HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 093-87 RESOLUTION 93-87 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AWARDING BID OF COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE TO IBM AND DLH/INE WHEREAS, theCityfinance system was inadequate to meet current need for information; and WHEREAS, the computer hardware the City has been using has reached technical obsolescence; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved the bid process for looking at current computer hardware and software; and WHEREAS, it is cost effective to include other department equip- ment needs to the bid and lease package; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Atascadero City Council does hereby award the bid for new computer hardware to IBM Corporation and. computer software to DLH/INE. On motion by Councilperson Mackey and seconded by Councilperson Handshy the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call votes: AYES: Councilmembers Bourbeau, Handshy, Borgeson, Mackey, and Mayor Norris NOES: None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: September 8, 1987 CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA By: BARBARA NOR IS, Mayor (Resolution No. 93-87, can't. ) ATTEST: BOYD C. S ARITZ, y Clerk PREPARED BY: ti DAVID .11701GENSEN, Admin. Svcs. Director APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: q- , i ,t tc�" - MICHAE SHELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Y RG SEN, City Attorney SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT This Agreement entered into on the 23 day of 1987, by and between DLH/INE CORPORATION of Stockton, California, hereinafter referred to as "DLH" , and City of Atascadero hereinafter referred to as "Client" ' as follows: DLH hereby agrees to grant and Client and all its divisions hereby agrees to accept a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Computer software and associated documentation hereinafter referred to as "licensed software", more particularly described in Schedule A, attached hereto. In consideration therefor, Client will make payment to DLH pursuant to Schedule A. Said license is subject to the following terms and conditions: TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. TERM - This license shall remain in effect until Client discontinues use of the licensed software or until the license is otherwise terminated as provided herein. 2. LICENSE - The licensed software is and incorporates proprietary information and trade secrets of DLH and is protected by copyrights owned by DLH. This Agreement and the licensed software to which it applies may not be assigned, sub-licensed or otherwise transferred by Client. No right to print or copy the licensed program in whole or in part is granted except that Client may copy in whole or in part, in printed or machine readable form, for Client' s use only, no more than three (3) printed copies and three (3) machine readable copies at any time without prior written consent from DLH. Except for the license which is granted hereunder, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as transferring Client any right, title or interest in any source or unmodified portions thereof, or as conferring any license or other right, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, under any patent, patent application, trade secret, , trademark or copyright. 3. SECURITY - Client agrees to use the licensed software only as provided in this Agreement and only during the term of the license granted by this Agreement and further agrees not to provide or otherwise make available any basic materials or related materials of the licensed software including, but not limited to flow charts, logic diagram and source code, in any form, to any person other than Client' s employees. Client agrees that it will take appropriate action by instruction, agreement or otherwise, with its employees permitted access to the licensed software,- to satisfy its obligations under this Agreement with respect to use, copying, modification, and protection and security of the licensed software. Client further agrees to advise DLH of any such misuse and to assist DLH with taking appropriate action to remedy same. saaabp quaT10 sgquow aniaMq go polaaa a JOJ pup 40agga UT ST asuaOTT sTg4 4egq poTaad aqq buTana SSSAOgdWa aO ONIHIHNON '6 •v elnpagos uT p9uTR4UOO suoT4Tpuoa pue swaaq age oq guensand pauTpggo aq Apw ao papTnoad aq IiTM 'Aup TT 'weaboad pasueoTi aq4 3o 4aoddns pue uoTgplTegsuI NOI1Vq,1V1SNL I laoddaS '8 •XgTnba uT ao Mel 4e 'agngaqs Aq papznoad satpawaa pup s4gbTa 19g4O due 04 U014Tppp uT aae pup anTsnioxa -.ou dap 4u9w9aa5V sTg4 uT g4109 49s HZQ 90 saTpawaz pup sggbTa aqs •sabpwpp Aauow se ITaM se (suoTgounCuT pup aouewaogaad