HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 05/09/2000 ■ ., ' NAi AGENDA 1918 1 8 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 099 2000 7:00 P.M. City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue, 4th Floor Atascadero, California REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 6:30 P.M. CLOSED SESSION: (Immediately following Redevelopment Agency Meeting) 1. Conference with legal counsel [Govt. Code §54956.9] Existing litigation: a. City of Atascadero v Atascadero Unified School District b. City of Atascadero v Barge 2. Conference with labor negotiator(Govt. Code Sec. 54957.6) Agency Negotiator: City Manager Employee organizations: Department Heads, Mid-Management/Professional, Confidential, Atascadero Fire Captains, Atascadero Firefighters, Service Employees Intl. Union Local 620, Atascadero Police Assoc. REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Johnson ROLL CALL: Mayor Johnson Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide Council Member Clay Council Member Luna Council Member Scalise APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call PRESENTATIONS: 1. Service recognition for Alfred Clark 2. Employee Service Awards • COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to five minutes. Please state your name and address for the record before making your presentation. The Council may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda.) COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENT AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Roll Call (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed • sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken.) 1. City Council Minutes—April 13, 2000 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the City Council minutes of April 13, 2000 [City Clerk] 2. City Council Minutes—April 25, 2000 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the City Council minutes of April 25, 2000 [City Clerk] 3. Robles Avenue Four Unit PD-7 Overlay—Zone Change 99007 (N.W.C. Robles Avenue & Sombrilla Avenue/ Shores) ■ Fiscal Impact: Negligible ■ Staff recommendation: Council introduce the Draft Ordinance,for second reading by title only, to approve Zone Change 99007 [Community& Economic Development] 4. Authorization to Purchase Transit Vehicle—from State Department of General Services ■ Fiscal Impact: $55,000 (80%funded through a Section 5311 Grant and 20%funded through TDA funds) ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize the State Department of General Services to purchase a 22 passenger accessible bus for the City ofAtascadero[Public Works] 2 B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Nuisance Abatement Hearing—3755 Monterey Road (Richardson)—Code Enforcement Case#99107 ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council adopt draft Resolution, thereby ordering nuisance abatement at 3755 Monterey [Community& Economic Development] 2. Nuisance Abatement Hearing 8400 San Gabriel (Maxinne Hill)—Code Enforcement Case#99039 ■ FisCalImpact.: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council adopt draft Resolution, thereby ordering nuisance abatement at 8400 San Gabriel [Community& Economic Development] C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Strategic Planning ■ Fiscal Impact Individual impacts will be reported with any future recommendation. Staff recommendation: Council adopt an Atascadero Vision Statement and Action Plans for the coming year. [City Manager] 2. Proposed 805 Area Code Split or Overlay ■ Fiscal Impact Negative ■ Staff recommendation Council authorize Mayor to send letter to the California Public Utilities Commission supporting Alternative #IA which would retain the 805 area code in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties. [City Manager] 3. Information Bulletin A. General Plan Status Report B. Joint City Council's Meeting C. Employee Update D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.); 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority 2. Finance Committee 3. Water Committees: a. SLO County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Water Resources Advisory Committee b. Nacimiento Water Purveyors' contract Technical Advisory Committee C. North County Water forum 4. Integrated Waste Management Authority 5. North County Council 6. Air Pollution Control District 7. County Mayor's Round Table 8. Economic vitality Corporation, Board of Directors 9. City/ Schools Committee 10. Economic Opportunity Commission 11. North County Homeless Coalition 3 E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk a. Appointment of Ex-Officio Youth Representative on the Parks and Recreation Commission 4. City Treasurer K F. ADJOURNMENT: THE NEXT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION IS SCHEDULED ON MAY 23, 2000 AT 7:00 P.M. Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. 4 City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE A TASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING GENERAL INFORMATION The City Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk(Room 208), and in the Information Office(Room 103), available for public inspection during City Hall business hours. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager's Office, (805) 461-5010, or the City Clerk's Office, (805)461-5074. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding • the matter being considered to step up to the podium. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: • You must approach the podium and be recognized by the Mayor • Give your name and address(not required) • Make your statement • All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council • All comments limited to 5 minutes (unless changed by the Council) • No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so,and no one may speak more than twice on any item. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Council. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, "COMMUNITY FORUM", the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to: • Please approach the podium and be recognized • Give your name and address • State the nature of your business This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Council's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed by the Council). TO HAVE ITEMS PLACED ON AGENDA All business matters to appear on the Agenda must be in the Office of the City Manager ten days preceding the Council meeting. Should you have a matter you wish to bring before the Council, please mail or bring a written communication to the City Manager's office in City Hall prior to the deadline. ITEM NUMBER A-1 DATE: 05/09/2000 MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, April 13, 2000 10:30 a.m. LEADERSHIP ACADEMY PRESENTATIONS Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide called the meeting to order at 10:35 a.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Clay, Scalise and Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide Absent: Council Member Luna and Mayor Johnson Others Present: City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Fire Chief Mike McCain, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Community & Economic Development Director Paul Saldana, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, and Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide welcomed the Leadership Academy members to the Council meeting and introduced the Executive Director of the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce Joanne Main. He also introduced the President of the Business Improvement Association Kim Jeanes. City Manager Wade McKinney summarized for the Council what the Academy has experienced. He explained what type of presentations were going to be given. LEADERSHIP ACADEMY PRESENTATIONS: Each of the four teams within the Academy gave their presentations to the Council on an individual department within the City. They then answered any Council questions. Police Chief Dennis Hegwood made a surprise announcement that he was promoting Ann Hochstetler to Support Services Lead Technician. CC 041300 Page 1 _. -�01, ITEM NUMBER A 1 DATE: 05/09/2000 GRADUATION: Mr. McKinney thanked the students for participating in the Academy. The Council Members assisted Mr. McKinney with the presentation of certificates of completion and Leadership Academy shirts. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide adjourned the meeting at 12:45 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, April 25, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk • CC 041300002 Page 2 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 05/09/2000 i MINUTES ion ® ie ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2000 7:00 P.M. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 6:30 P.M. CLOSED SESSION: (Immediately following Redevelopment Agency Meeting) 1. Conference with legal counsel [Govt. Code §54956.9] Existing litigation: a. City of Atascadero v Atascadero Unified School District 2. Conference with labor negotiator(Govt. Code Sec. 54957.6) Agency Negotiator: City Manager Employee organizations: Department Heads, Mid-Management/Professional, Confidential, Atascadero Fire Captains, Atascadero Firefighters, Service Employees Intl. Union Local 620, Atascadero Police Assoc. City Attorney Roy Hanley announced there was no reportable action in the Closed Session. The meeting was adjourned at-7:08 p.m. to be continued after the Regular Session. REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. and Council Member Scalise led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Arrambide, Clay, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Johnson Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Fire Chief Mike McCain, Assistant City Manager Brady Cherry, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Community and Economic Development Director Paul Saldana, Principal Planner Warren Frace, and City Attorney Roy Hanley. 003 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. COMMUNITY FORUM: Hal Carden, 53,55 San Jacinto, expressed his concern with the lack of a crosswalk in front of San Benito School. He encouraged the Council to actively support the development of safe routes to school. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., stated he is concerned with the lack of safe pedestrian pathways from the Lakes project into town. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENT AND REPORTS: Council Member Luna shared a portion of the results of the Foundation for Community Design survey of cities. He asked the City Clerk to contact the Foundation and request several result books for public review. Council Member Clay suggested that a bike path/walkway be put in place alongside the emergency exit in the Lakes Project. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide stated that the residents of River Gardens do not support such a walkway. Council Member Scalise asked staff to talk to Red Cross Chapter concerning availability of office space as they are losing their office space in Paso Robles. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Council Minutes—April 11, 2000 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the City Council minutes of April 11, 2000 [City Clerk] 2. Weed Abatement Program—Declaring vegetative growth and/or refuse a public nuisance. ■ Fiscal Impact: None; costs involved in administering this program are recovered through the 100%administrative fee. ■ Staff recommendation: Council adopt the proposed Resolution, declaring vegetative growth and/or refuse a public nuisance, commencing proceedings for the abatement of said nuisances, and placing all abatement fees on the San Luis Obispo County Special Tax Assessment for the fiscal year 2000-2001 Tax Roll. [Fire] 3. Final Parcel Map#98007 AT 98-109—5405 Olmeda Avenue (Pearson/Vaughan Surveys) ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council: 1. Accept the Final Parcel Map #98007; and CC 04/25/00 {� Paget V 2. Accept a blanket Public Utility Easement underlying the un-built portions of the parcel. [Community& Economic Development] 4. Office Furniture Purchase—City Council, City Clerk, City Treasurer, City Attorney and City Manager's offices. ■ Fiscal Impact: $12,722.14 ■ Staff recommendation: Council approve purchase of office furniture from Russco in the amount of$12, 722.14. [City Manager] Council Member Luna pulled Item#A-4 for discussion. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve Items #A-1, A-2, and A-3. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Resolution for Item #A-2 will be #2000-009. RE: ITEM 9A-4: Council Member Luna stated that he did not feel new furniture for the City Council is necessary. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide asked staff asked which account funds will come from, were the bid requests of comparable products, and does the price listed include freight charges. City Manager Wade McKinney responded yes, the bid requests were for comparable products and yes, the price is the final price with no additions for delivery. He also commented that although the Council does not use the furniture that often, it would allow the Council someplace to meet with the public. Mr. McKinney explained that staff has looked into auctioning off some of the older, well-worn furniture in City Hall to help off-set the costs of this purchase. The auctioneer would not offer us money but stated they he would charge us to remove the junk we call furniture. He stated there is not an abundance of useable furniture in City Hall. Council Member Clay stated that he rarely uses the Council furniture. Council Member Scalise suggested the Council could use a conference table instead of a desk in their office. Mr. McKinney stated that this is an opportunity to be more ceremonial. PUBLIC COMMENT John McGoff, 9192 Maple St., expressed his concerns with the bid process used to acquire the information listed. He questioned why the final purchase price is higher than the lowest bid after the elimination of several desks and a conference table. Mr. McKinney explained that after staff determined which company they would use, some equipment was changed: line reduced, and number of units increased. Mr. McKinney stated that Russco is a GSA bidder. Mr. McGoff recommended that the Council send this item back for re-bid. