HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 12/09/1997 *PUBLIC REVIEW COPY P_ lease do not reM gve from counter City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING GENERAL INFORMATION The City Council meets n regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber `f City Hall. Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reporl s or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk(Room 208)and in the Information Office(Room 103), available for public inspection during City Hall business hours. In with the ericans with Disabilities Act,if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or othey services offered by this City,please contact the City Manager's Office,(805) 461-5010,or the City CI rk's Office,(805)461-5074. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services ar needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK AT PUBLIC HEARINGS Scheduled public hearin s are itemized on the Agenda. The Mayor will identify the subject,announce when the public hearing is open and request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: • You must a proach the podium and be recognized by the Mayor • Give your name and address • Make your s atement • All commen s should be made to the Mayor and Council • All commen s limited to 5 minutes(unless changed by the Council) • No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so,and no one may speak more than twice on any item. The Mayor will announce when the hearing is closed,and thereafter,no further public comments will be heard by the Council. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED AS PUBLIC HEARINGS Under Agenda item,"COMMUNITY FORUM",the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to: • Please aper ach the podium and be recognized • Give your n me and address • State the nat are of your business This is the time items no on the Agenda may be brought to the Council's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed or Community Forum(unless changed by the Council). TO HAVE ITEMS PLACED ON AGENDA All business matters to a pear on the Agenda must be in the Office of the City Manager ten days preceding the Council m eting. Should you have a matter you wish to bring before the Council,please mail or bring a written communication to the City Manager's office in City Hall prior to the deadline. AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY,DECEMBER 9,1997 City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue,4th floor Atascadero,California CLOSED SESSION,6:30 P.M.: 1) Conference with legal counsel-Pending litigation (Govt. Code Sec. 54956.9(a)) Name of case:Tilley v. City of Atascadero 2) Conference with legal counsel=Pending litigation'(Govt. Code Sec. 54956.9(a)) Name of case: Poletti v. City of Atascadero 3) Conference with labor negotiator(Govt.Code Sec. 54957.6): Agency Negotiator: City Manager Department Heads Compensation REGULAR SESSION,7:00 P.M.: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: .. Council Member Luna ROLL CALL: Mayor Carden Council Member Johnson Council Member Clay Council Member Lerno Council Member Luna APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. No formal action by the Council will be taken unless an item is identified on the Agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT: This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to five minutes. Please state your name and address for the record before making your presentation. The Council may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. CORRESPONDENCE: A. CONSEN CALENDAR: Roll Call All items on the co sent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will e approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to commeni or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be remov d from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an c portunity for,any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken. 1. CLty Council Minutes-November 12, 1997 (City Clerk recommendation: Approve) 2. Minor Roa I Repair Projects—FY 96/97-Accept completed improvements, release pro ect retention. -Fiscal Impact: $12,524.27,previously budgeted. (Staff recommendation: Accept) 3. General PlIn Amendment Cycle 97-2—Initiation of General Plan Amendment Applications—No Fiscal Impact-(Staff recommendation: Receive &file) 4. Memorandum of Understanding—Between the City of Atascadero and the Atascadero Fire Captains Bargaining Unit-Fiscal Impact: $92.64- (Staff recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 109-97) 5. Acce tance of Final Tract Ma Tract 2233 10780 El Camino Real Division of a 3.61 acre site into 24 parcels(Shores-Shannon/Sholders)—No Fiscal Impact- (Staff recot Pimendation:Accept) B. PUBLICHEARINGS: (no items submitted) C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. 1996 and 1997 Audit Reports No Fiscal Impact-(Staff recommendation: Review and accept) 2. Diablo Canyon Use Tax Sharing—Fiscal Impact.: Potential gain 97-98, $20,000; Potential gain 98-99, $40,000;Potential long-term loss is unknown- (Staff recommen ation:Authorize City Manager to sign a MOUwth the County) 3. Information Bulletin: A. Hig hway 41/101 Interchange B. Employee Update 2 i D. ATTORNEY REPORTS: (no items submitted) E. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): 1. S.L.O. County Mayors Group 2. S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority 3. City/School Committee 4. County Water Advisory Board/Nacimiento Water Purveyors Advisory Group 5. Economic Round Table 6. Finance Committee 7. Air Pollution Control District 8. North County Council 9. Ad Hoc Regional Water Management Committee 10. Integrated Waste Management Authority F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: , I. City Council 2. City Clerk 3. City Treasurer G. ADJOURNMENT: THE CITY COUNCIL HAS CANCELLED ITS REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 23R DUE TO THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY. THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR JANUARY 13, 1998. Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. 3 E I ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 12/9/97 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL November 12, 1997 MINUTES CLOSED SESSION 3:45 P.M.: 6 1) Conference with legal counsel - Existing litigation(G.C. Sec. 54956.9(a)) Name of case: Greene,et al v. City of Atascadero Mayor Johnson adj urned the Closed Session at 4:28 p.m. and Roy Hanley announced that the Council took no action. OPEN SESSION,4:00 P.M.: E f Mayor Johnson called the Open Session to order at 4:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Carden, Lerno,Luna and Mayor Johnson Absent: Councilmember Clay Others Present: Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk Staff Present: Wade McKinney, City Manager;Roy Hanley, City Attorney; Steve Decamp,Acting Community Development Director; and John Neil, Assistant City Engineer. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: I Wade McKinney ann�unced that he would like to add: Acceptance of Final Tract Map, 10920 Santa Barbara Road. �he information for this item was received after the preparation of this Agenda. MOTION: By Cooncilmember Luna and seconded by Councilmember Carden to appro,re the agenda including the addition of the Acceptance of Final Tract Ma 0920 Santa Barbara Road. Modoi i passed 4.0 by a roll-call vote. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: None. CC 11/12/97 Page 1 of 3 PUBLIC COMMENT: Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, questioned why this meeting could not have been announced at the Council's October 28, 1997 meeting. Also,he stated that he has noticed that the City's automatic sprinklers,between the Historical House and El Camino Real,have been running while it's raining. He suggested that they be re-programed for the rainy season. Mayor Johnson asked staff to look into the matter. Ernie Porter, 5095 Sycamore Road, stated that he was concerned about the Albertson project and its effect on the River Gardens drainage problem. He expressed hope that the City was keeping the River.Gardens drainage problem in mind when reviewing the Albertson project. --end Public Comment-- A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Roll Call 1. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 96012, 6505 San Gabriel Rd. -Division of an 8.46-acre site into two parcels of 4.32 and 4.14 acres(Redel/Sholders) -No Fiscal Impact(Staff recommendation: Accept) 2. Acceptance of Final Tract May#31-90, 9100 Santa Barbara Rd. -Division of 24-acre site into twelve(12) lots for single-family residential use and two (2)parcels for recreational use (Gearhart/Cannon Associates)-No Fiscal Impact(Staff recommendation: Accept) Mayor Johnson announced that Councilmember Lerno will abstain on Item A-2 due to a conflict of interest. Eric Greening asked that Item A-2 be pulled. RE: Item A-2: Eric Greening stated that he has noticed that grading has already begun on this site before the Final Map has been approved and asked if this is normal procedure. Steve DeCamp responded,yes it is not out of the ordinary. Roy Hanley added that,however, grading does not take place before a Tentative Map. MOTION: By Councilmember Luna and seconded by Councilmember Carden to approve Items A-1 and A-2. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll-call vote(with Councilmember Lerno abstaining on A-2.) B. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Agreement for Engineering Consultant Services,Albertson's/Curbaril Center-No Fiscal Impact(Staff recommendation: Authorize City Manager to execute agreement with RRM Design Group) Wade McKinney gave the staff report. He explained that the drainage and traffic seem to,be the foremost issues. CC 11/12/97 -Page 2 of 3 PUBLIC COMMENT: Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, stated that he agrees with Mr. Porter's concerns that the impact of increasing the peak runoff needs to be addressed. He also stressed the importance of reviewing alternatives in relation to the traffic issue. MOTION: By Cooncilmember Carden and seconded by Councilmember Luna to authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with RRM Design Groupl,for engineering consultant services concerning the Albertson's/Curbaril Center. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll-call vote. 2. Acceptance of'Final Tract Map, 10920 Santa Barbara Road(Chamley/Sholders)—No Fiscal Impact(Staff recommendation: Accept) (Added to agenda by Council's approval) MOTION: By Councilmember Carden and seconded by Councilmember Lerno to accept!,the Final Tract Map, 10920 Santa Barabara Road. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll-call vote. Mayor Johnson announced that he will be out of town as of next Tuesday and will be back at the end of the week. Mayor Johnson adjourned the Open Session at 4:42 p.m. to the Council's next Regular Session on November 25, 1997. RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk CC 11/12/97 Page 3 of 3 E I ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 12/09/97 oil 0.■ logo ta7e I City Mana en's Agenda Report Wade G. McKi ney Minor Road Repair Projects - FY 96/97 RECOMMENDA TION: Council accept the Minor Road Repair Projects - FY 96/97 as complete and authorize the Finance Department io release the $12,524.27 project retention to Souza Construction, Inc. DISCUSSION: I Resolution No. 70-91 authorized the execution of an agreement with Souza. Construction, Inc. to construct the Min4r Road Repair Projects - FY 96/97. The project was completed on October 29, 1997. ' he work was found to be in substantial conformance with the plans approved by the City Engineer. A change order was issued to overlay the segment of Graves Creek Road between Monterey Road and Balboa Rod. The change order also included the painting of traffic stripes and pavement markings. ^The total cost of this additional work was performed within the amount budgeted for construction of the Minor Road Repair Projects - FY 96/97. FISCAL IMPAC The fiscal impact is the $12,524.27 project retention, previously budgeted. I The following tables summarize the construction revenues and expenditures for the Minor Road Repair Projects FY 96/97: CONSTRUCTION REVENUES Streets and Bridges fees (Fund 705) $ 116,091 FEMA Stoim Damage Funds (Fund 500) 3,446 Urban Stato Highway Account Funds (Fund 500) $ 12,674 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION REVENUES $132,211 h CONSTRtfCTION EXPENDITURES Constructio costs $125,243 r Construction engineering $6,584 Soils testing $384 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION EXPENDITURES $132,211 ALTERNATIVES: RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Community Services Department ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A - Notice of Completion XAC0RRESU6137WCCEPT.RPT ��11000ti RECORDING REQUESTED BY: (and when recorded, mail to.) City Clerk CITY OF ATASCADERO 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 NOTICE OF COMPLETION NO TRANSFER OF PROPERTY Notice is hereby given pursuant to Civil Code Section 3093: 1. The undersigned is corporate officer for the City of Atascadero, owner of property hereinafter described. 2. The full name of the owner is the City of Atascadero. 3. The full address of the owner is: 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 4. The nature of the interest of the owner is in fee. 5. A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was completed on October 29, 19971. 6. The work done was construction of asphalt concrete overlays, cold milling of existing A.C. pavement, construction of P.C.C. sidewalk, construction of aggregate base shoulders, construction of A.C. dike, painting of traffic stripes and pavement markings. 7. The name of the contractor who performed such work of improvement was Souza Construction, Inc. The date contract was entered into was September 17, 1997. 8. The property on which said work of improvement was completed was in the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and is described as follows: Repair of a damaged sewer main across Atascadero Creek at Curbaril Avenue. 9. The street address'',of said property is: Not Applicable Dated: Wade G. McKinney, City Manager City of Atascadero VERIFICATION I,the undersigned, say that I,I am the City Manager, declarant of the foregoing Notice of Completion; I have read said Notice of Completion and know the contents thereof;the same is true of my own knowledge. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on at the City of Atascadero, California. 41 Wade G. McKinney, City Manager City of Atascadero ` 301'03 ITEM NUMBER: A 3 DATE: 12/09/97 F City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G. McK nney !k General Plan Amendment Cycle 97-2 RECOMMEND�TION(S): Staff recommends: 4uncil receive and file this report DISCUSSION: The following Genero Plan amendment applications were filed for consideration during the second general plan amendment cycle of 1997. Concurrent applications for necessary amendments to the City's Zoning Ordinance tent and/or map will be processed with the general plan amendment appl cations. Public hearings will be noticed and held by the Planning Commission as staff analysis is completed on each of the applications. Planning Commission recommendations will be forwarded to the Council for your further review and action. i GPA 97004 I 104051 Morro Road (Davis) Curre#t GP: Recreation Propo ed GP: Suburban Single Family 66.6 ares i GPA 97005 855511 Centro (Charnley) Curreit GP: High Density Single Family Propo ed GP: High Density Multiple Family-Planned Development 3.5 acres GPA 97006 4605 1 Camino Real(Jordan) Curre t GP: Professional Commercial Propo ed GP: Service Commercial 1.0 ac es 00 it )000®4 ITEM NUMBER: A - 3 DATE: 12/09/97 GPA 97007 905 El Camino Real(Cosmic Astro) Current GP: Commercial Park Proposed GP: High Density Multiple