oijToads dog saapao buTpnlouT) jaTiaa algegTnbe oq palgTqua aq ITegs HZQ 'an000 off. AIaXTT sT goeaaq a Bans 3T ao 'aaemggos pasuaoTi age. go eansolosTpuou oq goadsaa ggTM suoT4ebTlgo sqT go Aue sagopaaq quaTlo JT 'asuaOTI sTg4 go goaCgns aqq aae gegq saTqaadoad AaegaTadoad pup sgaaoas apeaq aqg. 90 HZQ 04 anTen 9q4 AITPTqupgsgns gstuTwTp IlTM uTaaegq pautpquoo uoTgpwaojuT Aue .zO 9apM4ffOs pasuaOTT aqq go aagsueaq pazTaoggnpun aouTS - AQQwSg •L 'H'IQ Aq buTgTam uT paziaoggne aq Aew se gdaoxa 'parloagsap uaaq aneg 'asuaOTi aqg q4TM uoT409uuoO uT appw aO gZQ WOaJ pantaOaa 9aeMg3Os p9su90Tl 9q4 90 suOT4eOTJTpow pup saTdoo IeTgaed buTpnIOUT pup 'gaed uT ao alogM uT 'waoT Aup uT 'saTdoo Ile pup IauTbTao aqq 'abpalMoux sqT go gsaq aqq oq pup sgaoTJa gsaq sqT gbnoagq 4Pg4 HZQ 04 buT4TaM uT XJTgaaO ITpgs guaTIO 'Joaaaq swaaq aqq ggTM a0uppa030e uT 'aapunaaaq paqueab asuaoTi 9q4 90 uOT4puiwa94 age. .z949P sxaaM (Z) OM4 uTg4TM - NOI1VDIaI1H9D *9 •quaTlo oq aoT4ou uaggTaM dg ageuiwaaq llpgs aepunaaaq paquaab sasuaOTT lip pup 4u9w99abV sTg4 94PUTUfI94 Apw HZQ 'guaTID Og uantb uaaq spq 909a9g4 9OT40u u944TaM 2943p SAep u94 uTg4TM paTpawaa 4ou dap suoT4TpuoO aO uoT4TpuO3 Bons pup Jgdnaxupq pabpnCpp ST (£) :ao/pup Agaadoad sqT To gaed ao TIP go abapgo axpq oq paquToddp Si aaoTjgo aplTwTs a ao Xogdnaxueq uT 99gsna4 'aanTaoaa P aO 'sao4TpaaO go gTJauaq aq4 dog quawubtssp up axew oq sgdwa-4gp (Z) :aapunaaag papTAoad wpaboad aapmggos Aup ao 'aepunaaaq p94upab asuaOTT Aug ao 4uawaaabV sTgq aagsupiq ao asueoTlgns 'ubTsse o-4 s-4dwa4gp (T) :4u9TIO 4eq4 4u9n9 9q4 uI - NOISKNINHHs 'S •aapunaaaq eaumggos pasuOOTT aqq go aouawaogaad ao asn aqq ggTM uoT4oauuoo uT ao go qno buTstap 'uOT40p snoTgaoq aaggo ao aouabTTbau 'gaeaguoo go uoTgop up UT aaggaqM 'awoouT ao pgpp 'asn go ssol woag buTglnsea aaAaosgegM sabpwpp Aue ao sabpwpp IPT4uanbasuoo ao goaaTpui 'IeToads Cup jog algpTI aq HZQ Iiegs 4u9A9 OU UI •ssau�.TT pup �gTiTgpqueqOaaw go s9T4ueaaeM paTTdwT TIP buipnlouT 'aepunaaaq -4uaTTO oq pasueoTl wpabo.ad aaeMgjos Aue o4 paebaa uT s9T4ueaapM TIP pup Aue swTelOstp HZQ 'anoge pagsgs AqupaapM ssaadxa aqq dog gdaoxa •aTnpow gopa go AaanTlap buTMOIIOT poTaad Xep 06 aqg buTanp HZQ off. paqaodea 'uoT4dTaosap -4onpoad aavmgjos aqq oq aaemgjos pasuaoTl aqq go aauewaojuoouou Aup Apawaa oq aq Ilpgs aapunaaaq uoT4PbTlgo aTos s ,HZQ •alnpoN pasuao Z gOpa aOT 3Qino aasn aqq uT punog uOTgdTaOsap gonpoad s ,aapMgJos aq4 oq wao;uoo Tiegs wpaboad pasuaoTT aqy - XZNKUHWA SNHWaaHOV 9SN30Iq aUvmS30S Z abed Page 3 SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT not to employ any person who was in the employ of DLH at the time of installation, and if Client does so employ an employee of DLH Client agrees to pay as liquidated damages to DLH, a sum equal to one year's salary for the employee. 10. WAIVER - Failure by either party to enforce any provisions in this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of that provision or any other provision of this Agreement. 11. AMENDMENT - No amendment, waiver or alteration of this Agreement may be made in any manner other than in writing. 12. PAYMENT - Services may be provided to Client that are billable. Client agrees to pay all bills within ten days of receipt and to be liable for penalty and interest on bills past due. The fees and charges covered by this agreement do not include any sales or use tax or any other such taxes. Client hereby certifies that it is tax exempt, and attaches herein a tax exemption certificate, or client agrees to pay applicable taxes and submit proof of such payment with this agreement. Client agrees to pay any taxes, fees, penalties and interest assessed or incurred by DLH because of Client's failure to pay applicable taxes. 13. ATTORNEY FEES - If a dispute arises where it becomes necessary to engage the services of an attorney to enforce this Agreement or any portion thereof, the prevailing party in any such dispute shall be entitled to receive reasonable attorney' s fees and costs from the other party. " 14. GOVERNING LAW - This Agreement shall be governed by the Laws of the State of California. 15. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - Client acknowledges that it has read this Agreement, understands it, agrees to be bound by its terms and further agrees that it is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the parties which supersedes all communications and understandings between the parties relating to the subject matter thereof. Whereby the parties hereby execute this Agreement consisting of three pages, and an additional 2 page Schedule A, and 2 page Schedule B. CITY OF ATASC ER0 DLH/INE CORPORATION By: AdaBy:_)Q04_/1 '& �,..