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. CC 04/25/00 C-05 Page3 MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide and seconded by Council Member Scalise to approve Item 4A-4. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Luna opposed) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Robles Avenue Four Unit PD-7 Overlay—Zone Change 99007, Master Plan of Development (CUP 99022), Tentative Parcel Map 99010 (N.W.C. Robles Avenue & Sombrilla Avenue/ Shores) ■ Fiscal Impact: Negligible ■ Plapning Commission recommendation: Council: 1. Adopt the Draft Resolution, certifying the proposed Negative Declaration; and, 2. Introduce the Draft Ordinance, for first reading by title only, to approve Zone Change 99007; and, 3. Adopt the Draft Resolution, approving the Master Plan of Development (CUP 99022) subject to Conditions of Approval; and, 4. Adopt the Draft Resolution, approving Tentative Parcel Map 99010 subject to Conditions of Approval. Community and Economic Development Director Paul Saldana gave the staff report and Principal Planner Warren Frace answered questions of the Council. There was no Public Comment. MOTION: By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to adopt the Draft Resolution, certifying the proposed Negative Declaration. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (Resolution No. 2000-010) MOTION: By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to introduce the Draft Ordinance,for first reading by title only, to approve Zone Change 99007. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. MOTION: By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to adopt the Draft Resolution, approving the Master Plan of Development (CUP 99022) subject to Conditions of Approval. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (Resolution No.2000-011) MOTION: By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to adopt the Draft Resolution, approving Tentative Parcel Map 99010 subject to Conditions of Approval. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (Resolution No.2000-012) CC 04/25/00 Page4 V C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Chamber of Commerce Request—for City to participate in the installation of brackets and banners on a portion of El Camino Real ■ Fiscal Impact: S3,000 ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize the contribution of up to S3,000 for the installation of brackets and the purchase of 35 banners on a portion of El Camino Real. [Community Services] Assistant City Manager Brady Cherry gave the staff report and answered questions of the Council. Council Member Clay and Scalise expressed support for this project. Council Member Luna asked if this has been coordinated with the Main Street Program. Mr. Saldana stated that there has been some talk but no specifics have been made as they have not yet created a Master Plan. Council Member Luna expressed concern for having so many City banners that viewers are distracted from the special event banners. He stated that he would rather see the money spent on road repairs. PUBLIC COMMENT Joanne Main, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, stated she was glad to facilitate this request for the non-profit organizations such as the Wine Festival Committee, Colony Days Committee, and the Zoological Society. She explained that they thought it would be best to have one organization responsible for changing the banners in order to minimize cost for other committees/organizations and damage to the hardware. Hal Carden, 5355 San Jacinto, encouraged the Council to support this request as many of these organizations provide many benefits to the City. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., stated that he supports the idea of banners but is concerned about placing them all along El Camino Real. He expressed his concern that this would be overbearing and would be best limited to the downtown area. Barbie Butz, 3370 San Fernando Road, representative of the Colony Days Committee stated banners would be an excellent way for the City to advertise all kinds of events. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. Mayor Johnson expressed concern for the impact it will have on the City's maintenance crew although he does want to support our community groups. He asked where the City is in regard to the budget. Mr. McKinney responded that the City is expected that its revenue will exceed what was previously planned for. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide stated that he is in support of this proposal. CC 04/25/00 007. Pages MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide and seconded by Council Member Scalise to authorize the contribution of up to $3,000 for the installation of brackets and the purchase of 35 banners on a portion of El Camino Real with the following amendments: 1) The City participate in the installation of the brackets in the spirit of a community project; and, 2) The fee be waived for the administrative hearing. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Luna opposed) 2. Revisions to the Stadium Park Short-Term Rules and Public Use Policies ■ Fiscal Impact: None. The costs would have to be covered by the organizations that with to use Stadium Park. ■ Staff recommendation: Council adopt draft Resolution, approving the proposed changes to the Short-Term Park Rules and Public Use Policies originally adopted with Resolution No. 92-97. [Community Services] Assistant City Manager Brady Cherry provided the staff report and answered questions of the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Barbie Butz, 3370 San Fernando Road, Parks and Recreation Commission Chairman, stated that the Commission supports having a City-sponsored event for the purpose of identifying potential problems so they could be solved before other agencies hold events. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., stated he supports the use of Stadium Park for community events. He also said he agreed with Mrs. Butz on having a City-sponsored event first to help identify potential problems. Council Member Clay asked if there could be a designated smoking area. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide suggested a sign be posted. Mayor Johnson stated that he would like to see Mike McCain have a part in the decision making. Barbie Butz, 3370 San Fernando Road, suggested that the Community Band have a concert as a trial event. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., stated that it would be wise to see first what would work best before making plans. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to adopt draft Resolution, approving the proposed changes to the Short-Term Park Rules and Public Use Policies with the following amendment: Changing"g" under Policy 3 to read "Portable restrooms are required for all public assembly events and must be removed as soon as possible or next business day." Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. CC 04/25/00 Page6 �! fl 3. Request Atascadero State Hospital Consider Leasing Property—for the potential development of a public park. ■ Fiscal Impact: None at this time. ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Mayor to send correspondence to the Atascadero State Hospital,formally requesting consideration of a lease agreement for approximately six acres of State property for use as a public park. [Community Services] Assistant City Manager Brady Cherry gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Chris Slater, 4600 San Vicente, President of Atascadero Youth Football, stated they are looking for a home football field for their organization. He strongly urged the Council to pursue this potential parkland for the City. Council Member Clay asked if his organization would be willing to help with the development of a football field if the City acquired this property. Mr. Slater answered, yes. MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Luna to authorize the Mayor to send correspondence to the Atascadero State Hospital, formally requesting consideration of a lease agreement for approximately six acres of State property for use as a public park. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 4. Information Bulletin A. General Plan Status Report B. Main Street C. Employee Update D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: County Mayor's Round Table Mayor Johnson reported that they met last week, and the Mayors are proposing a joint meeting of the City Councils for public awareness of Proposition 8402. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors Mayor Johnson announced that they will meet tomorrow. Economic Opportunity Commission Council Member Scalise stated that they are working on a partnership with a private company. North County Homeless Coalition Council Member Luna reported that they met a couple of weeks ago. At the meeting it was stated that there are approximately 600 permanent homeless in the North County, 80% being women and children. He stated that a smaller group was formed to discuss the problem of creating a homeless shelter and daycare centers in the North County. CC 04/25/00 009 Pagel Ad Hoc Committee—Campaign Sign Issues Mayor Johnson announced that the Ad Hoc committee for Sign and Code of Ethics met yesterday. He expects to see a recommendation before the Council after a few more meetings. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Council Council Member Clay stated that things in general are looking good, and he is excited about it. Council Member Luna commended the staff for investing in audio/visual equipment and stated that currently, Atascadero is ranked as number four for public access in the County. City Clerk City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson announced that Vice Chairman Clark has submitted his letter of resignation. She asked for Council direction in acquiring a new commissioner. There was a Council consensus to have an open recruitment. F. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 9:17 p.m. to the next regular session scheduled on May 09, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. The Council returned to Closed Session. MEETING RECORDED BY AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk Melanie Whaley, Deputy City Clerk P g0g/25/00 O K. ITEM NUMBER: A-3 ■ ■'■ ®'■ i DATE: 05/09/2000 iais A i e Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Community Development Department 10 Robles Avenue 4-unit Planned Development Zone Change 99007 (N.W.C. Robles Avenue / Sombrilla Avenue, Shores) RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt on second reading by title only,the Draft Ordinance enacting Zone Change 99007, changing the zoning of the project area shown on Exhibit A from RMF-10 to RMF-10/PD-7. DISCUSSION: On April 25, 2000, the City Council conducted a Public Hearing to consider amendment of the zoning map from Residential Multi-Family 10 (RMF-10) to Residential Multi-Family 10 with a Planned Development 7 overlay district (RMF-10 / PD-7) concurrently with a corresponding Master Plan of Development and Tentative Parcel Map. The zone change will allow a four, two- bedroom single-family residential units to be constructed on separate lots. There were no changes made by the City Council to the Ordinance during its first reading and it is ready for final adoption as attached. FISCAL IMPACT: Negligible ATTACHMENTS: 1. Rezone 99007 Draft Ordinance Oil. Draft Ordinance Second Reading Rezone 99007 May 9,2000 Attachment 1: Draft Ordinance Approval of Zoning Map Amendment ZC 99007,TPM 99010 DRAFT ORDINANCE ANIORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 99007 THEREBY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP DISTRICT OF APN 030-011-015 FROM RMF-10 (RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY) TO RMF-10/PD-7 (RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY WITH A PD-7 OVERLAY DISTRICT) SUBJECT TO A MASTER PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT. (N.W.C. Robles Avenue & Sombrilla Avenue/ Shores) WHEREAS, an application has been received from Jimmie D. .Shores (PO Box 216, Atascadero, CA 93422) Applicant and Property Owner to consider a project consisting of a zone change from RMF-10 (Residential Multi-Family) to RMF-10 / PD-7 (Residential Multi-Family with Planned Development Overlay #7) with the adoption of a Master Plan of Development, and a 4-lot residential tentative parcel map on APN 030-011-015; and, WHEREAS, the site's General Plan Designation is LDMF (Low Density Multi-Family); • and, WHEREAS, the site's zoning district is RMF-10 (Residential Multi-Family); and, WHEREAS,the City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to enact this amendment to the Zoning Map to protect the health, safety and welfare of its citizens by applying orderly development of the City; and, WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) have been adhered to; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero held a public hearing on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 to consider the project, at which the Commission referred the item back to staff for consideration of an affordable housing density bonus; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, at a duly noticed Public Hearing held on April 4, 2000, studied and considered Zone Change 99007, after first studying and considering the Draft Negative Declaration prepared for the project recommended the project for approval to the City Council, and, 012 Draft Ordinance Second Reading Rezone 99007 May 9,2000 WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject Zone Change application was held by the City Council of the City of Atascadero at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said Zoning amendments; and, WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Atascadero, at a duly noticed Public Hearing held on April 25, 2000, studied and considered Zone Change 99007, after first studying and considering the,Draft Negative Declaration prepared for the project and the Planning Commission's recommendation, and, NOW, THEREFORE,the City Council does ordain as follows: Section 1. Finding approval of zoning map change. 