HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/23/1999 *PUBLIC REVIEW COPY Please do not remove A " ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1999 City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue,4"' floor Atascadero,California CLOSED SESSION, :30 P.M.: 1. Confere ce with labor negotiator(Govt. Code Sec. 54957.6) AgencyNegotiator: City Manager/Mayor Employe organizations: Department Heads, Mid-Management/Professional, Confide itial Unit,Atascadero Fire Captains, Atascadero Firefighters, Service Employ es Intl. Union Local 620,Atascadero Police Assoc. 2. Conference with legal counsel—Potential litigation (Govt. Code Sec. 54956.9) Name: Donald Scroggs ' REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Lerno ROLL"CALL: Mayor Johnson Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide Council Member Clay Council Member Lerno Council Member Luna APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to five minutes. Pleasestate your name and address for the record before making your presentation. The Cou icil may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda) COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS (On their own initiative Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. C uncil Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. No formal action by the Council will be taken unless an item is identified on the Agenda.) A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Roll Call (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken.) 1. City Council Minutes - January 26, 1999 - (City Clerk recommendation: Approve the City Council minutes of January 26, 1999) [Marcia McClure Torgerson] 2. Zoning Change 97002 - Davis Ranch, 3900 Traffic Way (Midland Pacific) Fiscal Impact: $40,000 over 10 years, to pay for itself after about 20 years - (Staff recommendation: Council adopt Ordinance No. 357, on second reading by title only, . approving Zone Change 97002, changing the zoning of the site from Residential Suburban (RS) to Residential Single Family (RSF-I9; and adopting Planning Development Overlay Zone No,14,for property at 3900 Traffic Way) [Paul Saldana] 3. Agreement with Access Unlimited - for Accessibility Management Consultation Services - Fiscal Impact: $500.00-700.00 from previously allocated CBDG funds (Staff recommendation: Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with ACCESS Unlimited for consultation services) [Brady Cherry] Project - Cit of Atascadero Bid No. 97-04 - Acceptance of 4. Graves Creek Road Overlay t y p project and release of retention - Fiscal Impact: $31,082.28 in Street & Bridges Fees (fund 705), previously budgeted (Staff recommendation: Council accept the project as complete and authorize the release of the project retention to Souza Construction, Inc, in the amount of$31,082.28) [Brady Cherry] B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Highway 41/101 Interchange / Traffic Way Project Study Report - Fiscal Impact: Estimated$75,000 ($40,000 in Regional State Highway Account funds, $21,000 in Urban SHA funds and$14,000 in local transportation funds - (Staff recommendation: Council approve the draft request for proposal developed by staff for the Highway 101/Traffic Way Interchange Project Study Report and authorize the City Engineer to distribute the request to consultants) [Brady Cherry] C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Information Bulletin 2 D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The followi 7g represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority 2. Finance Committee 3. Water Committees A. SLO County, Flood Control & Water Conservation District Water Resources AdviE ory Committee B. Naci iento Water Purveyors' Contract Technical Advisory Committee C. North County Water Task Force 4. Integrated Waste Management Authority 5. North County Council 6. Air Pollutior Control District 7. County Mayor's Round Table 4. Economic V tality Corporation, Board of Directors 5. City/ Schoo s Committee 10. Economic Opportunity Commission E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: I. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer F. ADJOURNMENT: THE CITY COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN TO THE NEXT REGULAR SESSION SCHEDULED ON MARCH 09, 1999. Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, tat person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described i'i this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public earing. 3 City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING GENERAL INFORMATION The City Council meets in regular session on thesecond and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk(Room 208),and in the Information Office(Room 103), available for public inspection during City Hall business hours. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City,please contact the City Manager's Office, (805) 461-5010, or the City Clerk's Office, (805)461-5074. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to step up to the podium. If you wish to speak for,against or comment in any way: • You must approach the podium and be recognized by the Mayor • Give your name and address • Make your statement • All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council • All comments limited to 5 minutes(unless changed by the Council) • No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so, and no one may speak more than twice on any item. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter,no further public comments will be heard by the Council. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, "COMMUNITY FORUM",the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to: • Please approach the podium and be recognized • Give your name and address • State the nature of your business This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Council's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum(unless changed by the Council). . TO HAVE ITEMS PLACED ON AGENDA All business matters to appear on the Agenda must be in the Office of the City Manager ten days preceding the Council meeting. Should you have a matter you wish to bring before the Council, please mail or bring a written communication to the City Manager's office in City Hall prior to the deadline. ITEM NUMBER: A — 1 DATE: 02/23/99 MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY,JANUARY 26, 1999 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION INTERVIEWS, 6:00 P.M. 1. Inten iew candidates 2. Selec ,by ballot, four citizens for the Parks&Recreation Commission. The City Council interviewed three candidates, Patrick Dempsey, Frank Kock and Paul Hood. Mayor Johnson stat that the two candidates that were unable to attend the interviews are still eligible for appointment and the Council should consider them when voting. Council Member Luna said that the Council needs to vote to include them on the ballot. MOTION: By Council Member'Clay and seconded by Council Member Lerno to include candidates Craig Herron and Donald Horton on the ballot for Parks and Recreation Commissioners. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Arrambide opposed) • The City Council voted and appointed Patrick Dempsey, Frank Kock and Paul Hood to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Craig Herron and Donald Horton, both unable to attend the interviews, were tied for the fourth vacancy. The City Council voted again and Craig Herron was appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission. REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: Mayor Johnson callcd the Regular Session to order at 7:00 p.m. and Mayor Pro Tem Mike Arrambide led the PI edge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Arrambide, Clay,Lerno, Luna and Mayor Johnson Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia Torgerson and City Treasurer David G. Graham Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Community Services Director Brady Cherry,Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard,Assistant City Engineer John Neil, Senior Civil Engineer David Beas, Public Works Technician Valerie Humphrey and City Attorney Roy Hanley. CC 01/26/99 Page 1 of 8 000001 ITEM NUMBER:—A - 1 DATE: 02/23/99 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: - MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Lerno to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS: Ground Water Guardian Community - The Atascadero.Mutual Water Company will announce that the City of Atascadero has received the designation of a Ground Water Guardian Community. They will present the City Council with signs reflecting this designation. Jim Patterson,Atascadero Mutual Water Company, gave a presentation to the Council explaining the Groundwater Guardian Program was founded to educate our community on the importance of maintaining a water supply in both quantity and quality. He stated that Atascadero is one of 131 communities nationwide that have been given this honor. He stressed the importance of educating the public about the nature and value of groundwater. He introduced the members of the Groundwater Team to the Council: Geoff English(City of Atascadero), Michele Valesko (Atascadero Waste Alternatives), Roger Zachary (High School Faculty), Lindsay Hampton (Community at large) and Susan Lederal (County Engineering Department) and Sheree Ricketts (Community at large). COMMUNITY FORUM: John McGoff, 9192 Maple St., read a prepared statement in which he expressed his concerns with the Council's actions at their last meeting when they removed Jennifer Hageman from the Planning Commission. (see Attachment A) Bill Bright, 11875 Santa Lucia, stated he thought now is the time to re-write the Downtown Master Plan now in preparation of the Redevelopment Agency's future actions concerning the downtown. He said that he would like to be a part of that process. Henry Ridder, 10900 Portola Road, President Pro Tem of the Friends of the Library. He explained that the County funds the library but that does not include children's programs, materials, etc. He stated that the expansion will be funded 50%by the County and 506/o by the City and Friends of the Library funds. He referred to a survey conducted for the San Luis Obispo County City-County Library (see Attachment B). He asked for support from the City. Mike Murphy, Santa Clara Road, spoke about his concerns with the Eagle Creek Golf Course lights. He thanked Council Member Clay for coming to his home to see the impact on his property. He stated that he is circulating a petition around his neighborhood which states that the golf course is not in compliance with Atascadero's lighting ordinance and submitted them for the Council to review. (see Attachment C) CC 01/26/99 000002 Page 2 of 8 ITEM NUMBER: A — 1 DATE: 02/23/99 Council Member Cly suggested that some of the other City Council Members go out and see what is going on in this neighborhood. Council Member Luna asked when the Council can expect a report on the golf course lights. City Manager Wade McKinney responded that he will let the Council know tomorrow. Council Member Cly asked that the engineer writing the report be asked to go to the homes that are being affected by the lights so that he can address their concerns. Mayor Johnson closed the Community Forum period COUNCIL ANNO NCEMENTS AND REPORTS: Council Member Luna stated that he is very sensitive to the criticism that the Council is sacrificing the soul of the City to the golden calf of sales tax. With respect to the adult bookstore, Council Member Luna proposed that Atascadero calculate the sales tax that we receive from the adult bookstore, and use that money to fight the effects of pornography on our community. Mayor Johnson asked staff to come back with a report on this issue. Council Member Clay announced the Super Bowl Blowout on January'31". He invited everyone to attend and help out. Also, he announced that the Chamber is having their annual awards dinner on January 3 `h A. CONSENTCALENDAR: Roll Call 1. November 1998 Accounts Pa able & Payroll-Fiscal Impact: $898,482.23 (Staff recom endation: Review and approve) [Rachelle Rickard] 2. December 1998 Accounts Payable & Pa roll-Fiscal Impact: $977,313.24 (Staff recom endation: Review and approve) [Rachelle Rickard] 3. Minor Road Improvements Program-twelve miscellaneous road repair and drainage projects-Fiscal Impact: $56,076 to be paid from Fund 700 "Streets & Bridges Fees"- (Staff recom endation: Council authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with Madonna Construction to construct twelve miscellaneous road repair and drainage projects) [Brady Cherry] 4. Santa Cruz Road Slope Rehabilitation Project-Fiscal Impact: $96,526 in FEMA storm damage rep it funds (Staff recommendation: Council authorize the mayor to execute an agreement with Souza Construction to construct the improvements required to repair a failed road slope on Santa Cruz Road) [Brady Cherry] 5. Atascadero Avenue Bridge Slope Stabilization Project-Fiscal Impact: $36,000 to be paid from Fund 705 "Streets & Bridges Fees"- (Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with Whitaker contractors Inc. to construct the improvements required to provide slope stabilization at the Atascadero Avenue Bridge) [Brady Cherry] CC 01/26199 Page 3 of 8 �0�0®3 ITEM NUMBER:—A - 1 DATE: 02/23/99 MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 3. Establishment of Speed Limit—on various streets—Fiscal Impact: $8,500 already budgeted funds— (Traffic Committee recommendation: Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-004 which formally establishes a speed limit on various city streets) [Dennis Regwood] Police Chief Dennis Hegwood gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. He explained that the Council has a revised staff report in front of them (see Attachment D). He explained the process of conducting speed surveys and their importance towards enforcing speed limits. Council Member Luna asked if the public was going to be warned about the City's new enforcement policy. Chief Hegwood responded that there will be a public awareness campaign and then there will ultimately be enforcement. Council Member Clay stated that he does not like the idea of increasing the speed limits at all. He said that he felt there was justification for lowering the limits from the survey results because of our narrow roads, limited sight distance, no sidewalks, etc. Chief Hegwood agreed with Council Member Clay that he is also concerned about raising the speed limits, however, he is bound by certain rules and regulations with respect to the California Department of Transportation and the California Vehicle Code. