HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 05/11/1999 7-4"W'.0 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL' MEETING TUESDAY,MAY 11, 1999 City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue,4"'floor Atascadero,California CLOSED SESSION,6:30 P.M.: 1. Public Employee Performance Evaluation: City Attorney (Govt. Code§54957) 2. Conference with labor negotiator(Govt. Code Sec.54957.6) Agency Negotiator: City Manager Employee organizations: Department Heads, Mid-Management/Professional, Confidential,Atascadero Fire Captains,Atascadero Firefighters,Service l mpl' yees Intl. Union Local 620,Atascadero Police Assoc. 3. Confe ence with negotiator over real property. (Govt. Code 54956.8) Negot ator: City Manager Wade McKinney Prope y: APN#028-092-009,#056-322-010,and#056-322-011. Negot lations will include price and/or terms of payment. REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: j PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Lerno ROLL CALL: Mayor Johnson Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide Council Member Clay Council Member Lerno Council Member Luna APPROVAL OF A ENDA: Roll Call` PRESENTATIONS: 1 Zoological Society of San Luis Obispo County -Paul Hood,President of the Society will present to the Council Kathleen Mason,the new Development Coordinator for the Society. 2. Proclamation-Declaring May 15 1999 "Police Memorial bay" COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting'is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to five minutes. Please state your name and address for the record before makingyour presentation. The Council may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda.) COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to sta or take action to have sta lace a matter o business on a tune agenda. No formal action .� .�P .f .� g by the Council will be taken unless an item is identified on the Agenda.) A CONSENT CALENDAR: Roll Call (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken,) 1. City Council Minutes - April 27, 1999 - (City Clerk recommendation: Approve the City Council minutes of April 13, 1999) [Marcia McClure Torgerson] 2. Atascadero Mall Overlay Projecf - Fiscal Impact: $144,932 (Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with AJ Diani Construction Company, Inc. to construct the Atascadero Mall Overlay Project at a`maximum cost of $144,932 and make the necessary appropriations) [Brady Cherry] B. WASTEWATER STUDY SESSION - A review of the wastewater'treatment` plan (operations and capacity) and collection system. 2 C. PUBLIC HE NGS: 1. General Plan Amendment #99002 - Urban Services Line Extension Fiscal Impact: Increase to W7stewater revenues (Staff recommendation: Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-026 app oving extension of Urban Services Line) [Paul Saldana] 2. Appeal of Pluming Commission Approval - Tentative Parcel Map #98010 Fiscal Impact Minor increase in City revenue and development fees (Staff recommendation: Council con ct appeal hearing and direct staff to prepare appropriate resolutions) [Paul Saldai ] D. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Annual Audi - for 1998-99 fiscal audit -Fiscal Impact: $10,250 of budgeted funds (Staff recommendation: Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Moss, Ley& Hartzheim to conduct the 1998-99 fiscal audit at a cost of$10,250.00) [Rachelle Rickard] 2. Re uest`for Use of the Youth Center Atascadero Boxing Club - Fiscal Impact: Possible revenue to be determined (Staff recommendation: Council reaffirm the previous policy on the current use of the Youth Center and postpone making a decision on the request by the Atascaderg Boxing Club) [Brady Cherry] 3. 4`h of July Fir Works Display - Atascadero Lake Park - Fiscal Impact: approximately $4,620.00 ( taff recommendation: Council approve a request by Bill Rabenaldt to conduct a professionally staffed pyrotechnical fireworks display at AtascaderoLake Park on Sunday, JiVy 4, 1999) [Brady Cherry] 4. Information Bulletin E. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The followi g represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necesstry.): 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority 2. Finance Corn nittee 3. Water Comm ttees A. SLO ounty Flood Control & Water Conservation District Water Resources Advis ry Committee B. Naci iento Water Purveyors' Contract Technical Advisory Committee C. North County Water Forum • 4. Integrated W ste Management Authority 5. North Count) Council 3 6 Air Pollution Control District 7.. County Mayor's Round Table 8. Economic Vitality Corporation,Board of Directors 9. City/Schools Committee 10. Economic Opportunity Commission F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2._ City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer G. ADJOURNMENT: THE CITYCOUNCIL WILL ADJOURN TO THE NEXT REGULAR SESSION SCHEDULED ON MAY 25, 1999: Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public' hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. 4 City of Atascadero WEI COME TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING GE NERAL INFORMATION The City Council meet 3-in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambe r of City Hall. Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff rep,)rts or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in t ie office of the CityClerk(Room 208),and in the Information Office(Room 103), available for public in ection during City Hall business hours. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the A scadero Library,6850 Morro Road. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City,please contact the City Manager's Office,(805) 461-5010,or the City lerk's Office, (805)461-5074. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services re needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will identify the subject, staff will give their re ort,and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to step up to the podium. If you wish to speak for,against or comment in any way: • You must approach the podium and be recognized by the Mayor • Give your name and address • Make your statement • All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council • All comments limited to 5 minutes(unless changed by the Council) • No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so,aid no one may speak more than twice on any item. The Mayor will annou ice when the public comment period is closed,and thereafter,no further public comments will be heat by the Council. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item," OMMUNITY FORUM",the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with tie Council to: • Please apr roach the podium and be recognized •` Give your name and address • State the r ature of your business This is the time items iot on the Agenda may be brought to the Council's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum(unless changed by the Council). TO HAVE ITEMS PLACED ON AGENDA All business matters t. appear on the Agenda must be in the Office of the City Manager ten days preceding the Council meeting. Should you have a matter you wish to bring before the Council,please mail or bring a writter communication to the City Manager's office in City Hall prior to the deadline. NATIONAL POLICE WEEK POLICE MEMORIAL DAY WHEREAS, Police memorial Day was first established by Presidential Proclamation in 1960 to commemorate all law enforcement officers who had given their life in the line of duty; and WHEREAS, since 1960 Police Memorial day has been observed on May 15'h and the week in which Police Memorial Day falls has been proclaimed as "National Police Week and WHEREAS, law enforcement officers willingly perforin hazardous duty to protect and defend their community; and WHEREAS, the people of our nation and state should commemorate those officers • who have given their lives while providing service and protection to their community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City.Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby proclaim May 15, 1999, as POLICE MEMORIAL DAY in Atascadero and does call upon all citizens and law enforcement agencies to pay tribute to those who have given the ultimate while protecting their community. In the City of Atascadero, California this day in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. Ray Johnson, Mayor Atascadero City Council May 11, 1999 000001 l ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 05/11/99 MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY,APRIL 27, 1999 CLOSED SESSION, 6:30 P.M.: 1) Conference with negotiator over real property. (Govt. Code 54956.8) Negotiator: City Manager Wade McKinney Property: APN#028-092-009, 4056-322-010, and#056-322-011. Negotiations will include price and/or terms of payment. 2) Conference with legal counsel Anticipated litigation(G.C. Sec. 54956.9(b)) Significant exposure to litigation McFadden&Baker v. City of Atascadero 3) Conference with labor negotiator(Govt. Code Sec. 54957.6) Agency Negotiator: City Manager Employee organizations: Department Heads, Mid-Management/Professional, Confidential,Atascadero Fire Captains, Atascadero Firefighters, Service Employees Intl. Union Local 620,Atascadero Police Assoc. • Cit Attorney Roy Hanle announced that the Council gave the City Manager direction on #1, Y Y Y Y and there was no reportable action on#2, and#3. REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: Mayor Johnson called the Regular Session to order at 7:10 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Arrambide, Clay,Lerno, Luna and Mayor Johnson Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia Torgerson and City Treasurer David Graham Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney,Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Fire Chief Mike McCain, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Streets Supervisor Brian Sword, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community and Economic Development Director Paul Saldana, Assistant City Engineer John Neil, City Attorney Roy Hanley,and Assistant City Attorney David Fleishman. CC 04/27/99 000602 Page 1 of 8 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 05/11/99 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS: I Economic Vitality Corporation Update - President/CEO David Spaur David Spaur, President of the EVC gave the Council a status report on the progress made by the EVC. Mr. Spaur stated that the Board is currently focusing on business retention and expansion. He proceeded to explain that first and foremost, the Board is using a CalWorks Grant. to interview a local business using a questionnaire reviewed by the council. Secondly, the EVC will research business attraction. Finally, Mr. Spaur reported that the Board will focus on business formations and partnerships. 2. Service Award- Steve Knuckles Fire Chief Mike McCain presented Engineer/Paramedic Steve Knuckles with a Service Award as he is leaving his employment with the City of Atascadero. UPDATE ON CURRENT EVENTS: Mayor Johnson asked the Police Chief to bring the public up to. date on the issue of Megan's Law and sexual offenders. Police Chief Dennis Hegwood explained that Megan's Law requires convicted sexual offenders to be registered as to their location. This database is available to the public. Police Chief Hegwood also gave the Council a status report on Atascadero's reaction to the shooting at the Littleton High School in Colorado. He stated that he and his officers have met with the District to assure the students and staff the police department has and will be taking the necessary actions and precautions to assure their safety. COMMUNITY FORUM: Terrill Graham, 6205 Conejo Road, stated that he feels the public is uninformed about the issues' facing the Council because the newspaper is not reporting about the City's business. He announced that he will be filing a recall on the two Council Members that he believes are acting to the detriment of the City. He also asked to have Item#A-7 pulled for discussion. CC 04/27/99 000003 Page 2 of 8 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 05/11/99 Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Avenue, reported that he is attempting to research the CalTrans Median Policy. Hee pressed concern regarding the Special Meeting to be held on April 28,1999. Rush Kolemaine, P.OBox 1990, stated that he is concerned that the public is not being kept properly informed on Council actions. He suggested public access television would solve this problem. Mayor Johnson closed the Community Forum period. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: Council Member Clay asked about the fountain in Sunken Gardens being dry and suggested a playground similar to hat of the Atascadero Lake Park Tot Lot be installed in one corner of the Gardens. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Roll Call 1. Joint Citv Council / Planning Commission / Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes - March 30, 19199 (City Clerk recommendation: Approve the Joint City Council / Planning Commission / Parks & Recreation Commission minutes of March 30, 1999) [Marcia McClure Torgerson] 2. City Council Minutes - April 13, 1999 - (City Clerk recommendation: Approve the City Council minutes of April 13, 1999) [Marcia McClure Torgerson] 3. Weed Abatement Program - Fiscal Impact: None - Costs involved are recovered through the fee charge to parcels abated by the city contractor (Staff recommendation: Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-017, declaring vegetative growth and/or refuse a public nuisance, comi qencing proceedings for the abatement of said nuisances, and placing all abatement fees on the San Luis Obispo County special tax assessment for the fiscal year. 1999-2000 tax 'roll) [Mike McCain] 4. Establishment of No Parkin Zone - Palma Avenue from the intersection with Rosario 280 feet to the north - Fiscal Impact: $400.00 (Staff recommendation: Council adopt Resolution No 1999-021 establishing a No Park Zone on Palma Avenue, from the intersection with Rosario 280 feet to the north) [Brady Cherry] 5. Installation of Stop Si n - Los Gatos Avenue at Flores Avenue - Fiscal Impact: $200.00 (Staff recommendation: Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-020 authorizing the installation ofa stop sign on Los Gatos Avenue at the intersection with Flores Avenue) [Brady Cherry CC 04/27/99 000004 Page 3 of 8 ITEM NUMBER: A= 1 DATE: 05/11/99 6. 2-Hour Parking`Zone -El Camino Real from Century Plaza to East Mall - Fiscal Impact: $200.00 (Staff recommendation: Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-019 designating a portion of El Camino Real as a 2-Hour Parking Zone) [Brady Cherry] T Traffic Way / Route 101 Interchange PSR Consultant Services Agreement - Fiscal Impact: $75,000 (Staff recommendation Council authorize the Mayor to enter.into an agreement with Omni-Means, Ltd. To,prepare a Project Study Report for the Traffic Way /Route 101 Interchange) [Brady Cherry] Terrill Graham, 6205 Conejo Road pulled Item #A-7. Mayor Johnson pulled Item #A-4. Council Member Luna pulled Item#A-5. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Avenue,pulled Item#A-1. MOTION: By Council Member Lerno and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to approve Items #A-2,3, and 6. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Item #A-1: Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Avenue, requested that under the Community Forum he would like to substitute"environmental determination." on line two for "opinion." MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve Item#A4. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Item #A-4: Mayor Johnson stated that in a letter received from the Community Church of Atascadero, the church has asked that the Council consider a NO PARKING ZONE for only one side of the street(see Attachment A). PUBLIC COMMENT Terrill Graham, 6205 Conejo Road, stated that the police do not enforce the no parking elsewhere. Rush Kolemaine, P.O. Box 1990, asked if the no parking could be scheduled for limited hours. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period There was Council consensus to direct staff to review a partial parking solution and agreed to continue the item. CC 04/27/99 000005 Page 4 of 8 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 05/11/99 Item #A-5: Mayor Johnson asked Community Services Director Brady Cherry for clarification on the item. Mr. Cheny gave a brief staff report. Council Member Luna stated that he believed that there should not be any stop sign on Los Gatos and Council Member lay agreed. PUBLIC COMMENT Daphne Fahsing, 5105 Llano Road, stated she was opposed to the addition of a stop sign on Los Gatos. She also suggested removing the existing stop sign on Los Gatos Road (see Attachment B). Stubbie Fasig, 7555 Portola Road, prepared statement read by Ms. Fahsing, expressed her opposition of the stop igns on Los Gatos Road. She also requested that the Council concentrate on making repairs to city roads, specifically Portola Road (see Attachment Q. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. There was Council consensus that they could not support the recommendation of staff and the Council agreed to direct staff to review the existing stop sign on Los Gatos Road Item #A-7: Council Member Clay stepped down on this item due to a conflict of interest. Assistant City Engineer John Neil gave a brief staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Rush Kolemaine, P.O. Box 1990, stated that he agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide that the Council needed more public input on this issue. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., stated that he was concerned with receiving only one bid. He also stated that he would like to see more alternatives for this project. Terrill Graham, 6205 Conejo Road, stated that he agreed with the previous speakers. He suggested the creation of a public committee to gain public input: Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period Mayor Johnson voiced concern for the reception of only one bid. Mayor Pro Tem Arrarnbide stated that he feels this interchange needs to be studied. Mayor Pro Tem Arra 'bide made a motion to approve Item#A-7 including the $2,800 option. The motion failed due to the lack of a second. CC 04/27/99 ` 0 Page 5 of 8 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 05/11/99 MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to approve Item#A-7 not including any of the options. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll-call vote. (Clay abstained) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Paloma Creek Park Food Concessionaire Agreement Fiscal Impact. $1,500-2,000 in revenue per year (Staff recommendation: Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Karen Estrada of Atascadero, to operate a concession stand a Paloma Creek Park) [Brady Cherry] Community Services Director Brady Cherry gave a brief staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Luna to approve Item#C-1. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 2. Amendment to Contract between the City of Atascadero and the California Public Employees' Retirement S sY tem'- Fiscal Impact: None (Staff recommendation: 1. Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-024, giving Notice of Intention to amend the Contract between the City Council of the City of Atascadero and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System, and 2. Council adopt Ordinance No. 358, on first reading by title only, authorizing the Mayor to execute an amendment to the contract between the City Council of the City of Atascadero and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees'Retirement System) [Wade McKinney] City Manager Wade McKinney gave a brief staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Council Member Lerno and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve Item#C-2. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. , CC 04/27/99 000007 Page 6 of 8 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 05/11/99 3. Road Abandonment #99001 - Portion of San Gabriel Road (Larsen Family Trust) FiscalImpact: None (Staff recommendation: Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-022 approving abandonment of a portion of San Gabriel Road, RA 499001) [Paul Saldana] Community and Economic Development Director Paul Saldana gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMEN Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., asked what the mitigation would be for the 37 oak trees that will be removed upon he creation of this road. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. Council Member Clay asked Mr. Saldana to comment on Mr. Greening's question. Mr. Saldana said that a tree conservation easement has been conditioned by the Planning Commission. MOTION: 13y Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Lerno to pprove Item #C-3. otion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 4. Information Bulletin Mayor Pro Tem Affambide requested that the Parks and Recreation Commission also provide a timeline for their goal D. COMMITTEE REPORTS S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authorit Mayor Johnson stated hat the committee meets next week. Air Pollution Control District Mayor Pro Tem announced that they discussed the use of natural gas for the buses at Hearst Castle. Count Mayor's Roun Table Mayor Johnson reported that they will meet Tuesday, May 4 , 1999. Economic Vitalily Corporation, Board of Directors Mayor Johnson stated hey will meet on Wednesday, April 28, 1999. CC 04/27/99 000008 Page 7 of 8 ITEM NUMBER: A 1 DATE: 05/11/99 E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Treasurer David Graham explained the issue of the delegation of responsibility of investment of the City's funds. He also apologized for not being able to get out the City Treasurer's reports due to the City's current computer problems. F. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Johnson adjourned the Regular Session at 9:05 p.m. to the next Regular Session scheduled on May 11, 1999. MEETING RECORDED BY: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk MEETING MINUTES PREPARED BY: Melanie Whaley,Deputy City Clerk Attachments: Attachment A— Prepared statement by Larry G. Anderson, Community Church of Atascadero Attachment B— Prepared statement by Daphne Fahsing Attachment C Prepared statement by"Stubbie"Fasig CC 04/27/99 Page 8 of 8 Attachriient. A' . A.tascadero-City Council �uRe a t 'M'eeting Date:4!27/99 i :,. - - -• i .TIDEONIlJ[[T1NTiTY•CiURCH OF ATASCADER• Founded 1915 a Urt}xed C.Jzurch oj�'Christ -5850 RosariaAve..• At scaaero,CA934.22.- {8d5j:466-910$.' h • , ••+ • • , ' • -• a •..e, �f.• • . tre • April 22:1939 . • moi'. . .. i. :�% i ♦ . -� .