCADERO PROF. FIREFIGHTERS 1,106.75Payroll Vendor Payment 166876 02/18/2021 ICMA-RC 125.00Payroll Vendor Payment 166877 02/18/2021 MASS MUTUAL WORKPLACE SOLUTION 6,254.55Payroll Vendor Payment 166878 02/18/2021 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 237.02Payroll Vendor Payment 166879 02/18/2021 NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS 1,685.71Payroll Vendor Payment 166880 02/18/2021 SEIU LOCAL 620 791.93Payroll Vendor Payment 166881 02/18/2021 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 106099 357.85Payroll Vendor Payment 166882 02/18/2021 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 304633 4,982.70Payroll Vendor Payment 166883 02/18/2021 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 706276 296.00Payroll Vendor Payment 3954 02/19/2021 BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 206,855.95Accounts Payable Check 3955 02/19/2021 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 467.07Payroll Vendor Payment 3956 02/19/2021 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 22,071.03Payroll Vendor Payment 3957 02/19/2021 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 29,954.59Payroll Vendor Payment 3958 02/19/2021 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 1,941.95Payroll Vendor Payment 3959 02/19/2021 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2,194.04Payroll Vendor Payment 3960 02/19/2021 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 4,999.86Payroll Vendor Payment 3961 02/19/2021 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 7,125.52Payroll Vendor Payment 3962 02/19/2021 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 8,968.92Payroll Vendor Payment 3963 02/19/2021 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 13,548.39Payroll Vendor Payment 3964 02/23/2021 RABOBANK, N.A.49,336.54Payroll Vendor Payment 3965 02/23/2021 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT 14,965.21Payroll Vendor Payment 3966 02/23/2021 EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPARTMENT 2,592.06Payroll Vendor Payment ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 17 of 123 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2021 166884 02/26/2021 13 STARS MEDIA 1,016.33Accounts Payable Check 166885 02/26/2021 ACCESS PUBLISHING 430.35Accounts Payable Check 166886 02/26/2021 ADAMSKI,MOROSKI,MADDEN,2,591.00Accounts Payable Check 166887 02/26/2021 AGP VIDEO, INC.2,512.50Accounts Payable Check 166888 02/26/2021 AIR-RITE REFRIGERATION 550.61Accounts Payable Check 166889 02/26/2021 ALAN ALGIE 262.87Accounts Payable Check 166890 02/26/2021 ALL SIGNS AND GRAPHICS, INC.187.75Accounts Payable Check 166891 02/26/2021 ALTHOUSE & MEADE, INC.510.00Accounts Payable Check 166892 02/26/2021 AMERICAN WEST TIRE & AUTO INC 1,495.58Accounts Payable Check 166894 02/26/2021 AT&T 969.00Accounts Payable Check 166895 02/26/2021 AT&T 1,024.37Accounts Payable Check 166896 02/26/2021 BATTERY SYSTEMS, INC.71.38Accounts Payable Check 166897 02/26/2021 BENEFIS HOSPITALS, INC.360.00Accounts Payable Check 166898 02/26/2021 KEITH R. BERGHER 95.00Accounts Payable Check 166899 02/26/2021 BIG RED MARKETING, INC.3,700.00Accounts Payable Check 166900 02/26/2021 BRANCH SMITH PROPERTIES 350.00Accounts Payable Check 166901 02/26/2021 BURKE,WILLIAMS, & SORENSON LLP 20,000.00Accounts Payable Check 166902 02/26/2021 BURT INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 488.03Accounts Payable Check 166903 02/26/2021 CARQUEST OF ATASCADERO 188.89Accounts Payable Check 166904 02/26/2021 CASEY PRINTING, INC.1,850.07Accounts Payable Check 166905 02/26/2021 CENTRAL NEBRASKA PACKING, INC.11,149.40Accounts Payable Check 166906 02/26/2021 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 2,606.22Accounts Payable Check 166907 02/26/2021 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 3,857.33Accounts Payable Check 166908 02/26/2021 DEPT. OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 225.00Accounts Payable Check 166909 02/26/2021 DRIVE CUSTOMS 3,904.06Accounts Payable Check 166910 02/26/2021 EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC 4,469.00Accounts Payable Check 166911 02/26/2021 EL CAMINO CAR WASH 18.99Accounts Payable Check 166912 02/26/2021 ELECTRICRAFT, INC.912.00Accounts Payable Check 166913 02/26/2021 FARM SUPPLY COMPANY 96.48Accounts Payable Check 166914 02/26/2021 FENCE FACTORY ATASCADERO 290.93Accounts Payable Check 166915 02/26/2021 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL 243.00Accounts Payable Check 166916 02/26/2021 GAS COMPANY 2,094.21Accounts Payable Check 166917 02/26/2021 HAMNER, JEWELL & ASSOCIATES 507.50Accounts Payable Check 166918 02/26/2021 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINTING 64.65Accounts Payable Check 166919 02/26/2021 HELIXSTORM, INC.60,728.76Accounts Payable Check 166920 02/26/2021 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 2,696.72Accounts Payable Check 166921 02/26/2021 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2,033.16Accounts Payable Check 166922 02/26/2021 JIFFY LUBE 78.02Accounts Payable Check 166923 02/26/2021 JK'S UNLIMITED, INC.215.00Accounts Payable Check 166924 02/26/2021 JOE A. GONSALVES & SON 3,000.00Accounts Payable Check 166925 02/26/2021 L.C. ACTION POLICE SUPPLY LTD 1,598.15Accounts Payable Check ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 18 of 123 Check Number Check Date Vendor Description Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2021 166926 02/26/2021 L.N. CURTIS & SONS 1,471.22Accounts Payable Check 166927 02/26/2021 LANTERN PRESS 159.72Accounts Payable Check 166928 02/26/2021 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 200.00Accounts Payable Check 166929 02/26/2021 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO. INC 1,821.78Accounts Payable Check 166930 02/26/2021 LEHIGH HANSON 637.88Accounts Payable Check 166931 02/26/2021 LIFE ASSIST, INC.363.12Accounts Payable Check 166932 02/26/2021 MAINLINE UTILITY CO.4,987.50Accounts Payable Check 166933 02/26/2021 MAUL PLUMBING 425.00Accounts Payable Check 166934 02/26/2021 MEDPOST URGENT CARE-ATASCADERO 100.00Accounts Payable Check 166935 02/26/2021 METROPOLITAN TRANSP COMM 2,500.00Accounts Payable Check 166936 02/26/2021 MID-COAST MOWER & SAW, INC.199.50Accounts Payable Check 166937 02/26/2021 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 436.09Accounts Payable Check 166938 02/26/2021 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE 555.58Accounts Payable Check 166939 02/26/2021 JULIAN A. MORA 1,585.00Accounts Payable Check 166940 02/26/2021 OFFICE DEPOT INC.237.86Accounts Payable Check 166941 02/26/2021 PASO ROBLES FORD LINCOLN MERC 323.04Accounts Payable Check 166942 02/26/2021 PASO ROBLES SAFE & LOCK, INC.2,347.89Accounts Payable Check 166943 02/26/2021 PERRY'S PARCEL & GIFT 334.02Accounts Payable Check 166944 02/26/2021 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION, INC.59.86Accounts Payable Check 166945 02/26/2021 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY,INC.304.57Accounts Payable Check 166946 02/26/2021 READYREFRESH BY NESTLE 192.47Accounts Payable Check 166947 02/26/2021 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY 14,784.95Accounts Payable Check 166948 02/26/2021 PATTY RODRIGUEZ 1,470.00Accounts Payable Check 166949 02/26/2021 SAM'S TREE 805, INC.4,000.00Accounts Payable Check 166950 02/26/2021 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY 49.30Accounts Payable Check 166951 02/26/2021 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 3,259.68Accounts Payable Check 166952 02/26/2021 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 265.00Accounts Payable Check 166953 02/26/2021 SPECTRUM REACH 500.00Accounts Payable Check 166954 02/26/2021 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 148.17Accounts Payable Check 166955 02/26/2021 MICHAEL STORNETTA 40.00Accounts Payable Check 166956 02/26/2021 TESCO CONTROLS, INC.2,928.38Accounts Payable Check 166957 02/26/2021 THOMSON REUTERS - WEST 170.00Accounts Payable Check 166958 02/26/2021 AYLA TOMAC 107.73Accounts Payable Check 166959 02/26/2021 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE 3,000.00Accounts Payable Check 166960 02/26/2021 VISIT SLO CAL 38,174.93Accounts Payable Check 166961 02/26/2021 ZOOM IMAGING SOLUTIONS, INC.1,955.66Accounts Payable Check $2,087,489.25 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 19 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 03/23/21 Atascadero City Council Staff Report – Public Works Department Lift Station No. 2 Replacement Construction Award RECOMMENDATIONS: Council: 1. Approve a construction contract for $1,089,460 with Raminha Construction, Inc. for the Lift Station No. 2 Replacement Project (Project No. C2017W01). 2. Approve a contract for $120,000 with Gierlich Mitchell to purchase three (3) new submersible sewage pumps for the Lift Station No. 2 Replacement Project. 3. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to allocate an additional $610,000 in Wastewater Enterprise Fund balance to the Lift Station No. 2 Replacement Project. DISCUSSION: Background Lift Station No. 2 was identified in the 2015 Collection System Master Plan as being past its useful life, and replacement of the lift station was included in the 2019 -2021 CIP Budget. Currently, Lift Station No. 2 is located in the El Camino Real public way beneath the sidewalk in front of the Atascadero State Hospital just north of San Rafael Road. The City purchased a vacant parcel (9191 San Rafael Court), directly across from the existing lift station on El Camino Real, to use as the new lift station site. Constructing the new lift station on a separate parcel will allow the contractor to maintain existing sewer service during construction without the need for extensive bypass pumping, and will significantly improve safety for wastewater staff during routine maintenance and repairs. Additionally, as part of the Lift Station No. 2 Replacement Project, staff worked with the design engineer to establish exact needs for the new submersible sewage pumps. After pumps were selected, the City requested and received a formal quote for the pumps from Gierlich Mitchell. Staff has elected to purchase the pumps separately from the construction bid in order to ensure conformity with all new lift station pumps installed throughout the City. Page 20 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 03/23/21 Design Analysis Lift Station No. 2 will consist of a new 10’ diameter concrete wet well (20’ total depth) with three 60HP pumps, new gravity and force main piping to connect to existing sewer on El Camino Real, dual fuel (propone and natural gas) generator and control system. All lift station equipment will be fully enclosed within a walled and gated 40’ x 60’ envelope, accessed from El Camino Real. Additional project improvements include extension of sidewalk along the San Rafael Court frontage, new concrete driveway approach along El Camino Real, wetland mitigation, and abandonment of existing Lift Station No. 2. Design engineering and preparation of construction plans and specifications was completed by Michael K. Nunley & Associates (MKN), with a geotechnical investigation and recommendations provided by Mid-Coast Geotechnical. Public Works Wastewater and Engineering staff were heavily involved throughout the design process in order to ensure that the final product not only met the needs at this location but could also be potentially used as a template for other lift station replacements in the future. Bid Analysis The project was publicly bid starting February 2, 2021 for a minimum of 30 days in accordance with State Contracting Laws and Atascadero Purchasing Policy. A public bid opening occurred on March 4, 2021 and five bids were received ranging from $1,089,640 to $1,564,275 with the low bid submitted by Raminha Construction, Inc. of Atascadero. The bids were fairly evenly spread between the low and high bids. The bids were reviewed for accuracy and compliance with project bidding requirements, and the City Engineer has determined that Raminha Construction is the lowest responsive bidder at $1,089,640. The engineer’s estimate of probable construction costs was $1,122,000 which was in alignment with the low bid. Staff recommends awarding the project to Raminha Construction, Inc. If approved by Council, staff hopes to commence construction as soon as possible. While the construction of the lift station can be completed at any time, the environmental permits stipulate that sidewalk and environmental mitigation work will need to take place within a work window of June 1st – October 15th. There will be some traffic impacts and inconveniences during the construction of the gravity sewer and force main in El Camino Real, but these will be of limited duration relative to the overall construction schedule, and staff and the contractor will provide notifications to affected residents and motorists during this phase of construction. Submersible Pump Purchase Analysis Pursuant to the City Purchasing Policy, Section III, Proprietary Equipment and Goods, purchases larger than $100,000 shall be awarded by City Council and involve a formal product evaluation. Staff is requesting an exception to formal bid/evaluation of this product under Section 3.1 of the purchasing policy, which allows for bypassing of the formal bid process “When there are extenuating circumstances that would make the formal bidding not the most cost effective approach. This often relates to qualitative, artistic or proprietary software/technological issues.” Staff has evaluated and determined that utilizing standardized submersible sewage pumps at the City’s lift stations is most efficient and cost effective for the following reasons: Page 21 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 03/23/21 1. Ebara is a leader in submersible pump technology. 2. Due to limited staffing, use of a single standardized pump manufacturer is extremely important. Familiarity with a single type of pump allows for efficiency and interchangeability. 3. Quality of product and single point of contact if issues arise. Ebara Pumps have proven to be reliable and quality products. The City received a quote from pump supplier Gierlich Mitchell for an amount of $108,858 (Attachment 2) to supply three (3) 60HP submersible pumps and associated hardware. The quote also includes start-up and training assistance by the manufacturer. With the inclusion of taxes and shipping fees, total contract with Gierlich Mitchell will be for a not to exceed amount of $120,000. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The proposed project is Categorically Exempt (Class 2c) from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., “CEQA”) and CEQA Guidelines (Title 14 California Code of Regulations §§ 15000, et seq.) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, because it is limited to replacement or reconstruction of existing utility systems and/or facilities involving negligible or no expansion of capacity. A finding of exemption is on file in the project records. FISCAL IMPACT: The Project funding sources and uses are as follows: ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Lift Station No. 2 Motor Control Center (Tesco Controls, Inc.) $ 230,000 Lift Station No. 2 Submersible Pumps $ 120,000 Property Acquisition (9191 San Rafael Ct) $ 101,300 Preliminary Alternatives Analysis (2013) $ 48,000 Design and Bid Phase $ 115,077 Construction Contract $ 1,089,640 Construction Inspection/Testing/Management (14%) $ 157,135 Construction Contingency (20%) $ 217,928 Total Estimated Expenditures: $ 2,079,080 BUDGET FUNDS Lift Station No. 2 Replacement Project (Wastewater Funds) $ 1,469,080 Additional Wastewater Funds $ 610,000 Total Funding $ 2,079,080 Page 22 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 03/23/21 Increases in anticipated expenditures above the original budget amount are the result of several factors. First, construction cost escalation factors for this work category has accelerated at a significantly higher rate than anticipated over the past two years when the project budget was last updated. This is particularly applicable to labor and material costs associated with specialty equipment, concrete and steel. Secondly, development of the parcel triggered requirements for frontage improvements on San Rafael Court , which in turn triggered site environmental mitigation work resulting the frontage improvements impacting a jurisdictional waterway. This project includes work located within a waterway under the jurisdiction of California Fish & Wildlife, the State Water Board, and the US Army Corps of Engineers. When the budget was last updated, the project site had not yet had environmental studies done, nor had the jurisdictional waterway limits been defined. Upon completion of these items, and subsequent review by the permitting agencies, the environmental mitigation work scope and associated costs increased substantially. The budget for this project with be reviewed again as part of the upcoming two-year budget cycle. ALTERNATIVES: Construction Contract: Council may cancel the project or direct staff to rebid the project. Neither alternative is recommended since bids were determined to be reasonable and fair, and a rebid will likely result in higher bid proposals. Submersible Pump Procurement: The City Council may direct staff to obtain additional product quotes from alternate vendors. This alternative is not recommended as this is likely to result in higher costs, ongoing additional costs for wastewater operator training, and delay of Lift Station No. 2 project construction. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Bid Summary 2. Gierlich Mitchell Submersible Sewer Pumps Quote Page 23 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 24 of 123 January 25, 2021 To: Atascadero, City of Attn: Justin Black jblack@atascadero.org 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, Ca 93422 VIA: EMAIL Re: Atascadero, City of Lift Station # 2 Bid Date: N/A Dear Justin, We are pleased to offer the following for your consideration: ITEM SECTION DESCRIPTION PRICE 1 SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE PUMPS EBARA MODEL 100DLFMU6454 RATED DUTY 565GPM @ 182’TDH Three (3) Units of Cast Iron Construction, Stainless Steel Shafting, 460v/3Ph/60hz 60HP Submersible Motor with Moisture and Temperature Sensors, Moisture & Temperature Relays, Mechanical Seals, Stainless Steel Hardware, Power Cable, Lifting Chain, Upper & Intermediate Guide Brackets, QDC Base Elbow, Non-Witness Performance Testing, Start Up and Training Assistance as manufactured by EBARA. Note: Guide Rails to be Supplied by Installing Contractor Please see the attached Data Sheets for additional information. $108,858.00 TOTAL $108,858.00 Note: The following are NOT Included in our scope of supply 1. Installation Labor 2. Controls, Floats or VFD’s 3. Gauges, Oils, Valves or Piping Page 25 of 123 GENERAL NOTES: 1. No taxes included in above pricing 2. Pricing valid UNTIL JUNE 30 2021. 3. Price is F.O.B. factory. Freight will be billed at actual cost. 4. Proposal subject to GMI Terms & Conditions attached and/or terms and conditions of individual companies quoted. 5. If this proposal makes reference to certain section numbers in the specifications, these are listed for reference only. We will not be responsible for furnishing all the equipment in these sections, but only that equipment which is specifically listed in our proposal; nor will we furnish any items of equipment which are omitted from the engineer’s drawings or specifications unless specifically listed in our proposal. 6. It is the contractor’s responsibility to thoroughly review the individual supplier’s scope letters to ensure that they are in compliance with the specifications and all addenda. Neither Gierlich-Mitchell, Inc., nor their suppliers will be held responsible for any deficiencies between the manufacturer’s proposal and the specifications, including all addenda. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to quote you on this project. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact our office at (714) 236-6070. Respectfully yours, GIERLICH-MITCHELL, INC. Ryan McCloskey Sales Engineer Page 26 of 123 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. ACCEPTANCE. This proposal is submitted to Purchaser subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. There are no agreements or representations, verbal or otherwise, outside of this proposal. Upon the acceptance hereof by Purchaser by signing an acceptance copy of this proposal and returning the same to Seller and upon execution of this proposal by an authorized representative of Seller, this proposal shall become a binding contract 2. DELIVERIES. GIERLICH-MITCHELL, Inc. shall not be liable for delays in delivery due to fire, flood, natural causes, labor trouble (including strikes, slowdowns and lockouts), war, Government regulation, riot, civil disorders, interruption of or delay in transportation, power failure, inability to obtain materials and supplies, accidents, acts of God, or any other cause beyond Seller’s reasonable control. Please let us know the delivery date required for this equipment. We will process this order using all means possible to insure “on time” delivery. Any information regarding delays in your schedule that will affect our equipment, must be made available to us. In most instances, our factories can delay shipment of equipment within reasonable limits to meet a revised schedule. Job delay information not passed on to us in time for us to reschedule delivery will not be considered sufficient cause to delay payment to us. If shipment is delayed at request of Purchaser or by Governmental actions, payment becomes due when the factory is ready to make shipment. 3. PAYMENT. Terms are 15% upon submittal approval, 85% Net 30 days from date of shipment invoice. Interest charges of 1.5% per month will be added to any past due invoices. Seller may ship on a “when ready” basis and partial invoice that equipment shipped. Partial invoices are bound by the same terms and conditions as those invoices submitted upon complete shipment of equipment. 