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide asked how often we can do speed surveys. Chief Hegwood answered that the time limit is 7 years. The Council expressed a general concern about raising the speed limits on local streets, especially near schools. City Attorney Roy Hanley responded,that'the speed limit around the schools will remain 25 MPH. Mr. McKinney explained that the State does not allow a "political" change to speeds recommended by surveys. If we do so,the surveys will be thrown out and the police would not be able to use radar to monitor speed. PUBLIC COMMENT: Rush Kolemaine, P.O. Box 1990, asked for clarification on signage in the city notifying the public of the use of radar. Chief Hegwood answered they are posted at the city limits. He also expressed his concerns of adequate speed limit signage. CC 01/26/99 Page 4 of 8 000004 ITEM NUMBER: A — 1 DATE: 02/23/99 Robert Manning, 7400 Cortez, asked if since we don't want to raise the speed limits, why not leave the existing speed signs. City Attorney Roy Hanley responded that the police would not be able to use radar if the speed was posted lower than the speed surveys. Judy Murphy, 9320 Santa Clara Road, stated that she walks often and is concerned with the increase in the speed limits. She also said that more crosswalks would be convenient in between the long blocks on El Camino Real. Andy Arms, 7500 Graves Creek Road, thanked the Police Chief and the City for trying to control the speed problems n Atascadero. He suggested that the City focus on enforcement options. Chuck Wallen, Graves Creek Road, stated that the traffic on Graves Creek Road goes too fast. He also asked why Atascadero could not place a few crosswalks in between the long blocks with a signal light on El amino Real_ Bill Bright, 11875 Santa Lucia Road, suggested that they keep the blacktop narrow and put wide base shoulders on P' rtola Road to control speeders. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. There was lengthy Council discussion on this item. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to adopt Resolution No. 1999-004 which formally establishes a speed limit on various city streets. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Clay opposed) 1. Refinancing of 1993 Camino Real Improvement Bonds—Fiscal Impact: $20,000 in administrate e fee revenue upon issuance and potential additional savings of up to $86,000 thr 'ughout the life of the bonds— (Staff recommendations: 1) Council adopt Resolution AV 1999-001 declaring intention to refund the outstanding bonds of Camino Real Improvment Project, 2) Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-002 approving and confirming report and reassessment for the refunding of the outstanding bonds for Camino Rea(Improvement Project, and 3) Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-003 authorizing the issuance and sale of refunding bonds for Camino Real Improvement Project) [R chelle Rickard] Administrative Sen ices Director Rachelle Rickard gave the staff report, explained that the City has no liability int this issue, and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Council Member Lerno and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to adopt Resolution No. 1999-001 declaring intention to refund the outstanding bonds of Camino Real Improvement Project. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. CC 01/26/99 Page 5 of 8 000005 ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 02/23/99 MOTION: By Council Member Lerno and seconded by Council Member Clay to adopt Resolution No. 1999-002 approving and confirming report and reassessment for the refunding of the outstanding bonds for Camino Real Improvement Project. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. MOTION: By Council Member Lerno and seconded by Council Member Clay to adopt Resolution No. 1999-003 authorizing the issuance and sale of refunding bonds for Camino Real Improvement Project. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 2. Comprehensive Financial Strategy - Outside Agency Funding Requests-adding policy to Comprehensive Financial Strategy concerning funding outside organizational requests -Fiscal Impact: None (Staff recommendation: Council add Funding Outside Agency Policy to Atascadero's Comprehensive Financial Strategy) [Wade McKinney] City Manager Wade McKinney gave the staff report explaining the purpose of adding this policy to Atascadero's Financial Strategy. He gave the Council a revised copy of the policy. There was Council discussion about the agencies who regularly request funds and if they would comply with this policy. PUBLIC COMMENT: Rush Kolemaine, P.O. Box 1990, expressed his appreciation to the City Manager for bringing this policy to the Council and encouraged the Council to approve it. Casey Daniels, 8450 Los Osos Road,representative for the North County Humane Society, stated that it is important that the City not cut the spay-neuter program. George Green, SEIU representative, stated that the employees of Atascadero supports this policy. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., stated that he agreed that spay-neuter must not be cut. He also stated that the Women's Shelter is also very important to the community. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Lerno to add the amended Funding Outside Agency Policy to Atascadero's Comprehensive Financial Strategy (see Attachment E). Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 4. Information Bulletin CC 01/26/99 000006 Page 6 of 8 ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 02/23/99 D. COMMITTEE REPORTS S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.Q. Refzional Transit Authorit Mayor Johnson said that they meet next week. Finance Committee Council Member Lu a said that they meet tomorrow. Water Committees Council Member Cly stated that hey meet the first of month. Air Pollution Contro District Mayor Pro Tem Arr 'mbide said that they meet tomorrow. County Mayor's Round Table Mayor Johnson stated that they will be meeting on Friday. Economic Vitality C' oration Board of Directors Mayor Johnson said that they meet tomorrow. Economic Ormortunity Commission Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide said that he was seated as a Board Member last Thursday. He stated that the EOC plans on doing a National Conference at Embassy Suites on the topic of Childcare Program Development from March 1 S`to March 3rd E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Council Mayor Johnson stated that the City is concerned about the Y2K issue and making sure the City will not be affected. City Clerk City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson announced that earlier in the evening the Council appointed Patrick Dempsey, Frank Kock, Paul Hood and Craig Herron to the Parks and Recreation Commis 'ion. City Treasurer City Treasurer Davi Graham announced that there will be a Finance Committee meeting tomorrow. He stated that one of the items on the agenda is the Y2K issue. F. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Johnson adjourned the Regular Session at 8:55 p.m. to the Redevelopment Agency Meeting. CC 01/26/99 Page 7 of 8 000007 ITEM NUMBER: A — 1 DATE: 02/23/99 CLOSED SESSION: - 1 Conference with negotiator over real property. (Govt. Code 54956.8) Negotiator: City Manager Wade McKinney Property: Mr. &Mrs. Hensley, 9085 Morro Road Negotiations will include price and/or terms of payment" City Attorney Roy Hanley announced that the Council directed the City Manager to enter into a contract with Mr. &Mrs. Hensley. 2) Conference with negotiator over real property. (Govt. Code 54956.8) Negotiator: City Manager Wade McKinney Property: Estate of W. P. Guidry, APN#031-361-003, #031-361-017, #031-361-015, #031-361-011, and#031-361-012. Also APN#028-092-009, #056-322-010, and#056-322-011.. Negotiations will include price and/or terms of payment. City Attorney Roy Hanley announced that the Council gave direction to the City Manager concerning this issue. 3) Conference with negotiator over real property. (Govt. Code 54956.8) Negotiator: City Manager Wade McKinney Property: 9600 Marchant Ave. Negotiations will include price and/or terms of payment City Attorney Roy Hanley announced that the Council directed the City Manager to sell above- referenced property to Mr. Thomas DeVore. 4) Conference with legal counsel—Pending litigation (Govt. Code Sec. 54956.9(a)) Name of case: Marquez v. City of Atascadero, Claim No. 5106278 City Attorney Roy Hanley announced that the Council gave direction to the City Manager concerning this issue. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A— Prepared statement, John McGoff, dated 1/26/99 Attachment B— SLO City-County Library Survey Results, dated 9/23/98 (Henry Ridder) Attachment C - Statements concerning Eagle Creek Golf Course Attachment D - Revised staff report on Speed Limits,1/26/99 Attachment E - Outside Agency Funding Requests Policy CC 01/26/99 Page 8 of 8 000008 Attachment: A Atascadero City Council Meeting Date: 01/26/99 City Council - January 26, 1999 Community Forum The day after the Council meeting of 'Jan_ 12t', I had a chance meeting with Councilman Arrambidie in the County Courthouse. We talked of many subjects over the course of some 45 m"nutes . Foremost was the concern I expressed regarding the conduct of the Council on the previous evening, especially the exercise of "synchronizing" the Planning Commission. I believe, under other administrations it was called "pack ng" . At that ime, I told the Councilman- that, as a matter of principle I never undertake to say something ABOUT an individual Or institution that I would not say TO that individual 037 institution On occasion, I have expressed my concerns at this podium as we l as in our local paper, however, I and others who h ve differing opinions, are finding it extremely di ficult getting our views printed. So now I'm addressing the Council majority as an institution. At this odium and in the press, a political mentor of the majority stated that we could expect a"kinder and gentler council" in this administration. Well , based on the record of the last meeting, you still have a long way to go. Humiliat'' on, intimidation and revenge are not characteristics of a healthy administration, and, consequently , have no place in this community. 