•. .:.:.a....•r.—..-s.:rrt.:._.ws++_r,.s. f .ur. :,.a.?...,>.'•' •mss :F.b-ss mca*.as A• -:41. .1 s+... -'• s L ., '• .:+.... • �r�j_.faun ; �" � t =.....r...'R�.,:.�..:,>,��� +;..__, - , ' til,/^tis�: t?:1 � r,•"•�•o;r�;- t;i,ia 'l—*•n3. L_iTP: r �''.1.,19CnS... '' __' ' r!1?�"�: '"City bf Ala dery ,: • . , t. ,._ :, • , . 6500 Palm, Avenue •. ` ., ' • • �` •, i • ' oAtasca dero,CA 93422 . . . ' ,. - • . ', r : _ . . '` ',. -, • _ "� ;. `. •. ,,,•• .•.sem: Dear City ouncil Members;• :: ,r, • The Churd i Cbuncli af .Conuftnity,Church'of Atascadero discussed.Resalution t No. '9999 21•at.thelr meeting on April 20,;1999..••The Members;orf the.Ca ric i[• ' expressed ricem thatthe proposed NO PARKINGZONE'on Palma Avenue would •: • ' ,:,z create a addng hardship,for our members and•:gogaii.at a nurnber'.of high-• • atten acs events. , The Council voted to request that.parking be allowed on one.side•%of Palma Avenue. : • • ' This.acro mvdatiorf woyld.allow the parking.fiecessary for'our facTtfles•�to cohlinue • asp place` o Meet Me SPJdtlal and related-fieeds cf our community. . - ••, ' "�Sincerely, A-z • rte,'. ••• • • .. jf i l JL Lairr y on �COmm' unky Church of Atascadero. '. ' Attachment: B Atascadero City Council Meeting Date: 4/27/99 Daphne Fahsing, 5105 Llano Rd. City Council meeting April 27,1999 Item: ConsentAgenda` -A5 I was surprised to see this item on the consent agenda when I checked at -the library, as I think I should have received a notice. Way back last July I sent a request that the stop sign at the intersection of Los Gatos and Flores be removed., as it is unnecessary. At a meeting of the Traffic Committee on Sept. 16 last year, the entire committee agreed that this sign was not needed, and I tried to make it very clear that an additional sign would only cause more frustration. I doubt if anybody checked on how many cars come out of the Flores/Los Gatos intersection in one day? I have travelled that road almost . every day for years, and I think I .can . safely- y say that-,.I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of cars I have had -to stop for. Rather than being safer, an additional sign on Los Gatos would cause more confusion, waste more gas and cause more pollution. The present stop sign on Flores gives a clear view of on coming traffic on the thru street, Los Gatos. Likewise, there is a clear view of any cars- at the stop sign on Flores from either direction on Los Gatos. Therefore, I again ask that the current stop sign on Los Gatos be removed so as to provide an unobstructed drive .on the. thru street, and not to add an additional stop sign. Attachment: C Atascadero City Council Meeting Date: 4/27/99 "Stubbie" Fasig 7555 Portola Road City. Council Meeting 27 'April 1999 Item: Consent Agenda A5. Since I am unable to attend the council meeting this evening- I am asking Daphne Fahsing to read this statement- for me. Daphne Fahsing nd I were at the Traffic Committee .meeting on 16 September 1998. We both drive .on Los Gatos Road and find the Stop Sign on Los Gatos Road at. the intersection with Flores Road as completely UITNECESSARY. Vehicles on Flores and on Los Gatos are plainly. visible to . each other at the in ersection. Please do not contribute to the con- fusion and annoyance to the public by placing another' Stop Sign on Los Gatos Road. ' Instead, remove the existing. sign on Los Gatos at. the interchange..'-_ Please 'do not treat our requests lightly, give .them serious consid- eration. If the council is REALLY interested is SAFETY it would concentrate on making repairs to .the -city roads, Portola Road in particular. Sincerely,:,.„, M. S. ASIG ITEM NUMBER: A - 2 DATE: 05/11/99 ieis ® 1979 CADF,��, City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney Atascadero Mall Overlay Project RECOMMENDATION: Council authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with A.J. Diani Construction Company, Inc. to construct the Atascadero Mall Overlay Project at a maximum cost of$144,932 and make the necessary appropriations. DISCUSSION: Design of the Atascadero Mall Overlay Project improvements have been completed. Bids were received and publicly opened on April 22, 1999. Consistent with City procurement policies,the award of the contract requires Council approval. A bid summary prepared by the City Clerk and an itemized bid summary are included in this ireport for reference. The low bid was submitted by A.J. Diani Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of$107,356.00. The bids have been checked for completeness and accuracy. Staff finds A.J. Diani Construction Company, Inc. to be the lowest responsible bidder. FISCAL IMPACT: PROJECT EXPENDITURES Construction $107,356 Contingencies @ 10% .$10,736 Plans,Specifications and Estimates @ $10,736 10% City Support Services (Funding Applications, Staff Reports,Inquires, $5,368 Agency Coordination) @ 5% Construction Engineering(Inspection, Contract Administration,Survey, Soils $10,736 Testing) @ 10%° TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES $144,932 00+0033 ITEM NUMBER: A =2 DATE: 05/11/99 PROJECT REVENUES Fund 500, Urban State Highway Account Funds $139,000 Fund 306, Sidewalk Trust Funds $8,500 TOTAL PROJECT REVENUES $147,500 ALTERNATIVES: 1. Award contract 2. Do not Award Contract- improvements will not be constructed. The roadway deterioration and drainage problems will not be corrected. The extent of the present damage will be increased by daily vehicle traffic and future rains,which will necessitate a more expensive rehabilitation. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A-Bid Summary Attachment B - Itemized Bid Summary i 000014 Cie o Atascader' o Office of the City .Clerk BID SUMMARY TO: Brady Cherry, Community Services Director FROM: Marcia McClure Torgerson,City Clerk BID NO.: 99-01 OPENED 04/22/99 2:00 p.m. . PROJECT: Atasca' ero Mall Overlay Project (3) bids were received and opened today, as follows: Bidder Base Bid Madonna Constructior Co. $130,742.20 P.O. Box 3910 San Luis Obispo, CA 93403 Granite construction Co. $124,704.00 P.O. Box 50085 Watsonville, CA 950 7-5085 A.J. Diani Construction Co.,Inc. $107,356.00 295 North Blosser Road Santa Maria, CA 93458-4217 Attachments: 3 bids APPENDIX A r O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O m O ,� CM W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O N O O O O O N O U O O O O O O O O O O C; C'1 to O O O CM tci to +t v t0 N I-- r O Q O O O N O O. O O, o O O O N O O O t0 N N t� N 00 N W U U J O O O r- N O LO O M O LO O r r 0 00 1 N N r N t0 Z N00 (D 9 O CNM LO Cl) er r N O r a- C6 N � r r O (1! 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LL LL J J J J J J co O U 0 0 LO Z r r �N V 00 O0 r 0 O O CO r N N Cl 'V' � � LO 0 � V d O ? r CM N r r r N CO z a 0 a� O a` °' a� O m Oo a� oc o U c 0 (.j a C13w 04 _ v o 0 > B: - o U "m 6n ¢ > N a fn o >O 0 ` o U o CL .J°. o to cn `' to v c 6 3 3 ° Q p mCQ CL -0 UZa0 `c 3t � U F m a) 0) m a� t_ m C6 X 5 m ¢ o p N O CL CL>+ >+ m mY rnp Em "vaoNNi°ad CC N Z t`C m y o U y ° m N � 0 0 3 O_ - U U CC C U ¢ N 8L X 7 ~ °c — N N N N o W C o m O C co CO -IL C C7f O O ,o C6 C1 0- z Q Q N v z U U 4% m U C N m d C2 o o Cn .�. '� b .: C N z 0 ° = = `� moo = acv c N2 rnmcnmm m c o narna € a > CC c 8 m M .LIE � FE � > C7 LL w � ¢ QQ <0U)) W � 0It < CL = F`- Fl= d LLj o W 0 c0 r co� O � � � � � � f0 r, w W O N O F— N N N Z 000016 I ITEM NUMBER: C - 1 DATE: .05/11/99 11011 Kimn 1918 1919 8 CADS City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney General Plan Amendment 99002 Urban Services Line Extension 905 El Camino Real (Gearhart/Cannon Associates) RECOMMENDATION: Planning Commission recommends Council adopt Resolution 1999-026 approving an extension of the Urban Services Line. DISCUSSION: Back round: On March 16, 1999, the Planning Commission approved a Master Plan of Development for the subject property consisting of approximately 239,600 square feet of commercial retail development. Condition 51 of Resolution 1999-011 approving the Master Plan of Development requires the applicant to "secure a General Plan Amendment extending the Urban Services Line for the use of City services". City Council Resolution 26-95 establishes April 1 and October 1 as the deadline for private persons to submit applications for General Plan Amendments. Processing of such applications is made after the April l deadline, therefore, the General Plan Amendment could not be considered as part of the Master Plan of Development, since the application was submitted prior to this deadline. Analysis 1. General Plan Requirements. The Urban Services Line (USL) is defined in the Land Use Element (LUE) of the General Plan as "the maximum area that may be served by the sewerage system". The priority for the provision of sewer service, according to the LUE is: Areas Not Requiring Amendment of the General Plan; 1. Cease and desist areas, and other septic problem areas within the Urban Service Line. 2. Other areas within the Urban Services Line 000017 ITEM NUMBER: C 1 DATE: 05/11/99 3. Cease and desist areas beyond the Urban Services Line Areas Requirin-General Plan Amendment: 4. Other areas beyond the Urban Service Line requiring a more intensive General Plan map land use designation provided that the following findings can be made: a. Extension of sewer service to the area will not overburden the city's sewer plant or collection system. b.' Extension of sewer service to the area will not affect service to priority areas 1 through 3. 1 In order to approve an extension to the USL, the Planning Commission and City Council is required to make the findings listed in item 4 above. The rational for these finds is further' explained in this analysis. The General Plan also requires that "new development should pay its share of the costs of providing all capital facilities needed to support it; payment may be in the form of actual construction of facilities where appropriate as conditions of approval and/or by the payment of fees, among other possibilities". z It is this policy that authorizes the City to ensure that the proposed development pays its share of capital facilities as a result of the project. 2. Extension will not overburden collection system or impact other priority areas. The project, as proposed in the Master Plan of Development,:will generate an.estimated 2,050 gallons per day (G.P.D) at buildout. Based upon average yearly flow, the treatment.facility has 220,000 G.P.D. remaining on its treatment permit. It is estimated that approximately 490 single family residences are located within the USL that can gravity flow into the existing collection system but which do not currently have sewer available. The estimated demand is approximately117,600 G.P.D. In addition, the City Council recently approved an USL extension to allow the "Lakes" project to connect to the sewer, with an ultimate build out demand of approximately 29,000 . G.P.D. Therefore, if all these connections were made, including the proposed project, approximately 73,400 G.P.D. would remain under the City's current operating permit. This also does not consider planned improvements to the treatment system that would increase the capacity of the plant. Development fees associated with this and other projects can only be used for such expansion purposes. The City has planned an expansion that would increase the operating capacity to 2.09 M.G.P.D. Therefore, based on the current capacity and planned improvements to the plant, there will be no adverse impact on the facility nor other priority areas contained in the LUE. The applicant will be required to construct all collection systems and make necessary improvements to the City's existing collection system to handle the anticipated flows. These improvements would include gravity and/or pressured lines, lift station(s), tie-in and other improvements. 'Land Use Element,page II-21 'Fiscal Element Policy C-1,page IX-3 000018 ITEM NUMBER: C - 1 DATE: 05/11/99 3. Planning Co mission Action: The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed USL extension on April 20, 1999. Following the public hearing, the Commission voted 5-1-1 to recommend approval of the USL extension. Environmental Review: A Mitigated Negative Declaration was approved by the Commission on March 16, 1999. The Mitigated Negative Declaration was based on a Supplemental EIR which identified the following environmental impacts associated with the construction of an on-site sewage collection,treatment and disposal system: • degradation of groundwater quality in the immediate vicinity of the percolation ponds; • odor nuisance associated with sewage handling; • visual impact of highly organic disposal ponds which frequently support much algae growth; and • Increased energy usage associated with treatment and pumping of sewage above existing po er consumption level. For waste discharge r quirements, the proposed septic system will have to be approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. There is no guarantee that the Board will approve a septic system discharge for a commercial project. Connecting to the City sewer system presents an environmentally superior alternative than on site treatment. There are a number of options being evaluated for serving the proposed site, via Traffic Way or extending the El Camino Real service. Conclusion: The proposed extension of the USL meets the requirements of the Land Use Element and Fiscal Element of the General Plan and is an environmentally sound alternative to on-site disposal system. There are no known negative impacts to the city's sewer or treatment collection system. FISCAL IMPAC The extension of the s wer service will result in additional revenue to the wastewater treatment fund. Costs of extend ng the service and expansion of the collection will be paid for at the time of development. ALTERNATIVE Deny General Plan Amendment request. This alternative is not recommended as sewer service was identified'as the environmental superior alternative and there is no guarantee that the Water Quality Control Board will approve an on-site facility. RESPONSIBLE EPARTMENT: Community Development 000019 ITEM NUMBER: C - 1 DATE: 05/11/99 ATTACHMENTS: A. PlanningCommission Resolution 1999-017 B. Planning Commission Minutes April 20, 1999 C. City Council Resolution 1999-026 000020 Attachment "N' RESOLUTION 1999-017. _-__—_- __------- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADE O RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN:URBAN SERVICES LINE WHEREASthe City of Atascadero has received an application to extend the Urban Services Lie of the General Plan for the purpose of providing sewer service to property generally located at 905 El Camino Real as depicted in Exhibit "A', attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution as though fully set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the local guidelines implementing the California Environmental Quality Act,have been adhered to; and. WHEREAS a timely and properly noticed public hearing upon General Plan. Amendment No. 9 002 was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero on April 20, 1999 at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning.Commission of the City of Atascadero' in a regular session assembled on April 20, 1999 recommends that the City Council approve General Plan Amendment No. 99002 based on the findings and conditions as outh d in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be delivered forthwith by the Planning Commission Secretary to the City Council of the City of Atascadero. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 20th DAY OF APRIL 1999. Harold L. Carden,III Chairperson Attest: Paul M. Saldana Community Devel pment Director 000021 LAND USE M� ' , General Plan Amendment#990027 905 El Camino • oi PC #1999-0111IRM �t .. s _ s Findings and Conditions of Annroval General Plan Amendment 99002 Extension of Urban Services Line Exhibit"B"Resolution 1999-017 905 El Camino Real F"indines of roval: 1. Extension of sewer service to the area will not overburden the City's sewer plan or collections em. 2. Extension of sewer service to the area will.notaffect service to priority areas as identified in the Genera.Plan Land Use Element. Conditions of al• 1_ The. applicant shalt. submit sever improvement plans prepared by a registered civil engineer for review and approval by the City Engineer and the Chief of Wastewater Operations p 'or to recordation of the final map. Sewer improvement plans shall conform to the require eats of the City Standard Specifications. 2_ Priorto issuance of the first buil,ding-permit, the applicant shalldemonstrate that the portions of th existing wastewater collection system required to convey sewage from the project.site Pump Station#5 have adequate capacity_ The sewage flow used in the capacity calc ilations shall be the flow from all area within the existing Urban Services Line at buil out plus the flow generated by the project. If the existing wastewater collection s em does not have adequate capacity to adequately convey the sewage flow at.build-out I ilus.the flow from the project site, theapplicant shall design and construct improvement; to the existing wastewater collection system as required by the City Engineer and. the. Chief of. Wastewater Operations. Plans for improving the existing wastewater llection system shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and submitted.for review and approval.by the City Engineer and the Chief of Wastewater Operations. Improvements to the- existing wastewater collection system shall I be completed pr or to the final inspection of the first building constructed on the site. 3. The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City to pay a pro-rata share for the design and construction.of upgrades.to Pump Station#5 prior to the issuance of the first. building pem at. The form and content of the agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney and the City Engineer. The upgrades shall be designed to accommodate existing wet weather flows plus the increased flow generated by the project.The.applicant's pro-rata share shallbe based onthe anticipated average daily.dry weather flow generated by the project divided by the existing average daily dry weather flow to Pump Station#5. 4. The.applicam.shall.acquire title or interest in.any offsite land that may be required to allow constn ction of the sewer improvements required by these conditions of approval., The applishall bear all costs associated with the acquisitions. The applicant shall Page 1 of 2 000023 gain concurrence from all adjacent property owners whose ingress or egress is affected by construction of the improvements required by these conditions of approval. 5. The applicant shall enter into a Plan Check/Inspection Agreement with the City and shall pay all.outstanding fees prior.to issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. 6. The applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit prior to commencing any work within existing rights of way. 7. All improvements shall in the public right of way shall be secured with a 100% performance guarantee and a 50%labor and materials guarantee until the improvements are accepted as substantially complete by the City Engineer_ Prior to the final inspection of the improvements, and before the other guarantees are released, a 10% maintenance guarantee shall be posted to cover the improvements for a period of one(1)year from the date of final inspection. The guarantee amounts shall be based on an engineers estimate submitted by the project.engineer and approved by the City Engineer. The estimate shall be based on City standard unit prices. The City Attorney shall approve the form of guarantee- 8. The.applicant shall submit.a.written.statement from.a registered civil engineer certifying that all work shown on the plans has been completed and is in full compliance with the' plans approved. by the City and the Uniform Building_ Code(s) prior to the final inspection. 9. A Mylar copy and a. blue line print. of as:built improvement plans, signed by the registered engineer who prepared the plans shall be provided to the City Engineer prior to the final inspection. 10. The applicant shall be responsible for the relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities. 11. The applicant shall pay all sewer annexation fees prior to the issuance of a construction permit for the public improvements. 12. The applicant shall pay for all costs associated with the establishment of a reimbursement agreement or assessment district, if applicable, including, but not limited to preparation of studies,maps,and recordation of documents. 13. No other properties shall.be served by sewer service constructed by applicant without ` having been added to the Urban Services Line by a General Plan Amendment. Page 2 of 2 '000024 Planning Commission Meeting—April 20, 1999 Page 7 of 10 ttachment "B" Building, Engineering, and Police. Staff is awaiting wire going through the CEQA process. The project is a John Falkenstecorre 'ted a statement he made on behalf of the applicant, Kelly Gearhart: Mr. Gearhart has no p ble eliminating the driveway as requested in condition_ #12 (not eliminating condition#12). Commissioner Eddin.R3 ked for an overhead to show -elevations of the buildings. He complimented the attractive esign of the car lot. Commissioner Fonzi asked Mr. arcing preference — Sparling would like abandonment and give Gearhart access Commissioner Fonzi asked that condit #12 remain, however asked Mr. Sparling what he preferred. Mr. Sparlin stated his preference was for ab an nment there and Mr. Gearhart given access to all the property along '...here the frontage road is c ently located. ACTION: Moved by Commissioner Eddings an seconded by Commissioner Clark to approve Conditional Use Permit 99002 adopting Resolution No. PC 1999- 016 eli inating conditions #9, #11 (bo #12 and #13 and accepting conditi n #10, not alternate #10'.and finding a project categorically exempt from C QA. AYES: Commissioners Bentz, Carden, Clark,Eddings, and nzi NOES: Commissioner Zimmerman ABSENT: Commissioner Jeanes MOTION PASSED: -1-1 Chairman called for a 10 minute break, reconvening at 9:00-p.m. 6. General Plan Amendment 99002—905 E1 Camino Real (Gearhart/Cain non Associates) A General Plaa Amendment to include property in the Urban Service Line for the purpose of pr viding sewer services. Environmental determination: A Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Master Plan was adopted on March 16, 1999. (Staff recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. PC1999-017.) Paul Saldana' Community Development Director, delivered a brief staff report and answered questions presented by Commissioners. Commissioner Eddings asked for the route of the extension, along Traffic Way or El Camino Real, md if it will be gravity or pressure lines. Will it be possible for other people to connect to the line with the gravity flow system. Mr. Saldana stated,Traffic Way which is the more expensive alternative. 