� ., Name: it7 Douglas Dowden Title: Title: President 6500 Palma Ave. Date: 23, 197 Atascadero, CA 93423 4502 Georgetown Place; St. 100 (805) 466-8000 Stockton, CA 95207 •3Tegs HZQ dq pajinouT sesuadxa jengoe uo paseQ quaTlo �q pTed aq JITM sesuadxa pa4el9l pup sleaw 'bUTbpoT 'Ianeas *jnoq 09$ 3o agaa s 4e algeTTene aze s90TA19S Aup 16J sanoq IeuoTgTppV •sanoq ggbTa go wnwTUTw e go Aep xioM Tlnj auo uegg ssal .aoj aq ueo agTs guns oq sgTsTn ou Begg ST buTUTeI4 sTgg Jo uoT4e4TwTl aqs •abaego eagxa ou qe papnIOUT st awTg sTgI •paiapao alnpow goea go asn aqg uT Jjegs pTes buTUTezg go asodand aqg iog 'Jjegs s4u9TTO Jo jagwnu algeuoseaj Aup 103 'gua?TZ) Aq pagpubTsap 94Ts algpuospaj p ge papTAOad 9JP BUTUIP14 go sinoq aqs •paspalax UagM u-oTs.zan gsageT aqg 9nT909a TTTM guaTTO Begg os paheTap quawdTgs aneq ITTm salnpow pTes 'japao go amTg ge pasinaJ buTaq go ssaooid aqg uT aae Begg salnpow go aseo aqg uT gdaoxa 'lTnT uT guawAed pup gopaguoo pagnoaxa Alnp e go gdTaoaz go xaaM auo uTggTM guaTlo oq paddTgs aq TTTM 9zem4JOS •,KTdda swzag aseal aaagM saseal, paubTsse To aseo aqg uT gdaoxa 'H`IQ og guawaajbp buTsueoTI go uzngaj g4TM Tln; uT guawAed aae swaas VVL'£Z $ guawaaabV ggTM anQ Tegos (%9) xes sales 8Z OOfii'ZZS 06Z$ <----legoy 9JeM4jOS uoT4ROTTddV algenTaDag sgun000v V 008'Z $ S£ t snoeupllaasTH Z9£S Z 006'Z $ S£ $ sgassV paxTa Z9£S V 006'Z $ S£ $ asuaOTrI ssauTsng Z9£S 0 OOT'T $ OT $ bUTgaodau •XSTG SUHd Z9£S 8 006'V $ OL $ Tauuos.zad/llojApd Z9£S v OOS`Z $ S£ $ bUT496png Z9£S algeAed sgun000v 9 00£'S $ OL $ /Jabpari Tp.zauag Z9£S sanoH aa3 90ueu94UTPH aaeMgjos adAs bUTuTeal asuaoT'I AIgguoW uoT4eoTTddV aossaooad aal3 •Molaq 'a alnpegoS go swaag aqg a9pun guaTlo og aTgeTTene apew aae goTgM sgonpoid HZQ og apew aje sguawaouequa 'awTg og awTg woa3 •awTg buTuTpaq pup gaoddns auogd9T94 p94Tw I (abJegO e.zgxa gp TpuoTgTppp 'alnpow jad saTdoo Z go wnwTxew) uoT4Pquawnoop jasn 'AgueaaeM ggTM awoo 'Molaq p94STI '91eM4Jos SNI/HZQ V HrInGaHDS SNawaSHOV SSNSOI'I aldvmlaos V abed Page 5 SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT Telephone Support - For the first 90 days after shipment of software modules, between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm DLH will be available by telephone to answer questions and address DLH licensed software questions Client may have. In order to prevent excessive use of this support service, Client agrees to implement certain policies and procedures that follow generally accepted computer usage practices. Some of these include: a. The Client agrees to designate a single person, and an alternate back-up person, to coordinate all calls to DLH. Client agrees to provide the names, addresses, regular and emergency telephone numbers of these two people to DLH, and to notify DLH of any changes regarding said designees. This person, and the alternate back-up person will make the contact with DLH. b. The .Client agrees to maintain a record of all such calls, problems and other computer related irregularities to assure clear communications with DLH. This record will be maintained by the designated contact person, and will be complete and up-to-date. c. Client agrees to exercise reasonable care in the operation and use of its computer system, including to make frequent and complete "back-up copies" of all data files being used by client, to not delete or discard such back-up copies until they are no longer useful , to not experiment with data files without having complete and current back-up copies, and to not answer unusual computer messages that the Client does not understand prior to either making a full back-up copy of the related data files (when possible) or calling DLH for assistance. d. Client understands and agrees that DLH has no control or responsibility over Client' s implementing or following such guidelines, and no responsibility or liability for any actions of Client or Client's employees or agents, including but not limited to actions that affect the computer system, software, data, or output. Client accepts that problems created by negligence on the part of Client or its employees will not be covered under this support agreement, and that services provided by DLH to help address such problems will be billed by DLH and paid by client according to the DLH' s current rates for such services. Telephone support is a limited service. In the event the Client makes recurring calls rather than read the documentation, or in the event the Client attempts to use telephone support in lieu of training sessions for new or replacement users, DLH reserves the right to notify Client of such abuse of telephone support, and to set a fee whereby any future such calls would be billed to and paid by Client at an additional rate. Prior to such notice Client agrees to negotiate in good faith with DLH to attempt to correct any such abuse. 