HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 80-91 RESOLUTION NO. 80-91 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING THE POSITION ALLOCATION SCHEDULE AND SALARY SCHEDULE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991/92 FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby ratify: Section 1. Position and Salary Allocation Schedule. The schedule and salary of positions allocated by Department and Job Classification shall be as set forth in Exhibits I and II, attached to this resolution and made a part of this resolution. Section 2. Effective Date. The effective date of this resolution shall be July 1, 1991. Section 3. Deleted/Added Classifications. The following positions are deleted from the schedule adopted by Resolution No. 101-90: Deputy City Clerk Superintendent of Public Works Wastewater Operations Supervisor Building Aide Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo Assistant Parks, Recreation and Zoo Director The following classifications are added as per the attached schedule: Administrative Analyst Chief of Wastewater Operations Wastewater Treatment Operator III Building Technician Director of Community Services Zoo Director Section 4. Amendments. Amendments changing either the job classification or the number of positions shall be by Council resolution. On motion by Councilmember _ Borgeson , seconded by Council- member Lilley , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Nimmo, Dexter, Borgeson, Lilley and Mayor Shiers NOES: None Resolution No. 80-91 Page two of two ABSENT: None ADOPTED: August 13, 1991 ATTEST: - CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA By: d9dx=.14 F' 14 RABOIN City Clerk ALDEN F. SHIERS, Mayo APPROVED AS TO FORM: ART ER R. MO TAND , City Attorney EXHIBIT I, RES. NO. 80-91 (Page 1 of 2) CITY OF ATASCADERO PERMANENT POSITIONS ALLOCATED FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 CITY CLERIC: 7-1-91 Administrative Secretary 1,0 Department Total Z.O CITY MANAGER: City Manager 1.0 Personnel Coordinator 1.0 Secretary to the City Manager 1.0 Department Total 3.0 POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief of Police 1.0 Police Lieutenant 2.0 Police Sergeant 4.0 Police Agent 5.0 Police Officer 16.0 Support Services Manager 1.0 Support Services Lead Technician 1.0 Support Services Technician 7.5 Department Total 37 .5 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Fire Chief 1.0 Battalion Chief 2.0 Fire Captain 4.0 Fire Engineer 4.0 Firefighter 5.0 Administrative Secretary 1.0 Office Assistant I 0.5 Department Total 17.5 PUBLIC WORKS: Director of Public Works/City Engineer 1.0 Senior Civil Engineer 1.0 Associate Civil Engineer 1.0 Engineering Technician II 2.0 Administrative Analyst 1.0 Administrative Secretary 1.0 Office Assistant I 0.5 _EXHIBIT I, RES. NO. 80-91 (Page 2 of 2) PUBLIC WORKS, cont'd: Chief of Wastewater Operations 1.0 Wastewater Treatment Operator III 1.0 Wastewater Treatment Operator II 1.0 Wastewater Treatment Operator I 1.0 Wastewater Treatment Operator-in-Training 1.0 Department Total 12.5 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Director of Community Development 1.0 City Planner 1.0 Senior Planner 1.0 Assistant Planner 2.0 Planning Technician 1.0 Building Official 1.0 Plan Check Engineer 1.0 Compliance Official 1.0 Building Inspector II 2.0 Building Technician 1.0 Administrative Secretary 1.6 Office Assistant II 1.0 Department Total 14.6 COMMUNITY SERVICES: Director of Community Services 1. 0 Zoo Director 1.0 Recreation Supervisor 2,0 Administrative Secretary 1. 0 Office Assistant I 1.0 Park Supervisor 1.0 Maintenance Leadworker 1.0 Maintenance Worker II 8.0 Maintenance Worker I 5.0 Street Maintenance Supervisor 1.0 Building Maintenance Specialist 1.0 Department Total 23.0 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: Director of Administrative Services 1.0 Assistant Finance Director 1.0 Administrative Secretary 1.0 Finance Technician 1.0 Account Clerk Tl 1.0 Account Clerk I 1.0 Department Total 6.0 TOTAL FULL-TIME, PERMANENT POSITIONS 116.1 .--I O 00 W p4 w ty F--I F- W O �I ri co0 C -W W 6L, w q N OPP-+KKhKW OKMmO MNOAMN-+O W NmPW W NOOp--W•OMP--NKMOP K +KKh*•+ d a O-+bb Vl lnm NNbh mmNNOA bM N-•NMOR)mmmN Nln r-�*00�4M Yf3K bQOh d W Il7NKy W a F- aaohoa vi -•4 WKb W MMtnNP W W MAhyNb--PNA @+pNO bInPdP-.--W ONNPMW N K-- MRKPAmbbOm- NmOOPOMmVfdhRP WNm. 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