HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 69-89 RESOLUTION NO. 69-89 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AUTHORIZING ENTERING INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero entered into an agreement with Cooperative Personnel Services on October 1 , 1979, for the purpose of performing testing services; and WHEREAS, Cooperative Personnel Services requires the City to update the original agreement and to extend provisions of the agreement ; and NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Atascadero City Council authorizes the Director of Administrative Services to enter into and sign an agreement with Coopertive Personnel Services. On motion by Councilperson Shiers , and seconded by Councilperson Borgeson the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES:Councilmembers Shiers, Borgeson, Mackey, Lilley and Mayor Dexter NOES:None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: 9-12-89 CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA OLLIN DEXTER, Mayor ATTEST: BOYD GVSHARITZ, City C1 PREPARED BY: MARK A. JOSEPH, Director of Administrative Services APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RAY WI SOR, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: /a—zae��� F EY O NSEN, City Attorney • • RELATED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Scoring Stencil $10.00 per stencil Supplements $50 when ordered with Stock or Custom Tests. Stock booklet charge when ordered without other tests. Custom Test Review Copy $250.00 Preview Copy of Final Custom Test $50.00 Agency Test Review $35.00 Cancellation Fee $200.00 Stack $300.00 Custom Scoring Services (Non-CP S Tests) $50.00 plus .50 per candidate '(ig6luaano ssaadx3 leaapa3) aaj r3ugpueq pup Foulddlgg %S i (alp hep-z ssaadx3 leaapa3) aai 6ullpueU pup 6ulddl4s %01 PGIJU aq uea aapao uayr&aal}ou gaam z Inogl!A% siap.io Ao; a6m43 aolnaas pa}lpadxa 0s$ '4sanbaa ua a94 alqeilen*e swou pale3s pup Aa}soi laoi}agregdW sago os a5eluawad pup A%A qj!A sal eplpureo jo Aaisoi Aapio�uu pure `sol;s111e1s ;sad krewwns sapnpul fulaoag 's}aays ja#sue jo 16upoos aulgorew pue'(al-ei.adoadde see) seeressed leaa 'suopna}sul s,aopoid '}says aafrsue al eplpuea'Nooq Isal algesnaa-uou sapnpul paua n}aa sjal�ooq Tsai jo aFmjored ue4oaqun q*ea Ao} aapao Tools ;xau uo ;lpaao 0o's a$ 'o 1 jo saEreped ui liluo paaapio aq fiew pue palqLuessre we sisal 09' 1$ +0 t 0 l SL'1$ 0001-019 00'z$ 009-011 OS'Z$ 001-01 a yC)'4009 JOd fiv niD )1009 AWIS H31HJ13 3H1313A31 AUIN3 os*9$ 09'L$ 00'b$ +010 00'9$ 00'8$ 9 T tl$ 0002-0101 09.9$ 09'8$ 09'b$ 0001-019 00"L$ 00'6$ 00'9$ oos-o l l os,L$ O9'S$ 0S'S$ 001-01 30UVH3 X1009 Yid ALIINvnb o0c$ SLG$ 00T$ 333 3Stt8 ADMOV Wols(10 Noo is 6861 't Axenu-er 8nij:3ag:j S3JLVU -IVJN3U Sd3 r 4. Client Administration of Test and Return of Test Materials. The client shall administer the examination in accordance with instructions provided by CPS and immediately following the examination will return all used and unused examination booklets, keyed booklets,scoring keys(if pro- vided by the client), instructions, and any other materials furnished by CPS and not consumed(except that in such cases as provided in paragraph 11. B (7), 11. B(8), and II. B (9) time extensions may granted by CPS). 5. Re-Use of Test Materials. Clients requesting test material use for a specific date and candidate count, will not be allowed to reuse the tests for another date or candidate group without prior permission of CPS. 6. Scoring of Tests. CPS will score all scannable answer sheets, at no cost to the client. At the discretion of CPS, responsibility for the scoring of standardized stock tests may be granted to the client. Custom tests and agency tests may be scored by the client.Open ended test question answers,such as essays,typing,and shorthand tests may be scored by the client,or CPS will score these tests for a fee. 7. Test Papers inspection Under Client Policy. If the client has an officially adopted rule or established policy regarding can- didates' privilege of inspecting a keyed copy of an examination