1. The zone change is consistent with General Plan policies and all other applicable ordinances and policies of the City. 2. The zone change will not, in itself, result in significant environmental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the zone change and for the project has been certified as adequate, in accordance with California environmental laws. Section 2. Zone map change. The Official Zoning Map of the City of Atascadero on file in the Community Development Department is hereby amended as shown on the attached Exhibit A, which is made part of this ordinance by reference. Section 3. Publication. A summary of the ordinance, approved by the City attorney, together with ayes and noes, shall be published at least five days prior to its final passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper published and circulated in said City, and the same shall go into effect at the expiration of thirty (30) days after its said final passage. A copy of the full text of this ordinance shall be on file in the City Clerk Office on and after the date following introduction and passage to print and shall be available to any interested member of the public. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective a 12:01 a.m. on the 31 st day after its final passage. �. 013 Draft Ordinance Second Reading Rezone 99007 May 9,2000 On motion by Council Member , and seconded by Council Member the foregoing ordinance is hereby adopted following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ADOPTED: By: Ray Johnson, Mayor Attest: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk Approved as to form: Roy A. Hanley, City Attorney • 014 Oe Proposed Zoning District: RMF-10 PO-7 Its a mop,, Ron ITEM NUMBER: A—4 ..i MIN °'® DATE: 0.5/09/2000 Y9ia ® 1979 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Public Works Department Purchase of 22 Passenger Accessible Bus through State Department of General Services RECOMMENDATION: Council authorize the State Department of General Services to purchase a 22 passenger accessible bus for the City of Atascadero. DISCUSSION: Background: Each year the State of California Department of General Services solicits bids for a wide variety of equipment, materials and services. Other governmental agencies are provided with the results of these bids and allowed to purchase these goods through the state for a service fee of 1% of the purchase price, to a maximum of$5,000. Considerable staff time is saved by eliminating the need to prepare specifications, advertise bids and evaluate results. On average, the City of Atascadero purchases one transit vehicle per year. Based upon previous purchases, the cost offered by the State is very competitive. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of $60,000 are available in the 1999-2000 Public Works Transit Budget. These funds are the result of an UMTA Section 18 Matching Fund Grant, which was will reimburse the city up to 80% of the procurement costs for this vehicle. The remaining 20%, will be funded with Transportation Development Act funds. After delivery, the vehicle will receive a new radio, farebox and custom painting. The total cost of the vehicle will remain within the $60,000 budget. ALTERNATIVES: Alternative #1 Council may choose not to approve this purchase and direct staff to prepare documents and advertise for bids. € 16 ITEM NUMBER: A-4 DATE: 05/09/2000 Advantages: Potential for receiving lower bid. Disadvantages: Due to the excellent pricing available from the State of California, the potential for receiving a lower bid is remote. In addition, considerable staff time is saved using the state bid process. Alternative #2 Council may choose not to approve the purchase of a transit vehicle at this time. Advantages: Cost savings of approximately $10,000 of Transit Development Funds. Disadvantages: Any cost savings experienced would not be available to the transit system for other uses. Aging vehicles must be replaced on a regular basis to provide safe, reliable transit service. ATTACHMENTS: None 017 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 .0ju.1 ® ■ ia�s ■ a DATE: 05/09/2000 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Community Development Department Nuisance Abatement Hearing 3755 Monterey Road (Richardson) Code Enforcement Case #99107 RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the draft Resolution, thereby ordering nuisance abatement at 3755 Monterey Road. DISCUSSION: Background: This property is an approximately 2-acre parcel on Monterey Road adjacent to Highway 101. The property is zoned for single family residential use (Residential Suburban (RS) zone) and is currently developed with a mobile home and an attached accessory structure. Between November 1999 and March 2000 five written code violation complaints have been received in addition to several other anonymous phone call complaints concerning the property's condition. An initial inspection of the property was performed in November 1999. The inspection revealed a large quantity of scrap and refuse stored at the property, visible to highway 101 and adjacent properties. A courtesy notice was issued December 1, 1999 allowing the property owner fifteen days to pursue diligent cleanup of the nuisance. On December 16, 1999 a second inspection revealed no cleanup had occurred. A "First Notice of Nuisance" letter was sent certified mail on December 16, 1999 allowing the property owner an additional 30 days to diligently pursue cleanup of the property. The first official notice allows the City to schedule an abatement hearing or issue a citation after thirty days if the violator does not complete abatement of the nuisance or diligently pursue abatement. Prior to expiration of the thirty days the property owner contacted Community Development Staff to request a time extension to clean the property. A time extension was granted to the property owner allowing an additional 30 days to commence cleaning the property. A third inspection of the property on February 11, 2000 revealed that some cleanup had occurred and construction had begun on a new fence. The property owner again asked for a time extension for cleanup. A letter was received from the property owner by staff on February 15, 2000 asking for an additional six weeks. Staff again allowed another time extension since some progress was evident on site. The second time extension allowed an additional three weeks, expiring on March 29, 2000. Current Situation: On or about April 3, 2000 an inspection of the property found that the majority of the scrap and refuse was still on the property only moved to different locations to reduce the visibility 018 ITEM NUMBER: B—1 DATE: 05/09/2000 from Highway 101. The property owner has also started building a fence at the property with the intention of screening the nuisance from Highway 101. If the storage of scrap materials were completely surrounded by a solid six-foot high fence the storage would still not be allowed in this single-family residential zone. Accessory storage of this nature would only be allowed within a designated storage yard within a commercial zone. On April 6, 2000 second notice of nuisance abatement, scheduling a City Council Hearing to determine abatement was delivered certified mail to the property owner. The following code violations were listed in the notice: 1. Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-6.103 (f) Excessive outdoor storage of scrap,junk and miscellaneous articles. The second letter of nuisance abatement sets a hearing before the City Council. At the hearing the violator is asked to show cause why stated conditions should not be found to be a nuisance and why the Enforcement Officer should not abate the nuisance. Upon the conclusion of the hearing the Council may terminate the abatement proceedings or it may order the owner or other affected person to abate the nuisance prescribing a reasonable time (not less than 30 days for completion of abatement). Conclusion: The property at 3755 Monterey Road has been continuously maintained in such a way as to create a visual nuisance to Highway 101 and surrounding neighbors within the City of Atascadero. Previous attempts to encourage the property owner to maintain the property within City Codes have made little impact on the property condition. If Council adopts the attached resolution the property owner is ordered to commence cleanup within 30 days. If the property owner fails to commence the cleanup within the specified time period, the enforcement officer will be empowered and authorized to abate the nuisances at the property. This procedure will allow the City Council to attach any abatement costs to the tax rolls of the property. ALTERNATIVES: The Municipal Code, Section 9-8. 107, outlines the procedures and options available for nuisance abatement: 1. The Council has the option to terminate the abatement proceedings if the violator shows sufficient reason why the reported conditions should not be found to be a nuisance and why the nuisance should not be abated by the enforcement officer. 2. The Council has the option of extending the time allowed for nuisance abatement beyond the recommended 30 days. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Zoning Map/location map Attachment 2: Site Photo Attachment 3: Nuisance Letter December, 1999 Attachment 4: Letter from property owner, February 15, 1999. Attachment 5: Draft Resolution 019 ATTACHMENT 1:Zoning Map/ !on ap CASE#ENIF 99039 000 p. �t���.�.- �b� _ ��� 111►•� ��������'a�� ���� �� list o ■ .-: �►��li:lw,r-, sillf r •� :►! ����,�. ..111 3� '� elk� a 201 �i^'�� � �O►�o' ■�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �.� � : ( � .,,►��1c�G�.�r1 'eft � � �r�����1 Fill �■■ty ■��■nu , .�.. 3755 M�.. 1� MontereyRod• • r - s t - �-4 41 t i ATTACHMENT 3: Nuisance Letter, December, 1999 3755 Monterey Road CASE#ENF 99107 MAY 9,2000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FIRST NOTICE OF NUISANCE Delivered 12/16/99 1211611999 Richardson 3755 Monterey Road Atascadero,CA 93422 APN#049-221-064 SUBJECT: Dear Mr.Richardson: The Code Enforcement Officer has performed a second review of the above referenced property on 1211 S/1999. A courtesy notice of code violation was issued on 12/1/199 allowing you two weeks to abate the nuisances. As of 12/15/1999, your property still contains the following violations of the Atascadero Municipal Code, which constitute a nuisance: 1. Section 9-6.103 (a) of the Municipal Code requires that construction materials be stored only on a site in which a valid building permit is in effect for construction on the premises.Your property has a large quantity of construction materials stored on-site while no valid permits for construction are on site or adjacent to the site. 2. Section 9-6.103 (f)of the Municipal Code states that"The outdoor storage of scrap,junk and miscellaneous articles and materials accessory to another use is limited to a maximum area of 200 square feet, with a maximum height of f ve feet unless such storage is entirely within a six foot high solid wood or masonryfence or within a building. Such storage shall be located only where it is within the buildable area of the lot." (please note:the"buildable area"of the lot is all areas within the property setback measured from the property lines,which is: Five(5)feet on the sides,Ten(10) feet at the rear and Twenty Five Feet(25')at the front of the property.).Your property has a large unspecified quantity of outdoor storage of items well in excess of 200 square feet and within the setback areas. Please consider this letter a First Official Notice of Nuisance,per Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-8.107(a). You are required to commence and complete the abatement of the nuisance within thirty(30)days from the receipt of this notice. The following steps should be taken in order to abate the nuisance: 1) the outdoor storage of all construction materials, scrap, and junk must be limited to an area no larger than 200 square feet and a height of five feet,all other related materials shall either be stored within a building or removed from the site. If the required abatement is not completed within(30)days,the City will have the following options: 1. Prosecute the violations as a misdemeanor,pursuant to the Atascadero Municipal Code;and/or 2. Set a City Council Hearing date to seek abatement order and levy a special assessment.At the public hearing the property owner has the opportunity to discuss the violation with the City Council and staff.If abatement is necessary the Council may order a third posting giving at least 30 days to abate the condition.If the condition is not abated