4. BACKCHARGES not authorized by GIERLICH-MITCHELL, INC. written purchase order will not be honored. 5. RETENTIONS not previously approved in writing by GIERLICH-MITCHELL, INC. will not be honored. 6. RESPONSIBILITY. GIERLICH-MITCHELL, INC. shall not be responsible for damage to equipment if misused, stored or improperly installed. GIERLICH-MITCHELL, INC. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, LIQUIDATED OR OTHER SPECIAL DAMAGES, CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, LOSS OF USE, INCOME OR PROFIT, OR LOSS OF DAMAGE TO PROPERTY (INCLUDING, BUT WITHOUT LIMITATION, PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED, PROCESSED OR TRANSPORTED BY THE USE OF THE EQUIPMENT) OCCASIONED BY OR ARISING OUT OF THE OPERATION, USE, INSTALLATION, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE EQUIPMENT OR OTHERWISE. Breach of any term or condition of this contract shall not be deemed to invalidate the remainder of this contract. 7. WARRANTY. For benefit of the original user, GIERLICH-MITCHELL, INC., warrants all new equipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship; and will replace or repair, F.O.B. at its factories or other location designated by it, any part or parts returned to it which GIERLICH-MITCHELL, Inc. examination shall show to have failed under normal use and service by the original user within one year following initial shipment to the Purchaser. This warranty does not cover parts damaged by maintenance, installation, modification or adjustment. Such repair or replacement shall be free of charge for items except for those items that are consumable and normally replaced during maintenance. Page 27 of 123 THIS WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY MADE BY GIERLICH-MITCHELL, INC. AND ACCEPTED BY PURCHASER IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY. This warranty shall not apply to equipment or parts thereof which have been altered or repaired without GIERLICH- MITCHELL, INC. authorization or damaged by improper installation or application, or subject to misuse, abuse, neglect or accident. This warranty applies only to equipment manufactured and sold by GIERLICH-MITCHELL, INC. In cases where equipment is manufactured by others, the manufacturer’s warranty shall take precedence. 8. TAXES. Prices are exclusive of all taxes, federal, state, local of any kind of nature. 9. PRICE PROTECTION. Unless otherwise set forth herein, prices are firm based upon the following conditions: a. Receipt of a valid order within thirty (30) days from date or proposal. b. Receipt of drawings and specifications necessary to proceed within one week of purchase order. c. Receipt of customer’s complete written approval and release for production within four weeks after approval drawings are submitted by GIERLICH-MITCHELL, INC. Prices will be increased a maximum or one percent per month for any additional time required by contractor. 10. TRANSPORTATION. Unless otherwise set forth herein, all prices are F.O.B. our factories with full freight allowed. The consignee must report all claims for damages in transit to the carrier. 11. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. Purchaser shall be solely responsible for securing any necessary permits under and for compliance with all safety, health, sanitation and other laws, ordinances and regulations in connection with the installation and operation of the equipment. 12. INDEMNIFICATION. It is understood that Seller has relied upon data furnished by and on behalf of Purchaser with respect to the safety aspects of the equipment and that is Purchaser’s responsibility to assure that the equipment will, when installed and put in use, be in compliance with safety requirements fixed by law and otherwise legally adequate to safeguard against injuries or damage to persons or property. Purchaser hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Seller, its’ agents and employees, against any and all losses, costs, damages, claims, liabilities or expenses, including but not limited to reasonably attorney’s fees arising out of or use or operation of the same, except claims for repair or replacement of defective parts as provided in Paragraph 7 hereof. 13. RETURN GOODS. Goods may not be returned without previous written permission. Returned material must be sent prepaid and is subject to a re-stocking charge. 14. CANCELLATION. The purchaser may cancel his order only upon written notice and payment of reasonable cancellation charges, taking into account expenses, commitments already made, and anticipated profit. 15. TITLE. Title to equipment specified herein, and to any and all additions and accessories thereto and substitutions therefore, shall remain with Seller until the purchase price thereof is paid in full. 16. LIEN INFORMATION. Please provide if applicable. Page 28 of 123 This signed acceptance of this quotation constitutes a contract and order to purchase in accordance with all Terms and Conditions referred to herein. Buyers purchase order is acceptable, providing purchase order references Terms and Conditions contained herein. Project: Torque Limiter & Installation Services Accepted: Accepted: Gierlich-Mitchell, Inc Signature: Signature: By: By: Date: Date: Page 29 of 123 Page 30 of 123 1 50DLFU61.5 2HP 2 80DLMFU61.5 2HP 3 80DLMFU62.2 3HP 4 80DLMFU63.7 5HP '/0)8ó+3 6 80DLCMFU67.5 10HP 7 80DLCMFU611 15HP 8 100DLFU61.5 2HP 9 80DLFU61.5 2HP 10 100DLMFU61.5 2HP 11 80DLFU62.2 3HP 12 100DLMFU62.2 3HP 13 80DLFU63.7 5HP 14 100DLMFU63.7 5HP '/)8ó+3 '/0)8ó+3 17 80DLFU67.5 10HP 18 100DLMFU67.5 10HP 19 80DLFU611 15HP 20 100DLMFU611 15HP 21 80DLFU615 20HP 22 100DLMFU615 20HP 23 80DLFU618 25HP 24 100DLMFU618 25HP 25 80DLFU622 30HP 26 100DLMFU622 30HP 27 100DLFU630 40HP 28 100DLFU637 50HP 29 100DLFU645 60HP 30 100DLFU62.2 3HP 31 100DLFU63.7 5HP '/)8ó+3 33 100DLFU67.5 10HP   15HP 5HP    10HP 1  34 100DLFU611 15HP 35 100DLFU615 20HP 36 100DLFU618 25HP 37 100DLFU622 30HP 38 150DLFU630 40HP 39 150DLFU637 50HP 40 150DLFU645 60HP 41 150DLFU67.5 10HP 42 150DLFU611 15HP 43 150DLFU615 20HP 44 150DLFU618 25HP 45 150DLFU622 30HP 46 200DLFU630 40HP 47 200DLFU637 50HP 48 200DLFU645 60HP 49 200DLFU67.5 10HP 50 200DLFU611 15HP 51 200DLFU615 20HP 52 200DLFU618 25HP 53 200DLFU622 30HP 54 250DLFU611 15HP 55 250DLBFU615 20HP 56 250DLCFU615 20HP 57 250DLFU618 25HP 58 250DLFU622 30HP 59 250DLFU630 40HP 60 250DLFU637 50HP 61 250DLFU645 60HP 62 300DLFU618 25HP 63 300DLFU622 30HP 64 300DLFU630 40HP 65 300DLFU637 50HP 66 300DLFU645 60HP 60Hz (Synchronous Speed – 1800 RPM) 1 8 2 17 / 18 19 / 20 11 / 12 4 5 3 6 7 10 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 80 60 50 40 30 20 15 10 8 6 5 4 3 100 150 200 300 m ft 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 150 200 300 400 8001000 1500 2000 3000 4000 USGPM500600 0.20.1 0.3 0.4 0.50.6 0.8 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.06.0 8.0 10 15 m 3/min CAPACITYTOTAL HEAD 80DLFU611 15HP 2 80DLFU615 20HP 2 80DLFU618 25HP 2 80DLFU622 30HP 2 30HP 3 40HP 3 50HP 4 60HP 4 15HP 4 20HP 4 10HP 5 15HP 5 25HP 5 30HP 5 15HP 5 250DLBFU615 20HP 5 250DLCFU615 20HP 5 250DLFU618 25HP 5 250DLFU622 30HP 5 250DLFU630 40HP 6 250DLFU637 50HP 6 250DLFU645 60HP 6 300DLFU618 25HP 6 300DLFU622 30HP 6 300DLFU630 40HP 13 / 14 15 / 16 30 31 32 33 34 35 41 49 50 54 42 43 51 59 62 63 64 65 66 60 4636 44 45 52 55 58 61 56 57 53 47 483738 39 40 Please note: Overlap in coverage is designated by the two numbers; for example "9 / 10". Refer to the legend left for the specific model numbers. 9 / 10 21 / 22 23 / 24 25 / 26 27 28 29 DLFU selection chart K-Series, Model DLKFU – Features Model DLKFU series pumps are designed to tackle clogging challenges with enhanced passage capabilities for handling of fibrous waste. The design features address the most common reasons for clogging caused by fibrous materials: Reduces material caught on the vane tips Increases inlet pressure which keeps debris moving instead of recirculating E-liminator groove disrupts the accumulation of fibrous debris. Standard Specifications Design Discharge 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 inch Horsepower 2 to 60 Capacity 13 to 4000 GPM Total head 7 to 243 feet Max.Liquid temp. 104°F/40°C Speed 1800 RPM Materials Casing Cast Iron Impeller Cast Iron (2 to 60HP) Ductile Iron (150-300DLFU, 40 to 60HP) Shaft 403 Stainless Steel, 2 to 5HP 420 Stainless Steel, 71/2 to 60HP Motor Frame Cast Iron Fastener 304 Stainless Steel Construction Mechanical Seal Double Mechanical Seal Material – Upper Carbon/Ceramic Optional: Tungsten Carbide/Tungsten/Carbide Material – Lower Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide, 2 to 60HP Optional: Tungsten Carbide/Tungsten/Carbide Tungsten Carbide/Tungsten Carbide, 150-300DLFU, 50 & 60 HP Submersible Cable 2 to 5HP - 33 ft. standard cable length 71/2 to 60HP - 40 ft. standard cable length Optional _____ ft. (customer specified) Accessories Optional QDC System Model DLFU, DLKFU, DDLFU Impeller Type Semi-open, 2 to 30HP Enclosed, 40 to 60HP Bearing Prelubricated Ball Bearing Motor 2-5hp= Class F Insulation, 7.5-60hp= Class H Insulation Optional: FM Explosion Proof Class 1, Division 1, Group C, D Three Phase 208/230V, 460V Service Factor 1.15 Motor Protection Built-in Thermal Detector - Klixon Mechanical Seal Leakage - Float Switch Page 31 of 123 1 150x100DDLFU615 20HP 2 150x100DDLFU618 25HP 3 150x100DDLFU622 30HP 4 150x100DDLFU637 50HP 5 150x100DDLFU645 60HP 6 200x150DDLFU615 20HP 9 200x150DDLFU630 40HP 10 200x150DDLFU637 50HP 11 200x150DDLFU645 60HP 12 200x200DDLFU630 40HP 13 200x200DDLFU637 50HP 14 200x200DDLFU645 60HP 14 12 7 15 18 19 150x100DDLFU611 15HP 200 x150DDLFU 611 15HP 100x80DDLFU611 15HP 100x80DDLFU615 20HP 100x80DDLFU618 25HP 150x100DDLFU630 40HP 100x80DDLFU622 30HP 1 2 3 9 11 4 5 6 17 13 8 10 16 20 17 250x250DDLFU645 60HP 18 300x300DDLFU630 40HP 19 300x300DDLFU637 50HP 20 300x300DDLFU645 60HP 1 150x100DDLFU615 20HP 2 150x100DDLFU618 25HP 3 150x100DDLFU622 30HP 4 150x100DDLFU637 50HP 5 150x100DDLFU645 60HP 6 200x150DDLFU615 20HP 7 200x150DDLFU618 25HP 8 200x150DDLFU622 30HP 9 200x150DDLFU630 40HP 10 200x150DDLFU637 50HP 11 200x150DDLFU645 60HP 12 200x200DDLFU630 40HP 13 200x200DDLFU637 50HP 14 200x200DDLFU645 60HP 15 250x250DDLFU630 40HP 16 250x250DDLFU637 50HP 17 250x250DDLFU645 60HP 18 300x300DDLFU630 40HP 19 300x300DDLFU637 50HP 20 300x300DDLFU645 60HP 1 150x100DDLFU615 20HP 2 150x100DDLFU618 25HP 3 150x100DDLFU622 30HP 4 150x100DDLFU637 50HP 5 150x100DDLFU645 60HP 6 200x150DDLFU615 20HP 7 200x150DDLFU618 25HP 8 200x150DDLFU622 30HP 9 200x150DDLFU630 40HP 10 200x150DDLFU637 50HP 11 200x150DDLFU645 60HP 12 200x200DDLFU630 40HP 13 200x200DDLFU637 50HP 14 200x200DDLFU645 60HP 15 250x250DDLFU630 40HP 16 250x250DDLFU637 50HP 17 250x250DDLFU645 60HP 18 300x300DDLFU630 40HP 19 300x300DDLFU637 50HP 20 300x300DDLFU645 60HP DDLFU selection chart Model DDLFU Standard Specifications Design Discharge 4"×3", 6"×4", 8"×6", 8"×8", 10"×10", 12"×12" Horsepower 15 to 60HP Capacity 80 to 4000 GPM Total head 20 to 243 feet Max.Liquid temp. 104°F/40°C Speed 1800 RPM Materials Casing Cast Iron Impeller Cast Iron Shaft 420 Stainless Steel Motor Frame Cast Iron Fastener 304 Stainless Steel Construction Mechanical Seal Double Mechanical Seal – Tandem Arrangement Material – Upper Carbon/Ceramic Optional: Tungsten Carbide/Tungsten/Carbide Material – Lower Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide Optional: Tungsten Carbide/Tungsten/Carbide onal: FM Explosion Proof Class 1, Division 1, Group C, D Three Phase 208/230V, 460V Service Factor 1.15 Motor Protection Built-in Thermal Detector - Klixon Mechanical Seal Leakage - Float Switch Submersible Cable 40 ft. standard cable length, Optional 66 ft. Optional _____ ft. (customer specified) Opti Tungsten Carbide/Tungsten Carbide (200×150DDLFU and greater, 50 & 60 HP only) Impeller Type Semi-open for 15 to 30HP Enclosed for 40 to 60HP Bearing Prelubricated Ball Bearing Motor 2-5hp=Class F Insulation, 7.5-60hp=Class H Insulation Page 32 of 123        Page 33 of 123 QDC & Slide Rail System DDLFU Dry Pit Design Note:Entry system is the same for both power and control cables. Primary seal – grommet (NBR) Secondary sealing – O-rings (NBR) Epoxy resin – prevents capillary action Solid joint butt connector (copper) Cable gland (grey cast iron) Solid joint butt connector (copper) Cable Entry System      Model DLFU, DLKFU, DDLFU Motor cooling is provided by internal recirculation of pumpage through water jacket Mechanical seal oil chamber * All specifications subject to change without notice. EBARA Fluid Handling 1651 Cedar Line Drive • Rock Hill, SC 29730 • t (803) 327 - 5005 • f (803) 327 - 5097 www.pumpsebara.com © 2010 EBARA International Corporation, All rights reserved. EFHDLFU1011 Page 34 of 123 EBARA Pumps Americas Corporation (803) 327-5005 www.pumpsebara.com © 2018 EBARA Pumps Americas Corporation, All rights reserved. EBARA K-Series An increased frequency of submersible wastewater pumps clogging due to an abundance of improperly disposed materials entering waste streams have plagued pump manufacturers and municipal wastewater facilities over the past decade. Efforts by municipalities to restrict occurrences of such materials entering the system are not always successful. Ebara DLKF series pumps are designed to tackle these challenges. The Ebara K-series submersible sewage pump maintains the same quality and durability of the Ebara DLF line but with enhanced passage capabilities for handling of fibrous waste. The Ebara K-series design features address the most common reasons for clogging caused by fibrous materials. This design: • Reduces material caught on the vane tips • Increases inlet pressure which keeps debris moving instead of recirculating • E-liminator groove disrupts the accumulation of fibrous debris. When applied as designed, Ebara submersible DLF-series pumps continue to offer superior solids handling for up to three-inch spherical solids. In most applications the standard D-series design can sufficiently handle your pumping requirements, but when the situation calls for something more, choose Ebara K-series. K-series pumps are available for new equipment sales and as a conversion kit for installed Ebara pumps. Field Trials have shown that the Ebara K-series pumps have dramatically reduced and in some cases eliminated clogging pumps. South Carolina Municipality: 80DLMF (3 HP), multiple clogging occurrences per week pumps converted to 80DLMKF 9/24/09 – no clogs as of 9/2/2010 South Carolina Municipality: 80DLCMF (10 HP), two clogging occurrences per week pumps converted to 80DLCMKF 7/23/09 – no clogs as of 9/2/2010 South Carolina Municipality: 80DLMF (7 1/2 HP) multiple clogging occur- rences per week, pumps converted to 80DLMKF 11/17/09 – no clogs as of 9/2/2010 Ohio Municipality: 100DLMF (15HP) , daily clogging occurrences upgraded to 100DLMKF 10/23/09 – no clogs as of 9/2/2010 Iowa Municipality: 100DLMF (10HP), multiple clogging occur- rences per week, upgraded to 100DLMKF 11/12/09 – no clogs as of 9/2/2010 Florida Municipality: 150DLFU618 (25 HP) 11/5/09 two clogging occurrences per week, upgraded to 150DLKFU618 – no clogs as of 9/2/2010 Modified vane profiles. Adjustable wear plate with an E-liminator groove. Page 35 of 123 Page 36 of 123 EBARA Submersible Sewage Pumps DLFMU–Explosion Proof Non-clog Specifications Project:Model:Chk’d: Date: EBARA Fluid Handling www.pumpsebara.com 2-163 (t) 803 327 5005 • (f) 803 327 5097 rev. 10/11 connected to the motor shaft with a slip fit, key driven, and secured with an impeller bolt. The design shall include a replaceable cast iron suction cover. The suction cover shall be designed such that it may be adjusted to maintain working clearances and hydraulic efficiencies. c. For high head units, 4'' discharge, 40 to 60 HP shall have a radial multi-vane, enclosed impeller design. It shall be dynamically balanced and shall be designed for solids handling with a long thrulet without acute turns. The inlet edge of the impeller vanes shall be angled toward the impeller periphery so as to facilitate the release of objects that might otherwise clog the pump. A lip seal shall be located behind the impeller hub to reduce the entry of foreign materials into the mechanical seal area. Impellers shall be direct connected to the motor shaft with a slip fit, key driven, and secured with an impeller bolt. The design shall include a replaceable casing wear ring at the pump suction to maintain working clearances and hydraulic efficiencies. d. For units 6'' to 12'' discharge sizes, 40 to 60 HP, the impeller shall be a mixed flow multi-vane enclosed design. It shall be dynamically balanced and shall be designed for solids handling with a long thrulet without acute turns. The inlet edge of the impeller vanes shall be angled toward the impeller periphery so as to facilitate the release of objects that might otherwise clog the pump. A lip seal shall be located behind the impeller hub to reduce the entry of foreign materials into the seal area. Impellers shall be direct connected to the motor shaft with a slip fit, key driven, and secured with an impeller bolt. The design shall include a replaceable casing wear ring at the pump suction to maintain working clearances and hydraulic efficiencies. optional K-series design: e. For units 2 to 5HP, the impeller shall be single or radial multi-vane, semi-open design. It shall be dynamically balanced and shall be designed for solids handling with a long thrulet without acute turns. The inlet edge of the impeller vanes shall be angled toward the impeller periphery so as to facilitate the release of objects that might otherwise clog the pump. The 2 to 5 HP impeller design shall also include back pump out vanes to reduce the pressure and entry of foreign materials into the mechanical seal area. In addition, a lip seal shall be located behind the impeller hub to further reduce the entry of foreign materials into the seal area. Impellers shall be direct connected to the motor shaft with a slip fit, key driven, and secured with an impeller bolt. The design shall include a replaceable cast iron suction cover. The suction cover shall contain a groove(s) perpendicular to the suction opening to disrupt fibrous solids that may otherwise become lodged between the impeller and suction cover. The suction cover shall be designed such that it may be adjusted to maintain working clearances and hydraulic efficiencies. f. For units 7 1/2 to 30 HP, the impeller shall be a mixed flow multi-vane semi-open design. It shall be dynamically balanced and shall be designed for solids handling with a long thrulet without acute turns. The inlet edge of the impeller vanes shall be angled toward the impeller periphery so as to facilitate the release of objects that might otherwise clog the pump. The 71/2 to 30 HP impeller design shall also include back pump out vanes to reduce the pressure and entry of foreign materials into the mechanical seal area. In addition, a lip seal shall be located behind the impeller hub to further reduce the entry of foreign materials into the seal area. Impellers shall be direct connected to the motor shaft with a slip fit, key driven, and secured with an impeller bolt. The design shall include a replaceable cast iron suction cover. The suction cover shall contain a groove(s) perpendicular to the suction opening to disrupt fibrous solids that may otherwise become lodged between the impeller and suction cover. The suction cover shall be designed such that it may be adjusted to maintain working clearances and hydraulic efficiencies. 