HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 03/28/2000 AGENDA _ ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 2000 7:00 P.M. City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue, 4t" Floor Atascadero, California REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 6:30 P.M. CLOSED SESSION: (Immediately following Redevelopment Agency Meeting) 1. Conference with legal counsel [Govt. Code §54956.9] Existing litigation: a. City of Atascadero v Atascadero Unified School District b. City of Atascadero v Kelly Gearhart C. City of Atascadero v Jim Shores REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Clay ROLL CALL: Mayor Johnson Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide Council Member Clay Council Member Luna Council Member Scalise APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call PRESENTATIONS: 1. Proclamation declaring March 2000, "Grand Jury Month." 2. Proclamation declaring April 2000, "Month of the Child" and April 8,2000, "Day of the Child.,, COMMUNITY FORUM: - (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to five minutes. Please state your name and address for the record before making your presentation. The Council may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda.) COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENT AND REPORTS (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Roll Call (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken.) 1. City Council Minutes—March 14, 2000 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the City Council minutes of March 14, 2000 [City Clerk] 2. Joint City Council /Parks and Recreation Commission Workshop Minutes-March 16, 2000 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the Joint City Council/Planning Commission minutes of March 16, 2000 [City Clerk] 3. Treasurer's Report—June 1999 ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ City Treasurer recommendation: Council review and accept[City Treasurer] 4. Treasurer's Report—July 1999 ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ City Treasurer recommendation: Council review and accept[City Treasurer] 5. Treasurer's Report—August 1999 ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ City Treasurer recommendation: 'Council review and accept[City Treasurer] 6. Treasurer's Report— September 1999 ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ City Treasurer recommendation: Council review and accept[City Treasurer] 2 7. June 1999—Accounts Payable and Payroll ■ Fiscal Impact: $986,991.63 ■ Staff recommendation: Council review and approve. [Administrative Services] 8. July 1999—Accounts Pa able and Pa roll ■ Fiscal Impact: $593,094.88 ■ Staff recommendation: Council review and approve. [Administrative Services] 9. August 1999—Accounts Payable and Payroll ■ Fiscal Impact: $1,436,446 63 Staff recommendation: Council review and approve. [Administrative Services] 10. Acceptance of Final Parcel, Map #99006/AT 99-079—with a Public Utility easement as required by a Condition of Approval by the City—5398 Portola Road (Lynn Mosher) ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendations: 1. Council accept the Final Map #99006; and 2. Council accept a Public Utility easement as shown on Attachment B. [Community "Development] 11. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map #99013 /AT 99-190—with Public Utility Easement and Subdivision Improvement Agreement— 10600 West Frontage Road (Wilson Land Surveys/Gearhart) Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendations: 1. Council accept the Final Parcel Map #99013; and 2. Council accept a 6-foot wide Public Utility easement contiguous to the West Frontage Road property line; and 3. Council authorize Mayor to enter into a Subdivision Improvement Agreement with the Applicant to ensure the public improvements are completed in accordancd with the Conditions of Approval for Tentative Parcel Map #99013 [Community Development] 12. Stadium Park-Naming of a Hiking Trail ■ Fiscal Impact: $300.00 ■ Staff recommendation: Council approve draft Resolution naming a hiking trail in Stadium Park, the Blue Oak Trail. [Community Services] B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: I. Road Abandonment#2000-0002 - an unimproved portion of Coromar Avenue right-of- way ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Planning Commission recommendation: Council adopt the draft Resolution, thereby summarily vacating a portion of unimproved Coromar Avenue right-of-way as conditioned and subject to the appropriate findings. [Community Development] 3 C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Smart Growth Principles _ ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council adopt Smart Growth Principles for the City of Atascadero as attached and direct staff to include principles in General Plan Update document. [Community Development] - 2. Information Bulletin D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): - 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority 2. Finance Committee 3. Water Committees: _ a. "SLO County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Water Resources Advisory Committee b. Nacimiento Water Purveyors' contract Technical Advisory Committee C. North County Water forum , 4. Integrated Waste Management Authority 5. North County Council 6. Air Pollution Control District 7. County Mayor's Round Table • 8. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors 9. City / Schools Committee 10. Economic Opportunity Commission 11. SCA-3 Steering Committee 12. North County Homeless Coalition E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer F. ADJOURNMENT: THE NEXT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION IS SCHEDULED ON APRIL 11, 2000 AT 7:00 P.M. Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. 4 City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING _ GENERAL INFORMATION The City Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth.Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.,- in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk(Room 208), and in the Information Office(Room 103), available for public inspection during City Hall business hours. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City,please contact the City Manager's Office, (805) 461-5010,or the City Clerk's Office, (805)461-5074. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be_made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to step up to the podium. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: • You must approach the podium and be recognized by the Mayor • Give your name and address(not required) • Make your statement • All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council • All comments limited to 5 minutes(unless changed by the Council) • No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so, and no one may speak more than twice on any item. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter,no further public comments will be heard by the Council. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item,"COMMUNITY FORUM",the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to: • Please approach the podium and be recognized • Give your name and address • State the nature of your business This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Council's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed by the Council). TO HAVE ITEMS PLACED ON AGENDA All business matters to appear on the Agenda must be in the Office of the City Manager ten days preceding the Council meeting. Should you have a matter you wish to bring before the Council, please mail or bring a written communication to the City Manager's office in City Hall prior to the deadline. "GRAND JURY A WARENESS MONTH" MARCH, 2000 WHEREAS, the Civil Grand Jury is made up of nineteen citizens who serve the area of the County of San Luis Obispo for one year, after qualification by the judges of the Superior Court from a list of volunteer applicants and final selection by random drawing; and WHEREAS, the responsibility of this Grand Jury is to ensure that governmental entities and prisons under it jurisdiction are performing with efficiency, effectiveness, honesty and impartiality; and WHEREAS, the Grand Jury carries out its responsibilities by investigations prompted by not only concerns of the jurors but also by formal citizen complaints; and • WHEREAS; the Grand Jury primarily relies upon public awareness and responsiveness of the public to its reports of findings and recommendations; NOW, THEREFORE, I, the Mayor of the City Of Atascadero do hereby officially proclaim March 2000 to be "GRAND JURY A WARENESS MONTH" in order for all citizens to become better acquainted with the purposes of the Jury, to give attention to the Grand Jury's reports to the public and to actually participate in the Grand Jury pro4Jo May r ty C zcncil Date: March 28, 2000 001 "Dai o the Child" 8, 2000 J .f P "Month of the Child" -April 2000 Whereas A ril the Month o the Child is a national celebration focusing public attention on the p f f % needs of young children, our youth and their families, particularly their need for programs of high quality; and Whereas, Saturday April 8, 2000, will commemorate the 22nd annual "Day of the Child" celebration during Children's Day in the San Luis Obispo Mission Plaza. A day inhere children and families interact with the agencies and programs providing services throughout the County, and Whereas, In San Luis Obispo County, there are 37,334 children under the age of 12 who need access to comprehensive, integrated services and 17,432 are eligible for subsidized child care while their parents are working, and Whereas, Quality child care is no longer a fringe benefit but a necessity for working parents to be productive and happy employees. And local employers need to be champions in supporting the many challenges facing these working parents and families;and Whereas, The City of Atascadero recognizes that every moment in a child's life is an opportunity for that child to learn, and that the early years determine whether a child succeeds in school and in life, and that all children need at least one caring and loving adult in their lives;and Whereas, The activities of this month will provide an opportunity to acknowledge quality youth and early childhood programs and their dedicated staff and to applaud their efforts to improve the quality, availability, and accessibility of such programs, and Whereas, The San Luis Obispo Child Care Planning Council, the Family Child Care Association of San Luis Obispo County, the San Luis Obispo Association for the Education of Young Children, and the County Commission of Children and Youth work cooperatively to coordinate the events and activities of the Day and Month of the Child, and Whereas, All citizens are encouraged to do what they can at work, at home, and within the community to assure all children, youth, and families have the opportunity and support to thrive. And may we remember to listen to and watch the children around us and remember to have patience and allow them to enjoy the journey of childhood. Now, Therefore, 1, the Mayor of the City of Atascadero, California, do hereby officially proclaim April 2000 as the "Month of the Child'; and April 8, 2000 as "Day of the Child'; and encourage all citizens who use child care services to acknowledge and show appreciation to their child care providers on this special day of recognition as well as other days. In the City of Atascadero, California, this 28th day o ;archI aiye vothousand. Ray Johnon, ayor Atascade o Ci � Council March 28, 2000 2 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 03/28/2000 ® MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING i TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 2000 7:00 P.M. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 6:30 P.M. CLOSED SESSION: (Immediately following Redevelopment Agency Meeting) 1. Conference with legal counsel [Govt. Code §54956.9] Existing litigation: a. City of Atascadero v Atascadero Unified School District b. City of Atascadero v Kelly Gearhart City Attorney Roy Hanley announced that no reportable action was taken. REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Arrambide, Clay, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Johnson Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson and City Treasurer David Graham Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Police Lieutenant John Couch, Fire Chief Mike McCain, Assistant City Manager Brady Cherry, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Community and Economic Development Director Paul Saldaiia, Community Services Manager Geoff English, Principal Planner Warren Frace, Public Works Technician Valerie Humphrey and City Attorney Roy Hanley uU3 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Proclamation declaring Thursday, March 16, 2000, "Absolutely Incredible Kid Day." Mayor Johnson presented the proclamation to Jackie Oliver of Campfire Boys and Girls. 2. Employee recognition. Kim Treece, Senior Police Officer, was introduced by Police Chief Hegwood. Mayor Johnson presented Ms.Treece with a plaque of appreciation from the Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement. Mayor Johnson announced that the plaque to be presented to Bill Zimmerman for his service on the Planning Commission is currently on hold as Mr. Zimmerman is recovering,from health problems. COMMUNITY FORUM: Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., asked if the Council is going to be meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission this Thursday as the agenda states the next Council meeting is March 28`n He also stated that nothing has been heard from Sacramento with regard to the Salinas Dam Project. However, he commented that the San Luis Obispo City is in continued movement toward the project. Raynelle Gaines, Atascadero, President of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of San Luis Obispo, stated she called Council Member Luna concerning the Atascadero State Hospital SVP program. She asked the Council to keep a close watch on the State's future actions as we need beds for the mentally ill and we don't need SVPs. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., suggested the Council comment on the current EIR for the proposed State Hospital construction. City Manager Wade McKinney announced that State documents say that we are no longer in consideration. Council Member Luna stated State code reads that if no other site is selected, Atascadero will be the site for expansion. He announced that the EIR deadline for comments is April 15, 2000, and he encouraged the public to participate in making comments. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. • CC 03/20/00 �+ A Page 2 of 8 t% 0`1 COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENT AND REPORTS: Council Member Luna suggested that Mayor Johnson and Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide form a committee for the purpose of creating a code of conduct for candidates to sign when they run for- election. orelection. City Attorney Roy Hanley stated he is preparing some information on code of conduct with regard to City facilities. Mayor Johnson stressed that he would like to make sure staff does not get caught in the middle of politics. Council Member Clay commented that he agreed with Council Member Luna in regards to educating the public in this matter. Council Member Scalise stated that recently she read the handbook on candidates provided by the City of Atascadero and found it to be very clear. She suggested taking some the handbook contents into consideration. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Council Minutes—February 22, 2000 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the City Council minutes of February 22, 2000 [City Clerk] 2. City Council Strategic Planning Workshop Minutes—February 28, 2000 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the City Council minutes of February 28, 2000 [City Clerk] 3. Joint City Council / Planning Commission Workshop Minutes—February 29, 2000 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the Joint City Council/Planning Commission minutes of February 29, 2000 [City Clerk] 4. Revision of Ordinance No. 337—Removal of Vegetative Growth and/or Refuse ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council introduce,for second reading by title only, the attached draft Ordinance, amending Section 6-13.05 (Exemptions) as presented. [Fire] City Clerk Marcia Torgerson pulled#A-3. Council Member Luna pulled Item 4A-4 for discussion. City Clerk Marcia Torgerson announced that Item#A-3 will be amended on page 15, removing the word "public" in front of"education." Council Member Luna pointed out two additional typos that the City Clerk said she would cotrect. CC 03/20/00 Page 3of8 L� MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro 'l:em Arrambide to approve Item #A-3 with amendments and Items #A-1 and 2. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. RE: Item 9A-4: Council Member Luna stated that he received a phone call from a citizen who had a concern for the elderly with regard to this project. He asked if there is some mechanism which would allow the City to help out if necessary or if it would just become a tax issue. He also asked if the City keeps a list of contractors and those property owners who may have animals that would satisfy the weed abatement ordinance. Fire Chief Mike McCain replied "no" to both questions, and commented that the Department has not received complaints with regard to the issue. Several Council Members named various local organizations that are available for service to the elderly. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide for Council to introduce, for second reading by title only, the attached draft Ordinance, amending,Section 6-13.05 (Exemptions) as presented. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson announced that the Ordinance number will be 371. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 2000 Community Development Block Grant Funds ■ Fiscal Impact: $237,695 in 2000 Community Development Block Grant Funds ■ Staff recommendation: Council fund allocation as specified in staff report. [Public Works] Public Works Director Steve Kahn gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. Council Member Luna asked if we request a report on how money is spent. Mr. Kahn replied that yes, the applicant is required to turn in a report and refund them the money based on the report. Council Member Luna asked if a satisfaction survey is included in the report. Administration Services Director Rachelle Rickard responded that a request for reimbursement is submitted on a project-to-project basis, however there is no satisfaction survey done. Council Member Luna stated that he would like to see a survey done. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide asked questions regarding the cost of distributing monies. Council Member Luna asked for clarification regarding the use of developer fees in drainage project and sidewalk improvements. City Manager Wade McKinney explained that developer0 fees cover those projects and areas that the.y directly affect and not always the entire project. CC 03/20/00 Page 4 of 8 l: PUBLIC COMMENT Ann Ketcherside, Atascadero, requested the Council designate some monies to recreation programs. Jim McNamara, EOC of San Luis Obispo, Director of the Home Repair Program, described their program and answered questions of the Council. J.D. Main, President of the Homeless Housing Project, explained the proposal from the HHP and answered questions of Council. Council Member Luna suggested Atascadero support the Homeless Housing Project along with the County. Council Member Scalise stated that there is an advisory committee consisting of the efforts made by Loaves and Fishes, Social Services, Mental Health, and the Church Coalition which is attempting to open a daycare center hoping to count the number of homeless in the north county. Mike Ryan, 5th District Supervisor for SLO County explained the progress made so far by the EOC in San Luis Obispo. He encouraged the City to have a representative to the committee that is addressing the homeless housing problem. Mayor Johnson appointed Council Member Luna to the committee. Raynelle Gaines, encouraged the Council to address permanent housing for the homeless. She expressed concern for using grant monies on drainage issues. J.D. Main, stated the next meeting of the North County Homeless Coalition will be on April 13, 2000, at 3:30 p.m. at the Atascadero Library. Ann Ketcherside,asked for a copy of the requests made for grant money. She stressed that she would like to see some money go toward a recreation center. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period MOTION: By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Council Member Luna to fund allocations specified in staff report. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 2. General Plan Amendment 99001 —(L.U.E. Cycle 1, 2000) Zone Change 99001, Tentative Parcel Map 99003 ■ Fiscal Impact: Negligible ■ Planning Commission recommendation: 1. Council adopt attached draft Resolution, certifying the proposed Negative Declaration; 2. Council adopt attached draft Resolution, approving proposed General Plan Amendment 99001; 3. Council introduce for first reading by title only, the attached draft Ordinance, approving proposed Zone Change 99001; CC 03/20/00 Page 5of8 ti � 4. Council adopt attached draft Resolution, approving Tentative Parcel Map 99003 as conditioned and subject to findings. [Community Development] Principal Planner Warren Frace gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT John McGoff, 9192 Maple, expressed appreciation that the Planning Department originally did not recommend the project. He cautioned the public to keep an eye on the General Plan Update. Sheryl Dresback, stated her property is adjacent to this proposal and submitted a map showing her location (see Attachment A). She expressed her opposition to this proposal and stated that she and her neighbors were not formally notified of the Planning Commission meeting or this Council meeting. She asked the Council not to approve the zone change. Duncan Wallace, 8934 Junipero, stated that he also was not formally notified of this proposal. He stated that there is a sewer line issue. He cautioned that this would be a dangerous precedent to set. Alisa Anderson, stated she supports the proposal. Jason Henderson, stated he supports Mr. Bunyea's proposal. John Bunyea, Applicant, submitted a document with 30 signatures of residents on Junipero who support this proposal (see Attachment B). Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Scalise to adopt the attached draft Resolution, certifying the proposed Negative Declaration. Motion passed 5:0 by roll-call vote. City Clerk Marcia Torgerson announced that the adopted Resolution will be #2000-004. MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Scalise to adopt the draft Resolution, approving proposed General plan Amendment 99001. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. City Clerk Marcia Torgerson announced that the adopted Resolution will be #2000-005. MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Scalise to introduce for first reading by title only, the attached draft Ordinance, approving proposed Zone Change 99001. Motion pass fd 5:0 by roll-call vote. CC 03/20/00 Page 6of8 GU$ MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Scalise to adopt the draft Resolution approving Tentative Parcel Map 99003 as conditioned and subject to findings, Motion passed 5:0 by roll-call vote. City Clerk Marcia Torgerson announced that the adopted Resolution will be #2000-006. C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Mid Year Review ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council receive and file report [Administrative Services] Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: None Mayor Johnson announced the report has been received and filed by the Council. 2. Information Bulletin D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority Mayor Johnson commented that new funds are available and he has given the information to staff. Water Committees Council Member Clay reported that the latest guest speaker at the Water Forum spoke in regards to the lawsuits in Santa Maria. Integrated Waste Management Authority Council Member Luna announced that the IWMA is now a regional organization and the 50.3 percent was accepted. Countv Mayor's Round Table Mayor Johnson stated that they will meet on Friday. He reported that the State is looking into changing the area code, and he commented that a letter is in the makings to let the State know that we would like to keep our area code number. SCA-3 Steering Committee Council Member Scalise stated that they will meet on Thursday. She invited anyone to view the survey in regard to the half-cent sales tax for transportation. County Supervisor Mike Ryan stated that that he would like to be invited to the next peryY City/Schools Committee meeting. CC 03/20/00 Page 7 of 8 E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Treasurer City Treasurer David Graham gave a Treasurer's Report F. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:51 p.m. to the joint City Council/Parks and Recreation Commission meeting scheduled for March 16, 2000, at 6:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: A- Map presented by Sheryl Dresback showing the proposed project area with regard to her property. B- Petition presented by John Bunyea with 30 neighborhood signatures of approval for his project. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk Melanie Whaley, Deputy City Clerk CC 03/20/00 Page 8 of 8 C 10 o� Attachment: A 0 g c In _ ► W Atas City Council C) : m N ?�U Mtg.Date:3-14-00 N Q HOO NO x r 01 k ® b j 091 s h O Q od o a N ^ N Od e1N M V9 40 a JJ 7P 3g 9 = o ®^ O irrci' /N +O pW d N1y0N 11 _I fJci— U ♦ _ — ♦77'i t� r� a ,f � \,—,n Ix a � o'h o!� 1 � h. W rn 390 f I1N rZZ 1►^."r.��pp h N Q k� =Obi O •N ..}T�'+i C ^+ o Q M00 IN a N �O c_ -$ C1 8 a < ►b• �+ � N 3L1 9N J' •C d `M1b 3ti 6N 2 3 M�� r O o • c� ,� -1 ~pr U h O N W fP NllION () j M � O rLri-t c/) C1 G " 1,j �C b O CO CS XSD MA 46bO o Rb �jti O TH O O OY/ o 0 a b N _ � O Z k J v' lest r 0 3 Y re //01 G1 �. Attachment: B Atascadero City Council Meeting Date: 3-14-00 We as neighbors of John Bunyea do not have any objections= to the city Planning Department in allowing him to create - two one-half acre lots out of the 1 . 08 acre located at 8930 Junipero. Name - Address i i1 ( 6 ice V` G �2 W_(G Ave 0 12 We as neighbors of John Bunyea do not have any objections- to the city Planning oartment in allowing him to creite - two cne-half acre lots out o the 1 . 08 acre located at 8930 Junipero . Nam Address VIr ✓�/�% _ -�,G �, �� any. ��-'�; Ju�G ,�,�- - - .�-�- G -'Z 4�1✓-'' .- `�.iG" � ��U J �v`t � z�..c zi �}-ice--" 013 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 03/28/2000 MINUTES JOINT CITY COUNCIL / PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - Thursday, March 16, 2000 6:00 p.m. COMMUNITY / YOUTH CENTER STUDY SESSION Mayor Johnson called the workshop to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Arrambide, Clay, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Johnson Commissioner Gobler, Hood, Kock, Kudlac, Mathews and Chairperson Butz Absent: Commissioner Dempsey COMMUNITY/YOUTH CENTER STUDY SESSION: City Manager Wade McKinney welcomed everyone to the study session and explained the City's current expenses and revenues. Community Services Manager Geoff English summarized the questions being asked of the participants tonight: Where will it go?, What will it look like?, How much will it cost? And Where do we get the money? Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide suggested that we remember that this proposed project will be a Community/Youth Center. Council Member Clay agreed. Mr. English reviewed the potential sites that were suggested by staff. Council Member Luna stated he feels site #4 is the best alternative along with moving the Streets Division yard out of the downtown. He explained that this would allow for future expansion of the Community /Youth Center including a swimming pool, tennis courts, etc. There was consensus within the City Council and the Parks and Recreation Commission that they agreed with Council Member Luna and directed staff to focus on site#4. Mr. English reviewed the potential designs suggested by staff and their potential costs. Joint CC/PRC 03/16/2000 Page 1 C 14 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 03/28/2000 There was consensus within the City Council and the Parks and Recreation Commission that staff should not focus on design or how much money it will cost, but rather build in phases as we can afford it. There was also discussion about possible fundraising efforts including a catalog. Parks and Recreation Commission Chairperson Butz stated that this is a historic meeting and she appreciates the progress and hopes it continues. Mayor Johnson reminded everyone that we haven't exhausted all monetary possibilities. Mayor Johnson adjourned the workshop at 7:12 p.m. The City Council's next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, March 28, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. and the Parks and Recreation Commission's next scheduled meeting is immediately following this workshop. ADJOURNMENT: The City Council will adjourn to its next scheduled meeting on March 28, 2000 and the Parks & Recreation Commission will adjourn to its regularly scheduled meeting at 7:00 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: a Marcia McClure Torgerson,City Clerk • Joint CC/PRC 03/16/2000 Page 2 C, 1 ITEM NUMBER: A — 3 DATE: 03-28-2000 = - ■ on IM lata 1 179 City Treasurer's Agenda Report David Graham Treasurer's Report - June 1999 RECOMMENDATION: City Treasurer and Staff recommend that Council review and accept the June 1999 Treasurer's Report REPORT IN BRIEF: Cash and Investments Checking $ 155,237 Certificates of Deposit 437,576 LAIF 10,143,201 Cash with Fiscal Agents 160,637 Cash in Banks at June 30, 1999 $ 10,896,651 Deposits in Transit 6,007 Outstanding Checks (254,016) Cash and Investments at June 30, 1999 $ 10,648,642 FISCAL IMPACT: None RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Finance ATTACHMENTS: Cash and Investments Activity Summary Investment Report Graphs: Investment by Type Investment by Maturity Investment by Holding Agency x. 16 Paye 1 of 6 CITY OF ATASCADERO _ TREASURER'S REPORT = - CASH&INVESTMENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1999 CHECKING FISCAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTALS Balance per Banks at June 1, 1999 $ 291,589 $ 10,880,906 $ 159,999 $ 11,332,494 Receipts 833,767 871 638 835,276 Disbursements (1,271,119) (1,271,119) Transfers In 400,000 99,000 499,000 Transfers Out (99,000) (400,000) (499,000) 0 Balance per Banks at June 30, 1999 $ 155,237 $ 10,580,777 $ 160,637 10,896,651 Deposits in Transit 6,007 • Outstanding Checks (254,016) Adjusted Treasurer's Balance $ 10,648,642 017 Page 2 of 6 W W arn a o, rn i�' ►'� N ON Q\ D\ V D\ �o In.�.. \C) N 06 - O 't a, rn C, d rn W � ' � -T � Ln c o o y > z o y Z > •� U ti c, cz R 8 pp 8 8N .X Cli W W m o` rn rn rn o vi U a a rn v o 00 o v o h n > O :C O V C � w N O V �N Q U N •� :D Q W vi �• n v v o �, v t3 � to as 0 Z F. � ,Q o g •� � u U �. Z w °o B •N m W V R a> ca 0 a ticl clsm m cls c o cl o r� v o cz ~ U O Q C O w Z aai ami IL) ami aai U 0 0 0 0 0 c > �l C'scl m M 3 a� �Is u U N ti s C au E o U U U U U F 2 ¢ 2 y .v7 O d W c 'a b W o°\ rn c, rn rn N. ¢� Q V \ N Q O 0 a v s w 4. NI O O O h cam•. '4 A T 8 w w E - b xa _ o G 11 ;ToQ o a3 O1 E w o t:tn ° a i? UaG, d E o x p x " cq q U ea C x c`si a :° ca c 3 h 3 p a U o o cu f o o C .� v y> y 8 4 �. cz tw c o > c rnrn o d ° ani lu c y F > _ n b q to to 8 oo oo o e 4 w > > U w 0 0 0 c°� o Q t cli t �i Q Q U L° � City of Ataseadero Investments by Type _ June 1999 Certificates Cash with of Deposit Fiscal Agent 4% 1% M. ffW + � + +++ ++++ IM 9.1 *#*i*#'##'+*+*i*+*+*+*+ +��*±t♦�*�#*+ �+ *+�i�i�+++f+;i*++iii+i*��Y�+*i*i*�*#yi+�+#{}+* ' LAIF 95% Investment June 1999 LAIF $ 10,143,201 Certificates of Deposit 437,576 Cash with Fiscal Agent 160,637 $ 10,741,414 G19 Page 4 of 6 City of Atascadero Investments by Maturity June 1999 One Month to One Year 2% Within One Month One to Five Years I% 1% ++++++++*++*+++ ++*+*+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++* +++ ++++ •+�• + ��• +*+*++*+*+•�,'�a�+*+++ice+,��•+++0,*t+++++ *+' � ��* •d+ fir++ +"k*±*+*+++*a*+*�,*++*+*++ +*a*+k*a+w+++*•*i*+t+ V+ + On Demand 96% Investment June 1999 On Demand $ 10,143,201 Within One Month 99,000 One Month to One Year 239,576 One to Five Years 99,000 $ 10,580,777 n v ��O Page 5 of 6 City of Atascadero Investments by Holding Agency _ June 1999 Riverway Trust Bank of New York 1%v 1% ------------------ Sop— City of Atascadero 98% Investment June 1999 City of Atascadero $ 10,481,777 Riverway Trust 99,000 Bank of New York 160,637 $ 10,741,414 G2 Page 6 of 6 ITEM NUMBER: A — 4 ' DATE: 03-28-2000 - n iris ■ is a City Treasurer's Agenda Report David Graham Treasurer's Report - July 1999 RECOMMENDATION: City Treasurer and Staff recommend that Council review and accept the July 1999 Treasurer's Report REPORT IN BRIEF: Cash and Investments Checking $ 278,105 Certificates of Deposit 1,099,956 Government Securities 250,000 LAIF 9,378,651 Cash with Fiscal Agents 161,176 Cash in Banks at July 31, 1999 $ 11,167,888 Deposits in Transit - Outstanding Checks (66,987) Cash and Investments at July 31, 1999 $ 11,100,901 FISCAL IMPACT: None RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Finance ATTACHMENTS: Cash and Investments Activity Summary Investment Report Graphs: Investment by Type Investment by Maturity Investment by Holding Agency n �2 Page 1 of 7 U f. CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT _ CASH&INVESTMENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1999 CHECKING FISCAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTALS Balance per Banks at July 1, 1999 $ 155,237 $ 10,580,777 $ 160,637 $ 10,896,651 Receipts 928,834 125,450 539 1,054,823 Disbursements (783,586) (783,586) Transfers In 890,000 912,380 1,802,380 Transfers Out (912,380) (890,000) (1,802,380) .d Balance per Banks at July 31, 1999 $ 278,105 $ 10,728,607 $ 161,176 11,167,888 Deposits in Transit _ Outstanding Checks (66,987) Adjusted Treasurer's Balance $ 11,100,901 Page 2 of 7 G 2 3 oCli w w a 00 C7, o a a ON v o N 00 o o rn a a rn toq 00 00 O\ o 00 a, akn 00 r- 41 O1 Q\ v 01 N 00 T O T d O Q N U ►Z. sq 00 A C A ,NO O O O h O O N O O O O O O 00 00 O, O, a\ Vl O O\ O\ h vi v1 c vi O, U a r- rn a rn 7 Q\ N 00 a\ Q\ rn 4 a O, n en - O h q o 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 o a a Cl) v'f O h N oo O -•� O v1 O v1 [� v1 (j D a W W w m cl m krl q o 0 0 o r oo o� � y o en z w v .. O O Z u u u n n a a a a a a a a u lu lu V W a� W w w w w w V w w w w w w w O O O O O C O O O O O O O W U aU. .U+ M m .U„ N .U+ i .U.