HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 03/23/1999 *PUBLIC REVIEW COPY ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Please do not remove MEETING anm o er TUESDAY,MARCH 23, 1999 City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue, 4th floor Atascadero,California REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: PLEDGE OF ALLE IANCE: Mayor Johnson ROLL CALL: Mayor Johnson Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide Council Member Clay Council Member Lerno Council Member Luna • APPROVAL OFAGENDA: Roll Call PRESENTATIONS: 1. Proclamation "Day of the Child April 10, 1999 and "Month of the Child" April 1999. COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the Ineeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to five minutes. Please state your name and address for the record before making your presentation. The Council may take action to direct the staff to place a.matter of business on a future agenda.) COUNCIL ANNOU CEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staffplace a matter of business on a future agenda. No formal action by the Council will be taken unless an item is identified on the Agenda) A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Roll Call (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken) 1. Treasurer's Report - November 1998 - Fiscal Impact: None (City Treasurer's recommendation Review and accept) [David Graham] 2. Treasurer's Report - December 1998 - Fiscal Impact: None (City Treasurer's recommendation: Review and accept) [David Graham] 3. Treasurer's Report - January 1999 - Fiscal Impact: None (City Treasurer's recommendation: Review and accept) [David Graham] 4. January 1999 Accounts Payable and Pam-Fiscal Impact. $758,89648 (Staff recommendation: Review and approve)[Rachelle Rickard] 5. February 1999 Accounts Payable and Payroll -Fiscal Impact: $831,020.37 (Staff recommendation: Review and approve) [Rachelle Rickard] 6. 3-Way Stop Intersection - Miramon and Sycamore - Fiscal Impact: $400.00 to be paid out of currently budgeted funds (Staff recommendation: Council adopt Resolution No. • 1999-015 establishing a 3-way stop at the intersection of Miramon and Sycamore Avenues) [Brady Cherry] 7. Adoption of Atascadero Fire Captains Bargaining Unit Memorandum of Understanding - Fiscal Year 1998-99 - Fiscal Impact: $8,242.00 - (Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Mayor to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Atascadero Fire Captains Bargaining Unit for Fiscal Year 1998-99) [Wade McKinney] 8. Abandoned Roadway Easement - .79 acre recently abandoned easement adjacent to San Palo Road - Fiscal Impact: Revenue of $25,000 to the General Fund (Staff recommendation: Council authorize the City Manager to sell the .79 acre abandoned roadway easement adjacent to San Palo Road to Kelly Gearhart for $25,000.00) [Wade McKinney] B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Lease Agreement with the Atascadero Unified School District (AUSD) - agreement to lease the third floor of City Administration Building - Fiscal Impact: Revenue of$3,523 per month which is proportionate share of utilities and janitorial services (Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Mayor to execute lease agreement with the Atascadero Unified School District) [Wade McKinney] 2 2. 1999 Community Development Block Grant Allocation - Fiscal Impact: The City has $264,,516 in CBG funds available for award The 1999 allocation of $239,316, $12,000 reallo ated from 1994 and $13,200 reallocated from 1998. (Staff recommendation: Council forward to the County Board of Supervisors allocation recommendatio s for the 1999 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)funds) [Paul Saldana] 3. Information Bulletin D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent standing committees. Informative status_reports will be given, as felt necessary.): 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority 2. Finance Committee 3. Water Committees A. SLO County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Water Resources Advisory Committee B. Nacimie to Water Purveyors' Contract Technical Advisory Committee C. North County Water Forum 4. Integrated Waste Management Authority 5. North County Council 6. Air Pollution Control District 7. County Mayor's Round Table 9. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors .10. City/ Schools Committee 10. Economic Opp rtunity Commission E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer a. Review of City Treasurer's Report F. ADJOURNMENT: THE CITY COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN TO THE. NEXT REGULAR SESSION SCHEDULED ON APRIL 13, 1999. Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described int is notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. 3 City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING GENERAL INFORMATION The City Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Matters are considered by the Council-in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk(Room 208),and in the Information Office(Room 103), available for public inspection during City Hall business hours. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City,please contact the City Manager's Office, (805) 461-5010,or the City Clerk's Office,(805)461-5074. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will identify the subject, staff will give their report,and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to step up to the podium. If you wish to speak for,against or comment in any way: • You must approach the podium and be recognized by the Mayor • Give your name and address • Make your statement • All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council • All comments limited to 5 minutes(unless changed by the Council) • No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so,and no one may speak more than twice on any item. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter,no further public comments will be heard by the Council TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, "COMMUNITY FORUM",the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to: • Please approach the podium and be recognized • Give your name and address • State the nature of your business This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Council's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum(unless changed by the Council). TO HAVE ITEMS PLACED ON AGENDA All business matters to appear on the Agenda must be in the Office of the City Manager ten days preceding the Council meeting. Should you have a matter you wish to bring before the Council,please mail or bring a written communication to the City Manager's office in City Hall prior to the deadline. 99 "Day of the Child" -April 10, 19 "Month of the Child" -April-1999 Whereas,April, the.Month of the Child, is a national celebration focusingpaibli" ttention on the needs of young children, our youth and their families, particularly.their need for programs of high quality;' and Whereas, Saturd y April 10, 1999,' will commemorate" the 21st annual, "Day of the Child" ' celebration during Children's Day in the San, Luis;Obispo Mission Plaza: . A day-where children and families interact with the gencies and programs providing services throughout the Counh and Whereas, In San Luis Obispo County, there are 35, 870 children under the age of 12'7t;ho need - access to'.comprehensive, integrated services 'and'69%:need quality:child 'care while their parents are working;and Whereas, Qualitji ;child.care is no longer a fringe-benefit but a necessity for working parents,to be productive and happy employees. And local employers need to be champions in supporting.the many challenges facing these w rking parents and families;an'd Whereas, The County of San Luis Obispo recognizes that event moment in -a child's life is an opportunity for.them'to learn and that the early years determine'whether a child succeeds in school and in life, and that all children need at least one caring and loving adult in their lives;and Whereas,The ac 'vities o this day and month will provide an opportunity,to acknozvled a ualiti f J P PP J> % q J youth and early childhood programs and their dedicated staff and to applaud their efforts to improve the duality, availability, and i ccessibility of such programs;and Whereas, The Sa Luis Obispo Child Care Planning Council, the Family Child-Care Association of San Luis Obispo Cour ty, the San Luis Obispo Association for the Education'.of Young Children, and Hie County Commission f Children and Youth work cooperatively to coordinate-the events and activities of the Day and Month of he Child;and Whereas, All ci 'zens are encouraged to do what they can.at work, at home, and.within the, community to assure`ah hildren, youth,-and' have the opportunity and support to thrive. And . may zve remember to list to and watch the children around,us and remember tohave patience and allow them to enjoy the journei of childhood.'. Now, Therefore,I, the Mayor of the Ci j.0f Atascadero, California, do hereby officially proclaim April 10, 1999 to.be' "Day of the Child" and April 1999 to be"Month of the Child" In' the City of Atasca ero, California this-23rd day of Marc in the e r one thousand Wane hundred and ninety-nine. Ra .jo on ayor Ata scadero City Council 000001 i ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 03/23/99 cAD� - City Treasurer's Agenda Report David Graham Treasurer's Report - November 1998 RECOMMENDATION: City Treasurer and Staff recommend that Council review and accept the November 1998 Treasurer's Report REPORT IN BRIE F: Cash and Investments Checking $ 365,359 Certificates of Deposit 1,029,681 LAIF 6,321,783 Cash with Fiscal Agents 264,799 Cash n Banks at November 1, 1998 $ 7,981,622 Deposits in Tran it 51,974 Outstanding Checks (202,108) Cash and Investments at November 30, 1998 $ 7,831,488 FISCAL IMPAC None RESPONSIBLE D PARTMENT: Finance ATTACHMENTS Cash and Investments Activity Summary Cash and Investments by Fund Time Deposits, Certificates of Deposit, Savings and Local Agency Investment Fund ,Schedule of Certificates of Deposit • Pagel of 5 000002 CITY OF ATASCADERD TREASURER'S REPORT CASH&INVESTMENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 1998 CHECKING FISCAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTALS" Balance per Banks at November 1, 1998 $ 211,906 $ 7,431,464 $ 262,643 $ 7,906,013 Receipts 941,121 2,156 943,277 Disbursements (867,668) (867,668) Transfers In 80,000 80,000 Transfers Out (80,000) (80,000) Balance per Banks at November 30, 1998 $ 365,359 $ 7,351,464 $ 264,799 7,981,622 Deposits in Transit 51,974 Outstanding Checks (202,108) Adjusted Treasurer's Balance $ 7,831,488 It has been verified that his investment portfolio is in conformity with the City of Atascadero's investment policy, which was approved by the City Council on November 10, 1998. The Treasurer certifies that sufficient liquidity is on hand to meet the City of Atascadero's estimated future expenditures for a period of six months. Verified by: RACHLULLE RICKARD DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Approved b PP y DAVID GRAHAM CITY TREASURER Page 2 of 5 000003 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT CASH&INVESTMENTS BY FUND NOVEMBER 1998 RESERVED UNRESERVED CASH(1) CASH(2) TOTALS POOLED CASH General Fund $ $ 603,445 Gas Tax Fund (16,704) Development Fee Fund 71,116 Community Development Blo�k Grant (60,516) Police Development Fees Fund 7,030 Fire Development Fees Fund 72,005 Parks&Rec Development Fees Fund 73,606 Drainage Development Fees Fjund 237,538 Amapoa-Tecorida Fees Fund 171,622 Public Works Development F es Fund 352,270 Street Maintenance Districts Fond , 48,121 TDA Non-Transit Fund 200,472 Sidewalk Fund 45,755 Capital Projects Fund (267,600) Camino Real Construction Find 32,055 Dial-A-Ride Fund32,372 Wastewater Operations Fund II, 2,604,823 Sewer Facilities Fund 2,901,234 Building Maintenance Fund 7,421 Technology Fund 197,401 Assessment District#3 3,418 Assessment District#4 53,808 Assessment District#5 (20) Camino Real Debt Service Fu63,597 92 Street Improvement Assess►d ent Fund 57,375 Assessment District#7 167 Assessment District#8 672 Assessment District#9 51,873 Assessment District#10 728 89 COP Debt Service Fund (2,560) Tree Plant Fund 24,167 Tree Association Fund (2) Total Pooled Cash $ 253,223 $ 7,313,466 $ 7,566,689 CASH WITH FISCAL AGE T Wastewater Operations Fund 5,237 Camino Real Debt Service Find 205,177 92 Street Improvement Assessment Fund 54,385 89 COP Debt Service Fund - - Total Cash with Fiscal Aggnt $ 264,799 $ 264,799 Total of All Cash $ 7,831,488 Page 3 of 5 000004 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT TIME DEPOSITS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, SAVINGS AND LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND NOVEMBER 1998 INVESTMENT INTEREST AMOUNT EARNINGS Orange County Investment Pool/TRAN $ - $ 1,609 (5) Orange County Investment Pool - 51,206 (5) Local Agency Investment Fund(3) 6,321,783 326,576 Certificates of Deposit(see attached schedule) 1,029,681 45,878 TOTAL $ 7,351,464 425,269 Mid State Interest Received 4,451 TOTAL INTEREST RECEIVED $ 429,721 (4) Notes: (1) Reserved Fund Cash is specified for City debt service. (2) Unreserved Fund cash can be used for normal operations of the City. (3) November 1998 interest yields were as follows: Orange County Not available LAW 5.56% Mid-State 1.00% (4) This is the actual amount deposited to City accounts and does not reflect interest amounts accrued but not received. Also not included above are interest amounts earned in Fiscal Agent or County accounts,which are used for bond retirement purposes. Furthermore, with the exception of the Orange County Investment Pool, interest earnings are reported on a calendar year basis. (5) On December 6, 1994, Orange County filed a Chapter 9 bankruptcy with the courts. The City recognized a loss of $1,155,283.04 on the OCIP for the 1994-95 fiscal year. The City is attempting to recover the principal plus interest through a lawsuit filed against the OCIP. The interest received above is post-petition interest for the period from December 1, 1994 through July 20, 1995. 000005 Page 4 of 5 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT SCHEDULE OF CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT NOVEMBER 1998 P RCHASE MATURITY YIELD YTD BANK DATE DATE RATE AMOUNT INTEREST Santa Lucia Bank 6/18/98 12/18/98 5.10% $ 38,681.00 $ - Atascadero Washington Mutual 6/21/98 12/18/98 4.89% $ 100,000.00 $ 4,520.33 San Luis Obispo Union Bank 6/22/98 12/21/98 4.80% $ 99,000.00 $ 4,458.56 Atascadero Mid State Bank 7/20/98 1/15/99 4.76% $ 99,000.00 $ 4,537.84 Templeton Bank of America 7/29/98 1/27/99 4.60% $ 99,000.00 $ 4,187.15 Atascadero Los Padres Savings 8/7/98 2/3/99 5.06% $ 99,000.00 $ 4,609.84 Santa Maria Wells Fargo Bank 18/22/98 2/20/99 4.50% $ 99,000.00 $ 4,133.25 San Luis Obispo West America Bank 8/21/98 2/17/99 4.90% $ 99,000.00 $ 4,542.66 San Luis Obispo First Bank&Trust 8/28/98 2/28/99 4.53% $ 99,000.00 $ 4,609.30 Santa Maria First Bank of SLO 8/18/98 8/18/99 5.30% $ 99,000.00 $ 5,183.33 San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara Bank& 9/6/98 9/6/99 5.05% $ 99,000.00 $ 5,096.15 Trust-Santa Maria $1,029,681.00 $45,878.41 Page 5 of 5 00000f; ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 03/23/99 19r8 1 8 CAD City Treasurer s Agenda Report David Graham Treasurer's Report- December 1998 RECOMMENDATION: City Treasurer and Staff recommend that Council review and accept the December 1998 Treasurer's Report REPORT IN BRIEF: Cash and Investments Checking $ 353,074 • Certificates of E eposit 832,705 LAIF 8,422,324 Cash with Fisc Agents 265,751 Cash 'n Banks at December 31, 1998 $ 9,873,854 Deposits in Trar sit 17,376 Outstanding Checks (223,514) Cash and Investments at December 31, 1998 $ 9,667,716 FISCAL IMPAC • None RESPONSIBLEDEPARTMENT: Finance ATTACHMENTS Cash and Investments Activity Summary Cash and Investments by Fund Time Deposits,Certificates of Deposit, Savings and Local Agency Investment Fund Schedule of Certificates of Deposit 00000' Page I of 5 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT CASH&INVESTMENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 1998 CHECKING FISCAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTALS Balance per Banks at December 1, 1998 $ 365,359 $ 7,351,464 $ 264,799 $ 7,981,622 Receipts 2,731,508 91,565 952 2,824,025 Disbursements (931,793) (931,793) Transfers In 498,000 2,310,000 2,808,000 Transfers Out (2,310,000) (498,000) (2,808,000) Balance per Banks at December 31, 1998 $ 353,074 $ 9,255,029 $ 265,751 9,873,854 Deposits in Transit 17,039 Outstanding Checks (223,177) Adjusted Treasurer's Balance $ 9,667,716 It has been verified that his investment portfolio is in conformity with the City of Atascadero's investment policy, which was approved by the City Council on November 10, 1998. The Treasurer certifies that sufficient liquidity is on hand to meet the City of Atascadero's estimated future expenditures for a period of six months. Verified by: RACHELLE RICKARD DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Approved by: DAVID GRAHAM CITY TREASURER Page 2 of 5 000008 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT CASH&INVESTMENTS BY FUND DECEMBER 1998 RESERVED UNRESERVED CASH(1) CASH(2) TOTALS POOLED CASH General Fund $ - $ 1,611,052 Gas Tax Fund (2,935) Development Fee Fund 1,211 Community Development Blodk Grant 7,558 Police Development Fees Fund 6,442 Fire Development Fees Fund 94,236 Parks&Rec Development Feei9 Fund 104,014 Drainage Development Fees Find 259,858 Amapoa-Tecorida Fees Fund 176,446 Public Works Development Fees Fund 345,867 Street Maintenance Districts Fund . 49,022 TDA Non-Transit Fund 205,620 Sidewalk Fund 46,994 Capital Projects Fund (280,852) Camino Real Construction FupId 32,576 Dial-A-Ride Fund (29,393) Wastewater Operations Fund 2,990,844 Sewer Facilities Fund 3,149,456 Building Maintenance Fund , 3,067 Technology Fund 206,258 Redevelopment (5,421) BIA (9,285) Assessment District#3 6,870 Assessment District#4 107,093 Assessment District#5 (67) Camino Real Debt Service Fund 163,707 92 Street Improvement Assessment Fund 99,381 Assessment District#7 8,105 Assessment District#8 691 Assessment District#9 68,165 Assessment District#10 (118) 89 COP Debt Service Fund (39,310) Tree Plant Fund 24,821 Tree Association Fund (7) Total Pooled Cash $ 439,331 $ 8,962,635 $ 9,401,965 CASH WITH FISCAL AgL$T Wastewater Operations Fund 5,238 Camino Real Debt Service Fu 205,929 92 Street Improvement Assessment Fund 54,584 89 COP Debt Service Fund - Total Cash with Fiscal Agent $ 265,751 $ - 265,751 Total of All Cash $ 9,667,716 Page 3 of 5 000009 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT TIME DEPOSITS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, SAVINGS AND LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND DECEMBER 1998 INVESTMENT INTEREST AMOUNT EARNINGS Orange County Investment Pool/TRAN $ $ 1,609 (5) Orange County Investment Pool - 51,206 (5) Local Agency Investment Fund(3) 8,422,324 417,115 Certificates of Deposit(see attached schedule) 832,705 51,741 TOTAL $ 9,255,029 521,671 Mid State Interest Received 4,551 TOTAL INTEREST RECEIVED $ 526,222 (4) Notes: (1) Reserved Fund Cash is specified for City debt service. (2) Unreserved Fund cash can be used for normal operations of the City. (3) December 1998 interest yields were as follows: Orange County Not available LAIF 5.37% Mid-State 1.00% (4) This is the actual amount deposited to City accounts and does not reflect interest amounts accrued but not received. Also not included above are interest amounts earned in Fiscal Agent or County accounts, which are used for bond retirement purposes. Furthermore, with the exception of the Orange County Investment Pool, interest earnings are reported on a calendar year basis. (5) On December 6, 1994, Orange County filed a Chapter 9 bankruptcy with the courts. The City recognized a loss of $1,155,283.04 on the OCIP for the 1994-95 fiscal year. The City is attempting to recover the principal plus interest through a lawsuit filed against the OCIP. The interest received above is post-petition interest for the period from December 1, 1994 through July 20, 1995. Page 4 of 5 000010 ATA ADER CITY OF SC O TREASURER'S REPORT SCHEDULE OF CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT DECEMBER 1998 PURCHASE MATURITY YIELD YTD BANK DATE DATE RATE AMOUNT INTEREST Washington Mutual 6/21/98 12/18/98 , 4.89% $ - $ 4,745.92 San Luis Obispo Union Bank 6/22/98 12/21/98 4.80% $ $ 4,841.36 Atascadero Mid State Bank 7/20/98 1/15/99 4.76% $ 99,000.00 $ 4,925.59 Templeton Bank of America 7/29/98 1/27/99 4.60% $ 99,000.00 $ 4,579.30 Atascadero Los Padres Savings 8/7/98 2/3/99 5.06% $ 99,000.00 $ 5,036.18 Santa Maria Wells Fargo Bank 8/22/98 2/20/99 4.50% $ 99,000.00 $ 4,504.50 San Luis Obispo West America Bank 8/21/98 2/17/99 4.90% $ 99,000.00 $ 4,946.91 San Luis Obispo First Bank &Trust 8/28/98 2/28/99 4.53% $ 99,000.00 $ 4,990.20 Santa Maria Santa Lucia Bank 12/18/98 6/17/99 4.25% $ 40,704.98 $ 2,023.98 Atascadero First Bank of SLO 8/18/98 8/18/99 5.30% $ 99,000.00 $ 5,620.58 San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara Bank & 9/6/98 9/6/99 5.05% $ 99,000.00 $ ` 5,526.66 Trust-Santa Maria $832,704.98 $51,741.18 Page 5 of 5 000011 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 03/23/99 n iais � is e ('AD City Treasurer's Agenda Report David Graham Treasurer's Report - January 1999 RECOMMENDATION: City Treasurer and Sta f recommend that Council review and accept the January 1999 Treasurer's Report REPORT IN B F: Cash and Investments Checking $ 406,214 • Certificates of Deposit 733,705 LAW 8,422,324 Cash with Fiscal Agents 266,783 Cash i 1 Banks at January 31, 1999 $ 9,829,026 Deposits in Tranit 6,913 Outstanding Ch ks (257,712) Cash and Investments at January 31, 1999 $ 9,578,227 FISCAL IMPACT None RESPONSIBLE D PARTMENT: Finance ATTACHMENTS Cash and Investments Activity Summary Cash and Investments by Func Time Deposits, Certificates of Deposit,Savings and Local Agency Investment Fund