Family-Planned Development 27.0 acres GPA 97008 11300 Viejo Camino (Gearhart) Current GP: Neighborhood Commercial Proposed GP: Multiple Use(New land use category) 1.4 acres GPA 97009 7930 Santa Rosa Road(Gearhart) Current GP: Public Proposed GP: High Density Single Family 1.1 acres GPA 97010 1690 El Camino Real(Davidson) Current GP: Tourist Commercial&Public Proposed GP Commercial Park 5.0 acres GPA 97011 3905 El Camino Real(Staff Current GP: Neighborhood Commercial Proposed GP: Retail Commercial 5.0 acres FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact. RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Community Development 100005 f , ITEM NUMBER: A — 4 DATE:- 12/09/97 I iais � i97 City Mana er's A enda Report Wade G. McKi ney r I Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Atascadero and the Atascadero Fire Captains Bargaining Unit. Ek r t RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 109-97 adjusting benefits for the Atascadero Fire Captains Bargaining Unit. p F DISCUSSION: Oe Atascadero Fire Captains Bargaining Unit is a City recognized unit. It represents the classification of Fire Captains and currently has four members. This MOU covers a one year period for ffical year 1997/98. There is no salary increase for the term of this contract. The attached salary schedule (Exhibit B) adopted on October 28, 1997, reflects a zero percent increase. r Prior to 1995, the Ci paid the cost of increased insurance premiums for the employee and a negotiated flat rate aniount for dependents. This MOU will increase the City's contribution to health insurance premium costs, based upon the HMO medical plan, which has a lower premium (and increase) than th "indemnity-type" plan. The increase premium costs for dependents will continue to be picked p at 50%by the City. The increase in HMO premiums effective November 1, 1997, was $1.93. Tphe employees voted for a reduction to their medical benefit plan in an effort to minimize the incre4e to the monthly premium. j FISCAL IMPAC': The total fiscal impact of the Fire Captains MOU for the one year term is $92.64. j RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Administration—Personnel Division ATTACHMENT: Resolution 109-97 Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)—Exhibit A Salary Schedule-Exhibit B 'j i G ''+00000 RESOLUTION NO. 109-97 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND THE ATASCADERO FIRE CAPTAINS BARGAINING UNIT WHEREAS, The City of Atascadero has met and conferred in good faith with the Atascadero Fire Fighters Bargaining Unit for the purpose of discussing wages, benefits and other conditions of employment; and WHEREAS, The City of Atascadero and the Atascadero Fire Fighters Bargaining Unit have reach an agreement regarding said wages, benefits and other conditions of employment for the term of Fiscal year 1997/98; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Atascadero City Council hereby approves the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the Atascadero Fire Fighters Bargaining Unit for Fiscal Year 1997/98 and authorizes the City Manager, as the Employee Relations Officer, to enter into said agreement on behalf of the City. On motion by Councilperson ,seconded by Councilperson ,the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES` ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA By: HAROLD L. CARDEN, III, Mayor ATTEST: MARCIA M. TORGERSON, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY, City Attorney 1)0000 ! FIRE CAPTAINS BARGAINING UNIT MOU EXHIBIT"A" RESOLUTION 109-97 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CITY OF ATASCADERO AND FIRE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION ATASCADERO FIRE CAPTAINS BARGAINING UNIT This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into between the Employee Relations Officer of.the City of Atascadero, hereinafter referred to as "City", and the Fire Captains' Bargaining Unit of the Fire Department Employees Association, hereinafter referred to as "Unit", and made pursuant to California Government Code Sections 3500 et seq., City of Atascadero Municipal Code, Title 1., Chapter 2, Section 2-2.01 through Section 2-2.13, inclusive, and the City of Atascadero Resolution No. 12-80, dated July 14, 1980 and subsequent amendme nts thereto. The parties have met and conferred in good faith regarding employment terms and conditions for members of the Unit as recognized by the City of Atascadero on April 13, 1981, and, having reached an agreement, as herein set forth, submit this memorandum to the City Council 'with'a joint recommendation that the Council resolve to adopt the terms and conditions and take such other additional actions as may be necessary to implement its provisions. Section 1.0 Purpose It is the purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter referred to as "MOU", to promote and provide for continuity of operation in employment through harmonious relations, cooperation and understanding between Management and employees covered by the provisions of this MOU and to set forth the understanding reached between the parties as a result of good faith negotiations on matters set forth herein. Section 2.0 Full Understanding, Modifications and Waiver. 2.1 This MOU sets forth the full and entire understanding of the parties regarding the matters set forth herein. Any other prior or existing understanding or agreement by the parties, whether formal or informal, regarding any such matters, are hereby suspended or terminated in their entirety, if in conflict with this Memorandum. 2.2 No agreement; alteration, understanding, variation, waive or modification of any of the terms or provisions contained herein shall in any manner be binding upon the 1 FIRE CAPTAINS BARGAINING UNIT MOU EXHIBIT"A" RESOLUTION 109-97 parties hereto unless made and executed in writing by both parties hereto and, if require, approved and implemented by the City Council. 2.3 The waiver of any breach, term or condition of this Agreement by either party shall not constitute a precedent in the future enforcement of all its terms and provisions. Section 3.0 Sick Leave. 3.1 Unit member shall earn and use sick leave subject to the provisions of Section 9.5 of Resolution No. 12-80, dated July 14, 1980. Sick leave credit from either District or City service may be used as available and needed subject to the City's Personnel Rules and Regulations, except that any sick leave used shall first be deducted from the credited amount carried over from District service until such credits are exhausted. It is agreed that nothing herein shall be construed as providing any vested right, monetary or otherwise, to any unused sick leave existing at time of discharge or voluntary separation from City service, or at time of retirement in accordance with the City's Public Employees Retirement System contract. 3.2 Sick Leave Incentive. To be eligible for this benefit an employee must: a. Have accumulated 24 shifts (576.16 hours) of sick leave. b. The sick leave pay-off will occur during the next 12-month period (December 1 to November 30) after an employee has accumulated and maintained 24 shifts on the books. C. In the event an employee covered by this agreement donates up to 6 shifts of sick leave in any one year, to the Employee Sick Leave Bank, it shall not count against the 24 shifts accumulation for eligibility to receive the incentive pay-off for that year. d. Once the eligibility requirements have been met, an employee may opt to receive a pay-off equal to one-third (1/3) of the unused annual allotment of sick leave. (The annual allotment is 144.04 hours.) e. The time period for determining annual usage will be December 1 to November 30, each year. Checks will be prepared by December 15 of each year. 2 01 ')00009 FIRE CAPTAINS BARGAINING UNIT MOU EXHIBIT"A" RESOLUTION 109-97 Section 4.0 Vacations 4.1 Vacation leave) shall be credited, computed and used as specified by Section 9.0, Employee Benefits, of Resolution No. 12-80, dated July 14, 1980. 