HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 09/26/2000 .. AGENDA ... 1918 i ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26,2000 7:00 P.M. City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue, 4th Floor Atascadero, California REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 6:30 P.M. CLOSED SESSION: (Immediately following Redevelopment Agency Meeting) l) Conference with labor negotiator(Govt. Code Sec. 54957.6) Agency Negotiators: City Manager& City Attorney Employee organizations: City Manager, Department Heads, Mid- Management/Professional, Confidential, Atascadero Fire Captains, Atascadero Firefighters, Service Employees Intl. Union Local 620,Atascadero Police Assoc. 2) Performance Review: City Attorney (Govt. Code§ 54957.6) c REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide ROLL CALL: Mayor Johnson Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide Council Member Clay Council Member Luna Council Member Scalise APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call PRESENTATIONS: 1. Proclamation declaring October 2-10, 2000, "Voter Registration Week." 2. Proclamation declaring October 8-14, 2000, "Fire Prevention Week." 3. Chief McCain will acknowledge Jason Pulsifer, a Good Samaritan, and present a letter of appreciation. COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to five minutes. Please state your name and address for the record before making your presentation. The Council may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda) COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENT AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Roll Call (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken.) 1. Biennial Review of Conflict of Interest Code ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council adopt Draft Resolution, updating and amending the Conflict of Interest Code for the City City ofAtascadero. [City Clerk] 2. City Treasurer's Report—Investment Update February, March, April 2000 ■ City Treasurer recommendation: Council approve the City Treasurer's reports for the following periods: February 2000, March 2000 and April 2000. [City Treasurer] 3. December 1999 Accounts Payable & Payroll ■ Fiscallmpact: $1,801,070.01 ■ Staff recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for December 1999. [Administrative Services] 4. January 2000 Accounts Payable& Payroll ■ Fiscal Impact: $964,07652 ■ Staff recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for January 2000. [Administrative Services] 2 5. February 2000 Accounts Payable & Payroll ■ Fiscal Impact: $1,384,97640 ■ Staff recommendation: Approve certified City accounts payable,payroll and payroll vendor checks for February 2000. [Administrative Services] 6. March 2000 Accounts Payable& Pam ■ Fiscal Impact: $1,122,469.48 ■ Staff recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for March 2000. [Administrative Services] 7. April 2000 Accounts Payable & Payroll ■ Fiscal Impact: $1,034,713.63 ■ Staff recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for April 2000. [Administrative Services] 8. Traffic WM/Route 101 Interchange Project Study Report Amending Consultant Services Agreement with OMNI-MEANS LTD. ■ Fiscal Impact: $60,000 ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize the City Manager to amend the Consultant Services Agreement with OMNI--MEANS LTD. for preparation of a Project Study Report for the Traffic Way/Route 101 Interchange. [Public Works] 9. Garcia Road Storm Damage Repair Project ■ FiscalImpact: $1,579 ■ Staff recommendation Council accept the Garcia Road Storm 'Damage Repair Project as complete and authorize the Administrative Services Director to release the project retention the amount of$1,579. [Public Works] 10. RV Park Railroad Crossing—Submittal of application to PUC authorizing construction of a railroad grade separation crossing ■ Fiscal Impact: None. The railroad crossing would be privately owned and constructed. ■ Planning Commission recommendation. Council adopt Draft Resolution which authorizes the City Engineer to sign and submit, on behalf of the City of Atascadero, an application to the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California for an Order authorizing construction of a railroad grade separation crossing over the tracks of the Union Pacific Railroad Company for the extension of El Camino Real in the City of Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County. [Public Works] B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Caltrans Median Barrier Protect Alternative Selection ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Staff recommendation.: Council receive a report from Caltrans on the Median Barrier project and select the Thrie-beam barrier as the preferred alternative. [Public Works] 3 2. 3-F Meadows Alternative Access Study ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Staff recommendation: Council receive this report on 3-F Meadows alternate access study. [Public Works] 3. 2000 State Transportation Improvement Program(STIP) ■ Fiscal Impact: If all projects are approved by STIP, the total possible revenue is $1,462830.00 ■ . Staff recommendations: 1. Council approve the Project Study Reports for projects which staff has submitted for funding from the 2000 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). 2. Council authorize the Administrative Services Director to amend the 2000 City Budget to appropriate the funds for the project matches. [Public Works] 4. Response to Grand Jury ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Staff recommendation: 1. Council approve response to the Grand Jury regarding the Mackey Project. , 2. Council approve response to the Grand Jury regarding Weed Abatement. [City Manager] 5. 1999 Audit Report ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Staff recommendation: Council review and accept the audit report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1999. [Administrative Services] 6. Information Bulletin a. Atascadero Lake Water Quality D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): I S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O.Regional Transit Authority 2. Finance Committee 3. Water Committees: a. SLO County Flood Control& Water Conservation District Water Resources Advisory Committee b. Nacimiento Water Purveyors' contract Technical Advisory Committee C. North County Water forum 4. Integrated Waste Management Authority 5. North County Council 6. Air Pollution Control District 7. County Mayor's Round Table 8. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors 9. City/ Schools Committee 10. Economic Opportunity Commission 11. North County Homeless Coalition 4 E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City'Clerk 4. City Treasurer F. ADJOURNMENT: THE NEXTCITY COUNCIL MEETING WILL BE A REGULAR SESSION SCHEDULED ON OCTOBER 10,2000,AT 7:00 P.M. Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. I, Marcia McClure Torgerson, the City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the September 26, 2000 Regular Session of the Atascadero City Council was posted on September 20,2000 at Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Ave., Atascadero, CA 93422 and was available for public review in the City Clerk's office at that location. Signed this 20th day of September, 2000 at Atascadero, California. 71 Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Cle City of Atascadero 5 City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING The City Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk(Room 311)available for public inspection during City Hall business hours. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager's Office, (805) 461-5010, or the City Clerk's Office, (805)461-5074. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to step up to the podium. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: • You must approach the podium and be recognized by the Mayor • Give your name and address(not required) • Make your statement • All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council • All comments limited to 5 minutes(unless changed by the Council) • No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so, and no one may speak more than twice on any item. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Council. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, "COMMUNITY FORUM", the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to • Please approach the podium and be recognized • Give your name and address • State the nature of your business This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Council's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum(unless changed by the Council). TO HAVE ITEMS PLACED ON AGENDA All business matters to appear on the Agenda must be in the Office of the City Manager ten days preceding the Council meeting. Should you have a matter you wish to bring before the Council, please mail or bring a written communication to the City Manager's office in City Hall prior to the deadline. "Voter Registration Week" October 2,— 10., 2000 WHEREAS, it is well established that free and honest elections with full participation are the cornerstone of our democracy; and WHEREAS, the goal of full participation cannot be realized unless all eligible voters are registered to vote; and WHEREAS, voter registration is open to all U.S. citizens who will be at least 18 years of age by the date of the next election and are not in prison or on parole for a felony conviction; and • WHEREAS, voter registration forms are available at post offices, libraries, banks, notary offices, city halls, the County Government Center and the County Clerk-Recorder's Offices; and WHEREAS, registering to vote is a simple process requiring just a few minutes of time to complete, sign and return the voter registration form; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that October 2-10, 2000, is proclaimed Voter Registration Week and the City of Atascadero does hereby encourage all eligible persons to register to vote. Ray Jofi non, M or City o Atascade o September 26, 2000 "Fire Prevention Week" October 8-14, 2000 WHEREAS, the week of October 8-14, 2000, has been designated as Fire Prevention Week nationwide; and WHEREAS, Fire Prevention Week is held in commemoration of the anniversary of the "Great Chicago Fire and WHEREAS, the 2000 Fire Prevention Week theme nationwide is "Fire Drills: The Great Escape"; and WHEREAS the City of Atascadero Fire Department andfirefighters • nationwide symbolize Fire Prevention Week as a time to stress the importance office prevention and education to the public; NOW THEREFORE, I, Ray Johnson, Mayor of the City of Atascadero, do hereby proclaim the week of October 8-14, 2000, as "Fire Prevention Week". Rq)-Jo0s,1nMqy1r City ofAtascadero September 26, 2000 002 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 09/26/2000 X3 5-79 ,�►srAt"�oi/ Atascadero City Council Report - City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson Biennial Review of Conflict of Interest Code RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt Draft Resolution, updating and amending the Conflict of Interest Code for the City of Atascadero. DISCUSSION: The Political Reform Act requires every local government agency to review its conflict of Interest Code biennially (on the even years) to determine if it is accurate and, if needed, make any necessary amendments. The Conflict of Interest Code is a document that designates the positions within an agency that make or participate in making governmental decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect on any financial interest. The Code further sets out, in paragraphs called disclosure categories, the specific types of investments, business positions, interest in real property and sources of income that must be reported by the designated positions. The City Council is the Code reviewing body for the City of Atascadero. The Political Reform Act requires that any changes be submitted to this Council no later than December 29, 2000. This Conflict of Interest Code pertains only to the designated positions listed in Exhibit A. The following officials are exempt from this Code as they are otherwise required to file disclosure statements pursuant to State Law under Govt. Code 87200: Council Members, City Treasurer, Planning Commissioners, City Manager and City Attorney. However, they are covered by this Code under Section 6 for disqualification purposes only. The City Clerk and the City Attorney have reviewed the current Code. The proposed amendments to the Conflict of Interest Code incorporate the basic provisions required by Government Code Section 87302 and comply with FPPC regulations. The revised list contains a list of designated positions that make or participate in making governmental decisions. The • recommended changes reflect the current staffing of the City of Atascadero. The recommended new language is indicated by underlining and the recommended deleted language is indicated by . No substantive changes have been suggested. 0 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 09/26/2000 FISCAL IMPACT: None. • ALTERNATIVES: The Code must be updated. The Council is free to add positions to the Code or to suggest any other changes, so long as the changes comply with the Political Reform Act. Changing the disclosure requirements is not recommended. It is important that the current positions are accurately described. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution i i 0,04 DRAFT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA,ADOPTING AN AMENDED CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE WHEREAS, the Political Reform Act requires every local government agency to review its Conflict of Interest Code biennially (in even-numbered years)to determine if its accurate and up-to- date, or, alternatively,that the Code must be amended; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,by the City Council of the City of Atascadero as follows: SECTION 1. Resolution No. 1998-055, adopted on December 8, 1998, is hereby rescinded. SECTION 2. That the attached Conflict of Interest Code be, and hereby is, adopted as the Conflict of Interest Code for the City of Atascadero. On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ti CITY OF ATASCADERO By: Ray Johnson, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Roy A. Hanley, City Attorney 005 CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO SECTION 1. Purpose. Pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Sections 87300, et seq., the City of Atascadero (hereinafter-referred to as "City") hereby adopts the following Conflict of Interest Code. The provisions of this Code are in addition to those contained in Title 9, Chapter 1 of the Government Code (Section 87100 et seq.). Except as otherwise indicated, the definitions contained in the Political Reform Act at Title 9, Chapter 2 of the Government Code (Section 82000 et seq.) regulations of the Fair Political Practices Commission (2 California Code Regulations section 18100 et seq.) and any amendments to the Act or regulations are incorporated herein and apply to this Code. It is the purpose of this Code to provide for the disclosure of assets and income of designated employees which may be materially affected by their official actions, and, in appropriate circumstances, to provide that designated employees should be disqualified from acting in order that conflicts of interest may be avoided. SECTION 2. Designated Positions. The positions listed in Exhibit "A" are designated positions. Officers and employees holding those positions are designated employees and are deemed to make or participate in the making of decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect on a financial interest. This Code does not establish any disclosure obligation for those individuals specified in Government Code section 87200; such persons are covered by this Code only for disqualification purposes and all provisions of Section 6 herein relating to "designated employees" are applicable to such individuals. C, Consultants are required to be included as a designated employee. The Fair Political Practices Commission defines "consultant as an individual who, pursuant to a contract with a state or local government agency: (a) Makes a governmental decision whether to: (1) Approve a rate,rule, or regulation; (2) Adopt or enforce a law; (3) Issue, deny, suspend, or revoke any permit, license, application, certificate, approval, order, or similar authorization or entitlement; (4) Authorize the agency to enter into, modify, or renew a contract provided it is the type of contract which requires agency approval; (5) Grant agency approval to a contract which requires agency ! approval and in which the agency is a party or to the specifications for such a contract; 1 006 City of Atascadero Conflict of Interest Code 2000 (6) Grant agency approval to a plan, design, report, study or similar item; (7) Adopt, or grant agency approval of, policies, standards, or guidelines for the agency, or for any subdivision thereof; or (b) Serves in a staff capacity with the agency and in that capacity performs the same or substantially all the same duties for the agency that would otherwise be performed by an individual holding a position specified in this Code. SECTION 3. Disclosure Statements. Designated positions shall be assigned to one or more of the disclosure categories set forth in Exhibit "B." Each designated employee or official shall file an annual statement disclosing that employee's or official's interest in investments, business positions, interests in real property and source of income designated is reportable under the category to which the employee's or official's position is assigned in Exhibit "B." SECTION 4. Place and Time Filing. (a) All designated employees or officials required to submit a statement of financial interests shall file the original with the City Clerk's office. Designated employees or officials who are required to file statements of financial interests under any other agency's conflict of interest code, or for a different jurisdiction, may expand their statement of financial interests to cover reportable interests in both jurisdictions, and file copies of this expanded statement with both entities in lieu of filing separate and distinct statements. Each expanded statement must bear an original signature and be verified by the designated individual. (b) The City Clerk's office shall make and retain a copy of the statement. (c) A designated employee or official required to submit an initial statement of financial interests shall submit the statement within 30 days after the.effective date of this Code, disclosing interests held including reportable investments, business positions, and interests in real property on the effective date of this Code, and income received during the twelve (12) months prior to the effective date of this Code. (d) All persons appointed, promoted, or transferred to designated positions shall file initial statements not more than 30 days after assuming office. (e) The first statement of financial interests filed by a designated employee shall disclose the designated employee's reportable investments, business positions, and interests in real property as those investments, positions, and interests in real property exist as of the effective date of this Code or the date the designated employee assumed office, whichever is later, and income received during the preceding twelve (12)months. (f) Annual statements shall be filed by March 30th of each year by all designated . employees or officials. Such statements shall disclose reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income held or received at any time during the previous calendar year or since the designated employee took office if during the calendar year. 2 007 City of Atascadero Conflict of Interest Code 2000 (g) Every designated employee who leaves office shall file, within 30 days of leaving office, a statement disclosing reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income held or received at any time during the period between the closing date of the last statement required to be filed and the date of leaving office. (h) A designated employee who resigns his or her position within 30 days following initial appointment is not deemed to assume or leave office, provided that during the period between appointment and resignation the individual does not make, participate in making, or use the position to influence any decision of the city or receive or become entitled to receive any form of payment by virtue of being appointed to the position. SECTION 5. Contents of Disclosure Statements. Disclosure statements shall be made on forms supplied by the City Clerk's office and shall contain the following information: (a) Contents of Investments and Real Property Reports. When an investment or an interest in real property is required to be disclosed,the statement shall contain: (1) A statement of the nature of the investment or interest; (2) The name of the business entity in which each investment is held and a general description of the business activity in which the business entity is engaged; (3) The address or other precise location of the real property; (4) A statement whether the fair market value of the investment or, interest in real property equals or exceeds one thousand dollars ($1,000) but does not exceed ten thousand dollars ( $10,000 ), whether it exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000) but does not exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000 ), or whether it exceeds one hundred thousand dollars($100,000). 0 For purposes of disclosure, "interest in real property" does not include the principal residence of the designated employee or any other property which the designated employee utilizes exclusively as the employee's personal residence. Investments and interests in real property which have a fair market value of less than $1,000 are not investments and interests in real property within the meaning of the Political Reform Act. However, investments or interests in real property of an individual include those held by the individual's spouse and dependent children as well as a pro rata share of any investment or interest in real property of any business entity or trust in which the individual, spouse and dependent children own, in the aggregate, a direct, indirect or beneficial interest of 10 percent or greater. (b) Contents of Personal Income Resorts. When personal income' is required to be disclosed under this Code or pursuant to the Political Reform Act,the statement shall contain: (1) The name and address of each source of income aggregating two hundred fifty • dollars ($250) or more in value, or fifty dollars ($50) or more in value if the income was a gift, and a general description of the business activity,if any,of each source; 3 V S City of Atascadero Conflict of Interest Code 2000 (2) A statement whether the aggregate value of income from each source, or, in the case of a loan, the highest amount owed to each source, was at least two hundred fifty dollars ($250) but did not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), whether it was in excess of one thousand dot tars ($1,000) but not greater than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or whether it was greater than ten thousand dollars ($10, 000 ); ' "Income" is defined in Title 9, Chapter 2 of the Government Code (Section 82030). That definition is attached hereto as Exhibit"C." (3) A description of the consideration, if any, for which the income was received; (4) In the case of a gift, the name, address and business activity of the donor and any intermediary through which the gift was made; a description of the gift; the amount or value and the date on which the gift was received; (5) In the case of a loan, the annual interest rate and the security, if any, given for the loan. A designated employee's income includes his or her community property interest in the income of his or her spouse but does not include salary or reimbursement for expenses received from a state, local or federal government agency. (c) Contents of Business Entity Reports. When the designated employee's pro rata share of income to a business entity, including income to a sole proprietorship, is required to be reported, the statement shall contain: (1) The name, address, and a general description of the business activity of the business entity; (2) The name of every person from whom the business entity received payments if the designated employee 's pro rata share of gross receipts from such person was equal to or greater than ten thousand dollars ($10,000)during a calendar year; (3) Income of a business entity is required to be reported only if the direct, indirect, or beneficial interest of the designated employee and his or her spouse in the business entity aggregates a ten (10) percent or greater interest. In addition, for purposes of subparagraphs 2 and 3 of this subsection, the disclosure of persons who are clients or customers of a business entity is required only if it is reasonably foreseeable that the client or customer may be materially affected by the decisions of the designated employee; (d) Contents of Business Position Disclosure. When business positions are required to be reported, the designated employee shall list the name and address of each business entity in which he or she is a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or in which he or she holds any position of management, a description of the business entity in which the business is engaged, and the designated employee's position with the business entity; 4 009 City of Atascadero Conflict of Interest Code 2000 (e) Travel Payments. When a payment for travel, includingan advance or reimbursement, , is required to be reported, it may be reported on a separate travel reimbursement schedule which shall be included in the designated employee's statement of economic interest. A designated employee who does not use the travel schedule shall disclose travel payments as a gift, or, where it is clear that the services provided to the designated employee were equal to or greater in value than the payments for the travel, as income. (f) Acquisition of Disposal During a Calendar Year. If any otherwise reportable investment or interest in real property was partially or wholly acquired or disposed of during the period covered by the statement,the statement shall contain the date of acquisition or disposal. SECTION 6. Disgualification. Designated employees shall disqualify themselves from making, participating in the making of, or in any way using their official position to influence a governmental decision when it is reasonably foreseeable that the decision will have a material financial effect distinguishable from its effect on the public generally, on the designated employee, or a member of his or her immediate family,or on: (a) Any business entity in which the designated employee has a direct or indirect investment worth one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more: (b) Any real property in which the designated employee has a direct or indirect interest worth one thousand dollars ($1,000)or more; (c) Any source of income, other than gifts and other than loans by a commercial lending institution in the regular course of business on terms available to the public without regard to official status, aggregating two hundred fifty dollars ($250) or more in value provided to, received by or promised to the designated employee within 12 months prior to the time when the decision is made; (d) Any business entity in which the designated employee is a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or holds any position of management; or (e) Any donor of, or any intermediary or agent for a donor of, a gift or gifts aggregating two hundred fifty dollars ($250) or more in value provided to, received by, or promised to the designated employee within twelve (12)months prior to the time when the decision is made. For purposes of this section, indirect investment or interest means any investment or interest owned by the spouse or dependent child of a designated employee, by an agent on behalf of a designated employee, or by a business entity or trust in which the designated employee, the designated employee's agents, spouse, and dependent children own directly, indirectly, or beneficially a ten percent(10%) interest or greater. No designated employee shall be required to disqualify himself or herself with respect to any matter which could not legally be acted upon or decided without his or her participation. If a person is legally required to participate, such individual shall: 5 610 City of Atascadero Conflict of Interest Code 2000 (1) disclose as a matter of public record the existence of the financial interest; (2) describe with particularity the nature of the financial interest before participating in making the decision; (3) state the reason there is no alternative source of decision-making authority; and (4) participate only as required by law where participation is legally required for the agency to act. The fact that the vote of a designated employee who is a member of a voting body is needed to break a tie does not make his or her participation legally required. A person is not legally required to participate if it would have been possible to convene a quorum made up of other members of the agency who are not disqualified under Government Code Sections 87100, whether or not such other members are actually present at the time of disqualification (California Code of Regulations Section 18701). A designated employee required to disqualify himself or herself shall notify the City Manager and the City Clerk in writing, and the City Clerk shall record the person's disqualifications. In the case of a voting body,this determination and disclosure of the disqualifying interest shall be made a part of the City's official record. SECTION 7. Assistance of the Commission and Counsel. Any designated employee who is unsure of his or her duties under this Code may request assistance from the Fair Political Practices Commission pursuant to Government Code Section 83114 or from the attorney for his or her agency, provided that nothing in this section requires the attorney for the agency to issue any formal or informal opinion. SECTION 8. Violations. This Code has the force and effect of law. Designated employees violating any provision of this Code are subject to the administrative, criminal and civil sanctions provided in the Political Reform Act, Government Code Sections 81000-91014. In addition, a decision in relation to which a violation of the disqualification provisions of this Code or of Government Code Section 87100 or 87450 has occurred may be set aside as void pursuant to Government Code Section 91003. 6 Gil City of Atascadero Conflict of Interest Code 2000 Exhibit A DESIGNATED EMPLOYEES AND DISCLOSURE CATEGORIES The following positions entail the making or participation in the making of decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect on financial interests: Designated Position:2 Disclosure Category: Assistant City Manager 1 denier Buildi��espester -� City Clerk 1 Technology Director 1 City Engineer 1 CityEngineer-,Assistaet 4 Consultants3 1 Community and Economic Development Director I Director of Community Services 1 Senior-Planner } PrinFipal Planner Building Official/Fire Marshal 1 Planning Services Manager 1 Exempt Officials4 1 Administrative Services Director 1 Fire Chief 1 Police Chief 1 SeRier Civil Engineer- 1 Members of all permanent City Commissions,Boards 1 and Committees not otherwise required to file Conflict of Interest Statements Fire Battalion Chief 2 Fire Captain 2 Police Lieutenant 2 Police Sergeant 2 Chief Waste Water Operator 2 Streets supeFyise~ 2 Public Works Superintendent 2 2 In the event that State law or regulations regarding the filing of Conflict of Interest Statements should be amended, this Exhibit shall be changed to include the designated position and category of each official as required by said amendment. 3 Consultants shall be included in the list of designated employees and shall disclose pursuant to the broadest disclosure category in the code subject to the following limitations. The City Manager may determine in writing that a particular consultant, although a "designated position", is hired to perform a range of duties that is limited in scope and this is not required to fully comply with the disclosure requirement described in this Section. Such written determination shall include a description of the consultant's duties and, based upon that description, a statement of the extent of disclosure requirements. The City Manager's determination is a public record and shall be retained for public inspection by the City Clerk in the same manner and location as this Conflict of Interest Code. ficials include the Mayor, Members of the City Council, Members of the Planning 4 Exempt Of Commission, the Fina eve —PireeteF City Manager, and the City Attorney, who are all otherwise required to file disclosure statements pursuant to State Law. 1 � � 2 City of Atascadero Conflict of Interest Code 2000 CATEGORIES OF REPORTABLE ECONOMIC INTERESTS Designated Persons in Category "I" Must Report: All investments, interests in real property, income, and any business entity in which the person is a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or holds any position of management. These financial interests are reportable only if located within and subject to the jurisdiction of the City, or if the business entity is doing business or planning to do business in an area subject to the jurisdiction of the City, or has done business within an area subject to the jurisdiction of the City at any time during the two years prior to the filing of the statement. Designated Persons in Category "2" Must Report: (1) All investments in real property located within or subject to the jurisdiction of the City. (2) Investments in any business entity which within the last two years has contracted or in the future foreseeably may contract with the City. (3) Income from any source which within the last two years has contracted or in the future foreseeably may contract with the City. (4) His or her status as a director, officer, partner,trustee, employee, or holder of a position of management in any business entity which within the last two years has contracted or in the future foreseeably may contract with the City. 2 0-13 City of Atascadero Conflict of Interest Code 2000 . 82030. INCOME. (A) "Income" means(except as provided in subdivision B): A payment received, including but not limited to any salary, wage, advance, dividend, interest, rent, proceeds from any sale, gift, including any gift of food or beverage, loan, forgiveness or payment of indebtedness received by the flier, reimbursement for expenses, per diem, or contribution to an insurance or pension program paid by any person other than an employer, and including any community property interest in the income of a spouse. Income also includes an outstanding loan. Income of an individual also includes a pro rata share of any income of any business entity or trust in which the individual or spouse owns, directly, indirectly or beneficially, a 10 percent interest or greater. "Income," other than a gift, does not include income received from any source outside the jurisdiction and not doing business within the jurisdiction, not planning to do business within the having done business within the jurisdiction during the two years prior to the time any statement or other action is required under this title. (B) "Income" does not include: (1) Campaign contributions required to be reported under Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 84100). (2) Salary and reimbursement for expenses or per diem received from a state, local, or federal government agency and reimbursement for travel expenses and per diem received from a bona fide educational, academic, or charitable organization. (3) Any devise or inheritance. (4) Interest, dividends, or premiums on a time or demand deposit in a financial institution, shares in a credit union or any insurance policy, payments received under any insurance policy, or any bond or other debt instrument issued by any government or government agency. (5) Dividends, interest, or any other return on a security which is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States Government or a commodity future registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission of the United States Government, except proceeds from the sale of these securities and commodities futures. (6) Redemption of a mutual fund. (7) Alimony or child support payments. (8) Any loan or loans from a commercial lending institution which are made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to official status i£ (a) Used to purchase, refinance the purchase of, or for improvements to, the principal residence of flier; or (b) The balance owed does not exceed ten thousand dollars($10,000). 3 v14 City of Atascadero Conflict of Interest Code 2000 (9) Any loan from an individual's spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, parent-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, uncle, aunt, or first cousin, or the spouse of any such person, provided that a loan from any such person shall be considered income if the lender is acting as an agent or intermediary for any person not covered by this paragraph. (10) Any indebtedness created as part of a retail installment or credit card transaction if made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to official status, so long as the balance owed to the creditor does not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000). (11) Payments received under a defined benefit pension plan qualified under Internal Reveriue Code Section 401(a). (12) Proceeds from the sale of securities registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States Government or from the sale of commodities futures registered with the Commodity Futures Trading commission of the United States Government if the flier sells the securities or the commodities futures on a stock or commodities exchange and does not know or have reason to know the identity of the purchaser. 