0000.25 Planning Commission Meeting April 20, 1999 Page 8 of 10 TESTIMONY: John Falkenstien, Cannon Associates questioned condition#5. Mr. Saldaiia changed compliance to completion. Rush Kolemaine,P O Box 1990, commented:; • Problem with quality of drafting on visual • Why extension of USL extended beyond RR tracks to low area • At what point and time do any of the properties SW of the subject property tie into those lines? Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Avenue • Agrees with extension of USL beyond tracks • Questions with sewage treatment—operation of plant • Question regarding strip vs. nodes with 2 developments on each end of town COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Carden asked Mr. Saldana for definition of the boundary of the extension. -Mr. Saldana replied that the extension would not include properties along El Camino Real or Santa Cruz Road, only project property. CommissionerCarden asked if a renbursement policy is in place for connecting to the USL Mr. Saldana replied that there is a policy. Commissioner Fonzie • Asked for reclassification of the boundaries. Commisisoner Eddinas • Why can't pressurized line be tied into by future projects? John Niel. En 'neering • It would require a series of check valves—not standard practice. Commissioner Fonzi • Any septic failure in the area? Mobile home park? Paul Saldana • Not in this area, further down ECR by Factory Outlet Commissioner Clark • Lakes ties into sewer it seems like gravity feed is only way. Likes gravity rather than pressure to enable future applicants to tie in. Commissioner Zimmerman 0 City Council asked for sewer studies. 0 This is a discriminatory action. JOO Planning Commission Meeting—April 20, 1999 Page 9 of 10 • Average yearly flo what happens when you have way above average yearly flow? • Do we truly have the capacity to handle the total load. • We've been asking lbr, 3 years for a sewer study. Commissioner Fonzi • Are the boundaries 'long El Camino Real or is this a noncontiguous property? • Likes the idea of noncontiguous Chairman Carden • Asked staff if this was one of the options? Staff responded yes. • If sewer runs by a property, most residences will not hook up and will fight not to hook up due to the expense. Paul Saldana • Policy is if in USL.and septic system fails you have to hookup to sewer if sewer is available. • When system is des gned, design will be such that ultimate hookup will be to that system Commissioner Clark • Will Commission g t to review which route is proposed? • Is there an advantag' to pressure vs. gravity? • Expense was prohibitive glad not required to tie in- option is nice Paul Saldafta • No specific requirement or policy for Planning commission to review final.sewer system. • Ideally if design is ECR or Traffic Way, design should be for highest and best use. John Neil. Engineering • looking at preferr is gravity this site is pressure because it is uphill pump station #5 will be upgraded. There may be other improvements ACTION: Moved y Chairman Carden and seconded by Commissioner Eddings to adopt Resolution PC 1999-017 recommending and extension of the Urban Services Line. AYES: Commissioners Bentz, Carden, Clark,Eddings, and Fonzi NOES: Commh sioner Zimmerman ABSENT: Commi sioner Jeanes MOTION PASSED: -1-1 ANNOUNCEMENTS & REPORTS 7. Planning Staff Reports. a. Tentative Parcel Map 98010—5190 Aguila Road (Grenville.Jones) 00002' Attachment foci# RESOLUTION 1999-026 A-RESOLUTION-OF THE.CrrY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AMEND TBE..GENERAI._PLAN IRBAN SERVICES LINE WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has received an application to extend the Urban_Services_Line.of the Geneeral.Plan_for_the-purpose_of providing sewer service to property generally located at 905 El Camino Real as depicted in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part-of this Resolution as though hilly set forth herein;and WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents,.. as set forth in the local guidelines implementing the California Environmental Quality Act,have been adhered to;and WHEREAS,on_April_20, 1999,the.Planning_Commission held a public hearing and after hearing testimony,.took action to recommend approval of the amendment;and WHEREAS,._a timely. and properly noticed public..hearing upon General Plan Amendment No. 99002 was held by the City Council of the City of Atascadero on May 11, 1999 at which hearing..evidence,..oral and documentary,..was admitted on behalf of said amendment. NOW,.THEREFORE, BE.TT RESOLVED that the, City Council of the City of Atascadero, in a regular session assembled on May 11, 1999 recommends that the City Council. approve General Plan Amendment No. 99002. based on the findings and conditions as outlined in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part of this Resohrtion. PASSER AND ADOPTEDT—MS.11"DAY OF MAY 1999. Ray Johnson Mayor Attest: Marcia Torgerson City Clerk 000028 ATTACHMENT A LAND USE MAP General Plan Amendment . rrll 905 El Camino Real Exhibit Resolution 999 GENERAL11 • • • r • • • r ••• • • PROPOSEJ • H 1b. Pei � � s findings and Conditions of Approval GenerAPian Amendment 99002 Extension of Urban Services Line - Exbibit,"B"Resolution 1999-026 905 El Camino Real findings of Approval• 1. Extension of sewer service to the area will not overburden the City's sewer plan or collection system. 2- Extension ofsewer_servieeto.the area.mrdriot.affect..servicetopriority areas as identified in the General Plan Land Use Element. Conditions of Approval: L. The. applicant. shall submit_ sewer improvement .plans.prepared by a registered civil engineer for review and approval by the City Engineer and the Chief of Wastewater Operations prior.to recordation-of the final map_ Sewer improvement plans sball conform to the requirements of the City Standard Specifications. 2... Prior to.issuance of the first building-perniks the.applicant shall demonstrate that the portions of the existing wastewater collection system required to convey sewage from the project site to Pump Station#5 have.adequate opacity...,The sewage flow used in the capacity calculations shall be the flow from all areas within the existing Urban Services Line at_build-out-plus the flow generated by the,project._ If the existing wastewater collection system does not have adequate capacity to adequately convey the sewage flow at build-out plus the.flow from the project site,the.applicant shall design and construct improvements to the existing wastewater collection system as required by the City Engineer and.the.Chief of Wastewater Operations__ Plans.for improving the existing wastewater collection system shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and submitted.for review and approval by the City Engineer and the Chief of Wastewater Operations. Improvements to the existing wastewater collection system shall be completed prior to the final inspection.of the first building constructed on the site. 3. The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City to pay a pro-rata share for the design and_construction of upgrades to.Pump Static#5 prior to the issuance of the fust building permit. The form and content of the agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the_City Attorney and the City Engineer.._ The. upgrades shall be designed to accommodate existing wet weather flows plus the increased flow generated by the project.The.applicant%.pro-rata share shaff be based.ou the anticipated average daily dry weather flow generated by the project divided by the existing average daily dry weather flow to Pump Station#5. 4... The..applicant;shalt acquire title.or merest in any offsite lander that may be required to allow construction of the sewer improvements required by these conditions of approval. The applicant shall bear all costs associated with the acquisitions. The applicant shall Page-1 of-2 . . . 000030 gain conctmence from all ac jacem property owners whose ingress or egress is affected by on of the improvements required by these conditions of approval. 5. The applicar t shall enter into a Plan Checldhispection.Agreement with the City and shall pay all.o fees prior.to issuance of a Certificate of Completion. 6. The applicar t shall obtain an encroachment.permit prior to commencing any work within existing rigbts of may. 7. All improvenients shall m the public right of way shall be secured with a 100% performance guarantee and a 501/6 labor and materials guarantee until the improvements are accepted,as substantially complete by the City_.Engineer.. Prior to the final inspection of the impr4 vements, and before the other guarantees are released, a 10% maintenance guarantee st all be posted to cover the improvements for a period of one(1)year from the date of finalinspection. The guarantee amounts shall be based on an engineer's estimate submitted.by.the project engineer.and approved by the City Engineer. The estimate shall be based on, City standard unit prices. The City Attorney shall approve the form of guarantee. a.. Tbe.aippli shall.submit&written statement from a_registered civil engineer certifying that all wor shown on the plans has been completed and is in full compliance with the plans. approved- by the City and the Uniform_Building.,Code(s) prior to the final inspection. 9.. A.Mylar. CA ipy and a blue line. print of as-built improvement plans, signed by the registered engineer who prepared the plans shall be provided to the City Engineer prior to the final ittspection. 10. The applicatit shall be responsible for the relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities. 11. The apphcmt shall pay all sewer annexation fees prior to the issuance of a camstruction permit.for the public improvements. 12. The applicat it shall pay for all costs associated with the establishment of a reimbursement agreement or assessment district, if applicable,,including,,but not limited to preparation of studies,maps,and recordation of documents. 13._ No_other erties shall be served by,sewer service constructed by applicant without having been added to the Urban Services Line by a General Plan Amendment. Page 2 oft 000031 ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 05111/99 n i Isis ® 19 e City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney Appeal of Planning Commission Approval Tentative Parcel Map 98010(AT 98-104) 5190 Aguila Avenue RECOMMENDATION: Council conduct appeal hearing and direct staff to prepare appropriate resolutions. DISCUSSION: . Council Member George Luna filed an appeal of the Planning Commission approval of Tentative Tract Map 98010 (Attachment A). The Planning Commission approved a tentative map, creating three parcels from one, on April 6, 1999. Because there was some confusion about the conditions, the action was clarified by the Commission on April 20, 1999. The Planning Commission, in approving the project, approved an exception to the City standards for Aguila Avenue. City staff had recommended denial of the Tentative Parcel Map, but provided alternatives for the Commission's consideration. Copies of the staff analysis, minutes and action of the Planning Commission are attached. Pursuant to Section 9-1.111 of the Atascadero Municipal Code states, the "hearing body may affirm, affirm in part, or reverse the action, decision or determination which is the subject of the appeal, based upon findings of fact regarding the particular case." Therefore, staff has provided all applicable information relating to the appeal, including the staff reports and minutes of the planning commission meetings, the appeal and the official action of the Commission. The Applicant has agreed to pave Aguila Avenue should the Tentative Parcel Map be approved. Aguila would be developed at its current width based on the following reasons: need for hillside grading. 1. Eliminate then g g 000032 ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 05/11/99 2. Eliminate tree removal. 3. Discourage regional or through traffic. City staff had recommended the widening of Aguila Avenue along the property frontage, up to 18' wide.where feasible,and,required turnouts where the width would not allow for passing of cars. The applicant would be required to pave half the road, and provide an all- weather surface over the remaining half: FISCAL IMPACT: Whether the Aguila Road frontage is improved to City standards or not, the City is not expected to accept this road for public maintenance. The development of two additional home sites is not expected to have a significant impact on the City's financial position. Impact fees currently in place will offset some of the costs of expanding population, but the net effect is expected to be slightly negative. ALTERNATIVES: I. The Council may reverse the decision of the Planning Commission and deny the subdivision, if it finds that it is inconsistent with the General Plan or other City ordinances or policies. The applicant would not be permitted to develop the parcel further, and would not be required to make any additional improvements to the street. II. The Council may affirm the decision of the Planning Commission. III. The Council may continue action if additional information is desired. Direction should be given to staff and the applicants. RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Community Development ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A-- Letter of appeal from George Luna, dated April 10, 1999 Attachment B -- Planning Commission staff report for March 16 Attachment C— Planning Commission Resolution approving TPM 98010 Attachment D-- Minutes of April 6 Planning Commission meeting Attachment E-_ Minutes of April 20 Planning Commission meeting Attachment F -= Tentative Parcel Map Attachment G-- Draft City Council resolutions (for approval and denial) 000033 ATTACHMENT A U APR 19 KW Councilman George Luna P.D. Box 806 CITY OF ATASCA.DEER0 1 Atascadero, CA 93423 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE April 10, 1999 Marcia Torgerson Atascadero City Clerk With this letter I am appealing (Atascadero Municipal Coder 1-2.13 and 9-1.111)the Planning Commis ion approval of Tentative Parcel Map 98010 (AT 98-104)at 5190 Aguila Avenue. I am concerned th 3.t this project may receive approval without a full review by the City Council. Any issu s involving roads and exceptions to city standards should have the complete unbiased review of the Council as whole. The exception to the road improvement stan iards is not recommended by the City Engineer and no finding was made that the roac improvements on the property frontage be required to include asphalt paving for the fullfrontage:.Absent a complete and thorough review of the facts to support such an approval at the Planning Commission level, this issue needs further illumination at the Council level before such an important issue is decided. I am appealing so that these issues are preserved for full and complete evaluation by me and the rest of the City Council. For that reason, my appeal includes all of the reasons used by the planning staff in their report to recommend denial. In addition, the a plication may not satisfy the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, viz. Sec. 11-5.00 (t), (s) and Sec. 93.154. Nor does it satisfy the General Plan which states: Determina ion of appropriate lot sizes shall be based upon evaluation of such factors.as slope, existence of a natural building site, availability of sewer service, response time fo' emergency services, distance from the center of the community, general character of the neighboring lands, percolation capability of the soil if proposed for private sewage disposal systems, adequacy of access, and adequacy of building site. Low density resi ntial areas are appropriate for areas within the Urban Service Line where topography is relatively steep and where scenic or sensitive characteristics of the land should be protected through lighter density urban residential designation. As a matter of policy these potentially precedent setting issues need our full review and attention. Sincerely, George Luna 000034 ATTACHMENT B 1 of 7 ITEM NUMBER: lois ■ i9s DATE:• Planning Commission Staff Report Tentative Parcel Map 98010 (AT 98-104) 5190 Aguila Avenue SUBJECT: Subdivision of one residential lot into three parcels,2.63, 1.56, and 1.51 acres in area respectively, including an exception to the road improvement requirements to-allow a narrower roadway than is normally required. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. PC 1999-010, thereby denying approval of Tentative Parcel Map 98010,based on finding it inconsistent with the General Plan. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant: Grenville and Eileen Jones 2. Representative: John Falkenstien, Cannon Associates 3. Project Address: 5190 Aguila Avenue 4. General Plan Designation: Low-Density Single Family 5. Zoning District: RSF-Z (Residential Single Family, minimum lot size of 1.5 to 2.5 acres, depending on several physical factors) 6. Site Area: 5.70 acres 7. Existing Use: One residence exists in about the center of the site 8. Environmental Status: Negative Declaration with Mitigation posted February 16, 1999. Site description: The site is a large,hillside lot developed with one house and covered with many native trees, in a residential area on the west side of highway 101, close to the city center. Surrounding property is mostly developed with single homes. 000035 ATTACHMENT B 2of7 ITEM NUMBER: DATE: Project description: The applicant wants to divide the site into three parcels, of irregular shape. Each parcelwould be under 30%in slope. DISCUSSION: 1. Slopes approach 30%. The Land Use Element (LUE) prohibits the creation of new parcels on land 'averaging slopes over 30%, unless sufficient area on the property exists at a lesser grade, r development of a home, septic system, and access, or unless easements or dedications ill be created that are of direct benefit to Atascadero citizens. (Section II.E.3 of the L ). Because of the irregular shape of the parcels to be created, the two new lots are jut under 30% average slope. Because of the terrain, home sites would be located along the ridge line(see further discussion below). 2. Development ill mean loss of trees, possible significant grading. The attached map (Attachment G) shows the proposed building sites on these two lots. One of the sites would be in a flatter area at about the 534' elevation , about 34' above the level of the road. The other site would cut across slopes from about elevation 560 to about 570, up to about 80 feet above the adjacent street. Slope of the two building sites is about 10 to 15%. The existing ho ase on the property sits on a flatter knoll at about the 580' elevation. Access to the new parcels would be by a shared driveway, 12' wide with a two- to six- foot-high retai 'ng wall on the uphill side. The driveway would be at the 20% grade that is the maximum allowed without special exception. Development of the driveway would require rernovaI of about 12 native trees. Construction of homes and creation of small yard areas would likely involve the removal of additional trees and may require up to ten feet of cut. The applicant's'proposal appears to be the most sensitive approach for the site. However, even given the care taken to locate home sites and driveway access to minimize damage to the trees and natural appearance of the site, development on these natural slopes requires use of a significant retaining wall and the creation of home sites on the ridge line, where exist several additional trees. It appears that extraordinary efforts would have to be taken to develop these home sites. Therefore, subdivision does not appear to be a reasonable action to take in this case. 3. The applicants want an exception to road improvement standards. Whenever property is to a improved (beyond 25% of the value of existing improvements), road improvements are required when they do not already exist (see Section 94159 and 9- 4.160 of the Zoning Regulations). Improvements on residential hillside lots are usually limited to half of the construction of a "Rural Hillside Local" street, which is a 20'-wide street, with an asphalt dike on the uphill side (see attached standard 402). In some cases,. 