4.2 It is agreed and understood that the taking of vacation shall be as scheduled by the Fire Chief subiect to the needs of the City. Section 5.0 Salaries. 5.1 Movement between steps shall be at twelve month intervals and subject to satisfactory performance. 5. 2 Total Compensation. The parties agree and acknowledge that salary, employer paid retirement costs and employer contributions towards insurance(s) shall constitute "total compensation" and will be the basis of comparison in future negotiations. 5.3 The parties agree that future Cost of Living Allowances and health benefits for bargaining units that negotiated for fiscal years 1997/98, shall be equal to all other City employees. Unit employees shall receive any increases in benefits to COLA, health ',benefits and leave accruals in an amount at least equal to that which is received by other bargaining units for fiscal years 1997/98. The cost of these additional benefits shall be calculated in a manner to provide accurate comparison with the other bargaining unit. Section 6.0 Medical and Dental Benefits 6.1 The City agrees to pay for all medical and dental monthly premium benefits for each unit employee under the City sponsored medical and dental plans, based upon the HMO plan premium costs. 6.2 Effective July,1997, the City agrees to pay$309.50 per month, per employee, toward the monthly medical and dental insurance premium for all eligible employee spouses, children or dependents as defined by the insurance agreements. Effective November 1, 1'997, the City will contribute 50% of increased costs for dependent health insurance premiums based upon the HMO plan premium costs. 3 ')00010 FIRE CAPTAINS BARGAINING UNIT MOU EXHIBIT"A" RESOLUTION 109-97 6.3 For those employees with only one dependent or without dependents or who do not choose to enroll their dependents in the City plan, the amount of the City contribution towards dependent coverage not used, shall be paid to the employee as an addition to his/her regular pay. 6.4 The City shall provide employee only vision care insurance at no cost to the employee. Dependent coverage may be added at a cost to the employee, if dependents are enrolled in medical/dental coverage. 6.5 Flexible Benefits Plan. The City shall develop and make available to employees covered by this MOU a Flexible Benefit Plan, in compliance with applicable Internal Revenue Code provisions, effective January, 1992. The plan will enable an employee to, on a voluntary basis, cover additional out of pocket expenses for insurances and dependent care through pretax payroll dollars. 6.6 The Health Insurance Committee, as sanctioned by the City council, shall have representation from each recognized bargaining unit. For recommended changes each recognized bargaining unit shall have authority to vote on a pro-rated basis, provided all bargaining units agree with this methodology. Without unanimous approval by all bargaining units, the formula shall remain one,vote per unit. Upon approval by all units, the ratio shall be based on the number of unit employees eligible for health benefits to the total number of City employees eligible for health benefits. The Insurance Committee may, by a majority vote recommend changes, for approval by the City Council in the level of service and service providers to the City during the term of this agreement. Section 7.0 Retirement 7.1 The City will continue to provide the 2% @ 50 formula (Section 21252.01 of the Government Code) and, effective with this'agreement, the City will pay the employee contribution of nine (9%) percent towards the PERS. 7.2 The City shall implement the Military Service Credit (Section 20930.3 of the Government Code) provided there is no direct cost to the City. 7.3 Employees shall pay the increased monthly cost of Level Four(4) of the 1959 Survivor's Benefit. 4 ')00011 FIRE CAPTAINS BARGAINING UNIT MOU EXHIBIT"A" RESOLUTION 109-97 Section 8.0 Paramedic Pay 8.1 The City shall pay three hundred fifty dollars ($350) per month to those employees who are trained, qualified and assigned by the Fire Chief to E.M.T. Paramedic duties. Section 9.0 Overtime. 9.1 City agrees to Ipay all Unit members overtime, upon certification by the Fire Chief using authorized time card forms, for any overtime worked in excess of the established 56',hour work week. (This is equivalent to 121.33 shifts per year.) Such overtime shall be computed using the rate of time and one-half applied to the 56 hour work week hourly wage scale for the individual concerned. 9.2 Employees called back to work for hours not contiguous to a scheduled shift shall be compensated a minimum of two hours of overtime for each call back period. Section 10.0 Holiday' 10.1 Unit employees shall receive five and 6/10 (5.6) shifts time as Holiday time for the term of the Agreement. Holiday time will be credited in accordance with procedures established by the Director of Administrative Services and the City Manager. 10.2 Holiday time may be used as either paid time off or paid in cash at the option of the employee with approval of the Fire Chief. Section 11.0 Tenn Life Insurance. 11.1 City shall maintain a term life insurance policy for each unit member in a total amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) and shall pay all premiums for such policy during the term of this agreement. 11.2 The City shall maintain a term life insurance policy for each dependent enrolled in health coverage, in a total amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per dependent and shall pay all premiums for such policy during the term of this Agreement. 5 ')00012 FIRE CAPTAINS BARGAINING UNIT MOU EXHIBIT"A" RESOLUTION 109-97 Section 12.0 General Benefits. It is agreed that compensatory time off (CTO), retirement and any other benefits and conditions of employment shall be as specified by City Resolutions No. 12-80 and 52-82, and Atascadero Municipal Code, Title 2, Chapter 2, inclusive. Section 13.0 Probationary Period. The probationary period for newly hired employees shall be eighteen months. The probationary period for employees promoted to a higher classification shall be twelve months in the new classification. Section 14.0 Physical Fitness. The parties agree to establish a committee consisting of an equal number of representatives from the City and the Association for the purpose of developing a physical fitness program that will be implemented in the Fire Department for all employees in the unit. The committee will meet as needed to develop recommendations for the Fire Chief. The physical fitness program will include the following elements: 1) Mandatory participation; 2) Established standards; 3) City provided physicals. Section 15.0 Implementation. 15.1 This MOU constitutes a mutual recommendation to be submitted to the Atascadero City Council. It is understood that this MOU shall not be binding upon the parties either in whole or in part unless and until said City Council: (a) acts, by a majority vote, formally to approve and adopt said MOU, (b) and acts in a timely manner to appropriate the funds necessary to implement the provisions of this MOU which requires funding. 15.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the City Council fails to take all of the actions necessary for timely implementation of this MOU either party may request the renewal of the meet and confer procedure. Section 16.0 Provisions of Law. 16.1 This MOU is subject to all current applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and resolutions. All ordinances, rules and regulations enacted by the City Council shall be subject to the appropriate revisions, amendments and 6 ')00013 FIRE CAPTAINS BARGAINING UNIT MOU EXHIBIT"A" RESOLUTION 109-97 deletions necessary to conform with the purpose, intent and application of the provisions of this Agreement. 