4 015 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 " DATE: 09/26/00 no IMK 1 8 1 19 9 Atascadero City Council Report - City Treasurer David G. Graham, EA City Treasurer's Agenda Report RECOMMENDATION: Council approve the City Treasurer's reports for the following periods: February 2000 March 2000 April 2000 DISCUSSION: Current Market Conditions: Interest rates appear to have topped out. The recent interest rate hikes by the Fed have had the desired result of slowing economic growth. Short-term maturities and callable securities are all that is being offered in the current market. Dealers are taking a cautious approach and hedging against a possible loosening of rates by the Fed. Investment Strategy: The secondary security market offers longer terms and market rates without the call feature that could limit the return of new placement securities. The current high interest rates increase business risk and will eventually affect municipal revenues if sustained for a significant period of time. This makes management of maturities a crucial criterion for the future. Optimum investment opportunities for the near future will be the secondary market of government agencies and varying maturities of fully FDIC insured, negotiable, certificates of deposit. The upward pressure on interest rates has substantially subsided. Longer maturities in a diversified portfolio of fixed rate instruments should be considered. ATTACHMENTS: Treasurer's Reports for February, March and April 2000 E;t�6 Isis MR Atascadero City Council City Treasurer David G. Graham Treasurer's Report - February 2000 RECOMMENDATION: City Treasurer and Staff recommend that Council review and accept the February 2000 Treasurer's Report REPORT IN BRIEF: Cash and Investments Checking $ 924,811 r Money Market 693 Certificates of Deposit 3,103,811 Government Securities 1,233,435 LAIF 5,822,178 Cash with Fiscal Agents 246,299 Cash in Banks at February 29, 2000 $ 11,331,227 Deposits in Transit - Outstanding Checks (566,201) Cash and Investments at February 29, 2000 $ 10,765,026 FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: Cash and Investments Activity Summary Investment Report Graphs: Investment by Type • Investment by Maturity Investment by Holding Agency C17 Page 1 of 9 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT CASH&INVESTMENTS ACTIVITYSUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2000 CHECKING FISCAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTALS Balance per Banks at February 1, 2000 $ 24,803 $ 11,074,424 $ 165,064 $ 11,264,291 Receipts 881,321 693 651 882,665 Disbursements (815,729) - (815,729) Transfers In 1,010,000 95,000 80,584 1,185,584 Transfers Out (175,584) (1,010,000) (1,185,584) Balance per Banks at February 29, 2000 $ 924,811 $ 10,160,117 $ 246,299 11,331,227 Deposits in Transit Outstanding Checks (566,201) Adjusted Treasurer's Balance $ 10,765,026 Page 2 of 9 h M O O O 7 00 O O O O O O O C, O O O �o O O O O O O O Er v1 �D O O O 01 O O O O O O W W oo kn n kn v 00 v c- n r- W In `K' D M Ci Q, fid G1 ON C, C 69 h 00 M O O O V' O O O O O O O cs O O O N V7 V'f In It 00 to v1 O � rq O, CT 01 CT C� C O CT CN Cr O, Qn �+ R R R m R R cC \R - R c\C R3 M G C O Q 00 M O O O O O O O O O O O r- O - O O O O O O O O Cl O O N In In In C, v1 n r n vi v1 V tr4 CT C, C, CT rn U ON U ON C1 w j � A o o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 cls C) 0 0 �n v,0 .- v-, �n o o cy > ll:� r-: ll:� rn r'� rl: „� �n �n �n �n v� �C) �n vi �n •n �n v� w O O w Ro 0 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 L� O O O �l vl In Vn O O 0 IIR r- V O n C` 00 01 Cr In In In i W U a cd c3 R R <C R cC R at cC R R V c ti N N st� N ti o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o Z w a a a a a a a a a a a v v v o 0° o ° o 0 N Y y Y Y Y y E. OR R R clsu R u R u R R 13 u ;? c C C O V U U U U U U U U U U 0, (7% rn (71 C ON rn C, R \3 rn CN C, U Q N M V 7 O M \0 N N 4 s y ti o°'n a e c Ca U i p °a 0.1 as v q 4 b m o y ocls c o b ° `a 00 U ea O (y L •R � O N 3 G t' R O 6. R O 0 w d R O C cC U U h x w a a c. C4 U C7 CG > CG x F E. r O o 0 0 0 Cl 0 0 0 0 0 N M M CT 10 M 00 (� ZR M M M M M Q s o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 019 000 v o 0 0 � 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 Er '0 V O O O "t O O M O W W N O to v O\ N V O1 v v r 00 vi N N Q\ D\ C\ a\ V O\ O\ Q\ fid N 00 Q\ 7 N (r O n O O O of en O O O O O O O aD V O O O 0 p M O O N �O of vl Q\ N V D\ vl v1 O 00 vl M C1 C C V Q O\ N oc C, N U Z ti ti c as ca c cl m a cd co a o O � a A O 0 0 o O w) 0 0 0 O O O 0 Cl oo o O O O 10 O O O O O o O Cl N O N vi ON N O a1 v1 vi O O vi O V V O G, Cil 01 O C\ 01 G, v1 O ON W 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 4 7 vl v1 'vl M vi In 'v� O h O (_� O O t� N Cl W wl �q N r'� N oo �i ai Ly h o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O � oo O O p N -N LT4 Z N e i V F W U .Z [r : 0 ° ° U ¢ ¢ ¢ Gy cn Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q �1 Q cn 4. W 4a W W W 1 H 0. N W t W W O O O O O O O O O O O v W , „ as m It o ° `C° al o l w E > CZ C C C > > U Ulu U V U U U U C7 V U CD O� O, rn rn rn c, c� O, cl �` o cl cl cl c, o` cl o 0 V N N M W o0 o < O M 171 p Y C R Roo 1 H U O ra ti aoo fA e"cn Q F- U U c L Z v x aai 3 _ 74 _ L �_ ti L O •> OA O .-. 'i •V O v /-. c U O .� c3 Z R .b O c b x > Q °? x o y E ;° a uzs.• � k, w � Up w � � Q w` x Uci' a` � � w cz=, u zu ww wu [. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 � ttl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h M p M 00 co M r- N O M V h eZ N N O -- N -+ •-- -- --� N N O M N �O �O oo oo oo c1 cl Nv1 l� n cl A O O o o O O o o O O O O O C,2 O O O O N O O N O O O O O 00 O O O O O 00 N O O O O O l- Fi O O O O O r V O O. O O O 00 W W 0 V1 N Vl N Q1 O N h u C, h 00 C, ON C1 Q\ Q\ C, r-4 N CN C, G\ D\ ON 11 [r O O O O ^N.. 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Y cl U H q E s 3 c e o z c� s z E C °J o o o O ro ro ca a 0 z ❑ W = s A s o :? z d 00 y w � x .x L o = o o ro o to i a L a .. � " ° 04 on L E 0 3 0 3 0 3 .� vr-�� b v� 3 cl > v� croi ti croi a 14 Vl O O O ti N L s" Q 6J ✓ 6J u .� R ..L: R .0 O SmL w w � � Uu .av au v �4 N N N M M M V V V V V ul V1 W O O O O O O O O O O O O O E+i M N 00 M O N �-+ N N N l� n W o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U,2 � G § / / . 5 \ ® / � \ £ % � \ s % \ / 4 1A m en 110 CN \ ® j \ o ° n c o u & ƒ G / Cli / \ j \ \ 2 \ ' ® ® D / 0 t / t ® . \ / 10 § k $ / /.� 0 * '§ 2 c « ./ { t \ 3 g � e \ E § 3 \ §% \g \ ) _ _ ] \ ¥ » / \ \ \ \14 \ \ \ e ° CIS 0 % % IOU » « ° § ° � u % ( / § / / m/ A \ § ± \ % = g ) \ \ / \ \ @ _ \ \ X22 City of Ataseadero Investments by Type February 2000 Government Securities Cash with 12% Fiscal Agent 2% Certificates of Deposit 30% a Other LAIF 0% 56% Investment February 2000 LAIF $ 5,822,178 Certificates of Deposit 3,103,811 Government Securities 1,233,435 Cash with Fiscal Agent 246,299 Other 693 $ 10,406,416 0,23 Page 7 of 9 City of Atascadero Investments by Maturity February 2000 One Month to One Year One to Five Years 14% 24% Within One Month 5% ', f On Demand 57% Investment February 2000 On Demand $ 5,822,871 Within One Month 478,494 One Month to One Year 1,440,805 One to Five Years 2,417,947 $ 10,160,117 Page 8of9 624 City of Atascadero Investments by Holding Company February 2000 Wexford Clearing Services Riverway 11% Trust Bank of Penson Financial Corp. 4% New York City of o 2% 26% Atascadero ` % $ k c'"xwyh 0 �z-4, State of California 56% y,. Investment February 2000 State of California $ 5,822,178 Penson Financial Corp. 2,716,156 Wexford Clearing Services 1,101,578 Riverway Trust 378,740 Bank of New York 240,643 City of Atascadero 147,121 $ 10,406,416 Page 9 of 9 ,e, ®i9 ori 1918 1979 Atascadero City Council City Treasurer David G. Graham Treasurer's Report - March 2000 RECOMMENDATION: City Treasurer and Staff recommend that Council review and accept the March 2000 Treasurer's Report REPORT IN BRIEF: Cash and Investments Checking $ 1,105,886 Money Market Accounts 100,363 Certificates of Deposit 3,013,317 Government Securities 1,233,435 LAIF 6,322,178 Cash wit1jiscal Agents 144,158 Cash in Banks at March 31, 2000 $ 11,919,337 Deposits in Transit - Outstanding Checks (259,935) Cash and Investments at March 31, 2000 $ 11,659,402 FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: Cash and Investments Activity Summary Investment Report Graphs: Investment by Type Investment by Maturity Investment by Holding Agency Page 1 of 9 6, 26 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT CASH&INVESTMENTS ACTIVITYSUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 2000 CHECKING FISCAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTALS Balance per Banks at March 1, 2000 $ 924,811 $ 10,160,117 $ 246,299 $ 11,331,227 Receipts 2,106,286 9,176 733 2,116,195 Disbursements (1,425,211) (102,874) (1,528,085) Transfers In 200,000 700,000 900,000 Transfers Out (700,000) (200,000) (900,000) Balance per Banks at March 31,2000 $ 1,105,886 $ 10,669,293 $ 144,158 11,919,337 Deposits in Transit Outstanding Checks (259,935) Adjusted Treasurer's Balance $ 11,659,402 Page 2 of 9 C- 27 rn m 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 o V I1 l� M O O O O O O D\ O O O W W n O Vtn � n v1 h N ut vi G\ N O M O Q\ C, Q\ G, D\ ON 'ITrq 01 U a\ N O� V N M 69 (r Co M O Cl O O O O O [— O O O z M O O O O O O C, O O O N O h r- n n V1 h N v1 V1 G\ N O M O a O\ rn O\ ON O\ a O\ N Q C V ti b9 R R R R R R R R R R R R R � U 4 A 00 M O O O O O O O O O O O l� �o O O O O O O 00 O O O O �O -- M O O O O O O cr O O O O cY N O Vt n (� h h N O vi h C\ N V O M O c, O\ C1 fidG\ G� Q\ N O W 69 AN a m O Lr) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � v'i O � v'i 7 h h � M � N n W O� CT t� t� (� N G� 00 v1 V V1 V1 V) V) V) V1 V"I N1 l0 V1 V1 V V w Q W h R R cD o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A FL o eC o N � vM o Qn ke) In h wl V% tf) o Vi v v v N 0 M O R R R R R R R R R R R R R R � W IO 71 ti c •O •o .O •O .O .O 'C •� .o v QM. ami a¢i U Q) cOi O. C1. 0. O LL o W O b O O 0 0 O O C O O o Q O h > LL t0 m R R R ca y m c3 V3 `U' <C W U U U U U U U U U R U � w o ani v v ani ami > C C U U U U U U U U U U U rn rn rn114 o cN rn rn rn o cl ti R R ccN rn rn cll l °, cl rn o _ _ _ a, � _ �r A G p N N N N M o0 Do o0 lu a 1 F c fA Q i c tifi, d cOe o oz d U F d u .� o Ca R 0. b a°i 9 R 3 C. R R U ti bCun a ., oa v v CQ '�' F" Ca Z M Y � ou o Y •C u o a=i c c CG u R ❑ °1 d to o00 d La 'c ° on rn c p z a7 R R V •> C CJ L C O 'b0 Y w R ¢) C/) C •L •� Y y «R+ C vOi O (y L ie O O °� R OL R Z `J f" 7 R R ai i' R •� o .7 Gq a as U C7 C4 > oa x F C4 cw U w x x x U co w � v, d r o 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 cy c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0lo oo 0 0 0 0 ►� O O O O O N N O N -n w) In h A �o oo o0 oo CCS O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 28 OO O O O O O O O N O O O O O O O O O O 00 O M O O O Er O O O O O O O vi M O O O O O c� 00 v N G\ D\ C\ a\ V oo � � a\ a\ C\ RYi � N N M O O O O O Cl O O O O O O O O O O O O O Cl 00 O M O O O W w O o 0 C C 0 o r, o o O o 0 7 v1 Oi Q\ v1 ON In O 00 v1 M 0\ h v1 00 U V D\ G1 fid H N N 0 df cd N Cd m N m \cd cd O cd of cd Q � as 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O vi c" vi C% vi O O vi o vi vi �jjy O G\ D\ G1 V, a, N Ocl G� N D, •-+ •--' q In o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o N ., o v o v, ci o 0 0 o v o N N. 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F ,>, o D ' V � Ao r U v; vi y Y Y y U o o V1 M 00 7 ?? y E V � V 7 ti ,fl 0 N\ U > O uy O in. U � cC hi 3 as o Q o Q v 3 0 cq � h C cY, � A W � N ••o aXi � � Wc Z N v c w G1 a W E� 3 E E 13 � ti L z ej 2C,3 r. 4.w � _ o Q dry ° 7E U W � Z ? to > cl Cl- v u Q ° -° E o Q O w M O 0 y a � i � O b ZO to ca ° ocl O 0 W Z `° 0 1 0 0 ` CC x U y' C C w cl > 8 E E e > ami 00 bA 0q O N U ^O a.+ N m ¢> ¢' ¢' ¢ ¢ > 031 City of Atascadero Investments by Type March 2000 Government Securities Certificates of Deposit 11% Cash with 28% Fiscal Agent z 2% Other 1% a LAIF 59% Investment March 2000 LAIF $ 6,322,178 Certificates of Deposit 3,013,317 Government Securities 1,233,435 Cash with Fiscal Agent 144,158 Other 100,363 $ 10,813,451 032 Page 7 of 9 City of Atascadero Investments,by Maturity March 2000 One Month to One Year One to Five Years Within 14% 24% One Month 1% On Demand 61% F Investment March 2000 On Demand $ 6,422,541 Within One Month 95,000 One Month to One Year 1,539,805 One to Five Years 2,611,947 $ 10,669,293 0 C33 Page 8 of 9 City of Atascadero Investments by Holding Company March 2000 Wexford Clearing Services 10% Riverway Trust Bank of Penson Financial Corp 4% New York City of 25% s 2% a A sca ero to d � a 1/°° 37 rs '..sN.a. .... .,, State of California 59% Investment March 2000 State of California $ 6,322,178 Penson Financial Corp. 2,716,158 Wexford Clearing Services 1,110,752 Riverway Trust 378,740 Bank of New York 144,158 City of Atascadero 141,465 $ 10,813,451 f Page 9 of 9 K Nil Bill 1818 is s Atascadero City Council City Treasurer David G. Graham Treasurer's Report - April 2000 RECOMMENDATION: City Treasurer and Staff recommend that Council review and accept the April 2000 Treasurer's Report REPORT IN BRIEF: Cash and Investments Checking $ 848,123 Money Market Accounts $ 110,796 Certificates of Deposit 3,013,538 Government Securities 1,233,435 LAIF 8,020,091 Cash with Fiscal Agents 144,792 0 Cash in Banks at April 30, 2000 $ 13,370,775 Deposits in Transit - Outstanding Checks (488,843) Cash and Investments at April 30, 2000 $ 12,881,932 FISCAL IMPACT: None RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Finance ATTACHMENTS: Cash and Investments Activity Summary Investment Report Graphs: Investment by Type 0 Investment by Maturity Investment by Holding Agency Page 1 of 9 035 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT CASH&INVESTMENTS ACTIVITYSUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 2000 CHECKING FISCAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTALS Balance per Banks at April 1, 2000 $ 1,105,886 $ 10,669,293 $ 144,158 $ 11,919,337 Receipts 2,252,167 103,567 634 2,356,368 Disbursements (904,930) (904,930) Transfers In 495,000 2,100,000 2,595,000 Transfers Out (2,100,000) (495,000) (2,595,000) Balance per Banks at April 30, 2000 $ 848,123 $ 12,377,860 $ 144,792 13,370,775 Deposits in Transit Outstanding Checks (488,843) Adjusted Treasure's Balance $ 12,881,932 Page 2 of 9 G 3 6 00 o O o 0 00 o 0 0 0 C> rn o 0 0 0 0 r- v o 0 0 00 [. v r- C C o O o rn v o O o a - W W N O n vi h N b vi vl Q\ N t U o V O\ D\ C, Q\ V G1 00 N 69 ON O O O O O 000 O O O 00 m O l- O O O O O D\ V O O O G1 Q W O O r.- n r h h - N N NO o1 ON D\ D\ C1 7 01 D, ON C1 V C\ U cq co� 00 14 ti ds R cd R R R cd R R cC R R cC i R U a O �o O o 0 0 0 0 o O o o �o 0 c O, 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 o Cl 00 O o c- C 0 0 C o rn o C O O l— n n vi vi N O vi v1 G; N O V ►� O\ D\ G� C, Q\ V O C, fi n. O e� '4 N LL ; 00 �n O N ? W C\ vl vl vl vl �n vl v� �p v� V) O W o 0 A h R R In O In w) O O In 00 C\ C. r rl� O N ao v1 N V O vi h kn h o N Q Q cO R R R R R cc! cC cd R c0 cO R cC 1 � =s it" o 0 0 0 o C o 0 0 0 0 0 Zk aai aai aai aai aa, [Ur3Q Q Q Q Q n Q q O Q q q w w w w w O o o 0 o w o 0 > 4 R R R is R y cC ctl ca c0 cls > w w w w E w w w w w ti c C Z > U U U U U U U U �j IL) U rn cl rn rn o rn � A M N N N N M oo N .--� y R Y Y Y R _ Q N ra = R C e .a [-. ? c P7 R Q a W a Y Q eq c o x o°Oo pp C M_ UIn F R Q y R R R C a R U L CUi� ti m a ca .0 H CC Z M C .00.E C : c .� ,; ° v W Q i ea o c x QR > R .a b v1 b A is C "1v ° oA ° ° C Y m C •W '�" P' to •a .i z i.. R cRi w N U O (� L O O 6i R O L iC z `� L O ca cy .i,' y L C C Cd E .a as v a > ca x H x w U tir Oa o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C Roo co Z`t h Ul h \O o0 00 oa G1 U Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GL u37 O O O O O O O l— O O N O O O O O O O O O O 00 00 O O O O O h o C C C C C o ri o W W h o vi Q, vi o\ In n 00 V) ►7 CT CT CT 01 O\ O\ Cl 00 G1 N O1 C\ G1 N [r O O O O O O O Cl O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 00 O M O O O O O O O O M O O O O O W Vn O\ In C, N GN Vl O 00 h M C, In V1 O O\ c1 (1 G1 C\ C, C\ N 00 Q V O\ O, CT h h N ti h R R R R R R R R R R O R R R O � U a A 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 Cl Cl o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl 0 Cl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v, o` vi c1 vi C, vi o o v-, o rn In .n V Q1 Cil O, O, CT O, O\ 4'1 O o. Ln G1 C, c, e� N N A o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o o a kn o n o 0 o v, o Cl! 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O O O O 638 O O N O O N O O O O O O O �o O O O O O CZ W) N [r O O .N-� O vl O O O O Cl O O O O O N O O O O O O 1.0 O O V O O O O O O o0 rn rn CN C% N oV) rn C, rn rn c, O W N W) CIS U W r-00 O N N N U A O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O In O O O vl vl N C, O O v1 h ON v1 O V ON G� a\ G1 N N O1 a, U O, C, jN O O O O CD W Oo A o o a o o W a o o k o c A O Q O O N O O O n O N C V C o o v0 lo �. Z M Q W ti � ao O Q R cC c3c\3 R cls m R cd M R C U v ai Lv w w w w w w w w w h o 0 0 0 c c o 0 0 0 0 W U U U G U U R R R V w ani ani ami ai o o ani v ami ami ami U U U U V C7 Ci U U U U C) o W C C, 0 c� o o c� o o o o rn C, o C, rn o, 0 0 W O N M CCT o0 o0 n n W CA � cz L L' rO R R R R !y R Z Y m ai C] R •°1 Q t c M c � at+ 3 C O C c .. M xi M p N .b a CQ r-y O W z x t= a is `n u Oa °' = L .a Q c `n ti° L �" L a� '" ro °° to i d .`7z > Qn u to u c a H Q � 3 u cn w U w u U v a a v z W O O O O O O O O O O O O en O N .�. N N M d' O Ln Q o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 039 CN M N M rq �o C\ in Oo p �' ►� M V N 602) U Q M N N CN CN O O M In V N ~ V' M N N 69 O v O Cd 11 m ca U 4'i '�•� T O 0. A Q\ M N N cD l� M p X U R M v ni r. � o o •- ca cz q o Q v W o c* U Y cz � � A W � •o � � W O � E. ca ca � •� � ice., > O O Q ,!`i " Z S p ca •G � A U ¢ N y 4. i 0 0 w CIS .�°� cn to T 114 OU u: a U Q � � Q >, Y •= � �o D g L 4+ O MI O CLQ fi H N w to > cC y C co _ a •C .�. ai L] y i., O p `et p a ca C4 .o ca x U o 0 0 IV a E o > ` T ti W c no to a0i F fl O to to to v u cr Y ° > > > > > d d d s a'i ddd U F 640 City of Atascadero Investments by Type April 2000 Government Securities Certificates of Deposit 10% Cash with 24% Fiscal Agent 1u/a g nOther e 1% FPPP— LAIF 64% Investment April 2000 LAIF $ 8,020,091 Certificates of Deposit 3,013,538 Government Securities 1,233,435 Cash with Fiscal Agent 144,792 Other 110,796 $ 12,522,652 C41 Page 7 of 9 City of Atascadero Investments by Maturity April 2000 One Month to One Year Within One Month 12% 2% One to Five Years 20% On Demand 66% Investment April 2000 On Demand $ 8,130,887 Within One Month 291,000 One Month to One Year 1,439,026 One to Five Years 2,516,947 $ 12,377,860 G, c Page 8 of 9 City of Atascadero Investments by Holding Company April 2000 Wexford Clearing Services RiverwaY 9% Trust Bank of 3% New York City of Penson Financial Corp 1% Atascadero 22% l f 1% S ` 'N x. State of California 64% Investment April 2000 State of California $ 8,020,091 Penson Financial Corp. 2,718,899 Wexford Clearing Services 1,118,444 Riverway Trust 378,740 Bank of New York 139,129 City of Atascadero 147,349 $ 12,522,652 Page 9 of 9 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 09-26-00 r. e 1W I a 1918 , 107-9 CADF�// Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Administrative Services Department December 1999 Accounts Payable & Payroll RECOMMENDATION: Council approve certified City accounts payable,payroll and payroll vendor checks for December 1999. DISCUSSION: Attached for City Council review and approval are the following: Payroll Dated 12/09/99 Checks#42468 -42605 $ 133,847.60 Dated 12/23/99 Checks#42623 -42759 143,724.54 Special Payroll Dated 12/9/99 Checks#42435 - 42467 11,965.17 Accounts Payable Dated Dec. 1-31, 1999 Ck. # 71914-72339, EFTs & Payroll Vendor Checks#42428-42434, 42606-42622, 42760- 1,511,532.70 42775*,& Moms Checks#68151-68153 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 1,801,070.01 044 City Manager's Agenda Report December 1999 Accounts Payable and Payroll Page Two FISCAL IMPACT Total expenditures for all funds is$ 1,801,070.01 CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for payment and that funds are available for these demands. Dated: September 14, 2000 Rachelle Rickard Administrative Services Director Approved by the City Council at a meeting held September 26, 2000. Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk ATTACHMENT: December 1999 Eden Warrant Register in the amount of $ 1,511,532.70 645 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 1999 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 42428 12/1/1999 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 20.98 991202 12/2/1999 MID-STATE BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 122.02 71914 12/3/1999 A-JAY EXCAVATING,INC. Accounts Payable Check 3,687.50 71915 12/3/1999 A.J.DIANI CONSTRUCTION CO. Accounts Payable Check 16,303.86 71916 12/3/1999 ADVISORS MARKETING GROUP Accounts Payable Check 9.85 71917 12/3/1999 JOE ALLEN Accounts Payable Check 55.57 71918 12/3/1999 AMERICAN WEST TIRE&AUTO Accounts Payable Check 1,640.31 71919 12/3/1999 PAULA ANTON Accounts Payable Check 68.51 71920 12/3/1999 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 213.00 71921 12/3/1999 GEORGE ASDEL Accounts Payable Check 89.60 71922 12/3/1999 ATASCADERO FORD Accounts Payable Check 1,721.92 71923 12/3/1999 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 71924 12/3/1999 BAY LAUREL GARDEN CENTER Accounts Payable Check 110.77- 71925 12/3/1999 CINDY BENSON Accounts Payable Check 559.30 71926 12/3/1999 BOB KENLEN CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 384.00 71927 12/3/1999 BODY INCORPORATED Accounts Payable Check 1,500.00 71928 12/3/1999 CHARLES BRADLEY Accounts Payable Check 28.00 71929 12/3/1999 BRENDLER JANITORIAL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 500.00 71930 12/3/1999 BRUMIT DIESEL,INC. Accounts Payable Check 50.00 71931 12/3/1999 C&D TOWING&TRUCK SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 50.00 71932 12/3/1999 CAL-COAST REFRIGERATION,INC Accounts Payable Check 2,587.29 71933 12/3/1999 CAL-STATE AUTO.GLASS Accounts Payable Check 171.45 71934 12/3/1999 CALIFORNIA PEACE OFFICERS ASSN Accounts Payable Check 392.00 71935 12/3/1999 CAREER TRACK Accounts Payable Check 149.00 71936 12/3/1999 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL CED Accounts Payable Check 101.79 71937 12/3/1999 CHEM CLEAN Accounts Payable Check 245.30 71938 12/3/1999 BRADY CHERRY Accounts Payable Check 300.00 71939 12/3/1999 CHEVRON Accounts Payable Check 124.73 71940 12/3/1999 TAMATHA CLARK Accounts Payable Check 225.00 71941 12/3/1999 COAST TO COAST HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 72.46 71942 12/3/1999 COASTAL IMAGING SUPPLIES Accounts Payable Check 67.57 71943 12/3/1999 JOHN COLE Accounts Payable Check 45.00 71944 12/3/1999 CLAUDIA COLLIER Accounts Payable Check 108.19 71945 12/3/1999 VINCE CONDE Accounts Payable Check 28.00 71946 12/3/1999 CIMON CORMIER Accounts Payable Check 101.00 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 1999 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amou 71947 12/3/1999 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 4 . 0 71948 12/3/1999 BRIAN DANA Accounts Payable Check 19.00 71949 12/3/1999 DARRYL'S LOCK AND SAFE Accounts Payable Check 151.24 71950 12/3/1999 DATAPRINT CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 34.23 71951 12/3/1999 DAN DAVIS Accounts Payable Check 224.70 71952 12/3/1999 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 1,381.01 71953 12/3/1999 CALIFORNIA STATE FIRE MAR DEPARTMENT OF FOAccounts Payable Check 39.25 71954 12/3/1999 DEPARTMENT OF PESTICIDE REG Accounts Payable Check 140.00 71955 12/3/1999 DIESELRO OF SLO,INC. Accounts Payable Check 11.22 71956 12/3/1999 DMV Accounts Payable Check 199.00 71957 12/3/1999 DOOLEY ENTERPRISES INC Accounts Payable Check 471.90 71958 12/3/1999 EASY AD Accounts Payable Check 114.50 71959 12/3/1999 GEORGE EDWARDS Accounts Payable Check 45.00 71960 12/3/1999 EL CAMINO BUILDING SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 46.12 71961 12/3/1999 FEDERAL EXPRESS Accounts Payable Check 21.00 71962 12/3/1999 SHIRLEY FERGUSON Accounts Payable Check 50.00 71963 12/3/1999 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR Accounts Payable Check 60.50 71964 12/3/1999 FOLKINS&FOLKINS,INC. Accounts Payable Check J6 71965 12/3/1999 FOOD FOR LESS Accounts Payable Check 71966 12/3/1999 GARDNER&ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 275.63 71967 12/3/1999 KAREN GARMEN Accounts Payable Check 930.25 71968 12/3/1999 GAS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 570.00 71969 12/3/1999 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 735.05 71970 12/3/1999 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTATION Accounts Payable Check 813.00 71971 12/3/1999 CECILIA GOTTFRIED Accounts Payable Check 240.00 71972 12/3/1999 GRISANTI HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 28.25 71973 12/3/1999 GTE WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 309.41 71974 12/3/1999 H.D.PETERSON Accounts Payable Check 1,112.91 71975 12/3/1999 HAINES&COMPANY,INC. Accounts Payable Check 162.94 71976 12/3/1999 HANSON AGGREGATES MID-PACIFIC Accounts Payable Check 238.78 71977 12/3/1999 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT&COPY Accounts Payable Check 405.45 71978 12/3/1999 SARA HASKELL Accounts Payable Check 105.00 71979 12/3/1999 INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION Accounts Payable Check 204.00 71980 12/3/1999 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM Accounts Payable Check 218.63 71981 12/3/1999 JESPERSEN'S TIRE SERVICE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 105.00 71982 12/3/1999 JIFFY LUBE#1932 PCJL,INC. Accounts Payable Check 218.02 71983 12/3/1999 K-MART Accounts Payable Check 71984 12/3/1999 KEN'S MOBIL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check v� 7 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 1999 Check Check *Lumber Date Vendor Description Amount 71985 12/3/1999 L.N.CURTIS&SONS Accounts Payable Check 481.18 71986 12/3/1999 JANET LARSON Accounts Payable Check 40.00 71987 12/3/1999 LCD AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 155.41 71988 12/3/1999 LIFE ASSIST,INC. Accounts Payable Check 156.32 71989 12/3/1999 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES Accounts Payable Check 22.41 71990 12/3/1999 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 236.47 71991 12/3/1999 MADRONE LANDSCAPING Accounts Payable Check 10,431.00 71992 12/3/1999 MAIN ST SMALL ANIMAL HOSPITAL Accounts Payable Check 100.25 71993 12/3/1999 MARK'S PLUMBING Accounts Payable Check 141.75 71994 12/3/1999 JOHN MARTINO Accounts Payable Check 45.00 71995 12/3/1999 MASTER BODY SALES&SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 786.28 71996 12/3/1999 MICHAEL MCCAIN Accounts Payable Check 210.00 71997 12/3/1999 WADE MCKINNEY Accounts Payable Check 555.00 71998 12/3/1999 MESA GRAPHICS Accounts Payable Check 242.92 71999 12/3/1999 MICHAEL FREDERICK PAVING,INC. Accounts Payable Check 36,735.00 72000 12/3/1999 MID-COAST MOWER&SAW Accounts Payable Check 4.93 72001 12/3/1999 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 32.91 72002 12/3/1999 MOBIL OIL CREDIT CORP Accounts Payable Check 625.58 72003 12/3/1999 NABISCO,INC. Accounts Payable Check 164.16 72004 12/3/1999 NATIONAL TRUST Accounts Payable Check 163.00 72005 12/3/1999 RICHARD ORCUTT Accounts Payable Check 484.32 72006 12/3/1999 ORIENTAL TRADING CO.,INC. Accounts Payable Check 82.55 72007 12/3/1999 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 417.28 72014 12/3/1999 PACIFIC BELL Accounts Payable Check 3,745.75 72015 12/3/1999 PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTE Accounts Payable Check 113.81 72016 12/3/1999 PANASONIC COMMUNICATIONS Accounts Payable Check 944.55 72017 12/3/1999 PASO ROBLES TRUCK CENTER Accounts Payable Check 200.00 72018 12/3/1999 PIONEER EQUIPMENT CO. Accounts Payable Check 76.90 72019 12/3/1999 PIONEER EQUIPMENT CO. Accounts Payable Check 432.51 72020 12/3/1999 PRECISION GUN SPECIALTIES Accounts Payable Check 32.75 72021 12/3/1999 PRO MOTION Accounts Payable Check 146.57 72022 12/3/1999 GREG BAXTER PRO-CLEAN Accounts Payable Check 375.00 72023 12/3/1999 QUILL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 650.57 72024 12/3/1999 R.H.F.INC. Accounts Payable Check 60.00 72025 12/3/1999 RADIO SHACK Accounts Payable Check 31.79 72026 12/3/1999 RECOGNITION WORKS Accounts Payable Check 407.55 72027 12/3/1999 CYNTHIA REID Accounts Payable Check 18.00 72028 12/3/1999 CAROLE ROBINSON Accounts Payable Check 595.00 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 1999 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description AmoA00 72029 12/3/1999 ROTO-ROOTER Accounts Payable Check 72030 12/3/1999 PAUL SALDANA Accounts Payable Check 300.00 72031 12/3/1999 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 319.22 72032 12/3/1999 SANTA MARIA TIRE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 116.28 72033 12/3/1999 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 72034 12/3/1999 SCMAF Accounts Payable Check 75.00 72035 12/3/1999 SEARS Accounts Payable Check 321.70 72036 12/3/1999 SHELL OIL COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 88.63 72037 12/3/1999 JOHN SIEMENS Accounts Payable Check 189.00 72038 12/3/1999 SIERRA VISTA REGIONAL MEDICAL Accounts Payable Check 250.00 72039 12/3/1999 SIR SPEEDY Accounts Payable Check 746.78 72040 12/3/1999 STAPLES INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,490.12 72041 12/3/1999 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIERS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 496.88 72042 12/3/1999 SYLVESTER'S SECURITY ALARMS Accounts Payable Check 90.00 72043 12/3/1999 T-N-T PEST CONTROL Accounts Payable Check 88.00 72044 12/3/1999 TED MILES JEEP Accounts Payable Check 134.06 72045 12/3/1999 TEMPLETON UNIFORMS Accounts Payable Check 189.74 72046 12/3/1999 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. Accounts Payable Check 54 3 72047 12/3/1999 USC Accounts Payable Check 72048 12/3/1999 TOM VELASQUEZ Accounts Payable Check 28.00 72049 12/3/1999 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 274.76 72050 12/3/1999 WAYCO-NORTH COUNTY FIRE PROT Accounts Payable Check 246.46 72051 12/3/1999 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 540.54 . 72052 12/6/1999 GOLETA NATIONAL BANK Accounts Payable Check 38,205.00 72053 12/6/1999 JAMES C.CUSHMAN,INC. Accounts Payable Check 343,845.00 42429 12/8/1999 MCCAIN Accounts Payable Check 2,200.00 42430 12/8/1999 MOTLO Accounts Payable Check 2,000.00 42431 12/8/1999 SATTERTHWAITE Accounts Payable Check 1,600.00 42432 12/8/1999 MCCAIN Accounts Payable Check 800.00 42433 12/8/1999 MOTLO Accounts Payable Check 200.00 42434 12/8/1999 SATTERTHWAITE Accounts Payable Check 500.00 68151 12/8/1999 SAFELITE GLASS CORP. Accounts Payable Check 190.46 68153 12/8/1999 TRIBUNE Accounts Payable Check 205.00 72054 12/8/1999 A.J.DIANI CONSTRUCTION CO. Accounts Payable Check 11,563.62 72055 12/8/1999 ATASCADERO COMMUNITY Accounts Payable Check 5,000.00 72056 12/8/1999 ANNIE T.ATKINSON Accounts Payable Check 1, 72057 12/8/1999 CALIFORNIA INTERNET CONNECTION Accounts Payable Check Ci`1 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 1999 Check Check umber Date Vendor Description Amount 72058 12/8/1999 HALLETT'S RV Accounts Payable Check 450.00 72059 12/8/1999 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 72060 12/8/1999 LISETTE SCHOLL Accounts Payable Check 168.00 72061 12/8/1999 SENIOR CITIZENS UNITED Accounts Payable Check 2,672.67 72062 12/8/1999 FRANK L.FREITAS Accounts Payable Check 18,479.00 42606 12/10/1999 ATASCADERO FED.CREDIT UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 3,997.25 42607 12/10/1999 ATASCADERO FIRE DEPT EMP.ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 225.00 42608 12/10/1999 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 50.00 42609 12/10/1999 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS Payroll Vendor Payment 354.75 42610 12/10/1999 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 6,980.78 42611 12/10/1999 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 288.73 42612 12/10/1999 COUNTY-CITY EMPLOYEES CU Payroll Vendor Payment 831.00 42613 12/10/1999 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 809.26 42614 12/10/1999 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 782.00 42615 12/10/1999 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 7,553.08 42616 12/10/1999 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS Payroll Vendor Payment 47.00 42617 12/10/1999 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 749.99 0 42618 12/10/1999 PUBLIC EMPL RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 19,799.63 42619 12/10/1999 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM Payroll Vendor Payment 19.85 42620 12/10/1999 SEIU LOCAL 620 AFL-CIO Payroll Vendor Payment 370.81 42621 12/10/1999 TULARE COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 150.00 42622 12/10/1999 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 38.00 72063 12/12/1999 j. SUSAN MAKA Accounts Payable Check 290.00 72064 12/13/1999 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 5,000.00 991214 12/14/1999 MID-STATE BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 32,664.20 72065 12/15/1999 A-JAY EXCAVATING,INC. Accounts Payable Check 5,780.00 72066 12/15/1999 AAZK INC. Accounts Payable Check 35.00 72067 12/15/1999 ADAMSON INDUSTRIES Accounts Payable Check 386.10 72068 12/15/1999 ADVANCED PAGING Accounts Payable Check 29.85 72069 12/15/1999 AIRGAS SAFETY Accounts Payable Check 96.28 72070 12/15/1999 ALMOND COUNTRY QUILTERS Accounts Payable Check 205.00 72071 12/15/1999 ANN ARBOR PRESS Accounts Payable Check 79.95 72072 12/15/1999 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 581.15 72073 12/15/1999 ATASCADERO BATTERY EXCHANGE Accounts Payable Check 91.10 72074 12/15/1999 ATASCADERO FORD Accounts Payable Check 915.90 72075 12/15/1999 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. Accounts Payable Check 8,137.00 C i00 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 1999 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amou 72076 12/15/1999 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 1 82 . 