000036 ATTACHMENT B 3 of 7 ITEM NUMBER: DATE: improvement beyond the property is required, if traffic or dangerous conditions warrant such extension. Aguila Avenue is a short street that makes a loop from two parts of Venado Avenue. The property sits at the northerly end of Aguila, one lot away from Venado. Aguila takes the form of a dirt road along the property frontage. The dirt road is about 12' wide and is located mostly within the 40'-wide right-of-way. Small portions of the winding road extend beyond the right-of-way onto neighboring property across the street (in two instances) and onto the applicant's property (in three instances). If the subdivision is approved, road improvements to Standard 402 will be required, unless an exception is granted. In this case, improvements would consist of asphalt paving of half of the street and construction of an all-weather surface for the remainder(the easterly half). Creating the full-width road would require significant grading and tree removals, as shown on the Aguila Avenue improvement plan (in Planning Commissioner packets). The applicants have therefore requested an exception to the requirement to grade the full width of this street. The applicants propose to regrade and install an aggregate base along the property frontage, and to pave the street from the edge of existing paving south of the property to the proposed driveway. (See attached letter requesting exception from the applicant's representative,Attachment E). This alternative would result in a road that is at least 18' wide from the southerly intersection with Venado to the proposed driveway, and a 12'-wide all-weather surface from the driveway to the northerly intersection. As proposed, primary access to the site would be from the southerly intersection with Venado, which would be paved to a minimum width of 18'. This width, especially on a hillside road,will usually not allow two vehicles to pass easily, and therefore can result in the loss of a significant amount of time in an emergency situation. Access from the northerly intersection would be by way of an all-weather 12'-wide road with a significantly steep section. If access from the southerly direction is somehow blocked, this route may not be accessible either, and certainly would not allow the passing of vehicles. The exception process: The zoning regulations (section 9-4.159(d)) say that curb, gutter and sidewalk improvement requirements, and by extension street improvement requirements,may be waived,modified or delayed in the following instances: (1) when, in the opinion of the City Engineer, the finish grades of the project site and adjoining street are incompatible for the purpose of accommodating such improvements. (2) when the Planning Director and City Engineer determine, based upon the zoning districts, that existing land uses in the site vicinity and existing and projected needs . for drainage and traffic control, that such improvements would be incompatible with the ultimate development of the area. 000037 ATTACHMENT B 4of7 ITEM NUMBER: DATE: (3) when the Ci Engineer determines that the improvements would be premature to the developmen of the area, provided that the applicant posts a bond or other acceptable guarantee ar d constructs the improvements within a period of one year or some other time period stablished by the City.Engineer. (In the case of subdivision, where the Planning Commission makes the final decision, the Commission may choose to substitute its approval for that of the City Engineer.) The City Engineer does not support the request. The required road standard is the minimum required to allow for two-way traffic. If an exception is granted, the safety of current and future residents and visitors in the area could be at risk. The Fire Deparment is willing to accept a compromise that includes paving to an 18' width where fe ible, reducing to 16' and even 12' where necessary to protect trees, and installing turnouts in the narrower sections (probably two turnouts would be necessary). In no case is the Fire Department willing to accept an unpaved surface, at whatever width, for this road. Staff is concern d about subjecting additional residents to the inherent danger of living on a street that is already compromised, without improving access significantly. Yet improving the road to full City standards could result in significant destruction to the hillside. If this parcel map is approved with the exception requested, there may be no opportunity in the future to obtain a full-width street along the property frontage. Approving the subdivision amounts to accepting the resulting road condition essentially for all time. If the Commission supports the subdivision, staff recommends that the first finding be made and that road improvements on the property frontage be required to include asphalt paving for the flill frontage, 18' width where possible, and narrowing where absolutely necessary, including installation of turnouts if needed, to the approval of the Community Development, Engineering, and Fire Departments. Impacts to trees may be minimized by .the use of mo'e than one retaining wall on the uphill side. If the Commission is uncomfortable with such a condition without seeing the impacts ahead of time, staff would support continuance of the hearing to allow the applicant to submit new grading plans showing bow such a compromise might affect the property. 4. Is the project consistent with general plan goals? Basic Community Goals in the Land Use Element(LUE)include(see Section A. of the LUE): Preserve the contours of the hills. Buildings built on hillsides shall conform to the topography using the slope of the land as the basis for the design of the structure. Preserve natura flora and fauna. 000038 ATTACHMENT B 5 of 7 ITEM NUMBER: DATE: Policies in the .Open Space Element include (section Le and f of the Open Space and Conservation Elements); e. Lot splits.shall be thoroughly evaluated and be in accordance with community plans and principles in order to retain the desired natural character of the community. f. Attention shall be paid to the esthetic result of land division. Building sites shall be encouraged on natural slopes, with minimum disruption of native vegetation and watersheds by thoughtful placement of building site, private sewage disposal fields and access. Building designs inappropriate for hillside locations shall not be approved. Policies for residential land in the Low-Density Single Family (Section C.2.a.(4) of the Land Use Element) areas say ...Determination of appropriate lot sizes shall be based upon evaluation of such factors as slope, existence of a natural building site, availability of sewer service, response time for emergency services, distance from the center of the community, general character of the neighboring lands, percolation capability of the site if proposed for private sewage disposal systems, adequacy of access, and adequacy of building site. Low density residential areas are appropriate for areas within the Urban Service line where topography is relatively steep and where, scenic or sensitive characteristics of the land should be protected through lighter density urban residential designation. This tree-covered steeply-sloping land does not boast "natural building sites"As in many other parts of the city, the ridgeline is the flatter portion,.and is here proposed as the location for two new home sites. To build in these locations will require grading of a driveway at the maximum 20% slope, construction of a retaining wall up to six feet in height along the length of much of that driveway, and removal of many native trees. Access to the site from the northerly intersection with Venado is problematic, and from the south barely adequate, if the last portion is paved. Given these constraints, it appears that the division of this lot may not be consistent with the above policies; specifically with "existence of a natural building site...response time for emergency services...adequacy of access". The basic goal to"preserve the contours of the hills" may be violated by the creation of additional home sites on a tree-topped ridgeline. It appears that the subdivision is not consistent with the General Plan. If the Commissionfeels that, General Plan policies and goals can be furthered by additional development of this site, then staff suggests that a condition be attached to approval, requiring Precise Plan review of each new home development, specifically. focusing on the appearance of the new homes. Attention should be given to the stepping of the homes to the site, to the height of the new homes, and to the materials and colors used for the new buildings. 000039 ATTACHMENT B 6 of 7 ITEM NUMBER: DATE: 5. The subdivision design generally meets standards. The lots meet the minimum size, width, and de 'th requirements for the zone. Lot lines do not conform to the general requirement that they be radial or perpendicular to the street, but the subdivision regulations allow flexibility in the design to meet design requirements. It appears that the odd shape of the parcels is the result of the need to create parcels under 30% average slope. There is no prohibition against adjusting lot lines for this purpose. 6. Environmental review resulted in mitigation. Protection of life was an issue in the environmental initial study, because approval of this subdivision could result in subjecting addi ional residents to an unsafe situation. The following mitigation measure was therefore recommended: Access must be provided that substantially preserves the existing natural conditions but also provides zdequate access for emergency personnel as well as new and existing residents in emergency situations. The Fire Department has reviewed the plans and recommends that the subdivision be approved so that additional improvement to the remainder of Aguila Avenue can be required, as diE cussed above. That department does not support the applicant's proposal to improve the existing frontage with an all-weather surface only, but is willing to compromise road width standards to save oaks. Conclusions The subdivision does not appear to be consistent with general plan policies for development in hillside areas. Creation of two new home sites, with the required driveways and turnarounds, will require significant grading and removal of many trees, and installation of a retaining wall up to six feet in height. The new homes would be placed on the ridgeline, effectively eliminating that natural contour. Without additional significant grading and tree removals, access 'would not meet minimum standards and may result in subjecting new residents, along with the existing, to unsafe conditions in emergency situations. On balance, it appears that the cost to the community, in terms of acceptance of significant grading, tree removals, and additional residents on a potentially unsafe road, outweigh the benefits. The site constraints limit the potential for reasonable development on the site. The subdivision should therefore be denied. Alternatives The Planning Commission may approve the parcel map and road exception as designed or with conditions modifying the map boundaries or limiting development options. Staff recommends that i the map is approved, the Commission impose a condition on the approval requiring Precise Pan review of each lot development, with particular attention being paid to the fitting of the homes to the site, to minimize visual obtrusiveness. Staff recommends also 000040 ATTACHMENT B 7of7 ITEM NUMBER: DATE: that an exception to the road improvement standard be granted, requiring a paved road along the property frontage, up to 18' wide where feasible, to the approval of the Community Development, Public Services, and Fire Departments. A draft resolution of approval has been attached, along with recommended conditions. The Commission may approve the tentative map with full-width street improvements. This alternative would result in significant grading and possibly many tree removals, depending on the design,but could result in a street that is City-maintained. (All streets that do not meet City standards are not accepted for maintenance by the City.) The Commission may continue action if it needs additional information or analysis. Direction should be given to staff and the applicant. PREPARED BY: Judith Lautner,Associate Planner ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A-- Location Maps (General Plan and Zoning) Attachment B -- Tentative Parcel Map Attachment C— Applicant-proposed Building Envelopes Attachment D-- Engineering road standard 402 Attachment E-- Letter from representative requesting road exception Attachment F-- Negative Declaration with Mitigation Attachment G-- Resolution denying TPM 98010 Attachment H-- Resolution approving TPM 98010 000041 3.; Attachment C RESOLUTION NO. PC 1999-010 A RIE SOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO RE-ADOPTING AN APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP TO DIVIDE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AND APPROVING A ROAD WIDTH EXCEPTION AT 5190 AGUILA AVENUE (TPM#98010; Jones) WHEREAS, Grenville and Eileen Jones applied for a Tentative Parcel Map to divide a 5.7-acre lot at 5190 Aguila Avenue into three parcels of 2.63, 1.56, and 1.51 acres; and WHEREAS, th site is located in the Residential Single-Family (RSF-Z) zoning district which allows for the proposed use and density when certain findings are made; and WHEREAS, the: proposed project is in conformance with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and all other applicable General Plan policies; and WHEREAS; the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed Tentative Parcel Map application on April 6, 1999, and considered testimony and reports from staff,the applicants, and the public, and clarified its intention on April 20, 1999; NOW,THERE ORE, the Planning Commission takes the following actions: SECTION 1. Negative Declaration with Mitigation. The Planning Commission finds that the proposed project, as conditioned and with mitigation, will not have potentially significant environmental effects. The Negative Declaration with Mitigation prepared for the project complies with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and is hereby approved as adequate. SECTION 2. Finding for approval of a road width exce tion. The Planning Commission makes the following finding.: 1. An exception to the street width requirement is justified because the finish grades of the project site and adj ining street are incompatible for the purpose of accommodating the full street improvements required by Section 9-4.159 and 9-4.160 of the Zoning Regulations and shown in Engineering Standard 402 (Rural Hillside Local). SECTION 3. Findings fora roval of subdivision. The Planning Commission finds as follows: 1. Thep ro osed subdivision as conditioned is consistent with the General Plan and applicable zoning requirements. 000042 Planning Commission Resolution 1999-010 . 5190 Aguila Avenue Page t 2. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan and applicable zoning requirements. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type and density of development proposed. 4. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat. 5. The design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through, or the use of property within,the proposed subdivision; or substantially equivalent alternative easements are provided. 6. The proposed subdivision design and type of improvements proposed will not cause serious public health problems. SECTION 4. Approval. The Planning Commission does hereby grant an exception to the Zoning Regulations, allowing improvements to the Aguila Avenue right-of-way to be less than 20' in width, and approves Tentative Parcel Map #98010 as shown on Exhibit A subject to the Conditions of Approval shown in Exhibit.B. On motion by and seconded by ,the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: - - ADOPTED: April 20, 1999 CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Harold L. Carden III, Chairperson .ATTEST.- PAUL ATTEST:PAUL,M. SALDANA,Director Community Development Department 000043 EXHIBIT B Resolution No. PC 1999-010 Conditions for Tentative Parcel Map#98010 April 20, 1999 CONDITIONS Engineering Division: 1. All public road and drainage improvements shall be constructed in conformance with the City of Atascadero Engineering Department Standard Specifications and Drawings, except as noted in condition no. 7, below,to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 2. The applicant shall nter into a Plan Check/Inspection agreement with the City. Prior to recordation of the p arcel map, all outstanding plan check/inspection fees shall be paid. 3.. An encroachment p rmit for work within the Aguila Avenue right-of-way shall be obtained from the City Engineering Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 4. The applicant shall provide a six-foot wide public utility easement along the entire property frontage. 5. The applicant shall a responsible for the relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities. All new utilities(water, gas, electric, cable TV,telephone, etc.) shall be installed underground or as approved by the ommunity Development Director. Utilities shall be extended to the property line fronta Ye of each lot or its public utility easement. 6. The applicant shall submit a grading and drainage plan,prepared by a registered civil engineer, for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to recordation of the parcel map. 7. The applicant shall submit road improvement plans prepared by a registered civil engineer for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to recordation of the parcel map. Road improvement plans shall conform to the requirements of City Standard Specifications, `Section 2 -Preparation of Plans. R-value testing shall be done, and the pavement section designed by a registered civil .engineer to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Road improvements shall include,but not be limited to the following: A. The Aguila Avenue frontage shall be improved as required to provide an all-weather access road along the entire property frontage. In addition,Aguila Avenue shall be paved a minimum of 18' wide from the edge of existing paving to the edge of the proposed new driveway. The improvements shall be extended as required to provide a smooth transition to existing improvements. 000044 Exhibit B Conditions TPM 98010: 5190 Aguila Avenue Page 2 B. Slope easements shall be provided on each side of the right-of-way as needed to accommodate cut or fill slopes. C. The driveway serving the existing single family residence shall be reconstructed so that it intersects Aguila Avenue within 10 degrees of perpendicular per Section 4.02.D of the City Standard Specifications. 8. The applicant shall acquire title or interest in any off-site land that may be required to allow for the construction of the improvements. The applicant shall bear all costs associated with the necessary acquisitions. The applicant shall also gain concurrence from all adjacent property owners whose ingress or egress is affected by these improvements. 9. The applicant shall provide notice either on the parcel map or by a separate instrument recorded on, concurrently with, or prior to the recordation of the parcel map that there are requirements for off-site and on-site improvements and that construction of the improvements shall be required prior to issuance of building permits or other grants of approval for development of the parcels. 10. The applicant shall submit a writtenstatement from a registered civil engineer that all work has been completed and is in full compliance with the approved plans and the Uniform Building Code(UBC)prior to the final inspection. 11. The applicant shall submit written certification that all survey monuments have been set as shown on the parcel map prior to the final inspection. 12 A Mylar copy and a blue line print of the as-built improvement plans, signed by the registered engineer who prepared the plans, shall be provided to the City Engineer prior to the final inspection. A certification shall be included that all survey monuments have been set as shown on the parcel map: 13. The applicant shall have the parcel map reviewed by all applicable public and private utility companies(cable,telephone, gas, electric, Atascadero Mutual Water Company). The applicant shall obtain a letter from each utility company which indicates their review of the parcel map. The letter shall identify any new easements which may be required by the utility company.New easements shall be shown on the parcel map. Letters from utility companies shall be submitted to the City prior to recordation of the parcel map. 14. A parcel map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance 000045 Exhibit B Conditions TPM 98010:5190 Aguila Avenue Page 3 prior to recordation. The map shall be signed by the City Engineer prior to its being placed on the agenda for City Council acceptance. A. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate,by certificate on the parcel map, that comers have been set or shall beset by a date specific and that they will be sufficier t to enable the survey to be retraced. B. A preli inary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to recordation of the parcel map. ' 15. A black line clear Mylar(0.4 mil)copy and a blue line print of the tract map shall be provided to the City upon recordation. Planning: 16. Proposals for homes on the new parcels are subject to Precise Plan review. Particular attention shall be given to the placement of the homes,with the object of conforming the buildings to the natural terrain and blending in materials and colors with the surrounding natural environment. Grading shall be limited to that necessary to place the homes on the site and provide small yard areas. 000046 ATTACHMENT D Planning Commission Meeting—April 6, 1999 .Page 3 of 3 5. Tentative Parcel Map 98010—5190 Aguila Avenue (Grenville Jones) Subdivision of one residential lot into three parcels, 2.63, 1.56, abd 1.41 acres in area respectively, including an exception to the road improvement requirements to allow a narrower roadway than is normally required. (Staff recommendation.:. Adopt Resolution PC 1999-010 denying approval'of Tentative Parcel Map 98010, based on finding it inconsistent with the General Plan) (Continued from the Planning Commission meeting of March 16, 1999). Judith Lautner, Associate Planner, provided the staff report and answered questions by the Commission. Staff recommended denying the project finding the project inconsistent with the General Plan. TESTIMONY: John Falkenstien, Cannon Associates,. representing owner, Grenville Jones, expressed disappointment that staff recommends denial of the project. Mr. Falkenstien stated that the lot split is in character, the lots are buildable with excavation and grading which could be kept to a minimum. Response time for emergency vehicles will be minimal due to the close proximity to Traffic Way. Jack Stinchfield 128 Riverback Lane, Paso Robles, owner of lot #19 spoke in support of the applicant's request stating that these are beautiful view lots. Grenville Jones, 5190 Aguila Avenue, applicant, thanked members of Commission who visited the site. Mr. Jones candidly stated that he has resided at the project site for 25 years and the property is too much to take care of at this time. Most of the trees to be removed are either dead or dying. John McGoff, 9192 Maple, stated he favored staff s recommendation. COMMISSION COMMENTS: The Planning Commission presented several questions/concerns: ' • How many feet to improve entire road? • Will improvements meet City standards?