Schedule of Certificates of Deposit 000012 Page 1 of 5 .CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT CASH&INVESTMENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 99 CHECKING FISCAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTALS Balance per Banks at January 1, 1999' $ 353,074 $ 9,255,029 $ 265,751 $ 9,873,854 Receipts 678,878 1,032 679,910 Disbursements (724,737) (724,737) Transfers In 99,000 99,000 Transfers Out (99,000) (99,000) Balance per Banks at January 31, 1999 $ 406,214 $ 9,156,029 $ 266,783 9,829,026 Deposits in Transit 6,913 Outstanding Checks (257,712) • Adjusted Treasurer's Balance $ 9,578,227 It has been verified that his investment portfolio is in conformity with the City of Atascadero's investment policy, which was approved by the City Council on November 10, 1998. The Treasurer certifies that sufficient liquidity is on hand to meet the City of Atascadero's estimated future expenditures for a period of six months. Verified by: RACHELLE RICKARD DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ..Approved by: b/ DAVID GRAHAM CITY TREASURER Page 2 of 5 000013 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT CASH&INVESTMENTS BY FUND JANUARY 99 RESERVED UNRESERVED CASH(1) CASH(2) TOTALS POOLED CASH General Fund $ $ 1,522,470 Gas Tax Fund (28,081) Development Fee Fund 62,230 Community Development Block Grant 7,699 Police Development Fees Fund 6,442 Fire Development Fees Fund 95,150 Parks&Rec Development FXnd Fund 103,514 Drainage Development Fees 259,811 Amapoa-Tecorida Fees Fund '', 187,876 Public Works Development Fees Fund 345,031 Street Maintenance Districts Fund 49,022 TDA Non-Transit Fund 205,620 Sidewalk Fund 46,994 Capital Projects Fund (273,636) Camino Real Construction Fund 32,576 Dial-A-Ride Fund (52,064) Wastewater Operations Fund 2,952,399 Sewer Facilities Fund 3,152,071 Building Maintenance Fund 8,049 Technology Fund 210,052 Redevelopment (5,421) BIA (13,859) Assessment District#3 6,870 Assessment District#4 105,992 Assessment District#5 (67) Camino Real Debt Service Fund 163,646 92 Street Improvement Assessment Fund 98,711 Assessment District#7 8,105 Assessment District#8 691 Assessment District#9 68,165 Assessment District#10 (118) 89 COP Debt Service Fund (39,310) Tree Plant Fund 24,821 Tree Association Fund (7) Total Pooled Cash $ 437,498 $ 8,873,946 $ 9,311,444 CASH WITH FISCAL A90-11 Wastewater Operations Fund 5,304 Camino Real Debt Service Fujnd 206,692 92 Street Improvement Assessment Fund 54,787 89 COP Debt Service Fund - Total Cash with Fiscal Agent $ 266,783 $ - 266,783 Total of All Cash $ 9,578,227 Page 3 of 5 000014 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT TIME DEPOSITS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, SAVINGS AND LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND JANUARY 99 INVESTMENT INTEREST AMOUNT EARNINGS Orange County Investment Pool/TRAN $ - $ 1,609 (5) Orange County Investment Poo - 51,206 (5) Local Agency Investment Fund(3) 8,422,324 - Certificates of Deposit(see attached schedule) 733,705 3,106 TOTAL $ 9,156,029 55,921 Mid State Interest Received 226 TOTAL INTEREST RECEIVED $ 56,147 (4) Notes: (1) Reserved Fund Cash is specified for City debt service. (2) Unreserved Fund cash can be used for normal operations of the City. (3) January 1999 interest yields were as follows: Orange County Not available LAW 5.37% Mid-State 1.00% (4) This is the actual amount deposited to City accounts and does not reflect interest amounts accrued but not received. Also not included above are interest amounts earned in Fiscal Agent or County accounts, which are used for bond retirement purposes. Furthermore, with the exception of the Orange County Investment Pool, interest earnings are reported on a calendar year basis. (5) On December 6, 1994, Orange County filed a Chapter 9 bankruptcy with the courts. The City recognized a loss of $1,155,283.04 on the OCIP for the 1994-95 fiscal year. The City is attempting to recover the principal plus interest through a lawsuit filed against the OCIP. The interest received above is post-petition interest for the period from December 1, 1994 through July 20, 1995. 000015 Page 4 of 5 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT SCHEDULE OF CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT JANUARY 99 ORCHASE MATURITY - YIELD YTD BANK DATE DATE RATE AMOUNT INTEREST Union Bank 6/22/98 12/21/98 4.80% $ - $ 53.57 Atascadero Mid State Bank 7/20/98 1/15/99 4.76% $ - $ 232.65 Templeton Bank of America 7/29/98 1/27/99 4.60% $ 99,000.00 $ 328.90 Atascadero Los Padres Savings 8/7/98 2/3/99 5.06% $ 99,000.00 $ 426.34 Santa Maria Wells Fargo Bank 8/22/98 2/20/99 4.50% $ 99,000.00 $ 383.62 San Luis Obispo West America Bank 8/21/98 2/17/99 4.90% $ 99,000.00 $ 417.72 San Luis Obispo First Bank &Trust 8/28/98 2/28/99 4.53% $ 99,000.00 $ 380.89 Santa Maria Santa Lucia Bank 12/18/98 6/17/99 4.25% $ 40,704.98 $ - Atascadero First Bank of SLO 8/18/98 8/18/99 5.30% $ 99,000.00 $ 451.82 San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara Bank& 9/6/98 9/6/99 5.05% $ 99,000.00 $ 430.51 Trust-Santa Maria $733,704.98 $3,106.02 Page 5 of 000016 ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 03/23/99 p 1919 n,T� 1 8 City Managrer's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney ' FEBRUARY 1999 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE & PAYROLL RECOMME ATION Approve certifie City accounts payable,payroll and payroll vendor checks for February 1999. DISCUSS1014 Attached for Citv Council review and approval are the following: Payroll Period End 01/29/99 Ck. #38494-38653 $ 137,239.62 Period End 02/12/99 Ck.#38682-38824 131,150.28 S ecial Pavroll Dated 02112/99 Ck. #38674-38681 . 3,722.62 Dated 02/25/9, Ck. #38616 (122.79) Pa roll'Vendors Dated 02/05/99 Ck.#38654-38673 48,308.85 Dated 02/19/99 Ck.#38825-38846 77,911.85 Dated 02/28/99 Ck. #38993-39001 34,420.54 Accounts Payable Dated February 1-28, 1999 Ck.#-65978-66277 345,669.02 Ck. #EFT48-EFT51 52,720.38 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 831,020.37 000026 City Manager's Agenda Report February 1999 Accounts Payable and Payroll Page Two FISCAL IMPACT Total expenditures for all funds is$831,020.37. CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for payment and that funds are available for these demands. Dated: March'11,1999 Rac elle Rickard Administrative Services Director Approved by the City Council at a meeting held March 23, 1999. Marcia M.Torgerson, City Clerk ATTACHMENT: February 1999 Warrant Register in the amount of $398,389.40 00002'7 MONTH ENDA RSEMENTS REPORT C SF� DI B S U FEBRUARY 1999 Check Number Che Ik Date Vendor Name Net Amount EFT 48 2/1/991 MID-STATE BANK 36.12 . EFT 49 2/8/991 MID-STATE BANK 27,378.57 EFT 50 2/17/96 MID-STATE BANK 1,508.36 EFT 51 2/23/9 MID-STATE BANK 23,797.33 012346 2/17/99 ATASCADERO FORD (50.00) 065117 11/19/38 OCEANO ICE (500.00) 065662 1/19/9 TAMMY BROWN (40.00) 065951 1/27/9 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY (25.00) 065978 2/1/99 WADE MCKINNEY 105.00 065979 2/1/99 STATE OF CALIF. 0.41 065980 2/1/9911 STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 261.00 065981 2/10/90 MARIE CALENDARS 54.50 065982 2/10/90 CASSIE'S CUSTOMS CAKES 63.50 065983 2/10/99 TAMATHA CLARK 450.00 065984 2/12/90 VOID - 065985 2/12/99 VOID - 065986 2/12/90 VOID 065987 2/12/9 VOID - 065988 2/12/9 VOID - 065989 2/12/90 ACTION FAX AND PRINTER 147.71 065990 2/12/99 ACTON ELECTRIC 170.33 065991 2/12/9'9 ADAPTIVE DRIVING SYSTEMS 110.00 065992 2/12/90 ADDICTION MEDICINE CONS. 570.00 065993 2/12/90 AEDC 595.00 065994 2/12/9'19 KERI AKERS 25.00 065995 2/12/919 ALLIANCE TOWING 120.00 065996 2/12/919 ALPHA FIRE SPRINKLER 50.60 065997 2/12/919 AMERICAN WEST TIRE &AUTO 32.63 065998 2/12/99 AMERICAN BRISTOL IND, INC. 25.02 065999 2/12/ AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR 31.00 066000 2/12/9 AMERICAN LEAK DETECTION 25.00 066001 2/12/ 9 ANDERSON'S AUTO SERVICE 18.50 066002 2/12/09 PAULA ANTON 140.00 066003 2/12/99 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 238.74 066004 2/12/99 VOID - 066005 2/12/09 A.R.E. CO., INC. 20.0.0 066006 2/12/99 GEORGE ASDEL 156.80 066007 2/12/99 ATASCADERO FORD 335.56 066008 2/12/ 9 ATASCADERO MUTAL WATER 2,482.10 066009 2/12/ 9 VOID - 066010 2/12/E 9 VOID - 066011 2/12/c,9 VOID - 066012 2/12/ 9 ATASCADERO ELKS BPOE 2733 40.00 066013 2/12/919 ATASCADERO UPHOLSTERY 517.03 066014 2/12/09 ATASCADREO ART ASSOC. 40.00 066015 2/12/919 ATASCADERO WASTE 305.00 066016 2%12/69 THE BANK OF NEW YORK 15,576.93 Pagel 000028 MONTH END CASH DISBURSEMENTS REPORT FEBRUARY 1999 Check Number Check Date Vendor Name Net Amount 066017 2/12/99 CATHERINE BEACH 15.00 066018 2/12/99 CINDY BENSON 337.15 066019 2/12/99 BEST WESTERN COLONY INN 58.86 066020 2/12/99 BITS OF SILVER 30.00 066021 2/12/99 JOHN BLAIR 45.00 066022 2/12/99 BOEGE'S SPORTING GOODS 1,505.76 066023 2/12/99 BONNEMA BREWING COMPANY 5.00 066024 2/12/99 KIMBERLY BRADLEY 25.00 066025 2/12/99 GREG BRAZZI 120.00 066026 2/12/99 NINA BRYAN 250.00 066027 2/12/99 CHERYL BURBACH 100.00 066028 2/12/99 GST CALL AMERICA 779.46 066029 2/12/99 VOID - 066030 2/12/99 VOID - 066031 2/12/99 CAL-COAST REFRIG., INC. 274.74 066032 2/12/99 CALIF. CONF.ARSON INVESTGT 50.00 066033 2/12/99 CALIFORNIA UNIFORM CENTER 1,233.38 066034 2/12/99 CALIFORNIA INTERENET 572.85 066035 2/12/99 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT 104.30 066036 2/12/99 CALIFORNIA APPLIED TECHN 2,359.50 066037 2/12/99 CAYUCOS VACATION RENTALS 300.00 066038 2/12/99 CCAPA 90.00 066039 2/12/99 CDF/ACCOUNTING OFFICE 220.00 066040 2/12/99 CENTRAL COAST PLUMBING 166.57 066041 2/12/99 CENTRAL COAST SANITATION 113.16 066042 2/12/99 CHANNELL PAPER CO. 682.11 066043 2/12/99 ATASCADERO CHAMBER OF 250.00 066044 2/12/99 CHEM CLEAN 96.05 066045 2/12/99 CHEVERON U.S.A., INC. 117.53 066046 2/12/99 BRADY CHERRY 300.00 066047 2/12/99 CHICAGO GRADE LANDFILL 153.00 066048 2/12/99 JERRY L. CLAY, SR. 20.00 066049 2/12/99 BARRY CLARK'S EL PARQUE 25.00 066050 2/12/99 CLEAN WATER OUTLET, INC. 35.00 066051 2/12/99 CMI, INC. 57.16 066052 2/12/99 ` COAST TO COAST HARDWARE 112.61 066053 2/12/99 COLDWELL BANKER 2.00 066054 2/12/99 COMCO COMPUTERS 53.63 066055 2/12/99 CONWAY DISTRIBUTORS 48.00 066056 2/12/99 CIMON CORMIER .84.00 066057 2/12/99 SUSAN CROUCH 182.17 066058 2/12/99 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER CO. 18.00 066059 2/12/99 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO.. 248.39 066060 2/12/99 L.N. CURTIS AND SONS 2,621.19 066061 2/12/99 DARRYUS LOCK AND SAFE 279.36 066062 2/12/99 DATAPRINT CORPORATION 39.78 066063 2/12/99 JOHN DAVIS 28.00 Page 2 000029 T MONTH END CAS DISBURSEMENTS REPORT FEBRUARY 1999 Check Number Che k Date Vendor Name Net Amount 066064 2/12/99 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY 237.85 066065 2/12/09 DENTON BROTHERS COMPUTERS 6,702.83 066066 2/12/9 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 46.00 066067 2/12/ 9 EARTH DESIGN INC. 112.50 066068 2/12/09 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY COMM. 4,855.71 066069 2/12/09 GEORGE L. EDWARDS 150.00 066070 2/12/09 ELLIOT'S REXALL PHARMACY 70.00 066071 2/12/?g GEOFFREY T. ENGLISH 140.00 066072 2/12/09 ESCUELA DEL RIO INC. 56.76 066073 2/12/9 FAMILY PHOTO 191.40 066074 2/12/9 FAMILIAN PIPE&SUPPLY 425.87 066075 2/12/ 9 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR 148.50 066076 2/12/09 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL 162.00 066077 2/12/09 FIRMA/ARCHITECTURAL 320.00 066078 2/12/ 9 FIVE STAR RAIN GUTTERS 10.00 066079 2/12/9 TOM FLYNN &SONS 400.00 066080 2/12/09 FOOD FOR LESS 248.28 066081 2/12/9 FRAZEE PAINT&WALLCOVERINGS 235.30 066082 2/12/ 9 FRANKLIN ELECTRIC COMPANY 624.00 066083 2/12/69 JEFF FREDRICKS 330.00 066084 2/12/09 MITCH FREDERICK 375.00. 