within this time,the enforcement officer would then be set before the City Council to determine the costs to be applied to the tax roles of the property. The City of Atascadero has now posted your property. The notice is dated 1211611999, this allows you until 111611999 to abate the condition, or diligently pursue the abatement. At that date City Staff will review the site and,if necessary,set a public hearing before the City Council. If you have any questions regarding this matter please feel free to contact the Code enforcement officer at the City of Atascadero Community Development Department. Sincerely, 02 Code Enforcement Officer/Assistant Planner ATTACHMENT 4: Letter from Property Owner February 15,2000 3755 Monterey Road CASE#ENF 9910 MAY 9,200 3755 Monterey Road Atascadero CA 93422 February 15,2000 TO: PHILIP DUNSMORE Assistant Planner City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero,CA 93422 FROM: BENNING A.RICHARDSON 3755 Monterey Road Atascadero,CA 93422-2430. RE: Request for Continuance Dear Mr.Dunsmore: This letter will confirm our meeting of February 11,2000,and your request that any continuance be in writing with a plan for bringing the above property into compliance with your letter of January 19,2000. As you know,during the last several weeks,the northeastern portion of the property contiguous to the 101 Freeway has been fenced which obstructs the.view of the lower portion of the property. This fence is approximately 110 feet in length with an additional 25 feet presently under construction. In addition to the above,two 8'X 15'storage sheds are under construction in the lower portion of the northeastern comer of the property. They will be attached to the above described fence by another fence approximately 60 feet in length. All the Redwood lumber, screens,glass, and material presently visible,will either be stored in them or behind the attached fence and out of sight to the neighbors on either side of the property. Further,on the upper level, doors will be installed to the front entrance to the carport and everything visible from Monterey Road will either be behind the carport area or behind the fenced area described above. As you know,almost a third of the last several weeks have resulted in rain delays. There have been good faith efforts made and substantial compliance with your letter of January 19, 2000,exists except for the above plan. Very little is visible from the 101 Freeway. Therefore, good cause exists for the granting of an additional six-week continuance. This would enable me not only to comply with your letter of January 19,2000,but to make the property more aesthetic for everyone. If you have any questions please contact me at 462-2616. Yours truly, 1 BENNING A-RI SON0 C1'123 ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution 3755 Monterey CASE#ENF 99107 MAY 9,2000 DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ATASCADERO ORDERING NUISANCE ABATEMENT AT 3755 MONTEREY ROAD ATASCADERO (Code Enforcement Case#99107) WHEREAS, a first notice of nuisance abatement was served and posted on December 16, 1999 pursuant to Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-8.107 (a); and WHEREAS, the nuisance has not been abated, nor diligently pursued within the time period specified in the Courtesy Notice; and WHEREAS, the nuisance has not been abated, nor diligently pursued within the time period specified in the First Notice of Nuisance; and WHEREAS, the nuisance has not been abated, nor diligently pursued within the time period specified in the Second Notice of Nuisance; and WHEREAS, a second notice of nuisance abatement has been served on April 6, 2000 pursuant to Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-8.107 (b) ; and WHEREAS; the City Council conducted a duly scheduled public hearing on the reported nuisances at 3755 Monterey and considered testimony and reports from staff, the violator, and the public; and WHEREAS; the above referenced hearing was conducted pursuant to Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-8.107 (c), and the City Council determined not to terminate the abatement proceedings, but instead to order abatement of the nuisances existing at 3755 Monterey Road, California. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Atascadero orders abatement of reported nuisances at 3755 Monterey Road. The owner and or other affected persons are ordered to abate the nuisances within 30 days. These nuisances include the following: 1. Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-6.103 (f) Excessive outdoor storage of scrap,junk and miscellaneous articles. In the event that abatement is not commenced, conducted and completed within 30 days, 024 DRAFT Council Resolution 3755 Monterey Page 2 the enforcement officer is empowered and authorized to abate the nuisances. The enforcement officer is empowered, authorized and directed to cause any costs of abatement to become assessed against the real property being abated pursuant to Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-8.107 (a)through(i), inclusive. On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Ray Johnson, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk Approved as to form: Roy A. Hanley, City Attorney C25 ITEM NUMBER: B-2 dais � 5_79DATE: 05/09/2000 CAD�� Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Community Development Department Nuisance Abatement Hearing 8400 San Gabriel (Maxinne Hill) Code Enforcement Case #99039 RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the draft Resolution, thereby ordering nuisance abatement at 8400 San Gabriel. DISCUSSION: Background: This property is an approximately 3-acre lot immediately adjacent to San Gabriel Elementary on San Gabriel Road. The property is zoned for single family residential use (Residential Suburban (RS) zone) and is currently developed with a single-family residence, a barn and several abandoned accessory structures. A code enforcement complaint was received on April 21, 1999, reporting excessive storage and abandoned vehicles at the property. An inspection of the property was performed on May 7, 1999. The inspection revealed an extraordinary amount of outdoor storage in view of San Gabriel Road and San Gabriel Elementary School. Storage was found to include several non-operational vehicles, construction materials and miscellaneous articles. The property owners were consulted and given a courtesy notice of nuisance abatement. On May 24, 1999, following a second inspection and no compliance, the property owners were given a first "Official Notice of Nuisance Abatement" by certified mail. The first official notice allows the City to schedule an abatement hearing or issue a citation after thirty days if the violator does not complete abatement of the nuisance or diligently pursue abatement. A third inspection of the property on June 30, 1999 revealed that some cleanup had occurred. When a property owner shows due diligence in cleanup, city staff does not seek further enforcement, however the case is not closed until the nuisance is completely abated. Over the next several months routine inspections of the property revealed that the property condition was gradually improving. Staff was still unable to close the case since excessive storage was still occurring, however additional enforcement was not pursued since staff felt that the property owner was diligently seeking compliance. 026 ITEM NUMBER: B—2 DATE: 05/09/2000 Current Situation: On or about March 15, 2000 a new code complaint was received by staff concerning the property condition at 8400 San Gabriel. A site inspection revealed code violations including, excessive storage of junk and scrap, abandoned vehicles, and an unsanitary living environment. The property had returned to its original state as first reported in April, 1999. Since the original code enforcement case had not been closed a second letter of Nuisance Abatement was delivered, certified mail. The following code violations were listed in the notice: 1. Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-6.103(c)(3) Excessive storage of inoperative vehicles 2. Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-6.103 (f) Excessive outdoor storage of scrap,junk and miscellaneous articles. The second letter of nuisance abatement sets a hearing before the City Council. At the hearing the violator is asked to show cause why stated conditions should not be found to be a nuisance and why the Enforcement Officer should not abate the nuisance. Upon the conclusion of the hearing the Council may terminate the abatement proceedings or it may order the owner or other affected person to abate the nuisance prescribing a reasonable time (not less than 30 days for completion of abatement). Conclusion: The property at 8400 San Gabriel Road has been continuously maintained in such a way as to create a health hazard and a visual nuisance to surrounding neighbors within the City of Atascadero. Previous attempts to encourage the property owner to maintain the property within city codes have made little impact on the property condition. If Council adopts the attached Resolution the property owner will be ordered to abate all nuisances at the property within 30 days. If the property is not abated within the specified time limits, the enforcement officer will be empowered and authorized to abate the nuisances at the property. This procedure will allow the City to attach any abatement costs to the tax rolls of the property. ALTERNATIVES: The Municipal Code, Section 9-8. 107, outlines the procedures and options available for nuisance abatement: 1. The Council has the option to terminate the abatement proceedings if the violator shows sufficient reason why the reported conditions should not be found to be a nuisance and why the nuisance should not be abated by the enforcement officer. 2. The Council has the option of extending the time allowed for nuisance abatement beyond the recommended 30 days. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Zoning Map/location map Attachment 2: Site Photos Attachment 3: Nuisance Letter April, 1999 Attachment 4: Draft Resolution Uzi ATTACHMENT 1:Zoning Map/Location ap CASE#ENF 99039 000 �� V g "� :lam_ ♦ s '•. g- mow . �- �. Awful San. Gabriel . . �1 . 8400 Gabriel �.� 8400 San Gabriel Road � � - � � � ., a. ,, �� �, �� _ � ` iM L`ti:r-Y > r ;�, ����,� � ���� F -hY A.--. �2 �. i jj{ 1 .� ■i i� �® ,.■ '. � � �. � �,� a. \•� -�e"�� e a' �9 • sit �. - �_ �� �'�' s _,. _. - � — � i d� l ,��. ,.,.x� ^ t�° __ _ _ _^ _ _ .� �_ , ,—� ,a,,R—�- -2 ,_, - � �. f �,�, r_> - _ _- � �:� _ - ,�3 -_ ¢ � _ � _ _ _ - ;- ., r_ i . . - _ �;. ,�F ' �, �� ,•,, - ,; t tr..,�, 'k..t c'� E � ,�� �. a �,� �'`- ��.. { p ��� ��r 4 4' �°'4, - ,; .��_ — - _i __ - �- �_ � _:- _ , , � �q� r �ti � ,� Y � _ � — � 9 j+( ` t ___ .,_.� _..: -. .-a--a _ _ _ -T.-- � __.__f �_ r �� 2'� .�.— .___—. _ �_ �=_ - ��-'2— � � ` e � ATTACHMENT 3:Abatement Letter, May, 1999 8400 San Gabriel CASE#ENF 99039 MAY 9, 2000.CITY OF ATASCADERO CAD FYRST NOTICE OF NUISANCE Delivered 5/24/99 512411999 i Maxinne Hill 8400 San Gabriel Road Atascadero,CA 93422 APN#054-241-022 SUBJECT: Dear Mrs.Hill: The Code Enforcement Officer has reviewed the above referenced property on 51711999.The following violations of the Atascadero Municipal Code,which constitute a nuisance,exist on the site: 1. Section 9-6.103 (a)of the Municipal Code requires that construction materials be stored only on a site in which a valid building permit is in effect for construction on the premises.Your property has a large quantity of construction materials stored on-site while no valid permits for construction are on site or adjacent to the site. 2. Section 9-6.103(b)of the Municipal Code allows only one commercial vehicle to be stored in a residential zone and only in a manner that will not be disturbing to nearby residences as a result of unsightly appearance. Your property has two large commercial vehicles,and a commercial backhoe stored on site,in view of the street and adjacent school. 