- • Is an all weather surface road considered an improvement? ACTION: Moved by Commissioner Fonzi and seconded by Commissioner Bentz to approve Tentative Parcel Map 98010 by adopting Resolution No. PC 1999- 010 modifying conditions of approval. AYES: Commissioners-Bentz,Carden,Fonzi, and Jeanes and NOES: Commissioner Zimmerman ABSENT: Commissioners Clark and Eddings MOTION PASSED: 4-1-2 00004'7 ..ATTACHMENT E Planning Commission Meeting—April 20, 1999 Page 9 of 10 • Average yearly flo ,what happens when you have way above average yearly flow? • o we truly have the capacity to handle the total load. • 've been asking for 3 years for a sewer study. Commiss ner Fonzi • Are th\ea along El Camino Real or is this a noncontiguous property? • Likes tcontiguous Chairman• Asked as.one of the options? Staff responded yes. • If sewroperty, most residences will not hook up and will fight not to hook up due to the expense. Paul Saldafia • Policy is if in USL and se is system fails you have to hook up to sewer if sewer is available. • When system is designed, d ign will be such that ultimate hookup will be to that system Commissioner Clark • Will Commission get to review w 'ch route is proposed? • Is there an advantage to pressure vs. avity? • Expense was prohibitive glad not ire ed to tie in- option is nice Paul Saldana • No specific requirement or policy for PI commission to review final.sewer system. • Ideally if design is CR or Traffic Way, desi should be for highest and best use. John Neil Engineering • looking at preferred is gravity this site is pressure cause it is uphill pump station #5 will be upgraded. Thee may be other improvements ACTION: Moved by Chairman Carden and second by Commissioner Eddings to adopt Resolution PC 1999-017 recommendi and extension of the Urban Services Line. AYES: Commissioners Bentz, Carden, Clark,Eddings, an onzi NOES: Commissioner Zimmerman ABSENT: Commissioner Jeanes MOTION PASSED: '5-1-1 ANNOUNCEMENT &REPORTS 7. Planning Staff eports a. Tentative Parcel Map 98010—5190 Aguila Road (Grenville Jones) 000048 :Planning Commission_Meeting—April 20,1999 Page 10 of 10 Staff reported that at the previous meeting, April 6, 1999, the tape machine was not working and there was come confusion as to what the action actually included. Chairman Carden called on Commissioner Fonzi, as the maker of the motion, to review revised conditions for correctness. Commissioner Fonzie stated the following: Clarification on 7a at the bottom of page 45.should read: "The Aguila Avenue frontage shall be improved as required to provide an all weather access road along the entire property frontage." The rest would remain as is. In other words, remove the portion that says "a minimum of 12 feet wide and up to 18 feet wide where feasible." The intention behind this was that the road would be graded so potholes would be illuminated and a surface put on so it would be assessable during the rainy season, and that additional grading would not occur. John Falkenstein,representative for Mr. Jones, agreed with the clarification. CONIMISSIONER.COMMENTS & REPORTS 8. issioner Zimmerman • ad to see ethics training • Co ission should have information before newspaper • Read licy regarding tie vote—appropriate to bring item to City Council • Micki ena passed away—services Sunday at the Pavilion • Adjourn in er honor ADJOURNMENT—9:50 M. in honor of Micki Molena Minutes Prepared By: Patricia Schulz,Recording Secret 00 049 *. 51111,1111 'NMI Attachment F' 1979 Tentative Parcel Map. C�sn Tentative Parcel Map 98010 5190 Aguila Avenue t \ / L- -� \ \ 1.«gym• \ 1 Lai\\.5 / - /107 o- ow wac.r \ \ \ \ \� `1 `tea-- � 1 1 1(•\ \ ` a\,� �� � �`� / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _ \\ _sou� - v sf .',i .� ,... i �'^" "✓.� \� \\\ \� -\ \\ \\�.\\\ \\\� ` >"'�'rt'�°'°ywlj°"•_'/�". 'A' '!.' ,moi T 000050 Attachment G l of 5 RESOLUTION NO. 1999-025 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY;OF ATASCADERO UPHOLDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S ACTION, THEREBY APPROVING A TENTATIVE PARCEUMAP TO DIVIDE ONE RESIDENTIAL LOT AT 5190 AGUILA ROAD INTO THREE PARCELS (TPM#98010(AT 98-104);Jones) WHEREAS, Eileen and Grenville Jones requested approval of a tentative parcel map to subdivide a 5.70-acre site at 5190 Aguila Road into three single-family residential lots; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned Residential Single Family (RSF-Z), allowing the type of use and density proposed; WHEREAS, the proposed project is in conformance with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and all other applicable General Plan policies; and RE proposed project, as conditioned is consistent with the Zoning WHEREAS,* the p p osed p J g Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and all other applicable codes, ordinances and standards; and. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the tentative tract map application on April 6, 1999 and approved the request; and clarified conditions on April 20, 1999; and WHEREAS, Councilmember George Luna appealed that decision to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the appeal of the tentative tract map approval on May 11, 1999 and accepted testimony, both written and oral, on the subdivision proposal. NOW, THEREFORE, SECTION 1. Negative Declaration with Mitigation. The City Council finds that the proposed project, as conditioned and with mitigation, will not have potentially significant environmental effects. The Negative Declaration with Mitigation prepared for the project complies with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and is hereby approved as adequate. 000051 Attachment G 2of5 SECTION 2. Finding fora royal of a road width excgption. The City Council makes the following finding: 1. An exception to the street width requirement is justified because the finish grades of the project site and adj ining street are incompatible for the purpose of accommodating the full street improvement3 required by Section 9-4.159 and 9-4.160 of the Zoning Regulations and shown in Engineerig Standard 402 (Rural Hillside Local). SECTION 3. Findings for a roval of subdivision. The City Council hereby makes the following findings: 1, The proposed subdivision, as conditioned, is consistent with the General Plan and applicable zoning requirements. 2. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan and applicable zoning requirements. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type and density of development proposed. 4. The design and improvement of the proposed. subdivision will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat. 5. The design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through,or the use of property within,the proposed subdivi ion; or substantially equivalent alternative easements are provided. 6. The'pro osed subdivision design_and type of improvements proposed will not cause serious public health problems. SECTION 3. royal. The City Council hereby upholds the action of the Planning Commission, thereby approving Tentative Parcel Map#98010, as shown on Exhibit A subject to the conditions in Exhit it B. On motion by -and seconded by , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: 000052 Attachment G 3 of 5 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Ray Johnson,Mayor` ATTEST: Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk Approved as to form: Roy A. Hanley, City Attorney 000053 Attachment G 4of5 RESOLUTION NO. 1999-025 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DENYING A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP TO DIVIDE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ALONG WITH A ROAD WIDTH EXCEPTION AT 5190 AGUILA AVENUE (TPM#98010; Jones) WHEREAS, Grenville and Eileen Jones applied for a Tentative Parcel Map to divide a 5.7-acre lot at 5190 Aguila Avenue into three parcels of 2.63,•1.56, and 1.51 acres; and WHEREAS, the site is located in the Residential Single-Family (RSF-Z)zoning district which allows for the proposed use and density when certain findings are made; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed . Tentative Parcel Map application on April 6, 1999, and approved the tentative map subject to conditions, and clarified that action on April 20, 1999; and WHEREAS, Co ncilmember George Luna appealed that decision; WHEREAS, Th' City Council conducted a public hearing on the appeal of the Tentative Parcel Map on May 11, 1999, and considered testimony from staff, the applicants and representatives, and members of the general public. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council takes the following actions: SECTION 1. Findings. The City Council makes the following findings: 1. The subdivision is not consistent with the General Plan Land Use and Open Space Elements, in that no natural bi ilding site exists without creation of a steep driveway and retaining wall along with the rem 'val of many native trees, access'proposed is inadequate in emergencies, and contours of the lls may not be adequately preserved through additional development. SECTION 2. D ial. The City Council does hereby overturn the decision by the Planning Commission, thereby denying Tentative Parcel Map#98010. On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: 000054 Attachment G 5of5 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: May 11, 1999 CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Ray Johnson, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk Approved as to form: Roy A. Hanley, City Attorney 000055 ITEM NUMBER: D - 1 DATE: 05/11/99 No CIA iais � �s s CADS City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney Annual Audit RECOMMENDATION: . Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Moss, Levy&Hartzheim to conduct the 1998-99 fiscal audit at a cost of$10,250.00. DISCUSSION: Annually,the City is required to prepare a fiscal audit. City staff circulated a Request for Proposal and received five proposals ranging from$10,250.00 to $27,100.00. The low bidder, Moss, Levy&Hartzheim has performed the City's audit for the last six years. Typically,staff would recommend using a different audit firm after five years.. However,given the Y2K and computer problems facing the Administrative Services Department,staff is recommending Moss, Levy& Hartzheim for an additional year.. The firm is familiar with the City operation and would have the least impact on our staff. The bids received were as follows: Vabrinek, Trine, Day& Co., LLP $27,100 Terry E. Krieg, CPA $26,000 Glenn,Burdette, Phillips&Bryson $21,000 Brown Armstrong $23,680 Moss,Levy&Hartzheim $10,250 FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact of staff s recommendation would be $10,250. These funds are budgeted. ALTERNATIVES: Council could select another firm. This option was not recommended as the recommended firm _ was the lowest bid and would have the least impact on a very busy department. RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Administrative Services 000056 ITEM NUMBER: D - 2 DATE: 05/11/99 all IM i9is w i9 a City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney Request for use of the Youth Center by the Atascadero Boxing Club RECOMMENDATION: 1. Postpone decision on the request by the Atascadero Boxing Club to use the Youth Center "Pool Room," and reaffirm the policy on the use of the Youth Center. 2. Direct staff to agendize an item to consider the City's ownership of the Historic Printery Building at a future meeting once notification of pending grant status is known. i DISCUSSION: Request John Martino, Vice-President of the Atascadero Boxing Club has submitted a written request to use the Youth Center Pool Room for the purpose of creating a boxing gym. The Atascadero Boxing Club has proposed to renovate the space to current building code standards, with the exception of the seismic retrofit. They propose to use the space free of charge for the first year and rent the space thereafter at a mutually agreeable rate. A copy of the letter of request and a packet of accompanying information is attached. Also attached is a map of the Youth Center, highlighting the requested area. Back rg ound _ The Youth Center/Printery building was.donated to the City of Atascadero by the Atascadero Masonic Temple Association in 1995,for the expressed purpose to be used as a Youth Center. 1.3ecause the gilding is an unreinforced masonry structure its use has been severely limited. The City had seismic retrofit plans prepared at a cost of$72,000,but has been unable to perform the necessary work do to funding constraints. The estimate for retrofit work is currently more than $975,000 (1996 dollars). The City hascompleted a variety of improvements projects and maintenance on the building at an average annual cost of$23,000. In addition to the seismic concerns, the building does not meet standards for the Americans with Disabilities Act, and is in need of additional electrical work. Unreinforced masonry buildings have received a lot of attention in the State. They are particular concerns due to the exposure to risk in an earthquake. The City is unable to obtain earthquake insurance on the building. The liability exposure to the City is great and especially when used as a youth facility. This caused the City to adopt a policy on facility use severely restricting 000057 ITEM NUMBER: D - 2_ DATE: 05/11/99 activities. A memorandum from Brady Cherry to the Community Services Department staff describing the current use policy for the Youth Center is attached. Tenants currently in the building are primarily those who occupied the building when the Masons still owned it. The Youth Network uses the building on Friday evenings by to conduct Friday Variety Night, a teen drop-in program.' Other use is limited to special occasion one-time activities only. Issues There are two issues before the Council. First, given the structural and code concerns of the Youth Center,should it be used. Second, if so,will the Council agree to use by the Atascadero Boxing Club. Relative to the first issue,the building concerns are serious and the liability is extreme for a City the size of Atascadero. The City cannot secure insurance to protect it financially and staff are concerned about the personal issues of taking youth into a building that is known to be deficient. The City is not likely to afford retrofit in the near future. The most optimistic scenario would be a grant. The Atascadero Recreation Center Committee (ARCC)has applied for a grant to renovate the Youth Center. The California Department of Corrections is offering grants for the purpose of providing/renovating youth centers. ARCC applied for a$3,000,000.00. Notification of award of the grant will take place in June,and staff feels that it would be premature to decide on long-term use of the Youth Center until after ARCC notification about this grant. If ARCC receives notification that the Department of Corrections grant is not approved,then it will be City staffs recommendation for the City Council to reconsider long-term ownership of the Youth Center/Printery Building. If the grant is approved, City staff will work with ARCC and the Atascadero Youth Task Force on a Facility Master Plan. Long term plans for the building will assist in reviewing requests such as the boxing club to insure that they are consistent with efficient use of the building. The Pool Room will occupy a space that when renovated will provide a valuable location for a variety of other youth activities. Early plans depict this space for future lounge and multi-purpose activity room for youth. A determination has not yet been made on the "highest and best use" of any areas in the Youth Center building. The Boxing Club proposal is to improve the space in exchange for rent for a year. This kind of sweat equity comes with a sense of ownership, without knowing the long term plans for the building,the club could be allowed to do something that the City would then want changed. Relative to the second issue,should Council decide to use the building it may be appropriate to advertise the option and allow additional proposals. The Boxing Club have submitted a good proposal,but others expressing interest have been advised that the City has restricted the use of the building. If there is a change to this policy there are likely several groups that would be interested in making aproposal It would seem appropriate to reevaluate the City's opportunities if the use policy was changed. 000058 ITEM NUMBER: D - 2 DATE: 05/11/99 Commission action On March 15, 1999, staff recommended denial of the Boxing Clubs request to the Parks and Recreation Commission based on the information presented here. However,the Parks and Recreation Commission voted unanimously to recommend that the City Council approve the Boxing Clubs' request to use the Youth Center Pool Room. The Commission felt that the'City's current Youth Center ise policy was inconsistent and therefore favored the request. FISCAL IMPAC Approval of the Atascadero Boxing Club request for the use of the Youth Center Pool Room for the purpose of a boxi g gym could save on some costs associated with the building renovation. Estimates on these savings are not determined and could only be estimated by establishing a list of building improvements that the Boxing Club would be required to complete before occupying the space. These renovations would primarily benefit the Boxing Club. Free use of the space for the first year of occup cy would involve some subsidy of the Boxing Club by the City. Currently, the Kenyu an Karate School pays the City $450.00 per month to lease the Youth Center Gymnasium on Monday through Thursday nights from 6:00 until 9:00 p.m. Long term liability isE ues are cannot be identified with great accuracy. ALTERNATIVE Approve the BoxingClubs' request and direct staff to return with an agreement to lease the Youth Center Pool Room to the Atascadero Boxing Club, contingent on the completion of the necessary improveme its to the Youth Center Pool Room to meet current building code standards for public use. A previous arrangement between the City and the Boy Scouts could be used as a model for this arrangc Ment. Staff would recommend a monthly rental payment to cover all utilities, maintenance and the recovery of some of the long-term infrastructure costs. RESPONSIBLEDEPARTMENT: Community Services Department ATTACHMENT Letter from the Atasc dero Boxing Club Youth Center Facility Diagram Memorandum from Brady Cherry Letter form Bob Wes 000059 J The v Atascadero Boxing _ Club _ y 000060 AT 5CADERO BOXING CLUB (ABC) Licensed by United States Amateur Boxing Inc. 12. February -1999 Atascadero Recreation Commission To Whom It May Concern I would like to introduce myself and the Atascadero Boxing Club, Inc. (AEC) . I am John Martino of Atascadero. With my associates, I have formed -the Atascadero -Boxing club, Inc (ABC) . The ABC was formed under license from United States Amateur Boxing, Inc. We will be , working . locally in association with the Central Coast Boxing Association. ABC is currently incorporating in the State of California as - a non-profit corporation, that will operate off of donations. We of the Atascadero Boxing Club (ABC) were created because * of some of our beliefs, among them are the following: We belive amateur' boxing is a great sport as well as a terrific way to combat juvenile delinquency. . It is completely different from professional boxing in its goals, objectives, scoring and- equipment. Amateur boxing can be a source of excellent conditioning for the high school athlete during the off-season. It also provides an option for the youngster who is not involved in school sports programs or does not desire to participate in team sports. Amateur boxing can also provide a youth with the opportunity to satisfy the basic human need of recognition in a positive manner. All to often this need is met through delinquent behavior. - When properly coached and supervised, amateur boxing can be . an extremely fulfilling and beneficial experience forour You ths. It can be used • as a vehicle to instruct : in sportsmanship, values of conditioning, positive release of frustrationsand energies, in addition to._ building . self- confidence and character. I, John Martino, have lived and worked in Atascadero: since 1988. My work with young people of our community includes 000061 ATASCADERO BOXING CLUB (ABC) L Licensed by United States Amateur Boxing Inc. the following accomplishments. o I -am umpire chief of the Atascadero Softball ' League, o As a member of the Atascadero Softball Player's , Association; I have helped to__raise_ $12,.000.00 that was used to refurbish Paloma Park o I have been umpire chief of the Atascadero 'Little League from 1993 to 1996 o I have been a volunteer workerfor the Community.'_ Services Recreation .Department for eight years The purpose of this introduction is to ask for your. assistance. We would like to receive your permission to use the Youth . Center (Masonic Temple) now being used as a storage area to set up boxing ring environment. Any improvements made by our 20 volunteers, . volunteer coaches from area police departments and contractors, electricians, plumbers, etc. will be in compliance with all relevant codes. We recognize that the .ABC- would be responsible for all utilities . used. We ask. that this spacebe donated for the first year rent free. Beginning with the second year we would pay a , mutually agreed to, rent. To this end, we request an appointment before the Recreation Commission to put forward this proposal. We would be grateful for any assistance provided to us in this area. I believe that the Atascadero Boxing Club can make a significant positive contribution to our community and with your help we will begin doing so. Thank your for your time and assistance. Sincerely: John artino Vise President,' ABC United States Amateur Boxing License # 00 05082 ' 46 6 - r JM/ss 000062 j A ASCADERO BOXING CLUB`(ABC) -Licensed by United States Amateur Boxing Inc. To Whom It May Concern: We, the officrs, are proud to announce the formation of the Atascadero Bo ing Club (ABC) . The ABC was founded to provide boys nd young men of our community with a healthy * outlet for th it energies. Youth amateur boxing has a long and proud his ory in our country, on need only look at the success and p ide of men like Oscar De La Hoya. Throughout our history amateur athletic clubs, boys clubs and police athletic leagues have offered °boys an opportunity to learn boxing, self discipline and self esteem skills. Research showus that, correctly run, amateur boxing programs are AFE for our youth. - Amateur boxing consistently anks lower than baseball and .football in serious injur es. TheAtascadeio Boxing..Club _(ABC) is . associated wi h United States Amateur Boxing, Inc. and .The Central Coast Boxing Association. These organizations : provide the guidelines for the safe teaching and exhibition of boxing skills. We look forward to your help and support in our effort to bring healthy recreation to our community. Working together, we can help our youth develop good self esteem and personal discipline necessary to becoming productive citizens. Signed: Lawrence H. E sterday .(09 05084 46 2) Local Business Owner John F. Martino (00 05082 46 6) Umpire/Referee Stephen R. St osser (00 05083 46 4) Corporate Consultant ' 000063 ATASCADERO BOXING CLUB (ABC) Licensed b United States Amateur Boxing. Y ng Inc. .. We, the officers of the Atascadero'Boxing Club(ABC), are proud to announce the coming of amateur boxing to the north county. The Atascadero Boxing Club will provide_ the youth of the area training and sanctioned bouts in amateur/Olympic style boxing. We are is licensed by United States Amateur Boxing,Inc., and associated with The Central Coast Boxing Association. We,of the ABC ,believe amateur boxing is a great sport as well as a terrific way to combat juvenile delinquency. It is completely different and infinitely safer than prize fights you see on television. Amateur boxing provides an option for the youth who is not involved in a school sports program or does not desire to participate in team sports. Amateur boxing can also provide a youth with the opportunity to satisfy the basic human need of recognition in a positive manner. All to often this need is.met through delinquent behavior. Amateur boxing is consistently rated as one of the SAFEST sports you can participate in. If you would like more information about the ABC, or wish to contribute your help or donations to help thisprogram, contact the Atascadero Boxing Club at: Atascadero Boxing Club Phone: 805/466-4319 8231 Los Osos Road, Suite 158 Fax: 805/466-4319 Atascadero, CA 93422 e-mail: feezy@tcsn.net We appreciate any support you can provide. 