HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 72-89 0 Y RESOLUTION NUMBER 72-89 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS UNDER THE ROBERTI-Z'BERG-HARRIS URBAN OPEN SPACE AND 'RECREATION PROGRAM FOR ATASCADERO LAKE PARK PAVILION OR ADJACENT LAND ACQUISITION WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of California has enacted the Roberti-Z'berg-Harris Urban Open Space and Recreation Program, which provides funds to certain political subdivisions of the State of California for acquiring lands and for developing facilities to meet urban recreation needs; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Parks and Recreation has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of the program, setting up necessary procedures governing application by local agencies under the program; and WHEREAS, said procedures established by the State Department of Parks and Recreation require the applicant to certify, by resolution, the approval, of applications prior to submission of said applications to the State; and WHEREAS, said applications contain a certification that the applicant will comply with all Federal State, and local environmental , public health , relocation, affirmative action, and clearinghouse requirements, and all other appropriate codes, laws, and regulations prior to the expenditure of the grant funds; and WHEREAS, the project(s) applied for under this program must be of a -high priority and satisfy the most urgent park and recreation needs, with emphasis on unmet needs in the most heavily populated areas; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Atascadero City Council hereby resolve. 1 . Approve the filing of an application for funding under the Roberti-z 'berg-Harris Urban Open Space and Recreation Program; 2. Certifies that said agency understands the general provisions of the agreement . 3. Certifies that said agency has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the project (s) funded under this program. 4. Certifies that said agency has or will have available, prior to commencement of any work on the project (s) included in this application, the required match funds. 5. Certifies that the project (s) included in this application conform to the Recreation Element of the City of Atascadero ' s General Plan. b. Appoints the City Manager as agent of the City of Atascadero to conduct all negotiations and execute and submit all documents including, but not limited to, applications, agreements, amendments, payment results, and so on that may be necessary for the completion of the aforementioned project (s) . 7. Appoints the City Attorney as legal counsel for said agency with authorization to sign the certification on Page 1 of the application. On motion by ___ Co-uncilperson_ Bor&esorL__- and seconded by Co_u_n_c_il_pe_rson__M_a_c_k_ey_....... the foregoing resolution is hereby adoptedonthe following roll call vote AYES: Coucilperson Borgeson, Mackey , Shiers , Lilley and Mayor Dexter NOES: None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: September 26, 1989 R N DEXTER, Mayor ATTEST: BOYD C. SHARITZ, Cit lerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: F EY G SEN, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: R W NDSOR, City -Manager----- 0 GRANT APPLICATION • To apply,submit one copy each of the applicable documents listed below. 1. A completed application form signed by the person authorized in your resolution and by your attorney. 2. The resolution from your governing body authorizing the application. 