000009 The sacking of Jennifer Hageman was a display of pure political arrogance. This occurred when one Councilman, in his zeal to punish Ms . Hageman For doing her job, and, I . suppose, almost unseating one of you, lost his place and made a motion before the Mayor had an opportunity to create any appearance of propriety by having a "vote'" on the issue. Ms. Hageman was double-teamed - .Humiliation and Revenge. She deserved none of this . She does deserve an apology and thanks for her service to the community. With the petty vote of "no confidence" in Chairman Zimmerman, another Commissioner who does his homework and arrives at informed, as opposed to uninformed, decisions, we arrive at Intimidation. If any of the survivors or newly sworn Planning Commission have any doubts about what serving at the pleasure of the Council means, just trying becoming unsynchronized and the Council' s pleasure awaits . Should there be any doubt, you only have to refer to the Oath of Fealty posited in the "Three Questions" asked of you and there should be no question in your mind. The whole process would have had more substance had the council majority displayed some political courage and . named themselves the Planning Commission. They are already "The Council". the "Community Redevelopment Agency" , so, why not the final act of defiance? - There is talk that our city leaders should be shown . more respect, and that since they were elected, they should be respected. Respect is not bought, it is not bullied, nor is it even elected, it is only earned by thought and deed. While I'm talking respect, let me say that some of your most ardent supporters show you no respect when they 000010 gather at the rear of the council chamber and conduct their own meetings . Later, Eagle Creek came to the well again, this time to try to mitigate a safety concern, that of golf balls hitting the property .adjacent to the driving range. ,The` solution appeared to be to add 20 feet to the poles supporting the netting. I guess the Titanium drivers make em do tliat. If they ever make a driver out of Kryptonite, they may have to go to NASA for airspace clearance. It wasn' the project, which was of concern, it was the process . When it became time for a vote, both Councilmen L rno and Clay stepped down because of actual or apparent conflict of interest" . What is, and should be, chilling to the citizens of this city was not the fact that the vote was 2 to l for the project. In the future, in matters of land use, the quality of life in this community would be in the hands of two people. This is not representative government. It should not be the futur of Atascadero. Thank you. l 000011 09-23499, 09:23AM FROM 1 E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO Attachffil 522 P.02 Atascadero City Council Meeting Date: 01/26/99 S�JJIffiS MIS##COL MYWWWOvuWllb 817so/YOPY,H SMIS Overview What follows are the survey results reported by question. Results are given for the sample as a whole and then in four regions in the county. The regions were as follows- These regions were drawn to allow for a stratified sample to be drawn. Results are given in percent response. A total of 1000 surveys were received in the following configuration: Region A North County-Santa Margarita 39,000 Noah Region B Coast-San Simeon through Los 22,000 Osos Region C San Luis Obispo&Avila Beach 30,000 Region D South County-Shell Beach south to 36,000 Santa Marfa border Y A total of 4200 surveys were mailed in late May '98 with 1000 returned for a 24%response rate. Survey returns were relatively consistent throughout the county. The smallest region total was for the north county because a separate mailing was to be done later in the summer to Paso Robles voters. In addition to the 191 surveys received in this mailing, 173 were also returned from Paso Robles for a total of 364 from the North County. Sampling Error for the survey was very low due to the large sample size: Sampfing Error Sampid Set SJmple Set Total Surrey 1,000 1.6% North County 191 3.696 Coast 254 San Luis Obispo 271 3.0°k South County 281 3.0% The standard of practice for most survcys and polls conducted today for sampling error is between 3.5%to 5.0%. The small sampling error within the regions allows provides the opportunity to discuss and compare this information and still have meaningful results. 'x`00.32 09-23-1998 09:24AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.03 $1819INS til p!l�Dtt�ty�ity-.Cou�rtylibr ,rysr� eyl�Es�I�s . I In general,how would you rate your local government in providingpublic services to you? Would you say that it is doing an excellent,good,fair or poor job? Rating Countywide No,County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Excellent 10% 7% 7% 14% 12% Good 56% 51% 48% 67% 560/4 Fair 27% 33% .34% 16% 27% Poor 5% 4% 10% 2% 4% No Opinion 2% 4% 2% 2% 2% I.Please rank the f 61lowing services provided by local government from I to 7 [with l being the most important] in their order of importance to you. Service Ranking ountywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County 1 L Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement 2 F e Department Fire Department Fire Department Fre Department Fire Department 3 Public Schools Health Ser =3 Streets&Sewer Streets&Sewer Maintenance Public Schools Maintenance 4 Public Ubrary Public Library Public Library Public library Public library 5 Public Library Public Library Public Library Public Library Public Library 6 Par &Recreation Parks&Recreation Parks&Recreation Parks&Recreation Parks&Recreation 7 Parks&Recreation Parks&Recreation Packs&Recreation Parks&Recreation Parks&Recreation 3.On average, can vou tell us the number of times members of your family visited a public library in the last 12 months. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Weekly 21% 18% 32% 12% 21% >2 per Month. 23% 24% 22% 23% 24% Monthly 15% 17% 16% 13014 i s% 6-10 Times per Year 13% 13% 9% 17% 14% 3-5 Times per Year 11% 14% 8% 12% 11% Once or Twice per 12% 7% 11% 17% 13% Year Never 5% 6014 3% 6% 3% 000013 SLD City-County Library Survey Results I i 09-23-1998 09:25AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.04 Question 3 why have you not visited a public 4. If you answered NEVER or ONCE OR TWICE in Q , y y p library in the last year? ' Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Too Busy 1796 12% 12°k 20°10 24% Oct Information Elsewhere 19% 13% 18% 24% 18% Isn't Open When I Can Go 12% 12% 18% 10% 13% Difficulty Finding Parking 8% 10% 1% 15% 4% Difficulty with Transportation 3% 1% 1% 4% 41A Don't Use Libraries 6°h 9% 6% 7% 4% Use the Internet 12% 7% 12% 14% 14% Don't have Up-to-date 5% 4% 5% 5% 6% Materials Other 17% 16% 27% 15% 1395 5. If you use the library,please complete the following sentences: The Library... a)Is open when I need it. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County o � Agree 57,6 57% 53% 62 k 58% Disagree 40% 41% 44% 35% 40% bJ Has up-to-date materials. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 74% 72% 76% 74% 72% Disagree 19% 23% 17% 18% 21% cJ Has friendly staff Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 94% 94% 95% 95% .94% Disagree 3% 3% 3% 2% 4% dJ Is in a clean, attractive building. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo U County Agree 97% 95% 96% 98% 97% Disagree 2% 3% 3% 3% SLO City-County Library.Survey Results 2 09-23-1998 09:25AN FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.05 use the library, lease complete the following 5. If you u ry,p p $sentences: The Library. ... e)Is in a safe nei 'hborhoocl Rating 'Counbiwide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 99% 98% 100% 99% 100% Disagree 1% 2% - 1% ff Is in a convenient location. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 93% 94% 97% 88% 92% Disagree 6% 5% 2% 10% 796 gJ Has ample par Ing- Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 62% 40% 77% 38% 1 83% Disagree 37% 59% 22% 60% 17% h)Has good computer resources. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 57% 58% 56% 53% 60% Disagree 18% 18% 20% 1703+ . 18% No Opinion 25% 23% 24% 30% 22% iJ Is too noisy. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 12°10 8% 13% 100,6 14% Disagree -81% , . 87$ 80% 80% 79% 00001.5 SLO City-County Library Survey Results 3 09-23-1993 09:26AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.06 6. When I go to the library, it usually has what I'm looking for. - Rating Countywide No,County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 80% 74% 84% 81% . 79% Disagree 17% 24% 13% 14% 18% 7. Which of the following information and resources have you used from`a library?Top Six Information and Resources Utilized: Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis So.County Cuesta College Cat Poly Library Obispo 1 Books for Books for Books for Books for Books for School or College School or College Pleasure Pleasure Pleasure Pleasure Pleasure Projects Projects 2 Videos,CDs, Videos,CDs, Videos,CDs, Magazines or Videos,CDs, Career Business Research Books-on-tape Books-on-tape Books-on-tape Newspapers Books-on-tape Information 3 Magazines or Magazines ,. Magazines or Videos,CDs, Magazines or Magazines or Career Information Newspapers Newspapers Books-on-tape Newspapers Newspapers 4 Self Help Self Help Self Help Children's Self Help Books for Magazines and. Materials Materials Materials Services Materials Pleasure Newspapers . 5 Health Children's Health 'Attend Children's Business Books for Pleasure Information Services Information Meetings or, Services Research Proetams 6 Children's School/College Children's Health Health Computers for Informaiton Services Projects Services Information Information Word Processing Requests ' 8, Have you ever used the public library's on-line'catalog from your home,work or school? Rating Countywide No.County , Coast San Luls Obispo So.County Yes 11% 12% 10% 10°i6 10% No 89% 88% go% 90% sod 8a] If Yes,how easy or difficult was it to use the catalog? Rating Countywide No,County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Easy or Very Easy 81% 8396 7995 $4% 7$% Somewhat Difficult 15% 13% 17% 13% 18% Very Difficult 4% 4% 3% 3% 4% SLO City-County Library Survey Results 4 000016 09-23-1998 09:27AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.07 hat are the two best w2' s to improve your local library services? 9. In your opinion, / . Response C AtOgOrY Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo -'So.County Add more books or otter materials._ 25%. 27% 23% 24% 28% . _ increase the number o 7h 6% 6% 9% 7% computers for ° public use. Train library staff and olunteers to be 1% 1% 2% 1% 2% more pleasant. Make the physical appearance of the 1% 1% 1% - library more pleasant. Enlarge library facilities. 8% 11% 12% 5°/° 696 Open libraries more in the evenings.and 34% 321/0 36% 32% 35% on weekends. Increase available pa Ing. 10% 14% 6% 17% 2% Nothing,libraries are ine. 6% 3% 7% 4% 8% Hire more staff. 1% 1°k 1% 1% 2°k Expand onlinelcomputer access to 69b 6% 5% 9% 5% library resources. 10. The library is considering focusing on some specialized services through grant funding. Please tell us how important tb ese would be in your community. Response Category Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County a]Expand library bull ings. 39% 57% 49% 28% 29% b]Homework assistar ce to junior high 58% 59% 54% 56% 63% and high school studi nts. c]Expand access to t'ealth Information 53% 41% 61% 51% 56% d]Provide greater ac 'ess to library 43% 34°A 41% 45% 49% materials through the bookmobile service In remote areas. e]Provide services tc senior citizens 48% 62% 56% 66% such as homebound. ervices,financial services and help wit computers. f1 Increased public In emet access. 44% 36% 46% 45% 45% g]Adult cultural programs such as fil37% 44%. 48% 42% festivals or lecture so cies. The percents shown in Question 10 represent the total of those who felt the response category was either Very Important or portant. 00001' SLO City-County Library Survey Results" 5 = 09-23-1998 09:27AM FROM E M P, G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.08 11. Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement below. aJ Libraries should provide computers and on-line services to children and adults who need them. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo $o.County Agree 76% 75% 74% 79% 75% Disagree 150/0 15% 17% 13% 16% bJ City and county government have a responsibility to make sure our local libraries are adequately funded. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 96% 92% 98% 98% 95% Disagree 3% 4% 2% - 24% cJ Public libraries are essential to the quality of I fe in our community. Rating Countywida No.County Coast San Luis Obispo $o.County Agree 98% 96% 99% 97% 98% Disagree 1% 2°!1 1% 2% dJ Libraries play an essential role in the education of our children. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo $0.County Agree 98% 98% 99% 98% 97% Disagree 1% - - 2% 2% e]The Internet has all the information I need,therefore libraries are a low priority. Rating Countywide. No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So,County Agree 4% 7% 3% 4% 2% Disagree 88% 86% 87% 88% 91% ff I am reluctant to pay more taxes no matter how worthy the cause. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo SO.County Agree 26% 34% 23% 25% 25% Disagree 66% 60% 71% 68% 53% No Opinion 8% 6% 6% 6% 121,6 SLO City-County Library Survey Results 6 000018 09-23-1998 09:28AMFROM E h1 R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.09 gJ Well funded libraries can help reduce the crime'rate by giving youth an educational alternative to hanging out on the streels. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 67%. 57% 68% 68% 72% Disagree 21% 31% 19% 20% 19% hJ The library is a Ince to find out what is happening in the community. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 65% 57% 70% 68% 62% DisagreeE22% 26% 18% 21% 23% ' iJ I would rather browse in bookstores than browse in the library because bookstores have newer books and magazines. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree30% 34% 23% 39% 27% Disagree 60% 51% 70% 51% 59% 12. Please rank from 1 to 7 [with 1 the highest amount]what you believe are the sources of public library funding. Rating Coun Ide , No.County Coast! San Luis Obispo So.County Actual 1 Local Pr perty Local Property Local Property Local Property Local Property Tax Lova!Property T Tax Tax Tax Tax 2 City Gove'nment City Government state: City Government City t Government Government/State Government 3 Stat State City Government State City Government/ Governinent Government Government State Government 4 Federal Finding Grants& Federal Funds Federal Funds Federal Funds Donations ` 5 Grants& Grants& Grants.& Grants& Grants&Donations Donations Donations Donations Donations 6 Fines&'FeesFines&Fees Fines&Fees Fines&Fees Fines&Fees 7 Public Schools [Public Schools Public Schools Public Schools Public Schools Public Schools 00001.9 SLO City-County Library Survey Results 7 09-23-1998 09:29AN FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.10 13.In San Luis Obispo County,on average, less than 2¢of every local property tax,dollar is spent on public libraries. Do you feet this is adequate,too low or too high? Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So,County Adequate 14% 24% 9% 14% 12% Too Low 66% 53% 75% 63% 69% Too High - - - 1% 1% No Opinion 20% 22% 15% 22% 19% 14. If an election were held next month to increase local funding support€or public libraries in San Luis Obispo County,would you pay an additional $25 per year for 10 years to support public libraries? Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Yes 59% 50% 63% 60% 62% No 16% 21% 14% 16% ' 15% Undecided 24% 29% 23% 24% 23°A 1.4a]If Yes,what would be the most important use for the additional funds? Rating Countywide. No.County' Coast San Luis Obispo $o.County Replace lost open 37°r6 32°,6 .39% ` 37% 34% hours Add more videotapes 10% 13% 8% 9% 10% Mand books-on-tape Increase computer 10% 10% 6% 12% 10% resources Expand library 13% 18% 18% 7% 11% facilities Add more up-to-date 31% 28% 29% 33% 32% books and materials. Other - 3% 2% 2% 3% 15. What are areas in your life where you would tike additional information? Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Health,Nutrition,Fitness 46% 39% 46% 50% 48% Business&Finance 28% 25% 28% 33% 24% Travel 36% 37% 38% 40% 31% Local,Community Information 37% 35% 35% 409'0 37°h Consumer and Self Heip information 41% 40% 41% 41% 42% Jobs&Careers 20% 20% 16% 21% 24% None 12% 16% 10% 11% 10% Other 14% . 16% 11% 13% 10% Categories derived from information use 0000- 0 . sumyrapoded in LibraryJoumalIIN. SLO City-County Library Survey Results 8 09-23-1998 09:29AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.11 16. Are you currentf a student at Cal Poly,Cuesta College or both. 9%of the survey are students at either Cal Poly or Cuesta College. This represents students who are bot full and part time at either or both institutions. 17. Do you use cometers in your home or business? Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Yes 73% 72% 65°k 81°!0 75% No 27% 28% 35% 19% 25% 17a]If Yes, do you[or family members]utilize on-line sources of information? Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Frequently 48% 47% 46% 55% 44% Occasionally 24% 20% 23% 23% 29% ° Rarely 5% 5% 7 5% 7k 3% Not at All 14% 18% 16% 9% 14% Planning to Start 9°r6 10% 10°!0 7% 10% 18.In general;how'often do you vote in state and local elections? Rating Countywido No,County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Every Election- 81% 80% 85% 80% 78% Most Election 159'0 15% 13% 16% 16°� About Half the Ti' a 3°!0 3% 19'° 3% 4 <Half the Time 1% 1% - - 1% 10o Not Usually ote 1% 196 1°J! 1% 1% 19. Would you consider yourself a moderate,conservative or liberal on most issues? Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo .So.County Moderate 42°,6 $5% 46% 40% 43% Conservative 34% 46% 26% 30% 36% Liberal 24% 14% 28% $0% 21% 000021 SLO City-County Library Survey Results 9 09-23-1993 09:30API FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.12 j 20.How long have hyou lived in San Luis Obis County? Y i� Timeframe Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo '-So.County <1 Year 2% 2°� 396 1% 1-5 Years 18°/1 14% 17% 18% 22% 6.10 Years 16% 10% 19% 14% 20% 11.15 Years 16% 15% 18% 15% 16% 16-20 Years 15% 20% 19% 11% 120/0 21.25 Years 9% 11% 7% 9% 10% 26-3o Years. 8% 890 6% 9% 7% >30 Years 1711. 22% 12% 229E 13% 21. Which category best represents the highest level of education you have completed? Education Level Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County <High School 2% 3% 1% 1% 3% ' High School Diploma 10% 12% 10% 6% 11% Some College 36% 4M 35% 228% 38% College Degree 25% 24%. 19% 32% 25% Post Graduate Work 28% , 19% 35% 34% 23% 22. What income level best represents your household's gross income? Income level Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County 425,000 17% 18% 15% 22% 13% $25-49,000 35% 34% 42% 24% 40% $50.74,900 27% 29% 27% 26% 27% $75.95,000 12% 12% 11% 14% 11% >;95,000 K 6% 5°/0 15°/0 9% 23. With which ethnic group do you identify? Ethnic Group Countywide No,County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Atcuai County Survey Demographics Asian 2% - .1% 2% 2119 Latino 4% 3% 1% 4% 5% African American - - - - Native American 3% 3% 2% 4% 4% Caucasian 84% 87% :92% 85% 85% Other 4% 4% •4% 4% 4% SLD City-County Library Survey Results 10 000022 09-23-1998 09:30W FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.13 24.Will you share vith us the year you were born?-lConverted to age forpurposes of analysis] Coun 'de No.County Coadt San Luis Obispo So.County Voter File Age Range ty P ty 18.21 74 7% M 11% 6% 13% 28.37 1 % 12% 7%` 1 12% 17% 15% 38.472 % 29% 17% 25% 23% 2196 48.57 1 !0 20% 17% 19% '1596 15% 58.67 V% 16% 16% 14% 15% 10% 68-77 11% 10% 26°A 12% 17% 10% 78-87 M 5% 10% 6% 7% 5% 88.110 1 - 1% 1% 25. Please identify your gender: Gender Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Voter File Male U% 496 35% 34% 46% Female 66% 65% fib% 65% . 66°1. 54% SLO City-County Library Survey Results .11 000023 ! _ . 09-23-1998 09:31AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.14 sa�►Lvis 191#151719 iVWVnfffi&! Afta ysMV-0yearflmIents ©yenriew Respondents were given the opportunity to share any final comments at the end of their survey. Over 30%took the opportunity to share their thoughts. What follows is a summary of the main areas of interest,comment or concern county wide and by region as well as the full text of these comments. oast -,San Luis Obispo' ', nty Total Survey No.County C No.Responses 312 50 '84 92 84 %Responses 31% 26% 33%: 34% 30% The percent of responses varies only slightly throughout the county. Often those who take the time on a survey to share additional comments have something negative to share. This is not really the case here. Those who shared their comments-want to see libraries improved,materials.added and hours expanded. But,they don't see significant problems with perhaps the library's most critical resource,its people. There are more individual comments than total responses because many individuals wrote multiple comments in their response. These comments have`been grouped into broad categories. These categories are as follows: San Uis OSobis . . Don't Use Library 16 2 5 6 3 Increase Open Hours 47 7 18 12 10 More Books&Materials 48 9 12 12 15 Negative Staff Comments 11 1 34 3 Positive Staff Comments 29 7 9 5 g General Library Negatives 40 3 12 14 10 General Library Positives. 82 11 23 22 25 Facility Comments 11 1 3 4 3 Parking 12 3 1 7 1 Funding 24 2 8 7 7 Computers 18 0 3 6 9 Other 45 8 11 16 10 "Other"comments recorded on the survey either did not fit into one of the above categories,or reflected either positive or negative comments of the composition of the survey itself. 000024 SGDClty--County Library Survey Comments Y Attachment: C Atascadero City Council Meeting Date: 01/26/99 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK ..DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Gr C G� G Printed name Signature Address ORDINANCE ADC PTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-43 17 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-light' g sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant.' C) Minimiza ion of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmfial to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D) Light Sources to be Shielded: 1 Ground Illuminatin Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000025 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes.are not being enforced at.the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name ignature L Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet, the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 100021 To whom it may c'oncern, It is my belief thal the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREED DRIVING RAN E. The lights have,been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. ��- Printed name Signature S.?3 5� Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 94.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighten* sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Dire Dted Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Nfinimizati on of Light Intens' : No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Li ht Sources to be Shielded: 1 Ground Illuminatin Lights: Any.light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced irectly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from abo in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet, the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000027 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the'lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature 5 V A )-Y,c-, Address ORDR DANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet, the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000028 To whom it may oncern, It is my belief th the lighting codes are not being enforced.at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am ' -favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. \jkc,ki Evio_r f plHakt- Printed name Signature 9q7o Saofd, Address ORDINANCE ADC PTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.2 17 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-light' 'g sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Dir cted Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intens : No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D) Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced'directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest ed),e of the light source. Where any light source:intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend beow the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source frc m the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000029 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the.EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors. since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. o N sTA Wlr( 0 o N . 'sil 100-5 Printed name Signature 0,'6 f22, Address - ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting:The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Ntinimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000030 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREED DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. 