4 72077 12/15/1999 CATHERINE BEACH Accounts Payable Check 63.22 72078 12/15/1999 BRENDLER JANITORIAL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 400.00 72079 12/15/1999 DAVID BUSHOR Accounts Payable Check 120.00 72080 12/15/1999 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT Accounts Payable Check 46.00 72081 12/15/1999 CALIFORNIA TURF PRODUCTS,INC Accounts Payable Check 43,664.67 72082 12/15/1999 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL CED Accounts Payable Check 379.26 72083 12/15/1999 CHEM CLEAN Accounts Payable Check 98.03 72084 12/15/1999 CITY NATIONAL BANK Accounts Payable Check 34 097.50 72085 12/15/1999 CLEAN WATER OUTLET Accounts Payable Check 35.00 72086 12/15/1999 COAST TO COAST HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 88.56 72087 12/15/1999 COASTAL IMAGING SUPPLIES Accounts Payable Check 86.87 72088 12/15/1999 COMMUNITY OPTIONS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 250.00 72089 12/15/1999 VINCE CONDE Accounts Payable Check 112.00 72090 12/15/1999 CIMON CORMIER Accounts Payable Check 30.00 72091 12/15/1999 COUNTRY NEWS PRESS Accounts Payable Check 126.60 72092 12/15/1999 KITTY CROCKET Accounts Payable Check 42.93 72093 12/15/1999 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 133-DO 72094 12/15/1999 CUESTA EQUIPMENT Accounts Payable Check 2 72095 12/15/1999 BARBARA CULLY Accounts Payable Check 40.00 72096 12/15/1999 D&J CAMPING AND CLOTHING Accounts Payable Check 91.00 72097 12/15/1999 DARRYL'S LOCK AND SAFE Accounts Payable Check 142.64 72098 12/15/1999 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 526.63 72099 12/15/1999 . DEPARTMENT OF FISH&GAME Accounts Payable Check 132.00 72100 12/15/1999 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Accounts Payable Check 691.68 72101 12/15/1999 DFM ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 41.04 72102 12/15/1999 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY COMMISSIO Accounts Payable Check 3,000.00 72103 12/15/1999 EDEN SYSTEMS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 18,961.90 72104 12/15/1999 GEORGE EDWARDS Accounts Payable,Check 90.00 72105 12/15/1999 EL CAMINO CAR WASH Accounts Payable Check 73.00 72106 12/15/1999 EL CAMINO PLUMBING SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 31.05 72107 12/15/1999 EL CAMINO VETERINARY HOSP Accounts Payable Check 515.20 72108 12/15/1999 ESCUELA DEL RIO Accounts Payable Check 56.76 72109 12/15/1999 FAMILY PHOTO Accounts Payable Check 118.60 72110 12/15/1999 FARM SUPPLY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 81.50 72111 12/15/1999 FARWEST EXPRESS Accounts Payable Check 6.00 72112 12/15/1999 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR Accounts Payable Check 72113 12/15/1999 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Accounts Payable Check lot City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 1999 Check Check umber Date Vendor Description Amount 72114 12/15/1999 FOLKINS&FOLKINS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 918.01 72115 12/15/1999 FOOD FOR LESS Accounts Payable Check 437.91 72116 12/15/1999 FRAZEE PAINTS Accounts Payable Check 88.96 72117 12/15/1999 G&H UPHOLSTERY Accounts Payable Check 50.73 72118 12/15/1999 GALL'S INC. Accounts Payable Check 106.15 72119 12/15/1999 GAS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 13.81 72120 12/15/1999 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 193.73 72121 12/15/1999 GRISANTI HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 59.84 72122 12/15/1999 GTE WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 16.71 72123 12/15/1999 H.D.PETERSON Accounts Payable Check 56.57 72124 12/15/1999 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Accounts Payable Check 120.00 72125 12/15/1999 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT&COPY Accounts Payable Check 71.47 72126 12/15/1999 HI STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 814.91 72127 12/15/1999 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM Accounts Payable Check 51.43 72128 12/15/1999 JIFFY LUBE#1932 PCJL,INC. Accounts Payable Check 96.32 72129 12/15/1999 JULIA JONES Accounts Payable Check 250.00 72130 12/15/1999 JOSLIN ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 345.00 72131 12/15/1999 K-MART Accounts Payable Check 416.22 72132 12/15/1999 KEITH V.CROWE,P.E. Accounts Payable Check 2,240.00 72133 12/15/1999 KEY TERMITE&PEST CONTROL Accounts Payable Check 125.00 72134 12/15/1999 KRITZ EXCAVATING&TRUCKING Accounts Payable Check 877.18 72135 12/15/1999 LAIDLAW TRANSIT SERVICES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 15,503.25 72136 12/15/1999 LEMOS RANCH PET FOODS Accounts Payable Check 32.16 72137 12/15/1999 0 ROBERTA LINDSEY Accounts Payable Check 673.00 72138 12/15/1999 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 36.00 72139 12/15/1999 MADRONE LANDSCAPING Accounts Payable Check 107.50 72140 12/15/1999 MASTERCARD DEPARTMENT Accounts Payable Check 5,983.45 72141 12/15/1999 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. Accounts Payable Check 387.54 72142 12/15/1999 MCNEIL RIVER ENTERPRISES,INC Accounts Payable Check 53.94 72143 12/15/1999 MID-COAST MOWER&SAW Accounts Payable Check 49.93 72144 12/15/1999 MISSION OFFICE PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 57.81 72145 12/15/1999 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 115.08 72146 12/15/1999 MOORE'S WESTERN NURSERY Accounts Payable Check 15.57 72147 12/15/1999 MUSIC FACTORY Accounts Payable Check 402.08 72148 12/15/1999 NEW TIMES Accounts Payable Check 190.00 72149 12/15/1999 NICKSON'S MACHINE SHOP INC. Accounts Payable Check 324.54 72150 12/15/1999 NORTH COAST ENGINEERING INC. Accounts Payable Check 23,061.50 72151 12/15/1999 OMNI ID,INC. Accounts Payable Check 98.00 t �2 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 1999 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description AT! u 72152 12/15/1999 PACIFIC BELL Accounts Payable Check 38 1 72154 12/15/1999 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 14,482.07 72155 12/15/1999 PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTE Accounts Payable Check 295.89 72156 12/15/1999 PACIFIC PROCESS Accounts Payable Check 4,381.97 72157 12/15/1999 PAPER WORKS Accounts Payable Check 63.32 72158 12/15/1999 PASO ROBLES TRUCK CENTER Accounts Payable Check 663.79 72159 12/15/1999 PERRY'S PARCEL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 105.70 72160 12/15/1999 PETE JOHNSTON CHEVEROLET Accounts Payable Check 50.90 72161 12/15/1999 POLICE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH Accounts Payable Check 184.85 72162 12/15/1999 PITNEY BOWES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 248.77 72163 12/15/1999 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS Accounts Payable Check 31.31 72164 12/15/1999 PRECISION BALLISTICS Accounts Payable Check 86.00 72165 12/15/1999 PRO MOTION Accounts Payable Check 1,524.95 72166 12/15/1999 QUILL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 26.62 72167 12/15/1999 RADIO SHACK Accounts Payable Check 32.16 72168 12/15/1999 RAINBOW MEALWORMS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 29.55 72169 12/15/1999 SEAN RANNEY Accounts Payable Check 13.02 72170 12/15/1999 RAY'S AUTO DETAIL Accounts Payable Check 8 0 72171 12/15/1999 RELIABLE PROTEIN PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 6 72172 12/15/1999 RICK BUTLER SALES&SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 72.41 72173 12/15/1999 STEVE ROMO Accounts Payable Check 14.00 72174 12/15/1999 ROUDYBUSH INC. Accounts Payable Check 420.23 72175 12/15/1999 SAFETY STRIPING SERVICE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 28,493.42 72176 12/15/1999 SAFETY-KLEEN INC. Accounts Payable Check 255.75 72177 12/15/1999 SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS Accounts Payable Check 161.00 72178 12/15/1999 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 18.74 72179 12/15/1999 SAN LUIS OBISPO CO ENVIRONMENT Accounts Payable Check 260.00 72180 12/15/1999 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PARKS Accounts Payable Check 445.00 72181 12/15/1999 SAN LUIS SURGICAL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 25.74 72182 12/15/1999 SANTA MARIA TIRE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 14.68 72183 12/15/1999 SENIOR MAGAZINE Accounts Payable Check 250.00 72184 12/15/1999 JOHN SIEMENS Accounts Payable Check 0.90 72185 12/15/1999 SIR SPEEDY Accounts Payable Check 59.28 72186 12/15/1999 SLOCAPRA Accounts Payable Check 30.00 72187 12/15/1999 SLOCOG Accounts Payable Check 7,900.00 72188 12/15/1999 SOUTHWARD&ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 85.00 72189 12/15/1999 ANTHONY STORNETTA Accounts Payable Check 72190 12/15/1999 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL Accounts Payable Check 1,110 653 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 1999 Check Check umber Date Vendor Description Amount 72191 12/15/1999 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIERS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 236.58 72192 12/15/1999 TEMPLETON FEED&GRAIN Accounts Payable Check 118.03 72193 12/15/1999 THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP,INC Accounts Payable Check 254.00 72194 12/15/1999 TOM FLYNN&SONS Accounts Payable Check 3,650.00 72195 12/15/1999 TRIBUNE Accounts Payable Check 208.86 72196 12/15/1999 GEORGE TURNER Accounts Payable Check 169.01 72197 12/15/1999 UNION ASPHALT,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,055.66 72198 12/15/1999 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. Accounts Payable Check 357.15 72199 12/15/1999 UNOCAL Accounts Payable Check 2,123.60 72200 12/15/1999 VOLBRECHT SURVEYS Accounts Payable Check 140.00 72201 12/15/1999 WAL-MART,INC. Accounts Payable Check 160.83 72202 12/15/1999 WAYCO-NORTH COUNTY FIRE PROT Accounts Payable Check 466.56 72203 12/15/1999 WESTERN JANITOR SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 629.07 72204 12/15/1999 WRIGHT-WAY FENCING Accounts Payable Check 600.00 72205 12/15/1999 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 184.75 72206 12/17/1999 COLONIAL LIFE&ACCIDENT INS. Accounts Payable Check 2,015.28 72207 12/17/1999 CPIC LIFE Accounts Payable Check 1,326.00 72208 12/17/1999 DELTA DENTAL,ATTN:ACCOUNTING Accounts Payable Check 6,179.56 72209 12/17/1999 STANDARD INSURANCE CO. Accounts Payable Check 795.95 72210 12/17/1999 EQUITABLE LIFE Accounts Payable Check 280.36 72211 12/17/1999 LIFEGUARD Accounts Payable Check 28,753.75 72212 12/17/1999 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 1,305.55 72213 12/17/1999 PROGRESSIVE SOLUTIONS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 9,116.26 t- 72214 12/20/1999 MELANIE WHALEY Accounts Payable Check 200.00 42760 12/23/1999 ATASCADERO FED.CREDIT UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 3,997.25 42761 12/23/1999 ATASCADERO FIRE DEPT EMP.ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 225.00 42762 12/23/1999 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 50.00 42763 12/23/1999 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS Payroll Vendor Payment 354.75 42764 12/23/1999 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 6,030.69 42765 12/23/1999 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 4.99 42766 12/23/1999 COUNTY-CITY EMPLOYEES CU Payroll Vendor Payment 831.00 42767 12/23/1999 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 1,009.85 42768 12/23/1999 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 782.00 42769 12/23/1999 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 7,553.08 42770 12/23/1999 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS Payroll Vendor Payment 47.00 42771 12/23/1999 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 749.99 42772 12/23/1999 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM Payroll Vendor Payment 19.85 UC54 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 1999 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amou 42773 12/23/1999 SEIU LOCAL 620 AFL-CIO Payroll Vendor Payment 37 . 1 42774 12/23/1999 TULARE COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 150.00 42775 12/23/1999 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 38.00 72215 12/23/1999 ATASCADERO WASTE ALTERNATIVES Accounts Payable Check 5,480.25 72216 12/23/1999 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE Accounts Payable Check 80,000.00 72217 12/23/1999 GOLETA NATIONAL BANK Accounts Payable Check 27,086.30 72218 12/23/1999 JAMES C.CUSHMAN,INC. Accounts Payable Check 243,776.70 72219 12/23/1999 TATONKA CAPITAL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 5,220.67 991228 12/28/1999 MID-STATE BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 27,817.44 72220 12/30/1999 FINANCE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH Accounts Payable Check 4,000.00 72221 12/30/1999 A-JAY EXCAVATING,INC. Accounts Payable Check 5,745.00 72222 12/30/1999 AMERICAN ECONOMIC DEV COUNCIL Accounts Payable Check 570.00 72223 12/30/1999 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 270.40 72224 12/30/1999 ATASCADERO 1ST ASSEMBLY OF GOD Accounts Payable Check 250.00 72225 12/30/1999 ATASCADERO FORD Accounts Payable Check 434.99 72226 12/30/1999 ATASCADERO LOAVES&FISHES Accounts Payable Check 2,459.00 72227 12/30/1999 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. Accounts Payable Check 35 0 72228 12/30/1999 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 72229 12/30/1999 ATASCADERO RUBBER STAMP CO Accounts Payable Check 13.41 72230 12/30/1999 ATASCADERO UPHOLSTERY Accounts Payable Check 395.00 72231 12/30/1999 ATCO INTERNATIONAL Accounts Payable Check 172.00 72232 12/30/1999 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 72233 12/30/1999 c> DAVID BEAS Accounts Payable Check 150.00 72234 12/30/1999 CAL-COAST REFRIGERATION,INC Accounts Payable Check 1,287.00 72235 12/30/1999 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT Accounts Payable Check 354.05 72236 12/30/1999 CANNON ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 530.00 72237 12/30/1999 DOLORES CARLL Accounts Payable Check 53.76 72238 12/30/1999 CENTRAL COAST SANITATION Accounts Payable Check 56.58 72239 12/30/1999 CENTRAL COAST SEA FOOD Accounts Payable Check 222.75 72240 12/30/1999 CHANNEL PAPER CO. Accounts Payable Check 1,031.53 72241 12/30/1999 CHEM CLEAN Accounts Payable Check 68.10 72242 12/30/1999 CHEMRON CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 250.00 72243 12/30/1999 JOHN COLE Accounts Payable Check 615.95 72244 12/30/1999 VINCE CONDE Accounts Payable Check 42.00 72245 12/30/1999 CONWAY DISTRIBUTORS Accounts Payable Check 73.56 72246 12/30/1999 COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 1+ 72247 12/30/1999 COUNTRY COPY Accounts Payable Check 55 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 1999 Check Check umber Date Vendor Description Amount 72248 12/30/1999 CRAWFORD MULTARI CLARK&MOHR Accounts Payable Check 2,508.00 72249 12/30/1999 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 48.00 72250 12/30/1999 CUESTA EQUIPMENT Accounts Payable Check 1,296.31 72251 12/30/1999 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 667.93 72252 12/30/1999 EASTER RENTS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 761.30 72253 12/30/1999 GEORGE EDWARDS Accounts Payable Check 45.00 72254 12/30/1999 BELINDA FALASCHI Accounts Payable Check 250.00 72255 12/30/1999 FARM SUPPLY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 40.82 72256 12/30/1999 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR Accounts Payable Check 352.45 72257 12/30/1999 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Accounts Payable Check 194.40 72258 12/30/1999 FIVE CITIES SECURITY,INC. Accounts Payable Check 965.25 72259 12/30/1999 FOLKINS&FOLKINS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,397.66 72260 12/30/1999 FOOD FOR LESS Accounts Payable Check 92.76 72261 12/30/1999 G&H UPHOLSTERY Accounts Payable Check 182.64 72262 12/30/1999 KAREN GARMEN Accounts Payable Check 271.75 72263 12/30/1999 GAS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 1,189.03 72264 12/30/1999 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 522.47 72265 12/30/1999 GENERAL HOSPITAL Accounts Payable Check 364.00 72266 12/30/1999 GRISANTI HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 18.85 72267 12/30/1999 GTE WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 316.99 72268 12/30/1999 H.D.PETERSON Accounts Payable Check 9.86 72269 12/30/1999 HAHN'S GUNS&AMMO Accounts Payable Check 1,005.47 72270 12/30/1999 HANSON AGGREGATES MID-PACIFIC Accounts Payable Check 97.77 72271 12/30/1999 SARA HASKELL Accounts Payable Check 52.50 72272 12/30/1999 IN-N-OUT BURGER Accounts Payable Check 35,897.14 72273 12/30/1999 EVELYN INGRAM Accounts Payable Check 180.40 72274 12/30/1999 INSTASHRED SECURITY SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 42.00 72275 12/30/1999 JESPERSEN'S TIRE SERVICE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 97.38 72276 12/30/1999 KEN'S MOBIL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 221.68 72277 12/30/1999 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO. Accounts Payable Check 3,242.24 72278 12/30/1999 LERN Accounts Payable Check 125.00 72279 12/30/1999 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 316.35 72280 12/30/1999 MID-COAST MOWER&SAW Accounts Payable Check 481.54 72281 12/30/1999 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 44.33 72282 12/30/1999 MITCH FREDERICK SEALCOATING Accounts Payable Check 32,659.00 72283 12/30/1999 STEVE MORRIS Accounts Payable Check 28.00 72284 12/30/1999 NATIONAL ARBOR DAY FOUNDATION Accounts Payable Check 15.00 72285 12/30/1999 NICKSON'S MACHINE SHOP INC. Accounts Payable Check 324.54 � J�i City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 1999 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description A. 72286 12/30/1999 NORTH COUNTY WOMENS SHELTER Accounts Payable Check 2,7760 72287 12/30/1999 NORTHERN ENERGY Accounts Payable Check 120.87 72288 12/30/1999 OFFICE DEPOT INC. Accounts Payable Check 74.41 72289 12/30/1999 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 145.89 72290 12/30/1999 PACIFIC BELL Accounts Payable Check 34.87 72291 12/30/1999 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 324.94 72292 12/30/1999 PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTE Accounts Payable Check 155.26 72293 12/30/1999 PACIFIC PROCESS Accounts Payable Check 11,785.95 72294 12/30/1999 PANASONIC COMMUNICATIONS Accounts Payable Check 1,296.66 72295 12/30/1999 PAPER WORKS Accounts Payable Check 769.50 72296 12/30/1999 PASO ROBLES TRUCK CENTER Accounts Payable Check 66.53 72297 12/30/1999 PIONEER EQUIPMENT CO. Accounts Payable Check 459.36 72298 12/30/1999 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS Accounts Payable Check 213.08 72299 12/30/1999 PRO MOTION Accounts Payable Check 3,401.99 72300 12/30/1999 QUILL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 219.92 72301 12/30/1999 RADIO SHACK Accounts Payable Check 248.63 72302 12/30/1999 RECOGNITION WORKS Accounts Payable Check 2.68 72303 12/30/1999 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0 72304 12/30/1999 LINDA RODGERS Accounts Payable Check 72305 12/30/1999 RRM DESIGN GROUP Accounts Payable Check 1,300.97 72306 12/30/1999 RXLASER Accounts Payable Check 241.31 72307 12/30/1999 SAFETY-KLEEN INC. Accounts Payable Check 219.00 72308 12/30/1999 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 27.18 72309 12/30/1999 SAN LUIS POWERHOUSE Accounts Payable Check 100.20 72310 12/30/1999 SANTA MARIA TIRE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 265.18 72311 12/30/1999 TAMI LEE SARVIS Accounts Payable Check 250.00 72312 12/30/1999 LISETTE SCHOLL Accounts Payable Check 121.80 72313 12/30/1999 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 72314 12/30/1999 SLO COUNTY TRAINING OFFICERS Accounts Payable Check 1,100.00 72315 12/30/1999 MIKE SORENSEN Accounts Payable Check 40.00 72316 12/30/1999 SOUZA CONSTRUCTION INC. Accounts Payable Check 6,150.60 72317 12/30/1999 SPORTS TURF MANAGERS ASSC. Accounts Payable Check 85.00 72318 12/30/1999 SPOTLIGHT MINISTRIES Accounts Payable Check 250.00 72319 12/30/1999 STEWART&STEVENSON POWER,INC Accounts Payable Check 25,224.79 72320 12/30/1999 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIERS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 496.88 72321 12/30/1999 TEAM AUTO COLLISION CENTER Accounts Payable Check 579.52 72322 12/30/1999 TEMPLETON FEED&GRAIN Accounts Payable Check 72323 12/30/1999 TEMPLETON UNIFORMS Accounts Payable Check t; -- City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 1999 Check Check umber Date Vendor Description Amount 72324 12/30/1999 THYSSEN DOVER ELEVATOR Accounts Payable Check 203.94 72325 12/30/1999 TODD PIPE&SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 521.56 72326 12/30/1999 MARCIA TORGERSON Accounts Payable Check 593.43 72327 12/30/1999 TRIBUNE Accounts Payable Check 818.21 72328 12/30/1999 TWIN CITIES COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Accounts Payable Check 41.00 72329 12/30/1999 U.S.ARMOR CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 486.01 72330 12/30/1999 UNION ASPHALT,INC. Accounts Payable Check 497.67 72331 12/30/1999 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. Accounts Payable Check 43.01 72332 12/30/1999 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 84.45 72333 12/30/1999 WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION Accounts Payable Check 95.00 72334 12/30/1999 WESTERN FARM SERVICE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 429.00 72335 12/30/1999 WHIRLWIND EXCAVATING Accounts Payable Check 710.00 72336 12/30/1999 WILKINS CREATIVE PRINTING Accounts Payable Check 94.80 72337 12/30/1999 WILLIAMS HOUSE OF CARPETS,INC Accounts Payable Check 7,300.00 72338 12/30/1999 TERRY ANN WILLINGHAM Accounts Payable Check 120.00 72339 12/30/1999 WILSHIRE NURSING Accounts Payable Check 250.00 S 1,511,532.20 � J� ITEM NUMBER: DATE: 09-26-00 1918 ® 18 9 CADF�pi/ Atascadero City Council Staff Report Administrative Services Department January 2000 Accounts Payable & Payroll RECOMMENDATION: Approve certified City accounts payable,payroll and payroll vendor checks for January 2000. DISCUSSION: Attached for City Council review and approval are the following: Payroll Dated 01/06/00 Checks#68154 - 68292 $ 140,532.90 Dated 01/20/00 Checks# 4552 - 4718 143,724.54 Accounts Payable Dated Jan. 1-31, 2000 Checks# 72340-72554, EFTS & Payroll Vendor Checks# 68299-68316 679,819.08 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 964,076.52 FISCAL IMPACT: Total expenditures for all funds is $ 964,076.52 CERTIFICATION: The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for payment and that funds are available for these demands. Dated: September 14, 2000 6Z 1"-'Z�0- .'e J?a'�, Rach le Rickard,Admini ative Services Director Approved by the City Council at a meeting held September 26 2000. 6539 Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of January 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 72340 1/4/2000 PUBLIC EMPL RETIREMENT SYSTEM Accounts Payable Check 19,974.44 72341 1/4/2000 CREATIVE BUS SALES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 44,925.85 72342 1/4/2000 KATE KREMKE Accounts Payable Check 150.83 68293 1/6/2000 JOHN COUCH Accounts Payable Check 175.00 68294 1/6/2000 INTERNATIONAL TRAINING RES,LTD Accounts Payable Check 400.00 68295 1/6/2000 PAUL BEBEAU Accounts Payable Check 752.50 68296 1/6/2000 KIM TREECE Accounts Payable Check 752.50 68297 1/6/2000 CENTER SOUTH BAY REGIONAL TRAINING Accounts Payable Check 166.00 68298 1/6/2000 CEPO Accounts Payable Check 1,446.50 990106 1/6/2000 MID-STATE BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 27,410.70 68299 1/7/2000 ATASCADERO FED.CREDIT UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 3,997.25 68300 1/7/2000 ATASCADERO FIRE DEPT EMP.ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 225.00 68301 1/7/2000 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 50.00 68302 1/7/2000 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS Payroll Vendor Payment 354.74 68303 1/7/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 5,91 68304 1/7/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 31T11 68305 1/7/2000 COUNTY-CITY EMPLOYEES CU Payroll Vendor Payment 831.00 68306 1/7/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 754.52 68308 1/7/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 782.00 68309 1/7/2000 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 5,273.00 68310 1/7/2000 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS Payroll Vendor Payment 47.00 68311 1/7/2000 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 749.99 68312 1/7/2000 PUBLIC EMPL RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 19,882.65 68313 1/7/2000 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM Payroll Vendor Payment 19.85 68314 1/7/2000 SEIU LOCAL 620 AFL-CIO Payroll Vendor Payment 373.51 68315 1/7/2000 TULARE COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 150.00 68316 1/7/2000 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 38.00 72343 1/12/2000 COLONIAL LIFE&ACCIDENT INS. Accounts Payable Check 2,015.28 72344 1/12/2000 CPIC LIFE Accounts Payable Check 1,359.10 72345 1/12/2000 DELTA DENTAL,ATTN:ACCOUNTING Accounts Payable Check 6,128.68 72346 1/12/2000 EQUITABLE LIFE Accounts Payable Check 280.36 72347 1/12/2000 LIFEGUARD Accounts Payable Check 29,337.60 72348 1/12/2000 STANDARD INSURANCE CO. Accounts Payable Check 79 72349 1/12/2000 CNCA-CA NARCOTIC CANINE ASSC Accounts Payable Check 3 0 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of January 2000 Check Check lumber Date Vendor Description Amount ��--72350 1/12/2000 CSMFO 2000 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Accounts Payable Check 225.00 72351 1/12/2000 JEFF FREDERICKS Accounts Payable Check 47.00 72352 1/14/2000 DEPARTMENT OF PESTICIDE REG Accounts Payable Check 30.00 72353 1/14/2000 ANDREW FRUIN Accounts Payable Check 327.77 72354 1/17/2000 ADAPTIVE DRIVING SYSTEMS,INC Accounts Payable Check 65.80 72355 1/17/2000 JENNIFER ADGE Accounts Payable Check 8.99 72356 1/17/2000 ALL STATE POLICE EQUIPMENT CO. Accounts Payable Check 1,371.94 72357 1/17/2000 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 72358 1/17/2000 AMERICAN WEST TIRE&AUTO Accounts Payable Check 340.17 72359 1/17/2000 APPLIED TECHNOLOGY GROUP,INC. Accounts Payable Check 798.05 72360 1/17/2000 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 215.43 72361 1/17/2000 ATASCADERO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Accounts Payable Check 350.00 72362 1/17/2000 ATASCADERO FORD Accounts Payable Check 2,645.73 72363 1/17/2000 ATASCADERO GAZETTE Accounts Payable Check 307.00 72364 1/17/2000 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. Accounts Payable Check 3,245.65 72365 1/17/2000 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 328.50 72366 1/17/2000 ATASCADERO UPHOLSTERY Accounts Payable Check 495.00 72367 1/17/2000 BATTERY NETWORK,INC. Accounts Payable Check 350.42 72368 1/17/2000 BILLOW'S CUSTOM EMBROIDERY Accounts Payable Check 171.60 72369 1/17/2000 BLAKE'S INC. Accounts Payable Check 215.00 72370 1/17/2000 BRENDLER JANITORIAL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 700.00 72371 1/17/2000 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT Accounts Payable Check 56.50 72372 1/17/2000 i. CALIFORNIA PEACE OFFICERS ASSN Accounts Payable Check 144.00 72373 1/17/2000 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL CED Accounts Payable Check 1,152.02 72374 1/17/2000 CENTRAL COAST PROPANE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 495.17 72375 1/17/2000 CERTIFIED FOLDER DISPLAY SVC Accounts Payable Check 78.07 72376 1/17/2000 BRADY CHERRY Accounts Payable Check 405.00 72377 1/17/2000 ANDREW CHERRY Accounts Payable Check 40.00 72378 1/17/2000 CHEVRON Accounts Payable Check 237.13 72379 1/17/2000 TAMATHA CLARK Accounts Payable Check 225.00 72380 1/17/2000 COAST TO COAST HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 37.81 72381 1/17/2000 COASTAL IMAGING SUPPLIES Accounts Payable Check 105.11 72382 1/17/2000 VINCE CONDE Accounts Payable Check 42.00 72383 1/17/2000 CONTINUING ED.OF THE BAR-CA Accounts Payable Check 119.61 72384 1/17/2000 CIMON CORMIER Accounts Payable Check 75.00 72385 1/17/2000 CREDIT BUREAU Accounts Payable Check 16.00 72386 1/17/2000 CRM FILMS Accounts Payable Check 1,827.52 n vbl City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of January 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amou 72387 1/17/2000 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 65-00 72388 1/17/2000 CUESTA EQUIPMENT Accounts Payable Check 104.09 72389 1/17/2000 DARRYL'S LOCK AND SAFE Accounts Payable Check 17.05 72390 1/17/2000 DAVID BUTZ DESIGN Accounts Payable Check 21.45 72391 1/17/2000 DAVID M FLEISHMAN Accounts Payable Check 324.10 72392 1/17/2000 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 663.41 72393 1/17/2000 RICHARD DUTRA Accounts Payable Check 90.20 72394 1/17/2000 EDEN SYSTEMS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 150.00 72395 1/17/2000 GEORGE EDWARDS Accounts Payable Check 30.00 72396 1/17/2000 EL CAMINO VETERINARY HOSP Accounts Payable Check 33.00 72397 1/17/2000 ELECTRO-COMM WEST,INC. Accounts Payable Check 339.76 72398 1/17/2000 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 1,718.00 72399 1/17/2000 ESCUELA DEL RIO Accounts Payable Check 87.33 72400 1/17/2000 GUADALUPE ESPINOZA Accounts Payable Check 250.00 72401 1/17/2000 FALCON DIRECT,INC. Accounts Payable Check 2,125.00 72402 1/17/2000 FAMILY PHOTO Accounts Payable Check 86.64 72403 1/17/2000 FEDERAL SIGNAL CORP. Accounts Payable Check 56.58 72404 1/17/2000 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR Accounts Payable Check 11 0 72405 1/17/2000 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Accounts Payable Check 3 72406 1/17/2000 FOLKINS&FOLKINS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 54.11 72407 1/17/2000 FOOD FOR LESS Accounts Payable Check 76.98 72408 1/17/2000 FRAZEE PAINTS Accounts Payable Check 65.24 72409 1/17/2000 G&H UPHOLSTERY Accounts Payable Check 180.60 72410 1/17/2000 GALL'S INC. Accounts Payable Check 175.66 72411 1/17/2000 GAR'S TRANSMISSIONS Accounts Payable Check 1,523.44 72412 1/17/2000 GAS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 645.72 72413 1/17/2000 PETER GAW Accounts Payable Check 700.00 72414 1/17/2000 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 658.82 72415 1/17/2000 GRISANTI HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 29.75 72416 1/17/2000 GTE WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 168.79 72417 1/17/2000 H.D.PETERSON Accounts Payable Check 399.43 72418 1/17/2000 DENNIS HEGWOOD Accounts Payable Check 35.00 72419 1/17/2000 JAMIE HELTSLEY Accounts Payable Check 75.33 72420 1/17/2000 HI STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 1,102.63 72421 1/17/2000 HINDERLITER,DE LLAMAS Accounts Payable Check 1,330.05 72422 1/17/2000 VALERIE HUMPHREY Accounts Payable Check 96.72 72423 1/17/2000 INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION Accounts Payable Check 1 72424 1/17/2000 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF Accounts Payable Check 062 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of January 2000 Check Check Wumber Date Vendor Description Amount 72425 1/17/2000 JIFFY LUBE#1932 PCJL,INC. Accounts Payable Check 72.24 72426 1/17/2000 JOBS AVAILABLE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 92.00 72427 1/17/2000 JOSLIN ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 325.00 72428 1/17/2000 K-MART Accounts Payable Check 11.78 72429 1/17/2000 KIQO 104.5 FM Accounts Payable Check 950.00 72430 1/17/2000 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 72431 1/17/2000 KRITZ EXCAVATING&TRUCKING Accounts Payable Check 139.43 72432 1/17/2000 LEADS SOFTWARE GROUP INC. Accounts Payable Check 348.00 72433 1/17/2000 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Accounts Payable Check 4,300.00 72434 1/17/2000 LAURA,MD LEAVEY Accounts Payable Check 75.00 72435 1/17/2000 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO. Accounts Payable Check 1,607.89 72436 1/17/2000 LIFE ASSIST,INC. Accounts Payable Check 415.63 72437 1/17/2000 LONGS DRUG STORES Accounts Payable Check 75.07 72438 1/17/2000 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES Accounts Payable Check 22.41 72439 1/17/2000 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 245.83 72440 1/17/2000 MADRONE LANDSCAPING Accounts Payable Check 100.00 72441 1/17/2000 MICHAEL MCCAIN Accounts Payable Check 70.00 72442 1/17/2000 MCCLOSKEY REFRIGERATION Accounts Payable Check 110.37 72443 1/17/2000 WADE MCKINNEY Accounts Payable Check 505.00 72444 1/17/2000 MID-COAST GEOTECHNICAL,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,158.00 72445 1/17/2000 MID-COAST MOWER&SAW Accounts Payable Check 64.26 72446 1/17/2000 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 180.90 72447 1/17/2000 MOBIL OIL CREDIT CORP Accounts Payable Check 412.18 72448 1/17/2000 c, STEVE MORRIS Accounts Payable Check 28.00 72449 1/17/2000 MUNIFINANCIAL Accounts Payable Check 1,809.11 72450 1/17/2000 MYERS-STEVENS AND CO.,INC. Accounts Payable Check 86.25 72451 1/17/2000 NORTH NET FIRE TRAINING CENTER Accounts Payable Check 1,000.00 72452 1/17/2000 TERRY O'FARRELL Accounts Payable Check 1,428.00 72453 1/17/2000 MARGARET O'NEILL,PH.D. Accounts Payable Check 100.00 72454 1/17/2000 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 376.78 72455 1/17/2000 PACIFIC BELL Accounts Payable Check 1,348.21 72456 1/17/2000 PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTE Accounts Payable Check 439.40 72457 1/17/2000 PANASONIC COMMUNICATIONS Accounts Payable Check 944.55 72458 1/17/2000 PASO ROBLES TRUCK CENTER Accounts Payable Check 186.92 72459 1/17/2000 PC CONNECTION,INC. Accounts Payable Check 5,547.70 72460 1/17/2000 PERRY'S PARCEL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 15.20 72461 1/17/2000 FIRE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH Accounts Payable Check 90.13 72463 1/17/2000 FINANCE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH Accounts Payable Check 432.62 663 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of January 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amou 72464 1/17/2000 PROGRESSIVE SOLUTIONS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 3 5 72465 1/17/2000 QUILL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 329.95 72466 1/17/2000 RADIO SHACK Accounts Payable Check 59.50 72467 1/17/2000 RADIOLOGY ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 41.00 72468 1/17/2000 RAY'S AUTO DETAIL Accounts Payable Check 80.00 72469 1/17/2000 RECOGNITION WORKS Accounts Payable Check 37.43 72470 1/17/2000 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 72471 1/17/2000 CAROLE ROBINSON Accounts Payable Check 595.00 72472 1/17/2000 JOHN RODGERS Accounts Payable Check . 105.00 72473 1/17/2000 STEVE ROMO Accounts Payable Check 40.00 72474 1/17/2000 ROTO-ROOTER Accounts Payable Check 45.00 72475 1/17/2000 SAFETY-KLEEN INC. Accounts Payable Check 87.75 72476 1/17/2000 PAUL SALDANA Accounts Payable Check 300.00 72477 1/17/2000 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 201.64 72478 1/17/2000 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY FIRE Accounts Payable Check 160.00 72479 1/17/2000 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PUBLIC Accounts Payable Check 25.00 72480 1/17/2000 SAN LUIS OBISPO SHERIFF'S OFFC Accounts Payable Check 60.00 72481 1/17/2000 SAN LUIS PAPER Accounts Payable Check 475 85 72482 1/17/2000 SAN LUIS POWERHOUSE Accounts Payable Check 0 72483 1/17/2000 SAN LUIS SURGICAL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 12.87 72484 1/17/2000 SANTA MARIA TIRE,INC: Accounts Payable Check 87.60 72485 1/17/2000 SCBA SAFETY CHECK,INC. Accounts Payable Check 885.15 72486 1/17/2000 SIERRA VISTA REGIONAL MEDICAL Accounts Payable Check 178.50 72487 1/17/2000 c, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Accounts Payable Check 167.41 72488 1/17/2000 STATE OF CALIFORNIA/OES Accounts Payable Check 250.00 72489 1/17/2000 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIERS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 545.96 72490 1/17/2000 SYLVESTER'S SECURITY ALARMS Accounts Payable Check 360.00 72491 1/17/2000 TARGET SPECIALTY PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 109.00 72492 1/17/2000 TEMPLETON FEED&GRAIN Accounts Payable Check 127.97 72493 1/17/2000 TEMPLETON UNIFORMS Accounts Payable Check 26.10 72494 1/17/2000 TIRE KING Accounts Payable Check 70.00 72495 1/17/2000 TODD PIPE&SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 12.60 72496 1/17/2000 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. Accounts Payable Check 80.41 72497 1/17/2000 UNOCAL Accounts Payable Check 1,876.61 72498 1/17/2000 WILLIAM WATTON Accounts Payable Check 47.50 72499 1/17/2000 TOM WAY Accounts Payable Check 140.00 72500 1/17/2000 WAYCO-NORTH COUNTY FIRE PROT Accounts Payable Check 3 72501 1/17/2000 KELLY WELSH Accounts Payable Check Cc' 4 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of January 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 72502 1/17/2000 WILKINS CREATIVE PRINTING Accounts Payable Check 47.40 72503 1/17/2000 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 72504 1/17/2000 ZOO REGISTRARS ASSOCIATION Accounts Payable Check 25.00 72518 1/19/2000 CALL AMERICA Accounts Payable Check 1,424.75 72519 1/19/2000 GOLETA NATIONAL BANK Accounts Payable Check 13,855.18 72520 1/19/2000 JAMES C.CUSHMAN,INC. Accounts Payable Check 309,006.35 72521 1/19/2000 MOBILECOMM Accounts Payable Check 1,470.62 72522 1/19/2000 NETWORK SOLUTIONS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 35.00 72529 1/19/2000 PACIFIC BELL Accounts Payable Check 2,945.91 72531 1/19/2000 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 12,848.91 72532 1/20/2000 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 72533 1/21/2000 ATASCADERO FED.CREDIT UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 3,997.25 72534 1/21/2000 ATASCADERO FIRE DEPT EMP.ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 225.00 72535 1/21/2000 ATASCADERO FIRE RESERVES ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 95.00 72536 1/21/2000 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 50.00 72537 1/21/2000 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS Payroll Vendor Payment 354.75 72538 1/21/2000 COUNTY-CITY EMPLOYEES CU Payroll Vendor Payment 831.00 72539 1/21/2000 CSFA Payroll Vendor Payment 1,112.50 72540 1/21/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 8,522.52 72541 1/21/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 335.94 72542 1/21/2000 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 749.99 72543 1/21/2000 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 14,580.50 72544 1/21/2000 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS Payroll Vendor Payment 47.00 72545 1/21/2000 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM Payroll Vendor Payment 19.85 72546 1/21/2000 PUBLIC EMPL RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 19,877.13 72547 1/21/2000 SEIU LOCAL 620 AFL-CIO Payroll Vendor Payment 359.83 72548 1/21/2000 TULARE COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 150.00 72549 1/21/2000 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 38.00 72550 1/21/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 985.89 72551 1/21/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 782.00 1 1/24/2000 MID-STATE BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 37,714.11 72552 1/26/2000 MASTERCARD DEPARTMENT Accounts Payable Check 4,375.40 72553 1/26/2000 STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Accounts Payable Check 288.00 72554 1/28/2000 DAVID M FLEISHMAN Accounts Payable Check 1,438.87 $ 679,819.08 L ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 09-26-00 x A:A A ■ Isis 1979 CAD // Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Administrative Services Department February 2000 Accounts Payable & Payroll RECOMMENDATION: Approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for February 2000. DISCUSSION: Attached for City Council review and approval are the following: Payroll Dated 02/03/00 Checks#4725 -4867 $ 140,966.99 Dated 02/07/00 Checks#4874 - 5019 144,800.74 Special PayEoll Dated 02/07/00 Checks#4868 -4873 2,997.74 Accounts Payable Dated Feb. 1-29, 2000 Checks # 72555 - 72982 &EFTs 1,096,210.93 TOTAL AMOUNT $1,384,976.40 00 City Manager's Agenda Report February 2000 Accounts Payable and Payroll Page Two FISCAL IMPACT Total expenditures for all funds is$ 1,384,976.40 CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for payment and that funds are available for these demands. Dated: September 14, 2000 Rachelle Rickard Administrative Services Director Approved by the City Council at a meeting held September 26, 2000. Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk ATTACHMENT: February 2000 Eden Warrant Register in the amount of $ 1,096,210.93 037 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 72555 2/1/2000 PRO MOTION Accounts Payable Check 3,418.62 1002202 2/2/2000 MID-STATE BANK Accounts Payable Check 92.63 72556 2/4/2000 TOM JAMASON Accounts Payable Check 216.00 72557 2/4/2000 ADAM JUCHNIEWICZ Accounts Payable Check 250.00 72558 2/4/2000 MOBIL OIL CREDIT CORP Accounts Payable Check 265.92 72559 2/4/2000 STAPLES INC. Accounts Payable Check 2,216.14 72560 2/4/2000 ATASCADERO FEDERAL CREDIT UNIO Accounts Payable Check 3,997.25 72561 2/4/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Accounts Payable Check 5,525.05 72562 2/4/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT Accounts Payable Check 315.60 72563 2/4/2000 COUNTY-CITY EMPLOYEES CU Accounts Payable Check 831.00 72564 2/8/2000 A.J.DIANI CONSTRUCTION CO. Accounts Payable Check 42,972.70 72565 2/8/2000 ACTION FAX&PRINTER Accounts Payable Check 477.38 72566 2/8/2000 MARIE ADAMS Accounts Payable Check 10.85 72567 2/8/2000 AEGIS PROTECTION GROUP,INC. Accounts Payable Check 75.50 72568 2/8/2000 AIR RITE REFRIGERATION Accounts Payable Check 200.53 72569 2/8/2000 ALL STATE POLICE EQUIPMENT CO. Accounts Payable Check 321.50 72570 2/8/2000 AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATIO Accounts Payable Check 188.30 72571 2/8/2000 ANDERSON'S AUTO SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 199.45 72572 2/8/2000 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 466.02 72573 2/8/2000 ARBOR TREE SURGERY Accounts Payable Check 162.50 72574 2/8/2000 GEORGE ASDEL Accounts Payable Check 128.80 72575 2/8/2000 ASSOCIATION OF ZOOLOGICAL HORT Accounts Payable Check 25.00 72576 2/8/2000 ATASCADERO BATTERY EXCHANGE Accounts Payable Check 235.78 72577 2/8/2000 ATASCADERO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Accounts Payable Check 190.00 72578 2/8/2000 ATASCADERO DIAMONDBACKS Accounts Payable Check 516.60 72579 2/8/2000 ATASCADERO FORD Accounts Payable Check 1,556.21 72580 2/8/2000 ATASCADERO GAZETTE Accounts Payable Check 42.40 72581 2/8/2000 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 615.66 72582 2/8/2000 ATASCADERO YOUTH TASK FORCE Accounts Payable Check 10,000.00 72583 2/8/2000 PAUL BEBEAU Accounts Payable Check 22.17 72584 2/8/2000 CINDY BENSON Accounts Payable Check 327.00 72585 2/8/2000 BEST EVER JANITORIAL Accounts Payable Check 225.00 72586 2/8/2000 BIOMEDICAL CLINICAL ENGINEER Accounts Payable Check 150.00 72587 2/8/2000 BLAKE'S INC. Accounts Payable Check 35.00 L � City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amo-A 72588 2/8/2000 GREG BRAZZI Accounts Payable Check .27700 72589 2/8/2000 LILA BREHM Accounts Payable Check 250.00 72590 2/8/2000 CAL-COAST REFRIGERATION,INC Accounts Payable Check 1,246.15 72591 2/8/2000 CALIFORNIA FIRE PREVENTION INS Accounts Payable Check 150.00 72592 2/8/2000 CALIFORNIA INTERNET CONNECTION Accounts Payable Check 19.95 72593 2/8/2000 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT Accounts Payable Check 31.90 72594 2/8/2000 CALIFORNIA PEACE OFFICERS ASSN Accounts Payable Check 221.00 72595 2/8/2000 CENTRAL COAST PROPANE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 287.01 72596 2/8/2000 CENTRAL COAST SANITATION Accounts Payable Check 113.16 72597 2/8/2000 CENTRAL COAST SEA FOOD Accounts Payable Check 297.00 72598 2/8/2000 CERRO ALTO 4H Accounts Payable Check 310.00 72599 2/8/2000 CHEM CLEAN Accounts Payable Check 94.81 72600 2/8/2000 ANDREW CHERRY Accounts Payable Check 270.00 72601 2/8/2000 BRADY CHERRY Accounts Payable Check 324.00 72602 2/8/2000 CHEVRON Accounts Payable Check 205.18 72603 2/8/2000 CHIEF SUPPLY,INC. Accounts Payable Check 261.44 72604 2/8/2000 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO Accounts Payable Check 76,231.75 72605 2/8/2000 WINDY CLARK Accounts Payable Check 9 42 72606 2/8/2000 TAMATHA CLARK Accounts Payable Check 72607 2/8/2000 CLEAN WATER OUTLET Accounts Payable Check 70.00 72608 2/8/2000 COAST TO COAST HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 188.94 72609 2/8/2000 COASTAL IMAGING SUPPLIES Accounts Payable Check 101.89 72610 2/8/2000 JOHN COLE Accounts Payable Check 100.00 72611 2/8/2000 CLAUDIA COLLIER Accounts Payable Check 446.44 72612 2/8/2000 COMCO COMPUTERS Accounts Payable Check 93.31 72613 2/8/2000 VINCE CONDE Accounts Payable Check 210.00 72614 2/8/2000 CIMON CORMIER Accounts Payable Check 195.00 72615 2/8/2000 COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Accounts Payable Check 65.00 72616 2/8/2000 COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Accounts Payable Check 45.00 72617 2/8/2000 CPRS DISTRICT VIII Accounts Payable Check 120.00 72618 2/8/2000 CPRS DISTRICT VIII Accounts Payable Check 60.00 72619 2/8/2000 CRM FILMS Accounts Payable Check 149.06 72620 2/8/2000 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 62.00 72621 2/8/2000 CTE COMPUTER TRAINING CENTERS Accounts Payable Check 900.00 72622 2/8/2000 CUESTA EQUIPMENT Accounts Payable Check 274.33 72623 2/8/2000 CUSTOM WATERFALL CREATIONS,INC Accounts Payable Check 450.00 72624 2/8/2000 JAY CYBULSKI Accounts Payable Check 0 72625 2/8/2000 DARRYL'S LOCK AND SAFE Accounts Payable Check 195 UE, 9 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2000 Check Check umber Date Vendor Description Amount 72626 2/8/2000 DATAPRINT CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 177.16 72627 2/8/2000 DAY-TIMERS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 144.07 72628 2/8/2000 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 381.09 72629 2/8/2000 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION Accounts Payable Check 1,133.87 72630 2/8/2000 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Accounts Payable Check 600.27 72631 2/8/2000 EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC Accounts Payable Check 482.50 72632 2/8/2000 EDEN SYSTEMS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 4,919.00 72633 2/8/2000 GEORGE EDWARDS Accounts Payable Check 150.00 72634 2/8/2000 EL CAMINO CAR WASH Accounts Payable Check 171.00 72635 2/8/2000 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 15.00 72636 2/8/2000 ESCUELA DEL RIO Accounts Payable Check 213.95 72637 2/8/2000 FAMILY PHOTO Accounts Payable Check 2,734.87 72638 2/8/2000 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 115.83 72639 2/8/2000 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR Accounts Payable Check 441.98 72640 2/8/2000 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Accounts Payable Check 953.30 72641 2/8/2000 DAN FLEMING Accounts Payable Check 61.69 72642 2/8/2000 FOLKINS&FOLKINS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 5,279.36 72643 2/8/2000 FOOD FOR LESS Accounts Payable Check 162.09 72644 2/8/2000 FRAZEE PAINTS Accounts Payable Check 35.81 72645 2/8/2000 DEBBIE FRENCH Accounts Payable Check 347.55 72646 2/8/2000 GALL'S INC. Accounts Payable Check 46.18 72647 2/8/2000 KAREN GARMEN Accounts Payable Check 859.17 72648 2/8/2000 GARNERS DISCOUNT OFFICE SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 146.44 72649 2/8/2000 o GAS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 2,053.54 72650 2/8/2000 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 1,174.83 72651 2/8/2000 GENERAL HOSPITAL Accounts Payable Check 140.00 72652 2/8/2000 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTATION Accounts Payable Check 155.21 72653 2/8/2000 GODBE RESEARCH&ANALYSIS Accounts Payable Check 8,382.50 72654 2/8/2000 GRISANTI HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 70.25 72655 2/8/2000 GTE WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 665.20 72656 2/8/2000 H.D.PETERSON Accounts Payable Check 572.42 72657 2/8/2000 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT&COPY Accounts Payable Check 12.89 72658 2/8/2000 LINDA HICKS Accounts Payable Check 33.00 72659 2/8/2000 ICMA Accounts Payable Check 79.00 72660 2/8/2000 IDLER'S NORTH COUNTY Accounts Payable Check 1,748.07 72661 2/8/2000 INDEPENDENT TELEPHONE NETWORK Accounts Payable Check 176.68 72662 2/8/2000 INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION Accounts Payable Check 1,032.37 72663 2/8/2000 INGLIS PET HOTEL Accounts Payable Check 104.75 a0 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amou 72664 2/8/2000 EVELYN INGRAM Accounts Payable Check 47 , 7 72665 2/8/2000 INSTASHRED SECURITY SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 15.00 72666 2/8/2000 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM Accounts Payable Check 197.18 72667 2/8/2000 EDWARD P.JARDINI Accounts Payable Check 75.00 72668 2/8/2000 JB DESIGN Accounts Payable Check 90.10 72669 2/8/2000 JESPERSEN'S TIRE SERVICE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 31.07 72670 2/8/2000 JIFFY LUBE#1932 PCJL,INC. Accounts Payable Check 123.76 72671 2/8/2000 KEN'S MOBIL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 392.16 72672 2/8/2000 GLORIA KRYSTOFF Accounts Payable Check 114.05 72673 2/8/2000 L.A.PET PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 2,042.04 72674 2/8/2000 LAIDLAW TRANSIT SERVICES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 32,159.79 72675 2/8/2000 LAW ENFORCEMENT EXECUTIVE DEV Accounts Payable Check 25.00 72676 2/8/2000 LEADS SOFTWARE GROUP INC. Accounts Payable Check 348.00 72677 2/8/2000 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO. Accounts Payable Check 672.00 72678 2/8/2000 LIFE ASSIST,INC. Accounts Payable Check 700.61 72679 2/8/2000 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES Accounts Payable Check 22.41 72680 2/8/2000 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 251.69 72681 2/8/2000 LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 9 5 72682 2/8/2000 MARTIN&CHAPMAN CO. Accounts Payable Check 72683 2/8/2000 MARY MARTINDALE Accounts Payable Check 98.00 72684 2/8/2000 JOHN MARTINO Accounts Payable Check 60.00 72685 2/8/2000 BECKY MAXWELL Accounts Payable Check 20.03 72686 2/8/2000 MCDONALD APPRAISAL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 600.00 72687 2/8/2000 c. WADE MCKINNEY Accounts Payable Check 507.24 72688 2/8/2000 MYRNA MCKINNON Accounts Payable Check 250.00 72689 2/8/2000 MCNEIL RIVER ENTERPRISES,INC Accounts Payable Check 54.81 72690 2/8/2000 CORY MEYER Accounts Payable Check 25.00 72691 2/8/2000 MICHAEL FREDERICK PAVING,INC. Accounts Payable Check 2,800.00 72692 2/8/2000 MISSION OFFICE PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 857.95 72693 2/8/2000 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 166.63 72694 2/8/2000 MITCH FREDERICK SEALCOATING Accounts Payable Check 7,360.00 72695 2/8/2000 MOORE'S WESTERN NURSERY Accounts Payable Check 70.47 72696 2/8/2000 MUNIFINANCIAL Accounts Payable Check 5,000.00 72697 2/8/2000 SCOTT MURRAY Accounts Payable Check 50.00 72698 2/8/2000 MYERS-STEVENS AND CO.,INC. Accounts Payable Check 82.75 72699 2/8/2000 NORTH COAST ENGINEERING INC. Accounts Payable Check 27,099.75 72700 2/8/2000 NORTH COUNTY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Accounts Payable Check 72701 2/8/2000 NORTHERN CAL FPO'S Accounts Payable Check C-_ 7 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2000 Check Check Aft�umber Date Vendor Description Amount 72702 2/8/2000 NORTHERN ENERGY Accounts Payable Check 22.11 72703 2/8/2000 OMNI-MEANS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 18,612.12 72704 2/8/2000 OPTIONS Accounts Payable Check 6,012.33 72705 2/8/2000 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 421.90 72706 2/8/2000 PEST MANAGEMENT P.A.P.A. Accounts Payable Check 27.00 72707 2/8/2000 PACIFIC BELL Accounts Payable Check 1,631.60 72708 2/8/2000 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 284.07 72709 2/8/2000 PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTE Accounts Payable Check 633.14 72710 2/8/2000 PAPER WORKS Accounts Payable Check 178.65 72711 2/8/2000 PASO ROBLES ELECTRIC,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,159.18 72712 2/8/2000 PASO ROBLES VINTERS&GROWERS Accounts Payable Check 250.00 72713 2/8/2000 DAVE PAYTON Accounts Payable Check 375.00 72714 2/8/2000 PERRY'S PARCEL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 46.60 72715 2/8/2000 PETE JOHNSTON CHEVEROLET Accounts Payable Check 80.15 72716 2/8/2000 FIRE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH Accounts Payable Check 114.24 72717 2/8/2000 PIONEER EQUIPMENT CO. Accounts Payable Check 110.51 72718 2/8/2000 PIONEER EQUIPMENT CO. Accounts Payable Check 196.78 72719 2/8/2000 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS Accounts Payable Check 602.95 72720 2/8/2000 PRECISION GUN SPECIALTIES Accounts Payable Check 31.75 72721 2/8/2000 PRO MOTION Accounts Payable Check 217.30 72722 2/8/2000 PROMEDIX Accounts Payable Check 81.05 72723 2/8/2000 PUBLIC SECTOR EXCELLENCE Accounts Payable Check 260.00 72724 2/8/2000 QUILL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 528.28 72725 2/8/2000 R.H.F.INC. Accounts Payable Check 112.32 72726 2/8/2000 JOYCE RABELLINO Accounts Payable Check 40.00 72727 2/8/2000 RADIO SHACK Accounts Payable Check 5.89 72728 2/8/2000 RAINBOW MEALWORMS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 43.82 72729 2/8/2000 RAY'S AUTO DETAIL Accounts Payable Check 80.00 72730 2/8/2000 RECOGNITION WORKS Accounts Payable Check 12.87 72731 2/8/2000 RED ROOF INN Accounts Payable Check 517.39 72732 2/8/2000 RICK BUTLER SALES&SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 55.10 72733 2/8/2000 CAROLE ROBINSON Accounts Payable Check 521.50 72734 2/8/2000 STEVE ROBINSON DVM Accounts Payable Check 1,260.00 72735 2/8/2000 LINDA RODGERS Accounts Payable Check 210.00 72736 2/8/2000 JOHN RODGERS Accounts Payable Check 9.50 72737 2/8/2000 KIRK ROLES Accounts Payable Check 80.00 72738 2/8/2000 STEVE ROMO Accounts Payable Check 386.00 72739 2/8/2000 RRM DESIGN GROUP Accounts Payable Check 471.83 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amou 72740 2/8/2000 RXLASER Accounts Payable Check 125.80 72741 2/8/2000 PAUL SALDANA Accounts Payable Check 703.24 72742 2/8/2000 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 345.02 72743 2/8/2000 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SHERIFF Accounts Payable Check 10 175.00 72744 2/8/2000 SAN LUIS OBISPO REGIONAL Accounts Payable Check 3,000.00 72745 2/8/2000 SAN LUIS PERSONNEL INC. Accounts Payable Check 512.00 72746 2/8/2000 SAN LUIS POWERHOUSE Accounts Payable Check 99.22 72747 2/8/2000 SANTA MARIA TIRE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 21.90 72748 2/8/2000 SANTA MARIA TOOL,INC. Accounts Payable Check 3,216.34 72749 2/8/2000 SCOTT SATTERTHWAITE Accounts Payable Check 130.00 72750 2/8/2000 LISETTE SCHOLL Accounts Payable Check 230.30 72751 2/8/2000 SENIOR MAGAZINE Accounts Payable Check 500.00 72752 2/8/2000 JOHN SIEMENS Accounts Payable Check 159.60 72753 2/8/2000 SIR SPEEDY Accounts Payable Check 44.24 72754 2/8/2000 CHRIS SMITH Accounts Payable Check 40.00 72755 2/8/2000 SOUZA CONSTRUCTION INC. Accounts Payable Check 7,298.40 72756 2/8/2000 STEWART'S WHEEL SHOP Accounts Payable Check 50.00 72757 2/8/2000 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL Accounts Payable Check 1,11 0 72758 2/8/2000 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIERS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1 72759 2/8/2000 SYLVESTER'S SECURITY ALARMS Accounts Payable Check 208.00 72760 2/8/2000 TEMPLETON FEED&GRAIN Accounts Payable Check 253.52 72761 2/8/2000 THYSSEN TRI-COUNTY ELEVATOR Accounts Payable Check 203.94 72762 2/8/2000 MARCIA TORGERSON Accounts Payable Check 89.90 72763 2/8/2000 : TREADWAY GRAPHICS Accounts Payable Check 1,121.16 72764 2/8/2000 TRIBUNE Accounts Payable Check 217.50 72765 2/8/2000 TRIBUNE Accounts Payable Check 2,291.81 72766 2/8/2000 U.S.BANK Accounts Payable Check 21,045.00 72767 2/8/2000 U.S.POSTMASTER Accounts Payable Check 44.00 72768 2/8/2000 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. Accounts Payable Check 31.78 72769 2/8/2000 UNOCAL Accounts Payable Check 2,822.74 72770 2/8/2000 TOM VELASQUEZ Accounts Payable Check 194.00 72771 2/8/2000 JANE WALSH Accounts Payable Check 30.00 72772 2/8/2000 WILLIAM WATTON Accounts Payable Check 4.10 72773 2/8/2000 WAYCO-NORTH COUNTY FIRE PROT Accounts Payable Check 111.08 72774 2/8/2000 WESTERN FARM SERVICE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,201.20 72775 2/8/2000 WILLIAM WHITE Accounts Payable Check 26.80 72776 2/8/2000 WILLIAMS HOUSE OF CARPETS,INC Accounts Payable Check 4 0 72777 2/8/2000 WRIGHT-WAY FENCING Accounts Payable Check L t City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2000 Check Check 4P-T72778 ber Date Vendor Description Amount 2/8/2000 WYRICK'S PLUMBING&REPAIR INC Accounts Payable Check 4,568.01 72779 2/8/2000 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,077.32 90804788 2/8/2000 MID-STATE BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 27,029.90 72780 2/9/2000 ATASCADERO FIRE DEPT EMP.ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 225.00 72781 2/9/2000 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 50.00 72782 2/9/2000 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS Payroll Vendor Payment 354.75 72783 2/9/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 53.80 72784 2/9/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 2.18 72785 2/9/2000 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 749.99 72786 2/9/2000 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 4,980.00 72787 2/9/2000 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS Payroll Vendor Payment 47.00 72788 2/9/2000 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM Payroll Vendor Payment 19.85 72789 2/9/2000 PUBLIC EMPL RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 19,813.46 72790 2/9/2000 SEIU LOCAL 620 AFL-CIO Payroll Vendor Payment 363.45 72791 2/9/2000 TULARE COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 150.00 72792 2/9/2000 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 38.00 72793 2/9/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 891.28 72794 2/9/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 782.00 2/10/2000 MID-STATE BANK 91071432 Accounts Payable Check 12.38 72795 2/15/2000 GRADE A PAINT CO. Accounts Payable Check 5,000.00 72796 2/17/2000 TERRY O'FARRELL Accounts Payable Check 232.84 72797 2/17/2000 CAYUCOS VACATION RENTALS Accounts Payable Check 600.00 72798 2/17/2000 SUBWAY Accounts Payable Check 54.00 72799 2/17/2000 ATASCADERO FED.CREDIT UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 4,447.25 72800 2/17/2000 COUNTY-CITY EMPLOYEES CU Payroll Vendor Payment 831.00 72801 2/17/2000 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 749.99 72802 2/17/2000 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 261.69 72803 2/17/2000 TULARE COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 150.00 72804 2/17/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 5,892.44 72805 2/17/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 306.51 91929334 2/17/2000 MID-STATE BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 27,913.50 72806 2/23/2000 ATASCADERO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Accounts Payable Check 16,594.00 72807 2/23/2000 ATASCADERO FORD Accounts Payable Check 234.13 72808 2/23/2000 LAIDLAW TRANSIT SERVICES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 672.70 72810 2/23/2000 MASTERCARD DEPARTMENT Accounts Payable Check 4,510.24 72811 2/23/2000 SIGN OUTLET Accounts Payable Check' 2,048.49 U7 4 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amo 223200001 2/23/2000 BANK OF NEW YORK Accounts Payable Check 14,4M77 223200002 2/23/2000 BANK OF NEW YORK Accounts Payable Check 66,177.03 72812 2/25/2000 PUBLIC EMPL RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 20 246.01 72813 2/25/2000 A-1 ROOFING Accounts Payable Check 1,220.00 72814 2/25/2000 A.J.DIANI CONSTRUCTION CO. Accounts Payable Check 127 022.04 72815 2/25/2000 ACCESS CONTROL INSTALLERS Accounts Payable Check 25.00 72816 2/25/2000 JAMES C.PERRY ACTION ELECTRIC DBA Accounts Payable Check 60.00 72817 2/25/2000 ACTION TOWING Accounts Payable Check 128.25 72818 2/25/2000 ADDICTION MEDICINE CONSULTANTS Accounts Payable Check 500.00 72819 2/25/2000 ADVANCE MARKING SYSTEMS Accounts Payable Check 605.50 72820 2/25/2000 AEGIS MEDICAL SYSTEMS.INC. Accounts Payable Check 70.00 72821 2/25/2000 AEP 2000 CEQA WORKSHOP Accounts Payable Check 95.00 72822 2/25/2000 AIR RITE REFRIGERATION Accounts Payable Check 554.70 72823 2/25/2000 ALLAN HANCOCK COLLEGE Accounts Payable Check 95.00 72824 2/25/2000 AMERICAN BRISTOL INDUSTRIES Accounts Payable Check 89.21 72825 2/25/2000 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 90.00 72826 2/25/2000 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 296.98 72827 2/25/2000 MARGARET ARCHULETA Accounts Payable Check 72828 2/25/2000 WALTER AST JR. Accounts Payable Check 00 72829 2/25/2000 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 72830 2/25/2000 ATASCADERO FORD Accounts Payable Check 301.56 72831 2/25/2000 ATASCADERO GLASS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 75.00 72832 2/25/2000 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. Accounts Payable Check 2,911.05 72833 2/25/2000 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 495.00 72834 2/25/2000 ATASCADERO TRANSMISSION Accounts Payable Check 129.95 72835 2/25/2000 AWAKENINGS Accounts Payable Check 25.00 72836 2/25/2000 BOB KEULEN CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 543.50 72837 2/25/2000 GREG BRAZZI Accounts Payable Check 70.00 72838 2/25/2000 CAL-COAST REFRIGERATION,INC Accounts Payable Check 369.08 72839 2/25/2000 CALACT Accounts Payable Check 175.00 72840 2/25/2000 CALIFORNIA INTERNET CONNECTION Accounts Payable Check 269.75 72847 2/25/2000 CALL AMERICA Accounts Payable Check 593.41 72848 2/25/2000 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL CED Accounts Payable Check 3,756.06 72849 2/25/2000 CHANNEL PAPER CO. Accounts Payable Check 1,201.42 72850 2/25/2000 ANDREW CHERRY Accounts Payable Check 120.00 72851 2/25/2000 VOID Accounts Payable Check 00 72852 2/25/2000 CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Accounts Payable Check 72853 2/25/2000 COAST TO COAST HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 45.38 5 L` .'` City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2000 Check Check umber Date Vendor Description Amount 72854 2/25/2000 COASTAL IMAGING SUPPLIES Accounts Payable Check 264.91 72855 2/25/2000 COMPUCOM Accounts Payable Check 10,831.56 72856 2/25/2000 VINCE CONDE Accounts Payable Check 56.00 72857 2/25/2000 CIMON CORMIER Accounts Payable Check 60.00 72858 2/25/2000 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 47.00 72859 2/25/2000 DARRYL'S LOCK AND SAFE Accounts Payable Check 61.27 72860 2/25/2000 DATAPRINT CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 44.07 72861 2/25/2000 DAVID M FLEISHMAN Accounts Payable Check 2,548.75 72863 2/25/2000 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 992.14 72864 2/25/2000 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Accounts Payable Check 128.00 72865 2/25/2000 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Accounts Payable Check 760.38 72866 2/25/2000 DMG MAXIMUS Accounts Payable Check 2,750.00 72867 2/25/2000 DRI-DEK CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 123.50 72868 2/25/2000 DWIGHT PETERSON TRUCKING Accounts Payable Check 441.00 72869 2/25/2000 ECONOMIC VITALITY CORP OF SLO Accounts Payable Check 7,500.00 72870 .2/25/2000 EDEN SYSTEMS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 13,515.13 72871 2/25/2000 GEORGE EDWARDS Accounts Payable Check 120.00 72872 2/25/2000 FAMILY PHOTO Accounts Payable Check 166.61 72873 2/25/2000 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 398.97 72874 2/25/2000 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR Accounts Payable Check 82.40 72875 2/25/2000 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE CO Accounts Payable Check 360.00 72876 2/25/2000 FOLKINS&FOLKINS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 664.90 72877 2/25/2000 FOOD FOR LESS Accounts Payable Check 635.26 72878 2/25/2000 j. ANDREW FRUIN Accounts Payable Check 58.97 72879 2/25/2000 LADONNA GALAUTZ Accounts Payable Check 24.75 72880 2/25/2000 GARNERS DISCOUNT OFFICE SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 109.40 72881 2/25/2000 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 1,043.12 72882 2/25/2000 GRADE A PAINT CO. Accounts Payable Check 1,500.00 72883 2/25/2000 GRISANTI HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 111.52 72884 2/25/2000 GTE WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 60.53 72885 2/25/2000 H.D.PETERSON Accounts Payable Check 210.85 72886 2/25/2000 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT&COPY Accounts Payable Check 154.37 72887 2/25/2000 JAMES C.CUSHMAN,INC. Accounts Payable Check 139,700.34 72888 2/25/2000 JESPERSEN'S TIRE SERVICE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 619.72 72889 2/25/2000 JIFFY LUBE#1932 PCJL,INC. Accounts Payable Check 96.75 72890 2/25/2000 JOSLIN ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 189.84 72891 2/25/2000 KEY TERMITE&PEST CONTROL Accounts Payable Check 95.00 72892 2/25/2000 KNB ADVERTISING Accounts Payable Check 183.67 %�i6 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amon 72893 2/25/2000 LAKESIDE CAFE Accounts Payable Check 123.75 72894 2/25/2000 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Accounts Payable Check 4,745.00 72895 2/25/2000 LEMOS RANCH PET FOODS Accounts Payable Check 6.96 72896 2/25/2000 JIM LEWIS Accounts Payable Check 25.00 72897 2/25/2000 LIFE ASSIST,INC. Accounts Payable Check 10.68 72898 2/25/2000 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 459.66 72899 2/25/2000 MADONNA CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 4,589.86 72900 2/25/2000 MARK MARKWORT Accounts Payable Check 70.00 72901 2/25/2000 BOB MARTIN Accounts Payable Check 306.00 72902 2/25/2000 JOHN MARTINO Accounts Payable Check 40.00 72903 2/25/2000 WADE MCKINNEY Accounts Payable Check 65.00 72904 2/25/2000 MCNAMARA ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 161.78 72905 2/25/2000 MID-COAST MOWER&SAW Accounts Payable Check 22.25 72906 2/25/2000 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT Accounts Payable Check 278.56 72907 2/25/2000 MISSION OFFICE PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 13.90 72908 2/25/2000 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 88.66 72909 2/25/2000 MITCH FREDERICK SEALCOATING Accounts Payable Check 11,205.00 72910 2/25/2000 STEVE MORRIS Accounts Payable Check 4 72911 2/25/2000 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSC Accounts Payable Check 72912 2/25/2000 NEWCO DISTRIBUTORS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 261.08 72914 2/25/2000 NORTH COAST ENGINEERING INC. Accounts Payable Check 33,417.20 72915 2/25/2000 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 362.00 72922 2/25/2000 PACIFIC BELL Accounts Payable Check 3,107.11 72924 2/25/2000 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 34 834.23 72925 2/25/2000 PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTE Accounts Payable Check 231.83 72926 2/25/2000 PANASONIC COMMUNICATIONS Accounts Payable Check 944.55 72927 2/25/2000 PAPER WORKS Accounts Payable Check 284.18 72928 2/25/2000 PASO ROBLES WELDING Accounts Payable Check 196.79 72929 2/25/2000 PE AGGEN,INC. Accounts Payable Check 20.00 72930 2/25/2000 PERRY'S ELECTRIC MOTORS&CTRL Accounts Payable Check 611.40 72931 2/25/2000 PERRY'S PARCEL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 51.10 72932 2/25/2000 FIRE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH Accounts Payable Check 76.08 72933 2/25/2000 PIONEER EQUIPMENT CO. Accounts Payable Check 630.64 72934 2/25/2000 PLAQUE SHAQUE-GRAND AWARD Accounts Payable Check 120.66 72935 2/25/2000 POWERCOM Accounts Payable Check 689.56 72936 2/25/2000 PRO MOTION Accounts Payable Check 676.10 72937 2/25/2000 QUILL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 1 0 72938 2/25/2000 RAINBOW MEALWORMS,INC. Accounts Payable Check Ci 7 Y City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2000 Check Check Jdft�"__ Date Vendor Description Amount 72939 2/25/2000 RECOGNITION WORKS Accounts Payable Check 37.43 72940 2/25/2000 RED'S PLUMBING Accounts Payable Check 330.00 72941 2/25/2000 REID ROOFING Accounts Payable Check 798.70 72942 2/25/2000 RELIABLE Accounts Payable Check 158.61 72943 2/25/2000 KIRK ROLES Accounts Payable Check 40.00 72944 2/25/2000 STEVE ROMO Accounts Payable Check 120.00 72945 2/25/2000 RXLASER Accounts Payable Check 562.24 72946 2/25/2000 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 384.78 72947 2/25/2000 SAN LUIS PERSONNEL INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,859.20 72948 2/25/2000 SIERRA VISTA REGIONAL MEDICAL Accounts Payable Check 153.00 72949 2/25/2000 SIGN HERE-DISTINCTIVE SIGNS Accounts Payable Check 64.35 72950 2/25/2000 SIR SPEEDY Accounts Payable Check 281.92 72951 2/25/2000 CHRIS SMITH Accounts Payable Check 30.00 72952 2/25/2000 STEVE SCHMIDT TOPSOIL Accounts Payable Check 746.46 72953 2/25/2000 LISA STUEDEMANN Accounts Payable Check 25.00 72954 2/25/2000 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL Accounts Payable Check 1,140.00 72955 2/25/2000 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIERS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 679.55 72956 2/25/2000 TARVIN&ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 3,465.00 72957 2/25/2000 TEMPLETON FEED&GRAIN Accounts Payable Check 201.20 72958 2/25/2000 TIFCO INDUSTRIES Accounts Payable Check 213.46 72959 2/25/2000 TODD PIPE&SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 3,124.29 72960 2/25/2000 TROPHIES,ETC. Accounts Payable Check 48.33 72961 2/25/2000 TOM VELASQUEZ Accounts Payable Check 44.00 72962 2/25/2000 e; VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 57.89 72963 2/25/2000 W.W.GRAINGER,INC. Accounts Payable Check 63.64 72964 2/25/2000 KELLY WELSH Accounts Payable Check 142.50 72965 2/25/2000 WESTERN JANITOR SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 161.20 72966 2/25/2000 WILKINS CREATIVE PRINTING Accounts Payable Check 53.43 72967 2/25/2000 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 491.14 72969 2/29/2000 ATASCADERO FIRE DEPT EMP.ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 225.00 72970 2/29/2000 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 50.00 72971 2/29/2000 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS Payroll Vendor Payment 376.25 72972 2/29/2000 COLONIAL LIFE&ACCIDENT INS. Payroll Vendor Payment 2,096.40 72973 2/29/2000 DELTA DENTAL,ATTN:ACCOUNTING Payroll Vendor Payment 6,078.81 72974 2/29/2000 EQUITABLE LIFE Payroll Vendor Payment 280.36 72975 2/29/2000 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 4,930.00 72976 2/29/2000 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS Payroll Vendor Payment 47.00 72977 2/29/2000 LIFEGUARD Payroll Vendor Payment 29,988.05 T8 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of February 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amou4b 72978 2/29/2000 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM Payroll Vendor Payment 19.85 72979 2/29/2000 SEIU LOCAL 620 AFL-CIO Payroll Vendor Payment 353.93 72980 2/29/2000 STANDARD INSURANCE CO. Payroll Vendor Payment 815.39 72981 2/29/2000 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 38.00 72982 2/29/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 782.00 S 1,096,210.93 k" 79 ITEM NUMBER: A-6 DATE: 09-26-00 r. Deis , ie e Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Administrative Services Department March 2000 Accounts Payable & Payroll RECOMMENDATION: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for March 2000. DISCUSSION: Attached for City Council review and approval are the following: Payroll Dated 03/02/00 Checks# 5020 - 5160 $ 140,635.20 Dated 03/15/00 Checks# 5161 - 5301 140,151.18 Dated 03/30/00 Checks# 5302 - 5442 145,116.70 V Special Payroll Dated 03/30/00 Check# 5443 835.60 Accounts Payable Dated Mar. 1-31, 2000 Checks # 72983 - 73403 & EFTs 695,730.80 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 1,122,469.48 City Manager's Agenda Report March 2000 Accounts Payable and Payroll Page Two FISCAL IMPACT Total expenditures for all funds is$ 1,122,469.48 CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for payment and that funds are available for these demands. Dated: September 14, 2000 62jcl�� Rachelle Rickard Administrative Services Director Approved by the City Council at a meeting held September 26, 2000. Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk ATTACHMENT: March 2000 Eden Warrant Register in the amount of $ 695,730.80 - ��l City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 72968 3/1/2000 CAYUCOS VACATION RENTALS Accounts Payable Check 406.10 73001 3/1/2000 CYNTHIA REID Accounts Payable Check 1,190.00 72983 3/2/2000 ATASCADERO FED.CREDIT UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 4,447.25 72984 3/2/2000 ATASCADERO FIRE DEPT EMP.ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 225.00 72985 3/2/2000 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 50.00 72986 3/2/2000 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS Payroll Vendor Payment 365.50 72987 3/2/2000 COUNTY-CITY EMPLOYEES CU Payroll Vendor Payment 831.00 72988 3/2/2000 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 749.99 72989 3/2/2000 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 261.69 72990 3/2/2000 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 5,237.00 72991 3/2/2000 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS Payroll Vendor Payment 47.00 72992 3/2/2000 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM Payroll Vendor Payment 19.85 72993 3/2/2000 SEIU LOCAL 620 AFL-CIO Payroll Vendor Payment 355.47 72994 3/2/2000 TULARE COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 150.00 72995 3/2/2000 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 38.00 72996 3/2/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 699.36 72997 3/2/2000 VOID Payroll Vendor Payment 0.00 72998 3/2/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 5,772.83 72999 3/2/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 303.54 73000 3/2/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 475.00 73002 3/2/2000 Y, BLANCO LANDSCAPE SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 50.00 73003 3/2/2000 BOYD ENTERPRISES DBA Accounts Payable Check 50.00 73004 3/2/2000 BUENA GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 50.00 73005 3/2/2000 C.J.S.CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73006 3/2/2000 CAMES'SECURITY ALARMS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73007 3/2/2000 CARROWS RESTAURANT#199 Accounts Payable Check 225.00 73008 3/2/2000 CENTRAL COAST SANITATION Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73009 3/2/2000 CHET'S ROOFING Accounts Payable Check 50.00 73010 3/2/2000 CONSTANT CRAVINGS Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73011 3/2/2000 COYNE'S AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SVC Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73012 3/2/2000 DAVID'S PLUMBING&HEATING Accounts Payable Check 15.00 73013 3/2/2000 JODI DILLARD Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73014 3/2/2000 FRANK DIVINO Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73015 3/2/2000 EAGLE MOBILE HOME CENTER,INC. Accounts Payable Check 50.00 73016 3/2/2000 ELZY MILLER CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 10.00 G32 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amou 73017 3/2/2000 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 73018 3/2/2000 H&R BLOCK Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73019 3/2/2000 HITCHIN POST Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73020 3/2/2000 HUTCH HEATING&AIR Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73021 3/2/2000 JIM BATCHELOR TERMITE&PEST Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73022 3/2/2000 K&W ENTERPRISE Accounts Payable Check 12.50 73023 3/2/2000 LA MEXICANA RESTAURANT Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73024 3/2/2000 LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73025 3/2/2000 LAWN BARBER Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73026 3/2/2000 JAMES F.LEAVEY M.D. Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73027 3/2/2000 LUCY'S HOUSECLEANING Accounts Payable Check 37.50 73028 3/2/2000 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73029 3/2/2000 MAINLINE VIDEOCAM INSPECTIONS Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73030 3/2/2000 MARK'S PLUMBING Accounts Payable Check .5.00 73031 3/2/2000 MARY ANNE'S HALLMARK SHOP Accounts Payable Check 10.00 73032 3/2/2000 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 73033 3/2/2000 MELALEUCA Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73034 3/2/2000 JODI R.MELLO Accounts Payable Check 0 73035 3/2/2000 MICHAEL R.TOLLADAY CORP Accounts Payable Check 1 73036 3/2/2000 ROSA LIDIA MONGE Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73037 3/2/2000 MALIA NATIVIDAD Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73038 3/2/2000 NORTH COUNTY FARMERS MKT ASSN Accounts Payable Check 5.00 73039 3/2/2000 NORTH COUNTY YOGA Accounts Payable Check 50.00 73040 3/2/2000 t, PEACEFUL FEELINGS MASSAGE Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73041 3/2/2000 MARY L.PERACCA Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73042 3/2/2000 PERRY ROOFING&CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73043 3/2/2000 LINDA PLATE Accounts Payable Check 50.00 73044 3/2/2000 RAIKE PUBLISHING Accounts Payable Check 20.00 73045 3/2/2000 REBECCA MARIE BUNDY'S NURSERY Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73046 3/2/2000 REVEREND DEANNA RENFRO Accounts Payable Check 62.50 73047 3/2/2000 JOHN RICKWALD Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73048 3/2/2000 ROOT PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73049 3/2/2000 SANTA MARIA TIRE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 10.00 73050 3/2/2000 T.L.C.BODYWORKS Accounts Payable Check 11.50 73051 3/2/2000 TOM TAYLOR REALTY Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73052 3/2/2000 WALKING"W"RANCH Accounts Payable Check 30.00 93426055 3/2/2000 MID-STATE BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 27,04f 73053 3/6/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT Accounts Payable Check 268.00 631 J City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2000 Check Check umber Date Vendor Description Amount 73054 3/6/2000 PUBLIC EMPL RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 19,771.55 73055 3/10/2000 ROBERT ECKROTE Accounts Payable Check 2,380.00 73056 3/10/2000 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 73057 3/10/2000 24TH DISTRICT P.T.A. Accounts Payable Check 250.00 73058 3/10/2000 A-JAY EXCAVATING,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,380.00 73059 3/10/2000 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT Accounts Payable Check 2,500.00 73060 3/10/2000 ALLIANCE TOWING Accounts Payable Check 45.00 73061 3/10/2000 AMERICAN WEST TIRE&AUTO Accounts Payable Check 589.28 73062 3/10/2000 ANIMAL SPECTRUM,INC. Accounts Payable Check 648.65 73063 3/10/2000 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 241.76 73064 3/10/2000 GEORGE ASDEL Accounts Payable Check 95.20 73065 3/10/2000 ATASCADERO BATTERY EXCHANGE Accounts Payable Check 58.13 73066 3/10/2000 ATASCADERO FORD Accounts Payable Check 1,795.69 73067 3/10/2000 ATASCADERO HISTORICAL SOCIETY Accounts Payable Check 100.00 73068 3/10/2000 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. Accounts Payable Check 1,703.40 73069 3/10/2000 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 408.87 73070 3/10/2000 AZFA Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73071 3/10/2000 BARKLOW'S FIRE TRUCK PARTS Accounts Payable Check 53.64 73072 3/10/2000 CINDY BENSON Accounts Payable Check 611.80 73073 3/10/2000 BEST BEST&KRIEGER LLP Accounts Payable Check 3,745.28 73074 3/10/2000 GREG BRAZZI Accounts Payable Check 90.00 73075 3/10/2000 BRENDLER JANITORIAL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 500.00 73076 3/10/2000 C&D TOWING&TRUCK SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 782.81 73077 3/10/2000 CALIFORNIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Accounts Payable Check 75.66 73078 3/10/2000 TREASURERS ASSOCIATION CALIFORNIA MUNICIP Accounts Payable Check 100.00 73079 3/10/2000 CALIFORNIA PEACE OFFICERS ASSN Accounts Payable Check 77.00 73080 3/10/2000 CALIFORNIA TURF PRODUCTS,INC Accounts Payable Check 126.40 73081 3/10/2000 CENTRAL COAST PLUMBING SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 124.40 73082 3/10/2000 CENTRAL COAST STRIPING Accounts Payable Check 630.50 73083 3/10/2000 CENTRAL COAST TAXI-CAB SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73084 3/10/2000 CHEM CLEAN Accounts Payable Check 138.35 73085 3/10/2000 BRADY CHERRY Accounts Payable Check 300.00 73086 3/10/2000 ANDREW CHERRY Accounts Payable Check 50.00 73087 3/10/2000 CHEVRON Accounts Payable Check 255.30 73088 3/10/2000 TAMATHA CLARK Accounts Payable Check 225.00 73089 3/10/2000 COAST TO COAST HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 97.12 73090 3/10/2000 COASTAL IMAGING SUPPLIES Accounts Payable Check 287.44 73091 3/10/2000 VINCE CONDE Accounts Payable Check 56.00 624 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Am ou 73092 3/10/2000 CONWAY DISTRIBUTORS Accounts Payable Check 122.04 73093 3/10/2000 CIMON CORMIER Accounts Payable Check 125.00 73094 3/10/2000 CRAWFORD MULTARI CLARK&MOHR Accounts Payable Check 2,043.69 73095 3/10/2000 CRIMINAL JUSTICE ADMIN ASSC Accounts Payable Check 35.00 73096 3/10/2000 CRM FILMS Accounts Payable Check 224.14 73097 3/10/2000 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 79.00 73098 3/10/2000 CTE COMPUTER TRAINING CENTERS Accounts Payable Check 6,000.00 73099 3/10/2000 CUESTA EQUIPMENT Accounts Payable Check 203.31 73100 3/10/2000 CULVER SHEET METAL Accounts Payable Check 15.00 73101 3/10/2000 DARRYL'S LOCK AND SAFE Accounts Payable Check 120.00 73102 3/10/2000 DAVID M FLEISHMAN Accounts Payable Check 266.00 73103 3/10/2000 DAN DAVIS Accounts Payable Check 504.00 73104 3/10/2000 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 262.56 73105 3/10/2000 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Accounts Payable Check 64.00 73106 3/10/2000 DOOLEY ENTERPRISES INC Accounts Payable Check 126.29 73107 3/10/2000 GEORGE EDWARDS Accounts Payable Check 45.00 73108 3/10/2000 EL CAMINO VETERINARY HOSP Accounts Payable Check 210.50 73109 3/10/2000 ESCUELA DEL RIO Accounts Payable Check 3 0 73110 3/10/2000 FACT AUTOMATED ENTRANCES,INC Accounts Payable Check 73111 3/10/2000 FAMILY PHOTO Accounts Payable Check 192.12 73112 3/10/2000 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR Accounts Payable Check 264.00 73113 3/10/2000 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Accounts Payable Check 274.80 73114 3/10/2000 FOLKINS&FOLKINS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 4,315.14 73115 3/10/2000 WARREN FRACE Accounts Payable Check 22.63 73116 3/10/2000 FRANK L.FREITAS Accounts Payable Check 18,479.00 73117 3/10/2000 JEFF FREDERICKS Accounts Payable Check 5.00 73118 3/10/2000 ANDREW FRUIN Accounts Payable Check 364.63 73119 3/10/2000 FURNITURE FACTORY CLOSEOUTS Accounts Payable Check 332.48 73120 3/10/2000 GALL'S INC. Accounts Payable Check 228.42 73121 3/10/2000 KAREN GARMEN Accounts Payable Check 925.15 73122 3/10/2000 GAS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 2,021.28 73123 3/10/2000 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 537.29 73124 3/10/2000 GENERAL HOSPITAL Accounts Payable Check 56.00 73125 3/10/2000 GRADE A PAINT CO. Accounts Payable Check 475.00 73126 3/10/2000 GREEN ACRES SOD Accounts Payable Check 235.95 73127 3/10/2000 GRISANTI HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 90.21 73128 3/10/2000 GTE WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 6 0 73129 3/10/2000 H.D.PETERSON Accounts Payable Check 6, 35 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2000 Check Check Wumber Date Vendor Description Amount 73130 3/10/2000 HAHN'S GUNS&AMMO Accounts Payable Check 565.21 73131 3/10/2000 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT&COPY Accounts Payable Check 102.12 73132 3/10/2000 HAVE BINS Accounts Payable Check 226.20 73133 3/10/2000 HI STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 248.61 73134 3/10/2000 INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION Accounts Payable Check 216.92 73135 3/10/2000 INTERNATIONAL ASSC OF FIRE CHF Accounts Payable Check 165.00 73136 3/10/2000 INTERNATIONAL SPECIES INF SYS Accounts Payable Check 400.00 73137 3/10/2000 JAMES C.CUSHMAN,INC. Accounts Payable Check 231,473.70 73138 3/10/2000 EDWARD P.JARDINI Accounts Payable Check 366.00 73139 3/10/2000 JB DESIGN Accounts Payable Check 45.05 73140 3/10/2000 JESPERSEN'S TIRE SERVICE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 375.82 73141 3/10/2000 JIFFY LUBE#1932 PCJL,INC. Accounts Payable Check 199.61 73142 3/10/2000 K-MART Accounts Payable Check 4.27 73143 3/10/2000 KEN'S MOBIL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 620.12 73144 3/10/2000 KNB ADVERTISING Accounts Payable Check 621.25 73145 3/10/2000 LCD AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 30.00 73146 3/10/2000 LEADS SOFTWARE GROUP INC. Accounts Payable Check 348.00 73147 3/10/2000 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Accounts Payable Check 50.00 73148 3/10/2000 LAURA,MD LEAVEY Accounts Payable Check 75.00 73149 3/10/2000 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO. Accounts Payable Check 672.00 73150 3/10/2000 LEMOS RANCH PET FOODS Accounts Payable Check 7.50 73151 3/10/2000 LOS PADRES COUNCIL Accounts Payable Check 153.00 73152 3/10/2000 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES Accounts Payable Check 22.41 73153 3/10/2000 e, PAULA LUIS Accounts Payable Check 244.16 73154 3/10/2000 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 656.76 73155 3/10/2000 LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 146.10 73156 3/10/2000 MAINLINE VIDEOCAM INSPECTIONS Accounts Payable Check 210.00 73157 3/10/2000 MARK'S PLUMBING Accounts Payable Check 608.46 73158 3/10/2000 JOHN MARTINO Accounts Payable Check 30.00 73159 3/10/2000 MCCLOSKEY REFRIGERATION Accounts Payable Check 166.53 73160 3/10/2000 WADE MCKINNEY Accounts Payable Check 400.00 73161 3/10/2000 SAM MCMILLAN Accounts Payable Check 80.00 73162 3/10/2000 CORY MEYER Accounts Payable Check 64.00 73163 3/10/2000 MID-COAST GEOTECHNICAL,INC. Accounts Payable Check 907.00 73164 3/10/2000 MISSION MEDICAL ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 90.00 73165 3/10/2000 MISSION OFFICE PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 312.38 0 73166 3/10/2000 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 127.94 73167 3/10/2000 MOBIL OIL CREDIT CORP Accounts Payable Check 306.03 x.'36 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amou 73168 3/10/2000 MOORE'S WESTERN NURSERY Accounts Payable Check 34.31 73169 3/10/2000 MYERS-STEVENS AND CO.,INC. Accounts Payable Check 65.25 73170 3/10/2000 NEWCO DISTRIBUTORS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 178.11 73171 3/10/2000 NORTH COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY Accounts Payable Check 250.00 73172 3/10/2000 TERRY OTARRELL Accounts Payable Check 303.13 73173 3/10/2000 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 163.92 73174 3/10/2000 PACIFIC BELL Accounts Payable Check 1,107.12 73175 3/10/2000 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 3,269.46 73176 3/10/2000 PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTE Accounts Payable Check 242.55 73177 3/10/2000 PANASONIC COMMUNICATIONS Accounts Payable Check 944.55 73178 3/10/2000 PASO ROBLES ELECTRIC,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,419.90 73179 3/10/2000 PASO ROBLES TRUCK CENTER Accounts Payable Check 12,599.64 73180 3/10/2000 HARRY PHILLIPS Accounts Payable Check 78.00 73181 3/10/2000 PMX MEDICAL SPECIALTY PRODUCT Accounts Payable Check 282.97 73182 3/10/2000 QUILL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 66.23 73183 3/10/2000 RADIO SHACK Accounts Payable Check 129.70 73184 3/10/2000 RADIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC CENTER Accounts Payable Check 219.00 73185 3/10/2000 RAY'S AUTO DETAIL Accounts Payable Check 73186 3/10/2000 REID ROOFING Accounts Payable Check 73187 3/10/2000 LINDA RODGERS Accounts Payable Check 360.00 73188 3/10/2000 KIRK ROLES Accounts Payable Check 40.00 73189 3/10/2000 ROMO Accounts Payable Check 70.00 73190 3/10/2000 PAUL SALDANA Accounts Payable Check 300.00 73191 3/10/2000 SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS Accounts Payable Check 529.00 73192 3/10/2000 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 93.65 73193 3/10/2000 SAN LUIS SURGICAL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 25.74 73194 3/10/2000 SANTA MARIA TIRE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 561.43 73195 3/10/2000 SANTA MARIA TOOL,INC. Accounts Payable Check 758.84 73196 3/10/2000 LISETTE SCHOLL Accounts Payable Check 288.40 73197 3/10/2000 JOHN SIEMENS Accounts Payable Check 93.00 73198 3/10/2000 SIERRA DISPLAY INC. Accounts Payable Check 3,265.53 73199 3/10/2000 CHRIS SMITH Accounts Payable Check 60.00 73200 3/10/2000 SPOTLIGHT MINISTRIES Accounts Payable Check 250.00 73202 3/10/2000 STAPLES INC. Accounts Payable Check 3,759.34 73203 3/10/2000 STEWART'S WHEEL SHOP Accounts Payable Check 90.00 73204 3/10/2000 SYLVESTER'S SECURITY ALARMS Accounts Payable Check 208.00 73205 3/10/2000 T-N-T PEST CONTROL Accounts Payable Check 73206 3/10/2000 T.T.S.PRODUCTS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 95 Uv City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2000 Check Check umber Date Vendor Description Amount 73207 3/10/2000 THYSSEN DOVER ELEVATOR Accounts Payable Check 203.94 73208 3/10/2000 TODD PIPE&SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 196.27 73209 3/10/2000 KIM TREECE Accounts Payable Check 17.50 73210 3/10/2000 U.S.POSTMASTER Accounts Payable Check 100.00 73211 3/10/2000 UNOCAL Accounts Payable Check 2,335.44 73212 3/10/2000 TOM VELASQUEZ Accounts Payable Check 60.00 73213 3/10/2000 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 152.07 73214 3/10/2000 W.W.GRAINGER,INC. Accounts Payable Check 108.09 73215 3/16/2000 BRIAN DANA Accounts Payable Check 1,000.00 73216 3/16/2000 LOS MEDANOS COLLEGE Accounts Payable Check 222.00 73217 3/16/2000 KIM TREECE Accounts Payable Check 1,428.00 94803486 3/16/2000 MID-STATE BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 26,838.47 73218 3/17/2000 ATASCADERO FED.CREDIT UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 4,257.25 73219 3/17/2000 ATASCADERO FIRE DEPT EMP.ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 225.00 73220 3/17/2000 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 50.00 73221 3/17/2000 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS Payroll Vendor Payment 354.75 73222 3/17/2000 COUNTY-CITY EMPLOYEES CU Payroll Vendor Payment 831.00 73223 3/17/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 5,642.96 73224 3/17/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 299.91 73225 3/17/2000 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 749.99 73226 3/17/2000 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 261.69 73227 3/17/2000 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 5,559.89 73228 3/17/2000 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS Payroll Vendor Payment 47.00 73229 3/17/2000 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM Payroll Vendor Payment 19.85 73230 3/17/2000 PUBLIC EMPL RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 19,767.26 73231 3/17/2000 SEIU LOCAL 620 AFL-CIO Payroll Vendor Payment 339.67 73232 3/17/2000 TULARE COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 150.00 73233 3/17/2000 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 38.00 73234 3/17/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 475.00 73235 3/17/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 761.55 73236 3/24/2000 COLONIAL LIFE&ACCIDENT INS. Payroll Vendor Payment 2,096.40 73237 3/24/2000 CPIC LIFE Payroll Vendor Payment 1,359.10 73238 3/24/2000 DELTA DENTAL,ATTN:ACCOUNTING Payroll Vendor Payment 6,189.28 73239 3/24/2000 EQUITABLE LIFE Payroll Vendor Payment 280.36 73240 3/24/2000 LIFEGUARD Payroll Vendor Payment 28,784.75 73241 3/24/2000 STANDARD INSURANCE CO. Payroll Vendor Payment 793.69 73242 3/24/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 832.71 CESS City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amou 73243 3/24/2000 ADVANCED PAGING Accounts Payable Check 30.74 73244 3/24/2000 AERIAL PHOTOMAPPING SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 55.82 73245 3/24/2000 AMERICAN GARAGE DOORS&OPENER Accounts Payable Check 296.31 73246 3/24/2000 ANDERSON'S AUTO SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73247 3/24/2000 APPLIED TECHNOLOGY GROUP,INC. Accounts Payable Check 676.80 73248 3/24/2000 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 73249 3/24/2000 ATASCADERO FORD Accounts Payable Check 137.71 73250 3/24/2000 ATASCADERO GIRLS SOFTBALL Accounts Payable Check 216.43 73251 3/24/2000 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 264.00 73252 3/24/2000 ATASCADERO RADIATOR Accounts Payable Check 85.00 73253 3/24/2000 ATASCADERO UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST Accounts Payable Check 94.96 73254 3/24/2000 BNY WESTERN TRUST COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 2,379.70 73255 3/24/2000 BOB KEULEN CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 1,295.00 73256 3/24/2000 BOLLINGER Accounts Payable Check 100.00 73257 3/24/2000 BOXLIGHT CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 5,624.00 73258 3/24/2000 C&D TOWING&TRUCK SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 54.03 73259 3/24/2000 CAL-STATE AUTO GLASS Accounts Payable Check 145.76 73260 3/24/2000 CALIFORNIA ASSC FOR LOCAL Accounts Payable Check 4 73261 3/24/2000 CALIFORNIA FIRE CHIEFS ASSC Accounts Payable Check 1 ig 73262 3/24/2000 CENTRAL COAST PLUMBING SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 47.74 73263 3/24/2000 CENTRAL COAST PROPANE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 113.32 73264 3/24/2000 CENTRAL COAST SANITATION Accounts Payable Check 56.58 73265 3/24/2000 CENTRAL COAST SEA FOOD Accounts Payable Check 297.00 73266 3/24/2000 CHANNEL PAPER CO. Accounts Payable Check 842.71 73267 3/24/2000 CHEM CLEAN Accounts Payable Check 258.96 73268 3/24/2000 CLEAN WATER OUTLET Accounts Payable Check 35.00 73269 3/24/2000 COAST TO COAST HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 14.39 73270 3/24/2000 COASTAL IMAGING SUPPLIES Accounts Payable Check 67.57 73271 3/24/2000 COMPUMASTER Accounts Payable Check 199.00 73272 3/24/2000 VINCE CONDE Accounts Payable Check 140.00 73273 3/24/2000 CIMON CORMIER Accounts Payable Check 120.00 73274 3/24/2000 CORNERSTONE COMMERCIAL CLEANIN Accounts Payable Check 12.50 73275 3/24/2000 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO Accounts Payable Check 1,000.00 73276 3/24/2000 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO Accounts Payable Check 573.00 73277 3/24/2000 CRAWFORD MULTARI CLARK&MOHR Accounts Payable Check 5,000.00 73278 3/24/2000 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 17.00 73279 3/24/2000 CSFA Accounts Payable Check 73280 3/24/2000 CUESTA EQUIPMENT Accounts Payable Check 10 U City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2000 Check Check umber Date Vendor Description Amount 73281 3/24/2000 D.A.R.E.AMERICA MERCHANDISE Accounts Payable Check 309.39 73282 3/24/2000 DARRYL'S LOCK AND SAFE Accounts Payable Check 245.17 73283 3/24/2000 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 1,029.93 73284 3/24/2000 DOGGIE WALK BAGS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 574.38 73285 3/24/2000 PHIL DUNSMORE Accounts Payable Check 79.05 73286 3/24/2000 ECONOMIC VITALITY CORP OF SLO Accounts Payable Check 265.50 73287 3/24/2000 EDEN SYSTEMS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 5,244.60 73288 3/24/2000 EL CAMINO CAR WASH Accounts Payable Check 38.90 73289 3/24/2000 ESCUELA DEL RIO Accounts Payable Check 144.09 73290 3/24/2000 FAMILY PHOTO Accounts Payable Check 100.93 73291 3/24/2000 FEDERAL EXPRESS Accounts Payable Check 45.25 73292 3/24/2000 FEDERAL SIGNAL CORP. Accounts Payable Check 48.49 73293 3/24/2000 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR Accounts Payable Check 424.83 73294 3/24/2000 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Accounts Payable Check 403.20 73295 3/24/2000 FIRE OUT UNIFORM COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 157.36 73296 3/24/2000 FOLKINS&FOLKINS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 419.58 73297 3/24/2000 WARREN FRACE Accounts Payable Check 86.09 73298 3/24/2000 FRESNO CITY COLLEGE TRAINING Accounts Payable Check 1,308.00 73299 3/24/2000 G&H UPHOLSTERY Accounts Payable Check 70.73 73300 3/24/2000 GALL'S INC. Accounts Payable Check 140.47 73301 3/24/2000 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 344.99 73302 3/24/2000 GODBE RESEARCH&ANALYSIS Accounts Payable Check 8,382.50 73303 3/24/2000 GOULD PUBLICATIONS,INC Accounts Payable Check 164.50 73304 3/24/2000 .. GRISANTI HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 114.05 73305 3/24/2000 H.D.PETERSON Accounts Payable Check 16.09 73306 3/24/2000 HASTY AWARDS Accounts Payable Check 1,507.04 73307 3/24/2000 JAMIE HELTSLEY Accounts Payable Check 168.69 73308 3/24/2000 ROBERT HOSSLI. Accounts Payable Check 7,965.00 73309 3/24/2000 ICMA Accounts Payable Check 79.00 73310 3/24/2000 ICMA PRODUCT FULFILLMENT CTR Accounts Payable Check 96.15 73311 3/24/2000 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 73312 3/24/2000 INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION Accounts Payable Check 420.00 73313 3/24/2000 INSTASHRED SECURITY SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 42.00 73314 3/24/2000 INTERNATIONAL ASSC OF ADM PROF Accounts Payable Check 73.00 73315 3/24/2000 JESPERSEN'S TIRE SERVICE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 30.00 73316 3/24/2000 JIFFY LUBE#1932 PCJL,INC. Accounts Payable Check 103.94 73317 3/24/2000 K-MART Accounts Payable Check 15.06 73318 3/24/2000 STEVEN KAHN Accounts Payable Check 538.05 i:� 90 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amou 73319 3/24/2000 SEAN KAIN Accounts Payable Check 90.00 73320 3/24/2000 KNB ADVERTISING Accounts Payable Check 65.96 73321 3/24/2000 LAIDLAW TRANSIT SERVICES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 15,388.87 73322 3/24/2000 LAKESIDE CAFE Accounts Payable Check 230.00 73323 3/24/2000 LEADS SOFTWARE GROUP INC. Accounts Payable Check 348.00 73324 3/24/2000 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO. Accounts Payable Check 967.12 73325 3/24/2000 LIFE ASSIST,INC. Accounts Payable Check 66.41 73326 3/24/2000 RUDY LORTON Accounts Payable Check 85.00 73327 3/24/2000 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 109.22 73328 3/24/2000 LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 93.75 73329 3/24/2000 JOHN MARTINO Accounts Payable Check 195.00 73330 3/24/2000 MASTERCARD DEPARTMENT Accounts Payable Check 3,287..84 73331 3/24/2000 MAX CARE PHARMACY Accounts Payable Check 49.32 73332 3/24/2000 MCDONALD APPRAISAL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 1,250.00 73333 3/24/2000 WADE MCKINNEY Accounts Payable Check 50.46 73334 3/24/2000 PAUL MILLER Accounts Payable Check 90.00 73335 3/24/2000 MISSION OFFICE PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 120.61 73336 3/24/2000 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 1 ig 73337 3/24/2000 EDDIE MITCHELL Accounts Payable Check 73338 3/24/2000 MUNIMETRIX SYSTEMS CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 395.00 73339 3/24/2000 NATIONAL CRIME PREVENTION COUN Accounts Payable Check 207.70 73340 3/24/2000 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 590.22 73341 3/24/2000 PACIFIC BELL Accounts Payable Check 336.29 73342 3/24/2000 en PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTE Accounts Payable Check 231.69 73343 3/24/2000 PASO ROBLES ELECTRIC,INC. Accounts Payable Check 39.22 73344 3/24/2000 PASO ROBLES WELDING Accounts Payable Check 655.90 73345 3/24/2000 MIKE PEREZ Accounts Payable Check 60.00 73346 3/24/2000 PERRY'S PARCEL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 52.65 73347 3/24/2000 PETE JOHNSTON CHEVEROLET Accounts Payable Check 11.93 73348 3/24/2000 PIERCE MANUFACTURING,INC. Accounts Payable Check 147.74 73349 3/24/2000 PIONEER EQUIPMENT CO. Accounts Payable Check 3,862.86 73350 3/24/2000 PIONEER EQUIPMENT CO. Accounts Payable Check 80.02 73351 3/24/2000 PITNEY BOWES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 248.77 73352 3/24/2000 JASON PLATZ Accounts Payable Check 90.00 73353 3/24/2000 PORTNEY CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 7,426.00 73354 3/24/2000 PRODUCERS DAIRY FOODS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 18.80 73355 3/24/2000 PROGRESSIVE SOLUTIONS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 73356 3/24/2000 QUILL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 691 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2000 Check Check her Date Vendor Description Amount 73357 3/24/2000 RADIO SHACK Accounts Payable Check 43.94 73358 3/24/2000 RAINBOW MEALWORMS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 29.61 73359 3/24/2000 RECOGNITION WORKS Accounts Payable Check 10.73 73360 3/24/2000 RELIABLE PROTEIN PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 892.06 73361 3/24/2000 RELM COMMUNICATIONS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,662.10 73362 3/24/2000 ROTO-ROOTER Accounts Payable Check 425.00 73363 3/24/2000 SAFETY-KLEEN INC. Accounts Payable Check 168.00 73364 3/24/2000 SAN LUIS PERSONNEL INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,132.80 73365 3/24/2000 SAN LUIS POWERHOUSE Accounts Payable Check 82.50 73366 3/24/2000 SIR SPEEDY Accounts Payable Check 109.54 73367 3/24/2000 SIRCHIE FINGERPRINT LABS Accounts Payable Check 114.93 73368 3/24/2000 SLOCOMOTION Accounts Payable Check 143.18 73369 3/24/2000 SO.CALIF.MUNICIPAL ATHLETIC Accounts Payable Check 900.00 73370 3/24/2000 SAFETY EQUIPMENT SOLON FIRE CONTROL FIRE&Accounts Payable Check 282.60 73371 3/24/2000 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS Accounts Payable Check 27.89 73372 3/24/2000 KURT W.STONE Accounts Payable Check 35.00 73373 3/24/2000 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL Accounts Payable Check 1,060.00 73374 3/24/2000 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIERS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,172.50 73375 3/24/2000 SYLVESTER'S SECURITY ALARMS Accounts Payable Check 208.00 73376 3/24/2000 TEMPLETON FEED&GRAIN Accounts Payable Check 87.87 73377 3/24/2000 TEMPLETON UNIFORMS Accounts Payable Check 261.10 73378 3/24/2000 TOM FLYNN&SONS Accounts Payable Check 400.00 73379 3/24/2000 TREADWAY GRAPHICS Accounts Payable Check 112.15 73380 3/24/2000 c- DOUG TROUT Accounts Payable Check 30.00 73381 3/24/2000 TUXALL UNIFROM&EQUIPMENT Accounts Payable Check 30.38 73382 3/24/2000 TWIN CITIES COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Accounts Payable Check 235.00 73383 3/24/2000 UNION ASPHALT,INC. Accounts Payable Check 485.73 73384 3/24/2000 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. Accounts Payable Check 208.11 73385 3/24/2000 IWINA VAN BEEK Accounts Payable Check 45.00 73386 3/24/2000 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 295.93 73387 3/24/2000 TINA VILLALON Accounts Payable Check 75.00 73388 3/24/2000 MELINDA WELLS Accounts Payable Check 250.00 73389 3/24/2000 WILSON LAND SURVEYS Accounts Payable Check 357.50 73390 3/24/2000 BEVERLY WURTZ Accounts Payable Check 20.00 73391 3/30/2000 BUTZ CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 11,496.89 73392 3/30/2000 ATASCADERO FED.CREDIT UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 2,765.00 73393 3/30/2000 COUNTY-CITY EMPLOYEES CU Payroll Vendor Payment 420.00 73394 3/30/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 5,841.55 0' 92 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of March 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amon 73395 3/30/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 292.04 73396 3/30/2000 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 749.99 73397 3/30/2000 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 261.69 73398 3/30/2000 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 5,195.00 73399 3/30/2000 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM Payroll Vendor Payment 19.85 73400 3/30/2000 PUBLIC EMPL RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 19 581.69 , 73401 3/30/2000 SEIU LOCAL 620 AFL-CIO Payroll Vendor Payment 366.42 73402 3/30/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 761.80 73403 3/30/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 475.00 96136092 3/30/2000 MID-STATE BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 27 341.23 , $ 695,730.80 C� 33 ITEM NUMBER: A-7 • DATE• 09-26-00 ie ■ ie e Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Administrative Services Department April 2000 Accounts Payable & Payroll RECOMMENDATION Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for April 2000. DISCUSSION Attached for City Council review and approval are the following: Payroll Dated 04/13/00 Checks# 5444 - 5603 $ 144,475.50 Dated 04/27/00 Checks# 5604 - 5741 138,899.41 Accounts Payable Dated Apr. 1-30, 2000 Checks # 73404 - 73792 & EFTs 751,338.72 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 1,034,713.63 G 9 4 City Manager's Agenda Report April 2000 Accounts Payable and Payroll Page Two • FISCAL IMPACT Total expenditures for all funds is$ 1,034,713.63 CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for payment and that funds are available for these demands. Dated: September 14, 2000 aj Rachelle Rickard Administrative Services Director Approved by the City Council at a meeting held September 26, 2000. Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk ATTACHMENT: April 2000 Eden Warrant Register in the amount of $ 751,338.72 G9 5 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of April 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 73404 4/6/2000 ABBOTT OFFICE SYSTEMS Accounts Payable Check 117.42 73405 4/6/2000 ACTION FOR ANIMAL RIGHTS Accounts Payable Check 190.00 73406 4/6/2000 AMK FOODSERVICE COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 177.94 73407 4/6/2000 ANDERSON'S AUTO SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 96.50 73408 4/6/2000 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 536.27 73409 4/6/2000 GEORGE ASDEL Accounts Payable Check 89.60 73410 4/6/2000 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 82.97 73411 4/6/2000 ATASCADERO FORD Accounts Payable Check 222.47 73412 4/6/2000 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. Accounts Payable Check 1,622.05 73413 4/6/2000 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 292.50 73414 4/6/2000 CINDY BENSON Accounts Payable Check 288.60 73415 4/6/2000 BEST BEST&KRIEGER LLP Accounts Payable Check 104.00 73416 4/6/2000 BOB KEULEN CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 545.00 73417 4/6/2000 BRENDLER JANITORIAL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 1,100.00 73418 4/6/2000 BUTZ CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 8,582.50 73419 4/6/2000 CAL-COAST REFRIGERATION,INC Accounts Payable Check 5,975.76 73420 4/6/2000 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 73421 4/6/2000 CALIFORNIA INTERNET CONNECTION Accounts Payable Check 39.90 73422 4/6/2000 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT Accounts Payable Check 30.60 73429 4/6/2000 CALL AMERICA Accounts Payable Check 584.87 73430 4/6/2000 DOLORES CARLL Accounts Payable Check 54.81 73431 4/6/2000 ` CHANNING L.BETE CO.,INC. Accounts Payable Check 49.61 73432 4/6/2000 CHEM CLEAN Accounts Payable Check 71.55 73433 4/6/2000 ANDREW CHERRY Accounts Payable Check 14.00 73434 4/6/2000 BRADY CHERRY Accounts Payable Check 300.00 73435 4/6/2000 CHEVRON Accounts Payable Check 160.92 73436 4/6/2000 CHICAGO GRADE LANDFILL,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,973.70 73437 4/6/2000 KAREN CLANIN Accounts Payable Check 154.00 73438 4/6/2000 TAMATHA CLARK Accounts Payable Check 225.00 73439 4/6/2000 CNT CST CHURCH RELIGIOUS SCIEN Accounts Payable Check 250.00 73440 4/6/2000 COAST TO COAST HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 2.12 73441 4/6/2000 COASTAL IMAGING SUPPLIES Accounts Payable Check 135.14 73442 4/6/2000 WILL COLLIER Accounts Payable Check 45.00 73443 4/6/2000 CIMON CORMIER Accounts Payable Check 255.00 73444 4/6/2000 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COMM Accounts Payable Check 110.75 73445 4/6/2000 CRAWFORD MULTARI CLARK&MOHR Accounts Payable Check 2,123.10 Ups City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of April 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amon0 73446 4/6/2000 CREDIT BUREAU Accounts Payable Check 41.00 73447 4/6/2000 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 60.00 73448 4/6/2000 CUESTA EQUIPMENT Accounts Payable Check 205.85 73449 4/6/2000 DARRYL'S LOCK AND SAFE Accounts Payable Check 16.08 73450 4/6/2000 DAN DAVIS Accounts Payable Check 462.00 73451 4/6/2000 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 920.13 73452 4/6/2000 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Accounts Payable Check 256.00 73453 4/6/2000 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Accounts Payable Check 3,597.72 73454 4/6/2000 ECONOMIC VITALITY CORP OF SLO Accounts Payable Check 180.00 73455 4/6/2000 GEORGE EDWARDS Accounts Payable Check 90.00 73456 4/6/2000 EL CAMINO VETERINARY HOSP Accounts Payable Check 119.21 73457 4/6/2000 FALCON DIRECT,INC. Accounts Payable Check 3,748.50 73458 4/6/2000 FAMILY PHOTO Accounts Payable Check 138.94 73459 4/6/2000 FENDER'S AUTO SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 152.48 73460 4/6/2000 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR Accounts Payable Check 289.30 73461 4/6/2000 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Accounts Payable Check 162.00 73462 4/6/2000 FOLKINS&FOLKINS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 3,423.03 73463 4/6/2000 FOTO FANTASY,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,1 0 73464 4/6/2000 KAREN GARMEN Accounts Payable Check 7 73465 4/6/2000 GAS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 2,651.43 73466 4/6/2000 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 700.09 73467 4/6/2000 GENERAL HOSPITAL Accounts Payable Check 168.00 73468 4/6/2000 GRISANTI HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 137.37 73469 4/6/2000 GTE WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 809.65 73470 4/6/2000 H.D.PETERSON Accounts Payable Check 100.27 73471 4/6/2000 HAAKER EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC. Accounts Payable Check 41.78 73472 4/6/2000 HEWITT HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 48.37 73473 4/6/2000 HINDERLITER,DE LLAMAS Accounts Payable Check 1,152.48 73474 4/6/2000 JOHN HUTCHINS Accounts Payable Check 618.60 73475 4/6/2000 INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION Accounts Payable Check 390.72 73476 4/6/2000 INGLIS PET HOTEL Accounts Payable Check 1,436.71 73477 4/6/2000 EVELYN INGRAM Accounts Payable Check 695.67 73478 4/6/2000 INGRAM&GREENE SANITATION CO Accounts Payable Check 200.00 73479 4/6/2000 JIFFY LUBE#1932 PCJL,INC. Accounts Payable Check 25.68 73480 4/6/2000 PAMELA JOHNSON Accounts Payable Check 250.00 73481 4/6/2000 STEVEN KAHN Accounts Payable Check 393.00 73482 4/6/2000 SEAN KAIN Accounts Payable Check 1 01 73483 4/6/2000 KANSAS STATE BANK Accounts Payable Check 35,6 7 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of April 2000 Check Check umber Date Vendor Description Amount 73484 4/6/2000 KEN'S MOBIL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 124.58 73485 4/6/2000 KATE KREMKE Accounts Payable Check 21.54 73486 4/6/2000 L.N.CURTIS&SONS Accounts Payable Check 447.90 73487 4/6/2000 SUSAN LARA Accounts Payable Check 20.00 73488 4/6/2000 LARRY KORGAN DESIGN Accounts Payable Check 25.00 73489 4/6/2000 LEMOS RANCH PET FOODS Accounts Payable Check 60.04 73490 4/6/2000 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES Accounts Payable Check 22.41 73491 4/6/2000 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 286.46 73493 4/6/2000 MANAGED HEALTH NETWORK,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,290.00 73494 4/6/2000 WADE MCKINNEY Accounts Payable Check 400.00 73495 4/6/2000 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. Accounts Payable Check 963.21 73496 4/6/2000 MID-AMERICAN SPECIALTIES,INC Accounts Payable Check 111.39 73497 4/6/2000 MID-COAST MOWER&SAW Accounts Payable Check 28.14 73498 4/6/2000 MID-STATE CONCRETE PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 214.50 73499 4/6/2000 MIDTOWN SPORTS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 4,503.21 73500 4/6/2000 PAUL MILLER Accounts Payable Check 180.00 73501 4/6/2000 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 92.32 73502 4/6/2000 MITCH FREDERICK SEALCOATING Accounts Payable Check 595.00 73503 4/6/2000 EDDIE MITCHELL Accounts Payable Check 90.00 73504 4/6/2000 MOBIL OIL CREDIT CORP Accounts Payable Check 365.19 73505 4/6/2000 MONICA MUNOZ Accounts Payable Check 250.00 73506 4/6/2000 MYERS-STEVENS AND CO.,INC. Accounts Payable Check 79.25 73507 4/6/2000 N.C.F.I.A. Accounts Payable Check 195.00 73508 4/6/2000 C• NEW TIMES Accounts Payable Check 306.00 73509 4/6/2000 NICKSON'S MACHINE SHOP INC. Accounts Payable Check 405.00 73510 4/6/2000 NORTH COUNTY GLASS Accounts Payable Check 458.59 73511 4/6/2000 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 73512 4/6/2000 NOEL OWENS Accounts Payable Check 70.00 73520 4/6/2000 PACIFIC BELL Accounts Payable Check 2,870.87 73522 4/6/2000 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 17,263.37 73523 4/6/2000 PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTE Accounts Payable Check 193.66 73524 4/6/2000 PANASONIC COMMUNICATIONS Accounts Payable Check 944.55 73525 4/6/2000 PASO ROBLES SUPERIOR COURT Accounts Payable Check 135.00 73526 4/6/2000 PASO ROBLES WELDING Accounts Payable Check 352.68 73527 4/6/2000 PASO ROBLES WINNELSON CO. Accounts Payable Check 322.11 73528 4/6/2000 C/O FANTASY ENTERTAINMENT PENNY MEN Accounts Payable Check 131.08 73529 4/6/2000 MIKE PEREZ Accounts Payable Check 30.00 73530 4/6/2000 FIRE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH Accounts Payable Check 121.23 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of April 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amou 73531 4/6/2000 FINANCE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH Accounts Payable Check 30765 73532 4/6/2000 PIONEER EQUIPMENT CO. Accounts Payable Check 232.76 73533 4/6/2000 PITNEY BOWES Accounts Payable Check 100.00 73534 4/6/2000 PRODUCERS DAIRY FOODS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 30.20 73535 4/6/2000 RAINBOW AUTO&TOWING Accounts Payable Check 66.50 73536 4/6/2000 RAINBOW MEALWORMS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 29.73 73537 4/6/2000 RECOGNITION WORKS Accounts Payable Check 6.44 73538 4/6/2000 CYNTHIA REID Accounts Payable Check 197.58 73539 4/6/2000 TERRY ROBERTS Accounts Payable Check 33.00 73540 4/6/2000 STEVE ROBINSON DVM Accounts Payable Check 2,400.00 73541 4/6/2000 STEVE ROMO Accounts Payable Check 24.00 73542 4/6/2000 ROTO-ROOTER Accounts Payable Check 48.00 73543 4/6/2000 SAFETY-KLEEN INC. Accounts Payable Check 99.15 73544 4/6/2000 PAUL SALDANA Accounts Payable Check 492.51 73545 4/6/2000 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 390.47 73546 4/6/2000 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SHERIFF Accounts Payable Check 13 750.00 73547 4/6/2000 SAN LUIS PAPER Accounts Payable Check 227.23 73548 4/6/2000 SAN LUIS PERSONNEL INC. Accounts Payable Check 48 73549 4/6/2000 SANTA LUCIA FLYFISHING,INC. Accounts Payable,Check 5 73550 4/6/2000 SANTA LUCIA SCHOOL Accounts Payable Check 205.00 73551 4/6/2000 ANGELA SCHMIDT Accounts Payable Check 28.76 73552 4/6/2000 LISETTE SCHOLL Accounts Payable Check 333.20 73553 4/6/2000 SCREEN&SHADE CO. Accounts Payable Check 171.60 73554 4/6/2000 . SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT SALES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 124.65 73555 4/6/2000 JOHN SIEMENS Accounts Payable Check 129.20 73556 4/6/2000 SLO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT Accounts Payable Check 100.00 73557 4/6/2000 STEWART'S WHEEL SHOP Accounts Payable Check 290.00 73558 4/6/2000 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIERS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 202.04 73559 4/6/2000 BOB SWEET Accounts Payable Check 56.70 73560 4/6/2000 TEMPLETON FEED&GRAIN Accounts Payable Check 106.40 73561 4/6/2000 THYSSEN DOVER ELEVATOR Accounts Payable Check 453.94 73562 4/6/2000 TOM FLYNN&SONS Accounts Payable Check 562.50 73563 4/6/2000 TOMARK SPORTS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 81.45 73564 4/6/2000 MARCIA TORGERSON Accounts Payable Check 32.55 73565 4/6/2000 TROPHIES,ETC. Accounts Payable Check 15.73 73566 4/6/2000 U.S.BANK TRUST NATL ASSOC Accounts Payable Check 862.50 73567 4/6/2000 UNISOURCE MAINT SUPPLY SYSTEMS Accounts Payable Check 73568 4/6/2000 UNOCAL Accounts Payable Check 1,5 . 