2.Mechanical Seals a. For units 2 to 5 HP, double mechanical seals operating in an oil bath shall be provided on all units. The oil filled seal chamber shall be designed to prevent over-filling and include an anti-vortexing vane to insure proper lubrication of both seal faces. Lower face materials shall be silicon carbide, upper faces carbon vs. ceramic, NBR elastomers, and 304SS hardware. Seal system shall not rely on pumping medium for lubrication. b. Units 7 1/2 to 60 HP shall be designed to include a double mechanical seal in a tandem arrangement. Each seal shall be positively driven and act independently with its own spring system. The upper seal operates in an oil bath, while the lower seal is lubricated by the oil from between the shaft and the seal faces, and in contact with Page 37 of 123 EBARA Submersible Sewage Pumps DLFMU–Explosion Proof Non-clog Specifications Project:Model:Chk’d: Date: EBARA Fluid Handling www.pumpsebara.com 2-164 (t) 803 327 5005 • (f) 803 327 5097 rev. 04/11 the pumpage. The oil filled seal chamber shall be designed to prevent over-filling and include an anti-vortexing vane to insure proper lubrication of both seal faces. Lower face materials shall be silicon carbide (tungsten carbide for 150-300 DLFU 50 & 60 HP only), upper faces carbon vs. ceramic, NBR elastomers, and 304SS hardware. Seal system shall not rely on pumping medium for lubrication. E. Motor Construction: The pump motor shall be FM Explosion Proof, Class 1, Division 1, Groups C, D. The design shall be an air filled induction type with a squirrel cage rotor, shell type design, built to NEMA MG-1, Design B specifications. Stator windings shall be copper, insulated with moisture resistant Class H insulation (Class F for 2-5HP). The stator shall be dipped and baked three times in Class H varnish (Class F for 2-5HP) and heat shrunk fitted into the stator housing. Rotor bars and short circuit rings shall be manufactured of cast aluminum. Motor shaft shall be one piece AISI403 material for 2 to 5 HP, AISI420 for 71/2 to 60 HP material, rotating on two permanently lubricated ball bearings designed for a minimum B-10 life of 60,000 hours. Motor service factor shall be 1.15 and capable of up to 20 starts per hour. The motor shall be designed for continuous duty pumping at a maximum sump temperature of 104°F. Voltage and frequency tolerances shall be a maximum 10 / 5% respectively. Motor over temperature protection shall be provided by miniature thermal protectors embedded in the windings. Mechanical seal failure protection shall be provided by a mechanical float switch located in a chamber above the seal. This switch shall be comprised of a magnetic float that actuates a dry reed switch encapsulated within the stem. Should the mechanical seal fail, liquid shall be directed into the float chamber, in which the rising liquid activates the switch opening the normally closed circuit. For units 2 to 10 HP the float body and float shall be a polypropylene material with a 316SS stopper. Units 15 HP and greater, the float switch components shall be 304SS. The motor shall be non-overloading over the entire specified range of operation and be able to operate at full load intermittently while unsubmerged without damage to the unit. Power cable jacket shall be manufactured of an oil resistant chloroprene rubber material, designed for submerged applications. Cable shall be watertight to a depth of a least 65'. The cable entry system shall comprise of primary, secondary, and tertiary sealing methods. The primary seal shall be achieved by a cylindrical elastomeric grommet compressed between the motor cover and a 304SS washer. Secondary sealing is accomplished with a compressed o-ring made of NBR material. Compression and subsequent sealing shall preclude specific torque requirements. The system shall also include tertiary sealing to prevent leakage into the motor housing due to capillary action through the insulation if the cable is damaged or cut. The cable wires shall be cut, stripped, re-connected with a copper butt end connector, and embedded in epoxy within the cable gland. This provides a dead end for leakage through the cable insulation into the motor junction area. The cable entry system shall be the same for both the power and control cables. F. Guide Rail system: Design shall include two (2) 304SS schedule 40 guide rails sized to mount directly to the quick discharge connector, QDC, at the floor of the wetwell and to a guide rail bracket at the top of the wetwell below the hatch opening, (refer to project drawings). Intermediate guide brackets are recommended for rail lengths over 15 feet. Guide rails are not part of the pump package and shall be supplied by others. The QDC shall be manufactured of cast iron, ASTM A48 Class 30. It shall be designed to adequately support the guide rails, discharge piping, and pumping unit under both static and dynamic loading conditions with support legs that are suitable for anchoring it to the wetwell floor. The face of the inlet QDC flange shall be perpendicular to the floor of the wetwell. The discharge flange of the QDC shall conform to ANSI B16.1 Class 125. The pump design shall include an integral self-aligning sliding bracket. Sealing of the pumping unit to the QDC shall be accomplished by a single, linear, downward motion of the pump. The entire weight of the pump unit shall be guided to and wedged tightly against the inlet flange of the QDC, making metal to metal contact with the pump discharge forming a seal without the use of bolts, gaskets or o-rings. A stainless steel lifting chain of adequate length for removing and installing the pump unit is recommended. The chain shall have a round link with a 2-1/4'' inside diameter every two feet. This link will allow for a sliding pinch bar through the link to pick the chain, more than once if necessary, at multiple intervals during pump removal and installation. Page 38 of 123 Page 39 of 123 Customer : Reference : Pump Performance Datasheet Ebara Quotation System 20.0.3 GIERLICH-MITCHELL, INC 10533 PROGRESS WAY, STE A, CYPRESS, CA 90630 USA Tel: 512-454-4845 Fax: 512-467-8463 gierlich-mitchell.com Item number : 003 Service : Quantity : 3 Quote number : 1129937 Product Description : 100DLFU645 Stages : 1 Based on curve number : DL-C601-9608-60 Date last saved : 06 Mar 2020 2:09 PM Operating Conditions Flow, rated : 565.0 USgpm Differential head / pressure, rated (requested): 182.0 ft Differential head / pressure, rated (actual): 182.5 ft Suction pressure, rated / max : 0.00 / 0.00 psi.g NPSH available, rated : Ample Frequency : 60 Hz Performance Speed, rated : 1800 rpm Impeller diameter, rated : 12.83 in Impeller diameter, maximum : 14.17 in Impeller diameter, minimum : 11.81 in Efficiency : 59.78 % NPSH required / margin required : - / 0.00 ft Ns (imp. eye flow) / Nss (imp. eye flow): 921 / - US Units MCSF : 121.7 USgpm Head, maximum, rated diameter : 210.5 ft Head rise to shutoff : 15.33 % Flow, best eff. point : 1,186.6 USgpm Flow ratio, rated / BEP : 47.61 % Diameter ratio (rated / max): 90.56 % Head ratio (rated dia / max dia): 80.84 % Cq/Ch/Ce/Cn [ANSI/HI 9.6.7-2010]: 1.00 / 1.00 / 1.00 / 1.00 Selection status : Acceptable Liquid Liquid type : Water Additional liquid description : Solids diameter, max : 0.00 in Solids concentration, by volume : 0.00 % Temperature, max : 68.00 deg F Fluid density, rated / max : 1.000 / 1.000 SG Viscosity, rated : 1.00 cP Vapor pressure, rated : 0.00 psi.a Material Material selected : Cast Iron Pressure Data Maximum working pressure : 91.12 psi.g Maximum allowable working pressure : N/A Maximum allowable suction pressure : N/A Hydrostatic test pressure : N/A Driver & Power Data (@Max density) Driver sizing specification : Rated power Margin over specification : 0.00 % Service factor : 1.00 Power, hydraulic : 26.04 hp Power, rated : 43.56 hp Power, maximum, rated diameter : 63.71 hp Minimum recommended motor rating : 60.00 hp / 44.74 kW (Fixed) 0 20 40 60 80 Power - hpPower 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800Head - ftEfficiency - %Flow - USgpm 12.83 in Efficiency 14.17 in 11.81 in MCSF Page 40 of 123 Customer : Reference : Pump Performance Curve Ebara Quotation System 20.0.3 GIERLICH-MITCHELL, INC 10533 PROGRESS WAY, STE A, CYPRESS, CA 90630 USA Tel: 512-454-4845 Fax: 512-467-8463 gierlich-mitchell.com 0 20 40 60 80 Power - hpPower 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800Head - ftEfficiency - %Flow - USgpm 12.83 in Efficiency 14.17 in 11.81 in MCSF Item number : 003 Service : Quantity : 3 Quote number : 1129937 Date last saved : 06 Mar 2020 2:09 PM Product Description : 100DLFU645 Stages : 1 Speed, rated : 1800 rpm Based on curve number : DL-C601-9608-60 Efficiency : 59.78 % Power, rated : 43.56 hp Flow, rated : 565.0 USgpm Differential head / pressure, rated : 182.0 ft NPSH required : - Fluid density, rated / max : 1.000 / 1.000 SG Viscosity : 1.00 cP Cq/Ch/Ce/Cn [ANSI/HI 9.6.7-2010]: 1.00 / 1.00 / 1.00 / 1.00 Page 41 of 123 Customer : Reference : Multi-Speed Performance Curve Ebara Quotation System 20.0.3 GIERLICH-MITCHELL, INC 10533 PROGRESS WAY, STE A, CYPRESS, CA 90630 USA Tel: 512-454-4845 Fax: 512-467-8463 gierlich-mitchell.com 0 20 40 60 80 Power - hp1800 rpm 1620 rpm 1440 rpm 1260 rpm1080 rpm900 rpm 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,400 1,500Head - ftFlow - USgpm 1800 rpm 1620 rpm 1440 rpm 1260 rpm 1080 rpm 900 rpm MCSF Item number : 003 Service : Quantity : 3 Quote number : 1129937 Based on curve number : DL-C601-9608-60 Date last saved : 06 Mar 2020 2:09 PM Product Description : 100DLFU645 Stages : 1 Efficiency : 59.78 % Power, rated : 43.56 hp NPSH required : - Frequency : 60 Hz Nominal speed : 1800 rpm Flow, rated : 565.0 USgpm Differential head / pressure, rated : 182.0 ft Speed, rated : 1800 rpm Impeller diameter, rated : 12.83 in Fluid density, rated / max : 1.000 / 1.000 SG Viscosity : 1.00 cP Cq/Ch/Ce/Cn [ANSI/HI 9.6.7-2010]: 1.00 / 1.00 / 1.00 / 1.00 Page 42 of 123 Ebara Quotation System 20.0.3 GIERLICH-MITCHELL, INC 10533 PROGRESS WAY, STE A, CYPRESS, CA 90630 USA Tel: 512-454-4845 Fax: 512-467-8463 gierlich-mitchell.com Construction Datasheet Customer : Quote number : 1129937 Customer reference : Pump Model : 100DLFMU6454 Sales Order : -Quantity :3 Job Name : -Date last saved : 06 Mar 2020 2:09 PM Pump Data FM Approved Yes Insulation Class H Discharge Size (in)4 Service Factor 1.15 Discharge Size (mm)100 Motor Protection Hertz 60 Thermal Detection Klixons Rated KW 45 Leakage Detection Float Switch Horsepower 60 Cable Length (ft)50.00 ft Phase Three Max Submergence (ft)65 Voltage 460 Impeller Type Enclosed Max Water Temperature °F 104 Impeller Design Radial Max Water Temperature °C 40 Number of Vanes 2 Max Solid Diameter 3.00 in Back P.O. Vanes Yes Synchronous Speed (RPM)1800 Pump Materials of Construction Casing Cast Iron Shaft 420 SS Impeller Cast Iron Key 420 SS Intermediate Casing Cast Iron Motor Frame Cast Iron Suction Cover Cast Iron O-Rings NBR Wear Ring 304 SS Fastener 304 SS Mechanical Seal and Ball Bearing Data Mechanical Seal Size (mm)-Lubricating Oil Mechanical Seal Material Capacity (oz)240 Upper Side Carbon Ceramic Capacity (cc)7000 Lower Side Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide Name Turbine Oil #32 Ball Bearing Upper 5315ZZDR Lower 6310ZZ QDC and Accessories QDC Model LL125 HH Lifting Chain - Discharge Elbow (in)5 x 4 Material - Upper Guide Bracket UGBE2-316 Size (mm)- Intermediate Guide Bracket IGBLL1254-316 Standard Length (ft)- Estimated Weights (lbs) Pump 1,116.0 lb Intermediate Guide Bracket 12.00 lb QDC 175.0 lb Lifting Chain 0.00 lb Upper Guide Bracket 4.00 lb Total Weight 1,307.0 lb Page 43 of 123 Ebara Quotation System 20.0.3 GIERLICH-MITCHELL, INC 10533 PROGRESS WAY, STE A, CYPRESS, CA 90630 USA Tel: 512-454-4845 Fax: 512-467-8463 gierlich-mitchell.com Motor Datasheet Customer : Quote number : 1129937 Customer reference : Pump Model : 100DLFMU6454 Sales Order : -Quantity :3 Job Name : -Date last saved : 06 Mar 2020 2:09 PM Motor Data Nameplate Rating 100% Load Horsepower 60 Full Load (A)77.5 Rated KW 45 Efficiency (%)87.2 Phase Three Power Factor (%)83.3 Voltage 460 Speed (min1)1786 Poles 4 Resistance at 20°C (OHMS)0.103 Current (A)77.5 Locked Rotor Torque (%)175 Speed (min1)1770 Locked Rotor Current (A)523 Insulation Class H Vibraton (Micron)15 No Load Test Noise Phon (50cm)65 Amperes 30.8 Number Starts Per Hour 20 Watts 3900 Design Standard NEMA MG1 Part Voltage Tolerance (%)± 10 Frequency Tolerance (%)± 5 Symbols EM Power Cable Data Gauge (AWG)W #4 + #4 Nominal Insulator Thickness 1.52 Number of Conductors 4 + 4 Sheath Thickness (mm)4.2 Detail of Conductor -Cable O.D. (mm)32.26 Qty/Dia of Wire (PCS/mm)259/0.32 Resistance at 20°C 0.96 Diameter (mm)6.7 Max Cable Length (ft)656 Control Cable Data Gauge (AWG)#18 Nominal Insulator Thickness 0.76 Number of Conductors 5 Sheath Thickness (mm)2.2 Detail of Conductor -Cable O.D. (mm)12.32 Qty/Dia of Wire (PCS/mm)16/0.25 Resistance at 20°C 24.23 Diameter (mm)1.2 Max Cable Length (ft)- Page 44 of 123 General Arrangement Page 45 of 123 EBARA Quick Discharge Connector Dimensions Project: Model: Chk'd: Date: Model LLE125HH Weight: 183 Lb (83 kg) Dimensions: inch A1 A2 B B1 B2 C C1 E E1 E2 F1 19.31 8.06 7.50 13 11 6.50 2.38 1.81 7.88 11.25 16.94 F2 F3 G1 HJKL1 L2 M1 M2 N1 15.19 3.94 3.56 0.75 8.25 5 10.56 5.88 13.75 7.69 2.75 N2 P Q1 Q2 R S T1 4 11.44 2.75 3.94 1.56 14.25 6.31 Dimensions: mm A1 A2 B B1 B2 C C1 E E1 E2 F1 490 205 190 330 280 165 60 46 200 286 430 F2 F3 G1 HJKL1 L2 M1 M2 N1 385 100 90 19 210 125 268 150 350 195 70 N2 P Q1 Q2 R S T1 100 290 70 100 40 362 160 Page 46 of 123 EBARA Submersible Pumps Technical Information Project:Model: ChkÊd: Date: Thermal Protection The motor shall be equipped with a protector such as automatic cut-off device and thermal protector. The motors described below shall incorporate Miniature Thermal Protectors (MTP) which are embedded in the windings. When temperature of the winding raises and reaches the MTP acting point, the motor protection circuit is activated to protect motor from over heat. 1.Applicable model Model:DGFU, DLFU, DLKFU, DVFU, DDLFU 2. MTP Specifications: Model KLIXON 9700K-66-215 Type of Contact b (Normally-Closed contact Acting-open) Acting Temperature 140 5°C (284 9°F) Re-setting Temperature 85 10°C (185 18°F) Capacity of Contact 3. Installation: MTP shall be embedded in the stator windings as shown at right· 4. Construction: Construction of the MTP is as shown below: Voltage (V) Amperage (A) DC 24 18 AC 115 18 AC 230 13 AC 460 5.5 UHY Page 47 of 123 EBARA Submersible Pumps Technical Information Project:Model: ChkÊd: Date: Details of Leakage Detector 1.Applicable model Model:'/)8, DDLFU 2. Construction: Each switch has a magnet-containing float which senses the liquid level and magnetically actuates a dry reed switch encapsulated within a stem. The switch opens on rise of liquid. 3. Specifications 2. • Apply to 40 to 60HP Breaking Capacity : AC12VA, DC10W Max. Breaking Current : AC0.6A, DC0.5A Max. Operating Voltage : AC200V, DC200V Lead Wire Float Body (304 S.S.) Float (304 S.S.) Stopper (304 S.S.) Close Open UHY Page 48 of 123 EBARA Submersible Pumps Technical Information Project:Model: ChkÊd: Date: Details of Cable Entry Based on their first years of experience, EBARA now provides the most dependable cable entry construction of any submersible pump. Its features are as follows: Washer (304 S.S.) O-Ring Motor CoverLine Cord Packing Cord Housing Bolt Connecting Sleeve DETAIL“A” Sealing Compound Sealing Metal Heat Shrinkable Tube A Sealing Compound Page 49 of 123 EBARA Submersible Pumps DLFU Motor Wiring Diagram Project: Model: ChkÊd: Date: Manual Operation Type – Three Phase Model DLFU Output 40 to 60HP 460V G– GRN L1 – RED – T1 L2 – WHT – T2 L3 – BLK –T3 L5 – WHT – T10 L6 – BLK –T11 L4 – RED – T12 T4– T7 T5 – T8 T6 – T9 P1 – RED P2 – WHT P3 – BLK P4 – OR G –GRN  UHY Page 50 of 123 EBARA Submersible Pumps DLFU Technical Information Project: Model: ChkÊd: Date: Mechanical Seal Sectional View DOUBLE MECHANICAL SEALS in a tandem arrangement with HARD seal face materials are provided on all EBARA „D-Series‰ submersible pumps. The double mechanical seal in oil chamber provides long life and friction-free sealing of the motor shaft. Typical construction and materials are as follows: •TYPE A-60 DLFU, 50 to60HP 100DLFU ONLY NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 NO. FOR 1 SET 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PART NAME Parallel Pin O-Ring Stationary Ring Rotating Ring Bellows Case Case Drive Ring Spring Spring Retainer Packing Rotating Ring Stationary Ring Bellows Case Case Drive Ring Spring Spring Retainer MATERIALS 316S.S. N.B.R. Silicon Carbide Silicon Carbide N.B.R. 304SS 304SS 304SS 304SS 304SS N.B.R. Carbon Graphite Ceramic N.B.R. 304SS 304SS 304SS 304SS 304SS  Page 51 of 123 EBARA Submersible Sewage Pumps DLFU Sectional View Project: Model: ChkÊd: Date: 40 to 60HP 100DLFU Motors are purchased as a complete unit †: Recommended spare parts *: Option for hard-piped installations 838 1 120 7 849 1 120 5 115 3 193 2 115 2 115 1 924 1 811 1 838 2 115 7 115 5 849 2 120 6 115 4 120 4 816 2 816 1 193 1 120 3 120 2 120 1 924 2 811 2 120 8 115 6 817 876 814 830 909 213 200 174 117 167 801 802 111 005 114 001 021 039 080 125 107 PART NO. 001 005 †021 039 080 †107 †111 †114 †115-1 †115-2 †115-3 †115-4 †115-5 †115-6 †115-7 †117 120-1 120-2 120-3 120-4 120-5 120-6 120-7 120-8 PART"NAME CASING INTERMEDIATE"CASING IMPELLER KEY BUSHING WEARING"RING MECHANICAL SEAL OIL"SEAL O-RING O-RING O-RING O-RING O-RING O-RING O-RING GASKET BOLT BOLT BOLT BOLT BOLT BOLT BOLT BOLT MATERIAL CAST IRON CAST"IRON CAST"IRON 420 STAINLESS 304 STAINLESS 304 STAINLESS — RUBBER (NBR) RUBBER (NBR) RUBBER (NBR) RUBBER (NBR) RUBBER (NBR) RUBBER (NBR) RUBBER (NBR) RUBBER"(NBR) 304 STAINLESS 304 STAINLESS 304 STAINLESS 304 STAINLESS 304 STAINLESS 304 STAINLESS 304 STAINLESS 304 STAINLESS ASTM, AISI CODE A48 Class 30 A48 Class 30 A48 Class 30 AISI420 AISI 304 AISI 304 AISI304 AISI304 AISI304 AISI304 AISI304 AISI304 AISI304 AISI304 NO. FOR 1 UNIT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SET 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 8 8 8 8 6 4 6 2 PART NO. 125 *167 174 193-1 193-2 200 213 801 802 811-1 811-2 814 816-1 816-2 817 830 838-1 838-2 †849-1 †849-2 876 909 924-1 924-2 PART "NAME BOLT BASE DISCHARGE"ELBOW PLUG PLUG LIFTING"HANGER AIR"VENT"VALVE ROTOR STATOR POWER"CABLE CONTROL"CABLE MOTOR"COVER BRACKET BRACKET BRACKET SHAFT WASHER WASHER BALL"BEARING BALL"BEARING MOTOR"PROTECTOR LEAKAGE"DETECTOR PACKING PACKING MATERIAL 304 STAINLESS STEEL CAST"IRON 304 STAINLESS 304"STAINLESS STEEL BRASS — — — — CAST"IRON CAST"IRON CAST"IRON CAST"IRON 420J2 STAINLESS 304 STAINLESS 304 STAINLESS — — — — RUBBER"(NBR) RUBBER"(NBR) ASTM, AISI CODE AISI304 A283 Grade D A48 Class 30 AISI304 AISI304 A283 Grade D B36 No. 272 A48 Class 30 A48 Class 30 A48 Class 30 A48 Class 30 AISI420 AISI304 AISI304 NO. FOR 1 UNIT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 SET 1 3 1 2 1  UHY Page 52 of 123 EBARA Quick Discharge Connector Sectional View Project: Model: ChkÊd: Date: Model LLE125HH Part No. 120-2 120-3 120-4 121 130 131 135 531 532 533 535 540 Part Name Bolt &Nut Bolt &Nut Bolt Anchor Bolt Set Screw Guide Pin Washer Body Support Bar Sliding Guide Guide Support Plate Rubber Ring Material Model LL( Steel Steel 316 Stainless Steel 304 Stainless %UDVV Steel Cast Iron 420 Stainless %URQ]H Steel Rubber (NR) ASTM, AISI, CODE Model LL( A283 Grade D A283 Grade D AISI316 A283 Grade D AISI304 %& A283 Grade D A48 Class 30 AISI420 %& A283 Grade D No. for 1 Unit 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Page 53 of 123 EBARA Submersible Pumps Technical Information Project:Model: ChkÊd: Date: Clogging Phenomena and Prevention From abundant experience, EBARA placed the following design concepts on sump and sewage pumps in order to prevent clogging. CLOGGING PHENOMENA AT: 1. Strainer Inlet 2. Impeller Inlet 3. Clearance between Impeller and Suction Cover 4. Casing Tongue 5. Shaft End PREVENTION Choose a pump with a large strainer opening or pump with- out strainer. Shape inlet portion of the impeller blade as described below. The inlet edge of the impeller vanes are angled toward the impeller periphery so as to facilitate the release of objects that might otherwise clog the pump. Increase clearance – Model DVU, DVFU. Provide large radius on tongue, or cut water. Eliminate sharp points on impeller and impeller nut (use rounded impeller nut). Page 54 of 123 EBARA Submersible Pumps Technical Information Project:Model: ChkÊd: Date: Understanding Unbalance (1 of 5) Three phase motors can be damaged by sustained application of unbalanced voltages. This problem can easily be more severe than application of balanced voltages above or below normal data plate ratings. UNBALANCED PHASES Unbalanced voltages applied to a 3 phase motor will adversely affect the motor operating characteristics. Motors will operate successfully where the variation in the supply voltage does not exceed plus or minus 10% of the name plate rating, but the voltages of a given 3 phase circuit should be evenly balanced as closely as can be read on the usually available commercial voltmeter. A relatively small unbalance in voltage will cause a considerable increase in temperature rise. For example, a 3.5% voltage unbalance will cause approximately 25% increase in temperature rise. The full load speed is reduced slightly when the motor operates on unbalanced voltages. An unbalanced voltage will cause unequal currents to flow in the windings. If the motor is moderately or heavily loaded, currents in certain coils will exceed rating and overheat. Thermal cut-outs buried in the windings may detect this overheating and shut down the motor. If not, winding failure will result due to insulation damage. A second type of damage is caused by rotor heating. This can occur without excessive coil current on a lightly loaded motor. Damaging currents at these frequencies will flow as a result of voltage unbalance. Rotors are not designed for such currents, especially those of recent design optimized by computer techniques. Rotor overheating is most likely to cause bearing or seal failure, again perhaps, after a long period of time. Thermal cut-outs in the stator seldom will detect this problem and starter failures have been charged to mechanical failure while the cause was actually voltage unbalance. UNBALANCED CURRENTS Questions relative to how much unbalance a motor can tolerate have been raised from time to time. This condition is generally due to voltage unbalance in the supply and can usually be corrected by working with the power company involved. The effect of unbalanced phase currents is to increase the heating of the motor, thus reducing its efficiency. It might be said that unbalanced currents, as far as motor temperature rise is concerned, acts like additional load on the motor. For this reason the permissible loading decreases with increasing unbalance of phase currents. Before a problem of this nature can be corrected, it is necessary to determine whether the source is with the submersible motor or with the electrical supply furnished for its operation. The following facts will assist in locating the source of the problem and will govern the steps to be taken in its correction. Unbalanced amperage is generally caused by problems in either of the following areas: A. External power supply, including the pump control box. B. Internal problem with motor windings or stator leads to drop cable connection. The following diagrams and explanation will present you with a method by which you can localize the problem as being caused by „A‰ or by „B‰. In other words, we are trying to find out whether the trouble lies in the area from the control back through the supply or whether it is a result of malfunction beyond the control down to and including the pump motor. UHYPage 55 of 123 EBARA Submersible Pumps Technical Information Project:Model: ChkÊd: Date: Understanding Unbalance (2 of 5) Assuming that the unit is connected to the supply so that the 3 phase motor is running in the correct direction of rotation, there are two other combinations of connection that will change phase connections but not change the rotation. This is accomplished by changing the position of all three drop cable leads at their termination in the control. It is important that all three leads be interchanged each time as the interchanging of only two leads will result in reversing the motor. If any two pump cable power leads are interchanged in the control it will change the rotation of the motor. If all three leads are interchanged in the control, the pump will continue to operate in the original rotation. Once the three power leads in the pump cable are connected to the terminals in the control so that the pump is operating in the correct direction of rotation, there are two other possible combinations that will also operate the pump in the correct direction. • EXAMPLE Assuming that combination #1 is operating in correct rotation the 2nd and 3rd combination will also operate in the correct rotation. If combination #1 shows unbalanced amperage read- ings, it is sometimes possible that one of the other two combinations above will operate at a lesser degree of unbalance. If the unbalanced leg follows the same wire in the drop cable from the pump, regardless of which position it is connected to on the control terminals the fault would most likely be found in the stator windings or in the stator leads to drop cable connections. If the unbalanced leg remains related to the same terminal in the control box regardless of which wire is connected to it, the fault would most likely be found in the power supply or possibly poor connection in the control. T1 Red Black White T2 Black White Red T3 White Red Black Combination 1st 2nd 3rd Page 56 of 123 EBARA Submersible Pumps Technical Information Project:Model: ChkÊd: Date: Understanding Unbalance (3 of 5) GENERAL CAUSES OF UNBALANCE 1. Extreme case as in Single Phasing of a 3 phase supply. The source may be in the control. Either a blown fuse, defective or poor contact point in contactor or any interruption in wiring or terminals. 