'quawa3ueuua ue log sgOeaquo3 guaTTO aaagM saseo UI •squaTTO ITP oq aTgRTTPAe spew sT gegg apeabdn Tanarl UOTS19A uOT4e3TTddV ao 'agppdn IaAa uozgeOTJTPow quanbasgns p oq paps uagq PUP 'guar LO Aq aog pTpq 'ATIpaT�TOads quaTlO log U94MM ale geuq sagpp n aae papnToxa ATIPoxjToads •buTTpueg pup 'buTddTgs ' (saggaxsip) eTpaw -Toj gdaoxe abaego ou qe Paptnoad aq ITTM sagepdn asagy •aapMggoS pasuaOTrl aqq JO asealaa Ianarl uOTgeOTjTPOW awes aq4 buTsn aq IITM squaTTO IIP gegg Os guawaaabe 90ueu94UTew aapun sguaTTo ITP oq PapTAOad eap sagepdn pup 'sabuego 'squawaouequa asags •guaTTO og pasuaOTT aapMgjog aqq oq sagepdn pup sabupgO 'sguawaouaqua dOTanap Aew HqG 'awtq oq awTq woaa - SaIVGda 'S •anogp 'V aTnpagoS uT pagTaosap asoqq se awes aqq aq TTTM aOTAaaS auogdaTas JO suOT4TPuOO pup swaaq ags •aApq Apw gualO aqg gegg swaTgoad aapMgjoS pasuaoTZ HZQ sseappe pup suoTgsanb aaMsup oq auoudaTag Aq aTgeTTVAP aq TTTM H'IQ Wd 00: S Pup WPI 00 : 6 3o sanoq aqq uaaMgag SOIAUHS SNOHdagal -V 'HZQ Aq papTAOad qou sweaboad ao swagsAs go gaoddns pup :HZQ uegg aaggO auoAup Aq PaTjTpow sweaboad ao swagsAs go gaoddns :sasuadxa pup awt4 I9ne.z4 buTpnlouT 'gaoddns agTs uo :aaemgjoS pasuaoTq aqq go s19A9q uOTsaaA Mau :quaTTO Aq pagsanbaa AITeoTjToads suoTgeoTjTpow !buTuTPaq aogeaado Mau :uoTgVZTIPTgTUT pup uoTgellpgsuT W94SAS apnlouT qou Op AIlpoTjToads quawaaabv sTuq aapun papiAOad saOTAaaS •saaTdxa AqupaaeM IpuTbTao aqg a94JP 9bpa9AOO Aq.ueaaeM panuTquoa PUP 'gaoddns uoTgeglnsuoo auogdaTaq :HZQ Aq pagsTTgpgsa uagm pup jT sdnoa0 aasn uT dTgsaagwaw : (abpgsod pup saggaXSTP aoq, gdaoxa) abaPgO IPuoTgTPpp ou qp 'gOpaguOO 90upu94UTPW aapun aae OgM sguaTlO IIS Oq PapTAOad eap gegq eaemgjoS pasueoiq aqq go squawaoueguS pup sagepdn Tanarl uOTgpOTJTPON Pappupgs apnTOuT saOTAaaS aOupuaguTpW - SSOIAHaS '£ •uiaaag PaPTAOad se guawaaabv eoupuaquTPN aaeMgjoS paMauaa aqq ageuTwaaq ao sabupgo guns gd9ooe Oq ggbTa aqg seg 4u9TTO aqs •guawaaabv quaaano aqq go uoTgeaTdxa agg oq aoTad sApp (09) AgxTs 4SP91 qp buTgTaM uT sabupga guns go guaTTO buTAJTgou Aq quawaaabe sTgg JO suoTgTpuoO Pup swaaq aqq abupga 04 ggbTa aqq sanaasaa HqG •aeax IpOsTJ aATssaoons gaga aOJ PaMauaa AlleOTgpwognp aq TTTM 4u9w99a6V s90TA29S - gVMSNaU 'Z •Oq.aaaq paptnoad sp P94PUTWI94 asTMaaggO ST guawaaabg 90upu94uTRW 9apM4JOS aqg liqun ao 'goa,Tga UT suTpwaa gonpoad aaeMgjos szgq aoj quawaaabV asuaOTZ aapMgjoS agq gpg4 PapTAoad '886T aunt uo spua gOTgM ae9A TvOsTJ s ,guaTTO aqq aOJ 439JJ9 uT uTewaa ITpgs saOTAaaS aOueuaquTpW - NUal -T :suOTgTpuoO pup Swaaq bUTMOIJOJ aqq oq goalgns eap s90TAJOS PIPS •anogp 'V ajnpagS uT pagTaosead sp qunowe up Jo HqG Og squamAed axew JITM quaTTO 'goaaagq UOT4e19PTSUOO UI •anogp 'V alnpagos UT pagTaosap 'saTnpow aapMgjos pasuaOTI go quawdTgs a949e sAPP (06) Aggbza paapunq auO uTbaq IlTM S90TA19S aOueu94UTQW 9apM4jos ATgguOK SNSWaaHDV SaOIAHaS SONVNHZNIKW allVMIaOS - S H`InGaHOS ZNSWSSuov SSNSOI'I -aavmlaos 9 abed M Page 7 SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT for the work done. DLH reserves the right at all times to determine what work done by DLH is an enhancement (added to a standard Modification Level release) and what is a modification (not added to a standard Modification Level release) . In all cases, DLH reserves all rights to any programming work done for clients, including the rights of authorship, copyright, patent and all other rights. 6. WARRANTY - The Licensed Software shall conform to the software product description contained in the Software License Agreement currently in effect. DLH' s sole obligation hereunder shall be to remedy any nonconformance of the Licensed Software to the software product description, reported to DLH during the term covered under this agreement. In the event Client modifies the Licensed Software provided by DLH, the warranty is null and void. In the event Client has modifications made on any Licensed Software, Client agrees to keep at all times one copy of the original , unmodified latest Modification Level release of the Software Version licensed by Client and provided by DLH. Client agrees that it will attempt to replicate any non- conformance found in its modified software on the unmodified Licensed Software. In the event that nonconformance is then identified in the unmodified Licensed Software that is not caused by nonconforming data files, the warranty to the Licensed Software will apply. In the event the nonconformance is caused by'or affected by any modifications made by Client or his agents, Client agrees to pay DLH at DLH' s then current hourly rate for all time spent by DLH related to such nonconformance. 