or answer sheets following the examination,and this rule or policy has been submitted in writing to CPS at least 10 days prior to the first examination scheduled under this agreement for which such inspection is desired, CPS will comply with the inspection privileges as officially recognized by the client. Excep- tion: No inspection shall be allowed for standardized test materials, or test preduplicated as stock tests or semi-stock tests, or of questions not scored by an absolute standard. During key inspection, a representative of the client's Personnel or Ad- ministrative office must be present to assure that no candidate takes away from the review any notes regarding a test question. Upon request of the client, and when submitted in writing by a candidate who participated in the examination, CPS will analyze protests resulting from such review and recommend the action to be taken by the client. 8. Test Papers Inspection Under CPS Policy. If the client has no officially adopted rule orestablished policy regarding can- didates'privilege of inspecting a keyed copy of an examination or answer sheet(s) following the examination and wishes to allow such an inspection privilege, the following CPS policy shall govern: a. Key Inspection inspection of a keyed copy of the examination book, for the purpose of requesting a review of such items as the candidate may believe are incorrect or improperly keyed,will be allowed for five working days immediately following an examination, providing this has been requested by the client at least 10 day prior to the examina- tion. The inspection time allowed a candidate will not exceed one-half the amount of time originally allowed to answer the question during the administration of the examination. 'tiessooau weep AM SdO se lepalew iaylo 4ons pue uolleuiwexa a4i 6uij9ls!u!wpe joj suo!1 onjisu 'sialMooq uo!leu!wexe luelo!gns gJIM lualio 941 ap!noid 11e4s SdO •slopelew lsal l0 lelllwsuejj •g -palsel aq of uo!leoipsselo 4oea ut salep!pueo jo aagwnu lelol OW jo Sdo Aplou llegs lua!ip a4j 'alep uo!leu!wexa eqj of joijd sAep 6u!Mjom o f uegl ssal ION •seleplpueo jo jagwnN !o Sd3 0; uolleolllloN 1ua!10 -Z 'uo!lejedaid pue 6uilnpe4os jol aw!1 MOIle of aouenpe ui AIlua!o!jjns Sdo A;!lou (legs sao!nias uo!lejedaid wexa 6u!j!sap jueilo a41 'suolleulwex3 jo 6u!Inpe4ag •L slsaj wolsno pue MoolS 6u!japjo •g 'lua!Io 94l Pue SdO Aq uodn paaj6e pue palsanbei uaaq se4 uo!jeu!wexa ue 4o!4m jol uo!leo!l!sselo qo( 4oee jol 'luallo aqj Aq pa 4s!wni uo!lewjo;ui aqj uo paseq'uo ieu!wexe uallljm a lonilsuoo IIe4s Sdo •slepejeW Isaj jo uoilejedaJd S413 -Z -Aue j! 'Ie1luajajjlp lj!gs pue Aieles 'saleslpliao jo sesueo!l paj!nbar`qo( aqj jo uolleool'slj!ys 1suo!1!puoo 6uiNjom Ie oads 'uoipsod aqj;o salinp aqj wjojjad of paj!nbaj s9!1rI!ge pue sil!Ms '96palMouN aqj 'pawojjad aq of Niom a4l jo uo!lduosep uallunn a SdO of 6Ui4siu -jnj jol alq!suodsai sl saoimas uo!lejedaid wexe wolsno 6u!jlsap luallo y •slue!10 woij pajlnbeH uolleuuojul •L slsaj wolsno Buuedajd •y •suo!leuiwexa 6uljoos pue uollonjlsuoo `uollejedaid '6uilnpagos '6u!uueld Joj saoitias SdO ua9no6 Ile4s suo!s void 6u!Mollol agjL S3un(13000d CINV S310110d SdO - 11 u0939S •swial sl! II!)Inj pUe luaweaAe sm u6!s siesn Ike lE4l leluai jol algel!ene slepejew isal sl! 6ulNew jo; uoippuoo a se saj}nbaj SdO`Ieualew ayl of smoe jadoidw!6u!ne14 Aq 96eluenpe leloads u!e6 Rew uosied ou je4j japio ul •sisal 4ons eMel o4M suosied jo slsajal -ul 94j se Ilam se 'siepejew lsal agl asn 1e4l slua!lo lie jo slsajeju! lenlnw a41 loeloid of pau6!sap spiepuels Allmon isal Sdo suleldxe osle ll *sempeowd pue sa!o!lod asn lsal (SdO) ,sao!AJGS IauuosJad an!lejad000 seu!jap juawee16e s141 jN3W331f0V d0 3SOdund - I u01400S SNcium0a aNV SWU311N3W33HOV 3Sf11S31 S331AU3S 13NNOSU3d 3n11VU3d003 During key inspection, a representative of the client's Personnel or Administrative office must be present to assure that the candidate takes no notes of any kind regarding any test materials. Upon request of the client and when submitted in writing by a can- didate who participated in the