2. Pulling single phase loads from the 3 phase supply in an unbalanced sequence. This can be especially true in a job shop where electrical load is unpredictable at any given time. As we are speaking of Voltage and Amperage in terms of percentage of Unbalance, the question arises as to how to figure the % of unbalance in a three phase system. The formula reads as follows: Maximum Deviation from average × 100 = Percentage of Unbalance Average of the 3 readings • EXAMPLE L1·L2 = 234V Average of the 3 readings: 229V L1·L3 = 230V Maximum deviation from the average: 229–223=6V L2·L3 = 223V Voltage unbalance : 6/229 x 100 = 2.62% L1 = 63.3 amps Average of the 3 readings: 61.1 amps L2 = 65.6 amps Maximum deviation from the average: 61.1·54.4=6.7 amps L3 = 54.4 amps Amperage unbalance: 6.7/61.1 x 100 = 10.97% Maximum permissible % of amperage unbalance allowed at motor full load is 5%. Permissible % of unbalance increases as motor load decreases. However, unless under specific conditions, the motor should, for safety, be considered to be operat- ing at full load. Maximum permissible % of Voltage unbalance allowed is 1%. Keep in mind that, especially with Delta wound motors, the true amperage unbalance is in the neighborhood of 6 to 10 times the voltage unbalance. The true amperage unbalance is not readily determined by the amperage readings taken in the supply lines. Excess circulating currents within the stator not recorded on your amp meter contribute to overheating of winding insulation. The „maximum‰ percentages mentioned above are based on motors working at full load. Slightly higher maximums may be allowed at less than full load conditions but „good practice‰ and full warranty must necessarily be based on full load conditions especially with squirrel cage induction motors assigned to such variable conditions as is found in the pumping of liquids, etc. Page 57 of 123 EBARA Submersible Pumps Technical Information Project:Model: ChkÊd: Date: Understanding Unbalance (4 of 5) EXPLANATION OF NEMA STANDARD MGI-1973-SECTION 14.34 This standard presents guidelines on Voltage Unbalance. While the voltages should be evenly balanced as closely as can be read on the usually available commercial voltmeter, it is recommended that any voltage unbalance at the Motor Terminals not exceed 1%. Unbalanced Voltage can be broken into two opposing components, a positive sequence voltage and negative sequence voltage component. The positive sequence, operating the motor in its correct rotation, is opposed by the negative sequence, causing a build up of heat. Unbalance causes extra motor losses and in turn heating of the Rotor and Windings. Increased motor losses increase power costs. Line currents, as a result of unbalanced voltage, will be greatly unbalanced in the order of 6 to 10 times the voltage unbal- ance. This true value of the current unbalance will not be apparent on a normal reading, as part of the unbalance is in the form of circulating currents in the motor and does not show up in the line. It is recommended that any amperage unbalance at the motor terminals not exceed 5%. In the phase with the highest current, the percentage increase in temperature rise will be approximately two times the square of the percentage of voltage unbalance. • EXAMPLE If voltage unbalance was 3%, percentage increase in temperature rise would be: 2 × (3%) 2 = 2 × 9% = 18% Page 58 of 123 EBARA Submersible Pumps Technical Information Project:Model: ChkÊd: Date: Understanding Unbalance (5 of 5) Any significant voltage unbalance notably reduces the margins that motors have at usual service conditions, i.e. Service Factor. Voltage Unbalance can be more harmful than short time overloading or moderate low voltage conditions. • NOTE If the unbalance condition cannot be corrected, it would then be advisable to reduce the motor load or oversize the motor. EFFECT OF VOLTAGE VARIATION ON INDUCTION MOTOR CHARACTERISTICS Page 59 of 123 EBARA Submersible Pumps DLU, DVU, DGUII, DGFU, DLFU, DVFU, DDLFU Technical Information Project: Model: Chk’d: Date: Shop Painting Standards 1. Scope This specification covers the methods for painting the following EBARA PUMPS in the shop. EBARA Models: DGUII, DLU, DVU, DGFU, DLFU, DVFU, DDLFU 2. Surface Preparation All surfaces to be painted shall be cleaned of oil, grease or other similar materials with solvent, and then shall be brushed and air blasted to remove rust or scale. Prior to above preparation, mill scale, rust scale, chips and other foreign materials shall be removed in accordance with painting schedule. 3. Coating Procedure Detailed coating procedures are as shown in each paint schedule. Service External Surface Coats 1st 2nd Maker Final color:Black Service Internal Surface Coats 1st Maker New Volcano Paints and Varnishes S/A Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer Brand Name Coal Tar Epoxy Type of Coating Z inc Rich 3x1 Painting Schedule Z inc Rich 3x1 New Volcano Paints and Varnishes S/AZinc Rich Epoxy Primer Hi-Build Tneme-Tar Tnemec Co., Inc. 46-413 Painting Schedule Surface Preparation SSPC-VIS1-3-63 Surface Preparation SSPC-VIS1-3-63 Type of Coating Brand Name Page 60 of 123 INTERMEDIATE GUIDE BRACKETS 304 Stainless Steel Part No.A B C D App. Wt. IGBLM502 2 3/4 5 5/16 1 2 5 *IGBLM503 2 3/4 5 13/16 1 3 5 IGBLM803 2 3/4 6 1/2 1 3 5 IGBLM804 2 3/4 7 11/16 1 4 5 IGBLL803 6 5/16 7 11/16 1 1/2 3 6 IGBLL804 6 5/16 8 7/8 1 1/2 4 7 IGBLL1003 6 5/16 8 1/4 1 1/2 3 7 IGBLL1004 6 5/16 8 1/4 1 1/2 4 7 IGBLL1006 6 5/16 9 1/4 1 1/2 6 8 IGBLL1254 6 5/16 12 3/4 2 4 12 IGBLL1256 6 5/16 13 9/16 2 6 12 IGBLL150Y6 6 5/16 12 13/16 2 6 12 IGBLL1506 6 5/16 14 2 6 12 IGBLL150/200Y8 6 5/16 14 2 8 12 *IGBLL150Y8 6 5/16 13 13/16 2 8 11 IGBLL250Y10 9 7/16 17 1/8 3 10 16 IGBLL300Y12 9 7/16 18 5/16 3 12 20 * An ecentric reducer is required ( by others) to match the "D" dimension. Page 61 of 123 INTERMEDIATE GUIDE BRACKETS 316 Stainless Steel Part No.A B C D App. Wt. IGBLM502-316 2 3/4 5 5/16 1 2 5 *IGBLM503-316 2 3/4 5 13/16 1 3 5 IGBLM803-316 2 3/4 6 1/2 1 3 5 IGBLM804-316 2 3/4 7 11/16 1 4 5 IGBLL803-316 6 5/16 7 11/16 1 1/2 3 6 IGBLL804-316 6 5/16 8 7/8 1 1/2 4 7 IGBLL1003-316 6 5/16 8 1/4 1 1/2 3 7 IGBLL1004-316 6 5/16 8 1/4 1 1/2 4 7 IGBLL1006-316 6 5/16 9 1/4 1 1/2 6 8 IGBLL1254-316 6 5/16 12 3/4 2 4 12 IGBLL1256-316 6 5/16 13 9/16 2 6 12 IGBLL150Y6-316 6 5/16 12 13/16 2 6 12 IGBLL1506-316 6 5/16 14 2 6 12 IGBLL150/200Y8-316 6 5/16 14 2 8 12 *IGBLL150Y8-316 6 5/16 13 13/16 2 8 11 IGBLL250Y10-316 9 7/16 17 1/8 3 10 16 IGBLL300Y12-316 9 7/16 18 5/16 3 12 20 * An ecentric reducer is required ( by others) to match the "D" dimension. Page 62 of 123 UPPER GUIDE BRACKETS 304 Stainless Steel Part No.A B C App. Wt. UGBE1 2 3/4 2 3/16 1 2 LM50, LM65, LM80 UGBE1.5 6 5/16 3 3/8 1 1/2 3 LL100, LL80 UGBE2 6 5/16 3 9/16 2 4 LL125, LL150, LL200Y UGBE3 9 7/16 4 3/4 3 7 LL250, LL300 316 Stainless Steel Part No.A B C App. Wt. UGBE1-316 2 3/4 2 3/16 1 2 LM50, LM65, LM80 UGBE1.5-316 6 5/16 3 3/8 1 1/2 3 LL100, LL80 UGBE2-316 6 5/16 3 9/16 2 4 LL125, LL150, LL200Y UGBE3-316 9 7/16 4 3/4 3 7 LL250, LL300 B CA RUBBER RETAINER MATERIAL___SST Page 63 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 03/23/21 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Community Development Department Request for Authorization to Process General Plan Amendment for 2055 El Camino Real (Cal Coastal Communities) RECOMMENDATION: Council authorize the Cal Coastal Development Team to proceed with a Specific Plan Amendment application to the Del Rio Commercial Area Specific Plan to allow for submittal of a commercial resort concept, while reconfiguring the existing residential zone. REPORT-IN-BRIEF: A development concept has been submitted for a commercial resort concept on the former Walmart site. The concept includes an experiential commercial development with restaurants, entertainment, a hotel, and an RV/cabin lodging component. The applicant is requesting a General Plan and Specific Plan amendment to relocate and slightly enlarge the residential portion of the site and confirm land use components prior to pursuing their development concept. At this time, the applicant team is seeking authorization to proceed , prior to the end of the due-diligence period of their escrow. The project details will be modified in response to input received from the community and from the City Council. An additional project review/check-in can occur at a later date if the applicant is authorized to proceed. Since the project will amend a portion of the General Plan map to relocate a portion of the residential district, Council authorization to accept and process the application is required prior to staff acceptance of a complete application. Situation and Facts: 1. Applicant/ Owner: Cal Coastal Properties 2. Project Addresses: 2055 El Camino Real 3. General Plan Designation: General Commercial (GC) / High Density Residential (HDR) 4. Zoning District: Commercial Retail (CR) / Residential Multi-Family (RMF-24) Page 64 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 03/23/21 5. Site Area: appx. 25.4-acres 6. Existing Use: Vacant 7. Environmental Status: Not yet determined – previously certified EIR DISCUSSION: Background The City has received a request for an amendment (Specific Plan and General Plan) to modify the site zoning designations for the former Walmart site and receive direction on the proposed development concept. In late 2020, the Council approved amendments to the Del Rio Commercial Area Specific Plan that unlocked the site for development opportunities assuming a shift away from traffic intensive retail and reducing the scope of required traffic improvements. Amendments included modifications to the list of allowable uses, inclusion of design guidelines and concepts, and broadening of site-specific requirements to allow for alternative development concepts. These amendments assumed a reduction in large retail, while eliminating high traffic generating uses such as drive through restaurants and fuel stations. Instead, the amendment assumed a mix of retail, office, lodging and experience based uses such as wineries and breweries. This concept is in alignment with the proposed specific plan amendment, but also shifts the location of the residential district and increases th e amount of lodging and RV park uses that were previously assumed. Therefore, a new authorization is required. Should the project move forward, an amendment to the Specific Plan, General Plan map, and zoning designations on the site will be required. The project will also be required to process a concurrent Master Plan of Development (Conditional Use Permit) that locks in development intensity, uses, architecture, landscaping design, and site layout. The use permit process can also establish project phasing and set the timing of each project phase (i.e. residential and commercial development timing). The applicant team is seeking both community and Council input prior to refining development plans. Page 65 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 03/23/21 Preliminary Project Concept The proposed project concept includes a mix of commercial, hotel, residential, entertainment and RV/Cabin resort uses that utilize the site topography and focus on experience based components throughout the project site. The preliminary concept design includes: 1. Approximately 145,000 sf of experienced based retail and entertainment space including an amphitheater, bowling/arcade/karaoke uses, mixed -use retail spaces with residential units on the 2nd floor, ample outdoor patio spaces, and a naturalized water feature (pond) 2. 100 room hotel with wellness center and fitness pool 3. Approximately 11.5 acres of cabins, bungalows, and RV resort spaces including hiking/walking trails that loop through the resort site 4. 3.4 acres of high-density residential zoning (enlarged from 3 acres on the current map) 5. A parking garage integrated into and above the main commercial building to maintain the pedestrian focus of the site Page 66 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 03/23/21 Proposed Amendments: 1. Adjustment of residential district. The current Specific Plan designates approximately 3 acres of the south-eastern portion of the site as high density residential. This designation allows for a base density of up to 24 units per acre. This site is included in the City’s Housing Element and has a minimum development requirement of 20 units/acre (60 units). The proposed concept includes an additional 0.4 acres of residentially zoned area and relocates the housing to the rear (eastern) portion of the site to act as a buffer between the resort and commercial portions of the site and the exis ting residences along Rio Rita Rd. Due to site topography, hydrology, parking and other constraints, the final number of proposed residences has not been determined but will be required to develop within the density parameters set forth in the Municipal Co de. The new location of the residential district is logical as a transition between lodging uses and single family properties to the east. 2. Re-alignment of collector road. The current Specific Plan requires the dedication of a public road to connect prope rties to the south with a public through connection. The road is shown aligning with the delivery entrance for the Mission Oaks Plaza from El Camino Real. The proposed concept shifts this road and uses it to divide the residential portion of the site from the commercial and resort uses aligning with Obispo Road off Del Rio Rd. 3. Expansion of Lodging and RV uses. The current Specific Plan limits the site area that can be dedicated to RV resort uses to 20% of the project site (5.2 acres). The proposed concept envisions approximately 6.7 acres dedicated to RV spaces integrated with an additional 4.8 acres of short -stay resort cabins and bungalows. If the concept moves forward, it is anticipated that exact use boundaries may shift based on grading and development refinements. Considerations for the site concept include the following: 1) Neighborhood compatibility a. Location of uses / relocation of residential zoning b. Mix of proposed resort/entertainment uses 2) Parking 3) Ratio and location of uses on-site 4) Public Road alignment 5) Fiscal sustainability Commercial Viability of Site Over the past decade, commercial demand on large parcels has substantially changed. Demand for large retail has waned in the wake of increased internet sales and rapid shipping. Additionally, demand for large office parks may be reduced significantly in the wake of the pandemic and the flexibility of working from home. Demand for “things-to- do” however has steadily increased, and the popularity of high quality resorts, park setting RV resorts, breweries, and outdoor entertainment has seen a significant jump. Reservations in places such as Flying Flags RV resort in Buellton are difficult to secure, and facilities such as this are booked long in advance. Page 67 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 03/23/21 At this time, the City is experiencing continued decline in demand for large retail space. The new land use plan for the Del Rio commercial park at the north east corner of Del Rio Road and El Camino Real is still seeking tenants and the K-Mart site is still seeking new tenants,. However, it is still important to keep a long-term inventory of commercial sites at key nodes and where topography allows for full site development as commercial focus continues to evolve. In addition to the changing economic climate, the former Walmart site has its own challenges. The topography, groundwater, and substantial deed restrictions significantly narrow the development and use opportunities. Large retail is no longer an option due to the seller’s required deed restrictions. Larger-scale office developments are not seeking new development sites and the topography and groundwater conditions make a larger-scale pad graded development difficult. Instead, the community’s desire to have more “fun things to do” is strong and the new land use plan could fill a gap that is missing in Atascadero. The plan has the possibility of adding restaurants, lodging, retail, and other uses that can take advantage of the site topography, while remaining outside of the deed restrictions left in place by Walmart. Adding these types of uses is also expected to support and spur redevelopment of surrounding commercial parcels as many employers are looking to situate businesses near activity centers that provide places for employees to go during lunch and after work. At the same time, the adjustment of the residential district will help to buffer the existing residential neighborhood while placing needed housing numbers on the rear of the site, where they can take advantage of expansive views. How the City can ensure the development plan will achieve goals Since the project requires an amendment to the Specific Plan and the approval of a use permit, the City may require specific development and timing mechanisms be included in the project to ensure the appropriate development of both commercial and residential uses. Once approved, the project must adhere to the master plan of development and specific plan policies. At this time, the applicant intends to develop resort portions of the project prior to beginning development of the residential port ion of the site. Additionally, a land use plan can be adopted that prohibits development in ways that do not meet the intended quality and features of the plan such architectural design, landscape quality, and open space features. Due to the high cost of the site and high cost of development, it is unlikely that the site will be developed in a fashion that does not meet the intent of the proposed specific plan amendments and overall resort development concept. Staff Impact Any development project proposal has an impact on City staff resources. The General Plan Amendment is a small portion of the project scope. Regardless of the proposed amendments, any development proposal for this site would require approval of a Master Plan of Development. Page 68 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 03/23/21 Council Authorization and Processing Council policy requires Council review and authorization in order for staff to process any General Plan Amendment applications. The Council’s policy also requires all amendments to be reviewed and processed in such a manner as to facilitate citizen participation. The policy suggests the following process: A. Neighborhood Meeting. The applicant is required to hold a neighborhood meeting to present the request to citizens of the area neighborhoods and for the citizens to identify, list, and discuss issues related to the amendment. The applicant is responsible for organizing and conducting the meeting and attempting to resolve as many issues as possible before submitting a formal application to the City for review and processing. B. Study Session. Staff presents the basic facts of the amendment application to a joint City Council/Planning Commission study session, along with General Plan and environmental analysis. Comments from the Council, Planning Commission and the public are received by staff for further consideration. The applicant is responsible for resolving of as many issues as possible before finalizing a design concept. State law limits the amount of times a General Plan can be amended within a given year. Atascadero’s General Plan designates a March and September cycle for the processing of privately sponsored General Plan amendment requests. City Council may consider the following options in determining whether or not to authorize staff to proceed with this amendment: 1. Allow staff to take the application in now and process as time allows 2. Suggest that staff not take in the application at this time Should City Council authorize staff to process this application, the authorization does not signal support for the project, nor does it guarantee that such a project would be approved by the Planning Commission or City Council. An authorization is limited to the determination that the application warrants further review and that the general project description and scope could have substantial benefit to the Community at large. The authorization review also allows the City Council and community to offer feedback and comments towards a future application. The City Council may offer the applicant team specific direction about what components to include in the future application and general direction towards the project concept. In this case, the scope of the General Plan Amendment is simply to shift the residentially zoned portion of the site and expand residential zoning by 0.4 acres. The corresponding Specific Plan Amendment to allow for the resort uses to move forward would add much needed commercial and entertainment uses to the north end of town, consistent with the Council’s economic development goals and community’s desire to see more “things to do” in Atascadero. The overall project is consistent with current goals because it will add more shops, restaurants, lodging and things to do. Therefore, the authorization to process the project appears consistent with City Council goals. Page 69 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 03/23/21 FISCAL IMPACT: If developed with lodging, retail and entertainment uses, this site is likely to become a positive fiscal contribution to the City and may act as a catalyst to attract additional head of household jobs and other tax revenue supporting land uses within the Del Rio vicinity. Consistent with Council fiscal policy, if the project requires legislative approval the residential portion of the project may trigger conditions of approval that require it to be fiscally neutral. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Council may authorize staff to process the proposed General Plan Amendment application, with neighborhood meeting and study session . 2. Council may direct staff to gather additional information on the proposed project and report back to the Council before taking action regarding processing. 3. Council may suggest that the amendment is not appropriate at this time nor in the immediate future and suggest that staff not consider processing the application. ATTACHMENT: Applicant Design Concept Package Page 70 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 71 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 72 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 73 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 74 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 75 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 76 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 77 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 78 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 79 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 80 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 81 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 82 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 83 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 84 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 85 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 86 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: B-1DATE: 03/23/21ATTACHMENT: 1Page 87 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Public Works Department Proposed Sewer Service Rate Increase RECOMMENDATIONS: Council: 1. Direct staff to administer the Proposition 218 majority protest process and send out notice of the proposed increases to all property owners connected to the municipal sanitary sewer system. 2. Set a Public Hearing on May 25, 2021 for the City Council’s consideration of the proposed wastewater rate increases. 3. Approve a budget amendment and authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $7,500 from the Wastewater Fund for costs related to the Proposition 218 majority protest process. REPORT IN BRIEF: The City is proposing to increase wastewater rates in order to accommodate the costs of providing wastewater services due to a number of key factors including but not limited to rising treatment and energy costs; impacts of regulation and legislation; and past and continued critical upgrades and/or replacement of wastewater facilities and infrastructure. Sanitary sewer rates for Atascadero customers have been increased only four times in nearly 40 years. Increasing wastewater rates must comply with Proposition 218, which requires certain procedures to be followed with regard to “property-related” fee increases imposed by governmental agencies. This report provides the analysis for the rate increases and identifies the procedures to implement the new rates. DISCUSSION: Background The City of Atascadero provides wastewater collection and treatment service for most non-residential properties and a portion of the City’s residential population serving a combined area consisting of approximately 2,000 acres of the roughly 15,000 acres within the City boundary. Customers of the wastewater collection and treatment system are comprised of approximately 5,000 parcels that include residential, commercial, and light industrial customers. The remainder of the City’s population is served by on -site wastewater treatment systems (septic systems). Page 88 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 The City of Atascadero assumed ownership and operation of the wastewater collection and treatment system from the Atascadero County Sanitation District in 1982 shortly after incorporation (1979). While there have been upgrades, modifications, and additions to wastewater treatment facilities, the overall process has not changed significantly since 1982 and is considered a stabilization pond treatment system. The wastewater collection system (also referred to as the sanitary sewer system) is currently comprised of approximately 63 miles of four to 21-inch diameter gravity sewer pipe, 1,460 manholes, 12 lift stations, 7 miles of four to 16-inch diameter forcemain, and 5,000 sewer service connections. This system has expanded since 1982 but still has original pipes in service from the 1930’s. Utilities that have customer water consumption data customarily use consumption during winter months as a basis for the year-round sewer service charges at a volumetric rate. Customers connected to the City’s sanitary sewer system are billed a fixed charge for the City’s service to collect and treat the wastewater, which is called a sewer se rvice charge or wastewater service charge. This fixed rate methodology is used since the City is not the water supplier and does not have access to individual customer water consumption data without the customer’s consent. The fixed charge used by the City is based upon Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs), where one EDU is the basis for a single family residence (SFR) service charge, based upon an estimated average daily flow of 240 gallons of wastewater and wastewater strength provided by the residence. Other connection users are assigned a multiple or fraction of an EDU based upon expected average daily flow and strength of wastewater compared to that of SFR. For example , an apartment or condo is 0.75 EDUs and charged 0.75 times that of a SFR service charge, and a restaurant with less than 40 seats is four EDUs and charged 4 times that of a SFR service charge. The City currently has about 8,400 EDUs in the system. Sewer service charges are collected by placing a levy each year on the property taxes of individual customers through San Luis Obispo County. The City provides data to the County including the Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) and the associated sewer service charge being levied on the property. The charge is included as a line item on the customer’s property tax statements. Revenue from sewer service charges are paid to the City twice each year. The sewer service charges have been adjusted only four times since 1982. Rates were unchanged from 1994 through 2018, and increases were approved the last two years in 2019 and 2020 based upon a Wastewater Rate Study. Wastewater Rate Analysis The City is dedicated to keeping rates low by maintaining lean staffing levels, absorbing increasing operational and maintenance costs, and using reserves whe n necessary. However, much like other utilities and services delivered to homes and businesses, the costs involved to collect and treat wastewater have risen and continue to rise. As part of the Wastewater Master Plan process, an independent engineering consultant, MKN, assessed and analyzed the capital needs of the wastewater collection and treatment systems. A Capital Improvement Program (CIP) was developed that identified numerous capital facility replacements and upgrades to provide a safe and reliable Page 89 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 wastewater system. In addition to other projects, the most significant capital projects identified consist of the Water Reclamation Facility treatment process improvements totaling in excess of $23 million, and Lift Station No. 13 and Force Main project totaling about $5.5 million. Both projects are expected to be completed within the next five years. The CIP cost estimates exceed $52 million over the next ten years and are expected to escalate due to rising construction cost indices. Tuckfield & Associates, an independent financial consultant, completed a comprehensive wastewater rate study for the City’s wastewater enterprise in May 2019 (see attached). This study analyzed the City’s wastewater services, wastewater enterprise revenue and revenue requirements, and current rate structure. The study also analyzed and determined the cost of providing wastewater services and their corresponding impacts to customer’s bills. This analysis identified a number of key factors that result in the proposed rates. These key factors include, but are not limited to:  Rising treatment and energy costs  Impacts of regulation and legislation  Past and continued critical upgrades and/or replacement of wastewater facilities and infrastructure The wastewater rate study recommends increasing the current monthly sewer service charge of $28.57 per SFR (or EDU) by $5.43 for a total monthly rate of $34.00. The report further recommends similar percentile increases for each of the following years through FY23/24. The table below shows the current and proposed FY21/22 sewer service charges for the various connection user categories. Page 90 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 Staff analyzed what the current SFR monthly sewer service charge would be if Consumer Price Index (CPI) values were applied each year since the 1993 rate adjustment. Using the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim area CPI values, the CPI-adjusted monthly SFR sewer service rate would be $37.40 on July 1, 2020, an increase of $8.83 or 31% higher than the current $28.57 rate. Assuming a 2% CPI increase for 2021, the proposed $34.00 Current Proposed1 Residential Fixed Charges Single Family 1.00 Dwelling Unit 28.57$ 34.00$ Apartment, Condo 0.75 Dwelling Unit 21.43$ 25.50$ Mobile Home 0.60 Spaces 17.14$ 20.40$ Senior Apartment Unit 0.35 Dwelling Unit 10.00$ 11.90$ Non-Residential Fixed Charges Financial Institutions 2.00 Unit 57.14$ 68.00$ Bars 1.50 Unit 42.86$ 51.00$ Carwash 7.50 Unit 214.28$ 255.00$ Churches/Meeting Halls < 150 seats 1.33 Seats 38.00$ 45.22$ 150 to 250 seats 2.66 Seats 76.00$ 90.44$ > 250 seats 3.00 Seats 85.71$ 102.00$ Commercial Unit 1.00 Unit 28.57$ 34.00$ Funeral Home 9.00 Unit 257.13$ 306.00$ Gas Station 2.00 Unit 57.14$ 68.00$ Grocery Store > 10,000 sq. ft.8.00 1,000 sq. ft.228.56$ 272.00$ Gymnasium 10.00 Unit 285.70$ 340.00$ Laundry 9.00 Unit 257.13$ 306.00$ Motel (per room)0.33 Room 9.43$ 11.22$ Office Unit 1.00 Unit 28.57$ 34.00$ Rest Home (per bed)0.35 Bed 10.00$ 11.90$ Restaurants < 40 seats 4.00 Seats 114.28$ 136.00$ 40 to 60 seats 6.00 Seats 171.42$ 204.00$ 61 to 100 seats 8.00 Seats 228.56$ 272.00$ > 100 seats 10.00 Seats 285.70$ 340.00$ Schools (per student enrolled on 3/1)0.05 Student 1.43$ 1.70$ Theater 4.00 Unit 114.28$ 136.00$ Veterinarians 3.00 Unit 85.71$ 102.00$ Unlisted Uses2 1.00 Unit 28.57$ 34.00$ 1 Proposed Rates effective July 1, 2021 2 Unlisted uses are determined by use of fixture units from the California Plumbing Code or as by means deemed appropriate by the City Engineer. 3 EDU = Equivalent Dwelling Unit is the average daily flow and strength of wastewater discharge from single family residence (240 gallons per day with BOD 5=250 ml/L and SS=250 ml/L). CURRENT AND PROPOSED MONTHLY SEWER SERVICE CHARGES Classification Description EDU Multiple Unit of Measure Monthly Rate Page 91 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 rate would still be 12% less than that of the CPI-adjusted 2013 rate. However, the recent rate increases are helping to close the CPI gap. The following graph compares the actual and CPI-adjusted rates. Tuckfield & Associates conducted a wastewater rate survey for neighboring communities to the City of Atascadero. The following chart compares the City’s monthly sewer service charge for a SFR to those neighboring communities at the same use for rates in effect February 2020. While the chart is a year old, most rates (if not all) have increased. As the chart depicts, the current FY20/21 and proposed FY21/22 monthly sewer service bill for Atascadero customers is among the lowest in San Luis Obispo County. $- $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 19931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021Monthly SFR Sewer Service Charge Comparison (1993 to 2021) Actual CPI Adjusted Proposed Linear (CPI Adjusted) Page 92 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 The study also analyzed capacity charges, or connection fees, that are one -time charges paid by new customers as a capital contribution for capacity in the wastewater system. These charges are similar to development impact fees and can be assessed to existing wastewater customers requiring increased capacity to serve changes in their development or use occupancy. The proceeds from capacity charges are a financing source for future facilities. The study recommends a capacity charge of $5,584 per SFR (or EDU) with an annual adjustment based upon the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index. The City Council adopted new capacity charges on September 24, 2019, which went into effect on November 23, 2019. The City has updated the customer database and performed a full audit and inventory of all wastewater connection user classifications. The City and its consultants are coordinating with Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC) and utilizing water records to complete a volumetric analysis of the water use patterns of the various groups of connection user classifications. After this process, wastewater rates are recommended to be re-evaluated and established for a four or five-year period, ideally FY22/23 through FY26/27, with built-in CPI adjustments. While the majority of this analysis has been completed, staff and its consultants are identifying impacts to existing customers and evaluating if actual water use could be utilized to establish rates. Proposition 218 Process Sanitary sewer rate increases must follow the Proposition 218 majority protest process that requires certain procedures be followed with regard to “property-related” fee increases imposed by governmental agencies. Those rate increases are subject to a “majority protest” process that provides if a majority of the parcels subject to the City fee protest the proposed rate increase, the City cannot impose the increase. Proposition 218 requires that the City provide all properties receiving the sewer service for which the fee is charged with a minimum of 45 days written notice prior to the City Council holding a Public Hearing on a proposed rate increase. The property owners (and record owners) have the ability to "protest" the proposed rate increase until the close of the Public Hearing. If a majority of the parcels file written protests with the City prior to the close of the Public Hearing, the Proposition states that the City cannot implement the proposed increase. If a majority of the parcels do not protest the proposed increase, the City Council has the authority to implement the proposed rate increase. The majority protest process is part of the California Constitution (Article XIIID) and it is mandatory that the City adhere to this voter-enacted process. As reference, the specific relevant text from Proposition 218 is included below: ARTICLE 13D (ASSESSMENT AND PROPERTY-RELATED FEE REFORM) SEC. 6. Property Related Fees and Charges. (a) Procedures for New or Increased Fees and Charges. An agency shall follow the procedures pursuant to this section in imposing or increasing any fee or charge as defined pursuant to this article, including, but not limited to, the following: (1) The parcels upon which a fee or charge is proposed for imposition shall be identified. The amount of the fee or charge proposed to be imposed upon each parcel shall be calculated. The agency shall provide written notice by mail of the proposed fee or charge to the record owner of each identified Page 93 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 parcel upon which the fee or charge is proposed for imposition, the amount of the fee or charge proposed to be imposed upon each, the basis upon which the amount of the proposed fee or charge was calculated, the reason for the fee or charge, together with the date, time, and location of a public hearing on the proposed fee or charge. (2) The agency shall conduct a public hearing upon the proposed fee or charge not less than 45 days after mailing the notice of the proposed fee or charge to the record owners of each identified parcel upon which the fee or charge is proposed for imposition. At the public hearing, the agency shall consider all protests against the proposed fee or charge. If written protests against the proposed fee or charge are presented by a majority of owners of the identified parcels, the agency shall not impose the fee or charge. The Council created a majority protest process on May 14, 2019 (Resolution 2019-033) that establishes procedures for the submission and tabulation of protests in connection with rate hearings conducted pursuant to the requirements of Proposition 218 . This provides clarity and transparency in the City’s compliance with this process, and could avoid invalidating proposed rate increases from minor technicalities or other challenges. The City levies the sewer service charges to property taxes and the parcel owner is billed by the County twice annually. Every party listed on the parcel ownership will be mailed a notice. However, the City is only required to count one protest per parcel. Accordingly, even if all parties listed on an individual parcel file a protest, only one protest shall be counted for purposes of determining whether there is a majority protest. Listed in the table below is the proposed schedule to implement the proposed rates: March 23, 2021 Direct staff to administer the Proposition 218 process March 23 - April 9, 2021 Obtain current parcel owner data from County, prepare and print Notices, and ready Notices for mailing April 9, 2021 or before Mail Notices to wastewater parcel (and record) owners April 10 – May 24, 2021 45 day requirement prior to election May 25, 2021 Public Hearing and Protest Results; Council adopts New Rates June 8 or 22, 2021 Council adopts Resolution to levy sewer service charges July 1, 2021 New rates become effective (30+ days after adoption of new rates) July 15, 2021 County deadline to levy sewer service charges to property tax rolls In accordance with Title 7, Chapter 10 of the Municipal Code, the wastewater rates are adopted by resolution. To avoid confusion, the City Attorney’s office recommends that the new rates are not effective for 30 days following adoption. Conclusion The City has operated the wastewater collection and treatment systems in a very economical manner for nearly 40 years with only four increases to sewer service rates during that time. The sewer service rates have not kept up with the increasing costs of maintaining, operating and replacing the wastewater collection and treatment systems. The 2019 rate study shows that the City will have to continue to incre mentally increase the sewer service rates in order to continue operating, and replacing the existing system. Page 94 of 123 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 As discussed at this time last year, this proposed rate increase is intended to phase -in the necessary higher sewer service rates needed to align revenues and expenses in the wastewater system. Even with this increase, the proposed wastewater rates are much less than that of CPI-adjusted values, and will still be among the lowest in San Luis Obispo County. FISCAL IMPACT: Approving staff recommendations will generate an estimated $530,000 in additional revenue from sewer service charges collected in FY21/22 over FY20/21 amounts. The recommendations will also approve expenditures of up to $7,500 related to the Proposition 218 majority protest process from the Wastewater Fund in the current fiscal year. ALTERNATIVES: 1. If the Proposition 218 majority protest process results in a non-majority protest, the Council may reduce the proposed sewer service charge rate increase for FY21/22, but cannot increase the rate over that proposed. 2. Council may direct staff to include proposed rate increases through FY23/24 as described in the study. However, staff recommends waiting until the City has completed the volumetric analysis of the water use patterns of the various groups of connection user classifications (estimated Fall 2021). 