3. Environmental Impact Report or Negative Declaration and a copy of the Notice of Determination showing the county clerk's stamps, or, if applicable,a copy of the Notice of Exemption if the project is categorically exempt, or the reason why CEQA does not apply. Clearinghouse response is required if you have an EIR or Negative Declaration for the project. 4. A city or county street map showing the project location with sufficient detail to find the site. 5. If property to be developed is not owned in fee,evidence of adequate land tenure. (Copies of leases,joint powers agreements, permits, etc.) 6. A site plan for development projects. Map of the overall park showing location of project facilities, details of access,water, power and sanitation. 7. Cost estimate. A detailed estimate of all projects costs. 8. Acquisition map and acquisition schedule Fisting number of parcels,size,approximate date of acquisition and cost (acquisition projects only). 9. Summary of comments made at a public hearing concerning any acquisition that impacts productive agricultural lands (acquisition projects only). 10. Local match certification form. 11. A list of all funds,over and above the grant requested,that will be used for the project. 12. Photos of the project site. 13. Copies of all permits, leases, agreements,etc.,affecting project lands or operation and maintenance. 14. Requests for waiver of matching requirement. (If applicable) 15. Written narrative justifying project (needs-basis only). Assurances The applicant hereby gives assurances and certifies with respect to the grant that: It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant, and to finance, acquire and construct the proposed project; that a resolution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body,- authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein,and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required. Applicant will provide and maintain competent and adequate architectural engineering supervision and inspection at the construction site to insure that the completed work conforms with the approved plans and specifications; that it will furnish progress reports and such other information as the State may require. Applicant will give the State's authorized representative access to and the right to examine all records, books,papers,or document related to the grant. Applicant will cause work on the project to be commenced within a reasonable time after receipt of notification from the State that funds have been approved and that the project will be pursued to completion with reasonable diligence. Applicant will not dispose of or encumber its title or other intrests in the site and facilities without permission from the State Legislature. Applicant will comply where applicable with provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and any other State', and/or local laws, rules and/or regulations. In cases involving leased property, it agrees to maintain and operate the property and/or facilities acquired or developed for an agreed to period commensurate with the type of project and the proportion of state grant funds and local funds allocated to the capital costs of the project.. DPR 632 (Back) (nano) (88/8 'A8H) ZE9 8da -pos.mgsip aq 11!m spun}Aue aaolaq pau6ls ivawmBe ue pue lana aq isnw sivawaimbei aieiS 11V •Aau.loile anoA Aq pau6ls uolieglidde inoA paAlaoaJ sey alels ayl pue ainielsl6a- ayi Aq panoidde uaaq sey loafoid anoA .tal;e Aluo lue.IB aqi isuleBe sisoo .mow Aew no,t 1NVlaOdWi OJOPPOSSW Jo .4zO 'Aau.ao4gV AM-9 `NQS �242s) '0 R2( V", _2 (lasunoo le6 —p aou 1.11 ua of 1!pne ue lonpuoa Aew luawiueda(i ayi leyi inq'suo!ieln6ai jo smel'sepoo 18301 jo alels'lejapa;algeo!idde Aue yi!m aouelldwoo ainsue of Ai!l!glsuodsai Aue ownsse jou 1pm uo!ieajoay pue S)iJed;o wawiuedaa amS ayl leyl spuelsiapun Alln; iueo!idde