16.2 If any part or provision of this MOU is in conflict or inconsistent with such applicable provisions of federal, state or local laws or regulations, or is otherwise held to be invalid or unenforceable by any tribunal of competent jurisdiction, such part shall be suspended and superseded by such applicable law or regulations, .and the remainder of this MOU shall not be affected. Section 17.0 Applicability of Other MOU's, Rules and Regulations MOU's, understandings or personnel policies, customs, practice and actions not specifically included in Atascadero Municipal Code, Title 1, Chapter 2, inclusive, and associated rules and regulations adopted by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, shall be superseded by the provisions of his MOU. Section 18.0 Management Rights. The authority of the City includes, but is not limited to the exclusive right to determine the mission of its constituent departments, commissions and boards; set standards of service; determine the procedures and standards of selection for employment and promotion; direct its employees; take disciplinary action for "just cause'; relieve its employees from duty because of lack of work or for other legitimate reason; maintain the efficiency of governmental operations; determine the methods, manning and personnel by which governmental operations are to be conducted; determine the content of job classifications; take all necessary actions to carry out its mission in emergencies; exercise complete control and discretion over its organizations and the technology of performing its work; provided, however, that the exercise and retention of such rights does not preclude employees or their representatives from consulting or raising grievances over the consequences or impact that decisions on these matter may have on wage, hours and other terms of employment. Section 19.0 Peaceful Performance Clause. 19.1 The parties to,this Memorandum of Understanding recognize and acknowledge that the services performed by the City employees covered by this Agreement are essential to th01 public health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the City of Atascadero.', Association agrees that under no circumstances will the Association recommend, encourage, cause or permit its members to initiate, participate in, nor will any member of the bargaining unit take part in, any strike, sit-down, stay-in, sick- 7 1)00014 FIRE CAPTAINS BARGAINING UNIT MOU EXHIBIT"A" RESOLUTION 109-97 out, slow-down or picketing (hereinafter collectively referred to as work-stoppage), in any office or department of the city, nor to curtail any work or restrict any production, or interfere with any operation of the City. In the event of any such work stoppage by any members of the bargaining unit the City shall not be required to negotiate on the merits of any dispute which may have given rise to such work stoppage until said work stoppage has ceased. 19.2 Int e h event of any work stoppage, during the term of this Memorandum of Understanding, whether by the Association or by a Member of the bargaining unit, the Association by its officers, shall immediately declare in writing and publicize that such work is illegal and unauthorized, and further direct its members in writing to cease the said conduct and resume work. Copies of such written notice shall be served upon the City. If in the.event of any work stoppage the Association promptly and in good faith performs the obligations of this paragraph, and providing the Association has not otherwise authorized, permitted or encouraged such work stoppage, the Association, shall not be liable for any damages caused by the violation of this provision. However, the City shall have the right to discipline, to include discharge, any employee who instigates, participates in, or gives leadership to, any work stoppage activity herein prohibited, and the City shall also have the right to seek full legal redress including damages, as against any such employee. Section 20.0 Term of Agreement. It is understood and agreed that the provisions of this MOU shall be effective as 0001 a.m., July 1, 1997, and shall remain in effect, unless modified by mutual agreement, until midnight June 30, 1998. Date: Atascadero Fire Captains City of Atascadero Bargaining Unit 8 ')00015 Y OF.ATASCADERO SALARY SCHEDULE RESOLUTION 109-97 CTIVE 07/01/97;ADOPTED 10128/97 EXI-IIBTT`B" Page 1 of 2 MONTHLY RATE BAR JOB JOB FUNDED UNIT CODE DESCRIPTION POS. A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E STEP EX 1100 CITY MANAGER 1.00 6397.98 6717.88 7053.77 7406.46 7776.78 MG 2111 DIR OF FINANCE 0.00 4383.84 4603.03 4833.18 5074.84 5328.58 MG 2112 DIR OF COMM DEV 1.00 5263.63 5526.81 5803.15 6093.31 6397.98 MG 2110 DIR OF COMM SERV 1.00 4383.84 4603.03 4833.18 5074.84 5328.58 MG 2114 FIRE CHIEF 1.00 5016.26 5267.07 5530.43 5806.95 6097.30 MG 2113 POLICE CHIEF 1.00 5016.26 5267.07 5530.43 5806.95 6097.30 MG 2115 DIR OF PUB WKS 0.00 5263.63 5526.81 5803.15 6093.31 6397.98 MM 3501 ACCOUNTANT 1.00 3010.06 3160.56 3318.59 3484.52 3658.75 MM 3160 ADMIN ANALYST/PW 0.00 2505.84 2631.13 2762.69 2900.82 3045.86 MM 3110 ASSISTANT PLANNER 1.00 2505.84 2631.13 2762.69 2900.82 3045.86 MM 3210 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGR 0.00 2912.51 3058.14 3211.04 3371.59 3540.17 MM 3111 ASSOCIATE PLANNER 1.00 2912.51 3058.14 3211.04 3371.59 3540.17 MM 2810 BATTALION CHIEF 0.00 3693.62 3878.30 4072.22 4275.83 4489.62 MM 2780 CHF OF WASTEWATER OPERAT 1.00 3206.35 3366.67 3535.00 3711.75 3897.34 MM 2270 CITY PLANNER 1.00 3643.73 3825.92 4017.21 4218.07 4428.98 MM 2770 PARKS SUPERVISOR 1.00 2697.11 2831.97 2973.56 3122.24 3278.35 MM 3120 PLAN CHECK ENGR 1.00 3563.55 3741.73 3928.81 4125.25 4331.52 MM 2910 POLICE LIEUTENANT 2.00 3693.62 3878.30 4072.22 4275.83 4489.62 MM 2520 RECREATION SUPV 1.00 2723.48 2859.65 3002.64 3152.77 3310.41 3312 SR BLDG INSPECTOR 1.00 3223.54 3384.72 3553.95 3731.65 3918.23 2260 SR CIVIL ENGINEER' 0.00 3413.84 3584.53 3763.76 3951.95 4149.54 MM 3112 SENIOR PLANNER 1.00 3199.61 3359.59 3527.57 3703.95 3889.15 MM 2760 STREET MAINT SUPV 1.00 2926.57 3072.90 3226.54 3387.87 3557.26 MM 2530 SUPERINTENDENT OF P&R 1.00 3010.06 3160.56 3318.59 3484.52 3658.75 MM 2970 SUPPORT SVCS MGR 1.00 2723.48 2859.65 3002.64 3152.77 3310.41 MM 2510 GENERAL CURATOR 1.00 2723.48 2859.65 3002.64 3152.77 3310.41 CE 3710 PERSONNEL ANALYST 1.00 2723.48 2859.65 3002.64 3152.77 3310.41 CE 4310 SECTY TO CITY MGR 1.00 2330.76 2447.30 2569.66 2698.15 2833.05 FC 2860 FIRE CAPTAIN 4.00 3189.99 3349.49 3516.96 3692.81 3877.45 FM 7511 FIRE ENGINEER 9.00 2832.58 2974.21 3122.92 3279.07 3443.02 FM 7510 FIRE FIGHTER 2.00 2575.02 2703.77 2838.96 2980.91 3129.95 GS 3310 BLDG INSP I 0.00 2282.16 2396.27 2516.08 2641.89 2773.98 GS 3311 BLDG INSP 11 0.00 2535.63 2662.41 2795.53 2935.31 3082.07 GS 6510 BLDG MAINT SPECIALIST 0.00 2206.66 2316.99 2432.84 2554.48 2682.21 GS 3320 ENGINEERING TECH 1 0.00 2075.51 2179.29 2288.25 2402.66 2522.80 GS 3321 ENGINEERING TECH II 0.00 2302.55 2417.68 2538.56 2665.49 2798.76 GS 6125 MAINT. LEADWORKER 2..00 2146.83 2254.17 2366.88 2485.22 2609.49 GS 6120 MAINT WORKER 1 4.00 1770.37 1858.89 1951.83 2049.42 2151.90 GS 6121 MAINT WORKER 11 7.00 1951.75 2049.34 2151.80 2259.39 2372.36 GS 6130 EQUIPMENT OPR 0.00 2049.29 2151.75 2259.34 2372.31 2490.92 GS 3330 PLANNING TECHNICIAN 0.00 2075.51 2179.29 2288.25 2402.66 2522.80 GS 6311 WWTP OPERATOR I', 2.00 2173.53 2282.21 2396.32 2516.13 2641.94 GS 6312 WWTP OPERATOR II 1.00 2414.94 2535.69 2662.47 2795.59 2935.37 GS 6313 WWTP OPERATOR 111 1.00 2704.88 2840.12 2982.13 3131.24 3287.80 6310 WWTP OPR-IN-TRNG 0.00 1956.28 2054.09 2156.80 2264.64 2377.87 4110 ACCOUNT CLERK 1 1.00 1697.83 1782.72 1871.86 1965.45 2063.72 CU 4111 ACCOUNT CLERK II 2.00 1871.76 1965.35 2063.62 2166.80 2275.14 900016 RESOLUTION 109-97 EXITBTT`B" Page 2 of 2 CU 4311 ADMIN SECRETARY 3.00 1965.61 2063.89 2167.09 2275.44 2389.21 CU 4710 BUILDING TECHNICIAN 1.00 2059.31 2162.28 2270.39 2383.91 2503.10 CU 4113 FINANCE TECHNICIAN 0.00 2059.31 2162.28 2270.39 