3. Council could take no action. ATTACHMENT: Report on Wastewater Rate Study (May 2019) Page 95 of 123 May 2019 Prepared For: City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 470-3456 Submitted By: Tuckfield & Associates 2549 Eastbluff Dr, #450B Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 760-9454 www.tuckfieldassociates.com Report on Wastewater Rate Study ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 96 of 123 [This Page Intentionally Left Blank for Two-sided Printing] ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 97 of 123 Tuckfield & Associates 2549 Eastbluff Drive, Suite 450B, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone (949) 760-9454 Fax (949) 760-2725 Email ctuckfield@tuckfieldassociates.com May 10, 2019 Mr. Nick DeBar Public Works Director/City Engineer City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mr. DeBar: I am pleased to submit this report on the Wastewater Rate Study (Study) for the City of Atascadero (City). The wastewater service charges presented in this report have been developed based on industry methods that result in fair and equitable rates for the users of the wastewater utility in accordance with Proposition 218. The Study included a review and analysis of the wastewater enterprise revenue and revenue requirements, number of equivalent dwelling units, and current rate structure. This report presents the findings and recommendations for the City’s wastewater service charges to meet the on-going operational needs of the wastewater enterprise and the funding of the capital infrastructure requirements. Tables and figures throughout the report are provided to demonstrate the calculations. It has been a pleasure working with the City on this project. If there are any questions regarding this report, please contact me at (949) 760-9454. Very Truly Yours, TUCKFIELD & ASSOCIATES G. Clayton Tuckfield President/Project Consultant ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 98 of 123 [This Page Intentionally Left Blank for Two-sided Printing] ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 99 of 123 Table of Contents Page Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 1 Wastewater Financial Plan ............................................................................................................. 1 Current Wastewater Service Charges ............................................................................................ 1 Proposed Wastewater Service Charges ........................................................................................ 2 Wastewater Residential Bill Impacts .............................................................................................. 2 Wastewater Rate Survey ................................................................................................................ 3 Capacity Charges ........................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 5 Background ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Objectives ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Scope of Study ................................................................................................................................ 5 Assumptions ................................................................................................................................. 6 Planning Factors ............................................................................................................................. 6 City Reserve Policy ......................................................................................................................... 6 City Beginning Balances ................................................................................................................. 7 Wastewater Financial Planning ................................................................................................... 8 Existing Wastewater Service Charges ........................................................................................... 8 Wastewater User Classifications .................................................................................................... 8 Number of Customers .............................................................................................................. 8 Equivalent Dwelling Units ........................................................................................................ 8 Revenues ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Revenue Requirements ................................................................................................................ 10 Operation and Maintenance Expense ................................................................................... 10 Annual Replacement .............................................................................................................. 10 Debt Service ........................................................................................................................... 11 Wastewater Capital Improvement Program .......................................................................... 11 Wastewater Financial Plan ........................................................................................................... 12 Proposed Revenue Adjustments ........................................................................................... 12 Wastewater Rate Design ............................................................................................................ 13 EDU Wastewater Flow .................................................................................................................. 13 Strength Factor and Equivalent Dwelling Unit .............................................................................. 14 Proposed Wastewater Service ..................................................................................................... 14 Service Charge Variances ............................................................................................................ 15 Wastewater Bill Impact Analysis .............................................................................................. 15 Wastewater Rate Survey ............................................................................................................ 15 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 100 of 123 Table of Contents (cont.) Page Capacity Charges ........................................................................................................................ 16 Capacity Charge Variances .......................................................................................................... 18 List of Tables Table ES-1 Proposed Wastewater Service Charges ......................................................................... 3 Table ES-2 Comparison of Current Residential Monthly Bill with Proposed Monthly Bill Using August 2019 Wastewater Charges ...................................................................... 3 Table 1 Planning Factors .............................................................................................................. 7 Table 2 Wastewater Enterprise Reserves .................................................................................... 7 Table 3 Current Monthly Wastewater Service Charges ............................................................... 9 Table 4 Projected Wastewater Service Charge Revenue Using Existing Charges .................. 10 Table 5 Projected Miscellaneous Revenue ................................................................................ 10 Table 6 Summary of Projected Operation and Maintenance Expense ..................................... 11 Table 7 Summary of Capital Improvement Program Expenditures And Sources of Funding ................................................................................................ 11 Table 8 Wastewater Financial Plan ............................................................................................ 13 Table 9 Proposed Wastewater Service Charges ....................................................................... 14 Table 10 Comparison of Current Residential Monthly Wastewater Bill with Proposed Monthly Bill Using August 2019 Wastewater Service Charges ................... 16 Table 11 Development of Capacity Charges ............................................................................... 17 Table 12 Schedule of Capacity Charges ...................................................................................... 18 List of Charts Chart ES-1 Single-family Residential Monthly Wastewater Bills ....................................................... 3 Chart 1 Single-family Residential Monthly Wastewater Bills ..................................................... 16 List of Appendices Appendix A Wastewater Technical Appendix ............................................................................. 19 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 101 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 1 Executive Summary The City of Atascadero (City) engaged Tuckfield & Associates to conduct a comprehensive Wastewater Rate Study (Study) for its wastewater system (System). This Study includes development of a pro forma statement of revenues and revenue requirements for the wastewater enterprise and design of wastewater service charges for implementation. The last time that wastewater service charges were increased was in 1994, or about 25 years ago. It is recommended that the City conduct an update to this Study at least every three to five years for prudent rate planning Wastewater Financial Plan Current wastewater charges consist of monthly fixed charges which are collected through the county of San Luis Obispo tax rolls. Fixed charges for all customers are established as a multiple of the single-family residential (SFR) dwelling unit fixed charge. The City currently serves about 8,400 Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs) and the number of EDUs is expected to increase by 115 annually. The City has prepared a five-year capital improvement program (CIP) spending plan for the wastewater utility. The capital expenditures consist of various repair, replacement, and rehabilitation projects in addition to two large projects consisting of Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) Process Improvements and the Lift Station #13 and Force Main Project estimated to cost about $23.15 million and $5.8 million respectively. The WRF Process Improvements are planned to be financed with proposed debt issues in FY 2021-22 and in FY 2023-24. The Lift Station #13 and Force Main Project is partially financed with the FY 2021-22 debt issue. Debt service related to the projects is estimated to be $919,000 beginning in FY 2021-22 and an additional $707,100 in FY 2023-24. A forward looking financial plan was created that identifies the revenue and revenue requirements of the wastewater enterprise. Annual revenue includes wastewater service charge revenue and miscellaneous revenue. Annual revenue requirements include operation and maintenance (O&M) expense, annual capital replacement, and new debt service. Future O&M expenses were projected recognizing escalation in expenses as well as changes in operations staffing. From the analysis of the financial plan, revenue increases are recommended to adequately meet future obligations and cash reserve targets. These proposed revenue adjustments include 19 percent annual increases beginning August 8, 2019 and then on each July 1 for the next four years July 2020 and continuing through July 2023. The wastewater financial plan is presented in Table 7. Current Wastewater Service Charges The City’s current wastewater service charges consist of monthly fixed charges to residential and non-residential customers. All customers are charged a fixed charge as a multiple of the single-family residential (SFR) charge. The fixed charge EDU methodology is used since the City is not the public water supplier for Atascadero and does not have access to individual customer’s water consumption data. The wastewater service charge for an SFR dwelling unit is defined as one EDU. One EDU is the sewer flow and strength of a single-family residence stated in terms of maximum discharge flow in gallons per day (gpd) and ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 102 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 2 strength consisting of bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solids (SS). Service charges for other customers are based on their proportion of flow and strength relative to the single-family residence. The current wastewater charges are presented in Table 3. Proposed Wastewater Service Charges Table ES-1 presents the wastewater service charges to be implemented by the City to meet future operations and capital spending needs of the System. The current charges are also shown for comparison purposes. The wastewater service charges reflect the forecast of the cost of providing wastewater service presented in this Study. Where a new wastewater customer does not fit the wastewater classifications identified in Table ES-1, it is recommended that the City reserve the right to calculate the monthly service charge through the use of fixture units using the California Uniform Plumbing Code, or by means deemed appropriate by the City Engineer. Wastewater Residential Bill Impacts Table ES-2 presents the impacts to SFR bills from the implementation of the proposed August 8, 2019 wastewater service charges. The table shows that the wastewater bill of an SFR customer will increase from $20.18 to $24.01, an increase of $3.83, or 19 percent. Table ES-1 Current and Proposed Wastewater Service Charges Date of Increase Unit of Aug 8, July 1, July 1, July 1, July 1, Description Measure Current 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Residential Fixed Charges Single Family Dwelling Unit $20.18 $24.01 $28.58 $34.01 $40.47 $48.16 Apartment, Condo Dwelling Unit $15.13 $18.00 $21.43 $25.50 $30.34 $36.11 Mobile Home Spaces $15.13 $18.00 $21.43 $25.50 $30.34 $36.11 Senior Apt Unit Dwelling Unit $7.06 $8.40 $10.00 $11.90 $14.16 $16.85 Non-Residential Fixed Charges Financial Institutions Unit $40.36 $48.03 $57.15 $68.01 $80.94 $96.31 Bars Unit $30.27 $36.02 $42.87 $51.01 $60.70 $72.23 Carwash Unit $151.35 $180.11 $214.33 $255.05 $303.51 $361.17 Churches/Meeting Halls < 150 seats Seats $26.83 $31.93 $37.99 $45.21 $53.80 $64.03 150 to 250 seats Seats $53.67 $63.87 $76.00 $90.44 $107.63 $128.08 > 250 seats Seats $60.63 $72.15 $85.86 $102.17 $121.58 $144.68 Commercial Unit Unit $20.18 $24.01 $28.58 $34.01 $40.47 $48.16 Funeral Home Unit $181.62 $216.13 $257.19 $306.06 $364.21 $433.41 Gas Station Unit $40.35 $48.02 $57.14 $68.00 $80.92 $96.29 Grocery Store > 10,000 sf 1,000 sf $161.41 $192.08 $228.57 $272.00 $323.68 $385.18 Gymnasium Unit $201.77 $240.11 $285.73 $340.01 $404.62 $481.49 Laundry Unit $181.62 $216.13 $257.19 $306.06 $364.21 $433.41 Motel (per room) Room $6.66 $7.93 $9.43 $11.22 $13.36 $15.89 Office Unit Unit $20.18 $24.01 $28.58 $34.01 $40.47 $48.16 Rest Home (per bed) Bed $7.06 $8.40 $10.00 $11.90 $14.16 $16.85 Restaurants < 40 seats Seats $80.71 $96.04 $114.29 $136.01 $161.85 $192.60 41 to 60 seats Seats $121.06 $144.06 $171.43 $204.01 $242.77 $288.89 61 to 100 seats Seats $161.41 $192.08 $228.57 $272.00 $323.68 $385.18 > 100 seats Seats $201.77 $240.11 $285.73 $340.01 $404.62 $481.49 School (per student on 3/1) Student $1.01 $1.20 $1.43 $1.70 $2.03 $2.41 Theater Unit $80.71 $96.04 $114.29 $136.01 $161.85 $192.60 Veterinarians Unit $60.54 $72.04 $85.73 $102.02 $121.40 $144.47 Unlisted Uses [1] Unit $20.18 $24.01 $28.58 $34.01 $40.47 $48.16 [1] Determined by use of fixture units from the California Plumbing Code or as by means deemed appropriate by the City Engineer. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 103 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 3 Wastewater Rate Survey Chart ES-1 has been prepared to compare the City’s SFR wastewater bill with those of other communities at the same consumption where appropriate. The chart indicates that with the implementation of the August 2019 wastewater service charges, an SFR customer will experience a bill that is among the lowest in San Luis Obispo County. Table ES-2 Comparison of Current Residential Monthly Bill with Proposed Monthly Bill Using August 2019 Proposed Wastewater Charges Aug 2019 Residential Current Proposed Dollar Percent Classification Bill Bill Change Change Single Family $20.18 $24.01 $3.83 19.0% Apartment, Condo $15.13 $18.00 $2.87 19.0% Mobile Home $15.13 $18.00 $2.87 19.0% Senior Apt Unit $7.06 $8.40 $1.34 19.0% Chart ES-1 Comparison of Single-family Residential Monthly Wastewater Bills For Rates in Effect April 2019 Note: Above table uses wastewater rates in effect April 2019. City’s August 2019 bill is based on the wastewater service charges in Table 8. San Luis Obispo, Cambria, Paso Robles, Arroyo Grande, and Los Osos have a variable wastewater rate component and an average water consumption of 15 HCF and an average winter water use of 7 HCF have been assumed. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 104 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 4 Capacity Charges Capacity charges, sometimes referred to as connection fees, are one-time charges paid by a new customer connecting to the wastewater system for capacity in the System. Capacity charges are also charged to existing customers that require increased capacity from changes in their development. The capacity charges determined in this report follow industry standard methods and are based the current value of the City’s existing facilities and include the cost of future replacement facilities and future facilities that that serve new development. Capacity charges for implementation by the City are provided in Table 12 of this report and include capacity charges for other residential and non-residential development types. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 105 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 5 Introduction The City of Atascadero (City) engaged Tuckfield & Associates to conduct a comprehensive Wastewater Rate Study (Study) for its wastewater system (System). This Study includes development of a pro forma statement of revenues and revenue requirements of the wastewater enterprise and design of new wastewater service charges for implementation. Background The City of Atascadero was incorporated in 1979 and is located approximately 15 miles north of the City of San Luis Obispo. The City provides wastewater collection and treatment service to a portion of the City’s population serving an area consisting of about 1,900 acres out of the total 5,000 acres within the City limits. Customers of the System include residential, commercial, and light industrial customers. The wastewater collection system consists of about 63 miles of sewer pipe, 7 miles of sewer force main, and twelve lift stations that conveys wastewater to the City owned wastewater treatment plant. The treatment plant facilities consist of flow metering, headworks, lagoons, ponds, aeration facilities, percolation basins, and sludge drying beds. Facilities also include public works buildings, RV waste receiving station, and an irrigation well to serve a mixture of treated effluent and groundwater to Chalk Mountain Golf Course. Current wastewater charges consist of monthly fixed charges collected through the county of San Luis Obispo tax rolls. Fixed charges for all customers are established as a multiple of the single-family residential (SFR) dwelling unit fixed charge. For example, a multifamily dwelling unit is charge 0.75 times that of the SFR charge whereas a restaurant with less than 40 seats is charged 4 times the SFR charge. Objectives The objectives of this Study are to (1) review the current and future financial status of the wastewater enterprise, (2) make any adjustments to the revenue being received to ensure that financial obligations are being met now and in the future, including adequate reserves and debt service coverage, and (3) design rates and charges that generate the required revenue while being fair and equitable for its customers. Additionally, the Study also sought to provide the following.  Revenue sufficiency to fund operating and capital needs  Appropriate levels of operating and capital reserves  Rates and charges that are consistent with industry practice  Stable revenue stream similar to the existing rate structure  Ease of understanding and administration Scope of the Study This Study includes the findings and recommendations of analyzing the wastewater enterprise financial status and related capital improvement program (CIP) financing of the System. Historical trends were analyzed from data supplied by the City including current year’s budget showing revenue and revenue requirements, financial audits, System master plans, and capital improvement plans. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 106 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 6 Revenue requirements include operation and maintenance expense, annual replacement, and additions to reserves. Changing conditions such as additional facilities, utility growth, employee additions/reductions, and non-recurring maintenance expenditures are recognized. Inflation for ongoing expenditures is included to reflect cost escalation. The financial plans and rates developed herein are based on funding of the capital improvement plan as stated as well as estimates of operation and maintenance expenses developed from information provided by the City. Deviation from the planning assumptions, financial plans, construction cost estimates and funding requirements, major operational changes, or other financial policy changes that were not foreseen, may result in the need for lower or higher revenue than anticipated. It is recommended that the City conduct an update to the rate study at least every three to five years for prudent rate planning. Assumptions Planning Factors Several assumptions and planning factors were used to conduct the Study for the period FY 2019-20 to FY 2023- 24. The assumptions include customer growth rates, expense inflation factors, debt terms, and other assumptions. Assumptions and financial planning factors are provided in Table 1. Table 1 Assumption and Planning Factors Description Value Account Growth Annual Account & Demand growth (EDUs) [1] 115 Interest Earnings Rate Interest earnings on fund reserves (annual) 1.5% Escalation Factors Salaries and Wages [2] 5.0% Benefits, Insurance, Taxes 10.0% Electrical Power 3.0% Chemicals 3.0% All Other Operations and Maintenance 3.0% Capital 3.0% New Revenue Bond Debt Interest Rate 5.0% Repayment Period (Term) - years 30 Bond Proceeds as a % of Issue Amount 92.0% Bond Reserve (1 year's payment) 7.1% Cost of Issuance 1.5% [1] Growth in number of Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs) is based on October 2014 Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan Update. [2] Escalation in a City personnel position is 5% percent annually. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 107 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 7 City Reserve Policy A reserve policy provides a basis to deal with unanticipated reductions in revenues, changes in the costs of providing services, fixed asset repair and replacement, natural disaster, and other issues. It also provides guidelines to maintain the financial health and stability of the enterprise fund. The City’s goal is to maintain appropriate reserves related to wastewater operations and capital spending developed in this Study. These reserve types and their targets are described below. Operating Reserve – The purpose of the Operating Reserve is to provide working capital to meet cash flow needs during normal operations and support the operation, maintenance and administration of the utility. This reserve ensures that operations can continue should there be significant events that impact cash flows. The target balance to be maintained is 180 days of annual O&M expense. Since O&M expense increases each year, the reserve to be maintained will increase annually also. Capital Replacement Reserve – The Capital Replacement Reserve is used to fund future replacement of assets and capital projects. The City currently provides reserves related to capital spending by earmarking 26 percent of the revenue received from wastewater service charges as capital related, which is available for annual capital spending or accumulation as a capital reserve. This policy is utilized in this Study and the minimum reserve level used is average annual replacement expenditures, excluding the WRF Process Improvements and Lift Station #5 and #13 projects, is estimated at $1,600,000. Capital Emergency Reserve – The purpose of the emergency capital reserve is to provide protection against catastrophic loss and to provide a cushion for inaccuracy in long range replacement program. The Target reserve is established at 5 percent of the value of current capital fixed asset value. The amount is currently estimated at $800,000 and will increase as CIP is booked into fixed assets. City Beginning Balances From the City’s 2017 – 2019 Budget, the estimated beginning cash balances as of June 30, 2019 is $10,112,000 shown in Table 2. This amount has been separated into beginning balances by reserve type as stated below. The City has accumulated capital replacement reserves for the specific purpose of their use towards the capital improvements identified in this Study. The operating and capital cash balances are used in the development of the financial plans for the System with the intent to meet the Target Reserves. Target Reserves are also shown below for the first year of the financial plan. Table 2 Wastewater Enterprise Reserves Est. Reserve Balance Target Reserve Type June 30, 2019 Reserve Operating $826,000 $826,000 Capital Replacement $8,486,000 $1,600,000 Capital Emergency $800,000 $800,000 Total [1] $10,112,000 $3,226,000 [1] Estimated Reserve Balance from FY 17-19 Budget, page C-10. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 108 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 8 Wastewater Financial Planning This section discusses the current wastewater service charges, user classifications, revenues and revenue requirements, planned capital improvement expenditures and associated financing sources, used in developing the wastewater utility financial plan. Revenue adjustments are discussed and proposed to sustain the wastewater enterprise. Existing Wastewater Service Charges The City’s current wastewater service charges consist of monthly fixed charges to residential and non-residential customers. All customers are charged a fixed charge as a multiple of the SFR charge. The fixed charges can be adjusted annually and are billed through the San Luis Obispo County tax rolls. The charge for an SFR dwelling unit is defined as one Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU). One EDU is the sewer flow and strength of a single-family residence stated in terms of maximum discharge flow in gallons per day (gpd) and strength consisting of bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solids (SS). Service charges for other customers are based on their proportion of flow and strength relative to the single-family residence. The current wastewater charges are presented in Table 3. Wastewater User Classifications Number of Customers Wastewater customers are currently classified as Residential and Non-Residential. The Residential classification is further separated into single-family residential, multifamily residential (apartment and condo), mobile home, and senior apartment. Non-Residential classifications consist of 18 separate classifications shown in Table 3. Number of Equivalent Dwelling Units The total number of EDUs are deduced from City information. Since each customer classification is charged a multiple of the SFR dwelling unit charge as listed in Table 3, the total number of EDUs can be determined from the revenue received from wastewater service charges and the current SFR dwelling unit charge. From the City’s FY 2017-19 Budget, the City expects to generate wastewater service charge revenue of $2,038,500 in FY 2019-20. Dividing this revenue by the SFR monthly charge of $20.18, or $242.16 annually, the total number of EDUs is about 8,418 EDUs. The number of EDUs are planned to increase by 115 annually following the planning factors shown in Table 1. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 109 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 9 Revenues The City receives revenue from wastewater service charges and miscellaneous revenues. Table 4 presents the projected revenue from current wastewater service charges of the wastewater utility. The revenue is projected by applying the current wastewater charges from Table 3 to the projected number of EDUs. Table 3 Current Monthly Wastewater Service Charges Current EDU Unit of Description Charge Multiple Measure Residential Fixed Charges Single Family $20.18 1.00 Dwelling Unit Apartment, Condo $15.13 0.75 Dwelling Unit Mobile Home $15.13 0.75 Spaces Senior Apt Unit $7.06 0.35 Dwelling Unit Non-Residential Fixed Charges Financial Institutions $40.36 2.00 Unit Bars $30.27 1.50 Unit Carwash $151.35 7.50 Unit Churches/Meeting Halls < 150 seats $26.83 1.33 Seats 150 to 250 seats $53.67 2.66 Seats > 250 seats $60.63 3.00 Seats Commercial Unit $20.18 1.00 Unit Funeral Home $181.62 9.00 Unit Gas Station $40.35 2.00 Unit Grocery Store > 10,000 sf $161.41 8.00 1,000 sf Gymnasium $201.77 10.00 Unit Laundry $181.62 9.00 Unit Motel (per room) $6.66 0.33 Room Office Unit $20.18 1.00 Unit Rest Home (per bed) $7.06 0.35 Bed Restaurants < 40 seats $80.71 4.00 Seats 41 to 60 seats $121.06 6.00 Seats 61 to 100 seats $161.41 8.00 Seats > 100 seats $201.77 10.00 Seats School (per student on 3/1) $1.01 0.05 Student Theater $80.71 4.00 Unit Veterinarians $60.54 3.00 Unit Unlisted Uses [1] $20.18 1.00 Unit [1] Determined by use of fixture units from the California Plumbing Code or as by means deemed appropriate by the City Engineer. Table 4 Projected Wastewater Service Charge Revenues Using Existing Charges Estimated Projected Description FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 Service Charge Revenues Number of EDUs 8,418 8,533 8,648 8,763 8,878 Charge per EDU $20.18 $20.18 $20.18 $20.18 $20.18 Total Service Charge Revenues $2,038,500 $2,066,400 $2,094,200 $2,122,000 $2,149,900 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 110 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 10 In addition to revenue from wastewater service charges, the City receives miscellaneous revenue from several sources including sewer connection fees, sewer extension fees, tap-in fees, permit and inspection fees, and other miscellaneous revenue. Table 5 provides the estimated and projected revenue from miscellaneous sources. Revenue Requirements Revenue requirements of the wastewater utility include operation and maintenance expense and annual replacement capital spending. Additionally, new debt is proposed to meet the capital improvement spending that is planned by the City. Each of these items are discussed below. Operation and Maintenance Expense Operation and maintenance (O&M) expenses are an on-going obligation of the wastewater utility and such costs are normally met from wastewater service revenue. O&M expenses include the cost to operate and maintain the wastewater collection system, lift stations, and wastewater treatment facilities. Costs also include technical services and other general and administrative expenses. O&M expense for FY 2019-20 is provided from the City’s Budget. Future O&M expense has been projected recognizing the major expense categories of personnel services, electricity, chemicals, and all other expenses. Personnel costs consist of salaries and benefits expense of those personnel directly involved with providing wastewater service. Cost inflation for personnel services costs are projected to increase by 5 percent annually beginning in FY 2020-21. Annual escalation in electricity, chemicals, and all other expense is projected to increase by 3 percent based on expectations of future expense inflation. Table 6 below summarizes projected O&M expense for the wastewater utility. Table A-1 in Appendix A provides the detailed projections of historical and projected wastewater O&M expense. Annual Replacement The City provides for annual capital replacement by allocating 26 percent of wastewater service charge revenue for this purpose. This amount is spent annually towards replacement, identified in the capital improvement plan discussed below, or is accumulated in the capital reserve for future replacement spending. Table 5 Projected Miscellaneous Revenues Budget Projected Description FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 Miscellaneous Revenues [1] Permits and Inspections $5,200 $5,400 $5,600 $5,800 $6,000 Sewer Extension Fees [2] 138,000 144,900 152,100 159,700 167,700 Sewer Connection Fees [2] 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 Well Water 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Tap-in Fees 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 Total Miscellaneous Revenues $830,700 $837,800 $845,200 $853,000 $861,200 [1] Interest income is included in Table 8. [2] FY 2019-20 includes revised Sewer Connection Fees from Table 11. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 111 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 11 Debt Service The City does not currently have any outstanding debt. However, new debt is proposed to partially finance certain capital improvements as discussed below. The debt service payments associated with the proposed debt is paid from revenues and is a revenue requirement of the utility. Future debt service payments are expected to include $919,000 beginning in FY 2021-22 and an additional $707,100 in FY 2023-24. The debt issue in FY 2021-22 is planned to provide $13 million in proceeds while the debt issue in FY 2023-24 is expected to provide $10 million in proceeds. The debt payments assume an interest rate of 5 percent, term of 30 years, 2 percent issuance costs, and a debt service reserve. While the City may be able to secure less expensive financing from other sources, traditional loan financing is assumed for this debt issue to ensure sufficient funds are provided at the appropriate time. Wastewater Capital Improvement Program The City has developed a CIP plan that lists capital expenditures for FY 2019-20 through FY 2028-29. The first five years of the CIP plan is summarized in Table 7 however the complete listing of projects is provided in Appendix A-2. Both tables include 3 percent annual inflation in the project costs to the year of expenditure. The CIP plan consists of various repair, replacement and rehabilitation projects with the largest project consisting of the Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) Process Improvements totaling $23.15 million in inflated dollars. Table 6 Summary of Projected Operation and Maintenance Expense Budget Projected Description FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 Operation and Maintenance Expense Collection $270,400 $281,300 $292,600 $304,400 $316,600 Treatment 288,100 301,500 315,600 330,200 345,400 General Operations [1] 1,182,600 1,270,500 1,476,700 1,571,100 1,910,300 Total Projected O&M Expense $1,741,100 $1,853,300 $2,084,900 $2,205,700 $2,572,300 [1] Salaries & wages are included in General Operations costs. Includes new Wastewater Operator positions in FY 2021-22 and and new Operator and Maintenance worker (1 and 1/2 positions) in FY 2023-24. Table 7 Summary of Capital Improvement Program Expeditures and Sources of Funding Projected Description FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 Total Capital Improvement Spending [1] $3,079,000 $4,044,100 $8,321,600 $10,065,600 $10,622,000 Sources and Uses of Capital Funds Beginning Year Balance [2] $9,286,000 $7,479,700 $4,838,400 $11,076,400 $2,759,200 Transfer In Annual Capital Replacement 630,700 760,800 917,600 1,106,400 1,334,000 Transfer In Sewer Connection Fees 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 New Bond Proceeds (net of issuance costs) - - 13,000,000 - 10,000,000 CIP Project Expenditures (3,079,000) (4,044,100) (8,321,600) (10,065,600) (10,622,000) Sources Less Uses $7,479,700 $4,838,400 $11,076,400 $2,759,200 $4,113,200 Target Capital and Emergency Reserve [3] 2,400,000 2,500,000 2,900,000 3,400,000 3,800,000 [1] Entire list of CIP projects is provided in Apendix A-2. [2] FY 2019-20 beginning balance includes all sources of available cash except operating reserve of 6 months of annual O&M expense. [3] Includes Capital Reserve Target equal to average annual replacement and Emergency Capital Reserve equal to 5% of fixed asset value. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 112 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 12 Funding provided for the CIP includes capital reserves, annual replacement revenue from wastewater service charges, sewer connection fee revenue, and new debt proceeds. Construction of the WRF Process Improvements is planned to be partially financed with a proposed debt issue providing proceeds as stated above. The capital financing plan in Appendix A-2 shows the funding of future CIP that includes the debt proceeds as well as ending cash balances for a 10-year period. Wastewater Financial Plan The financial plan provides the means of analyzing the impacts of projected revenue and revenue requirements on funding on-going O&M expense and annual capital infrastructure requirements, as well as the impact on reserves. The financial plan includes the revenues, O&M expense, annual replacement, and debt service that were identified above. The plan also incorporates specific financial planning goals to provide guidance to maintain the health of the wastewater utility on an on-going basis. The goals included the following.  Generate positive levels of income in each year of the Study period  Maintain operating and capital reserves at or greater than target levels  Maintain debt service coverage ratios at or greater than the minimum required, estimated at 125%  Meet annual capital replacement spending from the annual provision from wastewater service revenue Proposed Revenue Adjustments Table 8 shows the pro forma statement of revenue and revenue requirements for the wastewater utility. The table also includes proposed annual revenue increases recommended to meet the financial planning goals for the Study period. The proposed revenue adjustments include annual increases of 19 percent beginning August 8, 2019 and then on each July 1 for the next four years July 2020 and continuing through July 2023. The proposed adjustments are planned to increase revenue over the next five years to fund O&M expense, annual replacement, debt service, and reserves for the Study period. The combined operating and capital reserve balance initially increases, then decreases with the beginning of the debt service payments from the proposed debt. The combined operating and capital reserve balance remains above the Target Reserve level in all years of the study period. Additionally, Table 8 also shows that the calculated debt service coverage ratio is met in all years. This Study also proposes increases in sewer connection fees discussed in a later section of this report. Table 8 shows that revenue received from new connection fees is increased from the update to the charges. The revenue received from connection fees can only be spent on capital projects for which the fees were collected. Therefore, the connection fee revenue received is shown as a transfer out in Table 8 to be spent on capital projects where it is shown as a source of funds in Table 7. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 113 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 13 Wastewater Rate Design This section describes how wastewater service charges are designed and also provides the proposed schedule of wastewater rates for implementation. EDU Wastewater Flow The City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Master Plan provides a residential wastewater flow of 70 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) with a peaking factor of 1.3. Using this information and a persons-per-household (PPH) value of 2.65 from the City’s General Plan, a flow estimate for an SFR customer can be calculated. Multiplying 70 gpcd by 2.65 PPH and by the peaking factor of 1.3, results in a flow estimate of 240 gallon per day (gpd) representing maximum month flow. This is the same flow used by the existing wastewater service charge schedule. Therefore, the EDU multiples for each customer classification shown in Table 2 are assumed to be reasonable and will be used to establish the future wastewater service charges for existing customers. Table 8 Wastewater Financial Plan Projected Description FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 Proposed Rate Increase (Aug 8) 19.0% Proposed Rate Increase (July 1) 19.0% 19.0% 19.0% 19.0% Operating Revenues Service Charge Revenues, Existing Rates [1] $2,038,500 $2,066,400 $2,094,200 $2,122,000 $2,149,900 Additional Revenue from Rate Adjustments [2] 355,000 859,800 1,434,900 2,133,400 2,980,700 Miscellaneous Revenues [3] 830,700 837,800 845,200 853,000 861,200 Interest Earnings [4] 140,700 114,800 145,300 132,800 82,000 Total Operating Revenues $3,364,900 $3,878,800 $4,519,600 $5,241,200 $6,073,800 Operating Expenses Operation and Maintenance Expense $1,740,500 $1,853,300 $2,084,900 $2,205,700 $2,572,300 New Bond Debt Service [5] 0 0 919,300 919,300 1,626,400 Annual Replacement [6] 622,300 760,800 917,600 1,106,400 1,334,000 Transfer Sewer Connection Fees to Capital 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 Total Operating Expenses $3,004,800 $3,256,100 $4,563,800 $4,873,400 $6,174,700 Net Balance From Operations $360,100 $622,700 ($44,200) $367,800 ($100,900) Annual Debt Service Coverage Net Revenues [7] $1,624,400 $2,025,500 $2,434,700 $3,035,500 $3,501,500 Total Annual Debt Service $0 $0 $919,300 $919,300 $1,626,400 Coverage n/a n/a 265% 330% 215% Combned Operating and Capital Reserves Beginning Available Reserves $10,112,000 $8,657,400 $6,638,800 $12,832,600 $4,883,200 Increase (Decrease) Reserve (1,454,600) (2,018,600) 6,193,800 (7,949,400) 1,253,100 Ending Available Reserves $8,657,400 $6,638,800 $12,832,600 $4,883,200 $6,136,300 Target Operating and Capital Reserves $3,270,000 $3,427,000 $3,942,000 $4,503,000 $5,086,000 Above (below) Target $5,387,400 $3,211,800 $8,890,600 $380,200 $1,050,300 [1] Projected using the existing wastewater rates. Changes in rate based revenues are due to customer and demand growth. [2] FY 2019-20 increase effective Aug 8. All other increases are effective July 1. [3] Miscellaneous revenue includes Permits and Inspections, Sewer Extension Fees, Sew er Connection Fees, Well Water, and Tap-in Fees. [4] Interest earnings on the average fund balance calculated at 1.50%. [5] Debt service related to new bond proceeds listed in Table 7. Assumes interest rate of 5.0%, 30 year term, and issuance expenses. [6] Equal to 26% of sewer service charge revenue and additional revenue from rate adjustments . [7] Includes revenue from rates, interest earnings, and miscellaneous revenues less operation and maintenance expense. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 114 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 14 Strength Factor and EDU Multiple As discussed in the Existing Wastewater Service Charges section, one EDU is the sewer flow and strength of a single-family residence, stated in terms of maximum discharge flow in gallons per day (gpd) and strength consisting of bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solids (SS). A Strength Factor can be developed whereby a customer’s proportion of BOD and SS strength relative to the SFR dwelling unit can be calculated and stated separately. The Equivalent Dwelling Unit is the product of the customer’s flow in relation to the SFR flow, multiplied by the Strength Factor. Service charges for wastewater customers are calculated as follows. Wastewater Service Charge = (Customer Flow/SFR Flow) x Strength Factor x SFR Service Charge = EDU Multiple x SFR Service Charge Therefore, wastewater service charges for various user groups can be calculated from their estimated flow and Strength Factor which are proportional to the SFR wastewater service charge. Proposed Wastewater Service Charges The revenue increases outlined in Table 8 are applied to the SFR dwelling unit fixed charge to determine the proposed charges in future years. Applying the EDU multiples from the current wastewater service charge schedule shown in Table 3, to the SFR charge provides the wastewater service charges for other residential and non-residential customers. The proposed wastewater service charges are shown in Table 9. Table 9 Current and Proposed Wastewater Service Charges Date of Increase EDU Unit of Aug 8, July 1, July 1, July 1, July 1, Description Multiple Measure Current 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Residential Fixed Charges Single Family 1.00 Dwelling Unit $20.18 $24.01 $28.58 $34.01 $40.47 $48.16 Apartment, Condo 0.75 Dwelling Unit $15.13 $18.00 $21.43 $25.50 $30.34 $36.11 Mobile Home 0.75 Spaces $15.13 $18.00 $21.43 $25.50 $30.34 $36.11 Senior Apt Unit 0.35 Dwelling Unit $7.06 $8.40 $10.00 $11.90 $14.16 $16.85 Non-Residential Fixed Charges Financial Institutions 2.00 Unit $40.36 $48.03 $57.15 $68.01 $80.94 $96.31 Bars 1.50 Unit $30.27 $36.02 $42.87 $51.01 $60.70 $72.23 Carwash 7.50 Unit $151.35 $180.11 $214.33 $255.05 $303.51 $361.17 Churches/Meeting Halls < 150 seats 1.33 Seats $26.83 $31.93 $37.99 $45.21 $53.80 $64.03 150 to 250 seats 2.66 Seats $53.67 $63.87 $76.00 $90.44 $107.63 $128.08 > 250 seats 3.00 Seats $60.63 $72.15 $85.86 $102.17 $121.58 $144.68 Commercial Unit 1.00 Unit $20.18 $24.01 $28.58 $34.01 $40.47 $48.16 Funeral Home 9.00 Unit $181.62 $216.13 $257.19 $306.06 $364.21 $433.41 Gas Station 2.00 Unit $40.35 $48.02 $57.14 $68.00 $80.92 $96.29 Grocery Store > 10,000 sf 8.00 1,000 sf $161.41 $192.08 $228.57 $272.00 $323.68 $385.18 Gymnasium 10.00 Unit $201.77 $240.11 $285.73 $340.01 $404.62 $481.49 Laundry 9.00 Unit $181.62 $216.13 $257.19 $306.06 $364.21 $433.41 Motel (per room) 0.33 Room $6.66 $7.93 $9.43 $11.22 $13.36 $15.89 Office Unit 1.00 Unit $20.18 $24.01 $28.58 $34.01 $40.47 $48.16 Rest Home (per bed) 0.35 Bed $7.06 $8.40 $10.00 $11.90 $14.16 $16.85 Restaurants < 40 seats 4.00 Seats $80.71 $96.04 $114.29 $136.01 $161.85 $192.60 41 to 60 seats 6.00 Seats $121.06 $144.06 $171.43 $204.01 $242.77 $288.89 61 to 100 seats 8.00 Seats $161.41 $192.08 $228.57 $272.00 $323.68 $385.18 > 100 seats 10.00 Seats $201.77 $240.11 $285.73 $340.01 $404.62 $481.49 School (per student on 3/1) 0.05 Student $1.01 $1.20 $1.43 $1.70 $2.03 $2.41 Theater 4.00 Unit $80.71 $96.04 $114.29 $136.01 $161.85 $192.60 Veterinarians 3.00 Unit $60.54 $72.04 $85.73 $102.02 $121.40 $144.47 Unlisted Uses [1] 1.00 Unit $20.18 $24.01 $28.58 $34.01 $40.47 $48.16 [1] Determined by use of fixture units from the California Plumbing Code or as by means deemed appropriate by the City Engineer. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 115 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 15 Service Charge Variances It is suggested that the City reserve the right to determine a new wastewater customer’s monthly charge by estimating the wastewater flow through the use of fixture units according to the California Plumbing Code or other methods deemed appropriate by the City Engineer. The resulting wastewater flow would be applied to the formula provided in a previous section. A new wastewater customer classification may be created that is not listed in Table 9. Wastewater Bill Impact Analysis The impact to the single-family customer bill that would occur from the implementation of the proposed wastewater service charges for the August 2019 increase is provided in Table 10 below. The table shows that the wastewater bill of an SFR customer will increase from $20.18 to $24.01, an increase of $3.83, or 19 percent. Wastewater Rate Survey A wastewater rate survey was conducted for neighboring communities to the City of Atascadero. Chart 1 compares the City’s SFR monthly wastewater bill with those of neighboring communities at the same use. Wastewater bills were calculated assuming a 5/8” meter or 3/4” meter where that is the smallest size available, and a monthly use of 15 hundred cubic feet (HCF) and an average winter water use of 7 HCF where applicable. The rate survey includes rate schedules in effect April 2019 and provides wastewater bills for the City using the current service charges and for the proposed service charges from Table 9 for implementation August 8, 2019. From reviewing Chart 1, the City’s proposed August 8, 2019 SFR monthly wastewater bill is among the lowest in San Luis Obispo County. Table 10 Comparison of Current Residential Monthly Wastewater Bill with Proposed Monthly Bill Using August 2019 Wastewater Service Charges Aug 2019 Residential Current Proposed Dollar Percent Classification Bill Bill Change Change Single Family $20.18 $24.01 $3.83 19.0% Apartment, Condo $15.13 $18.00 $2.87 19.0% Mobile Home $15.13 $18.00 $2.87 19.0% Senior Apt Unit $7.06 $8.40 $1.34 19.0% ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 116 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 16 Capacity Charges Capacity charges, sometimes referred to as connection fees, are one-time charges paid by new customers as a capital contribution for capacity in the wastewater system. These charges can also be assessed to customers requiring increased capacity requirements to serve changes in their development. Proceeds from capacity charges are to be placed into an account separate from all other accounts and are to be used to finance the development of growth related infrastructure. The proceeds are a financing source for future facilities. Capacity charges are calculated recognizing EDU multiples of the different customer classifications stated in the wastewater service charge schedule in Tables 9. The calculation of the capacity charge is proposed as follows. Capacity Charge= (Customer Flow/SFR Flow) x Strength Factor x SFR Capacity Charge = EDU Multiple x SFR Capacity Charge The SFR capacity charge is calculated following standard methods by identifying the existing fixed asset value, in terms of replacement cost less depreciation, and the CIP value that is related to replacement and to serving future growth. Table 11 provides a summary of the calculations used to determine the capacity charge for an SFR dwelling unit. The capacity charges have been developed using the combination methodology, a combination of the buy-in and incremental cost methodology whereby the charges are based on the value of existing capacity and value of CIP replacement and growth-related projects. Chart 1 Comparison of Single-family Residential Monthly Wastewater Bills For Rates in Effect April 2019 Note: Above table uses wastewater rates in effect April 2019. City’s August 2019 bill is based on the wastewater service charges in Table 9. San Luis Obispo, Cambria, Paso Robles, Arroyo Grande, and Los Osos have a variable wastewater rate component and an average water consumption of 15 HCF and an average winter water use of 7 HCF have been assumed. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 117 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 17 Using the capacity charge for the SFR dwelling unit and the formula described above, a capacity charge schedule is developed as shown in Table 12 for existing development types. The capacity charges provided in Table 12 should be adjusted annually by the percentage increase in the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index (ENR-CCI). Table 11 Development of Single-family Residential Capacity Charge Line RCLD Contributions/ Asset Capacity No. Description Value Debt Principal Value Capacity Charge gpd $/gpd Existing Plant Investment 1 Collection $15,743,199 ($12,226,755) $3,516,444 2 Pumping and Lift Stations 2,429,453 - 2,429,453 3 Treatment 7,123,338 - 7,123,338 4 General Plant 3,068,790 - 3,068,790 5 Total Existing Plant Investment $28,364,780 ($12,226,755) $16,138,025 2,280,000 $7.08 6 Capital Improvements (CIP) 7 Replacement Related $39,300,150 ($22,900,000) $16,400,150 2,280,000 $7.19 8 Growth Related Improvements $7,611,850 (5,100,000) 2,511,850 510,000 $4.93 9 Total CIP $46,912,000 ($28,000,000) $18,912,000 Adjustments 10 Capital Cash Balance $9,286,000 $9,286,000 2,280,000 $4.07 11 Total Value $84,562,780 $44,336,025 12 Unit Valuation of Existing Wastewater System ($/gpd) $23.269 13 Single-family Residential Demand (gpd) 240 14 Connection Fee (Replacement) ((line 5 + line 7 + line 10) * line 13) $4,403 15 Connection Fee (Growth-Related) (line 8 * line 13) $1,182 16 Single-family Residential Capacity Charge $5,584 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 118 of 123 Wastewater Rate Study  City of Atascadero Tuckfield & Associates Page: 18 Capacity Charge Variances For any new wastewater customer, the City may reserve the right to charge the customer using estimated flow based on fixture units according to the California Plumbing Code, or other method deemed appropriate by the City’s engineer. The capacity charge may be calculated using the formula provided above. Table 12 Schedule of Capacity Charges EDU Unit of Capacity Development Type Multiple Measure Charge Residential Single Family 1.00 Dwelling Unit $5,584 Apartment, Condo 0.75 Dwelling Unit $4,186 Mobile Home 0.75 Spaces $4,186 Senior Apt Unit 0.35 Dwelling Unit $1,953 Non-Residential Financial Institutions 2.00 Unit $11,168 Bars 1.50 Unit $8,376 Carwash 7.50 Unit $41,880 Churches/Meeting Halls < 150 seats 1.33 Seats $7,426 150 to 250 seats 2.66 Seats $14,853 > 250 seats 3.00 Seats $16,752 Commercial Unit 1.00 Unit $5,584 Funeral Home 9.00 Unit $50,256 Gas Station 2.00 Unit $11,168 Grocery Store > 10,000 sf 8.00 1,000 sf $44,672 Gymnasium 10.00 Unit $55,840 Laundry 9.00 Unit $50,256 Motel (per room) 0.33 Room $1,842 Office Unit 1.00 Unit $5,584 Rest Home (per bed) 0.35 Bed $1,954 Restaurants < 40 seats 4.00 Seats $22,336 41 to 60 seats 6.00 Seats $33,504 61 to 100 seats 8.00 Seats $44,672 > 100 seats 10.00 Seats $55,840 School (per student on 3/1) 0.05 Student $279 Theater 4.00 Unit $22,336 Veterinarians 3.00 Unit $16,752 Unlisted Uses 1.00 Unit $5,584 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 119 of 123 Page: 19 Appendix A Wastewater Technical Appendices Wastewater Historical and Projected Operation and Maintenance Expense, Capital Improvement Program with Sources and Uses Funding, and the Wastewater Financial Plan are detailed in Appendix A. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 120 of 123 Page: 20 Appendix A-1 Historical and Projected Operation and Maintenance Expense Inflationary Historical Budget Projected [1] Description Escalation FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 FY 2028-29 COLLECTION Electricity 3% [1] $64,418 $67,310 $76,842 $78,762 $68,000 $71,921 $76,016 $80,292 $84,757 $89,417 $94,280 $99,355 $104,649 $110,172 $115,932 Chemicals 3% [1] 19,777 21,035 33,644 28,427 30,000 31,730 33,537 35,424 37,394 39,450 41,596 43,835 46,171 48,608 51,149 Operating Supplies 3% 16,400 9,291 4,130 7,008 10,000 10,300 10,609 10,927 11,255 11,593 11,941 12,299 12,668 13,048 13,439 Vehicle & Equip Supp & Repair 3% 9,092 49,270 38,232 27,197 75,000 77,250 79,568 81,955 84,413 86,946 89,554 92,241 95,008 97,858 100,794 Contract Services 3% 104,065 101,009 45,777 39,100 70,350 72,461 74,634 76,873 79,180 81,555 84,002 86,522 89,117 91,791 94,545 Other 3% 5,209 5,255 5,989 6,315 6,500 6,709 6,924 7,147 7,376 7,612 7,856 8,108 8,369 8,638 8,915 Total Collection Expense $218,962 $253,170 $204,614 $186,809 $259,850 $270,371 $281,288 $292,618 $304,375 $316,573 $329,229 $342,360 $355,982 $370,115 $384,774 TREATMENT Electricity 3% [1] $162,906 $162,468 $172,653 $174,898 $170,000 $179,803 $190,042 $200,733 $211,895 $223,546 $235,705 $248,392 $261,628 $275,435 $289,835 Operating Supplies 3% 26,899 26,777 22,426 32,206 37,000 38,110 39,253 40,431 41,644 42,893 44,180 45,505 46,870 48,277 49,725 Vehicle & Equip Supp & Repair 3% 7,303 7,542 16,693 8,321 13,000 13,390 13,792 14,205 14,632 15,071 15,523 15,988 16,468 16,962 17,471 Contract Services 3% 42,444 44,845 46,309 52,325 50,000 51,500 53,045 54,636 56,275 57,964 59,703 61,494 63,339 65,239 67,196 Other 3% 4,518 5,078 5,271 4,962 5,100 5,253 5,411 5,574 5,740 5,912 6,089 6,273 6,461 6,654 6,854 Total Treatment Expense $244,070 $246,709 $263,352 $272,712 $275,100 $288,056 $301,543 $315,579 $330,186 $345,386 $361,200 $377,652 $394,766 $412,567 $431,081 GENERAL OPERATIONS Salaries and Wages 5% [2] $335,262 $344,379 $358,567 $378,829 $374,145 $396,905 $433,473 $527,672 $554,059 $717,394 $753,262 $790,924 $830,472 $872,002 $915,602 Benefits 10% 175,224 195,165 209,180 231,496 242,231 274,703 302,172 387,786 426,566 569,772 626,748 689,427 758,370 834,207 917,626 Insurance 3% (5,503) 15,806 16,451 21,956 16,050 16,532 17,027 17,538 18,064 18,606 19,165 19,739 20,332 20,942 21,570 Operating Supplies 3% 23,482 22,661 42,224 27,381 26,000 26,780 27,583 28,411 29,263 30,141 31,045 31,977 32,936 33,924 34,942 Vehicle & Equipment Repairs 3% 23,688 24,943 22,605 38,333 36,000 37,080 38,192 39,338 40,518 41,734 42,986 44,275 45,604 46,972 48,381 Contract Services 3% 10,702 1,495 4,515 680 11,500 11,845 12,200 12,566 12,943 13,332 13,732 14,144 14,568 15,005 15,455 Franchise Fees 35,865 37,121 38,251 38,636 51,850 48,516 58,524 70,582 85,108 102,612 109,132 116,058 123,396 131,182 139,436 Departmental Service Allocation 3% 79,510 67,240 74,160 72,410 72,320 74,490 76,724 79,026 81,397 83,839 86,354 88,944 91,613 94,361 97,192 Administrative Services 3% 118,340 199,130 202,650 217,520 221,960 228,619 235,477 242,542 249,818 257,312 265,032 272,983 281,172 289,607 298,296 Contingency Reserve 3% 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,300 10,609 10,927 11,255 11,593 11,941 12,299 12,668 13,048 13,439 Other 3% 45,038 44,305 59,583 33,535 55,180 56,834 58,543 60,297 62,107 63,968 65,886 67,864 69,899 71,997 74,156 Total G&A Expenses $841,608 $952,245 $1,028,186 $1,060,776 $1,117,236 $1,182,604 $1,270,524 $1,476,685 $1,571,098 $1,910,303 $2,025,283 $2,148,634 $2,281,030 $2,423,247 $2,576,095 Total O&M Expenses $1,304,640 $1,452,124 $1,496,152 $1,520,297 $1,652,186 $1,741,031 $1,853,355 $2,084,882 $2,205,659 $2,572,262 $2,715,712 $2,868,646 $3,031,778 $3,205,929 $3,391,950 [1] Expense increases from additional wastewater flow due to growth as well as cost escalation. [2] Includes a new Wastewater Operator position occuring in year FY 2021-22 and FY 2023-24, and an allocation of a 0.5 FTE in FY 2023-24. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 121 of 123 Page: 21 Table A-2 Capital Improvement Program With Sources and Uses of Funds Estimated Projected Description FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 FY 2028-29 Current Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) [1] Wastewater Treatment Plant $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 WRF Process Improvements and Upgrades - 309,000 3,026,700 9,759,700 10,052,500 - - - - - Percolation Basin Capacity Evaluation - 36,100 - - - - - - - - Dredge Pipe Replacement - - - 38,200 - - - - - - Aerator Replacement Program 19,000 19,600 20,200 - - - - - - - Lift Stations - - - - - - - - - - Lift Station No. 2 Replacement 1,332,000 - - - - - - - - - Lift Station No. 5 and Force Main Replacement - - - - - 1,233,500 7,193,000 - - - Lift Station No. 6 and Force Main Upgrades - - - - 164,300 955,200 - - - - Lift Station 4, 7, 9 11, 14, 15 Rehabilitation Projects 473,000 - - - - - - - - - Lift Station No. 13 and Force Main Replacement - 848,700 4,951,200 - - - - - - - Collection - - - - - - - - - - Highway 41 and El Camino Real Sewer Improvements - - - - - - - - 281,200 1,641,400 Traffic Way Sewer Improvements 389,000 2,269,100 - - - - - - - - Various Locations Sewer Condition Improvements 456,000 - - - - 1,496,600 - 1,587,800 - - 4x4 Loader - - 159,100 - - - - - - - Asset Management Program and Work Order System - 103,000 - - - - - - - - CCTV Truck 200,000 - - - - - - - - - Combo Truck Storage Structure 15,000 - - - - - - - - - Inflow and Infiltration Study - 30,900 - - 33,800 - - 36,900 - - Portable Bypass Pump - 77,300 - - - - 119,400 - - - Portable Generator (Total of 2) - 97,900 - - - - - 123,000 - - Service Vehicle Replacement (Total of 6) 35,000 36,100 - 38,200 - 40,600 - 43,000 - 45,700 Skip and Drag - 97,900 - - - - - - - - Annual GIS Maintenance & Modeling Support 15,000 15,500 15,900 16,400 16,900 17,400 17,900 18,400 19,000 19,600 Manhole Rehabilitation & Sewer Line Repairs 100,000 103,000 132,600 136,600 168,800 173,900 209,000 215,200 253,400 261,000 Sewer System Management Plan Audit 15,000 - 15,900 - 16,900 - 17,900 - 19,000 - Wastewater Fee Study - - - 54,600 - - - 61,500 - - Wastewater Customer Database Review - - - 21,900 - - - 24,600 - - Sewer System Management Plan Update 30,000 - - - - 34,800 - - - - Wastewater Master Plan Update - - - - 168,800 - - - - - Total $3,079,000 $4,044,100 $8,321,600 $10,065,600 $10,622,000 $3,952,000 $7,557,200 $2,110,400 $572,600 $1,967,700 Sources and Uses of Capital Funds Beginning Year Balance [2] $9,286,000 $7,479,700 $4,838,400 $11,076,400 $2,759,200 $4,113,200 $2,221,900 $1,815,500 $1,951,200 $3,726,000 Transfer In Annual Capital Replacement 630,700 760,800 917,600 1,106,400 1,334,000 1,418,700 1,508,800 1,604,100 1,705,400 1,812,700 Transfer In Sewer Connection Fees 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 Additional Funding from Net Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - New Bond Proceeds (net of issuance costs)- - 13,000,000 - 10,000,000 - 5,000,000 - - - CIP Project Expenditures ($3,079,000) ($4,044,100) ($8,321,600) ($10,065,600) ($10,622,000) ($3,952,000) ($7,557,200) ($2,110,400) ($572,600) ($1,967,700) Sources Less Uses $7,479,700 $4,838,400 $11,076,400 $2,759,200 $4,113,200 $2,221,900 $1,815,500 $1,951,200 $3,726,000 $4,213,000 Target Capital and Emergency Reserve $2,400,000 $2,500,000 $2,900,000 $3,400,000 $3,800,000 $4,000,000 $4,300,000 $4,300,000 $4,200,000 $4,200,000 [1] CIP Source: CIP Project list provided by the City. [2] The available cash balance reflects the City's FY 2019-20 Budget less Operating Reserve. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 122 of 123 Page: 22 Appendix A-3 Wastewater Financial Plan Projected Description FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 FY 2028-29 Proposed Rate Increase (Aug 8) 19.0% Proposed Rate Increase (July 1) 19.0% 19.0% 19.0% 19.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% Operating Revenues Service Charge Revenues, Existing Rates [1] $2,038,500 $2,066,400 $2,094,200 $2,122,000 $2,149,900 $2,177,700 $2,205,600 $2,233,400 $2,261,300 $2,289,100 Additional Revenue from Rate Adjustments [2] 355,000 859,800 1,434,900 2,133,400 2,980,700 3,278,900 3,597,300 3,936,400 4,297,800 4,682,700 Miscellaneous Revenues [3] 830,700 837,800 845,200 853,000 861,200 869,800 878,800 888,200 898,100 908,500 Interest Earnings [4] 140,700 114,800 145,300 132,800 82,000 77,800 58,400 53,600 66,800 84,800 Total Operating Revenues $3,364,900 $3,878,800 $4,519,600 $5,241,200 $6,073,800 $6,404,200 $6,740,100 $7,111,600 $7,524,000 $7,965,100 Operating Expenses Operation and Maintenance Expense $1,740,500 $1,853,300 $2,084,900 $2,205,700 $2,572,300 $2,715,700 $2,868,700 $3,031,800 $3,205,900 $3,392,000 New Bond Debt Service [5] 0 0 919,300 919,300 1,626,400 1,626,400 1,980,000 1,980,000 1,980,000 1,980,000 Annual Replacement [6] 622,300 760,800 917,600 1,106,400 1,334,000 1,418,700 1,508,800 1,604,100 1,705,400 1,812,700 Transfer Sewer Connection Fees to Capital 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 642,000 Total Operating Expenses $3,004,800 $3,256,100 $4,563,800 $4,873,400 $6,174,700 $6,402,800 $6,999,500 $7,257,900 $7,533,300 $7,826,700 Net Balance From Operations $360,100 $622,700 ($44,200) $367,800 ($100,900) $1,400 ($259,400) ($146,300) ($9,300) $138,400 Annual Debt Service Coverage Net Revenues [7] $1,624,400 $2,025,500 $2,434,700 $3,035,500 $3,501,500 $3,688,500 $3,871,400 $4,079,800 $4,318,100 $4,573,100 Total Annual Debt Service $0 $0 $919,300 $919,300 $1,626,400 $1,626,400 $1,980,000 $1,980,000 $1,980,000 $1,980,000 Coverage n/a n/a 265% 330% 215% 227% 196% 206% 218% 231% Combned Operating and Capital Reserves Beginning Available Reserves $10,112,000 $8,657,400 $6,638,800 $12,832,600 $4,883,200 $6,136,300 $4,246,400 $3,580,600 $3,570,000 $5,335,500 Increase (Decrease) Reserve (1,454,600) (2,018,600) 6,193,800 (7,949,400) 1,253,100 (1,889,900) (665,800) (10,600) 1,765,500 625,400 Ending Available Reserves $8,657,400 $6,638,800 $12,832,600 $4,883,200 $6,136,300 $4,246,400 $3,580,600 $3,570,000 $5,335,500 $5,960,900 Target Operating and Capital Reserves $3,270,000 $3,427,000 $3,942,000 $4,503,000 $5,086,000 $5,358,000 $5,734,000 $5,816,000 $5,803,000 $5,896,000 Above (below) Target $5,387,400 $3,211,800 $8,890,600 $380,200 $1,050,300 ($1,111,600) ($2,153,400) ($2,246,000) ($467,500) $64,900 [1] Projected using the existing wastewater rates. Changes in rate based revenues are due to customer and demand growth. [2] FY 2019-20 increase effective Aug 8. All other increases are effective July 1. [3] Miscellaneous revenue includes Permits and Inspections, Sewer Extension Fees, Sewer Connection Fees, Well Water, and Tap-in Fees. [4] Interest earnings on the average fund balance calculated at 1.50%. [5] Debt service related to new bond proceeds listed in Table 7. Assumes interest rate of 5.0%, 30 year term, and issuance expenses. [6] Equal to 26% of sewer service charge revenue and additional revenue from rate adjustments . [7] Includes revenue from rates, interest earnings, and miscellaneous revenues less operation and maintenance expense. ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: 03/23/21 ATTACHMENT: 1 Page 123 of 123