+ .U+ �U+ .U.. .U, > a3 cd cS cd C'sQ E C'su u c3 cd u M u U U U U U F. U U U U U U U > t z u u u u u C7 u u u U u u u W x W � rn rn rn oo a rn rn ON � ON g � oo N \ \ O a n 0 H d -. > rnr u W >i �TI •6~/ y„i �+ Qa E.y l^ '1 `1� -� " r1' R AJ R ri z m y m > n ""d z `�° K O R `° a b 3 > d > o o k R 3 O o q V o ;74 4 w o a P4 Z u n z z o 0 0_ o o o 8 oo oo►7 Z oo ` m M oo N O oo N O \ h q is c� o0 oo t- a o r- r r- r ti 0 rn W W v � o 00 v U va y U E -o �o 93 CIS > w Q W m U In O o w j v In, o C. _ N cNo w toto It C,Q A W O o Q cq ts cN Y 3 y c� cE Q V 2 ZI45 0 0 3 CIS ti o n> U io ti o U y z L U W [ c u ta En ° 8 T WCIS A aCi c t Q T M o y W N C 2 a c�IC � p N P°+ 0 to c� E avi w c C C o � It d a a .o Gz7 x U o o Er C Ltd t b ulu i Q CIS > > ti ¢ ¢ c U F > ncj City of Atascadero Investments by Type July 1999 Government Cash with Securities Fiscal Agent Certificates of Deposit 2% 1% 10% OWN ,a LAIF 87% 87% Investment July 1999 LAIF $ 9,378,651 Certificates of Deposit 1,099,956 Government Securities 250,000 Cash with Fiscal Agent 161,176 $ 10,889,783 r :► Page 5 of 7 V t. City of Atascadero Investments by Maturity July 1999 One Month to One to Five One Year Years Within One 0% 9% Month 3% FN Kill On Demand 88% Investment July 1999 On Demand $ 9,378,651 Within One Month 297,000 One Month to One Year 41,576 One to Five Years 1,011,380 $ 10,728,607 �rt Page 6 of 7 City of Atascadero Investments by Holding Agency • July 1999 Riverway Bank of Trust New York Penson Financial 2% 1% 7% --------------- City of Atascadero 90% Investment July 1999 City of Atascadero $ 9,821,670 Penson Financial 725,000 Riverway Trust 187,380 Bank of New York 155,733 $ 10,889,783 Page 7 of 7 �� t ITEM NUMBER: A — 5 ' DATE: 03-28-2000 - ■ on MIN n 1918 1979 Al City Treasurer's Agenda Report David Graham Treasurer's Report - August 1999 RECOMMENDATION: City Treasurer and Staff recommend that Council review and accept the August 1999 Treasurer's Report .d REPORT IN BRIEF: Cash and Investments Checking $ 243,438 Certificates of Deposit 1,380,956 Government Securities 747,425 LAIF 8,318,651 Cash with Fiscal Agents 222,368 Cash in Banks at August 31, 1999 $ 10,912,838 Deposits in Transit - Outstanding Checks (396,048) Cash and Investments at August 31, 1999 $ 10,516,790 FISCAL IMPACT: None RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Finance ATTACHMENTS: Cash and Investments Activity Summary Investment Report Graphs: Investment by Type Investment by Maturity Investment by Holding Agency Page 1 of 7 G 2 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT - CASH&INVESTMENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1999 CHECKING FISCAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTALS Balance per Banks at August 1, 1999 $ 278,105 $ 10,728,607 $ 161,176 $ 11,167,888 Receipts 796,281 582 796,863 Disbursements (1,051,913) (1,051,913) Transfers In 1,258,000 976,425 60,610 2,295,035 Transfers Out (1,037,035) (1,258,000) (2,295,035) Balance per Banks at August 31, 1999 $ 243,438 $ 10,447,032 $ 222,368 10,912,838 Deposits in Transit - Outstanding Checks (396,048) Adjusted Treasurer's Balance $ 10,516,790 Page 2 of 7 130 00 aW W o W) W rn t rn In 00 00 rn v, v, cn s K v a a o a a a N 00 rn a a, v 00 N 00 W W x vi IK W rn v, 0 00 CYN C, N 00 Er h 00 N ti .1 o W U 4 A 00 U v, v, rn IKv, +n o v v o a, a rn a a N o 0 o rn In N 00 69- v, O o W O W N N O O N 00 oo q j a vi vi Vi kn 1L' ,00• ,O N oho l: oho O O N o n Z 0. cd eS cO id ed 'ed eC h e7 ed eC eC e7 eC j ti LL o 0 00 0 0 0 C o 0 0 o C ry a a a a a o a a a a Z a v A Q " Q Q Q °�' Q A Q A W o 0 0 >lu v v CIS v E U v v v E 2 z r > > u u u u u u u V u00 U u u U W x h rn rn 00 a rn rn00 cn U Y 1G N 00 00 D 00 00 00 000 r- 00 x � 104 cs o Z � cFa y x x F o ca x ca - u dQ •1 .'7 z ea U a?j F U p Oa R z Urn u Q w o Q x c C c E `° z � R pp,, q F .:a u O atl z u e1 C blu � rig Q W z U U Lon u m Gti U z U m 'rfo' 3 z fr". U kj a g g $ g oR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ai [r 00 00 00 W W CV M \V \ M 00 00 cq O O O O O O O O O O O O 00 M in a N d N N O c o - ds 00 C, a Z Z5 25 25 cn C C v ° CD kK in h N N N b U L cn O O y > ct ai z. H9cl z L � C a N Cd = E QQ QQ QQ QQ QQN cq .� V V V V V ^ N V M � �'••' �WO Q w O LLQ O V1 °� V1 Vl �O Vl (V M y 'C "C7 Q ~ N V N N lO :[ O C � A w 0. a 0 0 o 0 o m v c 3 c V a d a 1� 3 a U ti Z [L 0 3 N y onon. w ° _N Z y Q L ~ U O Q G O O O O V i Q A � b Id ° to ~ C7 U U U U F G Fy 40.E y VJ a o cn pON a, C, U C ° o L Z q .7 o ❑ w C14 0 0 ozL w > cc cQ V fri U U .a V q x U Y q y w o O O O CIS I's O :� bOp GO •'" T .L1 j Q o y 2 Z an on vv abi E„ R a > > H U 0 0 0 0 0 > Q ¢ t > G32 City of Atascadero Investments by Type August 1999 Government Cash with Securities Fiscal Agent 2% 1% Certificates of Deposit ++++++++ ++ 13% + + + t4 +++ ++ + +++ L %788% Investment August 1999 LAIF $ 8,318,651 Certificates of Deposit 1,380,956 Government Securities 747,425 Cash with Fiscal Agent 222,368 $ 10,669,400 3Page 5 of 7 City of Atascadero Investments by Maturity August 1999 - One to One Month to Five Years One Year 16% 4% + 15 On Demand 80% Investment August 1999 On Demand $ 8,318,651 Within One Month - One Month to One Year 425,576 One to Five Years 1,702,805 $ 10,447,032 Page 6 of 7 tom,' City of Atascadero Investments by Holding Agency . August 1999 Correspondent Riverway Bank of Trust Services Corp. rust New York 3% 2% Penson Financial Corp. 13% + + City of Atascadero 80% Investment August 1999 City of Atascadero $ 8,563,670 Penson Financial Corp. 1,416,425 Correspondent Services Corp. 285,000 Riverway Trust 187,380 Bank of New York 216,925 $ 10,669,400 Page 7 of 7 Lf J ITEM NUMBER: A — 6 ' DATE: 03-28-2000 - n 1918 � 1979 City Treasurer's Agenda Report David Graham Treasurer's Report - September 1999 RECOMMENDATION: City Treasurer and Staff recommend that Council review and accept the September 1999 Treasurer's Report a REPORT IN BRIEF: Cash and Investments Checking $ 481,506 Certificates of Deposit 1,855,956 Government Securities 747,425 LAIF 7,195,651 Cash with Fiscal Agents 162,378 Cash in Banks at September 30, 1999 $ 10,442,916 Deposits in Transit - Outstanding Checks (256,437) Cash and Investments at September 30, 1999 $ 10,186,479 FISCAL IMPACT: None RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Finance ATTACHMENTS: Cash and Investments Activity Summary Investment Report Graphs: Investment by Type Investment by Maturity Inve9tment by Holding Agency Li Page 1 of 8 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT - CASH&INVESTMENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1999 CHECKING FISCAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTALS Balance per Banks at September 1, 1999 $ 243,438 $ 10,447,032 $ 222,368 $ 10,912,838 Receipts 683,644 635 684,279 Disbursements (1,093,576) (60,625) (1,154,201) Transfers In 1,317,000 669,000 1,986,000 Transfers Out (669,000) (1,317,000) (1,986,000) A Balance per Banks at September 30, 1999 $ 481,506 $ 9,799,032 $ 162,378 10,442,916 Deposits in Transit - Outstanding Checks (256,437) Adjusted Treasurer's Balance $ 10,186,479 G37 Page 2 of 8 W W Q h h V Vl V 1/) V1 V1 O V) 00 N 7 T a\ a\ ON ON O\ N N r in tn Vi V1 V1 � � V'1 V1 V1 Vy Vl � h O O �` a` v rn rn o, rn rn a rn rn a` a, rn h Er h N U ti D � O aA a CN ON o a s s s s s s s s s s v� o �n � o 0 0 �n o v� �n W) o 00 l OR O Q y Wn v n n v vi vi v� W) vi n n v U o �o v o O o n o OR n n o wO N �O t� VO W) t) 00 W) m O V1 h 7 �/'1 Vl V1 V1 Y1 V1 V1 ~ e. O M Y cJ m It cd Cd cd cE m cC c7 m N c7 cd j ti .N w N o o N o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o G 2 aai aai aai a°i v IL) v lu v aai aai 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ IL) M m R I M m > W [• cv C-4 v v v v v v v v v 4) IL) ) lu IL) ai v ai a�i o u V U V U U U V V U U U v W v7 00 m rn rn rn rn a rn S z S z z a M a a 00 4 x CN c x R cu 2 y u x U UIJca R z V C n Cd ' o c Q V v� v oa d x 3 > a o r7 co cn x W x F 04 U x1 Umwtu m � rs rn g g g g g g g g g o 0 0 1y- o0 00 00 00 OO O O OO O 00 \ N o a a a a M M 00 a h00 � ° M W J 00 h N C, M h W V M V•1 N �O Q ; ON ~ C\ 8 8. 8 88 8 8 800 d4 Gi W O O O O V O O O O C .. vN O 00 a1 a\ a D\ N N Q\ a\ U a\ a h h O W rn ON U 2 tr) N (J 11) "1 a � � O O O O O O O O O O N � M b O D\ V') V1d\ O O v'i V1 vj M V� N W U ►7 O T aN m 1 O\ O\ N O\ ON a\ � n Q r Q\ (L ; Oi ~ O O s s s s s s s s s s s In o 0 0 0 0 o n OIt °p v, v, v, v, �n t� C� N O O O vi O O O tn e � 2 11 <7 CIS0 R aS cC 0 a a a a a a a a h ¢ z o h O O O O O C C O O O h U r N y u luIt W h U U U U U F U U U z w n 14 14 U U U V U C7 C7 U V U F W °°\ rn ° (71 rn ° a C, h M 00 r 00 �O \ W aC� Q W 00 a a� w c o ca 2 � o a a � R z � cc E E y3 -zn x ea z ca ai o o F O tt ar o h ` m y Ca •� o o v 'rr Mak `rr Mit ° W y c A 3 0 w O cdm o d - b b y oo w 0 3 0 0 3 u c E ° � 3 > U > c m r cn o� o o "' a� L •a zv � w x3 pz � � wU wU vu .4U o cax U N N N M It C OO OO O O O O O OO O O O 00 N O 00 N 00 'tl a O O O O O O O O O C: �L 1.0, 39 . � - � % > \ 2m / \ � B § & d 77 � � S / ] \ % = o \ � \ > . w � ? » _ & a 2 + ` ] } \ \ k \ \ & c \ ® \ < q ) a u & 2 ƒ G 2 k 2 e ƒ ( & / \ \ l 2 ^ / \ \ 9py � § # § k / / \ \ 4 � 0 0 IL) & A 2 § \ ) ® luu \ < t j u •c k / \ City of Atascadero Investments by Type September 1999 Government Cash with Securities Fiscal Agent 8% 2% Certificates of Deposit + 181 00 11+11 REIM, + + + *:*+*`*i+*+++++++++++ ++ 110,0041: LAIF 71% Investment September 1999 LAIF $ 7,195,651 Certificates of Deposit 1,855,956 Government Securities 747,425 Cash with Fiscal Agent 162,378 $ 9,961,410 Page 6 of 8 �-` City of Atascadero Investments by Maturity September 1999 One to Five Years One Month to One Year 17% 9% k On Demand 74% Investment September 1999 On Demand $ 7,195,651 Within One Month - One Month to One Year 900,576 One to Five Years 1,702,805 $ 9,799,032 Page 7 of 8 City of Atascadero Investments by Holding Agency September 1999 Riverway Correspondent Trust Bank of Services Corp. 2% New York 8% 2% Penson ++++++++.+ MI Financial Corp. 15% ` ++ ---------------- + + City of Atascadero 73% Investment September 1999 City of Atascadero $ 7,341,670 Penson Financial Corp. 1,515,425 Correspondent Services Corp. 760,000 Riverway Trust 187,380 Bank of New York 156,935 $ 9,961,410 r Page 8 of 8 V ITEM NUMBER: A - 7 14411 '1!11 DATE: 03-28-2000 1918 " ® 18 8 City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney JUNE 1999 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE & PAYROLL RECOMMENDATION Approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for June 1999. a DISCUSSION • Attached for City Council review and approval are the following: Payroll Dated 06/10/99 Ck. # 40109-40251 $ 131,701.92 Dated 06/24/99 Ck. # 40290-40444 137,678.80 Special Payroll Dated 06/03/99 Ck. #40089-40093 1,808.56 Dated 06/14/99 Ck. #40274-40277 344.26 Dated 06/18/99 Ck. #40281-40284 686.35 Dated 06/25/99 Ck. #40445-40447 29.24 Payroll Vendors Dated 06/03/99 Ck. #40104-40108 309.57 Dated 06/11/99 Ck. #40252-40273 45,810.79 Dated 06/14/99 Ck. #40278-40280 27.60 Dated 06/18/99 Ck. #4028540289 234.58 Dated 06/25/99 Ck. #40448-40467 45,421.77 Accounts Payable i Dated June 1-30, 1999 Ck. #767643-68027 & 622,938.19 #EFT63-EFT66 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 986,991.63 City Manager's Agenda Report June 1999 Accounts Payable and Payroll Page Two _ FISCAL IMPACT Total expenditures for all funds h $ 986,991.63 CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for payment and that funds are available for these demands. Dated: March 17, 2000 RacheIle Rickard Administrative Services Director Approved by the City Council at a meeting held March 28, 1999. Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk ATTACHMENT: June 1999 Warrant Register in the amount of $622,938.19 C,115 City of Atascadero Cash Disbursement Listing For the Month of June 1999 Check _ Check# Date Vendor Amount EFT63 6/2/99 U.S.BANK $ 51,250.00 67523 6/4/99 VOID-D&J CAMPING (120.00) 67534 6/4/99 VOID-TOM FLYNN&SONS (200.00) 67643 6/7/99 MOBIL OIL CREDIT 4,755.16 66439 6/14/99 VOID-ICMA (75.00) 67004 6/14/99 VOID-COAST WEEKLY CLASSIFIEDS (77.00) EFT64 6/15/99 MID STATE BANK-PAYROLL TAXES 24,473.23 67644 6/18/00 VOID - 67645 6/18/99 VOID - 67646 6/18/99 VOID - 67647 6/18/99 VOID - 67648 6/18/99 ABMO1 (ELLEN ABMA) 39.60 67649 6/18/99 ACT02(ACTION TAX AND PRINTER) 34.00 67650 6/18/99 ALL 16(JOE ALLEN) 50.95 67651 6/18/99 ARA02(ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES) 219.10 67652 6/18/99 ASS03 (ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION) 6,560.00 67653 6/18/99 ATA01 (ATASCADERO FORD) 894.92 67654 6/18/99 ATA06(ATASCADERO NEWS) 521.20 67655 6/18/99 ATA82(ATASCADERO HAY&FEED) 156.50 67656 6/18/99 AUT05(AUTO GLO DETAILING) A 1,790.00 67657 6/18/99 BRA04(JACK BRAZEAL) 525.00 67658 6/18/99 BUTO1 (RICK BUTLER SALES&SVC) 60.00 67659 6/18/99 CAL49 (CAL POLY FOUNDATION) 2,000.00 67660 6/18/99 CAL66(CAL AG) 152.33 67661 6/18/99 CAL73 (CALIFORNIA UNIFORM CENTER) 297.08 67662 6/18/99 CAL92(CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT) 134.05 67663 6/18/99 CAL95(CALIFORNIA APPLIED TECHN) 1,847.02 67664 6/18/99 CAM06(CAMINO REAL EQUIPMENT) 169.84 67665 6/18/99 CAN02(CANNON ASSOCIATES) 2,835.50 67666 6/18/99 CAR02(DOLORES CARLL) 51.65 67667 6/18/99 CAS 13 (LORRIECASSARA) 160.00 67668 6/18/99 CEN08(CENTRAL COAST PLUMBING) 1,108.97 67669 6/18/99 CEN13(CENTRAL CALIF.CRUISERS) 50.00 67670 6/18/99 CEN26(CENTRAL COAST SANITATION) 56.58 67671 6/18/99 CHA10(CHALK MOUNTAIN GOLF CRSE) 815.00 67672 6/18/99 CHE01 (CHEM CLEAN) 25.31 67673 6/18/99 CHE02(CHEVRON U.S.A.INC.) 272.52 67674 . 6/18/99 CHI03(CHIEF SUPPLY,INC.) 59.50 67675 6/18/99 CITO7 (CITY OF PASO ROBLES) 140.00 67676 6/18/99 CLE05 (CLEAN WATER OUTLET,INC.) 35.00 67677 6/18/99 CMI01 (CMI INC.) 104.65 67678 6/18/99 COA01 (COAST TO COAST HARDWARE) 61.45 67679 6/18/99 COM03 (COMCO.COMPUTERS) 79.37 67680 6/18/99 COM05(COMPUTERLAND OF) 19,898.09 67681 6/18/99 CON34(VINCE CONDE) 140.00 67682 6/18/99 COR06(CIMON CORMIER) 73.00 67683 6/18/99 CRE04(CREDIT BUREAU OF) 64.00 67684 6/18/99 CRMO1 (CRM FILMS) 278.98 67685 6/18/99 CRY01 (CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER CO.) 12.00 67686 6/18/99 CUR01 (L.N.CURTIS AND SONS) 415.51 67687 6/18/99 D&SO1 (D&S SWEEPING SERVICE) 600.00 67688 6/18/99 DARO1 (DARRYL'S LOCK AND SAFE) 70.92 0 Page 1of8 Gov City of Atascadero Cash Disbursement Listing For the Month of June 1999 Check _ Check# Date Vendor Amount 67689 6/18/99 DEC01 (DECOU LUMBER COMPANY) $ 2,144.27 67690 6/18/99 VOID - 67691 6/18/99 DEC07(DECORATIONS FOR) 75.00 67692 6/18/99 DEP02(DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION) 1,269.66 67693 6/18/99 DER04(DEEDEE DEROMEDI) 40.00 67694 6/18/99 DRU02(O.L.DRUMMOND,INC.) 1,672.00 67695 6/18/99 EC098(ECONOMIC VITALITY CORP OF) 70,000.00 67696 6/18/99 EDJO1 (THE ED JONE COMPANY) 35.64 67697 6/18/99 EDWO1 (GEORGE L.EDWARDS) 120.00 67698 6/18/99 ELC04(ELCAMINO CAR WASH) 231.25 67699 6/18/99 EME06(EMERGENCY MEDICAL SVSG) 182.00 67700 6/18/99 ESCO1 (ESCUELA DEL RIO INC.) 109.16 67701 6/18/99 FAMO1 (FAMILY PHOTO) 188.78 67702 6/18/99 FARO1 (FARM SUPPLY) 132.60 67703 6/18/99 FER11 (FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR) 12.50 _ 67704 6/18/99 FGLO1 (FGL ENVIRONMENTAL) 64.80 67705 6/18/99 FLY02(TOM FLYNN&SONS) 3,200.00 67706 6/18/99 FOLO1 (FOLKINS&FOLKINS INC.) 879.86 67707 6/18/99 F0001 (FOOD FOR LESS) 39.89 67708 6/18/99 FRA01 (FRAZEE PAINT&WALLCOVER.) 1.16 67709 6/18/99 FREI I (MITCH FREDRICK) 375.00 67710 6/18/99 GAL02(GALL'S INC.) 150.79 67711 6/18/99 GARO1 (GARNETTS FIVE-KEYS) 163.83 67712 6/18/99 GEM01 (GEM AUTO PARTS) 687.42 67713 6/18/99 VOID - 67714 6/18/99 GIBO1 (GIBBS SECURITY GATES) 447.00 67715 6/18/99 GRIO1 (GRISANTI HARDWARE) 5.38 67716 6/18/99 GTE01 (GTE WIRELESS) 968.06 67717 6/18/99 GUE02(HENRY GUERRERO) 250.00 67718 6/18/99 HANI I (MICHAEL T.HANSON) 240.00 67719 6/18/99 HAN16(HANSON AGGREGATES) 679.01 67720 6/18/99 HOB02(THE HOBBY SHOP) 546.56 67721 6/18/99 HOL10(V.L.HOLLAND) 450.00 67722 6/18/99 INFO1 (INFORMATION SERVICES DIV.) 78.63 67723 6/18/99 JAM02(TOM JAMASON) 120.00 67724 6/18/99 JES01 (JESPERSEN'S TIRE SERVICE) 140.00 67725 6/18/99 JIFO1 (JIFFY LUBE# 1932) 170.36 67726 6/18/99 JOH09(PETE JOHNSON CHEVROLET) 3.55 67727 6/18/99 JOS06(JOSLIN ELECTRIC) 515.00 67728 6/18/99 KAGO1 (KAGEL,S APPRAISALS) 25.00 67729 6/18/99 KEMO1 (CHUCK KEMP) . 18.00 67730 6/18/99 KEN01 (KEN'S MOBIL SERVICE) 55.22 67731 6/18/99 KMA01 (K-MART) 160.86 67732 6/18/99 KNBO1 (KNB ADVERTISING) 241.31 67733 6/18/99 KSTO1 (KSTT FM) 384.00 67734 6/18/99 LEA13(LAURA LEAVEY,MD) 85.00 67735 6/18/99 LOS06(LOS PADRES COUNCIL) 146.00 67736 6/18/99 LUC04(LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES) 155.00 67737 6/18/99 LYN04(LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE) 241.09 67738 6/18/99 MAD01 (MADONNA CONSTRUCTION) 14,090.99 67739 6/18/99 MAR02(JOHN MARTINO) 217.00 67740 6/18/99 MAS01 (MASTERCARD DEPARTMENT) 2,749.88 n Page 2 of 8 �-' ` City of Atascadero Cash Disbursement Listing For the Month of June 1999 Check Check# Date Vendor Amount 67741 6/18/99 VOID $ _ 67742 6/18/99 VOID _ 67743 6/18/99 MAS 15(DENNIS MASEY GRADING) 200.00 67744 6/18/99 MCGO1 (DAN MCGAULEY) 48.95 67745 6/18/99 MCK04(WADE G MCKRWEY) 15.60 67746 6/18/99 MIC 12(LEO MICHAUD) 250.00 67747 y 6/18/99 MID02(MID COAST MOTOR&SAW) 455.92 67748 6/18/99 MIS02(MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE) 150.82 67749 6/18/99 MIS05(MISSION OFFICE PRODUCTS) 786.14 67750 6/18/99 MIT04(EDDIE MITCHELL) 90.00 67751 6/18/99 MOB02(MOBILECOMM,INC.) 66.19 67752 6/18/99 M0007(MOORE RECREATION&PARK) 526.93 67753 6/18/99 MOR34(DIANA MORRISON) 317.43 67754 6/18/99 NABO1 (NABISCO,INC.) 162.24 67755 6/18/99 PACO1 (PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT) 137.23 _ 67756 6/18/99 PAC03 (PACIFIC BELL) 837.60 67757 6/18/99 VOID - 67758 6/18/99 PAC04(PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC) 22,012.42 67759 6/18/99 VOID - 67760 6/18/99 VOID - 67761 6/18/99 VOID - 67762 6/18/99 VOID - 67763 6/18/99 PAPO1 (PAPER WORKS) 1,629.25 67764 6/18/99 PER02(PERRY'S PARCEL SERVICE) 161.65 67765 6/18/99 VOID - 67766 6/18/99 PETO1 (H.D.PETERSON) 791.14 67767 6/18/99 PHI 10(GERALD PHILLIPS) 132.00 67768 6/18/99 PLA07(JASON PLAT-Z) 75.00 67769 6/18/99 POL06(SHANE POLLICK) 12.00 67770 6/18/99 P0003 (POOR RICHARD'S PRESS) 40.53 67771 6/18/99 PRO17(PRODUCERS DAIRY FOODS,INC) 30.20 67772 6/18/99 QUI01 (QUILL CORPORATION) 29.87 67773 6/18/99 RA109(RAINBOW MEALWORMS INC) 15.27 67774 6/18/99 RAM 10(KATHLEEN RAMOS) 13.00 67775 6/18/99 REC06(RECOGNITION WORKS) 84.20 67776 6/18/99 ROA05(ROADS&BRIDGES MAGAZINE) 375.00 67777 6/18/99 ROD04(LINDA RODGERS) 120.00 67778 6/18/99 ROTO1 (ROTO-ROOTER) 275.00 67779 6/18/99 SAN03 (SAN LUIS PAPER COMPANY) 93.31 67780 6/18/99 SAN16(SANTA MARIA TIRE INC.) 184.23 67781 6/18/99 SAN27(STEVE SANDEFFER) 120.00 67782 6/18/99 SAN48(SANTA BARBARA COUNTY) 192.59 67783 6/18/99 SAN78(SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY) 710.00 67784 6/18/99 SAN97(SAN LUIS PERSONNEL) 2,045.00 67785 6/18/99 SCH33(PAT SCHULZ) 147.06 67786 6/18/99 SCH35(KRISTI SCHLIEP) 250.00 67787 6/18/99 SHE10(SHELL OIL COMPANY) 28.48 67788 6/18/99 SIE05(SIERRA VISTA REGIONAL) 72.33 67789 6/18/99 SIG03(THE SIGN OUTLET) 258.26 67790 6/18/99 SIR02(SIR SPEEDY) 80.58 67791 6/18/99 SLO41 (SAN LUIS OBISPO NON-) 2,209.59 67792 6/18/99 SOKO1 (CAROLYN SOKOL) 10.00 Page 3 of 8 �='' City of Atascadero Cash Disbursement Listing For the Month of June 1999 Check _ Check# Date Vendor Amount 67793 6/18/99 SOL06(SOLON FIRE CONTROL) $ 151.20 67794 6/18/99 SOU01 (THE GAS COMPANY) 127.14 67795 6/18/99 STA28(STAPLES INC.) 720.89 67796 6/18/99 VOID - 67797 6/18/99 STR20(BETTY STRAW) 30.00 67798 6/18/99 SUNO1 (SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL) 1,205.00 67799 6/18/99 SUPO1 (SUPERIOR OFFICE SYSTEMS) 236.58 67800 6/18/99 TAMO1 (JERRY TAMELIER) 825.38 67801 6/18/99 TAR03(TARGET CHEMICAL CORP) 920.60 67802 6/18/99 TED01 (TED MILES JEEP,INC.) 24.33 67803 6/18/99 TELO1 (TELEGRAM-TRIBUNE) 288.52 67804 6/18/99 TEM03 (TEMPLETON FEED&GRAIN) 130.90 67805 6/18/99 INTO (T-N-T PEST CONTROL) 88.00 67806 6/18/99 TOE03(J CHRISTOPHER TOEWS) 390.00 67807 6/18/99 UNI04(UNION ASPHALT,INC.) 488.63 _ 67808 6/18/99 UNI 19(UNITED GREEN MARK INC.) 727.47 67809 6/18/99 VIKO1 (VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS) 180.14 67810 6/18/99 WAL17(TODD WALKER) 126.00 67811 6/18/99 WOO I (SCOTT WOODHOUSE) 90.00 67812 6/18/99 WRI01 (WRIGHT-WAY FENCING) 200.00 EFT65 6/22/99 MID STATE BANK- PAYROLL TAXES 241.55 67813 6/22/99 COMMUNITY SERVICES-PETTY CASH 150.00 67814 6/23/99 VOID - 67815 6/23/99 VOID - 67816 6/23/99 VOID - 67817 6/23/99 VOID - 67818 6/23/99 CIT04(CITY NATIONAL BANK) 122,570.00 67819 6/23/99 COU17(COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER) 25.00 67820 6/23/99 SLO41 (SAN LUIS OBISPO NON-) 6,259.41 67821 6/23/99 TAT03 (TATONKA CAPITAL CORP.) 5,220.67 EFT66 6/29/99 MID STATE BANK- PAYROLL TAXES 25,208.80 64312 6/29/99 VOID-KURT STONE (35.00) 67137 6/29/99 VOID-ATASCADERO CHRISTIAN HOME (100.00) 67340 6/29/99 VOID-ECONOMIC VITALITY CORP (315.00) 67822 6/29/99 AMERICAN HEART ASSOC. 