2383.91 2503.10 CU 4115 WASTEWATER TECHNICIAN 1.00 2059.31 2162.28 2270.39 2383.91 2503.10 CU 4312 SECTY TO CITY COUNCIL 1.00 2113.03 2218.68 2329.62 2446.10 2568.40 CU 4711 STAFF ASSISTANT 0.00 2113.03 2218.68 2329.62 2446.10 2568.40 CU 4510 OFFICE ASS'T I 2.35 1540.07 1617.07 1697.93 1782.82 1871.96 CU 4511 OFFICE ASST II 0.00 1697.83 1782.72 1871.86 1965.45 2063.72 CU 4512 OFFICE ASST III 0.00 1871.76 1965.35 2063.62 2166.80 2275.14 CU 4310 SECRETARY 0.00 1769.15 1857.61 1950.49 2048.01 2150.41 AS 2960 POLICE SERGEANT 5.00 3236.84 3398.68 3568.62 3747.05 3934.40 PD 7111 POLICE OFFICER 21.00 2691.20 2825.76 2967.05 3115.40 3271.17 SA 7312 SUPPORT SVCS LEAD TECH 1.00 2393.71 2513.40 2639.07 2771.02 2909.57 SA 7311 SUPPORT SVCS TECH 7.00 2193.60 2303.28 2418.44 2539.37 2666.33 TOTAL FUNDED 100.35 70001"7 r Ir w ITEM NUMBER: A - 5 G DATE: 12/09/97 n Isis 19 9 CAD�� E CityMana'ger's Agenda Report Wade G.McKinney Acceptance Final Tract Map (Tract 2233) -- 10780 El Camino Real RECOMMENDATION: Council accept the Fital Map for approved Tentative Tract Map#96009 (Tract 2233). DISCUSSION: Tentative Tract Map#96009 was approved by the City Council following a Public Hearing held on September 24, 1996. Also approved at that time was a Zone Change,allowing for the creation of a Planned Development Overlay Zone (and thus the creation of parcels of less than one-half acre). Now,prior to the expiration date for the approved Tentative Map, all Conditions of Approval imposed by the Council have been satisfied and the Final Map has been signed by the City Engineer. The Final Map,hereinafter referred to as Tract 2233, is therefore ready to record. FISCAL IMPAC Final Map acceptance would finalize the subdivision of the subject 3.61-acre site into twenty- four(24)parcels for Ingle-family residential use in accordance with an approved MasterPlan of Development. Fiscal limpacts on the City would be typical of a residential development served by all available public services, including sewer. RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: 'Community Development Department 4 ATTACHMENT§: Attachment A--Approved Tentative Map 00 -)00018 �} JATACHMENT A . .. CITY ATA OF SCADEROPROVED TENTATIVE MAP ��r■ �.�a — t»��—fM #96009/TRACT 2233 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN DEPARTMENT 1,9k ,4r/VE MAO— TRACT ZZ33, A 01,4AX40 DEVE60,0ME,VT (PO.7) �arrlAf M �alr<arf.4lrN RtiaM Mf f/rf .,prw aloof wfn/.If1ar 1 .Mpg �—• mrr<r rIf r.�afwrr llyo 4 YdACY JJB�JZM. . dA -PICI#Iry MR« ••wer roerN fwraa. .w <far Ir. x,11 MYirs Il M1 <W'IlN frrel _..� ....ff..1a•w r ..w ..T __r-_ .. _n__.. -... {�+[.r� "__ 5fs a_.. _-» - r-+ �r:. ,II+� I'm n/rr l..r I s.. e/wyN. � • RL J A � r r N L! to a r a J J• I <, r r . f.f � i r , r � ••� ar ' I __ ( )Mr i i ref : dAr <ofii--r 0� 4 e'P.1p1'� er��nr aK/<w � RIA[ I!N JW MWN NII i{ /,iflll/N Va.f11/f ootyam„ 0(fCNT/ON MS/NOErA/L 1/I4'•:<q/»,.Lon I'.o• . � rrf<LrN rft•+e./) fit. scut+l••io• AssEffpK/ARei6 aRr . �—p PN!e/•N� p�•SLI M•e,rrf „"• L[rw/rrf 1LN/ArlVL MAP ,':. `'. 7RAC1 tC. 114 9" ffMrsfley7 MIXOLK IANO ICRYlY1 �wwx; f 4 JO/It Kff/ fret N Nro,Laai . e7.K.eN LW"..a(Lt•4•fAe W I)/!LINT[ MLIOIIAff/r Lee l,awfNYlp!/Nle N (Na w•N/ tfxfvl r<rw 1.Lift pyy�r[w rent Llr Atno.Iwm/WW-I.*L[.aw[La uNfl q< lYyC,��/ � �' N.Nw[�,�wnLr[w.a •w..rr.wlnr f rNAf1f1 al4. IOY�rI � WNLMY. If A.Wl/Lff Lf N)f, t[.W•R NfeWf Hr ,,, /y t1 ')000 19 t ITEM NUMBER: C — 1 4 DATE: 12/09/97 ■ ■i nn iais n i e Cant City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney f 1996 and 1997 Audit Reports RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends th4t Council review and accept the audit reports for the fiscal years ended June 30, 1996 and June 30 1997. G DISCUSSION: The firm of Moss, LIvy and Hartzheim performed the audits for the fourth and fifth consecutive years. A representatiive of the firm will be at the Council meeting to present the audits. 4 f Although the Auditof's Report continues to be qualified due to a lack of records on the historical cost of fixed assets, �he reports for both 1996 and 1997 no longer contain the "Going Concern" qualification. r GENERAL FUND Over the last two years, the City has increased the Unreserved General Fund Balance by $1,332,606 leaving a balance at June 30, 1997 of $577,246. This represents a reserve of approximately 8.10Xof annual expenditures and other outgo. (On July 1, 1997, the City combined the Lake > avilion Fund, the Zoo Fund and the General Fund. This leaves the City with a beginning Undeserved General Fund Balance of$553,993 which represents approximately 7.5%of the combine4 fund's annual expenditures and operations.) A comparison of Ge*eral Fund activity for the past three fiscal years is included on pages 4 & 5 of this report. Gene>al Fund Revenues and Other Sources have increased by $522,903 or 7.1% over the last two years. General Fund Expenses and Other Outgo have decreased by$158,747 or 2.2%over the same period. WASTEWATER LOAN The General Fund hays paid a total of$400,000 in principal back to the Wastewater Fund over the past two years. Thi4[ leaves a remaining interfund loan balance of$539,283. The General Fund paid a total of$ 37,210 in interest to the Wastewater Fund in fiscal year 96-97. CASH At June 30, 1997, thCity had total cash and investments of$7,329,873. The General Fund had cash and investmentof$1,017,343 on this date. Page 1 of 5 i `)0oo to ITEM NUMBER: C - 1 DATE: 12/09/97 ACCRUED VACATION AND SICK LEAVE The City's total accrued vacation and sick leave liability at June 30, 1997 was $682,683. This is an increase in this liability of$82,953 from June 30,1995: RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Finance ATTACHMENTS: Reconciliation of the Unreserved General Fund Balance General Fund-Three Year summary Comparison Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 1996 Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 1997_ Page 2 of 5 1000`.'1► CITY OF ATASCADERO RECONCIIIATION OF UNRESERVED GENERAL FUND BALANCE For the Two Year Period Ended June 30, 1997 Increase/(Decrease) in Unreserved General Fund Balance: Net Income: June 30, 1996 $ 278,684 June 30, 1997 676,340 $ 955,024 Prior Year Adjustments 202,600 Changes in Reserves: Decrease in Reserve for Due from Orange County 32,292 Decrease in Reserve for Due from Other Funds 142,690 174,982 Total Increase In Unreserved Fund Balance 1,332,606 Unreserved General Fund Balance at July 1, 1995 (755,360) Unreserved General Fund Balance at June 30, 1997 $ 577,246 Page 3 of 5 1)00022 N \O N O) r V N 4n M V N M M M od O N C) O N M M b N N V \D V - L i N N O V1 l- N M N 00 C N N 00 VC� M O N M 00 DD O O M N v1 W) O) S w V N N DD N •--� O .-+ .•-� M h a1 't � O) a'1i 'dam M \O r-- to .--� O\ O 011 to ct O*% 00 W) -i M O1 O) V V � i O tf) 00 N r t- r- M d' - t- rm h 00 yu in V N M ci ti M t- 01 M N t- 00 00 0) \O O 0) V t- IT M O 1.1 " 7 M \O r4 O) r- r-I M \C " O "I M M O \D C, M \C N t' M It .� O \O O n N 0� M O O O) r t- \D t` r4 'IT t- \D 0) rl t- 110 of MM M r-1 00 O t` M V V 00 O) \0 O t- O) M O) P M 00 C\ N .-4 N N t Q N N Ef3 fie A CN 0 Ol d O p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 •y K 1-4 0v1 O\ M M O wl .-+ h t` O O N O) V) t- O U GL bo H O v i O) N t` � OO O M O V N 00 M O S O p h Qq y u M N N O O V O C) \O V C r; N N O) M 00 m F Cdu y, i 'r .-r .--i .--i r. �--� i--� V to N N V) 7\JD X u U V i .-r s- itl 0 H � � o � N W A Q .aN-� v) O) O V 00 O) \D O\ & ; d O kn t- 00 w C N 00 V 00 V v) (D - V (D 00 t- 3 O V O C00 •-+ O) 00 \O "'t00 00 On •-� M t- 'RT V) 00 t- 00 .--� _F LO �1 M y <+ \O O 01 O N .--i 00 .-� V h O) O t- t- 00 \O 0 V (7y a) Oi" u \,O V .-. W) .-� N O V �--� N M N N 00 to •--� ti 3 Q s M N .� .� v N ca 0 ro Q Q' b V .5 O t31 o o ° v a d r~ w o w W W M -4 00 O N C) M M h \O O N \O N M V V t- N H 00 t- M 00 O M P C) 7 \O \D M rl M 00 M V M pUp ca 0 0 y,,, a1 M t` C� M N N et .� C^ .--� !t et O M M M O ❑ p 0 ►-i (7] �y O N t- .