7. TERMINATION - The Maintenance Services that are the subject of this Schedule B may be terminated at the end of any calendar month upon written notification from Client to DLH of Client' s intention, provided Client gives (1) month notice and the Agreement has been in place through the end of the fiscal year in which this Agreement was consummated prior to date of termination. DLH reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at the end of any calendar month upon written notification from DLH to client of DLH's intention, provided DLH gives two (2) months notice Reactivation of this Maintenance Agreement by Client, if previously terminated by Client, is subject to adjustment fees. awes Apawaz oq uoTgoe agetzdozdde buTXeq ggTM HZQ gstsse Oq pup asnsTw Bons Aue JO gZQ aSTnpa oq saazbe zaggznj quaTlo •azeMgjos pasueoTl aqq jo AgTznoas pup uoTgoagozd pup 'uoTgsoTJTpow 'buTAdoo 'asn og goadsaz ggtM quawaaaBV stag zapun suoTgRBTjgo sqT AjsTges Og 'azeMgjos pasuaoTT aqq 04 ssaOOe paggtwaad saaAojdwa sgt ggTM 'asTMzaggo zO quawaazbe 'uoTgonzgsuT Aq uoTgae ageTzdozdde aXeg jjTM qT gegg saazbe quaTlO •saaXoldwa s,quaTjO uegg zaggo uoszad Aue oq 'wzoj Aue uT 'apoo aoznos pue wezbeTp OTboj 'SgzegO MOI3 oq p94TWTI qou gnq 'buTpnlOuT azeMgjOS pasuaOTj aqq jo Sjetzagew p94ejaz JO SIPTzagew OTseq Aue ajgeltane aXew asTMzaggo zo apTnozd Oq qou saazbe z9g4an3 pue guawaazbV sTgg Aq paquezb 9su90TI aqg Jo wzag aqq buTznp Aluo pup quawaaabV ST gg UT paptnozd Se AIuO azeMgjos pasuaOTI aqq asn oq saazbe guaTjO - AIJUnOSS •£ •ggbTaAdoo zo Xzewapezq 'gazOas apezq 'UOTgeOTjdde quaged 'guaged Aue zapun 'asTMzaggo zo jaddogsa 'UOTgeOTjdwT Aq 'ggbTz zaggO zO 9Su90TI Aue buTalgjuOo se zo 'Joazagq SUOTgzod paTjTpowun zo aOznos Aue UT gsazaquT zo ajgTg 'ggbTa Aug guaTTO buTzzaJSueag se panzgsuoo eq jjegs quawaaa5V STgg UT buTggou 'zapunazaq paqueab ST gOTgM asuaOTI aqq zo3 gdaoxa •HZQ wOIJ guasuoO uaggTzM zOTzd gnoggTM awTg Aus qv saTdoo algepeaz allTgoew (£) 9alg4 pue saTdoo paquTzd (£) aazgg uegg azow ou 'Aluo asn s,quaTlD aO3 'wzoj algepeaz auTgOew zo paguTad uz 'gzed UT zO ajogM UT AdOD APW guaTIO gegq gdaoxa paquezb sT gzed UT zo ajogM UT wezbozd pasuaOTl aqq Adoo zo quTzd oq ggbTz ON •4uaTtO Aq pazzajsuezg asTMzaggo zO pasuaOTl-qns 'paubTsse aq qou APw saTjdde qT goTgM oq azeMgjOs pasuaOTI aqg pue guawaazbV sial 'HZQ Aq pauMo sggbTaAdoo Aq p9409402d sT pue HZQ JO sgazOas apezg pue UOTgewzOJUT �IzegaTzdozd sagezodaODUT pue ST azeMgjOS pasuaOTj aql - SSNSOI * 'Z •UTazaq papTnozd se pageuTwaaq asTMzaggo sT asuaOTj aqg jTqun zo azeMggOs pasuaOTj aqq jo asn sanuTguoOstp guaTjO ITqun 409JJ9 UT uTewaz jlegs asuaOTI sTgl Mal 'T SNOIlIQN00 QNV SNHHI :suoTgTpuoo pup swaaq buTMollog agg oq goaCgns sT asueoTl pTeS •v alnPagos oq quensand HZQ og quawAed aXRw jjTM guaTIO 'zoJaaagq UOTgezaptSUOo UI •Ogazaq pagaegge 'V ajnpagos uT pagTzOsap �jzejnOTgzed azow ' „9aPA4JOs pasuaOTl„ Se oq p9zzaj9l zagJeutazaq uOTgequawnooppagptaosse pue azeMgJos zagndwo0 aqq asn oq 9su80TT ajgezajsuezq-uou 'antsnlOxa-uou a gdaOOe 04 saazbe Agazaq SUOTSTnTp sgT ITR Pup quaTlO pue quezb og saazbe elgazaq HZQ :sMOITOJ se „guaTTO„ se Og pazzaJaz zagJeuTazaq olapeosegv 3o AgTO Pule ' ,,H'IQ,, se oq pazzaJaz zagJeuTazaq 'eTuzOJTjeO 'uOgXOogS JO N0IlVH0dU00 SNI/HZQ uaaMgaq Pup Aq 'L86T ' --.20 1 Arp JO App �Z, aqq uo 04UT pazaque quawaazbv sTgl SNawaaHov SSNSOI'I auvml30S lNaNaau0K asNSOI'I advmlaOS a T abed 4� Page 2 SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT 4. WARRANTY - The licensed program shall conform to the software' s product description found in the USER GUIDE for each Licensed Module. DLH's sole obligation hereunder shall be to remedy any nonconformance of the licensed software to . the software product description, reported to DLH during the 180 day period following delivery of each module. Except for the express warranty stated above, DLH disclaims any and all warranties in regard to any software program licensed to client hereunder, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall DLH be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or income, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of the licensed software hereunder. 5. TERMINATION - In the event that Client: (1) attempts to assign, sublicense or transfer this Agreement or any license granted hereunder, or any software program provided hereunder; (2) attempts to make an assignment for the benefit 'of creditors, or a receiver, trustee in bankruptcy or a similar officer is appointed to take charge of all or part of its property and/or; (3) is adjudged bankrupt, and such condition or conditions are not remedied within ten days after written notice thereof has been given to Client, DLH may terminate this Agreement and all licenses granted hereunder shall terminate by written notice to Client. 