3. Section 9-6.103(f)of the Municipal Code states that"The outdoor storage of scrap,junk and miscellaneous articles and materials accessory to another use is limited to a maximum area of 100 square feet, with a maximum height of five feet unless such storage is entirely within a six foot high solid wood or masonryfence or within a building. Such storage shall be located only where it is within the buildable area of the lot." (please note:the"buildable area"of the lot is all areas within the property setback measured from the property lines,which is:Five(5)feet on the sides,Ten(10)feet at the rear and Twenty Five Feet(25')at the front of the property.).Your property has a large unspecified quantity of outdoor storage of items well in excess of 200 square feet and within the setback areas. Please consider this letter a First Notice of Nuisance,per Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-8.107(a).You are required to commence and complete the abatement of the nuisance within thirty(30)days from the receipt of this notice. The following steps should be taken in order to abate the nuisance: 1) the outdoor storage of all construction materials,scrap,and junk must be limited to an area no larger than 200 square feet and a height of five feet,all other related materials shall either be stored within a building or removed from the site.2)Storage of r large commercial vehicles must be limited to a maximum of one vehicle,and vehicle shall be parked in a location not immediately visible from the public roadway or adjacent school. If the required abatement is not completed within(30)days,the City will have the following options: 1. Prosecute the violations as a misdemeanor,pursuant to the Atascadero Municipal Code;and/or 2. Set a City Council Hearing date to seek abatement order and levy a special assessment.At the public hearing the property owner has the opportunity to discuss the violation with the City Council and staff.If abatement is necessary the Council may order a third posting giving at least 30 days to abate the condition.If the condition is not abated within this time,the enforcement officer would then be set before the City Council to determine the costs to be applied to the tar roles of the property. The City of Atascadero has now posted your property. The notice is dated 512411999, this allows you until 612411999 to abate the condition,or diligently pursue the abatement.At that date City Staff will review the site and,if necessary,set a public hearing before the City Council. If you have any questions regarding this matter please feel free to contact the Code enforcement officer at the City of Atascadero Community Development Department. Sincerely, D ,a --moi Code Enforcement Officer/Assistant Planner City of Atascadero ATTACHMENT 4: Draft Resolution 8400 SAN GABRIEL MAY 9,2000 DRAFT RESOLUTION .A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ATASCADERO ORDERING NUISANCE ABATEMENT AT 8400 SAN GABRIEL ROAD ATASCADERO (Code Enforcement Case# 99039) WHEREAS, a first notice of nuisance abatement was served and posted on May 24, 1999 pursuant to Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-8.107 (a); and WHEREAS, the nuisance has not been abated, nor diligently pursued within the time period specified in the First Notice of Nuisance; and WHEREAS, a second notice of nuisance abatement has been served on April 6, 2000 pursuant to Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-8.107 (b) ; and WHEREAS, the nuisance has not been abated, nor diligently pursued within the time period specified in the Second Notice of Nuisance; and WHEREAS; the City Council conducted a duly scheduled public hearing on the reported nuisances at 8400 San Gabriel and considered testimony and reports from staff, the violator, and the public; and WHEREAS; the above referenced hearing was conducted pursuant to Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-8.107 (c), and the City Council determined not to terminate the abatement proceedings, but instead to order abatement of the nuisances existing at 8400 San Gabriel, California. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Atascadero orders abatement of reported nuisances at 8400 San Gabriel. The owner and or other affected persons are ordered to abate the nuisances within 30 days. These nuisances include the following: 1. Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-6.103(c)(3) Excessive Storage of inoperative vehicles. 2. Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-6.103 (1) Excessive outdoor storage of scrap,junk and miscellaneous articles. In the event that abatement is not commenced, conducted and completed within 30 days of the adoption of this Resolution,the enforcement officer is empowered and authorized to abate the nuisances. The enforcement officer is empowered, authorized and directed to 031 DRAFT Council Resolution 8400 San Gabriel Page 2 cause any costs of abatement to become assessed against the real property being abated pursuant to Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-8.107 (a)through(i), inclusive. a 1. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Ray Johnson, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Roy A. Hanley, City Attorney ITEM NUMBER: C- 1 DATE: 05/09/2000 :a 1918 ® 19 9 i Atascadero City Council Staff Report- City Manager's Office Strategic Planning RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt an Atascadero Vision statement and action plans for the coming year. DISCUSSION: Background: The City Council initiated a Strategic Planning approach to the City operations in 1997. The Council participated in a goal-setting workshop outlining the priority issues facing Atascadero early in 1997. Following the appointment of a new City Manager August 1997, one of the identified goals, the Council and the new Manager participated in a one-day workshop. In early 1998 the Council and Manager participated in a Strategic Planning workshop facilitated by David Jones. In this workshop the Council began to articulate a vision for Atascadero and establish priorities to guide the operating departments. This was the first time Council priorities were the foundation of the Annual Operating Budget. The Council made a commitment to annually update and revise the City's Strategic Plan. The 1999 Strategic Planning Workshop was different than the first year in that it was facilitated by the City Manager and included presentations by each of the operating departments. The City Manager filled a dual role, both as a participant and facilitator. Again in 2000 the City Manager facilitated the workshop. In 2000 the process was expanded to encompass the community survey and the Atascadero Leadership Academy. The Council established a broad Vision statement and identified top priorities for the organization. Vision The Council reviewed Vision statements from prior years to insure a common understanding and refine the Council's Vision. The Vision defined by the Council is included in Attachment `A'. Department Heads and the Leadership Academy have suggested additional Vision statements for Council's review, these statements are depicted on Attachment `B'. The list includes a reference to the 40 Developmental Assets published by the Search Institute. This is a new program beginning in San Luis Obispo County and the Atascadero Youth Task Force is excited about the opportunities it brings. The Assets are statements, as can be seen in the attachment, generally considered present in a healthy community. They are much like a Vision statement in that they set goals for the community with respect to raising our youth. The Assets cover the topics of ITEM NUMBER: C- I DATE: 05/09/2000 support, empowerment, boundaries and expectations, constructive use of time, commitment to learning, positive values, social competencies and positive identity. The Council should review these and determine if they should be added to the Council's list. Action Plans The City Council identified priority issues for the City organization based on the community survey and the Council Vision. Those issues were: ❑ Roads ❑ Youth/Community Center ❑ Downtown ❑ Economic Development ❑ General Plan ❑ Community Involvement ❑ Code Enforcement/Neighborhood Preservation ❑ Funding City Services ❑ Growth Mitigation Program The Department Heads and the Leadership Academy have developed action plans for each of the priorities. In addition the Leadership Academy developed action plans for a conference center, a dedicated grants writer, and high tech business promotion. All of the action plans are in Attachment "C" including those added by the Leadership Academy. The Council should review the plans and make any changes necessary. The Council could add the action plans developed by the Academy, otherwise these issues will not be treated as priority in the budget. These action plans will be used to target budget priorities for next year. FISCAL IMPACT: Individual impacts will be reported with an future recommendation. p P Y ALTERNATIVES: Council could revise the vision statement and action plans. ATTACHMENTS: A - City Council Vision B - Vision Statements of Department Heads and Leadership Academy C - Action Plans 034 Strategic Planning Attachment A Council's Vision for Atascadero - 2000 ■ The Lake Park is a local and regional activity center. ■ The City Hall and Sunken Gardens are social and historical amenities. ■ The Zoo as an educational and recreational attraction of the regional community. ■ The Library as a cultural and educational resource of the community. ■ Facilitate plays, music, dance, etc. through public/non-profit/private partnerships. ■ Parks and facilities that are attractive, well maintained and meet community needs. ■ School District and City work together to provide improved services to the community. ■ Recreational services that are financially appropriate. ■ Council and community agree on service levels with an economy to support those levels. ■ Elected officials and City staff work to serve the entire community. ■ Attitude in government to only spend with a realistic plan. ■ Revenues sufficient to fund our City services ■ Insure General Plan is internally consistent. ■ Diversified housing mix: entry level, mid-level, high-end while preserving natural amenities. ■ Maintain rural atmosphere distinguishable from other cities within our oak forest. ■ Have a quality of life where people want to live/work. ■ Highway 101 corridor visually attractive. ■ Protect natural environment. ■ Encourage events that celebrate our community assets. ■ Large lots is the dominant residential style ■ Expanded view of"community" to mean more than my backyard. ■ Crime-free neighborhoods. ■ Downtown is a pedestrian friendly area: stores, ice cream shops, antique shops, restaurants etc., with seating in park areas. Community events are held Downtown. ■ Downtown is consistently planned to reflect the community character. ■ Roads in good shape. ■ Infrastructure in good shape. ■ Atascadero supports its youth through a broad range of wholesome activities. ■ Consider educational needs of youth. ■ Provide job opportunities for youth. ■ Safe bicycle and pedestrian circulation. ■ Encouraging businesses that provide jobs that provide "wage earner" salaries that allow youth to stay in community. ■ Retain and recruit clean, attractive and planned range of businesses that accommodate all community labor backgrounds. ■ Expand non-polluting industrial development to supply jobs. ■ The City financially stable—reserves in good shape. ■ Develop a healthy diversified tax base. ■ Recruitment of volunteers to expand City services. ■ Swimming complex ■ Develop a plan for public use.for Stadium Park. ■ Continued contact and input from the broadest possible population. ■ A viable General Plan. Strategic Planning Attachment B Vision Statements ❑ The Fire Department will be well organized and equipped to prevent and mitigate fire hazards, and provide public education. ❑ The City will be top quality professional organization with policies, programs and procedures to achieve maximum personnel and departmental performances. ❑ The Public Safety Departments will respond safely to all emergencies with adequate personnel and equipment necessary to provide appropriate service within allowable time parameters. ❑ The City will provide a comprehensive training for the purpose of maintaining the highest levels of performance in the services provided. ❑ The City will insure that all equipment is in the highest state of readiness as dictated by the various service centers. ❑ An active Main Street Program will be in place. ❑ The City organization will fully implement the Police Department's Community Action Partnership (CAP) Program to include all City departments. ❑ The City will enhance its community outreach activities through professional customer service and verifiable performance measures. ❑ The Community will embrace and continually improve the forty (40) Developmental Assets identified by the Search Institute. 036 4Developmental0 Assets Search Institute has identified the following building blocks of healthy development that help young people grow up healthy,caring,and responsible.Percentages of young people who experience each asset represent almost 100,000 6th-to 12th-grade youth surveyed in 213 towns and cities in the United States. ASSET TYPE ASSET NAME AND DEFINITION Support 1. Familysupport-Family life provides high levels of love and support. 64% r; 2. Positive family communication-Young person and her or his parent(s)communicate 26% positively,and young person is willing to seek advice and counsel from parent(s). k 3. Other adult relationships Noung person receives support from three or more 41% nonparent adults. +y 4. Caring neighhorhood-Young person experiences caring neighbors. 40% 5. Caring school climate-School provides a caring,encouraging environment. 24% C 6. Parent involvement in schooling-Parent(s)are actively involved in helping young 29% .. person succeed in school. ^' Empowerment 7. Community values youth-Young person perceives that adults in the community value youth. 20% Z 8. Youth as resources-Young people are given useful roles in the community. 24% 9. Service to others-Young person serves in the community one hour or more per week. 50% > 10. Safety-Young person feels safe at home,school,and in the nei6k6oAood. 55% Boundaries and 11. Family boundaries-Family has clear rules and consequences and monitors the young 43% r Expectations person's whereabouts. 12. School 6oundaries-School provides clear rules and consequences. 46% 13. Neighhorhood boundaries-Neigh6ors take responsibility for monitoring young 46%i people's behavior. 14. Adult role models-Parent(s)and other adults model positive,responsible behavior. 27% 71 15. Positive peer influence-Young person's best friends model responsible behavior. 60°6 16. High expectations-Both parent(s)and teachers encourage the young person to do well. 4196 C/ Constructive 17. Creative activities-young person spends t ree or more hours per week in lessons or 19% _ Use of Time practice in music,theater,or other arts. 18. Youth programs Young person spends three or more hours per week in sports,clubs. 59% or organizations at school and/or in the community. 19. Religious community-Young person spends one or more hours per week in activities g4% in u religious institution. 20. Time at home-Young person is out with friends with nothing special to do"two or 50% lever nights per week. Commitment 21. Achievement motivation-Young person is motivated to do well in school. 