ayi w4i A;!1Jao J8411n; 1 '(p)9999 apoo saoinoseli a(ignd) spun;iueJB ayi;o aml!puadxa ayi 01 ioud suo!ieln6aa pue 'smel 'sapoo ale!adoidde jayio !le pue sluawannbai asnoy6uueelo pue 'uo!1oe aA!1ewj!;;e 'uo!leoolai 'gzIeay o!lgnd'IeivawuonAua leool pue mels'fejapa; Ile'iaaw IPm Jo'law sey iueo!ldde ayi leyl Apim Agaiay I VO 10.zapeose-4y 30 Agzo 'Josew `Halxaa Njggoi aie[] uo!inlosalj ui umogSse an!iewasaidaH pezuoyinV sjuewlcld (I •w o;s!yi;o asianai ayi uo Lnue pue uo, ew,o;u,lueluodwi ayi pueisiapun pue peal eney I leyi pue aleinooe s!'siumpelie paimbei Bu!pnlou!'uo!ieo!idde s!41 ul pauleluoo uoliewjo;u! ayi ieyl Apim I aced aleQ (>13040 aseald) (uleldxa) isajalul aayio h13943 aseald) i3efoid aialdwoo ioafoid iaeis aiewlis3 (posolous) aseal.IeaA a iapun elgel!ene 1�I�y�aZgald) 3 lsip Ajgwassy P T—•istQ aieueS iueoildde Aq oldwis eel ui paumo :paieool sl ioafwd yolyA^ul jagwnu loeal snsua3 saioe £Z 338foad—annual purl • 43a4TgDjV pue A;tunwwoo aq4 Aq pauiwaa4ap se sash .tag4o pue 6uago4TN 'sai4TIToel s4ae butwao_j.aad 'swooa asodind 141nw apnToui o4 pasodoad st A411ioej a41 -A4TO ayi. jo A4T-ioTud 4sagbTq aq4 see 4oaroad stg4 paoeid sey pue pa4aTdwoo uaaq sey 4ndui otTgnd pue Apn4s aATsua4x3 •A4Tunwwon aq4 a3epoww000e o4 A41ITme.. pa4eTaa ao aa4ua3 A41unwwoo ou sey ATquaaano ojapeose4d �o A413 ayl •A4iunwwoo ayi` _.o spaau Teuoi4eaaoaa pue otTgnd a4epowwod'oe o4 A41IT oet otTgnd papaau ydnw a aptnoad IlTm 643agiyoad 4ue4lnsuo3 a g6no-iq4 a6e4s uBTsap aq4 ui AT4uaaano st g3lgM 6A4Tjioe.I. uoiTTAed pasodoid s,A;To aq4 _4.o 4uawdOTanaa (;a1a8)13810M;o uolidmosea auo (811W awe T1 aZ g DZN `-��Vvd o uo:pzvyj r pal 't maup-uy ) 0005-19P (509) (anlleluasaidaj pazlJogine woa;luaja;;lp;!)loofoid jo;A4l1!q!suodsoi Aep-of-Aep yl!m uosaad (auogd) (81111) (aweN o 1 o5-19t sos: va -OUroW7) kosrpUrm uolinioseM ui pezljoylnV anlleluesaidelrl,siueollddV "oy:pUop 'pUnj Uao spun:]Bul4o4eW;o oojnoS o72mSrr1 v D "•DZ—$ 003 10810 d 18101 Paiewli$3 (apoa dlz•lain ssaappe—AauaBV)iueallddy 0000000—$ spun]Bu1401OW;o;unowV 000,00T $ isenbaa lueja;o lunowV UM'�A'vd -aP7 OuapvDMY aweN loatad U4uB4O s!se8 paaN 1NVUE) 33NVISISSV 1V301 HOS NO11V311ddV 0 tuejo)tao1s WVUDOUd NO11V3H33M aNV 33VdS-N3dO N gun S1HHVH-91i38.Z-11U380H 8NO)133H0 WlIV3833H(INV SNHVd:]O lN3WlHVd34 AoueOV seamosea eyl-e!uwo}!Ie3;o a#e1S State of California—The Resources Agency REPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CHECK ONE w ROBERTI-Z'BERG-HARRIS URBAN OPEN-SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM Block Grant ❑ APPLICATION FOR LOCAL ASSISTANCE GRANT Need Basis Granth( Project Name Atawadeho Lake PaviVon Amount of Grant Request $ 400,000 Amount of Matching Funds $ 300,000 Applicant(Agency-address incl,zip code) Estimated Total Project Cost $_700,000 Uty of Atawadw Source of Matching Funds Uty GeneAat Fund, donat�onz Applicants'Representative Authorized in Resolution (type) Ray ftlin SOA Uty Manageh 805 461-5010 (Name) (Title) (Phone) - Person with day-to-day responsibility for project(if different from authorized representative) (805) 461-5000 (type) AndAew J. Takata WAectoA ob Pankz, Rec 8 ZED — (Name) (�P�hone) Description of Project(Brief) Development of the City 's proposed pavilion facility, which is currently in the design stage through a consultant Architect , will provide a much needed public facility to accommodate public and recreational needs of .,the community. The City of Atascadero currently has no community .tenter or related facility to accommodate the community. Extensive study and public input has been completed and has placed this project as the highest priority of the City. The facility is proposed to include multi- purpose rooms, performing arts