000064 AT SCADERO BOXING CLUB (ABC) UlcensAMASMURdUMNS ANbt6AfEdRhg Inc. It is often stated that, "Boxing is a dangerous sport and should be banned!" Let's take a look at that statement as it relates to AMATEUR BOXING. Amateur boxing isa great sport as well as a terrific way to combat juvenile delinquency. It is minpletely di rent from professional boxing! The safety of amateur boxing ha been well documented. The 1995 National Youth Sports foundation ranked imateur boxing 32nd out of 37 sports,well below mainstream sports such as wres ling,football,soccer and even bowling. Most of the negative publicity about the sport centers around PROFESSIONAL BOXING which is much different than amateur boxing. No other sport takes more precautions in regard to safety than amateur boxing. Let's look at the re ord. o In the US k football leads to 250,000 concussions annually and accounts for 95% of all catastrophic sports injuries. o Interestingly, concussions occur at a rate of 6.1 per 100 college football players,3.7 per 100 hockey players, 2.5 per 100 wrestlers and about 1 per 100 amateur boxers. o Recent es imates of deaths per 100,000 young people were as follows; soccer 4 in 100,000 use of contraceptives 3 in 100,000,getting hit by a car 6 in 100,000, smoking 00 in 100,000 and amateur boxing 2 in 100,000! o The Aust align Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport 1995 reported, "There is no evidence of neuropsychological impairment in boxers compared with controls and no association between boxing exposure. o The Natic nal Safety Council's 1996 Accident Injury reported that Boxing ranked 23rd on its list of injury reports. Amateur boxing has reported fewer accidents than soccer,wrestling,tennis,volleyball, gymnastics, basketball and nearly. every other participatory sport that is being offered and endorsed by academic schools in America o Researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health published the following in the March 1994 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology_, "The data collected suggests that there is no link between participating in amateur/Olympic-style boxing and changes in the central nervous system functions." Amateur boxing is a safe activity for the youth of today! 000065 ATASCADF�R0 RBOXI -CLUB t C) SAM se§�RUn ecf S�aFes ma A BQ G Yeur Boxing Inc. Amateur(Olympic)boxing is.very different from Professional (Prize Fighting)in many ways. Basically amateur,boxing aim is to..score points;whereas in professional boxing you try to incapacitate your opponent. Lets look at the individual differences: amateur professional o Rounds Five rounds of two minutes As many as twelve rounds of three minutes' o Headgear Properly fitted, REQUIRED Not Allowed o Scoring A point system 20 pt. must By rounds by organization o Scoring A punch with the knuckles. Damage done landing on a legal area ` o. Scorimg points for defensive Awards point for damage doAwards ne skills o Scoring Decreases emphasis on Encourages head blows scoring blows to the head o Scoring Does not reward for power Rewards for power of the blow of the blow o Gloves Standardized for protection Varies by sanctioning body of the opponents head o Mouthpiece- Standardized, form fitted Varies'by sanctioning body o Shirt Required to absorb sweat Illegal and dirt to reduce infection o Physicals = Pre and Post mandatory Pre fight only g o "Eight Counts" Encoura ed ' Not allowed in some bouts ' o Intent Scoring points The knockout 000066 • r '' CIS O C C1. cd �. G •d LN tyi . • � � . . O -- O R O •a U p Co n .� Co O p0 O O- C14 £' Q p Cl .b�~9btn tn9 69 b 9GN4 cn 60 9 O O p o � O.0 0 O O p p O O p Cl p p O C Co Co CD p Cl 4= cl C pO"} 6 p OC..••. O Op O'p 'a O O OO OO O •.. �0 N � ., ar O Op t/j v1 Vj O� �'' u69pz' b9 fA 69 6A Gq ; b9 b.9 � OS O 6NR O 40 CL CC Op * ed ' N V .0 O 61% C •t' � 69 69 69 Cd v O O Com.. 'O •o r •� AD � O cQ � .O cif .0 �+ v j N � � •R•.O •� E v E OO O •w a� v � .o•_ 3.. OO O u � 0 yC G O• G Vapp : .y v uH H o • mo0c � ZS -e 42 n0tai) y o . O - EC ROv Q V O • ,O $ . � o '.. u a oaa as o . oca o a C's -zw ¢ca as C a e c c 0 .2 ••• V v v v v '' � � aai �+ ,,,fl a o a) .a p4 a .R R R Lln o, In L C� po p0• v •d oma_ 2 o a u C 04 •r.. • •r.. •r.. •r.. N rU,• N ? V • cd t4 co to cd bo rA O > C: L: tom. C �O v > v > V > v > J O O O O O O O O 4. O (n U. cnU W cnU .aV o E C7 W Qa . H9 •• N� w OO bo CP f� u eG. O• �" titer. o ,«+ cl V O u O u cyj Q Lt i Ll.= Cn y Vj cd V a u aV vv .� Cd u .O 0Z .2 o Q •�v Cd ch LO :4 N -+ O v I v aS :. O v v O .O 't7 .. b .cd V Ow > > Eb-Q ¢tz o o N vaS ¢O Q = cKo L CA Op-Qz u > ' 0 . to c/ ° � 1-iIli j° cda� cd c. V.m� CL 00006'7 UNiTED STA R OXING Certificate of Membership This certifies that is a club member in good standing of the USA and USA Boxing and is subject to the rules BOXING® and regulations of USA Boxing. USA Bobng Executive Dlrect4 Effective Date President Expiration Date Local BoAng Committee Regist 'on Chaj4n Local Bo)dng Committee Club Number Local Bwdng Com Ates 00008 416W/Untitled' ATASCADERO BOXING CLUB CENTRAL COAST BOXING ASSOCIATION 5400 ENSENADA AVE. ATASCADERO, CA 93422 (805)466-4260 (805)466-43.79 FAX To Whom It May Co cern: We,the officers, are proud to:announce the formation of the Atascadero Boxing Club (ABC). The ABC was founded to provide boys and young men of our community with a healthy outlet for thei'r energies. Youth Amateur Boxing has a long and proud history in our country, one only ne look at the success and pride of men like Oscar De La Hoya. Throughout our history amateur athletic clubs, boys clubs, and police athletic leagues have offered boys an opportunity to learn boxing, self discipline and self esteem skills. Research has shown 1 s that correctly run programs are SAFE for our youth. `Amateur boxing consistently ra nks lower than baseball and football in serious injuries. The Atascadero Boxing Cub(ABC)is associated with United States Amateur Boxing, Inc. and the Central Coast Boi 'ng Association. These organizations provide the guidelines for the safe teaching and exhibition of boxing skills. We look forward toyour helpd support in our effort to anort pp bung healthy recreation to our community. Working together we can help our youth develop good self esteem and personal discipline nece i bec productive citizens. Signed r Lau ce E: 9 05084 46 2) Club President Local business owner (805)466-1223 John F. Martino (00 05082 46 6) Club Delegate Umpire/Referee City Of Atascadero Community.Services (805)466-4260 /tephen . Strosser( 0 05083 46 4) Corporate Consultant(805)466-8392 --(805)466-4379 Fax 00009 10H l ..11/23/98 9a24 PM Central California Association - Boxing Clubs 1. All American.Training Center 2. Atwater P.A.L III .. Inocencio.Madera Dennis Kendall ' 1701 Truxtun Ave 1729 Eucalyptus Bakersfield Ca 93305 _ Atwater Ca. 95301 H. 805-845-1164 H. 209-358-1681 W. 805-324 8742 - 3. Bakersfield P.A.L 4. Bull Dog Boxing Gym Mike Dallas Zeke Lopez, 2909 Marlene PI 120 Gonzalez Dr Bakersfield Ca. 93304 Hollister Ca. 95023 H. 805-827-0920 H. 831-636-1349 W. 805-8837-9840 5 5. Central Valley Amateur B.A . 6. Dream Champ A.B.0 Victor Duran Clemente Hurtado Po Box 11952 ' 2835 C St Earlimart Ca. 93219. Selma Ca. 93662 H. 805-849.0511: H. 209-896-4071 . W. 805-849-2611 . 7. Exeter Boxing B.0 8. Manteca'Boxing Club Andy Murrieta William H. Graham. 311 Pomelo Ave 919 Mt Vernon Plac Los Banos,Ca 93635 Manteca Ca. 95336' .H. 209-826-6299 H. 209-823-5741._ 000070 9. Merced Cron sroa.ds B.0 10. Merced United B.C. _ Timothy Rar 110S.. Willie Felix 238 Sweetwater 167 Sweetwater Ave Merced Ca. 95340 Merced Ca. 95340 H. 209-385-3989-N. H. 209-722-6408 11. Modesto P kL 12. Norhtside Boxing Club Sam Lacro s Javier Robles 1133 Coffe' ' Rd 4915 W Darthmouth Ave Modesto Ca 95355 _ Visalia Ca 93277 H.209-529-2192 H.'559-627-2779 13. Orange Cove Foothill B.0 14. Pixley Boxing Club Glen Bailey Joe McPhetridge 37632 Feather Lane 2289 N Ceder St* Squaw Valley Ca, 93675 Pixley Ca. 93256 H 559-338-2344 H 209-757-3870 W2097757-3870 ' 15. Renteria's oxing Club 16. Sanger Youth B.0 •. Jesse Rent ria =. Osvaldo Vera Jr 824 N LakSt 667 S Docke ry Madera Ca. 93638 Sanger Ca. 93657 H.209-67.5-8510 H.559-875-3309 ' 00001" 17. San Luis Obisbo BC 18. Southeast Fresno Boxing"Club Pat Murphy Nestor Chacon -3101ndio Dr 2409 E McKenzie Pismo Beach Ca 93449 Fresno Ca. 93701 ' H, 805-773-1702 H. 559-268-8581 19. Stanislaus County P.A.L 20. Stockton P.Y.A Erik Shultze _ Frank Dobales 1325 Beverly Dr 240 E. Gibson St Modesto Ca 95351 Stockton Ca. 95204 ' H. 209-529-9121 H. 209-463-3651 W. 209-892-2589 . . - 21.:Tulare Athletic Club 22. Tulare Westside B.C. Manuel Torrez Anthony Ledesma 17609 Rd 80 411 S. Prat Tulare Ca. 93274 Tulare Ca. 93274 H. 209-686-7531 H. 209-686-6592 23. Tommy's Team 24. Hanford Boxinng Club Tommy Tillery Frank Moseley 516 Dorothy St 945 111/2 Ave Bakersfield Ca, 93306 Hanford Ca, 93230 H. 805-366-4265 H. 209-582-5581 W. 209-582-8100 000072 25. Atascadei o Boxing Club 26. Riverdale Athletic Club John Madino Guy Webb 5400 Ens nada Ave 262 W Lewiston Ave Atascadej o Ca. 93422 Riverdale Ca 93656:H. '805-46642610'- H.109-923-2113 UN ATTACHED CLUBS 1. Rick Mello 2. Jorge Martinez Po Box 141.7 720 EBarry More San Juan Bautista Ca 95045 Stockton Ca 95204 H. 408-681-3112 H. 209462-5822 W. 408-848-4143 0000'73 USA BOXING., ATI CENTRAL CALIFORNIA ASSOCION; nvr OFFICERS : A PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY - ARTURO ALAFAL LOUIS JORDAN RICK MELLO - 2728 S Sowwel St 2003 Glen Harber ' P.O.BOX 876 Visalia Ca. 93277 Ceres Ca. 95307 SAN JUAN BAUT CA 209433-5491 209-531-1611 408-848-4143 95045 TREASURER CHIEF/OFFICIALS JOE MCPHETRIDGE ANDY MURRIETA . Po Box 314 311 POMELO AVE ` Pixley Ca. 93256 LOS BANOS CA,93635 209-757-3870 209-826-6299 REGISTRATION CHAIRMAN ; ZEKE LOPEZ 120 Gonzalez Dr Hollister Ca,95023 831-636-1349 SPECIAL EVENTS, RULES and REGULATIONS, Louie Jordan, FINANCE, Joe Mcpetridge, Danny Lujan, TT., .�.,. BOARD OF REVIEW,Manuel Torrez, Andy MtL*,6ta T,� b ,,.. COACHES COMMITTEE,Red Bailey, Ruic SR COORDINATOR, Louie Jordan, 11FF101F A T C rn1%iTW4FrrTT+ 1 A..d.. M....�.:etn Aerl R..ao., n.....,u.,.,ao ..'.. Vf 1 iViL wily /Vl.iltlt a 1—Ij A".YJ L.�MI.I..�{\, 1�..Y Y{.al.r„LVM� JO COORDINATOR, Michael Dallas sr,Zel a Lopez, Anthony Martinez NEWSLETTER, ANDY MURRIETA REGISTRATION COMMITTEE, Zeke Lnrer.; SAFETY COMMITTEE, Red Bailey,Randy C?iay$ GOLDEN GLOVES,`Manuel Torrez SILVER GLOVES, Louie Jordan UNDER 19, Andy Murrieta PHYSICIAN Peter Brill Dos Palos 209-342 6131 Osc,ar.Hemandez Porterville 559-784-6096 Robert Harway San Luis Obisb 805-541-3505 George La*enson Visalia 209-733-4570 Jerry Fox Bakersfield 805-872-3648 Jerry Seydel Bakersfield 805-3280558 ®' Donald Higgins Visalia 559-6274116 ' Gregory Shubert Fresno 559-434-3408 Vincent Pennsi Lodi 209-476-8979" % _ `+ Marion Bernard Bakersfield 805-871=5662. tZ Jose Martinez _ Corcorn 559-838-4506 0000'75 cl _ . cl .O 0. cis ti = _ Co O kn F14 6tnR 6 00 - O 0 0 0 O O O O O 0 0 0 O Co 0 0 0 O O 0 CCD O O O dO ^ OO 40 N O DOOO O OO Op 't3O C O C0 co CyOj c •.. 0 O_ p" v1 h a0+ O O p V1 v1 vj O yj ?� a0, Ffi p Z• O O O �� O b 4 O G. p Cl O O •t—V,—V, 69 E3 %crj 69 O w asN o o o a=i _ H_ vN aoja �. a, Q1 a� w: �U a� w a.V CL 10 _ w V yw 0 0 E O o a+ O. 0.� O H 023 N Y� 0.� � cq N 0i � aYp N � °� u �� O o. o c oN c a o �, ;e c°i c Co. o ni V ._ •U U '" ._ •p V v t� '� .0 .•"U C3 V C. +�'S O V V O O C al' c G TJ V Lpqr� O. u n °� a, u n 4 cL a`> w a� p 0 � u � � u9 0 O Cd p OAD pp D pGp D A 0 co inuji1 •Zuj C c ° � ._ u a Cl ••• V v v U v c cd' ami h .o MMV U V V Y+y a c=0 cl Cd .. Ln gn a a cdcq o c CIS bo v as U _ C bo cl = cu s- = cd G N o O 0 ° ° u O 4, .O CdV Y, O cnU cnU NU cnU :aux o DC7. t:a Aa 14- >0 y o a0+ O N - _ c Q N ` N V C4 •� O C Q C 'C o ate. O V CL +; a cn 'c cl y i� C'sp a� _ tY ° v.•= p .o a� ami .° O ° o O cl L tpou cpe/K] •LQa�L+] (Nv N EV C~O•Dq( ci] " •QO.0E QH� 'c7 ^E O 0 c to CIS'v O j CO4) ' O = C m 0 -Ow V NOa O vN ¢ b L 0Z Q Z HO O .° cd ° cd a. mG~Vj C p . .. 'tates Amateur Bwdng, Inc. U Il ted co 80909.5776 Onc Olympic Plata, Colorado Springs, Phone: (719) 578/4506 -- FAX: (719) 632-3426 USA CERTIFICATE OF LUBILITY 'REQUEST Cert ficates will be walled to the address of the Sponsor Ciub only BOCYIN Sanction.# - a. Name of Sponsor .Cl b give club # If requesting a Certi rate for training, gl . b. Address of Sponsor ub State Zip aty c. Phone Number of S onsor Club d. Third Party Requir-hig Certificate Contact Person Relationship of.Thi 'd Party Address CityState �P . e. Location of Event or Training Facility f. Send Certificate viaRegular Mail. Fax (Circle one) ' Attn: If by FAX, give FAX number g. Date of Event Number of Spectators b. Name of Event ' (if training facility, writc 'training") •i. Local Boxing Com ittee (LBC) Officer Signature LBC Name Number Address j. Is Third Party to b named an Additional Insured? Yes No k. Date Certificate is needed FEES $100.00 - Third Party Liability. Certificate $25.00 Club Liability Certificate *Submit 30 days prior to the event - A $10.00 service. fed will be charged for requests received less than 30 days prior_ to a date the certificate is needed. For certificate requests received less than 10 days prior to a date it is needed, a $25.00 service fee wvU'be charged *Please print or type - A'$10.00 service fee will be charged for re-issued or corrected certificates due to incorrect or added information 'Complete all sectlonsIncomplete forms can not be processed and will be returned*to you. If request is returned less than 30.days prior to the date the certificate is needed, $10.00 service fee. will be charged Mail form and fees (payable to USA Bo)ing) to your Local•Boxing Committee -OFFICE USE ON000077 Date-received by SA Boxing DrDate forwarded to ACORDIA - rf hC�� UNITED STATES AMATEUR BOXING CENTRAL CALIFORNIA•ASSOCIATION INC.' I t -ICAL FORM NAME ADDRS9£ D.O.B. AGE CITY STATE ZIP CODE PHONE HISTORY �IA4 DANT EVER HAD Awv OF THE FOLLO)MGz SWOLLEN JOINTS . YES NO_ RHEUMATISM YESNO_'. , FREQUENT HEADACHES YES NO CHRONIC COUGH' YES '` NO_ SPITTING UP BLOOD YES NO_ CONVULSIONS YES NO_ _ SHORTNESS OF BREATH YES NOFAINTING SPELL'S YES---NO NO VENEREAL DISEASE YES NO_ DIZZY SPELL'S YES---.NQ-- WORN ESNO_WORN OR WEAR CLASSES YES NO_ BLURRING VISION YES NO_ DIABETIC YES NO� EPILEPSY YES NO_ DEBILITATING DISEASE YES NO_ ORAL SURGERY YES NO EXPLAIN ANY YES ANSWERS HAS APPLICANT EVER BEEN "OCKED UNCONSCIOUS IN SPORT YES--NO IFYES LONGEST DURATION OF UNCONSCIOUSNESS . ALSO GIVE DATE AND PAR•TICULAILY UUTARY SERVICE MILITARY SERVICE YES No TYPE OF DISCHARGF. IF REJECTED,GIVE REASON IF MEDICAL DISCHARGE GIVE REASON HAS APPLICANT EVER BEEN A PATIENT IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL YE:S NO_ IKYES EXPLAIN IN FULL 0000'78 _ = AT SCAbERO BOXING CLUB -(ABC) ` Lic' nsed by United States Amateur Boxing Inc.. LIST Or­VOLUNTEERS KEY C=Coach R=Ref ree TK=Time Keeper V=Volunteer FR=Fund Raiser NAME STATUS CONTACT Larry Easterda V,C,R,TK,FR 466-1223 John Martino V,C,R,TK,FR 466-4260 Stephen R. Strosser V,C,R,TK,FR. 466-4319 JoAnna Martino V,TK• 466-4260 Kevin Farr V 461-3422 (Dentist) Rush Kolemain V John* Berwick V,C 466=0609 (Police Offic r/olympic Boxer) Chris Cauley V 466-2585 (Atascadero News) Robert Pebeni o V 466-1642 (Knock Out Sports Atas) Adriel Pebeni o V,C -- ---- 466-1642 Pro. Boxer Elmer Amillan ' V,C 466-1886 . Don DeNoyer . , VIC 934 4866 Joie Serma V,C 464-0193 Jim Coorley V_ . 466-2669 (Construction Co. ) Gary Foster V (Foster Enterprises) Pat Murphy V,C 773-1702 Gene •Baier V 462-2637 000079 Steve .MeNamarer u 227-6320 (JLC Construction) Steve Miller V.. ; 466-9641 Sara Rah V 466-7244 Jeff Flynn V 462.-8426 Becky Bringer V 595-9946 (Golden Gloves Rep) Larry Tem[lin V,C (Retired Fire Captain Santa Barbara/Amateur Boxer) Jim Lynch V,C 238-9020 (Retired Fire Dept. Engineer) Ray D. Landry Jr. V 461-0364 Eric Hagen V (Architect/Atascadero Building Inspector) Walker Davenport V 438-5356 Tony Maluney V 461-9478 Steve Hysell V 466-2137 Bill Reeves ` V 461-5999, J.R. Ortiz V . 461-4135 - Justin Yates .V 226-9075 Mark Levenson V-C 460-9.631 . :r Gerald Phillips V r 462-1361 : ,' Betsy Phillips V 462-1361.- Mike Phillips V 227-0947- Alex 'Gonzales Jr. V 462-1251 Jason Platz v 462-1538 000080 Joy & Manny. T rres V 461-1643 Al & Dora Bro n V - 466=200.0 J.P. Patel V 466-4449 Gail Stanhope V 461-0754 Randy. Wright V 466-1823 Sean Kain V,FR 462-2515 Dave Josephs V,FR 461-1113 Kevin Miller V,FR237-0415 Craig Jacubes' n V,FR 546-9133 Eddie M. Tche 1 V,FR 461-3246 Scott Woodhouse: V,FR462-0523 Culin Cambell V,FR 438-3909 Cimon Cormier V,FR 434-1102 Iwena Van Beek V,FR 461-0267 "Boomer" V,FR 772-8225 Terry Peterson. V,FR 434-3352 Larry Halderm' n V,FR 466-5694 (N. County Christian HS) ' Mike Jones .V 466-5694 (Aarons Boys ome' Atas: ) James Bond V 466-2580 _ Ed Ferrell V 466-10,04 . (Ferrells 'Aut Repairs) _ Dave Kennedy V . 461-3283. V _ (Five Star Gutters) Stan & Sonya , ain . V 466-1817 Joe Subia :. V 466-0313 000081 Lupe Rodriguez. V 938-0846 (Integrity* Group Homes). Mickey Rourke V (Movie Star)_ Tony Ciminelli V,FR .(62 21)725-1266 (Visions Pacific,. LTD . Jakarta, Indonesia) ` J Tony Ciminelli V,FR (62-2.1)725-1266 William Karg FR LA Harvey Krager FR LA Stan Friar FR OC John Fado FR Seattle i Herb Long FR LA (Film Maker) George Caras FR Cambria Stanley Strosser FR SF Teresa Roberts V - 481-6451 (Behavioral Psychologist) 000082 NiTED STATES TEUR. OXII\TG Certificate of membership' This certifies that , is a club memberin good standing of the • and USA Boxing and is subject to the rules BOXI and regulations of USA Boxing. 149� USA Bo)dng Exert6ve DirectJr Effective Date President Expiration Date Local Boxing Committee pit. Registry ion C a ntee Local Boxing Committee Club Number Local Boxing Com d 000083 James Cooley Construction Lic. #485803 _ 6407 Portola. Rd.` Atascadero CA 93422 805-466-2669 March 2, 1999 To whom it may .concern. I know John Martino .through my long standing participationin Atascadero's softball leagues, where he has been the chief of _..umpires. My .family strongly supports John's effort. to establish the Atascadero Boxing Club to serve young people in our community. My wife teaches locally, and we have two teenagers and a toddler. We know first hand that the community needs more variety in sports activities for our youth. John has a fine reputation for professionalism. We know that he would bring successful leade:•ship to this new effort. Sincerely Jam Cooley 000084 - February 26,1999 Dear John Martino: My name is John Berwick, and I am currently a youth counselor for the California Youth Correctional Facility in".laso Robles where I have worked for eleven years. My duties include: supervision of youth off nders,gang coordination, and community service coordination. I am also coaching Basketbal and Softball in Atasca.dero. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Physical Education from Fresno Pacific University where I played Basketball there on an Athletic Scholarship that I received. I would like to congratu ate you on your recent attempt to develop a Atascadero Boxing Club., I was also an amateur boxer who obtained the California State Championship and the Pacific Coast Championship. I a four-time California Police Olympic Super-Heavy Champion and the World Police/Fire Gimes Champion. I have assisted Dave Martinez at the La Habra Boxing Club where I worked.with youth at risk. The phone number there is: (213) 690-455.9 or(562) 694-3414 or(562)697-7418. Overall,I have a lot of experience working with youth boxing programs. I feel that a boxing club ould benefit the community.in several ways. 'First of all,the boxing club would be a non-prc fitable organization and would give several youths the opportunity to develop self-esteem, resect for others, participate in positive physical activity, develop discipline, structure,an a place where they can go after school. Now,more than ever, communities must develop positive activities for youth. Our society needs to continue developing programs which will provide activities that give all youth the opportunity to develop both physically and mentally. In conclusion,the youth in our community need more avenues that are positive. They need a place to go after school is out or when they become bored. They need people who care,people to talk to, and they need dedicated people, like myself,who are willing to volunteer time and energy into positive co unity activities.. If you have any questions,please feel free-to page me at:-(805)227-9714. Sinc ely, J Berwick 000085 to c s F uArt i ,. .: 2/16/99 To whQ_m Wit' may co}zcern, When approached by Mr. Martino a month or so 'ago my�thoughts were; "What a , positive outlet" ! The youth we-deal- with :at' csur facility are in constant need of legitimate ways to consume thezr time. Many have, anger management problems that could be .re- solve: through physical activities. The Atascadero Boxing Club sound's like one of' those ideal situations. We cannot commit to any certian number of individuals, as they would have to earn the right to join such a club. However, interest among our residents is high. We could provide some super- vision for our youths, but as stated previously the residents who attend would have earned some trust to be on their own. We 'support this program in theory, and with future participation. Re a tfull (senior counselor/teacher) 1 .77 000086 C Architecture = � Planning Eric E. Hagen Associates 6711,Morro Road (805)4663257 � P.O.Box 202 Ata adeno,CA 93423 March 8, 1999 Re:Atascadero Boxing Club , To Whom It May Concern: For the past several years, 11 te had the pleasure of being associated with Mr.John Martino. I've witnessed with great respect his enthusiasm for t e advancement of sports in our community. His support is unbounded,it extends for adult and for youth sports alike. Indeed, he has probably acted in the official's role at as many events for my children as he has for myself. 