066085 2/12/9 ANDREW FRUIN 193.03 066086 2/12/ 9 KAREN GARMEN 1,087.20 066087 2/12/09 GARRISON ELECTRIC CO. 400.00 066088 2/12/ 9 GEM AUTO PARTS 2,319.42 066089 2/12/ 9 VOID - 066090 2/12/ 9 VOID - 066091 2/12/09 VOID - 066092 2/12/9 KIMBERLY GERMOND 25.00 066093 2/12/ 9 GOLD COAST CITY CLERKS 20.00 066094 2/12/9 GRISANTI HARDWARE 12.12 066095 2/12/ 9 DAVID M. GRIFFITH &ASSOC. 1,742.00 066096 2/12/9 HAAKER EQUIPMENT COMPANY 68.63 066097 2/12/ 9 HAHN'S GUNS&AMMO 1,171.57 066098 2/12/69 HAPPY TRAILS AUTOMOTIVE 54.00 066099 2/12/ 9 HART IMPRESSIONS 179.06 066100 2/12/ 9 HASTY AWARDS 886.19 066101 2/12/ 9 DAVE HIXSON 50.00 066102 2/12/99 ROBERT HOSSLI 6,850.00 066103 2/12/99 ICMA 18.95 066104 2/12/09 EVELYN INGRAM 301.56 066105 2/12/89 INGLIS POLICE DOG ACADEMY 9,181.25 066106 2/12/p9 INTESTATE BATTERY SYSTEM 51.43 066107 2/109 . I.S.I.S. (INTERNATIONAL) 375.00 066108 2/12/99 TOM JAMASON 45.00 066109 2/12/99 JESPERSEN'S TIRE SERVICE 1,637.87 066110 2/12/39 JIFFY LUBE#1932 96.32 Page 3 000030 MONTH END CASH DISBURSEMENTS REPORT FEBRUARY 1999 Check Number Check Date Vendor Name Net Amount 066111 2/12/99 JIM'S CAMPUS CAMERA 141.32 066112 2/12/99 PETE JOHNSTON CHEVEROLET 223.96 066113 2/12/99 JON'S TREE TRIMMING 25.00 066114 2/12/99 ROBERT JONES LAW OFFICE 25.00 066115 2/12/99 KAISER SAND&GRAVEL CO. 436.34 066116 2/12/99 KEN'S SPRAY EQUIPMENT 50.00 066117 2/12/99 HOLLY KUSKO 64.05 066118 2/12/99 LEADS SOFTWARE GROUP INC. 321.34 066119 2/12/99 LAURA LEAVEY,MD 170.00 066120 2/12/99 GIACOMO LICARI 25.00 066121 2/12/99 LOOMIS REFRIGERATION 70.00 066122 2/12/99 LOS MEDANOS COLLEGE 148.00 066123 2/12/99 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES 22.41 066124 2/12/99 LYNDON'S AUTOMOTIVE 180.80 066125 2/12/99 BONNIE LYON 232.00 066126 2/12/99 MADRONE LANDSCAPING 14,567.25 066127 2/12/99 CYNCI MALMEN 157.50 066128 2/12/99 JOHN MARTINO 70.00 066129 2/12/99 DENNIS MASSEY GRADING 25.00 066130 2/12/99 ROBERT MAXWELL 320.00 066131 2/12/99 WADE G. MCKINNEY 510.00 066132 2/12/99 CORY MEYER 45.00 066133 2/12/99 MID-COAST MOWER & SAW 49.89 066134 2/12/99 MID-STATE RECYCLE STATION 90.00 066135 2/12/99 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE 102.76 066136 2/12/99 MISSION OFFICE PROCDUCTS 31.64 066137 2/12/99 STEVE MORRIS 28.00 066138 2/12/99 DIANA MORRISON 61.09 066139 2/12/99 MUNIMETRIX SYSTEMS CORP. 300.00 066140 2/12/99 MYERS-STEVENS AND CO., INC 101.50 066141 2/12/99 JOSEPH NUNES FLOORING 193.00 066142 2/12/99 OCEANO SAND COMPANY 951.31 066143 2/12/99 OFFICE DEPOT 70.50 066144 2/12/99 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY 47.96 066145 2/12/99 PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT 333.46 066146 2/12/99 VOID 066147 2/12/99 PACFIC BELL 2,727.88 066148 2/12/99 VOID - 066149 2/12/99 VOID - 066150 2/12/99 VOID - 066151 2/12/99 PACFIC GAS& ELECTRIC 19,869.56 066152 2/12/99 VOID - 066153 2/12/99 VOID - 066154 2/12/99 VOID - 066155 2/12/99 VOID - 066156 2/12/99 PANASONIC COMMUNICATIONS 944.55 066157 2/12/99 PAPER WORKS 135.09 Page 4 000031 MONTH END CASH DISBURSEMENTS REPORT FEBRUARY 1999 Check Number Che k Date Vendor Name Net Amount 066158 2/12/ 9 PAUL RIDDLE LANDSCAPE 50.00 066159 2/12/9 LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY 54.85 066160 2/12/09 PEGGY'S PLACE 25.00 066161 2/12/ 9 THE PENNY MEN 109.02 066162 2/12/ 9 PERRY'S PARCEL SERVICE 22.20 066163 2/12/ 9 MIKE PEREZ 56.00 066164 2/12/09 H.D. PETERSON 415.95 066165 2/12/09 PETTY CASH/FIRE DEPT. 85.41 066166 2/12/?9 VOID - 066167 2/12/09 PETTY CASH 94.69 066168 2/12/09 CINDY PETERS 28.00 066169 2/12/ 9 PRO MOTION 18.00 066170 2/12/?9 PRODUCERS DAIRY FOODS, INC 14.00 066171 2/12/09 PROF. MARC MERMAN 75.00 066172 2/12/09 QUAD-KNOPF 15,212.50 066173 2/12/9 QUILL CORPORATION 140.33. 066174 2/12/ 9 QUINN ENGINE SYSTEMS 461.73 066175 2/12/ 9 RAINBOW MEALWORMS INC. 26.05 066176 2/12/ 9 RECOGNITION WORKS 38.61 066177 2/12/99 CAROLE ROBINSON 175.00 066178 2/12/09 ROCHE DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMS 96.53 066179 2/12/09 JOHN RODGERS 1,428.00 066180 2/12/$9 STEVE ROMO 244.00 066181 2/12/09 ROTO-ROOTER 25.00 066182 2/12/09 RUSSCO 951.83 066183 2/12/09 SAFETY-KLEEN CORP. 87.75 066184 2/12/ 9 PAUL SALDANA 300.00 066185 2/12/ 9 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY CO. 151.16 066186 2/12/ 9 SAN LUIS POWERHOUSE 82.50 066187 2/12/ 9 SANTA MARIA TIRE INC. 99.55 066188 2/12/ 9 STEVE SANDEFFER 45.00 066189 2/12/19 SANTA ROSA JUNIOR COLLEGE 40.00 066190 2/12/09 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY 160.00 066191 2/12/ 9 SLO COUNTY-ANIMAL SERVICE 13,750.00 066192 2/12/ 9 SAN LUIS SURGICAL SUPPLY 26.81 066193 2/12/9 SAN LUIS PERSONNEL 720.00 066194 2/12/ 9 LISETTE SCHOLL 326.90 066195 2/12/09 PAT SCHULZ 357.00 066196 2/12/ 9 ROBERT SEXTON 15.00 066197 2/12/ 9 SHERIFF'S ADVISORY 25.00 066198 2/12/ 9 SNIFFLER EQUIPMENT SALES 304.36 066199 2/12/ 9 JOHN SEIMANS 77.20 066200 2/12/9 SIRCHIE FINERPRINT LABS 32.47 066201 2/12/09 ROLAND R. SNOW II 25.00 066202 2/12/09 THE GAS COMPANY 307.59 066203 2/12/§9 SO. CAL. MUNICIPAL 1,050.00 066204 2/12/99 STRETCHERS 138.95 Page 5 000032 MONTH END CASH DISBURSEMENTS REPORT FEBRUARY 1999 Check Number Check Date Vendor Name Net Amount 066205 2/12/99 CLARA D. STURGESS 25.00 066206 2/12/99 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL 1,040.00 066207 2/12/99 SUPERIOR OFFICE SYSTEMS 28.10 066208 2/12/99 SYLVESTERS SECURITY ALARM 182.00 066209 2/12/99 MICKI TAYLOR 95.40 066210 2/12/99 TEMPLETON UNIFORMS 136.19 066211 2/12/99 TESCO CONTROLS INC. 250.00 066212 2/12/99 THE TOP SHOP 25.00 066213 2/12/99 MARCIA M.TORGERSON 20.00 066214 2/12/99 TRI-COUNTY ELEVATOR CO. 198.00 066215 2/12/99 ANTHONY TRUTANICH 110.00 066216 2/12/99 UNOCAL 1,778.69 066217 2/12/99 U.S. BANK 22,870.00 066218 2/12/99 U.S. POSTMASTER 44.00 066219 2/12/99 TOM VELASQUEZ 78.00 066220 2/12/99 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 23.94 066221 2/12/99 VISION QUEST 1,024.64 066222 2/12/99 DEBORAH VOLPI 24.00 066223 2/12/99 THE WAKEFIELD COMPANY 2,130.80 066224 2/12/99 WALKING W RANCH 30.00 066225 2/12/99 JOHN L.WALLACE&ASSOC. 14,328.76 066226 2/12/99 WESTERN JANITOR SUPPLY 79.83 066227 2/12/99 WILLIAMS GROUND MAIN, 12.50 066228 2/12/99 GEORGE YANES 179.50 066229 2/12/99 PERFECT PRICETAGS 905.19 066230 2/19/99 ATASCADERO FEDERAL 3,547.25 066231 2/24/99 VOID - 066232 2/24/99 VOID - 066234 2/24/99 VOID - 066235 2/24/99 VOID - 066236 2/24/99 VOID - 066237 2/24/99 VOID - 066238 2/24/99 VOID - 066239 2/24/99 VOID - 066240 2/24/99 VOID 066241 2/24/99 VOID _ 066242 2/24/99 VOID - 066243 2/24/99 VOID - 066244 2/24/99 VOID - 066245 2/24/99 - VOID - 066246 2/24/99 VOID - 066247 2/24/99 VOID - 066248 2/24/99 VOID - 066249 2/24/99 VOID 066250 2/24/99 PAULA ANTON 109.12 066251 2/24/99 GREG BRAZZI 120.00 066252 2/24/99 TAMMY BROWN 40.00 Pages 0000:33 MONTH END CASA DISBURSEMENTS REPORT FEBRUARY 1999 Check Number Che k Date Vendor Name Net Amount 066253 2/24/ 9 DOLORES CALL 49.54 066254 2/24/ 9 BRADY CHERRY 104.50 066255 2/24/ 9 CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY 80,632.58 066256 2/24/ 9 CIMON CORMIER 70.00 066257 2/24/ 9 DAN DAVIS 158.20 066258 2/24! 9 GEORGE L. EDWARDS 195.00 066259 2/24/ 9 GEOFFREY T. ENGLISH 315.36 066260 2/24/9 JEFF FREDICKS 40.98. 066261 2/24/)9 ANDREW FRUIN 1,263.36 066262 2/24/)9 JUDY LAUTNER 104.00 066263 2/24/)9 JOHN MARTINO 100.00 066264 2/24/)9 MASTERCARD DEPT. 4,167.62 066265 2/24/ 9 VOID - 066266 2/24/ 9 VOID - 066267 2/24/109 VOID - 066268 2/24/ 9 BECKY MAXWELL 20.03 066269 2/24/9 CAROLE ROBINSON 52.00 066270 2/24/9 STEVE ROMO 158.00 066271 2/24/99 CRIS SMITH 90.00 066272 2/24 9 SOUZA CONSTRUCTION INC. 35,312.28 066273 2/249 ANTHONY TRUTANICH 60.00 066274 2/24 9 TOM VELASQUEZ 138.00 066275 2/25/09 MASTERCARD DEPT. 599.85 066276 2/25/99 WADE G. MCKINNEY 11,815.64 066277 3/1/9 P.L.A.Y. FOUNDATION 40.00 TOTALS $ 398,389.40 illl Page 7 000034 ITEM NUMBER: A-4 DATE: 03/23/99 a is s7 MAN City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G.McKi ney JA ARY 1999 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE & PAYROLL RECOMMENDATION Approve certified City accounts payable,payroll and payroll vendor checks.for January 1999. DISCUSSIO Attached for City Council review and approval are the following: Payroll _ Period End 01/01/99 Ck. #38148-38289 $ 150,482.84 Period End 01/15/99 Ck:#38311-38472 127,073.19 S ecial a roll Dated 61.115199 Ck. #38308-38310 2,057.05 Pa roll Vendors Dated 0 108/99 Ck.#38290-38307 52,704.99 Dated 01/22/99 Ck.#38473-38493 52,404.27 Accounits Payable Dated January 1-31, 1999 Ck.#-65647-65977 317,249.23 Ck.#EFF45-EFT47 56,924.91 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 758,896.48 000017 City Manager's Agenda Report • January 1999 Accounts Payable and Payroll Page Two FISCAL IMPACT Total expenditures for all funds is $758,896.48. CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for payment and that funds are available for these demands. Dated: March 11, 1999 Rac elle Rickard Administrative Services Director Approved by the City Council at a meeting held March 23, 1999. • Marcia M. Torgerson,City Clerk ATTACHMENT: January 1999 Warrant Register in the amount of $374,174.14 000018 '10a 1 'w Ill W n 1XYYYXYY1`LYzY�LYXY �'YYYY'YXXYYYYYY`IYYYYY L)F i , (If 0Ya: M 6 UUU'UUUL)UUUUUL)L)UUUUUUUUUUL)U,UUUL)UL) 000L) L) . ¢ i ¢¢a LO L I W W W W W W W w W W W W W.LI.t W W W W W W W W W W"W W W W W W W W W W W W W " 1000 10 x2TS2x•xx22xxxxxzxxxz2xxxx_2xx2zxxxx2xz I HN H. (0 0000UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-UUUUUUUIL)UU coo ' NC III I www U UQQQQQO.OOOOQO000"OOQOOQOO0000C]000000000. . . CS J . 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I M V 0.O P-0)0. 0.•-t'N V 0,0 P at 0,0 4 N M V 0 0 1-0 01 O r1 N M V 0 0 1-M 0, 0 H N M V 0,0 1` - H Y GJ 1'MMMMMMM V Ct' V V.V V V V V 0N+�h0 0 0NN0, 0, D0, 10 0,1D1O1O.OI-I-I-0, 0, 'o, \11 U 4 1 0`01 0'0'01 0%0' 01 P Q- P O�P 0, P D` D` D` 0, 0 0, Q`0,P fl` P 0,d`P D`P 0 EN U 0,O D`0,P U 0, D`Q D` ' NN0 O E I utNLOWNtntnNN� )tnLoNLntr)NV)tn�intntntntnNtoNMtnUlMLr)LO Lr)MtnNtn.ntntntn�M •O O J L 3 i 10'0.0,0 10,0 10 1010 10�CQP 16 10 10 10 10'0'0 '0 '0'0'O'0'O'0'D .D'D.0 'D .0 •O'0'D'0\0'l).D.0'D.0'O'0'0'0, UZI0000000000 0000000000000000000000.000000000000 0� ,•Co O 1 p (� w O 3 v 1 0 0000'.