examination,CPS will analyze protests resulting from such review and recommend the action to be taken by the client. b. Answer Sheet(s) Inspection. Inspection of a candidate's answer sheet(s), for the purpose of detecting whether any clerical or other er- ror has been made in the scoring of the answer sheets,shall be allow- ed for a 14-calendar-day period immediately following the notifica- tion to the candidate of examination results. Upon request, CPS will return the candidate's answer sheet(s) after scoring and a copy of a keyed answer sheet(s) to the client. Candidates are not allowed to review the question booklet during this inspection period. Not more than one hour will normally be allowed for answer sheet(s) review. A representative of the client's Personnel or Administrative office shall be present to assure that no changes or marks of any kind are made by the candidate on the answer sheet(s) or the keyed answer sheet(s). c. Certain Tests Not to be Open for Key Inspection. Standardized tests, stock tests, semi-stock tests, and questions not scored by an absolute standard will not be available for keyed copy inspection nor may candidates be allowed to review copies of these tests at anytime. 9. Extended Usage. If the client wishes to administer examinations on a continuous basis for certain mutually agreed upon classes, CPS may,at its discretion, supply the examination booklets, a scoring key and instructions for extended usage. Extended usage is defined as the client's retention of examination booklets and instructions after their initial administration for the purpose of readministering them.The client shall score such examinations. 10. Examination Charges. In consideration of`the performance by CPS for testing services specifically described in this Exhibit, the client agrees to pay CPS in ac- cordance with"Written Examination Price List"(Exhibit A)in effect at the time of rental arrangements. 11. Canceled or Postponed Examinations. Clients maybe billed for work done on a canceled or postponed examina- tion up to the time CPS is notified of such action. Under certain cir- cumstances,credit may be given for work already performed if the test is rescheduled. •paJBloln uaaq 9ne4 JO 6u1 -eq aie ivaw9ai6e s141 to suo!i!puoo pue sWJal ayl s9n9119q 1!1! slepalew isel sl! ileoai Jo plo44l!m pue'luawaaa6e s!4l aleu!w'al of 1461) 84l sulel9J SdO 1N3W33aJd d0 NOIIVNIWIi31 - Al uolloaS 'JapJo aAlloalojd jol uollow Aq se 4ons slaa4s jamsue 6ulPnlo -ul le!Jalew lsal 914110 Al!le!luap!luoo a41 pjen6ales of sainseew alepdoidde a�el II!M Sd0`Al!jo4ine Ie69l ql!M palsaA Apog ja4lo jo linoo a Aq s6ulPaeo -oid ie6al u1 panlonul awooaq pino4s SdO wool paulelgo lepajew isal Aue ll •saouelswno -jio Aue aapun lua!!o a4J Aq paldoo suollsenb lsal jou paleoildnp aq lou Ile4s slahlooq uo1lsanp •luallo a4l to Apolsno a4i of loafgns ajam slepaJew lsel Pies 91!gm paAoilsep uaaq ane4 Aew `SdO to uoluldo 94l u1 `sasodind 6ulisol jol anieA aso4M 10 lsoi We 18U1 sle!J81EW lsal Jo}`Sd0 Aq pau!wjalap se `sisoo luawaoe!dai a4J to lie jo uo!liod a jol SdO asjngwlaj of saaAe pue lua!lo a4l of pallddns slepaJew isal Ile to AJunoas 943 joi alq!suodsaj aq of saai6e 1u8113 a41 •wagl of ssaooe 6u!Ae4 wojj suosiad paz!jog1neun Juan -aid II!m le41 jauuew a u1 paaols pue play aq IIe4s Aa41 'SdO to Aliadoid ayl u!ewej pue aq IIegs luawaoi6e s141 aapun SdO Aq paliddns slepejew isal IIV Sldla31VW-1S3130 Aiit=3S - III uolloaS 'smel luawAoldwe i!el Aq paJoeloid sdnoj6 sloalle AlasJaApe 11 i! spJepuels 6u!is91 Ja4Jo slaaw pue p!IeA s! ssaooid a4l le4l aleilsuowep of paiedaid aq isnw pue ssaooid uolloalas ayl to slinsai a41 jol alglsuodsat si jasn lsal se 1u9110 a43 `uolsslwwo0 Al!unlioddO JuawAoIdw3 lenb3 o4l to s9u!l9pin6 uogoalas a4l japun.alogm9 se uo leulwexa aql jol pue seoueu!pio jo`salnj`smel algeo!id -de Aue of ssaooid uo!leu!wexe sol to Allwjoluoo 941 jol Al!i!g!suodsaj_ awnsse Begs Ju8110 'SdO Aq of peoi6e pue to pelsenbei uaeq Alleo!poods IOU an184 4a14m ss000id uolieu!wexe a4i to slied Ile wjoljad 1je4s lua!lo a41 sall!i!q!suodsad lua!10 -0