099 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of April 2000 Check Check umber Date Vendor Description Amount 73569 4/6/2000 IWINA VAN BEEK Accounts Payable Check 45.00 73570 4/6/2000 TINA VILLALON Accounts Payable Check 75.00 73571 4/6/2000 W.W.GRAINGER,INC. Accounts Payable Check 254.57 73572 4/6/2000 WILLIAM WATTON Accounts Payable Check 86.50 73573 4/6/2000 KELLY WELSH Accounts Payable Check 306.30 73574 4/6/2000 WESTERN FARM SERVICE,INC. Accounts Payable Check 922.35 73575 4/6/2000 WESTERN JANITOR SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 26.94 73576 4/6/2000 WILLIAMS HOUSE OF CARPETS,INC Accounts Payable Check 285.00 73577 4/6/2000 YOUNGS Accounts Payable Check 47.85 73578 4/11/2000 PAT CRAWFORD Accounts Payable Check 660.00 73579 4/11/2000 FRIENDS OF MUSIC Accounts Payable Check 250.00 73580 4/11/2000 POLICE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH Accounts Payable Check 341.40 97636178 4/13/2000 MID-STATE BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 27,723.60 73581 4/14/2000 ATASCADERO FED.CREDIT UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 4,257.25 73582 4/14/2000 COUNTY-CITY EMPLOYEES CU Payroll Vendor Payment 831.00 73583 4/14/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 5,850.49 73584 4/14/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 427.28 73585 4/14/2000 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 749.99 73586 4/14/2000 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 261.69 73587 4/14/2000 TULARE COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 150.00 73588 4/14/2000 ATASCADERO FIRE DEPT EMP.ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 225.00 73589 4/14/2000 ATASCADERO FIRE RESERVES ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 90.00 73590 4/14/2000 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 50.00 73591 4/14/2000 ASSOCIATION ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS Payroll Vendor Payment 354.75 73592 4/14/2000 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 5,699.89 73593 4/14/2000 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS Payroll Vendor Payment 47.00 73594 4/14/2000 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM Payroll Vendor Payment 19.85 73595 4/14/2000 PUBLIC EMPL RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 19,749.94 73596 4/14/2000 SEIU LOCAL 620 AFL-CIO Payroll Vendor Payment 365.18 73597 4/14/2000 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 38.00 73598 4/14/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 1,027.07 73599 4/14/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 475.00 73600 4/17/2000 COLONIAL LIFE&ACCIDENT INS. Payroll Vendor Payment 2,063.82 73601 4/17/2000 CPIC LIFE Payroll Vendor Payment 1,344.70 73602 4/17/2000 DELTA DENTAL,ATTN:ACCOUNTING Payroll Vendor Payment 6,437.84 73603 4/17/2000 EQUITABLE LIFE Payroll Vendor Payment 280.36 100 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of April 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amou 73604 4/17/2000 LIFEGUARD Payroll Vendor Payment 29,36 . 5 73605 4/17/2000 STANDARD INSURANCE CO. Payroll Vendor Payment 793.69 73606 4/20/2000 JAMES C.CUSHMAN,INC. Accounts Payable Check 107,846.00 73607 4/21/2000 A.J.DIANI CONSTRUCTION CO. Accounts Payable Check 29,661.36 73608 4/21/2000 JENNIFER ADGE Accounts Payable Check 6.20 73609 4/21/2000 KEITH AGGSON Accounts Payable Check 64.00 73610 4/21/2000 ALLAN HANCOCK COLLEGE Accounts Payable Check 358.50 73611 4/21/2000 AMERICAN WEST TIRE&AUTO Accounts Payable Check 12.50 73612 4/21/2000 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 305.38 73613 4/21/2000 ARCH Accounts Payable Check 1,662.92 73614 4/21/2000 GEORGE ASDEL Accounts Payable Check 67.20 73615 4/21/2000 ATASCADERO FORD Accounts Payable Check 5,479.94 73616 4/21/2000 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. Accounts Payable Check 8.00 73617 4/21/2000 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 741.80 73618 4/21/2000 ATASCADERO YOUTH FOOTBALL Accounts Payable Check 250.00 73619 4/21/2000 BANK OF NEW YORK Accounts Payable Check 2,207.25 73620 4/21/2000 JOHN BLAIR Accounts Payable Check 5 73621 4/21/2000 BOB KEULEN CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 4j# 73622 4/21/2000 BONNEMA BREWING COMPANY,INC. Accounts Payable Check 128.36 73623 4/21/2000 BORZINI Accounts Payable Check 429.00 73624 4/21/2000 BOXLIGHT CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 785.00 73625 4/21/2000 LORI BRICKEY Accounts Payable Check 60.50 73626 4/21/2000 c, CAL-STATE AUTO GLASS Accounts Payable Check 234.28 73627 4/21/2000 CALIFORNIA PEACE OFFICERS ASSN Accounts Payable Check 67.34 73628 4/21/2000 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL CED Accounts Payable Check 1,097.51 73629 4/21/2000 CENTRAL COAST PLUMBING SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 29.05 73630 4/21/2000 HEIDI CHANGALA Accounts Payable Check 60.50 73631 4/21/2000 CHARLES ABBOTT ASSC.,INC. Accounts Payable Check 9,018.12 73632 4/21/2000 CHEM CLEAN Accounts Payable Check 1,029.82 73633 4/21/2000 CHEVRON Accounts Payable Check 854.06 73634 4/21/2000 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO Accounts Payable Check 76,231.75 73635 4/21/2000 COAST TO COAST HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 26.07 73636 4/21/2000 COASTAL IMAGING SUPPLIES Accounts Payable Check 56.84 73637 4/21/2000 COMCO COMPUTERS Accounts Payable Check 39.15 73638 4/21/2000 VINCE CONDE Accounts Payable Check 196.00 73639 4/21/2000 CONWAY DISTRIBUTORS Accounts Payable Check 110 73640 4/21/2000 CIMON CORMIER Accounts Payable Check 1 1J1 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of April 2000 Check Check umber Date Vendor Description Amount 73641 4/21/2000 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 70.00 73642 4/21/2000 CTE COMPUTER TRAINING CENTERS Accounts Payable Check 5,000.00 73643 4/21/2000 CUESTA EQUIPMENT Accounts Payable Check 751.68 73644 4/21/2000 DAVID M FLEISHMAN Accounts Payable Check 826.50 73645 4/21/2000 DAN DAVIS Accounts Payable Check 406.00 73646 4/21/2000 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 391.46 73647 4/21/2000 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Accounts Payable Check 815.93 73648 4/21/2000 DIGITAL WEST VIDEO Accounts Payable Check 57.00 73649 4/21/2000 DIVERSIFIED RISK INSURANCE Accounts Payable Check 561.92 73650 4/21/2000 DMV Accounts Payable Check 64.00 73651 4/21/2000 DMV Accounts Payable Check 64.00 73652 4/21/2000 DMV Accounts Payable Check 64.00 73653 4/21/2000 DMV Accounts Payable Check 64.00 73654 4/21/2000 DMV Accounts Payable Check 64.00 73655 4/21/2000 EASTER RENTS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 155.49 73656 4/21/2000 ROBERT ECKROTE Accounts Payable Check 121.41 73657 4/21/2000 GEORGE EDWARDS Accounts Payable Check 60.00 73658 4/21/2000 EL CAMINO BUILDING SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 156.59 73659 4/21/2000 EL CAMINO CAR WASH Accounts Payable Check 34.35 73660 4/21/2000 EL CAMINO VETERINARY HOSP Accounts Payable Check 1,378.15 73661 4/21/2000 ESCUELA DEL RIO Accounts Payable Check 96.06 73662 4/21/2000 FAMILY PHOTO Accounts Payable Check 82.54 73663 4/21/2000 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Accounts Payable Check 356.40 73664 4/21/2000 p FIRSTLINE,LLC Accounts Payable Check 117.98 73665 4/21/2000 FOLKINS&FOLKINS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 2,164.05 73666 4/21/2000 FOOD FOR LESS Accounts Payable Check 153.57 73667 4/21/2000 WARREN FRACE Accounts Payable Check 13.00 73668 4/21/2000 FRAZEE PAINTS Accounts Payable Check 37.94 73669 4/21/2000 GARNERS DISCOUNT OFFICE SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 41.02 73670 4/21/2000 GATEWAY COMPANIES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 4,148.32 73671 4/21/2000 GEARHART DEVELOPMENT Accounts Payable Check 790.06 73672 4/21/2000 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 793.91 73673 4/21/2000 GRISANTI HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 55.73 73680 4/21/2000 GST CALL AMERICA Accounts Payable Check 584.18 73681 4/21/2000 GTE WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 85.48 73682 4/21/2000 H.D.PETERSON Accounts Payable Check 42.47 73683 4/21/2000 BEVERLY HACKLEMAN Accounts Payable Check 55.00 73684 4/21/2000 HAHN'S GUNS&AMMO Accounts Payable Check 40.81 102 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of April 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amou 73685 4/21/2000 MARILYN HAMILTON Accounts Payable Check 300 73686 4/21/2000 HANK SAVAGE JR.&SONS Accounts Payable Check 4,500.00 73687 4/21/2000 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT&COPY Accounts Payable Check 176.54 73688 4/21/2000 HIXON CHIROPRACTIC Accounts Payable Check 250.00 73689 4/21/2000 VALERIE HUMPHREY Accounts Payable Check 279.77 73690 4/21/2000 INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION Accounts Payable Check 450.00 73691 4/21/2000 INGLIS PET HOTEL Accounts Payable Check 5,000.00 73692 4/21/2000 JACK BRAZEAL'S TREE CONSULTING Accounts Payable Check 600.00 73693 4/21/2000 JB DEWAR INC Accounts Payable Check 83.77 73694 4/21/2000 JOHN L.WALLACE&ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 4,216.36 73695 4/21/2000 SEAN KAIN Accounts Payable Check 480.00 73696 4/21/2000 KB ADVERTISING Accounts Payable Check 642.43 73697 4/21/2000 KEN'S MOBIL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 292.00 73698 4/21/2000 L.N.CURTIS&SONS Accounts Payable Check 129.38 73699 4/21/2000 LAIDLAW TRANSIT SERVICES,INC. Accounts Payable Check 17,219.63 73700 4/21/2000 LAURA,MD LEAVEY Accounts Payable Check 85.00 73701 4/21/2000 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO. Accounts Payable Check 672.00 73702 4/21/2000 LIBRARY OF COMPUTER&INFO Accounts Payable Check 2 73703 4/21/2000 MAIN ST SMALL ANIMAL HOSPITAL Accounts Payable Check 73704 4/21/2000 JOHN MARTINO Accounts Payable Check 116.00 73705 4/21/2000 MASTERCARD DEPARTMENT Accounts Payable Check 3,817.88 73706 4/21/2000 MESKER PARK ZOO Accounts Payable Check 100.00 73707 4/21/2000 MID-COAST MOWER&SAW Accounts Payable Check 80.01 73708 4/21/2000 0 PAUL MILLER Accounts Payable Check 165.00 73709 4/21/2000 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 77.74 73710 4/21/2000 MITCH FREDERICK SEALCOATING Accounts Payable Check 510.00 73711 4/21/2000 EDDIE MITCHELL Accounts Payable Check 90.00 73712 4/21/2000 MOBILECOMM Accounts Payable Check 13.25 73713 4/21/2000 MOORE'S WESTERN NURSERY Accounts Payable Check 75.28 73714 4/21/2000 MOSS,LEVY,&HARTZHEIM Accounts Payable Check 1,000.00 73715 4/21/2000 NATIONAL SEMINARS GROUP Accounts Payable Check 99.00 73718 4/21/2000 NORTH COAST ENGINEERING INC. Accounts Payable Check 62,196.05 73719 4/21/2000 NORTH COUNTY GLASS Accounts Payable Check 110.78 73720 4/21/2000 ODENWALD CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 1,000.00 73721 4/21/2000 OFFICE DEPOT INC. Accounts Payable Check 56.14 73722 4/21/2000 OMAHA ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY Accounts Payable Check 162.00 73723 4/21/2000 OMNI-MEANS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 4,10 73724 4/21/2000 OPTICOLOR FILM&PHOTO Accounts Payable Check 2 1 3 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of April 2000 Check Check umber Date Vendor Description Amount 73725 4/21/2000 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 71.24 73726 4/21/2000 PACIFIC BELL Accounts Payable Check 76.24 73728 4/21/2000 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 18,545.32 73729 4/21/2000 PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTE Accounts Payable Check 376.87 73730 4/21/2000 JOSEPH A PERRY Accounts Payable Check 1,225.00 73731 4/21/2000 PERRY'S PARCEL SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 10.40 73732 4/21/2000 TERRY PETERSON Accounts Payable Check 30.00 73733 4/21/2000 GERALD PHILLIPS Accounts Payable Check 36.00 73734 4/21/2000 PIERCE MANUFACTURING,INC. Accounts Payable Check 122.25 73735 4/21/2000 JASON PLATZ Accounts Payable Check 45.00 73736 4/21/2000 PRO MOTION Accounts Payable Check 655.30 73737 4/21/2000 PUBLIC SECTOR EXCELLENCE Accounts Payable Check 145.00 73738 4/21/2000 QUILL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 108.51 73739 4/21/2000 RADIO SHACK Accounts Payable Check 42.89 73740 4/21/2000 RADIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC CENTER Accounts Payable Check 53.07 73741 4/21/2000 RECOGNITION WORKS Accounts Payable Check 20.38 73742 4/21/2000 RRM DESIGN GROUP Accounts Payable Check 2,350.25 73743 4/21/2000 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 320.49 73744 4/21/2000 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SHERIFF Accounts Payable Check 13,750.00 73745 4/21/2000 SAN LUIS PERSONNEL INC. Accounts Payable Check 972.80 73746 4/21/2000 SCOTT SATTERTHWAITE Accounts Payable Check 64.00 73747 4/21/2000 SUZETTE SCRIVNER Accounts Payable Check 362.50 73748 4/21/2000 HEATHER SEGAR Accounts Payable Check 20.00 73749 4/21/2000 c VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 73750 4/21/2000 SIR SPEEDY Accounts Payable Check 124.20 73751 4/21/2000 ROLAND SNOW Accounts Payable Check 64.00 73752 4/21/2000 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS Accounts Payable Check 316.40 73753 4/21/2000 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL Accounts Payable Check 1,190.00 73754 4/21/2000 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIERS,INC. Accounts Payable Check 699.54 73755 4/21/2000 SYLVESTER'S SECURITY ALARMS Accounts Payable Check 190.50 73756 4/21/2000 TARVIN&ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 2,625.00 73757 4/21/2000 TEMPLETON FEED&GRAIN Accounts Payable Check 85.13 73758 4/21/2000 THYSSEN DOVER ELEVATOR Accounts Payable Check 203.94 73759 4/21/2000 TODD PIPE&SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 892.53 73760 4/21/2000 MARCIA TORGERSON Accounts Payable Check 37.04 73761 4/21/2000 U.S.POSTMASTER Accounts Payable Check 100.00 73762 4/21/2000 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. Accounts Payable Check 532.38 73763 4/21/2000 UNOCAL Accounts Payable Check 1,860.32 iO4 City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of April 2000 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amou 73764 4/21/2000 IWINA VAN BEEK Accounts Payable Check 150 00 73765 4/21/2000 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 319.76 73766 4/21/2000 TINA VILLALON Accounts Payable Check 75.00 73767 4/21/2000 WAKEFIELD COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 4,525.50 73768 4/21/2000 JENNIFER WELLIVER Accounts Payable Check 80.00 73769 4/21/2000 WESTERN JANITOR SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 43.97 73770 4/21/2000 WILLIAM P.WHITE Accounts Payable Check 64.00 73771 4/26/2000 DAWN CLANIN Accounts Payable Check 595.00 73772 4/26/2000 INTERNATIONAL TRAINING RES,LTD Accounts Payable Check 385.00 73773 4/27/2000 U.S.POSTMASTER Accounts Payable Check 1,174.20 73774 4/28/2000 ATASCADERO FED.CREDIT UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 4,292.25 73775 4/28/2000 ATASCADERO FIRE DEPT EMP.ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 225.00 73776 4/28/2000 ATASCADERO FIRE RESERVES ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 15.00 73777 4/28/2000 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 50.00 73778 4/28/2000 ASSOCIATION ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS Payroll Vendor Payment 354.75 73779 4/28/2000 COUNTY-CITY EMPLOYEES CU Payroll Vendor Payment 831.00 73780 4/28/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 5, 73781 4/28/2000 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 41 4 73782 4/28/2000 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 749.99 73783 4/28/2000 FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 261.69 73784 4/28/2000 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 5,799.89 73785 4/28/2000 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS Payroll Vendor Payment 47.00 Y' 73786 4/28/2000 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM Payroll Vendor Payment 19.85 73787 4/28/2000 PUBLIC EMPL RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 19,840.51 73788 4/28/2000 SEIU LOCAL 620 AFL-CIO Payroll Vendor Payment 354.85 73789 4/28/2000 TULARE COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 150.00 73790 4/28/2000 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 38.00 73791 4/28/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 650.93 73792 4/28/2000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 475.00 99449453 4/28/2000 MID-STATE BANK Payroll Vendor Payment 26,667.90 $ 751,338.72 0 105 ITEM NUMBER: A-8 DATE: 09/26/00 • 1918 a ® ,l 8 CAI Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Public Works Department Traffic Way/Route 101 Interchange Project Study Report RECOMMENDATION: Council authorize the City Manager to amend the Consultant Services Agreement with OMNI- MEANS LTD. for preparation of a Project Study Report for the Traffic Way/Route 101 Interchange. DISCUSSION: • Background: On April 27, 1999 Council approved a consultant services agreement between the City of Atascadero and OMNI-MEANS LTD. for the preparation of a Project Study Report (PSR) for the Traffic Way/Route 101 interchange. The PSR will evaluate various alternatives for improving the operation and safety of the Traffic Way/Route 101 interchange. Caltrans and SLOCOG require a PSR for any major project that is to be funded through the State or Regional Transportation Improvement Program(STIP or RTIP). 0 The draft PSR is completed and is ready for circulation for review and comment. Staff has had several meetings with Caltrans and San Luis Obispo Council of Government (SLOCOG) about the PSR and the project. Analysis: Caltrans has required a Corridor Study be completed prior to the approval of the PSR. In urban areas Caltrans requires interchanges be spaced 1 mile apart. The distance between the Santa Rosa Road, Curbaril Ave, SR 41, Traffic Way, and San Anselmo Road interchanges are all closer than 1 mile. Caltrans has determined that due to nonstandard interchange spacing further study of the corridor needs to be performed to evaluate and determine optimum corridor improvements before a PSR fora single interchange can be approved. The Corridor Study will evaluate the Route 101 corridor through Atascadero and make recommendations on improvement for the whole corridor and how they relate to the Traffic Way interchange. This study is an extension of work from the Traffic Way/Route 101 interchange • PSR. Staff has obtained a proposal from OMNI-MEANS LTD to complete the Corridor Study. Staff has closely reviewed the scope of work and the costs. The scope meets the intent of the 106 ITEM NUMBER: A-8 DATE: 09/26/00 Study and the costs are fair and reasonable. The Study is scheduled to take 215 days to complete at a cost of$60,000.00. FISCAL IMPACT: SLOCOG has programmed a total of $60,000 of Urban and Regional Surface Transportation Funds for the preparation of the Corridor Study. ALTERNATIVES: Do not approve the addendum to the Traffic Way/Route 101 Interchange consultant services agreement - Regional SHA funds could be lost as well as the opportunity to improve the Traffic Way interchange with funds other than local transportation funds. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A—Addendum to the Consultant Services Agreement • 107 CITY OF ATASCADERO R � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS j,s, _ 6 6500 PALMA AVENUE,ATASCADERO,CA 93422 S 1 79s Telephone:(805)461-5020 • Pax:(805)461-7615 July 27, 2000 Omni-Means 1901 Olympic Boulevard #120 Walnut Creek, CA 94596, CA 94596 Attn: Martin R. Inouye Subject: US 10 1/EI Camino Real Corridor Study Report Amendment to Consultant Services Agreement Dear Marty: This letter, when signed by all parties, shall amend the existing Consultant Services Agreement between the City of Atascadero and Omni-Means, LTD for the Traffic Way/Route'10 1 Interchange Project Study Report. The amended agreement shall include the additional transportation engineering services required to perform a corridor study of US 101 and EI Camino Real as outlined in your proposal dated June 13, 2000, attached as Exhibit A. The services required for the preparation of a project study report for the US 101/Curbard Avenue interchange as outlined in your proposal are excluded from the additional services authorized hereby. All transportation engineering services required for the US 101/El Camino Real corridor study shall be completed within be two hundred fifteen calender days from the date of the a written Notice to Proceed. The Not-to-Exceed Fee for these services shall be Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00). All provisions of the existing consultant services agreement between the City of Atascadero and Omni- Means, LTD dated May 19, 1999 shall remain in full force and effect. City of Atascadero CSA Supplement Hwy 101/El Camino Real Study Report Page I of 2 Pages If you find the above acceptable, please sign all three copies of this letter in the- area hearea below. When signed by the City, we will send a copy to you for your files Res ectfully yo rs, Steven B. Kahn, City Engineer ACCEPTED AND AGREED this the day of 2000. CITY OF ATASCADERO, OMNI-MEA TD., a municipal corporation By By Wade G. McKinney, City Manager ,�n /WWI/x/ )C- INg AP OVED A5 TO CONTENT: (painted name) Stev B. hn, City ngineer City of Atascadero CSA Supplement Hwy 101/El Camino Real Study Report Page 2 of 2 Pages IJ9 kcomni•means - ENGINEERS • PLANNERS June 13, 2000 Steve Kahn City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 RE: PROPOSAL - US 101/ El Camino Real Corridor Study Dear Steve: OMNI-MEANS is pleased to submit this revised proposal for transportation engineering services relating to the preparation of the US 101/El Camino Real Corridor Study. This proposal, at least in part, is an outgrowth of the analyses conducted for the US 101/ Traffic Way Project Study Report (PSR). From those analyses, Caltrans has determined that due to nonstandard interchanging spacing on US 101, further study of the corridor needs to be performed to evaluate and determine optimum corridor improvements before a PSR on a single interchange can be approved. Although this requirement follows the approval of the US 101/SR 41 interchange improvement, the advent of additional PSRs on adjacent interchanges requiring Design Exceptions for nonstandard interchange spacing has created this policy. Further, with the City of Atascadero considering urban design alternatives for their downtown, which includes consideration of reducing the number of travel lanes on El Camino Real, the need for an alternatives analysis, that explores varying North-South corridor improvements has also become very important. The following Scope of Work outlines the tasks necessary to properly study the alternatives, communicate with the public, and meet the requirements of Caltrans. OMNI-MEANS has also prepared an associated schedule and budget for the preparation of this work. Our proposed US 101 / El Camino Real Corridor Study budget is $60,000. For the optional to prepare the US 101/Curbaril Interchange Modification PSR, the budget associated for this work is $48,952. This work can be separated and separately authorized. From project authorization, a minimum of seven (7) months would be required to complete our proposed Scope of Work, depending on meeting and public hearing schedules. Within the study initiation meeting, a detailed schedule will be created with specific meeting and hearing dates that will be met throughout the study process. ROSEVILLE REDDING VISALIA WALNUT CREEK 2237 Douglas Boulevard,Suite 100 434 Redcliff Drive,Suite D 720 W.Center Avenue,Suite C 1901 Olympic Boulevard,Ste, 120 Roseville,CA 95661 Redding,CA 96002 Visalia,CA 93291 Walnut Creek,CA 94596 (916)782-8688 (530)223-6500 (559)734-5895 (925)935-2230 FAX(916)782-8689 FAX(530)223-9326 FAX(559)734-5899 FAX(925)935-2247 O Steve Kahn — Page 2 June 13, 2000 Thank you very much for the opportunity to submit this proposal to you. We look forward to the opportunity to continue to be of service to you and the City of Atascadero. Sincerely, OMNI-MEANS, Ltd. meers & Plann �NT,artin R. Inouye Principal Attachment: Scope of Work Cc: John Neil, North Coast Engineering P1889.10 SCOPE OF WORK TASK 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1.1 ng. The Project Team, on the same day, will first meet and Initial MeetiAtascadero review this Scope of Work with the C h of been formedefor the US Project Development Team (PDT) that 101/Traffic Way PSR. In addition to representatives from the City, representatives from the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) and Caltrans will be included in this initial meeting. The purposes of the meeting will be to ensure mutual understanding desta ingof the ed process, Objectives, milestones, ecproducts, oine the Scopeoork, scheduleand budget wherenesary. to set forth the An important topic in this initial program willbe ebe used throughoutcithe public participation and outreach off Atascadero, it is evident that this project. In discussions with City project could generate a significant amount of public interest and concern. The Scope of Work includes threoe publiche he rings in which the public will have the opportunity to comment In addition, we will discuss optio nal elements,mpeci fiformat ha organization aeast from the Corridor Study Report, and ghl g alize mapping this early perspective, must and �ethe ad desired usese will lsof available digital limits, available resources, mapping. 1.2 Field Review. Concurrent with the project initiation meeting, the PDT and Project Team will field review the study corridor. This reviewgr to identify the first opportunity for the PDT and the Project Team as a gTh P and/or observe field conditions that will have an affect on the study. ese conditions could include: - Interchange Spacing—Existing points of access to US 101 • Right of Way Current Land Uses Structures Utilities Topography Environmental Factors 1.3 Pro'ect Documentation. The Project TeamThe will assume responsibility for several project coordination related items. Monthly Progress Reports Minutes of all project meetings including Project Development • Team and Public Hearings Maintain Project Schedule/Calendar lune 13, 2000 Page I (P1889.SCP3) City ofAtascadero Citywide Traffic Model&US 101/EI Camino Real Corridor Study '412 TASK 2 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT PROCESS Although communityparticipation is an important P P p t part of the study process, due to limited funds, working with an Ad Hoc Citizens Committee, holding Project Workshops and providing a Project Newsletter have been provided separately, as optional tasks should funds become available. Our project budget therefore only includes up to three (3) Project Development Team meetings and three (3) public hearings. For the three public hearings, one is anticipated midway through the study process and the remaining two (2) Public Hearings will be to respond to questions, make presentations, and/or participate in an advisory capacity toward the end of the project. The following suggested methods for community participation can be modified if the City prefers other or additional methods. 2.1 Project Development Team (PDT . At this time, the PDT is anticipated to be composed of staff from the City, SLOCOG and Caltrans. Three (3) PDT meeting have been budgeted in addition to the project initiation meeting each of which would occur at key junctions of the project. An agenda and materials to be discussed will be provided to each PDT member within 3-5 working days prior to each meeting. 2.2 OPTIONAL - Ad Hoc Advisory Committee An important aspect of community participation is the appointment of the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee (or the use of an existing related committee) to augment the Project Development Team. We have worked extensively with such committees on other similar projects. If this option is included, we envision working closely with both committees using each to generate ideas about important issues, establish project goals and policies, to review options for addressing those issues, for developing and then evaluating possible alternatives and to formulate a final recommendation to their respective agencies that will be balanced and supported by the community at large. We also see these group(s) hosting public workshops which will allow more extensive "hands-on" participation by the general public. Three (3) Ad Hoc Advisory Committee meetings have been suggested as an option with each meeting proposed to occur on the same day as, and preferably following the PDT meeting. 2.3 OPTIONAL - Public Workshops If selected, we will hold two (2) broad community-wide public workshops during the study process. The workshops are proposed to be held in the evening on the same day as the PDT meetings. The purpose of these workshops are to provide the entire community maximum opportunity for participation. The workshops would be held at the following stages: 2.3.1 Workshop: Looking to the Future of Transportation This optional workshop would be the kick-off meeting with its purpose to generate interest in the US 101/ El Camino Real Corridor Study. This workshop will be an information gathering, the meeting would focus on the quality of transportation service along the corridor. The theme of the workshop would center on the following questions: City ofAtascadero Page 2 June 13, 2000 Citywide Traffic Model&US 101/El Camino Real Corridor Study (P1889.SCP3) I .& • What do you like?. • What don't you like? • What are your ideas? • What would you change? 2.3.2 Workshop 42: Transportation Alternatives (Pro and Con) This optional workshop would provide an overview of resulting traffic projections and specific transportation alternatives under study. The workshop will provide a forum for input from the community on .their concerns and/or support for potential transportation improvements within the City. These workshops will be facilitated by OMNI-MEANS and structured to be interactive and promote two-way dialogue with the community. A format using discussion guides and workgroups may be used to maximize input. In coordination with City staff, we will be responsible for workshop format and agenda, and providing a summary of the input from the workshops. 2.4 Public Hearings. OMNI-MEANS will be available to attend up to three (3) Public Hearings before the City Planning Commission and/or City Council. We will be prepared to make presentations on the study, its findings and recommendations, respond to questions, and/or participate in an advisory capacity. One public hearing would be scheduled midway through the study process with the remaining two public hearing occuring toward the end of the study. 2.5 OPTIONAL- Newsletters. Newsletters can serve as a useful tool to keep a broad part of the community informed as the process occurs. If this option is selected, we will produce four (4) newsletters throughout the study at the following intervals: Newsletter#1: during the Project Initiation Newsletter 42: during the Concepts/Alternatives Development Newsletter 93: during the Alternatives Selection Newsletter 44: during the Project Finalization The newsletters could be oversized and will include four pages to allow ample space for maps, graphics and issues discussion. It is assumed that City staff will be developing and maintaining an interested parties Mailing List, and that City staff will be responsible for distribution of the newsletter to the mailing list and other places for circulation. For budgeting purposes of this extra service, we have assumed that 150 copies of each newsletter will be produced. TASK 3 CREATE TRANSPORTATION BASELINE NETWORK City ofAtascadero Page 3 June 13, 2000 Citywide TraffieModel&US 101/El Camino Real Corridor Study (P1889.SCP3) i ? 4 The following data will be collected within the City of Atascadero to establish and fully define the transportation baseline of circulation network and travel characteristics: 3.1 Traffic Counts/Traffic Accident Data. Existing daily and peak hour traffic counts will be obtained from both the City and Caltrans. In addition, up to twenty(20) daily counts on critical roadways and up to 10 peak hour- intersection counts have been budgeted. If additional daily or peak hour counts are required as determined by City staff and/or the TAC, OMNI- MEANS will provide a budget and obtain additional authorization. As a part of the US 101/Traffic Way and US 101/SR 41 PSRs, considerable current peak hour and daily traffic count information is available. This information will be supplemented by OMNI-MEANS as needed to insure that current (i.e. within the past year) weekday and peak hour intersection counts are available at the following additional intersections: • US 101/San Anselmo Southbound Ramps • US 101/San Anselmo Northbound Ramps • US 101/Curbaril Southbound Ramps • US 101/Curbaril Northbound Ramps • US 101/Santa Rosa Southbound Ramps • US 10 1/SantaRosa Northbound Ramps • SR 41/Curbaril Avenue • Curbaril Avenue/El Camino Real • Santa Rosa/El Camino Real • San Anselmo/El Camino Real We will also work with Caltrans to obtain recent 3-year accident data for the US 101/Curbaril, US 101/San Anselmo and US 101/Santa Rosa interchanges. This information would include both TASAS Table B which provides both the actual and average accident rates and the Table B Accident Records which provides the detail on types and cause of each accident. 3.2 Transportation Corridor Data. Available transportation corridor data will be obtained from all available sources, including the City, County and Caltrans files. This information would include: • Right-of-way widths • Pavement width • Travel Lanes • Travel speed (85% or posted speed) • Grades • Planned Improvement Projects City ofAtascadero Page 4 June 13, 2000 Citywide Traffic Model&US 101/El Camino Real Corridor Study (P1889.SCP3) 1 � � 3.3 Obtain AutoCADD Digital Image (Mapping) Files OMNI-MEANS will obtain from the City available AutoCADD mapping of the study area in digital format. These files will be used to create base mapping for presentation purposes of analyses, findings and improvement recommendations. TASK 4 TRAFFIC FORECASTING 4.1 Develop Traffic Forecasts.. Based upon the existing traffic volume counts obtained in Task 3, traffic forecasts will be created using land use assumptions derived from General Plan buildout conditions and the aid of a "Traffix" computerized traffic assignment program. All base assumptions and resulting traffic forecasts will be carefully reviewed by the City, SLOCOG and Caltrans before the circulation alternatives analysis is conducted within the corridor study. TASK 5 ALTERNATIVES DEVELOPMENT AND ANALYSIS Once the traffic forecasts have been developed, the next task involves the identification and development of the range of possible improvement alternatives to meet north-south corridor demand through the year 2025 Alternative circulation concepts and improvements will need to be tested and explored as to their usefulness and feasibility. Alternatives will include testing alternative US 101 interchange spacing concepts and exploring alternative north-south routes to US 101. The following are the subtasks necessary to complete this evaluation. 5.1 Prepare Base Maps. OMNI-MEANS will utilize existing field surveys, topographic maps, aerial photographs; Caltrans and City As-built drawings and other available information to locate existing City.and State Right of Way and to create computer base maps to be used in this study. 5.2 Improvement Alternatives: Up to three (3) alternatives will be developed and presented on existing AutoCAD base mapping with sufficient detail as to determine preliminary cost and right of way estimates. Right-of-way (based on available records and maps), structures and other significant physical features will be identified. The alternatives, at minimum will include the following two alternatives. • Enhanced Freeway Corridor Improvements, including Auxiliary Lanes between each interchange in the corridor. • Reduced travel lanes on El Camino Real. 5.3 Initial Environmental Assessment: To identify if there are potential environmental issues associated with developing each alternative, an initial environmental assessment will be prepared. City ofAtascadero Page S June 13, 2000 Citywide TrafficModel&US 101/EI Camino Real Corridor Study (P1889.SCP3) LL 6 5.3.1 Background Literature and Contact Agencies: Conduct background literature and record search. 