-d RESOLUTION NO. 1999-015 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL-OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATING A STOP INTERSECTION ON SYCAMORE AND MIRAMON AVENUES WHEREAS, Section 4-2.801, et. seq.,`of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the. City Traffic Engineer to designate STOP intersections, and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same;and WHEREAS, the Traffic Committee recommends that establishing a STOP intersection at the location described on attached Exhibit A will improve a hazardous traffic condition. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings as indicated on attached"Exhibit A". On motion by Councilman , and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following voter AYES: NOES:, ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCIA M. TORGERSON RAY JOHNSON, Mayor City Clerk Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY City Attorney r 000036 EXHIBIT A Resolution No. 1999-015 Opp V 00 STOP a W OP 06000 I � � v4 U ITEM NUMBER:—A - 7 DATE: 03/23/99 NJ iais � i e City Managrerls Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney Adoption of tascadero Fire Captains Bargaining Unit Memorandum of Understanding For Fiscal Year 1998/99 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends theCity-Council authorize the Mayor to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Atascadero Fire Captains Bargaining Unit for Fiscal Year 1998/99. DISCUSSION: Last year's negotiations resulted in several bargaining units requesting training in Interest Based Bargaining, rather than the traditional Negotiations process. After looking into the process, the City Council authorized training for representatives of the bargaining units on a City-wide basis. Interest Based Bargaining is a process of communication that leads both sides to a better understanding of barg ining unit and management issues. With a better understanding and the opportunity to see the City as a whole, better decisions can be made on both sides As with the other bargaining units this year's Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has taken on a new look. Staff aas standardized the format of all the MOU's so they all read alike, with similar benefits under the same section numbers. This year's agreement includes a three percent (3%) salary increase. This increase was implemented City-wide, after approximately five years of no salary raises. FISCAL IMPAC The increase to salary represents approximately $8,242.00 for the Fire Captains Bargaining.Unit, which represent six employees. • RESPONSIBLEDEPARTMENT: City Manager's Office ATTACHMENT Memorandum of Understanding 000038 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ATASCADERO FIRE CAPTAINS' BARGAINING UNIT AND CITY OF ATASCADERO JULY 1, 1998 THROUGH JUNE 30, 1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I-GENERAL PROVISIONS............:........................................................................1 SECTION1.1 PREAMBLE..........:.:...........:........:...:.:......................:.:....................:............................................i SECTION1.2 RECOGNITION............................................................................................................................ SECTION1.3 SEVE NCE..........................:.................:...................................................................................1 SECTION 1.4 SOLE GREEMENT........:..........................:.........................................................:......................1 SECTION 1.5 FULL ORCE AND EFFECT.......................................................................................................2 ARTICLE II-RESPECTIVE RIGHTS........................................................................................2 SECTION 2.1 ASSOIATION RIGHTS..............................................................................................................2 SECTION2.2 CITY RIGHTS...............................................................................................................................2 SECTION 2.3 PEACEFUL PERFORMANCE..............................................................................2 ARTICLE III-HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIlVIE....................... SECTION 3.1 HOUR OF WORK .... .... ............ ............ .... 3 SECTION 3.2 OVERTIME .....3 .SECTION 3.3 CALL) ACK PAY.......... ...... ......... . ........ . ........ ......... ......... ..... .......... ............4 ARTICLE IV-PAY PROVISIONS.............................................................................................4 SECTION4.1 SALA,�Y........................................................................................................................................4 SECTION 4.2 RETI MENT..............................................................................................................................5 SECTION 4.3 SICKLEAVE/STAY WELL PLAN..............................................................................................5 SECTION 4.4 VACATION LEAVE.....................................................................................................................6 SECTION4.5 HOLIDAYS...................................................................................................................................6 SECTION 4.6 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE............................................................................................................6 ,SECTION 4.7 MILITARY LEAVE......................................................................................................................6 SECTION 4.8 PARAMEDIC PAY..........................................................................................6 ARTICLE V-HEALTH AND WELFARE................................................................................6 SECTION 5.1 MEDICAL AND DENTAL INSURANCE COVERAGE...........:...................................6 SECTION 5.2 PROBATION... ........ ..... ..... ..... ...7 SECTION 5.3 PHYS�CAL FITNESS.......... .... ......... .... .... .............:.........................7 ARTICLE VI-CLOSING PROVISIONS.................................................................................7 SECTION 6.1 COMPARATIVE SALARY AND BENEFITS...................................................:......7 SECTION6.2 TERM�..........................................................................................................7 SECTION 6.3 SIGNATURES................................................................................................8 .000040 FIRE CAPTAINS' M U 1998/99 ARTICLE I-GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1.1 PREAMBLE This Memorandum of Understanding is made and entered into between the City of Atascadero,hereinafter referred to as the"City"and the Atascadero Fire Captains'Bargaining Unit,hereinafter referred to as the"Association"pursuant to California Government Code Section 3500,et seq.and the City's Employer-Employee Relations Policy. The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)is the establishment of wages,hours and other terms and conditions of employment. The City and Association agree that the provisions of this MOU shall be applied equally to all employees covered herein without favor or discrimination because of race,creed,color,sex,age,national origin,political or religious affiliations or association memberships. Whenever the masculine gender is used in this MOU,it shall be understood to include the feminine gender. SECTION 1.2 RECOGNITION a. The City of Atascadero recognizes the Association as the recognized and exclusive representative for the following classifications: • Fire Captain b. This recognition is exclusive of management employees and temporary, employees. c. The City agrees to meet and confer and otherwise deal exclusively with the Association on all matters relating to the scope of representation under the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act(Government Code Section 3500,et seq.),and as provided under the City's Employer-Employee Relations Policy. SECTION 1.3 SEVERANCE a. If any provision of the Agreement should be found invalid,unconstitutional,unlawful,or unenforceable by reason of any existing or subsequently enacted constitutional or legislative provision shall be severed, and all other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of the Agreement. b. In the event that any provision of the MOU should be found invalid,unconstitutional,unlawful or unenforceable, the City and the Association agree to meet and confer in a timely manner in an attempt to negotiate a substitute provision. Such negotiations shall apply only to the severed provision of the Agreement and shall not in any way modify or impact the remaining provisions of the existing MOU. SECTION 1.4 SOLE AGREEMENT a. The City and the Association agree that to the extent that any provision addressing wages,hours, and terms and conditions of employment negotiable under the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act found outside this MOU and are in conflict thereof,this MOU shall prevail. b. If,during the term of the MOU,the parties should mutually agree to modify,amend,or alter the provisions of this MOU in any respect,any such change shall be effective only if and when reduced to writing and executed by the authorized representatives of the City and the Association. Any such changes validly made shall become part of this MOU and subject to its terms. 000041 FIRE CAPTAINS' MOU 1998/99 Page 1 SECTION 1.5 FULL FO RCE AND EFFECT a. All wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment that are negotiable subjects of bargaining under the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act,including those set in this MOU,shall remain in full force and effect during the term of this MOU unless changed by mutual agreement. b. The City will.abide the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act where and when it applies to the Association. ARTICLE II-RESPECTIVE RIGHTS SECTION 2.1 ASSOCIATION RIGHTS The Association shall hav the following rights and responsibilities: a. Reasonable advancer�otice of any City ordinance,rule,resolution,or regulation directly relating to matters within the scope of representation proposed to be adopted by the City Council b. Reasonable use of one bulletin board at all Fire Department stations. c. The right to payroll deductions made for payments or organization dues and for City approved programs. d. The use of City facilities for regular,normal and lawful Association activities,providing that approval of the City Manager or his/her designee has been obtained. e. Reasonable access toemployee work locations for officers of the Association and their officially designated representatives forthe purpose of processing grievances or contacting members of the organization concerning business within the scope of representation. Access shall be restricted so as not to interfere with the normal operations of any department or with established safety or security requirements. SECTION 2.2 CITY RIIGHTS a. The authority of theity includes,but is not limited to the exclusive right to determine the standards of