63% to Learning 22. School engagement-Young person is actively engaged in learning. 6496 23. Homew,orh-Young person reports doing at least one hour of homework every school day. 45% 24. Bonding to school-Young person cares about her or his school. 5186 25. Reading for pleasure-Young person reads for pleasure three or more hours per week. 24°6 Positive Values 26. Caring-young person places kigk value on kelping other people. 43% 27. Equalitv and social justice-Young person places kigh value on promoting equality and 45% reducing hunger and poverty. 28. Integrity-Young person acts on convictions and stands up for her or his beliefs. 63% 29. Honesty-Noung person"tells the truth even when it is not easy." 63% 30. Responsibility-Young person accepts and takes personal responsibility. 60% 31. Restraint-Young person believes it is important not to be sexually active or to use 42% alcohol or other drugs. Social 32. Planning and decision mahing-Young person knows how to plan ahead and make choices. 29% Competencies 33. Interpersonal competence-Young person has empathy,sensitivity,and friendship skills. 43% 34. Cultural competence-Young person has knowledge of and comfort with people of 35% different cultural/racial/ethnic backgrounds. 35. Resistance skills-Young person can resist negative peer pressure and dangerous situations. 37% 36. Peaceful conflict resolution Young person seeks to resolve conflict nonviolently. 44% Positive Identity 37. Personal power-Young person feels he or she has control over"things that happen to me." 45% 38. Sell-esteem-Young person reports having a high self-esteem. 47% 39. Sense of purpose-Young person reports that"my life has a purpose." 55% 40. Positive view of personal future-Young person is optimistic about her or his personal future. 70% This cart may be reproduced for educational,noncommerciul uses only. Copyright c 1997 b}'Seurch Institute.700 S.Third Street,Suite'210.i•linneupolis,NIN 53+15:phone:1-800-888-7828;web site:a %,%-_eurch-institute.orb. U Vt Strategic Planning Attachment C Atascadero Road Program Action Plan ISSUE Asphalt roads require maintenance and repair to provide a smooth and safe driving surface and to lengthen their useful life. The citizens of Atascadero have rated road repairs as their number 1 priority. Currently the City does not have a funded annual pavement management system. Many of the roads have not been maintained for many years. Storm water flows uncontrolled across many roads. OBJECTIVES Develop the Atascadero Road Program. This will be a multifaceted program attacking the issue from many directions. The ultimate goal is to have an operating program to maintain the roads in an organized logical manner within the available funding. PLAN Reorganize City street crews Responsible Person: Steve Kahn Date: June 2000 Develop an annual street maintenance program that allows the City street crews to be more involved in direct road maintenance. Reorganize staff to meet this goal. This will involve work in the following areas: fixing pot holes and base failure, berm placement, shoulder work, crack sealing, patching and support work for overlays and reconstruction. Develop Pavement Management System Responsible Person: Steve Kahn Date: July 2000 Review the circulation system and the state of repair of the existing road system. Develop and implement a priority system to repair and rehabilitate the road system based on the community and Council direction. Seek additional funding for road maintenance and repair Responsible Person: Steve Kahn Date: September 2000 Possible sources for funding are SLOCOG, Caltrans, and federal government, bond measures and new taxes. Public Works will work very closely with the Council and community to develop funding. Help citizens on non City-maintained roads maintain and repair the road Responsible Person: Steve Kahn Date: September 2000 There are several options that will be explored. Some possible actions are: provide assistance in the administration, design and construction of assessment districts, provide cold mix for pot hole repair and accept certain roads into the City maintained system. • �3 � Youth Center Action Plan ISSUE Fund, design and build a Youth/ Community Center. OBJECTIVES Provide additional space in the community for youth and community events. Reduce reliance on the school district for indoor events. Expand youth programs and provide a location for teen services. PLAN Location Responsible Person: Geoff English Date: May 2000 Determine a suitable site for the Atascadero Youth/Community Center. Design Responsible Person: Eric Hagen Date: May 2000 Create preliminary building plans, site maps and Architectural renderings. Funding Responsible Person: Brady Cherry Date: May 2000 Request State funding from the local legislators for the 2000/2001 State budget. Request funding for design and construction plans in the City of Atascadero budget for 2000/2001. Feasibility Study Responsible Person: Geoff English Date: July 2000 Create a Financial Feasibility Report and submit to the City Council. Architecture Develop a scope of work for an RFP. Responsible Person: Steve Kahn Date: September 2000 Distribute RFP Responsible Person: Geoff English Date: October 2000 6,40 Select Architect. Responsible Person: Geoff English Date: December 2000 Community Workshops regarding the design. Responsible Person: Geoff English Date: February 2001 Final approval Architectural Plans and Construction Drawings. Responsible Person: Steve Kahn Date: April 2001 Construction Prepare and distribute Bid Documents for construction. Responsible Person: Steve Kahn Date: May 2001 Award Bid for Construction. Responsible Person: Steve Kahn Date: July 2001 Develop a"Wish Catalog" of needed equipment and supplies and market. Responsible Person: Paula Anton Date: July 2001 Conduct a Groundbreaking Ceremony Responsible Person: Geoff English Date: August 2001 Order needed equipment and supplies. Responsible Person: Paula Anton Date: September 2001 Plan and Organize the Grand Opening Ceremonies. Responsible Person: Geoff English Date: September-December 2001 Conduct Grand Opening Ceremonies. Take possession of the building Responsible Person: Geoff English Date: February 2002. 641 Downtown Action Plan ISSUE Complete Downtown revitalization Plan and begin implementation OBJECTIVES Complete the downtown revitalization strategy, have it adopted and begin implementation of the Main Street program PLAN Complete Carlton OPA and related projects Responsible Person: Paul Saldana Date: May 2000 Complete Draft of Revitalization Plan Responsible Person: Consultant Date: June 2000 Conduct hearings and adoption of Plan Responsible Person: Paul Saldana Date: July 2000 Main Street Organization Responsible Person: Community Date: September 2000 Establish committees and hire a Main Street Coordinator. 042. Economic Development Action Plan ISSUE Create a prosperous community in which economic development efforts recognize the value of humane resources and environmental health, and build on resource-efficient design to create a more self-reliant and sustainable community. OBJECTIVES Develop and implement an economic development strategy providing for expansion of the jobs and tax base of the local community enhancing the economy and quality of life. PLAN Participate in Economic Vitality Corporation 5 Year Strategic Plan program Responsible Person: Paul Saldana Date: May 2000 The EVC is developing a five-year strategic plan for economic development implementation countywide. The plan will serve as a useful tool in the development of the City economic development strategy. Participate in development of EVC Marketing Plan Responsible Person: Paul Saldana Date: May 2000 The EVC is developing a business recruitment marketing plan in conjunction with their 5 year Strategy. The Marketing plan will incorporate marketing of other collaborative efforts to promote the Central Coast. Prepare and adopt Economic Development Strategy Responsible Person: Paul Saldana Date: May-June 2000 The Strategy will review a variety of strategic initiatives that will increase the capacity for business attraction and retention efforts. These initiatives would be outlined in a Strategy that would focus on building foundations for successful economic development, fostering business success and lead to creating new opportunities and economic diversification. The Strategy would likely be refined based on labor market, and other information analysis to determine suitable target businesses. Complete Labor Market Survey Responsible Person: Consultant& Staff Date: July 2000 The Labor Market Survey will serve as a foundation for targeting industries that could take advantage of the existing labor force residing in the community. 643 Complete Target Industry Analysis Responsible Person: Paul Saldana Date: September 2000 Based on the labor market analysis and the land use analysis conducted as part of the general plan update, a target industry analysis would be completed that would focus recruitment efforts on attracting quality jobs to the community. Complete Inventory and"Packaging"of sites for business expansion and attraction Responsible,Person: Paul Saldana Date: December 2000 A summary of available sites would be prepared for dissemination to local businesses for expansion consideration and for new business attraction. Timing would be based on the completion of the general plan update and establishment of the downtown revitalization plan, both of which would identify potential sites. 044 General Plan Update Action Plan ISSUE Complete thy General Plan Update in FY 2000-01 OBJECTIVES Complete update of general plan by year end 2000. PLAN Conduct Community Outreach program Responsible Person: Community Development Staff Date: May 2000 (initial outreach), July 2000, September 2000, December 2000 Complete Housing Element Background Report Responsible Person: Consultant Date: June 2000 Complete Land Use Diagram update/alternatives Responsible person: Consultant Date: June 2000 Complete EIR for Draft General Plan Responsible Person: Consultant Date: August 2000 Conduct Hearings on General Plan and EIR Responsible Person: Staff and Consultant Date: December 2000 045 Community Involvement Action Plan ISSUE 1 Engage the community in governing and provide public information. OBJECTIVES Engage the community in decision making and the implementation of community vision. Provide opportunities to be involved and get information to community members. PLAN Work with the media Responsible Person: All Council and Staff Date: Ongoing Provide information and press releases often. Return phone calls and requests as quick as possible. Always be available. City Web Site Responsible Person: Andrew Fruin Date: October 2000 Complete the departmental pages and general information. Update current topic pages. Add interactive information. Market the site. City Newsletter Responsible Person: Wade McKinney Date: four times annually Produce the Atascaderian four times a year including topical and interesting information. City Manager's Newsletter Responsible Person: Wade McKinney Date: Ongoing Continue to disseminate current information in the newsletter. Special Reports Responsible Person: Department Heads Date: Ongoing In conjunction with major projects like the General Plan or Redevelopment, use special newsletters and mailers. 046 Continue to Publish Display ads in the newspaper Responsible Person: Marcia Torgerson Date: Ongoing Continue to write articles for newspapers or newsletters Responsible Person: Wade McKinney Date: Ongoing Continue the article in the Chamber of Commerce newsletter and the local newspapers. Speak to Community Groups Responsible Person: Council and Staff Date: Ongoing Be available to speak on community issues at community organization meetings. Neighborhood Preservation is Action Plan ISSUE Establish a proactive neighborhood preservation and enhancement program. t OBJECTIVES Creation of fully functioning and universally understood code enforcement program within the city that provides a consistent proactive approach to enforcement of city regulations. PLAN City Code Enforcement Team (inclusive of all appropriate departments) Responsible Person: David Matthews Date: June 2000 Bring participants from all departments together and review Code Enforcement issues and programs. City Neighborhood Preservation and Code Enforcement Policy Responsible Person: Paul Saldana Date: July 2000 Review and update the current policy. Citywide training program on code compliance issues and project tracking Responsible Person: David Matthews Date: August 2000 Develop a citywide training program so that all employees know the City's policy on code enforcement, who is responsible, how to report a violation and how to participate in the monitoring. Citywide canvass to identify potential violations Responsible Person: Code Enforcement Team Date:August-September 2000 Marketing awareness and grace period for citywide compliance Responsible Person: Code Enforcement Team Date: September-October 2000 Develop a marketing awareness program to let neighborhoods know of violations. The program will include a grace period and a cleanup program. Full Initiation of Proactive Code Enforcement Program Responsible Person: Code Enforcement Team Date:November 2000 1048 Funding City Services Action Plan ISSUE The City mlust have financial resources to fund municipal services, infrastructure and reserves necessary to support a quality community. The State has significant control over the City's finances and there are few local financial stratgegies. The City seeks to expand its revenue base and focus expenditures so that the