5.3.2 Preliminary Environmental Constraints Analysis Report: Preparation of a Preliminary Environmental Constraints Analysis Report will be a fatal flaw evaluation to identify potentially significant environmental issues. The report will list potential project issues or impacts which could significantly delay the project or effect the viability of any project alternative and will briefly discuss any additional studies that may be needed to complete environmental clearance. The anticipated type of environmental clearance will be identified. 5.4 Preliminary Cost Estimates: For each of the improvement alternatives, preliminary cost estimates will be prepared. The improvement costs for each of the alternatives should be straightforward. Construction costs, traffic handling, etc. will be derived using a per linear foot or other acceptable unit. 5.5 Preliminary Right of Way Estimates: OMNI-MEANS will identify gross areas of additional right of way acquisition for each improvement alternative. Right-of way costs can be estimated on a per square foot basis or unit cost basis, as determined by the PDT. 5.6 Value Engineering (Matrix) Evaluation of Improvement Alternatives: An evaluation matrix will be developed based on the work performed in the previous tasks. This matrix evaluation will provide a measure of relative benefit and quantify the various study parameters or factors for the selection of one alternative over another. These parameters or factors may include: • Conceptual Design • Preliminary Right-of-Way • Existing Land Uses • Traffic Capacity(Level of Service) • Regional Circulation • Future Land Development • Environmental Sensitivity • Preliminary Costs TASK 6 CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS A meeting will be held with the Project Development Team to discuss the matrix evaluations and recommend to City Council one or more improvement alternatives for implementation. 6.1 Staged Improvements: Once approved by the City Council, these recommendations need to translate in the next steps to actually improve the corridor. With the analysis generated within this study, the completion of the US 101 / Traffic Way PSR can now move forward with the preparation City ofAtascadero Page 6 June 13, 2000 Citywide TrajficModel&US 10110 Camino Real Corridor Study (P1889.SCP3) ii7 of the necessary Design Exceptions, with appropriate documentation, for the non-standard interchange spacing. Additionally, a Project Study Report for the US 101/Curbaril interchange can also be initiated and completed with much of the information provided. As an option, OMNI- MEANS has included within this task to complete a PSR for the US 101/Curbaril interchange. Additionally, other logical project staging that would enhance capacity under interim and ultimate (year 2025) conditions will be identified and included in the recommended improvements program. Where interim improvements are proposed, the anticipated timing for when these improvements will be needed and the associated estimated costs will be identified. OMNI-MEANS will group the potential staged improvements into the following categories: Level 1 - Improvements included in Current Capital Improvement Programs. Level 2- Low cost improvements that can be implemented by City/State forces. Level 3 - Medium cost — Contracted to outside labor/funding available. Level 4 - Major cost— CIP project/budgeting needed. Task 7 Reports 7.1 Draft Corridor Study Report. OMNI-MEANS will prepare the Draft US 101 Corridor Study report (with appendices). Twenty (20) copies of the draft report (one copy in a 3-ring binder) will be presented to the City for distribution. 7.2 Final Corridor Study Report. Following review of the draft report, all comments will be addressed and the Final Corridor Study Report (with appendices) will be prepared. We will provide the City with twenty-five (25) copies of the final report, one (1) copy on CD or 3.5 inch IBM compatible diskette in MS Work 6.0 format, and any spreadsheet information in MS Excell. 6.0 format. Task 9 US 101 / Curbaril Avenue Interchange PSR(Optional). Much of the traffic, accident history and geometric design concept will have been generated as a part of this corridor study, such that only the foundational text and the special studies, including the following will be needed to complete a full PSR for this interchange: • PSR Level Improvement Plans (ie. profiles, typicaal sections, etc.) • Advanced Planning Study(Structures) • Hazardous Waste—Phase 1 ISA • Design Exception Fact Sheets City ofAtaseadero Page 7 June 13, 2000 Citywide TraffieModel&US 1011 EI Camino Real Corridor Study (P1889.SCP3) I 1 8 • Preliminary Environmental Assessment • Right of Way/Utility Costs • PSR Level Cost Estimate • Prepare and Process Draft and Final PSR As an option, OMNINEANS has included this subtask, with a separate identified budget, that would also achieve obtaining approval for a US 101/Curbaril interchange PSR. City ofAtascadero Page 8 June 13, 2000 Citywide Traffic Model&US 101/EI Camino Real Corridor Study (P1889.SCP3) Z 1 f1 .L a7 ITEM NUMBER: A-9 DATE: 09-26-00 s 1918 i 19 9 I Atascadero City Council Staff Report- Public Works Department Garcia Road Storm Damage Repair Project RECOMMENDATION: Council accept the Garcia Road Storm Damage Repair Project as complete and authorize the Administrative Services Director to release the project retention in the amount of$1,579.00. DISCUSSION: On November 23, 1999, Council approved the execution of an agreement with Whitaker Engineering Contractors, Inc. to construct roadway repairs on Garcia Road at a maximum cost of$33,235.00. One Contract Change Order was issued for this project, which deleted Base Bid Items 1 through 7 and made adjustments to unit quantities. This resulted in an adjusted total contract price of$15,790.00. The City Engineer has reviewed the completed repairs and has found them to be in substantial conformance with the project plans and specifications. FISCAL IMPACT: The project was funded by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The following table summarizes the project construction expenditures. PROJECT EXPENDITURES Construction $15,790.00 Construction Engineering(Contract Administration,Inspection and Survey) $3,589.25 TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES $19,379.25 ATTACHMENTS: • Notice of Completion ��U RECORDING REQUESTED BY: (and when recorded, mail to:) City Clerk CITY OF ATASCADERO • 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 NOTICE OF COMPLETION NO TRANSFER OF PROPERTY Notice is hereby given pursuant to Civil Code Section 3093: 1. The undersigned is corporate officer for the City of Atascadero, owner of property hereinafter described. 2. The full name of the owner is the City of Atascadero, 3. The full address of the owner is: 6500 Palma Avenue,Atascadero,CA 93422 4. The nature of the interest of the owner is in fee. 5. A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was completed on April 1, 2000. 6. The work done was the Garcia Road Storm Damage Repair Project(City Bid No. 99-03). 7. The name of the contractor who performed such work of improvement was Whitaker Engineering Contractors, Inc. Dated: By: Steven B. Kahn, Public Works Director City of Atascadero VERIFICATION I,the undersigned, say that I am the City Manager, declarant of the foregoing Notice of Completion; I have read said Notice of Completion and know the contents thereof;the same is true of my own knowledge. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on at the City of Atascadero, California. By: Wade G. McKinney, City Manager • City of Atascadero C:\My Documents\Public Works\Notice of Completion.doc 121 ITEM NUMBER: A-10 DATE: 09-26-00 s 1918 ® 1-97-9 Atascadero City Council Staff Report- Public Works Department RV Park Railroad Crossing RECOMMENDATION: Planning Commission recommends the Council adopt Draft Resolution which authorizes the City Engineer to sign and submit, on behalf of the City of Atascadero, an application to the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California for an Order authorizing construction of a railroad grade separation crossing over the tracks of the Union Pacific Railroad Company for the extension of El Camino Real in the City of Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County. DISCUSSION: Background: The project, Atascadero Recreational Vehicle Park, consists of a Master Plan of Development (MPD) for Recreation Planned Development and will consist of a phased recreational facility that will include a transient occupancy recreational vehicle park. The site has a General Plan Designation of Recreation (REC) and a Zoning District of Recreation (L) with a Planned Develop ment 9 overlay. The project site is located east of the Union Pacific Railway and west of the Salinas River. Graves Creek is on the north side of the proposed RV Park, and south of the Phase 1 site. Access to the proposed site will be through the commercial center along El Camino Real and across the railroad tracks. The Public Utility Commission (PUC) has jurisdiction on this issue. The City is required to submit an application to the PUC to gain approval for a bridge crossing over the railroad right of way. This request requires the City Council to adopt a resolution that authorizes the City Engineer to sign and submit the application. The applicant is proposing to construct twin bridges across the railroad tracks to the RV Park. This would be the project's only access. The Fire Department is requiring that there be two separate bridges, each with a minimum of 13.5-foot wide unobstructed driving lanes. Since the bridges cannot be designed to accommodate pedestrians, bike and pedestrian access will be provided along a Class I pathway running along Graves Creek from Phase 2 of the Home Depot shopping center. The trail will connect to the pedestrian/bike trail being provided on Phase I of the proposed project. (See Attachment A for plans) 122 ITEM NUMBER: A-10 DATE:-' 09-26-00 FISCAL IMPACT: None, the Railroad crossing would be privately owned and constructed. ALTERNATIVES: Do not authorize the City Engineer to sign and submit an application to the Public Utilities Commission for an Order authorizing the construction of a railroad grade separation crossing over the tracks of the Union Pacific Railroad Company. Since this authorization is required to submit an application to the PUC and this is the only access point to the project, the project would not be constructed. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A—Railroad crossing Plans • i23 DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO SIGN AND SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION OF A GRADE SEPARATION CROSSING ACROSS THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY TRACKS WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has prepared an application to the Public Utility Commission requesting to construct a grade separation crossing of Union Pacific's tracks at the northerly extension of El Camino Real in order to serve properties to the north of the tracks. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, as follows: 1. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to sign and submit, on behalf of the City of Atascadero, an application to the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California for an Order authorizing construction of a railroad grade separation crossing over the tracks of the Union Pacific Railroad Company for the extension of El Camino Real in the City of Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County. A copy of this application is on file in the City Clerk's department. 2. The City Clerk is directed to attest the execution of the application; 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution, and it shall thereupon take effect and be in force. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero this 26th day of September, 2000, by the following vote on roll call: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 124 r \ \// \ \\ ice _ \ V yV� ♦ D A IA cs \\\\\\\\\ \ 7— Ld -- \\�\Q\\\\11 111111 11 ;�/ If X<X Wa \\p�lllll 1 1 w z w a z !- il�l�llll No <a L,- c <a O a � > w XO r I / %%1111 �� 1 /I � •• �Za �\ / / I // 1 IIIIIItIUIII llllll I �� � �� / T 1 I � Iilllllllllll 1 X111 I I\ 1 1 1. �j—�\ ! I 1 II t111Al11 I �,,11111 I /f 41�I l j i b \��� / I1�II 11 1 I�I �\I 1`-•11\\I\11 t1 1 \\l�% ��/ // / /// \ . l l o 41!tel /�Y11 l Il jI1'Fl l —/l q �I/ If If 'fill, llpn �> ,,II O LLJ to A. \\\ o \ \ d MIHOIMO Wd 4Z:£t:tO 00-ZL-6 6MP'oOXXOLZL630\SOMO NO!ion8iSNOO\I!^!O\LZL066\666t\fojd\:3 On r s ~ O O n o � w a ® 0 8N 3 I (� 1 5cr x a a� W nIL >a Q - I r-a o� U F-- -0 N _� wa N a Wm cai0 Q a tL I I ay <W I Cl! J a I D I � � 1 I' „ a W i " ,.0 IX 00 11 �dl,,i ONIW MM —'t rn } M I t INI III . n W iW/ a a I IIII � il � III I. W AA- 12 6ou!lsuyo wy SL:81:80 00-90-6 6MP'flIBIHX3\I!M0\1ZL066\6661\fojd\:q w I N ® 83 3 i O &A i w n3" I f- T mo F �5 K: pI,- In m W< Q pcl W N I w N F W •f < N< LL C5 X <a O w LU w H — p U a J 3 -- -T ,—4 o z_ 41 W N N z J J OQx j W �O< J R Uz tip �- a X- a <z zz a- F� -- � W) a * ow XirLi 0 — ----.< -- 1f -a-- —I --- V < V) � AS/1 E 4 09 d s uiI I I I I CP _ - --- I I M/N Q \ O n Ir In Y a Y N Q II < < a 0 w 11 = p QctO — Z p I o z > \ — M/a — — — — — — — _ 9'9988+�III}t -IL YI ' WI I O 0 vi -I--w N �mw < �F r a Q. OW 030 J mLod z! zW z-2z0 Z R Fin J co V) ¢ O I tJ't a w < a o n N m mN .0ao w w CO IN ^ m n MIHOIMO Wd 9£:6£:£0 00-ZL-6 6MP'£3dLZL630\I!^!0\LZL066\6661\�vJdl: ) Lu o 0 F v NVg } ® G; I o w a8^ o A aLd L)a a� O >� Q =z wa Q w v <rn F- o S Oo Q >a¢ U- % O a >- W W F- o U a O Pd 1 J Lo f D Z �O H Pr tiC3 G CU Q:: F-a Q•� N W ? D I asLj J O f yo f I �1 ^ J S� cp,9 Pity �j vpctotc ..b � Sou H J 7f �\\ �b sot O JS F �D 1 W I G q t � 4 W f MLHOIMO Wd 9941£:£0 OO-ZI-6 6MP'9dVWOIA\I!^!O\1ZL066\6661\. d�:p ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: ' 09-26-00 ■ ®'9 min i iiia ® is a Atascadero City Council Staff Report— Public Works Department Caltrans Median Barrier Project Alternative Selection RECOMMENDATION: Council receive a report from Caltrans on the Median Barrier Project and select the Thrie-beam barrier as the preferred alternative. DISCUSSION: Background: Caltrans is planning a project to place highway median barrier on Route 101 from south Atascadero to the San Anselmo overcrossing (see attachment A). There are two alternatives proposed and Caltrans is interested in the City Council's preference. Summary: The two alternatives are: 1. Concrete Median Barrier-Place concrete median barrier approximately 14 ft from one edge of the traveled way, and pave the median up to the barrier on the narrow side. This barrier would be split for a segment where there is existing vegetation and a barrier placed on either side of the vegetation. The median would be paved up to the barrier on both sides through this segment 2. Thrie-beam Barrier— Place a thrie-beam barrier in the same manner as the concrete barrier, but without any median paving. Caltrans will be at the City Council meeting to give a presentation on the project and the alternatives. Analysis: The thrie-beam barrier is not solid and is more ascetically pleasing than the concrete barrier. Most local agencies that have been asked have selected the thrie-beam. The existing median barrier north of San Anselmo is thrie-beam and Caltrans is about to complete a median barrier project north of Atascadero that is thrie-beam. Conclusion: Select Thrie-beam as the preferred alternative. 130 ITEM NUMBER: C-1 DATE: ' 09-26-00 0 FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: 1. Select Concrete Median Barrier. 2. Select neither and give Caltrans direction. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A—Caltrans request letter 131 STATE OF CALIFORNIA—BUSINESS;-i RANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY GRAY DAVIS,Govemor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECEIVED Higuera Street N LUIS OBISPO,CA 93401-5415 AUG 1 4 'RWLEPHONE:(805)549-3111 TDD(805)549-3259 - CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE August 11, 2000 Mayor Ray Johnson CITY OF ATASCADERO i 6500 Palma Ave Atascadero, CA 93422 s Re: City preference for highway median barrier style Dear Mayor Johnson: Caltrans is planning a project to place highway median barrier on Route 101 from the Santa Barbara Road overcrossing to the San Anselmo Road overcrossing. Caltrans policy decrees that, on medians of 14 meters (46') or less, the barrier type shall be solid concrete with a paved median. The median throughout this section of highway is 14 meters, however, there is a design exception procedure that would allow metal thrie-beam barrier(with wooden posts) to be placed instead. There are two alternatives being proposed. Alternative 1 is to place concrete median barrier approximately 14' from one edge of the travel way, and pave the median up to the barrier on the narrower side. The barrier would be split for a segment where there is existing median vegetation and barrier placed on either side, also at about a 14' offset from the highway. The median would be paved up to the barrier on both sides throughout this segment. Alternative 2 is to place thrie-beam barrier in the sam&manner, but without any median paving. Caltrans is interested in knowing if the City of Atascadero has a preference for the style of median barrier, either concrete or thrie-beam, to be used on this project. A letter from the City Council containing a clear statement of preference would be instrumental in deciding which alternative to use. (The San Luis Obispo Council of Governments supports the use of thrie-beam barrier at this location if median vegetation is preserved.) You can respond to me at the above address, or at 549-3063. For more information about the project, please contact the project engineer, Rob Miller, at 549-3075. Sincerely, Paula Huddleston Environmental Planning cc: Ron DeCarli, SLOCOG ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 09-26-00 • i 1'1 ii® 1918 ® 19 9 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Public Works Department 3-F Meadows Alternative Access Study RECOMMENDATION: Council receive this report on the 3-F Meadows alternate access study. DISCUSSION: Background: The residents of the 3-F Meadows area have requested that the City investigate the possibility of improving access from 3-F Meadows to Morro Road (State Route 41). Approximately 65 single-family residential lots would benefit from an alternate access into the area. Currently, the only improved access to the 3-F Meadows area is from San Gabriel Road via Monita Road, Sierra Vista, Andrita and Casanova Avenues. Access to 3-F Meadows is also possible from Morro Road via an at-grade crossing of Atascadero Creek north of Barranco Road. This unimproved, at-grade crossing of the creek has been in service for many years. The crossing is impassible when creek flows are high or soft sediments have accumulated. It takes approximately 4-5 minutes longer to access 3-F Meadows via the existing improved access versus the at-grade creek crossing. Emergency response times to the 3-F Meadows area increased if the at-grade creek crossing cannot be utilized. Summary: The attached exhibits show three possible methods of providing an alternate access to the 3-F Meadows area. Alternative 1: Construct a bridge across Atascadero Creek connecting Morro Road with Carmelita Avenue. With this alternative, ramps would need to be constructed on Carmelita Avenue in order to maintain clearance between the bottom of the proposed bridge and the 100-year water surface elevation. In order to insure access to the 3-F Meadows area during periods of high flow in Atascadero Creek, the entire segment of Carmelita Avenue between Casitas and Barranco should be reconstructed at a higher elevation to reduce the potential for inundation. 133 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 09-26-00 Alternative 2: Construct low-water crossing at the location of the existing at-grade crossing of Atascadero Creek. The low-water crossing would only be a viable means of accessing the 3-F Meadows area during periods when flow in Atascadero Creek are relatively low. Emergency response times to the 3-F Meadows area would not be improved during periods of high-flow in Atascadero Creek. Alternative 3: Extend Carmelita Avenue southerly within the existing right-of-way creating a new intersection south of the existing Morro Road bridge. The extension of Carmelita Avenue south to Morro Road appears to be cost effective. Right-of- way currently exists. The extension of Carmelita may become impassible during periods of high flow in Atascadero Creek. Sight distance is a concern on this option. A private Engineer is completing a sight distance analysis at this location for a private development. The estimated cost of the alternatives is as follows: Alternative Estimated Cost Construct Bridge (two-lane w/sidewalk) $540,500 Construct low-water crossing (two-lane) $99,800 Construct extension of Carmelita Ave to the $93,800 south(two-lane) Conclusion: Staff is starting the initial environmental assessment of all 3 alternatives. We will be sending the study out to Caltrans, Fish and Game,Army Corp of Engineers and other affected agencies to receive comment and input. Staff will than develop a preferred alternative and begin looking for potential sources of funding. FISCAL IMPACT: None. If the project is funded in the future, there may be costs for design, construction or a match. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A—3-F Meadows Alternative Access Study i34 I 3�F Meadows Alternative cce ss Stody 4 I I September 2000 i � 5 3-F MEADOWS ALTERNATE ACCESS History The residents of the 3-F Meadows area have requested that the City investigate the possibility of improving access from 3-F Meadows to. Morro Road (State Route 41). Approximately 65 single-family residential lots would benefit from an alternate access into the area. Currently, the only improved access to the 3-F Meadows area is from San Gabriel Road via Monita Road, Sierra Vista, Andrita and Casanova Avenues. Access to 3-F Meadows is also possible from Morro Road via an at-grade crossing of Atascadero Creek north of Barranco Road. This unimproved, at- grade crossing of the creek has been in service for many years. The crossing is impassible when creek flows are high or soft sediments have accumulated. It takes approximately 4-5 minutes longer to access 3-F Meadows via the existing improved access versus the at-grade creek crossing. Emergency response times to the 3-F Meadows area increased if the at-grade creek crossing cannot be utilized. Alternatives The attached exhibits show three possible methods of providing an alternate access to the 3-F Meadows area. Alternative 1: Construct a bridge across Atascadero Creek connecting Morro Road with Carmelita Avenue. With this alternative, ramps would need to be constructed on Carmelita Avenue in order to maintain clearance between the bottom of the proposed bridge and the 100-year water surface elevation. In order to insure access to the 3-F Meadows area during periods of high flow in Atascadero Creek, the entire segment of Carmelita Avenue between Casitas and Barranco should be reconstructed at a higher elevation to reduce the potential for inundation. Alternative 2: Construct low-water crossing at the location of the existing at- grade crossing of Atascadero Creek. The low-water crossing would only be a viable means of accessing the 3-F Meadows area during periods when flow in Atascadero Creek are relatively low. Emergency response times to the 3-F Meadows area would not be improved during periods of high-flow in Atascadero Creek. Alternative 3: Extend Carmelita Avenue southerly within the existing right-of-way creating a new intersection south of the existing Morro Road bridge. 136 The extension of Carmelita Avenue south to Morro Road appears to be cost effective. Right-of-way currently exists. The extension of Carmelita may become impassible during periods of high flow in Atascadero Creek. Sight distance is a concern on this option. A private Engineer is completing a sight distance analysis at this location for a private development. The estimated cost of the alternatives is as follows: Alternative Estimated Cost Construct Bridge (two-lane w/ $540,500 sidewalk Construct low-water crossing $99,800 two-lane Construct extension of Carmilita $93,800 Ave to the south two-lane L'= 137 NORTH COAST ENGINEERING, INC. PRELIMINARY OPINION AS TO PROBABLY COST PROJECT 00179 EXTEND CARMELITA-ALTERNATE 1 BY RDK DATE 09/12/00 "REASONABLE"QUANTITIES REV. DATE "NORMAL"WORKING CONDITIONS ITEM QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL EARTHWORK-DEMOLITION CLEAR AND GRUB (ACRES) 1 $250.00 $250.00 ROADWAY EXCAVATION (CY) 875 10.00 8,750.00 SUBTOTAL $9,000.00 STREETS 6"AC BERM (LF) 1,000 $3.00 $3,000.00 ASPHALT CONCRETE (TON) 400 50.00 20,000.00 BASE-CLASS 2 (TON 1,100 23.00 25,300.00 STREET SIGNS (EA) 4 250.00 1,000.00 MONUMENT(EA) 1 250.00 250.00 MONUMENT WELL(EA) 1 200.00 200.00 PAVEMENT MARKING (SF) 135 3.00 405.00 DELINEATORS (EA) 10 50.00 500.00 36"CMP (LF) 40 50.00 2,000.00 SUBTOTAL $52,655.00 MISCELLANEOUS HYDROSEED SLOPES (SF) 15,000 $0.06 $900.00 SUBTOTAL $900.00 TOTAL OF CONSTRUCTION ITEMS $62,555.00 CONTINGENCY @ 20% 12,511.00 PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ESTIMATES @ 10% 6,255.50 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING @ 15% 9,383.25 CITY SUPPORT SERVICES @ 5% 3,127.75 PROJECT TOTAL $93,832.50 THIS PRELIMINARY OPINION AS TO COSTS IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE OF COSTS. N.C.E. HAS NO CONTROL OVER THE COSTS OF LABOR, MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, FUTURE MARKET CONDITIONS OR CONTRACTOR'S BIDDING METHODS. THE ACTUAL COST OF CONSTRUCTION MAY VARY FROM THE ESTIMATES AND/OR THE PROJECT BUDGET. 138 NORTH COAST ENGINEERING, INC. PRELIMINARY OPINION AS TO PROBABLY COST PROJECT 00179 LOW WATER CROSSING -ALTERNATE 2 BY RDK _ DATE 09/12/00 Alternate Access to 3-F Meadows REV. DATE Atascadero, California ITEM QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL EARTHWORK-DEMOLITION CLEAR AND GRUB (LS) 1 $500.00 $500.00 ROADWAY/CROSSING EXCAVATION (CY) 300 10.00 3,000.00 SAWCUT ASPHALT PAVEMENT(LF) 165 0.75 123.75 SUBTOTAL $3,623.75 STREETS 6"AC BERM (LF) 100 $3.00 $300.00 ASPHALT CONCRETE (TON) 80 50.00 4,000.00 CONCRETE PAVEMENT(SF) 3,850 10.00 38,500.00 BASE -CLASS 3 (TON) 200 23.00 4,600.00 STREET SIGNS (EA) 4 250.00 1,000.00 PAVEMENT MARKING (SF) 200 3.00 600.00 DELINEATORS (EA) 10 50.00 500.00 LOW FLOW CULVERTS (LF) 200 25.00 5,000.00 SUBTOTAL $54,500.00 MISCELLANEOUS HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREA (LS) 1 $250.00 $250.00 CT-TRAFFIC CONTROL (DAY) 4 1,000.00 4,000.00 SUBTOTAL $4,250.00 TOTAL OF CONSTRUCTION ITEMS $62,373.75 CEQA STUDIES AND AGENCY PERMITTINGCLD 10% 6,237.38 CONTINGENCY 20% 12,474.75 PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ESTIMATES 10% 6,237.38 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING 15% 9,356.06 CITY SUPPORT SERVICES @ 5% 3,118.69 PROJECT TOTAL $99,798.00 THIS PRELIMINARY OPINION AS TO COSTS IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE OF COSTS. N.C.E. HAS NO CONTROL OVER THE COSTS OF LABOR, MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, FUTURE MARKET CONDITIONS OR CONTRACTOR'S BIDDING METHODS. THE ACTUAL COST OF CONSTRUCTION MAY VARY FROM THE ESTIMATES AND/OR THE PROJECT BUDGET. NORTH COAST ENGINEERING, INC. PRELIMINARY OPINION AS TO PROBABLY COST PROJECT 00179 BRIDGE&RAISE CARMELITA-ALTERNATE 3 BY RDK (IN VICINITY OF BRIDGE) DATE 09/12/00 Alternate Access to 3-F Meadows REV. DATE Atascadero, California ITEM QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL EARTHWORK-DEMOLITION CLEAR AND GRUB (LS) 1 $500.00 $500.00 IMPORT/EXPORT(CY) 1,000 7.50 7,500.00 REMOVE AC PAVEMENT(SF) 8,000 1.00 8,000.00 SAWCUT ASPHALT PAVEMENT(LF) 150 0.75 112.50 SUBTOTAL $16,112.50 STREETS 6"AC BERM (LF) 100 $3.00 $300.00 ASPHALT CONCRETE (TON) 165 43.00 7,095.00 BASE-CLASS 2 (TON) 310 23.00 7,130.00 MONUMENT(EA) 1 250.00 250.00 MONUMENT WELL(EA) 1 200.00 200.00 STREET SIGNS (EA) 4 250.00 1,000.00 PAVEMENT MARKING (SF) 200 3.00 600.00 DELINEATORS (EA) 10 50.00 500.00 SUBTOTAL $17,075.00 BRIDGE BRIDGE (SF) 6,400 $70.00 $448,000.00 SUBTOTAL $448,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS HYDROSEED SLOPES (SF) 3,000 $0.06 $180.00 CT-TRAFFIC CONTROL(DAY) 10 1,000.00 10,000.00 SUBTOTAL $10,180.00 TOTAL OF CONSTRUCTION ITEMS $491,367.50 CEQA STUDIES AND AGENCY PERMITTING @ 10% 49,136.75 CONTINGENCY @ 20% 98,273.50 PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ESTIMATES @ 10% 49,136.75 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING @ 15% 73,705.13 PROJECT TOTAL $540,504.25 THIS PRELIMINARY OPINION AS TO COSTS IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS 140 CONST BRIDGE OR LOW WATER CROSSING GP A B OPO / B O� u YYY RECONSTRUCT ROAD OVER EXISTING ALIGNMENT 0 100' 200' 400' SCALE: 1"=200' 3- F MEADOWS ALTERNATE ACCESS ALTERNATIVES 41 1901± i PROPOSED BRIDGE EXIST APPROACH FILL 940 j i 5' FILL± 100-YEAr WSEL 50-YEAR WSEL rr ` EXIST AC 920 f DATUM Awy 915.00 O O� N c? O 1K co 04 N N N n O) 03 Ol Of C) 0 1+00 2+00 3+00 H: 1"=40' V: i"=10' SECTION A- A 3- F MEADOWS ALTERNATE ACCESS BRIDGE ALTERNATIVE i42 12' 10' EXIST FLOW LINE e A. 4.' LOW FLOW CULVERTS o 0 0 0 000 000 000 000 0 0 !,4 CONCRETE CUT-OFF ROCK RIP RAP WALL I 940 ( I f 100-YEAR WSEL i I50-YEAR WSEL I I i O�_f _ _0 920 F ( 4 I EXIST AC LOW FLOW CULVERTS DATUM AZEV 815.00 O aI N to O O o ao C-i H: 1"=40' to r- rn V: 1"=10' cn rn rn 0 rn 1+00 2+00 3+00 SECTION A- A 3- F MEADOWS ALTERNATE ACCESS LOW WATER CROSSING ALTERNATIVE � � z 22' 2' 10' 10' 2" MIN. TYPE "B" A.C. (TYP.) 2% \ 00 ASPHALT DIKE P 6" MIN. CLASS II AGG. BASE (TYP.) SECTION B— B 3— F MEADOWS ALTERNATE ACCESS ROAD RECONSTRUCTION ALTERNATIVE s i ITEM NUMBER: C-3 DATE: ' 09-26-00 ni on i;® 1918 , 1-97-9 CAD�� Atascadero City Council Staff Report- Public Works Department 2000 State Improvement Program (STIP) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council: 1. Approve the Project Study Reports for projects which staff has submitted for funding from the 2000 State Transportation Improvement Program(STIP). 2. Authorize the Administrative Services Director to amend the 2000 City Budget to appropriate the funds for the project matches. DISCUSSION: The STIP is the program the State uses to distribute State and Federal funds to local jurisdictions for projects. In San Luis Obispo County the 2000 STIP fund estimate is $14.24 million. San Luis Obispo Council 16f Governments (SLOCOG) is responsible for distributing the funds. The total requests for the 2000 STIP is $28,600,000.00, double the amount available. SLOCOG is ranking the projects for recommending funding. Staff is working with SLOCOG and the Technical Transportation Advisory Committee (TTAC) of SLOCOG on the projects and the ranking. These rankings will be released prior this Council Meeting and staff will present the updated information at the meeting. The STIP funds can be used for projects in 5 different categories. Attached is a list of the projects that have been submitted County wide and the amount of funding requested. The project nominations are in 4 of the 5 categories. They are: 1. Atascadero Road Program. (Local Street and Roads Projects) These funds will be used for road maintenance projects on roads selected from the Circulation Plan Roads Priority List. Total project cost: $327,060.00 Match/source: $9,060.00/Streets and Bridges. 2. Curbaril Bridge. (Enhancement Projects) This bridge will replace the existing Caltrans bridge that is slated to be removed in the near future. The bridge will be for Pedestrians, N 5 ITEM NUMBER: C-3 DATE: ' 09-26-00 Bicycles, horses and emergency access. This project was developed because of the opportunities presented in the removal of the temporary bridge. It is not in the Capital Improvement Budget. Staff is working with SLOCOG to redesignate these funds to a project included in the STIP. Total project cost: $382,500.00 Match/source: $19,125.00/Local Transportation Fund. 3. Santa Cruz Road Extension. (Highway & Major Regional Projects) This project will extend Santa Cruz Road from the end of Traffic Way, at Carrizo Road,to El Camino Real. Total project cost: $328,500.00 Match/source: $65,700.00/Streets and Bridges Development Impact Fee 4. E1 Camino Real Scenic Beautification and pedestrian facilities. (Enhancement Project) This project is for the construction of landscaped medians and pedestrian bulb outs at the intersections from Morro Road to Traffic Way. Total project cost: $179,300.00 Match/source: $44,825.00/Redevelopment District. 5. El Camino Real Traffic Signal Synchronization. (Intelligent Transportation Systems Projects) This project will interconnect the signals from Palomar to Traffic Way. Total project cost: $318,000.00 Match/source: $15,900.00/Local Transportation Fund. 6. Traffic Signal Preemption Project. (Intelligent Transportation Systems Projects) This project install preemption devices on select signals in the City. Total project cost: $86,400.00 Match/source: $4,320.00/Local Transportation Fund. The Project Study Report must be approved and the local agency commitment to funding the match must be to SLOCOG by October 4. The Project Study Reports are in the City Clerks office for review. FISCAL IMPACT: Matching Funds by local jurisdictions increase the ranking of projects. Staff is recommending matching funds for the projects. Projects that are selected by the SLOCOG will require the match to be paid by the local agency. All the funds requested to be used for the match have the funds available. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A- Projects submitted for the 2000 STIP, SLOCOG 146 Submitted projects for the 2000 STIP IDENTIFICATION OF MAJOR ISSUES TO BE RESOLVED BY THE OCTOBER PROGRAMMING MEETING 2000 STIP Funding Requests x EyRrdrsC&Wy 1. StateHg �arel Fates X20Q 18,8CQOOC 2 L.ocd St/FbFUmUlitahm a0CQ00C 3,10Q, 3 Biummt Nects 1,4CQODC 3,OOQ, 4. Tract/ ieeTedTdacy 4MOOC 2,WQOOC j $1405q", $:AMQOO� 11 2000 STIP Funding Requests � r fLftenc �AmoanfRe vested y x" en AI[ocaf[ort� �_ =TotaC'� Arroyo Grande 410,300 249,000 659,300 Atascadero 1,153,890 318,000 1,471,890 Grover Beach 1,051,000 233,000 1,284,000 Morro Bay 1,092,500 150,000 1,242,500 Paso Robles 10,440,000 288,000 10,728,000 Pismo Beach 948,600 213,000 1,161,600 SLO City 2,415,549 363,000 2,778,549 SLO County 4,039,422 1,113,000 5,152,422 SCAT 446,104 0 446,104 SLOCOG 2,006,000 0 2,006,000 SLORTA 1,698,435 0 1,698,435 Totals $25,701,800 $3,100,000 $28,628,800 2000 STIP Funding Requests Funding requests by subregion ■ North County $ 13,189,774 ■ North Coast $ 41038,100 ■ Central County $ 3,1.04,549 ■ South County $ 4,636,704 ■ SLORTA $ 1,698,000 ■ SLOCOG $ 2,006,000 Total $ 28,673,562 1.� g r MAJOR PROGRAMMING ISSUES 1. Balancing SB45 Programming Responsibilities : State and Regional Transportation System. Regional and Local Transportation Networks. 2. Underfunded Projects from Last Cycle. Assess and add points 3. Requests Far Exceed Available funding. Phase projects F Limit scope - Question costs Assure equity. MAJOR PROGRAMMING ISSUES cont. 4. Advance Development Projects with Minimal or no local commitment to fund • Fund only PA & ED or Attain local binding financial commitment 5. High Engineering Standards Escalating Costs Seek modifications to Project or Increased local funding. 6. Transit Capital Requests far exceeds targeted funding. Establish Capital Improvement Program over several cycles . i •19 MAJOR PROGRAMMING ISSUES cont. 7. Lumping many projects together inhibit programming. Request estimates of fundable segments • Rate fundable segments 8. Equity. Assess prior cycles funding for both: Highway projects and local projects. Seek relative balance of funding distribution over several funding cycles. MAJOR PROGRAMMING ISSUES cont. 9. Project Study Reports. Numerous PSRs are in process, time is running out. 10. Governing Board Action: Delay deadline to October 4th. J0 N N a 00000000000 QooO 0 00008000000 ,�QogooQ oo ooBQQQQQmgoQ 00000 00000000000 ooS oQ o 00000oSSSSS �SSSSS o 00 000SSSSS �' SSoSSSS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o b d o 0 od o 00 0 0 00 m o o b d o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o b avf b o $ OO OO OO c'! 0n 0O 0O P OO OO OO OO OO O mN t0 OO OO OO OO OO OO OO d W O ^ O 0 0O 0 0 O _ 0 O w 6 N m ppm O ^ C b N C M mO 6 C7 b O m C C0Od rn C0dN M m b N d P O a O O O O S O O O O O Opp O N oO O p O O S O COD O M O O O O O O O O S � S i C; p Op O O d dMd C S O O O S p O S O O tOD_ co O D O O n N N S N m M m m 0 Of M P S O b O N O. N S m O S n O S m N CND b n W O d M ' S m ' h tM+) O O M fb0 ^ myy COD O r a O n N M d N M N b d d N CD d b N M co M t d CD M N N '- d m O _ N M d M N N N d N ( Q W N M v Cl O n N Y N N C> N J J J J Cj J J O O - O ° O O m m m m m m r 7 M 7 U) y b m b b 4 T H >m y m y m rN/� C V T T {Ej 0 E m 'm c m c E 1Q c C C C QT m a Y o m r !9 m E m m m m c c °-u' h ° N $ O E T V C V o E y U a Dnp $ Q �E m N E o c E c ° m J O O O C Vl 0 m U E n Y C ° m 00 T C Y o c a -.-0 § E aD a c y a n c m CO 3 " y E m m a E a s a N c > y 5 o e 8 Q i c c 3 ° o E W d ; m 3 3 E h fLEO gaIr S A 0 -6 Em m E 0Cm m v0mv $mC jfvLn° Sm � 75 ` -0 KOc o m 3 o> N o vcJm 'C a E u vc2m $p �C ° N�omy ' m N Nm _ pp 'ED O m m C O 0 y j C L m Q °o o ° 3E a .