6. CERTIFICATION - Within two (2) weeks after the termination of the license granted hereunder, in accordance with the terms hereof, Client shall certify in writing to DLH that through its best efforts and to the best of its knowledge, the original and all copies, in any form, in whole or in part, and including partial copies and modifications of the licensed software received from DLH or made in connection with the license, have been destroyed, except as may be authorized in writing by DLH. 7. REMEDY - Since unauthorized transfer of the licensed software or any information contained therein will diminish substantially the value to DLH of the trade secrets and proprietary properties that are the subject of this license, if client breaches any of its obligations with respect to nondisclosure of the licensed software, or if such a breach is likely to occur, DLH shall be entitled to equitable relief (including orders for specific performance and injunctions) as well as money damages. The rights and remedies of DLH set forth in this Agreement are not exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by statute, at law or in equity. 8. SUPPORT & INSTALLATION - Installation and support of the licensed program, if any, will be provided or may be obtained pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in Schedule A. 9 . NONHIRING OF EMPLOYEES - During the period that this license is in effect and for a period of twelve months thereafter, Client agrees LOZ96 VO `u04xO04S 0008-99V (S08) OOT'-4S 'aoe d uMogabaoa0 ZOSV £ZV£6 KO '019peose4V Z -11�eYlp :agEa •aAV ewlpd OOS9 guaP, saad :aTgTy :aTgT.L uaPMoQ spTbnoa :aweN YV :As NOIlV,dOdHO0 HN /H`Ia OuaavosvZK ao ASID •g ajnpagos abed Z pus 'V ajnpagog abed Z TeuoTgTPPe us Pup 'sabpd aaggg go. buTgsTsuoo guawaaabV stgq agnoaxa Aqa-Tag saTgasd agq AgaaagM •30919gq aaggew goaCgns agq og buTgejaa saTgaed auq uaamgaq sbuipuegsaapun pus suoTgeoTunwWoo TTP sapasaadns go-rgM satgasd agq uaaMgaq quawaaabp agq 90 guawagegs aATsnToxa pup agajdwoo agg sT qT gegg saaabp aagganT pus swaaq sgt Aq Punoq aq oq saaabp 'gT spupgsaapun 'quawaaabv sTgq Ppea seg gT gpgq sabpajMouxap quaTTO - SNawa5Ga7.MONxOv -ST •eTuaoJTjeO 90 agegS agq go smvq agq Aq pauaanob aq Tjegs guawaaabV sTgy - MVq 5NINHaAO9 -VT •Agasd aaggo agq woag sqsoo pus saaj s ,Aauaoggp ajgeuospaa anTaoaa oq pajgTque aq Tjegs egndsTp Bons Aue uT Agapd buTTTpnazd agq 'joaaagq uoTgaod Aup ao quawaaabv sTgq aoaojua og Aauaogge us 30 s90TA18s agq absbua og Aapssaoau sawooaq gT aaagm sastae agndsTp p jI - sada xamoSSK '£T •saxpq ajgeoTTdds Aed oq ainTTPJ s,4uaT1O Jo asnpoaq H'Ia Aq paaanouT ao passasse gsaaaquT pup satgjpuad 'saaT 'saxeq Aue Aed og saaabp guaTTD •quawaaabe sTgq ggTM guawAsd Bons go jooad gTwgns pup saxpq ajgpoTTddp Aed oq saaabp guano ao 'agpoTjTgaaa uoTgdwaxa xpq a utaaag sagopggp pus 'gdwaxa xpq sT gT gpgq saTjTgaao Xgaaag 4u9i1O •saxpq Bons aaggo 4ue ao xeq asn ao saTes Aup apnTout qou OP quawaaabe sTgq Aq Paaanoo sabasgo pup saaj agy •anp gssd sTTTq uo gsaaaquT pue Agtpuad aog ajgeTT aq oq pup gdTaoaa go sAVP uag uTggTM sjjTq Ile Aed oq saaabe quazjO •elgpjjTq aap gegg guaTTO oq paptnoad aq Aew s90TAa9S - ZNHWAKd 'ZT •buTgTaM uT usgg .aaggo aauuew Aue uT apew aq Apw guawaaabV sTgg To uoTgeaagjs ao aaATsM 'quawpuawe oN - SNHWQNHW'd 'TT •4u9w99a5V sTgq Jo uoTsTnoad aaggo Aue ao uoTsTAoad gpgq To aaATPA a pawaap aq qou jjpgs quawaaabV sTgq UT_ suoTsTAoad Aup aaao3u9 oq Agaed aaggta Aq aanUva - HaAIVM *OT •aaAojdwe agq. ao; Aapjps s ,aeaA quo og Tsnba wns p 'H'Ia oq sabpwep pagppTnbTT se Xed oq saaabp 4u9TTO HqU To aaAojdwa up Aojdwa os saop 4u9T1O JT Pus 'uoTgejTpgsuT go awTg agg qp Hqa To AoTawa agq uT spM ogM uosaad Aue AoTdwa oq qou SNSwaauo 1 asNHOI`I auvmiaos £ abed Page 4 SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT SCHEDULE A DLH/INE software, listed below, come with warranty, user documentation (maximum of 2 copies per module, additional at extra charge) limited telephone support and training time. From time to time, enhancements are made to DLH products which are made available to Client under the terms of Schedule B, below. Free Processor Application Monthly License Training Type Software Maintenance Fee Hours 5362 Parcel System $ 35 $ 5,000 8 5362 Building Permits $ 35 $ 5,000 8 TOTAL-------------------------> $ 70 $10,000 16 Less 50% Beta Test Site - $ 5,000 Discount Net Software Costs------------> $ 70 $ 5,000 16 Sales Tax (6%) 300 Total Due With Agreement $ 5,300 Terms are payment in full with return of licensing agreement to DLH, except in the case of assigned leases where lease terms apply. Software will be shipped to client within one week of receipt of a duly executed contract and payment in full , except in the case of modules that are in the process of being revised at time of order, said modules will have shipment delayed so that Client will receive the latest