302.50 67823 6/30/99 VOID - 67824 6/30/99 VOID - 67825 6/30/99 AAA01 (AAA TINT) 859.07 67826 6/30/99 ALL02(ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT) 592.03 67827 6/30/99 AME02(AMERICAN WEST TIRE&AUTO) 456.23 67828 6/30/99 AME08(AMERICAN ASSOC.OF ZOO) 140.00 67829 6/30/99 ARA02(ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES) 290.17 67830 6/30/99 VOID - 67831 6/30/99 ASDO1 (GEORGE ASDEL) 58.80 67832 6/30/99 ATA01 (ATASCADERO FORD) 65.00 67833 6/30/99 ATA06(ATASCADERO NEWS) 146.65 67834 6/30/99 ATA09(ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER) 9,498.22 67835 6/30/99 VOID - 67836 6/30/99 VOID - 67837 6/30/99 VOID - 67838 6/30/99 ATA12(ATASCADERO ASSOCIATION) 80.00 67839 6/30/99 B&BO1 (B &B TECHNICAL SERVICES) 700.00 n Page 4 of 8 L�'• i City of Atascadero Cash Disbursement Listing For the Month of June 1999 Check _ Check# Date Vendor Amount 67840 6/30/99 BAI06(BAILEY HARDWARE FLOOR SVC) $ 350.00 67841 6/30/99 BEE01 (BEE INTERNATIONAL) 249.63 _ 67842 6/30/99 BLA01 (BLAKE'S INC.) 35.00 67843 6/30/99 BPCO1 (BOOK PUBLISHING COMPANY) 12,441.00 67844 6/30/99 BRI09(SCOTT BRIGHAM) 99.00 67845 6/30/99 CAA01 (CHARLES ABBOTT ASSC.INC.) 25,057.69 67846 6/30/99 CAL03 (CAL-STATE AUTO GLASS) 176.77 67847 6/30/99 CAL05 (GST CALL AMERICA) 741.15 67848 6/30/99 VOID - 67849 6/30/99 CAL72(CALIFORNIA TURF) 136.40 67850 6/30/99 CAL92(CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT) 127.70 67851 6/30/99 CAM06(CAMINO REAL EQUIPMENT) 68.56 67852 6/30/99 CAS 12(CASTLEROCK DEVELOPMENT) 140.25 67853 6/30/99 CDWO1 (CDW GOVERNMENT,INC.) 144.59 67854 6/30/99 CEN06(CENTRAL COAST SEA FOOD) 162.00 _ 67855 6/30/99 CEN 18 (CENTRAL CALIF.METRO ASA) 504.00 67856 6/30/99 CHE01 (CHEM CLEAN) 189.40 67857 6/30/99 CHI01 (CHICAGO GRADE LANDFILL) 92.75 67858 6/30/99 COA01 (COAST TO COAST HARDWARE) 8.64 67859 6/30/99 COA10(COASTAL IMAGING SUPPLIES) 67.57 67860 6/30/99 COL01 (CLAUDIA COLLIER) 614.48 67861 6/30/99 COM03 (COMCO COMPUTERS) 516.95 67862 6/30/99 CON05(CONWAY DISTRIBUTORS) 85.20 67863 6/30/99 CON34(VINCE CONDE) 126.00 67864 6/30/99 COR06(CIMON CORMIER) 146.00 67865 6/30/99 CRY01 (CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER CO.) 62.00 67866 6/30/99 CUE01 (CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO.) 213.01 67867 6/30/99 CURO1 (L.N.CURTIS AND SONS) 5,898.85 67868 6/30/99 DAN05 (BRIAN DANA) 73.00 67869 6/30/99 DAR01 (DARYL'S LOCK AND SAFE) 178.10 67870 6/30/99 DATO1 (DATAPRINT CORPORATION) 49.17 67871 6/30/99 DECO (DECOU LUMBER COMPANY) 1,016.10 67872 6/30/99 VOID - 67873 6/30/99 DEP06(DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE) 78.00 67874 6/30/99 DEP10(DEPT. OF GENERAL SERVICES) 428.50 67875 6/30/99 DEP32(DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE) 192.00 67876 6/30/99 DSA01 (D'SAN CORPORATION) 729.00 67877 6/30/99 DYN01 (DYNA-MED) 52.55 67878 6/30/99 ECO08(ECONOMIC VITALITY CORP OF) 405.00 67879 6/30/99 EDE02(EDEN SYSTEMS,INC.) 24,760.96 67880 6/30/99 EDWO1 (GEORGE L.EDWARDS) 75.00 67881 6/30/99 FAI02(ELVIRA FAIRBANKS) 250.00 67882 6/30/99 FARO1 (FARM SUPPLY) 142.67 67883 6/30/99 FAR07(FARWEST LINE SPECIALTIES) 446.16 67884 6/30/99 FEDO1 (FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP.) 19.25 67885 6/30/99 FEL06(MIDORI FELDMAN) 90.00 67886 6/30/99 FER11 (FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR) 12.50 67887 6/30/99 FGLOi (FGL ENVIRONMENTAL) 259.20 67888 6/30/99 FIR03(FIRE PROTECTION) 104.00 67889 6/30/99 FIR29(FIRE INSTRUCTOR) 164.80 67890 6/30/99 FOLO1 (FOLKINS&FOLKINS INC.) 3,147.86 67891 6/30/99 VOID - Page 5 of 8 ll U City of Atascadero Cash Disbursement Listing For the Month of June 1999 Check Check# Date Vendor Amount 67892 6/30/99 F0001 (FOOD FOR LESS) $ 305.43 67893 6/30/99 FRA01 (FRAZEE PAINT&WALLCOVER.) 564.99 67894 6/30/99 FRU01 (ANDREW FRUIN) 1,357.65 67895 6/30/99 FUR01 (FURNITURE FACTORY CLOSEOU) 1,256.97 67896 6/30/99 GAL02(GALL'S INC.) 141.87 67897 6/30/99 GAR06(KAREN GARMEN) 231.72 67898 6/30/99 GAT04(GATEWAY 2000) 2,809.95 67899 6/30/99 GEMO1 (GEM AUTO PARTS) 420.83 67900 6/30/99 VOID - 67901 6/30/99 GRA15(LYNNE GRANVOLD) 250.00 67902 6/30/99 GRI01 (GRISANTI HARDWARE) 124.70 67903 6/30/99 GTE01 (GTE WIRELESS) 187.81 67904 6/30/99 HAA02(KURT HAAG) 44.00 67905 6/30/99 HAN16(HANSON AGGREGATES) 904.29 67906 6/30/99 HAR05(HART IMPRESSIONS) 216.04 _ 67907 6/30/99 HAS02(SARA HASKELL) 34.82 67908 6/30/99 HEL04(JAIME HELTSLEY) 44.02 67909 6/30/99 HEN15(HENRY SCHEIN) 160.30 67910 6/30/99 MN02(HINDERLITER,DE LLAMAS&) 1,219.99 a 67911 6/30/99 IDLO1 (IDLER'S NORTH COUNTY) 191.85 67912 6/30/99 INS02(INSTASHRED SECURITY) 42.00 67913 6/30/99 INT17 (INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM) 145.75 67914 6/30/99 JARO1 (EDWARD P.JARDINI M.D.) 85.00 67915 6/30/99 JES01 (JESPERSEN'S TIRE SERVICE) 286.20 67916 6/30/99 JGTO1 (J.G.TUCKER&SON INC.) 792.09 67917 6/30/99 JIFO1 (JIFFY LUBE# 1932) 48.16 67918 6/30/99 JOH09(PETE JOHNSON CHEVROLET) 28.07 67919 6/30/99 KAI03 (SEAN KAIN) 255.00 67920 6/30/99 KAR01 (TIM KARP) 2,220.00 67921 6/30/99 KLO01 (K-LOG INC.) 176.00 67922 6/30/99 KPRO1 (KPRL 1230 AM) 128.00 67923 6/30/99 LEA 13 (LAURA LEAVEY,MD) 170.00 67924 6/30/99 LEI02(LEISURE TIME POOLS) 7.45 67925 6/30/99 LIM01 (ED LIMON) 120.00 67926 6/30/99 L0003 (LOOKOUT SERVICES) 311.95 67927 6/30/99 LUC05 (LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES) 22.41 67928 6/30/99 LYN04(LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE) 461.21 67929 6/30/99 MAC 16(THE MAC GARAGE) 80.00 67930 6/30/99 MAD06(MADRONE LANDSCAPING) 100.00 67931 6/30/99 MAR02(JOHN MARTINO) 176.00 67932 6/30/99 MAR08(JIM MARTIN) 120.00 67933 6/30/99 MAR49(MARINE RESCUE PRODUCTS) 465.75 67934 6/30/99 MCC06(MCCLOSKEY REFIGERATION) 173.02 67935 6/30/99 MCCI I (MCCRAY,MICHAEL) 151.52 67936 6/30/99 MCC 14(TIMI MCCHESNEY) 29.00 67937 6/30/99 MCD 10(GAIL MCDONALD) 200.00 67938 6/30/99 MCG02(MCGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY) 65.64 67939 6/30/99 MEY01 (CORY MEYER) 120.00 67940 6/30/99 MID02(MID COAST MOWER&SAW) 965.20 67941 6/30/99 MIL22(PAUL MILLER) 135.00 67942 6/30/99 MIL23 (BARBETTE MILLER) 90.00 67943 6/30/99 MIS02(MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE) 61.79 Page 6 of 8 r% City of Atascadero Cash Disbursement Listing For the Month of June 1999 Check Check# Date Vendor Amount 67944 6/30/99 MIS05(MISSION OFFICE PRODUCTS) $ 455.81 67945 6/30/99 MIT04(EDDIE MITCHELL) 90.00 67946 6/30/99 MOB02(MOBILCOMM,INC.) 201.80 67947 6/30/99 MRLO1 (MRL (MEDICAL RESEARCH) 92.00 67948 6/30/99 MUSO1 (THE MUSIC FACTORY) 470.00 67949 6/30/99 NAT08(NATIONAL ARBOR DAY) 15.00 67950 6/30/99 NAT41 (NATIONAL AUDIO-VISUAL SUP) 263.59 67951 6/30/99 NOR02(NORTH COAST ENGINEERING) 14,163.68 67952 6/30/99 VOID - 67953 6/30/99 VOID - 67954 6/30/99 OFF05(OFFICE DEPOT) 69.93 67955 6/30/99 OMN01 (OMNI-MEANS) 520.01 67956 6/30/99 ORRO1 (TREVOR ORRICK) 75.00 67957 6/30/99 OUTO1 (OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY) 180.68 67958 6/30/99 PACO1 (PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT) 264.40 _ 67959 6/30/99 VOID - 67960 6/30/99 PAC03 (PACIFIC BELL) 566.75 67961 6/30/99 VOID - 67962 6/30/99 PAC04(PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC) 438.63 67963 6/30/99 PAN09(PETER PANGBURN) 385.00 67964 6/30/99 PAP01 (PAPER WORKS) 147.70 67965 6/30/99 PAS24(PASO ROBLES GIRLS SOFTBAL) 25.00 67966 6/30/99 PAY02(PAYLESS AUTO SUPPLY) 16.03 67967 6/30/99 PCCO2(PC CONNECTION,INC.) 2,287.83 67968 6/30/99 PEN09(THE PENNY MEN) 232.05 67969 6/30/99 PER02(PERRY'S PARCEL SERVICE) 72.45 67970 6/30/99 PER24(CYNTHIA PEREZ) 250.00 67971 6/30/99 PETO1 (H.D.PETERSON) 229.30 67972 6/30/99 PET05 (PETTY CASH) 82.02 67973 6/30/99 PET21 (TERRY PETERSON) 36.00 67974 6/30/99 PHI 10(GERALD PHILLIPS) 36.00 67975 6/30/99 PIE06(MARY PIERSON) 90.00 67976 6/30/99 PI002(PIONEER EQUIPMENT CO.) 3.86 67977 6/30/99 PLA07(JASON PLATZ) 45.00 67978 6/30/99 POCO1 (CRAIG POCKRANDT) 735.00 67979 6/30/99 POW08(POWERCOM) 6,100.90 67980 6/30/99 PRO16(PROMOTION) 1,573.05 67981 6/30/99 PRO17(PRODUCERS DAIRY FOODS,INC) 36.80 67982 6/30/99 QUI01 (QUILL CORPORATION) 13.47 67983 6/30/99 RAB03 (VICKI RABOURN) 26.00 67984 6/30/99 RAY02(RAY'S AUTO DETAIL) 40.00 67985 6/30/99 RAY05(STEVE RAYBOURN) 45.00 67986 6/30/99 REA06(KAMI REASOR) 40.00 67987 6/30/99 REC06(RECOGNITION WORKS) 373.24 67988 6/30/99 REL02(RELIABLE PROTEIN PRODUCTS) 655.04 67989 6/30/99 ROB30(STEVEN ROBINSON,DVM) 1,320.00 67990 6/30/99 ROD04(LINDA RODGERS) 60.00 67991 6/30/99 ROM03 (STEVE ROMO) 28.00 67992 6/30/99 RUS08(RUSSCO) 4,416.22 67993 6/30/99 RXLOl (RXLASER,INC.) 1,869.70 67994 6/30/99 SAF03 (SAFETY-KLEEN CORP.) 164.25 67995 6/30/99 SAN05 (SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY CO.) 1,443.77 [ti t' r, Page 7 of 8 �,+J 2 City of Atascadero Cash Disbursement Listing For the Month of June 1999 Check Check# Date Vendor Amount 67996 6/30/99 SAN13 (SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY) $ 21,427.50 67997 6/30/99 SCA03 (SCANNER WORLD USA,INC.) 195.98 67998 6/30/99 SCH21 (STEVE SCHMIDT TOPSOIL) 128.70 67999 6/30/99 SOU01 (THE GAS COMPANY) 535.74 68000 6/30/99 SOU17(SOUTHCOAST FIRE EQUIP,INC) 153.45 68001 6/30/99 SUPO1 (SUPERIOR OFFICE SYSTEMS) 496.88 68002 6/30/99 SWE04(DAVE SWEETLAND) 79.88 68003 6/30/99 TANO1 (O.C.TANNER) 128.60 68004 6/30/99 TELO1 (TELEGRAM-TRIBUNE) 1,333.12 68005 6/30/99 TEM03 (TEMPLETON FEED&GRAIN) 34.00 68006 6/30/99 TER04(TERRY&PAULSON) 595.00 68007 6/30/99 TIN02(JANET TINGLEY) 364.00 68008 6/30/99 TOUO3 (SKIP TOUCHON,PLS) 32.00 68009 6/30/99 TRU06(TRUMBALL REC SUPPLY CO.) 79.37 68010 6/30/99 UNI04(UNION ASPHALT,INC.) 56.76 _ 68011 6/30/99 UN001 (UNOCAL) 6,384.16 68012 6/30/99 VOID - 68013 6/30/99 VIKO1 (VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS) 106.05 68014 6/30/99 WAL03(MIKE WALSH) 120.00 68015 6/30/99 WAL26(WILLIAM WALTERS,M.D.) 40.00 68016 6/30/99 WAT06(WATER ENVIRONMENT) 85.00 68017 6/30/99 WEE02(CATHY WEEKS) 152.81 68018 6/30/99 WES04(WESTERN JANITOR SUPPLY) 192.46 68019 6/30/99 WHI01 (BILL WHITE) 193.00 68020 6/30/99 WHI07(WHITAKER ENGINEERING) 1,720.04 68021 6/30/99 WILO1 (LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO.) 1,848.67 68022 6/30/99 WIL03 (WILLIAMS HOUSE OF CARPETS) 615.00 68023 6/30/99 WIL04(WILKINS CREATIVE PRINTING) 40.06 68024 6/30/99 WIL27(WILD WATER ADVENTURES) 500.00 68025 6/30/99 WIL41 (STEVE WILLIS) 98.00 68026 6/30/99 WOO 11 (SCOTT WOODHOUSE) 255.00 68027 6/30/99 ZUMO1 (ZUMAR INDUSTRIES INC.) 940.77 $ 622,938.19 Page 8of8 ITEM NUMBER: A — 8 1 er NIS s a7e7 DATE: 03-28-2000 iais ® i City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney JULY 1999 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE & PAYROLL RECOMMENDATION Approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for July 1999. DISCUSSION • Attached for City Council review and approval are the following: Payroll Dated 07/08/99 Ck. # 40468-40643 $ 137,447.54 Dated 07/22/99 Ck. # 40705-40861 141,918.24 Special Payroll Dated 07/13/99 Ck. #40663-40666 474.79 Dated 07/13/99 Ck. #40676-40701 16,617.30 Payroll Vendors Dated 07/09/99 Ck. #40644-40662 35,832.64 Dated 07/13/99 Ck. #40667-40675 36,560.01 Dated 07/13/99 Ck. #40702-40704 2,778.89 Dated 07/13/99 EFT 24,234.42 Accounts Payable Dated July 1-31, 1999 Ck. #-68029-68136 115,668.64 Ck#70297-70325, EFTS & Payroll Vendors Ck# 81,562.41 40864-40880 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 593,094.88 L �� City Manager's Agenda Report July 1999 Accounts Payable and Payroll Page Two - FISCAL IMPACT Total expenditures for all funds iq $ 593,094.88 CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for payment and that funds are available for these demands. Dated: March 17, 2000 Rac elle Rickard Administrative Services Director a Approved by the City Council at a meeting held March 28, 2000. • Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk ATTACHMENT: July 1999 MOMs Warrant Register in the amount of $ 115,668.64 July 1999 Eden Warrant Register in the amount of $ 81,562.41 G�5 City of Atascadero MOMs Cash Disbursement Listing For the Month of July 1999 Check _ Check# Date Vendor Amount 68029 7/15/99 VOID $ - 68030 7/15/99 VOID - 68031 7/15/99 VOID - 68032 7/15/99 ACT01 (ACTION TOWING) 61.25 68033 7/15/99 ACT04(ACTION ELECTRIC) 1,086.00 68034 7/15/99 ALL02(ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT) 9,210.34 68035 7/15/99 ARA02(ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES) 54.42 68036 7/15/99 ATA24(ATASCADERO BATTERY EXCHANGE) 55.66 68037 7/15/99 AUT06(AUTODESK INC.) 2,493.56 68038 7/15/99 BRE06(BRENDLER JANITORIAL SVC) 900.00 68039 7/15/99 CAL72(CALIFORNIA TURF) 90.21 68040 7/15/99 CAL80(CALIFORNIA ASSOC.FOR) 35.00 68041 7/15/99 CAL92(CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT) 33.70 68042 7/15/99 CEN08(CENTRAL COAST PLUMBING) 122.01 68043 7/15/99 CEN26(CENTRAL COAST SANITATION) 56.58 68044 7/15/99 CEN37(CENTRAL VISUAL INFO) 3,871.52 68045 7/15/99 CHE02(CHEVRON U.S.A.INC.) 106.39 68046 7/15/99 CHI01 (CHICAGO GRADE LANDFILL) 92.75 68047 7/15/99 COA01 (COAST TO COAST HARDWARE) 55.62 68048 7/15/99 CONO1 (CED/CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC) 448.73 68049 7/15/99 CRY01 (CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER CO.) 35.00 68050 7/15/99 CUR01 (L.N.CURTIS AND SONS) 1,504.58 . 68051 7/15/99 DEC01 (DECOU LUMBER COMPANY) 97.96 68052 7/15/99 DEE03 (DEER VALLEY PRESS) 277.36 68053 7/15/99 DEP02(DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION) 1,580.13 68054 7/15/99 DEW01 (J.B.DEWAR INC.) 34.82 68055 7/15/99 ECO08 (ECONOMIC VITALITY CORP OF) 270.00 68056 7/15/99 EDE02(EDEN SYSTEMS,INC.) 7,636.00 68057 7/15/99 ERNO1 (GRENDA ERNST) 250.00 68058 7/15/99 ESCO1 (ESCUELA DEL RIO INC.) 109.16 68059 7/15/99 EXPO1 (EXPRESS MAIL) 18.50 68060 7/15/99 FAMO1 (FAMILY PHOTO) 175.35 68061 7/15/99 FEDO1 (FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP.) 15.50 68062 7/15/99 FGLO1 (FGL ENVIRONMENTAL) 64.80 68063 7/15/99 FLE05 (DAVID M.FLEISHMAN) 285.00 68064 7/15/99 FRA01 (FRAZEE PAINT&WALLCOVER.) 145.86 68065 7/15/99 GATO1 (GENEVIEVE GATER) 38.00 68066 7/15/99 GEMO1 (GEM AUTO PARTS) 99.74 68067 7/15/99 GTE01 (GTE WIRELESS) 20.77 68068 7/15/99 HAN16(HANSON AGGREGATES) 89.77 68069 7/15/99 HAR05(HART IMPRESSIONS) 89.17 68070 7/15/99 HIT01 (HI-TECH EMERGENCY VEHICLE) 17.02 68071 7/15/99 IND02(INDEPENDENT TELEPHONE) 138.31 68072 7/15/99 INS02(INSTASHRED SECURITY) 42.00 68073 7/15/99 JACO2(DONALD JACOBS) 563.06 68074 7/15/99 JIMO1 (JIM'S CAMPUS CAMERA) 170.00 68075 7/15/99 KEY04(KEY TERMITE&PEST CTRL) 47.50 68076 7/15/99 KMA01 (K-MART) 50.10 68077 7/15/99 KNBO1 (KNB ADVERTISING) 2,347.21 68078 7/15/99 KPR01 (KPRL 1230 AM) 416.00 68079 7/15/99 LAI03(LAIDLAW TRANSIT SERVICES) 18,368.20 68080 7/15/99 LAR07(SHIRLEY LARSON) 50.00 Page 1 of 3 U, City of Atascadero MOMS Cash Disbursement Listing For the Month of July 1999 Check _ Check# Date Vendor Amount 68081 7/15/99 LYN06(LYNN CARD COMPANY) 24.50 68082 7/15/99 MAR02(JOHN MARTINO) 51.00 68083 7/15/99 MASO1 (MASTERCARD DEPARTMENT) 929.48 68084 7/15/99 VOID - 68085 7/15/99 MAXO1 (ROBERT MAXWELL) 1,060.00 68086 7/15/99 MIC13 (MICHAEL'S OPTICAL) 198.00 68087 7/15/99 MIS02(MISSION UNIFORM SERVICES) 84.85 68088 7/15/99 NALO1 (KAREN NALL) 50.00 68089 7/15/99 NOR02(NORTH COAST ENGINEERING) 12,669.40 68090 7/15/99 VOID - 68091 7/15/99 VOID - 68092 7/15/99 NOR08(NOR MED) 27.91 68093 7/15/99 OURO1 (OUR DESIGNS INC) 25.25 68094 7/15/99 PACOI (PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT) 90.74 68095 7/15/99 PAC03 (PACIFIC BELL) 3,621.81 68096 7/15/99 VOID - 68097 7/15/99 VOID - 68098 7/15/99 VOID - 68099 7/15/99 PAC04(PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC) 24,034.11 68100 7/15/99 VOID - 68101 7/15/99 VOID - 68102 7/15/99 VOID - 68103 7/15/99 VOID - 68104 7/15/99 PAPO1 (PAPER WORKS) 60.18 68105 7/15/99 PASO1 (PASO ROBLES TRUCK CENTER) 91.08 68106 7/15/99 PAS04(PASO ROBLES ELECTRIC INC.) 18.37 68107 7/15/99 PER02(PERRY'S PARCEL SERVICE) 27.85 68108 7/15/99 PETO1 (H.D.PETERSON) 89.02 68109 7/15/99 PET02(PETTY CASH/FIRE DEPT.) 80.23 68110 7/15/99 PET03 (PETTY CASH) 274.56 68111 7/15/99 VOID 68112 7/15/99 VOID - 68113 7/15/99 PHI11 (SUSAN PHILLIPS) 50.00 68114 7/15/99 PRO16(PRO MOTION) 233.20 68115 7/15/99 QUA04(QUAD-KNOPF) 12,400.00 68116 7/15/99 RADO1 (RADIO SHACK/ACCOUNTS REC.) 4.28 68117 7/15/99 RAHO1 (SARAH RAH) 640.00 68118 7/15/99 RAI09(RAINBOW MEALWORKS INC) 30.54 68119 7/15/99 ROB 19(CAROLEROBINSON) 151.00 68120 7/15/99 ROUO3(ROUDYBUSH) 420.23 68121 7/15/99 SAN 15 (SAN LUIS POWERHOUSE) 420.73 68122 7/15/99 SAN16(SANTA MARIA TIRE INC.) 39.13 68123 7/15/99 SHE10(SHELL OIL COMPANY) 30.53 68124 7/15/99 SIR02(SIR SPEEDY) 54.28 68125 7/15/99 SLO31 (SLOCO RECYCLES) 88.20 68126 7/15/99 SM123 (W.M.SMITH AND ASSC.,INC) 51.79 68127 7/15/99 SOU01 (THE GAS COMPANY) 122.44 68128 7/15/99 SUN01 (SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL) 1,270.00 68129 7/15/99 SWI01 (WILLIAM SWIFT) 35.00 0 68130 7/15/99 TER04(TERRY&PAULSON) 160.00 68131 7/15/99 UNI 19 (UNITED GREEN MARK INC.) 47.91 68132 7/15/99 VON05 MICHELLE VON DOLLEN) 50.00 C- 57 Page 2 of 3 P City of Atascadero MOMS Cash Disbursement Listing For the Month of July 1999 Check _ Check# Date Vendor Amount 68133 7/15/99 WAG07(THE WAGNER GROUP) 39.50 68134 7/20/99 MASTERCARD 275.00 68135 7/27/99 ACTION ELECTRIC 1,086.00 68136 7/29/99 RON SIMPSON 639.93 $ 115,668.64 lr. J C7 Page 3 of 3 a City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of July 1999 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 70297 7/15/99 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY COUNTY CLERK-B FILE NOTICE OF DETERMINATION 25.00 70299 7/15/99 DIVERSIFIED RISK INSURANCE ATASCADERO WINE FESTIVAL INS COVERA, 614.20 70300 7/15/99 CITY OF BUELLTON CHANNEL COUNTIES LEAGUE MTG. 14.50 1209196 7/15/99 MID-STATE BANK STATE WITHHOLDING TAX:Payment 374.14 70301 7/20/99 PAULA ANTON MILEAGE TO SANTA BARBARA 81.22 70302 7/20/99 BRADY CHERRY AUTO ALLOWANCE 504.00 70303 7/20/99 TAMATHA CLARK JULY 1999 SEC.SERVICES 225.00 70304 7/20/99 VINCE CONDE 5 BASKETBALL GAMES 70.00 70305 7/20/99 DEPARTMENT OF