result is a balanced financial strategy where the community lives within its means. OBJECTIVES Develop a variety of strategies to expand City revenues. Further a conservative expenditure plan focusing resources on the City's core mission. Provide for long term financial stability. PLAN Update Comprehensive Financial Strategy Responsible Person: Wade McKinney Date: July 2000 Update the current strategy to current year dollars and improve the supporting information relying as much as possible on actual numbers as opposed to assumptions. Investigate the use of multi year budget Responsible Person: Rachelle Rickard Date: October 2000 Consider the use of a two-year budget cycle. Review the experience of other agencies and make a determination if mid budget modifications would out weigh the benefits of a longer-term plan. Develop benchmarks to measure services and expenditures Responsible Person: Coordinator Wade McKinney, Department Heads responsible for individual departments Date: December 2000 Create useful performance indicators that would allow the community to see what services they are receiving and track the progress/value. Seek employee input for cost-savingideas deas Responsible Person: Wade McKinney Date: June 2000 Include all employees in the budget process to insure that the City implements the most efficient systems and asks difficult questions of the status quo. Review coordination opportunities between departments Responsible Person: Wade McKinney Date: November 2000 Analyze opportunities for cooperation or support of specific services between departments. Identify if there are efficiencies between departments or more efficient service delivery systems already in place. Update legislative program Responsible Person: Wade McKinney Date: January 2001 Annually update the City's legislative priorities. Update Development Impact Fees Responsible Person: Steve Kahn Date: July 2000 See Action Plan for Growth Mitigation Program Update Fees for Service Responsible Person: Rachelle Rickard, Department Heads responsible for indivdual departments. . Date: December 2000 Departments will review fees for service and obtain comparable information from other agencies. A plan to update fees for service will be presented to Council. Create a Cost Study for City Services Responsible Person: Rachelle Rickard Date: November 2000 A plan will be developed that monitors costs for all City services. The plan will include costs of personnel and all support (including computers, desks, vehicles, etc.). Each service will be reviewed to determine the necessary time and support commitment required. This information will be used to develop actual costs of doing business. Economic Development Responsible Person: Paul Saldana Date: June See the Economic Development Action Plan Expand the use of grant funds and investigate employing a full time grant writing professional. Responsible Person: Wade McKinney Date: June Evaluate the potential of a full time grant writer or contract to expand the use of grants. Insure that each department is pursuing an effective grant program. Uro Growth Mitigation Program Update Action Plan ISSUE The Growth Mitigation Program is used to construct new capital improvements to mitigate the effects of new development on the City. The Growth Mitigation Program has not been updated for many years and is in need of updating. The fees the City collects do not provide sufficient funding to construct the portion of the Atascadero's Capital Improvement Program for which new development is responsible. The City has begun the updating its General Plan, the blueprint for the future. The Plan will depict growth over the next 20 years. The City, within the context of the General Plan Update will look at what infrastructure is needed to support any new growth. The General Plan Update is scheduled to be completed early next year. This information can be used to update the Growth Mitigation Program. OBJECTIVES Update the Growth Mitigation Program for the City of Atascadero. PLAN Prepare for annual update Responsible Person: Steve Kahn Date: May-June 2000 Review the existing program. Obtain inflation information and information from other jurisdictions. Prepare the annual update. Update Capital Improvement Program Responsible Person: Steve Kahn Date: May 16, 2000 Present the Capital Improvement Program to the Planning Commission to make consistency finding with the General Plan. Update Growth Mitigation Program Responsible Person: Steve Kahn Date: July 25, 2000 Public Hearing on Growth Mitigation Program Report and inflation update. Ll 51 General Plan Process Responsible Person: Steve Kahn Date: August 2000 until General Plan Update complete Work with Community Development Department, the community and the City Council on identifying the infrastructure required for different General plan scenarios. Revise Growth Mitigation Pro ram Responsible Person: Steve Kahn Date: After General Plan is updated Based on the updated General Plan the Council will consider revising the Growth Mitigation Program. Ci52 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 05/09/2000 MINK ! ■ M w 191$ 9 1 8 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - City Manager's Office Proposed 805 Area Code Split or Overlay RECOMMENDATION: Council authorize Mayor to send letter to the California Public Utilities Commission supporting Alternative #1A which would retain the 805 area code in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties. DISCUSSION: The 805 area code currently services Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo Counties. The telecommunications industry is projected to exhaust the 805 Area Code during the third quarter of 2004. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), in an effort to meet the rising demand for cell phones, fax machines, models and pagers, is proposing two alternatives to split the current area code, and a third alternative to apply an overlay. The area code planning process begins with the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA) and the telecommunications industry group comprised of more than thirty companies, meeting to identify viable solutions. After feasible alternatives are developed, meetings are held with government representatives and the public to gain the benefit from their experience and knowledge. Local jurisdictions were invited to Santa Barbara on February 2, 2000 to review and comment on potential relief alternatives for the 805 Area Code transition plan. Staff attended this meeting. The telecommunications industry will ultimately reach a consensus on the best plan for the area as a whole. The plan, with the industry's recommendation, is then submitted to the CPUC. The final decision will be made sixteen to eighteen months. Analysis: The CPUC is offering three alternatives as possible solutions: Alternative #lA— Ventura County receive a new area code, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties maintain the 805 area code. Alternative #1B - Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties receive new area code, Ventura County maintain the 805 area code. 053 ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 05/09/2000 Alternative#2 - All counties keep the 805 area code for existing telephone i numbers. All new telephone numbers would receive a new area code. This would require the dialing of 1+10 digits with every call you made to anyone who received their telephone number after a specific date. FISCAL IMPACT: Negative. A new area code would have a negative impact on our community. The need to notify friends and family of new telephone numbers will be time consuming. Also, a new area code would financially impact local businesses, including the City, as a result of the need for new business cards, stationary and advertising. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Council could choose to support Alternative #1 B which would bring a new area code to Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties. 2. Council could choose to support Alternative #2 which would create an overlay of a new area code over the existing 805 area code in Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties. ATTACHMENTS: A—Alternative#1 A B—Alternative #I B C—Alternative 2 D—Draft Resolution • 05)4 805 Area Code Attachment A id yam„ i 1S � � d R CL _ +� m o LU v OG c m rO S CL 3 �v O. e Lo rt 4k gr Z Q Q In CD to Co +� d °' z a 1 CL 00 Q •, a z a s 3 O i Z U) U-) 0 $ 0 A uA L 3 g a V W < t V � s g { i IL 6 p w Ln 3 C> Coa Co J q � CL L `u < u i W V 055 805 Area Code Attachment B .iJ N 0. N > N c 11 it g m I= °= CS i V RS W 0 Lnuj '< o Q Q U Co a. CL 0 ` i N . ,L M v a aW 1 z u tl � r u s � a � u W a z .G a u CL < Y a a m N x � u P CL 16 A i 805 Area Code Attachment C c ~meg Zd 4) o 0 � � x G +ccLn _ m �, S 14v G m- > W a ate. 0 V -W a � J O d Z ! V Z •4+ 0 ` b .. nn _ 19 CL L1 U Q a m 4 z � u V gL 8 � h 1 tl V �3 ti 6 g z 8 Y Y m � � o W u u s 057 805 Area Code DRAFT RESOLUTION NO. Attachment D A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, SUPPORTING THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ALTERNATIVE #1A WHICH WOULD RETAIN THE 805 AREA CODE FOR SANTA BARBARA AND SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTIES WHEREAS, the telecommunications industry is projected to exhaust the existing 805 Area Code during the third quarter of 2004; and WHEREAS, in order to meet these demands for service, the California Public Utilities Commission is proposing two alternatives to split the current area code or, as a third alternative, to apply an overlay to the entire existing area code; and WHEREAS, the impacts on the citizens of Atascadero would be significant if there were a required change of the 805 Area Code as well as a negative financial impact on local businesses, including the City; and WHEREAS, Alternative #lA would divide the existing area code but retain the 805 Area Code for Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties with Ventura County to receive a new area code; and NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, California, that a Resolution be issued supporting Alternative #lA of the California Public Utilities Commission proposal for the split of the existing 805 Area Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Atascadero held on May 9, 2000. CITY OF ATASCADERO Ray Johnson, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Roy A. Hanley, City Attorney 0�8 ITEM NUMBER: C-3 _ DATE: 05/09/2000 Isis ® 1079 Atascadero City Council City Manager's Office Information Bulletin A. General Plan Update The Community Newsletter was mailed to residents on April 29. A copy of the newsletter is attached. Eight (8) neighborhood areas have been identified for the first series of community meetings. The meetings will be facilitated by the Community Development Department and City employees who recently completed the Atascadero Leadership Academy. Each area was mailed an invitation to attend their neighborhood meeting. The meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m. and are planned for 90 minutes. They will be held as follows. May 15 —Monterey Road School and Atascadero Library May 16—Junior High and Lake Pavilion May 17—Lake Pavilion and Junior High May 18 - Santa Rosa School and Nazarene Church Following completion of the first series of meetings, additional meetings will be added to ensure the broadest involvement of the community. In addition to the community meetings, the Atascadero High School Leadership Class is canvassing the community with cameras taking pictures of what they like and don't like about Atascadero. This is a similar exercise the community is being asked to participate in. The results of the high school students' pictures will be on display at the community meetings. A web site is being currently being developed and a special e-mail address has been established for inquiries about the general plan update process. The e-mail address is eneralplangatacscadero.org 059 ITEM NUMBER: C-3 DATE: 05/09/2000 B. Joint City Council's Meeting t The City of San Luis Obispo will be hosting a Joint City Council's meeting on Thursday, June 15, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Embassy Suites in San Luis Obispo. A tentative agenda is as follows: 1. Prospects and consequences of passage of SB 402- Binding Arbitration 2. aDecision in the case which held that ERAF was a State mandated program and required that State take-aways must be returned to local government. 3. Reconsidering State property tax take-aways of the early 90's: Exploring Alternative Ways to Allocate Property Taxes. SB 1982 (Alpert)tax reallocation 4. AB 2838 (Hertzberg)—Requires cities to share costs of LAFCo. 5. Proposition 218 —City revenues in the future. 