version when released. The Beta test site designation terminates 180 days from date of contract signing. In exchange for the Beta test site discount, Client has certain obligations to DLH. Client is required to evaluate the application systems and report any problems or suggestions on improvement of the systems to DLH in writing. DLH will respond to all reported problems or suggestions, and will correct problems that have been reported within the Beta period at no additional charge. In addition, any suggestions that have been reported during the Beta period, and that are deemed appropriate by DLH for inclusion in the final version of the package, will also be provided at no additional charge. UT 10 'uoTge4u9wnoop aqq peal usug aaggea sTTeo buTaznoaa saxew guaTTDaqq quana aqq UI •aoTnaas pagTwTT e sT 'gaoddns auogdajas •saoTnaas gons dog sagea quaiano s ,H'IQ aqg oq buTpa000e quaTto 4q pTad pus HUG �q pajjTq aq ITTM swajgoad gons Ssaappp djaq og HUG �q papTnoad s90Tna9s gegq pus 'quawaaabs gaoddns sTgq japun paaanoo aq qou TTTM saaAojdwa sqT ao guaTTo go gaea aqq uo aouabTjbau Aq pagea.zo swajgoad gegq sgdaoae quaTTO •gndgno .zo 'egep 'ajsMgJos 'wagsAs aegndwoo aqq gaagge gegq SUOT40e og p94TWTI qou qnq buTpnIOUT 'squabp ao saaAoTdwa s ,4u9TT3 ao quatTO ;o suoTgae Aue dog AgTTTgeTT ao A4TTTgTsuodsaz ou pup 'sauTjapTnb gons buTMoTjog ao butquawajdwT s ,guaTTD aano AgTTTgTsuodsaa ao Toaguoa ou seg HUG Begg saaabe pup spuegsaapun guaTTO •p •9OUe4sTsse ao; HUG buTTTeo ao (algTssod uagM) saTTg pgpp pageTea aqq go 4doo do-xoeq Tjng e buTxew aaggTa oq aoTad puegsaepun you saop guaTTO aqg gegq sabpssaw aagndwoo Tensnun aaMsup qou oq pup 'saTdoo do-xoeq guaaano pup 949Tdwoo buTnpg gnoggTM sajTg egep ggTM quawTaedxa qou oq 'Tn;asn aabuoT ou alp Aagq TTqun saTdoo do-xoeq gons paeosTp ao agajap qou og 'guaTTo 4g pasn butaq sajTg egep TTe go ,,saTdoo do-xoeq„ agajdwoo pup quanbaaJ axew og buTpnIOUT 'wagsAs aagndwoo sqT go asn pup uoTgeaado aqq UT aaeo ajgeuoseea asToaaxa og saaabe quaTJO •o •agep-o4-dn pue agajdwoo aq TTTM pup 'uosaad gopquoo pageuBTsap aqq Aq pauTeguTew aq TTTM p.zooaa sTgy •HZQ ggTM suoTgpoTunwwoo aeaTo aanssp oq saTgTapjnbaaaT p94eT9a aagndwoo aaggo pup swaTgozd 'sTTeo gons TTe 90 pao09a p uTequTew oq saaabe guaTTO aqs •q •HZQ g4TM goequOD aqg axpw TTTM uosaad do-xopq ageuzagTP aqg pup 'uosaad sTgs •saaubTsap pTes buTplebaa sabupgo Aue ;o HUG AgTgou oq pup 'HZQ og ajdoad oMq asagq go saagwnu auogdaTaq Aouabaawa Pus aeTnbaa 'sass eappe 'saweu aqq apTnoad oq saaabe gueTTO •HUG oq sTTeo TTe ageuTpa000 oq 'uosaad do-xopq ageuaagTe us pup 'uosaad ajbuTS a ageubTsap og saaabe guaTTO aqs •e :apnTouT 9s9g4 90 awog •saoTgoead abesn aagndwoo pagdaooe ATTeaauab MOTTO; gpgq saanpaooad pup saToTjod uTpgaao 4u9w9TdwT og saaabe quaTTO 'aoTnaas gaoddns STgg Jo asn anTssaoxa quanaad oq aapao uI •anpq Aew quaTTO suoT4sanb aaeMgjos pasuaoTT HUG SSaappe pup suoTgsanb aaMsue oq auogdajaq Aq ajgeTTenp aq TTTM HUG wd 00=5 Pup we 00:6 3o sanog aqq uaaMgaq 'saTnpow aapmggos go quawdTgs aaq;e sAep 08T gsaTg aqq aoa - gaoddns auogdaTay .JJe4S H,IQ Aq paaanouT sasuadxa Tengoe uo paseq 4u9tT3 Aq pTed aq ITTM sasuadxa pagelea pue. sjeaw 'butbpoj 'Taneas •anoq 09$ 3o agea a ge algeTTene aae SaoTnaas Aue aoff sanoq jpuoi-4TppV •sanou ggbTa go wnwTUTw e 90 Asp XaOm TTng auo uegq ssaT ao; aq ueo agTs gons og SgTSTn ou gegq ST buTUTeag sTgq Jo uoTgegtwTT aqy •abaego eagxa ou ge papnIOUT ST atuTq sTgs •paaapao ajnpow goea go asn aqq UT 3gegS pTes BUTUTeaq �o asodand agq dog 'ggegS squaTJO go aagwnu aTgeuosea.z Aue aog 'guaTTD Aq pageubTsap agTs ajgpuoseaa P., -4e papTnoad aae buTUTpag go sanoq agy iNawaaHov asNaoiri auvmlaos S abed. Page 6 SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT the event the Client attempts to use telephone support in lieu of training sessions for new or replacement users, DLH reserves the right to notify Client of such abuse of telephone support, and to set a fee whereby any future such calls would be billed to and paid by Client at an additional rate. Prior to such notice Client agrees to negotiate in good faith with DLH to attempt to correct any such abuse. SAPd guar IO 'absxoea pappuegs HUG au4 o=ff POPPs dct a04e l l L �M Lt..,)LKi-1 'guawaouequa us dog sgosaquoo quaTlo aaagM Sasso uI 'squailo Ile oq algpltpne apew sT gegg appabdn IanaZ UOTsaan uoTgeoTiddV ao 'agepdn IaA9q uOTgeOTjTpow guanbasgns a oq pappe uagq pus 'quaTlo AIq aoj peed '�IleoT3Toads guaTID JOJ uaggTaM ale gpgg saqepdn ale papnloxe AIIeoTJToadS •buTlpueg pus 'buTddTgs ' (saggaxsTp) etpaw dog gdaoxe abaego ou qe papTAoad aq IITM sagepdn asags •aapMgjoS pasuaoTZ aqq go asealaa lanaZ uoTgeoTJTPOW awes aqq buTsn aq IITM squaTIO Ile gegq os guawaaabs aoueuaquTpw aapun SquaTlo Ile oq paPTAOad ale sa4ppdn pus 