FISH&GAME ONE YEAR EXTENSION SANTA LUCIA CULV: 109.00 70306 7/20/99 HUNG Q DO MONTHLY SERVICE 7/99-9/99 1,500.00 70307 7/20/99 GEORGE EDWARDS 4 BASKETBALL GAMES 60.00 70308 7/20/99 KIM JEANES REIMB FOR SUPPLIES FOR 20TH ANNV 163.93 70309 7/20/99 JOHN MARTINO 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 341.00 70310 7/20/99 WADE MCKINNEY AUTO ALLOWANCE 400.00 70311 7/20/99 PAUL MILLER 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 180.00 70312 7/20/99 EDDIE MITCHELL 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 90.00 70313 7/20/99 MYERS-STEVENS AND CO.,INC. COVERAGE FOR 7/01-7/31/99 112.00 70314 7/20/99 LEASE ADMINISTRATION CTR PANASONIC CC PANASONIC COPIERS 944.55 70315 7/20/99 MIKE PEREZ 3 BASKETBALL GAMES 70316 7/20/99 TERRY PETERSON 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 70317 7/20/99 GERALD PHILLIPS 6 SOFTBALL GAMES 100 70318 7/20/99 PITNEY BOWES,INC. METER RENTAL 7/01-9/30/99 239.60 70319 7/20/99 JASON PLATZ 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 45.00 70320 7/20/99 ROBERT F.DRIVER COMPANY,INC. RENEWAL PREMIUM FOR CALPE MOBILE E( 11,436.29 70321 7/20/99 PAUL SALDANA AUTO ALLOWANCE JULY 1999 300.00 70323 7/20/99 TINA VILLALON 2 SOFTBALL GAMES 30.00 40864 7/22/99 ATASCADERO FED.CREDIT UNION ATASCADERO FEDERAL CREDIT UNIO:Paym 3,397.25 40865 7/22/99 ATASCADERO FIRE DEPT EMP.ASSN FIREFIGHTER UNION DUES:Payment 225.00 40866 7/22/99 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION MID MANAGEMENT UNION DUES:Payment 60.00 40867 7/22/99 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS POLICE ASSOCIATION DUES:Payment 333.25 40868 7/22/99 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT STATE WITHHOLDING TAX:Payment 5,197.10 40869 7/22/99 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE:Payment 276.62 40870 7/22/99 COUNTY-CITY EMPLOYEES CU COUNTY-CITY EMPL CREDIT UNION:Paymen 866.00 40871 7/22/99 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN:Payment 1,410.36 40872 7/22/99 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK DEFERRED COMP-NATIONAL DEFERD:Payrr 782.00 40873 7/22/99 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE DEFERRED COMP-HARTFORD:Payment 5,023.08 40874 7/22/99 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS KENNEDY HEALTH CLUB MEMBERSHIP:Pay 121.00 40875 7/22/99 PUBLIC EMPL RETIREMENT SYSTEM PERS:Payment 19,023.89 40876 7/22/99 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM PERS LONG-TERM CARE:Payment 19.85 40877 7/22/99 ELLEN PERKINS REFUND OF HARTFORD OVERDEDUCTION 100.00 40878 7/22/99 SEN LOCAL 620 AFL-CIO S.E.I.U.DUES:Payment 312.12 40879 7/22/99 TULARE COUNTY GARNISHMENTS-TULARE COUNTY:Payment 150.00 40880 7/22/99 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY UNITED WAY DEDUCTIONS:Payment r � 9 t,° J City of Atascadero Disbursement Listinc For the Month of July 1999 Check Check _ �umher Date Vendor Description Amount 70324 7/27/99 MID-STATE BANK CASHIER'S CHECK FOR XENIX SYSTEM 104.00 1209208 7/27/99 MID-STATE BANK FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX:Payment 25,750.46 70325 7/30/99 JOHN MARTINO 15 UIC GAMES 291.00 $ 81,562:41 A 0 C= � Q ITEM NUMBER: A — 9 ` DATE: 03-28-2000 1918 ® 1979 City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney AUGUST 1999 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE & PAYROLL RECOMMENDATION Approve certified City accounts payable,payroll and payroll vendor checks for August 1999. DISCUSSION Attached for City Council review and approval are the following: Payroll Dated 08/05/99 Ck. #40883-41039 $ 145,587.79 Dated 08/19/99 Ck. #41062-41212 144,231.49 Special Payroll Dated 08/20/99 Ck. #41233 195.87 Dated 08/23/99 Ck. #41236-41237 343.87 Dated 08/23/99 Ck. #41240-41241 311.20 Accounts Payable Dated August 1-31, 1999 Ck#68137-68141 2,633.58 Dated August 1-31, 1999 Ck#70327-70855, EFTS & Payroll Vendors Ck# 1,143,142.83 41042-41057,41215-41230, &41244-41254 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 1,436,446.63 V City Manager's Agenda Report August 1999 Accounts Payable and Payroll Page Two - FISCAL IMPACT Total expenditures for all funds i, $ 1,436,446.63 CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for payment and that funds are available for these demands. Dated: March 17, 2000 i Rachelle Rickard Administrative Services Director a Approved by the City Council at a meeting held March 28, 2000. Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk ATTACHMENT: August 1999 MOMS Warrant Register in the amount of $ 2,633.58 August 1999 Eden Warrant Register in the amount of $1,143,142.83 r~ ; u ,�2 MOMS Cash Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check - Check# Date Vendor Amount 68137 8/9/99 GTE Wireless $ 295.84 68138 8/9/99 Mobil Oil 516.87 - 68139 8/9/99 Chevron 372.74 68140 8/9/99 Call America 440.13 68142 8/12/99 Steve Despain 135.00 68141 8/9/99 Robert Molle 873.00 $ 2,633.58 .d C�u3 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 70327 8/2/99 A-JAY EXCAVATING,INC. REPAIR SISNK HOLE AT LEWIS AVE 250.00 70328 8/2/99 ADMINISTRATIVE FIRE SVCS SECT ANNUAL DUES 25.00 70330 8/2/99 AMERICAN ECONOMIC DEV COUNCIL 3 YEAR CERT.MAINTENANCE 195.00 70331 8/2/99 AMERICAN GENERAL MEDIA PACKAGE B ADVERTISING 1,425.00 70332 8/2/99 AMERICAN WEST TIRE&AUTO REPLACE TAIL PIPE 215.81 70333 8/2/99 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES LAUNDRY 334.61 70334 8/2/99 ARBOR TREE SURGERY TREE TRIMMING SERVICES 1,080.00 70335 8/2/99 GEORGE ASDEL ART-SKETCHING 179.20 70336 8/2/99 ATASCADERO NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 192.08 70337 8/2/99 ATASCADERO SAW SHOP SHARPENING LM BLADES 48.00 70338 8/2/99 ATASCADERO YOUTH FOOTBALL PAVILION REFUND 250.00 70339 8/2/99 AUDIO VISUAL SOLUTIONS 9 X 12 RENTAL 55.00 70340 8/2/99 TOM WAYNER AUTO TRIM DESIGN WINDOW TINT 2 K-9 CARS 295.00 70341 8/2/99 ANN BANKS REIMB FOR K-MART SUPPLIES 3 70343 8/2/99 BAY LAUREL GARDEN CENTER JUMBO FLOWERS 70344 8/2/99 FRANCO BECHARA SUBSISTENCE-FTO CLASS 595.00 70345 8/2/99 BRIAN BERRY SUBSISTENCE-STRAT AGAINST VIOLENCE 319.00 70346 8/2/99 JAMES BLAKE PAVILION REFUND 250.00 70348 8/2/99 BONNEMA BREWING COMPANY,INC. FOOD SALES 65.00 70349 8/2/99 CAL AG HOG PANEL FOR RABBIT YARD 18.34 70350 8/2/99 CAL-COAST REFRIGERATION,INC REPAIR A/C 2ND FL WOMENS RESTROOM 321.29 70351 8/2/99 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT OVERNIGHT SERVICES 69.25 70352 8/2/99 SOCIETY,INC.CALIFORNIA PARKS&RECREA MEMBERSHIP 230.00 70353 8/2/99 CALIFORNIA PEACE OFFICERS ASSC ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES 330.00 70354 8/2/99 CALIFORNIA POLICE CHIEF'S ASSC 1999/2000 CPCA ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 210.00 70355 8/2/99 CALIFORNIA SCHOOL-AGE CONSORTI CA SCHOOL AGE CONSORTIUM 120.00 70356 8/2/99 CALIFORNIA UNIFORM CENTER UNIFORM-JILL SMTTHERS 85.26 70357 8/2/99 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL CED ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 76.81 70358 8/2/99 CENTRAL CALIF.METRO ASA 1999 ASA TEAM REGISTRATION 324.00 70359 8/2/99 CENTRAL COAST EMERGENCY PHYSIC HEPATITIS B VACC-MAGGIE BEREDA 29.00 70360 8/2/99 CERTIFIED FOLDER DISPLAY SVC SERVICE FOR 7/15/99-7/14/00 1,4 70361 8/2/99 CHAMBERS GROUP,INC. REFUND ��6% 4 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check CheckAftkl _ umber Date Vendor Description Amount 70362 8/2/99 CHEM CLEAN LINERS 2,233.97 70363 8/2/99 CHICAGO GRADE LANDFILL,INC. LANDFILL CHARGE 674.45 70364 8/2/99 KAREN CLANIN DOG OBEDIENCE 458.50 70365 8/2/99 CLEAN WATER OUTLET JULY 99 RENTAL 35.00 70366 8/2/99 COAST TO COAST HARDWARE BATTERIES 113.56 70367 8/2/99 COASTAL IMAGING SUPPLIES CANON PC TONER 105.10 70368 8/2/99 CIMON CORMIER 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 163.00 70369 8/2/99 SUSAN CROUCH REIMB FOR REFRIGERATOR 32.50 70370 8/2/99 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER DRINKING WATER 97.30 70371 8/2/99 CSFA 1999 FIRE SERVICE DIRECTORY 33.90 70372 8/2/99 CUESTA EQUIPMENT FIRST AID KITS 2,650.06 70373 8/2/99 DARRYL'S LOCK AND SAFE 30 DUPLICATE KEYS 807.27 70374 8/2/99 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY 10/12'GALV CORR 26 GAUGE 1,366.77 70375 8/2/99 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 3 POLICE OFFICERS,1 VOLUNTEER 266.00 70376 8/2/99 KIMBERLY A.JEANES DESIGNS IN LIFE CITY CELEBRATION DECORATIONS 183.75 70377 8/2/99 DIVERSIFIED RISK INSURANCE YOUTH FOOTBALL DINNER 7/11/99 257.71 00378 8/2/99 GAYE DONOVAN PAVILION REFUND 214.00 70379 8/2/99 ECONOMIC VITALITY CORP OF SLO 1999/2000 FISCAL YEAR CONTRIBUTION 7,500.00 70380 8/2/99 GEORGE EDWARDS 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 45.00 70381 8/2/99 KARA FAGUNDES ZOO CLASS REFUND 40.00 70382 8/2/99 FAMILIAN PIPE&SUPPLY CLAY COUPLING 50.38 70383 8/2/99 FARM SUPPLY COMPANY OLSON O-JET SUPPLIES 86.94 70384 8/2/99 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL WET CHEM-BOD 64.80 70385 8/2/99 FIRE CHIEF SUBSCRIPTION 54.00 70386 8/2/99 FIRE ENGINEERING SUBSCRIPTION 19.95 70387 8/2/99 FIREHOUSE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION 27.97 70388 8/2/99 ACCT#047959-001 FISHER SCIENTIFIC PH INDICATING POLY BODY 874.02 70389 8/2/99 FOOD FOR LESS GROCERIES-20TH ANNIVERSARY 480.10 70390 8/2/99 FRAZEE PAINTS PAINT SUPPLIES 681.21 70391 8/2/99 GALL'S INC. BLACK DC FLASHLIGHT 312.66 70392 8/2/99 GAS COMPANY 17291621005 303.68 70394 8/2/99 GEM AUTO PARTS MOTHERS 1,519.10 0 70395 8/2/99 DEDE GREEN PAVILION SECURITY REFUND 250.00 70396 8/2/99 GRISANTI HARDWARE FLOURESCENT BULBS 60.99 70397 8/2/99 GTE WIRELESS WIRELESS PHONE CHARGES 208.78 �5 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check Check _ Number Date Vendor Description Amo 70398 8/2/99 HAHN'S GUNS&AMMO WINCHESTER 223 AMMO 273.49 70399 8/2/99 BARRY HARDY BOOT ALLOWANCE 96.48 70400 8/2/99 HOBBY SHOP BODY WORK&PAINT 734.71 70401 8/2/99 IN-N-OUT BURGER SEWER EXT.REIMB.AGREEMENT 9,048.14 70402 8/2/99 DONALD JACOBS TRAFFIC PAINT 5,180.82 70403 8/2/99 JOBS AVAILABLE,INC. SENIOR CIVIL ENG AD 165.60 70404 8/2/99 JUSTICE PLANNING&MANAGEMENT SUBSCRIPTION 75.00 70405 8/2/99 L.N.CURTIS&SONS FR COTTON SHROUD- 10 134.53 70406 8/2/99 LAKESIDE CAFE 40 LUNCHES 278.85 70407 8/2/99 LAW'S HOBBY CENTER FRAMING 61.78 70408 8/2/99 LEADS SOFTWARE GROUP INC. JULY 99 SOFTWARE SUPPORT 348.00 70409 8/2/99 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ASST CITY MANAGER AD 918.00 70410 8/2/99 LEISURE TIME POOL SUPPLY POOL SUPPLIES 12.49 .a 70411 8/2/99 KELLI LOMBARDI 1999 GIRLS BASKETBALL CAMP 1,371.29 70412 8/2/99 LOS ANGELES CO SHERIFF'S DEPT SEXUAL ASSAULT-CAROL ROBINSON 185.00 70413 8/2/99 LOS ANGELES CO SHERIFF'S DEPT STRATEGIES AGAINST VIOLENCE-BRIAN BE 70414 8/2/99 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE VEH 221 REPAIR 70415 8/2/99 MADRONE LANDSCAPING REPAIR BROKEN PIPE 53.75 70416 8/2/99 MARINE RESCUE PRODUCTS,INC. HEAD IMMOBILIZER,KEY CHAINS 114.95 70417 8/2/99 ROBERT MAXWELL WATER LINE AT AARP BLDG 106.82 70418 8/2/99 MID-COAST MOWER&SAW REPAIR PROTRIM EDGER 704.01 70419 8/2/99 PAUL MILLER 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 180.00 70420 8/2/99 MISSION OFFICE PRODUCTS OAK CONFERENCE TABLE 726.08 70421 8/2/99 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE LAUNDRY SERVICE 167.74 70422 8/2/99 AND PAVING MITCH FREDERICK SEALCOATIT SWEPT DOWNTOWN AREA 4 HRS 2,361.00 70423 8/2/99 EDDIE MITCHELL 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 90.00 70424 8/2/99 MOBIL OIL CREDIT CORP POLICE GAS 269.87 70425 8/2/99 MOBILECOMM PAGER SERVICE 6/19-9/18/99 1,097.69 70426 8/2/99 STEVE MORRIS 5 BASKETBALL GAMES 70.00 70427 8/2/99 MUSIC FACTORY MICROPHONE WINDSCREENS FOR COUNCIL 38.28 70429 8/2/99 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY ZOO TOOLS 1,467.83 70430 8/2/99 PACIFIC BELL 2388410124 1,019.07 70432 8/2/99 PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTE 2"PVC 70433 8/2/99 PAPER WORKS LETTERHEAD&ENVELOPES 302 U'10 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check Check _ umber Date Vendor Description Amount 70434 8/2/99 PASO ROBLES SUPERIOR COURT BAIL FOR ROBERT JOSEPH HONESTO 765.00 70435 8/2/99 PETE JOHNSTON CHEVEROLET HANDLE AS 8.02 70436 8/2/99 TERRY PETERSON 2 SOFTBALL GAMES 24.00 70437 8/2/99 GERALD PHILLIPS 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 108.00 70438 8/2/99 JASON PLATZ 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 45.00 70439 8/2/99 PRO MOTION NATURAL T-SHIRTS 2 COLOR 388.51 70440 8/2/99 JOE CRAWFORD PRODUCERS DAIRY FOODS,] DAIRY FOODS 39.60 70441 8/2/99 QUILL CORPORATION ENVELOPES 37.44 70442 8/2/99 RADIO SHACK PHOTOLTT 8.57 70443 8/2/99 RAY'S AUTO DETAIL BOOK TOKEN NOTES 40.00 70444 8/2/99 RAYVERN LIGHTING SUPPLY LIGHT BULBS 713.29 70445 8/Z/99 RECOGNITION WORKS NAME PLATES 6.44 70446 8/2/99 PALOMAR CENTER RED'S PLUMBING REPAIRED MEN'S SHOWER 235.62 70447 8/2/99 ROBERT F.DRIVER COMPANY,INC. RENEWAL PREM FOR AUTOS' 2,954.00 70449 8/2/99 LINDA RODGERS 3 BUS WASH&INTERIOR 45.00 70450 8/2/99 JOHN RODGERS CAL GANG TRAINING 45.00 0451 8/2/99 SAFETY-KLEEN INC. USED OIL 212.75 70452 8/2/99 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY COMPANY CLEANING SUPPLIES 299.44 70453 8/2/99 SAN LUIS AMBULANCE GRAGG,CHRISTINA 713.10 70454 8/2/99 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY FIRE ASSOCIATION DUES 200.00 70455 8/2/99 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY FIRE ANNUAL DUES 25.00 70456 8/2/99 SAN LUIS PAPER LINERS 88.57 70457 8/2/99 SHELL OIL COMPANY GAS 25.00 70458 8/2/99 SIERRA DIGITAL INC. RECWARE SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION 530.89 70459 8/2/99 SLO COUNTY AG TASK FORCE PAVILION SECURITY REFUND 250.00 70460 8/2/99 SLOCPRA REC ROUND TABLE CLASS 20.00 70461 8/2/99 SLOFIST MEMBERSHIP-DAVE PAYTON 45.00 70462 8/2/99 SMART AND FINAL 20TH ANNIVERSARY SUPPLIES 51.82 70463 8/2/99 SMITH&WESSON I-KIT MODEL 2000 437.58 70464 8/2/99 STEWART'S WHEEL SHOP BRAKES&ALIGNMENT 220.00 70465 . 8/2/99 ROBERT STONER PAVILION REFUND 48.00 70466 8/2/99 SUPERIOR OFFICE SYSTEMS INC. 1ST FLOOR 7/01-8/01/99 733.46 100467 8/2/99 DAVID SWEETLAND BOOT ALLOWANCE 64.34 0468 8/2/99 SYLVESTER'S SECURITY ALARMS LAKE PARK 7/01-9/30/99 175.50 70469 8/2/99 TAYLOR RENTAL CENTER WHITE TABLECLOTHS-20TH ANNIV 292.55 t; U 7 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check Check _ Number Date Vendor Description Amon 70470 8/2/99 TEE'S PLUS 1 GOLF SHIRT 33.61 70471 8/2/99 TEMPLETON FEED&GRAIN ANIMAL FOOD 173.10 70472 8/2/99 JANET TINGLEY NUTRITION/COOKING SESSION 2 581.00 70473 8/2/99 LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS INC TOM FLYNN CHIPPER&CHIP DUMP TRUCK 3,075.00 70474 8/2/99 TRI-COUNTY ELEVATOR COMPANY MAINTENANCE 198.00 70475 8/2/99 TRIBUNE 6 MO SUBSCRIPTION 67.50 70476 8/2/99 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 1,251.52 70477 8/2/99 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 692.38 70478 8/2/99 WEB GAME CONSULTING 90.00 70480 8/2/99 WILKINS CREATIVE PRINTING BUS CARDS-C.E.ROBINSON 25.90 70481 8/2/99 WINE COUNTRY BALANCE LAB INSTRUMENT BALANCE 89.00 70483 8/2/99 YOUTH NETWORK,INC. FRIDAY VARIETY NIGHT EVENT 3,000.00 41042 8/5/99 ATASCADERO FED.CREDIT UNION ATASCADERO FEDERAL CREDIT UNIO:Paym 3,507.25 41043 8/5/99 ATASCADERO FIRE DEPT EMP.ASSN FIREFIGHTER UNION DUES:Payment 225.00 41044 8/5/99 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION MID MANAGEMENT UNION DUES:Payment 60.00 41045 8/5/99 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS POLICE ASSOCIATION DUES:Payment 310 41046 8/5/99 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT STATE WITHHOLDING TAX:Payment 5,344.35 41047 8/5/99 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE:Payment 301.84 41048 8/5/99 COUNTY-CITY EMPLOYEES CU COUNTY-CITY EMPL CREDIT UNION:Paymen 831.00 41049 8/5/99 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK DEFERRED COMP-NATIONAL DEFERD:Payrr 782.00 41050 8/5/99 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN:Payment 1,386.14 41051 8/5/99 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE DEFERRED COMP-HARTFORD:Payment 5,261.54 41052 8/5/99 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS' KENNEDY HEALTH CLUB MEMBERSHIP:Pay 102.00 41054 8/5/99 PUBLIC EMPL RETIREMENT SYSTEM PERS:Payment 19,156.57 41055 8/5/99 SEW LOCAL 620 AFL-CIO S.E.I.U.DUES:Payment 357.58 41056 8/5/99 TULARE COUNTY GARNISHMENTS-TULARE COUNTY:Payment 150.00 41057 8/5/99 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY UNITED WAY DEDUCTIONS:Payment 38.00 1209222 8/5/99 MID-STATE BANK FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX:Payment 26,581.98 70484 8/9/99 C.DUNN,INC. PLAN CHECK REFUND 153.00 70485 8/9/99 CALL AMERICA JULY 99 PHONE CHARGES 650.75 70486 8/10/99 JOSHUA D.BOATWRIGHT 16 HOURS 2ja 70487 8/11/99 SCOTT WOODHOUSE 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 225.00 ru to City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check CheckAaLl _ umber Date Vendor Description Amount 70488 8/13/99 ACORN NATURALISTS OWL PELLETS,BONE IDENTI SHEETS 105.41 70489 8/13/99 ADAPTIVE DRIVING SYSTEMS,INC REPAIR PARK BRAKE 59.29 70490 8/13/99 AIR RITE REFRIGERATION REPAIR DEFECTIVE T-STAT 223.97 70491 8/13/99 AMERICAN RED CROSS HUMAN RESOURCE GRANT ALLOCATION 500.00 70492 8/13/99 PAULA ANTON AUGUST MILEAGE 32.24 70493 8/13/99 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES LAUNDRY 177.39 70494 8/13/99 ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY HOSPTT MCGAULEY,DANIEL V003916669 274.60 70495 8/13/99 ASLIN INDUSTRIES TOILET PAPER ROLLS 1,144.00 70496 8/13/99 ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF SLO CO. HUMAN RESOURCE GRANT ALLOCATION 750.00 70497 8/13/99 ATASCADERO COMMUNITY LINK HUMAN RESOURCE GRANT ALLOCATION 1,000.00 70498 8/13/99 ATASCADERO FORD BATTERY&BRAKE REPAIR 5,313.19 70499 8/13/99 ATASCADERO HAY&FEED LAB FORMULA 28.95 70500 8/13/99 ATASCADERO LOAVES&FISHES HUMAN RESOURCE GRANT AJ LOCATION 1,000.00 70501 8/13/99 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. JULY 99 WATER 15,033.00 70502 8/13/99 ATASCADERO NEWS MAINTENANCE/SERVICE AD 34.44 00503 8/13/99 ATASCADERO SAW SHOP SHARPENING OF TOOLS 13.50 x`70504 8/13/99 AUDIO VISUAL SOLUTIONS 20TH ANNIVERSARY 55.00 70505 8/13/99 DEBRA AUSTIN NUTRITION CLASS REFUND 29.00 70506 8/13/99 KELLY BARLOW ZOO CLASS REFUND 40.00 70507 8/13/99 BAY LAUREL GARDEN CENTER PLANTS 185.22 70508 8/13/99 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT OVERNIGHT SERVICE 90.00 70509 8/13/99 CALIFORNIA UNIFORM CENTER LS SHIRT-JOE ALLEN 107.25 70510 8/13/99 ALMA CANIZALES PAVILION SECURITY DEPOSIT REFUND 190.00 70511 8/13/99 CARING CALLERS HUMAN RESOURCE GRANT ALLOCATION 200.00 70513 8/13/99 CENTRAL COAST PLUMBING