service; determine the procedures and standards of selection for employment and promotion; direct its employees;take disciplinary action fo#"just cause",relieve its employees from duty because of lack of work or for other legitimate reason;maintain the efficiency of governmental operations;determine the methods,staffing and personnel by which governmental operations are to be conducted;determine the content of job classifications;take all necessary actions to carry out its mission in emergencies; exercise complete control and discretion over its organizations and the technology of performing its work; provided, however, that the exercise and retention of such rights does not preclude employeesr their representatives from consulting or raising grievances over the consequences or impact that decisions on the�e matters may have on wage,hours and other terms of employment. SECTION 2.3 PEACEFUL PERFORMANCE a. The parties to this MOU recognize and acknowledge that the services performed by the City employees covered by this Agreement are essential to the public health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the City of Atascadero. Associa ion agrees that under no circumstances will the Association recommend,encourage,cause or promote its members to initiate,participate in,nor will any member of the bargaining unit take part in,any strike, sit-down,stay-in,sic -out,slow-down,of picketing(hereinafter collectively referred to as"work-stoppage)in any office or department of the City,nor to curtail any work or restrict any production,or interfere with any operation of the City. In the event of any such work stoppage by any member of the bargaining unit,the City shall not be required to negotiate on the merits of any dispute which may have risen to such work stoppage until said work stoppage has ceased. 000042 FIRE CAPTAINS' OU 1998/99 Page 2 b. In the event of any work stoppage,during the term of this MOU,whether by the Association or by any member of the bargaining unit,the Association by its officers,shall immediately declare in writing and publicize that such work stoppage is illegal and unauthorized,and further direct its members in writing to cease the said conduct and resume work. Copies of such written notices shall be served upon the City. If in the event of any work stoppage the Association promptly and in good faith performs the obligations of this paragraph,and providing the Association has not otherwise authorized,permitted or,encouraged such work stoppage,the Association shall not be liable for any damages caused by the violation of this provision. However,the City shall have the right to discipline,up to and including discharge,any employee who instigates,participates in,or gives leadership to,any work stoppage activity herein prohibited,and the City shall also have the right to seek full legal redress,including damages,against any such employees. ARTICLE III--HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME SECTION 3.1 HOURS OF WORK a. Work Period The normal work period shall be seven(7)days with a maximum non-overtime of fifty-six(56)hours. This is equivalent to 121.33 shifts per year. b. Definition of Shift Employees Shift employees(excluding administrative assignments)are assigned to positions which duties are performed on a twenty-four(24)hour day,seven(7)days a week basis,and include: 0 Fire Captains SECTION 3.2 OVERTIME a. Rate Employees shall be paid overtime at the rate of time and one-half his/her regular rate of pay. b. Hours Paid Overtime shall be paid after fifty-six(56)hours worked in a seven(7) day work period. Paid time off shall be considered time worked for overtime purposes. c. Compensating Time Earned(CTE) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section,employees may be granted CTE for overtime credit computed at time and one-half at the mutual convenience of the Fire Department and the employee.Employees may accumulate up to six(6)shifts(144 hours)of compensatory Time Earned. d. Scheduling Compensating Time Off(CTO) Requests to use CTO shall be granted with due regard for operational necessity such as staffing levels. SECTION 3.3 CALLBACK PAY Employees who are called to duty at a time they are not working shall be compensated a minimum compensation of two (2)hours at time and one-half rate of pay. 000043 FIRE CAPTAINS' MOU 1998/99 Page 3 ARTICLE N PAY PROVISIONS SECTION 4.1 SALARY The following monthly salaries become effective July 1, 1998. Fire Captain 3285.69 1 3449.97 1 3622.47 1 3803.60 3993.78 a. Steps B,C,D,and E may be paid upon completion of twelve months of employment at the preceding step where the employee has demonstrated at least satisfactory job progress and normally increasing productivity,and upon recommendation of the Department Head and approval of the City Manager. b. Salary Inequity Increa�es. 1.Surve Jurisdictio The parties agree that,the survey jurisdictions for unit classifications under this M.O.U.shall be the cities of Atascadero,Morro Bay,Paso Robles,and San Luis Obispo. 2.Compensation Stud+ The parties agree thate salary survey compiled by the City Manager's Office in June of 1998 shall serve as a starting point for further negotiations and the development of a procedure to ensure that represented classifications are paid competitively relative to the survey jurisdictions above. Any discrepancies or disputes over the data contained in the salary survey will be resolved through the meet and confer process. The parties agree the intent is to increase salaries pursuant to Section 4 up to no less than the survey average (mean)whenever a classification is found to be 4%or more below the survey mean. The parties agree to a ply the"Y rating principle to any classification found to be 4%or more above the survey mean until such classification's compensation is at the mean. 3. Ongoing Meetings The parties agree to cc ntinue to meet and confer during the term of this agreement at mutually agreeable times and places in order to i nake written recommendations on the following on or before January 15, 1999. Develop`benchmark' lassifications to be linked to each represented classification for the purpose of salary surveys and inequity s� lary increases. Identify and internal compaction/expansion problems and recommend any salary increases necessary to eliminate or minimize(them Identify the cost of implementing.salary increases based upon the negotiating team's recommendations relevant to inequity increases and/or increses to eliminate compaction and/or internal alignment issues. 4. Implementation The parties shall meet and confer no later than February, 1999 in order to agree upon the scope of the salary inequity increases,the effective date thereof and the City's ability to pay for the salary increases described above. The parties agree tha' the primary factor in this assessment shall be the City's ability to pay based upon the 000044 FIRE CAPTAINS' OU 1998/99 Page 4 following: a. Overall expenditures not exceeding those budgeted b. New ongoing revenue and/or existing revenue in excess of those budgeted The parties agree that it is their intent to.implement salary inequity increases for represented classifications pursuant to the written recommendations of the negotiation teams and the City's ability to pay. SECTION 4.2 RETEREMENT a. Employees will be provided retirement benefits through the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS). Fire Captains will be provided benefits pursuant to the 2% @ 50 formula (Section 21252.0 of the Government Code) for Sworn Safety Members (as defined by CalPERS) and the City will pay the employee contribution of nine(9%)percent. b. The CalPERS retirement for Sworn Safety Members(as defined by CalPERS)includes Level Four(4)of the 1959 Survivor's Benefit. The employees shall pay the monthly cost of the benefit. c. The City shall implement the Military Service Credit(Section 20930.3 of the Government Code)provided there is no direct cost to the City. SECTION 4.3 SICK LEAVE/STAY WELL PLAN a. Unit members shall earn and use sick leave subject to the provisions of the City of Atascadero Rules and Regulations. It is agreed that nothing herein shall be construed as providing any vested right,monetary or otherwise, to any unused sick leave existing at time of discharge or voluntary separation from City service,or at time of retirement in accordance with the City's Public Employees Retirement System contract. b. Sick leave accumulates at a rate of 5.54 hours per pay period. There is no limit to the accumulation. c. Employees with 576.16 or more hours of accumulated sick leave shall be eligible for the Stay Well Bonus.The Stay Well Bonus will be implemented as follows: 1. The sick leave pay-off will occur during fifty-two(52)week period(ending generally on the last day of the second pay-period in November)after an employee has accumulated and maintained 576.16 hours of sick leave. 2. Once the eligibility requirements have been met,an employee may opt to receive a pay-off equal to one-third (1/3)of the unused annual allotment of sick leave. (The annual allotment is 144.04 hours). 3. Checks will be prepared by December 15 of each year. If the 15'`is a Saturday or Sunday, check will be prepared the following Monday. SECTION 4.4 VACATION LEAVE a. Employees shall be entitled to vacation leave consistent with the City Personnel Rules and Regulations. b. It is agreed and understood that the taking of vacation shall be as scheduled by the Fire Chief subject to the needs of the City. SECTION 4.5 HOLIDAYS a. Employees shall receive five and 6/10 (5.6)shifts annually. Said holidays shall be credited in accordance with procedures established by the Personnel Officer. b. Holiday time may be used as either paid time off or paid in cash at the option of the employee with the approval 060045 FIRE CAPTAINS' MOU 1998/99 Page 5 I the Fire Chief. SECTION 4.6 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE Employees shall be grantedbereavement leave pursuant to the City Personnel Rules and Regulations in the event of death of his/her spouse, child, prent, grandparent, grandchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother,sister,brother-in-law,and sister-in-law. SECTION 4.7 MILITARY LEAVE Military leave shall be gr ted in accordance with the provisions of State and Federal law. All employees entitled to military leave shall give the appointing power an opportunity within the limits of military regulations to determine when such leave shall be taken. SECTION 4.8 PARAMEDIC PAY The City shall pay three hundred fifty dollars($350)per month to those employees who are trained,qualified and assigned by the Fire Chief to E.M.TJ Paramedic duties. ARTICLE V-HEALTH AND WELFARE SECTION 5.1 MEDICAL AND DENTAL INSURANCE COVERAGE a. City shall pay all medical, dental,vision and life insurance benefit premiums for each unit member employee for the term of this agreement,under the City sponsored plans based upon HMO plan costs b. The City agrees to pay$305 per month,per employee,toward the monthly medical,dental,vision and life insurance premiums for all eligible employee spouses,children or dependents as defined by the insurance agreements.The City will contribute 50%of increased costs for dependent health insurance premiums based upon the HMO plan premium costs. c. Any funds remaining from the City's contribution toward insurance coverage shall be paid to the employee as additional compensation. d. The City shall provide term life insurance coverage for each employee in a total amount of fifteen thousand ($15,000)dollars during the term of this agreement. e. The City shall provide,a term life insurance policy for each eligible dependent enrolled in health coverage in a total amount of one thousand($1,000)dollars per dependent during the term of this agreement. f The Medical Insurance Committee may recommend changes in the level of service and service providers to the City during the term of the igreement.Each recognized bargaining unit shall have authority to vote on a pro-rated basis. The ratio shall be ba d on the number of unit employees to the number of employees eligible for health benefits. g. Flexible Benefits PI The City shall make available to employees covered by this MOU a Flexible Benefit Plan, in compliance with ap licable Internal Revenue Code provisions. The plan will enable an employee,on a voluntary basis,cover addition out of pocket premium expenses for insurance through pretax payroll dollars. SECTION 5.2 PROBATION The probationary period fonewly hired Fire Captains shall be eighteen months. The probationary period for employees promoted to Fire Captain shall be twelve months. 