'sabuego 'sguawaouegue asags •quaTlO Og pasuaoTI aaeMgjoS aqq oq sagepdn pus sabuego 'squawaouequa dolanap Asw HUG 'awTq oq awtq woa3_ - sajv(jan 'S •anoge 'K alnPagos UT pagTaosap asogg se awes agg ' aq IITM aoTAaaS auogdalay go suoTgTpuoo pup swaaq aqy 'aneq Aew quaTIO aqq gegq swalgoad aaeMgjoS pasuaaTZ HUG ssaappp pus suOTgsanb aaMsue oq auogdalag Aq algelTeAp aq IITM HUG Wd 00.:S Pup WK 00: 6 go sanoq aqq uaaMgaa - SOIAHES SNOHdS'ISS 'V 'HZQ Aq papTAOid you swpaboad ao swagsAs go gaoddns pup :HZQ ueg4 aaggO auoAup Aq paTjTpow sweaboad ao swagsAs go gaoddns :sasuadxa pus awTq Ianea4 buTpnlOUT 'gaoddns agTs uo :aaeMgjoS pasuaoTZ aqq go Slanarl uOTsaaA Mau :quaTIO Aq pagsanbea dlleoTjTOads suOTgeoTJTPOw ibuTuTvaq aogeaado Mau !uotgpzTleTgTuT pus uOTgellegsuT w94sXs apnIoUT you Op ATUOTJToads quawaaabV sTgq aapun papTAoad sOOTAaaS •seatdxa Aqupa.aeM IpuTbTao 9q4 aagJR absaanOo AqupaapM panuTquoo pus 'gaoddns uoTgeginsuoo auogdalaq :HZQ Aq pagsxlge4sa uagm pus jT sdnoaO gasp uT dTgsaagwaw : (abegsod pus saggaxstp aoj -gdaoxa) abaego ieuOT4Tppp ou ge 'goeaquoo aoueuagutsw aapun ale oqm squaTIO Ile og papTAoad ads gegq aaeM4jos pasuaoTZ aqq go squawaouegua pus sagepdn l9A9q uoT4soT3TpoW paepuegs apnlouT saoTAaaS 9oueU94UTeW - SaOIAHaS '£ utaaaq paptnoad ss quawaaabv aoueuaguTeW aapMgjos paMauaa aqq agpuzwaag ao sabueuo gons gdaooe oq qubTa aqq seu quaTIO ags 'quawaaa5V quaaano aqq go UOTgeaTdxa aqq oq aotad sAep (09) A4xts gseai qe buTgTaM uT sabuego gons go guaTIO buiXjTgou Aq quawaaabe sTgq Jo SUOT4TpuOO pus swaaq aqq abuego oq ggbTa aqq sanaasaa HUG 'aeaA IeOST , aATssaoans gopa aoj paMauea AIleaT4ewo4ne aq IITM quawaaabV saoTAaaS - ZKMaMaH 'Z 'Oga.zag papTAoad se pageutwaaq asTmaaggo ST guawaaabV aoueuaguTeW 9aem4JOS 9q4 ITqun ao 'goajja UT suTpwaa gonpoad eapMgjos sTgq dog quawaaabV asuaOTZ a2em4JOS aqq gegq papTAOad '886T aunr uo spud goTgM aeaA IsosT3 s ,guaTID aqq aoj goajja uT uTewaa ITegs saOTAaas aoueuaguTeW - Nual 'T :suOT4TPuoo pus swaag buTMollo3 aqq oq goalgns ale SOOTAaaS PTeS •anoga 'v alnpags uT pagTaosaad se qunows us Jo HUG oq squawked axsw TITM guaTIO '3oaaag4 uotgeaaptsuoo uI 'anoge 'V alnpagas UT pagTaosap 'salnpow aapMgjos pasuaoll go quawdTgs aagje sApp (08T) AggbTa peapunq auo uTbaq IITM SOOTAaas aaupuaguTew aaeMg;Os XlgguOW SNaNaaHJK SSDIAHas SONvNSZNIvw auvmS30s - a a'InQSHOS Mawaauov SsNSOI'I auvmsaos L abed Page 8 SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT for the work done. DLH reserves the right at all times to determine what work done by DLH is an enhancement (added to a standard Modification Level release) and what is a modification (not added to a standard Modification Level release) . In all cases, DLH reserves all rights to any programming work done for clients, including the rights of authorship, copyright, patent and all other rights. 6. WARRANTY - The Licensed Software shall conform to the software product description contained in the Software License Agreement currently in effect. DLH' s sole obligation hereunder shall be to remedy any nonconformance of the Licensed Software to the software product description, reported to DLH during the term covered under this agreement. In the event Client modifies the Licensed Software provided by DLH, the warranty is null and void. In the event Client has modifications made on any Licensed Software, Client agrees to keep at all times one copy of the original , unmodified latest Modification Level release of the Software Version licensed by Client and provided by DLH. Client agrees that it will attempt to replicate any non- conformance found in its modified software on the unmodified Licensed Software. In the event that nonconformance is then identified in the unmodified Licensed Software that is not caused by nonconforming data files, the warranty to the Licensed Software will apply. In the event the nonconformance is caused by or affected by any modifications made by Client or his agents, Client agrees to pay DLH at DLH' s then current hourlyrate for all time spent by DLH related to such P nonconformance. 7. TERMINATION - The Maintenance Services that are the subject of this Schedule B may be terminated at the end of any calendar month upon written notification from Client to DLH of Client' s intention, provided Client gives (1) month notice and the Agreement has been in place through the end of the fiscal year in which this Agreement was consummated prior to date of termination. DLH reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at the end of any calendar month upon written notification from DLH to client of DLH' s intention, provided DLH gives two (2) months notice. Reactivation of this Maintenance Agreement by Client, if previously terminated by Client, is subject to adjustment fees.