'Mr.Martino brings certain q lities to the field of play with him,no matter what the activity. Those qualities are maintained from the time he steps on the field until he leaves the facility,and are never compromised: They serve as . fine examples of sportsman hip,professionalism,a mutual respect for the game and for the individual,care and diligence in calling each play with all the tools he has at his disposal,and seeing that all proceedings under his jurisdiction are carried out in the utmost spirit of fair play. .. Safety is an important consideration in-almost any sport requiring physical play,and I've seen John on several occasions stop play.when th re is even the slightest chance that a participant or a spectator's health or welfare might be endangered.' wish Mr.Martino the best o luck in establishing Amateur Boxing in our community. Enough cannot be said about the virtues of such an organization,both in its providing a healthy outlet for our youth and an avenue for possible advancement to a higher level of competition. am confident that any orga' ization lucky enough to have Mr.Martino spearheading its development is well worth our community's support. Respectfully Submitted, Eric E. en 000087 McWAktitIc _ ATASCADERO BOXING CLUB CENTRAL COAST BOXING ASSOCIATION 5400 ENSENADA AVE ATASCADERO,CA 93422 (805)466-4260 el 21 November 1998 To Whom It May Concern: I would like to introduce myself and the Atascadero Boxing Club,Inc..My associates and I have formed the Atascadero Boxing Club,Inc. (ABC). The ABC was formed under license from United States. Amateur Boxing,Inc. We will be working locally in association with the Central Coast Boxing Association.'ABC h currently incorporating in the State of California as a Non-Profit Corporation and will operate off donations. The goals of the ABC are as follows: * To provide safe instruction In the art of boxing. * To provide a healthy outlet for the energies of our youth. * To help develop positive self esteem in young people.' * . To teach self discipline and good citizenship. I have lived and worked in Atascadero since 1988. My work with young people of our co,mm . y i;P P unity includes the following accomplishments: * I have been the Umpire In Chief of the Atascadero softball league since 1990. * I am a member of the Atascadero Softball Player's Association. I have helped to raise 510,000.00 which was used to refurbish Paloma Creek Park Fields with new fences and scoreboards. * I was the Umpire In Chief of the Atascadero Little League from 1993 to 1996. * I have been a volunteer worker for the Community Services Recreation Department for eight years. The purpose of this Introduction is to ask for your assistance. We would like to request your permission to use the vacant space in the swimming pool area of the Youth Center so that we may set up a boxing ring environment. The necessary improvements will be made by our volunteers and licensed contractors. _ The improvements made will be in compliance with all building codes..We understand that ABC would be responsible for all of the utilities used. In conclusion,we request an appointment before the Recreation Commission to present this proposal and answer any questions that might arise..We would appreciate any assistance that could be provided to us in this matter. I believe that the Atascadero Boxing Club can make a significant and positive contribution to oqr community,and with your help we will begin doing so in the near future.' 000088 1 of 2 - 11iD/%8.30 Plv fdeJ//Untitled Thauldng you in-advance for time and consideration in this matter, Sincerely: John Martino United Safes Amateur Boxing License#00 05082 46 6 JM/ss 000089 2 of 2 >>m/OR RAO PM MEMORANDUM DATE: July 14, 1995 TO: ALL COMMUNITY. SERVICES .STAFF 'FROM: Brady Cherry, Director of Community -Services/A!:�/ SUBJECT: YOUTH CENTER.USE RESTRICTIONS The recent Architect's Report from F. L. Henderson and Associates on the existing conditions at the Youth Center/Printery Building. contained information regarding the structure's seismic integrity, hazardous materials, access and exits. Upon receiving the Architect's Report, the City Council took action to restrict public use of the building. The City Council's action confirms the staff's current use policies for the building. For future reference, please remember to observe the following directives at the Youth Center: The basement area is to remain off limits to all members of the public and City personnel. Due to the presence of asbestos, anyone needing access. to the basement or maintenance, etc. ) must receive permission from the' Director. Storage will not be allowed in the basement. • Until further notice, the second floor of the Youth Center is to be used by the Masons and their affiliates only. Due to ADA requirements and inadequate exits, this area is not ready for use by the general public. • The private use of the Youth Center Building by the tenants, including the Masons, 'Eastern Star, Getty Photography, and Ken Yu Kan Karate will continue as before. • Public recreation programs will not be allowed in the building on an on-going basis due to the building's condition, and concern for-public safety. The building's use for recreation programs will be restricted to special events,-. and temporary relocations of programs from other facilities due to schedule conflicts, maintenance work, etc. ' Such temporary relocations must be strictly limited. Please see the Director if you have any questions Thank you for your cooperation and observance of the above policies. The Parks Division will soon post signs on the building's entrances notifying the public of potential seismic safety risks. Plans for a more affordable addition to the building may allow for the safe use of the building until the rehabilitation and seismic- retrofit can be accomplished. QXYTHCENTEIYOUTHC M.POL 000090 G� wLL: ,L LL c� � � � Q LO co ton N o NL � c 6 W o r cr, 0 _ U- CC O Z ® ® c W � � Z . j z ED .0 pC o w m p o Q z � � ' CO W � a ui H ® H U `L � m Cl) ox o 0 c; R- 13 E3LLIa LL: W CO 0 U- o 0 W o ; m x OC o X s CL LU cc ! C P c e � N W ru cc G Z Q 7 111 � 4464.- D x M ; F.. . Z 4 LJ. 000091 x . 0 TO: Geoff English FROM: Bob West DATE: 1$MAR99 SUBJECT: Youth Center; Boxing Club My feelings are that this is a Youth Center for Youth, not 20 and 30 year ald men and women or professional fighters looking for a low cost place to train. The City should keep in mind that the Youth Center is just that, a YOUTH CENTER, not for private use unless they pay the going rent /rate, based on the hour or total use fee. The Karate Club pays about $500.00 a month and uses the Gym for about 20 hours a month ($). The City pays all other costs. The gym is used or can be used by other youth activities or rented out when not used by the Karate Club. This seems to work well. Now if the Boxing Club wants to build the 'Pool Area" up to code and pay the utilities in lieu of rent and when they are not using the area it can be used for other youth activities the this might be a good deal for all concerned. The youth in the City gain because; they would have more room for different activities, the Boxing Club gains and the 'Youth CenterO gains with more funds to make other improvements to the center. it sounds to me to be a special interest of boxing and not toward all, youth to whom the City/Center should be focused. Don't loose control of the overall use of the Center for all youth, Bob West ,. Private Citizen 00002 - ITEM NUMBER: D - 3 DATE:-05/11/99 ro-M ® ie e � CA] +oi City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney 4" of July Fire Works Display at Atascadero Lake Park RECOMMENDATION: Approve a request by Bill Rabenaldt;owner the Lakeside Cafe and Catering Company to conduct a professionally staffed pyrotechnical fireworks display at Atascadero Lake Park on Sunday, July 4, 1999. DISCUSSION: Attached is a letter from Bill Rabenaldt, owner the Lakeside Cafe and Catering Company to conduct a professionally staffed pyro-technical fireworks display at Atascadero Lake Park on Sunday, July 4, 1999. Mr. Rabenaldt is proposing to bring back fireworks to Atascadero Lake Park and is prepared to conduct a community-wide fund raising campaign to cover the costs. Although not stated in his letter,Mr. Rabenaldt stated to staff,that he is also requesting that the City of Atascadero cover all of the staff support costs for this proposed event. During the 1970's and 80's, the Atascadero Jaycees and the Atascadero Reserve Firefighters Association annually sponsored a fireworks display at Atascadero Lake Park. Apparently, several of the Reserve Firefighters were licensed Pyro-technicians and they were responsible for detonating the fireworks. This event attracted large crowd estimated to be near ten thousand. The City of Atascadero helped sponsor the July 4`"Celebration during the first few years of Incorporation by covering staff costs which in 1982 were $3,400.00.The July 4`h Celebration and Fireworks at Atascadero Lake Park were last conducted 1982. Staff research indicates that the Atascadero Jaycees decided to discontinue sponsoring the July 4th Celebration and Fireworks following the 1982 event. The City Council voted on April 11, 1983 against a private proposal submitted by Jerry Pickard and Mike Molina to continue this annual event. Legal concerns as well as crowd and traffic control issues were sited by the City Council as reason not to continue this annual event. Fireworks displays have not been held at the Lake Park since 1982. Staff supports the proposal by Bill Rabenaldt and feels that the traffic and crowd control issues can be mitigated through proper planning and staffing. Both the Police and Fire Departments also support the proposal and have stated that they can provide the necessary staff support to 00003 ITEM NUMBER: D - 3 DATE: 05/11/99 supervise the event. In addition, staff believes that some of the traffic congestion that existed during prior 4'of July Fireworks displays will be reduced by the traffic signal now in place at the corner of Portola and Morro Road. Staff support of this event is contingent on fund being available to pay for the additional City personnel required to provide adequate levels of safety and maintenance services. FISCAL IMPACT: Early estimates of City costs are as follows: Department of Community Services Planning/Coordinaing 1 P. &R Superintendent x 10hrs. x$40.00=$400.00 Event Supervision 2 Parks Maintenance staff x 8 hrs. x$30.00=$480.00 Clean-up 4 Parks Maintenance staff x 4hrs x$30.00= $480.00 Custodial supplies $100.00 Police Department Traffic/Crowd Control 10 officers x 10hrs x$30.00= $3,000.00 Reserves 1 Sergeant x 10 hrs x $40.00= $400.00 Fire Department Fire Prevention- 4 firefighters x 6hrs. x$40.00=$960.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE: $5,820.00 ALTERNATIVES: Deny the request. RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Community Services Department ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Bill Rabenaldt 00009 } LakeSide Cafe&Catering Company 9315 Pismo Avenue Atascadero,CA 93422 (805)464-4402 (845)773-5518 Main Office April 27,1999 Attn: Geoff Eng ' It City of Atascade fl 6500 Palma Avei ue Atascadero,CA 93422 Dear Mr.Englis , Having reviewed your ordinances for the City of Atascadero,it is my understanding that fire work d' plays are allowed at Atascadero Lake Park providing the permitting proc s is strictly adhered to. I have taken the iberty of speaking with Chief Mike McCain of the City of Atascadero Fire partment and Chief Dennis Hegwood of the City of Atascadero Police Departme it.regarding this issue. Both departments believe they are capable of insuring public safety daring this event and are supportive of the fire works returning to Aft cadero Lake Park. With that in mind,I am requesting the City Council review and make a finding regarding this proposed 4th of duly night time fire works display with a professionally staffed pyrotechnical crew in charge of the event. Sincerely, 4Billbenaldt 000095 04/24,1993 11:50 8057735510 BILL RABENALDT PAGE 02 ri TAWide'Ufe&Catering Company 9315 Pismo Aveaue Ata atdero,CA 93422 464-OM April 24. 1999 Attn: GeoffEnglish City of Atescadero Parks&Recreation Department Dear Geol, I just left yOu a message on your answering machine but thought it might be helpful if I put some my ideas in fent of you before we spoke. i Last night X was watching the news about the Strawberry Festival in Santa Maria A member of the Elk's Club was sitting in a bucket suspended off a crane trying to get donations for their rodeo. I don't plan on any stunts like that but one thing he said made a lot of sense. He got 75 business owners to pledge 5100 towards the event He then placed con irms at each of their business locations for the public to donate to the affair. If they m e Ned$100 or more,then that took care of their pledge. If not,the business made up difference. As anodwr incentive,I plan on renting booth space on Saturday and Sunda for$350 for both days. For a business that participates,they could rent the same space for$275(not firm on the cost yet). My compa#iy will do all the food,(Cafe,Hot Dog Can,Ice Cream Cart,Rib BBQ and Tri Tip BBQ).! Other vendors would include crafts,.non-profit opportunities,etc. I would also like td,see if your police department might be interested in having a DARE booth(at no cost)aabring your dog for demonstrations. The Fire Department could have a hook and ladder 1&monstration on Saturday and Sunday(during the day)and leave the units available for the Fire Works Show. The Pavilion is booked on Saturday night the 3rd of July but is available on.Friday night the 2nd. i was thinking of having a 50's dance on Friday night to kick off the weekend of events. This could include a buffet dinner in the early evening that would lead into the dance. The non p it organizations could have a greatly reduced booth fee and do fund raising activities vwhich might provide some entertainment for the children(face painting,bean bag tosses�ith small prizes etc.) , 000096 04;'2411999 11;50 8057735518 SILL RABENALDT PAGE 03 Atte: Geoff English Page 2 City of Ataseadero We could hold fishing derby like we did last year and give prizes for the biggest fish AW heaviest of fish. I wouldn't went.to do u fishing clinic or anything like that during this bus time. Wbicb reminds me, I don't know if you know or not,but the Atascadero M icipal Water Co. is going to take on the Fishing in the City prograttt. I'm going to with the Fire Chief again on Monday,try to get some commitments from the busirw ss community and then r u shoot the letter off you asked me to prepare. I hope this can in front of the City Council quickly. 'There is only two months before the event and Ill need every bit of that time to put this whole thing together. Please give me a call and let me know what you think Bill Rabenal P.S. I just found out yesterday that my wife,Jenifer is going to have a child. At 32 I'm a little appre ve but she's a wonderfW person and has waited for this moment her entire life, She'll be a great Mom. 00000'7 x 1 (� • 04/25/1999 10:02 8057735518 BILL RABENALDT PAGE 01 VOW 11%mw u 0 Hca � v 0 TOO c � A 000098 cd, M E M_O_R_A_N_D U M TO: _. .City: Council FROM.- . .City. Manager . SUBJECT: _ Fourth of July Celebration DATE: April -7 , . 1983 The attached memoranda from the 'City Attorney and ..-Chief-of Police express some major concerns with the proposed Fourth of . July program as submitted by Mr. Pickard and Mr. . Molina. I -concur with their conclusions and add that the Fire Chief has expressed sim' lar reservations as well as expressing . the need for assuring tran it for emergency vehicles.. The fundamen al .question still must be answered - should there be an organized Furth of July celebration at the Lake Park? If the answer to that question is in. the affirmative, then the question'of spons rship needs to be resolved. Sponsorship;:could be. .' from a recognized' _non-profit service or community organization. able to provide -the necessary indemnifications, organization and- manning. Conceivably, a private individual or individuals could provide the same organizationand capabilities as a service club or community organization assing that the proper indemnifications were provided, that this use of the City' s facilities was not for profit and provided that the Council was satisfied that this individual or individuals, could perform as ,agreed to. Another alt rnative. could be for the City to undertake the entire _ .project under the Recreation Department and using all City resources necessary to provide the level of celebration desired by Council. The Council would have to alloate the requisite financial 'resources to _ accomplish this approach. Another alternative could be a combination of City involvement with commitment of` City resources and a service club or community organization. Each of these alternatives. has attendant problems >but each are possible, given- the commitment .to have and 'support the Fourth of July celebration Strictly fr m the standpoint of financial commitment, i.e: , either through actual cash outlays or provision of manpower with attendant salary costs, andin-consideration of the magnitude of activity the Staff does not feel that the City' s participation is the best solution. 000099 It' is . the Staff . feeling that a community service•.:club or organization . is` the best resource for conducting "an,_ event of this type assuming that .concerns "for.;the. public.- health: and" safety ".and protection.;of public and;"private;property are::. answered. But should" a :sery"ice" club or similar- organization not be `found which was" willing to . undertake this task, then •the.;project shouldbe, dropped unless .the Council determines that the over-riding community interest dictates having a_celebration. In that case, ,the Council 'should .-fund the whole project However, " the fundamental question of whether or. not to have the Fourth of July, celebration still must be answered. SUR L. WARDEN MLW:gk. ft ol00 " ADMINISTRATION BUILDING �� �' CITY ATTORNEY POST OFFICE BOX 747 POST OFFICE BOX 749 ATASCADERO.CALIFORNIA 93423 ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93423 PHONE: (805) 466-8000 PHONE: (805) 466-5678 _ CITY COUNCIL Ce, CITY CLERK a � : CITY TREASURER POLICE DEPARTMENT INCORPORATED JULY 2, 1979 POST OFFICE BOX 747 CITY MANAGER ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93423 FINANCE DEPARTMENT PHONE: (805)466-8600 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT , FIRE DEPARTMENT RECREATION DEPARTMENT < 6005 LEWIS AVENUE ATASCADERO,CALIFORNIA 93422 S. r '.PHONE::(8051 466-2141 MEMORANDUM April 1,. 1983 TO: Murray Warden, City Manager From: Allen Gtimes, City Attorney Subject: Fourth of July Celebration This will acknow edge receipt of the outline of the.plan for the Fourth of. July Celebrationpresented` to the Council.on .Monday evening., March 28, by `Mike Molina and 'Jerry .Pickard. The AtascaderoLake Park is a public park devoted to public uses. I seriously question the leg lity of depriving the public of the right to use the lake park area for a my 4th celebration. This doubt reinforces itself when, in addition, a prop' sal is submitted to the Council to adopt an ordinance autho- rizing the charging of admission to the Atascadero Lake Park on July 4, and the allocation of the money to private individuals. Clearly, this seems to me to be an inva id gift of public funds, which is prohibited by the Consti- tution," and which would subject the members of the Council, if the gift is made, to the con ention that it is an ultra vires act for which they could be held respons' le and would have to dig up the money in reimbursement out of their own pockets. A more fundament 1 matter is .that_.the City.should .not, in wisdom and.good practice,. enter into any-project of-this kind, 'except with. an organization . having stability, both financially and politically. . Therefore, the organiza- tion, as has been required by so many cities, should be a nonprofit corpora- tion. It should be a corporation which can provide the necessary liability insurance to the City and indemnification for any.damage that may be done. Covegage in this regard could readily be justified in the figure of a $5 million blanket policy, including property damage. The outline of the plan indicates a request that those.operating the project, .be allowed to pa k vehicles on public property and to charge $1.00 to $1.50 per vehicle for parking. The same comments made heretofore with respect to the blocking off of the lake park area and charging admission apply to this proposal. 000i- 0l MEMORANDUM: . Murray Warden April 1, 1983 r Page"2,. It should be obvious that any organization which is"going to`sponsor a-_July -:` 4th celebration''should 'be .responsible, for raising the. revenue on its own with its own activities; and' not..as,a •ba$�s _of government' providing the means to furnish the revenues. It would seem as. hough if a July 4th celebration of the kind proposed is desired by the community, that the sponsoring.organiza- tion should be engaged in year-round activities to raise the money. needed for it, and that when the day comes it should have in-hand what it considers fully adequate to fund.the various anticipated costs. With respect to the request contained' in the outline for an ordinance passed . that no alcoholic beverages be allowed on the lake park property; I believe : that such an ordinance is prohibited by the Constitution, as it is preempted,- since the state has total control of the possession of .alcoholic .beverages,, Moreover, it would appear to be discriminatory to pass an ordinance prohibiting any alcoholic beverages on the lake park property, assuming such ,is valid, _ and; at the same time, permit beer booths at the lake: I trust the foregoing may be of assistance to you in rendering .a staff report . as to the aspects of the proposed plan. AG.fr, f fJ� - _.000102 MEMORANDU. M _. TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: .' CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT. _J LY .FOURTH..CELEBRATION PROPOSAL- (JERRY,;PICKMA M D 'MIKE MOLINA) DATE: -A` RIL 5, 1983 As you know, Pickard .and Molina, as individuals (not: . sponsored by a ' organization) , have requested Council approval on the control and use of .Atascadero Lake Park for .the July.... Fourth celebration. While the presentation was lacking sufficient detail for me to effectively evaluate the plan, following are Problems which I for.eas on the basis of the limited information furnished: 1. Who w ll man the proposed barricades? 2. Who will supervise the-workers at the various posts? 3. The ot tline submitted, mentions security within the lake and al the barricades; again, who will these people . .'be an who will.-supervise .them? -Are these people to. be of -duty police: officers from other'.cities or: are they o be private security personnel? Who will be liabl for their individual. acts? 4. In addition to the usual fireworks display, other activities were mentioned (food booths, game booths,' boxing' match, carnival) . : Who will coordinate these actio ties? Which carnival is being considered? Can such a large variety of activities be properly ' - - supervised? 5. Picka 'd and Molina propose that celebrants park their vehic es at Atascadero High School for a fee of 11$1.0 to $1.50° each. .'Question: why will people. want to pa k .so far..away from 'the activity when they may in fa t. park.