HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 111-90 RESOLUTION NO. 111-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGING CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE "GORDON DAVIS ROADS" INTO THE CITY' S MAINTAINED ROAD SYSTEM WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero Public Works Director entered into an Agreement for road improvements with Gordon T. Davis in 1983 and again in 1986 ( see Exhibits A & B, attached) ; and WHEREAS, Gordon T. Davis has petitioned the City to accept the roads covered by the 1983 and 1986 Agreements into the City-Main- tained System; and WHEREAS, the City' s Public Works Department has recommended against accepting certain roads , or portions thereof, into the City Maintained System pending their meeting the Terms and Conditions of the 1983 and 1986 Agreements; and WHEREAS, in order to resolve the issue, the City and Gordon T. Davis have negotiated a settlement leading to an agreed-upon list of additional improvements ( see Exhibit C, attached) , which, upon completion and inspection by the City, will lead to a blanket acceptance of all roads covered by the 1983 and 1986 Agreements into the City-Maintained System; and. WHEREAS, the adoption by Council of a resolution accepting all roads covered by the 1983 and 1986 Agreements into the City-Main- tained System will formalize, as policy, the exemption of all subsequent single-family residential development applications for individual lots from road improvement conditions, except as may be required in conjunction with driveway encroachment permits . NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does resolve as follows : 1 . Staff is directed to establish conditions for specific plans within the 1983 and 1986 Agreements consistent with Exhibit C; 2 . _ Staff is directed to formally consummate this agreement, including the acceptance of an improvement security for these improvements allowing the immediate approval of precise plans . on motion by Councilmember Nimmo seconded by Council- member ' Borgeson , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll-call vote : AYES: CouncilmembersDexter, Shiers, Borgeson, Nimmo and Mayor Lilley NOES: None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: September 11, 1990 RESOLUTION NO. 111-90 (Cont ' d) ATTES LEL DAYKA, Ci Clerk ROBER 4LIL-LFq, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: AR ER R. ONTA City Attorney HAWN N0. 111-90 805/434.1834 Exhibit A TWIN CI TIES ENGINEERING INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING & SURVEYING ALLEN W. CAMPBELL RCE 20244 January 25, 1983 Mr. Larry McPherson City Engineer City of Atascadero P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Re : Road Construction Agreement Portions of Graves Creek Road and Santa Ana Road Dear Mr. McPherson In accordance with discussions between Gordon T. Davis Cattle Co. and the City, the following is a summary of our under- standing of the procedures to be followed for the improvement of the roads shown on the attached plot plan. 1. Developer to enter into an inspection agreement with the City to reimburse City for actual inspection costs . 2 . Every attempt will be made to maintain the constructed road at its mapped location. Centerline monuments will be referenced prior to rough grading. 3. Developer will rough grade the roadway using information supplied by developer's engineer and a qualified soil testing service, approved by City, to establish cut and fill slopes . A qualified soils lab , approved by City, will take representative compaction tests at developer's cost and furnish the results to the City. 4. City Engineer's office will make an on-site inspection of the completed rough grading with developer's engineer. Adjustments will be made on recommendation concerning roadway grades and site distances . Cut and fill slopes will be examined at that time along with proposed location and size of drainage structures . Judgements will be based on well-recognized standards and P.O. BOX 777 • 200 MAIN STREET 9 TEMPLETON, CALIFORNIA 93465 +. Page #2 { • ( • Road Construction Agreement January 25, 1983 practices . Drainage calculations are to be submitted to City prior to the field inspection. 5. All underground utilities shall be placed prior to paving. Trenches are to be adequately com- pacted with appropriate backfill material. 6. Developer shall place aggregate base. This work will be inspected by the City and will require compaction tests to be furnished .by developer verifying the satisfactory placement of these materials . 7. After basing, City will review erosion control work and roadside drainage facilities . The City and developing engineer will determine the location of any roadside ditches or downdrains . 8. Developer shall re-establish and monument centerline controls for the roadway as approved by City. 9 . Developer shall provide accurate as-built plans for the roadway including plan and profile, culvert - locations and invert elevations , berm locations , utility locations , and any other improvement features . 10 . Drive approach cuts and fills will be accomplished along with the subgrade preparation in order to eliminate the necessity of disturbing the completed roadway section when the balance of the driveways are constructed to serve individual lots . A no hcarge grading permit will be obtained and plans showing the location of the access points will be presented to the Planning Department prior to approval to proceed with this work. 11. Final improved section shall be a minimum of 2" r A.C. over 411 of Class 3 aggregate base assuming a traffic index of 4 and a minimum "R" value of 50. 12 . The upper 18" of subgrade shall be compacted to 95% relative density as measured by California Test Method No. 216 or by calibrated nuclear density instrument. 12A. Developer shall maintain the newly constructed portions of Graves Creek and Santa Ana roads for one year after the date of acceptance. r Page #3 ( • • Road Construction Agreement January 25 , 1983 13. Final pavement width is to be 20 ' with an additional 2 ' required where A.C. berms are placed for drainage control . Aggre ate base width would then be a minimum of to accomodate the final pavement section. 