000046 FIRE CAPTAINS' OU 1998/99 Page 6 SECTION 5.3 PHYSICAL FITNESS The parties agree to establish a committee consisting of an equal number of representatives from the City and the Association for the purpose of developing a physical fitness program that will be implemented in the Fire Department for all employees in the unit. The committee will meet as needed to develop recommendations for the Fire Chief. The physical fitness program will include the following elements: 1) Mandatory participation; 2) Established standards; 3) City provided physicals. ARTICLE VI-CLOSING PROVISIONS SECTION 6.1 COMPARATIVE SALARY AND BENEFITS The parties agree that future Cost of Living Allowances and health benefits for bargaining units shall be equal to all other City employees. Unit employees shall receive any increases in benefits to COLA,health benefits and leave accruals in an amount at least equal to that which is received by other bargaining units.: The cost of these additional benefits shall be calculated in a manner to provide accurate comparison with the other bargaining unit. SECTION 6.2 TERM The term of this MOU shall commence on July 1, 1998,and expire on June 30, 1999. SECTION 6.3 SIGNATURES This MOU has been ratified and adopted pursuant to the recommendation of the following representatives: APA Date APA Date CITY OF ATASCADERO Mayor Date City Manager Date APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorney Date 00004 FIRE CAPTAINS' MOU 1998/99 Page 7 ITEM NUMBER: A - 8 DATE: 03/23/99 1918 W 1919 8 - CAD City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G. McK nney Abandoned Roadway Easement RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Ci y Council authorize the City Manager to sell the .79 acre abandoned roadway easement adjacent to San Palo Road to Kelly Gearhart for$25,000.00. DISCUSSION: The City Council rec ntly abandoned a..79 acre roadway easement adjacent to San Palo Road. The property borders a commercial development proposed by Kelly Gearhart. Mr. Gearhart has offered to purchase the property. The property is located(see Attachment A) so that it can only benefit the commercial development and there is no other viable use. Staff has established the value of the property to be $25,000.00 based upon other property information in the Ci y. Since there is only one potential buyer,market information is less valuable. The property will not provide an additional lot line or any subdivision rights not already possessed by the adjoining property. Therefore,the value is only in the increased lot sizes which is consistent with the City's interests. FISCAL IMPAC The fiscal impact wil be a revenue of$25,000.00 to the General Fund. ALTERNATIVE Do not sell the propeity. This alternative is not recommended as the City does not need the project and can sell the property for$25,000.00 RESPONSIBLE EPARTMENT: City Manager's Office ATTACHMENT Attachment A-Abandonment map 000048 s . IasrB a..•. i • s E�,�� J t b V MSS► g \ ; O ca Eat xv N ♦ .l' p a ,j oa a■. , r a ; NZw C3� _rr �a �� m N , to OM I<- F8b u # o to rr 1 o�F' CL<0 ti 4 .yy?7j Al ca r r JJ w.3•e \3 9 � '� • � . ~I q www w wV- y i to 000049 ITEM NUMBER: C = 1 DATE: 03/23/99 • R oil � ® K INS ® 5s City Mana er's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney Lease Agreem nt with the Atascadero Unified School District (AUSD) RECOMMENDATION: Council authorize the ayor to execute lease agreement with the Atascadero Unified School District. DISCUSSION: • The Atascadero Unified School District(AUSD)has been looking for administrative space to enable the District to u ilize the current administrative offices for student instructional space. The current District off ice would provide needed classrooms and is located on an existing campus. The District bas considered a variety of locations including the City-owned Printery for its offices. The third floor of the City Administration Building(City Hall) is mostly vacant and would meet most of the District's space needs. The District Board has taken the necessary actions to approve a lease agreement with the City for the space. The District would pay its proportionate share of the City's utilities,janit rial costs and provide maintenance. The total equivalent cost is $0.51 per square foot or$3,5 3 per month. The District and the City would share use of conference rooms and the Rotunda for meetings within the current MOU for facilities. This would be a more efficient use of these spaces and benefit the taxpayer.. This is a first step in School District/City cooperation that will benefit the taxpayers. There will be a more efficient use f the Memorial Building and the District office will provide approximately$1,000,000 of instructional space. The City and School District have begun exploring a variety of j int ventures that will provide savings and efficiencies to the.taxpayers. The long-term advantages of this relationship will provide more value to the office lease. The School District has a building available for the Genealogical Society. The District has offered the building fo $1.00 per year plus utilities. This would solve the Society's relocation problems. 000050 ITEM NUMBER: C - 1 DATE: 03/23/99 FISCAL IMPACT: The District will pay the proportionate cost.of utilities and janitorial. They will provide maintenance for the third floor. The District will pay$0.24 per square foot and will provide $0.27 per square foot of service making the total value$0.51 per square foot. The District is leasing 6,907 square feet at a total monthly cost of$3,523. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Do not lease the space. This would eliminate the potential efficiencies that may benefit the community. It would leave the City considerable space for other lease opportunities or expansion. This alternative is not recommended as the potential efficiencies are determined to be substantial value to the community. 2. Lease the space to the District at a different rate. The rate was based upon current City costs and will be re-evaluated after one year of actual experience. 3. Lease less space to the District. The District needs the entire third floor to vacate the current District office. If they are unable to completely vacate the office it eliminates the reasons to move at all. RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: City Manager's Office 000051 ITEM NUMBER: C - 2 DATE: 03/23/99 City Man ger's'Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney 1999ommunity Development Block Grant Allocation RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council forward to the County Board of Supervisors allocation recommendations for the 1999 Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) funds as follows: Escuela del R o—Rehabilitation/Remodel existing facility $50,000 City of Atasc dero—Youth Center Renovation 7,500 i City of Atascdero Elevator Accessibility 10,500 City of Atasc dero—Paloma Creek Park Access Bridge 22,300 Loaves and F shes-Purchase of Computer/Printer . 2,459 City of Atasc dero—Youth Activity Scholarship Fund 5,000 Senior Citizens United—Purchase of stove for Senior meals 3,002 Economic Op ortunity Commission—Home Repair Program 25,000 Peoples Self I lelp Housing—Purchase of Facility 80,000 City of Atasc dero—Planning Study - Workforce 12,000 Assessment Administration(20%) 46,755 Total 1999 CDBG Grant $264,516 DISCUSSION: Background: Prepar tion of the 1999 Consolidated Plan began in the fall of 1998. Workshops were held throughout the County to solicit public comment on housing and community development needs. The County published a request for CDBG and HOME Investment Partnership Act(HO E)proposals. By the.deadline of January 22"d, the City had received 14 • applications for CDBG funds (no requests for HOME funds were-received)totaling$485,261. The City has$264,516 in CDBG funds available ($239;316 from the 1999 allocation and $25,200 reallocated f rom the 1994 and 1998 cycles). 000052 ITEM NUMBER:• C - 2 DATE: 03/23/99 CDBG funds are available for community development activities,which meet at least one of the three national objectives; 1.;A benefit to low and moderate income persons; 2. Aid in the prevention or elimination of blight; 3. Address urgent needs that pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community. In order for a program to qualify under the low and moderate income objective, at least 51%o of the persons benefiting from the project or program must earn no more than 80% of the area median. Additionally, at least 70%of the CDBG funds must be spent toward this objective. The following criteria should also be used to guide selection of CDBG programs: 1. The proposal is consistent with the national objectives and eligibility criteria of the HUD CDBG program; 2. The proposal is consistent with the Urban County Consolidated Plan; 3. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan and other City codes/ordinances. 