-closer on .public streets free? ' Also ' - feel Also 'feel that moving thousands of people (many of whom will be in oxicated) from the park after the celebration is over via dial-a-ride vans is unrealistic if not impossible. 6 I dont believe that the selling of "family plots" is pract cal. nor do'I feel we could possibly. enf orce , such a provision. Other issues as raised by Allen Grimes I concur with. RICHARD*' McH LE 000103 RHM: sb a L . �•.• " :< T t• ! +, < .., lY - _ ! r•3�4._ tx fir a �a t ',fj� - a a.E{`, =.t? -. �MB tr t . ` ' ) Y {>i ,., ', v t.. 2! t •., 4 t- =u.d Le. ' tib..' •'� r*t _�sr.' c� r r L n +t:. A., �. t " `• p y z 1 - f,t x 5. ,L + t t. -�•• f e . a: Jr�� - �-'�at t k` >�- ¢k->` 1 a { ,{• b - 'y , �f>t "rf -:f f r ;•r Y SIT r ! -,-1. : 'r,? Yr r tV i,-1 'Vf.` .y , i-,I�I� y �, < i'• :• 7 } .. t `c'r= 4 L.-� r.4.. •rt'T ; t i ,,sfV-{., 't r 2. k'+'•T'1lr,'.c$3�_k 5 .rr!� Atascac�ei o `Jaycees ..V Get r i* r- ��i j� .t kms= •''t� M1 POST OFFICE BOX 1075 ' •, ATASCADERO CALIFORNIA 0422 - �, : r T tit a [ - t w yr [s > `F �. r i ^- -✓/�, t Fl l �!� fi� _ S 'c 9 tN f J g! .-t ¢S =rc x r t''t. y. _� "ti 's .5.,,r,+ •L.k'• J 3'` C 'v !,i FD STP' s e r* f t ! }� {d/=B t "t t s F F:t , sS n t r k \t !)y /!`' G r ..T " .I+ b J ei -e F{`?^,S! .t_.r-.r far .i{n , 1 ! `> L f- :�t- ✓AYC EES i t •`t t '�. t.•� - V`- .rt i a r.( `�•'. fc j ,t s}�C f.r.) f� ,ri `t'r r T,i J n i r ,1\j' : G l Y• 3.. >.'l...f-. - T J o.f `;t tN- _ - =5X0}i s.}i`3"r, 1k{.: ! w.rr l,..Y S��hi E 4}ft. .1.. .c �Fp';y U'��n iii Zyt .S � -�S 4 t F. �,� 'S`w».-E:. „•,••. L' :'t t• r,.+ r xa\.t,r ,'L . a �"'?iF {Ih Jn4 k•"e'f'r'�j•"t.tr`'r:t,.r'`<! 9 ,�tA=K• t J k x'izy v'6 ` '` �� .. -r ' r` i' ' ���- + 1 i ks y. a �bg , r {r:_j 1 s .c` #ty c sy ' 7 �s i ..a '> f k i^t~ '�- - 4 T .a3 E r I j,,. J.r: t f '' oir: £ f , - ) a •4.. S Sz .: ay •• = C_z y, fir. i 6 a;.z+�. �'f � � {4 L4! }`"i3.i t�.�y�j.:•i ZrC=..` a..'J a t}i)G._ .'astC �` .',}�*�tY..�-2 ',tyw y« ` �Lt`SS t .'_` .SAY Ti h'rl'•�fi'r.vsj- rts' S'<{< •-,E_'. .. Y?'1!' A I i Y.y SN-, 1'a4 > Kt J yY at i�`` T�M^S 1 - Y 3 }� s r 1�^t.y r F! rx �.... t F : ! s._..d„y.t.,tt' fi .. i k t if+r a.. i r j yf -_ y..x'f _ k Y ' ,r.- -, X Fti u,, Std ti e 4 s�...' �r.,i-I,i,k ,...S. '..4 4,r -.?Y r ,•S a 4 r J �� } �wa� is. `'t� ,r i}¢' f f \ r i! -� .far;,. >+''':�. t{r�'h 7•,;+NS = f. "',.�5, 4. Cr, r 1{ f r i t kt 2 f n ! tt i a_ .'/' at -- -z S� ! t�.7 r r f s i s f ; '.sd4 tl rr•� 'S.""r"t Y W r _{ :t 'rk,a,, t d N�� Fv ; r J a t t y t F?,t,R .+�^ ,L A . a.... txw T < it ..f« -'+ J- - d ° 4 •4' .�.r ia�',t4fi`(fhry v.^r '` '.y.3 s� +,, t -�.. r r t . % t.„ a ; r?•n yl� T r t.;r< e� i y yS,.> +-.cr '. March 25 1983 j�i { `: i / �A.Jrf�. t t f t TL aIJx F +' .� 3r .'un t^` V > ,• »s�'s y t>Yz' ;k"•uc 2-f? V ' ! -fie t� 1. •• i f tC + rti., ? i; �.. ,: = t" f r ? tz� st f4 a f#a 1 s.t t ,.* S r 1' < y ,t`. f.: r t r-rr pr r 1 `,Z` .- " z .:- +_ -.' ) .' h ..f'. q- 3 'K ` \t b f = �' + 3 rii?i^ '',, ` k i _Lw I,,)'+ `�_ �, - L ajt. �'! ,._I r:t .:� a ki.:4 < a W Y"s�*,,, -.e.6 ; ...,� .1 �""! x -2 �-A f a. i., .'. -.A '''_ The City.of Atascadero _ f;., Ir 't r '' t' s r f F 1 1,- zt�.•arvr 6500 P b , . .t r - , r r r ,, { . alma Avenue t 3 , w� > rft 3 �• r` r k r - s FL a �Atascadero, CA 93422 r.. ; t F i .' .rr t. . - .. ..1. : The P;tasca . City Council and the Fourth of July Committee r�< Please be advised, effective this date, the Board of Directors of', t ,�k' the Atascadero Jaycees, by unanimous conse.*it, has dissolved their ! , `,,rfh g t association with Jerry Pickard and Mike Molina 'as a eats and '� '°5 9 s it ! ... . �)�st' r, >o.'representatives of the Atascadero Jaycees with regards `to the .� x- Atascadero Four of July celebration, pursuant to the request of s" ` >t f Jerry P' r . 4 , �- �'`. _. t=x� i.=- r 't ry f t�� r Te ra t i "� 'Y r' ;}' : -t_. rf rf 14w l.a'• f�`fS{ t^i f t i== 3 .!1a -, f _ ";�hr i.nc �� ! Y/! ; .+Y.•L > 4� r rf -. 1 r h! L- .T. ♦. r .i .. 5 r't �."Istayi . *,. = S.+ Tsi=•'.' it n � < , u X 4= - ,; — b r ' f J J > i ry r .ti < $ s J %r r a3 X ti ;J { r' r! s 4 ' i i ti Y .- ERO JAYCEES _ > : _ �;� v ` 1>:: �, ! \ Yrs 1 �� u 7t i S d f x S : r s> r,t f. r j's r„1J'^'...i�'` t - s {C' rtrl4c�,.y''yx x Jjn Yiz- -'e^� : is �t.. •,.I a.hij .!q )..,a 1 6-fa L°r s wrwh ,{.7.- `!. fa r'. d t sit E a a, >/4..`tJ'F'.x rJl Y C > t 4 N r♦ " ; w X } �. ; d Y X{ ,+. r.t i ` d t .S.. �,.Ls �t F r % fi,�• .' , k :••{• ..fir `' r t l X t�} r r ..r i 1 Y y r '! ., �_ S �. t-� r lir 3 r.� ..q. r s :,X t t ,i.= il: .} 1 rs x' - t : --r yf• y r;rr• ✓ -rI,roL ;. J r x.. .+ F7 rr,s`j t f°..4 4.;a >1 sr. iL r: 7 .r f t e " L'' ' 4 r ,•',;.15 �C_: ! htt i ! s ,., x P„, w r f iwt2 t rx �, • t. + •rf _, r ., gr .r t T „}" S r4, ! Af f :ta:,..s. .)7 -•r- -:r1 '' . ��„ !' r r�� i;^rr-J r`�5�r? � . 7?' x'` K y•a k�lr�•,•,•�l�tY•f ���. ;" } f E 4i. A `�� . �-.�•c _..1.� r�, . 1. a1�. { rf[.'K`4''r fi.,. t _- +„� f r $.sv.. C. ,�.Y c^ . , -i;fr ."u`T d T`7t•. }• " .,,, Jr9 ..a;F{�Sr k J °r, rF;Y3r J, t fa y 4 ..•y ni i`' . ti X -r ri y r 4 4'.Si L {: .; 3 r ' 'Jr.�'+!.} r: t w". G..11t .ta pn-a -ct rhr?`¢.>{ z " F� a: ?.IrR .= rt J •, > h. t t, - r ry x ,i P/ s. P �y 3z"' r F fed s K Z r r s r Ys"t 4r, r ,r s r ti r,. a as. « t.: fir,; e.;, u-^psc.r *. s t:: - r.. is t ..f r s{ t r 4 1 '! Nr , r + k "'_ p + { t r - r• u y r r q •! J -t- d _ '' r r r y. f f_ r ! > . y ��i�4 i ," _. p y t r t I :{i r r R: .. _ ` a , t OUTLINE OF PLAN I. HAVE AN ORD IRAN PASSED THAT GIVES THE LAKE TO THE JAYCEES FOR ONE DAY SO THEY CAN _CHARGE ADMISSION OF A $1.00 TO $1.50-PER PERSON TO ,SEE THE FIREWOwS A. SHOW BOW BMRIMES WILL WOM. 1. SENT L=RS TO OOVENOR ETC. B. SEO[.RITY WMrl N THE LAKE AND AT EACH BARRICADE. C. SELLING PWrS AHEAD OF TINE FOR ATAS. RESIDENTS: II. PARKING - CHARE $1.00 TO $1.50 PER VEHICLE A. DIAL - A - TEE TO SHUITLE B. LETTERS TO ROPERTY OWNERS C. LE.= TO SCHOOL DISTRICT D. NO PARKING AROUSTD THE LAKE AFTER 12:00p.m. FM OWNERS OF RXES IN THAT AREA.' III, CAR'J I M AT THE LAKE DURING THE DAY A. SEPERA,TE VICE:GROUPS TO SPONSOR BOOTHS B. BOXING MAT M C. YO(NG CH RENS CSS '. IV. AN ORDINANCE PkSSED THAT NO ALCOHOUIC BEVERGEG"ALLAWED ON THE LAKE PROPERTY. A. THERE WILL BE BEER BOOTHS ETC. AT THE LATE. V. FIREWORKS . 000105 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - APRIL 11, 1983 �. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Volunteer .Coordinating Committee -,Mayor Nelson Mayor Nelson requested this';matter be continued. 2. Report from 4th of July' Committee - Mayor Nelson Council did not support the event and has received numerous ` letters against it. Lon Allen requested public opinion. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that there be no organized 4th of July event at the Atascadero Lake this year. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. Helen Watson stated that if conditions of growth or other 'cir cumstances result in the need to change traditions, then some traditional activities might have to be discontinued. She opposed the 4th of July activities. She requested an ordinance be passed j to eliminate the use of the park after dark. 3. Priority list Mayor Nelson To be considered with the Capital Improvement Plan. 4. Assessment district procedures - 'Amapoa-Tecorida Larry McPherson reviewed problems. and recommendations for long- term and short-term improvements. He stated that he does not feel there would be a great deal of support from the property owners. for an assessment district for drainage and that the total cost of a project to solve the problems would be approximately $1 million. Mr. Grimes stated that he has seen many failures in approving assessment districts but that the people involved should petition to have one in order to assure the Council of a serious commitment by the people having to bear the. costs. Doug Lewis stated that long range weather patterns ,are improving and that this should be considered. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved in favor of an assessment district if supported by the people with a petition. The motion -was seconded by, Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. 5. City of Pismo Beach request of support for proposed County- f wide oil ordinance - continued �. -6- 000106 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - MAY 24, 1982 - that 982 that there were other ways of solving the problem than installing a culvert and sandbagging and named a few. After consid ration, .the Hallidays asked if they could again ap- pear before Council - if, after discussing this matter with the City Engineer, .they were -not satisfiedwith his determination. Council agreed. MOTION: Council an Highland moved that the appeal be continued to the next Council meeting. The motion was 'seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 4. City At 'orney' s' Report No. 19 Mr. Grimes reviewed his report for Council. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 52 amending Section Map 12-0-33 of the Official Zoning baps of the City of Atascadero by placing certain propert in the R-4-D Zone - second reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 52 be read by title o 'ly. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimo sly carried. Mayor Wilkin read Ordinance No. 52 .by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 52 and that this constitute the second and final reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried on the following roll call vote. AYES: Councilmen Highland, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins NOES: Councilman Mackey 2. Consideration of 4th .of July fireworks display Mr. Warden sated that Staff had met with representatives of the Contractor' s Association and"of -the Jaycees. The Contractor' s Asso- ciation representative stated that they will finance the event and the Jaycee' s stated that they will post no parking signs, provide two dumpsters, provide six chemical toilets, provide the fireworks and everything that oes with that project. The City is being requested to provide the anpower for traffic and crowd control and fire safety and for clean-up of the park facilities. It is estimated that the City's share of th of July activities will be $3,400. There was considerable discussion among Council members regarding ' this matter with comments. from Bob Sonne, Larry Clark, Charlie John- son, Herb LaPrad ', _Mr. Handshey, and Howard Marohn. It was noted that the 'main problem was the fact that there wasn't enough lead time to develop alternatives to the Jaycee's operation of the event. 00010' 3 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MAY 24, 1982 MOTION: moved that th Councilman Nelson a City approve providing all ie necessary manpower for traffic control, crowd control and fire safety. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Mackey, Nelson and Stover NOES: Councilman Highland and.`Mayor Wilkins D. NEW BUSINESS 1. -Consideration of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan 1982 through 1987 Mr. Warden briefly reviewed the CIP noting that it is a planning guide and can be changed by Council at any time. It is updated .each year . Council approval at this point provides Staff guidance for preparation of the 1982-83 budget. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for approval of the final Capital Improvement Plan. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried with Councilman Mackey voting no. Councilman Mackey stated that she was not in favor of the plans to place the Police Department facilities in the Administration Build- ing, 2. Consideration of Resolution No. 22-82 authorizing execution of a grant contract with the California Arts Council Mr. Warden reviewed the request which does not include allocation of any funds. ; MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Resolution No. 22-82 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson . and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Resolution No. 22-82 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for the ,approval of Resolution No. 22-82 providing no funds were being committed from the City of Atascadero. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey" and unanimously carried. 3. Annual ratification of the Joint Powers Agreement creating the San Lus Obispo. County Area Council of Governments and the Regional Transporation Planning Agency Annual Work Program for Fiscal Year 1982-83 f Mr. Warden reviewed this matter stating that Council was requested to ratify the annual agreement with the Council of Governments. He stated that there were still some problems they were trying to iron out with regard to getting the agenda to all County City Councils be- fore a Council of Governments meeting. Another problem was in the changing of the COG name to San Luis Obispo Cities and Countiare 000108 ITEM NUMBER: D -4 DATE: 05/11/99 n ■ ®o o ® I CA] F� City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney Information Bulletin A. Falcon Cable= Rate Increase Falcon Cable intends on adjusting cable rates June 1, 1999. Attached is the information they have provided. B. Chicago Grade Landfill Hoover& Associates,Inc. has advised the City that they have exercised their option to purchase the landfill. There is no action required by the Council. Hoover does not anticipate any change in operation. C. Y2K Update Increased knowledge of the Y2K problem and appropriate solutions have spread throughout most of our community. City Staff initially created a strategy to identify and assess the potential Y2K related impacts throughout the organization. An inventory of all equipment was completed early in the year. Staff has now prioritized the information identifying the "mission critical equipment. Most equipment and software has been determined compliant. Only four priority one areas were determined non-compliant. Those are: CLETS Databases. While the City's hardware and software are compliant, many of the databases included in the statewide system are not. LEADS Database. A new server will be in place within one month,purchased from grant funds.' The software is planned to be released October 15'. Motorola 911 Call System. Motorola is installing the upgrade at no cost to the City to be complete by the end of September. Heart Monitors. The upgrade of the two.monitors will be complete in two weeks at a total cost of$90. 000109 ITEM NUMBER:___,!!-- 4 DATE: 05/11/99 There are a variety of issues like power and telephones over which the City has no control. These areas are constantly being monitored and contingency plans are being developed. The San Luis Obispo County Action Alliance is about to kickoff their awareness campaign. This will provide an additional avenue for community members to become informed. A Employee Update Janet Dishen Temp Support Services Tech Hired 4/21/99 Steve Knuckles Fire Engineer/Paramedic Resigned 4/30/99 Kelly Welsh Support Services Technician Hired 4/29/99 Chris Prewitt Temp Aquatics Program Coor Hired 4/28/99 000110 FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS 7555 San U is Avenue•Atascadero,CA 93422 (805)466-3040•FAX(805)466-9659 EI�/ED . Falcon. = APR 2 9 w� !A711"ADER0 CITY MANAGER " Wade McKinney April 27, 1999 Atascadero City Manager 6500 Palma Ave. Atascadero,Ca. 93422 Dear Mr. McKinney: Cable television continues to be a valuable source of entertainment and information for all ages,providing many programming options. Up fortunately,the challenges facing our business and our costs of providing cable services continue to increase. I am writing today to give you notice that Falcon will be adjusting our rates in Atascadero,effective June 1, 1999. We are making the adjusitments in order to keep up with increases in programming,equipment and other external costs. Following FCC guidelines,we have calculated the new rates that allow for the recovery of these increased expenses. A copy of the customer notification is enclosed which outlines the changes to be made,along with a rate card, channel lineup,franchise information and sample copies of value-added coupons. We know that the need for rate increases is not easily understood and accordingly want to do what we can to help our customers better understand our business and get the most from their entertainment dollars. If you have any questions about our rate adjustments and/or the enclosed materials,please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Richard Korwes Regional Manager Enclosures 000111 Your Ac ass to Entertainment, Information and Beyond" SLO610-8751/1200/10-Atascadero,CA If you have any comments or concerns about changes in rates or services,please contact our local office at 805-466-3040;we would like to hear from you. Your comments and concerns can also be directed to a local franchising authority within 90 days of these changes. The local franchising authority is: the City of Atascadero,6500 Palma,Atascadero,CA,93422. Falcon- April 30,1999 Important Rate Information. Dear Valued Falcon Customer. Falcon Cable TV takes great pride in providing you with some of the finest and diverse cable entertainment possible. translates into a dazzling world of news,entertainment and information right at your fingertips-twenty-four hours a Over the past year we have worked hard to'improve the quality of service we offer and provide the programming you want.In 1999 we are continuing with our on-time service guarantee-assuring you quality,on-time service calls or you receive a$20 credit toward your bill. We will also continue our excellent customer service standards where you receive personalized_and prompt help from our friendly staff. While Falcon Cable TV continues to provide you with exceptional value,both in quality and diversity,our costs of providing cable services continue to rise. Some of these costs must be passed onto our customers if we are to maintain the high quality programming that you deserve. The FCC adopted rules that allow cable operators to adjust their rates for regulated products and services on an annual basis to recover increased costs due to inflation and increases in programming,equipment and other external costs. Accordingly,we plan to adjust our rates as outlined below. Our new rates are scheduled to be effective on June 1,-1999—subject to the local regulatory process,and will be reflected on the first billing statement you receive after that date.. Product/Service Old Rate New Rate- Change SS Basic Service 19.03 19.59 56 Tier Service 9.75 9.68 -.07 SatPac I Service 6.25 6.25 00 Home Box Office 11.95 11.95 00 Showtime 11.95 11.95 .00 The Movie Channel 11.95 _ 11.95 .00 Cinemax 11.95 11.95 .00 For your information,a copy of our channel lineup and a complete rate card are included with this mailing. We've also. included a variety of valuable coupons worth up to$50.00 in savings. Thanks again for being a part of the Falcon Cable TV family. Throughout the years,the support and loyalty shown by our customers has enabled us to expand and improve service and to satisfy your entertainment and information needs. We look forward to serving you for years to come. If you have any questions about your service,please do not hesitate to contact urs. Or visit our website at www.falconcable.com Sincerely, Richard Korwes— Regional Manager SLO610-8751/1200/10-Aftmdero,CA 000112 Your Access to Entertainment, information and 84%9 9Er PRINT OF FORM SL0610 SLO610B-8751/1200/10 Atascadero,CA As a cable customer,you o Nn the wiring inside of your home. If damage to this wiring occurs,you can either hire an electrician or Falcon Cable to repair your inside wiring. Falcon's hourly service rates will now be comparable to an electrician's. RATES BASIC $19.59 EXPANDED TIER (_ 9.68 SATELLITE PACKA E 1 (+) 6.25 BASIC ON ADDITIO L OUTLET 0.00 INSTALLATION/SER ACE(per hr.) 45.00 INSTALL MATERIAL (if any) At Cost REMOTE 0.21 ADDRESSABLE CONVERTER 2.24 RADIO SERVICE 1.95 VIDEO CONTROL CENTER 0.50 - ADDRESSABLE WH LE HOUSE OPTION 6.95 LATE PAYMENT FEE 4.75 CABLE PROGRAM GUIDE 1.75 RETURNED CHECK FEE 10.00 LOSTISTOLEN CONVERTER EQUIP 250.00 LOST/STOLEN REM TE 25.00 PREMIUM SERVICES(') CINEMAX 11.95 HBO 11.95 THE MOVIE CHANNEL 11.95 SHOWTIME 11.95 PAY PER VIEW MOVIE 3.95 All Broadcast TV stations carried on a channel higher than 13 can only be received via cable throu h a converter box,unless you have a cable- ready TV set. Converter boxes are available for rent at the low rate listed . above. The above rates may not in Jude applicable taxes,fees and assessments and do not include franchis a fees of 5%of your total bill. Any such amounts will be itemized on your bill. SAMPLE PRINT OF FORM SL610B 1 a .nJ 111eJ601d IsOH Al. S,u0018-4 .ce ao 0� Ab01 II e C) OVOE-99V-508- :-11V0 r301AH3S aOimoisn,aoi �g Puo(ag PUB u011eiu101ul'Iuawwe>JaIu3 01 ss=V moA UO38:1 U SLO01 CHANNEL LINE-UP: FALCON CABLE TV-Atascadero, CA 2 KCOY-TV 12-CBS Santa Maria,CA 15 ARTS&ENTERTAINMENT = 29 VH-1 3 KEYT-TV 3-ABC Santa Barbara,CA 16 THE LEARNING CHANNEL _ 29 COMEDY CENTRAL 4 KSBY 6-NBC San Luis Obispo,CA + 17 THE DISNEY-CHANNEL = 30 CNBC 5 KTLA5-IND/WBN Los Angeles,CA + 18 SPEEDVISION 31 NICKELODEON , 6 LOCAL-Community Access * 19 SHOWTIME _ 32 ESPN 6 CALIFORNIA CHANNEL * 20 CINEMAX 33 USA NETWORK 7 FOX FAMILY CHANNEL * 21 HBO + 34 THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL 8 KCET 28-PBS Los Angeles,CA * 22 THE MOVIE CHANNEL 35 TNT 9 KCAL 9-IND Los Angeles,CA + 23 BRAVO- 36 MTV' 10 C-SPAN * 24 VIEWER'S CHOICE 1-PPV 37 KTAS 33-UNIVSN San Luis Obispo,CA 11 KKFX 11-FOX Santa Barbara,CA = 25 CNN * 80 PLAYBOY 12 QVC = 26 THE NASHVILLE NETWORK 13 KADY-TV 63-IND/UPN Oxnard,CA = 27 AMERICAN MOVIE CLASSICS 14.WTBS 17-IND Atlanta,GA = 28 LIFETIME Skalcon Tier(_)Sat Pae 1(+)Premium/PPV(•) Your Access to rntertain�M,IMormatlon and Beyond- - epinE) WBJBOad IsOH neje s,uo0ls-A a9pa0 01 AV00l 1183 OV08-99V-908- 1 :11V0 '301AH3S IJ3WOlsno ao:j ra PuoAag pue U01.3ewJo)ui'3u9wu1e1J01u3 03 ssaosy moA U0318A SLO01 CHANNEL LINE-UP: FALCON CABLE TV-Atawadero, CA 2 KCOY-TV 12-CBS Santa Maria,CA 15 ARTS&ENTERTAINMENT = 29 VH-1 3 KEYT-TV 3-ABC Santa Barbara,CA 16 THE LEARNING CHANNEL _ 29 COMEDY CENTRAL 4 KSBY 6-NBC San Luis Obispo,CA + 17 THE DISNEY-CHANNEL 30 CNBC 5 KTLA5-IND/WBN Los Angeles,CA + 18 SPEEDVIS!ON 31 NICKELODEON 6 LOCAL-Community Access * 19 SHOWTIME = 32 ESPN 6 CALIFORNIA CHANNEL * 20 CINEMlJC 33 USA NETWORK 7 FOX FAMILY CHANNEL * 21 HBO + 34 THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL 8 KCET 28-PBS Los Angeles,CA * ' 22 THE MOVIE CHANNEL 35 TNT 9 KCAL 9-IND Los Angeles,CA + 23 BRAVO- 36 MTV, 10 C-SPAN * 24 VIEWER'S CHOICE 1-PPV 37 KTAS 33-UNIVSN San Luis Obispo,CA 11 KKFX 11-FOX Santa Barbara,CA = 25 CNN * 80 PLAYBOY 12 QVC = 26 THE NASHVILLE NETWORK 13 KADY-TV63-IND/UPN Oxnard,CA = 27 AMERICAN MOVIE CLASSICS o��l� 14 WTBS 17-IND Atlanta,GA = 28 LIFETIME - Falcon Tier(-)Sat Pac 1(+)Premium/PPV(•) Your Access to Entertainmerrt,Information and 8eyondr. - _.