0nnI/,� a C'_1l1 o Printed name Signature 36� Afiw44�5 eLe Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 198s Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-light' sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Dir 'cted Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away front any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensi : No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D) Light Sources to be Shielded: 1 Ground Illuminatin Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced'directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend beow the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000031 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING.RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. V1kt�mtlrA Printed name Signa e Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting:The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D) Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000032 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am -favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. S r ' Printed name Signature Address ORDINANCE AD DPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4,317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-light g sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within pub c rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light D' ected Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensi :No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light S 'urces to be Shielded: 1 Ground Illuminatin Li ts: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light product directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels,shall be shielded from a ve in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where.any light source intended for ground illumina lion is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend I clow the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source liom the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000033 To whom it may concern, - It is my belief that the lighting codes are`not being;enforced.at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. n� z Printed n e Si afore O ATA S—L Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Ntinimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere.with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000034 To whom it may concern, It is my belief t t the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name signWAre QJ Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-light' g sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within pub i rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light D' ected Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant C) Minimization of Light Intens it :No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: 1 Ground Illuminatin Li ts:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illuminat on is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source fiorn the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000035 v To whom it may concern, It.is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature c� L7RMq 2— Address CA 5 ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground . illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000036 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am.' -favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature 225<b5 vlccno o�cl "� shel� geaa-- CJ- q'3�`} q Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-light' g sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within pub * rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Dir cted Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant C) Minimizes ion of Light Intens' : No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmfid to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Soi irces to be Shielded: 1 Ground Illuminat' Lights:Any light source used for groin d area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produc& directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from abo ve in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend low the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to;block the light source fr' m the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000037 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. :5Tcuic SMl Tff f Printed name Signature Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone.. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensify:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Li ts:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000038 To whom it may concern, It is my belief th t the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREED DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name ignature Address ORDINANCE AD PTSD JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-fighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within publi' rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light D ected Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant C) Minimization of Li ht Intens' :No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D) Liaht So irces to be Shielded: 1 Ground Illuminatin Li ts: Any light source used for growid area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend low the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source fiom the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000039 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D) Light Sources to.be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. . 000040 040 To whom it mav concern. It is my,belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am -favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. N UY M Printed name signature Sa c. ti k Address ORDINANCE AD 3PTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-light ng sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within publc rights-of-way and all'uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light D' ected Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away frc m any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applic . C) ation of Light Intensi :No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such coi icentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light S urces to be Shielded: 1 Ground Illuminatin Li ts:'Any light source used for groi.nd area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from a ve in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumina ion is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source om the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000041 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature 14 Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)rylinuiuzation of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000042 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the-EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am hi-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Pelo 16 Printed name Signature 1 70 ^Acr (c A A, Zos C'sos c/4 '�3,90z Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-light g sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within publ c rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light D''ected Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensi :No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interferewith the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: 1 Ground Illuminating Light Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light producei I directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from a ve in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source ftom the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000043 - - s To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. ani�l 6-;_ Sloan Printed name Signature S`19 S,AIN 1-u%s CA 935`H9 Address ' ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000044 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature d Be_,ec - -C,4 93 3� Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within publi' rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant' C) ion of Light Intensi :No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with.the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light So irces to be Shielded: 1 Ground Illuminatin Lights:Any light source used for growid area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source frDrn the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000045 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating_Lights:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 00006 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING GE.- The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am -favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature Address ORDINANCE AD PTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4 317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-light ng sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light D' ected Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intens' :No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: 1 Ground Illuminatin Lights: Any light source used for grou id area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produce'I directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels; shall be shielded from AN ve in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illuminal ion is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source om the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 00004'7 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. D' A phi. }1 ( J cys ni+ Printed name Sig'nadre 22,5 Wh• tbi4 S4 �3L123_ ._ Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)_L__&Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminat' g Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000048 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that.the lighting codes are, not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in.-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. r . Printed name iafar 6/ &AX16 ST, Srh✓ l VS 661 a 0,49- g3-1a Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-light' ig sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Dir' cted Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant C)Miinimiza ion of Light Intensi :No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such con xntratio.n or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light So irces to be Shielded: 1 Ground Illuminatin Li ts: Any light source'used for grour d area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produok directly by the combustion of natural gas or other'fuels, shall be shielded from abo ve in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the. lowest a ge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illuminati n is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source fr m the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000049 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. �yN� ppENs Printed name S tur 151 R�"6s S'f'. 5110 Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Lit Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000050 To whom it ma concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am -favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature to C9 r(-YNAQ i�wyyTtQ Cn Address ORDINANCE AD PIED JUNE 27, 1983. Section 9-4 317 exterior lighting:The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-light ng sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light D''ected Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Nfinimization of Light Intensi :No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or,streets. D) Light Sources to be Shielded: 1 Ground Illuminatin Lights:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend low the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source fiom the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000051 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting Bodes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city Iighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signatur Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section -4 9 .317 exterior fighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D) Light Sources to be Shielded• (1) Ground Illuminating Lights:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and fight produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet, the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000052 i To whom it ma' concern, It is my.belief tl tat the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING GE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am -favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature SS3 A&Yyto &ZLdb �3 y� Address ORDINANCE AD DPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4,317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-light ng sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within pubt c rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light D.ected'Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) tion of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interferewith the use of surrounding properties or streets. D) Light So arces.to be Shielded: 1 Ground Illuminat' Lights:Any light source used for grou id area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produceA I directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from abc ve in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illuminat on is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend b low the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000053 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. IPJ Printed name Signature Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)-Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000054 To whom it ma concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced'at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING GE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am -favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. T Printed name Signature Address ORDINANCE AE OPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9- .317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-ligh ing sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light D ected Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) ation of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light S urces to be Shielded: 1 Ground Illuminating Likhts:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest"Age of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illurnim tion is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend low the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source iom the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000055 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. L t L /zgn"V&v s�<� Printed name Signa e Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)_Light Directed Onto Lot:•Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the'use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to, extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000056 To whom it ma concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am -favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature _- Address ORDINANCE AE OPTED JUNE 27; 1983 Section 9- .317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighl mg sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within pub 'c rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Li ht D rected Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicar,t. C)Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light S ources to be Shielded: 1 Ground Illuminating Lights:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded . from a ve in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest c'dge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumina ion is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend I clow the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source om the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000057 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are.not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The Jights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. k0UA M A A b Printed name J Signature 0 Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the' applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Light Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000058 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at.the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RAN' E. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am ' -favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. S Printed name Signature f C c Address � ORDINANCE AD PTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4. 17 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-light' g sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Li ht Dir cted Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimiza 'ion of Light Intens' :No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light So rces to be Shield d: 1 Ground Illuminating Lights:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produceddirectly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest ed!),e of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend be ow the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source fic m the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 000059 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since,August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting:The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the owneship of the applicant. C)lyluu ation of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. 0.00060 Attachment: D ,oder City Council fe el 9 e`8} 9- DATE: 01/26/99 isLs � City Manag'e's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney Establishment of Speed Limit RECOMME ATION: Traffic Committei recommends that Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-004 which formally establishes a spee limit on various city streets. DISCUSSIO Traffic and,Speed Surveys are being conducted on various city streets to enable the Police Department to :e orce speed with the use of radar. These_surveys. are conducted in a method consistent with the requirements of the California .Vehicle Code (CVC) and the California Department of Transportation. Speed surveys are conducted by using radar equipment and an unmarked vehicle to chart the speed of at least 5 vehicles in each direction along a specified section of roadway. These figures are then calculated to determine the critical speed. Critical speed is the top speed at which 85% of the vehicles are traveling. Once the critical speed is determined, the posted speed is generally set within 5 miles, per hour of this speed. For example, if the critical speed for a section of roadway is 46 mils per hour, an enforceable speed limit can be set at either 45 or 50 miles per hour. The California Department of Transportation Traffic Manual states "In matching existing conditions with the traffic safety needs of the community, engineering judgement may indicate the need for a further reduction of five miles per hour." The factors considered in such a reduction are: limited desiP speed, limited sight distance, accident problems, substandard cross-section, poor intersection s pacing,poor driveway characteristics,heavy pedestrian activity. Engineering staff I as determined that a number of the residential street surveyed meet the criteria for additional reduction in speed for the reasons stated above. This determination is attached to, and becomes a part of the traffic and speed survey. Beginning January'121999, speed surveys are valid for 7 years, and can be extended an additional 3 years upon cert' cation by the engineer that no significant changes have been made in the area governed by the st rvey. 00001 ITEM NUMBER: C-3 DATE: 01/26/99 The alternative to speed enforcement by radar is what is called"bumper pace'which requires the patrol car to match the speed of the subject vehicle and note the speed at which both are traveling. FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact of this action is approximately$8500 to be paid out of currently budgeted funds. ALTERNATIVES: Discontinue the use of radar enforcement: Advantages: No speed survey is required. Speed limits can be set at any level. Disadvantages: Limits enforcement to bumper pace. RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Police Department ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 19.99-004 000062 . RESOLUTION NO. 1999-004 SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS VaffiRE.AS, Section 4-2.501, et. seq, of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer, through an engineering and traffic survey, to determine the appropriate speed limit for streets within the City;and WIE AS, an engineering and traffic survey conducted by the Atascadero Police Department determined that the appropriate and safe speed for the roadways listed on attached Exhibit A. NOW, REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings to indicate speed limits as noted on attached Exhibit A. On motion by Councilmember , and seconded by Councilmember the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCIA M. ORGERSON RAY JOHNSON City Clerk . Mayor. APPROVEDAS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY City Attorney 000063 - - IREGTIOi!I __RECOn = X STIri -— - RU N 40 44 Atascadero Avenue—Portola to Curbaril S 40 3544 _ _ Atascadero-Avenue Curbaril to Morro:Rd.,:::: _ S 35 35 .. .= ...._ E 40 40 ' Curbaril Avenue—El Camino Real to Valle W 40 35 41 N. :. 40 ..... Carbaril Avenue .. Valle to Sycamore : S f 40 ._. 35 41 _ N 45 45 El Camino Real—Santa Cruz to Del Rio S 45 45 48 ET Camino Real Del Rio toy Sari Anselmo S 45. 45 N 40 45 El Camino Real-San Anselmo to Rosario S 40 35. 44 N 35 - 35 El Camino Real . Rosario to WestMall S 35 25 _ ._.. 40 N 35 42 . El Camino Real—Morro Road to Curbaril S 35 35 41 38 . El Camino Real-Curbaril to Palomar S 35` 35 33 N 40 41 El Camino Real—Palomar to Santa Rosa S 40 35 40 N 45 46 El Camino Real= Santa Rosa to San Rafael S 45 35 45 N 45 43 El Camino Real— San Rafael to San Diego S 45 35 47 El Camino Real-'San Diego Way to Santa N 54' 53 Barbara - S 50 45 55-- N 5N 35 47 Graves Creek—Monterey to San Fernando S 35 30 40 N 3.5 ; Monterey Road—.San Anselmo to Ramona S 35 35 42 N 35 44 Monterey Road—Del Rio to Graves Creek S 35 35 46 g 30 34 Palomar Ave El Camino Real to 9431 W 30 25 _ N 35 43 Portola Road—Ardilla to Santa Lucia S 35 35 42 N 35: 41 Portola Road Santa Lucia to Morro Road S 3.5: 35.. . _ 44 E 35 43 Portola Road—Morro Road to Atascadero W 35 35 42 E 35 45 Santa Lucia—Ardilla to Portola W 35 35 43 440E PF Santa Lucia-:Laurel to Bolsa W 4p _4..... 46 E 40 46 Santa Lucia—Portola to Cascabel W 40 40 43 ' E.. _ 35 _...:: : _. ... .38 SantaRosa-..-Lakevie. :toMorro_Road W 35.._._ 35:.. E 35 45 Santa Rosa—Lakeview to Atascadero Ave W 35 35 40 __... _.. - 42 - _ 35 TrafFia Way_ Olmed. o Rosano..:. $....... ....._. 35. .. 5 N 35 44 Traffic Way-Rosario'to San Jacinto S 35 35: 44 Traffic Way Snactot . 3 5a 3 000065 Attachment: E Atascadero City Council C • 1/26/99 it oAtascadiYfb • Funding Outside Agenc P� olicy . The City has a real responsibility to its constituents to meet it current obligations. Because of the financial realities described in the Comprehensive Financial Strategy, it is difficult to meet those obligations. The City is rebounding from a devastating financial period and it is crucial that the City's finances be put in order before any agreement is made to provide financial support or assistance to outside organizations. Therefore, the City will not fund special requests until certain financial milestones are met. The City'will first fund the operational needs of the various departments including amounts set aside for maintenance, operation and replacement of City vehicles, facilities and other assets. As the operational funding demands are met, the City will set aside funds for an unallocated reserve account equal to 50% of the .then current operations budget to 'allow for cash flow and operational emergencies. While the City is building the necessary unallocated reserves it will also establish reserve accounts to fund the various liabilities of the City including capital replacement deficits,risk management and payroll responsibilities. Based on the City's current financial condition, it is unlikely that the City will fund any new outside requests. When the City has developed sufficient revenues to fully fund operations, necessary reserves, and liability needs,this strategy will be revised. As an interim strategy the City will only consider funding the following from City general funds: ❑ Requests that are consistent with the operational needs and core mission of the City; ❑ Requests that create revenue or reduce current expenses to the City; ❑ Requests that leverage non-City funds to benefit Atascadero; ❑ Requests from .organizations that provide a service that if they didn't make it available,the city would have to find.some way to do it on its own; ❑ Requests from organizations that show a history of responsible handling of funds through an executive director and board of directors,or financial officer to ensure an accurate accounting of whatever city funds are donated. Requests that meet the criteria above will then be reviewed to determine the following: • Are other cities funding similar requests in their area; • Are there other sources of revenue available to fund the request; • Is this a one-time expenditure or is it a request to fund ongoing operations. ITEM NUMBER: A - 2 DATE: 02/23/99 n 9545 RM INNS 1979 City Manager s Agenda Report Wade G. AlIcKinney Zoning Change 97002 (Davis Ranch,3900 Traffic Way: Midland Pacific) RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Ordinance 357 on second reading,by title only,waiving reading in full, approving Zone Change 97002, changing the zoning from Residential Suburban(RS)to Residential Single Family, SF-Y), and adopting Planned Development overlay.zone no. 14, for property at 3900 Traffic Way. DISCUSSION: Background: On February 9, 1999, the City Council • adopted Res lution 1999-011, certifying the Environmental Impact Report(EIR); • adopted Res Dlution 1999-012, approving General Plan Amendment 97001; • adopted Ordinance 357, approving Zone Change 97002; and • adopted Res' lution No. 1999-013, approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map 97003; for property at 3900 Traffic Way (The Lakes project). The zoning change will become effective 30 days after final passage. The tract map approval is dependent on final passage of the zoning change, and therefore will become effective at the same time. Analysis: The ap amendments would change the land use designation on about 140 acres to a higher-density residential (Residential Single Family),requiring a minimum lot size of one acre,,and would add PD zone 14, allowing clustering of smaller(1/2 acre average)residential lots, along with creation of larger open space parcels. The changes would allow de elopment of a 122 lot subdivision with private infrastructure,thereby costing the City less than conventional housing would. Conclusion: The zoning map change will allow an appropriate use of this property. 