SUPPLY 1 1/2 X 30"GAL.NIPPLE 7.29 70514 8/13/99 CHANNEL PAPER CO. RECYCLED PAPER 1,137.36 70515 8/13/99 CHEM CLEAN MOP FOR BRAKE ROOM 20.38 70516 8/13/99 BRADY CHERRY AUG 99 AUTO ALLOWANCE 300.00 70517 8/13/99 FINANCE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAN LUIS Of CITY MANAGER LIABILITY INS 296,892.75 70518 8/13/99 TAMATHA CLARK AUG 99 BIA SECRETARIAL SERVICES 225.00 70519 8/13/99 WINDY CLARK REGISTRATION FOR CONFERENCE 235.00 70520 8/13/99 COAST TO COAST HARDWARE 3/4 MIP X 3/4 FHT 6.20 10521 8/13/99 COASTAL PAGES ADS FOR SANTA MARIA&FIVE CITIES 1,466.64 70522 8/13/99 CONWAY DISTRIBUTORS SNACK FOOD 71.04 L� n City of Ataseadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amo 70523 8/13/99 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER DRINKING WATER 89.00 70524 8/13/99 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CHAPIN ROD ASSEMBLY&BARREL 450.94 70525 8/13/99 DARRYL'S LOCK AND SAFE 10 DUPLICATE KEYS 21.45 70526 8/13/99 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY SPRUCE LUMBER 1,264.50 70527 8/13/99 HQ ACCOUNTING OFFICE DEPARTMENT OF T JUNE 99 SIGNALS&LIGHTING 1,897.27 70528 8/13/99 EL CAMINO VETERINARY HOSP KMR,RIMADYL 65.25 70529 8/13/99 EOC HEALTH SERVICES HUMAN RESOURCE GRANT ALLOCATION 725.00 70530 8/13/99 EOC HOMELESS SERVICES HUMAN RESOURCE GRANT ALLOCATION 625.00 70531 8/13/99 FAMILY SERVICES CENTER HUMAN RESOURCE GRANT ALLOCATION 250.00 70532 8/13/99 FEDERAL EXPRESS FEDEX XENIX OP SYSTEM 16.25 70533 8/13/99 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL WET CHEM-BOD 259.20 70534 8/13/99 FOOD FOR LESS SODAS 337.74 70535 8/13/99 FORMS 2020 INC. 6 OTC RIBBONS 103.38 70536 8/13/99 FRAZEE PAINTS PRIME PLUS PAINT 22.20 70537 8/13/99 GAS COMPANY 12691625003 128.92 70538 8/13/99 GEM AUTO PARTS OIL FILTER 31.51 70539 8/13/99 GRISANTI HARDWARE BOLTS 70540 8/13/99 GTE WIRELESS JULY 1999 17.06 70541 8/13/99 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT&COPY BUS CARDS-MCCAIN,MOTLO,HICKS,STORNI 120.33 70542 8/13/99 HOMELESS HOUSING PROJECT HUMAN RESOURCE GRANT ALLOCATION 800.00 70543 8/13/99 HOSPICE OF SLO COUNTY,INC. HUMAN RESOURCE GRANT ALLOCATION 500.00 70544 8/13/99 HOTLINE OF SLO COUNTY HUMAN RESOURCE GRANT ALLOCATION 500.00 70545 8/13/99 DANA JACO 3 GUINEA FOWL 30.00 70546 8/13/99 JIFFY LUBE#1932 PCJL,INC. OIL SERVICE 134.71 70547 8/13/99 JOBS AVAILABLE,INC. ASST CITY MANAGER AD 230.00 70548 8/13/99 JOSLIN ELECTRIC WIRELESS CONNECTION TO PD 88.50 70549 8/13/99 KEY TERMITE&PEST CONTROL PEST CONTROL 125.00 70550 8/13/99 JULIE LEMEN ZOO CLASS REFUND 50.00 70551 8/13/99 FLOYD LEWELLING PHOTOGRAPH GIRLS REC SOCCER 50.00 70552 8/13/99 LOCAL FAVORITES ADVERTISEMENT LISTING 145.00 70553 8/13/99 PAULA LUTZ JR LIFEGUARD REFUND 30.00 70554 8/13/99 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR COOLANT LEAK 666.44 70555 8/13/99 MADRONE LANDSCAPING JULY 99 YOUTH CENTER 70556 8/13/99 JOHN MARTINO 21 UIC SOFTBALL GAMES 70557 8/13/99 ROBERT MAXWELL SIDING ON LIFE GUARD BLDG,PAINT BATHB 380.00 f' '7 L City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check Check _ umber Date Vendor Description Amount lqw 70558 8/13/99 BECKY MAXWELL 5/15-8/02/99 MILEAGE TO BANK 20.34 70559 8/13/99 WADE MCKINNEY AUG 99 AUTO ALLOWANCE 400.00 70560 8/13/99 MID-COAST MOWER&SAW VACUUM REPAIR 605.88 70561 8/13/99 PAUL MILLER 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 210.00 70562 8/13/99 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE LINEN 87.76 70563 8/13/99 EDDIE MITCHELL 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 90.00 70564 8/13/99 NORTH COUNTY WOMENS SHELTER HUMAN RESOURCE GRANT ALLOCATION 1,500.00 70565 8/13/99 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY DIAMOND BLADE FOR CUTTING ASPHALT 66.47 70566 8/13/99 PACIFIC BELL 805/466-9111 315.29 70568 8/13/99 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC JULY 1999 24,869.35 70569 8/13/99 PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTE MOP REFILL,SEALER WAX 736.73 70570 8/13/99 PAPER WORKS NEWSLETTER 265.03 70571 8/13/99 PASO ROBLES SUPERIOR COURT RICHARD LAWRENCE SELLS 220.00 70572 8/13/99 PASO ROBLES TRUCK CENTER OPTICOM AIR PRESS 25.04 70573 8/13/99 PETE JOHNSTON CHEVEROLET REPAIR CRUISE CONTROL 198.44 70574 8/13/99 POLICE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH FOOD FOR LESS 142.03 100576 8/13/99 FINANCE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH FILM DEVELOPING-REC 472.08 70577 8/13/99 GERALD PHILLIPS 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 108.00 70578 8/13/99 JASON PLATZ 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 45.00 70579 8/13/99 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS COPIES 31.05 70580 8/13/99 PRIMARY EYECARE CENTER JOHN L.BLAIR-SAFETY GLASSES 164.50 70581 8/13/99 JOE CRAWFORD PRODUCERS DAIRY FOODS,J SNACK SUPPLIES 30.20 70582 8/13/99 QUILL CORPORATION 1"BINDERS 751.00 70583 8/13/99 RAINBOW MEALWORMS,INC. 500 CT CRICKETS 14.27 70584 8/13/99 RETIRED AND SENIOR VOL.PROGRAM HUMAN RESOURCE GRANT ALLOCATION 500.00 70585 8/13/99 RICK BUTLER SALES&SERVICE REPLACE ENGINE ON LASERWRITER NT 298.70 70586 8/13/99 RXLASER BRVB LASER CHECK STOCK 100.80 70587 8/13/99 PAUL SALDANA AUG 99 AUTO ALLOWANCE 300.00 70588 8/13/99 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY COMPANY LINERS 416.79 70589 8/13/99 SAN LUIS OBISPO LITERACY COUNC HUMAN RESOURCE GRANT ALLOCATION 500.00 70590 8/13/99 SAN LUIS PERSONNEL INC. COM DEV RECEPTION 416.00 70591 8/13/99 SDL GRAFFITI MASTER MULTI MASTER,MASON MASTER,PLASTI Mf 589.49 07 0592 8/13/99 SENIOR LEGAL SERVICES PROJECT HUMAN RESOURCE GRANT ALLOCATION 250.00 0593 8/13/99 SENIOR PEER COUNSELING PROGRAM HUMAN RESOURCE GRANT ALLOCATION 400.00 Cl1 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amo 70594 8/13/99 SHERIFF'S ADVISORY COUNCIL EMERGENCY MEDICAL DISPATCH-SHERBUI 55.00 70595 8/13/99 ELIZABETH SOPER PAVILION SECURITY DEPOSIT 250.00 70596 8/13/99 SOUZA CONSTRUCTION INC. SANTA CRUZ RD SLOPE STABILIZATION 4,918.20 70597 8/13/99 SPORTS TURF MANAGERS ASSC. 1999 STMA MEMBERSHIP 45.00 70598 8/13/99 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS RADIO ANTENNA 105.42 70599 8/13/99 SYLVESTER'S SECURITY ALARMS JULY 99 ALARM SERVICE 159.50 70600 8/13/99 TED MILES JEEP 1998 FORD TAURUS 1FAFP52S5WG145512 13,524.18 70601 8/13/99 TEMPLETON FEED&GRAIN RABBIT PELLETS 82.00 70602 8/13/99 THYSSEN TRI-COUNTY REGULAR SERVICE-AUG 99 475.50 70603 8/13/99 TWIN CITIES COMMUNITY HOSPITAL PHELPS,MEGAN 41.00 70604 8/13/99 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 314.04 70605 8/13/99 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. HAND PRUNER AND SHEAR 560.76 70606 8/13/99 VECTOR PRODUCTS,INC. INDUSTRIAL FIRST AID CABINET 223.39 70607 8/13/99 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS WALL DISPLAY UNIT A 178.02 70608 8/13/99 WESTERN JANITOR SUPPLY NATURAL TOWEL,PAPER TOWEL 142.16 70609 8/13/99 SCOTT WOODHOUSE 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 135.00 70610 8/13/99 WRIGHT-WAY FENCING TRAFFIC WAY PEDESTRIAN GATE 0 70611 8/18/99 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE POSTAGE FOR 23977697 5,000.00 41215 8/19/99 ATASCADERO FED.CREDIT UNION ATASCADERO FEDERAL CREDIT UNIO:Paym 3,472.25 41216 8/19/99 ATASCADERO FIRE DEPT EMP.ASSN FIREFIGHTER UNION DUES:Payment 225.00 41217 8/19/99 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION MID MANAGEMENT UNION DUES:Payment 60.00 41218 8/19/99 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS POLICE ASSOCIATION DUES:Payment 333.25 41219 8/19/99 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT STATE WITHHOLDING TAX:Payment 5,343.41 41220 8/19/99 EMPLOYMENT DEV.DEPARTMENT STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE:Payment 293.44 41221 8/19/99 COUNTY-CITY EMPLOYEES CU COUNTY-CITY EMPL CREDIT UNION:Paymen 831.00 41222 8/19/99 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN:Payment 1,364.91 41223 8/19/99 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK DEFERRED COMP-NATIONAL DEFERD:Payrr 782.00 41224 8/19/99 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE DEFERRED COMP-HARTFORD:Payment 5,211.54 41225 8/19/99 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS KENNEDY HEALTH CLUB MEMBERSHIP:Pay 64.00 41227 8/19/99 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM PERS LONG-TERM CARE:Payment 19.85 41228 8/19/99 SEIU LOCAL 620 AFL-CIO S.E.I.U.DUES:Payment 358.12 41229 8/19/99 TULARE COUNTY GARNISHMENTS-TULARE COUNTY:Payment 41230 8/19/99 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY UNITED WAY DEDUCTIONS:Payment • 0 072 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check Check _ umber Date Vendor Description Amount 70612 8/23/99 A AND T HANDYMAN BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND 25.00 70613 8/23/99 JAMES ADAMS CPR CLASS REFUND 40.00 70614 8/23/99 ALLAN HANCOCK COLLEGE SPRING 99 FIRE SCIENCES CLASSES 2,167.00 70615 8/23/99 AMERICAN ECONOMIC DEV COUNCIL AEDC ANNUAL CONFERENCE 595.00 70616 8/23/99 AMERICAN WEST TIRE&AUTO TIRES 654.66 70617 8/23/99 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES MOPS 34.90 70618 8/23/99 ATASCADERO FORD 934 CLUTCH ASSEMBLY 5,389.00 70619 8/23/99 ATASCADERO HAY&FEED MONKEY CHOW 156.50 70620 8/23/99 ATASCADERO NEWS DISPLAY AD-JUNE 99 1,273.50 70621 8/23/99 CINDY BENSON BALLET 236.60 70622 8/23/99 BEST BEST&KRIEGER LLP #24038.00000 6,402.15 70623 8/23/99 BOERNER REPAIR A/C UNIT 299.14 70624 8/23/99 CAL-COAST REFRIGERATION,INC 3 HVAC UNITS 4,110.84 70625 8/23/99 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT OVERNIGHT SERVICE 75.75 70626 8/23/99 CANNON ASSOCIATES PLANNING SVC FOR EL CENTRO PROJECT 1,920.00 70627 8/23/99 CELLULAR ONE LAKE BBQ REFUND 60.00 0628 8/23/99 CITY OF SANTA BARBARA OCIP LITIGATION-4/01-6/30/99 2,361.00 70630 8/23/99 CREDIT BUREAU BRENNAN LUX,JILL SMETHERS 32.00 70631 8/23/99 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER DRINKING WATER 15.00 70632 8/23/99 ADMIN DIV./ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT OF i STRONG MOTION FEES 4/01-6/30/99 1,376.56 70633 8/23/99 ANGELA DIXON ART CLASS REFUND 16.00 70634 8/23/99 ROBERT ECKROTE REIMB FOR REPAIR OF ENGINE NOISE ON 93 176.60 70635 8/23/99 EDEN SYSTEMS,INC. GL/AP TRAINING 6/15-6/30/99 6,036.43 70636 8/23/99 EL CAMINO CAR WASH JUNE 99 DETAIL SERVICE 171.00 70637 8/23/99 EL CAMINO VETERINARY HOSP VETERINARY SERVICES-4/22-6/29/99 1,370.00 70638 8/23/99 MIDORI FELDMAN NUTRITION/COOKING CLASS REFUND 34.00 70639 8/23/99 FENDER'S AUTO SERVICE VE 934 REPLACE FUEL FILTER&FLUSH RAT 660.00 70640 8/23/99 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL WET CHEM-BOD 64.80 70641 8/23/99 FIRSTLINE,LLC LATEX GLOVE X-LARGE 117.98 70642 8/23/99 FOLKINS&FOLKINS,INC. FUEL 3,374.28 70643 8/23/99 FOOD FOR LESS SODA&ICE 25.11 70644 8/23/99 GAS COMPANY 06161627002 14.79 00646 8/23/99 GEM AUTO PARTS AEROSOL 1,724.17 70647 8/23/99 GENERAL HOSPITAL SERVICES FOR FEB-JUNE 99 896.00 70648 8/23/99 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS AS COST ANALY FOR EVALUATING SVC DELIVI 660.00 G '3 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check Check _ Number Date Vendor Description Amou 70649 8/23/99 HAPPY TRAILS AUTOMOTIVE DIAGNOSE CATALITIC CONVERTOR 155.70 70650 8/23/99 VALERIE HUMPHREY MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 117.80 70651 8/23/99 INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION CITATION PROCESS FEE 192.88 70652 8/23/99 INGLIS PET HOTEL 48 LBS MAINT STRESS 274.54 70653 8/23/99 EVELYN INGRAM WATERCOLOR 215.84 70654 8/23/99 INSTASHRED SECURITY SERVICES BIN RENTAL 15.00 70655 8/23/99 LAW OFFICE,INC.J.CHRISTOPHER TOEWS JUNE 99 647.50 70656 8/23/99 EDWARD P.JARDINI DAVE BUSHOR,BARRY HARDY,JIM MARTIN 153.00 70657 8/23/99 JOBS IN GOVERNMENT AD FOR SR CIVIL ENGINEER 90.00 70658 8/23/99 JOHN L.WALLACE&ASSOCIATES GARCIA BRIDGE 643.11 70659 8/23/99 KEN'S MOBIL SERVICE FUEL 174.61 70660 8/23/99 KIQO 104.5 FM TRANSIT ADVERTISING 540.00 70661 8/23/99 KNB ADVERTISING 100 EMBROIDERED PATCHES 241.31 70662 8/23/99 LAURA,MD LEAVEY KIRK MCROBERTS 255.00 70663 8/23/99 PEGGY LITTELL BROKE VACUUM CLEANER 140.00 70664 8/23/99 LITTLE TIKES COMMERCIAL PLAY S PANEL SAFE PLAY 2-5 DKMT.KB 4 jj 70665 8/23/99 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE 4207 IGNITION 70666 8/23/99 MCDONALD APPRAISAL SERVICE 5405 LA UVA LANE 25.00 70667 8/23/99 MCNAMARA ELECTRIC 13W LAMP 5.64 70669 8/23/99 MOSS,LEVY,&HARTZHEIM AUDIT TO DATE 4,000.00 70670 8/23/99 OMNI-MEANS,INC. TRAFFIC WAY/RT 101 INTERCHANGE 3,375.94 70671 8/23/99 PACIFIC BELL 235/271-3385 44.78 70672 8/23/99 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC DBR 18283511 481.07 70673 8/23/99 PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT CENT'E E 9.52 70674 8/23/99 PRIMARY EYECARE CENTER ED LIMON 303.50 70675 8/23/99 CARMA PSOTER DANCE CLASS REFUND 36.00 70676 8/23/99 STEVE,DVM ROBINSON MAY-JUNE 99 1,180.00 70677 8/23/99 ROTARY CLUB OF ATASCADERO QTRLY DUES,DINNERS,MISSED MEETINGS 135.00 70679 8/23/99 PAUL SALDANA CELLULAR PHONE EXPENSES-MAY-JUNE 99 193.94 70680 8/23/99 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SHERIFF BOOKING FEES APR-JUNE 99 8,510.00 70681 8/23/99 SANTA MARIA TIRE,INC. TIRE FOR FORD SDUTY- 271.14 70682 8/23/99 LISETTE SCHOLL YOGA PLUS 162.40 70683 8/23/99 ISABEL SHIER PAVILION SECURITY DEPOSIT 70684 8/23/99 JOHN SIEMANS ADULT TENNIS 2 r' !t C �� City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check CheckAft _ Number Date Vendor Description Amount 70685 8/23/99 CENTER SIERRA VISTA REGIONAL MEDICAL JILL SMETHERS 144.66 70686 8/23/99 SIGN OUTLET 99 CROWN VICTORIA LETTERING 285.53 70687 8/23/99 SLO COUNTY FIRE TRAINING OFFC URBAN INTERFACE EXERCISE-5 FIRE 75.00 70688 8/23/99 SUSAN SOMMERS PAVILION SECURITY DEPOSIT 250.00 70689 8/23/99 STAPLES INC. 601110007133259 1,331.62 70690 8/23/99 THE CAR NEW BA BOYS BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND 25.00 70691 8/23/99 TIRE KING 2 TIRES 160.17 70692 8/23/99 TOPEKA ZOOLOGICAL PARK SMALL MADASCAR HEDGEHOG 50.00 70693 8/23/99 SKIP TOUCHON YOUTH BASKETBALL CAMP REFUND 40.00 70694 8/23/99 TRACEY WILEY&ASSOCIATES RDA COURT REPORTER 632.50 70695 8/23/99 TRIBUNE SUPPORT SERVICES AD 79.65 70696 8/23/99 UNOCAL 106236920 3,695.41 70697 8/23/99 WESTERN FARM SERVICE,INC. 30 GAL ROUNDUP 1,369.63 70698 8/23/99 WHIT'S WINDOW CLEANING BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND10.00 70699 8/23/99 WONDRIES FLEET GROUP 99 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 48,423.38 1070700 8/24/99 AZFA 1999 ANNUAL CONFERENCE ANNUAL CONFERENCE-TOM JAMASON 150.00 70701 8/24/99 CALIFORNIA INTERNET CONNECTION INTERNET SERVICE-#1798 JUNE 99 892.55 70702 8/24/99 U.S.POSTMASTER POSTAGE 131.89 990824 8/24/99 MID-STATE BANK FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX:Payment 26,428.13 41244 8/25/99 COLONIAL LIFE&ACCIDENT INS. COLONIAL PROD-NOT TAX DEF.:Payment 1,613.97 41245 8/25/99 CPIC LIFE VISION INSURANCE:Payment 1,289.95 41246 8/25/99 DELTA DENTAL,ATTN:ACCOUNTING DENTAL BENEFITS:Payment 5,757.01 41247 8/25/99 EQUITABLE LIFE LONG-TERM DISABILITY:Payment 280.36 41248 8/25/99 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN:Payment 69.26 41250 8/25/99 PUBLIC EMPL RETIREMENT SYSTEM PERS:Payment 19,035.26 41251 8/25/99 STANDARD INSURANCE CO. LIFE INSURANCE-109K:Payment 770.73 41254 8/25/99 LIFEGUARD MEDICAL INSURANCE OUT OF AREA:Paymec 25,662.60 2 8/26/99 BANK OF NEW YORK TRANSFER TO CASH W/FISCAL AGENT FOR" 60,609.63 801 8/26/99 U.S.BANK AD#4 9/2/99 PRINCIPAL&INTEREST PMT 72,870.00 70703 8/26/99 MASTERCARD DEPARTMENT 5472 4187 5020 4119 2,058.25 0704 8/30/99 A-JAY EXCAVATING,INC. HAUL OFF 2 LOADS OF BRUSH 318.50 70705 8/30/99 A.J.DIANI CONSTRUCTION CO. PARTIAL PAY ESTIMATE NO 1 86,319.41 Lot 7 5 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check Check _ Number Date Vendor Description Amo 26, 70706 8/30/99 ACTION TOWING TOE ISUZU TROOPER 38.25 70707 8/30/99 ADMINISTRATIVE FIRE SVCS SECT 1999-OOANNUAL MEMBERSHIP-MIKE MCCAI 25.00 70708 8/30/99 AIR RITE REFRIGERATION REPAIR REFRIG UNIT IN CONCESSION STAN] 304.77 70709 8/30/99 AMERICAN FED.OF AVICULTURE LISA CONKLIN-AVI.FED.MEMBERSHIP 30.00 70710 8/30/99 AMERICAN WEST TIRE&AUTO REPAIR FLAT 315.00 70711 8/30/99 ANDERSON'S AUTO SERVICES TUNE-UP 255.97 70712 8/30/99 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES LAUNDRY 228.34 70713 8/30/99 ATASCADERO BATTERY EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT PARTS 333.38 70714 8/30/99 ATASCADERO FORD 99 FORD RANGER 1FTYRI IV7XPCO2246 30,664.29 70715 8/30/99 ATASCADERO HAY&FEED LEAF EATER,RODENT BLOCKS 118.75 70716 8/30/99 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. RELOCATE AARP METER TO PISMO AVE 755.88 70717 8/30/99 ATASCADERO RADIATOR COMPUTER CONTROL MODULE-MILEAGE 8, 920.16 70718 8/30/99 ATASCADERO UPHOLSTERY HOSE BED COVER 372.01 70719 8/30/99 BANK OF NEW YORK FINAL INV-CAMINO LIMITED'bB IMP 93 228.25 70720 8/30/99 BAY LAUREL GARDEN CENTER LAVENDER,PENSTEMONS,PERENNIALS 84.34 70721 8/30/99 CINDY BENSON BALLET-7/01-7/29/99 393.40 70722 8/30/99 BEST BEST&KRIEGER LLP #24038.00000 JULY 99 4, 0 70723 8/30/99 BEST EVER JANITORIAL CLEANED BATHROOMS AT 4 PARK LOC 225.00 70724 8/30/99 BONGARDE COMMUNICATIONS,LTD SAFETY TALKS VOLUME 1 299.00 70725 8/30/99 BRENDLER JANITORIAL SERVICE JULY 99 JANITORIAL SERVICE-PAVILION 900.00 70726 8/30/99 JACK BRIDWELL WEED ABATEMENT-PARCELS 28,29,30,54,55, 8,643.60 70727 8/30/99 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT OVERNIGHT SERVICE 67.70 70728 8/30/99 CALIFORNIA TRAINING OFFICERS AGGSON,HALLETT,&STORNETTA 375.00 70729 8/30/99 CALIFORNIA TURF PRODUCTS,INC TORO HYDROLIC CYLINDER 291.10 70730 8/30/99 CANNON ASSOCIATES PLANNING SVCS FOR EL CENTRO PROJECT 2,606.70 70731 8/30/99 CENTRAL COAST SEA FOOD SMELT,CANADIAN 162.00 70732 8/30/99 CERTIFIED FOLDER DISPLAY SVC ZOO BROCHURES 69.99 70733 8/30/99 CHANNEL PAPER CO. HIGHLIGHTERS 13.05 70734 8/30/99 CHEM CLEAN LINERS 295.68 70735 8/30/99 BRADY CHERRY EXPENSE REPORT-PACIFIC GROVE 26.53 70736 8/30/99 CHICAGO GRADE LANDFILL,INC. LANDFILL USAGE 3,181.95 70737 8/30/99 COAST TO COAST HARDWARE LIMA-A-WAY 137.30 70738 8/30/99 CLAUDIA COLLIER JULY 99 MILEAGE 1 70739 8/30/99 CIMON CORMIER 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 70740 8/30/99 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER DRINKING WATER 33.00 G'�6 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check Check _ umber Date Vendor Description Amount 70741 8/30/99 CUESTA EQUIPMENT FIRST AID SUPPLIES 166.11 70742 8/30/99 CUESTA TITLE COMPANY REFUND FROM CK#2004743 39.20 70743 8/30/99 D&S SWEEPING SERVICE SHELVING 1,200.00 70744 8/30/99 DARRYL'S LOCK AND SAFE 3 DUP KEYS,1 SWITCH BOX 60.57 70745 8/30/99 ATTORNEY AT LAW DAVID M FLEISHMAN GENERAL LABOR&EMPLOYMENT MATTER 380.00 70746 8/30/99 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY ROOFING NAILS,SHINGLES,FLASHING 546.83 70747 8/30/99 DELTA SAFETY SUPPLY CO. GAS MONITORING METER 2,146.88 70748 8/30/99 JEFF DYE HUNTER SAFETY CLASS REFUND 9.00 70749 8/30/99 ROBERT ELLSWORTH PAVILION SECURITY DEPOSIT 94.00 70750 8/30/99 ESCUELA DEL RIO JULY 99 MAINT YOUTH CENTER 109.16 70751 8/30/99 FAMILIAN PIPE&SUPPLY 8 CLAY TO 8 Cl/PL COUPLING 203.64 70752 8/30/99 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR REPLACE FR DISC BRAKES&REPACK WH B 70.50 70753 8/30/99 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL WET CHEM-BOD 64.80 70754 8/30/99 FIRE INSTRUCTOR TESTING SOFTWA ESSENTIALS 4TH ED.QUESTION FILE 196.98 70755 8/30/99 FIRE SERVICE SPECIFICATION&S NEW VEHICLE SAFETY SYSTEMS FOR THE F 69.35 70756 8/30/99 FIRSTLINE,LLC VIREPEL LATEX GLOVES 85.80 0757 8/30/99 FOLKINS&FOLKINS,INC. BRAKE FLUID 146.85 70758 8/30/99 FOOD FOR LESS GROCERIES 236.39 70759 8/30/99 FRAZEE PAINTS PAINT,BRUSHES,MASKING TAPE,ETC 548.10 70760 8/30/99 FURNITURE FACTORY CLOSEOUTS RECLINER FOR STATION#2 332.48 70761 8/30/99 KAREN GARMAN CR PERFORMING 3-5 YEARS 804.40 70762 8/30/99 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTATION FIRE SHELTERS 320.80 70763 8/30/99 DAVID GRAHAM INVESTING PUBLIC FUNDS 79.95 70764 8/30/99 GRISANTI HARDWARE LOCK LUBR,GRAPHITE 14.90 70765 8/30/99 GTE WIRELESS 999/001-4059 209.41 70766 8/30/99 H.D.PETERSON REPAIR HINGES&LATCH ON SVC TRUCK 40.00 70767 8/30/99 DAVID HIXSON PAVILION SECURITY DEPOSIT 226.00 70768 8/30/99 HOBBY SHOP PAINT&REPLACE TAILGATE 1,290.24 70769 8/30/99 INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION HANDHELD RADIO MAINT/REPAIR 37.22 70770 8/30/99 EVELYN INGRAM WATERCOLOR 459.67 70771 8/30/99 JB DEWAR INC SOLVENT PRE-PAK,CLEAN OFF PARTS 150.42 70772 8/30/99 JESPERSEN'S TIRE SERVICE,INC. TIRE REPAIR 147.50 0 0773 8/30/99 JIFFY LUBE#1932 PCJL,INC. OIL CHANGE 109800 MILES 91.38 70774 8/30/99 L.ZACHARY JOHNSON ENGINEERING REFUND 1,516.75 C. S .j r City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check Check _ Number Date Vendor Description A 70775 8/30/99 JOSLIN ELECTRIC REPAIR VAULT LIGHTING-BRADY'S OFFICE 45. 