14 . Cut ditches shall be paved with 2" of A.C. where the road grade exceeds 101 . 15. It is understood that Gordon T. Davis Cattle Co. also agrees to pay actual costs for City inspec- tion and engineering performed on this project. 16. The roads in question will be accepted for City maintenance when all the steps have been completed. Sincerely, Allen W. Campbell R.C.E. 20244 AWC/ss enc. cc: M. Warden L. Stevens I agree with all conditions outlined in this agreement from Mr. Campbell. 1 Signed Signed17 a,ri�y- McPherson or on avis Cattle Co . Dated •? - %�-�3 Dated IZO �. nt QL "-- ♦ ,� ° �t Eli -- \• © !c / \� •� -< /080 ) \ \ ��C � � ,__�� +► .IG UR Pq � ?� fes. ` '�" �'^`-•-���` �� -��/ � �! W � .-_ ,� t � `� ' � ~ � � 'I�`- �I `� .� _ SVT- .�• Lo 1p- "-' ' �♦ `�\ \ �`�' i �� ./�-� '� c. �" ear--� 20) 00 AT O �- �,�� `♦ .� �� ���„�J/ �,,. � �,•�..,��-,' ..�.: �..-,' ---� ISI y t�. . LO ft, -.Or`. \ (RF UTION N0. 111-90 ' � • Zxhibit B � 805/434.1834 TWIN CITIES ENGINEERING INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING & SURVEYING ALLEN W. CAMPBELL RCE 20244 June 13, 1986 Mr. Paul Sensibaugh Public Works Director City of Atascadero PO Boc 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 RE: Road Construction Agreement Portions of Atascadero Colony (See attached map) Dear Mr. Sensibaugh : In accordance with discussions between Gordon T. Davis Cattle Company and the City, the following is a summary of our under- standing of the procedures to be followed for the improvement of the roads shown on the attached plot plan. 1. Developer to enter into an inspection agreement with the City to reimburse City for actual inspection costs . 2. Every attempt will be made to maintain the constructed road at its mapped location. Centerline monuments will be referenced prior to rough grading. 3. Developer will rough grade the roadway using information supplied by developer's engineer and a qualified soils lab , approved by City, will take representative compaction tests at developer' s ' cost and furnish the results to the City. 4. City Engineer' s office will make an on-site inspection of the completeed rough grading with developer' s engineer. Adjustments will be made on recommendation concerning roadway grades and site distances . Cut and fill slopes will be examined at the time along with proposed location and size of drainage structures . Judgements will be based on well-recognized standards and practices . Drainage calculations are to be submitted to City prior to the field inspection. FILE COPS P.O. BOX 777 . 200 MAIN STREET • TEMPLETON, CALIFORNIA 93465 Page 2 Road Consturction Agreement Davis 6-13-86 S. All underground utilities shall be placed prior to paving. Trenches are to be adequately com- pacted with appropriate backfill material . 6. Developer shall place aggregate base. This work will be inspected by the City and will require compaction tests to be furnished by developer verifying the satisfactory placement of these materials . 7. After basing, City will review erosion control work and roadside drainage facilities . The City and developer's engineer will determine the location of any roadside ditches or downdrains . 8 . Developer shall re-establish and monument centerline controls for the roadway as approved by City. County standard monument well at road intersections and on long tangents , 5/8" rebar with metal caps at all other locations . The monument wells are also to serve as bench marks with elevations shown on the As-Built Plans . 9 . Developer shall provide accurate As-Built plans for the roadway including plan and profile, culvert locations and invert elevations, berm locations , utility locations , and any other improvement features 10 . Drive approach cuts and fills will be accomplished along with the subgrade preparation in order to eliminate the necessity of disturbing the completed roadway section when the balance of the driveways are constructed to serve individual lots . A no charge grading permit will be obtained and plans �°' showing the location of the access points will be presented to the Planning Department and a field review of the driveway location made prior to approval to proceed with this work . The driveway grading should be kept to no more that SO c.y. 11. Final improved section shall be a minimum of 2 inches A.C. over at least 4" of Class 3 aggregate base. The structural section is to be based on a traffic index of 4 and the R-value of the sub-base soils . 12 . The upper 18" of subgrade shall be compacted to 95% relative density as measured by California Test Method No. 216 or by calibrated nuclear density instrument 00 ' • Page 3 Road Construction Agreement Davin 6-13-86 13. Final pavement width is to be 20 feet with an additional two foot required where A.C. berms are placed for drainage control. Aggregate base width would then be a minimum one foot outside the edge of pavement. Also an additional two foot of A.C. widening with adequate tapers will be required where sharp horizontal curves are encountered. 14. Cut ditches shall be paved with 2 inches of A.C. where the road grade exceeds 10% . 15. It is understood that Gordon T. Davis Cattle Co. also agrees to pay actual costs for City inspec tion and engineering performed on this project. 16. Developer will maintain roads for one year after date of acceptance. 17. The roads in question will be accepted for City maintenance when all steps have been completed. 18. Generally the roads are to be developed in accordance with the attached phasing plan. The stages of the work is to take place , such as tree removal , grubbing, rough grading, etc. prior to start of construction. Sincerely, Allen W. Campb 11 R.C.E. 20244 AWC/pas enclosure cc : Henry Engen I agree with all conditions outlined in this agreement from Mr. Campbell. f /� tf Signed J�, Signed t f L Paul Senssibaugh Gordon T. Davis Cattle Co. Dated IIZZ/g6 Dated 'e7 ` / _ V ` ° u I V a • X - Qy g \ s r \ a � � � r C a _ X V 3I J a a ! IA p ? _ � O 7 a , w •i nl•- -`v M -N' y. �_«_. .�}R r l �/ �w o-�_ �-q - r.. g - ! s ass _ rr m O Ic O N (D Resolution No. 111-90 EXHIBIT "C" (Original maps on file under separate cover with the City Clerk) I EXHIBIT C OF RESOLUTION NO 111-90, ADOPTED BY THE CC ON 9/11/90 IS LOCATED IN THE CITY MANAGER'S FILE ROOM (LARGE ORANGE DOCUMENT TUBE)