4. The proposal will achieve multiple community development objectives; 5. The proposal can be implemented in a timely manner; without significant • environmental,policy,procedural,legal, or fiscal obstacles to overcome; and 6. The project is not financially feasible without CDBG funding. The following is a summary of each application received: Escuela del Rio—Rehabilitation of Existing Facilities Recommended Funding: $50,000 Escuela del Rio is requesting $50,000 for improvements to an existing facility which provides adult day care for severely developmentally disabled adults. The improvements consist of repairing a substandard electrical system,replacement of heating and air conditioning unit, remodel of kitchen and bathroom and partial funding of anew therapy room addition. An additional $50,000 will be provided through Escuela del Rio reserve funds and a loan from the California Health Facilities Financing Authority. City of Atascadero—Elevator Accessibility Recommended Funding $10,500 The Community Services Department is requesting $10,500 to bring the City Administration Building elevator into ADA compliance.This improvement is a component of the City's Transition Plan for the removal of barriers for individuals with disabilities,where it is identified • as a Priority Two (2). All Priority One barrier removal projects have previously been funded. The Elevator Accessibility Project will be coupled with a$40,000 elevator modernization project recently funded by the City Council. 000053 I J ITEM NUMBER: C - 2 DATE: 03/23/99 III Cily of Atascadero Atascadero Youth Recreation Center Renovations—Phase II Recommended Fundi : $7,500 The Community Services Department is requesting $25,000 for Phase II improvements to the Atascadero Youth Re reation Center. The proposed improvements were to include wheelchair ramps at the front anc.kitchen entrances and accessible restrooms on the first floor. Partial funding of$7,500 will allow for the installation of a wheelchair ramp to the front entrance. This improvement is a component of the City's Transition Plan for the removal of barriers for individuals with disabilities, where it is identified as a Priority Two (2). All Priority One barrier removal projects have been previously funded. City of Atascadero- Paloma Creek Park Bridge Recommended Funding: $22,300 The Community Services Department is requesting funding for the construction of a bridge across Paloma Creek to allow for wheelchair accessibility to the parking lot planned for this area. City staff and volunteer labor will be used. Atascadero Loaves and Fishes—Computer/Printer Purchase Recommended fundir� : $2,459 The Atascadero Loaves and Fishes organization provides short-term assistance to low and very low-income citizens. During 1998 over 4200 families benefited from this all volunteer organization. This request is for the purchase of a computer and printer to.enable the staff to supply data needed by auditors,homeless advocates, government agencies, and the Board of Directors. Atascadero Commyofty Services Foundation—Youth Activily Scholarship Fund Recommended Fundi : $5,000 The Community Services Foundation has established a scholarship fund to assist families of low- income youth to partiipate in recreational and social activities. Because this program is limited to low income youth,�the benefit criteria will be met. Senior Citizens United—Purchase of stove Recommended Funding: $3,002 Senior Citizens Unite d is requesting funds for the purchase of a new stove for the Senior Center. The volunteers at the iSenior Center prepare an average of 100 meals a day, both for homebound seniors and those who dine at the center. Economic Opportul i Commission Home Repair Pro ram Recommended fundi $25,000 The EOC is requesting $30,000 to provide home repair services for low and very low income households. Partial finding is recommended at this time due to the limited nature of these funds. EOC has previously eceived grant awards of$20,460 in 1998, $18,000 in 1997, and $14,570 in 1996. EOC has just�ecently exhausted the 1997 funds and still has over$20,000 in 1998 grant funds available to them. 000 054 ITEM NUMBER: C - 2 DATE: 03/23/99 Peoples Self Help Housing—Purchase of Facility Recommended funding: $80,000 Funding is requested for the acquisition and rehabilitation of the Atascadero Gardens Apartments. Atascadero Gardens provides 17 affordable housing units and is currently for sale. People's Self Help Housing has an opportunity to purchase the property at a below market price. County CDBG funds in the amount of$150,000 and a Community Reinvestment Corporation loan of$418,500. City of Atascadero—Workforce Assessment Recommended funding: $12,000 Funds are requested for professional services to perform a workforce verification and assessment study. The workforce assessment will provide a profile of our"underemployed" in the community as well as determining the skill level of the workforce. Information will be utilized in the development of a targeted business recruitment strategy that provides enhanced job opportunities for local residents. Carlton Properties—Seismic Analysis/Parking Lot Improvements Not recommended for funding this_year The current owners of the Carlton are requesting a total of$80,000; $30,000 to complete a seismic analysis and prepare working drawings, and $50,000 to complete plans and partially fund construction of the parking lot. Funding is not recommended at this time. HUD requires that . 0 funds are available for the completion of the retrofit project before they will approve the funding for the seismic analysis. Cure 2000 Leukemia Research—Purchase of Building Not recommended for funding this year Cure 2000 is requesting $50,000 to be used towards the purchase of the building they are currently leasing. The purchase price of the building is $412,000 and the purchase option must be exercised by April 30, 2001. Grant eligibility is questionable, as the product produced is not distributed to low income individuals, further,the jobs created are not the type of jobs that HUD counts as a benefit to low income individuals. North County Connection—Expand Parking Lot/Hire Childcare Worker Not recommended for funding this year The North County Connection, a recovery resource center for drug and alcohol addition, is requesting $25,000 to fund a part time childcare worker, expand the parking area,build a fence around the child care area, and cover administrative costs. Funding is not recommended at this time. The part time childcare worker position would be an ongoing expense, which would be dependent upon annual grant allocations. Because of the confidential nature of the programs offered,the income documentation is not available to determine if this project meets the national criteria of benefit to low or moderate income citizens and is therefore not eligible for funding. 000055 ITEM NUMBER: C - 2 DATE: 03/23/99 Habitat for HumanitProperty Acquisition Not recommended forftinding this year Habitat for Humanity is requesting $90,000 for the purchase of one or more residential lots for the construction of low-income housing. This project is not recommended for funding this cycle, as a specific project has not been proposed. In addition, questions have been raised at the County level regarding the eligibility of this organization to receive Block Grant funds. FISCAL IMPAC': The City has $264,51§ in CDBG funds available for award. The 1999 allocation of$239,316, $12,000 reallocated from 1994 and $13,200 reallocated from 1998. ALTERNATIVES: Council may choose to modify the grant recommendations made by Staff. However, awards must meet the requirernents of providing a minimum of 70% of funding for benefit to low and moderate income pers ns, and no more than 15%to public service items. RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Community and Economic Development ATTACHMENTS: Application Spreadsheet 000056 O ' O 10 1 10 00 co 00 O O O O 00 O LD O O 00 O 0 W O O tf') LO c- C 0 .00 U') N O z N W 609. cn 0 U W F- ' p ; Z Z O -r 000 00 o00 0 cc c000 co 0o o OOOh ON0 O GAtoM V O C tL O O O 1- CV N to M LO 0M qrt F N M tel' ♦Q♦ t W o r N N0 r et N N •- � co V � _. z J W CL o Q w Z Q O 00000 O OON 0O0 0 M cfi O 00000 t o 000 000 0 (p N U cn O oLnOCOo v o00 000 CL Oct O OOLONG N LO LOM 000 N t- M Oz w LOQ 00 N N Lf) N 0) M o0 r t* � MjM U- W 69 69-> Z a r- Z Z E E w o 0 0 Wrn ¢ N c y (n Q V V Q t °¢ w 0 .22 v li Y Nm Y a) LL0 o O O _c o o C! J ° a! J O �-- CU L N '' Q._ C Q O W J J . L N Y ¢ qcr co w Q' O d Q w a) w i 0 C O C cn ❑ C)) rn ❑ 1 ❑ — t9 F. O O O O �1o ❑ pj{ - p Y cm Q -p O p 0 '0 +> � 'a z � e- e- � 0 y a�ui N E J C > e :_ = () U ❑ LL LL a' >, O N L N a) U Y > rn 9 7 (6 LL. 'o cU (D m m W Ecoc�i :30) o o " '> o d (iia Y m m ❑ ❑ °� Q ¢ a=i U 0 a) � a) X ca m o ❑ U U ° ca cu a ¢ cu c CL M = CE Jm E m E ° t0 a ° n omR HO -V D °o .11 HO O 1-- F— Wcn0w > a s a w >- cL a = a N E- ZU U Q U Cl) (f) (n C > C Co Cl) C O O EEE a) O E O •N E O O O Q Q . z N 000 O � V O 7 O U (L) y� 2 O U cn000E d) roc CU a• > o � a — aaa a Ua rn E 'S = () V• •V Of 0) co ca cu ° �� jl cu C a .i m ¢ = r . " L d. t •— QQY • LL -6 Qo m allw EC N Q oa$ � Qo� U(L w UUIUUU ZU (n 22w _ Q ITEM NUMBER: C 3 DATE: 03/23/99 i a ® i97e CADF,�� City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney Information Bulletin A. Zoo endous Charles Paddock Zoo Da March 27, 1999 is "Zo pendous Charles Paddock Zoo Day." There are several new animal exhibits to see at the zoo and admission will be free all day. The City of Atascadero invites everyone to come and help us celebrate the Charles Paddock Zoo's 44`h birthday on March 27, 1999. B. Employee Update Nathan Lowe /Time Service Worker Hired 3/4/99 Adam Jolly /Time Service Worker Hired 3/4/99 Patricia Schulz Office Assistant III Promoted 3/15/99 000058 ITEM NUMBER: E - 4a• DATE: 03/23/99 is s CAM City Treasurer s Agenda Report David G. Graham, E.A. EVIEW OF CITY TREASURER'S REPORT A review of past Treasurer Reports indicates that some modifications are required to bring the reports ' to compliance with various government codes. The reports presented hereafter,while not in complete compliance,represent the first of several steps we will be taking in a comprehensive review of Government Code reporting requirements. The following ite s have now been incorporated into the City Treasurer's Report: 1. Government Code section 53646(b)(2) requires the Treasurer to certify compliance and state areasof noncompliance with the adopted City investment policy. 2. Government Code section 53646(b)(3) requires certification by the Treasurer of the City's ability to meet its expenditure requirements for the next six months or an explanation of why sufficient funds will or may not be available. Remaining areas noncompliance: Government Code section 53646(b)(1)requires the Treasurer's report to contain the current market value (as opposed to book value) of each investment as of the report date as well as the ource of the valuation information. With the exception of LAIF,all of the City's current investments are in market rate Certificates of Deposit,which if held to maturity,will yield the reported values. While the addition of valuation information will require fairly extensive changes in the Treasurer's Report format, this additional information will be crucial in managing a truly diversified portfolio. It would not be prudent to manage a diversified City investment portfolio without knowing how current market conditions are affecting the value of underlyin assets. (The Orange County debacle was caused by a liquidity crunch resulting from a drop in values not rates of return) We hope to add valuation information changes with the April report. 000059