6. E-commerce and the local sales tax. C. Employee Update Jeffrey Miller Pavilion Service Worker Hired 4/3/2000 Ron Moret Building Inspector II Hired 5/1/2000 • 060 a"o scajero P(ann�n Our Future Kill9 - - ATAsCADERO . . . why it's Time for a A SPECIAL PLACE General Plan Update Neighborhoods in Atascadero share many traits of the people who live in .them. Diverse, with unique i characteristics that shape their identities, the neighborhoods are dynamic and " r evolving, just as families grow, individuals change and people move. IN Ideally, that evolution is guided by a plan that details a city's vision for �_-----� ---' ; fc its future development, from the downtown core to outlying residential areas. Atascadero is set to embark on an *R update of that document—called the ` AM � r General Plan -and is encouraging fttresidents to participate in a number of ways. Updating the General Plan -- provides Atascadero residents with,a unique opportunity to collaborate in an effort to enhance and protect our city's Framed on the east by the banks of the Salinas River, beautiful environment while ensuring it to the %vest by the steep ravines and shade oaks of the Santa Lucia retains a vital economy. Mountains,Atascadero's rural landscape surrounds a central A series of neighborhood workshops do%%,nto\cn. For our residents, the city offers a small-torn lifestyle are planned to foster a cooperative combined \r,ith modern amenities. environment in which common goals Protecting our city's special character is the aim of updating will emerge. The success of those Atascadero's General Plan. workshops depends on your That process relies on your involvement. During the %reeks participation. ahead, a series of neighborhood meetings and other public Please join us as we enhance our P.U Nvorkshops are scheduled to encourage }-our input vision of Atascadero's future. A T A S C A D E R O - P L A N N I N G O U R F U T U R E KEY TERMS HOW ATASCADERO'S GENERAL PLAN General Plan A document with written text,goals,policies and AFFECTS YOU! maps that provides a 20 year vision to guide State law requires all cities to have an updated General develepment,identify public facilities,and protect Plan that serves as a"blueprint" for future development in sensitive areas. those communities.A simple example of how a General Plan works is ensuring that residential neighborhoods Land Use Jk maintain integrit} by A terns that describes different types of activities � �° � '•$e preventing incompatible r that are permitted to occur on a parcel ofland. y" uses — such as a noise Single family residential,commercial,parks,and business — from open space are examples of common land use r �� y • locating nearb}. designations. Obviously, with limited Elements land and the need to balance what at times are conflicting VII State of California requires General Plans to Visions, updating a General Plan can be far more have seven separate elements (or sections) that complicated.The location of shopping,parks, homes, and address Lind Use,Circulation,Housing, Open open spaces are some of the pieces of the puzzle. Space, Conservation,Noise and Safety. For a General Plan to work effectively, it should be the Consolidated elenhents are permitted to address result of consensus in the community.With your several issues in a single section. participation, that goal can be achieved. Goals A statement of desired direction or outcome. A LITTLE HISTORY Each element of the General Plan will incorporate The community of Atascadero was originally founded one or more goal statements on which policies, in 1913 by Edward Gardner Lewis, a successful magazine programs and reaps will be based. publisher from the East. It was Lewis' vision to create a model community that would provide its residents with the Planning Commission most favorable aspects of } All appointed advisory body that makes both social, environmental and ► A decisions and recommendations to the Cit\ economic needs of the Council on laud use issues within the cotuuunit\. community. Incorporated in 1979,Atascadero's Smart Growth Principles population is currently Planning principles adopted by the City that more than 23,000 residents, pravide guidelines to encourage pedestrian making it the second largest friendly and environmentally responsible city in San Luis Obispo development. County. SIGNIFICANT DATES FOIR 14 E.G.Lewis acquires Atascadero Colony State General Plan County adopts first State General Plan t and forms "subdivision" laws adopted General Plan for laws changed to pt Atascadero Colony created and recorded Atascadero area require General Plan updat, to"guide" Plan development 2 r,6;. A T A S C A D E R O — P L A N N I N G O U R F U T U R E BUILDING ON THE PRESENT The General Pian defines the location, type and character of residential, commercial and public areas that are permitted within the community. The Plan consists of goals and policies and a land use map that shows where things go.The Council determined that the updated General Plan would build on the goals of the existing General Plan, last updated in 1992.The following goals were reaffirmed to serve as the basis for the General Plan update. Existing General Plan Land Use Element Goals • Protect and preserve the rural atmosphere of the community by assuring "elbow room" for residents by means of maintenance of large lot sizes, which increase in proportion to distance beyond the urban core. • Provide for a sound economic base to sustain the city's unique character. • Preserve residential neighborhoods & respect the winding tree-lined nature of the street and road system. • Preserve the contours of the hills. Buildings built on hillsides shall conform to the topography using the slope of the land as the basis for the design of the structure. • Preserve natural flora and fauna. • Designate areas where livestock can be owned and maintained. • Provide for a comprehensive system of routes-to schools and parks, which may include creekside trails. • Provide for walkways, horse trails, and bikeways without curbs and sidewalks in .. - some rural areas. i a° • Provide for a strong and distinctive downtown area. �* • Transform the existing EI Camino Real "strip" into distinctive, attractive and - Q, f efficient commercial, office and industrial park areas, which can provide for the long-term economic viability of the community. • Provide for adequate public services. _ANNING IN ATASCADERO 1979 1980 9, 8.9 1991-95 Atascadero becomes Cite approves Cin- initiates update City completes and City initiates incorporated City update.of 1978 Plan of General Plan approves various consolidation and cera (City's first General updates to General update of General Plan) Plan Plan elements G,G3 3 tascadero Presorted Standard Planning Our Future US Postale PAID p pp D a 130 Permit 163 AMS yr1+ Paso Robles,CA 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Change Service Requested How CAN I RECEIVE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION? Community and Economic Development Department 805 /461-5035 e-mail: generalplanCaatascadero.org visit our website: www.atascadero.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO AND WHEN SAY IT IN PICTURES There will be a variety of opportunities for the public Sometimes words aren't enough. to provide input and raise issues.The goal is to create a A photo of a strong awareness and understanding of our City's pumpkin patch filled '' ~ General Plan. In the process to openly discuss with you with plump orange 4. topics that are important to you, the City Council has gourds and golden +i determined that the community's involvement in the straw on a late fall r , r update process is a top priority.The update process is afternoon makes expected to take place over the next nine months and its own eloquent will provide numerous opportunities for community statement for involvement. open space. So,too, " does a photo of an empty downtown sidewalk taken on a Saturday afternoon. With the city updating its General Plan, we want d residents to start taking pictures. Pictures of what makes Atascadero appealing, as well as pictures that � .. show how the city can improve. Bring those photos to neighborhood workshops, where plans for the city's future development will be discussed.Your photos are a unique tool with which the ., .----� city's positive and negative attributes can be illustrated. ITEM NUMBER: E—3a DATE: 05/09/2000 Eats' a R 1919 1 79 Atascadero City Council City Clerk Report Appointment of Ex-Officio Youth Representative on the Parks and Recreation Commission RECOMMENDATION: Council select a subcommittee of the Council to review the youth application, interview the applicant if the subcommittee deems it necessary and submit their recommendation to the Council. DISCUSSION: In 1990, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 109-90 creating ex-officio youth members on certain City commissions and committees. This Resolution states that a subcommittee of the City Council will review the applications and interview applicants if the subcommittee deems it necessary. The Parks and Recreation Commission has had several youth representatives sporadically over the last ten years. The Youth Representative position for the Parks and Recreation Commission has been vacant since Brian Potter resigned in February 2000. Applicants must be 16-18 years of age and a resident of the City of Atascadero. The term for this position is one year. The City Clerk has solicited applications for this position with ads in the Atascadero News and notices at Atascadero High School. One completed application was received from Michell Kim. The Parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed Michell's application on March 16, 2000 and unanimously supports her appointment by the Council. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Council request City Clerk to schedule a formal interview of the Applicant. 2. Council review application and appoint the Applicant to the Youth Representative position. ATTACHMENTS: A. Resolution No. 109-90 B. Michell Kim's application G 6 5 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, CREATING EX-OFFICIO YOUTH MEMBERS ON CERTAIN CITY COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES The City Council. of the City of Atascadero, California, resolves as follows: 1. There shall be ex-officio youth members of the following: 0 a. Parks, Recreation and Zoo Commission , b. Traffic Committee c. Recycling Committee 2. These youth members shall have the following qualifications: a. Be between the ages of 16 and 18 years b. Be a resident of the City of Atascadero 3. The terms of office of these ex-officio youth members shall be one year. Members may be reappointed if they still meet the qualifications set forth in No. 2 above. 4. Vacant positions will be advertised by the City Clerk . Applications must be submitted by interested youth. A subcommittee of the City Council will review the applications and interview applicants if the subcommittee deems it necessary. Three finalists shall be submitted to the City Council for selection. 5. The appointments must be made by a majority of the City Council. The appointees serve at the pleasure of the City Council and serve until replaced or removed. Appointees may be removed with or without cause by a majority of the City Council. On motion by Councilmember Dexter , and seconded by Councilmember __ 1J11Py , the foregoing resolution is adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Shiers, Borgeson, Nimmo Dexter and Mayor Lilley Noes: None Absent: None Date Adopted: August 28, 1990 GGA RESOLUTION NO. 109-90 Page 2 By 0 ERT LI LEY, Mayo City of Atascader California ATTEST- LE bAYKA, City Cqerk Approved as to form: ARTH R R. RONTAON,—tlty--Atorney ARM: fr RES: 007 L' elm ! O 5 Ir-9-118 _ e Please return to: CITY CLERK f`tii>tffefiss` sz;'>> > '•>»zzi« `=:'E> 6500 Palma Avenue :::�:.,:::::::::::::.•::.:�:.�::::::::::::::. Room207 ...................::::: .>•::•::;;:.:�•;•;;;.�:::::.�.;.;;:::.;::::::. Atascadero, CA 93422 CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City (exception. teen representatives need not be registered voters). Please fill out and attach the Supplemental Questionnaire for the advisory body you are applying,fora r/ NAME: {�( �( � 1�� Home Phone: LF ADDRESS: 50-Zo PGtllru Ave Work Phone: Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? E5• How Long? AILS. EMPLOYMENT: Present or last employer (or school, if applicable) Afascad-ero a h 5 hod -- EDUCATION: cI ! hl i , I RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY, VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: p 1 4uluMet at ctmva Lescaii A me, cuill Tasks rorCe- Cy iK rep•), 1-e d-er5hC3 yr5.) OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS,COMMI EES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: fomm(cis.oer- C5UCol b6ard�— Gtl�-e� flcc-� How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth Library City Hall Place of Employment Other (specify): P[i!dh11�h '51boI This application and supplement are"public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest,pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. � v CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION -YOUTH REPRESENTATIVE 1. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Parks & Recreation Commission. 2. What is it about the Parks & Recreation Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Commission? L fa a- ilC' cc cf c,0,U 3. What role does parks and recreation play in maintaining a healthy city? ah LC , C�- c>"i i�lC h��cl c�, ��<.r ctcc.��M.1 ?.c�1C�. Lrl.ctLc-1 A a+ j a c-C i 4's' AlIt taI ti 7 069 Supplemental Questionnaire Parks & Recreation Commission - Youth Representative Page 2 4. How would you see your role as a member of the Commission? " t I+ I ALU) ; M LA �I 1 C.rL<L G J4,i` 0— 111.L�'n t (((,k- '�. ,� �, _ 1 r�r h—(L 5. In your opinion, what are Atascadero's greatest public recreation needs? f da CL ("t1-1 L-h, l ,� -Ll l� 6. What methods should be used to fund Atascadero's public recreation programs and facilities? 1 -r 14(� (L k 1,41 CIC I fl, 1 I I 'r ,, —I)s OhJ 0-cl (LI t—tJ (I'LLc 2: ) ,( c , ,t.c hn _ 1 70 Supplemental Application Parks & Recreation Commission - Youth Representative Page 3 7. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Commission achieve? + -h l 0.�Yr1't+vtj E'itip hi . 1 --h uti t',k _7M Ct`t u a cI /Ac c t&& Ct'aJ, act a jt-'w4l) aLac- ALIt, c/aL atA cL*J 8. If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided (optional). l A �t�ei-a- b elt rteh a& ,nL IL1'Z' 4L-L ({ 1.41 b(,t:'I iU'l l.f--C: - f L t'i1 &( o Li I t"0") fl I I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct. Signature. Date: 'l �.