00006'7 ITEM NUMBER:—A - 2 DATE: 02/23/99 FISCAL IMPACT: • $40,000 over 10 years,to pay for itself after about 20 years. RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Community Development ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance#357 000068 ORDINANCE NO. 357 AN ORDO ANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING ZONE CHANGE #97002 THEREBY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP FROM RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN (RS) TO RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY (RSF-Y) AND ADOPTING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONE NO. 14 FOR PROPERTY AT 3900 TRAFFIC WAY (The Lakes Project: Midland Pacific Building Corporation/Davis Ranch) WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, at a Public Hearing held on January 19, 1999, studied and considered Zone Change#97002, after first studying and considering the Final EIR prepared for the project, and WHEREAS,the Planning Commission made no recommendation on the zone change; and WHEREAS,the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)have been adhered to; and WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the Zone Change application was hel by the City Council, at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf f said Zoning amendment. NOW, THEREFORE,the City Council does ordain as follows: Section 1. Findings for approval of zoning ma change. L The zone change is consistent with General Plan policies and all other applicable ordinances and policies of the City. 2. The zone change will not, in itself,result in significant environmental impacts. The Environmental Impact Report prepared for the zone change and for the project has been certified as adequate, in accordance with California environmental laws. Section 2. Zoning mgp change. The Official Zoning Map of the City of Atascadero on file in the Community Development Department is hereby amended as shown on the attached Exhibit A, which is made part of this ordinance by reference. 000069 Ordinance no. 357 Page 2 of 3 Section 3. Findings for Planned Development approval. 1. Modification of development standards or processing requirements is warranted to promote orderly and harmonious development,because the project provides significant amenities for residents and provision of these amenities is not possible without reduction of lot sizes and consequent creation of large open space parcels. 2. Modification of development standards or processing requirements will enhance the opportunity to best utilize special characteristics of an area and will have a beneficial effect on the area, because clustering will avoid significant archaeological impacts and will allow creation of recreational amenities for the residents, by the preservation and use of a significant spring and large native oaks. 3. Benefits derived from the overlay zone cannot be reasonably achieved through existing development standards because the existing standards would require creation of larger and fewer lots to support the same amount of open space, and such a design would not be financially feasible for moderate-income buyers. 4. Proposed plans offer certain redeeming features to compensate for requested • modifications, because the project will provide smaller lots, open space and recreational amenities,preservation of significant archaeological resources, and private infrastructure, therefore offering a type of housing option not normally available in this community at a lower cost to the City than conventional development. Section 4. Zoning text change. The Zoning Ordinance, Title 9 of the Municipal Code, is hereby amended by the addition of Planned Development overlay zone no.'14, as shown on Exhibit B,made a part of this ordinance by reference. Section 5. Publication. A summary of this ordinance, approved by the City Attorney,together with the ayes and noes, shall be published at least five days prior to its final passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper published and circulated in said City, and the same shall go into effect at the expiration of thirty (30) days after its said final passage. A copy of the full text of this ordinance shall be on file in the City Clerk's Office on and after the date following introduction and passage to print and shall be available to any interested member of the public. 000070 Ordinance no. 357 Page 3 of 3 Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective at 12:01 a.m.on the 3151 day after its final passage. On motion by Council Member , and seconded by Council Member the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: Ray Johnson, Mayor Attest: Marcia McClure To gerson, City Clerk Approved as to form: Roy A. Hanley, City Attorney 0000'71 • � ' 11 • t r�� , // 11.•N••� '/1'11► � r� �' maii1il; 111;. ., �� Off, ■�/�� �r�,- : � �'�� : �, / Ott � ■ , ,; �;� ♦,•.!,. . •, ���,. .-.� 111 • = ■INN► ., rte., -. � � � �• . .,. ORDINANCE 357 EXHIBIT B 9-3.658 Establishment of Planned Development Overla Zone No. 14 D 14). Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 14 is established as shown on the official zoning maps (Section 9-1.102). The following development standards and conditions applicable therein are also established: (a) The maximum density shall not exceed one dwelling unit for each acre of land although individual lots may be smaller provided that the overall project density conforms to the specified maximum density. (b) Individual lot sizes shall be established in conjunction with the Tentative Tract Map and shall not be required to comply with minimum lot size criteria for the Residential Single Family (RSF-Y) (1 acre minimum with sewer, 1.5 acre minimum without) provided that the overall density conforms to the specified maximum density. (c) D.-sign of the subdivision and construction of the project shall incorporate mitigation measures set forth in the Final Environmental Impact Report ( IR)prepared by Firma September 1998. (d) A Tentative Tract Map showing the proposed division of land for the entire site shall be submitted and approved prior to'any site development. T e Tentative Tract Map may propose a phasing plan for improvements d future land divisions. (e) Ii dividual lots created by the Tract Map approved for the entire site shall i not be permitted to be reduced in size by subsequent land division. 000073 ITEM NUMBER: A - 3 DATE: 02/23/99 ■i mn Rim Iola n e City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney Agreement With Access Unlimited For Accessibility Management Consultation Services RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor to execute an Agreement with the ACCESS Unlimited for Consultation Services. DISCUSSION: In 1997, the City of Atascadero contracted with the firm of Philips Metsch, Sweeney and Moore Architects to prepare a Transition Plan for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The technical documents for the Transition Plan were prepared by ACCESS Unlimited, under contract with Philips, Metsch, Sweeney and Moore Architects. The Transition Plan has since been completed and accepted by the City of Atascadero. The City Council s sequently authorized the use of$30,000.00 in CDBG funds to correct some of the higher priority accessibility barriers and safety hazards identified in the Transition Plan. City staff are curren ly identifying and preparing plans for the completion of these improvements. As some of the language and technical information in the Transition Plan requires explanatiOrland expert interpretation, staff are recommending that the City enter into an agreement with ACCESS Unlimited for consultation services to provide the needed interpretation and expert analysis. Staff expects mini 1 need for the services of ACCESS Unlimited and recommends endorsement of the attached agreement, which will allow for the use of ACCESS Unlimited services on an hourly basis. Hourly fees will be charged at$135.00 per hour. Staff anticipates a need for approxima ly four to five hours of consultation services from ACCESS Unlimited for the completion of tfie Priority One projects identified in the approved CDBG grant. The funds for the expected fee' resulting from the approval of this agreement will be charged to the CDBG grant. 0000' 4 ITEM NUMBER: A - 3 DATE: 02/23/99 FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of the proposed Agreement for Consultation Services with ACCESS Unlimited will cost approximately $500.00 to $700.00. The funds for this service will come from previously allocated CBDG funds. ALTERNATIVES: No alternative proposed. RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Community Services Department ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Agreement for Consultation Services between the City of Atascadero and ACCESS Unlimited • 000075 unlim1 ed - _ Accessibility Managemen Specialists 5 January, 1999 Geoff English, Supervisor Community Services -- Recreation City Of Atascader - 6500 Palma Aven e Atascadero, CA cl 3422-4299 Subject:Agreement&P uthorization to Proceed Project: City of Atasca ero Accessibility Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan Project Scope: Accessibility Management Consultation Services Dear Mr. English, This letter follows our telephone conversation yesterday regarding your. desire to secure the services of ACCESS Unlimited as the City prepares to implement the above referenced project. Before proceeding ACCESS Unlimited will require written authorization. It is my understanding the scope of service sought from 'my firm is technical assistance with interpretation of the City of Atascadero's accessibility management do uments that were prepared for the City under contract with Philips Metsch Sweeney Moore Architects back in 1997. Services sought may include review of project data and responding to questions or interpretations of accessibility and usability standards for built and program environments.. Additionally, you xpressed interest in knowing what would be involved and the resources required to enable the City to maintain and manage the project database onsite. I will consult with you and provide my opinion on'various matters of the project within my field of expertise. Fees for the accessibility management services will be based on the hourly rates as shown on the attached Schedule of Charges, plus project expenses. Monthly billing wil be made during work on the project and subject to the terms and conditions on the Schedule of Charges, unless otherwise noted herein. Any and all objection and questions regarding invoices or statements should be brought to my attention within 10 days after the invoice date. Otherwise ACCESS Unlimited will assume. the invoice or statement has been accepted .and is being processed for payment within 30 days from the invoice date. At any time or for any reason you have the right to terminate my employment. ACCESS Unlimited will be entitled to compensation and reimbursement for.all services rendered and expenses incurred through the date of the termination. If invoices are not paid in a timely-fashion or if you fail to cooperate with me in allowing me to perform my services, ACCESS Unlimited and I may, on:written notice, stop providing any further services and may terminate our engagement by the City. 000076 Architectural PO Box 2245 Communication Santa Barbara.CA 93120-2245 Employment (1 s, a elo(z) voice/Text(805)963-0221 Hospitality & .J^ Transoortation C J Fax(805)963-6060 Geon English,Supervisor ' City of Atascadero,Community Services Agreement 6 Authorization To Proceed Project Accessibility Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan Project ' Scope:AccessiblGty Management Consultation Services � - 5-Jan-99 Page 2 of 2 This Agreement, when executed by an authorized agent for the. City of Atascadero, constitutes a formal written contract between ACCESS Unlimited and the City which agrees to be bound by all of its terms. Please carefully.review this document and any attachments before signing and returning one of the original, copies to our office. Thank you. Mr. English, when you want to discuss the project approach and schedule, please contact me at pmr@accessunitd.com or (805) 963-0221 Voice/Text. Sincerely, ACCESS Unlimited Peter M. Robertson, MA, CPCM B 1 President Principal Accessologist PMRJhs Attachment: Schedule of Charges,dated January 1,1999 CC:James E.Moore, IV,AIA,Philips Metsch Sweeney Moore Architects w/o attachment ACCEPTANCE AND CONSENT The City of Atascadero agrees to employ Peter M. Robertson DBA ACCESS Unlimited on the terms and conditions specified in the foregoing letter. DATE: By: (Print Name) (Signature) TITLE: 00007'7 z unl-imi ed - AccessbbililyManagemen speciallds SCHEDULE OF CHARGES Effective January 1,1999t HOURLY CHARGES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES • PRINCIPAL ACCE SOLOGIST - Expert Services or Testimony...............................$185.00 • PRINCIPAL ACCE SOLOGIST.....................................................................$135.00 (Accessibility Management, Policy, Analysis, Planning, Marketing/Advertising, Expert Investigations) • ASSOCIATE ACC SSOLOGIST, ACCESSTRAINER OR DATABASE` PROGRAMMER ...........$105.00 (Built,Communication, Employment, Hospitality,Transportation, Product Environs & Database* R& D) • ACCESS SURVEYOR .................................................................................