-i 0\ N V r-i IT t- IT N O t- ND 0� td p"s � M et M et 7 -1 00 h � ''T M \.O T M � u � `� N .� .� V .-+ N 00 N N .� V M00 oq rn ?^y O W Q N N r V y H R y ~ ~ �y 6R o v � p 9 p d M t- 00 O h M \O 00 to V) 00 00 ON 00 00 \D 00 V O) t- to .-+ t- - M M N W) M O) 00 V 00 b O� M O It M 't 01 O\ N \D t^ •-I n tz N O M M \D 00 rz M V N 00 O 00 ro .y.\VD h \O N V \O V N kn ••-� O) M N O M W) p, p L"W O - M O -+ V + N O\ N -+ M M N y W^ y U O d G 00 w O 00 0\ b y Cd y C .fl :a 4 - .¢ > a W y 4- C v N H u•' y V1 O C rAN ~ N N D 6) 'O O\ N ;. O rA 0 Y Q .--� .N > I"' � N Ni 4r O iC y N U y y �C.+ U 0 N� ow w � � w ai a g w o U rn in � aO rnyFaavwc"d C��Ga.) qw � `ON Nr �co � v 0 00 O U Cd R � 9 q, S H O ° r7u : 2 bo U O N [h '�O0023 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N \o N \o to N t- M O) Cl O) M \O O1 00 v) O O ON O r- N M C1 M O\ O\ r� to 00 r� M C1 00 M \O r N O \D C V 00 \D N \D V M N .--i O \D V) wl to t` "D to O .-. O .-+ \D N 1 M N N N 1 N M •--1 1 N N N-.-+ N [� V M 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v) O a\ t` D\ O In r- N t- t` N M 00 N 00 00 V 00 V 00 to \O N \O P V 00 M k!) to v1 \O \o O [- to b l- V [- kf) l- \O [-- M M O\ N M to ON y^ O^ M lc� Iq V %C M o0 O^ t/•) M t, N 't I It O V•1 \o \O ON \p 00 00 M Vl M M Vl 't 00 \O r-1 M O\ t- M W) 'V M .--i 00 N V) W) r -' to to - V O N N M In - h (- to O) rn rusti \O O V N N c\ b t- C\ t- \O C) \p O r1 00 M M C\ \p N M to 00 O O 1-+ V \p \p M ON M M M . N O t- \o " N V V C) N V-4 oo t^ t- M 00 W) to O v ON -4 N O O tn IT \O N le t- M c\f N N V tz C\ V M N 00 \-- 00 N W M 1 O \p .--i 00 tz In W tz et V \p N V N \\0 t- 0000 N N IT'IT M M \,Z N \moo t--1 %C M -4 M \c N t- .-+ O h M M .i .-- M \p Q' N 11 (f3 (y9 O\ \ \ \ \ N 00 00 O N [� N DD O\ M to ON l0 'och \00 � O-1 ^I � �-1 •o-r O) \O O \O In r- 00 N O .-1 b O 00 .-. ct \O "t M - to - O\ N V O O L ` kfi oo O O N .-. to O\ O N M N O .~ 00 t-: -4 V N N N \o tn pi H � � r � Q .-•� --1 [* to 0 O\ V 00 O � \O 00 N C14 Cl)M to (I) V l� V) - en 00 W) oo 00 CN U O\ w . N V O O O \O V O) O) O 00 .-+ N O M M try .-. M V) M O) v1 00 00 � O � vi � V \p V .--1 � V 00 � � \O In N M 't 00 (� to l� .-r Vl 00 \p M 00 00 O\ � NC14 .moi .�-1 N eM-1 M \�..i O 06 6 16 V O% O\ 000 O M rC N N Lf) CD cm W o M V to 00 M 00 t- t- \o O t- M V V V to t- o\ M \p V .--i N .-t M O V O t- to N M M %C " \p 00 kn 00 1�. 7 M N 7 .--1 \O 1-1 N t- N t- kn \z rl t^ M r- N tt to N -4 M 00 M \0 ed b 00 tt M \6 00 00 V' .-t M �--� .--i M O - t-:, N \O M O et V C\ 00 O 00 N to kn in M M h ( \ V 00 IT 01 O t- N Rn 00 t- M \z V N M \p h �. �. I" r-1 N N rI to N N r•1 N V N 'r-I V .•ti N In N W e0 Q N .-- tz '.. H � .r 0 G� tn .-r O\ V N M \o O\ N O O r- to 00 t- 00 N O M V V 00 to O 00 O o\ N O\ \p t` 00 O\ -+ M M O N V \p M .--1 V O v) O .--1 .--1 O \o O\ ':, O \O \O M O O Mr- N 00 M M O) to 00 \O M O\ M O — V r- O IT M \O O V � h a\ to 00 O D\ O O V6 M \O N O %o M r- 00 M Wi NNNNNN O d \o N O \o N \O M ti � NM W) \ q O I ti 69 6s I � C 4U. N O Q 4 O . w UU Q y b Q U �, id C bo cd CIS cqs Cd .2�1 En cn OO O U -. Q O aUi ''k Up, o A `� at UVU .aUai=li z a, 44 U aaaw Ua; av) a1 UAE- . w� ITEM NUMBER:- C -2 F DATE: 12/09/97 �s� e cAnEgp City Mana er's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney f , I , PIABLO CANYON USE TAX SHARING RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to sign a memorandum of agreement with the County regarding Diablo Canyon use taN sharing. DISCUSSION: G I Background: As the Council is aware, we are no longer receiving an apportionment of use taxes (similar in concept to 'ales taxes)resulting from refueling operations at the Diablo Canyon power plant. In respor Ise to a request from the California Manufacturer's Association,the State Board of Equalization recently changed their apportionment methodology to require that the use tax on individual trans Eictions exceeding$500,000 be allocated to the jurisdiction where the merchandise is first pliced in service, rather than apportioned through the County pool as it was previously. This change in methodology was intended to improve the fiscal benefits of attracting and retaining manufacturing operations; it was not intended to change the apportionment of use tax from nuclear power pl4nt operations which only affects San Luis Obispo County. Our June 1997 sales ta�allocation from the State reflected this change. This means that 100% of the use tax revenues f-om Diablo Canyon now go to the County rather than the 16% share they have received in the 'past. While annual revenues from Diablo Canyon refueling activities fluctuate wildly based on PG&E's schedule (they refuel each of the two reactors about every 14 to 18 months), on an annualized basis this means about $458,000 in revenues will be shifted from cities to the Coity each year. For the City of Atascadero, the average annual impact (based on revenues for the last four years)is about$58,000. E f In summary, the unintIended consequence of this effort to more accurately reflect tax revenues from manufacturing s6urces — an approach most cities in the State would generally support in concept—will have si�nificarit adverse consequences for all of the cities in the County due to our unique situation. Efforts to Mitigate t 's Impact: The cities in the County have been working together in identifying strategies to mitigate the impacts of this change in apportionment methodology. After reviewing this issue with our sales tax advisor(Hinderliter deLamas &Associates),the city ')0002-c; ITEM NUMBER: C-2 DATE: 12/09/97 managers and finance directors from the cities in the County met on September 10, 1997 to discuss the reasonable options and strategies available to us. There was general consensus that regardless of the strategy selected, we would be more successful working cooperatively together than independently. The key options which emerged from this meeting were: ■ Work with the County on some form of revenue sharing agreement. ■ Approach the State Board of Equalization for an exception to the new procedures for nuclear power transactions (this is the only facility in the State that would be affected by this type of exception). 0 In the event that these efforts were not successful,possibly pursue State legislation. On September 24, 1997, the city managers met with the Interim County Administrator to discuss a number of issues, including this one. While acknowledging the unintended consequences of this change, and expressing an understanding of the adverse consequences to cities resulting from it, he made no commitments; however, he agreed to consider this issue further, and provide the cities with a response. He also underscored the very difficult situation that the County will be facing as a result of electrical power restructuring, and the related impacts of accelerated depreciation of the Diablo Canyon power plant on the County's property tax revenues. Currently,the County receives about $7 million annually in property tax revenues from Diablo Canyon; all of this revenue is potentially at-risk as a result of electrical restructuring. The County's Proposal: Provided in Attachment A is the County's proposal which they presented to the cities on November 5, 1997, summarized as follows: ■ In fiscal year 1997-98, the County will reimburse to the cities 100% of the amount they would have received in 1996-97 from use tax revenues prior to this change in apportionment methodology by the State Board of Equalization. ■ In fiscal year 1998-99, the County will reimburse to the cities 50% of the amount they would have received in 1997-98 from use tax revenues prior to this change. ■ Beginning in fiscal year 1999-00 and thereafter, the County will retain all revenues resulting from this change, and no further reimbursements of this type will be made by the County to the cities. ■ The cities will not request that the State Board of Equalization modify their revised guidelines regarding the apportionment of individual use tax transactions exceeding $500,000. `)000'!6 ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 12/09/97 • ■ The cities will support the County's efforts in regards to Diablo pp ty g b o Canyon power plant accelerated depreciation concerns. ■ Their proposal!is conditioned upon all of the seven cities in the county agreeing with it. In considering our reasonable options and their likelihood of success, we believe this is a reasonable proposal, as does the City of San Luis Obispo. The draft memorandum of agreement implementing this proposal is provided in Attachment B. While some changes may be made to this in its final for to accommodate concerns that other cities may have,we do not believe that these will be substantive. FISCAL IMPACT: As noted above, this change in apportionment methodology will result in a loss to the City of about $58,000 per year on an annualized basis. While it is difficult to project the revenue the City will receive from the proposed agreement due the historic volatility of Diablo Canyon use tax revenues, we estimate that this will result in about $20,000 in revenue to the City in 1997-98, and about $40,000 in 1998-99. There will be no further revenue sharing by the County with the City after 1998-99. ALTERNATIVES: E : While we could approach the State Board of Equalization for an exception, and pursue State legislation if this is not successful, the possibility of success is uncertain at best. Obviously, if we were successful in this effort, this would be far more fiscally desirable than the proposed agreement. However, given the likelihood of success, we believe that the proposed agreement is a reasonable resolution of this issue. ATTACHMENTS: A. County''proposal for Diablo Canyon use tax sharing B. Draft memorandum of agreement for Diablo Canyon use tax sharing ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 12/09/97 Draft Memorandum of Agreement DIABLO CANYON USE TAX SHARING MEN= MENIMM WHEREAS, until 1997 use taxes resulting from refueling operations at the Diablo Canyon power plant were allocated to all San Luis Obispo County cities and the County on pool versus situs basis; and WHEREAS, in response to a request from the California Manufacturer's Association, the State Board of Equalization has changed their apportionment methodology to require that the use tax on individual transactions exceeding $500,000 be allocated to the jurisdiction where the merchandise is first placed in service rather than through the County pool; and WHEREAS, this change in methodology: was intended to improve the fiscal benefits of attracting and retaining manufacturing operations; is consistent with general sales tax policy in the State of California of allocating local sales and use tax revenues on a situs rather than pool basis whenever feasible; but was not intended to change the apportionment of use taxes,from nuclear power plant operations; and WHEREAS, this change in methodology will result in an unintended shift of about $450,000 per year in use tax revenues on annualized basis from the cities in San Luis Obispo County to the County; and WHEREAS, this change in apportionment methodology will adversely affect the fiscal health of the cities in the County. NOW THEREFORE, the City of Atascadero(City) and the County of San Luis Obispo (County) agree as follows: 1. Reimbursements to the City: 1997-98. In fiscal year 1997-98, the County will reimburse to the City 100% of the amount the City would have received in 1996-97 from use tax revenues prior to this change in apportionment methodology by the State Board of Equalization. This payment will be made by the County by March 1, 1998. 2. Reimbursements to the City: 1998-99. In fiscal year 1998-99, the County will reimburse to the City 50% of the amount the City would have received in 1997-98 from use tax revenues prior to this change in apportionment methodology by the State Board of Equalization. This payment will be made by the County by December 1, 1998. 3. Reimbursements After 1999-98. Beginning in fiscal year 1999-00 and thereafter, the County will retain all revenues resulting from this change in apportionment methodology by the State Board of Equalization, and no further reimbursements of this type will be made by the County to the City. . 4. Determination of Reimbursement Amounts. Reimbursement amounts will be determined by Hinder deLamas&Associates. In the event that this firm is no longer in operation }0008 ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 12/09/97 at the time that this determination will be made for 1998-99, the City and the County will agree upon an alternative apportionment methodology. 5. No City Request for Methodology Changes. The City will not request that the State Board of Equalization modify their revised guidelines regarding the apportionment of individual use tax transactions exceeding $500,000. 6. City Support Regarding Diablo Canyon Depreciation. The City will support the County's efforts in regards to Diablo Canyon power plant accelerated depreciation concerns. Such support is limited to actions such as letters, resolutions and local presentations by City officials; it does not include any direct financial support, or participation in administrative actions or litigation. 7. Amendments. Any amendment, modification, or variation from the terms of this memorandum of agreement (MOA) shall be in writing and shall be effective only upon approval by the City Council of:the City and the Board of Supervisors of the County. 8. Complete Agreement. This written MOA constitutes the complete agreement between the parties hereto regarding the sharing of use tax revenues from the Diablo Canyon power plant. No oral agreement, understanding, or representation not reduced to writing and . specifically incorporated in this MOA shall be of any force or effect, nor shall any such oral agreement, understanding, or representation be binding upon the parties hereto. 9. Notice.] All written notices to the parties hereto shall be sent by United States mail,postage prepaid by registered or certified mail addressed as follows: City City Manager City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Street Atascadero, CA 93422 County County Administrator County of San Luis Obispo County Government Center San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 10. Authority to Execute Agreement. Both the City and the County do covenant that each individual executing this MOA on behalf of each party is a person duly authorized and empowered to do so. COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO: CITY OF ATASCADERO: By: By: County Administrator Date City Manager Date "W( U21,9 f 4 f ITEM NUMBER: C - 3 ■ ■■ ■ DATE: 12/9/97 �s�s ■ CAD �D City Man er's Agenda Report Wade G. McKikney 4 Information Bulletin I A. Hi hwa 41/1 1 Interchange. City Staff met with CalTrans and SLOCOG in an effort to include the in erchange project in the 1998 State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP). Call ans believes the project would not be competitive on a statewide basis and recommends#be included as h regional project, SLOCOG staff agree. The project study report for the interchange needs to be updated prior to January 1, 1998 to be considered. CalTrans has Laid they are unable to update the report in time to include it in the upcoming review. If the project is included in the 199$ STIP construction could be expected to b4gin within the 2003-2005 time frame. If the project is not included in the 1998 STIP,th�next opportunity is 2000 with expected construction 2005-2007. CalTrans is anticipating the Highway 41 project to start construction summer of 1998. There will be some limited improvement to the interchange with that project. In an effort to keep the ini erchange project on track City Staff and the City Engineer are updating the project study report that will be submitted to CalTrans. The update will cost approximatel} $6,000. B. Employee Update: Vitale, Eric F/Time Police Officer Hired, 12/01/97 I f I 6 E '9000:30 t t t