0 70776 8/30/99 KEY TERMITE&PEST CONTROL EXTERMINATOR SERVICE 95.00 70777 8/30/99 KIQO 104.5 FM TRANSIT ADVERTISING 450.00 70778 8/30/99 KPRL 1230 AM TRANSIT ADVERTISING 716.00 70779 8/30/99 L.A.PET PRODUCTS SPEC.DIET FOR SUMATIAN TIGER 2,042.04 70780 8/30/99 LAIDLAW TRANSIT SERVICES,INC. JULY 99 18,888.51 70781 8/30/99 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO. JULY 1999 672.00 70782 8/30/99 LEISURE TIME POOL SUPPLY DPT TEST KIT 28.85 70783 8/30/99 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES 7/16-8/15/99 22.41 70784 8/30/99 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PING 72.00 70785 8/30/99 RON MACCORKELL SEWER EXTENSION REIMBURSEMENT 3,958.80 70786 8/3b/99 MARK'S PLUMBING SEWER MAINT. 141.75 70787 8/30/99 JOHN MARTINO 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 496.00 70788 8/30/99 ROBERT MAXWELL STRIP OLD ROOF OFF LIFE GUARD SHACK 460.00 70789 8/30/99 MID-COAST MOWER&SAW HEDGE TRIMMER-SER#505407 520.51 70790 8/30/99 PAUL MILLER 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 240.00 70791 8/30/99 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE STATION 1 LINEN 70792 8/30/99 EDDIE MITCHELL 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 90.00 70793 8/30/99 MYERS-STEVENS AND CO.,INC. 8/01-8/31/99 113.00 70794 8/30/99 NICKSON'S MACHINE SHOP INC. REPAIR VAUGHAN PEDESTAL CHOPPER PUD 8,189.40 70795 8/30/99 NORTH COUNTY GLASS 5 TEMPERED CIRCLES FOR LIGHTS 136.61 70796 8/30/99 OMNI-MEANS,INC. TRAFFIC WAY/ROUTE 101 INTERCHANGE PS 19,644.14 70797 8/30/99 OUR DESIGNS,INC. BUMPER STICKERS-ATASC FIRE"VEHICLE" 192.35 70798 8/30/99 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY MITER SAW,GRNDR,DRL PRESS 431.08 70799 8/30/99 PEST MANAGEMENT P.A.P.A. PAPA SEMINARS 135.00 70800 8/30/99 PACIFIC BELL 238/841-0124 OLD TREATMENT PLANT ALAR 31.46 70801 8/30/99 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC DBRI8283511 531.55 70802 8/30/99 PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTE RAZOR BLADES,BIT,BOLTS,NUTS,WASHERS 702.24 70803 8/30/99 PACIFIC TRUCK EQUIPMENT,INC. CUSTOM DOOR-GMC WHITE 675.54 70804 8/30/99 LEASE ADMINISTRATION CTR PANASONIC CC COPIER LEASE 944.55 70805 8/30/99 PASO ROBLES ELECTRIC,INC. EXTERIOR RED PORCH LIGHT 49.76 70806 8/30/99 PEARSON EDUCATION MAINT MGRS STANDARD MANUAL 91.27 70807 8/30/99 PERRY'S PARCEL SERVICE RETURN TITI MONKEY CRATE 70808 8/30/99 PETE JOHNSTON CHEVEROLET GEAR SHIFT CABLE 70809 8/30/99 TERRY PETERSON 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 72.00 co tJ City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of August 1999 Check Check _ umber DateVendor Description Amount. 70810 8/30/99 FIRE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH POSTAGE 87.83 70811 8/30/99 GERALD PHILLIPS 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 36.00 70812 8/30/99 PIONEER EQUIPMENT CO. TRACTOR REPAIR 152.08 70813 8/30199 PITNEY BOWES,INC. PINT BOTTLE EZ-SEAL 72.57 70814 8/30/99 JASON PLATZ 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 90.00 70815 8/30/99 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION,INC. OXYGEN 17.15 70816 8/30/99 PRECISION LITHO PRINTING OF RACK CARD 850.00 70817 8/30/99 PRO MOTION UNIFORMS FOR SKATE PARK STAFF 102.96 70818 8/30/99 QUILL CORPORATION FOLDERS,FILE BOX,PENS,INDEX'S 105.07 70819 8/30/99 RADIO SHACK BATTERIES 61.35 70820 8/30/99 RADFSSON HOTEL&CONFERENCE CE NO&SO CA.TRAINING OFFICERS-SYMPOSII 411.84 70821 8/30/99 RAINBOW MEALWORMS,INC. RAINBOW GIANTS&CRICKETS 29.43 70822 8/30/99 RICK BUTLER SALES&SERVICE BROTHER FAX CARTRIDGE 32.16 .a 70823 8/30/99 RRM DESIGN GROUP ALBERTSONS PLAN CHECKING 624.00 70824 8/30/99 RXLASER 6000 BRVB CHECK STOCK 302.40 70825 8/30/99 SAFETY-KLEEN INC. SOLVENT SERVICE EQUIPMENT 87.75 0826 8/30/99 SAN LUIS OBISPO REGIONAL 100 UNIVERSAL PASSES 3,000.00 70827 8/30/99 SAN LUIS PERSONNEL INC. MARTI JOHNSON 416.00 70828 8/30/99 SAN LUIS SURGICAL SUPPLY OXYGEN 25.74 70829 8/30/99 SANTA MARIA TIRE,INC. BALANCE TIRES 161.21 70830 8/30/99 LISETTE SCHOLL YOGA PLUS 90.30 70831 8/30/99 JOHN SIEMANS BEGINNING TENNIS 213.35 70832 8/30/99 SIR SPEEDY 250 INSP.REQUEST 80.58 70833 8/30/99 SLOCOMOTION 66 NAVY SHIRTS 439.73 70834 8/30/99 SPILL-TEK ENVIRONMENTAL PROD. ABSORBENT RD MAINT MATERIAL-2 CU FT 138.88 70835 8/30/99 KURT W.STONE NO&SO CA TRAINING OFFICERS SYMPOSIL 560.00 70836 8/30/99 SUPERIOR OFFICE SYSTEMS INC. 2ND FLOOR-AUGUST 99 545.96 70837 8/30/99 BOB SWEET CA HUNTER SAFETY 176.40 70838 8/30/99 SYLVESTER'S SECURITY ALARMS ALARM SERVICE 159.50 70839 8/30/99 TAYLOR RENTAL CENTER RENT TRENCHER 82.96 70840 8/30/99 TEMPLETON FEED&GRAIN CAGE GRUB 18.30 70841 8/30/99 JANET TINGLEY NUTRITION/COOKING SESSION 2 385.00 0842 8/30/99 TIRE KING 2 BRAVADA TIRES 115.13 70843 8/30/99 TODD PIPE&SUPPLY CONDUIT,WIRE,COUPLING,WASHERS,NUTS 1,956.78 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listin]? For the Month of August 1999 Check Check _ Number Date Vendor Description Amon 70844 8/30/99 TOM FLYNN&SONS 8 HRS-TREE TRIMMING&CHIPING 800.00 70845 8/30/99 TRIBUNE VET TECH AD 123.90 70846 8/30/99 UNISOURCE MAINT SUPPLY SYSTEMS JAVELIN 14 DUAL VACUUM 532.65 70847 8/30/99 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. HAND PRUNER&SHEAR,LEATHER SCABBA 57.49 70848 8/30/99 UNIVERSAL SPECIALTIES,INC. GREASE,LOCK RING,NUTS,DIAPHRAGM,DIS] 207.47 70849 8/30/99 DONALD VAUGHN ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK REFUND-97335- 353.00 70850 8/30/99 DUNCAN WALLACE ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK-98169-2,3 134.25 70851 8/30/99 WAUSAU TILE,INC. GARBAGE CAN LIDS 258.82 70852 8/30/99 CONTRACTORS,INC.WHITAKER ENGINEERD RETENTION-ATAS AVE BRIDGE SLOPE STAB 7,674.95 70853 8/30/99 WILSON LAND SURVEYS PARK RESERVATION"A"OF BLOCK J-C 400.00 70854 8/30/99 SCOTT WOODHOUSE 3 SOFTBALL GAMES 75.00 70855 8/30/99 ZUMAR INDUSTRIES,INC. STOP 30"OCT.080 EG 2,037.75 $ 1,143,142.83 C t- t ITEM NUMBER: A-10 ® r® a ■ DATE: 03/28/2000 n r CADS// Atascadero City Council Staff Report— Community Development Department Acceptance of Final Parcel Map # 99006 / AT 99-079 5398 Portola Road (Lynn Mosher) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council: 1. Accept the Final Map #99006; and 2. Accept a Public Utility Easement as shown on Attachment B. DISCUSSION: Tentative Parcel Map #99006 was approved by the Planning Commission on October 19, 1999. The approval allowed for the division of a 5.25 acre lot into two parcels of 3.65 and 1.60 acres each. Both of the parcels are developed with a single-family residence. General Plan and zoning will not allow additional units to be developed after the subdivision. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 66440 each approving legislative body must approve the Final Map and accept,,accept subject to improvement or reject, on behalf of the public, any real property offered for dedication for public use in conformity with the terms of the offer of dedication. A Public Utility Easement is being offered on Final Map #99006 to fulfill a Condition of Approval issued by the City. All other Conditions of Approval imposed by the Planning Commission have now been satisfied and the only remaining requirement is that the City Council accept the offer of dedication for the Public Utility Easement. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A--Approved Tentative Parcel Map Attachment B —Public Utility Easement G121 D0R10`A N°A° Attachment A • - °a"'°`��- Final Parcel Map 99006 (AT 99-079) Approved Tentative Neap n 5398 Portola Road Lynn Mosher r- VIM 01 BOOLA s x 1, C5 ¢fit m Z iY n �`i � QGGY�• S • ^1 O i Q Q Q m y� zz d < _ a-------------- i3i3+ s$j 8 r _ f � , U ,y Of� �. ` 3If W H �SCY � � 9%. '� wee»-r►•� � 3 2 Attachment B Final Parcel Map 99006 (AT 99-079) Public Utility Easment 3�„ � PORTOLA ROAD 5398 Portola Road M BASIS OF eE�1NCS Lynn Mosher S 22'47'00" E N �---- 136.04'M&RDD1 Cr N 7.90'M 78.14'M 8.04'RDD2 171.08'M 1 71.24'R 1 . o o" z a 00 m 1 N 00 z<Q Mao it 3 w� w w tn g \ y 1•a r J^ w O/ n 0 O i wwQ �N o fn s0 n �o ^ u7 w l WC.))N0 w r, Wa Ma U N �Q: Z CL toM W. X Of Z w N Q a C3 V Z JV z r \ >wW O� L, < ZO z 1 Cr U-)N U0 vtu Wi o 1 � � z 5 1 mo 64.00' RDD2-&M 52258'56"E 78.21 M1 N Ujo 1w So 1 Zw as O 1 az a a WCn .-U c9 fxf- 1 stn z I Fzw 1 cjz cS F- in W. ��� 0: z Fa-O Roz zU? W (aCL wn �w /O •:•� zZZ NO0�O zz vi :.� w Waatwii N �-� -A wa oo�a�1 pn as U) a0 '� a FNa o a I NaoDgd. z r z ^ wa Q�l�ip CL U a n JQw :I Z o UO04 Co w 1 1 0 dra /^ I Z CV 1 0 a /� :I p w 1 z 111 :; a o N N \ v ,A i a z 1 i0 a �' .8 a \ x �n7 a N O 1 0 n ^ j 0 1 :•:I b a w !- o I N < � CL M 11 M N Cn '-- Y I NN O I ^ ::) W�� � Cr O 1 r W W w to Cr 0 w 1 O •'I W�< 0. z 1 mm w \ O+iM h •:•� 1 Z \ 00 1 .n^ _'z 1 n^ V z •O� In N G wLO \1 s K) ww. N L W lS'Z4l M_lL.9LT.7.N �? � - 1 f � �1 ITEM NUMBER: A-11 d DATE: 03/28/2000 is.s 9 7 Atascadero City Council Staff Report— Community Development Department Acceptance of Final Parcel Map # 99013/AT 99-190 10600 West Frontage Road (Wilson Land Surveys / Gearhart) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council: 1. Accept the Final Map#99013; and 2. Accept a 6-foot wide Public Utility Easement contiguous to the West Frontage Road property line. • 3. Authorize Mayor to enter into a Subdivision Improvement Agreement with the applicant to ensure the public improvements are completed in accordance with the Conditions of Approval for Tentative Parcel Map#99013. DISCUSSION: Tentative Parcel Map #99013 was approved by the Planning Commission on September 7, 1999. . The approval allowed for the division of a 10.63 acre lot into three 2.56 acre parcels and one 2.95 acre parcel. One of the parcels is developed with a single-family residence and the other three parcels will be developed in the future. A condition of approval of the Tentative map was that the public improvements to West Frontage Road were to be completed prior to the recording of the map. The public improvements have not been completed. As an alternative to completing the improvements prior to recording the map, Section 11-8.11-11-8.13 of the City's Municipal Code provides a provision to allow the applicant and the City to enter into a Subdivision Improvement Agreement and provide an improvement security (a bond) for 100% of the total estimated costs of the improvements. The Subdivision Improvement Agreement is an agreement between the City and the applicant setting forth the procedures and requirements necessary to ensure the improvements are completed to the satisfaction of the City. ' C34 ITEM NUMBER: A—11 DATE: 03/28/2000 Pursuant to California Government Code Section 66440 each approving legislative body must approve the Final Map and accept, accept subject to improvement or reject, on behalf of the public, any real property offered for dedication for public use in conformity with the terms of the offer of dedication. A Public Utility Easement is being offered on Final Map #99013 to fulfill a Condition of Approval issued by the City. All other Conditions of Approval imposed by the Planning Commission have now been satisfied and the only remaining requirement is that the City Council accept the offer of dedication for the Public Utility Easement. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A --Approved Tentative Parcel Map 035 EXHIBIT A Final Parcel Map 99013 (AT 99-190) Approved Tentative Map 0 10600 West Frontage Road Wilson Land Surveys / Gearhart .0mm-Cor-me W—Mid—LZ) V -MHVd ET 101 it IL Z bi: i: ----------- IL to too r. Flin Cr 1?6 ITEM NUMBER: A-12 DATE: 03/28/2000 n � 79 Isis � ia79 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Community Services Department Request to Name a Trail in Stadium Park RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approve the draft Resolution naming a hiking trail in Stadium Park, the Blue Oak Trail. DISCUSSION: Recently, Atascadero resident Jim Ericson voluntarily constructed a trail in Stadium Park. This trail was designed and built in cooperation with City staff and after a walk-through with members of the public and after consultation with the California Conservation Corp, which has extensive expertise in trail construction. A copy of a map, indicating the location of the trail is enclosed. This new hiking trail provides a scenic path leading into and out of Stadium Park from the intersection of Pinal and Escarpa. Prior to the construction of this trail, there were no established public entry locations into Stadium Park. The trail provides the public with the only accessible entry into the Stadium Park "bowl area" during the Highway 41 re-alignment construction period. The entrance into Stadium Park from Capistrano, under the new bridge is closed during construction. The Parks and Recreation and staff are recommending that this trail be named the Blue Oak Trail, in keeping with the prevalent species of Oak tree located along the trail. This name is consistent with the City's Facility naming policy, a copy of which is attached. If approved, Staff will refer to the Blue Oak Trail on trailhead signs, trail brochures and on other materials referencing the trail. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff will spend approximately $300.00 on signs if this resolution is approved. L' U r ITEM NUMBER: A-12 DATE: 03/28/2000 ALTERNATIVES: No Alternative. ATTACHMENTS: Map of the Stadium Park Trail Draft Resolution .a C+u8 c s � 1 ` IL l � > VIC Q-0 a lu DRAFT RESOLUTION - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, NAMING A RECENTLY CONSTRUCTED HIKING TRAIL IN STADIUM PARK"THE BLUE OAK TRAIL" WHEREAS, a hiking trail has been constructed by volunteers on a hillside on the south-side of Stadium Park for public enjoyment, and: WHEREAS,the City of Atascadero Policy on the Naming of Public Buildings, Parks and other Facilities recommends that a park and recreation facility should have geographic, botanical, zoological, agricultural or historical significance, and: WHEREAS, Blue Oaks are a native botanical tree species that is prevalent along the Stadium Park hiking trail, and: WHEREAS,the Atascadero Parks and Recreation Commission unanimously recommended the naming of the trail the Blue Oak Trail, and: NOW, THEREFORE be it resolved that the Atascadero City Council hereby adopts the name of Blue Oak Trail for the recently constructed hiking trail in Stadium Park. PASSED AND ADOPTED at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Atascadero, held on the 28`h day of March 2000. ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA By Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk Ray Johnson, Mayor ITEM NUMBER: B-1 r o il f 0i DATE: 03/28/2000 I 191f, 1979 - Atascadero City Council Staff Report— Community Development Department Road Abandonment # 2000-0002 Abandonment of an Unimproved Portion of Coromar Avenue Right-of-Way (Wilson Land Surveys / Gearhart)' _RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends the Council adopt the draft Resolution, thereby summarily vacating a portion of unimproved Coromar Avenue right-of-way as conditioned and subject to the appropriate findings. DISCUSSION: Back rg ound.