> mC� Nvmm @ cc 3CI m aO °0 nmc _7m'Vjm mE C i V m 0 n ' c ` CWp I 1 S r ° o cli E 1p o o .9H Ho m V $a Wm U) o o aoU a c aUo o a cg" m s � ¢ ( oo aNmCc voTEy N3NcEQ m- 3O' l 3 5 a m o`Ea �Ec i _m E_ nv c E � ir d Q E > aO PEwm' mg cWcp> . - LO c° wo Oc m Q c > r N E m d. m w ° cc co z m E dd 0 0 NmEc0 Y `3 a a ° a cc Q 2 0 - K CD Cv. E E E U 0pu � N Enmm a o m m ° OD E 9 3 a > (0 :E cmoTm mEE m md mm m a n° mo >yE Q m m o E i ` o m o Lm c Jcn r EO c a i Q m mQ' ` m t ) Efc3c 0 ° c EU Vm YQ � zm 3 UrR n CSnrnzaa > w tLCL O � mm0 O > wUw ao c c0 w D4 - N N M M d d d d d N w '_N M N ¢ " N M d d M d M N M M M d N M M - - - N M M N d d d- F N M ui 13 z_ U a z Sw z a mL° m@ m � c m m c mmz TD2' p z .0 Zvv oo 0 0 04 r2rmm�i`� mmv'$ mrc�Sm Z �Jpgc°•2Joc JDo F � U0G600U � � EmE. 0 000c 0 d ° 00000 ° 000 ° ¢O 00 p m m y 00000 00 ° Em 0000 00 O J ) J L) = =b h U) V) V) b U) b U) m IL � mda v) b b n n z b b L L a J2c` U) N v) 0 z O rY N M b m ' Q' m W 0 N M d b m t` m W O N M d b 0 � m 7 �• m W O N M � d d Y V d b m b b 0 w N M d b m h m W O r. �. O N N N N N N N N N N t7 M M t'� M w M M ° M M M d d d d N U z z K V) b Atascadero 397,272 318,000 300,000 384,180 Paso Robles 10,075,000 288,000 225,000 140,000 SLO Co. 0 182,160 880,162 10,472,272 788,160 1,405,162 524,180 Morro Bay 926,500 150,000 704,500 0 SLO Co. 1,850,000 407,100 0 0 2,776,500 557,100 704,500 0 SLO City 750,000 363,000 704,500 774,049 SLO Co. 0 513,000 0 0 750,000 876,000 704,500 774,049 Grover Beach 1,051,000 233,000 0 0 Pismo Beach 0 213,000 660,000 288,600 Arroyo Grande 0 0 425,000 0 1 SLO Co. 1,180,000 0 140,000 0 SCAT 0 0 0 446,104 2,231,000 446,000 1,225,000 734,704 Reg�ona eq�e. SLORTA 0 0 0 1,698,435 SLOCOG 2,006,000 0 0 0 2,006,000 0 0 1,698,435 TOTALS 18,235,772 2,667,260 4,039,162 3,731,368 Total funding requested $28,673,$62 1Jw ITEM NUMBER: C-4 DATE: 09-26-00 NA BIBn Isla i 1 9 Atascadero City Council Staff Report- City Manager's Office Response to the Grand Jury RECOMMENDATION: 1. Council approve response to the Grand Jury regarding the Mackey Project; and 2. Council approve response to the Grand Jury regarding Weed Abatement. DISCUSSION: The County Grand Jury issued two reports that require a response from Atascadero. The first involves a residential development project proposed on Traffic Way commonly called the Mackey Project, the second deals with weed abatement throughout the County and Atascadero was named as one of ten agencies. The Council is required to respond to the reports pursuant to Penal Code Section 933. The section also requires the City not to "...disclose any contents of the report prior to the public release of the report." However, the Grand Jury itself made an early release of the report only to the Gazette newspaper. The report concerning the Mackey project contains erroneous information making the findings and recommendations inappropriate. The City Attorney and City Manager drafted a response to the report that was sent to Judge Burke immediately following the premature release by the Grand Jury. A recommended response to the Grand Jury report is attached. The report concerning weed abatement deals with a countywide issue of notice. It deals with a specific window of time where it is possible for a new owner to be responsible for weed abatement charges that would not show up in a title report. As can be seen by the recent fire near San Gabriel School, weed abatement is an essential community program. The City has had very few problems with the weed abatement program and almost no objections to the abatement or fees. The few problems that do emerge annually are typically handled at a staff level. A recommended response is attached. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft response letter re: Mackey Project 2. Draft response letter re: Weed Abatement 1.53 aFe—m� A CITY OF ATASCADERO Atl M " 'yKpp4lry 1918 1 y R F 1979 \�scA'°ERo CITY COUNCIL September 27,'2000 Hon. E. Jeffrey Burke Judge of the Superior Court c/o Mary O'Donnell - Room 236 County Government Center San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 RE: The Grand Jury Report (June 26, 2000), City of Atascadero—The Mackey Project Dear Judge Burke, This letter serves as the response of the Atascadero City Council required under Penal Code section 933. The Grand Jury report contains factual errors that invalidate many of the findings and recommendations. Unfortunately the reliance on these facts discredits the report and eliminates any beneficial impact it may have had on the development process. "The City contacted the Grand Jury prior to the release of the report to allow the Grand Jury to correct their factual errors. The following are a couple of examples of errors contained in the report: On page 2 near the beginning of the report the Grand Jury states that "documentation provided by the City does not include any written consent from the Railroad for the development of the property,or for Mr. Mackey, Mr. Gearhart, or Mr. Faulkenstien to act on its behalf. The application submitted by Mr. Mackey is signed and designates Cannon Associates as agent for Mr. Mackey. A true and correct copy of this document was provided to the Grand Jury. On page 7 of the report it states "Among the many people who spoke during the public hearing, three asserted that Mr. Gearhart had purchased property directly across the street from the. Mackey project, and that Mr. Lerno therefore had a conflict of interest and should not vote". A review of the tapes clearly shows that no one at the meeting of August 10, 1999 said that Mr. Lerno had a conflict of interest and should not vote. There was talk of Kelly Gearhart buying property in the area, however,no one said the property was "directly across the street". The City has reviewed the report and provides the following response. We have not attempted to separate the facts from the editorializing in the report,however,we have directed our response to the factual issue presented. Because of the factual errors contained in the report and the reliance of the Grand Jury on editorial statements, the City hereby requests that, pursuant to Section 929 of the Penal Code, the Presiding Judge make available to the City all of the evidentiary material, 6500 PALMA AVENUE ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93422 • .(805)461-5086 FAX(805)461-0606 i�4 September 27,2000 Hon. E.Jeffrey Burke Re: Grand Jury Report,June 26,2000, City of Atascadero Page 2 findings, and other information relied upon by the grand jury to reach the conclusions, findings and recommendations concluded in the report. Findings 1. An application for development of the property on Traffic Way was submitted, with Mr. Mackey identified as the owner, when Union Pacific Railroad actually owned the property. The City supplied no documentation to the Grand Jury indicating the Railroad, or Mr. Gearhart after he purchased the property, or Mr. Mackey after he purchased the property, approved the application or designated anyone as an agent for purposes of property development. The respondent disagrees partially with the finding. The Grand Jury states that "the City supplied no documentation... (that) Mr. Mackey after he purchased the property approved the application or designated anyone as an agent for purposes of property development is not factual. The application submitted by Mr. Mackey is signed and designates Cannon Associates as agent for Mr. Mackey. A true and correct copy of this document was provided to the Grand Jury and is attached as exhibit 1. Therefore this finding is not true. 2. A. The mechanism for adequate, potable water service was not yet determined when the project was approved by the City Council. The respondent disagrees wholly with the finding. The City Council conditionally approved the project. One of the conditions of approval was the adequate,potable water service. The City Council was presented with a letter from the applicant's engineer that stated the intent of the applicant to develop the property with water service from the Atascadero Municipal Water Company. Absent service from the Water Company, the applicant indicated that a well would be provided for each lot. In either case, a mechanism for providing water service was identified. City regulations permit the construction and operation of domestic water wells provided they meet all applicable federal, state and local regulations. Likewise the applicant provided a water service plan prepared by a Licensed Civil Engineer. The City does not control nor may it direct the Water Company to provide service to property within the city limits. A mechanism for adequate, potable water service was determined when the City Council took action on the project. 1-55 September 27,2000 Hon. E.Jeffrey Burke Re: Grand Jury Report,June 26,2000, City of Atascadero Page 3 B. City Engineering advised City Planning the application should be considered incomplete until water supply requirements were satisfied. Although certain concerns of Engineering were included in the City Manager's Agenda Report to the Council, Engineering's view that the application should be considered incomplete was not included. The respondent disagrees wholly with the finding. The Grand Jury fails to report that on May 21, 1999 the City Engineer "reviewed the information submitted by the applicant" and "find it acceptable" and provided the conditions of approval for the project, which were subsequently provided to the Planning Commission and City Council. The City Engineer had determined that the application was complete and therefore this finding is false. 3. The Grand Jury found no evidence that any City official investigated or responded to the public's allegations of conflict of interest at the Council meeting of August 10, 1999. These allegations were sufficiently specific to cause concern. The respondent disagrees wholly with the finding. The Grand Jury based the finding on erroneous facts that invalidate Finding 3. The error first appears on page 7 of the report where it states "Among the many people who spoke during the public hearing, three asserted that Mr. Gearhart had purchased property directly across the street from the Mackey project, and that Mr. Lerno therefore had a conflict of interest and should not vote". In review of the actual tapes of the meeting and transcripts of the same, no one at the meeting of August 10, 1999 said that Mr. Lerno had a conflict of interest and should not vote. There was talk of Kelly Gearhart buying property in the area and no one said directly across the street from the Mackey project. The Grand Jury paragraph continues by saying "These assertions do not appear to have elicited any reaction from City officials ... (and) were not included by the Clerk in the minutes. " Since the assertions were not made until the September 14th meeting they elicited no response on August 10th and did not appear in the minutes ofAugust 10th Prior to the August 10th meeting and up to the September 14th meeting Ken Lerno had sought legal advice regarding potential conflicts of interest. He indicated that he had a report from his attorney that he had no conflict and felt he had a duty to vote on the project. All of the Council Members and key staff raised the conflict issue at various times either directly with Mr. Lerno or in a public meeting as evidenced by the minutes of September 14rh. When there was an assertion that a conflict existed at the September 14th meeting several officials took action which resulted in Ken Lerno retracting his vote. Council Member Luna asked several clarifying questions about conflicts as did Mayor Johnson. Immediately following the initial vote, the City Manager personally contacted Mr. Lerno and described the apparent conflict which caused Mr. Lerno to request a recess, consult with his advisors and retract his vote. The system worked September 27,2000 Hon. E.Jeffrey Burke Re: Grand Jury Report,June 26,2000, City of Atascadero Page 4 Further, the City Attorney conducted an investigation at the direction of the City Council into the allegations that a conflict of interest had existed. Therefore, the statement that no evidence that any City official investigated the allegations is false. Penal Code section 933.05(e) requires that "[d/uring an investigation, the grand jury shall meet with the subject of that investigation regarding the investigation, unless the court, either on its own determination or upon request of the foreperson of the grand jury, determines that such a meeting would be detrimental. " The grand jury in this case never met with Council Member George Luna and did not meet with the City Attorney during the investigation. This glaring failure discredits the reasonableness of any such finding. 4. The minutes of the August 10, 1999, Council meeting did not include any assertion during public comment that a member of the Council had a conflict of interest, even though at least three speakers stated Mr. Gearhart had purchased property across the street from the project. The respondent wholly disagrees with this finding. The minutes of August 10, 1999 are correct because there was no "assertion during public comment that a member of the Council had a conflict of interest. " The minutes can only reflect what was actually said. The tape recording of the meeting has been reviewed, the minutes accurately reflect the discussion. No one said Mr. Lerno had a conflict of interest and should not vote. 5. At the August 10, 1999, Council meeting, the Council should have sent the Mackey Project back to the Planning Commission for reconsideration in light of information available to the Council, but not available to the Planning Commission, concerning the lack of AMWC water service and the effect of that upon affordability of the housing. The respondent disagrees fully with this finding. The finding is entirely subjective and based upon no State law or legal precedent. While the City Council did have the option of returning the project to the Planning Commission for reconsideration they also had the option of reviewing all of the information and taking a final action. The Grand Jury fails to recognize that the Planning Commission advises the City Council on land use matters and a commission's decision on a project is referred to the city council as a recommendation based on the information provided to the Commission at the time of their review. The finding fails to mention that the Council was provided with a staff report that differienates the information that was not contained in the Planning Commission review and was supplied with copies of the minutes and staff report of the planning commission. The Grand Jury further fails to mention that the City Council is the final decision making authority on land use matters in the City and therefore has the responsibility to consider all information presented to it and weigh such information in the decision making process. The statement by the Grand Jury is an unsubstantiated assumption that the City Council did not consider both the new information 1:� September 27,2000 Hon. E.Jeffrey Burke Re: Grand Jury Report,June 26,2000, City of Atascadero Page 5 presented to it along with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and public testimony presented the evening of the hearing. The Council has the right, under state planning laws, to follow the recommendations of the commission or reverse or modify commission actions. Recommendations 1. The City should require that applications for development projects be complete, including evidence of property ownership and agency to act for the owner, before processing proposals. The City should also require all material changes (e.g., ownership) to development proposals to be submitted in a timely manner. The recommendation will not be implemented because it is not warranted. The term development projects is not defined by the Grand Jury, therefore, this recommendation is not clear. There is an unsubstantiated assumption on the part of the Grand Jury that the City process did not determine that this application was complete. The City is in compliance with State Law which provides that "Not later than 30 calendar days after any public agency has received an application for a development project, the agency shall determine in writing whether the application is complete and shall immediately transmit the determination to the applicant for the development project. ", 0 In the case of the Mackey project, there were several applications, a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and subdivision map. Each one of these applications requires different information to be submitted at the time of application. The Municipal Code also designate who may apply for such approvals. The Grand Jury fails to recognize that land use regulations area manifestation of--the local police powers conferred by the California Constitution. As stated by the California Supreme Court "We have recognized that a city's or county's power to control its own land use decisions derives from this inherent police power...). In accordance with this constitutional authority, the Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-1.116(a) provides that application for zoning map amendments, for example, may be initiated by the City Council, Planning Commission, property owner, owner in escrow or other designated representative of the owner. The recommendation by the Grand Jury to require evidence for property ownership and designation of an agent to act on behalf of owner would likely be unconstitutional for certain development applications, such as a zone change. Government Code Section 65943. (a) September 27,2000 Hon. E.Jeffrey Burke Re: Grand Jury Report,June 26,2000, City of Atascadero Page 6 2. A. The mechanism for provision of adequate, potable water service, not just the requirement for it, should be determined (after all necessary testing and governmental approvals) before developments are approved, as was recommended for the Mackey Project by City Engineering. The recommendation will not be implemented because it is not warranted Project approvals are conditioned to ensure that all of the necessary requirements are fulfilled prior to final approval of a project. The provision of water would be a condition of approval and would have to be satisfied before a final subdivision map was approved. This is the current system. The Atascadero Municipal Code was modified by the City Council in March of this year which provides that "a water system for domestic water service and fire protection shall be provided, including all facilities necessary for the transmission of water to each lot of the proposed subdivision from the nearest point of adequate supply". B. The City should determine why this application was considered complete when City Engineering recommended otherwise. The recommendation will not be implemented because it is not warranted The Grand Jury report fails to mention that on May 21, 1999 the City Engineer "reviewed the information submitted by the applicant" and "find it acceptable" and provided the conditions of approval for the project, which were subsequently provided to the Planning Commission and City Council. Therefore, the application was deemed complete in accordance with state law and local regulations and the claim by the Grand Jury is not factual. I Specific allegations of conflict of interest should be investigated promptly and fully by the City Council and appropriate staff. This should be adopted as a written policy by the City Council. The recommendation will not be implemented because it is not warranted The grand jury is recommending that the City Council exercise authority and powers that according to state law are reserved for the Fair Political Practices Commission and State Attorney General, The Political Reform Act clearly states that the issue of a conflict of interest is up to the individual public official to determine. The following is quoted from the FPPC guidelines to elected officials "If a public official has a conflict of interest, the official may be required to disqualify himself or herself from making or participating in a governmental decision, or using his or her official position to influence or attempt to influence a governmental decision. To determine whether an official has a conflict of interest many factors must be analyzed. For example, is it reasonably foreseeable that the official's interest will be affected by a particular decision? Will the decision have a significant monetary impact on the financial interest or is the impact minimal? Will the decision affect the official's interest differently than members of the 1.� September 27,2000 Hon. E.Jeffrey Burke Re: Grand Jury Report,June 26,2000, City of Atascadero Page 7 general public? Is the official even making a governmental decision? In many cases, an official will need guidance from the Commission or an attorney to determine whether disqualification is required. " There is neither precedence nor body of law that provides the authority for the City Council to investigate specific allegations of conflict of interest. The City Council has no authority to rule that a conflict of interest exists and has no authority to order a member not to vote. These powers clearly rest with state agencies that provide mechanisms for members of the public to file specific complaints. Requiring the Council Members police each other could lead to a misuse of power that would not serve the community. It is appropriate for each official to make his or her determination. The Fair Political Practices Commission and the Courts will deal with those that make poor decisions. The investigation conducted by the City Attorney was to determine if the ultimate admission by Council Member Lerno invalidated the action taken by the Council and recommend remedies to the Council to address any invalidation that may have occurred. 4. Significant public statements, such as allegations of conflict of interest by members of the Council, should be included in minutes of meetings, as critical to their accuracy and content. The recommendation will not be implemented because it is not warranted. The Grand Jury recommendation is based on erroneous information and therefor has no value. There were no allegations of conflict of interest on August 10`h, therefore, they were not in the minutes. The minutes of September 14`h do contain allegations of conflict of interest. The City believes that all public statements, not just those that are indicated, are significant and are an invaluable part of democracy. The meeting minutes reflect actual comments regarding the particular agenda item. Further more, the City preserves a tape of the entire proceedings and keeps them in permanent storage. State law would allow for destruction of those tapes after a specified time, but the City keeps them for the express reason that the City wants to preserve all public statements and does not decide which to preserve based upon a subjective interpretation of what is, and what is not significant. 5. When significant information regarding a development project is available to the Council, but either was not available to the Planning Commission or has changed substantially since the Planning Commission considered the project, the Council should return the project to the Planning Commission for reconsideration and recommendation before the Council acts upon it. The recommendation will not be implement because it is not warranted The Grand Jury recommendation is based on erroneous information and therefor has no value. The City Council currently has the option to send projects back to the Planning Commission for review and has exercised this option. More commonly the City Council has conducted additional reviews of Planning Commission decisions either by outside appeal or by request of one of the Council ' GO September 27,2000 Hon.E.Jeffrey Burke Re: Grand Jury Report,June 26,2000, City of Atascadero Page 8 Members. The City Council, as the final decision making body, has the right and responsibility under state law to consider taking action, denial, modification or referral it acts upon. To comply with the Jury's recommendation, may be a violation of state laws relating to permit streamlining, and at a minimum, usurps the City's constitutional authority to make land use decisions. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Atascadero City Council Ray Johnson Mayor RJ:mmt ti: pro r` P F1CITY OF ATASCADERO x.cw.arzu 1918 s .. 1979 CITY COUNCIL September 27,2000 Honorable E. Jeffrey Burke Judge of the Superior Court c/o Mary O'Donnell—Room 236 County Government Center San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 Subject: Grand Jury—Abatement Assessments Dear Judge Burke: This letter serves as the response of the Atascadero City Council required under Penal Code section 933 pertaining to the City of Atascadero's Assessments for Weed and/or Refuse Abatement Costs. The City of Atascadero's abatement program currently operates under Government Code Sections 39561 — 39700. The Atascadero Municipal Code (AMC) requires the abatement program to operate in specific time frames. AMC, Title 6, Section 13.08 requires the City to mail notification to property owners of the proposed abatement, using the most current data available from the County's last assessment roll. This is to take place on the date the resolution is adopted. This resolution, declaring weeds and/or refuse a nuisance, is historically adopted during the second City Council meeting in April. The City waits until the last possible date to order the assessment listing from the County assuring that the most current property owner information is obtained. This generally occurs 30 days prior to the mailing of the notices. This allows the appropriate time for our technology department to format the diskette, enter the proposed abatement data, and prepare the notices to be mailed. The notices must be postmarked 14 days prior to Council's hearing of objections. In the past twenty (20) years, the City has annually inspected 9,000+ parcels, notifying approximately 4500 property owners of proposed abatement, and abating an average of 150 properties. The City receives very few complaints each year, with even fewer regarding the process of charges. Each complaint or incorrect charge is given immediate attention and quickly resolved. The City of Atascadero's Abatement Program is the most important tool our community has in regards to protecting life and property from fire. It is hoped that the City and County can work 6500 PALMA AVENUE • ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93422 • (805)461-5086 - FAX(805)461-0606 162 September 27,2000 Hon. E.Jeffrey Burke Re: Grand Jury—Abatement Assessments City of Atascadero Page Z jointly to ensure improper charges do not occur, and at the same time ensure that requirements are not imposed upon the City of Atascadero that would jeopardize this valuable life and property saving program. Findings 1. Government Code Section 38773.5 requires abatement costs to be transferred to the unsecured tax roll if the property is transferred to a new owner after the abatement but before the first installment of taxes becomes delinquent. This legal requirement has not been followed by the governmental agencies, which use the County for collection of such costs under this statute. The respondent fully agrees with this finding. For the past 20 years, the City Council has not transferred costs to the unsecured tax roll in the event ownership of property transfers. 2. The primary responsibility for compliance with this statute lies with the agencies, which perform nuisance abatements and assess the costs to the property owners. The respondent partially agrees with this finding. The City Council believes that the primary responsibility lies with the property owner that received notification to abate the nuisance, as well as the Title Company and/or Real Estate agency assisting in the sale of the property. The Title Company and/or Real Estate agency should research thoroughly, assuring that there are no current or proposed liens against the property, as part of the escrow process. 3. Use of the provisions in Government Code Section 38873.1 (permitting agencies to recover costs directly from the property owner), in lieu of the proper use of Section 38773.5 (permitting agencies to recover costs by using the County property tax system), would be less burdensome for all agencies involved and virtually eliminate risk to new property owners of being charged improperly for weed abatement costs. The respondent disagrees wholly with this finding. To bill the property owners directly and not utilize the tax roll would make the program so labor intensive that it would no longer be feasible. iU3 September 27,2000 Hon. E.Jeffrey Burke Re: Grand Jury—Abatement Assessments City of Atascadero Page 3 Recommendations 1. and 2. The agencies which use Government Code Section 38773.5 and San Luis Obispo County should work together to comply fully with this statue. Options for agencies recovering costs through the County property tax system include, but are not necessarily limited to: a. Reviewing County assessment roll records regarding property ownership transfers prior to sending a billing list to the Auditor/Controller for inclusion on the property tax roll. b. Immediately notifying the Tax Collector of any errors in assessment of abatement costs after property tax bills are sent to property owners, so that errors can be corrected. c. Immediately notifying new property owners that any assessed abatement charges may be the responsibility of the previous property owner, and do not constitute a lien on the property, depending on the date of the nuisance abatement and the date of property ownership transfer. d. Reviewing the assessment roll regularly to assure costs are being assessed to the property owner who owned the property when the abatement occurred. The respondent currently conducts or will implement the following options: a. and b. The City will begin to transfer abatement costs to the unsecured tax roll if the property is transferred to a new owner after the abatement but before the first installment of taxes becomes delinquent. The City will continue to immediately notify the Tax Collector of any errors in assessment of abatement costs. The respondent will not implement the following options: c. and d. The City will not be notifying new property owners that any assessed abatement charges may be the responsibility of the previous property owner, and do not constitute a lien. Because, by transferring abatement costs to the unsecured tax roll eliminates the incorrect billing of the new property owner. Also, there is no need for the City to review the assessment roll regularly to assure costs are being assessed to the property owner who owned the property when the abatement occurred, because that is handled upon transferring abatement charges to the unsecured tax roll. Additionally, the City will implement/continue the following: 1. Continue to make every effort possible to receive the most current data. 2. When improper charges occur, the City will work with the property owner to achieve a resolution. 3. Continue to educate residents when the weed and/or refuse abatement programs are in effect. 4. Implement an annual letter to all local real estate and title companies, advising of the abatement period. .A 54 r, X September 27,2000 Hon.E.Jeffrey Burke Re: Grand Jury—Abatement Assessments City of Atascadero Page 4 3. As an alternative to 1 and 2 above, agencies using Government Code Section 38773.5 could follow the approach taken by agencies which do not use the County property tax billing process as a means for collecting such abatement costs, and use Government Code Section 38773.1 by billing directly and recording a lien. The charges will then appear in County records and will appear in a title search before the property is transferred, obviating any need for the procedures described in 1 & 2a. through 1 & 2d. above. The recommendation will not be implemented. As previously stated, if the City were to bill the property owners directly and not utilize the tax roll the program would become so labor intensive that it would no longer be feasible. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Atascadero City Council, Ray Johnson Mayor RJ:mmt ITEM NUMBER: C—5 DATE: 09-26-00 leis ® 57-9 Atascadero City Council Staff Report- Administrative Services Department 1999 Audit Report RECOMMENDATION: Council review and accept the audit report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1999. DISCUSSION: Due to computer problems and the loss of several months worth of 1998-99 data, the audit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1999 has just been completed. The firm of Moss, Levy and Hartzheim performed the audit and a representative of the firm will be at the Council meeting to present the audit. GENERAL FUND At June 30, 1999, the City had an Unreserved General Fund Balance of $2,109,740 This represents a reserve of approximately 24.5% of annual expenditures and other outgo (or approximately three months of operations), however this does not account for the estimated $9.7 million in general fund deferred maintenance and unfunded liabilities. This also does not include the estimated $1.5 million necessary for a cash flow reserve. General Fund revenues and other sources exceeded expenditures and other uses by $815,514. This was mostly due to revenues exceeding projections by $626,200. Motor Vehicle Fees exceeded projections by $139,900, building activity accounted for an additional $139,500 of the excess and although sales tax remained fairly flat, sales tax accounted for an additional $124,600. With the exception of salaries and benefits, expenditures remained fairly consistent with projections. A $298,000 favorable variance occurred in salaries and benefits due to vacancies which occurred throughout the year. A comparison of General Fund activity for the past two fiscal years is included on pages 3 &4 of this report. OTHER The City had total cash and investments of $10,669,413 at June 30,1999. This represents an increase of$1,652,842 from the previous year. Cash increased primarily in the General Fund Iand the Wastewater Fund. In fiscal year 1998-99, the City spent over $2,328,000 on capital expenditures. The majority of this capital outlay was spent on streets and drainage projects, including the Graves Creek Road overlay project, completion of the Highway 41 drainage project, FEMA storm damage repair 466 ITEM NUMBER: C-5 DATE: 09-26-00 projects, and the Montecito Road Repair Project. Other capital expenditures include $169,000 in 4W wastewater projects and the general fund transferring $66,000 towards a reserve for the purchase of a new financial software system. In addition to the capital projects above, the City started and funded three new internal service Rinds. These funds were set-up for vehicle replacement, technology operations and replacement, and building maintenance. For the first time the City was able to fully fund the annual cost of vehicle replacement. SUMMARY 1998-99 was a good financial year for the City of Atascadero. The California economy was strong as was the local real estate market. (Property taxes for the City increased by an unprecedented 4.59%). The City is in better financial shape than it has been in several years, however the City still has many financial obstacles ahead of it. ATTACHMENTS: General Fund Summary and Comparison Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 1999 167 w 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Ra a O\ N \O \O en V1 It "o '-+ 00 00 .-+ N �t O r- pp ri vl 'd' M O C\ Id, O O N N V1 M M \O \O N t- O a C V O O '� O .--i V) 00 O O C\ V1 M M 4 \O \O O\ iA v'1 v1 N I \O — kr) u U R � Vl 00 N Ul N �o IC �o 00 .--' V ON N O 00 0 00 00 \O to Q\ M 00 t \O N N N O\ V) 00 H y r- O l� oo O V M C\ O O O\ Q\ oo � Cl d t-- C\ Cr) C\ M w \O O O •-+ --� N N \O 00 O\ V l- Vl M M r- 00 rCr Q� OL G w 69 0 V z boy 00 N [� v1 00 1^D w [- N O N - O\ r- O\ 'It \O 00 C\ l- O\ — N O\ 00 .o p\ v rt \D [ O N O M 00 n N CN — r- -+ t` \O 00 .--' 00 -jr C\ kr N M N C� r-: 00 7 V� 00 W N \O ; M N M ch N 01 M V a' au „ z W A C, 00 N t- m x ' N r- N to N rn U M tF O\ t- 00 \D b O\ V7 1* O O\ \O O \0 \O \p N v c � � � O efi � 00 � M 00 O\ 01 1!j M (� �--i 00 00 V' (� O y � Q w C .� 00 M 00 \O N \O 00 - N 'r1' M m 00 O 00 N Fy M v �t M N er .-i 7 �--� N .-+ N N N -1 � Q CSC N N .� O� 2 rr) c rA ti Oo A~ �' A n000000 000 000000 t o VZ 0 .� 00 O W) r- y on ;3 M O O n O V 00 O •-+ -+ N O- -� �ul N V O N \O o0 ro ;Zy cV O N M oo O N O N 'It ct M M M O C�l cri b O It 00 � It V) N O\ \O 00 Q\ ke) \O \O kn V') 00 C\ o O N N 00 0 611� VI z6s w �- c� O 00 N IT C, T ^� ON N to O O M tn O M to M 00 O .--i 00 !f M c Y CN O -i \O et M N O -p M .--i O\ O\ R M 7 .-I r- a� c Kn O\ tn O 'IT t- M M \O In 'T M O m b 'o c oe 0 ti cl � y u cl i= W X E 5 0 0 o i< ti H n Q> O r -a v 0 y y N y > O V7 L" CIJ ¢� .� ' N > F a Z 75 cn O w Wk b c1 O 4 O O O' a' C c y H u .0 N as ? 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Atascadero Lake Water Quality The City Council requested an update on the Atascadero Lake Water Quality issues. The City's current operating budget earmarked $10,000 to work on the Lake's water quality. The City contracted for a study of the Lake's water quality and recommended improvements in March 1987. Staff is reviewing that study with Cal Poly to determine a priority of the projects recommended. It is Staff s intent to use the budgeted funds to construct improvements and not conduct further study. When the prioritization is complete, Staff will report an action plan for improving the Lake quality. Staff has repaired portions of the Lake fill line and it is working, although not at full capacity. A p smoke test will be completed on the line to further identify the problem so the repairs can be completed. Council requested Staff to review the potential of using Proposition 13 funds to assist in the improvements. Staff attended a workshop on the funds and was told that most of the money from the bond issue has already been allocated by the State Legislature to member request projects. According to the workshop presenter, JoEllen McChesney, the remainder of the funds have been set aside for previously identified projects. In addition, the Atascadero Lake Water Quality project would not qualify. Councilman Luna told Staff that Senator Jack O'Connell's office had said there are Proposition 13 funds available for the Lake project. When Staff contacted Senator O'Connell's office, they were referred back to JoEllen McChesney. Staff is continuing to investigate Proposition 13 opportunities. 117 U