$90.00 (Field Exploration&Su ,Schematic,Design&Cor>suuction Document Revi ew,OrI-Site Observation During Construction) • COMPUTER SPECIALIST ............................................................................$65.00 (Diagnostics, Configuration,Trouble-shooting, Networks,Training, Desktop Publishing) • SIGN INSTRUCT R OR INTERPRETER ............................................................$55.00 (Individual/Group Instruction or Interpreting) • ACCESS EQUIPMENT INSTALLER .............................................:::..................$50.00 • ACCESS DATA COMPILER .........................................................................$47.00 • ACCESS REPORT'GENERATOR.....................................................................$30.00 *ACCESS UNLIMITED's PROPRIETARY RELATIONAL DATABASE SOFTWARE:ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(AIMS) A minimum charge of two ( ) hours will apply for on-site visits, equipment installation, interpreting, etc.during a project. Travel time is billable at fifty-percent (50%) of published hourly rate(s). A minimum charge of$475.00 will be made for general consultation and investigation. A minimum charge of $575.00 will apply to any expert consultation and investigation. A minimum charge of$775.00 will apply to any expert testimony. Office Services An office service charge is i' eluded on all invoicing to cover costs for secretarial services, computer time, photography, telephone postage, etcetera. The charge is based on a percentage of professional fees and scope of a project. Outside Services and Ex en es Outside services,survey and travel expenses, subsistence, photo processing and reproduction expenses, etc. are charged at cost plus 15%percent. Automobile expenses are charged for vehicle travel to and from the project from AU's office at the rate of$0.36 per mile. Payment A retainer of 50 percent(50%)of the total fee is required prior to commencing work on all projects. Invoices are presented at least monthly for ongoing projects and at the completion of the project. Invoices are due and payable upon receipt. The balance of any fees relative to any expert investigations or consultation and a retainer for expert testimony must be received prior to giving any deposition or testimony. Accounts which remain unpaid after 20 days will be subject to a service charge not to exceed 1.5% per morith. LLACCESS UNLIMITED IS AN AUTHORIZED SOURCE FOR SALES& RENTAL OF QUALITY CCESS PRODUCTS: ASSISTIVE LISTENING DEvIcES/SYSrEMS AND TELECOMMUNICATION, ED CAPTION,EMERGENCY EVACUATION&VISUA/TACTILE WMNINC/SIGNAL DEVICES. All charges subject to change& revised annually,January 1st. 000078 Architectural PO Box 2245 Communication Santa Barbara,CA 93120.2245 EmploymentM voicelrext(805)963-0221 Hospitality & T a,r,�.,r,.+�+I r , Fox(805)963-6060 ITEM NUMBER: A -4 DATE: 02/23/99 Isis Is s City Man ger's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney RAVES CREEK ROAD OVERLAY PROJECT RECOMMENDATIONS: . Staff recommends Council accept the completed Graves Creek Overlay Project as complete and authorize the Finance Director to release the project retention. DISCUSSION: The Graves Creek load Overlay Project was identified in the FY 97=98 budget adopted by Council. The proji zt included pavement rehabilitation and drainage improvements along Graves Creek Roa between Monterey Road and Ardilla Road. A construction contract was awarded to Souza Construction, Inc. for the work. The City Engineer has found the . completed work to be insubstantial conformance with the.approved plans and change orders. There are no outs ding claims against the contractor. FISCAL IMPACT: Payment of the preject retention to Souza Construction, Inc. in the amount of$31,082.28. RESPONSIBLE, DEPARTMENT: Community Servic Department ATTACffiVIE S: 1. Notice of Completion. • 000079 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: (and when recorded, mail to:) - • City Clerk CITY OF ATASCADERO 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 NOTICE OF COMPLETION NO TRANSFER OF PROPERTY Notice is hereby given pursuant to Civil Code Section 3093: 1. The undersigned is corporate officer for the City of Atascadero,owner of property hereinafter described. 2. The full name of the owner is the City of Atascadero. 3. The full address of the owner is:6500 Palma Avenue,Atascadero,CA 93422 , 4. The nature of the interest of the owner is in fee. 5. A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was completed on February 4,1999. 6. The work done was Graves Creek Road Overlay Project-Bid No.97-04. 7. The name of the contractor who performed such work of improvement was Souza Construction,Inc. The date contract was entered into was November 2,1998. • The property on which said work of improvement was completed was in the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo,State of California,and is described as follows: Graves Creek Road between Monterey Road and Ardilla 9. The street address of said property is: Not Applicable Dated: Wade G.McKinney,City Manager City of Atascadero VERIFICATION I,the undersigned, say that I am the City Manager,declarant of the foregoing Notice of Completion; I have read said Notice of Completion and know the contents thereof;the same is true of my own knowledge. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on at the City of Atascadero,California. Wade G.McKinney,City Manager NoticeofCompletion.doc City of Atascadero 000080 ITEM NUMBER: B - 1 . DATE: 02/23/99_ • i ■i i.® 1918 ® 19 8 CAD�� City Manager s Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney Route 41/101 Interchange /Traffic Way Project Study Report RECOMMEND TION: Council approve the project description for the Route 41 / 101 Interchange/Traffic Way Project Study Report and authorize the City Engineer to solicit proposals from qualified engineering consultants. DISCUSSION: Back-ground:"The C ty's Circulation Element includes programs for both the Route 101/41 and the Route 101/Traff Way interchanges. The Circulation Element Technical Report prepared by DKS Associates in 1992 projects that future traffic levels along Route 41 (west of Route 101) could double by 2010 with the largest increases expected on Route 101. In June 1994 a Prcj t Study Report (PSR)was prepared for the Route 101/41 interchange. Funds for the Ultima a improvements alternative identified in the Route 101/41 PSR were programed in the 1998 Regional.Transportation Improvement Plan(RTIP). CalTrans has begun the environmental work for the Route 101/41 interchange improvements. Upon review of the ultimate improvement alternative identified in the Route 101/41 PSR and considering existing deficiencies at the Route 101/Traffic Way interchange, staff is recommending thata PSR be prepared which evaluates possible alternatives for re-configuring the northbound Rou e 101 ramps at both Route 41 and Trak Way. Improvements to the southbound Route 1 1/41 on- and off-ramps would still be constructed in conformance with the ultimate iin.=me' t alternative identified in the Route 41/101 PSR. Constructing the northbound ramp i rovements at the Route 101/41 interchange as currently proposed could limit the type of im 'rovements that could be constructed at the Traffic Way interchange since there is limited wea ing distance between the two interchanges. The Traffic Way interchange primarily serves local destinations. The San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (S OCOG) and CalTrans have indicated that improvements to the interchange 000081 ITEM NUMBER:-B - 1 DATE: 02/23/99 will likely need to be funded solely from local funding sources (i.e. developer fees,urban State Highway Account funds, etc.). However,there is currently an opportunity to fund improvements to the Traffic Way interchange if it can be demonstrated that such improvements, when combined with the Route 101/41 interchange improvements,would improve the operation and safety of both interchanges. It may be possible to utilize any cost savings realized by modifying the Route 101/41 interchange improvements to fund improvements to the Traffic Way interchange. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The envisioned scope of work for the PSR consists of the evaluation of various alternatives for improving the operation and safety of the Route 101/Traffic Way interchange. Staff is recommending that the operation of both the Route 101/Traffic Way interchange and the Route 41/101 interchange be evaluated due to their close proximity. Staff is also recommending an evaluation of the operation of El Camino Real and Route 101 between the two interchanges. The alternatives evaluated should: 1. Assume that the improvements for the.Route 101 southbound on- and off-ramps identified as the"Ultimate Improvements Alternative" in the Route 41/101 Interchange PSR dated June 1994 are complete 2. Assume that the realignment of eastbound Route 41 is complete . 3. Specifically address the movement of pedestrian and bicycle traffic at the interchanges and along El Camino Real in the vicinity of the interchanges 4. Evaluate the existing and future levels-of-service (LOS) at the interchanges and along El Camino Real and Route 101 between the interchanges. 5. Evaluate the possibility of combining the northbound Route 101/41 and the northbound Route 101/Traffic Way on- and off-ramps. The ramps would be relocated so they would terminate on El Camino Real at or near West Mall Avenue. The existing northbound Route 101/41 on-ramp and possibly the existing off-ramp would be eliminated. The existing northbound Route 101/Traffic Way off-ramp.and possibly the existing on-ramp would be eliminated. The intersection of the relocated ramps with El Camino Real will be controlled with a traffic signal or a roundabout. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the Route 101/Traffic Way Project Study Report has been programed by the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments. The total funding programed is $75,000. Funding sources consist of$40,000 in Regional State Highway Account(SHA) funds, $21,000 in Urban SHA funds and $14,000 in local transportation funds. The local transportation funds were budgeted in the FY 98-99 mid-year adjustment. 000082 ITEM NUMBER: B - 1 DATE: 02/23/9.9_ ALTERNATIVES: 1. Do not Drepare a Project Study Report- Regional SHA funds could be lost as well as the opportunity to improve the Traffic Way interchange with funds other than local transportation funds. Not combining the interchange improvements would limit the type of improvements which could be constructed at Traffic Way. The type, level and cost of operational and safety improvements at the interchange would remain unknown. 2. Revise the project descri tion- Have staff return with a revised project description after receiving direction from the Council. RESPONSIBLE'DEPARTMENT: Community Services Department ATTACHMENT S: None 000083 ITEM NUMBER: C - 1 DATE: 02/23/99 .0 oil WIN 1918 ® 1979 City Man ger's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney Information Bulletin A. Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) The Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF), a voluntary program created by statute, began in 1977 as an investm t alternative for California's local governments and special districts. This program offers local agencies the opportunity to participate in a major portfolio which invests hundreds of millions of dollars, using the investment expertise of the Treasurer's Office investment staff at no additional cost to the taxpayer. The LAIF is part of the Pooled Money Investment Account (PMIA). The PMIA began in 1953 and has oversight provided by the Pooled Money Investment Board (PMIB) and an in-house Investment Committee. The PMIB members are the State Treasurer, Director of Finance, and State Controller. The PMIA has Policies, Goals and Objectives for the portfolio to make certain that our goals of Safety, Liquidity and Yield are not jeopardized and that prudent management prevails. The State Treasurers Office is audited by the Bureau of State Audits on an annual basis. The Bureau of State Auc its also has a continuing audit process throughout the year. All investment and LAIF claims are audited on a daily basis by the State Controller's Office as well as an in- house audit process 'nvolving three separate divisions. It has been determined that the State of California cannot declare bankruptcy under Federal regulations, thereby allowing the Government Code Section 16429.3 to stand. This Section states that, "money placed with the state treasurer for deposit in the LAIF shall not be subject to either: (a) transfer or loan pursuant to Sections 16310, 16312, or 16313, or (b) impoundment or seizure by any state official or state agency." The LAIF has grown from 293 participants and $468 million in 1977 to 2,603 participants and $13.0 billion in 1998. B. Employee Update Bob Barry Wastewater TP Opr I Resigned 2/3/99 Dane Barnhart P/Time Service Worker Resigned 2/22/99 Judith Miller Support Services Technician Resigned 02/10/99 000084