• On March 7, 2000 a duly noticed public hearing was held and the Planning Commission adopted Resolution PC 2000-014, thereby recommending that the City Council summarily vacate a portion of Coromar Avenue right-of-way. Analysis: The applicant is requesting the abandonment of a portion of the Coromar Avenue right-of way located between the 7000 block of Marchant Avenue and the 7300 Block of Coromar Avenue. The portion of the right-of way proposed to be abandoned is 8,234 square feet and is currently unused for street purposes. This portion of Coromar Avenue right-of-way has never been constructed for street purposes. The original right-of-way traversed across steeper topography, so it appears the location of Coromar Avenue was moved to its current location as a matter of practicality, occurring as part of the construction of Highway 101. In order for the City to abandon the subject right-of-way, a finding of General Plan consistency must be made. General Plan Consistency Pursuant to the CA Government Code Section 65402: "If a general plan or part there of has been adopted...no real property shall be...vacated or abandoned...until the location, purpose and extent of such...street vacation or abandonment...has been submitted to and reported upon by the planning agency as to the conformity with said general plan or part thereof. " Cts ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 03/28/2000 Staff believes the abandonment itself will not diminish any circulation goal of the city, • particularly since the right-of-way exists only as a paper road and the street has been constructed within existing city right-of-way in a nearby location. Coromar Avenue is considered a local street and according to the General Plan, "local streets have the sole function of providing access to adjoining land uses. " The abandonment of this portion of Coromar Avenue right-of-way will not limit access to any existing parcels. State Abandonment Findings: Under the Streets and Highways Code, this application qualifies as Summary Vacation (short form abandonment) as opposed to the General (long form)procedure: Pursuant to the California Streets and Highways Code, "The legislative body of a local agency may summarily vacate a street or highway if both of the following conditions exist...For a period of five consecutive years, the street or highway has been impassable for vehicular travel and no public money was expended for maintenance on the street or highway during such period. " The proposed abandonment is consistent with the state requirements for Summary Vacation because the portion of right-of-way to be abandoned is a paper road and has never been constructed or maintained for road purposes. a Environmental Review: The proposed project has been determined to be exempt from CEQA under the General Rule Exemption (California Environmental Quality Act, Guidelines Section 15061.b.3). The General Rule Exemption is for projects that are subject to CEQA, but it can been seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. Conclusion: This section of the Coromar Avenue right-of-way is not necessary for existing or future road purposes. The improved location of Coromar Avenue provides sufficient circulation for the area and access to existing parcels. The project meets the applicable state requirements for summary vacation and is consistent with the City's General Plan. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: 1. The City Council may approve the proposed Road Abandonment with modified conditions of approval. 2. The City Council may deny approval of the proposed Road Abandonment, based on appropriate findings. To deny an application, the Council must find that it is inconsistent with one of the required findings. The motion to deny must include a finding for denial. 092 ITEM NUMBER: B-I DATE: 03/28/2000 3. The City Council may continue the action and refer the project back to staff-for additional information or analysis. Direction should be given to staff and the applicant. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A - Location Map Attachment B - Zoning/General Plan maps Attachment C - Existing Location of Coromar Avenue Attachment D - Planning Commission Recommendation Resolution#2000-014 Attachment E - Draft City Council Resolution Exhibit A - Site Plan Exhibit B - Conditions of Approval .A 093 ATTACHMENT A Road Abandonment 2000-0002 Location Map Portion of Coromar Avenue Right-of- Gearhart/Wilson Land Surveys dr �r�lE'fP A + - � €was ATASCADFRQ` � `�? . nu �( e li Y 777 LEM WE Rx 1 1 p SITE 094 General Plan Map MODERATEDENSITTY SINGLE FAMILY log- da tow ♦10 rimI ♦ ♦♦ NOlow a Zoning Map LIMITED i r ♦ b. I / , tip Ike .��• ;•.�� �, k47, W11 . ;;.,. PAP, .,. .► kk•�,►i� - ►iii ATTACHMEN Road Abandonment 2000-0002 Existing Location of Coroi6ar Avenue Portion of Coromar Avenue Right-of-Way Gearhart Wilson Land Surveys � s wow -RON final nil I )� _#AlU� MIND- 011111 4111, 110111 Ab OWN qj ♦ /ib ♦ � ♦ ti ATTACHMENT D Road Abandonment 2000-0002 Draft Rsolution PC 2000-014 Portion Of Coromar Avenue Right-of-Way Gearhart/Wilson Land Surveys DRAFT RESOLUTION PC N0. 2000-014 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO RECOMMENDING SUMMARILY VACATION OF A PORTION OF COROMAR AVENUE PURSUANT TO SECTION 8331 OF THE CALIFORNIA STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE (ROAD ABANDONMENT #2000-0002) WHEREAS, Kelly Gearhart, 6205 Marchant Avenue, Atascadero (Owner / Applicant), applied for a Road Abandonment to abandon a portion of the Coromar Avenue right-of-way; and WHEREAS, the proposed project area has a General Plan Designation of Moderate Density Single Family and the project is in conformance with the Circulation Element of the General Plan and all other applicable General Plan policies; and A WHEREAS, the portion of the Coromar Avenue right-of way, as shown on the attached Exhibit A, has been never been improved and has been impassable for vehicular travel for a period of five consecutive years and no public money has been expended for maintenance on the street during such period; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the proposed Road Abandonment on March 7, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. and considered testimony and reports from staff, the applicants , and the public; NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission takes the following actions: SECTION 1. Notice of Exemption. The Planning Commission recommends the City Council find that the proposed project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under the General Rule Exemption(CEQA State Guidelines, Section 15061.b.3). SECTION 2. Findings_of Approval. The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council find as follows: 1. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan. 2. The portion of Coromar Avenue proposed to be abandoned has been impassable for vehicular travel for a period of five consecutive years and no public money has been expended for maintenance on the street during such period. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero does hereby recommend that the City Council approve Road Abandonment 2000- 0002 as shown on Exhibit A and subject to-Conditions of Approval contained in Exhibit B. 9 � Planning Commission Resolution 2000-014 - Coromar Avenue Right-ofWay Page 2 On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: .d ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Planning Commission Harold L. Carden III, Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: Paul M. Saldana, Director Community Development Department C � Exhibit A Road Abandonment 2000-0002 Site Plan - - Coromar Avenue Colony Right-of-way Gearhart/Wilson Land Surveys / p PORTION OF COROMARAVIENUQ 18 19 BLOCK M 8ETASSCADERO9�AL?0;?NA �P J� LOT 18 R=159.10 9 A=12'21 '20" LOT 19 L=34.31 `� S80'29'09 W "ell 140.50 �o �N �� Jz. F 45.21' .38 R= 114.10 S80'29 09 W 107 '09"W �32'57'42" S80-29 27.31' L=65.64 S44'02'54"E I / LOT 9 LOT 7 PROPOSED ABANDONMENT PORTION OF COROMAR AVE. LOT 10 8234 SF I 0 40 80 SCALE 1'=40' Exhibit B Road Abandonment 2000-0002 Conditions of Approval Coromar Avenue Colony Right-of-way Ile Gearhart/Wilson Land Surveys ENGINEERING CONDITIONS: 1. Prior to approving the road abandonment, the applicant shall have the application reviewed by all applicable public and private utility companies (cable, telephone, gas, electric, Atascadero Mutual Water Company). The applicant shall obtain a letter from each utility company which indicates their review of the application. The letter shall identify any new easements which may be requires by the utility company. A copy of the letter shall be submitted to the City. New easements shall be recorded prior to or concurrently with the road abandonment. A 1u0 ATTACHMENT E Road Abandonment 2000-0002 Draft City Council Resolution Portion of Coromar Avenue Right-of-Way Gearhart/Wilson Land Surveys DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO SUMMARILY VACATING AN UNIMPROVED PORTION OF COROMAR AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY PURSUANT TO SECTION 8331 OF THE CALIFORNIA STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE. (Road Abandonment 2000-0002/Wilson Land Surveys/Gearhart) WHEREAS, Kelly Gearhart, 6205 Marchant Avenue, Atascadero (Owner / Applicant), applied for a Road Abandonment to abandon a portion of the Coromar Avenue right-of-way; and WHEREAS, the proposed project area has a General Plan Designation of Moderate Density Single Family and the project is in conformance with the Circulation Element of the General Plan and all other applicable General Plan policies; and WHEREAS, Part 3, Chapter 4 of the California Streets and Highways Code authorizes summary vacation of a street or highway by adoption of a resolution of vacation; and WHEREAS, the portion of the Coromar Avenue right-of way, as shown on the attached Exhibit A, has been never been improved and has been impassable for vehicular travel for a period of five consecutive years and no public money has been expended for maintenance on the street during such period; and WHEREAS,the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the proposed Road Abandonment on March 7, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. and adopted Resolution PC 2000- 014 thereby recommending that the City Council adopt a resolution approving the summary vacation of the an unimproved portion of Coromar Avenue right-of-way; WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the proposed Road Abandonment on March 28, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. and considered testimony and reports from staff, the applicants , and the public; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council takes the following actions: SECTION 1. Notice of Exemption. The City Council find that the proposed project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under the General Rule Exemption (CEQA State Guidelines, Section 15061.b.3). SECTION 2. Findings of Approval. The City Council find as follows: 1. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan. 2. The portion of Coromar Avenue proposed to be abandoned has been impassable for vehicular travel for a period of five consecutive years and no public money has been 10 I City Council Draft Resolution Coromar Avenue Right-of-Way Page 2 expended for maintenance on the street during such period. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approve Road Abandonment 2000-0002 as shown on Exhibit A and subject to Conditions of Approval contained in Exhibit B. On motion by Councilperson and seconded by , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA • RAY JOHNSON, Mayor ATTEST: PAUL M. SALDANA, Director Community Development Department Exhibit A City Council Resolution Road Abandonment 2000-0002 Site Plan Portion of Coromar Avenue Right-of-Way Gearhart/Wilson Land Surveys FILE -2-i�' 'Y PORTION OF COROMAR P AVENUE LOTS 9 1 ccppa�19 BLOCK M—B ATASCADERO. L�ALIFORMA v LOT 18 R=159.10 ' a 0=12.21 '20" L=34.31 y' LOT 19 '1 580-2g' 140.50 i � F 45.21' S8p-2g,pg"W 07.38' R= 114.10 S80-2g'09"W 0 32'57'42" 27.31' L=65:64 S44'02'54"E / LOT 9 / LOT 7 ' PROPOSED ABANDONMENT PORTION OF COROMAR AVE. ' LOT 10 8234 SF I i 0 40 80 SCALE 1"=40' Exhibit B City Council Resolution Road Abandonment 2000-0002 Conditions of Approval Portion Of Coromar Avenue Right-of-Way Gearhart/Wilson Land Surveys ENGINEERING CONDITIONS: 1. Prior to approving the road abandonment, the applicant shall have the application reviewed by all applicable public and private utility companies (cable, telephone, gas, electric, Atascadero Mutual Water Company). The applicant shall obtain a letter from each utility company which indicates their review of the application. The letter shall identify any new easements which may be requires by the utility company. A copy of the letter shall be submitted to the City. New easements shall be recorded prior to or concurrently with the road abandonment. 104 ITEM NUMBER: C- I DATE: 03/28/2000 minim .0R 1918 9 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Community & Economic Development Smart Growth Principles RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council adopt Smart Growth Principles for the City of Atascadero as attached and direct staff to include principles in General Plan Update document. DISCUSSION: Background: On February 29, 2000, the City Council and Planning Commission held a workshop to discuss and formulate Smart Growth Principles for the City of Atascadero. The principles were based in part on those developed by the League of California Cities and are intended to be used as planning principles in the update of the general plan and as guidelines in the development of other regulatory ordinances and policies. Analysis: The term Smart Growth has been discussed, debated and defined by numerous national, state, and regional organizations, with no clear commonly accepted definition. However, most all of these organizations do agree that smart growth should be defined and implemented at the local level. The City of Atascadero's Smart Growth Principles can best be described as an approach to balance community quality of life, economic vitality and environmental sensitivity. The ten (10)principles are: ♦ Well-Planned New Growth ♦ Maximize Existing Infrastructure ♦ Support Vibrant City Centers ♦ Coordinate Planning for Regional Impacts ♦ Support High Quality Education and School Facilities ♦ Build Strong Communities ♦ Emphasize Joint-Use of Facilities ♦ Support Entrepreneurial/Creative Efforts ♦ Encourage Full Community Participation ♦ Establish a Secure Local Revenue Base These principles (further defined in Attachment "A") call for new development that is economically viable, creates a sense of community, and preserves natural resources. '� J ITEM NUMBER: C- I DATE: 03/28/2000 The principles will be used during the General Plan update process as the guiding principles for the general plan update process and will be utilized in the formation of plan policies. Likewise, these principles will be used as a guideline during the update of the zoning ordinance and other regulations. Staff will also begin to evaluate projects requiring discretionary,approval from the Planning Commission and City Council with a discussion of how the project relates to the principles. Planning Commission Action: The Planning Commission is scheduled to take action on the Principles at their March 21, 2000 meeting. The recommendation of the Commission will be reported during the staff presentation. Conclusion: The Smart Growth Principles for the City of Atascadero serve as the City's statement of the importance of balancing the social, physical, economic, and environmental characteristics of the community in accommodating new growth demands. The principles will be utilized in the update of the General Plan and as guidelines in the application of future regulations and policies of the City. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: The City Council may modify and/or further clarify the principles as presented. ATTACHMENTS: A. Smart Growth Principles ITEM NUMBER: C- I DATE: 03/28/2000 Attachment A City of Atascadero PRINCIPLES FOR SMART-GROWTH 1. Well-Planned New Growth: Recognize and preserve critical areas of open space, environmental habitats, and agricultural lands, while accommodating new growth in compact forms in areas designated for higher density, in a manner that encourages multi-modal transportation opportunities, integrates the new growth, and creates housing and job opportunities for people of all ages and income levels. 2. Maximize Existing Infrastructure: Accommodate additional growth by first focusing on the use and reuse of existing urbanized lands° supplied with infrastructure, with an emphasis on reinvesting in the maintenance and revitalization of existing infrastructure. 3. Support Vibrant City Centers: Give preference to the redevelopment and reuse of Downtown Atascadero and appropriate nodes along existing transportation corridors through the encouragement and retention of mixed- use development, business vitality, housing opportunities for people of all income levels, and safe, reliable and efficient multi-modal transportation systems. 4. Coordinated Planning For Regional Impacts: Coordinate planning with neighboring communities and the County so that there are agreed upon regional strategies and policies for dealing with the regional impacts of growth of transportation, housing, schools, air, water, wastewater, solid waste, natural resources, agricultural lands, and open space. 5. Support High Quality Education and School Facilities: Encourage and support high quality education, neighborhood-accessible school facilities and adequate library services as a critical determinant in making our community attractive to families, maintaining a desirable and livable community, promoting life-long learning opportunities, enhancing economic development, and providing a work force qualified to meet the full range of job skills required in the future economy. 1 �"s~� ITEM NUMBER: C- I DATE: 03/28/2000 6. Build StrongCommunities: Support and embrace the development of strong pp p 9 families and a socially and ethnically diverse community, by: (1) working to provide a balance of jobs and housing within the community; (2) reducing commute times; (3) promoting community involvement; (4) enhancing public safety; and (5) providing and supporting cultural and recreational opportunities. 7. Emphasize Joint-Use of Facilities: Emphasize the joint-use of existing compatible public facilities operated by City, school, County, and state agencies, as well as take advantage of opportunities to form partnerships with private businesses and non-profit agencies to maximize the community benefit of existing public and private facilities. 8.= Support Entrepreneurial/Creative Efforts: Support local endeavors to create new products, services and businesses that will expand the wealth and job opportunities for all social and economic levels. 9. Encourage Full Community Participation: Foster an open and inclusive community dialogue and promote alliances and partnerships to meet community needs. 10. Establish a Secure Local Revenue Base: Create/support the establishment of a secure, balanced, and discretionary local revenue base necessary to provide the full range of needed services and quality land use decisions. Draft produced at Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting, February 29, 2000. ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 03/28/2000 Atascadero City Council City Manager's Office Information Bulletin A. Employee Update Angela Schmidt Office Assistant III Hired 3/6/2000 Travis Taylor - Reserve Firefighter Hired 3/10/2000 Brian Herdrich Reserve Firefighter Hired 3/14/2000