facilities, kitchen, and other uses as determined by the community and Architect . Land Tenure-Project: 23 acres Census tract number in which project is located: owned in fee simple by applicant Senate Dist. 14 Assembly Dist. 29 (Plea a Check) (Please Check)available under a' year lease(enclosed) Estimate start project Complete project _ other interest(explain) (Please Check) Date Date certify that the information contained in this application,including required attachments,is accurate and that I have read and understand the important informs ion and assur s on the reverse of this form. Signed a �9 pplicant's Authorized Representativeas Shown in Resolution Date ROLLIN DEXTER, Mayor, City of Atascadero, CA . 1 hereby certify that the applicant has met,or will meet,all federal,state and local environmental, public health, relocation, affirmative action, and clearinghouse requirements and all other appropriate codes, laws,and regulations prior to the expenditure of the grant funds. (Public Resources Code 5656(d). 1 further certify that the applicant fully understands that the State Department of Parks and Recreation will not assume any responsibility to ensure compliance with any applicable federal,state or local codes,laws or regulations,but that the Department may conduct an audit to ens=compliance. gal Counsel) Date J FRE G. RG SEN, City Attorney, City of Atascadero -IMPORTANT You may incur costs against the grant only after your project has been approved by the Legislature and the State has received your application signed by your attorney. All State requirements must be met and an agreement signed before any funds will be disbursed: DPR 632,(Rev. 8/88) (over) ' (Tea) z£9 adO loafoid ayi jo sisoo lel!deo ayi of paleoolle spun} 18301 pue spun} luea6 alels 10 uolliodoid ayi pue loefoid jo adAl aylyl!nn aleinsuawwoo pouad of paaj6e ue lob padolanap Jo paiinboe saii!l!oe}jo/pue Aiiadoid ayi alejado pue u!elu!ew of saaj6e 1! 'Aiaadoid paseal 6u!A!onu! saseo u1 suo!leln6aj ao/pue saln.i 'snnei leool jo/pue 'aje1S jaylo Aue pue joy Al!leno leluaWuoi!Au3 elwoJ!Ieo ayl 10 suojs!Ao.id yi!nn algewIdde aaaynn Aidwoa limn lueo!iddy a�nle�si6a-i aielS 241 WOJJ uo!ss!wjad inoyi!m sa!i!I!oe}pue al!s ayl ui slsaJlul aaylo Jo ally sii jagwnoue jo jo asodslp sou li!m lueo!Iddy aoua6!i!p algeuoseaj y1!nn uo!laldwoo of pans.ind aq ll!M loafoid ayl leyl pue panoadde uaaq aney spun]ieyl ale1S aql woa}uo!leol;!lou 10 ld!aaai jade awllalgeuoseaj a u141!An pa3uaww03 aq of ioafoid ayi uo >laoM asneo 11!m lueo!iddy •luej6 ayi of paiela.i ivawnoop jo 'siaded 's>looq 'spiooai lie au!wexe of iy6u ayi pue of ss000e Milewasajda.i pazuoylne s,olelS ayi aA!6 jinn lueoilddy aimbei Aew aleiS agi se uo!lewaojui jaylo yons pue siUodai ssai6oid 4slwn; ll!M i! leyl csuolleoipoads pue sueld panoidde ayi yl!nn sw.ioju0a iljonn palaidwoo ayl leyl ainsu! of al!s uo!1onjlsu03 ayl le uolioadsm pue uo!slAaadns 6uuaau!6ua leinloal!yoje alenbape pue lualadwoo ulelulew pue ap!Aoad 1!!M lueo!Iddy pajmbaj aq Aew se uollewiolul leuoa!ppe yons ap!Aojd of pue uo mildde ayi yl!m uopDauuoo ut ioe of iueo!ldde 81.11 10 8A!lewasaidai leia!llo ayl se pa!I!luap! uosiad ay1 6u!zuoylne PUB 6u!loailp pue'u!ajayl pauieluoo saouemsse pue s6u!pueisaapun lie 6wpniou! 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'jo'sdwels s,iljalo Aiunoo a41 6u!anoys uo!leu!wJalaQ 10 aolloN ayl jo Adoo a pue uoiieleload aA!ie68N Jo iaodaa loedwl leluawuoi!Au3 '£ •uo!leoiidde ayl 6u!zljoglne Apoq 6u!wano6 inoA wojj uo!inlosai a4.L 'Z Aawoue.inoA Aq pue uo!inlosai jnoA ui pazijoyine uosiad ayi Aq pou6!s wiol uo!leo!idde palaidwo0 y •l •Anolaq pawl sivawnoop algeolidde ayi}o yoea Adoo auo 1!wgns'Aldde of NOI-LVDIlddV 1Nb'aJ